
737 values
3 values
[ "i've 2 kids.", "i love flowers." ]
[ "I love live music, that's why I try to go to concerts", "I do too. Wat do you like?" ]
[ "I like acting, I hope to be an actor, what about you?", "No, but someday.", "After I am done with school I plan to have a family.", "I hope so, how old are your kids?", "I would imagine. I am sure they a great kids.", "I wish I had more time to do stuff like that. Medical school is exhausting. " ]
[ "that is ok. have any kids?", "that is good. I have 2", "that is great! you will be ready", "5 & 7. they take up a lot of my time", "luckily, they love flowers just as much as I do. we spend a lot of time in the garden", "sounds like it. have you gotten any acting jobs, though?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love acting ! i'll be famous someday . what do you do ?", "no no kids , might get some though . one day", "that is great . i am going to a concert later", "15 and 17 , two boys sooo fun", "they really are . and a handful at times", "it can be sometimes . i bet being a doctor is a lot of work too ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Any favorite actors?", "One day.", "How long must you attend school?", "4 and 5 and I have a teenager", "They are most of the time!", "Oh. I don't know how medical school works. I am studying srt history." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I would like to develop my acting skills. What are some tips you have to not get nervous?", "I will still wimp out. i want to be famous like the rolling stones though.", "good", "Close to 30! I just always have to put in a ton of work when mother's day comes around haha", "They are actually very good with kids!", "yeah but there are a lot of programs that help!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i just bought a new house with my partner.", "i like to make my own coffee." ]
[ "Oh, I love lasagne. I make my own noodles as well as the sauce. ", "Wow. That's amazing. I read where lasagne originated in Italy during the Middle Ages. " ]
[ "Oh really!? That is interesting. I am actually italian myself.", "Moving in a new place can be a lot of fun. Are you a good cook?", "Mmm That sounds delicious right now.", "Well I like tattoos and piercings, I am working on my next one right now.", "What would you get?", "Haha that is a cool idea." ]
[ "Awesome. Me and my partner just bought a house. I can't wait to cook in my kitchen.", "I like to think so. I love to make coffee for an after dinner treat too.", "What do you like to do?", "piercings are cool . i do not have any tattoos though. Too scared. I want some", "Maybe something for my kids. I've always wanted an anarchy symbol.", "I like to think I'm cool too. Hopefully one day." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yum . i like to make lasagna and it s so good", "yes ! trying to master lasagna .", "it beats ramen noodles for sure ! do you have any hobbies ?", "piercings are cool . i do not have any though .", "i don't know . whatever i want . maybe chicken", "it would be a fashion statement . my dad would not like it ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Cool. I love italian. Real italian.", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "Thats awesome i used to do the tattoos and recently purchased 2 tatoo machines a shader and a liner , been drawing since i was 5 years old", "I haven't decided yet. Maybe buy some new sandals. My old pair broke a couple of weeks ago.", "I just saw a girl wearing them at walgreens tonight. I wanted to trip her lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Wow. That's amazing. I read where lasagne originated in Italy during the Middle Ages.", "With the training and skills I have, I can cook pretty much anything.", "If I am not in the mood for coffee, I also like a tea.", "Good thing tattoos are becoming less stigmatized.", "A thing or two. What are you looking to get? Maybe something for your face or hair?", "I've always wanted to get one of the DC Comics character The Flash, the symbol for it. I really enjoy that show." ] }
[ "", "", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "my parents were divorced.", "i'm a widow." ]
[ "My neighbors dog won't stop barking at me. Ugh!", "Thats the worst, is it a big dog or little dog? " ]
[ "It's a little dog. Why is it the little ones always bark the most?", "I'd like to introduce that dog to my pet snakes. I think they'd eat him though!", "My snakes are both pythons. I feed them mice. Do you have any pets?", "You have mice running around your house? Yikes! I think I'd rather have the barking dogs than that.", "Have you given them names? If not, maybe we can come up with some.", "Now you really do need to get a cat and call him Tom." ]
[ "I believe it is due to their behavior and internal and external stimuli.", "Oh no! But I think black snakes are good? They eat nasty bugs and rodents!", "No, but I would love to have a cat for it to hunt mice in my house lol", "Lol, but they do make great companions at times.I give them bread and they leave me alone for the most part. ", "i just called them all Jerry, Big Jerry, Always hungry Jerry and then there's the Tiny Jerry. ", "Yep that would completely the collection! I am widow so I need all the companions I can get haha" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes its so annoying lol you get me", "oh you are right i don't think he would , but that is okay !", "the neighbor attracts mice with their garbage . and he has cats !", "haha that's terrible , my neighbors live a mile away", "the neighbor attracts mice with their garbage . and he has cats !", "lol ! i totally should ! that would really be funny ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I feel you, nothing irritates me more than a dog that won't stop barking. Any plans to fix the problem?", "Oh no! But I think black snakes are good? They eat nasty bugs and rodents!", "That's too bad. I actually own a ball python, she's pretty cute.", "I completely understand! They scare me and I become like a little girl! The rat snakes are great though...I would never hurt them..but I don't want them near me or in eye vision! lol", "Oh I meant wild birds, and squirrels etc, I just think of them as mine :)", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I believe it is due to their behavior and internal and external stimuli.", "Perhaps if the snake was big enough! Snakes are very adaptable. They live on every continent except Antartica!", "No, but I would love for one to hunt mice in my house lol", "Lol, but they do make great companions!", "I'm not aware of a dog, but I know there was a mouse named Jerry who lived in a small brown house that was near Tom.", "I have two cats....I bet they would make a cool cartoon! Maybe it would gross more than Tom & Jerry!" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "" ]
[ "i have blue eyes and curly brown hair.", "i love to snack between meals." ]
[ "I took the train to work the other day and it was so crowded. I was feeling really claustrophobic.", "I would have been too! Do you always take it to work? " ]
[ "yes i do because i do not have a car", "a honda because they are affordable and reliable", "i do not think so, what about you?", "how did you lose it?", "im saving up to buy a new camera to take pictures of people who lost their licenses actually", "no, only people with long hair like mine" ]
[ "if you could have a car what would it be?", "i love the oscar mier wiener-mobile. it reminds me of snacking when i'm not having a meal. would you drive the oscar meir weiner mobile?", "i lost my driver's liscense, ufortunately, but i would if i could", "i did some bad stuff, but that's not important", "do you take pictures of people with curly hair like mine?", "well, you got to do you, brother. i'm proud of you anyway!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i wasn't claustrophobic before , but now i am !", "i wasn't claustrophobic before , but now i am !", "i think i would be more afraid to drive in ny than to take the subway .", "it was an accident . the ground was wet and slippery and lost control .", "i would do it too !", "oh , so i am guessing you are claustrophobic" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do not have a car either.", "I want to get a car one day i think.", "I drive a gianormous conversion van", "Was driving out in the field and fell off. Didn't attach the thingy that is supposed to kill the engine when you fall. And the rest is physics I suppose.", "Thats cool, what kind of camera do you have?", "Your hair must grow really quick!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They have a variety of public transportation systems, did you use them?", "Yeah Honda make pretty good cars and motorcycles.", "Yes a few times. Although it's changed a lot since it was first introduced in 1959 in West Germany. It's been in the USA since 1961. I remember like it was yesterday.", "Due to seat belt. it designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement", "What type of pictures do you like to take?", "Mine is really curly especially when I let it grow to considerable lengths." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i always answer my cellphone.", "i work in sales." ]
[ "that is good . i'm nursing a cold and vitamin c does nothing lol", "oh sorry about that . taking lots of fluids ?" ]
[ "Yes, thank you. I think I just need some time to make it pass.", "Yes it does, especially during summer.", "I work at a ski resort. I love it!", "I have never been but I have heard the same. I love snow and the mountains.", "Haha, these days it is amazing where you can get cell service.", "Do you have any plans this weekend?" ]
[ "Should always be drinking water anyways, your body needs it!", "What do you do for a living? I try my best in sales.", "I heard Mount Tom Ski Area in Holyoke, Mass is a great resort to visit", "I wish I could enjoy the snow and mountains, I would be afraid I could not answer my cellphone!", "i agree ! that is the main reason I have a phone !", "No plans yet, I'm just happy to sleep in for once!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "maybe you need some vitamins . vitamin c is my fav when i'm sick", "i get colds easy so i take a lot of vitamin c . how about you ?", "that's something to be thankful for . water is also important .", "definitely ! nothing better than going to see snow on winter break and snowboarding !", "i agree ! that is the main reason i've phone !", "i've no plans . today is a rest day for me ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Make sure you drink water also.", "What do you do in the summer?", "Lovely! Did you ski or sled? Sledding is a whoooooole different animal there!", "What mountains did you visit?", "No joke! So many conveniences.", "No plans yet, I'm just happy to sleep in" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You should take vitamin C - there is evidence that regular use may shorten the length of colds.", "That's definitely true if you use it regularly it can shorten the time of a cold.", "I heard Mount Tom Ski Area in Holyoke, Mass is a great resort to visit", "Yes the mountains are beautiful and basin area is also.", "Yep, people don't want to pay a fee for minutes unless it's on their cell phones!", "Not yet. It is also interesting that \"I'm Getting Ready\" is an song by Michael Kiwanuka" ] }
[ "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i love to go out to eat with my family.", "i like to go to the movies." ]
[ "He's a good worker but not as reliable as I am. He is always calling in or not putting much effort into his work. I feel I should have gotten that position.", "That's a shame, if that's the case then I agree." ]
[ "Yea, but to be perfectly honest, I actually don't work hard either.", "Well my problem is that I just never had to really work. I always had money. What things are you not reliable in?", "What do you mean children?", "Ok, Im pretty confused as to what you mean, but that sounds like a lot.", "I see. Well good luck with that, I wouldn't know because I don't have kids yet.", "Well, Im going through some drama right now with my sister in law, she hates me. " ]
[ "oh i see . i am really reliable in my job on other things i am not", "Mostly jobs and children.", "They are food, shelter, child care, health care, transportation, and utilities.", "it is a lot to take care of because kids are a lot of responsibility", "oh well thank you . what else should i know about you ?", "Family conflict is always hard. Maybe you should be the bigger man and work for peace " ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh i see . i am really reliable in my job on other things i am not", "i was a little higher up more stress , more responsibilities . . . more layoffs !", "he is in banking . its all more than i understand . what do you like to do ?", "oh , i am pretty sure a bit more that that as i get lots of ot .", "oh well thank you . what else should i know about you ?", "org . that's terrible . i'm so sorry she has to go through this ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Then maybe you should think about trying to find a job somewhere else?", "Mostly jobs and children.", "Old men that can hardly run division. It's basically all I have to look forward to after work everyday, so it's even harder to handle.", "Just work hard and make your own money.", "I do not have any kids. Honestly too scared for child birth haha", "Family conflict is always hard. Maybe you don't need to take a side and try to work for peace." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I know, but my livelihood depends on my salary, so I cant just tell him how I feel to his face or I might get fired.", "I would get lonely with him being away for long hours even though he is supporting aids and providing health services.", "They are food, shelter, child care, health care, transportation, and utilities.", "It honestly is too much money in my opinion but I'd rather have leftover than not enough.", "You are good enough. I suppose the older children help take care of the younger ones.", "That is not good a kid always need attention from either a dad or stepdad." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i work as a teacher and love my job.", "i've two dogs who are like my babies." ]
[ "My boss earns way more money than me for less work.", "That must be so annoying. You should ask for a pay raise." ]
[ "yeah, i think i will!", "who do you ask? aren't teacher salaries decided by some sort of... thing, or whatever? i love my family.", "how would the principal feel about you going behind his back?", "i'm a garbage man, although i'm a woman. my boss drives the truck, but i'm more qualified, really.", "dogs would for sure love a big truck full of garbage. i thik i'm the top 20 or so best garbage men in the area", "no.literally anyone could do it. you just pick up garbage. it's not as easy as teaching, im sure, buts ittakes no skill" ]
[ "I love my job as a teacher but would also like to assk for a raise", "I would ask the school board they base it on how long you've been there and test scores", "Not sure, I suppose I could sit down and discuss it with him. What kind of work do you do?", "I've never driven a truck, only small vehicles! How's that working out for you? My two dogs would love to ride along if I did that", "oh wow that is impressive . must be an extremely difficult job .", "If you have patience teaching is great but they test your nerves every day" ]
{ "convai2": [ "me too . i really , really hate my boss .", "ask them for me . it would help !", "i think they would do it without a choice sadly", "oh wow that is impressive . must be an extremely difficult job .", "oh wow that is impressive . must be an extremely difficult job .", "yeah , it sounds like it would be easy but its really not !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Really? Maybe you should ask your boss for a raise.", "the school board. he might be able to start school early.", "I would not mind but my kids would", "I've never driven a truck, only small vehicles! How's that working out for you?", "Bless it! And you survived all of that to tell the tale! And all of this over a busted garbage bag! We gotta get you a better brand of garbage bags, friend. :)", "Definitely - not all skills are rewarded equally." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is not good. You should have better work ethic.", "I am not sure about the average salary. But with 3.5 million students in elementary school, I would imagine the job demand is pretty good", "Yes, I don't think that would be a horrible thing. Just sit back and let my parents take care of it, lol", "Oh wow, that's a cool job. Do you ever get cramped up from driving? I heard some places use electric trucks now.", "Dump trucks really weren't even conceived of until the late 19th century in western Europe though.", "Yeah it must be a tough and demanding job to do." ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i have woman calling me all the time.", "i was once offered to play basketball professionally." ]
[ "I got really joyful when my dad got me my first vehicle. It was just a happy feeling", "Yeah. I know that feeling., although I had to buy my own." ]
[ "The vehicle was exactly what I wanted, a newer model sports car.", "A Mustang GT, convertible", "A few years ago I helped with a restoration on a 67. It was absolutely gorgeous." ]
[ "That was a good choice, What kind of car was it?", "Nice! Too bad you couldn't get your hands on a 1963 Mustang II. That's my favorite car.", "That sounds awesome. Did you restore it with your dad?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm not a big sports car person , lol . i need a car that can get dirty", "i'm not a big sports car person , lol . i need a car that can get dirty", "my daddy and i restored mine , it was his ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That was a good choice, did you consider any other makes/models ?", "Oh wow that is an awesome car.", "That sounds like a classic car. Did you used to ride in it with your dad a lot?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is cool. I like economy cars because they are affordable", "Nice! Too bad you couldn't get your hands on a 1963 Mustang II, which is a four-seater concept car.", "Nice! Too bad you couldn't get your hands on a 1963 Mustang II, which is a four-seater concept car." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "dancing is my passion.", "i'm terrible at math." ]
[ "I enjoy dance a lot as well, my daughter does tap dancing. What kind of dancing do you like most?", "I don't have a particular favorite style, but I've always thought tap was the odd one, even though you see it all the time on Broadway." ]
[ "Tap is pretty odd compared to the others. My daughter loves ballet.", "Yea, well keep it up, maybe one day you'll be on broadway.", "hahah that's funny. I believe in you though, you can overcome that. ", "No I haven't, I don't watch movies very often. Im usually out at clubs people watching.", "Probably not for a while. I just bought a new jaguar and I try to get out and just drive around and show it off as much as possible. ", "Haha the car not the animal. A jaguar would eat me as I tried to feed it for sure." ]
[ "i love broadway shows , so this was the closest thing i had .", "i hope so. i'm so bad at math. they count 5,6,7,8! at the beginning, and i wish they would stick to smaller numbers", "it's like a chorus line. the musical with actor michael douglass. have you seen it/", "when do you think you'll get a chance to catch up on some film? I love dancing, but when I'm not treading the boards, I love watching tv", "wow, i love animals. What does it eat?", "do you hink people like looking at you r car? I heard they are hard to maintain" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love broadway shows , so this was the closest thing i had .", "well if your sure i will keep dancing . i love it too hate to give it up .", "thank you , i enjoy dance way too much and i just over did it", "dancing takes its toll . especially ballet . way to keep dancing !", "sounds like fun , i wish i could afford a bmw !", "oh no ! what happens if you eat it ? !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Cool. I love ballet", "I hope so one day! It's a goal of mine :)", "I'll try :)", "Well, you're popular then at least.", "That was smart to get a used one. I hope you got a good deal on it.", "haha that's funny!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Ballet always remind me of French, because ballet's vocabulary is based on French terminology.", "Yes. Maybe, I will see them film some movies or television programs. That would be cool!", "I will still wimp out. i want to be famous like the rolling stones though.", "Well luckily there are clubs that specialize in all kinds of music!", "Wow that's awesome. I have a Dodge Ram, it's a van from 1993. Fixed it up and it works really nice.", "I just remembered that Jaguar was founded in 1922. That's right. Swallow Sidecar Company started making motorcycle sidecars before making cars for passengers. Crazy!" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a reality tv star.", "i listen to country music." ]
[ "i wish i was there", "i saw lots of animals . reminded me of when i worked for a circus ." ]
[ "You worked for a circus? Tell me you juggled while riding a unicycle and had a monkey on your shoulder.", "Me neither, but that might be because I like to drink...a lot. ", "Are you famous? I'm kind of famous in my own town.", "My favorite singer is Meatloaf, are you a fan of his?", "Not only is Meatloaf a great singer, but it's also a delicious food. Can't beat that combo.", "And meatloaf is the express train to my heart. Nothing like a little hamburg and spices to get things going." ]
[ "No, I couldn't do that.", "I drink a lot too because I am a reality tv star and it is stressful", "yes, i am famous. what type of music do you listen to? ", "never heard of him, i only listen to country music honestly ", "Food is the gateway to the soul.", "that sounds delicious " ]
{ "convai2": [ "sure", "no , that is just crazy .", "no , i just think one day i'll be famous .", "i am indeed , yes ! what are you a fan of ?", "yeah , i use to work as a clown for the circus at one point", "the question is will you add meatballs ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No, I couldn't do that.", "I do not drink alcohol at all.", "no iam here dude", "Huge fan, super fan actually. I am very lucky.", "Food is the gateway to the soul.", "It means the devil's fart, haha! Good bread though." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No, unfortunately not. It was a lot of fun however so was just happy to take part and be amongst the atmosphere.", "I don't drink when I eat pizza. I usually go to Pizza Hut for my pizza.", "No I am not. Why do you ask?", "I never heard of Meatloaf the singer lol. How do you like your meatloaf made besides the ground beef of course, I like to add seafood sometimes to mines.", "country is ok the older stuff is better ciuntry music started way back in the 1920's", "That sounds good. Meatloaf is ground meat with good flavors of smoke wood or" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i've a masters degree in creative writing.", "i live in a medium sized city." ]
[ "I recently got a $50 gift card that I'm really looking forward to using.", "That's awesome. I'd be excited too. What are you going to get with it?" ]
[ "I think I am going to get a new camera.", "Nothing but I want an upgrade.", "I am trying to do professional photography.", "You know just a flip phone haha. Are you working on a book right now?", "Oh! Interesting! That would be scary.", "Of course! That would make my career!" ]
[ "what happened to your old one?", "why can't you just use the one on your phone?", "Wow. I love writing fiction creatively, and that would make a great story. What sort of phone did you start out with?", "It's about these pills that reveal the world is full of dinosaurs, but you can't ee them without the pills, so you don't know where they are", "it's a drama, actually, and the dinosaurs don;t bother anyone. would you ever take a picture of something like that?", "oh cool. what sort of shutter speed would u set it on?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sounds good . what kind will you get ?", "why do you need a new camera", "what kind of camera do you want to ger ?", "i am . i suppose i am more focused on writing right now .", "it definitely would be , yeah .", "we could like totally start a photography company together !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What a great gift! I have always wanted a Polaroid instant camera!", "What kind are you looking to get?", "We don't have any type of nice camera, we just use our smartphones. I have an iphone and my husband has a samsung note. The quality on phones now are pretty good, we have the portrait mode.", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "Yeah I'm a little worried that it isn't real.", "Agreed, that would be badass." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm saving up for a camera, the history of the camera is very old, before 1717.", "I'm saving up for a camera, the history of the camera is very old, before 1717.", "Good. Photography really is a science as well as an art form.", "I do have a few science fiction books that I worte under a pseudonym that I could self-publish, I might give that a try, but I'm worried I'll be lost in the crowd.", "Who know. That gives me worry about future events!", "Hahaha good answer! I am terrified of dinosaurs, though. Never made sense because I love birds." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like lightning mcqueen.", "i have a cat named mater." ]
[ "Roommate just walked in on me while I was... trying to... \"feel good\" if you know what I mean. So awkward. My door doesn't have a lock, either. I told him to not come in, and he just kept coming in!", "I not sure what do you mean, but can use my imagination, it sounds like something really embarrassing." ]
[ "It was. I don't know why I didn't just stop doing it.", "Neither am I. I'm not even sure why I brought up such a thing in a random conversation. ", "Amen to that. Anyway, do you like to read?", "Is that the animated movie?", "Oh thats really cool. Yea I love those movies a lot! Whats your favorite food?", "I love pizza, its definitely my favorite of all time. Chinese is great too though. Have you had chinese pizza before?" ]
[ "Probably a good idea . Now i'm not sure what to say . An awkward ordeal.", "Try not to let it get to you. Life is weird. Things happen and then you move on.", "I do like reading. Lately I've been reading about Lightning McQueen. Do you like the movie \"Cars\"?", "Yeah they have made a few of them. I like them so much I named my cat mater after the tow truck in the film.", "I love chicken, and Chinese food. Well, just about any food actually. How about you?", "Yes! The Chinese restaurant down the street has it. It's pretty good." ]
{ "convai2": [ "probably a good idea . now i'm not sure what to say .", "haha i was just wondering . you sound trapped .", "not so much . but that does not mean you shouldn't . do you have a favorite author .", "yes ! was really a great movie . wish they would make more like that .", "face food . . . not sure . i like all sorts of food .", "i've had it once or twice when i went to visit ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well, if you know he's not the one, it's better to do it now than years from now.", "Try not to let it get to you. Life is weird.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "I think so, that's the giant shark movie, right ?", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future.", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "I do like reading. Lately I've been reading about Hanukkah music.", "Yes that's it. The world it's set in is full of anthropomorphic cars and vehicles, where the inanimate objects take on a lifelike character and personality. The first one was released in 2006.", "More like what don't I like, lol. Did you see The Food Wife episode of the Simpsons? That was funny.", "I have. I lived in Chicago for 5 years. All we get of that type here in NYC is Uno's. I do go there sometimes, to be frank." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm unsociable.", "my weakness are sweets." ]
[ "that isn't bad either", "i find that i'm not a sociable person" ]
[ "that is okay, everyone is different", "no i do not get what you mean, care to elaborate? ", "i think the crystals i dabble with can change your sub personality ", "im addicted to the power of them", "you will stop when you get diabetes", "meditation will dissolve all addictions " ]
[ "yeah I'm pretty different if you get what I mean", "well we have sub personality that tends to control or feelings", "oh wow I hear that stuff is bad for you", "I really can't stop eating sweets myself", "Yeah I was told the same thing, but I'm addicted. unlucky", "I will try medicine first " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i can tell when i will like a person but don't like being obligated to socialize", "i can tell when i will like a person but don't like being obligated to socialize", "i can tell when i will like a person but don't like being obligated to socialize", "org that is really bad for you", "well this isn't gonna help me with my diabetes", "i guess so . i should try that too" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am beginning to feel alone now. Thats no fun", "Theres loads. Its just being around people. You see, I'm a very shy person and have always been. For example when somebody laughs, that triggers it.", "I hear that stuff is bad for you.", "I hear that stuff is bad for you.", "I was told the same thing but I am addicted. I get depressed when i run out", "I was told the same thing but I am addicted. I get depressed when i run out" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "yea im basically the opposite myself", "well the concept says we have a subpersonality that demeans and judges ourselves", "Yea hut it is different from apathy or depression", "yea im basically the opposite myself", "Yeah, But its genetics so what are you going to do :/", "Do you take medicane" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i played football in college.", "i work at a candy store." ]
[ "oh ok . that makes more sense now .", "i am watching football on tv today . do you like to watch sports too ?" ]
[ "I do. I love watching football with my dog. Do you have any pets?", "I'm a student, which is great for now. Gives me time to hang out with my friends. What do you do?", "That sounds awesome!", "Nah. Never had the discipline. I'd always rather be with my friends.", "What did you study in college?", "Currently political science, but I'm thinking about switching." ]
[ "i have a cat, what do you do as a job?", "im currently working at a candy store", "did you ever play sports in school?", "i played football and basketball in college and i wouldnt trade that experience for the world ", "Criminology, what about you?", "what are you thinking of switching to?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "ohhhh okay that makes more sense", "ohhhh okay that makes more sense", "true the candy is alway great , the cost is what overrated", "ohhhh okay that makes more sense", "i think psychology . what was yours ?", "that makes more sense to me ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have 3, do you have any", "I work in IT, what about you?", "It rewarding", "You should join a league and meet some friends with similar interests.", "Criminology", "I would have loved to study criminal justice" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No, my landlord doesnt allow pets, but i would love to get one for my kids. I like thatytou can pick and choose the shape size and color of the dog you want now.", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "Candy in one culture and a dessert in another", "i see, why dont you game now then ? dont you have any time for it ?", "It was in Marketing. I had the highest Grade Point Average in my graduating class.", "What position are you thinking of?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "my eyes are bright blue.", "i do not have a college degree." ]
[ "I am going on a flight for the first time in a couple weeks. I am really scared for some reason!", "Good for you. Is it truly your first time flying on a plane?" ]
[ "Yea, I have a really bad feeling that its going to crash or something. ", "Ok well, I had a vision last night that aliens would attack my plane and we would crash.", "No why would you be on my flight a couple weeks from now? They are from another planet, most likely Jupiter.", "Would you? I think that is for the best. It's safer.", "I think so, what Im not sure about though is if they every give them back to you. I think they might just mail them to you", "I am going to Japan actually but then Im flying right back. I'm really just going for the flying experience." ]
[ "oh. my god. i never fiinished college, so i'm willing to listen to you explain your psychic visions to me", "we're on the same plane? what country are these illegals from? like hijackers?", "sounds like i'd be better off just cancelling our trip and going back to finish my degree. what do you think?", "do you have to take off your shoes at airports still? I know like in japan you probably do, but is it everywhere?", "yeah, there's a fed ex in there for that. Where are you going on your trip?", "Smart. You don't want your airline miles to expire. Are you getting a meal? Maybe a hot towl?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am scared too ! we can face our fears together .", "oh . . . . don't scare me with your ideas . . .", "you say such strange things . youre cool . are you sure your not an alien ?", "but i am just so unsure . . .", "that makes sense to my mind . i wonder how long they have been here .", "you'll be flying in the blue sky when you go to japan ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I can see the why you would feel that way. I would be worried too.", "haha, foids am i right?", "ah ok. If intuition tells not to fly. Lets not take chance. you should skip the flight", "Yes, Better safe than sorry I guess.", "I guess just take a spare pair with you!", "Wow! Well I hope you enjoy yourself and pray before you go on the plane" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Definitely sounds dangerous. Space flight has negative effects on our bodies.", "Something like the Aliens in the film franchise?", "Have you ever seen any planets with your naked eye? It is possible.", "I hope so. I'm pretty anxious about it.", "You should throw away all the shoes, in anticipation of a large-scale disaster event where people need shoes.", "Do you have any summer trips planned." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i live in springfield , mo.", "i just bought my first home." ]
[ "that's my favorite ! oh , ribs are the best . have to be careful though !", "true . have you ever won any challenges ?" ]
[ "No, I am worried about the calorie intake, haha.", "I can agree with that. Have you heard the news recently?", "There is new footage of an alien ship plying over the ocean.", "I always knew they watched over us.", "Yes it is shocking to watch.", "Tell me! I am always interested in UFO stories." ]
[ "no , i love a challenge . i want to eat it all .", "No. I have not turned on the tv", "wow that would be exciting and scary .", "Something like the Aliens in the film franchise?", "yea i have seen some interesting things .", "Aliens came out 1986." ]
{ "convai2": [ "no , i love a challenge . i want to eat it all .", "not yet , it is supposed to next week", "wow that would be exciting and scary .", "yeah the aliens are quiet creatures .", "yea i have seen some interesting things .", "yeah the aliens are quiet creatures ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Diets always such honestly.", "Not at all. Just got the news today.", "I've never been much for sea stuff for some reason.", "haha, foids am i right?", "I've never been much for sea stuff for some reason.", "Me too - this one was on BBC. It was interesting." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You are so right about that. I like to eat and limiting calories I eat is quite difficult.", "No, I've never killed anything! Besides, I doubt I'd get FDA approval, haha!", "Oh, that sounds like a great science fiction movie.", "Something like the Aliens in the film franchise?", "Reefer Madness is a good example of a really bad film!", "Aliens came out 1986." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i have a beta fish.", "i'm a poet." ]
[ "I used to have a Betta fish! It lived for a long time.", "Oh, yes, they can live very long, although they are a species of small fishes!" ]
[ "I have two dogs. One named Bruno and the other named Mars, because I like Bruno Mars, lol.", "Aww, I'm sorry about your dog. What was your dog's name?", "That's awesome! I love Robert Frost's books. You must like to read, yes?", "Great to hear. I hope to read your works someday! have you been published in anything yet?", "That's good. I used to write some things when I was in school, but nothing serious. Always dreamed of getting a book published, though.", "Maybe one day I'll start again. I work too much right now and don't have a whole lot of time to devote to it." ]
[ "That's cute. I love the cute name. I miss my dog.", "Her name was frost, after robert frost", "i do , I am an aspiring poet.", "Yes a few things, they are doing well. ", "I am sure if you kept at it you would be very successful.", "I'm sure you will one day! What do you do?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "lol ! those are very cool names ! i have two dogs", "her name was gidget , the taco bell chihuahua .", "i do , i love to read dean koontz .", "no , i have written a few , but it isn't my only job .", "that's wonderful , writing is also a good hobby", "you could volunteer your time , it would keep you busy for sure ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That;s cute. I love the cute names people give their pets.", "My dog's name was Cookie.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "I'm sure you will one day!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have heard of that too. As a child Bruno began to make music in Hawaii at such a young age. He'd perform at different venues. Such a different childhood compared to mine!", "She is a girl. I think that it is funny that we have two, because I guess at one time in some countries, that was all that people were allowed to have.", "Yes, of course! Those books are hugely popular and have won loads of awards!", "I sure have, I've read \"Wuthering Heights\" by Emily Bronte, although there were 3 sisters in all and they were all talented poets and novelists.", "I hope you are able to, I dont get much time to read any long works of narrative fiction", "I am sure you will find a way." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favorite color is orange.", "i enjoy swimming." ]
[ "its not too bad , get a lot of kissed by fire comments nowadays . they are okay !", "i like the country more and swimming in the creeks ." ]
[ "I like country too!", "I was raised on a farm myself", "Sounds like good memories", "My hair was so red back then ", "its alright as long it is bright red", "I like the color of yellow reminds me of corn on the farm" ]
[ "country is quite popular in the southern part of the united states", "i use to swim in the lake behind my uncle's farm and had the time of my life", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "is red your favorite color?", "i think my favorite color is orange because it can turn into any shade of red or range i find", "is corn one of your favorite foods?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "awesome", "i grew up in the suburbs but we moved to a farm when i was a teenager", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "i miss having fun hair . i had red , green , purple . . . its boring now", "true , i like redwood because red is my favorite color .", "your face taste like corn . . . haha" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i love my slow country life", "That is interesting, what things do you do while living in America to keep your heritage alive?", "yes they are luckily we will always have them!", "You know what, i have always secretly wanted to date red hair as a partner and I hope I will one day", "I like to tan in the sun.", "wow i like that mine too" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "country is quite popular in the southern part of the united states", "country took off in america/united states in the 1920s", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "red hair is only in 1-2 % of people", "red on the other hand is at the other end if the visible light spectrum", "Well yellow is inbtween green and orange so that makes sense" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to snack between meals.", "i've blue eyes and curly brown hair." ]
[ "that is such a great idea i should do that with my siblings", "it really alot of fun ." ]
[ "What kind of positives do you get out of that?", "That's pretty neat. It must be hard to take care of curly hair. ", "I have had a dog that had curly hair. It was a mixed poodle and it was red. Really active animal she was. ", "That mix of dog breeds sounds cool. Was she tall like the greyhound or short like the poodle? You get all kinds of unique traits ", "Beautiful type of dog. We had one growing up as a kid. Hard to keep him contained", "I feel you. Cats are sometimes easier to have around. We have four of them now haha. " ]
[ "We don't have a lot of photos together. We all have the same curly brown hair.", "Its a long process but I love it", "My aunt had a poodle greyhound mix. She was gorgeous", "Tall and pretty grey coat", "I loved that dog and I'm a cat person.", "Cool. We are going to adopt when we move soon." ]
{ "convai2": [ "marketing", "yeah . mine is way too curly to leave loose .", "it is . they grow up so fast", "6 , she always admired my long blonde hair . wish she was back . . .", "for sure . do you have siblings ?", "i do not have any pets , but i do love to take pictures ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Not caring about anything but having fun lol", "Yes, but not impossible.", "I have never in my life heard of that breed before. I'll look it up. That is really cool I have 3 crazy untrained minpin", "Only about three feet long, but it did startle me.", "You didnt keep it in a cage? Maybe you can get another and keep it more secure.", "I have 2 and I love them to death." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are actually very good with kids!", "Mine is really curly especially when I let it grow to considerable lengths.", "Poodles are ok, it is true dogs come in all shapes and colors.", "They are similar to Golden Retrievers and other retriever dogs. So I would say medium height and somewhat heavy.", "Oh god. I m so sad. Ok lab dog will be good friend to you.", "that's understandable. cats seem more self-sufficient." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a vegetarian.", "i like to make cakes." ]
[ "do you want to sing in the church choir ?", "mmmm i used to want when i was younger . . do you work ? i got a new job" ]
[ "I love reading the bible right before bed", "i work as a school teacher how about you?", "Baking is so much fun", "thats a good diet to be on. What is your favorite vegetarian meal>?", "I love pasta", "alfredo is the best do you make it from scratch?" ]
[ "That sounds soothing. There are some amazing lessons in that book.", "I am trying to become a baker, i just love baking.", "Yes it is! Plus it usually works with my vegetarian diet, haha.", "Any kind of pasta, it's my weakness.", "I do too. I have a fantastic recipe with alfredo sauce.", "Yes, everything from scratch. It is an old recipe." ]
{ "convai2": [ "before i sleep , i read the bible", "no , i teach middle school", "i don't know how to bake , but i enjoy singing in the church choir on sundays .", "mac and cheese ! especially in the shape of dinosaurs .", "it is amazing , especially with alfredo sauce", "it is amazing , especially with alfredo sauce" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "Yes, but I am a teacher.", "IT is.", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "I do too. I have a fantastic recipe", "Yes, everything from scratch, even the pie crusts." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Ah yes, that is part of the Books of the Prophets I believe, is there a verse there that you particularly enjoy?", "Yes. I will be teaching kids from age 4 to 11.", "Baking has been around for thousands of years.", "Mostly vegetarian dishes, making sure I get as many vitamins as I can. Fiber's good too!", "Pasta is amazing, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily.", "Yes kind of it's covered with sauce." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favorite movie is dirty harry.", "i collect stamps." ]
Dirty Harry
[ "I do but Dirty Harry is my all time favorite", "I liked that it drew upon the actual case of the Zodiac Killer. It made the movie so interesting." ]
[ "Me too, serial killers are dark but fascinating people.", "Well, I think it's important to learn about human nature in all forms, don't you? It's how we evolve.", "Haha yea, I understand that. I am actually a writer so I have to do a lot of research on such things unfortunately ", "Haha well, passion is passion, money or not. I write horror and mystery novels mostly. Do you enjoy reading?", "Yes I love koontz as well, He was a big inspiration for me growing up", "Stephen King, etc. Mostly horror authors. Do you have any hobbies?" ]
[ "You seem to know a lot about serial killers!", "Absolutely, although I find them too scary. I prefer to stick to collecting stamps.", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career. (Just kidding), What types of stuff do you write?", "i do , i love to read dean koontz. He's my favorite.", "That's very cool. What other authors inspired you?", "Other than collecting stamps, I play a lot of tennis. How about you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "have you seen dirty harry ?", "yes , fascinating ! so do you have a dog ?", "do you have a favorite movie ? i could watch dirty harry everyday .", "i do , i love to read dean koontz .", "do you have a favorite movie ? i could watch dirty harry everyday .", "yes , i love movies . especially comedy , horror , and fantasy . you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "He really is! I love a good villian!", "Indeed. Nature is very interesting and complex to interpret. Survival is the only mechanism that drive us to have certain physical features", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "Dang! I should start watching it. I love Stephen King." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Exactly! The film drew upon the actual zodiac killer case most people don't know that.", "Exactly! The film drew upon the actual zodiac killer case most people don't know that.", "It sounds like you really enjoy stamp collecting and even find it relaxing.", "I do from time to time, mostly pysch thrillers.", "He's my favorite as well! I like his work in \"Trading Places and \"The Nutty Professor\". Have you seen them?", "I read a lot of hello kitty Sanrio books, does that count?" ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i want to learn self defense.", "i want to move to las vegas." ]
[ "Was playing rough with my relatives, running around outside, doing touch football. I think I twisted my ankle or something. I'm dumb and don't have health insurance this year.. Worried how much money I'm gonna have to spend", "Hopefully it is just a sprain. Might not need to receive medical attention." ]
[ "It hurts badly so I am afraid I may have to see a doctor.", "Oh that is a good idea, I will be taking your advice. but what if that does not work?", "In today's world no one will take pity on me. The pain is excruciating. I think I need pain killers too", "I am so sorry to hear that you are in the same boat as me. We really need insurance.", "Well My mate proposed to me yesterday, I am so happy", "Thanks a lot. we would like to have five children." ]
[ "Yeah, maybe you should just put some ice on it? It's supposed to be ice on and off for 10 min intervels.We learned that in self defense class.", "Could look into doctors in your area that take self pay, some help with making payments and some have programs for uninsured.", "Seriously, I'm also uninsured, wanted to move to Vegas but the rates there for healthcare were worse than my place, I'm sorry ", "Would be nice for sure, but not too much we can do I guess, besides the injury anything good happen recently?", "Oh wow that's awesome to hear! A big congrats to the both of you!", "Wow, five now that's going to be a fun family, my wife and I are thinking of adopting ourselves." ]
{ "convai2": [ "knees definitely are often a problem . i take a friend to get ultrasound every few months .", "you are right . could get hurt like me ! what else do you like doing ?", "honestly , you may need to talk to a physician to see if medicine might be the solution .", "i was in a car accident , cut my arm then it got infected zipping , rough day .", "that's so wonderful . i hope i am as lucky as you . good night !", "believe me , five is like three too many , they are crazy , what happened ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Luckily it will heal soon and you can feel back to normal.", "I think you will do pretty well then in a street fight.", "I'm no doctor, but it sounds like you might need even more to balance things out.", "Oh, okay, well I watched a documentary about healthcare in other countries. I understand that doesn't apply here.", "Best of luck to you, I hope everything works out great in the end!", "I have 4 kids. I wish you all the best of luck and will pray for you. Kids are so much fun. Mine are all almost grown now." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Might wanna see if you have something like osteoporosis or osteogenesis imperecta, they all weaken the bones in some way.", "You need to leave emotion out of it. There are always going to be times of uncertainty and risk, that's when it is important to just sit tight.", "I understand that, as pain is already such a distressing feeling. What else would you recommend?", "Yeah, it's too bad healthcare in the US is mostly provided by private organizations. I feel it should be public", "Nice, I'm glad you were able to receive that, the benefits are funded by a governmental insurance system in the United States.", "Wow!I have a child too,I'm hoping i can adopt one also" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a girl who loves sports cars and video games.", "i like swimming." ]
[ "I like to swim. I don't do it much but I like it. Have never tried the backstroke style. Is it hard?", "It is not hard. especially those who fear not being able to breath, backstroke is the best" ]
[ "It sounds like good exercise", "Yes, i play a lot. Probably too much.", "I like RPG. Something to make me feel less lonely.", "Exactly! The games today are amazing!", "Same here, sometimes I play mario kart.", "It really has. The CEO seems like a good person." ]
[ "It is. I have gotten in much better shape since I started. Counteracts all of the video games I play, lol. Do you like video games?", "As long as you get up every now and then to stretch you're alright, lol. I love racing games the most.", "I like those games too! Sometimes I like to just go off and pretend I am someone else and have fun in those games.", "They really are. It's amazing how far the games have come since back in the day. i still like classic games, too.", "Mario Kart was a great game! I was so good at dropping those bananas! Nintendo has become one of the most influential video game companies in the industry!", "Yeah, they really seem to care about the games they put out." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , it is a great exercise . what are you plans for later today ?", "do you do any sports ? swimming helps me keep my energy up .", "when i'm not playing games , i'm usually swimming . one of my passions .", "oh definitely ! i love some old school video games . what do you play ?", "that sounds fun . i like mario . the original n64", "yes . i guess he's kind of my role model ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "just gotta be careful where you swim", "Maybe you could play your own video games?", "I like those games too!", "What is your favorite game?", "I love playing Mario!", "He really should. Some of those folks make really good money just to eat a lot. Pretty sweet gig! hahaha." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Its low impact exercise too and that is helpful for me compared to land activities", "i see, why dont you game now then ? dont you have any time for it ?", "RPG's are awesome, have you ever played Cortex System?", "Do you have a favorite stroke you like to practice? Butterfly, backstroke, for instance?", "Mario Kart was a great game! I was so good at dropping those bananas! Nintendo has become one of the most influential video game companies in the industry, it's not hard to see why!", "Mario is also one of Nintendo's biggest franchise!" ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i live alone in a cabin.", "i like to go fishing on the lake." ]
[ "Yah, but I hate it when I wack a ball into a pond.", "yes me too! on a course there are holes to hit the ball in which is 4.25 inches in diameter." ]
[ "that is more than enough size for a hole, i should pay that course a visit", "do you work?", "no i do not have much time to fish at lakes because i am busy at the large law firm i work at", "what are you jealous of?", "you should try to get a job in law then", "ahh it sounds like you are really attached to your cabin " ]
[ "oh, you simply must. It gets so lonely here, for me, in my isolated cabin.", "I'mnot sure. Maybe? I fish. I fish in the lake. Do you know it?", "I love law. I had jury duty once and the law seemed so official. I'm jealous.", "how you must interract with people. All the cool rules and the way you can approach the bench. law clerks, stenographers, it rules.", "If there was any law and order around the isolated cabin and the lake where I fish, I would get into it.", "Confined you might say. And the lake. I can never leave. I love the fishing. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah if it is clean pond", "no , i work privately . i should probably take a vacation .", "oh , that's too bad . do you like the job though ?", "stealing money . i should have gone to court and jail but didn't .", "i thought about being a lawyer . decided against it . too many long hours .", "yes . my home is so big . i hate cleaning it though ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You should - it has something for everyone.", "Most of us do and the rest aren’t too far out. How about you?", "Law seems difficult it seems..", "Law seems difficult it seems..", "Law seems difficult it seems..", "Incredibly so." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You should go check out Brackenridge Park Golf Course. It's the oldest 18-hole public golf course in Texas.", "I do have activities I do for enjoyment. My favorite is golf.", "That's too bad. Maybe you could be like Mike Ross from the TV show \"suits\" he doesn't have a law degree, but he still practices!", "Did you enjoy being on jury duty?", "If you wanted to go to law school you could. That would help you learn the practical application of abstract legal theories and such.", "Yes. Do you prefer fresh or salt water?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to go to comic con.", "my father recently had a heart attack." ]
[ "ok, so where was carrots first cultivated and harvested?", "It probably originated in Persia and was first cultivated for its leaves and seeds." ]
[ "But seeds have been found in Germany from 3000 BC" ]
[ "Wow that really old. Maybe if my dad had eaten a lot of carrots like me he wouldn't have had a heart attack" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love carrots . i eat carrots like a horse ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Wow that really old but not too old for mummies considering." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "yes, he plant probably originated in Persia and was originally cultivated for its leaves and seeds." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i don t believe in love.", "i am adopted." ]
[ "i was living in a storage locker for 2 month", "that's cool , are you married ? do you believe in love ? because i do not" ]
[ "Wow. that's a lot. I do believe in love though.", "I have. Sometimes it doesn't work but you have to keep trying", "I had to move into a storage locker after a break up.", "It was his apartment and I moved out of town with him. My boyfriend now is great", "I didn't sleep there lol. All of my things were there. I slept in a motel some nights", "Keep trying. A good relationship will make you forget about all of the bad ones" ]
[ "Yea I've been burned too many times. Have you been in love?", "I guess so. It just seems like so much pain to end up with nothing.", "Wow, thats rough. why?", "Damn, he made you sleep in a locker though wow? Im glad to hear things are better now. how long have you been together?", "Lol oh ok. Thats good to know.", "That's the truth." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i kinda lived in a storage locker for a few months lol", "i kinda lived in a storage locker for a few months lol", "i kinda lived in a storage locker for a few months lol", "that is great . i wish things could have worked out like that for us .", "i kinda lived in a storage locker for a few months lol", "well i do hope , but not sure . i mean i do my best to have faith though ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Good, I am glad there is still true love out there!", "Sometimes love just isn't enough though.", "I am sorry to hear that. Did the storage had insurance?", "That's good to hear! What sort of things has he changed or started doing?", "You should get some good storage totes and pack it all up so its safe", "That's the truth." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Good! I think it's great when people get married for the right reasons. Happy stories out there", "It's rough when you have to get to know each other and pretend to care even if you don't.", "It's rough when you have to get to know each other and pretend to care even if you don't.", "When he cheated on me i kept listening to \"Cheater, Cheater\" country song and i was crying", "When he cheated on me i kept listening to \"Cheater, Cheater\" country song and i was crying", "I hope so. I'm pretty anxious about it." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i live in a studio apartment.", "i am studying to become a nurse." ]
[ "just grading a quiz from yesterday . i'm a teacher .", "awesome i love teachers . i'm studying to be a rn soon" ]
[ "I really love to baje ", "Have you been to Mexico before? ", "I was born there!", "Do you like cake?", "I love lemon cake!", "And tacos I love tacos " ]
[ "my cousin and my aunt are both teachers and they love it", "No I have not, have you?", "Oh nice, I have never been to Mexico, I am just here in my studio apartment!", "Yes.. I like cake..One of my favorite cakes is butter cake", "I don't like lemon desserts that much, but that sounds actually good to be honest.", "Those are really good. I am more of a burrito man myself." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i want to be an rn", "no , i've never been to mexico . how long have you lived there ?", "i've never been to mexico", "i do . that and chocolate cake ! so good !", "yap . . its my favorite . . my tongue can handle it", "i can not stand tacos ! other mexican food is ok though . what is your favorite ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "my cousin and my aunt are both teachers and they love it", "No i have never been but i hope i am able to one day.", "Wow! Have you been there before? They have an amazing culture", "Cakes! yessss winning. :)", "I don't like lemon deserts that much, but that sounds amazing.", "Those are really good. I am more of a burrito man myself." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes and your role varies in different cultures", "I sure have, Ive been to the capital here and pretty much all of San Juan. Its a great place.", "When were you last on the island of Hispaniola?", "Yes.. I like cake..One of my favorite cake is Gooey butter cake", "Don't for get t he word they made made up \"lymon\" the mix of lemon and lime!", "I love tacos but I can't deal with most mexican food because it's too spicy" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i own blue shoes.", "i like the color blue." ]
[ "I am done looking for love. I keep getting rejected over and over again.", "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes when you \"give up\", someone good comes along" ]
[ "Whatever, I'm happy with just me and my two dogs. ", "Maybe, are you married?", "You could be like me and just hang out with your dogs. They have stinky breath, but other than that, they're pretty great.", "They sound very fancy. I don't think I've ever owned a pair of blue shoes.", "I used to live in a blue house. But it got destroyed by a tornado.", "Yeah, I'm going to use the insurance money to take a trip around the world." ]
[ "I wish you luck. You have to meet the right one some day!", "I am not. I would love to someday", "Sure, I am taking my time. I have blue shoes", "They are nice. I like the color blue very much.", "oh no . i'm sorry to hear that . that is sad", "Wow, happy for you. I hope you get to enjoy your trip." ]
{ "convai2": [ "my motto is always look for love but i don't think you are what i want", "no , just me and my loving dog . long term relationship ?", "my biggest fear is they will reject me", "yeah , they're very expensive", "oh no . i'm sorry to hear that . that is sad", "that's a great way to look at it , perhaps someone amazing will come along" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I wish you luck. You have to meet the right one some day!", "Nope. Living the single life. Might take family or a friend.", "HA if only, If only people told you what they wanted like dogs do.", "Converse go with everything too!", "Never stop trying! There are plenty of fish in the sea!", "Never stop trying! There are plenty of fish in the sea!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love dogs myself. Did your wife ever see the Marvel comic called The Cat People?", "seen like dated? no, I have been married myself for over 30 years and we were highschool sweethearts", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "They are very good quality shoes that last a long time. I love them and recommend them everywhere", "Wow! I heard about Irma. It was a Category 5 hurricane I believe.", "You should throw away all the shoes, in anticipation of a large-scale disaster event where people need shoes." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i live in a house in the country.", "i've a horse named beauty." ]
[ "i would rather starve than eat mcdonalds", "tell me more about this" ]
[ "I just cannot eat their food for some reason", "It is not healthy at all. Do you have any idea what I could use to clean my glasses? They are always dirty", "I did not know windex could be used on glasses", "I am so glad that you told me because I do have windex, I just don't like the smell", "I don't think that would be the best to use for cleaning my glasses", "I thank you for the advice though" ]
[ "Yea all of that processed food is bad for you.", "Yea sure, use some windex or something.", "Oh yea, it does a heck of a job.", "Yea it has a strong chemical smell to it. ", "Probably not the best, but it was all I could think of.", "No problem, I always enjoy helping others." ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "maybe therapy , like you . how is work at mcdonalds ?", "it stains your teeth , and is generally unhealthy for you", "that's good . do you know how to get glasses clean ?", "nah it soaks up the flavors", "that's good . do you know how to get glasses clean ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Im like that with food too", "I hope they can fix your glasses.", "I hope they can fix your glasses.", "Yeah, pretty much all humans would rather smell good things than bad lol. I hope you can get over this phobia though as I know how it feels to just despise something.", "I hope they can fix your glasses.", "I hope they can fix your glasses." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am right there with you. The golden arches for them is very popular and was started in 1953", "yea sure", "Safety glasses can also help if there are flying debris.", "It smells like rotten flesh and garic mixed together.", "yea sure", "OKay, have a good day!" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm saving money to buy my first car.", "i'm eighteen years old." ]
[ "hello , i'm good . chilling to california love . you like tubac ?", "california love is my absolute favorite song !" ]
[ "Nice, we have a lot in common. I love rap music and fast cars.", "Hell yea. What else are you into?", "Nioce, what kind of stuff do you eat now?", "What kind of training do you do? weights?", "Sweet, calisthenics stuff. That's all you really need. Good for you. How long you been at it?", "6 months is definitely long enough to get some great results. Keep it up, you're already way passed where most people give up." ]
[ "I'm only 18 so you know I love both those things", "I just got into healthy eating and exercising", "salads i try to stay in shape and listen to music most the day. I drink a lot of water too", "I'm saving moeny to get a car so I don't have a gym membership. just running push ups etc", "6 months. not long I guess. I feel great though", "i'll totally try to keep on it. I'm determined" ]
{ "convai2": [ "california love is my favorite song of all time ! what music do you like ?", "just listening to rap music", "salads i try to stay in shape and listen to music most the day", "its mix martial arts . i've to lift a lot of weights", "about 4 years now ! i spend most of my time cycling and working though", "i'll totally try to keep on it" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What things we have in common!", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "Say no to booze, stop eating garbage, meal prep.", "Nope just train on my own! How about you do you like working out", "About 2 years. Now that's not just losing weight, but also building muscle.", "Thanks lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "California Love was originally supposed to be on Dr Dre's album. That got scrapped though.", "I love the song California love by 2Pac featuring Dr. Dre and Roger Troutman", "I am vegan so I have to get some B12 to replace my vitamins. I make salads and smoothies", "I need to start again I've been slacking... It helps not only strength but size of muscles.", "9 years, It just feels lonely here at hone now. I'm probably depressed.", "I will still wimp out. i want to be famous like the rolling stones though." ] }
[ "", "", "convai2", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i hate social obligations because i always say the wrong thing.", "my dad owns a appliance store that i don t want to inherit." ]
[ "I was offered a higher paying position at my job, but I'm not sure if I'll accept it due to the added stress.", "If I were you I would accept it because no amount of stress could stop me from making more money." ]
[ "oh, what street? Is it neer the circus where I preform. Sorry to bring it up, but I'm so ecited. It's my first day. What street, though/", "That's near third and fifth, right? I would NOT take that job if I were you.", "Does your dad like the movies?I try to go when I can. What's his favorie?", "Oh war for sure. I love wars. They're so cinematic!", "Uh, that sounds like a pretty heavy garmnet if you ask me!!!", "Yes, you're doing great, though. How was the interview process?" ]
[ "yes , it is . on fourth street .", "Yeah, right in between. I think it's a better job than taking over my dad's appliance store, I don't want that business at all.", "He's a big fan of buddy cop movies, and old war films. What movies do you like?", "I like war movies . Saving Private Ryan was great . I like Full Metal Jacket, too.", "Yeah, I guess. I just try not to say the wrong things. it's why I don't like social situations.", "It could have gone better. I think I missed some the answers they asked. I was nervous." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , it is . on fourth street .", "ha . that is a wild place . 8th street too", "he has never turned one down . have you seen any new movies lately ?", "i like war movies . saving private ryan was great .", "sure was ! so , what do you like to do in your free time bill ?", "well , i was accepted to audition , but i panicked and didn't go ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh it's flint, MI- they are very famous for being corrupt. Nothing I can do but save up to move out :)", "I'm never quitting this job. You should work here.", "They do put out good movies most of the time. I will try and check it out.", "haha. Murder documentaries are my favorite too.", "It's a tough market out there, but I have faith that you get what you desire!", "The job interview went very well as I received an offer for the position shortly after the experience." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oxon Hill, just outside of Washington DC!", "Yeah it used to be called the Fifth Ward when I was growing up but they decided to change it when owners changed I believe.", "I'm not really a movie buff. I enjoy a wide variety of them, from animated kids movies to romantic comedies to action films.", "It's hard not to enjoy the 1996 Independence Day film by Roland Emmerich. I can't say I was a big fan of the newer rendition, though.", "Wasn't John Rambo a green beret?", "Hopefully I get the job from my recent interview when they make their employee selection." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i have a beta fish.", "i donate old clothes to the homeless." ]
[ "what are you talking about ?", "i made a little mistake . i should know better as a poet" ]
[ "It takes time to learn that I why I read so much", "Well I read a lot about bands and music history", "no but my band fine frenzy sings about them", "swim swim swim little fish to the sea don't look back", "monotone, but its based on this book I read growing up", "it was a charles dickens book about a giant whale" ]
[ "you are full of energy. I love it. What do you learn?", "You know anything about fish? Beta fish?", "Please give me a few lyrics from your beta fish song. I need to know.", "That's very evocative. You have the soul of a poet. What key is it in?", "What book is that?", "I try to donate my old stuff to poors so they don't look like Dickensian urchins. You can compliment me if you like." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not get what you mean ?", "i enjoy playing music in my spare time . what kind of history ?", "you should invest in a poet . you can get good returns if you pick the right one .", "life is a mistake is a big statement new friend . why life is a mistake ?", "wow , that's deep . sounds like it could come from a country song .", "what is that book about ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "its all good. you are able to write very well. im jealous", "History is one my favorites as well!", "That's cool, can they sing too?", "That is one of the tunes that is on the gold record flying out of our solar system on the Voyager probe.", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Hey, its not always easy to read, it requires continuous practice and development", "What kind of music do you like?", "Any bands that they sound like?", "ok buddy. what is a name.It is love of water", "That is such a wonderful story.", "that s sound big" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my number is 42.", "i am a soccer player." ]
Association football
[ "Yeah me too! Do you have have a favorite team?", "any team that ronaldo is on! .. the sport is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies making it the world's most popular sport." ]
[ "I only have one sister, so I didn't grow up watching much sports.", "Do you play soccer a lot?", "I wish I could join a soccer team. I'm to busy filling prescriptions all the time.", "Soccer players provide my sister and I with plenty of entertainment, so thank you too!", "She was ten when I started medical school, so that would make her sixteen now.", "Yes, being in the pharmaceutical industry pays well, so I'm able to take her out from time to time." ]
[ "That is too bad! I can't get enough of soccer.", "yes , soccer i am very good . I have a good team.", "You are doing a great service to people. Thank you!", "Haha, no problem. How old is your sister?", "Oh that's a fun age. I am sure she is happy to have a big sister.", "I am sure it does. Do you ever go to soccer matches?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "thierry henry started at that age , and now he is famous . my soccer idol !", "yes , soccer i am very good . all my friend call me striker because i am that good .", "at least you'd have a goal ! i go just for fun .", "who is your favorite soccer player ? mine is messi", "that is cool . how long have you been going to medical school ?", "teaching must be more exciting than the pharmaceutical industry though" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do like to watch it in the olympics or sure though!", "Of course. I played soccer growing up myself.", "Don't be too angry. They might just have been swamped with prescriptions to fill.", "Do you play soccer yourself?", "Oh. I don't know how medical school works. I am studying srt history.", "Good deal! I am happy to help!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am not either, despite that, this sport has grown tremendously! The biggest boost to its popularity was when the U.S. hosted the 1994 FIFA world cup. I have always wanted to go to a FIFA game", "If you mean soccer, then yes I do! I love to play in a competitive game of eleven players on each side of the field.", "Yes soccer is the worlds most popular sport. You should try it!", "You as well! Thank you!", "That is quiet impressive! I guess you have to start young!", "The U.S Women's soccer team is the best soccer team we have. Who is your favorite final 4 in the World Cup?" ] }
[ "", "convai2", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my girlfriend just broke up with me.", "i like to read." ]
[ "i like to dive its cool", "dive sounds great . i read alot , especially since i have no television ." ]
[ "I don't watch a lot of tv but do watch some. I prefer listening to music. ", "sometimes, yes. My dog and cat are also fun to watch. My dog is smaller than my cat lol", "my dog is a Chihuahua they're usually not very big anyway ", "Oh yes, she certainly is! Always acting like a big bad dog", "That's a good way to cope. Get away and pet your cat. Thats extra relaxing ", "my cat won't stay still long enough for me to read to him" ]
[ "Tv can be more fun than music", "my cat is larger than my dog but I have a tiny dog", "They can be feisty ", "I cope by reading with my cat", "yes you are right it is my cat likes it too", "My gf broke up with me so I am sad " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like to have music playing in the background when i read .", "my cat is larger than my dog", "i am sure they are . they are fun to watch .", "that must be hard i cope by reading and don't have a tv", "yes you are right it is", "i can not hear so i do not watch tv i read" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Tv can be fun though", "just gotta be careful where you swim", "Not too big but you should see the size of the poop.", "Ha Ha. They all are until they run.", "I LOVE TO READ .. INFACT IT IS A PART OF MY LIFE", "I do love to read as well" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's not bad just your preference. I like TV as well. I really liked that old BBC show Creatures Great and Small.", "seems quite cool", "I have a chihuahua too! They are the smallest breed of dog, and they're so cute.", "Yeah specially because sometimes they scream and freakout", "good", "good" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2", "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i like to watch movies.", "i like to do crafts." ]
[ "i just watched it the remake , it was great", "too scary for me ! i hate horror movies ." ]
[ "Do you like court movies? I want to work in federal court someday.", "I was a lawyer once. I can't get enough of movies and show like that. ", "What kind of stuff do you make?", "Wow. That's sounds cool", "What do you do for actual work then?", "Probably boring." ]
[ "I sure do! A movie that revolves around a crime and solving it is so suspenseful. I wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger.", "Wow that's awesome! I just ended up selling my arts and crafts at the flea market, I need to go back to school I guess lol.", "I do some woodworking, like carvings and plaques. I also do seasonal cut outs.", "It's fun, keeps me out of trouble. Wish I had more time to work on them though.", "I am a clerk in an accounting firm.", "At times. it pays good though." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love horror movies . i love to be afraid !", "excellent point ! i love the aesthetic of horror movies though", "mainly new age supplies . crystals and such .", "it sure is . the costumes just keep getting better year after year .", "i thought about being a lawyer . decided against it . too many long hours .", "interesting enough to me . do you like movies ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Me too. I hate court", "i love lawyers too especially the serious ones as they know how to bring back justice", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "Yeah, they aren't too hard to put together. They're really fun too!", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "Incredibly so." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I sure do! A movie that revolves around a crime and solving it is so suspenseful!!!", "Me to I love to watch the live trials on tv with the jury waiting to make a verdict on the case.", "I am new to the art but so far I have done some jewelry, coasters and am working on a handbag.", "It's like the Steve Jobs of movies. You know the entrepreneur, business magnate?", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my mother worked for apple.", "i'm diabetic." ]
[ "oh fun . i lost my job", "that is a shame . but at least you have ever had a job ." ]
[ "Losing my job forced me to live with my parents temporarily", "That is too bad, yes this has gotten me depressed a lot for sure.", "That would be nice thanks a lot for the thought!", "What do you do for a living?", "Nice, well I wish you the best of luck as well, going back to school would be a smart idea!", "I think I will stay busy and work on some home improvments on my parent's house. I'll just be cheap labor." ]
[ "Oh man I'm sorry. But hopefully you get to save up on rent money? When I was diagnosed as a diabetic I had to move in with them too.", "Man I'm so sorry. My mom works for Apple maybe I can ask if she knows of any way to get a job there for you.", "Yeah of course I'll ask her in a bit, she's a manager I think so she should be able to pull some strings.", "Currently I stay at home trying to get my meds under control then hopefully maybe go back to school?", "Yeah I think I might get into computer repair. Is there anything you'd like to do with your time while you wait for jobs openings?", "That's super nice of you I'm sure they'll appreciate it" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that's a shame . i am very sorry about that .", "well have been keeping yourself busy so you do not get too depressed ?", "we should discuss ! my rent is getting raised so i need new income sources .", "ugh . . well . . kind in between jobs right now , just working out of my parents garage , you ?", "thank you . good thing my parents don't charge me rent", "well at least you know youre set financially haha" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is sad. Why did you had to live on your own?", "It must be really tough. It will get better.", "You're welcome my friend. It's their loss if they don't hire you!", "I work in marketing. It's kinda cut throat sometimes.", "Me too! Same to you, thanks.", "Either of those choices sounds good. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm sorry to hear that! Did you not have a grandparent or other relative that you could've lived with?", "Oh ok. Yeah Im sorry about that. I noticed I was notably sad and anxious or empty and felt hopeless abnormally as a kid too.", "Not a problem I know times are tough but just keep your chin up and you will get through it.", "I'm a financial analyst. Extremely boring work. She has a much more rewarding career lol.", "Yeah I gotta find a good school to learbn everything about diagnosis and prevention and stuff.", "Maybe you can create something as popular as the Get a Mac campain for Apple in 2006" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i own a dog that's small.", "i like to ride my bike." ]
[ "I got off work the other day and noticed one of my tires had been slashed in the parking lot. Needless to say, not the best way to end the work day", "Holy moly, that's some rough luck. Did you find the guy who did it?" ]
[ "Oh no I reported it to the police but so far they have not found the person who did it", "I honestly don't know how to go about doing it.", "Well, even though I am a jack of all trades I do need some tires. I am so upset", "That's so nice, maybe I need to get a dog", "Oh dear, you are so sweet. Thank you very much", "Oh no I live in a nice neighborhood." ]
[ "sounds like you need to take matters into your own hands. The police can't help you. Not when real justice is required.", " Close your eyes and let your fantasies guide you. You know what you want deep down inside", "I thik you're a great person, but you need to stand up for yourself. I have a small dog. It helps me.", "you can use mine. They have an innate sense for the evils lurking within a person.", "Sure. I'm having second thoughts. Ypu don't live in a bad neighborhoos do you? My bike is my life, but my dog id all right as well.", "Do you ever air b&b? Would you accept dogs? you know, if you did? Just dogs?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that's very bad luck . maybe it is karma", "just focus on what you can do and ask for help when you need .", "i definitely would call the police if you think that is the case", "that is a good idea . most people love dogs .", "you will be rewarded for your kindness . i believe in karma .", "but maybe it is for the best what if the dog bit people ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Maybe you can bring it to the tire place. Maybe they can patch it real quick.", "Maybe you can bring it to the tire place. Maybe they can patch it real quick.", "time to slash some tires", "That's a good idea. Or I would adopt one. I adopted two from PetsMart and it only cost me 15 bucks!", "You're welcome. :)", "sorry you have to live in a not so desirable neighborhood" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh no! Did it result in any injuries or property damage?", "You can reach out to them if you have a report to make or if you want to help", "Maybe it will encourage you to get out there on one. Its a great method of transportation as well as great fun lol.", "You will want to try out some different dog foods until you find a good fit.", "Oh thank you. Do you like your name?", "That is the best way to be have you ever heard of that comedy television called The Good Place." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i whine a lot.", "i try to limit how much i eat." ]
[ "awesome ! what is his name ? i am a cat lover , myself . i have 2", "dave , what are your cats names" ]
[ "I named my cat as Nancy, she like to be around when I'm in library", "how about you, do you also like reading?", "I have lots of used books as those are cheaper you know!", "what else do you like or have special?", "Lol about what?", "you would be a good cook I imagine" ]
[ "Thats a cool name I like it a lot", "I do read occasionally but not eat ", "that is true i enjoy reading a lot especially cheap books ", "I whine a lot ", "I m a good housewife but I whine about cooking ", "See. I'm not a great cook honestly " ]
{ "convai2": [ "hello nancy , i am john . nice to meet you too .", "not much i am always at the library", "that is true i enjoy reading a lot", "not much i am always at the library", "he called me an entitled princess i have a bad temper", "she can be annoying , especially when i m cooking which is often" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Thats a cool name", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "I prefer to read books on my free time because I am grown up", "Like sweet names,pampering", "Sorry - my keyboard was malfunctioning! I meant to tell you about the time my dog pooped on my carpet. I was so mad!", "See. I'm not a great cook." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What's her name? I call my dog Snoopy because I love reading the Peanuts comics LOL", "I do like reading. Lately I've been reading about Hanukkah music.", "i prefer real books because it hurts my eyes to read ebook", "I like the Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith, the tv series doesn't do it justice", "I m a good houswife", "I m a good houswife" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i'm currently traveling in japan.", "i live a nomadic lifestyle and travel frequently." ]
Computer programming
[ "i need to know about algorithms", "Algorithms are basically ways to solve problems. So on computers, they're plugged in to do certain tasks." ]
[ "I want to own my own company someday, so I think it would help to know about them", "Well, I don't have one yet, but it will be a programming company", "Sounds like I will have to hire some smart people.", "How much does it cost to pay for an IT guy?", "Oh wow, that's a lot. Maybe I can get a new grad that is cheaper.", "That's true. This is more complicated than I was expecting." ]
[ "What is the name of the company?", "Oh! Well it involves several fields of electrical engineering and computer science to develop software.", "Everyone needs an IT guy, so probably best to get good developers.", "it depends on the specific technologies you are looking for. somewhere between $55-70 an hour is standard.", "this depends on the level of experience that your project requires. also the maturity level you are seeking in an employee. ", "Well, hopefully when it's all said and done it'll be be worth it. Best of luck with it." ]
{ "convai2": [ "computers are nifty tools . i am getting better at it everyday .", "i do not know much about computers . hope it turns around for you", "they sure are . that is why i deal with computers . it is easier .", "they are pretty high , but so far i've been lucky to be able to pay them .", "it would be worth looking into , at any rate .", "they sure are . that is why i deal with computers . it is easier ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What is the name of the company?", "Oh, I thought you meant like computer programming. You must be so proud", "Everyone needs a IT guy though so probably.", "Ten dollars. Pretty nice", "Everyone needs a IT guy though so probably.", "Well, hopefully when it's all said and done it'll be be worth it. Best of luck with it." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well, there's a lot of different parts! There's analysis, algorithms, and implementations. Which did you want to know more about?", "Oh! Well it involves several fields of electrical engineering and computer science to develop software.", "Yup as long as you can diagnose the program quickly and accurately you can be successful,.", "I'm not sure about the cost, but it got a fairly positive review online with a GameRankings of 76.67%.", "Not a bad idea. At the very least the program covers such things as accounting, business law, finance and management strategy. Very useful subjects to know about.", "Source code can be written in a variety of languages. I recommend reading certain books like Automate the Boring Stuff." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i am a very short woman.", "i am near sighted and wear contact lenses." ]
[ "yes I am, they have been around for many years right ?", "I would say so. Metallica formed in 1981 by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich." ]
[ "They are my favorite band", "I haven't been to a concert in forever", "I spend most of my time at the gym", "I do a lot of cardio. Havemy own bike.", "I could never keep up with glasses. I have contacts too", "Good for you" ]
[ "Yes. I love their music. I saw them in concert a while back. i had to sit close to the stage because I am so short, lol It was fun.", "I haven't either, I can hardly find the time. ", "Oh yeah. I usually work out at home. it's cheaper for me. Do you prefer any particular exercises? ", "That's good exercise . I try to at least get out and walk around the block once a day, now that I have my contact lenses.", "Yeah, I'm near sighted and I got so tired of putting my big sunglasses on over my prescriptions. Much better now.", "Thanks. Did you wear glasses before you got contacts?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "they're my favorite band", "i saw them in concert last summer . they are quite amazing .", "yeah . i go regularly . i listen to my favorite band metallica when i work out .", "that's good exercise . do you ride every day ?", "it definitely takes time to get used to . i've been wearing them for decades .", "fortunately , i got into great shape and that helped . what do you enjoy ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes. I love their music.", "I went this summer. They rocked out.", "Main reason I started going to the gym was to get a break lol", "That's great exercise. Are you a fan of sports?", "I hope they can fix your glasses.", "No problem!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like them too. They formed in 1981 with drummer Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield. Have any favorite songs?", "Well, the band was formed in 1981 by drummer Lars Ulrich. Quite a long time ago and makes me feel old.", "I see, I am more into Oakland Raiders. but they've old made me disappointed.", "Sweet! Any specific model of bikes you would recommend? I'm trying to get back into biking.", "Contact lenses are great alternatives. That's if you can get used to placing them directly on your eye.", "Sunglasses also work as a visual aid, I think that's really great!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i like to cook new recipes.", "i like every post i see on social media." ]
[ "i am in vermont right now but moving soon", "i hear it gets real cold up there ." ]
[ "i visited comic con this year how about you?", "its so much fun you will have a blast", "thats good what did you see?", "what do you like to cook?", "that sounds so good!", "I love to watch sports on tv or go to the games how about you>" ]
[ "My daughter wanted to but maybe next year", "I'm on social media a lot. Saw a lot of cool stuff about it", "I find new recipes online too. I cook a lto", "I just tried a lobster bisque? I loved it", "What do you like to do?", "I'm not a big fan of sports" ]
{ "convai2": [ "no never had any business in vermont", "thank you very much . i wanted to go to comic con if this did not happen", "i went to burlington , macys , and the childrens place", "i am always looking for new recipes to make for my 7 year old daughter", "yep its the best dish in the world . so tasty and healthy", "i love going to comic con in ny ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Very Cold LOL. Cold and scary.", "I can;t wait", "I saw Times Square. It was awesome.", "Lasagna and lots and lots of garlic bread", "I've never made it myself but, I've had it before. ITs fantastic.", "I just watch on TV." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I haven't although there is one every year about ten minutes from my home. How about you?", "Yes I love the fact that there are always enough costumed entertainers", "We went on the golden circle tour", "I like using specialty foods and making healthy meals", "It was good!", "Do you like the YES network that has sports?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i coexist well with my husband.", "but , i feel lost and far away from who i truly am." ]
Nineteen Eighty-Four
[ "Oh, he's English! That's interesting. What else do you know about it?", "If I recall the story is set in Airstrip One, formerly Great Britain, a province of the superstate Oceania, whose residents are victims of perpetual war, " ]
[ "i am in college", "yeah i know exactly what your talking about", "thats good that you guys get along so well", "i do feel like that from time to time", "i try to just remain humble and try to spend lots of time with family how about you?", "thats good that should help" ]
[ "So you should know what I'm talking about. MY husband is a professor", "We get along very well even though he is a lot smarter", "I sometimes wonder who I really am though. You ever feel like that?", "How do you manage?", "That's nice. I should do that. We talk a lot", "I think I need a vacation" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh how wonderful ! what did you study ?", "its a good storyline with an interesting world the authors made .", "we work together . unfortunately he has no idea i like him", "do you sometimes feel like things are unreal ?", "i tend to run away from conflict as well", "i know he does . that's what helps me" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'll have to check it out this weekend. Anything about the holocaust makes me cry.", "It's a documentary about the Aghori Sadhus you should check it out if you're bored lol", "nice talking to you for sure", "Perhaps you should join Facebook.", "Being humble is the way to be", "nice talking to you for sure" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "If I recall the story is set in Airstrip One, formerly Great Britain, a province of the superstate Oceania, whose residents are victims of perpetual war,", "If I recall the story is set in Airstrip One, formerly Great Britain, a province of the superstate Oceania, whose residents are victims of perpetual war,", "If I recall the story is set in Airstrip One, formerly Great Britain, a province of the superstate Oceania, whose residents are victims of perpetual war,", "If I recall the story is set in Airstrip One, formerly Great Britain, a province of the superstate Oceania, whose residents are victims of perpetual war,", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "If I recall the story is set in Airstrip One, formerly Great Britain, a province of the superstate Oceania, whose residents are victims of perpetual war," ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i ve danced since i was two.", "i got engaged to be married in paris , france." ]
Technical drawing
[ "That may be the wrong career for you then haha, but I am sure it is worth it. I am bad at drawing but still try sometimes!", "Maybe lol. The main difference is that artistic drawing is conveying emotion, while technical drawing conveys facts." ]
[ "I wish I had the sort of creativity to join it but I don't ", "Yea I try to sell them online but no one wants to buy them haha ", "Out of my apartment? Its gonna take a lot of work. I dont know...", "Nice, what else do you like to do for fun?", "Do you like to do spicy Salsa? ", "YOu should! Its very energizing. " ]
[ "You certainly could focus on drawing I think", "You can launch your art career full time", "I like to dance ", "mostly square dancing it's fun", "I have never tried ", "I might try it have you been to France" ]
{ "convai2": [ "you should give it a try ! what do you do with your weekends ?", "if you have the skill that could potentially be a good way to make the money back", "oh it is definitely worth it if you know what to do", "mostly square dancing its great", "and to much sometimes , can't do spicy", "i'll give it a try" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time.", "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time.", "Maybe its time to launch your art career full time.", "Not caring about anything but having fun lol", "I have never tried and never will lol", "I might try it" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum. You certainly could focus on drawings!", "The career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum. You certainly could focus on drawings!", "The career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum. You certainly could focus on drawings!", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Yes and salsa and cheese and many other things", "Salsa comes from the spanish word salsa meaning sauce, which in latin meant salted. regardless, its yummy" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i am writing my first novel and hope to finish before the end of the year.", "i am currently unemployed so i've time to write." ]
[ "Good afternoon!", "Do you like novels?" ]
[ "i love them. DO you like hamburgers thats my favorite food", "They do take some work to make ", "I prefer mine to be grilled as well", "i am preparing for my ballet concert soon how about you", "about 2 years now what is your novel about ?", "Thats very nice inspirations i like it" ]
[ "I adore hamburgers and could use one myself right now but I'm a little busy.", "To make them well they do. How do you prefer yours be cooked? I like grilled.", "Definitely the best. So, what are you up to right now?", "Oh, wow, that sounds amazing! I'm actually writing my first novel. How long have you been doing ballet?", "It's an avant-garde tale about Geoffrey Chaucer's irritable bowel syndrome. I love medieval poetry and spicy foods--those are the inspirations.", "Have you seen the movie Black Swan? As a person in ballet I'm interested in your thoughts on it." ]
{ "convai2": [ "hamburgers ? as in you love them ?", "they do require a lot of time .", "do you enjoy eating ? hamburgers are the tastiest food !", "that sounds wonderful . i am a dancer , so i'll be in the studio .", "it was about mass deaths and paradigms . takes more than fifteen characters .", "it was really nice talking with you . i hope you enjoy your ballet !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I could use some burgers myself right now.", "I could use some burgers myself right now.", "I could use some burgers myself right now.", "Cool. I love ballet", "It was about the medieval poet Geoffrey Chaucer.", "No problem!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do like burger, I think US cuisine reflects its nature and history as well.", "Yes for sure. Do you prefer them pan fried, barbecued or flame broiled?", "I prefer mine flame broiled. What are your favorite toppings?", "I would love to see the Royal Ballet.", "Right now, about nutrition. Have you heard of Lord Peter, the detective?", "If you're a fan of the ballet. I highly recommend the film Black Swan. Have you seen it?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "when i grow up , i want to be a veterinarian.", "i like field hockey and soccer." ]
Field hockey
[ "A little in Highschool, it was always a good time", "My son was considering giving it a try but being in the hockey family, I was worried it would be dangerous." ]
[ "He'll be fine and maybe he'll be famous one day.", "I'm more of a nirvana type of guy.", "You should do karaoke at the restaurant I work at.", "That's too bad because we have some good nirvana songs available on the karaoke machine. The locals love it.", "I think you're confusing prince with nirvana.", "I love that song about teenage spirit." ]
[ "I will still wimp out. i want to be famous like the rolling stones though.", "I loved Nirvana and Soundgarden in college.", "i do not work . between school work and hockey , i have no time .", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "No haha but I do remember that song as well! I think it was something about an opera singer.", "yeah its great!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "hey , never know he might get famous too ! he is already pretty good .", "i also loved kurt cobain . life ended in middle school for me when he died .", "i do not work . between school work and hockey , i have no time .", "not bad when i sing to my son , however that's because he loves me .", "prince was my fave musician when he was still around . love that guy .", "i've never heard it . what is that song about ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah i'm sure he will. He's a good kid. He's playing football too!", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "I'll probably give it a try. They do little events like this a few times a year.", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "No haha but I do remember that song as well! I think it was something about an opera singer.", "That is one of the tunes that is on the gold record flying out of our solar system on the Voyager probe." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I will still wimp out. i want to be famous like the rolling stones though.", "I loved Nirvana and Soundgarden in college.", "I love that show Car Karaoke I believe it is called with James Corden.", "Have you ever heard of the old NBC series called \"Sing Along with Mitch?\"", "prince rogers nelson was an american singer songwriter and actor who was the bomb dot com.", "I loved Smells Like Teen Spirit on the Nevermind album." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "my father was an author.", "my mother was born in ireland." ]
[ "now that's music i can dance too . always puts a smile on my face", "funny , it is very happy and fun ." ]
[ "sometimes I find good music at thrift stores", "for sure. sometimes i get some old furniture too and take it apart", "yeah, sometimes you find really cool stuff. and it's so cheap. have you found anything good?", "Do you like to shop anywhere else?", "Ikea is really fun, it's like a maze.", "Some of it is, but they have a scratch and dent section too that's super cheap. Like a thrift store within the store." ]
[ "i love goodwill . you can find lots of weird music there .", "That's cool. Do you like to ever go to thrift stores for clothes?", "Yes, I've found some of my favorite old clothes there", "Not really, but I've heard Ikea is awesome", "Is it expensive?", "That sounds like something I would like. Do they have interesting stuff too?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love goodwill . you can find lots of weird music there .", "i up cycle things i find at thrift stores in to new clothes .", "yes i love going to thrift stores .", "yes i love going to thrift stores .", "yes i guess so . goodwill is my thrill shopping", "yes i guess so . goodwill is my thrill shopping" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You should! Alot of the profits from thrift stores go to good causes too!", "Hope you've got a lot of storage room. We try to do that too.", "I'll have to go do some shopping.", "Thrift stores. That's wher you find the real bargains", "It looks expensive too", "That sounds great! I should look in too them more." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love to go to thrift shops also. I like how they are run by charitable organizations.", "That's cool. Do you like to ever go to thrift stores for clothes?", "Not really, but I'd like to go to the Antique gift shop.", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess.", "seems quite cool", "I love to go to thrift shops also. I like how they are run by charitable organizations." ] }
[ "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i moved to ny to study in a prestigious designing school.", "since young i've loved fashion." ]
[ "i am unsure . . what do you do ?", "i am studying to become a fashion designer in ny" ]
[ "That sounds very exciting. How long have you been going to school for that?", "Do you like living in New York? My dad grew up there, it's where he learned how to cook in restaurants.", "Where did you live before moving there?", "Tell me about where you grew up. What was it like?", "I see you're a person of few words. My dad was like that as well.", "That's not a problem at all. I'm the one who should be embarrassed. My clothes are straight trash!" ]
[ "about four years now", "I do not nope", "I lived in PA ", "It was cold!", "I am shy sorry but I love fashion ", "why are your clothes so bad?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "about four years . i started at the beginning of high school", "it is probably nice there . new york is hectic", "i meant in new york", "it was okay but i am in new jersey now like it better .", "i love to cook just like my dad did", "why are your clothes not great ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Three years. I had a rough start trying to work and study.", "I do not, but I live right outside of it, so I get the culture", "I live in Cleveland, a very boring city.", "I live in a college town in the mdiwest.", "Very Cold LOL. Cold and scary.", "I never have cool clothes." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "For two years now after I transferred from another school.", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "We went on the golden circle tour", "I used to go with him to help him out with cooking and stuff", "ok.i sister become a fashion designing." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "on weekends i go out with friends.", "i eat eggs and bacon for breakfast." ]
[ "tea keeps me going at my job at a bookstore . do you work ?", "part time at mcdonalds . i am in college ." ]
[ "What are you going to school for?", "But you switched to something else?", "Interesting. You must like computers?", "What's your favorite brand?", "Ha, I'm not sure what that means. Hope your gas gets better though.", "That's disgusting. Maybe you should eat better." ]
[ "I originally wanted to get a BA in economics.", "i switched to IT", "yes . computers . i love them", "lemon one . it gives me gas though", "I hope it does because I've been getting the end of the stick with the poo on it for a long time.", "yeah , i guess i should think about that ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "marketing", "i wanted money and status . i got both .", "yes . computers . i love them", "lemon one . it gives me gas though", "it gives me a lot of gas", "yeah , i guess i should think about that ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Im in school now for psychology. ITs so boring", "Economics is pretty cool", "Economics is pretty cool", "ASUS. I've had a good luck streak with them that I hope will continue", "I hope it does because I've been getting the end of the stick with the poo on it for a long time.", "You don't know me lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I originally wanted to get a BA in economics.", "I did. I wanted to be old school and learn from the masters.", "Yes I enjoy technology. Ever since they released the personal computer in the early 80s.", "I'm a fan of Microsoft. Their personal computers and services are quite important.", "good", "Just avoid eating disorder,." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "regular life disappoints me.", "i wonder about what life in space would be like." ]
Amazon (company)
[ "Yes, Amazon is a big corporation in the modern day world! There are many benefits of working there and the people are friendly.", "Amazon is the largest internet retailer in the world both in revenue and market capitalization. Amazon falls into second place behind Alibaba in total sales however. So you enjoy working there? " ]
[ "I do actually I love watching all the sorting robots we have, I'm super into robotics, what do you do?", "Woah that sounds like it'd be awesome. Any particular reason why?", "Probably pretty cool? Get to float and stuff, but I hear using the bathroom is a pain.", "I'll agree to that. Anything else you like doing?", "I do too a lot actually. Music seems to be the only thing keeping me sane lately.", "It really is, any kinds you like?" ]
[ "I'd love to work in space ", "I wonder what life in space is like ", "Regular life is boring ", "i get bored quite often", "yea music is great", "Mostly rap I guess " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i work here with amazon . i am too old to work now .", "i just like going there . i do not have one particular reason .", "i wonder what it would be like space ?", "i work a lot through amazon", "yea music is the best", "yes i do all types how bout" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "They build airplanes and missiles i always wanted to work with fighter jets", "Yea, then you hae to do it all yourself", "Anything really - somethign with decent pay", "what kind of music do you like?", "Haven't really found one I like yet" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Amazon is the largest internet retailer in the world both in revenue and market capitalization. Amazon falls into second place behind Alibaba in total sales however. So you enjoy working there?", "The motivation I guess because any career path can be achieved if you only want it. I love it because the end goal is to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the end user.", "We are only slightly less dense, it is 0.98 to 1.00, so you certainly can sink a good bit", "i get bored myself quite often", "i get bored myself quite often", "i like to listen to the best music thats why i like listening to frank sinatra. he was really popular" ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favorite book is pride and prejudice.", "i like to play soccer." ]
Association football
[ "Does the US have a good soccer team?", "Well soccer is becoming increasingly popular in the States. It is actually the 3rd most played sport in America" ]
[ "i am a professional translator", "ASL , spanish, french and english", "american sign language ", "it was actually the easiest out of the three", "i would have to say french was the hardest one", "Yeah i took a four year course on each language" ]
[ "What languages do you know?", "What is ASL?", "Oh cool. Was that hard to learn?", "Which one was the hardest to learn?", "How did you learn it? At a school?", "Have you ever been to a place where they speak those languages?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am a professional translator .", "i know about 50 of the language", "yes i know american sign language and canadian sign language", "do you know sign language ?", "i should translate on the side .", "so how did you learn so many languages ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's great. I'm a native spaker, but from what I understand English is very hard to actually learn", "That is very impressive. Do you know what languages they are?", "Cool. I still get excited when my kids say new words.", "Good, I wish my teammates would practice as much.", "Damn, you suck at soccer. Just kidding, good job!! lol", "That is very impressive. Do you know what languages they are?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That means you must be in the Italian national football team.", "Thanks to the internet people are often exposed to multiple languages", "Its also a comm note in musicon", "good", "I took French in school too! Totally useless now.", "In Europe more than half the people speak more than one language" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i do not have a college degree.", "i love to eat meat." ]
[ "yes it is and wentworth too", "oh i haven't watched it , its on netflix right ?" ]
[ "Yes, and the special effects on game of thrones is surreal.", "Me either, but I did a beautiful painting of Emila Clarke the other day.", "Emila Clarke on a dragon. I'm thinking about re watching the series again.", "I'm giving it some serious thought. There will be another show like it.", "Exactly these new shows can try but the cast and special effects are going to be harp to top. I drew a lot of inspiration from the show.", "and artists alike" ]
[ "I like a lot this show. I am fan but I never read the book.", "What is the painting of? It sounds lovely!", "You should. It's awesom", "I hope so !", "same here that show does good for people", "yes they do i agree" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have heard of it but never watched it", "how amazing ! would love to see it someday .", "i do not think i've ever seen it . what is it about ?", "yes and i'm excited to see how it ends", "not very true to the books !", "yes they do i agree" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I like a lot this show. I am fan but I never read the book.", "What is the painting of? It sounds lovely!", "You should. It's awesom", "You should, it is worth a look!", "yea the cgi in movies is stellar.", "Yea, and some people to!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I can’t believe HBO has a nearly 2 billion dollar operating budget! I wish I made that much", "I only went to see Cassou's paintings in a museum last year..", "I might have to try both series as well!", "So the last season will be next year huh?", "So the last season will be next year huh?", "So the last season will be next year huh?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i like nfl and college football.", "i am a georgia resident." ]
[ "very good to know . tell me more about you .", "i like the nfl and also college football" ]
[ "That's good especially when we can play outside in summer.", "Its easy to dress in summer thats why I like summer to wear easy clothes", "I don't like much of dressing, what else you like to do?", "I like soccer and long tennis and cooking at home.", "baking most and BBQ in sunshine is lots of fun", "you know its easy open clothes in front of BBQ with cooking smell." ]
[ "i love football and being outside", "Yeah I like to walk around with no shirt on. Makes me feel manly.", "I like other sports, too. Like baseball. You?", "Really? What sort of cooking do you like to do?", "I love cooking outside in summer.", "That doesn't make sense. But that's OK. BBQ rules." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love football and being outside", "that is good to know", "i like to exercise and play football .", "oh nice . i also enjoy cooking . what type of food ? ?", "i love to cook but in the summer its all about that barbeque", "oh yes , that's true ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Good choice, I forgot what outside is", "I prefer it over the winter if I have to make a choice", "Listening to music and playing board games. Like cavemen. Lol", "Really? What sort of cooking do you like to do?", "Nice, I bet it sucks when it's blazing hot outside.", "Yeah -but it gets so hot." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Texas and Massachusetts actually play with NCAA rules", "Texas and Massachusetts actually play with NCAA rules", "I have a playlist i listen to. It also has Carly Simon on it and Bow Wow and Usher.", "Do you watch tennis during the Olympics?", "I love the summer time! It's the best time to grill!", "Very true but it makes great jackets." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i just took a trip to london.", "i m very religious." ]
[ "Maybe it's the way organized religion works. Many people paying attention to one person in a room, which means that all too often people think of whatever they want to! At least that is my experience.", "If you try to look at it from the psychological perspective, religious and nonreligious people are nearly identical. Religious people simply think there's greater meaning behind their actions." ]
[ "That is pretty to take in all once can you explain", "Interesting, but some actions are more meaningful, like I am a vegan", "mainly because I wanted to change the world and save animals", "Because I looked in a cows eyes and they were the same color brown as my own", "Well it felt like I was looking into the mirror of my own soul and emotions", "That is why they mainly eat grass and things because they are just like me" ]
[ "People all act the same way, some people just think their actions are more meaningful", "Why did you become vegan?", "How do you think that will change the world?", "Do you think cows have feelings?", "That's sad. Do you think the cow feels the same about being vegan?", "I think they just eat grass because they're too slow to catch an animal" ]
{ "convai2": [ "cult or culture . well its all some kind of belief system . . . of a down .", "yes a facet is ridding yourself of attachment . includes things not needed .", "well that's a good cause . i was religious in the past but no more", "my guess is that its because of the movie ?", "that's an interesting feeling ? do you ever feel like you are being watched ?", "do you think you could tell by looking at someone what they eat ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I just have a generally easy going outlook on things in my life.", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "That is quite interesting.", "What kind of emotions", "That is always true. The saying goes..water your own grass." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Of course, some people take it too far, and begin to worship animals. When they do that, we call it an animal cult. I'm sure i must have read that one in ripley's believe it or Not at one point or another.", "that's awesome. i don't think we should eat any animal products, even eggs", "Cool! What motivated you? I'm a vegan mostly due to philosophical reasons.", "that's awesome. i don't think we should eat any animal products, even eggs", "I see! Did you ever attend any vegetarian festival? I went to Vegfest 2016", "I see! Did you ever attend any vegetarian festival? I went to Vegfest 2016" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i paint in my free time.", "i live in vienna , austria now." ]
Reading (process)
[ "It is, it is pretty incredible that we are capable of reading and writing.", "Yes both, including reading is a great means of language. " ]
[ "I also love to read ", "How old are you " ]
[ "I do also paint in my free time,", "I'm gonna be 23 this year and living in Vienna, Austria" ]
{ "convai2": [ "acquiring language and writing language are two different and difficult tasks", "i am in my twenties . you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do love to read as well", "22" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Language is definitely a development of many complex systems used to communicate.", "I was born quite a bit after May 19, 1981." ] }
[ "", "" ]
[ "my favorite drink is red wine.", "i work for a clothes retailer." ]
[ "I can't believe I found a 20 dollar bill outside my house. It was not expected at all.", "That's pretty lucky, did you spend it?" ]
[ "Not yet. What do you think I should buy with it?", "How do I know I'm not the owner? Maybe I dropped it yesterday?", "No. Wow. There goes that theory. Who do you think dropped it?", "That depends. Do you like hockey?", "Hey, I think you're just trying to tell me what I want to hear. You're not tricking me, are you?", "And what were you doing outside my house? I'm 6 feet tall, you know. I can be pretty scary." ]
[ "I think you should try to find the owner and give it back", "Well, if that's the case that's cool. Did you lose $20 yesterday?", "I think it was me. Can you bring it to me?", "Which answer will get the $20?", "Definitely not, I just want my $20 back.", "Well, I'm 6 foot 1, so I'm not scared of anyone" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm not sure . maybe nothing", "that's very bad luck . maybe it is karma", "i don't know . was it something scary ?", "no not really . i like sports though .", "maybe . only you know for sure .", "haha i was just wondering . you sound trapped ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well I'm happy for you. Spend it on something nice for yourself.", "ah.. take it to the bank to find out", "No clue. Someone that's a jerk.", "I'm more of a football fan!", "It's okay... I believe you. The truth is out there.", "Wow, that is really tall." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Maybe, saving tons of money. Even the Wall Street Journal made to mention this in an article!", "Just make sure you put it back after signing the log, otherwise other people can't enjoy the fun", "Who know. That gives me worry about future events!", "I do! I grew up sort of near Canada. All the cold-weather countries love hockey.", "Maybe, saving tons of money. Even the Wall Street Journal made to mention this in an article!", "Well in that case, I guess I better start hiding!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i m allergic to shellfish.", "my favorite food is cheese." ]
[ "This past wednesday, I left my class very late and there weren't many people outside, and a random car pulled up to the curb where I was.", "What happened?" ]
[ "well it scratched my car", "no thats why I am scared, especially bcause I leased the car", "no Im afraid they will charge me a bunch of money", "I feel like all I will be able to afford is potatoes if they try and take my money", "nope I'm bad I can barely afford the lease", "Ah well I will just go into hiding with my potatoes I love them" ]
[ "Oh no. did you get their license plate?", "Did you let the loan holder know what happened?", "that sounds tough, i'm sorry.", "do you have insurance at least?", "wow. maybe you need some legal aide :/", "haha better bring a pot with you and some flint to start a fire" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh no ! i'm so sorry . what was it ?", "my car died tuesday so i was worried but i was able to get it fixed friday .", "oh now i understand ! hopefully you pay them off .", "oh now i understand ! hopefully you pay them off .", "my car died tuesday so i was worried but i was able to get it fixed friday .", "haha better put them in the wash" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Uh oh, that's bad. Did you have insurance for it?", "Hopefully your insurance will help out.", "have they contacted the lender for a loan modification?", "have they contacted the lender for a loan modification?", "Hopefully your insurance will help out.", "I don't have any either so I feel your pain." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh no! Was there any injury or property damage?", "Oh did they let you borrow it? Very nice of them. What kind of car do you have if you don't mind me asking?", "That's unfortunate. There should be some contractual terms that shows the amount of repayment and how often payments need to be made.", "Well in the US we have something called loan modification to help people who are having trouble making payments. Maybe that would help you.", "Insurance is a way of protection from financial loss. It is there in case you have a wreck.", "Well in that case, I guess I better start hiding!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have 1 pair of shoes.", "my mother has 500 pairs of shoes." ]
[ "oh , i am sorry about that .", "shellfish and cats . only things i allergic too ." ]
[ "What do you like to eat in general?", "I try to eat healthy as well, I don't like meat", "I have worked at a movie theater for many years", "Wow I could take you with me", "I would love to give you a Free ticket, so you would not have to sell your shoes.", "I like to help others." ]
[ "Anything and everything. No lie, but my I do try to eat healthy for the most part.", "I don't usually eat meat, except chicken occasionally. It makes me feel bad eating it though.", "I wish I could afford to go to the movies. My mom spends all of our money on shoes for herself.", "That is so nice of you. I've thought about selling my one and only pair of shoes for a movie ticket.", "thank you ! i'd greatly appreciate it. You are the nicest person I've ever met.", "The world needs more people willing to help others." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like all kinds of food ! but i'm allergic to shellfish . what about you ?", "i do not either , meat is so dirty .", "oh , that is a shame . though my last experience at one was terrible .", "i'd but my roommate is allergic ! it makes me sad .", "that would be perfect , thank you ! i'd greatly appreciate it .", "that's kind of you . i like kind people ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Anything and everything. No lie", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "I have not been to the movies in a long time. It is very expensive to go these days.", "I might be able to do that, not sure.", "What kind of shoes?", "The world needs more people willing to help others." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Anything but animals. i like to eat a paleo cave man diet.", "Meat is mainly made of protein, and fat. No way that's not good for you!", "That's awesome. Do you like watching any character movies (like Catman, or Batman) in your spare time?", "Yes. Maybe, I will see them film some movies or television programs. That would be cool!", "You should throw away all the shoes, in anticipation of a large-scale disaster event where people need shoes.", "You as well! Thank you!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i love my job.", "i used to work as an actress." ]
[ "nice . almost forgot to feed my lizard . the name is gila .", "gila , cool name . animals are my true love . any other pets ?" ]
[ "a cat", "what are you really into?", "why o you quit?", "work in what sense? were you looking for a leading role in a movie? ", "have got brown eyes what about you?", "WOW. i never knew we had something in common" ]
[ "I love cats. I work at a shelter for cats and I love it", "I used to be an actress. I love movies", "It's hard to find work", "I would like to but I wasn't getting there after so many years. Needed a real job", "ME too. They are pretty common lol", "Yeah I guess lol" ]
{ "convai2": [ "does gila shed ? i bet she does . i bet !", "i spend time with my pet lizard . i adore . for a guy i've long hair .", "i would have quit anyway", "yes helping the homeless at the shelter", "same with brown eyes . that is the only difference", "does gila shed ? i bet she does . i bet !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love cats.", "Any kind that needs help and happens to fall on my doorstep. I even feed all the wild critters I can :)", "Just work", "No, I was an adventure movie.", "brown eyes arent bad", "What things we have in common!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's so funny. Maybe I should get a digital pet or virtual pet as a companion.", "I like that I can help out animals and get them rested to feel better. I even work at a no-kill shelter to try to heal the animals back from bad health.", "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "No, I have dark brown hair like most ethnic Asians.", "Gilmore Girls are as good as Emily?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i drink a lot of apple martinis when i get a girls night out.", "i still dream about going to paris and designing clothes." ]
[ "Oh, cool! That sounds tasty!", "The Appletini was created in the US, in a restaurant called Lola's West Hollywood in 1996. " ]
[ "Cool, I live in Ls Vegas.", "My name is Dave.", "I dream of the desert due to living in Nevada.", "Yes at night time.", "I would love to visit Paris.", "I have never been." ]
[ "needless to say I drink a lot of apple martinis ", "well dave do you have any dreams?", "oh my does it ever get cool there", "I dream about breaking into fashion, maybe in paris", "Yeah it is a great fasion city!", "Well you may meet me there at my fashion show drinking a martini " ]
{ "convai2": [ "nice ! i hope the wild fires there stop soon ! !", "its dave , nice to meet !", "cool , desert life is the only place to live", "i wanna move to las vegas full of excitement and all kinds of folk", "lets go one day , i can show you all the sites in paris", "lets go one day , i can show you all the sites in paris" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I haven't been there since I was a child.", "Thats a cool name", "Do you live near the Rockies?", "Do you have a night light?", "You should look at it - such an amazing city", "Neither have I, and that's on my bucket list! So jealous! I hope you have an awesome time!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The Appletini was created in the US, in a restaurant called Lola's West Hollywood in 1996.", "I love apple martinis as well extra vodka but a little apple juice lol.", "What kind of desert? Hot and sandy or cold and snowy?", "I hear that there are elevation contours that follow the length of the Sierra Nevada", "Yes me too, the capitol of France has 30 million visitors a year!", "Did you go to Disneyland Paris?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i sing karaoke every thursday night.", "i vacation in florida every winter." ]
[ "he's great . i like him .", "well hope you have a good rest of your day !" ]
[ "I am most probably will watch a comedy movie as I love fun movies. how about you?", "Have you seen the Mask that was loads of fun", "Yeah and especially when the character wears a green mask.", "Wow! thats amazing, what kind of songs do you sing?", "you try to sing in garden and see you will enjoy the greenery around you, I always enjoy green around me.", "Do you also play any instrument ?" ]
[ "I love comedy shows.", "No I haven't. Is it good?", "wow, interesting, by the way i love singing", "i sing karaoke every thursday night, and i enjoy singing country music and RnB", "that's such a good idea , i will try it as well, you should come and listen to me sing one of this fine days", "yes, I'm a guitar player, and besides that i vacation in florida every winter" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like the way he blends comedy with action !", "yes i have . that is a great movie .", "i don't know if i like him or not . i have never seen the movie .", "well , i suppose disney movies , i love them and the dance", "that's such a good idea , i will try it as well", "no i am not good with instruments !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love comedy shows.", "No I haven't. Is it good?", "I will have to try to watch it. Sounds like a good time", "I could never ever sing.", "I could never ever sing.", "yes, I'm a guitar player" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Thanks, I don't really have a favorite comedy movie, but I do enjoy The Big Bang Theory, which is a sitcom TV show.", "Oh, I love The Mask. My favorite of his movies is Dumb and Dumber.", "I've never seen that. Who else is in it? I think David Oh is on the city council.", "I like to sing songs from South Pacific. That was before rock and roll.", "RNB is a fun genre as well. I enjoy a bit of it.", "Yes, but I mostly play mallet instruments, making my own music fusing hip-hop and various live and electronic instruments" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i'm 25 years old and live with my parents.", "i'm college student." ]
[ "I'm not strictly a vegan, but I am a vegetarian. Sometimes I eat vegan.", "Apparently vegan diets are not recommended for pregnant women." ]
[ "I used to love meat but lately I got away and became vegan now. ", "Yeah some it but mostly my friend has preached me about it as well.", "not sure but we together use to watch sports together and there told me about being vegan", "What sorts of sports do you watch mostly?", "Its so much fun to see sports for me ", "Both I would say, watching live is fun but then you can not see replay LOL" ]
[ "Did you change your diet for health reasons or other various reasons?", "Did they tell you how it can reduce the risk of conic diseases?", "That's interesting. My religious way of life is what has caused me to turn vegan.", "Mostly basketball since it's easily accessible at my moms house.", "Do you prefer to watch sports in person or on tv?", "Exactly and it can get a little loud in person." ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "do you have any personal home remedies for morning pregnancy sickness ?", "that is often for medicine . i'm glad i don't need medicine with my pregnancy .", "football , before they went crazy . baseball and hockey", "do you go to the stadium or on tv ?", "it is very loud when watching live but exciting too ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "Pretty much every single sport, but especially basketball.", "Yes sports can be a great way to socialize and also stay in good shape.", "I do like to watch it in the olympics or sure though!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did you adopt this for health or various other reasons?", "It may have worked out for you, if your vegan diet is well-planned it can reduce the risk of conic diseases", "That's interesting. I'm a vegan due to my religious beliefs as a Christian.", "I'm more into Soccer, basketball and Football those are my favorite major professional sports.", "Luckily, since the first article of the US Constitution, giving the freedom of the press, we can enjoy sports too!", "Do you like the YES network that has sports?" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2" ]
[ "i've played since i was 4 years old.", "my mother was a nurse." ]
[ "My phone broke, so a coworker offered to sell me an extra one he had for a decent price. ", "Did you take the offer?" ]
[ "Not sure what his proposal is its hard to do the math for me", "Yeah I'm planning to head out after taking shower. I smell bad ate lots of french fries I think.", "I like mostly with vinegar, thats more healthy than ketchup", "Thats an idea I never tried that before", "What else you like to do are you good at math?", "wow you are lucky one, I'm so bad at math or calculations" ]
[ "Just check the price at other places and see what you can get?", "Did you eat them with ketchup?", "That's probably true. What about mustard?", "I've heard its pretty good", "Yes, I'm awesome at math. I like calculus.", "Maybe you should go to school?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "oh what did coworker do ?", "how long was your coworker working there ?", "what about ketchup ? or do you like them plain ?", "yes it is i'm good at math", "i always almost need my phone to do math ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "How much is the phone?", "How much is the phone?", "I didn't know it was healthy!", "I'm going to substitue dijon because its what I've got.", "I am terrible at math", "I am terrible at math" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Its negotiable!", "There is nothing like a hot and crispy order if fries is there?", "Ketchup Traditionaly made with onion ginger and its taste is I ike that", "Do you like spicy or sweet mustard?", "I was always better at math then english in school. Although, some people get Math anxiety.", "I was always better at math then english in school. Although, some people get Math anxiety." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am allergic to lactose.", "i am really terrible at doing regular expressions." ]
[ "i loved taking care of my sisters pet", "I love animals! What kind of pet does she have?" ]
[ "I have a puppy named Rose! Kinda silly but I named her after my favorite tattoo, a rose on my ankle.", "Yeah! But sorry, also my sister's puppy is named Thorn for our matching thorn tattoos. Do you have any pets?", "Ooo I love cats, they're super chill. We just adopted a stray in our neighborhood. His name is Momo", "Aww that's an adorable name. How long have you had her?", "I know that feeling, it's always great to have that feeling for something. Makes life worth living", "Oh man I know that all too well. The pup is really the only thing that gets me going in the morning. But i'm happy you have her :D" ]
[ "That's really cute.", "I have a cat. She's really cute! I love to give her milk.", "That's a cute name. Mine is named Layla.", "About 9 years. She's my whole world", "Totally :) She helps me process my feelings, too. I'm not so great with those", "Aww <3" ]
{ "convai2": [ "mine is named rose after my favorite flower .", "yeah , and my right ankle is a tattooed rose . do you have any ?", "oh , how sweet is that ? ! i also love that name .", "about 6 months . it can be depressing . what do you do for work ?", "so true . cant ask for anymore , lol .", "aw , thank you ! same here" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That;s cute. I love the cute names people give their pets.", "I only have one. She is 7.", "That;s cute. I love the cute names people give their pets.", "I had her for 10 years.", "Yes! It sure does!", "<3 Hugs!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Really! I also have a tattoo on my ankle, it's a rose as well. Funny how tattoos used to be regarded by people like sailors and criminals that would get tattoos. Times have changed over the last 100 years!", "I do, a cat! Over the last few decades in Japan, we've started to adopt pets as more than utilitarian and more into our family system.", "Did you name Nala after the character in Lion King? I love that movie!", "Just under a year. She's full of energy and a bit of a handful. She's active, but I love her.", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well.", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work at the grocery store.", "i help around with bookkeeping and tours." ]
[ "Never worn it! Not sure what the hype is all about.", "They're generally mixtures of various compounds to be worn for either beuty purposes...or just to cover up stuff. Like acne, or scars, or bruises" ]
[ "That's interesting. I like makeup a lot.", "Cool. Maybe I can make a video about them at your store?", "That's cool. Maybe you have seen some of my videos. I'", "I've made a lot of youtube videos on makeup and it's uses.", "yes, but it takes a long time to build a following.", "Sure, that's a great idea." ]
[ "The grocery store I work also has makeup kits for sale.", "Well I can help as I help at my store for book keeping and tours", "no i've not . maybe that could be your first film !", "you must be having lots of subscribers as well right!", "Well you can use some publicity stunts to get quick followers", "what else you like to do apart from making videos?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "maybe we should meet ? it takes me so much time to do my makeup though .", "sure ! if i could capture one , it would be great business !", "no i've not . maybe that could be your first film !", "sounds fun ! i feel like make up for me hides my weaknesses . i like that .", "i know . i'll have to expand my inventory .", "care to chat with a youtube that makes videos about makeup ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I just saw a girl wearing them at walgreens tonight. I wanted to trip her lol", "Maybe. I'd have to pay for them, we'll see how much it is.", "No I haven't", "Sounds like you have some real talent there. Keep up the good work. I bet you'll be famous one day!", "Just keep cranking them out. YOur videos will get better and your channel will grow. I know it can be annoying at first.", "Are you a stylist?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds some being derived from natural sources, i prefer natural myself", "Just look for the Sephora logo which is a white \"S\" shaped flame on a black background.", "I sure have, I just love Meredith Grey, she is the best part of the show!", "That's great!. I like the fact that alot of them are made for applying to the face and hair.", "yeah but there are a lot of programs that help!", "Good idea!" ] }
[ "", "", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "my family is very important to me.", "i take pride in my job managing the restaurant." ]
[ "I felt ready when I went to work", "Work is always so boring for me." ]
[ "Do you like animals? ", "What pets do you have ", "Do you go to church? ", "My mom and dad sing in the choir ", "I am a great singer ", "Maybe I dont know " ]
[ "yea, have got pets", "i have just one and it is a dog named lucky", "back then i used to but it been a while ", "that's cool, can you sing too?", "that's good. Have you considered pursuing a singing career?", "is it that you don't want to or you have something else in mind?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "not really . but i really like animals .", "any i guess . they do not live regularly", "yes i do at churches i do", "do they like when you sing", "so i am guessing you can sing", "do you want to ? or do you have another dream ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Dog mostly, cat once or twice. Possibly human, but I'd rather not think too hard on that.", "I have 3, do you have any", "I use to go to church when I was little.", "That's cool, can they sing too?", "good job! maybe you should pursue a singing career :)", "good job! maybe you should pursue a singing career :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes. The work I do requires less human work. More money for the big guys.", "I have just one and it is a good companion animal", "I attend Mount Saint Peter Church", "I never went to church so I was never that familiar with choir or chorus.", "Do you sing?", "Do you sing?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy running.", "i drive a red car." ]
[ "that's cool , i hate holiday but like ghost", "lol ! do you have a favorite musician ? mine is bruno mars" ]
[ "Mine currently is Laura Bailey, she's great, still getting the groove into music but she has an awesome voice.", "Welllllll she's technically a voice actress but recently went on stage for a gaming event and was great.", "Yeah, if you like any anime or video games she's a huge time voice actress. But besides that is there any other thing you enjoy?", "I love running with my four german shepherds. It can be a bit of a handful sometimes but they're all great.", "You should give it a try! Some cats actually end up liking it a lot, and you can have a running buddy.", "Hey there's always a shoulder buddy once they tire out :D" ]
[ "I've never heard of her. Can you recommend a song or album?", "Oh cool. I'll look her up", "I really like running. Clears my head", "That does sound like a handful. Sometimes I think about taking my cat out on a leash.", "LOL not sure how long cats can run but I get your point :)", "haha so true" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have never noticed how decent her voice is , what do you like to do ?", "hm , never heard of her before . i'll look her up .", "anything but ghost interest me , i am fascinated by them !", "you like music ? i like to run to bruno mars i love him", "not a bad idea ! i might have to do that !", "haha so true ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's cool, I heard she puts on such a good show.", "I wish I was that good at gaming. What a fun way to make a living!", "Even I love anime and i stopped watching tv a few years ago, maybe I shall return.", "Nice I love German Shephards! They are cute when puppies and monsters when they grow up, my kind of dog", "Maybe maybe LOL.. I have four dogs.. argh!", "Haha you got it :D" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "she is awesome! I love Ne Yo and Derek. I knew J lo is a singer, actress and dancer but i didn't know she is also a fashion designer", "Yes, I really like her choreographed performances on her Youtube channel. What type of gaming songs has she covered?", "well anime's cool and all, but what about The Sims? do you like that? I just bought a bunch of Sims 2 stuff packs, which add a lot of new items", "Oh that is cool. The German shepherded is a good guide dog school located in the United States,", "True, they are good human companions though. I actually tried to do that once, but my cat was not feeling that!", "Lol, but they do make great companions!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like swimming.", "i'm a fourteen year old living with my mom and grandparents." ]
[ "I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my child.", "I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my child." ]
[ "How mnay kids do you have?", "Oh wild. Are you in school?", "Do you like going to school?", "Do you go down slides at the pool?", "Are you on the swim team?", "I'm not in high school, but I was on the team when I was" ]
[ "I myself is fourteen only so no kids yet LOL", "High school and live with my mom and grand parents", "Yeah and specially when we have a school trip to swimming", "Mostly I love diving in the pool", "Not yet but would love to be on one, how about you?", "good to know what you do now" ]
{ "convai2": [ "5", "no . i am just fourteen myself .", "i love it so much . my parents want me to do something more with my life", "i know with the kids but they cannot swim lol", "i know with the kids but they cannot swim lol", "i used to love swimming , refused to do swim team though" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have 3. What about you?", "Yep. I am a junior this year", "Yep. I am a junior this year", "No, we just go for my kids to swim and wear themselves out.", "technically no, but its high school sports so every year new players come and others go", "Swimming is really fun and besides it, it is very healthy as it involves all muscles of the body to be engaged in movement" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No. 2 is enough foe me and my wife.What about you?", "no im done with school. do you go to illinois often?", " school days is very happy.but you did why glad?", "when i was a kid yea", "no not really", "What was your uniform like at your school?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "some jokes go too far.", "my friend likes cartoons like south park." ]
[ "i didn't enjoy the joke nickname bubblegum after my accident . . . . hence the world domination", "oh ! it would have been better to be a simple joke for others to understand ." ]
[ "What color is your hair?", "My hair is bright red!", "Yes I do ", "Yes it's funny but rude ", "Do you have a cold ", "I can cure the common cold " ]
[ "Brown mostly like the cartoon colors", "That's nice do you like to watch animated comedy cartoons?", "Have you ever tried South Park? My friend tells me much about that", "Yeah I think sometime jokes can go too far, there should be some limit", "No its nice weather here no chances of cold so far", "Seriously if you have a formula you can win a Noble prize for that you know" ]
{ "convai2": [ "blonde . can you help me ?", "do you have any nicknames ? mine is bubblegum", "do you have any nicknames ? mine is bubblegum", "do you have any nicknames ? mine is bubblegum", "my nickname is bubblegum because all i eat is bubblegum . . . o", "do you have any nicknames ? mine is bubblegum" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "brown. The fathers don't hang around after the babies are born.", "That's a great color", "That is good to hear. I like the ones that are funny better.", "Yeah, very rude", "yes i do", "thats cold." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's auburn. Our culture has mixed reactions to red hair. I used to get ridiculed for it.", "oh ok. On a special scale scale, the hair color ranges from A to O", "I used to watch Morel Orel,which was a stop motion animated series", "yes but i like it! Kenny is my favorite do you like that episode with peruvian flute performers?", "No but the symptoms happen every single time I leave my house for longer than six months now", "Cold is caused by a virus disease" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have played since i was 4 years old.", "i recently discovered a new love for indian food." ]
Indian cuisine
[ "Yes there are some dishes that are not to spicy", "I see. Do you like Indonesian cuisine? It has a very intense flavor as well." ]
[ "I find most of the dishes are too spicy for me", "Not at all. Despite how spicy they are some of the dishes are actually good. " ]
[ "Is it weird that i like the dishes mainly because they are spicy?", "You are right. I have established that you do not do ''spicy'', so then what is your favorite dish, i want to believe you have one." ]
{ "convai2": [ "something about me spicy food is one of my favorites .", "something about me spicy food is one of my favorites ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's too bad. What's Your favorite dish?", "What is your favorite dish?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I see. Do you like malaysian cuisine by chance? It is very multiethnic.", "It is. what is your favorite type of food. Mine is Indonesian, it is very vibrant." ] }
[ "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy walking for exercise.", "i recently got a cat." ]
[ "such a great show . such good inspiration for carping .", "indeed . my kids enjoy role playing their favorite characters from the newest power rangers movie" ]
[ "well I'm too chubby for role playing you know", "Well I love to do camping and have lamp in dark nights ", "And lots and lots of food that makes you chubby like me LOL", "Wow a cat what you named her?", "It was sweet? what do you mean has she gone somewhere?", "cool that is nice what color" ]
[ "chubby is a funny word . do you have any hobbies ?", "Cool. I've never been camping. I enjoy going for long walks. It's so relaxing to me.", "Food solves lots of things lol. I recently got a new pet cat. That helps a little with my emotional eating.", "Her name is Smoky! My husband got it for me. It was sweet!", "No, I meant it was sweet that he got the kitten for me.", "It is grey and white striped. That's why we picked her name. Suits her well." ]
{ "convai2": [ "chubby is a funny word . do you have any hobbies ?", "fun . my favorite hobby is carping", "which explains the overeating . . . but i do really like the kids though", "gizmo . she is a tiny cat . 4 . albs full grown .", "i think she meant it metaphorically . but it was awkward .", "boring brown . it used to be purple ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "lol well as long as you're fairly active and fit it shouldn't be too big of a problem.", "Cool. I've never been camping.", "Food solves lots of things lol", "Her name is Smoky! My husband knows how badly I've been wanting a kitten. It was sweet!", "haha, hers.", "It's pink. My childhood choice is this! It reminds me my childhood." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Sorry to hear that. It seems like a show focused on the same four boys who never grow any would start to falter.", "I used to use a nightlight when I was a kid. I was afraid of the dark, but now that I'm older I don't need it.", "More like what don't I like, lol. Did you see The Food Wife episode of the Simpsons? That was funny.", "She's a little Siamese :) Cats are small, furry, carnivorous mammals", "she is in love whith hello kitty things,all my house have whatever of hello kitty", "Maybe a classic red color. It's gone through several transformations and it's on its 6th generation." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i hate cooking.", "my mom lives with me." ]
[ "oh ? i love cooking ! i especially like to cook ethnic foods .", "my hair is so long it falls into the pot of noodles" ]
[ "I've got super curly hair. More like rigatoni than spaghetti.", "I'm Greek, I can't help it. All we talk about is food!", "So you don't like to cook. That's not important. But, do you like to eat?", "What's your absolute favorite thing to have?", "Oooh, that sounds delicious. Does your Mom cook that?", "Yeah, I just dropped mine off at a fire station. Someday I should check in and see what happened to her." ]
[ "ohh don't remind me too much of food", "I hate cooking so much, I wouldn't make it ever", "yeah me and my mom eat dinner every night", "A nice seafood gumbo", "Yeah, she lives with me, cheaper than putting her in a nursing home", "Oh no that probably will not end well" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i bet you like to cook ethnic food too do not you ?", "i bet you like to cook ethnic food too do not you ?", "i also cook ethnic foods mainly greek dishes", "greek foods ! i try to keep my hair up its so curly", "i do , i even cook for her", "i mean her hair was a mess , awful that was" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i have really long hair so it would be torture", "I have never had greek cuisine", "i used to but nowadays i don't what else", "A nice seafood gumbo", "She does but she is the head chef now. Isn't that awesome?", "Hopefully your mom hasn't passed away, and you just haven't visited her in a while." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Mmmmm yommy Macaroni and cheese—also called mac and cheese in American, Canadian, and macaroni pie in Caribbean English; and macaroni cheese in the United Kingdom", "what kind of food do you like?", "Yes, I am a foodie, so I love cooking and drinking alcohol", "I m a good houswife", "Yes and her family is Jewish", "i dont think they would kill her she is the main character" ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i am engaged to be married.", "my parents are divorced." ]
[ "i'd have loved to have met him when i was a kid", "well he divorced my mom , so i don't know him well ." ]
[ "perhaps if you had the chance you would have enjoyed his company", "sometimes people cannot really stay together despite the desire to care for children" ]
[ "yeah, but he went through with it anyways despite my plead", "that's very true.but mom turn out to be very fine after the whole drama" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah , then he could not leave me .", "i do not know . he just did not see things my way ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Many people did, he was a likeable fellow!", "That is true, we just never know why" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I did. I didn't have anyone to argue with and life was pretty easy. I sometimes with I had a close emotional bond with someone like a sibling, but my life was good.", "Agreed. Eventually, her depression from not always reaching these lofty goals started to drive us apart." ] }
[ "", "" ]
[ "i work out daily.", "my mother is a teacher in the city." ]
[ "eating out at restaurants everyday is my problem i need to start cooking .", "i tend to cook at home . i take my kiddo out to eat maybe twice a month ." ]
[ "that's a good habit. i'm just lazy i think", "My mom used to be like that. Now she's just as bad as me hehe", "Yeah I feel you there. I've been losing a lot of weight and I could prob do better cooking. No kid to make me want to do good, though :P", "I need to also :( it's been all eating less but I'm afraid that won't be enough soon", "Yeah I got some headphones just yesterday to use while walking", "Yeah for sure. I put on 90s rock and pretend it's 1996" ]
[ "I wish I could be to be honest but my mom's a teacher and she's kinda one of those \"If I can do it you can do it\" kinda exhausting", "Haha that's great, hopefully my mom get's there but I guess it's the best for my kid so i can't be too upset, even if I wanna be :P", "Man I miss those days hehe, but that's awesome on losing weight awesome job! I started trying to work out more....tryyying", "I'm sure you'll find something to keep it all evened out. There's a lot of simple stuff out there to start off like just walking more.", "Oh man I love music while walking. Something just makes it better, whether it's upbeat or calming music.", "Oooohhhh yeah now that's how to do it!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am not lazy , i just do not like to exercise .", "i know right ? do you work ? i'm also lazy sometimes", "i mostly eat out and do not cook so that is also an issue haha", "well hang in there ! you'll figure it out", "cool . sometimes i go walking late at night and listen to them on my headphones .", "80s is good music . did you ever the grasshopper ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Its a good habit to get into.", "I'm glad she changed. At least now you guys can save money on food because it's cheaper to cook", "You should try out some recipes. When you cook well, you're far more likely to eat more healthy.", "We got this! We just need to be disciplined and eat healthy!", "Bluetooth speakers are actually one of my favorite inventions.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Haha yes, I am also lazy!! That's why I use a rice cooker, which consists of a heat source a cooking bowl and a thermostat!", "It's difficult to get them to understand, but I feel like the more patient I am with her, the more she gets it.", "I've given up trying substitutes! There's just no hope for me when it comes to eating and being happy, haha", "Yeah, But its genetics so what are you going to do :/", "Headphones are important sometimes. They allow me to listen to an audio source without anyone nearby hearing.", "Grunge? very cool! You can always get back to those punk rock roots and put down that acoustic haha" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "when i retire i want to open a bakery.", "my family owned a small restaurant." ]
Disc jockey
[ "a radio dj, but not a music dj I dj for a talk radio station", "Tell me more about the type of things you talk about -- topical issues? Politics? News stories?" ]
[ "I like to discuss politics when on long routes of driving", "Well I talk about politics sometime at my radio station as well", "Well my friend told me its fun to discuss politics while driving as time pasts fast you know", "so you would be a good cook I suppose ", "Wow I love the smell of bakery foods", "No doubt, you would love to be in that smell and eat something fresh right from there" ]
[ "I'm almost indifferent to politics at this point. People get so upset when you disagree with them. ", "Sometimes my family gets into politics a lot, but fortunately it rarely turns hostile.", "Fun really depends on your point of view I think. I'm pretty simple. I grew up in the restaurant business. No politics in food service. ", "I'm not bad. I want to open up a bakery when I retire. ", "Same. The smell of fresh baked bread is heavenly isn't it?", "I do enjoy it. What made you get in the talk show business?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am passionate about politics , so i indulge in those topics , wbu ?", "i am passionate about politics , so i indulge in those topics , wbu ?", "it can go pretty fast , yes like cop cars . i also listen to classic radio .", "that is for sure . yes , i like to cook different cuisines .", "yeah they are delicious . i always stop by a bakery after work", "agree completely . what are your plan ? heading back to the bakery ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "my family gets into politics a lot, but fortunately it rarely turns hostile.", "my family gets into politics a lot, but fortunately it rarely turns hostile.", "my family gets into politics a lot, but fortunately it rarely turns hostile.", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "Absolutely! That would be amazing." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Very cool -- both the job and the fact you love it! So are you a radio DJ or a club DJ?", "Since you are not fan of politicians, do you watch Samantha Bee shows. She is a political commentator and you would find her humor amusing", "Oh yeah I love doing that, though I usually don't guess that person's story very well.", "yes i am interested in food industry, I would love to own a restaurant", "The roman empire were the developers of the bakery!", "The roman empire were the developers of the bakery!" ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to travel.", "dogs are my favorite animal." ]
[ "My sister got into a bad car accident.", "Oh my, I hope she is ok?" ]
[ "She broke her foot :(", "I think she will be, thanks. I was so worried when I heard but you should see her car. she's lucky", "other driver fell asleep :( but they are in critical condition. it was an older guy", "you'd think :( i think he had several jobs and was going from one to the other", "definitely. she had some robot surgery on her foot!", "it was four hours. apparently it's a lot better than a human, as far as making mistakes. i bet they do record them" ]
[ "i hope she is gonna be ok", "oh thats wonderful! who's fault was it? was she wearing her seatbelt?", "oh wow, i hope he recovers too. you hear these types of sad stories all the time... you'd think people would pull over if they are sleepy?", "well hopefully your sister will be back on her feet in no time! We have some good doctors in this day and age", "wow, how long did that take? sounds like something they could record one day so we could all see how its done", "yeah maybe to teach up and coming doctors. but thats good that it was an option for your sister. i hope she recovers quickly." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i hope she is gonna be ok", "i'm so proud of my sister", "oh my goodness ! i am sorry to hear that but i am glad you are okay .", "well i hope he was safe on the job .", "ouch ! i know that had to hurt", "i think you are right ! thank you very much !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Sounds terrible, how did she get in the accident?", "I think she might be", "I bet. The world can be so scary! I'm glad she was okay", "Good thing he wasn't drunk or he very well could have gotten in an accident. Alcohol really impairs motor skills.", "What kind of surgery", "I believe they do." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "oh no.. I'm sorry to hear that.. Were you injured? Any property damage?", "Am not sure if she went did she?", "That's awful. At least it didn't result in injury or death, as many traffic collisions do", "That's awful. At least it didn't result in injury or death, as many traffic collisions do", "With the use of the machine, do you know that it treats the human body at times", "yea they do its awesome" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like collecting rocks.", "i like collectible dragon ball z figures." ]
[ "For sure! I am going on vacation there in a few weeks at the beach, and I can't wait!", "A lot of people come here for the beaches, they're always packed. The everglades is also an incredibly fun place that many people check out from around the world. " ]
[ "Yeah man I'm sure I would love to be in Florida and go on some beaches and enjoy", "I would love to go on beach and lye down and read twilight series", "The girl you know she's so true character", "Some of the books are like you want to read and read again ", "well now its so media there that you can watch even movie on the beach", "that such a cool idea and Florida beaches are always warm" ]
[ "Yes, the beaches there would be really fun to go explore. Plus lots of sight seeing and rock collecting", "That sounds amazing. Who is your favorite character?", "You mean Bella. I love her!! I am also Team Edward.", "I've never read the books, but I watch the movies over and over.", "I would love to watch a movie on the beach next to a bon fire.", "Do you have any other hobbies? I like collecting things, mostly rocks and dragonball Z figures." ]
{ "convai2": [ "beaches are nice too . i was planning a vacation to miami before the hurricane .", "they aren't for the faint of heart . beaches are nice for reading", "you stole my favorite character ! it was nice talking to you !", "not very true to the books !", "i know i love the beach but the hurricanes would be bad .", "most definitely , along with the beautiful scenery" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, the beaches there would be really fun to go explore. Plus lots of sight seeing!", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "Omg. I love her.", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "ha ha ha. Its a good book for sure!", "Indeed. That is why we chose this place. We also want to get tanned in Miami beaches" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "A lot of people come here for the beaches, they're always packed. The everglades is also an incredibly fun place that many people check out from around the world.", "Twilight is my favorite vampire book series! It has four books based on fantasy and romance! Who's your favorite your character from the series?", "What is the movie about? Was she ever in the show Friends on NBC?", "Yeah, I always thought Jacob was a really sweet character. I wish they would have given his character a different ending. Edward was ok too.", "Did you ever go to a wild beach also known as undeveloped or undiscovered beaches?", "Even if it is hot there are a lot of cultural and entertainment arts to take in." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i ve never been to the beach.", "i am the oldest of 5 children." ]
[ ". The particles composing a beach are typically made from rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobblestones", "Yes ! Some beaches are manmade having such ammenities as lifeguards, changing rooms and showers" ]
[ "That's true. There aren't a lot of dog facilities at the beach unfortunately. I've got a small Beagle. ", "They are special. Untouched by human progress. ", "You prefer the ones that have been sanitized for human consumption?", "That was very good of you. I can't say the same. I enjoy the feeling of being away from humanity. ", "Fair enough. I wish you could catch shrimp the way you can catch crabs. I love shrimp. Especially in BBQ sauce. ", "Right? I've got an unhealthy liking for them fried and dipped in BBQ but I like them tossed in butter and garlic as well. Scampi for the win!" ]
[ "Although many beaches have manmade structures such as hotels, wild beaches are valued for their untouched beauty", "I have actually never been to one of them just for that reason.", "no, but me and my siblings made a pact never to ruin natural beaches", "i agree . i just don't like sand .", "Shrimp is an important type of seafood. They are so tasty!", "man i LOVE shrimp!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "we don't allow dogs at my beach ! i am a lifeguard !", "yes , and greater for nature i would think", "i agree . i just don't like sand .", "i agree . i just don't like sand .", "oh yes i have seen crabs and jelly fish and all kind of fish out there", "yes , crabs are so good , and lobster !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "My brother has a large lab, although they're pretty sure it has to be part of something else, because it's over a hundred pounds and looks much bigger than a normal lab. She's a sweet dog, has the energy of a puppy though, so she comes tearing at you with speed and you think you're about to die.. But she's just being playful.", "I absolutely agree", "Yeah, no thank you for me.", "Yes it is good to not take the things we have for granted.", "I have never had any. Is it similar to eating crawfish?", "man i LOVE shrimp!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Although many beaches have manmade structures such as hotels, wild beaches are valued for their untouched beauty", "Yes! But there are also wild beaches which are undeveloped or undiscovered", "Yes I do and some beaches have man made stuff on them like life guard sheds", "Wild beaches are known as undeveloped or undiscovered and arent ruined by man", "Shrimp is an important type of seafood. They are so tasty!", "It is interesting how shrimp is used all over the world. Shrimp paste is extremely common in Southeast Asian, Northeastern South Asian and Southern Chinese cuisines." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my father used to be a butcher.", "my only friend is a dog." ]
[ "huh ?", "my beloved bella she's a toy sized dog ." ]
[ "Cool, I am a janitor.", "I like to drink whiskey.", "I like any kind.", "I have been drinking since i was a teen.", "No, I clean for a living.", "Cool, it is a good skill to have." ]
[ "oh nice how old is she? I have a dog as well and he is the bomb dot com.", "whiskey is good with the right food, what is your favorite?", "bourbon from america is my favorite, it just hits the spot. how long have you been drinking?", "oh thats cool, so you are a professional drinker. What else do you enjoy doing besides drinking?", "I know all about cleaning. I used to help my dad keep his butcher shop tidy when I was a kid.", "yes, i have learned the more skills you have, the more valuable you are. What do you do for a living?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "my mom is a super janitor .", "my grandfather used to put his whiskey in everything he drank .", "my grandfather used to put his whiskey in everything he drank .", "its worth drinking . i get really stressed out , being a janitor at a school .", "oh yeah ? he is a janitor ? right on ! we clean the world p", "my grandfather used to put his whiskey in everything he drank ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I want to Secretary of Treasury. Is that still a thing?", "LOL that's a good choice. Alcohol is the solution as they say", "I like Vodka, but mixed with stuff to kill the taste, I hate beer though, it is nasty to me", "Those were the good old days, young one.", "lol, sounds like a cool type of work", "IT is." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's cool. Where does she work? Janitors work in hospitals, schools and residential accomidations.", "Oh nice, whiskey has many different types and classes and is heavily regulated. Do you have any favorite type?", "same, i like bourbon whiskey from america, do you drink it alot ?", "Insteresting fact bourbon originated around the 1820s.", "Do you do it for money too. Because people that started this did it for commercial purposes.", "Yeah. You wither have credibility or a house. You gotta pick one." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my father and grandfather also worked in the circus.", "i work in a circus as a juggler." ]
[ "I have been happy married for 10 years.", "That's a long time! You and your partner must really love eachother." ]
[ "Yes, I am also a lumberjack.", "I love the circus.", "No I haven't but I would love to.", "Yes I agree with you.", "I try to cut down trees as fast as I can.", "Yes, the ax I use is big." ]
[ "Wow, you must be strong. I juggle in the circus, taking after my dad and granddaddy.", "Have you seen the work they put into a circus?", "I love being in the circus, but I always feel bad for the animals.", "And the tightrope walkers, they are amazing. Tell me about being a lumberjack.", "Is it dangerous?", "I hope they pay you well for working so hard." ]
{ "convai2": [ "being a lumberjack will make you strong and attractive for the opposite sex .", "being a lumberjack will make you strong and attractive for the opposite sex .", "i've not seen any in person yet , but its fascinating watching how they do it .", "being a lumberjack will make you strong and attractive for the opposite sex .", "wow , that takes a lot of patience . do you like it ?", "because my ax is so big , i can chop trees down very fast ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Cool. You should look totally different?", "Oh yeah? I heard the circus had to close recently. What is your favorite part?", "Cool! I haven't been to a circus in years. I think I should go again soon.", "They deserved it. They all had to die.", "That's some dedication!", "i used rope from the warehouse once as a belt" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That is good for you, it really gives you that lumberjack look. Like you have been out in the woods around a campfire for a long time.", "Have you seen the work they put into a circus?", "The Big Apple Circus opened in 1077 and has been going since.", "How about dancers, tightrope walkers, jugglers and uni-cyclists? I always have fun at the circus.", "That is good for you, it really gives you that lumberjack look. Like you have been out in the woods around a campfire for a long time.", "that s sound big" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i make ask a year.", "i barely show up to work." ]
[ "I just returned from a trip to Canada, and I was so surprised by how friendly everyone was there!", "Wow, I didn't know that! Did you have a good time?" ]
[ "I really did. It was beautiful up there. Have you ever been there?", "I hope you are able to. There were so many trees there!", "I haven't but I bet it's very similar. Have you ever been?", "Oh that's really cool. What do you do for a living?", "Is that a code for something or is that a legit job?", "Yeah I get it.. Everyone has to make a living somehow. It must pay pretty well if you can afford to go to Alaska every year" ]
[ "No i have never been but i hope i am able to one day.", "Have you ever been to Alaska?", "Yeah I go every year. I love it there", "I'm a street pharmacist.", "It's not legal but I don't hurt anybody. Natural medicines only, you know?", "Yeah, it's not bad. I can't lie. What do you do for a living?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i've not , i always wanted to travel around there though .", "yes nature is beautiful i love the trees .", "no i've not , i always wanted to travel around there though .", "i work in the city . i'm getting ready to visit my sister in canada again soon .", "just the general area . sure you are canadian ? eek .", "yes it is cool . the people there are fantastic and very warm and kind ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No i have never been but i hope i am able to one day.", "That's really great. Are the trees really tall where you live?", "No, I've never been there either.", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "That's pretty cool. I am a Pharmacy Tech", "Its not that bad. I'll get to Europe one day lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, many times. I just got back from there yesterday! I love visiting the cultural capital of the world!", "I also would like to go to Puerto Rico's cloud forest. The pictures I seen are amazing!", "No but Alaska seems like a cool US state to check out", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "Its all about health care", "Yeah I have family from there and maybe one day I will retire there, hopefully haha." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i hate that i got my brain from the dad i never met.", "i had one step dad , and fortunately he ignored me." ]
[ "I've had quite a few stepfathers myself.", "Many stepfathers are usually a non-biological father figure, It also pays well, but I do it mostly to see new faces. its great. " ]
[ "You get paid to be a stepfather?", "Sounds like you had it rough", "oh wow :( i'm so sorry", "It's OK. We all have our issues. My best friend is from Tanzania and his whole tribe got wiped out.", "Younger. He was five when he moved. Just him and his sister.", "He's mostly OK. Been in therapy for a long time :( world can be hard" ]
[ "Well the step dad I had did, or at least that's what he told me when he wasn't ignoring me.", "A tiny bit I guess, I'm sure some had it worse just kinda hard hearing \"You have your dad's brains\" when I never met him.", "It's okay. I'm just trying hard to change myself so it's been getting better. Sorry for being a downer.", "Oh man that's horrible, was this recent or when he was younger?", "Oh man I hope they've been able to move past it okay, that's gotta be hard if they remember any of it.", "Yeah it can :( but you're a good friend for caring. I know we just met but if you can say that about him and my issues you're pretty awesome." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes i do it to make a little cash on the side .", "my step dad was not much better , he preferred to ignore me .", "yeah , i've a step father but he ignored me so growing up was ok .", "i've never heard of tanzania . do you live in a house or an apartment ?", "wow ll i'm sure he took away some good memories of you !", "do you ever feel like therapy doesn't do anything ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do! I start at 4AM. I'm a cobbler in a Nike sweatshop. I signed up because they have some really awesome health benefits once you reach the age of 90!", "I have younger brothers that are 7 years younger than I am so I was an only child for awhile.", "It's okay my friend. Thank you so much!", "That's sad. What country is that?", "Oh man, siblings are such hit or miss sometimes. Some get really good ones and some get, well, yours. Sorry to say.", "It certainly can be, I wish life was not like that, but there is no fixing it now" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Many stepfathers are usually a non-biological father figure, It also pays well, but I do it mostly to see new faces. its great.", "Indeed it was very hard for me and my brothers, It was very sad to see my dad not live with us anymore.", "Indeed it was very hard for me and my brothers, It was very sad to see my dad not live with us anymore.", "I hear that memory isn't very accurate sometimes... maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember? Your dad is a nice guy.", "I hear that memory isn't very accurate sometimes... maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember? Your dad is a nice guy.", "Treatment can help though. Cognitive Behavioural therapy is what's mostly used these days." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoying keeping up with the news and learning about political issues.", "i work as a legal assistant in a law firm that basically only handles real estate work." ]
[ "I realized I got my birthday off from work and still payed for it!", "Wow, thats cool. What did you do?" ]
[ "just ordered some pizza and stayed glued to the tv all day", "just some tv shows and documentaries", "am not that interested in politics would prefer soccer instead", "am a Manchester united fan what about you?", "wow. that's fine any other hobbies?", "so how is work lately?" ]
[ "What was on? Must have been good TV.", "Any news shows? Political stuff? I enjoy watching the news and make it a point to keep up to date on politics. ", "Who do you follow? We just got a soccer team recently and it's been a great experience. ", "MLS here. Atlanta United. ", "Welding and woodworking. I like to create things. ", "It's not terrible. I work in a law firm and deal with mostly real estate. Talk about boring. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "did they have pizza ? i could go for more after this one .", "did they have pizza ? i could go for more after this one .", "don't know much about football . soccers more my thing .", "more of a football fan , love the broncos ! where are you from ?", "i do not have any hobbies . just devoted to my work but doesn't pay off", "very busy but when i get a day off i cut loose ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well you must have really liked that pizza!!", "I wish I could be as lucky as you. Well happy belated birthday.", "Oh now I see lol. Who's your favorite team?", "I love Manchester United.", "I love Manchester United.", "Work is pretty great and makes a bunch of money!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Television sounds like a good way to unwind. The majority of homes have more than one TV. Do you?", "Television soap opras have grown so much today.", "I'm more into Soccer, basketball and Football those are my favorite major professional sports.", "I'm a big supporter of the Seattle Sounders, since that's where I lived when I started getting into the sport. A lot of my friends also like DC United.", "Yes, my favorite team is the Atlanta Braves.", "My day was great, Its so busy and all with fixing cars which is rewarding because it also pays well." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i occasionally go for walks down by the park.", "i am a professional gamer." ]
Inline skates
[ "Me too, but I fell a lot and that was not fun", "Do you do much inline skating now then?" ]
[ "well I still do a lot, I love skating", "I can do a lot of tricks", "oh since I was a kid and we all dress in black", "It is my favorite color and I was the leader", "Yeah all kinds of music, you like music?", "oh gaming is fun" ]
[ "Can you do any ", "how long have you been skating ?", "Why do you all dress in black?", "Well, you must be popular! Do you listen to music while you skate?", "I do like music of all kinds. But my biggest interest is gaming. I've figured out a way to make a living at it!", "yeah ! since a kid , i'd usually play before bed , and just kept getting better" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah i fell and well . . . you know th rest", "how long have you been skating ?", "so about 2 years or more", "oh i see i wasn't sure", "yes , i love music ! what about you ? any favorites ?", "yeah ! since a kid , i'd usually play before bed , and just kept getting better" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Luckily not too many people saw you fall!", "What kind of tricks can you do?", "I bet you didn't enjoy it back then", "Well, you're popular then at least.", "All kinds! I love getting to hear some new bands.", "it is! what types of games do you play?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Can you do any \"aggressive skating\"? Like grinding or tricks?", "Can you do any \"aggressive skating\"? Like grinding or tricks?", "Oh, I wasn't calling you white trash or a loser btw! I meant the style.", "do you listen to chris brown his song yeah 3x is nice", "I do I like dancing and drinking alcohol", "Gaming can be a fun way to pass the time, It has increased in popularity exponentially and influences many aspects of our culture." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2" ]
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "conversational" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, other

Dataset Card for "blended_skill_talk"

Dataset Summary

A dataset of 7k conversations explicitly designed to exhibit multiple conversation modes: displaying personality, having empathy, and demonstrating knowledge.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

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Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 38.11 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 15.08 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 53.17 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

  'personas': ['my parents don t really speak english , but i speak italian and english.', 'i have three children.'],
  'additional_context': 'Backstreet Boys',
  'previous_utterance': ['Oh, I am a BIG fan of the Backstreet Boys!  Have you ever seen them performing live?', "No,I listen to their music a lot,  mainly the unbreakable which  is the Backstreet Boys' sixth studio album. "],
  'context': 'wizard_of_wikipedia',
  'free_messages': ['you are very knowledgeable, do you prefer nsync or bsb?', "haha kids of this days don't know them, i'm 46 and i still enjoying them, my kids only listen k-pop", "italian?haha that's strange, i only talk english and a little spanish "],
  'guided_messages': ["i don't have a preference, they are both great. All 3 of my kids get annoyed when I listen to them though.", 'Sometimes I sing their songs in Italian, that really annoys them lol.', 'My parents barely speak English, so I was taught both.  By the way, what is k-pop?'],
  'suggestions': {'convai2': ["i don't have a preference , both are pretty . do you have any hobbies ?", "do they the backstreet boys ? that's my favorite group .", 'are your kids interested in music ?'], 'empathetic_dialogues': ['I actually just discovered Imagine Dragons. I love them!', "Hahaha that just goes to show ya, age is just a umber!'", 'That would be hard! Do you now Spanish well?'], 'wizard_of_wikipedia': ['NSYNC Also had Lance Bass and Joey Fatone, sometimes called the Fat One.', 'Yes, there are a few K-Pop songs that I have heard good big in the USA. It is the most popular in South Korea and has Western elements of pop.', 'English, beleive it or not.']},
  'guided_chosen_suggestions': ['convai2', '', ''],
  'label_candidates': []}

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • personas: a list of string features.
  • additional_context: a string feature.
  • previous_utterance: a list of string features.
  • context: a string feature.
  • free_messages: a list of string features.
  • guided_messgaes: a list of string features.
  • suggestions: a dictionary feature containing:
    • convai2: a string feature.
    • empathetic_dialogues: a string feature.
    • wizard_of_wikipedia: a string feature.
  • guided_chosen_suggestions: a list of string features.
  • label_candidates: a list of lists of string features.

Data Splits

name train validation test
default 4819 1009 980

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

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Citation Information

    title={Can You Put it All Together: Evaluating Conversational Agents' Ability to Blend Skills},
    author={Eric Michael Smith and Mary Williamson and Kurt Shuster and Jason Weston and Y-Lan Boureau},


Thanks to @lewtun, @thomwolf, @lhoestq, @patrickvonplaten, @mariamabarham for adding this dataset.

Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on ParlAI/blended_skill_talk