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instance Monad Maybe' where return = pure Nothing' >>= _ = Nothing' Just' x >>= f = f x
data Maybe' a = Just' a | Nothing' instance Functor Maybe' where fmap _ Nothing' = Nothing' fmap f (Just' x) = Just' (f x) instance Applicative Maybe' where pure = Just' Nothing' <*> _ = Nothing' _ <*> Nothing' = Nothing' Just' f <*> Just' x = Just' (f x)
instance Monad List' where return = pure Empty' >>= _ = Empty' Cons' x xs >>= f = append' (f x) (xs >>= f) where append' Empty' ys = ys append' (Cons' x xs) ys = Cons' x (append' xs ys)
data List' a = Empty' | Cons' a (List' a) instance Functor List' where fmap _ Empty' = Empty' fmap f (Cons' x xs) = Cons' (f x) (fmap f xs) instance Applicative List' where pure x = Cons' x Empty' Empty' <*> _ = Empty' _ <*> Empty' = Empty' Cons' f fs <*> xs = append' (fmap f xs) (fs <*> xs) where append' Empty' ys = ys append' (Cons' x xs) ys = Cons' x (append' xs ys)
instance Monad Identity' where return = pure (Identity' x) >>= f = f x
newtype Identity' a = Identity' { runIdentity' :: a } instance Functor Identity' where fmap f (Identity' x) = Identity' (f x) instance Applicative Identity' where pure = Identity' (Identity' f) <*> (Identity' x) = Identity' (f x)
instance Monad (Reader' r) where return = pure (Reader' ra) >>= aRb = Reader' (\r -> runReader' (aRb (ra r)) r)
newtype Reader' r a = Reader' { runReader' :: r -> a } instance Functor (Reader' r) where fmap f (Reader' ra) = Reader' (\r -> f (ra r)) instance Applicative (Reader' r) where pure a = Reader' (\_ -> a) (Reader' rab) <*> (Reader' ra) = Reader' (\r -> (rab r) (ra r))
instance Monad (Cont r) where return = pure (Cont ca) >>= aCb = Cont (\br -> ca (\a -> runCont (aCb a) br))
newtype Cont r a = Cont { runCont :: (a -> r) -> r } instance Functor (Cont r) where fmap f (Cont ca) = Cont (\br -> ca (br . f)) instance Applicative (Cont r) where pure x = Cont ($ x) (Cont cf) <*> (Cont ca) = Cont (\br -> cf (\f -> ca (\a -> br (f a))))
instance Monad (State' s) where return = pure (State' sa) >>= aSb = State' $ \s -> let (a, newState) = sa s (State' sb) = aSb a in sb newState
newtype State' s a = State' { runState' :: s -> (a, s) } instance Functor (State' s) where fmap f (State' sa) = State' $ \s -> let (a, newState) = sa s in (f a, newState) instance Applicative (State' s) where pure a = State' $ \s -> (a, s) (State' sab) <*> (State' sa) = State' $ \s -> let (ab, newState) = sab s (a, finalState) = sa newState in (ab a, finalState)
instance (Monoid w) => Monad (Writer' w) where return = pure (Writer' (x, log)) >>= f = let (Writer' (y, newLog)) = f x in Writer' (y, log `mappend` newLog)
newtype Writer' w a = Writer' { runWriter' :: (a, w) } instance (Monoid w) => Functor (Writer' w) where fmap f (Writer' (x, log)) = Writer' (f x, log) instance (Monoid w) => Applicative (Writer' w) where pure x = Writer' (x, mempty) (Writer' (f, log1)) <*> (Writer' (x, log2)) = Writer' (f x, log1 `mappend` log2) exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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