@Miaugosia: Dude the pizza sounds amazing, I've eaten dishes that have those exact ingredients and loved it but idk why it never occurred to me to put them on a pizza. You sir are a genius, I gotta try ordering that. @mirarom: Staaahhpp it. You’re making me blush. What dishes were those? I’m interested... @Miaugosia: Well I guess you can call them "take a look what you have in your fridge and make some pasta with it" dish lol. Oh but I once made myself a grilled cheese with ciabatta, spinach, a bit of garlic, mozarella, feta and sriracha (not really a tomato based product but it's red so I'm gonna count it anyway lol) and it was magnificent. @mirarom: Sold. That sounds amazing. Please make it for me sometime! @Miaugosia: Sure but bring some sriracha! It's not a very popular condiment in my country so it's hard to get it in regular stores :( @mirarom: Done. I’m pretty sure I can find an industrial sized bottle or 10. @Salieri:
@TheNinJay: There was this local place called King David Dogs. The work crew would go every Friday. They had the classics "chili", "chicago", etc, but also had ones with and egg on top, one with just hot peppers, one with mac and cheese, and a whole bunch of others, even one with fries on top. One day some asked them if they could take the chili dog, put mac and cheese on it, bacon, and some ranch. They agreed and started working and smone other coworked says, "eeeewwww, that's a bad decision!" The next week we came in and on a hand written add on to the menu was the "bad decision dog". It stayed on the menu for years until they closed. @Salieri:
HAAA! That’s an amazing story!!
@jc0mm5: “Can I get a large me to go, please?” @mirarom: No words. Just flash my ID. @Salieri:
You need a badge in your wallet that's just a big silver pizza.
@Afterlifehappydeath: You'll have a better legacy than most of us. @Salieri:
It’s on their hand written chalk board currently. Next step: get it on their permanent menu. That’s how I solidify my legacy.
@ManillaClam: Never let anyone forget this, you must brag about itnforbas long as you live @mirarom: Absolutely. Also - you’re my favorite flavor of clam. @ManillaClam: That's the first time someone has actually made the joke! :D @Salieri:
Your profile is 124 days old and NO ONE HAS MADE THAT JOKE? smh The real joke, btw, is how much I abhor farming the clams over and over and over and over and over again.
@ManillaClam: Never let anyone forget this, you must brag about itnforbas long as you live @mirarom: Absolutely. Also - you’re my favorite flavor of clam. @Salieri:
Laughed out loud at that
@Castor_Deus: I am going to make an educated guess here; you are a vegetarian. If not, that still sounds like an excellent vegetarian pizza. And having a food named after you is great. Count Chocula was always "Stoked" about it. @mirarom: I’m not actually! I just think that the average pizza meat is a bit too greasy so I just opt out when it comes to pizza. @Castor_Deus: Good strategy! @mirarom: Yup! And there are plenty of delicious pizza toppings. Like anything pesto... Pesto is delicious. @TolstoysMyHomeboy: A place near me has a chicken pesto pizza. Oil & garlic base, mozzarella, grilled chicken, bacon, spinach, and pesto. So good @Salieri:
Mmmmmm. MMMM. The oil and garlic base alone. Omg.
@Castor_Deus: I am going to make an educated guess here; you are a vegetarian. If not, that still sounds like an excellent vegetarian pizza. And having a food named after you is great. Count Chocula was always "Stoked" about it. @mirarom: I’m not actually! I just think that the average pizza meat is a bit too greasy so I just opt out when it comes to pizza. @Castor_Deus: Good strategy! @mirarom: Yup! And there are plenty of delicious pizza toppings. Like anything pesto... Pesto is delicious. @Salieri:
My fav pizza is pesto based with chicken chunks.
@Castor_Deus: I am going to make an educated guess here; you are a vegetarian. If not, that still sounds like an excellent vegetarian pizza. And having a food named after you is great. Count Chocula was always "Stoked" about it. @mirarom: I’m not actually! I just think that the average pizza meat is a bit too greasy so I just opt out when it comes to pizza. @Castor_Deus: Good strategy! @mirarom: Yup! And there are plenty of delicious pizza toppings. Like anything pesto... Pesto is delicious. @Sherlock_Drones: God damn do I agree. I have never liked meat on my pizza. (In all honesty I think it stems from this one time I got a chicken pizza from papa johns when I was kid, and that night I had the worst hive outbreak I’ve ever had in my life. I also don’t eat pork. And beef is just not a meat I associate with pizza). But. I do make an exception on the no meat rule for one particular pizza from one particular place. Blaze Pizza. If you’ve ever been, you should try The Green Stripe. It’s so damn good. It has grilled chicken, roasted red peppers, garlic, mozzarella, and arugula with pesto drizzled on top of it all. I also ask for extra pesto and arugula. @Salieri:
Oh holy bananas that sounds amazing. I love pesto on pizza - it’s one of my favorite things honestly. And that sounds delicious.
@HeyMorningVine: It’s so hard to see other people living your dreams @Salieri:
The good news is: You can still get there. YOUR DREAM IS NOT DEAD.
@gelfbride73: Thats so cool they are honouring their regular and clearly fave customers @mirarom: And cutting down on how many words we have to say. I swear I’m not lazy. Just socially anxious. @Salieri:
I get it!
@xparapluiex: You should send them a framed picture of yourself with the pizza and a thumbs up. Sign it. That way they can hang it next to the sign lol @Salieri:
GREAT IDEA! Or just shoving it into my mouth like a heathen.
@bedazzledfingernails: This reminds me of the reddit thread where the guy learned that you sit on the toilet seat and not the lip of the bowl... @adrian_pooey: where did his dick go? @GlitterInfection: I just sling mine over my shoulder. @howie_rules: Looks like we got ourselves a continental soldier. @Salieri:
This guy wobbles to and fro.
@bedazzledfingernails: This reminds me of the reddit thread where the guy learned that you sit on the toilet seat and not the lip of the bowl... @adrian_pooey: where did his dick go? @GlitterInfection: I just sling mine over my shoulder. @Salieri:
I snort laughed
@bedazzledfingernails: This reminds me of the reddit thread where the guy learned that you sit on the toilet seat and not the lip of the bowl... @Beardth_Degree: Funny, it reminded me of the guy who has been pooping backwards on his for almost his whole life. His life shattered in a public restroom where the guy next to him asked for TP and then asked if he was sitting backwards. @Salieri:
You're supposed to sit backwards. Then you can have a little table. You will also not fall in and die. Source: highly educational cartoons
@D1rty87: I swear I am not stupid. But when I was 18 I bought an electric tooth brush. I would apply paste to the bristles, turn it on and try to shove it in my mouth as fast as possible without slinging the paste everywhere. One morning, my then girlfriend looked at me and asked “why don’t you turn it on after you put it in your mouth?” Top 5 the dumbest I’ve ever felt in my life. @ProfessorDowellsHead: What rounds out the top-5 list? @Salieri:
Asking the important questions here
@D1rty87: I swear I am not stupid. But when I was 18 I bought an electric tooth brush. I would apply paste to the bristles, turn it on and try to shove it in my mouth as fast as possible without slinging the paste everywhere. One morning, my then girlfriend looked at me and asked “why don’t you turn it on after you put it in your mouth?” Top 5 the dumbest I’ve ever felt in my life. @ProfessorDowellsHead: What rounds out the top-5 list? @Salieri:
Number four: Burger King foot lettuce.
@D1rty87: I swear I am not stupid. But when I was 18 I bought an electric tooth brush. I would apply paste to the bristles, turn it on and try to shove it in my mouth as fast as possible without slinging the paste everywhere. One morning, my then girlfriend looked at me and asked “why don’t you turn it on after you put it in your mouth?” Top 5 the dumbest I’ve ever felt in my life. @DrumDealer: I literally did this not too long ago. Talked to my girlfriend about it and she said the exact same thing... @Salieri:
@Alcontara1: I legitimately was walking wrong for most of my life. I was seeing a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, and I was telling him how my knees always hurt and I was having lower back pain and I was too young for this. He immediately said go walk, let me watch you. I took four steps and he said "you're walking wrong". I was keeping my back stiff and my legs too straight, I don't know why. I was walking like a zombie. He told me to focus on lowering my butt as I walked, like I was trying to sit down in a chair. My knee pain cleared up in like a month and hasn't come back in many years. @Glute_Thighwalker: I believe this comes from emphasizing posture when people are young. We’re actually evolved to walk a little hunched over. This allows for a neutral neck, the most comfortable position, to actually be looking downward a good bit for foraging purposes as we walk around our environment. Think of how grazing animals’ heads are when they walk around. Looking straight forward would actually be bending the neck back like when we look up. This changes when we transition from walking to running, we become more upright and need to be looking for forward and side to side vs foraging. It’s all super interesting to get into. @Salieri:
So, my fear of making eye contact with others while walking is, like, an evolutionary advantage?
@rosepetalmemories: All those wasted years! But think of all the water you've saved. @Salieri:
This is the most negative-positive comment I have seen today, thanks for make me smile
@rosepetalmemories: All those wasted years! But think of all the water you've saved. @gruetzhaxe: Waste the years or waste the water, that's the question @Stigge: Put a bucket to catch the cold water before you get in, use it to water your lawn/garden. No wasted water! @Salieri:
Found the Californian!
@rosepetalmemories: All those wasted years! But think of all the water you've saved. @gruetzhaxe: Waste the years or waste the water, that's the question @Stigge: Put a bucket to catch the cold water before you get in, use it to water your lawn/garden. No wasted water! @CheeseFromAccounting: D'Oh! Felt like a dumbass again! @Salieri:
This is such an emotional rollercoaster.
@rosepetalmemories: All those wasted years! But think of all the water you've saved. @Thoughtbuffet: Am I the only one who does that on purpose (/knowingly) to save water? @Salieri:
Put a bucket until the water is hot
@rosepetalmemories: All those wasted years! But think of all the water you've saved. @Thoughtbuffet: Am I the only one who does that on purpose (/knowingly) to save water? @Salieri:
As a Californian in a consistent drought, nope. Cold showers for life.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @lenerz: This post honestly just made my day, this is so innocent and hilarious. I've had these types of things in my life before where someone questions the way I do something, shows me a waaaay easier way to do it and I'm blown away - of course I can't recall anything specific right now but I know how it feels. @What_Is_EET: I am seriously questioning everything i do right now. Maybe i drive the wrong way but no one corrected me? Or maybe I'm putting on clothes the wrong way. Hell I might have been shaving wrong this whole time @vampyrotoothus: I honestly wonder to myself like “am I walking right?” Like we learn how to walk from such a young, wobbly age, what if I do it weird and I have totally the wrong posture or something while doing it?? Haha. I feel you. @Salieri:
anytime I try to focus on how I'm walking I start walking like a dope.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @lenerz: This post honestly just made my day, this is so innocent and hilarious. I've had these types of things in my life before where someone questions the way I do something, shows me a waaaay easier way to do it and I'm blown away - of course I can't recall anything specific right now but I know how it feels. @What_Is_EET: I am seriously questioning everything i do right now. Maybe i drive the wrong way but no one corrected me? Or maybe I'm putting on clothes the wrong way. Hell I might have been shaving wrong this whole time @vampyrotoothus: I honestly wonder to myself like “am I walking right?” Like we learn how to walk from such a young, wobbly age, what if I do it weird and I have totally the wrong posture or something while doing it?? Haha. I feel you. @Salieri:
wow, you just reminded me. once when i was around 12-13 i was walking through a mall with friend and his family and i overhead his stepdad sort of whisper to his wife that i moved my hips too much when i walked so i walked like a girl. i completely changed how i walked because it was just such a jarring thing to hear. i still sometimes feel myself moving my hips when i walk and stop it. man, fuck that guy.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @lenerz: This post honestly just made my day, this is so innocent and hilarious. I've had these types of things in my life before where someone questions the way I do something, shows me a waaaay easier way to do it and I'm blown away - of course I can't recall anything specific right now but I know how it feels. @What_Is_EET: I am seriously questioning everything i do right now. Maybe i drive the wrong way but no one corrected me? Or maybe I'm putting on clothes the wrong way. Hell I might have been shaving wrong this whole time @vampyrotoothus: I honestly wonder to myself like “am I walking right?” Like we learn how to walk from such a young, wobbly age, what if I do it weird and I have totally the wrong posture or something while doing it?? Haha. I feel you. @Salieri:
I legitimately was walking wrong for most of my life. I was seeing a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, and I was telling him how my knees always hurt and I was having lower back pain and I was too young for this. He immediately said go walk, let me watch you. I took four steps and he said "you're walking wrong". I was keeping my back stiff and my legs too straight, I dont know why. I was walking like a zombie. He told me to focus on lowering my butt as I walked, like I was trying to sit down in a chair. My knee pain cleared up in like a month and hasn't come back in many years.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @lenerz: This post honestly just made my day, this is so innocent and hilarious. I've had these types of things in my life before where someone questions the way I do something, shows me a waaaay easier way to do it and I'm blown away - of course I can't recall anything specific right now but I know how it feels. @What_Is_EET: I am seriously questioning everything i do right now. Maybe i drive the wrong way but no one corrected me? Or maybe I'm putting on clothes the wrong way. Hell I might have been shaving wrong this whole time @Salieri:
I was 23 the first time someone corrected me and said “ you don’t “rub” up your car, you “rev” it up” I also learned last year that Metallica the band, it metal music with a metal name. I’m an idiot.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @lenerz: This post honestly just made my day, this is so innocent and hilarious. I've had these types of things in my life before where someone questions the way I do something, shows me a waaaay easier way to do it and I'm blown away - of course I can't recall anything specific right now but I know how it feels. @What_Is_EET: I am seriously questioning everything i do right now. Maybe i drive the wrong way but no one corrected me? Or maybe I'm putting on clothes the wrong way. Hell I might have been shaving wrong this whole time @Salieri:
If you were driving wrong in pretty sure the police would let you know pretty quick.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @lenerz: This post honestly just made my day, this is so innocent and hilarious. I've had these types of things in my life before where someone questions the way I do something, shows me a waaaay easier way to do it and I'm blown away - of course I can't recall anything specific right now but I know how it feels. @Salieri:
Its like that guy who didn't know that toilet seats were for men too
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @dyaus7: So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's funny -- I find that to be the case with a lot of habits/skills leakills learned when you're very young. It's like your now-capable mind can't possibly see how to do things better because that's just the way it is. I was the same way with wiping -- I crumpled the toilet paper until... my mid twenties? I don't know what led me to finally try folding, but oh man, I endured a lot of years of low quality wiping for no reason. @trillyntruly: I think I was like 21 when I finally realized I didn't have to bunch it up anymore. @Salieri:
I was today years old to realize apparently you aren’t supposed to crumple it.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @dyaus7: So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's funny -- I find that to be the case with a lot of habits/skills leakills learned when you're very young. It's like your now-capable mind can't possibly see how to do things better because that's just the way it is. I was the same way with wiping -- I crumpled the toilet paper until... my mid twenties? I don't know what led me to finally try folding, but oh man, I endured a lot of years of low quality wiping for no reason. @Sumiyoshi: What?! I crumple but that’s because the paper makes my hand further away from my arse hole @Salieri:
Come to the light. Folding is the true path.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @Salieri:
Two of my ex boyfriends did this, and I looked at both of them like they were fucking crazy. Because WHY WOULD YOU TORTURE YOURSELF LIKE THAT??
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @What_Is_EET: I started taking showers when I was 3 or 4, mom just had me figure it out! So I guess that's just how I always did it and never questioned it? It's not something anyone ever talks about, ans movies never show the wait time between turning on the shower and stepping in I want to blame this on that lol @Salieri:
My shower is on the opposite side of the house from the water heater. What I do is run the hot water at my sink while brushing my teeth to get the hot water to that part of the house (I turn off the tap once it gets hot). Finish brushing my teeth, move to the shower and turn that on. Since the hot water is already there, the shower is hot a few seconds later. Knocks out two birds with one stone. I get my teeth brushed and don't have to wait around for an extra minute or so waiting for the water to get hot in the shower.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @Salieri:
I do that. I just step in and turn on the shower with the water turned away from me. When it heats up I just burn myself in it. It feels amazing.
@MovingPictureMan: So you just step in shower and then turn water on?? Are you in a movie? I’m shivering just thinking about doing that... Soooo freaking funny! @Salieri:
That’s what I do. I’ve never considered doing it another way.
@mamaganja: I thought my husband was the only other weirdo who did this lol! He undresses, hops in, closes the curtain THEN turns on the shower water... I just can’t abide the cold water, especially in the winter so I’m always like nah, I’ll wait a min. Y’all wild lol @Salieri:
My husband does that too, but he stands off to the side away from the water until it heats up. Then tries to say the way I shower wastes water.
@mamaganja: I thought my husband was the only other weirdo who did this lol! He undresses, hops in, closes the curtain THEN turns on the shower water... I just can’t abide the cold water, especially in the winter so I’m always like nah, I’ll wait a min. Y’all wild lol @blalala543: Haha the only time I've done this is if other people need to use the bathroom, I'll undress behind the curtain, chuck all my clothes out and then start it. And then shriek at the cold water until it turns warm hahaha. otherwise I'm running that until it's piping hot before I jump in @NightOwlEye: If you have an adjustable shower head, you can point it straight downwards so it's not hitting you while you wait for it to warm up in that situation. @Salieri:
And if you don't have an adjustable shower head, life in prison likely has more pressing issues for you to deal with, anyway.
@mamaganja: I thought my husband was the only other weirdo who did this lol! He undresses, hops in, closes the curtain THEN turns on the shower water... I just can’t abide the cold water, especially in the winter so I’m always like nah, I’ll wait a min. Y’all wild lol @blalala543: Haha the only time I've done this is if other people need to use the bathroom, I'll undress behind the curtain, chuck all my clothes out and then start it. And then shriek at the cold water until it turns warm hahaha. otherwise I'm running that until it's piping hot before I jump in @NightOwlEye: If you have an adjustable shower head, you can point it straight downwards so it's not hitting you while you wait for it to warm up in that situation. @Salieri:
Or to the side with the wall.
@itsoktodie: I moved my head back and forth instead of the toothbrush until a girlfriend told me I was doing it. I was 24. I’m so glad I shared this. I’m embarrassed all over again, and loving the comments. @Salieri:
I think this might be the best one.
@itsoktodie: I moved my head back and forth instead of the toothbrush until a girlfriend told me I was doing it. I was 24. I’m so glad I shared this. I’m embarrassed all over again, and loving the comments. @Salieri:
It's like archery techniques where you move the bow forward instead of the arrow backward to draw, except stupid.
@itsoktodie: I moved my head back and forth instead of the toothbrush until a girlfriend told me I was doing it. I was 24. I’m so glad I shared this. I’m embarrassed all over again, and loving the comments. @Salieri:
Oh my god.
@itsoktodie: I moved my head back and forth instead of the toothbrush until a girlfriend told me I was doing it. I was 24. I’m so glad I shared this. I’m embarrassed all over again, and loving the comments. @Salieri:
I don’t believe this one. Too ridiculous.
@itsoktodie: I moved my head back and forth instead of the toothbrush until a girlfriend told me I was doing it. I was 24. I’m so glad I shared this. I’m embarrassed all over again, and loving the comments. @Salieri:
My husband does this. He is 45. I've tried to correct him, but he just can't do it without shaking his head. The worst thing about it is that I will now occasionally see our 5 year old son doing this.
@AnnJilliansBrassiere: Since I first learned to shower as a little kid, I followed this sequence - Wash face, then body, then hair. For years I wrestled with having to re-rinse all the shampoo down. It did not occur to me until I was 34 years old - change the sequence! Hair, then face, then body. No repeat rinse, and the hair was already drip - dry by the time I was done. So much more efficient! I felt like a genius - a really dumb genius. @Salieri:
I had a similar realization. I was having issues with bumps on my back/neck/shoulders. Somebody sugghoulders. Somebody suggested washing my body after rinsing my hair. Previously I always washed my hair, put in conditioner, washed my body, and rinsed the conditioner. Now I wash my hair, put in conditioner, wait a bit to enjoy the warm, rinse, then wash my body and I am sure to wash my neck well. No more issues
@AnnJilliansBrassiere: Since I first learned to shower as a little kid, I followed this sequence - Wash face, then body, then hair. For years I wrestled with having to re-rinse all the shampoo down. It did not occur to me until I was 34 years old - change the sequence! Hair, then face, then body. No repeat rinse, and the hair was already drip - dry by the time I was done. So much more efficient! I felt like a genius - a really dumb genius. @Salieri:
This applies to cleaning in general. Top to bottom. So dust shelves first, sweep crumbs off counters and tables, then mop/sweep the floor.weep the floor. That way you don't dirty things you just cleaned.
@ILovePeopleInTheory: Twice. ​ I couldn't figure out how to brush my teeth without foaming out of my mouth and toothpaste dripping down my chin... the answer was to just spit it out in the middle of brushing. I noticed someone do it in a movie and caught on at about 23 years old. ​ Also, the sun visors in cars were always annoying to me because they stuck out right at your face when in use. At 33 my husband pointed out that they can be flipped all the way to point to towards the windshield instead. ​ I'm a pretty smart person with a family and a successful career. @Salieri:
If your foam like that when brushing, you could probably stand to use less toothpaste
@Food-in-Mouth: I remember thread from a very long time ago about a chaps wife who never had showers because they are always cold to start with, she mentioned it one day in front of her daughter and husband and they both look at her like she's obviously off her head, and pointed out the obvious fact. So please don't feel that you're alone in overlooking this one fact. @Salieri:
I figured they just stole that story for karma because i didnt think 2 people could be confused by showering, but then this thread has shown me that showering is apparently difficult for many people
@hambordamaram: Similar brain fart....for 24 years of my life I thought “pickles” were their own thing, as in there was a pickle plant, as opposed to them being pickled cucumbers. @Salieri:
Actually, you aren’t completely wrong. Where I live there are farmers who grow fields of “pickles,” cucumbers that have been bred specifically for pickling! They aren’t the same cucumbers that you eat fresh.
@Rabano11: You know those annoying double arrows that pop up in your screen when you’re scrolling through the reddit comments.. yeah you can click that and it takes you from post to post. Always hated that shit and hated that 4000 people reacted on a single comment but did I try clicking on the arrows to see what they did? You’re damn right I didn’t. @BillButtlicker21: Bout to change your life even more: if you press and hold the little button, you can move it anywhere on your screen so that it’s at the most convenient place for you, and it will stay there unless you move it again. @Salieri:
I think I'm having one of those moments right now
@Rabano11: You know those annoying double arrows that pop up in your screen when you’re scrolling through the reddit comments.. yeah you can click that and it takes you from post to post. Always hated that shit and hated that 4000 people reacted on a single comment but did I try clicking on the arrows to see what they did? You’re damn right I didn’t. @BillButtlicker21: Bout to change your life even more: if you press and hold the little button, you can move it anywhere on your screen so that it’s at the most convenient place for you, and it will stay there unless you move it again. @Salieri:
Whoa nice!
@Rabano11: You know those annoying double arrows that pop up in your screen when you’re scrolling through the reddit comments.. yeah you can click that and it takes you from post to post. Always hated that shit and hated that 4000 people reacted on a single comment but did I try clicking on the arrows to see what they did? You’re damn right I didn’t. @BillButtlicker21: Bout to change your life even more: if you press and hold the little button, you can move it anywhere on your screen so that it’s at the most convenient place for you, and it will stay there unless you move it again. @Salieri:
Holy shit. I knew the button skipped to the next post, but this is new information to me. Incredible.
@Rabano11: You know those annoying double arrows that pop up in your screen when you’re scrolling through the reddit comments.. yeah you can click that and it takes you from post to post. Always hated that shit and hated that 4000 people reacted on a single comment but did I try clicking on the arrows to see what they did? You’re damn right I didn’t. @BillButtlicker21: Bout to change your life even more: if you press and hold the little button, you can move it anywhere on your screen so that it’s at the most convenient place for you, and it will stay there unless you move it again. @Salieri:
I love you both so much thank you.
@Rabano11: You know those annoying double arrows that pop up in your screen when you’re scrolling through the reddit comments.. yeah you can click that and it takes you from post to post. Always hated that shit and hated that 4000 people reacted on a single comment but did I try clicking on the arrows to see what they did? You’re damn right I didn’t. @Salieri:
Wow that’s amazing! I just assumed it was to get to the very bottom of the post so I never clicked it. Thanks for the tip!
@Responsible_Honeydew: Lol, I always turn the faucet on and then hold my hand underneath the water until it feels warm enough and then I get in. @Salieri:
Lol I do too, and I have no interest into letting the water warm up by itself.
@Responsible_Honeydew: Lol, I always turn the faucet on and then hold my hand underneath the water until it feels warm enough and then I get in. @Ask_me_4_a_story: I always turn the shower on and then go do something else, like put a couple dishes in the dishwasher, tidy up, get undressed of course. I live in an old farmhouse in the country. It takes a bit to warm up but once it does that shit stays hot forever @mossybeard: I think you may need a new water heater, just a hunch @Salieri:
More likely that the water heater is just far away from the shower. Possibly a well too which flows a lot slower.
@maddielovescolours: Oh my God that's awesome! I'm glad you finally got to enjoy a shower This is reminding of how much I hated baths as a kid because my mom would make me lean back and put my head and face under the tap when she washed my hair. I hated it so much because it hurt my back, I couldn't breathe, and I had to have my eyes squeezed shut the whole time. I didn't realize how unnecessary all that was until last week when my girlfriend was babysitting her nephew and I saw her use a bowl to just gently pour the water over his head. It blew my mind. @3meta5u: But at least now you know how to deal with being waterboarded. @Salieri:
Oooo I never thought about it that way! My mom has a hidden agenda!
@maddielovescolours: Oh my God that's awesome! I'm glad you finally got to enjoy a shower This is reminding of how much I hated baths as a kid because my mom would make me lean back and put my head and face under the tap when she washed my hair. I hated it so much because it hurt my back, I couldn't breathe, and I had to have my eyes squeezed shut the whole time. I didn't realize how unnecessary all that was until last week when my girlfriend was babysitting her nephew and I saw her use a bowl to just gently pour the water over his head. It blew my mind. @Salieri:
Dang your mom was brutal. Lol. Mine accidentally burned me with a curling iron. Hate having one near me till this day.
@teetheyes: Similarly, when getting out of the shower I would just kind of hold the towel around myself like a blanket and shiver until I was dry enough for clothes. Turns out you can use the towel to wipe the water off and spend less time being cold. @Salieri:
Even better... as soon as you turn the water off shape your hand into a C and squeegee most of the water off from top to bottom. The towel doesn't get as wet and you dry off much faster. If you get good at the technique, you can dry off very quickly with a hand towel.
@lolatallthings: Here’s one for you. Being raised by a single mother most of the time in a house with grandmother, aunt, and two female cousins i always stepped out of the shower with the towel around my chest and went thru my whole life like that up until i moved in with my then girlfriend at 20ish. One day i walk out of the shower to her sitting on the bed giggling to herself as she asked me why don’t you just put the towel around your waist?....i had never thought to do that, i didn’t have an answer for her since I’ve always done it that way. We are still friends and she still teases me about it till this day. 8 years later @Salieri:
I’m picturing you with a towel twisted on top of your head too.
@lolatallthings: Here’s one for you. Being raised by a single mother most of the time in a house with grandmother, aunt, and two female cousins i always stepped out of the shower with the towel around my chest and went thru my whole life like that up until i moved in with my then girlfriend at 20ish. One day i walk out of the shower to her sitting on the bed giggling to herself as she asked me why don’t you just put the towel around your waist?....i had never thought to do that, i didn’t have an answer for her since I’ve always done it that way. We are still friends and she still teases me about it till this day. 8 years later @Salieri:
You learned by example. Makes sense when you think about it.
@lolatallthings: Here’s one for you. Being raised by a single mother most of the time in a house with grandmother, aunt, and two female cousins i always stepped out of the shower with the towel around my chest and went thru my whole life like that up until i moved in with my then girlfriend at 20ish. One day i walk out of the shower to her sitting on the bed giggling to herself as she asked me why don’t you just put the towel around your waist?....i had never thought to do that, i didn’t have an answer for her since I’ve always done it that way. We are still friends and she still teases me about it till this day. 8 years later @Salieri:
My boyfriend does that too honestly I see no issue with it not like it matters he says it's more comfortable and hey guys nips get cold too. As a woman I only put it around my hips unless other people are around it just feels less restrictive.
@lolatallthings: Here’s one for you. Being raised by a single mother most of the time in a house with grandmother, aunt, and two female cousins i always stepped out of the shower with the towel around my chest and went thru my whole life like that up until i moved in with my then girlfriend at 20ish. One day i walk out of the shower to her sitting on the bed giggling to herself as she asked me why don’t you just put the towel around your waist?....i had never thought to do that, i didn’t have an answer for her since I’ve always done it that way. We are still friends and she still teases me about it till this day. 8 years later @Salieri:
Chanandler Bong
@thegreatchudine: I do... This was a few years ago, before my husband and I were matried, but we'd been living together for years. It is a standard that if one of us is out of work, they do more around the house. I was unemployed and therefore doing most of the chores and he kept leaving spoons with peanut butter globs still stuck to them. Basically he'd get a GIANT spoonful of peanut butter and then not finish it. He would leave the spoons in water, but as I'm sure some people here have noticed, that does pretty much nothing to break peanut butter down, not like a crusty spaghetti fork or something. I got kind of mad at him, and asked him to stop doing that since it didn't actually help and kind of grossed me out and he got upset back. I don't really remember what he said (neither does he, as he spent the night mindblown, like OP) but it was something along the lines of, "So what I'm just supposed to let it get dry or force myself to eat it all?" I said "No, just wipe it off with a napkin!" The look on his face, I might as well have been explaining theoretical quantum thermodynamics, if that is even a thing. So now we call those moments when someone suggests a really simple and usually obvious solution that we didn't even consider Peanut Butter and Spoon moments. @_pcakes: he should just only scoop the amount he wanted-- the best way to clean peanutbutter off a spoon is with your mouth @thegreatchudine: LOL Quite true. To be fair, over the years he has gotten better at estimating how much peanut butter he actually wants @Salieri:
Alternatively a knife? To spread on bread? Unless he's eating off the spoon? I'm kind of confused here honestly as to how he ends up with globs of peanut butter on the spoon
@Mr_Hellpop: Until a couple years ago, my wife, who is in her mid 30s, had been dutifully eating bay leaves. She didn't realize you were supposed to pick them out and thought it would be rude to eat around them. @Salieri:
In fairness, the cook should always remove them before serving.
@PersistentCookie: Kind of related: When I was five or six, I was riding in the car with my dad. I was just learning to read. We passed a side street in my neighborhood that had a sign at the top of the street: No Outlet. I asked my dad what that meant. Always a joker, he said, "The people on that street don't have electricity." Get it? No Outlets? Anyway, I believed him. FOR YEARS. When I was thirteen or fourteen, I had started babysitting for kids in the neighborhood. My mom told me that one of the women on that street wanted me to watch their kids for the afternoon. I remember telling my mom "No way! I don't want to sit in a house without electricity for an afternoon!". Sheesh. I think it was another year or two before I figured it out. Cul-de-sac. @Salieri:
When my daughter was little we were on an airplane waiting to take off. She pushed the button on her armrest (the recline button) and asked what it was. I joked, “That’s what you push to help the plane get up in the air!” We both laughed, and of course when we took off we pushed our buttons. I thought she understood I was joking. She in fact thought it was her very important job to help the plane get off the ground each time we took a flight. She was nearly a teenager when she realized I’d been kidding.
@gigalene: I've had someone annoyed at me for leaving the shower in "shower" mode because he didn't like getting sprayed with cold water. Everyone here takes showers so there's no reason to not have it always in shower mode. He never thought to turn it on before he got in and always checked the faucet water before turning the shower on. @Salieri:
Similar story, I never think to push down the lever after my shower and my boyfriend kept complaining so I told him I would try to remember. It came up again because I always forget, so we discussed it because I was confused why it bothered him when I never have an issue leaving it. He opened the shower curtain from the side opposite the shower head to turn on the water and the water would spray him. I asked why he couldn’t just go in the other side of the curtain to avoid this and the look of realization on his face was priceless. He hasn’t complained since
@world_citizen7: but dont people just turn the bottom part on and wait for it to heat up and then pull the lever for the showerhead?? @Salieri:
That would probably work if you have a bathtub, but not for dedicated showers I think?
@PinkPingers: I don’t blame you, this is fully parenting fail. @Salieri:
lol isn’t it just common sense?
@Romboteryx: Given that it‘s orange it could also double as demonic Garfield @smorgalorg: I absolutely never considered making it into a Garfield pumpkin. I feel so stupid now!!! @Salieri:
Guess what? That cat never said 'We're all mad here'. Now it's ALWAYS said 'We're mostly mad here'. Mandela Effect.
@Romboteryx: Given that it‘s orange it could also double as demonic Garfield @Salieri:
I'm sorry, Jon
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @E_dust: You really have talent, I'm impressed ! Yeah I'm sure it's even more impressive IRL @smorgalorg: Thank you so much!!! :D @monkeysossidge: ... @smorgalorg: This was from a market stall in a sort of posh area. I saw his face in the pumpkin before I even carved him so I had to get it!! @monkeysossidge: ... @smorgalorg: That’s a great offer! I’ll buy them for £10!! @Salieri:
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @E_dust: You really have talent, I'm impressed ! Yeah I'm sure it's even more impressive IRL @smorgalorg: Thank you so much!!! :D @monkeysossidge: ... @smorgalorg: This was from a market stall in a sort of posh area. I saw his face in the pumpkin before I even carved him so I had to get it!! @monkeysossidge: ... @smorgalorg: That’s a great offer! I’ll buy them for £10!! @Salieri:
I really love how the pumpkin is designed and how it is spooky
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @E_dust: You really have talent, I'm impressed ! Yeah I'm sure it's even more impressive IRL @smorgalorg: Thank you so much!!! :D @monkeysossidge: ... @smorgalorg: This was from a market stall in a sort of posh area. I saw his face in the pumpkin before I even carved him so I had to get it!! @monkeysossidge: ... @Furt77: I've never had mince pie, is it any good? Do you deliver? @Salieri:
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @E_dust: You really have talent, I'm impressed ! Yeah I'm sure it's even more impressive IRL @smorgalorg: Thank you so much!!! :D @monkeysossidge: ... @Salieri:
Here i was thinking the UK was just crazy about pumpkins $20 is insane for a pumpkin even pf that size, and then i rembered the exchange rate....
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @starrpamph: How many candles does it take to make it really bright..? 3 maybe @Salieri:
It took 2 pillar candles to make a nice glow!
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @Salieri:
Can we see a picture of it lit up?
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @Salieri:
This is epic dude! Excellent job xD
@E_dust: Wow ! How long did it take? The result is amazing ! Can you put a light inside so that the smile would appear in the dark? @smorgalorg: It took me about 2 hours! I ended up putting a couple of pillar candles in to light it up. I think the smile seems darker because the mouth is on a bit of an angle. It really looks like that in person too so I’m really proud!! :D @Salieri:
You should take a pic of it in darker lighting without flash so we can see it lit up =)
@DenimKhakis: I'm not a cat person at all, but this is... awesome. @Salieri:
Thank you so much!! I had a few cats around to model it on, although I mostly carved it with their sassy and mean personality in mind
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @Salieri:
I agree. Play music together isn’t “putting kids first” it’s “my ex-wife picked a pretty chill 2nd dude and I’m not going to let petty jealousy get in the way”
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @TheFukAmIDoing: It's absolutely about the kids. When they divorced they remained amicable because of the kids. When thier child struggled with abuse at school, they came together for thier kid. The other guy found even more common ground to be friendly because he had a kid. He watches his kid and vice versa for the kids. Sure it's possible this could happen without kids, but these three people set aside personal issues and everything for the kids. They chose to constantly come together, after a divorce, for the kids first. And from this common ground and common goal they all became friends. The only thing I can really extrapolate from this is the ex-wife knows how to pick reasonable dudes. @Salieri:
Lol that was my take away from this. Ex-wife knows how to pick’em
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @TheFukAmIDoing: It's absolutely about the kids. When they divorced they remained amicable because of the kids. When thier child struggled with abuse at school, they came together for thier kid. The other guy found even more common ground to be friendly because he had a kid. He watches his kid and vice versa for the kids. Sure it's possible this could happen without kids, but these three people set aside personal issues and everything for the kids. They chose to constantly come together, after a divorce, for the kids first. And from this common ground and common goal they all became friends. The only thing I can really extrapolate from this is the ex-wife knows how to pick reasonable dudes. @Salieri:
I don't think they had that many issues to set aside. They sound like the kind of people who don't have that many issues in the first place.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @TheFukAmIDoing: It's absolutely about the kids. When they divorced they remained amicable because of the kids. When thier child struggled with abuse at school, they came together for thier kid. The other guy found even more common ground to be friendly because he had a kid. He watches his kid and vice versa for the kids. Sure it's possible this could happen without kids, but these three people set aside personal issues and everything for the kids. They chose to constantly come together, after a divorce, for the kids first. And from this common ground and common goal they all became friends. The only thing I can really extrapolate from this is the ex-wife knows how to pick reasonable dudes. @sahewins: It started out about the kids, but now all of the adult's relationships with each other have changed. They have become a family, not just for the kids, but for each other. @Salieri:
Totally agree. Looking back at the comment I replied to I realize I read it wrong. The kids are the reason it all happened but they're great friends now.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @Salieri:
Acting like mature adults, a rarity in this situation
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @Salieri:
Can't it be both?
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @Salieri:
Agreed, and what a great thing to teach the kids. Adults can just be friends.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @panic_bread: It doesn’t even sound like they’re doing this to put the kids first. It sounds like they are legit friends who aren’t tearing themselves up over petty jealousy. Kudos to them. @Salieri:
They are breathtaking.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @GaetanDugas: Adults can't take care of the kids if none of the adults are in a good spot. I get the sentiment, but I think people don't think their own happiness, well being and calm state of mind are just as important if not more important than taking care of kids. If you are thriving as an adult, it just means you are that much better at being able to take care of the kids. @Salieri:
Great point - you’re so right - we do tend to ignore our own mental health and how to help ourselves when we become parents.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @GaetanDugas: Adults can't take care of the kids if none of the adults are in a good spot. I get the sentiment, but I think people don't think their own happiness, well being and calm state of mind are just as important if not more important than taking care of kids. If you are thriving as an adult, it just means you are that much better at being able to take care of the kids. @Salieri:
You cannot pour from an empty cup.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @freckleface2113: It's what they should do but not all adults do it. These three though-- bravo guys! Your kids will be better for it @Sithier: Because they are still children at heart and mentally. They never learned how to be an adult. @ExoneratedGEOTUS: Childish adults are still adults @Muroid: Legally, yes. Emotionally, no. Getting older and growing up are two very different things. @Salieri:
Depends on what you mean by childish. Acting impulsively and destructively ? Yep, that's stunted EQ and a hell to deal with. Acting childish as in letting oneself be amazed and becoming joyful with the little things ? Childish yes, emotionally ? Meh. Growing up doesn't mean having to leave behind your inner child. Better embrace it and lean into when appropriate and possible. Much happier life this way
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @freckleface2113: It's what they should do but not all adults do it. These three though-- bravo guys! Your kids will be better for it @Sithier: Because they are still children at heart and mentally. They never learned how to be an adult. @ExoneratedGEOTUS: Childish adults are still adults @Muroid: Legally, yes. Emotionally, no. Getting older and growing up are two very different things. @Salieri:
Yeah but I'm technically right, which is the best kind of right
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @freckleface2113: It's what they should do but not all adults do it. These three though-- bravo guys! Your kids will be better for it @Sithier: Because they are still children at heart and mentally. They never learned how to be an adult. @Salieri:
I wouldn't go that far. There's a lot of different circumstances surrounding divorce. My parents don't get along because my father never paid child support and he tried to kill my mom in a drunken rage. It's an extreme case, but understandable that my mom refuses to talk to him 20 years later. There's also less extreme circumstances, like my in-laws. I'm not going to get into their dirty laundry here, but if you knew them them you would absolutely sympathize with both of them and see why they can't be in the same room 20 years later. They're not immature for it. They tried, but it was just way too difficult to get past their differences. So they settled for just not talking to or about each other around their kids.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @Salieri:
Dude, that’s not your “ex-wife’s husband”, that’s your friend. You ain’t gotta explain what works to ANYONE.
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @Salieri:
I was a child of divorce. Honestly, I would have been fine with that if my step parents had behaved as you, your ex, and her husband have. My step mom hated my mom, my dad hated my step dad...might as well have had an "everybody hates everybody" banner right up there on the wall. Both step parents had kids of their own, and resented me and my sister. It was awful. My best friend's parents got a divorce around the same time, but they remained friends for the benefit of the kids. My friend and his brother have grown up to be a great and well put together guys, while my sister and I struggle. Parents need to put their own shit aside for their kids. Watched a movie recently called Wildlife. Its about 2 parents basically forgetting about their own son and the impact the things he is witnessing will have on him as they go through an intense breakup/eventual divorce. It really hit home with me
@KeelleyGSD: This a what adults do - put their kids first, Great job for all of you to recognize what is best for all the kids and have such a great relationship- your kids will absolutely benefit. It’s unfortunate that more parents don’t do this after a divorce! @Salieri:
This isnt what adults do. Adults are cordial and raise the kids together. They dont make their ex husbands god fathers to their new husbands children. This is FANTASTIC but probably the first time its happened ever in history. As someone who has raised another mans baby for 20 years, i appreciate this.
@AnchoredTraveler: If what you're saying is true and you're being 100% honest, then you're basically a next-level human being. You're the fabled evolution beyond our basic primal behavior. You're the goddamn Ubermensch. @Salieri:
This is 100% true. I don’t know of a way to prove it until December.
@AnchoredTraveler: If what you're saying is true and you're being 100% honest, then you're basically a next-level human being. You're the fabled evolution beyond our basic primal behavior. You're the goddamn Ubermensch. @GrinsNGiggles: AND the iphone battery lasted for many hours un-aided. That part blows my mind. @yahumno: I guess that if it is only recording, no wifi or data and nothing else running, it might work. @Salieri:
Screen off is the biggest advantage.
@AnchoredTraveler: If what you're saying is true and you're being 100% honest, then you're basically a next-level human being. You're the fabled evolution beyond our basic primal behavior. You're the goddamn Ubermensch. @Salieri:
Nah it happens more often than you think. For as many shitty break ups as I've seen happen around me I've seen good ones that include "broken" families spending holidays together with various partners & even travelling back to Israel with their extended family & in laws for one of their kids Bar Mitzvahs
@kvw260: I understand you. My ex is still one of my best friends, but we've moved on from any romantic attraction. It honestly confuses me when people are so antagonistic with their ex. I understand we're the weird ones, but I can't seem to empathize with the "normal" divorced people. @Elastichedgehog: I think it depends on why the relationship came to an end. It's often easier for people to antagonize the other person while moving on as well. @Salieri:
Absolutely. Everyone's situation is different and we all come to them from different places. I don't necessarily think they are wrong, I just couldn't imagine myself in their position.