@wonderberry77: Your what now @BTDxDG: #DOG SNEEZES IN ASSHOLE @Salieri:
@tizorres: Didn't lock the comments because y'all can behave. @Salieri:
@Kwisartz: I'll be honest I actually first read "ear" until I saw the comment. Ahaha @iGetHighPlayRS: Thank you! @Salieri:
I'd recommend an ornate rejuvenation pool in your POH to restore stats back to normal
@remsiw: Man that's a different story than what I was expecting. Kinda bummed. @Salieri:
Got em
@Captain-MJones: How’s your rear? @iGetHighPlayRS: Untouched @Salieri:
Virgin rears = best rears
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @stopcounting: My husband quit about six months ago, and has been using nicotine patches since then. If you find the lozenges are getting too pricey, we buy the 21mg patches and cut them into four pieces with no ill effects. At this point it's more of a low level stimulant/nootropic than an actual smoking cessation aid. @Westsidebill: I used patches in past attempts. They worked at first but the cravings always overwhelmed me. I’ve tried acupuncture, SSRIs, Chantix, cold turkey. Never lasted long. @stopcounting: I'm glad the lozenges are working! I quit smoking back in my 20s and I'm still not sure how I managed it. I wish I could remember because I'd love to put that technique toward beer. @L_Green_Mario: Mine was sheer willpower and self loathing @stopcounting: If only I could substitute my excess of the latter for my utter lack of the former! @L_Green_Mario: You just gotta call yourself a piece of shit everytime you want a cigarette @thehighwoman: But.....I am a piece of shit... thats why im trying to kill myself with cigarettes @Salieri:
Too slow. Some people smoke their whole lives and live to be 90. You don’t want to take that chance if you really hate yourself. Much easier to get liver failure from drinking too much.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @stopcounting: My husband quit about six months ago, and has been using nicotine patches since then. If you find the lozenges are getting too pricey, we buy the 21mg patches and cut them into four pieces with no ill effects. At this point it's more of a low level stimulant/nootropic than an actual smoking cessation aid. @Westsidebill: I used patches in past attempts. They worked at first but the cravings always overwhelmed me. I’ve tried acupuncture, SSRIs, Chantix, cold turkey. Never lasted long. @Salieri:
Please read a book called “the only way to quit smoking” by Allen Carr. You are still addicted to nicotine, and that is a big problem. This book will explain how to easily and instantly quit nicotine with no withdrawal.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @WhatTheLag: Dad? Is that you? No but like seriously my dad quit a few years ago and is always sucking on a nicotine lozenge. My mom is trying to get him to move to just candy like lollipops and stuff. Good luck. And congrats! @Salieri:
My dad quit dipping about 10 years ago. He’s been chewing nicotine gum ever since lol
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Better for ya health
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Better that than the cigarettes themselves!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Good time to quit smoking too! Congratulations on doing it.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @alimercy: proud of you, i quit smoking for 2 months now after only 2 yrs of smoking so not too hard, but i still do get craving :"( @Salieri:
Keep going. Never give up. You got this.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
15 Months for me so far (40 year smoker), still using Zyn but at least I ain't smoking. Congrats!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Lol! I knew i would just get addicted to the lozenges so i used Chantix. Know i'm effiin mental.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Damn that's impressive, well done dude!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Blessings on you for trying. Ypu don't look a day over 38.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Spuddon: How old are you now? @Salieri:
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
I went nic free 28 days ago after smoking for almost 30 years. I switched around from cigs to vaping to cigars, etc, but it was all a crutch to avoid what I knew I had to do eventually. My little girl is 7 and she kind of understands smoking is bad and what the eventual consequences are, so she started doing that puppy dog thing - you know, little girl mind control? Anyway, she told me to pinky swear that I quit, so I did. Promise kept so far. I feel like I'm past the hard part. Congrats to the both of us. We did a hard thing. Good job.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Good for you!!! I quit 2 years ago and still can’t get off the lozenges.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
I used those for a long time. I’d kept smoking when I played poker 2 nights a week. I went a week without any nicotine and the. Started smoking this week when I went out of town. It’s rough.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
You will be able to do it. I smoked 2 packs a day at one point. Picked up vaping. Quit cigs in 2011 with my first vape. Slowly bought less % nicotine until I was at 0. Then I just was able to stop. It's so worth it man. You got this
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Good job! I got addicted to vaping but found a way to wean myself off it.. nicotine free still. Kicking the habit has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.. keep up the good work!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
I got addicted in November. Quit 24 days ago. As well as nicotine take zinc+elderberry lozenges. They actually work against COVID19
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
I smoke for like 5 minutes once. I didn’t like it.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
nicotine lozenges don't cause copd or cancer, so good for you!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
You know what I was going to give up and buy a pack within an hour or so and I went to bed early to do it aswell but since Ill try and hold out a little longer just for you.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Congrats dude, for real! I’m 22, started smoking at 18 and using nicotine vapes at 17. I have been off cigarettes for a while, but could not shake vaping. My parents just begged me to quit because they were afraid of me dying from the virus, so my mom bought me a giant quarantine-sized pack only nicotine gum and I haven’t used my nicotine vape in a week! I still vape oil and smoke weed though
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Depending on how heavy you smoked, I would recommend seeing ling specialists (when the Corona stuff is calmed down) if you haven't already. Emphysema is a very real threat to your health. It might not be tomorrow it might not even be next year. My dad smoked heavily for 30+ years, but quit for a solid 16. But he never saw anyone and got a serious case of COPD. It was getting progressively worse, the disease always does, but it can be slowed. We just didn't catch it fast enough, coughing and whatnot was normal, after all. Mh dad quickly got worse and worse after the 4 or 5 years from his diagnosis until we lost him last year. But if you get it before, or as it starts, you my be able to prolong your life. Trust me when I say COPD is a very shitty death. I'm always going to remember the sound of my dad's last breath.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
I used the lozenges for about a year. I preferred the health options, but was addicted to the nicotine. and when I wanted to, I cut down. I chopped a load of the tablets in 2, and just had half (and save the other half) then I started to have half and throw the other half away then I'd have half, but spit the half out after a couple of mins then I started quartering and not long later I decided not to buy any more and let those quarters last about a week then, I still had some left so I just stopped using them about a week later I threw the quarters away that was about 6 years ago. smoking doesn't enter my mind anymore.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
My dads been taking nicotine lozenges for about 10 years. Fully addicted. But still 1000 times better than smoking. I think my dad now just uses them for comfort/habit tbf, but still, I’m happy for him!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
I tried the nicotine lozenges and gum and mints and all that, but they absolutely wreck your mouth. You get these big gaping sores on the insides of your cheeks if you have too many a day for too many days in a row Eventually vaping came along and I preferred that to even ciggies, though I need to quit the vaping too eventually really The best things other than vaping I found were these things called Nicorette Quickmist sprays. I specify the brand because every other brand I've tried tastes absolutely gash, they're nasty, "mint flavour" my left arse I dunno if you can get them outside the UK. But they're great. Each single spray is the nicotine worth of one cigarette. So one or two sprays and you don't get cravings for ages. I've been using them more since the pandemic because I wanna save my lungs. They're like £20 for one though, with about 150 sprays per little plastic thing. Expensive as a motherfucker. But they're supremely useful for places like restaurants where they ban vaping. No need to go outside to vape, just have a spray. And they don't seem to destroy the lining of your mouth like all the other things like the gum and mints, even the other ones nicorette makes are crap. And I've never liked using nicotine patches because they NEVER stay on my skin. They sweat off within minutes, unless I like put one on my hip and wear two pairs of underwear, using the elastic to keep the thing stuck down. It's just too much hassle.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
That's better than these nasty ass cigarettes I keep on smoking even though they are killing me slowly.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Nicotine is not the only addictive chemical in cigarette smoke, so, you're breaking part of the addiction already, nicotine is also less harmful than cigarette smoke. Get used to just nicotine and quitting the lozenges will be the next step.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Wf2968: One step at a time man Rome wasn’t built in a day @Salieri:
I remind myself of that fact often!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Better than the smoke tho.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
So am I!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Makes sense - the nicotine is the addictive chemical
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
Dude, I feel you. The lozenge addiction is real.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
That’s better than smoking though!
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
No one ever talks about the benefits of nicotine. Great appetite suppressant, for 1. When I quit, traded my smoke breaks for cheese sticks and gained 30 permanent pounds.
@tokixdoki: Congratulations! @Westsidebill: Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol @Salieri:
If you ever feel like you need to smoke again try vaping and please for the love of God don't buy one of those cheap tiny all in one ready to use mods go to a vape shop or watch some YouTube and get a good brand and good liquid.. Just make sure you're not allergic to any flavour you pick or the liquid itself. I have been smoking for 12 years, quit 5 times and went back only to discover vaping now i can decrease my nicotine intake slowly I'm now at 2.5 mg started at 8 and I get to enjoy yummy flavours it's amazing. Congrats on quiting
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @durbblurb: I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned. @sleeps_too_little: Smoking used to be advertised as a weight loss method apparently @Salieri:
Makes sense. I dropped 30 pounds in a few months last summer from smoking. Looked great felt like shit though lol.
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @durbblurb: I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned. @sleeps_too_little: Smoking used to be advertised as a weight loss method apparently @Poctz: Judy Garland was ordered to smoke by her movie studio to help curb her appetite. @Salieri:
IIRC she was just a kid at the time.
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @durbblurb: I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned. @sleeps_too_little: Smoking used to be advertised as a weight loss method apparently @Salieri:
Isn't that a reason why so many models smoke?
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @durbblurb: I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned. @sleeps_too_little: Smoking used to be advertised as a weight loss method apparently @Salieri:
Virginia Slims
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @durbblurb: I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned. @renegad3rogu3: Quit smoking, cut out caffeine, get on meds for depression/anxiety... Annnnnnd I'm fat now @durbblurb: Worth it. Exercise should be easier now, though. Get your ass off the couch and go run. @Salieri:
This, it is is so worth it.
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @durbblurb: I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned. @renegad3rogu3: Quit smoking, cut out caffeine, get on meds for depression/anxiety... Annnnnnd I'm fat now @Salieri:
I wasn't smoking or on caffeine. The meds for depression alone got me 7 kg (15lb) in 5 months (5 months). My healthy weight is 57kg (125lb), so it's a bit of a jump.
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @durbblurb: I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned. @Salieri:
Same. Plenty of time to lose that weight though, especially when you can breathe again!
@Westsidebill: Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs. @Salieri:
15 more pounds is much better than 15+ fewer years. Congratulations!
@UniqueUser6869: He didn't notice you not coming in there for 3 months? @Salieri:
I guess not. I was usually in there first thing in the morning for cigarettes and this was a late afternoon milk run.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @pantherscheer2010: you and i might be the same person and we at the very least have the exact same taste in pizza @Standies: It can’t be beat. All my friends order it now after trying mine so many times. @Salieri:
absolute god-tier combination. i honestly might need to order one tomorrow.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @mirarom: I’m absolutely sold. But is it white or red onion? @Salieri:
Either, or. I just ask for onion and they’ll put whichever
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @Salieri:
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @C_ore_X: Gonna test this out the next time I make pizza, red onion or regular onion, big slices or chopped? @Salieri:
Try it with caramelized onions. Preferably white or sweet onion. Raw red onion wont be as good on it
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @steamygarbage: Alfredo sauce over the pizza or as a substitute for red sauce? @Standies: As a substitute @Salieri:
Now I want it.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @Salieri:
This sounds awesome and you could probably swap out the Alfredo for BBQ sauce to change it up every now and then.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @Salieri:
Onion, green pepper, bacon, hamburg, jalapeño. Yuh
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Standies: Onion, green pepper, chicken, bacon and Alfredo sauce. Try it. @Salieri:
Hold the onion. Hold the pepper. Hold the chicken, bacon, sauce, cheese, and dough on that pie.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @immajuststayhome: Lol that's cold. Yeah I got some pizza but it's got mushrooms all over it so y'all might wanna GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY PIZZA. @Salieri:
Look, I’m the pizza dragon and this is my horde. Mushrooms. You can steal it but you’ll be cursed.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @StrongAsMeat: Don't blame them. Mushrooms grow in poop @mirarom: Okay but. Mushrooms defy all science. They’re amazing difficult to understand, and the way they send information to other mushrooms? Indescribable. And now they’re in my belly. @kevallegar: No need to wonder how or what they are when theyre in your tummy @Ducking1208: What if bleach is in your tummy? @kevallegar: Its a bit too late then @Ducking1208: What if I untummy the bleach? @kevallegar: Guess it wasnt too late @Salieri:
Plot twist the mushrooms weren’t tasty ur ded now
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @StrongAsMeat: Don't blame them. Mushrooms grow in poop @mirarom: Okay but. Mushrooms defy all science. They’re amazing difficult to understand, and the way they send information to other mushrooms? Indescribable. And now they’re in my belly. @kevallegar: No need to wonder how or what they are when theyre in your tummy @Ducking1208: What if bleach is in your tummy? @kevallegar: Its a bit too late then @Ducking1208: What if I untummy the bleach? @Salieri:
Actually there's a lot of things that you're not supposed to induce vomiting because it will do even more damage on the way back up, I'm willing to bet that bleach is one of them. You're probably pretty fucked either way though.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @StrongAsMeat: Don't blame them. Mushrooms grow in poop @mirarom: Okay but. Mushrooms defy all science. They’re amazing difficult to understand, and the way they send information to other mushrooms? Indescribable. And now they’re in my belly. @mertvekendisi: Wait a minute - they talk to each other??? @mirarom: YEAH - and they defy all attempts at understanding. The coolest thing is that the more they communicate, the faster they send data. It’s the opposite of what we see in human society (example: traffic on the 405 in Los Angeles - more cars = slower traffic). It’s INSANE. @Salieri:
Wait, what, why? Now, you make me feel guilty for eating those communicative mushrooms.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @StrongAsMeat: Don't blame them. Mushrooms grow in poop @Salieri:
Boy, do I have bad news for you about plants!
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @StrongAsMeat: Don't blame them. Mushrooms grow in poop @Salieri:
All food is somehow connected to shit.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @StrongAsMeat: Don't blame them. Mushrooms grow in poop @Salieri:
I grow mine in a mixture of brown rice flour and vermiculite, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
Hah this is how I get my own pizza too, or at least a half if we don’t splurge. We order a cheese or pep for the kids and me and wife either split one or she lets me order one while she takes a slice of the other. But I always get jalapeños on my side and nobody in my house is gonna eat it with those on it. So it’s guaranteed to be there for me.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
You deserve a celebration pizza and a photo of it for us This is the way
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
Me and my home in college would get two different pizzas and trade slices. I would always get mushrooms on mine. It wasn’t until the third or fourth time trading when I realized that he was picking off the mushrooms. Bro didn’t tell me he didn’t like mushrooms so I wouldn’t feel bad about asking to trade slices. Miss that guy.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
They haven't had good mushrooms then, shame. They get a bad wrap like olives. I didn't like either growing up, but now I am inhaling them like my life depends on it.
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
Lol, I feel the pain. Mushrooms are so tasty
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @thisisnewaccount: Can you imagine if it takes off and you get to another country and you see that they offer the pizza with your name on it? @Salieri:
Another user here is going to order the toppings from a pizza place in Holland and call it The Mirarom!! EEE!
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
I do that as well, intentionally order something i know people won't like so I don't have to share :D
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
just take them off bruh it affects the flavor of the whole pizza. I will say I enjoy mushrooms on my pizza don't get it misconstrued haha
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
Pizza is the only time I don't like mushrooms, but it's probably because they're tinned and not fresh. Otherwise, I use mushrooms almost as liberally as garlic in my personal cooking
@ClarkWGrizzman: This is the highest of honors, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty good pizza too. @mirarom: I mean, I’m biased, but I definitely think so. No one else in my household likes mushrooms so pizza is my chance to splurge! @Salieri:
Canned or fresh? Both have their places and roles, like canned mushrooms into the trash
@SinVice: Dude ..... that's fucking awesome !!!!!! @mirarom: RIGHT!? I’m so hype about it. @Spiritual-You-3205: CONGRATS DUDE ITS GREAT RIGHT! For girl scouts I teamed up with my favourite pizza place and made I Juliet gordan Lowe pizza me and my sister got to design it meet the owner of the two places and talk about it she is so kind and sadly COVID happened so we got cut short just look it up online Yellowbrick girl scouts pizza or something like that it'll show up @mirarom: That’s so cool! What was on the pizza? @Spiritual-You-3205: Peaches cuz she lived in Georgia pecans Georgia again dollops of ricotta for her pearl necklace Wich. She sold to fund the first GS troop and pesto for GS green onions cheese and white sauce it was so f-ing good @mirarom: Pesto and white sauces are totally my (peach) jaaaaam. @Salieri:
@SinVice: Dude ..... that's fucking awesome !!!!!! @mirarom: RIGHT!? I’m so hype about it. @Salieri:
You have every right to
@SinVice: Dude ..... that's fucking awesome !!!!!! @mirarom: RIGHT!? I’m so hype about it. @Salieri:
Thats crazy dude, when I was a little boy, my mom went to a studio to take some pictures of me, and the dude there liked the pictures of me so much that he hung it up on the wall of his office.
@SinVice: Dude ..... that's fucking awesome !!!!!! @mirarom: RIGHT!? I’m so hype about it. @Salieri:
I wish I had a good enough pizza place near me where I could order one like that and expect it not to suck.
@Cheeseburger-Sex: Congrats dude. If that happened to me I'd totally add it to my resumé @mirarom: You know what. I think i might. Thanks for the idea! @wzcx: I’m so curious what your real name is now, even though I’d never ask. @NitroXityRealm: Right? I’m hoping it’s something cool @TheClinicallyInsane: In reality it'll be like "The Trevor Pizza" @NitroXityRealm: The Joe @Salieri:
"The Sloppy Joe"
@Cheeseburger-Sex: Congrats dude. If that happened to me I'd totally add it to my resumé @mirarom: You know what. I think i might. Thanks for the idea! @wzcx: I’m so curious what your real name is now, even though I’d never ask. @NitroXityRealm: Right? I’m hoping it’s something cool @TheClinicallyInsane: In reality it'll be like "The Trevor Pizza" @NitroXityRealm: The Joe @Salieri:
The Doe
@Cheeseburger-Sex: Congrats dude. If that happened to me I'd totally add it to my resumé @mirarom: You know what. I think i might. Thanks for the idea! @wzcx: I’m so curious what your real name is now, even though I’d never ask. @NitroXityRealm: Right? I’m hoping it’s something cool @TheClinicallyInsane: In reality it'll be like "The Trevor Pizza" @Salieri:
The keithza
@Cheeseburger-Sex: Congrats dude. If that happened to me I'd totally add it to my resumé @mirarom: You know what. I think i might. Thanks for the idea! @wzcx: I’m so curious what your real name is now, even though I’d never ask. @NitroXityRealm: Right? I’m hoping it’s something cool @Salieri:
The Shaloobie
@Cheeseburger-Sex: Congrats dude. If that happened to me I'd totally add it to my resumé @mirarom: You know what. I think i might. Thanks for the idea! @Salieri:
If I saw that on a resume it would definitely make me more likely to hire you
@Cheeseburger-Sex: Congrats dude. If that happened to me I'd totally add it to my resumé @mirarom: You know what. I think i might. Thanks for the idea! @Salieri:
I’m an out of work video game designer. I drew the logo for Thottbot back in the day and you better believe it’s on my resume.
@Cheeseburger-Sex: Congrats dude. If that happened to me I'd totally add it to my resumé @mirarom: You know what. I think i might. Thanks for the idea! @Salieri:
Tbh when I hire new people, I appreciate something fun like this mentioned at the bottom with like extra curricular stuff. One maybe two silly items shows you have personality and are a fun person. But don’t go overboard or the resume won’t be taken serious
@9mmDay: That's a lifetime achievement to be proud of. @mirarom: Way better and more worthwhile than graduating college. @9mmDay: You should get a menu to frame. You could hang it on the wall like a diploma. @mirarom: I like the way you think. @9mmDay: I had dishes named after me in Japan 20 years ago and I wish I still had the menu. It is a good keep sake. @mirarom: Care to share what the dishes were? @9mmDay: I wish I could remember, it was some sort of fried rice, fried eggs and peppers and whatever else he threw in there. We lucked out because we we're sent to BFE Japan with an AmEx card and found someone that was bilingual willing to carve out a space for us foreigners and serve us food and alcohol till all hours of the night. @mirarom: Oh heck yes. That sounds great. Fried rice is amazing. @Salieri:
Yep it was a good time.
@9mmDay: That's a lifetime achievement to be proud of. @mirarom: Way better and more worthwhile than graduating college. @9mmDay: You should get a menu to frame. You could hang it on the wall like a diploma. @mirarom: I like the way you think. @9mmDay: I had dishes named after me in Japan 20 years ago and I wish I still had the menu. It is a good keep sake. @Salieri:
I see what you did there <3
@9mmDay: That's a lifetime achievement to be proud of. @mirarom: Way better and more worthwhile than graduating college. @Salieri:
i have a master’s degree and two bachelor degrees and i would trade them all to have a pizza named after me. very cool!
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @NinthAuto591: Care to tell the story of the Jurassic Park murder? @poop-trap: T.Rex's can smell mushrooms and feta from miles away. @Salieri:
Yeah, but they have to roll at least 19 to pick anything up.
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @NinthAuto591: Care to tell the story of the Jurassic Park murder? @mirarom: It’s really pathetic honestly. We were in one of the Jeeps. I was driving. I epically failed my driving roll. Drove us all into an electric fence - and no one else passed their reaction checks. So we all died about 2 minutes in! @Salieri:
Shortest campaign ever.
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @NinthAuto591: Care to tell the story of the Jurassic Park murder? @mirarom: It’s really pathetic honestly. We were in one of the Jeeps. I was driving. I epically failed my driving roll. Drove us all into an electric fence - and no one else passed their reaction checks. So we all died about 2 minutes in! @Salieri:
Is this an official JP role-playing game?
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @NinthAuto591: Care to tell the story of the Jurassic Park murder? @Salieri:
Yes I'd also like to know!!
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @rohmish: Are you even a regular Joe OP? @Salieri:
Clearly he is not.
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @rohmish: Are you even a regular Joe OP? @Salieri:
That depends on your definition of “Regular Joe”. But probably not. My current campaign is called Sweet Dreams are made of Polka. None of us are bards but we’re trying to start a polka rock band.
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @tardismeister: Now that's a campaign I can get behind! @Salieri:
It was incredibly fun. We needed a break from our regular campaign, and the whole goal of Jurassic Park was to stay alive as long as possible. It was not a question of if you would die, but when...
@lolwuuut: This is a good response to the ice breaker: "what's one interesting fact about you?" @mirarom: I once had an interview where the interviewer said, “I always ask people to tell me something about them that they wouldn’t normally put on their resume.” I talked about the time I single-handedly killed all of my party members in a Jurassic Park themed D&D game. But this is way better. @bluesky747: Jurassic Park themed D&D? Fun!! I still cant even get a group together for normal D&D. I've wanted to play a Star Trek themed game for a long time as well. No one I know is nerdy cool enough, I guess. @Salieri:
I have a totally virtual campaign right now with people spread across the USA. It’s phenomenal. There’s a site called roll20 where you can join games. Maybe give it a shot?
@JoshiProIsBestInLife: Holy shit. That's insane. I am a little jealous. @mirarom: Order something that isn’t “normal” loudly so everyone can hear! Project! @Salieri:
I have a regular order and I have been told that it's unusual but do my local place named a pizza after me? Do they fuck. Bastards. Utter bastards.
@JoshiProIsBestInLife: Holy shit. That's insane. I am a little jealous. @mirarom: Order something that isn’t “normal” loudly so everyone can hear! Project! @Salieri: