@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @FrigNpickles: One of my favorite songs and I was very surprised to see this comment. @Salieri:
Same I'm just sitting in bed like fuck, people still really love that song. Which means I'm about to listen to it on my way go work and happy cry.
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @violentwalking: Man I get lost in that guitar riff @Salieri:
It's a truly great song
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @violentwalking: Man I get lost in that guitar riff @Salieri:
It's mesmerizing as hell to play, too.
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @Juslotting: In The Aeroplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel @Salieri:
This is a black olive, and that’s coming from a black olive lover.
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @thepolishwizard: Dude. It had been years since ive heard that song. It was a big part of a really rough time in my life where I almost didn't make it and when I read your comment I went back and played it again and all these memories come flooding back. It's amazing how much we can tie memories to a song, good or bad. Also I don't think I ever took the time to actually read the lyrics, probably heard the song 500 plus times in my life yet never read them and fuck man......that song @Salieri:
That's what sic transit gloria is for me, even had it tattooed on me
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @Salieri:
Devil and God is one of my all-time favorite albums. I legitimately avoid listening to it most of the time because it's so emotionally intense. The story behind Limousine makes me tear up every time.
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @Salieri:
Brand new and Michael Jackson.. common theme, bit of a grey area
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @AnakinDrick: I’m so happy to see Brand New so high up on this post. Their whole discography is amazing, but may be a little overwhelming at first. Jesus Christ is the perfect starting point. @Salieri:
I was in college when they were popular, and for some reason I never really gave them a chance, even though I knew they were probably right up my alley. Fast forward to 2017, and I see Science Fiction released to rave reviews. I listen to it and am immediately sold. I listen to it a few hundred more times, then I go back and digest their whole back catalog. Kind of glad I never listened to it back then... it's a super nice surprise to "discover" it now. There is one riff in Jesus Christ, specifically to the lyrics "do I divide" that is eerily brings to mind early Modest Mouse. Which is weird because other than that one short riff, I'd never really expect to see those bands compared, even though I love them both.
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @Salieri:
And Play Crack The Sky!
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @Salieri:
Had a friend take his life this weekend so hearing this song and all the great ones everyone picked out has me crying but in a good way. Thank you for the kindness strangers.
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @theswankeyone: Jude’s Christ what a pretty face The kind you’d find on someone that could save @Salieri:
If they don't put me away it'll be a miracle Oh to be 18 again..
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @Salieri:
Came here to say this!
@middayfirework: I’m more interested in you telling us what you find by yourself exploring YouTube , maybe trying different genres of music and how they impact you. If I could make a suggestion it would be to keep your listening broad . @Lazylizardleech: For now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Every time I played a clip on YouTube, it's like I tasted a new juice or a dish I had never eaten before. Most of them didn't give me any feeling except the confused feeling but whenever I listened to Michael Jackson songs, I got goosebumps (and sometimes I get scared) and I felt like my eyes could see more clearly. I will definitely keep you guys updated. @Wintertrap9713: Listen to Jesus Christ by brand new @Salieri:
Another great one is "rapping for jesus" A must listen if you're any kind of fan of great music.
@Xennon-02: Wow, this is crazy. Me, as a music addict, cannot even imagine how life without sound must have been. I spend most of my time listening music. Music is the perfect way to create a certain emotion, this emotional experience you can get just by listening to a song is addicting for me. If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. When studying for a long time, listening to harder music is the perfect study-break. I am not here to suggest certain songs. Install the app Spotify, available on PC and all mobile devices. Browse around the 'search' tab and try listening to some different genres. There will be genres you like more than others, the once you like are the most important. Shuffle around some playlist, discover artist with nice voices, like Michael Jackson, and listen to some more of his songs. To add emotional experience to certain types of music try watching more movies. You get to know what sad music of happy music sounds like. Now go listen to music, to the cars, birds and airplanes outside. Don't spend your time on Reddit. Explore the world of vibrations @Lazylizardleech: If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. I just played "Sunny" by Boney M after reading this. It felt like I was young again and felt like my parents were around me as I heard it. I felt happy as it continued to play. They told me different songs gave different emotions. How does this even work? This totally feels like I'm drunk but it feels better without being disoriented. @manamachine: Give Mr. Blue Sky a listen @Xennon-02: Oh yes Mr. Blue Sky ofcourse! Really good song! Currently listening to it ;) @Salieri:
Listen to ELO's entire Catalog!
@Xennon-02: Wow, this is crazy. Me, as a music addict, cannot even imagine how life without sound must have been. I spend most of my time listening music. Music is the perfect way to create a certain emotion, this emotional experience you can get just by listening to a song is addicting for me. If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. When studying for a long time, listening to harder music is the perfect study-break. I am not here to suggest certain songs. Install the app Spotify, available on PC and all mobile devices. Browse around the 'search' tab and try listening to some different genres. There will be genres you like more than others, the once you like are the most important. Shuffle around some playlist, discover artist with nice voices, like Michael Jackson, and listen to some more of his songs. To add emotional experience to certain types of music try watching more movies. You get to know what sad music of happy music sounds like. Now go listen to music, to the cars, birds and airplanes outside. Don't spend your time on Reddit. Explore the world of vibrations @Lazylizardleech: If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. I just played "Sunny" by Boney M after reading this. It felt like I was young again and felt like my parents were around me as I heard it. I felt happy as it continued to play. They told me different songs gave different emotions. How does this even work? This totally feels like I'm drunk but it feels better without being disoriented. @manamachine: Give Mr. Blue Sky a listen @Salieri:
Preferably while watching the scene from guardians of the galaxy 2
@Xennon-02: Wow, this is crazy. Me, as a music addict, cannot even imagine how life without sound must have been. I spend most of my time listening music. Music is the perfect way to create a certain emotion, this emotional experience you can get just by listening to a song is addicting for me. If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. When studying for a long time, listening to harder music is the perfect study-break. I am not here to suggest certain songs. Install the app Spotify, available on PC and all mobile devices. Browse around the 'search' tab and try listening to some different genres. There will be genres you like more than others, the once you like are the most important. Shuffle around some playlist, discover artist with nice voices, like Michael Jackson, and listen to some more of his songs. To add emotional experience to certain types of music try watching more movies. You get to know what sad music of happy music sounds like. Now go listen to music, to the cars, birds and airplanes outside. Don't spend your time on Reddit. Explore the world of vibrations @Lazylizardleech: If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. I just played "Sunny" by Boney M after reading this. It felt like I was young again and felt like my parents were around me as I heard it. I felt happy as it continued to play. They told me different songs gave different emotions. How does this even work? This totally feels like I'm drunk but it feels better without being disoriented. @Salieri:
"They told me different songs gave different emotions" Oh my that's a lovely question! Music is organised in notes. A note is one frequency (air wiggles so to speak) . In Europe and America we decided to name 12 of these notes, the 7 most common of these are named A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Then, after that we have the same notes but brighter. A woman's voice is brighter than a man's voice, more squeaky, if you like. Now what is lovely with notes is that they can sound lovely one by one, like if you sing. Or, they can be used together, now we have entered a territory called "Harmony". When I talked about notes being one frequency, I sort of lied. It is one frequency that is loud and some others which are not so loud, these are organised in a pattern called the overtone series. If notes are together and following this pattern it sounds happy, and if they are not they sound sad, sour or spicy. I would highly recommend searching up the YouTube channel "Michael New" because it is hard explaining all of these things without sound. The song "Sir Duke" by Stevie Wonder is a really good example of harmony. There is a video with the channel Vox about that song, with a phenomenal artist named Jacob Collier that I also would recommend watching.
@Xennon-02: Wow, this is crazy. Me, as a music addict, cannot even imagine how life without sound must have been. I spend most of my time listening music. Music is the perfect way to create a certain emotion, this emotional experience you can get just by listening to a song is addicting for me. If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. When studying for a long time, listening to harder music is the perfect study-break. I am not here to suggest certain songs. Install the app Spotify, available on PC and all mobile devices. Browse around the 'search' tab and try listening to some different genres. There will be genres you like more than others, the once you like are the most important. Shuffle around some playlist, discover artist with nice voices, like Michael Jackson, and listen to some more of his songs. To add emotional experience to certain types of music try watching more movies. You get to know what sad music of happy music sounds like. Now go listen to music, to the cars, birds and airplanes outside. Don't spend your time on Reddit. Explore the world of vibrations @Lazylizardleech: If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. I just played "Sunny" by Boney M after reading this. It felt like I was young again and felt like my parents were around me as I heard it. I felt happy as it continued to play. They told me different songs gave different emotions. How does this even work? This totally feels like I'm drunk but it feels better without being disoriented. @Xennon-02: I let five of my friends read your post and everyone was very compassionate and supportive, we've discussed a lot of music and decided to recommend some songs that are connected to certain categories. There will be songs you'll like and definitely song you'll dislike, don't get scared by songs you don't like, just skip that one. Enjoy: HAPPY Glow - Gavin James Amigo - Chef'Special Classic - MKTO SuperSoaker - Josef It's Not Unusual - Tom Jones ORCHESTRA Pépinot - Bruno Coulais Ode To Joy - Ludwig van Beethoven Dragonstone - Ramin Djawadi Blood Of My Blood- Ramin Djawadi SAD Table Of Fools - IBE She - Elvis Costello River Flows In You - Yiruma The Scientist - Coldplay HARD (play at loud volume when you really need a good study break) Blitzkrieg Bop - Ramones Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia Throne - Bring Me The Horizon Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance FILM / MUSICAL The Greatest Show - Hugh Jackman (this song gave everyone of use goosebumps while we we're in the cinema) Shawshank Prison - Stoic Theme (opening theme of best rated movie on IMDB) City Of Stars - Gavin James (Remake from a classic song that was first seen in the movie Lala Land) Star Wars Theme - John Williams (We forced ourself to stop after this song otherwise the Film / Musical list would be 100 songs long) SPECIAL MENTIONS Underground - Lindsey Stirling (while searching for music we came across this song, it gave us weird but good feelings) Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (this song has been #1 on practically all music-rating chards ever) The Nights - Avicii (Avicii was (one of) the best DJ's all time, he died a while ago, various other artists finished the songs Avicii wasn't able to finish himself. This way even after his death Avicii songs kept appearing for a while. The Nights was from before his death) We hoped to have helped you out find your music personality. Please ask all your questions, we are open to answer every one and we have a lot more songs to suggest. Greetings from all of us! @PingCarGaming: I assume you are from Belgium as seen that you know Ibe? @Xennon-02: We are from the Netherlands actually. The song from IBE was in one of my friends Spotify's Discover Weekly @Salieri:
Oh ok dan.
@Xennon-02: Wow, this is crazy. Me, as a music addict, cannot even imagine how life without sound must have been. I spend most of my time listening music. Music is the perfect way to create a certain emotion, this emotional experience you can get just by listening to a song is addicting for me. If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. When studying for a long time, listening to harder music is the perfect study-break. I am not here to suggest certain songs. Install the app Spotify, available on PC and all mobile devices. Browse around the 'search' tab and try listening to some different genres. There will be genres you like more than others, the once you like are the most important. Shuffle around some playlist, discover artist with nice voices, like Michael Jackson, and listen to some more of his songs. To add emotional experience to certain types of music try watching more movies. You get to know what sad music of happy music sounds like. Now go listen to music, to the cars, birds and airplanes outside. Don't spend your time on Reddit. Explore the world of vibrations @Lazylizardleech: If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. I just played "Sunny" by Boney M after reading this. It felt like I was young again and felt like my parents were around me as I heard it. I felt happy as it continued to play. They told me different songs gave different emotions. How does this even work? This totally feels like I'm drunk but it feels better without being disoriented. @Salieri:
Can you look up Claire de lune be Debussy? It’s the most moving piece I’ve ever heard. So simplistic and beautiful.
@Xennon-02: Wow, this is crazy. Me, as a music addict, cannot even imagine how life without sound must have been. I spend most of my time listening music. Music is the perfect way to create a certain emotion, this emotional experience you can get just by listening to a song is addicting for me. If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. When studying for a long time, listening to harder music is the perfect study-break. I am not here to suggest certain songs. Install the app Spotify, available on PC and all mobile devices. Browse around the 'search' tab and try listening to some different genres. There will be genres you like more than others, the once you like are the most important. Shuffle around some playlist, discover artist with nice voices, like Michael Jackson, and listen to some more of his songs. To add emotional experience to certain types of music try watching more movies. You get to know what sad music of happy music sounds like. Now go listen to music, to the cars, birds and airplanes outside. Don't spend your time on Reddit. Explore the world of vibrations @Lazylizardleech: If you feel sad you can play your favorite sunny, feel-good music and that will fix a lot. I just played "Sunny" by Boney M after reading this. It felt like I was young again and felt like my parents were around me as I heard it. I felt happy as it continued to play. They told me different songs gave different emotions. How does this even work? This totally feels like I'm drunk but it feels better without being disoriented. @SheepStyle_1999: How we about to not make him listen to Old Town Road first? @Salieri:
“Crank That” it is, then!
@Minion_of_Cthulhu: Michael Jackson's album Thriller is one of the biggest selling albums of all time, so if you like his voice try anything from that album. @Lazylizardleech: I just checked out "Thriller" on YouTube. I didn't watch the MTV and I just watched the lyric video. I felt like I could "see" things, like, the walls were vibrating. And although I knew it was supposed to be a scary song, I felt goosebumps all over me. It's like I could "see" better. It's like I was blind before and like now I can see everything, like I could see 360. My brother told me to check out Billie Jean and I totally froze as soon as I heard it. I didn't know people were full of emotions like this. I've been drunk before and hearing the songs feels even more emotional than being drunk. @jaykaikino: _Rock with You_ is also very intoxicating. @Lazylizardleech: Wow. This sounds so different from other songs. My ears tickled. I feel giddy. Is this supposed to be like funny? I knew the lyrics but is the sound of it supposed to make one feel giddy? @Salieri:
MJ did some crazy things with harmony in pop. Key changes that shouldn't work but do. It's not something you hear a lot, especially in Rock with You, definitely at least a little giddying hahah It's a lot to take in, but super super wonderful.
@Minion_of_Cthulhu: Michael Jackson's album Thriller is one of the biggest selling albums of all time, so if you like his voice try anything from that album. @Lazylizardleech: I just checked out "Thriller" on YouTube. I didn't watch the MTV and I just watched the lyric video. I felt like I could "see" things, like, the walls were vibrating. And although I knew it was supposed to be a scary song, I felt goosebumps all over me. It's like I could "see" better. It's like I was blind before and like now I can see everything, like I could see 360. My brother told me to check out Billie Jean and I totally froze as soon as I heard it. I didn't know people were full of emotions like this. I've been drunk before and hearing the songs feels even more emotional than being drunk. @Salieri:
Glad you enjoyed it!
@Lilly0406: Wow dude such a wonderful story!!! I am very happy for you. it must be such an exceptional experience! You should definitely check out The Beatles. @Lazylizardleech: I have checked out Yesterday as suggested by others as well. While I was listening to other songs, I felt overwhelmed but when I heard Yesterday, it's like I couldn't hear it. I could hear it but it's like I could sleep while it's playing while I wouldn't be able to sleep while the other songs I checked out played. This song makes me feel cool - not cold - but cool. Sometimes it made me feel warm. It's like cool and warm alternating. Am I crazy or is this how people feel when they hear songs? @Salieri:
Yes, it is called frisson, and some studies have been done that suggests that people who experience goosebumps/chills/physical reactions to music are more intelligent and more deeply emotional than those who do not.
@Lilly0406: Wow dude such a wonderful story!!! I am very happy for you. it must be such an exceptional experience! You should definitely check out The Beatles. @Lazylizardleech: I have checked out Yesterday as suggested by others as well. While I was listening to other songs, I felt overwhelmed but when I heard Yesterday, it's like I couldn't hear it. I could hear it but it's like I could sleep while it's playing while I wouldn't be able to sleep while the other songs I checked out played. This song makes me feel cool - not cold - but cool. Sometimes it made me feel warm. It's like cool and warm alternating. Am I crazy or is this how people feel when they hear songs? @Salieri:
Pretty sure that's known as frisson.
@FudgingEgo: * The Beatles (Here comes the sun) * The Rolling Stones (I can't get no satisfaction) * Elvis Presley (Suspicious minds) * Queen (Don't stop me now) * Led Zeppelin (Good times bad times) * ACDC (Thunderstruck) * Metallica (Master of puppets) * Prince (Purple rain) * Michael Jackson (The way you make me feel) * Guns N Roses (November rain) * Pink Floyd (Wish you were here) Time to fall in love with music my friend, I for one am very jealous that you have the ability to listen to music fresh and so happy for you! @Salieri:
+1 for the Pink Floyd rec, this is my fav song by them.
@MadMrMercury: So happy for you!! The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd and Blonde by Frank Ocean are some of my favorites, but go out and explore! There’s a gigantic world of sounds for you to discover! @Salieri:
And after DSOTM, treat yourself to the masterpiece of an album that Wish You Were Here is. I wish I could go back in time and hear that four-note theme again for the first time.
@kharghulkaka: Anything Bob Marley the only time music hit me was him @Salieri:
Perfect for a relaxing day
@Flatulent_Fawkes: Aphex Twin - Xtal @Salieri:
I second Aphex Twin! Xtal, Alberto Balsalm, if you have time maybe listen to Selected Ambient Works 85-92. It's incredible how instrumental electronic/ambient music can carry and express as much (if not more) passion and emotion than some music with singing/lyrics.
@Flatulent_Fawkes: Aphex Twin - Xtal @Salieri:
And then after Xtal, listen to Avril 14th.
@Flatulent_Fawkes: Aphex Twin - Xtal @Salieri:
Alberto Balsam Avril 14th Windowlicker Vordhosbn Nanou 2 On And if you're feeling like you can handle something really loud and abrasive, listen to Come to Daddy.
@lightningrod09752015: Darude - Sandstorm @DancingDiaBEATS: Fuck dude just let him start running first @Salieri:
chuck some martin garrix animals in there to really cap off the eargasm
@lightningrod09752015: Darude - Sandstorm @Salieri:
I see you’re a man of culture as well.
@TunaBrick: “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. Really, any song by Led Zeppelin. @Lazylizardleech: I don't know why. When I heard it, I couldn't help but think of the childhood memories and I feel sad and sleepy, like I have done lots of work for the day. Sometimes I felt taken aback and sometimes I found myself sad and smiling as well as I listened to it. It's really weird. @Salieri:
That’s where good music likes to take you. The songs are written and performed that way for maximum emotional response.
@TunaBrick: “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. Really, any song by Led Zeppelin. @Lazylizardleech: I don't know why. When I heard it, I couldn't help but think of the childhood memories and I feel sad and sleepy, like I have done lots of work for the day. Sometimes I felt taken aback and sometimes I found myself sad and smiling as well as I listened to it. It's really weird. @Salieri:
If you want to find yourself sad and sad, listen to "Since I've Been Loving You" by Led Zeppelin.
@Jynxed_Storyteller: Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen. You're going to be in for quite the trip. @VictorioPeak: Is this the real life? @88moonkitty: Is this just fantasy? @RedMelon424: Caught in a laaaandslide @Salieri:
No escape from reality
@JudgeArthurVandelay: The Beatles! @VictorioPeak: Came here to say “Hey Jude” and “In My Life” @lordorbit: You mean “Hey Dude”, right? /s, it’s Yeste, it’s Yesterday movie reference @Salieri:
Ed Sheeran grr
@JudgeArthurVandelay: The Beatles! @VictorioPeak: Came here to say “Hey Jude” and “In My Life” @Salieri:
"A day in the life" too if you want something fun and a little trippy.
@ColumbusMan92: John Lennon- Imagine Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven The Beatles- Yesterday The Beatles- When I’m 64 @Lazylizardleech: I checked out Imagine. It was less overwhelming and I could process the emotions better hearing this. I feel like I could even remember this. @Salieri:
I was going to suggest Imagine! Such a great song.
@Victoria240: Every Breath You Take by Police Never Gonna Give you Up by Rick Astley Rap God by Eminem September by ??( forgot) @corndogs1001: Out of all the Eminem songs I wouldn’t play rap god first lol. I would pick a more fun slower song like Without me. Oh man, this guy probably hasn’t heard rap before, that just gives a whole new world of choices. September is Earth Wind and Fire btw, great song. @Salieri:
Go for Lose Yourself instead (only rap song to ever win an Oscar). Sing for the Moment is peak Eminem too. The rest comes later.
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Y___: As a huge drinker, I just want to commend you for being so selfless. Having someone that hung out with me and drove me around when I was drunk would be amazing. Now if I’m stuck somewhere where I’m drinking, I have to drink water and give myself a few hours or just end up staying there. I hate it. @Salieri:
A few hours isn't enough to sober up. Sometimes even a whole night isn't. Be careful with that
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Y___: As a huge drinker, I just want to commend you for being so selfless. Having someone that hung out with me and drove me around when I was drunk would be amazing. Now if I’m stuck somewhere where I’m drinking, I have to drink water and give myself a few hours or just end up staying there. I hate it. @Salieri:
You know, if you want that of someone that also means you need to be their DD sometimes too.
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Y___: As a huge drinker, I just want to commend you for being so selfless. Having someone that hung out with me and drove me around when I was drunk would be amazing. Now if I’m stuck somewhere where I’m drinking, I have to drink water and give myself a few hours or just end up staying there. I hate it. @Salieri:
As a huge drinker Alcoholic*
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Y___: As a huge drinker, I just want to commend you for being so selfless. Having someone that hung out with me and drove me around when I was drunk would be amazing. Now if I’m stuck somewhere where I’m drinking, I have to drink water and give myself a few hours or just end up staying there. I hate it. @Salieri:
Learn about Uber, man.
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Y___: As a huge drinker, I just want to commend you for being so selfless. Having someone that hung out with me and drove me around when I was drunk would be amazing. Now if I’m stuck somewhere where I’m drinking, I have to drink water and give myself a few hours or just end up staying there. I hate it. @Salieri:
So...why do you drink so much?
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Y___: As a huge drinker, I just want to commend you for being so selfless. Having someone that hung out with me and drove me around when I was drunk would be amazing. Now if I’m stuck somewhere where I’m drinking, I have to drink water and give myself a few hours or just end up staying there. I hate it. @Salieri:
This is a very common attitude, and incredibly wrong. After 4 beers you need to wait 16.5 hours before you drive. Water might make you feel better, but it won’t make you better at driving.
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Y___: As a huge drinker, I just want to commend you for being so selfless. Having someone that hung out with me and drove me around when I was drunk would be amazing. Now if I’m stuck somewhere where I’m drinking, I have to drink water and give myself a few hours or just end up staying there. I hate it. @Salieri:
Try Uber unless they got like a no drink policy
@dsteere2303: Me being a designated driver is the reason I met my husband. And also reduced the risk of any innocent deaths. Seriously don't drink and drive @Breyze19: Good advice, and that's cool that it led you to meeting your husband! @dsteere2303: Yeah I had seen him before and we had mutal friends but we'd never spoken much, we were at a house party and I was the DD for my friend group. He got very Ill, not from drinking too much but some winter vomiting bug, and needed a lift back home, my name was suggested and the rest is history! @Salieri:
That was nice of you to take him home
@lupine_sidhe: Every year, my husband spends new year's eve driving Lyft for the primary purpose of making sure people can get where they need to go safely. I worry about him being on the roads. But at the same time, I'm glad he is @Salieri:
That's a really kind thing for him to do, and I assure you he's making a difference
@lupine_sidhe: Every year, my husband spends new year's eve driving Lyft for the primary purpose of making sure people can get where they need to go safely. I worry about him being on the roads. But at the same time, I'm glad he is @dsteere2303: I suppose it's quite a profitable night as well. Making money and keeping people safe sounds like a win win. @FlyingHiveTyrant: Downside: drunkards puking in your car @lupine_sidhe: Fortunately that has not happened yet. Lol @Ffzilla: Fellow driver here. It's just a matter of time. @lupine_sidhe: Lol. I hope not. But we have a great detail service we use to clean the car just in case @Ffzilla: I just made sure my clean up bag was ready for tonight. Hope it's a safe, and profitable night for the both of us. Cheers! @Salieri:
Good luck! Be safe tonight!
@lupine_sidhe: Every year, my husband spends new year's eve driving Lyft for the primary purpose of making sure people can get where they need to go safely. I worry about him being on the roads. But at the same time, I'm glad he is @dsteere2303: I suppose it's quite a profitable night as well. Making money and keeping people safe sounds like a win win. @FlyingHiveTyrant: Downside: drunkards puking in your car @lupine_sidhe: Fortunately that has not happened yet. Lol @Salieri:
I guess you're lucky!
@lupine_sidhe: Every year, my husband spends new year's eve driving Lyft for the primary purpose of making sure people can get where they need to go safely. I worry about him being on the roads. But at the same time, I'm glad he is @dsteere2303: I suppose it's quite a profitable night as well. Making money and keeping people safe sounds like a win win. @FlyingHiveTyrant: Downside: drunkards puking in your car @Salieri:
Downside: drunkards puking in your car Ugh!
@lupine_sidhe: Every year, my husband spends new year's eve driving Lyft for the primary purpose of making sure people can get where they need to go safely. I worry about him being on the roads. But at the same time, I'm glad he is @dsteere2303: I suppose it's quite a profitable night as well. Making money and keeping people safe sounds like a win win. @Salieri:
Yup. It sure does!
@lupine_sidhe: Every year, my husband spends new year's eve driving Lyft for the primary purpose of making sure people can get where they need to go safely. I worry about him being on the roads. But at the same time, I'm glad he is @sessamekesh: Tell him some dude on Reddit says thank you. That's an incredible service to do on a holiday like this, and he's definitely saving lives in doing it. To the rest of you going out and partying without a DD, tip your drivers well tonight! @Salieri:
Hell, buy’em a drink! wait no. Dowait no. Don’t do that.
@SugarNFeist828: Lost my little brother almost 4 years ago to drunk driving. He was the sober passenger and the only casualty. Helping my mother sort through his things as well organize his cremation and wakes was SO painful. Please remember the other family when you get behind the wheel drunk tonight. It’s not worth it on SO many levels...just call a DD or Uber. @Breyze19: I wish I could upvote this a million times. I'm so so sorry for you loss, and thank you for sharing your story to help other people @Salieri:
I second that.
@scottpendergast: It's cheaper to call a cab than it is to catch a dwi charge. @Lahmmom: Or pay for a funeral @Salieri:
That's totally true
@FishWolfHerpes: Great grandma passed away from a fall on Christmas Eve and the funeral was today, trust me don’t be going out doing stupid shit and ruin people’s lives while ending others. Get a ride from someone sober, death shouldn’t be working on the holidays @Gangreless: I'm sorry for chuckling at this because the first part had me thinking you were making a grandma got run over by a reindeer joke @Salieri:
Bah missed an opportunity with that one haha
@chevychasist: DUIs kill seventy people a day or something like that and I betcha anything Mary Jane kills people too if we honest about it @hollyflaxseeds: Fun fact: Driving tired is as equally dangerous as drunk driving. @Salieri:
But nobody wants to talk about that.
@chevychasist: DUIs kill seventy people a day or something like that and I betcha anything Mary Jane kills people too if we honest about it @hollyflaxseeds: Fun fact: Driving tired is as equally dangerous as drunk driving. @Salieri:
Truckers laugh while snorting caffeine pills off their steering wheel and going 80
@chevychasist: DUIs kill seventy people a day or something like that and I betcha anything Mary Jane kills people too if we honest about it @hollyflaxseeds: Fun fact: Driving tired is as equally dangerous as drunk driving. @Salieri:
I believe that is true especially after the NyQuil incident I had in 98 in my lumina
@VILLIAMZATNER: One of my really close friends is one of those "I don't talk about my feelings" "don't hug me" people, but I can always tell when she's getting drink because she fan girls about her husband, it's awesome. @QuillEncre: This is my husband, he doesn't like emotions but if you get him a but tipsy he's all hugs and kisses and "baby I love you" "baby have I told you how beautiful you are" I fucking love it man @yesimayseemfishy: This the dream man @QuillEncre: He also gushes about me to his new friends because evidently I am best wife he just won't admit it to me @yesimayseemfishy: Okay so 1) get a wife 2) get friends 3) gush about aforementioned wife to friends 4) leave the room Did I get all the steps down? @QuillEncre: No you forgot the step where you get all mushy about her when you're tipsy and give her compliments that make her blush @yesimayseemfishy: Yes, that. how could I forget. So, 5) get all mushy about her when you're tipsy and give her compliments that make her blush 6) Profit @QuillEncre: Pretty much ya, and if you get lucky and she's a good cook you're set for life @yesimayseemfishy: But I am a great cook already.Hmmmm @Salieri:
Then get a girl who loves food and likes to either cook with you or watch you cook and try all the food you make
@VILLIAMZATNER: One of my really close friends is one of those "I don't talk about my feelings" "don't hug me" people, but I can always tell when she's getting drink because she fan girls about her husband, it's awesome. @QuillEncre: This is my husband, he doesn't like emotions but if you get him a but tipsy he's all hugs and kisses and "baby I love you" "baby have I told you how beautiful you are" I fucking love it man @yesimayseemfishy: This the dream man @QuillEncre: He also gushes about me to his new friends because evidently I am best wife he just won't admit it to me @yesimayseemfishy: Okay so 1) get a wife 2) get friends 3) gush about aforementioned wife to friends 4) leave the room Did I get all the steps down? @Salieri:
and 5. Profit?
@VILLIAMZATNER: One of my really close friends is one of those "I don't talk about my feelings" "don't hug me" people, but I can always tell when she's getting drink because she fan girls about her husband, it's awesome. @Masol_The_Producer: Damn the more you avoid your feelings the more uncomfortable you become when they start to resurface. I lost friends this way. You want your feelings validated you gotta validate them yourself. @Salieri:
Good advice
@VILLIAMZATNER: One of my really close friends is one of those "I don't talk about my feelings" "don't hug me" people, but I can always tell when she's getting drink because she fan girls about her husband, it's awesome. @Masol_The_Producer: Damn the more you avoid your feelings the more uncomfortable you become when they start to resurface. I lost friends this way. You want your feelings validated you gotta validate them yourself. @Cory123125: You want your feelings validated you gotta validate them yourself. To me this is just saying what society makes very obvious: People dont actually care about you or your feelings, they just want someone who is chill to be around, and that specifically means that making your problems known means making yourself the problem. People lie all the time and pretend this isnt the case or pretend its only in extreme situations when its true, but I think the vast majority of people operate this way. Its why its really hard for anyone with any illness that isnt physical because the same is true there. People expect people with mental illnesses to act as if they dont have them. @Salieri:
Ppl like to hold onto values that harm them because they’re unfamiliar with letting go
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @soverylucky: Completely agree with you! @DrBoby: That's easy when your wife is amazing. But when she isn't you sometimes need to vent to someone. Internalizing and building anger isn't always the best thing. @Amaculatum: Perhaps addressing your issues with your wife to your wife might be a solution? Venting doesn't actually help, addressing the problem in a kind and understanding way does. @Nikcara: There isn’t always a solution to the problem though. My husband is awesome overall. But he has severe medical problems that makes it so he physically can’t do a lot of chores around the house. He makes up for it in other ways, but occasionally I’m just fried from doing all the physical labor in my house plus my job plus whatever else is going on. It’s not his fault, talking to him would achieve nothing but making him feel bad about something outside his control, and sometimes I want to complain about how unfair life is. Now I’ll only vent to very few people about this and they normally only hear good things about him, but yes, I will occasionally vent to a friend of mine who also knows what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone with disabilities. Hell, sometimes he even gives me advice on stuff that can help. @Salieri:
I think they key is you're venting about a circumstance not venting/complaining about him the person. It can be hard to untangle the two but it really sounds like you're doing healthy venting not destructive complaining.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @soverylucky: Completely agree with you! @DrBoby: That's easy when your wife is amazing. But when she isn't you sometimes need to vent to someone. Internalizing and building anger isn't always the best thing. @Amaculatum: Perhaps addressing your issues with your wife to your wife might be a solution? Venting doesn't actually help, addressing the problem in a kind and understanding way does. @WizardOfAahhhz: This is true, but sometimes discretely talking to a trusted friend to get perspective before addressing particular issues with a partner can be helpful and healthy. I’m not suggesting airing all the dirty laundry, but there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for relationships. @Salieri:
One thing I've been taught: be careful complaining about your SO to your friends, and especially parents. They always hear the "worst" of your SO, and of course support you so are always on your side. but it's harder to talk about the bests because it becomes almost like bragging. Over time this leads to a negativity associated with them. So yes complain if you need to vent but make sure you talk about the good sides too, or you will accidentally leave a very bad impression of your SO to your family and friends.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @soverylucky: Completely agree with you! @DrBoby: That's easy when your wife is amazing. But when she isn't you sometimes need to vent to someone. Internalizing and building anger isn't always the best thing. @Amaculatum: Perhaps addressing your issues with your wife to your wife might be a solution? Venting doesn't actually help, addressing the problem in a kind and understanding way does. @WizardOfAahhhz: This is true, but sometimes discretely talking to a trusted friend to get perspective before addressing particular issues with a partner can be helpful and healthy. I’m not suggesting airing all the dirty laundry, but there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for relationships. @Amaculatum: Of course. That is a completely different thing from venting about your partner to someone else. @Salieri:
I suppose it’s an interpretation thing. I see venting as part of the process I was describing.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @alexc1ted: I couldn’t agree more. I work in a factory full of “wife bad” type old dudes. They constantly ask me if I hate being married yet and such. I never understand it. My wife is my favorite person to talk to! The part that always kills me is these guys will brag about how mean they are to their wives every day and then turn around and complain about how they never have sex anymore haha @Salieri:
Hah that last part lol, I relate to this. My last workplace was super toxic for other reasons but it was also filled with older people like this.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @alexc1ted: I couldn’t agree more. I work in a factory full of “wife bad” type old dudes. They constantly ask me if I hate being married yet and such. I never understand it. My wife is my favorite person to talk to! The part that always kills me is these guys will brag about how mean they are to their wives every day and then turn around and complain about how they never have sex anymore haha @Salieri:
My guy says the same thing about his work, lol. He took some hours last week to come home early and hang out with me, because it was my last day of vacation. They were all razzing him about it. He just shrugged and said he actually likes his fiancé. That shut them up, haha. Some guys say, "Wait til you get married," but we have been together for 12 years. Longer than some of the guys bitching about their wives. Living together most of that time. We're good, fellas. We're just... actually on the same team over here.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @koghrun: I had a bunch of work friends over for a party like 4 years ago. When my wife mingles with them, they all talked about how positively I talk about her at work. She still brings that up from time to time, and is happy every time. If you want to win major points with your wife, have a third party tell her about how you talk her up when she's not around. She also was kicked out of a carpool because the other 3 women only wanted to bitch about their husbands, and she almost never had anything bad to say about me. @Salieri:
My wife's co-workers tell me the same about her all the time. I don't work, so all I really have is social media...but you can guarantee even here on reddit I'll never speak ill of her or complain about her in any way.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @SadlyReturndRS: I agree 98% with this. But my very best friend will hear all my uncensored thoughts, just because yeah, no person or relationship is perfect, and it's good for my mental health to have one person outside the relationship I can vent to/bounce ideas off of. Especially since my best friend is damn good at pointing out other perspectives to me and telling me when I'm just plain wrong or full of shit. A therapist would also be a valid outside-the-relationship person to be uncensored with. @Salieri:
This is the sane, balanced response. Talk badly of your partner is not the way to go but you need to have someone to talk about it too. Just be sure it's someone that will either listen and not "suggest" or someone that will know you will enough to tell you "you are in the wrong there, buddy".
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @Pufflekun: I view marriage as my worst nightmare; an absolute living hell on Earth. That's why I'm not married. If you think there's even a slight chance of marriage feeling like a prison to you, why the fuck did you get married‽ Bitching about your marriage is like shutting yourself inside a refrigerator, and then bitching that there's not enough room. @Salieri:
Things don't always go as planned.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @raisins_are_gwapes2: Your wife is a lucky woman! @Army0fMe: Not nearly as lucky as I am. @raisins_are_gwapes2: Awwww! I love it when nice people love and appreciate each other. I hope that the grocery store never runs out of your favorite ice cream. @puglord35: Woa man, dont go giving blessings out that high of order. But then again, he deserves it. @Salieri:
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @Salieri:
This is sooo true, especially if you and your spouse are deep friends too. And that's why this works for best friends too. I have been learning to do some art and design and I was nervous to let my friends know. Sure they were sarcastic at first but believe me I was having so many mixed emotions and covered my face when the same friend was yelling at the other guy who was bitching about how bad my project was. Makes you wonder if friends can be that good and supportive what an entity a spouse can be.
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @Salieri:
Right there with you bro, your wife is amazing. Just kidding, I meant my wife is as well, and I feel the same way
@Army0fMe: I really wish more couples understood this. I see guys all the time talking about the ol' lady or the old ball and chain and talking about how marriage is a prison ersumshit. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? I will never have a cross word to say about my wife to anyone. The only words anyone will ever hear about her from me will be praise of the highest regard. Granted, she is a truly amazing and wonderful woman, but she's still human and she has flaws. But I'm not gonna sit and bitch to my buddies about them. And be prepared to catch your teeth should a foul word about her cross your lips in my presence. @AuNanoMan: I think that’s boomer shit. Maybe it has penetrated millennials outside of my sphere, but I have heard nothing but nice things said about spouses from the people around me. I always thought, if people dislike their family so much why do they stay around them? @Windyligth: It is boomer shit. No one my age talks about their spouse like this; I feel like my generation faces a lot less pressure to stay with people that are bad for them than boomers did. @Salieri:
Y'know I'm not married or near that age bracket but I appreciate that you can recognize that boomers act the way they do due to the pressures and societal expectations from when they were growing and not just because they're evil disgusting old people that we should hate In fact when millennials and zoomers are the old people on the block we're probably gonna get made fun of for stuff or viewpoints we'll have because of the circumstances of how we were raised
@Kuldeep-Dhiman: That's Bro-Code @Salieri:
Somewhere out there the guy is reading this. Good job bro
@Kuldeep-Dhiman: That's Bro-Code @Salieri:
Not always, man. I'm a total fanboy for my girlfriend, for the same reason I'm dating her to begin with...she's fuckin' awesome.
@Rob_Drinkovich: Either that or your husband has the best friends of all time. /s @tiemyshoe89: Haha I was thinking the same thing homie..Boyz looking out for Boyz! @Salieri:
Happy cake day!
@Rob_Drinkovich: Either that or your husband has the best friends of all time. /s @tiemyshoe89: Haha I was thinking the same thing homie..Boyz looking out for Boyz! @Salieri:
Lol the ironic/iconic thing is if he knew to mention the cooking it probably means the husband doesn’t like the cooking and bro flipped it
@InItToWinIt_88: My gf/future wife has been cooking amazing lately. Just thought I'd bring it up. @SuperFamousComedian: Blink twice if she knows your username. @Salieri:
@BarbaricBrew: This is fucking adorable..... and I want one. @kcooper1214: Me too! @AncorTm: Meow too @Intelligent_patrick: Meow three @Salieri:
Meow fur
@Skatingraccoon: brb ringing up Carole Baskins @Salieri:
I would like one large tiger and one human’s-worth of sardine oil
@Skatingraccoon: brb ringing up Carole Baskins @Salieri:
Department of Fish and Wildlife has entered the chat
@walkinthepark01: Barber: “What can I do for you today?” Cat: “I’ll take the Joe Exotic” @SquidZillaYT: whos joe @Salieri:
Joe mother
@walkinthepark01: Barber: “What can I do for you today?” Cat: “I’ll take the Joe Exotic” @SquidZillaYT: whos joe @firstfamiliar: joe balls @MMAntwoord: they were like golden nuggets to that boy @Salieri:
There can be no finer eulogy.
@walkinthepark01: Barber: “What can I do for you today?” Cat: “I’ll take the Joe Exotic” @SquidZillaYT: whos joe @firstfamiliar: joe balls @Salieri:
Haaaaaa got eem
@LionGhost: It's the best kind of cat @Salieri:
no dats simba
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @neuroticbrunette: Hahaha this made me laugh. I bet you’re right. @Salieri:
You've got a crow restaurant going on. You should expand, maybe run ads on the crow TV.
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @neuroticbrunette: Hahaha this made me laugh. I bet you’re right. @Salieri:
Use the money to buy better bread, so that they’ll start bringing more money
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @neuroticbrunette: Hahaha this made me laugh. I bet you’re right. @Salieri:
Yeah laugh all you want you still have to pay your taxes
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @neuroticbrunette: Hahaha this made me laugh. I bet you’re right. @Salieri:
A crow always pays his debts.
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @dryphtyr: As intelligent as they are, this might be as true as it is funny @Salieri:
Wonder if they keep a crow bank somewhere and go there to pay for the lunch. Also move towards cashless payments will hurt the crow-human segment of economy unless substitutes are found soon.
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @dryphtyr: As intelligent as they are, this might be as true as it is funny @vnxr: Like really, what if crows saw humans exchanging coins for goods and guessed they are particularly valuable for humans? I'd think crows just think any shiny item is valuable, but then they'd rather bring items like foil packaging @Salieri:
It's fascinating, as a measure of intelligence. Think of children, who first understand basic trading to get things, and then learn that money gets you things but not how it works (not understanding the value of different denominations, etc, just knowing you need some money to get ice cream so the 4 year brings a quarter to buy ice cream, etc), then you learn the values of different forms but still not really what that value means (older kids who understand numbers but not really how money is earned), and so on. No one's taught crows what money is, they just have observed it has specific value for trading for things.
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @dryphtyr: As intelligent as they are, this might be as true as it is funny @Salieri:
I don’t think it’s funny at all, I think it’s really sad
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @stratosfearinggas: Reminds me of a story on reddit where this guy regularly gave a crow one of his tacos at lunch. One day the crow brought him a coin and mimicked the word 'taco'. It knew you needed money to buy tacos. @Salieri:
I saw a story a while back about training crows to put their coins into food vending machines for the peanuts that came out.
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @stratosfearinggas: Reminds me of a story on reddit where this guy regularly gave a crow one of his tacos at lunch. One day the crow brought him a coin and mimicked the word 'taco'. It knew you needed money to buy tacos. @Salieri:
NO WAY..... bullshevich
@Jimmy_Fromthepieshop: They are not leaving you gifts, they're just paying for their food. @Salieri:
They know times are tough right now. Everyone has to do their bit
@tinyirishgirl: And they know and remember your face. They are everything wonderful. @neuroticbrunette: I had read that somewhere years ago, that crows remember your face. I didn’t know that they like to bring shiny things, more specifically money, to humans! The fact that they can recognize money and continue bringing pennies, blows my mind @Notsureofwhat: They’ll also communicate your face to other crows like their children. There are a lot of interesting stories about the shiny things crows give! It’s ominous when a crow gives you a random key. @heretogetpwned: Sounds like a writing prompt. @prettydotty_: Agreed! @Flokii-Ubjorn: AI dungeon here I go! @Flokii-Ubjorn: Well that was a wild ride anyone who hasn't I definitely recommend giving AI dungeon a go! @mbiz05: What was the starter text you used? @Flokii-Ubjorn: I should've saved it for you but the gist of it was at a funeral when the crow lands nearby and leaves a key and I let it run from there @Salieri:
What the heck are you guys talking about? Ok I'm gonna look it up!
@tinyirishgirl: And they know and remember your face. They are everything wonderful. @neuroticbrunette: I had read that somewhere years ago, that crows remember your face. I didn’t know that they like to bring shiny things, more specifically money, to humans! The fact that they can recognize money and continue bringing pennies, blows my mind @Notsureofwhat: They’ll also communicate your face to other crows like their children. There are a lot of interesting stories about the shiny things crows give! It’s ominous when a crow gives you a random key. @heretogetpwned: Sounds like a writing prompt. @prettydotty_: Agreed! @Flokii-Ubjorn: AI dungeon here I go! @Flokii-Ubjorn: Well that was a wild ride anyone who hasn't I definitely recommend giving AI dungeon a go! @Salieri:
Thank you for alerting me to the existence of this! I just made a story on there and it was absolutely hilarious how the ai works. The story wasn't half bad either lol wish I could share it with people tho
@tinyirishgirl: And they know and remember your face. They are everything wonderful. @neuroticbrunette: I had read that somewhere years ago, that crows remember your face. I didn’t know that they like to bring shiny things, more specifically money, to humans! The fact that they can recognize money and continue bringing pennies, blows my mind @Notsureofwhat: They’ll also communicate your face to other crows like their children. There are a lot of interesting stories about the shiny things crows give! It’s ominous when a crow gives you a random key. @heretogetpwned: Sounds like a writing prompt. @prettydotty_: Agreed! @Flokii-Ubjorn: AI dungeon here I go! @Flokii-Ubjorn: Well that was a wild ride anyone who hasn't I definitely recommend giving AI dungeon a go! @Salieri:
Is this the new thing? I work in AI. I’m not falling for this... for now. You would tell me if I was the robot right
@tinyirishgirl: And they know and remember your face. They are everything wonderful. @neuroticbrunette: I had read that somewhere years ago, that crows remember your face. I didn’t know that they like to bring shiny things, more specifically money, to humans! The fact that they can recognize money and continue bringing pennies, blows my mind @Notsureofwhat: They’ll also communicate your face to other crows like their children. There are a lot of interesting stories about the shiny things crows give! It’s ominous when a crow gives you a random key. @heretogetpwned: Sounds like a writing prompt. @Salieri:
May a crow bring you a penny for your c a k e d a y