@_incredigirl_: The summer before grade 5 my family moved 2 provinces west. I was sad to leave all my friends but I was especially excited to get away from my bully, a loser named Geoff. On my first day at my new school, the teacher introduced two new students to the class. Me and my bully Geoff from two provinces away. We had both moved from the same Small Town, Saskatchewan to the same Small Town, British Columbia. What are the chances. @FletchGordon: Was Geoff still a bully to you? @_incredigirl_: No! We each fell in with a new group and did OK. He was only there a year or two, must’ve missed the flat cold of the prairies. @Salieri:
That's why we'd better keep our karma clean, and we can't get away from it!
@_incredigirl_: The summer before grade 5 my family moved 2 provinces west. I was sad to leave all my friends but I was especially excited to get away from my bully, a loser named Geoff. On my first day at my new school, the teacher introduced two new students to the class. Me and my bully Geoff from two provinces away. We had both moved from the same Small Town, Saskatchewan to the same Small Town, British Columbia. What are the chances. @FletchGordon: Was Geoff still a bully to you? @_incredigirl_: No! We each fell in with a new group and did OK. He was only there a year or two, must’ve missed the flat cold of the prairies. @Salieri:
must’ve missed the flat cold of the prairies. Said no one ever
@_incredigirl_: The summer before grade 5 my family moved 2 provinces west. I was sad to leave all my friends but I was especially excited to get away from my bully, a loser named Geoff. On my first day at my new school, the teacher introduced two new students to the class. Me and my bully Geoff from two provinces away. We had both moved from the same Small Town, Saskatchewan to the same Small Town, British Columbia. What are the chances. @FletchGordon: Was Geoff still a bully to you? @_incredigirl_: No! We each fell in with a new group and did OK. He was only there a year or two, must’ve missed the flat cold of the prairies. @Salieri:
as an Albertan, no one misses the flat cold of the prairies
@_incredigirl_: The summer before grade 5 my family moved 2 provinces west. I was sad to leave all my friends but I was especially excited to get away from my bully, a loser named Geoff. On my first day at my new school, the teacher introduced two new students to the class. Me and my bully Geoff from two provinces away. We had both moved from the same Small Town, Saskatchewan to the same Small Town, British Columbia. What are the chances. @Salieri:
It wasn’t me, I promise!
@_incredigirl_: The summer before grade 5 my family moved 2 provinces west. I was sad to leave all my friends but I was especially excited to get away from my bully, a loser named Geoff. On my first day at my new school, the teacher introduced two new students to the class. Me and my bully Geoff from two provinces away. We had both moved from the same Small Town, Saskatchewan to the same Small Town, British Columbia. What are the chances. @Salieri:
Did he continue to be a bully?
@CabinThinker: This happened recently. I went back to my alma mater to watch a football game. After the game, i was supposed to spend the night at a friend’s parents’ house. We got separated so he texted me the address - only problem was he messed up the street number. I then spent a good ten minutes trying to convince the woman that lived in the house next door that i knew her son and we were friends so she should let me inside. It was very embarrassing when i realized my mistake. The very next day i got dinner with a different friend from college who has never met the friend i went to the game with. I’m telling him this story and i happened to mention the address. He immediately got really suspicious of my story. Turns out It was his house and his mother i tried to stay at. Everything i told that woman was inadvertently true - i really did know her son! @Salieri:
Were the name of two friends same? If not that should have cleared the doubt in the first place
@buheeh: When I was a kid our class had a cake raffle in relation to mother's day. I went around our area and sold tickets. People were so friendly and brought me in for tea and cake. I had a great time. We had ten cakes people could win and nobody I had sold tickets to won. I was so disappointed and angry I decided to bake a cake to the lady who bought most tickets from me. I went to her house on mothers day to give it to her. Turns out not only was it mothers day, it was also her birthday and we delivered the cake in time for her birthday party. Best accidental cake gifting ever. @BlazeyTheBear: Ahh I've got a good raffle story. A long time family friend bought a couple tickets a raffle and won a super rad convertible Mini Cooper, racing seats and seat belts, the works. Pretty awesome win, huh?! So I was out at lunch with him the other day and I bring up the Mini in conversation for whatever reason, and he proceeds to tell me how his mom, many many years before that, had called into a radio contest and won a convertible, too! It was evidently some really hard list of questions based on US history, and as she was a new immigrant she had studied for the citizenship test. The test was pretty much designed so no one could beat it.. but damn! 2 generations both winning convertibles. Fucking wild lucky. Can't wait to see if his daughter wins a convertible at some point in her life. @Salieri:
My mom won a one week cruise trip to Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti, etc in a raffle. So she went and they had a raffle on the cruise ship to win another one week cruise and she won it lol.
@buheeh: When I was a kid our class had a cake raffle in relation to mother's day. I went around our area and sold tickets. People were so friendly and brought me in for tea and cake. I had a great time. We had ten cakes people could win and nobody I had sold tickets to won. I was so disappointed and angry I decided to bake a cake to the lady who bought most tickets from me. I went to her house on mothers day to give it to her. Turns out not only was it mothers day, it was also her birthday and we delivered the cake in time for her birthday party. Best accidental cake gifting ever. @BlazeyTheBear: Ahh I've got a good raffle story. A long time family friend bought a couple tickets a raffle and won a super rad convertible Mini Cooper, racing seats and seat belts, the works. Pretty awesome win, huh?! So I was out at lunch with him the other day and I bring up the Mini in conversation for whatever reason, and he proceeds to tell me how his mom, many many years before that, had called into a radio contest and won a convertible, too! It was evidently some really hard list of questions based on US history, and as she was a new immigrant she had studied for the citizenship test. The test was pretty much designed so no one could beat it.. but damn! 2 generations both winning convertibles. Fucking wild lucky. Can't wait to see if his daughter wins a convertible at some point in her life. @buheeh: That's crazy! I never win anything like this. Hopefully this car-winning skill will transfer on to you next! @Salieri:
Oh and this just donned on me. After lunch with my friend we pit stopped at the gas station to fill up and as we are leaving we see someone drive into the gas station with the exact model convertible his mom had one! Iirc it was a 1970s vehicle & not common to see around. This one was in pristine condition, too, which was really sick.
@explosively_inert: I used to work at a movie theater. One day a group of people from an organization that helps mentally handicapped people experience a sense of normalcy in their life come through. They each had their own cash and came to concessions for candy and popcorn. One girl in my line had a bunch of candy but was 1.25 short, and when I told her this she had this look of defeat and was about to start crying so I just told her she was fine and covered it myself. She happily took her candy and went to watch her movie. The next day I got a "keep the change" tip from a random customer of 1.25. That was the only tip I ever got at that job. @bruh-sick: When I was doing my graduation I had a subject which I found very difficult so I had decided to not study for it. In my college if you flunk in 1 subject you can give the exam again next semister. So I went to college without studying, I met a friend who was going doing the same thing so we laughed and he just gave the idea that since we are not allowed to leave the exam hall for atleast 1 hour, let's study 1 chapter so we can atleast do something during that time. That 1st chapter was the easiest. We studied all the examples and then it was time to enter the hall. As soon as we saw the paper we looked at each other. That 1 chapter covered more than 60% of the question paper. All of the examples that we studied were asked. We passed. That friend only met me before that exam only never before never again. @fermango: Something similar happened me in A Level English Lit. I couldnt memorise those poems for the life of me. The only ones that stuck with me were the ones talking about sex. My friends all panicked on the morning of the exam, telling me "sex has never been a theme" and reassuring me that I will most definitely fail. Opened the exam paper... theme 1 was sex. I even heard my friend let out a small "HA" from across the hall when she realised. I got 91% in that test and did better than my whole friend group. Just sheer dumb luck. @Salieri:
In my high school I had an English language exam for which I never used to study. I watched a movie the day before which was based on a haunted house. Next day the there was an essay with subject title - a haunted house Wrote the whole movie in it
@explosively_inert: I used to work at a movie theater. One day a group of people from an organization that helps mentally handicapped people experience a sense of normalcy in their life come through. They each had their own cash and came to concessions for candy and popcorn. One girl in my line had a bunch of candy but was 1.25 short, and when I told her this she had this look of defeat and was about to start crying so I just told her she was fine and covered it myself. She happily took her candy and went to watch her movie. The next day I got a "keep the change" tip from a random customer of 1.25. That was the only tip I ever got at that job. @FeelTheH8: My buddy and I were talking about his cat one night and how much money we'd pay to save our animals if worst came to worst. The next day my other friend's dog gets hit by a car in the road with thousands in vet bills (they seriously considered putting the dog down but luckily rich relative stepped in). I donate $20 to the GoFundMe for the dog, next day at work find $20 in a bar screen dumpster (working at a wastewater plant). The only intact money I ever found working there. I woke up one morning with Linkin Park's Numb going through my head, check my phone and find out Chester Bennington offed himself. @lovemypooh: Jesus that last part @Salieri:
Yeah :( Still not sure if it was an actual coincidence or somehow I opened up my phone while I was asleep.
@explosively_inert: I used to work at a movie theater. One day a group of people from an organization that helps mentally handicapped people experience a sense of normalcy in their life come through. They each had their own cash and came to concessions for candy and popcorn. One girl in my line had a bunch of candy but was 1.25 short, and when I told her this she had this look of defeat and was about to start crying so I just told her she was fine and covered it myself. She happily took her candy and went to watch her movie. The next day I got a "keep the change" tip from a random customer of 1.25. That was the only tip I ever got at that job. @FeelTheH8: My buddy and I were talking about his cat one night and how much money we'd pay to save our animals if worst came to worst. The next day my other friend's dog gets hit by a car in the road with thousands in vet bills (they seriously considered putting the dog down but luckily rich relative stepped in). I donate $20 to the GoFundMe for the dog, next day at work find $20 in a bar screen dumpster (working at a wastewater plant). The only intact money I ever found working there. I woke up one morning with Linkin Park's Numb going through my head, check my phone and find out Chester Bennington offed himself. @BigOldBee: I saw a Prince tribute band one night, and woke up the next morning to the news of his death. @Salieri:
Similarly at work: Me and my supervisor were closing as the radio was playing. We randomly got in a conversation about The Cars, and the next day the news of Ric Ocasek passing. I made sure to tell him "from now on, we only talk about Nickelback."
@explosively_inert: I used to work at a movie theater. One day a group of people from an organization that helps mentally handicapped people experience a sense of normalcy in their life come through. They each had their own cash and came to concessions for candy and popcorn. One girl in my line had a bunch of candy but was 1.25 short, and when I told her this she had this look of defeat and was about to start crying so I just told her she was fine and covered it myself. She happily took her candy and went to watch her movie. The next day I got a "keep the change" tip from a random customer of 1.25. That was the only tip I ever got at that job. @FlammablePie: It's these kind of things that keep me convinced that the whole karma and cosmic balance thing is real! @CapableSuggestion: It’s all there, whether we see it or not @Salieri:
Yeah, those kids with cancer earned their comeuppance!!
@oliverjohansson: I was living in America and went for holidays to Mexico. There, I matched with a hot Mexican girl on tinder in Cancun. We chatted but never met. I never unmatched her neither she did. A year later I have noticed her 2 miles away. She was a summer student in the same town in the UK where I relocated. I messaged her, she still didn’t want to meet. @digitalwisp: Oh, that ending hurt me @where_is_korg: yeah lol i thought he was gonna say that shes his wife now or something @oliverjohansson: I met another girl shortly after (OKC) and married with a kid now, so no regrets. But such a lovely romantic story went down the drains @Weedberg: You should not marry kids @Salieri:
@oliverjohansson: I was living in America and went for holidays to Mexico. There, I matched with a hot Mexican girl on tinder in Cancun. We chatted but never met. I never unmatched her neither she did. A year later I have noticed her 2 miles away. She was a summer student in the same town in the UK where I relocated. I messaged her, she still didn’t want to meet. @digitalwisp: Oh, that ending hurt me @moonkittiecat: "Coincidentally, she's still not into me"! @Salieri:
Some people are just not meant to be together ~
@TootsNYC: I used to spend my summers working in the office at a church camp in northern Iowa. I became friends with some of the people who spent their vacation there, especially this one little girl who would stay for two weeks every summer. I was sort of a big sister for the two weeks her family was there. Then came the summer I had my internship in New York City and I didn’t go to camp. I was sort of bummed that I wouldn’t see this girl. One weekend a bunch of us decided to go to Washington DC, and I wore my staff shirt from the camp; it had very distinctive stripes across the shoulders. We are in the Smithsonian and I feel someone touch my arm. I turned around, and it is that little girl who was my friend. She had her parents had gone from Iowa to DC for part of their vacation. They’d missed me at camp that year. But they didn’t quite believe her when she said she saw me until they spotted the stripes from across the room. . @Manchu_Fist: Ewalu? My school would send the 6th graders there and certain seniors would get to be councilors. I was selected as a councilor. Was a great time. Helping kiddos out and sneaking into the woods to have a smoke. @Salieri:
no, it was on the Okoboji lakes. I was office staff, not a counselor.
@goodhumansbad: Not mine, but my friend's story. Her cousin moved to Japan and noticed that someone in their building had the same last name (looking at the apartment buzzers or mailboxes or wtv). It's a relatively unusual Moroccan Jewish last name, and obviously they're in Tokyo so that's pretty weird to begin with to see a non-Japanese name let alone the exact SAME name. So they knock on the door and are like "Hi... this is weird but I'm you're neighbour and we have the same last name... are we possibly related?" and it turns out the neighbour was a branch of their family that had gotten "lost" - nobody knew what had happened to them. It's a MASSIVE family with literally hundreds of cousins in the same generation, and this particular bit of the family had just gotten lost in the mix. The parents would have known these people's parents, and so everyone got back in touch and they got reconnected with the whole rest of their family! I thought that was crazy... what are the odds? @PM_MeYour_pitot_tube: The closest I have to a crazy coincidence is similar to this story. The FAA has a database of everyone who has held a flight rating, including student pilots who never finished their training. There are only 22 pilots (not counting myself) that have my rather unique last name. About six months after moving to a new town, I was fooling around on there and found that another one of the pilots lived less than a mile from me. I’ve never met him and have no relation to him as far as I can tell. Not as astounding as some of the stories here, but it’s weird that 2 of the 23 ended up in the same town. @Salieri:
When I was younger I meat a kid with my same first, middle and last name except his middle name was 1 letter different two ll instead of one. Considering that in the us only 140 people have my same and last name is a bit crazy.
@SparkleFritz: Not mine, but a friend's. He had gotten out of the military and had developed a drinking problem. One night at the bar he drove his truck home drunk and hit a motorcyclist, killing him. Goes to court, ready to face his doom, when a woman reaches out to the court to express her gratitude to my friend. She is the wife of the motorcyclist who he killed. She says that her husband had schizophrenia and had random bouts of rage. That night he left her a voicemail (which she played for the court) in which the guy told her over the phone that he was coming over to murder her. She said she prayed when she got that voicemail that something would prevent him from getting to her house. And what do you know, my friend accidentally murdered him. The woman tried to argue with the judge that he wasn't a drunk driver, but an angel who sent him home at that exact moment to stop her husband. She didn't want him to face jail time because he was doing the world a good deed. He ended up getting 3 years in prison and only served 2 for good behavior. The judge felt sorry for the situation but you can't just not send someone to prison for drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter. @AQUEON: Wow. This one is creepy, but cool. @Salieri:
Creepy and cool like a black and white horror movie. A motorcyclist got David Lynched.
@SparkleFritz: Not mine, but a friend's. He had gotten out of the military and had developed a drinking problem. One night at the bar he drove his truck home drunk and hit a motorcyclist, killing him. Goes to court, ready to face his doom, when a woman reaches out to the court to express her gratitude to my friend. She is the wife of the motorcyclist who he killed. She says that her husband had schizophrenia and had random bouts of rage. That night he left her a voicemail (which she played for the court) in which the guy told her over the phone that he was coming over to murder her. She said she prayed when she got that voicemail that something would prevent him from getting to her house. And what do you know, my friend accidentally murdered him. The woman tried to argue with the judge that he wasn't a drunk driver, but an angel who sent him home at that exact moment to stop her husband. She didn't want him to face jail time because he was doing the world a good deed. He ended up getting 3 years in prison and only served 2 for good behavior. The judge felt sorry for the situation but you can't just not send someone to prison for drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter. @Salieri:
I hope he was able to find some peace after having to face knowing that his drinking killed someone. That would haunt most people for life.
@SparkleFritz: Not mine, but a friend's. He had gotten out of the military and had developed a drinking problem. One night at the bar he drove his truck home drunk and hit a motorcyclist, killing him. Goes to court, ready to face his doom, when a woman reaches out to the court to express her gratitude to my friend. She is the wife of the motorcyclist who he killed. She says that her husband had schizophrenia and had random bouts of rage. That night he left her a voicemail (which she played for the court) in which the guy told her over the phone that he was coming over to murder her. She said she prayed when she got that voicemail that something would prevent him from getting to her house. And what do you know, my friend accidentally murdered him. The woman tried to argue with the judge that he wasn't a drunk driver, but an angel who sent him home at that exact moment to stop her husband. She didn't want him to face jail time because he was doing the world a good deed. He ended up getting 3 years in prison and only served 2 for good behavior. The judge felt sorry for the situation but you can't just not send someone to prison for drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter. @coffeebeanicecream: This was heartwarming to read. Obviously no one wants to wish death upon another and I’m sorry your friend was going through a rough patch in his life and I hope he learned from his actions but he did save a life by taking one. @Salieri:
And of the two, it seems like the right one lived.
@Wyzard_of_Wurdz: When I was a kid, we used to drive past this old abandoned school on a hill on the way to the grocery store. I always thought it would be cool to make it a house and live there. Years later someone tore down the school and built a house there. I was an adult then and had my own kids and was living in a house with a leaky basement. As I was driving my kids to the grocery store, I would pass this house and think, it must be nice and dry living up on that hill. I bet he doesn't have a leaky basement. Fast forward a few more years, I am divorced and remarried. We are looking to buy a house. A guy my wife works with is selling his house. It turns out to he that very same house on the hill. I live here now and am writing this comment from my nice dry house on the hill. @tinyanimalstatue: How is the basement? @Wyzard_of_Wurdz: Turns out it is a berm house. It not built on the hill but rather into the hill. So it technically doesn't have a basement. It is 2 story but bothered ground level. The bottom level has one side that is not underground. Both levels remained dry as well as the entire property during a 500 year flood we had last year. @Salieri:
Nice, I can appreciate a dry basement.
@Wyzard_of_Wurdz: When I was a kid, we used to drive past this old abandoned school on a hill on the way to the grocery store. I always thought it would be cool to make it a house and live there. Years later someone tore down the school and built a house there. I was an adult then and had my own kids and was living in a house with a leaky basement. As I was driving my kids to the grocery store, I would pass this house and think, it must be nice and dry living up on that hill. I bet he doesn't have a leaky basement. Fast forward a few more years, I am divorced and remarried. We are looking to buy a house. A guy my wife works with is selling his house. It turns out to he that very same house on the hill. I live here now and am writing this comment from my nice dry house on the hill. @tinyanimalstatue: How is the basement? @Wyzard_of_Wurdz: Turns out it is a berm house. It not built on the hill but rather into the hill. So it technically doesn't have a basement. It is 2 story but bothered ground level. The bottom level has one side that is not underground. Both levels remained dry as well as the entire property during a 500 year flood we had last year. @AdamSmith4206: A 500 year flood you had last year? I feel like I’m on LSD reading that @Wyzard_of_Wurdz: It was crazy and more crazy shit happened as well. Covid was the least of my problems. @Salieri:
Haha! Well you’re story is awesome, dude.
@Wyzard_of_Wurdz: When I was a kid, we used to drive past this old abandoned school on a hill on the way to the grocery store. I always thought it would be cool to make it a house and live there. Years later someone tore down the school and built a house there. I was an adult then and had my own kids and was living in a house with a leaky basement. As I was driving my kids to the grocery store, I would pass this house and think, it must be nice and dry living up on that hill. I bet he doesn't have a leaky basement. Fast forward a few more years, I am divorced and remarried. We are looking to buy a house. A guy my wife works with is selling his house. It turns out to he that very same house on the hill. I live here now and am writing this comment from my nice dry house on the hill. @tinyanimalstatue: How is the basement? @beranmuden: I bet he has some leeks in his basement... @Wyzard_of_Wurdz: Actually the kitchen is upstairs so I have leeks on the second floor. But no leaks on either floor. @Lily_Roza: That is a sweet coincidence. I'm happy for you. @Wyzard_of_Wurdz: Thank you, it's an amazing house and I am definitely lucky to live here. @Lily_Roza: And it sounds like it was meant for you. @Salieri:
I believe so. Call it fate or whatever. I don't question it. I just enjoy it.
@Wyzard_of_Wurdz: When I was a kid, we used to drive past this old abandoned school on a hill on the way to the grocery store. I always thought it would be cool to make it a house and live there. Years later someone tore down the school and built a house there. I was an adult then and had my own kids and was living in a house with a leaky basement. As I was driving my kids to the grocery store, I would pass this house and think, it must be nice and dry living up on that hill. I bet he doesn't have a leaky basement. Fast forward a few more years, I am divorced and remarried. We are looking to buy a house. A guy my wife works with is selling his house. It turns out to he that very same house on the hill. I live here now and am writing this comment from my nice dry house on the hill. @tinyanimalstatue: How is the basement? @Salieri:
Well, he said "dry" in the last sentence.
@Wyzard_of_Wurdz: When I was a kid, we used to drive past this old abandoned school on a hill on the way to the grocery store. I always thought it would be cool to make it a house and live there. Years later someone tore down the school and built a house there. I was an adult then and had my own kids and was living in a house with a leaky basement. As I was driving my kids to the grocery store, I would pass this house and think, it must be nice and dry living up on that hill. I bet he doesn't have a leaky basement. Fast forward a few more years, I am divorced and remarried. We are looking to buy a house. A guy my wife works with is selling his house. It turns out to he that very same house on the hill. I live here now and am writing this comment from my nice dry house on the hill. @Salieri:
aww this one’s a sweet one
@Wyzard_of_Wurdz: When I was a kid, we used to drive past this old abandoned school on a hill on the way to the grocery store. I always thought it would be cool to make it a house and live there. Years later someone tore down the school and built a house there. I was an adult then and had my own kids and was living in a house with a leaky basement. As I was driving my kids to the grocery store, I would pass this house and think, it must be nice and dry living up on that hill. I bet he doesn't have a leaky basement. Fast forward a few more years, I am divorced and remarried. We are looking to buy a house. A guy my wife works with is selling his house. It turns out to he that very same house on the hill. I live here now and am writing this comment from my nice dry house on the hill. @Fail_Succeed_Repeat: This reads like the first 15 minutes of a scary movie explaining why the house called to you for years and you finally moved in and then killed yourself and now the house is haunted and some children need to retrieve their ball from the backyard @Salieri:
I never looked at it that way, but I love this house. I will definitely haunt it some day. The new owners better not start remodeling....
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @TheTREEEEESMan: I had one of these happen to me once, was playing charades with a club back during high school and when it was one guys turn he looked at the slip and said "how the hell am I supposed to act this out" I immediately guessed the name of a random movie star (Tom Cruise). Of course, I was right. There wasnt any indication it was even going to be a person, the name just flashed into my head. A couple people thought I saw the slip but I think when they saw how shocked I was they believed it. Still the one and only psychic flash I've ever had. I think we still lost. @hophop_funnybunny: I had one, too! I used to play Clue a lot with my friend, and once we set up the game and I went to ask my first guess. Colonel Mustard, lead pipe, hall. She didn't have any cards, so I made a guess and it was correct!!!!! I was so shocked, I won the game on the first turn. She didn't even get a chance to go. @Salieri:
My mom and I were playing Hangman one day, and I guessed the phrase as she was still writing the spaces. It was "if I only had a brain" from The Wizard of Oz.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @TheTREEEEESMan: I had one of these happen to me once, was playing charades with a club back during high school and when it was one guys turn he looked at the slip and said "how the hell am I supposed to act this out" I immediately guessed the name of a random movie star (Tom Cruise). Of course, I was right. There wasnt any indication it was even going to be a person, the name just flashed into my head. A couple people thought I saw the slip but I think when they saw how shocked I was they believed it. Still the one and only psychic flash I've ever had. I think we still lost. @hophop_funnybunny: I had one, too! I used to play Clue a lot with my friend, and once we set up the game and I went to ask my first guess. Colonel Mustard, lead pipe, hall. She didn't have any cards, so I made a guess and it was correct!!!!! I was so shocked, I won the game on the first turn. She didn't even get a chance to go. @Salieri:
My wife did this to us once as well
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @TheTREEEEESMan: I had one of these happen to me once, was playing charades with a club back during high school and when it was one guys turn he looked at the slip and said "how the hell am I supposed to act this out" I immediately guessed the name of a random movie star (Tom Cruise). Of course, I was right. There wasnt any indication it was even going to be a person, the name just flashed into my head. A couple people thought I saw the slip but I think when they saw how shocked I was they believed it. Still the one and only psychic flash I've ever had. I think we still lost. @Salieri:
Similar story: playing Taboo and my sister says "Umm, a lot of..." and I yell, "Decathalon!" I was right. No one believed we weren't cheating.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @TheTREEEEESMan: I had one of these happen to me once, was playing charades with a club back during high school and when it was one guys turn he looked at the slip and said "how the hell am I supposed to act this out" I immediately guessed the name of a random movie star (Tom Cruise). Of course, I was right. There wasnt any indication it was even going to be a person, the name just flashed into my head. A couple people thought I saw the slip but I think when they saw how shocked I was they believed it. Still the one and only psychic flash I've ever had. I think we still lost. @Salieri:
I had one of these with my ex. Across the table at dinner he asked me "Who was that guy, with the stuff?" and I said "Steve Mann" pretty much instantly, which was the correct answer. Our host at the dinner was like "The fuck was that. That wasn't even a real question. Are you psychic?"
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @typeyhands: I was playing some video game as a kid and a part of it tested your reaction time. You'd have to push the right button as soon as you got the queue and it would give you your time. Usually you'd get it in 0.21 seconds or something. I got it in 0.00 seconds. 12 year old me felt like a rock star @Speideronreddit: I did the same! On a NES game with the light pistol! I lived on that for a week! @Salieri:
Nice. I was playing a pokemon stadium mini-game haha
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @Quartersharp: If you had a million dollars, you wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner. @Ophukk: But we would, we'd just have to get fancy ketchup to go with it. e. also, found the Canadians... eh. @Salieri:
Dijon ketchup
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @Quartersharp: If you had a million dollars, you wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner. @borisdidnothingwrong: No. You'd get to eat Kraft Dinner. @MysteriousLeader6187: Why is it called Kraft Dinner? Or rather, what is it? @Salieri:
It's boxed macaroni and cheese. In the US, it's called Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Cook the pasta, add milk, butter, and their dehydrated cheese packet, stir, enjoy.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @Quartersharp: If you had a million dollars, you wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner. @Salieri:
But ...
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @Salieri:
Had the opposite happen with my husband. We were camping in Zion National Park in the desert of Nevada, it was easily 100 degrees and 3 in the afternoon. We drove into town to pick up some items and he was like “know what im craving?” And I guessed normal things like ice cream or iced coffee. The answer was “an omelette”. Still is funny to me years later.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @bristolcities: What is Kraft dinner? @Salieri:
Canadians call Mac n Cheese "Kraft Dinner."
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @bristolcities: What is Kraft dinner? @Salieri:
Boxed macaroni and cheese (powdered cheese sauce, you add milk and butter) popular in Canada.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @Salieri:
In middle school a classmate came up to me and asked me to guess a number for some reason that I can’t recall. I blinked and saw the number “16” flash behind my eyelids in a glowing green, so I said 16, and we were both shocked because that was the right guess. I’m pissed that my only remotely psychic experience is something as mundane as guessing a number, but to this day the experience was SO uncanny and specific that I can’t help but wonder “what if” when I hear other inexplicable stories.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @Salieri:
"Hey hun. Guess how much the electric bill is." Bored. "$176" "Wait, did you open the bill?" "Nope." Total random guess.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @feanturi: I had a similar "psychic" flash with a girlfriend many years ago. She came in the room and said, "You know what I'm craving for supper tonight?" and without missing a beat I said, "Kraft Dinner". Her jaw dropped and her eyes got wide because that was right, and it wasn't something that had come up lately at all. Neither of us had had it in awhile it was just a random craving for her. And I was just humoring her question with a random food item. @Salieri:
My mom was notorious for these “psychic flashes”. My mom and I came home one day and my sister met us outside, which was a little strange, but not super strange. My mom immediately said “Which one of my dresses did you burn?” There was no burning smell outside at all. My sister had been ironing clothes and had accidentally burned one of my mom’s dresses with the iron. She was supposed to be doing the whites that day, not any dresses or laundry that would need ironing. Another time, I was playing with a ceramic figurine and accidentally broke it. It didn’t make any noise when I broke it, since I had just broken an arm off by pulling too hard. My mom was outside and didn’t know what I was playing with inside. I think I was actually supposed to be cleaning or something. I went outside to tell her and as soon as she saw me she said “I told you to be more careful with your ballerina figurine” There were more times she did things like this, but those were the two that sprung to mind. I don’t know what was going on because there were a lot of other times were she was just clueless.
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @LieseW: I had about the same experience. My aunt came to celebrate Christmas with us and I don’t remember how the topic came about. But I said something like: any present will due, except a backpack shaped in an stuffed animal. I hate those. Couple of hours later I open my present and there it is staring me in the face: a backpack in the shape of a stuffed animal. Well you can imagine the awkwardness I felt. @Salieri:
Ugh, cringe
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @Salieri:
I bet you regret not having said 'Ten millions !'
@Quartersharp: When I was 8, my best friend and his family came over to bring me a Christmas present. “Guess what it is?” my friend said. I had absolutely no idea, so I just said the weirdest, most random thing I could think of. “An inflatable dinosaur,” I guessed. And it was. It was gigantic. @Salieri:
@ZettaBasha: This happened to my brother when we were a lot younger. First of all, we were a poor family from eastern Europe, so we shared a PC. Both me and my brother were really into gaming and that PC was the only option to play video games. One time my parents planned a one day trip in the forest in the mountains. My brother, who was like 12-13 refused to come, to play video games of course. When we got back, he kinda looked frightened, but didn't say a word, he was just very happy to see us somehow, which was weird. Later that evening he told me that he sat playing games, randomly looked at the light in the room, which was on, and said 'If demons exist, the light should go off'. He said, that in an instant, the light went off. Pretty terrifying for a child in a christian family, but now I only think, what a fucking coincidence ot was haha @Useful-Condition-226: Heh...when I was 16, I (a nonbeliever) asked (silently) for a sign from god. A heavily pregnant woman walked up out of nowhere and said "Whatever you're imagining right now is absolutely real". That one still has me ruminating and it's been twenty years. @Salieri:
What the
@ZettaBasha: This happened to my brother when we were a lot younger. First of all, we were a poor family from eastern Europe, so we shared a PC. Both me and my brother were really into gaming and that PC was the only option to play video games. One time my parents planned a one day trip in the forest in the mountains. My brother, who was like 12-13 refused to come, to play video games of course. When we got back, he kinda looked frightened, but didn't say a word, he was just very happy to see us somehow, which was weird. Later that evening he told me that he sat playing games, randomly looked at the light in the room, which was on, and said 'If demons exist, the light should go off'. He said, that in an instant, the light went off. Pretty terrifying for a child in a christian family, but now I only think, what a fucking coincidence ot was haha @Salieri:
Same thing happened to me with a street lamp, but in my case I had super powers.
@ZettaBasha: This happened to my brother when we were a lot younger. First of all, we were a poor family from eastern Europe, so we shared a PC. Both me and my brother were really into gaming and that PC was the only option to play video games. One time my parents planned a one day trip in the forest in the mountains. My brother, who was like 12-13 refused to come, to play video games of course. When we got back, he kinda looked frightened, but didn't say a word, he was just very happy to see us somehow, which was weird. Later that evening he told me that he sat playing games, randomly looked at the light in the room, which was on, and said 'If demons exist, the light should go off'. He said, that in an instant, the light went off. Pretty terrifying for a child in a christian family, but now I only think, what a fucking coincidence ot was haha @RanPastIt: I grew up brainwashed into that bullshit. I vividly remember doing the exact same shit, "if God is real, that bottle of shampoo will fall off the shelf" etc. I never got any confirmation, but I mentioned it to my pastor and he told me people who try to test God burn in hell. Lol. Fuck religion. @Salieri:
Not to worry. If Satan ever came to take you to hell, just PM me his Evil-ID. I have loads of connection down there, I could get you up to 66% discount & one extra large sin-free orgasm, every time you die ;) Completely free of charge.
@ZettaBasha: This happened to my brother when we were a lot younger. First of all, we were a poor family from eastern Europe, so we shared a PC. Both me and my brother were really into gaming and that PC was the only option to play video games. One time my parents planned a one day trip in the forest in the mountains. My brother, who was like 12-13 refused to come, to play video games of course. When we got back, he kinda looked frightened, but didn't say a word, he was just very happy to see us somehow, which was weird. Later that evening he told me that he sat playing games, randomly looked at the light in the room, which was on, and said 'If demons exist, the light should go off'. He said, that in an instant, the light went off. Pretty terrifying for a child in a christian family, but now I only think, what a fucking coincidence ot was haha @RanPastIt: I grew up brainwashed into that bullshit. I vividly remember doing the exact same shit, "if God is real, that bottle of shampoo will fall off the shelf" etc. I never got any confirmation, but I mentioned it to my pastor and he told me people who try to test God burn in hell. Lol. Fuck religion. @Salieri:
Same here, my brother was the first to notice what a bunch of bullshit religion is. I needed 5-6 extra years to see it because I was so heavily brainwashed. My parents are still hard believers and we have a hard time talking about some topics.
@readerf52: I worked as an RN in a hospital in a big city with several hospitals. When I bought my car, I got my loan through the credit union available for hospital employees. It was very convenient because they had offices right across the street from my hospital. One day, I went to the credit union to take out some cash for some big expense, and I needed to transfer the money to my checking account. For some reason, this CU did loans and savings, but not checking accounts. So, they gave me my money and a receipt that had all the details, including my new balance. I just glanced at the receipt on my way out, and was astounded to see how much money I had left. Then I thought about it for a moment, and was positive I didn’t have that much money in my account. So I went back and explained that there must be some error, I didn’t have that much money. At first the teller obviously thought I was nuts, but she said: You’re First Name, Last Name, right? Yup. first Name, Middle Name, Last Name, right? Yup. And you work as a Respiratory Therapist at different hospital? Uhh, no. So, there was an employee at a different hospital with my exact name who almost lost a bit of money. But the even strangest thing was, I was telling my friend at the hospital what had happened, and she said, oh, I know her, she’s really funny and nice, you’d like her! I never did get to meet her, but now that I’m telling this, I hope she is well. @Salieri:
When I was a kid, I had a cousin in her 20s whose name was Sherry Harris. There was also another female around the same age with the same name and same middle initial. They both banked at the same place and we’re constantly having issues with their accounts getting mixed up.
@HouseAtomic: I was w/ a friend and he's chatting up this girl... I end up sitting in her car while they talk on her porch and I guess I was fiddling w/ the knobs and switches on the dash; I left everything as I found it but I must have inadvertently dimmed the console lights all the way down. Years later I meet the same girl, end up sitting in her same car and it's night time, her dash lights are out; "have been for years" she says. I lean over and turn the dimmer up. @Salieri:
Hahaha, that's awesome!
@TootsNYC: Ah, Danny Tupper On my internship program, which recruited people from all across the country, I hung out a lot with this one guy from Overland Park, Kansas, who went to the University of Kansas. We’ll call him Danny Tupper. (Slightly unusual last name; definitely identifiable) So a couple of years later, I’ve moved to NYC, and the residences hall I live is, we’re having a party on the roof. There’s a new girl, and she’s from Kansas. Oh, where in Kansas? I ask. Overland Park. Now, as a JOKE, I saw to her, “Oh, do you know Danny Tupper?” Because, you know, if I say I’m from Iowa, people ask me if I know some other random person also from Iowa. And Overland Park is a suburb of KC, so it’s not a tiny town, so it’s ridiculous to think that she REALLY knows this random person that I know. She looks at me kind of funny and says, “My mom and his mom play bridge.” Oooh Kay. Then, I’m in a. Friend’s wedding in Missouri (we went to college together at a small college in Mo.), and am chatting with the groomsman I’m paired up with; I knew he was in the same fraternity as the groom, which is the same frat Danny was in.He and the groom met during a summer frat workshop at the University of Missouri. He mentions he went to school at the University of Kansas. He’s several years younger than me, so maybe he wasn’t in school at the same time, but I ask anyway, “Oh Do you know Danny Tupper?” Yep: “His little brother was in my pledge class; he was a big mentor for me.” Oooh Kay. THEN…I’m chatting with my best friend from college; she tells me she went on a job interview at a company in our industry in Overland Park. I don’t think much of it; it’s several years, and people move around, but I remind myself to make the “do you know Danny Tupper?” joke once she’s done with her story. She describes meeting people, then going into the office of a senior exec, who looks at her resume, says, “Oh you went to Smaller Missouri College? Do you know TootsNYC?” Then she says TO ME, “Do you know Danny Tupper?” He had a really great girlfriend, or I might have picked up stakes and moved to Overland Park to try to marry him. I was going to get a T-shirt and wear it everywhere. @pachoclub: This is like that joke of everybody know Dave lol @Salieri:
Dave's not here, man.
@TootsNYC: Ah, Danny Tupper On my internship program, which recruited people from all across the country, I hung out a lot with this one guy from Overland Park, Kansas, who went to the University of Kansas. We’ll call him Danny Tupper. (Slightly unusual last name; definitely identifiable) So a couple of years later, I’ve moved to NYC, and the residences hall I live is, we’re having a party on the roof. There’s a new girl, and she’s from Kansas. Oh, where in Kansas? I ask. Overland Park. Now, as a JOKE, I saw to her, “Oh, do you know Danny Tupper?” Because, you know, if I say I’m from Iowa, people ask me if I know some other random person also from Iowa. And Overland Park is a suburb of KC, so it’s not a tiny town, so it’s ridiculous to think that she REALLY knows this random person that I know. She looks at me kind of funny and says, “My mom and his mom play bridge.” Oooh Kay. Then, I’m in a. Friend’s wedding in Missouri (we went to college together at a small college in Mo.), and am chatting with the groomsman I’m paired up with; I knew he was in the same fraternity as the groom, which is the same frat Danny was in.He and the groom met during a summer frat workshop at the University of Missouri. He mentions he went to school at the University of Kansas. He’s several years younger than me, so maybe he wasn’t in school at the same time, but I ask anyway, “Oh Do you know Danny Tupper?” Yep: “His little brother was in my pledge class; he was a big mentor for me.” Oooh Kay. THEN…I’m chatting with my best friend from college; she tells me she went on a job interview at a company in our industry in Overland Park. I don’t think much of it; it’s several years, and people move around, but I remind myself to make the “do you know Danny Tupper?” joke once she’s done with her story. She describes meeting people, then going into the office of a senior exec, who looks at her resume, says, “Oh you went to Smaller Missouri College? Do you know TootsNYC?” Then she says TO ME, “Do you know Danny Tupper?” He had a really great girlfriend, or I might have picked up stakes and moved to Overland Park to try to marry him. I was going to get a T-shirt and wear it everywhere. @pachoclub: This is like that joke of everybody know Dave lol @TootsNYC: I love tha tjoke. @Salieri:
Well, you kinda actually got to live it! lmao
@TootsNYC: Ah, Danny Tupper On my internship program, which recruited people from all across the country, I hung out a lot with this one guy from Overland Park, Kansas, who went to the University of Kansas. We’ll call him Danny Tupper. (Slightly unusual last name; definitely identifiable) So a couple of years later, I’ve moved to NYC, and the residences hall I live is, we’re having a party on the roof. There’s a new girl, and she’s from Kansas. Oh, where in Kansas? I ask. Overland Park. Now, as a JOKE, I saw to her, “Oh, do you know Danny Tupper?” Because, you know, if I say I’m from Iowa, people ask me if I know some other random person also from Iowa. And Overland Park is a suburb of KC, so it’s not a tiny town, so it’s ridiculous to think that she REALLY knows this random person that I know. She looks at me kind of funny and says, “My mom and his mom play bridge.” Oooh Kay. Then, I’m in a. Friend’s wedding in Missouri (we went to college together at a small college in Mo.), and am chatting with the groomsman I’m paired up with; I knew he was in the same fraternity as the groom, which is the same frat Danny was in.He and the groom met during a summer frat workshop at the University of Missouri. He mentions he went to school at the University of Kansas. He’s several years younger than me, so maybe he wasn’t in school at the same time, but I ask anyway, “Oh Do you know Danny Tupper?” Yep: “His little brother was in my pledge class; he was a big mentor for me.” Oooh Kay. THEN…I’m chatting with my best friend from college; she tells me she went on a job interview at a company in our industry in Overland Park. I don’t think much of it; it’s several years, and people move around, but I remind myself to make the “do you know Danny Tupper?” joke once she’s done with her story. She describes meeting people, then going into the office of a senior exec, who looks at her resume, says, “Oh you went to Smaller Missouri College? Do you know TootsNYC?” Then she says TO ME, “Do you know Danny Tupper?” He had a really great girlfriend, or I might have picked up stakes and moved to Overland Park to try to marry him. I was going to get a T-shirt and wear it everywhere. @mostlikelyturtles: I’m from Overland Park; unfortunately, I do not know Danny Tupper. @TootsNYC: You are missing out. He’s a great guy. @Salieri:
You're gonna end up with him .
@TootsNYC: Ah, Danny Tupper On my internship program, which recruited people from all across the country, I hung out a lot with this one guy from Overland Park, Kansas, who went to the University of Kansas. We’ll call him Danny Tupper. (Slightly unusual last name; definitely identifiable) So a couple of years later, I’ve moved to NYC, and the residences hall I live is, we’re having a party on the roof. There’s a new girl, and she’s from Kansas. Oh, where in Kansas? I ask. Overland Park. Now, as a JOKE, I saw to her, “Oh, do you know Danny Tupper?” Because, you know, if I say I’m from Iowa, people ask me if I know some other random person also from Iowa. And Overland Park is a suburb of KC, so it’s not a tiny town, so it’s ridiculous to think that she REALLY knows this random person that I know. She looks at me kind of funny and says, “My mom and his mom play bridge.” Oooh Kay. Then, I’m in a. Friend’s wedding in Missouri (we went to college together at a small college in Mo.), and am chatting with the groomsman I’m paired up with; I knew he was in the same fraternity as the groom, which is the same frat Danny was in.He and the groom met during a summer frat workshop at the University of Missouri. He mentions he went to school at the University of Kansas. He’s several years younger than me, so maybe he wasn’t in school at the same time, but I ask anyway, “Oh Do you know Danny Tupper?” Yep: “His little brother was in my pledge class; he was a big mentor for me.” Oooh Kay. THEN…I’m chatting with my best friend from college; she tells me she went on a job interview at a company in our industry in Overland Park. I don’t think much of it; it’s several years, and people move around, but I remind myself to make the “do you know Danny Tupper?” joke once she’s done with her story. She describes meeting people, then going into the office of a senior exec, who looks at her resume, says, “Oh you went to Smaller Missouri College? Do you know TootsNYC?” Then she says TO ME, “Do you know Danny Tupper?” He had a really great girlfriend, or I might have picked up stakes and moved to Overland Park to try to marry him. I was going to get a T-shirt and wear it everywhere. @Salieri:
Kansas City and it's suburbs just be like that though. It's like three degrees of separation between everyone here. If I don't know Danny Tupper, I probably know someone who does.
@Stalked_Like_Corn: My mother and I had a thing where we would always tell each other "Be careful" before the other would leave somewhere. Once, I forgot and that day she was in an accident on the way home. 6 months later, I forgot again. Again, accident. So I never missed saying it again. She died in 2012 and I remember driving to the funeral home to plan her funeral, past this church that always changed their signs on Wednesdays. The sign for that Wednesday said only "Be careful". That was it. No other words. No Bible citation, just that. @Well_This_Is_Special: God damn. Most of these I was just like "Oh that's interesting " This one actually gave me chills.. @Salieri:
I know 100% it was pure coincidence but damn was it a huge one. I got to the funeral home and ugly cried for 20 minutes.
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @teatimetay: About 10+ years ago a life insurance agent was meeting with my dad at my parent’s house. My mom was busy in the kitchen and not involved in the conversation. Birthdays came up, and my dad yells out to my mom “hey honey, guess who’s birthday is [insert my mom’s exact birthday including the year here]” and my mom says “mine……?” And the insurance lady pops her head into the kitchen and says “mine, too!” So my mom And the insurance lady start chatting, turns out there were born in the same hospital in San Diego, CA (this story took place in Northern California), over the years had worked at two of the same major corporations during the same years, AND even had mutual work and personal friends (like they each had photos of themselves at their mutual work friend’s house party but they just never personally connected), and then once they looked on Facebook to add each other they saw a bunch of mutual friends from random corners of their lives. It’s like the universe wanted them to connect and they finally did. 10+ years later and they’re best friends, I even call her my auntie (they’re both blonde but my mom is significantly taller so they joke they’re twins separated at birth but my mom just took more nutrients in the womb lol) It’s a small world. @Salieri:
That's a nice story
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @teatimetay: About 10+ years ago a life insurance agent was meeting with my dad at my parent’s house. My mom was busy in the kitchen and not involved in the conversation. Birthdays came up, and my dad yells out to my mom “hey honey, guess who’s birthday is [insert my mom’s exact birthday including the year here]” and my mom says “mine……?” And the insurance lady pops her head into the kitchen and says “mine, too!” So my mom And the insurance lady start chatting, turns out there were born in the same hospital in San Diego, CA (this story took place in Northern California), over the years had worked at two of the same major corporations during the same years, AND even had mutual work and personal friends (like they each had photos of themselves at their mutual work friend’s house party but they just never personally connected), and then once they looked on Facebook to add each other they saw a bunch of mutual friends from random corners of their lives. It’s like the universe wanted them to connect and they finally did. 10+ years later and they’re best friends, I even call her my auntie (they’re both blonde but my mom is significantly taller so they joke they’re twins separated at birth but my mom just took more nutrients in the womb lol) It’s a small world. @Salieri:
Obviously God has a whimsical sense of humor.
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @teatimetay: About 10+ years ago a life insurance agent was meeting with my dad at my parent’s house. My mom was busy in the kitchen and not involved in the conversation. Birthdays came up, and my dad yells out to my mom “hey honey, guess who’s birthday is [insert my mom’s exact birthday including the year here]” and my mom says “mine……?” And the insurance lady pops her head into the kitchen and says “mine, too!” So my mom And the insurance lady start chatting, turns out there were born in the same hospital in San Diego, CA (this story took place in Northern California), over the years had worked at two of the same major corporations during the same years, AND even had mutual work and personal friends (like they each had photos of themselves at their mutual work friend’s house party but they just never personally connected), and then once they looked on Facebook to add each other they saw a bunch of mutual friends from random corners of their lives. It’s like the universe wanted them to connect and they finally did. 10+ years later and they’re best friends, I even call her my auntie (they’re both blonde but my mom is significantly taller so they joke they’re twins separated at birth but my mom just took more nutrients in the womb lol) It’s a small world. @Salieri:
Ooooh, I also know someone born on the same day on the same hospital! Uhh, It's my twin, Spare Parts.
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @TootsNYC: My daughters roommate at college was born on the exact same day exact same year. They both filled out their roommate questionnaires really late and I don’t think they ended up getting matched in any particular thought-out way. @Salieri:
I was born the same day as my college roommate too! I'm not sure if they matched us on purpose but I thought it was neat. Unfortunately, I transferred schools before we could actually share a birthday.
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @TootsNYC: My daughters roommate at college was born on the exact same day exact same year. They both filled out their roommate questionnaires really late and I don’t think they ended up getting matched in any particular thought-out way. @Salieri:
Statistically speaking, in a group of as few as 28 people there’s a 50% chance that 2 people share the same birthday. In a group of 75 people there’s a 99% chance that 2 people share the same birthday.
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @Fiftydollarvolvo: my boyfriend’s birthday is the day before mine, same year. For our 21st party we started on his, and ended on mine @Salieri:
Long party!
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @Salieri:
My family owned a campground when I was growing up so I had two sets of friends. My school friends during the school year, and camp friends during the summer. Two besties! I met both when I was literally like 5, so there wasn’t really any crossover till we got a bit older. When we got a bit older I’d invite my best friend from school to camp and we’d all hang out together. We soon realized both my best friends had the same exact birthday. Their mom’s literally delivered at the same hospital in rooms right next to each other. Crazy!
@cheturo: When I was 12yro, an exchange student stayed at my house for a couple of weeks, and we became friends. One day we had a conversation about how we spent our birthdays, and we found out we happened to be exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, month and year. @Salieri:
According to maths this isn't this uncommon, but maths aside that's always a nice fun fact
@rivalconga: I grew up in a small town in California, then moved to Missouri as an adult. Before moving, I spent my early 20s working in a local video store in that small town. 14 years later, I was in hospital in Missouri, having surgery to break up a kidney stone. The overnight patient care person looks familiar to me. Every time she comes in, I keep thinking I know her, but can't figure out why. She mentions she's from California, and I say I am too. Turns out, we're from the same small town, and she was a regular customer of mine. She said she'd been trying to figure out why she recognized me too. @rivalconga: I also had a friend once who had the same first and middle name as me, plus was born on the same day, in the same hospital (which wasn't in the town we lived in or even very close to it), but just a year after me. @Salieri:
Oh that reminds me of a coincidence that happened in my family. My Youngest sister went into the hospital to give birth to her daughter. On the day she was leaving with the baby she sees one of our cousins that we hadn't seen since we were kids. They talk and realize they gave birth on the same day, both had girls and gave them the same name without knowing.
@rivalconga: I grew up in a small town in California, then moved to Missouri as an adult. Before moving, I spent my early 20s working in a local video store in that small town. 14 years later, I was in hospital in Missouri, having surgery to break up a kidney stone. The overnight patient care person looks familiar to me. Every time she comes in, I keep thinking I know her, but can't figure out why. She mentions she's from California, and I say I am too. Turns out, we're from the same small town, and she was a regular customer of mine. She said she'd been trying to figure out why she recognized me too. @rivalconga: I also had a friend once who had the same first and middle name as me, plus was born on the same day, in the same hospital (which wasn't in the town we lived in or even very close to it), but just a year after me. @Trixie_Shimura: When I was a kid, I had three girlfriends all named Lori with the same middle name, Ann. @Salieri:
That's so specific! I don't know that I've even met three people named Lori.
@DiggityShack: Years ago before cell phones and e tickets, I was supposed to meet a friend at the stadium for an NFL game. He gave me his row and seat number but not the level or section number. Our tickets weren't near each other. We were just going to meet up there and find empty seats together somewhere/anywhere. I got to the game realized the error wandered for a bit. Went to the closest section to just look at the action on the field really quick before I just found my section and sat to watch the game alone and there he was!! What are the odds?! @Salieri:
A few years back a new massage therapist was hired at my job shortly before Christmas. We do an annual Christmas party at the business owners house and we bring our families. At this point in time, my younger brother had just moved out of my house but was planning on coming over the same day as the party. The business owner lives just a few houses down from me so my brother didn’t want to stay long, he swung by the beginning of the party. I’d worked there for a few years and everyone knew my brother except the new massage therapist. My brother stayed an hour or so and then went back to my house to wait for us (husband and I) until we were done. After he left, the new massage therapist showed up with her kids. We were all meeting them the first time. Her oldest son looked JUST like my younger brother. I mean they could be siblings. Roughly the same age, same build, same height, same lopsided smile, same haircut. Just identical. My husband and I went home and told my brother about it. It was crazy too because they’d just missed each other. I talked about it with all my coworkers and everyone agreed, the two boys were eerily similar. As the new massage therapist and I got to know each other better, I constantly mentioned to her how much they looked alike but she hadn’t seen my brother in person herself so I showed her pictures. She ended up giving me a massage one day and immediately goes “that’s my son’s birthday!” I was so confused. “The tattoo on your back.” My brother and I have each others birthdays tattooed on our shoulder blades. It turns out her son and my brother have the exact same birthday and look exactly alike. They still have never met but she and I joke about how either she or my mom got a twin stolen from them at birth.
@SKatieRo: My husband shares a birthday with my first husband. @Salieri:
My last boyfriend shared a birthday with my first boyfriend. My parents and the couple that lived next door shared a wedding anniversary.
@Agnesethel: I was in High School and had a minor car accident on the way. After getting checked out at the hospital, the doctor advised I go home. I walk in the upstairs of our house and odd things are strewn all over the floor. I suddenly hear voices downstairs. I go to my Mom’s closet where all the guns are. I grab the rifle. Our house had a set of stairs going down. A landing, then 3 small stairs going into a hallway. On the landing was a phone and a place to sit. 1 guy is in 1 brother’s room trying on clothes. The other guy is in the other brother’s room. They dont realize I’m on the landing listening, trying to decide what to do. The phone rings. I aim the gun towards my brother’s bedroom doors. They both step out into the hall. I never took my eye off them and told the caller I was being robbed, spit out my address and asked them to call the police. I hung up the phone. Both men had on ski masks. One of them had the bluest, whitest eyes I had ever seen. We all stared at each other for a few seconds. Then they bolted out the back door of the house…where they had broke in. The police were there in minutes. They did not catch them. Later, I realized they had stolen all the magazines to the guns and that my rifle was not loaded. My future sister in law was the caller. Fast forward 6 months later. My friend was driving and I was in another minor car accident. I get home in the middle of the morning again. This time, they’ve made themselves food and left the mess all over the kitchen. I go back to my Mom’s room and find the hidden gun with magazine loaded. I creep down the stairs. These guys are back in my brother’s bedrooms. I stop again on the landing. They hear me. I say, This time I’m loaded, pointing the gun at them. They were slowly backing up and the phone rang. Once again I told the caller I was being robbed, my address and to call the police and hung up. Again they ran out the back door to their van, dropping stereo speakers on the way. It was my future sister in law on the phone the second time too. The same police officers came. We got an alarm system. They were never caught. We did find a couple of items in local pawn shops. Fast forward 15 years. I’m taking my vaccuum cleaner to get repaired. I walk into the vaccuum shop. There were several people waiting. The guy working behind the counter looks up at me. Its the same guy. The same cold blue eyes. He stopped in his tracks. Everyone in the shop knew something was wrong. He knew that I knew who he was and what he had done. I picked up my vaccuum cleaner and walked out. I called my Mom and told her. Fast forward 20 y @lulace: this is riveting. what happened after 20 years??? @Honesty4Tranquility: I think SIL’s in on it. Think about it. She called mid robbery both times. She had to have known no one would be home. Why is she calling? Not once, but twice. Yeah, she called the cops but if she hadn’t that would be super suss. She could have waited an extra two or three minutes before placing the call. Not long enough to be crazy suspicious but plenty long enough to give them time to get out of there with time to spare. That’s my guess. @Salieri:
Well, my brother divorced her. So….maybe. I’ve never thought about why she would be calling when she knew noone was or should be home. That’s really weird. Why was she calling? It’s bizarre that this has never occurred to me.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Acylion: I know someone who likes to casually mention to people that... well, he'll make some comment about prison food or something. Or talk about watching certain TV shows in prison. Then he just sort of waits to see if anyone reacts. If someone asks, he adds that, well, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just young, and he didn't have any choice. Stuff happened. But he did his time quietly and got out. He was an army medic assigned to a military prison. He's just a terrible troll. @TangoCharliePDX: My dad loved to tell people that he met my mom selling drugs on the same street corner. (They both worked in a drugstore as teenagers.) They had a house with a very sensitive smoke alarm, tied in to the security system. It would be triggered frequently, and the alarm monitoring company would call before dispatching emergency. He would say "No, it's just my wife cooking again." @iififlifly: One time my older sister went to the dentist to get her wisdom teeth out, and the dentist has a policy of sending flowers after he does this. Well the whole family got the flu immediately after, and my mom was exhausted from taking care of 6 or so sick children while being sick herself, so she looked like absolute crap when she opened the door for the delivery kid. She takes one look at the bouquet and says to the kid "we're not dead yet, try again tomorrow." @breeriv: Okay but that dentist is actually so sweet for that @iififlifly: He still does it. A few years ago my brother went in to the same dentist and got flowers, and they were like 10 years apart. @Salieri:
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Acylion: I know someone who likes to casually mention to people that... well, he'll make some comment about prison food or something. Or talk about watching certain TV shows in prison. Then he just sort of waits to see if anyone reacts. If someone asks, he adds that, well, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just young, and he didn't have any choice. Stuff happened. But he did his time quietly and got out. He was an army medic assigned to a military prison. He's just a terrible troll. @TangoCharliePDX: My dad loved to tell people that he met my mom selling drugs on the same street corner. (They both worked in a drugstore as teenagers.) They had a house with a very sensitive smoke alarm, tied in to the security system. It would be triggered frequently, and the alarm monitoring company would call before dispatching emergency. He would say "No, it's just my wife cooking again." @wishididntforgetlog: It's really fun being able to do this kind of thing. Like yesterday i spent a few hours trying to kick the shit out of a bunch of kids - that i coach as elite fighters @Salieri:
It reminds me of the photographer shooting people.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Acylion: I know someone who likes to casually mention to people that... well, he'll make some comment about prison food or something. Or talk about watching certain TV shows in prison. Then he just sort of waits to see if anyone reacts. If someone asks, he adds that, well, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just young, and he didn't have any choice. Stuff happened. But he did his time quietly and got out. He was an army medic assigned to a military prison. He's just a terrible troll. @TangoCharliePDX: My dad loved to tell people that he met my mom selling drugs on the same street corner. (They both worked in a drugstore as teenagers.) They had a house with a very sensitive smoke alarm, tied in to the security system. It would be triggered frequently, and the alarm monitoring company would call before dispatching emergency. He would say "No, it's just my wife cooking again." @Salieri:
My mom said my grandma did and sold lots of drugs. Asked if she was just joking around. Turns out she wasn't. Years later I remembered something, my grandma had like 20 pill bottles. The one time my mom isn't trolling me, it's telling me that my grandma was a drug dealer.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Acylion: I know someone who likes to casually mention to people that... well, he'll make some comment about prison food or something. Or talk about watching certain TV shows in prison. Then he just sort of waits to see if anyone reacts. If someone asks, he adds that, well, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just young, and he didn't have any choice. Stuff happened. But he did his time quietly and got out. He was an army medic assigned to a military prison. He's just a terrible troll. @TangoCharliePDX: My dad loved to tell people that he met my mom selling drugs on the same street corner. (They both worked in a drugstore as teenagers.) They had a house with a very sensitive smoke alarm, tied in to the security system. It would be triggered frequently, and the alarm monitoring company would call before dispatching emergency. He would say "No, it's just my wife cooking again." @Salieri:
My mom worked as a pharmacy tech in a big hospital. She spent most of the day walking around, refilling drugs at nurses' stations, or wherever. (I don't know how it works now. This story happened over 35 years ago.) She told someone that she was a drug pusher, as she pushed her cart of drugs around. So, when the teacher asked what ny mom did, I said "Drug pusher." The teacher was not amused.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Acylion: I know someone who likes to casually mention to people that... well, he'll make some comment about prison food or something. Or talk about watching certain TV shows in prison. Then he just sort of waits to see if anyone reacts. If someone asks, he adds that, well, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just young, and he didn't have any choice. Stuff happened. But he did his time quietly and got out. He was an army medic assigned to a military prison. He's just a terrible troll. @froh42: Yeah and mein Grandfather died in a Nazi Concentration Camp, too. You're sorry? Why? He fell from a watchtower, totally drunk. @Salieri:
That is probably the only Holocaust joke I ever genuinely laughed at. Bravo, good sir, ma'am, or esteemed individual.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Acylion: I know someone who likes to casually mention to people that... well, he'll make some comment about prison food or something. Or talk about watching certain TV shows in prison. Then he just sort of waits to see if anyone reacts. If someone asks, he adds that, well, he didn't do anything wrong. He was just young, and he didn't have any choice. Stuff happened. But he did his time quietly and got out. He was an army medic assigned to a military prison. He's just a terrible troll. @Salieri:
Pft hahahaha that's fucking fantastic
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Salieri:
Yeah, I’ve worked in corrections before and my kids would tell their teachers I was at the jail. It was awkward.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @jeebeepie: I had the same thing happen. Sometimes it was accidental, but it was too funny not to also use as a prank every now and again. The funniest part was how everyone had a different reaction. Some would freak out like "WHOAH YOUR DAD'S A CRIMINAL?!?!" and others would just get visibly awkward like they didn't know how to respond without offending me. @Salieri:
Growing up, my mum worked for a real estate company that had hooker in the name. Needless to say mum said it was fun walking into a catholic primary school in her work uniform to explain to our teachers that she sold houses and not herself.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Salieri:
Nice my mum did some community work in jail and I didnt understand and I did the same
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @benjamoo: Haha that's fair. One time when I was a kid I told my teacher "my daddy's in jail!" He's a lawyer and I guess he had told me he was meeting a client at the jail.. @Salieri:
That's the thing. Your dad said he was going to the jail, and you didn't think he was going to live there or anything, because you knew he was a lawyer. You were probably about 7, and still smarter than OP's husband.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @Salieri:
Seems like even though he might remember he still found it confusing and worth worrying about. Sounds like he cares about you a lot, congrats!
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @Salieri:
My girlfriend is a nurse at a hospital and I probably would have done the same thing lol.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @Steven__Bills: Thanks Donna @Salieri:
Yeah Donna outed my previous ac that had a close to a bazillion karma...
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @Salieri:
I kinda think the way your husband does, so I can empathize with him. Y'all need to have a discussion on communication. Tell him how you'd let him know if you were at the hospital for anything other than work.
@Acer018: He must be somewhat forgetful. @thanksdonna: Slightly yes. Although he blames me for saying “hospital “ instead of “work” @Salieri:
@Emach00: "clocking in or writing a check?" @thanksdonna: Luckily I work for the NHS @Salieri:
Look at you boasting of your nationalized health system! cries in American
@Emach00: "clocking in or writing a check?" @thanksdonna: Luckily I work for the NHS @crankthehandle: Damn you socialists!! @Salieri:
We know, we know. How we envy your capitalist paradise /s
@Emach00: "clocking in or writing a check?" @thanksdonna: Luckily I work for the NHS @Salieri:
thank you!
@ifeardolphins18: Hahahaha this reminds me of growing up with pediatricians as parents. We'd sometimes be in public while one of them was on call and they'd casually say to us "Okay we just have to stop at the hospital because I have 3 new babies and one's in the NICU." And there were looks of horror from other people standing around that overheard how nonchalant my parents would be about "their" babies in the hospital. It never ceased to amuse me how shocked other people looked and how totally oblivious my parents were to how what they were saying could be taken totally out of context. @bttrflyr: I imagine like a Mrs Kravitz Type neighbor constantly overhearing but then never seen all these additional babies so speculating that your mom is involved in some kind of baby ring lol @Salieri:
hysterical giggling rn, tyvm
@PoliteCanadian2: Thought this was a joke... @Salieri:
Nope this is my life