@LuckyDemon666: If you want to keep wearing a mask afterwards, you can do that! Personally, I dislike masks because they fog up my glasses and make it difficult for me to see. But you do you! @stanman1979: I wonder though about laws. Some states or counties in the US have laws against wearing masks unless you are doing a job that requires them. I suppose public or personal health may override, but I'm not sure. @Salieri:
I work in a casino I’m sure when/if this is over they won’t allow them anymore.
@CMac86: I figure, after pandemic ends (whenever that is), I’ll stick to wearing them whenever I have a cold or don’t feel well. @othermegan: Yes, if the socially responsible decide to continue to wear masks we could make it mainstream. There will always be people that refuse but they're the same ones that do now. I've already decided that when it's safe and I have the capital to start my own business, optional mask usage will be written in to the uniform policy. The biggest issue I know a lot of retail businesses faced at the start of the pandemic was "do we allow masks or don't we? It's never been brought up before." @Salieri:
this mask experience - and specifically the people who keep their FUCKING noses out - has made me hate people in a way I didn't think I had in me.
@eclecticmuse: O don't dig the masks. I wear them because well duh. I can see them being great for severe allergies or " is this a cold?" So yea I like to think they will stick around for stuff bit i personally will be glad when they dont need to be a daily thing. @Salieri:
I have mild allergy that can be triggered by some perfumes and small particles like dust, going outside and doing everything with a mask has been really helpful, I haven't had a single allergic reaction in 7 months, when I usually had one every couple of weeks. Funnily enough I work in construction with cement flying all over the place but we've always used masks on site so that place has never been an issue
@eclecticmuse: O don't dig the masks. I wear them because well duh. I can see them being great for severe allergies or " is this a cold?" So yea I like to think they will stick around for stuff bit i personally will be glad when they dont need to be a daily thing. @Salieri:
I know, I really hate the masks too.
@eclecticmuse: O don't dig the masks. I wear them because well duh. I can see them being great for severe allergies or " is this a cold?" So yea I like to think they will stick around for stuff bit i personally will be glad when they dont need to be a daily thing. @elocin90: Hard same. I can't wait until we don't need to wear these anymore. I'll be especially thrilled when I don't need to wear one when working out. I've found a few that make it easy to breathe while exercising, but holy crap I'm so tired of my glasses fogging up. @Salieri:
I'm tired of the mask acne and trying to keep a dozen on hand with kids just to get gas or groceries. Its jist one more damn thing.
@Captain-Yoski: I think that would be a terrible idea. I’m hearing impaired and I need to lip read to understand what someone is saying. Masks cover that up completely. @UnluckyWorker: Yeah that would suck. But I think if you're sick it would still be for the best. Plus if you're not you can pull it down ! @Salieri:
I do agree with the sick part but it’s just a pain and some people are jerks about it and just walk away.
@Captain-Yoski: I think that would be a terrible idea. I’m hearing impaired and I need to lip read to understand what someone is saying. Masks cover that up completely. @Salieri:
That's the only reason I will take it off in front of someone. Had a hearing impaired customer come in yesterday and pointed directly to his aid, I just ripped the mask off. Small benefits of working customer service for a decade is recognizing accessibility concerns when they come up...
@turquoise_tie_dyeger: Is it ok that I don't like them? I mean, it's not a big deal to me to wear one, I really feel for people working in retail who have to deal with those that actively sabotage the idea of stopping spread by not wearing them, or having their nose stick out. I actually feel more self conscious with a mask. I have a harder time recognizing people (already difficult for me) I can't smile at anyone, and the good ones are another expensive accessory and I have a hard enough time affording all the other necessary things for life. I have a few cheapo ones and I am glad to take them off whenever I get out of a public space. It definitely seems like a good idea to wear when sick, or on cold days (as long as the dampness doesn't interfere - that clammy air seems like a good spot for random bacteria). I'm glad they help with anxiety for some. But I am looking forward to not wearing them as much anyway, and not worrying when I forget mine. @MOS95B: Nothing wrong with not liking wearing it. I strongly dislike wearing mine, but I do when/where required out of respect for those around me. But, as soon as possible, I take the damned thing off. It's probably just all in my head, but I get short of breath with mine on, and it makes my beard kind of itchy. @Salieri:
Masks are miserable. In hot weather I can only tolerate them for like 20 seconds, have no clue what's up with everyone else. Medical masks are the most comfortable but they still sukkk.
@turquoise_tie_dyeger: Is it ok that I don't like them? I mean, it's not a big deal to me to wear one, I really feel for people working in retail who have to deal with those that actively sabotage the idea of stopping spread by not wearing them, or having their nose stick out. I actually feel more self conscious with a mask. I have a harder time recognizing people (already difficult for me) I can't smile at anyone, and the good ones are another expensive accessory and I have a hard enough time affording all the other necessary things for life. I have a few cheapo ones and I am glad to take them off whenever I get out of a public space. It definitely seems like a good idea to wear when sick, or on cold days (as long as the dampness doesn't interfere - that clammy air seems like a good spot for random bacteria). I'm glad they help with anxiety for some. But I am looking forward to not wearing them as much anyway, and not worrying when I forget mine. @frankhadwildyears: I wear mine out all the time too and I I've really come to hate it. I've never said "what?" so many times in my life before. I'm tired of always being muffled and everyone trying to say something in public being muffled to where we can't even hear each other (and no, I'm saying the alternative of spreading covid is better). The staff at the gym and myself don't even say hi anymore. Everyone feels much more isolated since we're missing such a significant set of social cues. @Salieri:
I work in healthcare, and it’s been really difficult with elderly or hearing impaired patients. We do it because it’s necessary, but I’m looking forward to it going back to being a sometimes thing.
@Jessisan: Yesss! And I don’t want anyone sick coughing on me. We all learned how to cover our mouths when we were 5, but some people still want to be inconsiderate trash pandas. I wish everyone would wear a mask when they are sick. @Salieri:
Yeah exactly. That's why I take issue when people say it's their right to not wear a mask and it's not anyone's business. Like yeah I guess, but it does make you selfish if you know or think you're sick. So it is other people's business in that way.
@Jessisan: Yesss! And I don’t want anyone sick coughing on me. We all learned how to cover our mouths when we were 5, but some people still want to be inconsiderate trash pandas. I wish everyone would wear a mask when they are sick. @Salieri:
I was leaving the grocery store the other day, and as I was walking out the door an older man PULLED HIS MASK DOWN in the lobby and started hacking all over the place. I was absolutely dumbfounded. I've never been so grateful to be wearing a mask.
@polishkurwalife: I'll stop wearing masks as soon as it stops being mandatory. My face gets sweaty in them. And I love wearing bright lipstick, now it's sadly useless. @Salieri:
I don't think anyone will wear a mask 24/7 (although if they choose to that's their right). I think it should be more of a social courtesy to wear one out in public if you're sick. I've also encountered several guests with terrible allergies that said this was the best allergy season for them because the mask filtered out a lot of the pollen.
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @OntarioParisian: My wife and I high five the good ones either of us produce. She can definitely out fart me. Christ, the sounds that woman can make are epic. And to think she is such a tiny person. @Salieri:
The smaller the vessel the higher the pressure.
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @Salieri:
I laugh every time I fart, so my husband knows he can't blame me for dog farts.
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @kennedy9154: He's lucky. My wife doesnt think its funny anymore. Especially when I rattle the windows, and without cracking a smile, tell her, " Sorry, it slipped". @MelOdessey: Opposite for me and my husband. I’m the one rattling the windows and he’s the one looking at me in defeat going “Really?” (Except I haven’t mastered the not cracking a smile thing. I still just about die laughing every time. He’s a trooper.) @kennedy9154: Tell him you cant help have a bad O ring. @Salieri:
"I have blow-by. Sorry."
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @kennedy9154: He's lucky. My wife doesnt think its funny anymore. Especially when I rattle the windows, and without cracking a smile, tell her, " Sorry, it slipped". @MelOdessey: Opposite for me and my husband. I’m the one rattling the windows and he’s the one looking at me in defeat going “Really?” (Except I haven’t mastered the not cracking a smile thing. I still just about die laughing every time. He’s a trooper.) @kennedy9154: Tell him you cant help have a bad O ring. @Salieri:
Definately using that.
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @kennedy9154: He's lucky. My wife doesnt think its funny anymore. Especially when I rattle the windows, and without cracking a smile, tell her, " Sorry, it slipped". @MelOdessey: Opposite for me and my husband. I’m the one rattling the windows and he’s the one looking at me in defeat going “Really?” (Except I haven’t mastered the not cracking a smile thing. I still just about die laughing every time. He’s a trooper.) @Salieri:
Next time you let out a window rattler, give it a few seconds, look around casually, then back to your partner and say, " oh did you hear that?"
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @kennedy9154: He's lucky. My wife doesnt think its funny anymore. Especially when I rattle the windows, and without cracking a smile, tell her, " Sorry, it slipped". @kennedy9154: A few months back, I ripped a huge one and told her "Im pretty sure I blew an O ring on that one"! Now, when she gets crabby about it, I just say " You know I have a bad O ring!" I think she's getting tired of that one too. @notgayinathreeway: Pasted this from another comment I made, but: Ask her about ducks when you fart, or throw out something about "you hear what that asshole said to me" I think my favorite is where I did dumb knock knock jokes to my wife for weeks to let her guard down and then once when we were laying in bed, I said knock knock, she said who's there with a defeated sigh and I just absolutely shit my pants. Any time I say knock knock now she just yells no and runs away. Be creative @Salieri:
My boyfriend says, "Some asshole's been talking shit about me behind my back", a line he got from his lovely mother.
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @kennedy9154: He's lucky. My wife doesnt think its funny anymore. Especially when I rattle the windows, and without cracking a smile, tell her, " Sorry, it slipped". @kennedy9154: A few months back, I ripped a huge one and told her "Im pretty sure I blew an O ring on that one"! Now, when she gets crabby about it, I just say " You know I have a bad O ring!" I think she's getting tired of that one too. @notgayinathreeway: Pasted this from another comment I made, but: Ask her about ducks when you fart, or throw out something about "you hear what that asshole said to me" I think my favorite is where I did dumb knock knock jokes to my wife for weeks to let her guard down and then once when we were laying in bed, I said knock knock, she said who's there with a defeated sigh and I just absolutely shit my pants. Any time I say knock knock now she just yells no and runs away. Be creative @Salieri:
Another good one...tell her you have something for her...hold out your closed hand, and dont tell her what it is. When she holds out her hand to accept your "gift", as you open your hand, let it rip. My wife no longer accepts gifts from me, so I had to find new ways to show my love.
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @kennedy9154: He's lucky. My wife doesnt think its funny anymore. Especially when I rattle the windows, and without cracking a smile, tell her, " Sorry, it slipped". @Salieri:
"must be some big mice"
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @Salieri:
Without your explanation I would never have known what my parents meant al these years. Thank you!
@TryAgainJen: My husband of 12 years just realized, thanks to all the extra time we're spending together, that I laugh every time he farts. Every damn time. I didn't even realize it myself. Now he's started laughing when I laugh, which makes me crack up even more. I was worried about how we'd handle all the togetherness, so it's a relief that we get so much enjoyment just farting around! @N3UROTOXIN: He clearly picked a winner. Farts are funny @Salieri:
Jimmy Kimmeloncr said " How old do you have to be before farts stop being funny?" He then said as soon as he got that old, he would let us know. No word yet.
@sizzlesfantalike: Manages to not fart for 24 years...husband posts it online for the one time you did. @shakethat_milkshake: Yes. This is my nightmare as a polite non-farter. @SarcasticGamer: I've been with my wife for nearly 15 years and she has never farted around me. Apparently she farted once in the kitchen around the kids and they bring it up all the time. @Salieri:
My wife lasted 13 years with me before she farted in front of me. Aparently she had done it before but blamed the dog. The day it actually happened, it was supposed to be "silent yet deadly" but was actually "LOUD AS FUCK". Have you seen that reaction gif of Chris pratt with the :O face? That was me for about 3 days afterwards.
@sizzlesfantalike: Manages to not fart for 24 years...husband posts it online for the one time you did. @shakethat_milkshake: Yes. This is my nightmare as a polite non-farter. @SarcasticGamer: I've been with my wife for nearly 15 years and she has never farted around me. Apparently she farted once in the kitchen around the kids and they bring it up all the time. @Salieri:
Lmao leave it to the kids to not let that one slide
@sizzlesfantalike: Manages to not fart for 24 years...husband posts it online for the one time you did. @Salieri:
And 14 hours after it happened nearly 20,000 people know about it.
@Lolobecks: The first time I farted in front of my now-husband was when we were getting frisky. We were in the middle of...stuff...and he kind of squeezed one out of me. I was so embarrassed. My husband, bless him, looked at me and was like “that’s it? That’s nothing. That wouldn’t even singe the hair on a dog.” And we went back to our business. We still laugh about it and we’ve been together for 15 years. @al_x_and_rah: That is hilarious! @Salieri:
And heartwarming at the same time
@schleep_69: That’s awesome!!! I farted in front of my boyfriend the second time we hung out. We were on a bridge looking into the water and I just let one rip. Then he did. We now still call it “fart bridge”, and fart on/around each other daily. Its the best @Salieri:
So glad I’m not the only one! Broke it to him pretty quickly that I’m not prude about it. Might as well show you’re comfortable with each other.
@lava_monkey83: I once farted so bad that I made my stepdad think his colostomy bag burst. So I got that going for me. @Salieri:
Fart goals
@lava_monkey83: I once farted so bad that I made my stepdad think his colostomy bag burst. So I got that going for me. @PatchNStitch: I took my dog to the vet once because she hadn't been pooping. They gave her barium to make things move around in there, and the fart she released was so toxic the vet left the room with her nose plugged. @RIPLRelentless: Dog farts do be 1000 times worse tho @Salieri:
My dog's farts will wake me out of a dead sleep sometimes they're so rank
@lava_monkey83: I once farted so bad that I made my stepdad think his colostomy bag burst. So I got that going for me. @KingCwispy: Those are rough. I work at a hospital and one of the patients called us because his bag was standing erect, absolutely filled with gas to the point that it was taught and we didnt want to lose the bag or put our guy in any unnecessary discomfort. After we drew straws one giy went in to go "burp" it and let the gas out and it was so foul that he had to go sit in the breakroom because the smell just clung to his clothes @darrenwise883: If only he could have transferred the gas to a whoppie cushion the fun that could have been . @Salieri:
Oh my God :( you're a monster
@lava_monkey83: I once farted so bad that I made my stepdad think his colostomy bag burst. So I got that going for me. @KingCwispy: Those are rough. I work at a hospital and one of the patients called us because his bag was standing erect, absolutely filled with gas to the point that it was taught and we didnt want to lose the bag or put our guy in any unnecessary discomfort. After we drew straws one giy went in to go "burp" it and let the gas out and it was so foul that he had to go sit in the breakroom because the smell just clung to his clothes @starberrieshortcake: I'm sorry for that nurse but the idea of being banished for fart crimes is hilarious @Salieri:
It was a necessity, the gas just clings to any fabric you present it to and its absolutely rank
@lava_monkey83: I once farted so bad that I made my stepdad think his colostomy bag burst. So I got that going for me. @MostGuest7: That’s like a super power @Salieri:
"The Spleen" in Mystery Men!
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: I so feel you. We have four kids, and every person in this house but me thinks it’s totally hilarious to hold them in until their butt is a foot from my face. Ugh. @RAbites: Mine don't dare do it to me. They fear the wrath of mom. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: How do I get scarier? Teach me your ways! @RAbites: I learned from watching my mom and grandma, and perfected it while teaching middle school. It is a combination of a death glare and a properly intoned "I dare you". Yelling just gets their back up and they want to fight back. I get quiet. The quieter I speak, the madder I am. Questions like "Want to rethink that?" or "Do you really want to go there?" give them a chance to back down without consequences. If they don't backpedal quick, they aren't going to like the follow up. Follow up has included creative punishments such as cleaning the bathroom for the kid with potty mouth (that was 14 years ago and he's still careful about his language around me) or soap on the wall where one kept licking it. As adults, I can get the desired results with just the look and quiet question most of the time. When they were kids, I needed the follow up and always made it fit the offense. They may outnumber me, but they are well aware that if I threaten them with something, I will follow through. They aren't stupid and learned long ago that I have a long fuse, but it isn't going to end well for them if they light it. Even my husband only pushes just so hard. That said, I will join in the goofiness and often start it, but there is a firm line I won't let them cross. They disrespect me at their own risk. It is my job to teach them what is and is not an acceptable way to treat a woman (or anyone else) and what good manners are. I refuse to let my future daughters in law deal with what I did when I married. My husband is a good man, and I adore him, but his mother taught none of her 3 sons any sort of manners. My nephew in law says he loves me, but I scare him. First time he stayed with us, he took the last of the coffee before I had mine. The guys had him thinking I was going to kill him or something. I just patted his cheek and told him he is allowed one mistake, but don't do it again. Now he won't get coffee unless he's sure I don't need a refill. It may be that I'm naturally scary. My guys all say I'm scary but that they adore me. The trick is to keep your temper. That calm follow up is scarier than any amount of yelling or violence. Sometimes just a smile and quiet "Go ahead and keep it up " is enough. Make it an evil smile, though. It scares them more. @Gladgod: My mum never got mad unless I really goofed. She was firm and raised me well but you know damn well if she got mad it was serious. It was always the calm that scared me more then anything and a quick "Hey!" was more then enough to stop me. @Salieri:
My mom almost never ever yelled at us. When she did you were terrified to your very core, because it was such a rarity you knew it was serious. She had the utmost patience for us and I truly feel like the basis of our relationship and behavior as kids was that she respected and valued us so we respected and valued her in return. There are 4 of us so I’m sure it was no easy task, but somehow we made it through with barely any yelling or punishment and none of us trying anything too mischievous.
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: I so feel you. We have four kids, and every person in this house but me thinks it’s totally hilarious to hold them in until their butt is a foot from my face. Ugh. @RAbites: Mine don't dare do it to me. They fear the wrath of mom. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: How do I get scarier? Teach me your ways! @RAbites: I learned from watching my mom and grandma, and perfected it while teaching middle school. It is a combination of a death glare and a properly intoned "I dare you". Yelling just gets their back up and they want to fight back. I get quiet. The quieter I speak, the madder I am. Questions like "Want to rethink that?" or "Do you really want to go there?" give them a chance to back down without consequences. If they don't backpedal quick, they aren't going to like the follow up. Follow up has included creative punishments such as cleaning the bathroom for the kid with potty mouth (that was 14 years ago and he's still careful about his language around me) or soap on the wall where one kept licking it. As adults, I can get the desired results with just the look and quiet question most of the time. When they were kids, I needed the follow up and always made it fit the offense. They may outnumber me, but they are well aware that if I threaten them with something, I will follow through. They aren't stupid and learned long ago that I have a long fuse, but it isn't going to end well for them if they light it. Even my husband only pushes just so hard. That said, I will join in the goofiness and often start it, but there is a firm line I won't let them cross. They disrespect me at their own risk. It is my job to teach them what is and is not an acceptable way to treat a woman (or anyone else) and what good manners are. I refuse to let my future daughters in law deal with what I did when I married. My husband is a good man, and I adore him, but his mother taught none of her 3 sons any sort of manners. My nephew in law says he loves me, but I scare him. First time he stayed with us, he took the last of the coffee before I had mine. The guys had him thinking I was going to kill him or something. I just patted his cheek and told him he is allowed one mistake, but don't do it again. Now he won't get coffee unless he's sure I don't need a refill. It may be that I'm naturally scary. My guys all say I'm scary but that they adore me. The trick is to keep your temper. That calm follow up is scarier than any amount of yelling or violence. Sometimes just a smile and quiet "Go ahead and keep it up " is enough. Make it an evil smile, though. It scares them more. @WeAreDestroyers: Your kids are adults and you still ask them stuff like that? @Salieri:
They’re probably teens or young adults (college age?). Still need some guidance now and then, that’s normal.
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: I so feel you. We have four kids, and every person in this house but me thinks it’s totally hilarious to hold them in until their butt is a foot from my face. Ugh. @RAbites: Mine don't dare do it to me. They fear the wrath of mom. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: How do I get scarier? Teach me your ways! @Salieri:
Have you ever heard the legend of the La Chancla? It’s not a story a Jedi would tell you.
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: I so feel you. We have four kids, and every person in this house but me thinks it’s totally hilarious to hold them in until their butt is a foot from my face. Ugh. @RAbites: Mine don't dare do it to me. They fear the wrath of mom. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: How do I get scarier? Teach me your ways! @Salieri:
My wifes wrath starts the day before with cabbage and onions.
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @BeerTacosAndKnitting: I so feel you. We have four kids, and every person in this house but me thinks it’s totally hilarious to hold them in until their butt is a foot from my face. Ugh. @Salieri:
Stab them with something
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @PMmeSOMETHINGnice: I have a 3yo girl. Everytime she feels a fart coming she pulls down her pants and puts her little butt as close as possible to my face, farts and laughs. Such a princess. @Salieri:
Do you want pink eye? Cause that's how you get pink eye.
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @PMmeSOMETHINGnice: I have a 3yo girl. Everytime she feels a fart coming she pulls down her pants and puts her little butt as close as possible to my face, farts and laughs. Such a princess. @Salieri:
How ladylike. Sounds like something my niece would have done at that age. Well, would have done once, anyway.
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @PMmeSOMETHINGnice: I have a 3yo girl. Everytime she feels a fart coming she pulls down her pants and puts her little butt as close as possible to my face, farts and laughs. Such a princess. @Salieri:
She’s going places!
@RAbites: And then there's my house where my husband of 27 years and my 2 adult sons will hold in a fart until they can get near one another so they can fart in/near someone's face. I would love some more manners. @Salieri:
I would do this to my little brother for years, he lives in Miami now, fucker has the ocean breeze now.
@SausageOnToast: I’ve been with my gf 15 years and she is yet to fart in front of me. Hope I get this feeling one day too. @dogsdogsjudy: Took me 9 years but (together 10 now!) idk why I was so embarrassed - but now I am like sorry we bought a house together you’re stuck with me! @Salieri:
3 months here.. What is my life? edit to add: I was not the culprit
@SausageOnToast: I’ve been with my gf 15 years and she is yet to fart in front of me. Hope I get this feeling one day too. @sfw63: How they hide it. @Salieri:
Hold it until you're not right in front of them.
@proandso: I think my wife has farted 24 times in front of me today haha . That's so cute lol @vodkaynala: You are not alone buddy. Also my wife is vegan and does not tolerate beans that much. This is a murder scene @colsta9: Has she tried the vegan version of Beano called Bean-zyme? If not it might help you both be a bit more comfortable! @vodkaynala: Never heard of it. We are not from the US. Next time in the us I will buy it for sure @Salieri:
Oof, sorry for the unconscious assumption.
@ItsElectric120: I had a first date at the movies last year and luckily we got there before anyone else was inside, and as soon as I sat down in the theater she stood back up while saying “excuse me I need to fart” and before I could comprehend the statement she’s stepping over the seats in front of us and trots to the other side of the theater, does a power squat between the row while gripping two seats. She looked like she was about to launch into orbit and once she finished she sat back down next to me and I was completely bewildered as to how to feel. @Nigglesscripts: Launch into orbit? Sounds like she was going to take a power shit. Didn’t anyone ever tell her don’t trust a fart? That could have ended badly. @ItsElectric120: God I almost wish she did. It would have been an even more interesting story to tell. @Nigglesscripts: It’s one of the weirdest things I’ve was she a weird person in general? @Salieri:
Yeah she was, I kinda likes that since I’m weird socially too, but it didn’t work out.
@ItsElectric120: I had a first date at the movies last year and luckily we got there before anyone else was inside, and as soon as I sat down in the theater she stood back up while saying “excuse me I need to fart” and before I could comprehend the statement she’s stepping over the seats in front of us and trots to the other side of the theater, does a power squat between the row while gripping two seats. She looked like she was about to launch into orbit and once she finished she sat back down next to me and I was completely bewildered as to how to feel. @Nigglesscripts: Launch into orbit? Sounds like she was going to take a power shit. Didn’t anyone ever tell her don’t trust a fart? That could have ended badly. @ItsElectric120: God I almost wish she did. It would have been an even more interesting story to tell. @lololol3300400: Yeah I really need to know if she did this for comedic effect or if she thought that was totally normal? Cause those are two totally different types of people. @7in7: This sounds like a Disney channel series where the girl is trying to make the boy break up with her. @Salieri:
Lmao her plan worked then. And I think she was just trying to be polite
@ItsElectric120: I had a first date at the movies last year and luckily we got there before anyone else was inside, and as soon as I sat down in the theater she stood back up while saying “excuse me I need to fart” and before I could comprehend the statement she’s stepping over the seats in front of us and trots to the other side of the theater, does a power squat between the row while gripping two seats. She looked like she was about to launch into orbit and once she finished she sat back down next to me and I was completely bewildered as to how to feel. @PendergastMrReece: Was there a 2nd and further date? @Salieri:
Yeah I tried 3 more dates but it just didn’t work out.
@ItsElectric120: I had a first date at the movies last year and luckily we got there before anyone else was inside, and as soon as I sat down in the theater she stood back up while saying “excuse me I need to fart” and before I could comprehend the statement she’s stepping over the seats in front of us and trots to the other side of the theater, does a power squat between the row while gripping two seats. She looked like she was about to launch into orbit and once she finished she sat back down next to me and I was completely bewildered as to how to feel. @Salieri:
You asshole! I blew snot all over my tablet! That was funny AF!
@SiXleft7: I laughed all the way through these comments! Farting makes me laugh no matter what. I can't not laugh when one gets ripped. It's like music to my ears. @NerdyPumpkin276: I tell people that my fart humor never matured past teenage years. I’m a 27 yr old woman and I laugh so hard! My absolute favorite is the sneeze/fart combo! @Salieri:
My Hubby says those are the worst. They're so powerful you end up needing stitches.
@SiXleft7: I laughed all the way through these comments! Farting makes me laugh no matter what. I can't not laugh when one gets ripped. It's like music to my ears. @NerdyPumpkin276: I tell people that my fart humor never matured past teenage years. I’m a 27 yr old woman and I laugh so hard! My absolute favorite is the sneeze/fart combo! @Salieri:
Ah, yes - the snart.
@SiXleft7: I laughed all the way through these comments! Farting makes me laugh no matter what. I can't not laugh when one gets ripped. It's like music to my ears. @NerdyPumpkin276: I tell people that my fart humor never matured past teenage years. I’m a 27 yr old woman and I laugh so hard! My absolute favorite is the sneeze/fart combo! @Salieri:
My dog this the other day. I've never knowingly heard one before and I thought this was adorable! Until the smell hit me. Yikes. (She has been having tummy troubles for a while. Hopefully fixed up now!)
@SiXleft7: I laughed all the way through these comments! Farting makes me laugh no matter what. I can't not laugh when one gets ripped. It's like music to my ears. @Hookah_bookah: Comdey gold! I like to sometimes spice it up before a fart for example ask "Did you hear that?" Wait for a response then interrupt with toot. @WhoGotSnacks: My husband will ask "Do you smell smoke?" And the first time, I sniffed hard. Never again. @Salieri:
haha this is hilarious. I'm going to do this to my fiance
@SiXleft7: I laughed all the way through these comments! Farting makes me laugh no matter what. I can't not laugh when one gets ripped. It's like music to my ears. @Hookah_bookah: Comdey gold! I like to sometimes spice it up before a fart for example ask "Did you hear that?" Wait for a response then interrupt with toot. @WhoGotSnacks: My husband will ask "Do you smell smoke?" And the first time, I sniffed hard. Never again. @KohnDre: I once ripped the worst one in the basement. My wife came down and asked me if I farted and I said no. She then proceeded to take huge huffs around the room, To see if the cat had shit in the baby's bed. I felt so bad @Salieri:
huge huffs... I... am.... crying....
@SiXleft7: I laughed all the way through these comments! Farting makes me laugh no matter what. I can't not laugh when one gets ripped. It's like music to my ears. @Hookah_bookah: Comdey gold! I like to sometimes spice it up before a fart for example ask "Did you hear that?" Wait for a response then interrupt with toot. @WhoGotSnacks: My husband will ask "Do you smell smoke?" And the first time, I sniffed hard. Never again. @Salieri:
So funny!
@8-bit-brandon: I can always tell when my girlfriend falls asleep cuz she immediately farts @Salieri:
That means she's too embarrassed to let them rip in front of you. Gotta let her know its fine!
@mylals: My SO was huge on manners too, but the day I told him it was okay and natural to fart or burp, it never stopped. Help @wienercat: Like, it's okay for things to be natural. But that doesnt mean you throw manners to the wind lol If it grosses you out, ask him to tone it down. Communication is key yo @mylals: Its fine, the cannons are shooting both ways to hit back lol @Salieri:
As long as there is mutually assured destruction, it's all okay. God forbid someone have to break out a Dutch oven...
@InsomniaAbounds: She didn’t fart. She tooted. @lucluc777: Sounds fancier, I like it @midgethepuff: As my grandma would say, she “fluffed” @carolynrose93: My grandma says that too. Is your grandma my grandma? @midgethepuff: ....maybe you are my grandma? You share the same first name 0_0 @carolynrose93: Nah, I'm just a 26 year old with a delightful old lady name. @Salieri:
I worked with an old black woman named Carolyn and she was the sweetest lady. Never failed to ask you how your day was as soon as she saw you.
@InsomniaAbounds: She didn’t fart. She tooted. @lucluc777: Sounds fancier, I like it @midgethepuff: As my grandma would say, she “fluffed” @carolynrose93: My grandma says that too. Is your grandma my grandma? @Salieri:
And also my grandma?
@InsomniaAbounds: She didn’t fart. She tooted. @lucluc777: Sounds fancier, I like it @Salieri:
Just blew you a kiss.
@InsomniaAbounds: She didn’t fart. She tooted. @lucluc777: Sounds fancier, I like it @Salieri:
My niece used to say she floofed
@InsomniaAbounds: She didn’t fart. She tooted. @Salieri:
@InsomniaAbounds: She didn’t fart. She tooted. @Salieri:
Bless your heart. That's our family word <3
@Chareth_Cutestory94: I had to fart in front of my boyfriend like the third month dating him... I had altitude sickness on a trip we went on and my stomach was WRECKED. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was like I'm so sorry this has to happen now hahahah we've been farting in front of each other ever since! @I-endure: Wait a minute. You two were dating for three months and you farted first? Maybe it because I'm a guy, but I doubt I could be around a group of tight-ass nuns for three days before I ripped one off. @Salieri:
No he had farted prior, obviously lol. I held off for 3 months and couldn't hide anymore because I had a wrecked stomach.
@haleywaley16: My boyfriends mom is the exact same way and they are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year! We had a huge discussion about it and I was astonished at the possibility of this! She said she has never tooted in from of him! It’s hard to fathom. They must just not toot a lot because if it were me I’d have a stomach ache MOST days. @goingonago: Almost to 32 years of marriage and my wife still hasn’t farted in front of me. All I ever get are the the night windies. @elidorian: "night windies" omg @Salieri:
Night windies and night whispers.. this thread is so much better than what I thought it’d be.
@haleywaley16: My boyfriends mom is the exact same way and they are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year! We had a huge discussion about it and I was astonished at the possibility of this! She said she has never tooted in from of him! It’s hard to fathom. They must just not toot a lot because if it were me I’d have a stomach ache MOST days. @zugzwang_03: Honestly, until reddit I had no idea people were so gassy! I'm just...not. I don't think I've felt the need to fart this week. And I don't think I've ever intentionally farted in front of an SO (though I did in front of my ex once when camping, oops). @ChelSection: Probably a good diet or excellent internal bacteria. When I did keto I never had to fart and rarely went #2. Pissed like a pregnant racehorse though @Salieri:
Hm, maybe. I don't eat much meat, but I tend to eat a very balanced diet with a variety of foods - including a few fermented foods which is supposed to be very good for digestion. If that is the case, quite a few people in this thread neewd a better diet!
@haleywaley16: My boyfriends mom is the exact same way and they are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year! We had a huge discussion about it and I was astonished at the possibility of this! She said she has never tooted in from of him! It’s hard to fathom. They must just not toot a lot because if it were me I’d have a stomach ache MOST days. @zugzwang_03: Honestly, until reddit I had no idea people were so gassy! I'm just...not. I don't think I've felt the need to fart this week. And I don't think I've ever intentionally farted in front of an SO (though I did in front of my ex once when camping, oops). @Salieri:
Maybe in your sleep.
@dcgrey: The "sorry" reminds me of my college roommate, us sitting on opposite sides of a small room. Him: [Suddenly smiling] Me: "What?" Him: "Sorry." Me: "Sorry ab--" [phalanx of farts reaches me] "You asshole." Him: "I said I was sorry." @Salieri:
“I’ll stop doing it when you stop laughing.”
@offendedbyall0623: Waiting for my wife of 5 years to fart in front of me. So far, only in sleep will she let the beast loose. @Salieri:
I genuinely thought that it would never happen with my wife. She says it happened today and never again lol, I have to say I'm impressed that she broke the 24 year old habit of excusing herself and leaving the room to fart
@imarudewife: My husband is horrified if I pass gas around him. “It isn’t lady-like”. He actually got mad when I farted...on the toilet...WHILE POOPING!! I couldn’t believe it. SMH @alexjpg: If my SO got mad at me for farting I would legit break up with them. @Salieri:
I would probably just make a point of farting in front of them. Obnoxiously. And noxiously. I'm lactose intolerant. I know how to make some real rippers.
@imarudewife: My husband is horrified if I pass gas around him. “It isn’t lady-like”. He actually got mad when I farted...on the toilet...WHILE POOPING!! I couldn’t believe it. SMH @mrschaney: My dad is that way. He will burp and fart all damn day, but if mom, me, or my sister do he would be disgusted. Ladies dont do that. @Salieri:
Same with my dad. My grandma would hold him down and fart on him as a child so I think it comes from that trauma.
@imbalancedlibra82: I can believe this. I was married 17 years, 20 together total and never passed gas in front of my ex husband. I'm not especially lady like, but I don't want to even smell it. Why subject someone else to it? @Hookah_bookah: But what about the laughs and joy farts bring? @Salieri:
Why you think they got divorced?
@lurkingelsewhere: Aaaahhh! Congratulations dude!! So happy to hear you're alive and cuddling with your cat!! Several years ago I was really suicidal too. I never went through with it cause I knew my cat would be sad and I couldn't bear to upset him. He's sleeping af my feet right now and I've been on antidepressants for like 5 years. Sending you and your kitty positive vibes and well wishes! Hope your recovery continues to go smoothly! What kind of cake are you baking? @emke1886: My cat really helped me pull through. They are incredible creatures. Chocolate Guinness. The one and only. @Salieri:
Oooo that sounds amazing!
@lurkingelsewhere: Aaaahhh! Congratulations dude!! So happy to hear you're alive and cuddling with your cat!! Several years ago I was really suicidal too. I never went through with it cause I knew my cat would be sad and I couldn't bear to upset him. He's sleeping af my feet right now and I've been on antidepressants for like 5 years. Sending you and your kitty positive vibes and well wishes! Hope your recovery continues to go smoothly! What kind of cake are you baking? @emke1886: My cat really helped me pull through. They are incredible creatures. Chocolate Guinness. The one and only. @theycallmefrd: Yes i love to hear a car purrr as well @Put_It_All_On_Blck: You made Elon cry. @Salieri:
Sorry about that
@lurkingelsewhere: Aaaahhh! Congratulations dude!! So happy to hear you're alive and cuddling with your cat!! Several years ago I was really suicidal too. I never went through with it cause I knew my cat would be sad and I couldn't bear to upset him. He's sleeping af my feet right now and I've been on antidepressants for like 5 years. Sending you and your kitty positive vibes and well wishes! Hope your recovery continues to go smoothly! What kind of cake are you baking? @emke1886: My cat really helped me pull through. They are incredible creatures. Chocolate Guinness. The one and only. @Salieri:
Cars will do that!
@lurkingelsewhere: Aaaahhh! Congratulations dude!! So happy to hear you're alive and cuddling with your cat!! Several years ago I was really suicidal too. I never went through with it cause I knew my cat would be sad and I couldn't bear to upset him. He's sleeping af my feet right now and I've been on antidepressants for like 5 years. Sending you and your kitty positive vibes and well wishes! Hope your recovery continues to go smoothly! What kind of cake are you baking? @emke1886: My cat really helped me pull through. They are incredible creatures. Chocolate Guinness. The one and only. @Salieri:
Couple hundred horse power can do wonders when you need to pull stuff. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) On a more serious note, glad you are ok.
@NormalMacdonald: Shit bro thats your Alive Day. Celebrate the hell out of it. @emke1886: Hahaha it should be! @Salieri:
Oh dude, i mean that litterally, that is your alive day. Thats the day you weren't going to make it through but you did anyway. It's a very real thing esp in the military. Some times it's dudes surviving harrowing combat, sometimes its you choosing not to die. It's like being reborn in a sense, and you seem like your making some real changes. positive ones, a new life for you. Proud of you stranger keep it up.
@UnseamlyTangent: My rats keep me alive @emke1886: Hahaha and my cat keeps me alive :P @UnseamlyTangent: Glad you thought it waa funny @Salieri:
@UnseamlyTangent: My rats keep me alive @Salieri:
I had rats in my dorm in college (as pets). They were such baller friends. Sometimes one would sit on my shoulder while I worked on my laptop and when I would give them pringles to eat it looked like they were holding up big posterboards. RIP Eugene, Shelby, Penny, Coral, and Jenny.
@solar-powered-potato: I'm so happy you're still in the world, I hope things keep on getting better for you. Enjoy your cake and your kitty cuddles and feel that pride - you've earned it! Could you reach out to a friend or family member and show them the letter(s) you were going to leave, ask for their help in destroying them, if it's too hard to do alone? Perhaps it could open a further line of communication in your life to let the people around you know what you've been struggling with, if they don't already know? Even if you don't want to discuss it with people irl, I hope you stay active on reddit and things continue to get better for you. On a separate note - what kind of cake did you make? @Salieri:
My best friend has already read her letter, and is very supportive of me. I called my mum today and told her the truth about everything, apologized and told her I’ll be alright. Fed my cat way too many treats :P The cake is chocolate Guinness, the best of the best.
@whereisthe711: I don't know you personally but I'm really proud of you. It also means a lot to me as someone who has depression. I think we've lost enough people to suicide. On a side note: i loooove cake @Salieri:
Thank you for the encouragement! I’m proud of myself as well. And who doesn’t love cake??
@RefundPolicy: Positive vibes your way. @Salieri:
Thank you!
@_mylife: Proud of you for having the courage to make that call. @emke1886: I am too, I was pissed at first, but the day after I realized it was a pretty brave thing to do. @Salieri:
It was incredibly brave! Thank you for making that call.
@anasaragoca: Been there. I went all the way and ended up in hospital. I'm so glad I'm alive. So gkad you are alive. Things will get better. Warm hugs. @Salieri:
The suicide hotline told me that hospitalization was always an option if I ever feel unsafe again. Thank you for the hugs!!
@AintJustWhistlinDixi: Stop eating cake! @Salieri:
@hermioneisgreat: Kind of like the world, eh? You hear mostly complaints and negativity, but in reality the vast majority of people are good. Negative sticks with us - its the way our brains are wired to keep us safe. It's important to remind yourself (and others!) that things are not as bad as they seem. Thanks for the post! @where__didyougo: Yep! I call Reddit the world's quietest conversation @Salieri:
"Cutest" maybe?)
@hermioneisgreat: Kind of like the world, eh? You hear mostly complaints and negativity, but in reality the vast majority of people are good. Negative sticks with us - its the way our brains are wired to keep us safe. It's important to remind yourself (and others!) that things are not as bad as they seem. Thanks for the post! @spottyottydopalicius: are the majority of people good? @JakeIsMyRealName: I think the majority of people are selfish. I think that deep down, most people will do what’s good for them. It so happens that having others think highly of you is important to most people, so I think most people will act civilized, friendly, and project that they are good, outwardly anyhow. @Salieri:
I would disagree. I think the majority of people want to do what's best for everyone, though I'll admit with a personal bias. I think this is strongly evidenced by the stories of self sacrifice and heroism that we all tend to be drawn to, and have been since stories have existed. I think the problem is that we vehemently disagree on what's best for everyone, and assume others are being dishonest in their disagreement with our beliefs. As a whole, were too egocentric. We like to believe we're open minded because we're willing to consider what we see, while refusing to consider how much we don't see. We like to think we're willing to give up control, until we think the person we've given control to is doing something wrong. I firmly believe that the vast majority of the people I disagree with, personally, politically, etc, are good people who feel that they're doing what's right. I also believe that even when they make choices they know are wrong, that for most of them they honestly believe that these are one-off occurences and that they're more than capable of correcting any issues that arise. A perfect example being a teenager stealing a bottle of vodka from their parents fully intending on replacing it, without considering that if they could get a bottle that easy they wouldn't need to steal one in the first place I don't think people are inherently bad, or selfish. I think they're shortsighted, emotional, misinformed, and occassionaly irrational. I don't exclude myself from this list either. I do however believe that if everyone were given a button that they knew without a doubt would show them all the truths of the world, very few would hesitate to push it because they already believe that what they "know" is right. I do also believe that the belief that people are inherently selfish, or shitty, comes from an attempt to insulate oneself from a sense of personal responsibility for their own contributions. I've found most often that the people I see saying things like this are using it as a justification for a personal callous. I know I used to do the same, though I would never have admitted it. Most often I see it come from people who feel they've been dealt a shitty hand, or had to struggle through more than their share of difficulties in life. It's an easy way to justify prioritizing your own needs over the needs of others, when you honestly feel that others are doing the same. Then it becomes "fair" because in a sense, it's other people that are dictating your interactions with them by setting the rules. Honestly, I don't even believe that people who believe this and use these beliefs as grounds for their actions are inherently bad, since you wouldn't need the logic in the first place if you weren't considering the effects of your actions on others. Truly shitty or selfish people don't need to justify how they interact with the world around them. Maybe I'm just an optimist.
@hermioneisgreat: Kind of like the world, eh? You hear mostly complaints and negativity, but in reality the vast majority of people are good. Negative sticks with us - its the way our brains are wired to keep us safe. It's important to remind yourself (and others!) that things are not as bad as they seem. Thanks for the post! @spottyottydopalicius: are the majority of people good? @JakeIsMyRealName: I think the majority of people are selfish. I think that deep down, most people will do what’s good for them. It so happens that having others think highly of you is important to most people, so I think most people will act civilized, friendly, and project that they are good, outwardly anyhow. @Salieri:
It depends. We definitely developed an innate evolutionary advantage by grouping into complex societies. I mean, the impulses toward self-fulfillment and community outreach kind of define our political schism right now. You're right that, backs against the wall, human beings are selfish. We are animals. But we were also smart enough to learn that, by working together, we could more easily avoid that situation.
@hermioneisgreat: Kind of like the world, eh? You hear mostly complaints and negativity, but in reality the vast majority of people are good. Negative sticks with us - its the way our brains are wired to keep us safe. It's important to remind yourself (and others!) that things are not as bad as they seem. Thanks for the post! @spottyottydopalicius: are the majority of people good? @JakeIsMyRealName: I think the majority of people are selfish. I think that deep down, most people will do what’s good for them. It so happens that having others think highly of you is important to most people, so I think most people will act civilized, friendly, and project that they are good, outwardly anyhow. @Salieri:
You gave words to my thoughts. Thank you.
@hermioneisgreat: Kind of like the world, eh? You hear mostly complaints and negativity, but in reality the vast majority of people are good. Negative sticks with us - its the way our brains are wired to keep us safe. It's important to remind yourself (and others!) that things are not as bad as they seem. Thanks for the post! @spottyottydopalicius: are the majority of people good? @Salieri:
OP's referring to non-redditors, of course
@sojayn: Truth. It reminds me of old school internet forums - and i think a big part of that is not having visuals, the most we get is a username and then we have to do the leg work ourselves. Character being shown here by actions not appearance. It’s sorely needed these days. @Lou-Lou-Lou: I defected from Faecesbook (U.K. spelling) and it's made my life better. Sick of the selfie absorbed nature of that platform. Reddit is superior in so many ways. @glamfairy: I recently deleted mine because of all the insane posts I was seeing surrounding the Coronavirus situation. It's been a couple of weeks and I don't miss it one bit! @Salieri:
Agreed! Deleted mine two years ago and never looked back! Life is so much better without Facebook!
@sojayn: Truth. It reminds me of old school internet forums - and i think a big part of that is not having visuals, the most we get is a username and then we have to do the leg work ourselves. Character being shown here by actions not appearance. It’s sorely needed these days. @Lou-Lou-Lou: I defected from Faecesbook (U.K. spelling) and it's made my life better. Sick of the selfie absorbed nature of that platform. Reddit is superior in so many ways. @glamfairy: I recently deleted mine because of all the insane posts I was seeing surrounding the Coronavirus situation. It's been a couple of weeks and I don't miss it one bit! @Salieri:
I didnt delete it but I've been ignoring it hard. The amount of uneducated rampant bs is so hard to see.
@sojayn: Truth. It reminds me of old school internet forums - and i think a big part of that is not having visuals, the most we get is a username and then we have to do the leg work ourselves. Character being shown here by actions not appearance. It’s sorely needed these days. @Lou-Lou-Lou: I defected from Faecesbook (U.K. spelling) and it's made my life better. Sick of the selfie absorbed nature of that platform. Reddit is superior in so many ways. @Salieri:
I deleted mine 4 years ago only “social media” I have now is reddit. If you are important enough to me you will have my mobile number and I’ll have yours. I don’t need to see what you are eating every fucking tea time.
@Nopenotme77: The good news is you can also make your own pasta which isn't cost prohibitive and it will taste even better. Splurge for the things you love, and go lenient on others. @Salieri:
This is extremely good advice, which I always say but should follow more often. A decent, healthy warm meal has a bigger impact on your day to day life than regularly getting starbucks. Assuming you're in a position where you can't afford both
@Nopenotme77: The good news is you can also make your own pasta which isn't cost prohibitive and it will taste even better. Splurge for the things you love, and go lenient on others. @regular_gonzalez: Yeah I'm not a fan of pasta but my gf last year was. I bought her a decent but inexpensive pasta machine and made spaghetti. Even without experience or knowing what I was really doing it was night and day. The mouthfeel and surface texture is amazing. The pasta wasn't slimy, it had a gently textured surface that made me understand why some people are just crazy about pasta. It was really remarkable and I highly suggest a $50 pasta maker to anyone and everyone. It's that good. @Salieri:
Yea I hated pasta as a kid because my family over cooked it and most restaurants over sauced. I actually make my own now with just fine semolina flour water and a little olive oil. It takes me less than ten minutes to knead and about the same amount of time to shape. And it’s delicious!
@Nopenotme77: The good news is you can also make your own pasta which isn't cost prohibitive and it will taste even better. Splurge for the things you love, and go lenient on others. @Welsed: For real! I make it all the time and its so good. I never went back to dried pasta. @DomesticChaos: I bought a pasta machine just in time for my oldest to need to be gluten free. Well low FODMAP but samsies anyway. Best noodles ever though. With quarantining going on, imma be making pasta. @oncehuman: Do you happen to have a recipe for these low FODMAP gluten free noodles? Also, is your kid tolerating them well? @Salieri:
Found and modified a recipe 2/3 cup corn flour 1/2 cup brown rice flour 1/2 cup tapioca starch 1 Tablespoon xantham gum 0.5-1 teaspoon salt Then either water, or something like 2 eggs and 3 yolks. You can also go half and half with the eggs, as the eggs will make the dough tough. Getting the texture right will take some practice and you may want it more or less moist depending on what shape you're making. Mix and knead really well, let sit for 20-30min covered, knead a bit more if you need to then it's ready. Sprinkle more rice or corn flour as needed
@Nopenotme77: The good news is you can also make your own pasta which isn't cost prohibitive and it will taste even better. Splurge for the things you love, and go lenient on others. @Welsed: For real! I make it all the time and its so good. I never went back to dried pasta. @Salieri:
Actually, for some dishes like ragu, dried pasta is preferable over fresh. A bit like canned tomatoes are better for sauces most of the time compared to fresh ones.
@lizardgal10: I buy rich people ramen because it’s the only kind that’s vegetarian. It’s something else, y’all. @TwoSoxxx: There’s a cheap one that’s vegetarian. It’s one of the blue packet ones by Nissin or Maruchan here in the US. Has no animal stock in it like the others. Might be the soy sauce one? My vegetarian roommate used to get them. But also if you’re getting the good ones then it’s probably not worth regressing haha @Salieri:
Also Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Soy Sauce flavor is vegetarian, and yummy
@lizardgal10: I buy rich people ramen because it’s the only kind that’s vegetarian. It’s something else, y’all. @TwoSoxxx: There’s a cheap one that’s vegetarian. It’s one of the blue packet ones by Nissin or Maruchan here in the US. Has no animal stock in it like the others. Might be the soy sauce one? My vegetarian roommate used to get them. But also if you’re getting the good ones then it’s probably not worth regressing haha @Salieri:
There's also the green package "chili ramen"
@lizardgal10: I buy rich people ramen because it’s the only kind that’s vegetarian. It’s something else, y’all. @hahaokaywhat: I buy 49cent ramen that’s vegan. It’s not advertised as vegan but it is @ModsNeedParenting: Probably because in asia, unless for religious reasons, noone goves a damn about veganism. They just dont care about it there. @Salieri:
What are you talking about, every big city and even small ones got vegan restaurants. When I went to Tokyo I couldn't believe how many vegan options were out there - compared to the city that I live in Mexico - and even here we got more than enough restaurants.
@lizardgal10: I buy rich people ramen because it’s the only kind that’s vegetarian. It’s something else, y’all. @ReasonableBeep: Y’all need to try some legit Korean ramen. That shit is some PHENOMENAL next level stuff. It costs like ~$10 for a pack of 5 but there’s a reason Koreans will only eat the good stuff. Just make sure you don’t overcook the noodles or you’ll ruin them @tonufan: I've been eating a bunch of different flavors of Nongshim brand packaged noodles from my local korean store. Best packaged noodles I've had, with Indomie mi goreng being a close second, but Indomie is much cheaper. I love the seafood flavors from Nongshim, particularly the Champong spicy seafood one. It goes well with mussels. @Salieri:
Indomie mi goreng is going to be why I have a heart attack from high sodium levels. As soon as I finish a plate, I want another. McDonald's has nothing on them.