3 values
Bump DeletionWatcher up to 20 minutes
import json import requests import time import websocket from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from threading import Thread from metasmoke import Metasmoke from globalvars import GlobalVars from datahandling import is_false_positive, is_ignored_post, get_post_site_id_link class DeletionWatcher: @classmethod def update_site_id_list(self): soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get("").text) site_id_dict = {} for site in soup.findAll("a", attrs={"data-id": True}): site_name = site["href"][2:] site_id = site["data-id"] site_id_dict[site_name] = site_id GlobalVars.site_id_dict = site_id_dict @classmethod def check_websocket_for_deletion(self, post_site_id, post_url, timeout): time_to_check = time.time() + timeout post_id = post_site_id[0] post_type = post_site_id[2] if post_type == "answer": question_id = str(get_post_site_id_link(post_site_id)) if question_id is None: return else: question_id = post_id post_site = post_site_id[1] if post_site not in GlobalVars.site_id_dict: return site_id = GlobalVars.site_id_dict[post_site] ws = websocket.create_connection("ws://") ws.send(site_id + "-question-" + question_id) while time.time() < time_to_check: ws.settimeout(time_to_check - time.time()) try: a = ws.recv() except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException: t_metasmoke = Thread(target=Metasmoke.send_deletion_stats_for_post, args=(post_url, False)) t_metasmoke.start() return False if a is not None and a != "": try: d = json.loads(json.loads(a)["data"]) except: continue if d["a"] == "post-deleted" and str(d["qId"]) == question_id and ((post_type == "answer" and "aId" in d and str(d["aId"]) == post_id) or post_type == "question"): t_metasmoke = Thread(target=Metasmoke.send_deletion_stats_for_post, args=(post_url, True)) t_metasmoke.start() return True t_metasmoke = Thread(target=Metasmoke.send_deletion_stats_for_post, args=(post_url, False)) t_metasmoke.start() return False @classmethod def check_if_report_was_deleted(self, post_site_id, post_url, message): was_report_deleted = self.check_websocket_for_deletion(post_site_id, post_url, 600) if was_report_deleted: try: message.delete() except: pass @classmethod def post_message_if_not_deleted(self, post_site_id, post_url, message_text, room): was_report_deleted = self.check_websocket_for_deletion(post_site_id, post_url, 300) if not was_report_deleted and not is_false_positive(post_site_id[0:2]) and not is_ignored_post(post_site_id[0:2]): room.send_message(message_text)
@@ -2776,9 +2776,10 @@ rl, -6 +12 00)%0A
Remove print statements
from django import http from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template import RequestContext from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.contrib import messages from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from mail import models as mail_api from mailgun import api as mailgun_api from import send_email from sequence import models as sequence_model import bleach import datetime import re import requests def _text_from_html(html): expression = re.compile(r'<a.*?href="(?P<url>.*?)".*?>(?P<text>.*?)</a>') # rewrite links html = expression.sub(r'\2 ( \1 ) ', html) # remove all HTML markup return bleach.clean(html, tags=[], strip=True) def _rewrite_links(html): expression = re.compile(r'(?P<url>http://email.{}/c/.*?)[\"\' ]'.format(settings.MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN)) print (expression.pattern) # for every link while match = url ='url') print("Old url: {}".format(url)) try: resp = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False) if resp.status_code != 302: return resp raise Exception('Mailgun URL did not redirect. Status code: {}. URL: {}. Headers: {}'.format(resp.status_code, resp.url, resp.headers)) new_url = resp.headers['location'] print("New url: {}".format(new_url)) html = html[:match.start('url')] + new_url + html[match.end('url'):] except Exception as e: print(e) break; return html @login_required def compose( request ): if request.method == 'POST': subject = request.POST.get('subject') html_body = _rewrite_links(request.POST.get('body_text')) text_body = _text_from_html(html_body) tags = request.POST.get('tags') sequence = 1 audience = 'individuals' if request.POST.get('to', None): sequence = int(request.POST.get('to').split('-')[1]) audience = request.POST.get('to').split('-')[0] mail_api.save_email(subject, text_body, html_body, sequence, audience, tags) return http.HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('mail_schedule') ) context = { 'sequences': sequence_model.get_all_sequences() } return render_to_response( 'mail/compose.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) @login_required def edit( request, id ): email_uri = mail_api.id2uri(id) email = mail_api.get_email(email_uri) if request.method == 'POST': subject = request.POST.get('subject') html_body = _rewrite_links(request.POST.get('body_text')) text_body = _text_from_html(html_body) tags = request.POST.get('tags') sequence = int(request.POST.get('to').split('-')[1]) audience = request.POST.get('to').split('-')[0] mail_api.update_email(email_uri, subject, text_body, html_body, sequence, audience, tags) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('mail_schedule')) context = { 'sequences': sequence_model.get_all_sequences(), 'email': email, } return render_to_response( 'mail/compose.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) @login_required def send_preview( request ): """ ajax view to send preview email """ if request.method == 'POST': subject = request.POST.get('subject') html_body = _rewrite_links(request.POST.get('body_text')) text_body = _text_from_html(html_body) to_email = request.POST.get('test_email') mailgun_api.send_email(to_email, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, subject, text_body, html_body) return http.HttpResponse('') raise Exception() @login_required def send( request, id ): #TODO should require a POST email_uri = mail_api.id2uri(id) send_email(email_uri) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('mail_schedule')) @login_required def delete( request, id ): #TODO should require a POST email_uri = mail_api.id2uri(id) mail_api.delete_email(email_uri) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('mail_schedule')) @login_required def schedule( request ): context = { 'schedule': mail_api.get_emails() } return render_to_response('mail/schedule.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def schedule_email( request, id ): email_uri = mail_api.id2uri(id) date_text = request.POST.get('scheduled_date') time_text = request.POST.get('scheduled_time') if len(date_text) == 0: return http.HttpResponse(_('Please choose a date.'), status=400) if len(time_text) == 0: return http.HttpResponse(_('Please choose a time.'), status=400) date_text += time_text dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_text, '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M') if dt < datetime.datetime.utcnow(): return http.HttpResponse(_('Scheduled time is in the past'), status=400) mail_api.schedule_email(email_uri, dt) return http.HttpResponse('')
@@ -936,39 +936,8 @@ IN)) -%0A print (expression.pattern) %0A%0A @@ -1067,49 +1067,8 @@ l')%0A - print(%22Old url: %7B%7D%22.format(url))%0A @@ -1407,57 +1407,8 @@ n'%5D%0A - print(%22New url: %7B%7D%22.format(new_url))%0A @@ -1484,16 +1484,16 @@ url'):%5D%0A + @@ -1519,29 +1519,8 @@ e:%0A - print(e)%0A
Revert "Simplifiquem la forma de mirar si l'attach es valid"
import email import hashlib import base64 import re from email.header import decode_header from email.utils import parseaddr from email.utils import parsedate_tz, mktime_tz import datetime import settings import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MailTicket: """ Classe que encapsula un mail que es convertira en un ticket """ def __init__(self,fitxer): self.filtrar_attachments_per_nom=settings.get("filtrar_attachments_per_nom") self.filtrar_attachments_per_hash=settings.get("filtrar_attachments_per_hash") self.mails_no_ticket=settings.get("mails_no_ticket") self.msg = email.message_from_file(fitxer) # Farem lazy initialization d'aquestes 2 properties per si hi ha algun error self.body=None self.subject=None def tracta_body(self): if not self.msg.is_multipart(): part=self.msg body=self.codifica(part) self.body=self.text2html(body) else: self.part_body=0 el_body_es_html=False for part in self.msg.walk(): self.part_body=self.part_body+1 if part.get_content_type() in ['multipart/alternative']: el_body_es_html=True if part.get_content_type() in ['text/html']: self.body=self.codifica(part) break if part.get_content_type() in ['text/plain'] and not el_body_es_html: body=self.codifica(part) self.body=self.text2html(body) break def codifica(self,part): if part.get_content_charset()!=None: s=unicode(part.get_payload(decode=True), part.get_content_charset(), "ignore") else: s=unicode(part.get_payload(decode=True)) # Aixo es perque pot haver-hi caracters no imprimibles que s'han de filtrar. # Nomes admetem els salts de linia, tabuladors i a partir del 32 return "".join([x if ord(x)==9 or ord(x)==10 or ord(x)==13 or ord(x)>=32 else '' for x in s]) def nomes_ascii(self,s): return "".join([x if ord(x)==9 or ord(x)==10 or ord(x)==13 or (ord(x)>=32 and ord(x)<=128) else '' for x in s]) def tracta_subject(self): subject=self.msg['Subject'] if subject==None: self.subject=u"" return resultat=u"" fragments=decode_header(subject) for fragment in fragments: if fragment[1]==None: resultat+=self.nomes_ascii(fragment[0]) else: resultat+=" "+fragment[0].decode(fragment[1]) self.subject=resultat.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '') def get_header(self,header): if header in ('From','Resent-From','Reply-To','Resent-To'): return self.get_email_header(header) elif header in ('Subject'): return self.get_subject() else: return self.msg[header] def get_email_header(self,header): email=parseaddr(self.msg[header])[1] if len(email)==0: return None return email.lower() def get_from(self): return self.get_email_header('From') def get_resent_from(self): return self.get_email_header('Resent-From') def get_reply_to(self): return self.get_email_header('Reply-To') def get_date(self): try: d=self.msg['Date'] tt = parsedate_tz(d) timestamp = mktime_tz(tt) aux=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) return aux except: logger.debug("No puc parsejar la data!") return None def get_to(self): to=parseaddr(self.msg['To'])[1] try: email=parseaddr(self.msg['Resent-To'])[1] if email==None or len(email)==0: email=to except: email=to finally: return email.lower() def get_subject(self): if self.subject==None: self.tracta_subject() return self.subject def get_subject_ascii(self): return self.get_subject().encode('ascii','ignore') def get_body(self): if self.body==None: self.tracta_body() return self.body def text2html(self,text): text=text.replace("<","&lt;") text=text.replace(">","&gt;") return "<br>\n".join(text.split("\n")) def get_attachments(self): if self.body==None: self.tracta_body() attachments=[] if self.msg.is_multipart(): i=0 for part in self.msg.walk(): i=i+1 if (i>self.part_body) and self.comprovar_attachment_valid(part): logger.debug("Part: %s" % part.get_content_type()) attachments.append(part) return attachments def comprovar_attachment_valid(self,attachment): if attachment.is_multipart(): return False filename=attachment.get_filename() contingut=attachment.get_payload() if filename!=None: for f in self.filtrar_attachments_per_nom: p=re.compile(f) if p.match(filename): return False # Si es molt llarg es valid segur, no sera una signatura! if len(contingut)>1000000: return True # Segona part: mirem que no sigui un fitxer prohibit per hash try: hash_attachment=hashlib.md5(base64.b64decode(contingut)).hexdigest()"Hash:"+hash_attachment) return hash_attachment not in self.filtrar_attachments_per_hash except:"Tinc un attachment del que no puc calcular el hash") return True def te_attachments(self): return len(self.get_attachments())>0 def cal_tractar(self): if self.get_from() in self.mails_no_ticket: return False if self.msg.get_content_type()=="multipart/report": return False if "Return Receipt" in self.get_body(): return False if "DELIVERY FAILURE" in self.get_subject(): return False if "Informe de lectura" in self.get_subject(): return False return True def __str__(self): return self.msg.__str__()
@@ -4309,16 +4309,46 @@ rt_body) + and (not part.is_multipart()) and sel @@ -4573,69 +4573,8 @@ ):%0D%0A - if attachment.is_multipart():%0D%0A return False%0D%0A %0D%0A
Tweak startup/shutdown log entries to be more visible and informative
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Run script for CrabBot # A mess of config args and terminal polling code # # See -h or read the argparse setup for argument details import argparse import datetime import logging import os import readline # Only for better terminal input support, eg. history import sys from tempfile import gettempdir # for PID file (for easier service management) from threading import Thread import crabbot.common import crabbot.cogs.messages import crabbot.cogs.quotes import crabbot.cogs.voice # comment out to disable voice commands entirely pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = gettempdir() + '/' # eg. so systemd's PIDFile can find a /tmp/ with open(pidfile, 'w') as temppidfile: temppidfile.write(pid) logging.basicConfig(filename='crabbot.log', level=logging.INFO) # Grr, ytdl doesn't log"Starting crabbot at " + str( # Do argparse first so that -h can print and exit before anything else happens parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A silly Discord bot') token_args = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) token_args.add_argument('-t', '--token', help="The bot user's login token. Use this or -f.") token_args.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="A file with the bot user's login token as the first line. Use this or -t") parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', default="!crab", help="Command prefix the bot responds to") parser.add_argument('--assets-path', default="assets/", help="Path for general assets (ex. sir-places.txt)") parser.add_argument('--memes-path', default="assets/memes", help="Path for memes audio clips (and its filelist.txt)") parser.add_argument('--quotes-path', default="../", # NOTE we write to this location, be careful where you put it help="Path containing the quotes database. Will create quotes.sqlite3 if it does not exist.") parser.add_argument('--use-libav', action='store_true', help="Make Voice use Libav instead of FFmpeg") parser.add_argument('--disable-voice', action='store_true', help="Disable Voice commands (can be enabled later)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.file is not None: login = args.file.readline().rstrip() args.file.close() else: login = args.token bot = crabbot.common.CrabBot(prefix=args.prefix) def poll_terminal(): running = True # TODO function dict # TODO handle KeyboardInterrupt exception (cleans up console output) while running: term_input = input() if term_input == "help": # TODO print terminal command help print("Uh, no. I'm gonna be annoying instead.") # NOTE could use function.__doc__ and docstrings for function help elif term_input == "quit": # TODO figure out if it's possible to end discord.Client without KeyboardInterrupt # Probably need to reimplement run() using start() with a different quit condition # Could also use run() and just throw a KeyboardInterrupt or two. # Ew... # For now, tell user how to quit so we don't leave them in the dark print("Disabling command input. Use ctrl+c to quit the bot.") running = False elif term_input.startswith("update_profile"): profile_args = term_input.split(' ') bot._update_profile(username=profile_args[1], avatar=profile_args[2]) elif term_input.startswith("disable_voice"):"Disabling voice commands") bot.remove_cog("Voice") elif term_input.startswith("enable_voice"): if "crabbot.cogs.voice" in sys.modules:"Enabling voice commands") bot.add_cog(crabbot.cogs.voice.Voice(bot, args.memes_path, args.use_libav)) else:"Voice disabled in source. Add/uncomment import for crabbot.voice and relaunch.") elif term_input.startswith("update_lists"): bot.update_all_lists() # Start polling thread as a daemon so the program exits without waiting if ex. the bot crashes input_thread = Thread(target=poll_terminal, daemon=True) input_thread.start() bot.add_cog(crabbot.cogs.messages.Messages(bot, args.assets_path + "/messages")) bot.add_cog(crabbot.cogs.quotes.Quotes(bot, args.quotes_path)) # Comment out import of voice to disable voice commands if "crabbot.cogs.voice" in sys.modules and args.disable_voice is False: bot.add_cog(crabbot.cogs.voice.Voice(bot, args.memes_path, args.use_libav)) # Blocking, must be last. See Client for more info. # If it reaches here, CrabBot's probably logged out of Discord now # (CrabBot doesn't log out if it's straight terminated)"CrabBot has recieved a SIGINT and has now exited as intended") print("CrabBot says goodbye") # Cleanup pidfile try: os.remove(pidfile) except: pass # Don't try too hard to clean up
@@ -844,16 +844,44 @@ +%22________%5Cn%22 +%0A %22Startin @@ -882,21 +882,21 @@ tarting -crabb +CrabB ot at %22 @@ -925,17 +925,209 @@ -) + + %22%5Cn%22%0A %22--------%22) # Make it clear in the log when a new run starts%0A # TODO? Might want a delimiter that is easier to write, eg. for a log parsing script %0A%0A# Do a @@ -5212,17 +5212,92 @@ intended -%22 +%5Cn%22 +%0A %22%E2%80%94%E2%80%94%E2%80%94%E2%80%94%E2%80%94 CrabBot exited at %22 + str( )%0Aprint(
fix waftools/ to install manpages again.
import Common, Object, Utils, Node, Params import sys, os import gzip from misc import copyobj def gzip_func(task): env = task.m_env infile = task.m_inputs[0].abspath(env) outfile = task.m_outputs[0].abspath(env) input = open(infile, 'r') output = gzip.GzipFile(outfile, mode='w') output.write( return 0 class manobj(copyobj): def __init__(self, section=1, type='none'): copyobj.__init__(self, type) = gzip_func self.files = [] self.section = section def apply(self): lst = self.to_list(self.source) for file in lst: node = self.path.find_source(file) if not node: fatal('cannot find input file %s for processing' % file) target = if not target or len(lst)>1: target = node.m_name newnode = self.path.find_build(file+'.gz') #target? if not newnode: newnode = Node.Node(file+'.gz', self.path) self.path.append_build(newnode) task = self.create_task('copy', self.env, 8) task.set_inputs(node) task.set_outputs(newnode) task.m_env = self.env = if Params.g_commands['install'] or Params.g_commands['uninstall']: Common.install_files('MANDIR', 'man' + str(self.section), newnode.abspath(self.env)) def setup(env): Object.register('man', manobj) def detect(conf): return 1
@@ -588,22 +588,21 @@ st(self. -source +files )%0A
import joblib from .version import __version__, VERSION class PersistenceMixin(object): """ Mixin that adds joblib persistence load and save function to any class. """ @classmethod def from_file(cls, objdump_path): ''' Parameters ---------- objdump_path: str Path to the object dump file. Returns ------- instance New instance of an object from the pickle at the specified path. ''' obj_version, object = joblib.load(objdump_path) # Check that we've actually loaded a PersistenceMixin (or sub-class) if not isinstance(object, cls): raise ValueError(('The pickle stored at {} does not contain ' + 'a {} object.').format(objdump_path, cls)) # Check that versions are compatible. (Currently, this just checks # that major versions match) elif obj_version[0] == VERSION[0]: if not hasattr(object, 'sampler'): object.sampler = None return learner else: raise ValueError(("{} stored in pickle file {} was created with version {} " "of {}, which is incompatible with the current version " "{}").format(cls, objdump_path, __name__, '.'.join(obj_version), '.'.join(VERSION))) def load(self, objdump_path): '''Replace the current object instance with a saved object. Parameters ---------- objdump_path: str The path to the file to load. ''' del self.__dict__ self.__dict__ = Learner.from_file(objdump_path).__dict__ def save(self, objdump_path): '''Save the learner to a file. Parameters ---------- objdump_path: str The path to where you want to save the learner. ''' # create the directory if it doesn't exist learner_dir = os.path.dirname(objdump_path) if not os.path.exists(learner_dir): os.makedirs(learner_dir) # write out the files joblib.dump((VERSION, self), objdump_path)
@@ -84,17 +84,16 @@ bject):%0A -%0A %22%22%22%0A @@ -1081,23 +1081,22 @@ return -learner +object %0A @@ -1732,15 +1732,24 @@ _ = -Learner +PersistenceMixin .fro @@ -1833,23 +1833,22 @@ ave the -learner +object to a fi @@ -1851,16 +1851,17 @@ a file.%0A +%0A @@ -1967,23 +1967,22 @@ ave the -learner +object .%0A
move X axis label
# vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4: # # Generates a trend (graph) from the buildtimes in buildtimes.xml # # Copyright (C) 2014 Dieter Adriaenssens <> # # This file is part of buildtime-trend # <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import os from lxml import etree import matplotlib # Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend. matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt class Trend(object): def __init__(self): self.stages = {} self.builds = [] def gather_data(self, result_file): # load builtimes file if os.path.isfile(result_file): root_xml = etree.parse(result_file).getroot() else: print "File doesn't exist : %s" % result_file return False index = 0 # print content of buildtimes file for build_xml in root_xml: build_id = "#%d" % (index + 1) build_summary = "Build ID : " if build_xml.get('id') is None: build_summary += "unknown" else: build_summary += build_xml.get('id') build_summary += ", Job : " if build_xml.get('job') is None: build_id = build_xml.get('id') build_summary += "unknown" else: build_summary += build_xml.get('job') build_id = build_xml.get('job') self.builds.append(build_id) # add 0 to each existing stage, to make sure that # the indexes of each value # are correct, even if a stage does not exist in a build # if a stage exists, the zero will be replaced by its duration for stage in self.stages: self.stages[stage].append(0) # add duration of each stage to stages list for build_child in build_xml: if build_child.tag == 'stages': build_summary += ", stages : " + str(len(build_child)) for stage in build_child: if (stage.tag == 'stage' and stage.get('name') is not None and stage.get('duration') is not None): if stage.get('name') in self.stages: temp_dict = self.stages[stage.get('name')] else: # when a new stage is added, # create list with zeros, # one for each existing build temp_dict = [0]*(index + 1) temp_dict[index] = int(stage.get('duration')) self.stages[stage.get('name')] = temp_dict print build_summary index += 1 return True def generate(self, trend_file): fig, axes = plt.subplots() # add data x_values = range(len(self.builds)) plots = plt.stackplot(x_values, self.stages.values()) plt.xticks(x_values, self.builds, rotation=45, size=10) # label axes and add graph title axes.set_xlabel("Builds", {'fontsize': 14}) axes.xaxis.set_label_coords(1.1, -0.05) axes.set_ylabel("Duration [s]", {'fontsize': 14}) axes.set_title("Build stages trend", {'fontsize': 22}) # display legend legend_proxies = [] for plot in plots: legend_proxies.append( plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=plot.get_facecolor()[0])) # add legend in reverse order, in upper left corner axes.legend(legend_proxies[::-1], self.stages.keys()[::-1], loc=2) # save figure plt.savefig(trend_file)
@@ -3918,17 +3918,18 @@ oords(1. -1 +05 , -0.05)
add some mappings
class Node: def __init__(self, val): = None self.prev = None self.value = val class DoublyLinkedList: def __init__(self): self.head = None def insert(self, val): node = Node(val) head = self.head if self.head == None: self.head = node else: while != None: head = = node node.prev = head def print_list(self): head = self.head while head != None: print head.value head = if __name__ == '__main__': dll = DoublyLinkedList() for i in range(10): dll.insert(i)
@@ -1,12 +1,30 @@ +mapping = %7B%7D%0A %0A class Node:%0A @@ -254,16 +254,52 @@ de(val)%0A + mapping%5Bval%5D = node %0A
from socket import * from modules import decode_packet import sys from modules import params Parser = params.Parser() argv = Parser.createParser() ip_and_port = argv.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) #host = ip_and_port.ip #port = int(ip_and_port.port) host = "" port = 5300 addr = (host, port) print(host,port) tcp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) tcp_socket.bind(addr) tcp_socket.listen(10) loop = True while loop: data = None print('wait connection...') conn, addr = tcp_socket.accept() while loop: f = open('logs/gprs.log', 'a+') data = conn.recv(109) decode_packet.insert(data) print(data) if data: f.write(str(data)) f.close() else: f.close() break conn.close() tcp_socket.close()
@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ = 5 -3 +1 00%0Aa
Make ``cursor_kinds`` private
from clang.cindex import Index, CursorKind from coalib.bears.LocalBear import LocalBear from coalib.results.Result import Result from coalib.results.SourceRange import SourceRange from bears.c_languages.ClangBear import clang_available, ClangBear class ClangComplexityBear(LocalBear): """ Calculates cyclomatic complexity of each function and displays it to the user. """ LANGUAGES = ClangBear.LANGUAGES REQUIREMENTS = ClangBear.REQUIREMENTS AUTHORS = {'The coala developers'} AUTHORS_EMAILS = {''} LICENSE = 'AGPL-3.0' CAN_DETECT = {'Complexity'} check_prerequisites = classmethod(clang_available) decisive_cursor_kinds = { CursorKind.IF_STMT, CursorKind.WHILE_STMT, CursorKind.FOR_STMT, CursorKind.DEFAULT_STMT, CursorKind.CASE_STMT} def function_key_points(self, cursor, top_function_level=False): """ Calculates number of function's decision points and exit points. :param top_function_level: Whether cursor is in the top level of the function. """ decisions, exits = 0, 0 for child in cursor.get_children(): if child.kind in self.decisive_cursor_kinds: decisions += 1 elif child.kind == CursorKind.RETURN_STMT: exits += 1 if top_function_level: # There is no point to move forward, so just return. return decisions, exits child_decisions, child_exits = self.function_key_points(child) decisions += child_decisions exits += child_exits if top_function_level: # Implicit return statement. exits += 1 return decisions, exits def complexities(self, cursor, filename): """ Calculates cyclomatic complexities of functions. """ file = cursor.location.file if file is not None and != filename: # There is nothing to do in another file. return if cursor.kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL: child = next((child for child in cursor.get_children() if child.kind != CursorKind.PARM_DECL), None) if child: decisions, exits = self.function_key_points(child, True) complexity = max(1, decisions - exits + 2) yield cursor, complexity else: for child in cursor.get_children(): yield from self.complexities(child, filename) def run(self, filename, file, max_complexity: int=8): """ Check for all functions if they are too complicated using the cyclomatic complexity metric. You can read more about this metric at <>. :param max_complexity: Maximum cyclomatic complexity that is considered to be normal. The value of 10 had received substantial corroborating evidence. But the general recommendation: "For each module, either limit cyclomatic complexity to [the agreed-upon limit] or provide a written explanation of why the limit was exceeded." """ root = Index.create().parse(filename).cursor for cursor, complexity in self.complexities(root, filename): if complexity > max_complexity: affected_code = (SourceRange.from_clang_range(cursor.extent),) yield Result( self, "The function '{function}' should be simplified. Its " "cyclomatic complexity is {complexity} which exceeds " "maximal recommended value " "of {rec_value}.".format( function=cursor.displayname, complexity=complexity, rec_value=max_complexity), affected_code=affected_code, additional_info=( "The cyclomatic complexity is a metric that measures " "how complicated a function is by counting branches " "and exits of each function.\n\n" "Your function seems to be complicated and should be " "refactored so that it can be understood by other " "people easily.\n\nSee " "<>" " for more information."))
@@ -669,24 +669,25 @@ ilable)%0A +_ decisive_cur @@ -1228,16 +1228,17 @@ in self. +_ decisive
Make ndb_persistence execute Context's complete event
# # Copyright 2014 WebFilings, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """This module contains the default functions to use when performing persistence operations backed by the App Engine ndb library. """ import logging from google.appengine.ext import ndb class FuriousContextNotFoundError(Exception): """FuriousContext entity not found in the datastore.""" class FuriousContext(ndb.Model): context = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, compressed=True) @classmethod def from_context(cls, context): """Create a `cls` entity from a context.""" return cls(, context=context.to_dict()) @classmethod def from_id(cls, id): """Load a `cls` entity and instantiate the Context it stores.""" from furious.context import Context # TODO: Handle exceptions and retries here. entity = cls.get_by_id(id) if not entity: raise FuriousContextNotFoundError( "Context entity not found for: {}".format(id)) return Context.from_dict(entity.context) class FuriousAsyncMarker(ndb.Model): """This entity serves as a 'complete' marker.""" pass def context_completion_checker(async): """Check if all Async jobs within a Context have been run.""" context_id = async.context_id logging.debug("Check completion for: %s", context_id) context = FuriousContext.from_id(context_id) logging.debug("Loaded context.") task_ids = context.task_ids logging.debug(task_ids) offset = 10 for index in xrange(0, len(task_ids), offset): keys = [ndb.Key(FuriousAsyncMarker, id) for id in task_ids[index:index + offset]] markers = ndb.get_multi(keys) if not all(markers): logging.debug("Not all Async's complete") return False logging.debug("All Async's complete!!") return True def store_context(context): """Persist a Context object to the datastore.""" logging.debug("Attempting to store Context %s.", entity = FuriousContext.from_context(context) # TODO: Handle exceptions and retries here. key = entity.put() logging.debug("Stored Context with key: %s.", key) def store_async_result(async): """Persist the Async's result to the datastore.""" logging.debug("Storing result for %s", async) pass def store_async_marker(async): """Persist a marker indicating the Async ran to the datastore.""" logging.debug("Attempting to mark Async %s complete.", # TODO: Handle exceptions and retries here. key = FuriousAsyncMarker( logging.debug("Marked Async complete using marker: %s.", key)
@@ -2380,16 +2380,61 @@ ete!!%22)%0A +%0A context.exec_event_handler('complete')%0A%0A retu
Use local timezone if available. Fixes #3
import argparse import logging import os from wanikani.core import WaniKani, Radical, Kanji, Vocabulary CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wanikani') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def config(): if os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH): logger.debug('Loading config from %s', CONFIG_PATH) with open(CONFIG_PATH) as f: return return '' def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() # Global Options parser.add_argument('-a', '--api-key', default=config()) parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_const', const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.WARNING ) def profile(client, args): p = client.profile() print 'Username:', p['username'] print 'Level:', p['level'] profile.parser = subparsers.add_parser('profile') profile.parser.set_defaults(func=profile) def level_progress(client, args): p = client.level_progress() print p['user_information']['username'], 'level', p['user_information']['level'] print 'Radicals:', p['radicals_total'] print 'Kanji:', p['kanji_total'] level_progress.parser = subparsers.add_parser('progress') level_progress.parser.set_defaults(func=level_progress) def recent_unlocks(client, args): p = client.recent_unlocks() print p['user_information']['username'], 'level', p['user_information']['level'] for item in p['items']: print item['level'], item['character'] recent_unlocks.parser = subparsers.add_parser('unlocks') recent_unlocks.parser.set_defaults(func=recent_unlocks) def upcoming(client, args): queue = client.upcoming() for ts in sorted(queue): if len(queue[ts]): radicals, kanji, vocab, total = 0, 0, 0, 0 for obj in queue[ts]: total += 1 if isinstance(obj, Radical): radicals += 1 if isinstance(obj, Kanji): kanji += 1 if isinstance(obj, Vocabulary): vocab += 1 # Note the trailing commas, # We only want a newline for the last one print ts, print 'Total:', total, print 'Radials:', radicals, print 'Kanji:', kanji, print 'Vocab:', vocab upcoming.parser = subparsers.add_parser('upcoming') upcoming.parser.set_defaults(func=upcoming) def set_key(client, args): with open(CONFIG_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write(args.api_key) print 'Wrote {0} to {1}'.format(args.api_key, CONFIG_PATH) set_key.parser = subparsers.add_parser('set_key') set_key.parser.set_defaults(func=set_key) set_key.parser.add_argument('api_key',help="New API Key") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=args.debug) client = WaniKani(args.api_key) args.func(client, args)
@@ -35,16 +35,252 @@ ort os%0A%0A +# If the tzlocal package is installed, then we will help the user out%0A# and print things out in the local timezone%0ALOCAL_TIMEZONE = None%0Atry:%0A import tzlocal%0A LOCAL_TIMEZONE = tzlocal.get_localzone()%0Aexcept ImportError:%0A pass%0A%0A from wan @@ -2448,16 +2448,105 @@ b += 1%0A%0A + if LOCAL_TIMEZONE:%0A ts.replace(tzinfo=LOCAL_TIMEZONE)%0A
Return unknown status if geolocation API is unavailable
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pickle import json import os import re import requests import subprocess import sys from qlmdm import top_dir, var_dir from qlmdm.client import get_setting cache_file = os.path.join(var_dir, 'geolocation.cache') os.chdir(top_dir) def unknown(): print(json.dumps('unknown')) sys.exit() def old_data_is_good(old_data, ip_addresses, access_points): if 'response' not in old_data: return False try: old_ip_addresses = set(old_data['ip_addresses'].values()) except: old_ip_addresses = set() new_ip_addresses = set(ip_addresses.values()) if old_ip_addresses != new_ip_addresses: return False new_mac_addresses = set(a['macAddress'] for a in access_points) if not new_mac_addresses: return True try: old_mac_addresses = set(a['macAddress'] for a in old_data['access_points']) except: old_mac_addresses = set() percentage_overlap = (100 * len(new_mac_addresses & old_mac_addresses) / len(new_mac_addresses)) if percentage_overlap > 74: return True return False api_key = get_setting('geolocation_api_key') if not api_key: unknown() address_re = re.compile( r'\bAddress:\s*([0-9a-f][0-9a-f](?::[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)', re.IGNORECASE) signal_re = re.compile(r'\bSignal level=(-\d+)\d*dBm') channel_re = re.compile(r'\bChannel:\s*(\d+)') access_points = {} ip_addresses = json.loads( subprocess.check_output('client/plugins/').decode('ascii')) try: old_data = pickle.load(open(cache_file, 'rb')) except: old_data = {} # iwlist returns slightly different results every time, so we need to run it # several times and merge the output. for i in range(5): try: output = subprocess.check_output( ('iwlist', 'scan'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('ascii') except: unknown() for cell in re.split(r'\n\s+Cell \d+ ', output): ap = {} match = if not match: continue ap['macAddress'] = match = if match: ap['signalStrength'] = match = if match: ap['channel'] = access_points[ap['macAddress']] = ap # To conserve API quota, don't submit if WiFi access points match the last # call's 75% or more and the IP addresses haven't changed. if old_data_is_good(old_data, ip_addresses, access_points.values()): sys.stderr.write('Using old data\n') print(json.dumps(old_data['response'])) sys.exit() data = {} if access_points: data['wifiAccessPoints'] = list(access_points.values()) url = '{}'.format( api_key) response =, data=json.dumps(data)) try: response.raise_for_status() except: unknown() old_data = { 'response': response.json(), 'ip_addresses': ip_addresses, 'access_points': access_points, } pickle.dump(old_data, open(cache_file, 'wb')) print(json.dumps(response.json()))
@@ -2918,16 +2918,25 @@ pi_key)%0A +try:%0A response @@ -2978,22 +2978,28 @@ ps(data) -)%0Atry: +, timeout=5) %0A res
Fix struct.unpack format for Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python ## It emulates the program "cmd" which is distributed with ## the comedilib software ## Copyright (C) May 2003 Luc Lefebvre <> ## Mar 2012 W. Trevor King <> ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ## of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. #set the paths so python can find the comedi module import sys, os, string, struct, time import comedi as c #open a comedi device dev=c.comedi_open('/dev/comedi0') if not dev: raise Exception("Error opening Comedi device") #get a file-descriptor for use later fd = c.comedi_fileno(dev) if fd<=0: raise Exception("Error obtaining Comedi device file descriptor") BUFSZ = 10000 freq=1000 # as defined in demo/common.c subdevice=0 #as defined in demo/common.c nscans=8000 #specify total number of scans #three lists containing the chans, gains and referencing #the lists must all have the same length chans=[0,1,2,3] gains=[0,0,0,0] aref =[c.AREF_GROUND, c.AREF_GROUND, c.AREF_GROUND, c.AREF_GROUND] cmdtest_messages = [ "success", "invalid source", "source conflict", "invalid argument", "argument conflict", "invalid chanlist"] nchans = len(chans) #number of channels #wrappers include a "chanlist" object (just an Unsigned Int array) for holding the chanlist information mylist = c.chanlist(nchans) #create a chanlist of length nchans #now pack the channel, gain and reference information into the chanlist object #N.B. the CR_PACK and other comedi macros are now python functions for index in range(nchans): mylist[index]=c.cr_pack(chans[index], gains[index], aref[index]) def dump_cmd(cmd): print("---------------------------") print("command structure contains:") print("cmd.subdev : ", cmd.subdev) print("cmd.flags : ", cmd.flags) print("cmd.start :\t", cmd.start_src, "\t", cmd.start_arg) print("cmd.scan_beg :\t", cmd.scan_begin_src, "\t", cmd.scan_begin_arg) print("cmd.convert :\t", cmd.convert_src, "\t", cmd.convert_arg) print("cmd.scan_end :\t", cmd.scan_end_src, "\t", cmd.scan_end_arg) print("cmd.stop :\t", cmd.stop_src, "\t", cmd.stop_arg) print("cmd.chanlist : ", cmd.chanlist) print("cmd.chanlist_len : ", cmd.chanlist_len) print(" : ", print("cmd.data_len : ", cmd.data_len) print("---------------------------") ## ret = c.comedi_get_buffer_size(dev, subdevice) ## if ret==-1: ## raise Exception("Error fetching comedi buffer size") ## else: ## print("buffer size = ", ret) ## ret = c.comedi_get_max_buffer_size(dev, subdevice) ## if ret==-1: ## raise Exception("Error fetching comedi max buff size") ## else: ## print("max buff size = ", ret) #construct a comedi command cmd = c.comedi_cmd_struct() period = int(1.0e9/freq) # in nanoseconds ret = c.comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed(dev,subdevice,cmd,nchans,period) if ret: raise Exception("Error comedi_get_cmd_generic failed") cmd.chanlist = mylist # adjust for our particular context cmd.chanlist_len = nchans cmd.scan_end_arg = nchans if cmd.stop_src==c.TRIG_COUNT: cmd.stop_arg=nscans print("command before testing") dump_cmd(cmd) #test our comedi command a few times. ret = c.comedi_command_test(dev,cmd) print("first cmd test returns ", ret, cmdtest_messages[ret]) if ret<0: raise Exception("comedi_command_test failed") dump_cmd(cmd) ret = c.comedi_command_test(dev,cmd) print("second test returns ", ret, cmdtest_messages[ret]) if ret<0: raise Exception("comedi_command_test failed") if ret !=0: dump_cmd(cmd) raise Exception("Error preparing command") #execute the command! ## ret = c.comedi_command(dev,cmd) ## if ret !=0: raise Exception("comedi_command failed...") datastr = () t0 = time.time() ret = c.comedi_command(dev,cmd) if ret !=0: raise Exception("comedi_command failed...") while (1): #ret = c.comedi_poll(dev,subdevice) #print("poll ret = ", ret) data =,BUFSZ) #print("len(data) = ", len(data)) if len(data)==0: break n = len(data)/2 # 2 bytes per 'H' format = repr(n)+'H' #print("format = ", format) #bytes = struct.calcsize(format) #print("bytes = ", bytes) #nbytes = c.comedi_get_buffer_contents(dev,subdevice) #print("n = ", n, " nbytes = ", nbytes) datastr = datastr + struct.unpack(format,data) t1 = time.time() print("start time : ", t0) print("end time : ", t1) print("time : ", t1 - t0, " seconds") count = 0 while count < len(datastr): for i in range(4): print("%d\t" % datastr[count+i]) print("\n") count = count + 4 ret = c.comedi_close(dev) if ret !=0: raise Exception("comedi_close failed...")
@@ -4332,16 +4332,17 @@ n(data)/ +/ 2 # 2 by
Update with new method
import random import linecache from unidecode import unidecode # ACTUALLY: pick a random line in links-sorted, and translate the numbers from there # Get a random node, and pull that line from the links doc––want this to be an option # Pull from links because some titles don't have link lines lineno = random.randint(1,5706070) linestr = linecache.getline('links-simple-sorted.txt',lineno) # Process the string to split the "from" and "to" numbers [origin, dest] = linestr.split(':') dest = dest[1:-1] # Gets rid of the first space and trailing newline dest = dest.split(' ') # Split at spaces # Translate these into title oname = lincache.getline('titles-sorted.txt',int(origin)) oname = oname[:-1] # Gets rid of the trailing newline UNIoname = unidecode(u oname) for thisnum in dest: dname = linecache.getline('titles-sorted.txt',int(thisnum))[:-1] UNIdname = unidecode(linecache.getline('titles-sorted.txt', int(thisnum))[:-1]) # Get some stats bro linksout = len(dest) # To get linksin need an adjacency matrix def assemblematrix(): # Something with links-simple-sorted.txt # Parse that shit in def linksin(node): # Locations of value "1" in the row int(node) def linksout(node): # Locations of value "1" in the col int(node)
@@ -57,16 +57,224 @@ decode%0A%0A +# Process links into list%0Afinallist = %5BNone%5D * 5716809%0Awith open('links-simple-sorted.txt', 'r') as src:%0A%09for line in src:%0A%09%09%5BoNode, dNode%5D = line.split(':')%0A%09%09finallist%5Bint(oNode)%5D = dNode.rstrip('%5Cn')%5B1:%5D%0A%0A # ACTUAL @@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ doc -%E2%80%93%E2%80%93 +; want @@ -441,74 +441,14 @@ ion%0A -# Pull from links because some titles don't have link lines%0Alineno +%0AoNode = r @@ -476,275 +476,57 @@ 70)%0A -%0Alinestr = linecache.getline('links-simple-sorted.txt',lineno)%0A%0A# Process the string to split the %22from%22 and %22to%22 numbers%0A%5Borigin, dest%5D = linestr.split(':')%0Adest = dest%5B1:-1%5D # Gets rid of the first space and trailing newline%0Adest = dest.split(' ') # Split at spaces +dNode = finallist%5BoNode%5D%0AdNode = dNode.split(' ') %0A%0A# @@ -551,16 +551,38 @@ to title +s and print the result %0Aoname = @@ -585,16 +585,17 @@ me = lin +e @@ -629,13 +629,12 @@ nt(o -rigin +Node ))%0Ao @@ -690,38 +690,74 @@ ine%0A -UNIoname = unidecode(u oname)%0A +print '%5CnORIGIN NODE: ' + oname + '%5Cn'%0A%0Aprint 'DESTINATION NODES:' %0Afor @@ -769,19 +769,20 @@ num in d -est +Node :%0A%09dname @@ -846,392 +846,36 @@ 1%5D%0A%09 -UNIdname = unidecode(linecache.getline('titles-sorted.txt', int(thisnum))%5B:-1%5D)%0A%0A# Get some stats bro%0Alinksout = len(dest)%0A# To get linksin need an adjacency matrix%0A%0Adef assemblematrix():%0A%09# Something with links-simple-sorted.txt%0A%09# Parse that shit in%0A%0Adef linksin(node):%0A%09# Locations of value %221%22 in the row int(node)%0A%0Adef linksout(node):%0A%09# Locations of value %221%22 in the col int(node)%0A%0A +print ' ' + dname%0Aprint '%5Cn'
Add no-break options
''' @KaiyiZhang Github ''' import sys import urllib2 import getopt import time target = '' depth = 6 file = 'etc/passwd' html = '' prefix = '' url = '' keyword='root' def usage(): print " Help:" print "Usage: -t [-d] [-f] [-k]" print " -t,--target The test url" print " -d,--depth The depth for test (Default is 6)" print " -f,--file The File include (Default is etc/passwd)" print " -k,--keyword the keyword for vuln check (Default is root)" try: if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() sys.exit() opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"ht:d:f:k:",["help","target=","depth=","file=","keyword="]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in("-h","--help"): usage() sys.exit() if opt in("-t","--target"): target = arg if not target.startswith('http://', 0, 7): target = 'http://' + target if opt in("-d","--depth"): depth = int(arg) if depth < 1: usage() sys.exit() if opt in("-f","--file"): file = arg if file.startswith('/',0,1): file =file[1:] if opt in("-k","--keyword"): keyword = arg #print keyword except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for i in range(0,depth): prefix += '../' url = target + prefix + file print "Testing: ",url try: response = urllib2.urlopen(url) #print html = #print html except: pass if(keyword in html): print url, " is Vulnerable" break else: time.sleep(2) continue
@@ -158,15 +158,31 @@ word -= + = 'root' +%0Aforce = False %0A%0Ade @@ -605,16 +605,17 @@ t:d:f:k: +n %22,%5B%22help @@ -653,16 +653,27 @@ eyword=%22 +,%22no-break%22 %5D)%0A%09%09for @@ -1142,17 +1142,66 @@ keyword%0A +%09%09%09if opt in(%22-n%22,%22--no-break%22):%0A%09%09%09%09force = True %0A - except g @@ -1479,17 +1479,17 @@ ass%0A%09%09if -( + keyword @@ -1495,17 +1495,16 @@ in html -) :%0A%09%09%09%09pr @@ -1533,21 +1533,64 @@ le%22%0A%09%09%09%09 -break +if not force:%0A%09%09%09%09%09break%0A%09%09%09%09else:%0A%09%09%09%09%09continue %0A%09%09else:
fix doc build
""" ==================================================================== Benktander: Relationship between Chainladder and BornhuetterFerguson ==================================================================== This example demonstrates the relationship between the Chainladder and BornhuetterFerguson methods by way fo the Benktander model. Each is a special case of the Benktander model where ``n_iters = 1`` for BornhuetterFerguson and as ``n_iters`` approaches infinity yields the chainladder. As ``n_iters`` increases the apriori selection becomes less relevant regardless of initial choice. """ import chainladder as cl # Load Data clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd') medmal_paid = clrd.groupby('LOB').sum().loc['medmal', 'CumPaidLoss'] medmal_prem = clrd.groupby('LOB').sum().loc['medmal', 'EarnedPremDIR'].latest_diagonal medmal_prem.rename('development', ['premium']) # Generate LDFs and Tail Factor medmal_paid = cl.Development().fit_transform(medmal_paid) medmal_paid = cl.TailCurve().fit_transform(medmal_paid) # Benktander Model benk = cl.Benktander() # Prep Benktander Grid Search with various assumptions, and a scoring function param_grid = dict(n_iters=list(range(1,100,2)), apriori=[0.50, 0.75, 1.00]) scoring = {'IBNR':lambda x: x.ibnr_.sum()} grid = cl.GridSearch(benk, param_grid, scoring=scoring) # Perform Grid Search, sample_weight=medmal_prem) # Plot data grid.results_.pivot(index='n_iters', columns='apriori', values='IBNR').plot( title='Benktander convergence to Chainladder', grid=True).set(ylabel='IBNR')
@@ -823,55 +823,8 @@ onal -%0Amedmal_prem.rename('development', %5B'premium'%5D) %0A%0A#
Add comment on dist of first function
import pandas import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def univariate_stats(): num_examples = 1000 z = pandas.Series(numpy.random.randn(num_examples)) # Minimum print(z.min()) # Maximum print(z.max()) # Mean print(z.mean()) # Median print(z.median()) # Variance print(z.var()) # Standard deviation print(z.std()) # Mean absolute deviation print(z.mad()) # Interquartile range print(z.quantile(0.75) - z.quantile(0.25)) z.plot(kind="hist") def multivariate_stats(): num_examples = 1000 x = pandas.Series(numpy.random.randn(num_examples)) y = x + pandas.Series(numpy.random.randn(num_examples)) z = x + pandas.Series(numpy.random.randn(num_examples)) # Covariance print(y.cov(z)) # Covariance of y with itself is equal to variance print(y.cov(y), y.var()) # Correlation print(y.corr(z)) univariate_stats() multivariate_stats()
@@ -70,32 +70,94 @@ ariate_stats():%0A + # Generate 1000 random numbers from a normal distribution%0A num_examples
fix command order in shell help test
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2017 Inria # # This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser # General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level # directory for more details. import sys from testrunner import run PS_EXPECTED = ( (r'\tpid | name | state Q | pri | stack \( used\) | ' r'base addr | current | runtime | switches'), (r'\t - | isr_stack | - - | - | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+'), (r'\t 1 | idle | pending Q | 15 | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+ | \d+\.\d+% | \d+'), (r'\t 2 | main | running Q | 7 | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+ | \d+\.\d+% | \d+'), (r'\t 3 | thread | bl rx _ | 6 | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+ | \d+\.\d+% | \d+'), (r'\t 4 | thread | bl rx _ | 6 | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+ | \d+\.\d+% | \d+'), (r'\t 5 | thread | bl rx _ | 6 | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+ | \d+\.\d+% | \d+'), (r'\t 6 | thread | bl mutex _ | 6 | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+ | \d+\.\d+% | \d+'), (r'\t 7 | thread | bl rx _ | 6 | \d+ \( -?\d+\) | ' r'0x\d+ | 0x\d+ | \d+\.\d+% | \d+'), (r'\t | SUM | | | \d+ \(\d+\)') ) def _check_startup(child): for i in range(5): child.expect_exact('Creating thread #{}, next={}' .format(i, (i + 1) % 5)) def _check_help(child): child.sendline('') child.expect_exact('>') child.sendline('help') child.expect_exact('Command Description') child.expect_exact('---------------------------------------') child.expect_exact('reboot Reboot the node') child.expect_exact('ps Prints information about ' 'running threads.') def _check_ps(child): child.sendline('ps') for line in PS_EXPECTED: child.expect(line) # Wait for all lines of the ps output to be displayed child.expect_exact('>') def testfunc(child): _check_startup(child) _check_help(child) _check_ps(child) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(run(testfunc))
@@ -1850,71 +1850,8 @@ -')%0A - child.expect_exact('reboot Reboot the node')%0A @@ -1961,16 +1961,79 @@ eads.')%0A + child.expect_exact('reboot Reboot the node')%0A %0A%0Adef _c
make test short
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_classification,\ make_regression from malss import MALSS import pandas as pd from nose.plugins.attrib import attr import numpy as np def test_classification_2classes_small(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=10, n_classes=2, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, n_repeated=0, weights=[0.7, 0.3], random_state=0) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = pd.Series(y) cls = MALSS(X, y, 'classification', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_classification_2classes_small') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 5 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None def test_classification_multiclass_small(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_classes=3, n_informative=10, weights=[0.6, 0.2, 0.2], random_state=0) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = pd.Series(y) cls = MALSS(X, y, 'classification', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_classification_multiclass_small') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 5 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None @attr(speed='slow') def test_classification_2classes_medium(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100000, n_features=10, n_classes=2, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, n_repeated=0, weights=[0.7, 0.3], random_state=0) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = pd.Series(y) cls = MALSS(X, y, 'classification', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_classification_2classes_medium') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 4 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None @attr(speed='slow') def test_classification_2classes_big(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=200000, n_features=20, n_classes=2, n_informative=3, weights=[0.7, 0.3], random_state=0) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = pd.Series(y) cls = MALSS(X, y, 'classification', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_classification_2classes_big') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 1 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None def test_regression_small(): X, y = make_regression(n_samples=2000, n_features=10, n_informative=5, noise=30.0, random_state=0) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = pd.Series(y) cls = MALSS(X, y, 'regression', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_regression_small') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 2 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None @attr(speed='slow') def test_regression_medium(): X, y = make_regression(n_samples=20000, n_features=10, n_informative=5, noise=30.0, random_state=0) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = pd.Series(y) cls = MALSS(X, y, 'regression', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_regression_medium') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 1 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None @attr(speed='slow') def test_regression_big(): X, y = make_regression(n_samples=200000, n_features=10, n_informative=5, noise=30.0, random_state=0) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = pd.Series(y) cls = MALSS(X, y, 'regression', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_regression_big') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 1 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None def test_classification_categorical(): data = pd.read_csv('', index_col=0, na_values=['']) y = data['AHD'] del data['AHD'] cls = MALSS(data, y, 'classification', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_classification_categorical') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 5 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None def test_ndarray(): data = pd.read_csv('', index_col=0, na_values=['']) y = data['AHD'] del data['AHD'] cls = MALSS(np.array(data), np.array(y), 'classification', n_jobs=3) cls.execute() # cls.make_report('test_ndarray') assert len(cls.algorithms) == 5 assert cls.algorithms[0].best_score is not None if __name__ == "__main__": test_classification_2classes_small()
@@ -2017,32 +2017,34 @@ ', n_jobs=3)%0A + # cls.execute()%0A @@ -2139,24 +2139,26 @@ ms) == 4%0A + # assert cls.
Work around Galaxy inability to handle optional select parameter with dynamic option
#!/usr/bin/env python ### # Part of the Adaptive Divergence through Direction of Selection workflow. # Copyright (C) 2011 Tim te Beek <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. ### """Package divergence""" from pkg_resources import resource_filename #@UnresolvedImport #pylint: disable=E0611 from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED, is_zipfile import Bio import getopt import httplib2 import logging import os import shutil import sys #Configure logging LOG_FORMAT LOG_FORMAT = '%(levelname)s\t%(asctime)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d\t%(message)s' LOG_DATE_FORMAT = '%H:%M:%S' #Logs WARNING messages and anything above to sys.stdout logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO, stream = sys.stdout, format = LOG_FORMAT, datefmt = LOG_DATE_FORMAT) #Log ERROR messages to stderr separately; these will fail a tool run in Galaxy STDERR_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) STDERR_HANDLER.setLevel(logging.ERROR) STDERR_HANDLER.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt = LOG_FORMAT, datefmt = LOG_DATE_FORMAT)) logging.root.addHandler(STDERR_HANDLER) #Require at least version 1.53 op BioPython assert 1.54 <= float(Bio.__version__), 'BioPython version 1.54 or higher is required' #Using the standard NCBI Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid Code translation table (11) CODON_TABLE_ID = 11 #Base output dir BASE_OUTPUT_PATH = '../divergence-cache/' def create_directory(dirname, inside_dir = BASE_OUTPUT_PATH): """Create a directory in the default output directory, and return the full path to the directory. Return directory if directory already exists, raise error if file by that name already exists.""" filename = os.path.join(inside_dir, dirname) #For non-absolute paths, get filename relative to this module if filename[0] != '/': filename = resource_filename(__name__, filename) #If file exists and is a directory, return the existing directory unaltered if os.path.exists(filename): if os.path.isdir(filename): return filename else: raise IOError('Could not create directory {0}\nA file with that name already exists.') else: os.makedirs(filename) return filename #Initialize shared cache for files downloaded through httplib2 HTTP_CACHE = httplib2.Http(create_directory('.cache')) def concatenate(target_path, source_files): """Concatenate arbitrary number of files into target_path by reading and writing in binary mode. WARNING: The binary mode implies new \n characters will NOT be added in between files!""" with open(target_path, mode = 'wb') as write_handle: for source_file in source_files: shutil.copyfileobj(open(source_file, mode = 'rb'), write_handle) assert os.path.isfile(target_path) and 0 < os.path.getsize(target_path), target_path + ' should exist with content' def create_archive_of_files(archive_file, file_iterable): """Write files in file_iterable to archive_file, using only filename for target path within archive_file.""" zipfile_handle = ZipFile(archive_file, mode = 'w', compression = ZIP_DEFLATED) if len(file_iterable): for some_file in file_iterable: zipfile_handle.write(some_file, os.path.split(some_file)[1]) else: logging.warn('No files in file_iterable: %s will be empty!', archive_file) zipfile_handle.writestr('empty', '') zipfile_handle.close() assert is_zipfile(archive_file), 'File should now have been a valid zipfile: ' + archive_file def extract_archive_of_files(archive_file, target_dir): """Extract all files from archive to target directory, and return list of files extracted.""" extracted_files = [] read_handle = ZipFile(archive_file, mode = 'r') for zipinfo in read_handle.infolist(): extracted_path = read_handle.extract(zipinfo, path = target_dir) extracted_files.append(extracted_path) read_handle.close() assert extracted_files, 'At least some files should have been read from ' + archive_file return extracted_files def parse_options(usage, options, args): """Parse command line arguments in args. Options require argument by default; flags are indicated with '?' postfix. Parameters: usage -- Usage string detailing command line arguments options -- List of command line arguments to parse args -- Command line arguments supplied """ #Extract flags from options flags = [opt[:-1] for opt in options if opt[-1] == '?'] try: #Add postfix '=' for options that require an argument & add flags without postfix long_options = [opt + '=' for opt in options if opt[-1] != '?'] long_options += flags #Call getopt with long arguments only tuples, remainder = getopt.getopt(args, '', long_options) #If there's a remainder, not all arguments were recognized if remainder: raise getopt.GetoptError('Unrecognized argument(s) passed: ' + str(remainder), remainder) arguments = dict((opt[2:], value) for opt, value in tuples) except getopt.GetoptError as err: #Print error & usage information to stderr print >> sys.stderr, str(err) print >> sys.stderr, usage sys.exit(1) #Remove postfixes '=?' and '?' from options, and '=' postfix from flags options = [opt[:-2] if opt[-2:] == '=?' else opt[:-1] if opt[-1] == '?' else opt for opt in options] flags = [flag[:-1] if flag[-1] == '=' else flag for flag in flags] #Correctly set True/False values for flags, regardless of whether flag was already passed as argument or not for flag in flags: if flag in arguments: #Only overwrite with True if value is empty, as optional arguments (flags) can have values as well if not arguments[flag]: arguments[flag] = True else: arguments[flag] = False #Ensure all arguments were provided for opt in options: if opt not in arguments: print >> sys.stderr, 'Mandatory argument {0} not provided'.format(opt) print >> sys.stderr, usage sys.exit(1) #Retrieve & return file paths from dictionary in order of options return [arguments[option] for option in options]
@@ -5498,16 +5498,50 @@ ainder:%0A + print '%5Cn'.join(args)%0A
Fix execution on Monday
from logging import _nameToLevel as nameToLevel from argparse import ArgumentParser from Common.emailer import Emailer from DesksReminder.reminders import HelpDeskTechReminder, HelpDeskLabReminder, HelpDeskOtherReminder, \ UrgentDeskReminder, AccountsDeskReminder from HelpDesk.synchronization import AskbotSync, HelpDeskCaretaker from HelpDesk.stackoverflowsync import StackOverflowSync from urllib3 import disable_warnings from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning from datetime import datetime __author__ = 'Fernando López' __version__ = "1.3.0" def init(): parser = ArgumentParser(prog='Jira Management Scripts', description='') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', default='INFO', help='The logging level to be used.') args = parser.parse_args() loglevel = None try: loglevel = nameToLevel[args.log.upper()] except Exception as e: print('Invalid log level: {}'.format(args.log)) print('Please use one of the following values:') print(' * CRITICAL') print(' * ERROR') print(' * WARNING') print(' * INFO') print(' * DEBUG') print(' * NOTSET') exit() return loglevel if __name__ == "__main__": loglevel = init() mailer = Emailer(loglevel=loglevel) disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) today = if today == 2: # Send reminder of pending JIRA tickets, only every Mondays techReminder = HelpDeskTechReminder(loglevel=loglevel, mailer=mailer) techReminder.process() labReminder = HelpDeskLabReminder(loglevel=loglevel, mailer=mailer) labReminder.process() otherReminder = HelpDeskOtherReminder(loglevel=loglevel, mailer=mailer) otherReminder.process() urgentReminder = UrgentDeskReminder(loglevel=loglevel, mailer=mailer) urgentReminder.process() accountReminder = AccountsDeskReminder(loglevel=loglevel, mailer=mailer) accountReminder.process() # Askbot synchronization and Jira caretaker actions, every day askbotSync = AskbotSync(loglevel=loglevel) askbotSync.process() # Automatic reassign tickets to owners based on some extracted information, every day helpdeskCaretaker = HelpDeskCaretaker(loglevel=loglevel) helpdeskCaretaker.process() # StackoverFlow synchronization, every day stackoverflowSync = StackOverflowSync(loglevel=loglevel) stackoverflowSync.process(year=2015, month=9, day=21)
@@ -1501,17 +1501,17 @@ oday == -2 +0 :%0A
Update src url for dev in views
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for from import TwilioRestClient from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import time app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='static', static_url_path='') client = TwilioRestClient( account='ACb01b4d6edfb1b41a8b80f5fed2c19d1a', token='97e6b9c0074b2761eff1375fb088adda' ) @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def send_image(): if request.method == 'GET': return 'The deployment worked! Now copy your browser URL into the' + \ ' Twilio message text box for your phone number.' sender_number = request.form.get('From', '') twilio_number = request.form.get('To', '') user_text = request.form.get('Body', '') image_url, msg_text = mod_photo(user_text) send_mms_twiml(image_url, msg_text, sender_number, twilio_number) return 'ok' def mod_photo(user_text): base ='static/images/original/portland.jpg').convert('RGBA') txt ='RGBA', base.size, (255, 255, 255, 0)) fnt = ImageFont.truetype('static/fonts/Gobold.ttf', 30) d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt) d.text( (25, 25), '{}...'.format(user_text), font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255) ) image = Image.alpha_composite(base, txt)'static/images/changed/portland_{}.jpg'.format(user_text)) try: msg_text = '{}: Imagine yourself in Portland!'.format(user_text) image_url = '{}.jpg'.format(user_text) except: msg = "Sorry, we couldn't pull a kitten, " + \ "here's a dinosaur instead!" image_url = "" + \ "154877897_a299d80baa_b_d.jpg" return image_url, msg_text def send_mms_twiml(image_url, msg_text, sender_number, twilio_number): client.messages.create( to=sender_number, from_=twilio_number, body=msg_text, media_url=image_url ) if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -1461,22 +1461,23 @@ p:// -12dcb913.ngrok +dev.thevariable .com
Fix incorrect merge.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jelmer Vernooij <> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Support for foreign branches (Subversion) """ import os import sys import unittest import bzrlib try: from bzrlib.trace import warning except ImportError: # get the message out any way we can from warnings import warn as warning __version__ = '0.4.0' compatible_bzr_versions = [(0,15),(0,16)] def check_bzrlib_version(desired): """Check that bzrlib is compatible. If version is < all compatible version, assume incompatible. If version is compatible version + 1, assume compatible, with deprecations Otherwise, assume incompatible. """ bzrlib_version = bzrlib.version_info[:2] if bzrlib_version in desired: return try: from bzrlib.trace import warning except ImportError: # get the message out any way we can from warnings import warn as warning if bzrlib_version < desired[0]: warning('Installed bzr version %s is too old to be used with bzr-svn' ' %s.' % (bzrlib.__version__, __version__)) # Not using BzrNewError, because it may not exist. raise Exception, ('Version mismatch', desired) else: warning('bzr-svn is not up to date with installed bzr version %s.' ' \nThere should be a newer version of bzr-svn available.' % (bzrlib.__version__)) if not (bzrlib_version[0], bzrlib_version[1]-1) in desired: raise Exception, 'Version mismatch' def check_subversion_version(): """Check that Subversion is compatible. """ try: from import svn_delta_invoke_txdelta_window_handler except: warning('Installed Subversion version does not have updated Python bindings. See the bzr-svn README for details.') raise bzrlib.errors.BzrError("incompatible python subversion bindings") def check_pysqlite_version(): """Check that sqlite library is compatible. """ try: try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 except: warning('Needs at least Python2.5 or Python2.4 with the pysqlite2 module') raise bzrlib.errors.BzrError("missing sqlite library") if (sqlite3.sqlite_version_info[0] < 3 or (sqlite3.sqlite_version_info[0] == 3 and sqlite3.sqlite_version_info[1] < 3)): warning('Needs at least sqlite 3.3.x') raise bzrlib.errors.BzrError("incompatible sqlite library") check_bzrlib_version(required_bzr_version) check_bzrlib_version(compatible_bzr_versions) check_subversion_version() check_pysqlite_version() import branch import convert import format import transport import checkout from bzrlib.transport import register_transport register_transport('svn://', transport.SvnRaTransport) register_transport('svn+', transport.SvnRaTransport) from bzrlib.bzrdir import BzrDirFormat from bzrlib.repository import InterRepository from fetch import InterSvnRepository BzrDirFormat.register_control_format(format.SvnFormat) import svn.core subr_version = svn.core.svn_subr_version() BzrDirFormat.register_control_format(checkout.SvnWorkingTreeDirFormat) InterRepository.register_optimiser(InterSvnRepository) from bzrlib.branch import Branch from bzrlib.commands import Command, register_command, display_command, Option from bzrlib.errors import BzrCommandError from bzrlib.repository import Repository import bzrlib.urlutils as urlutils def get_scheme(schemename): """Parse scheme identifier and return a branching scheme.""" from scheme import BranchingScheme ret = BranchingScheme.find_scheme(schemename) if ret is None: raise BzrCommandError('No such branching scheme %r' % schemename) return ret class cmd_svn_import(Command): """Convert a Subversion repository to a Bazaar repository. """ takes_args = ['from_location', 'to_location?'] takes_options = [Option('trees', help='Create working trees'), Option('shared', help='Create shared repository'), Option('all', help='Convert all revisions, even those not in current branch history (implies --shared)'), Option('scheme', type=get_scheme, help='Branching scheme (none, trunk, or trunk-INT)')] @display_command def run(self, from_location, to_location=None, trees=False, shared=False, scheme=None, all=False): from convert import convert_repository from scheme import TrunkBranchingScheme if scheme is None: scheme = TrunkBranchingScheme() if to_location is None: to_location = os.path.basename(from_location.rstrip("/\\")) if all: shared = True convert_repository(from_location, to_location, scheme, shared, trees, all) register_command(cmd_svn_import) class cmd_svn_upgrade(Command): """Upgrade the revisions mapped from Subversion in a Bazaar branch. This will change the revision ids of revisions whose parents were mapped from svn revisions. """ takes_args = ['svn_repository?'] takes_options = [Option('allow-changes', help='Allow content changes')] @display_command def run(self, svn_repository=None, allow_changes=False): from upgrade import upgrade_branch branch_to =".") stored_loc = branch_to.get_parent() if svn_repository is None: if stored_loc is None: raise BzrCommandError("No pull location known or" " specified.") else: display_url = urlutils.unescape_for_display(stored_loc, self.outf.encoding) self.outf.write("Using saved location: %s\n" % display_url) svn_repository = stored_loc upgrade_branch(branch_to,, allow_changes) register_command(cmd_svn_upgrade) def test_suite(): from unittest import TestSuite, TestLoader import tests suite = TestSuite() suite.addTest(tests.test_suite()) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': print ("This is a Bazaar plugin. Copy this directory to ~/.bazaar/plugins " "to use it.\n") runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() else: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
@@ -3221,51 +3221,8 @@ %22)%0A%0A -check_bzrlib_version(required_bzr_version)%0A chec
move stuff around in init
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import (Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for, jsonify) import json from ming import (create_datastore, Session, collection, Field, Document, schema) from bson.objectid import ObjectId app = Flask(__name__) app.config['STATIC_FOLDER'] = 'static' from models import (BookModel, InproceedingsModel, ArticleModel, Book, Inproceedings, Article) from database_operations import (Enc, delete_book, delete_inproceedings, delete_article, edit_book, edit_inproceedings, edit_article, add_book, add_inproceedings, add_article, get_book, get_inproceedings, get_article, get_index_content, list_books, list_inproceedings, list_articles) @app.route('/') def main(): return render_template('index.html', content = get_index_content(True)) @app.route('/bibtex') def get_all_bibtex(): all_items = get_index_content(False) s = '' for b in all_items['books']: s += (b.bibtex + '<br>') for a in all_items['articles']: s += a.bibtex + '<br>' for i in all_items['inproceedings']: s += i.bibtex + '<br>' return s @app.route('/show_single_bibtex/<db_type>/<db_id>') def show_single_bibtex(db_type, db_id): if db_type == 'book': return get_book(db_id).bibtex elif db_type == 'article': return get_article(db_id).bibtex elif db_type == 'inproceedings': return get_inproceedings(db_id).bibtex else: return 'invalid' @app.route('/add_book', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def book_adding(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('add_book.html') else: r = request.form add_book(r['title'], r['author'], r['pages'], r['year'], r['publisher']) return redirect('/') @app.route('/add_inproceedings', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def inproceedings_adding(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('add_inproceedings.html') else: r = request.form add_inproceedings(r['author'], r['title'], r['school'], r['year']) return redirect('/') @app.route('/add_article', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def article_adding(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('add_article.html') else: r = request.form add_article(r['author'], r['title'], r['journal'], r['year'], r['volume']) return redirect('/') @app.route('/delete_book/<b_id>') def book_deleting(b_id): delete_book(b_id) return redirect('/') @app.route('/delete_inproceedings/<i_id>') def inproceedings_deleting(i_id): delete_inproceedings(i_id) return redirect('/') @app.route('/delete_article/<a_id>') def article_deleting(a_id): delete_article(a_id) return redirect('/') @app.route('/edit_book/<b_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def book_editing(b_id): if request.method == 'GET': b = get_book(b_id) return render_template('edit_book.html', book = Enc().encode(b)) else: r = request.form edit_book(r['title'], r['author'], r['pages'], r['year'], r['publisher'], r['db_id']) return redirect('/') @app.route('/edit_inproceedings/<i_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def inproceedings_editing(b_id): if request.method == 'GET': i = get_inproceedings(i_id) return render_template('edit_inproceedings.html', inproceedings = Enc().encode(i)) else: r = request.form edit_inproceedings(r['author'], r['title'], r['school'], r['year'], r['db_id']) return redirect('/') @app.route('/edit_article/<a_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def article_editing(a_id): if request.method == 'GET': a = get_article(a_id) return render_template('edit_article.html', article = Enc().encode(a)) else: r = request.form edit_article(r['author'], r['title'], r['journal'], r['year'], r['volume'], r['db_id']) return redirect('/') if __name__ == '__main__': app.debug = True'')
@@ -314,70 +314,8 @@ Id%0A%0A -app = Flask(__name__)%0Aapp.config%5B'STATIC_FOLDER'%5D = 'static'%0A%0A from @@ -859,16 +859,78 @@ icles)%0A%0A +app = Flask(__name__)%0Aapp.config%5B'STATIC_FOLDER'%5D = 'static'%0A%0A @app.rou @@ -1182,17 +1182,16 @@ s += -( b.bibtex @@ -1199,17 +1199,16 @@ + '%3Cbr%3E' -) %0A for @@ -3295,24 +3295,25 @@ _book(b_id)%0A +%0A retu @@ -3777,24 +3777,25 @@ dings(i_id)%0A +%0A retu @@ -4237,24 +4237,25 @@ ticle(a_id)%0A +%0A retu
from mlpack import linear_regression from mlpack import logistic_regression """ MlPack ====== Provides 1. A Variety of Machine learning packages 2. Good and Easy hand written programs with good documentation 3. Linear Regression, Logistic Regression Available subpackages --------------------- 1. Linear Regression 2. Logistic Regression See subpackages for more details. """
@@ -1,27 +1,45 @@ from mlpack +.linear_regression import linear_r @@ -59,16 +59,36 @@ m mlpack +.logistic_regression import
bump version
__version__ = '1.0' __description__ = 'REST API to control media players via MPRIS2 interfaces' requires = [ 'pympris' ] README = """webmpris is a REST API to control media players via MPRIS2 interfaces. Supported intefaces: org.mpris.MediaPlayer2 via /players/<id>/Root org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player via /players/<id>/Player org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.TrackList via /players/<id>/TrackList org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Playlists via /players/<id>/Playlists """
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ '1. -0 +1 '%0A__
Make saml2idp compatible with Django 1.9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import """ Registers and loads Processor classes from settings. """ # Python imports import logging # Django imports from django.utils.importlib import import_module from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured # Local imports from . import exceptions from . import saml2idp_metadata # Setup logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_processor(config): """ Get an instance of the processor with config. """ dottedpath = config['processor'] try: dot = dottedpath.rindex('.') except ValueError: raise ImproperlyConfigured('%s isn\'t a processors module' % dottedpath) sp_module, sp_classname = dottedpath[:dot], dottedpath[dot+1:] try: mod = import_module(sp_module) except ImportError, e: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing processors %s: "%s"' % (sp_module, e)) try: sp_class = getattr(mod, sp_classname) except AttributeError: raise ImproperlyConfigured('processors module "%s" does not define a "%s" class' % (sp_module, sp_classname)) instance = sp_class(config) return instance def find_processor(request): """ Returns the Processor instance that is willing to handle this request. """ for name, sp_config in saml2idp_metadata.SAML2IDP_REMOTES.items(): proc = get_processor(sp_config) try: if proc.can_handle(request): return proc except exceptions.CannotHandleAssertion as exc: # Log these, but keep looking. logger.debug('%s %s' % (proc, exc)) raise exceptions.CannotHandleAssertion('None of the processors in SAML2IDP_REMOTES could handle this request.')
@@ -121,75 +121,29 @@ %22%22%22%0A -# Python imports%0Aimport logging%0A# Django imports%0Afrom django.utils. +import logging%0A%0Afrom impo @@ -169,16 +169,17 @@ _module%0A +%0A from dja @@ -230,23 +230,8 @@ red%0A -# Local imports %0Afro @@ -289,23 +289,8 @@ ta%0A%0A -# Setup logging %0Alog @@ -324,16 +324,17 @@ ame__)%0A%0A +%0A def get_
Update for python 2.6 format
# __ # /__ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ # \_| (_| | | | (/_ _> _> |_| _> # from src.parser_handler import get_dict_ele import re def parse_basis_data_gamess_us(data, name, des, elts, debug=False): """Parse the basis data raw html of gamess-us to get a nice tuple Return (name, description, [[ele, data_ele],...])""" basis_data = [] b = data.find("$DATA") e = data.find("$END") if (b == -1 or data.find("$DATA$END") != -1): if debug: print data raise Exception("WARNING not DATA") else: dict_replace = {"PHOSPHOROUS": "PHOSPHORUS", "D+": "E+", "D-": "E-"} for k, v in dict_replace.iteritems(): data = data.replace(k, v) data = data[b + 5:e - 1].split('\n\n') dict_ele = get_dict_ele() for (elt, data_elt) in zip(elts, data): elt_long_th = dict_ele[elt.lower()] elt_long_exp = data_elt.split()[0].lower() if "$" in data_elt: if debug: print "Eror", raise Exception("WARNING bad split") if elt_long_th == elt_long_exp: basis_data.append([elt, data_elt.strip()]) else: if debug: print "th", elt_long_th print "exp", elt_long_exp print "abv", elt raise Exception("WARNING not a good ELEMENT") return (name, des, basis_data) symmetry_regex = re.compile(ur'^(\w)\s+\d+\b') def l_symmetry_gamess_us(atom_basis): """ Return the begin and the end of all the type of orbital input: atom_basis = [name, S 1, 12 0.12 12212, ...] output: [ [type, begin, end], ...] """ # Example # [[u'S', 1, 5], [u'L', 5, 9], [u'L', 9, 12], [u'D', 16, 18]]" l = [] for i, line in enumerate(atom_basis): # Optimisation for not seaching all the time if len(line) < 10: m =, line) if m: # Cause of L ! read_symmetry = # L is real L or special SP # Just check the number of exponant if all([read_symmetry == "L", len(atom_basis[i + 1].split()) == 4]): real_symmetry = "SP" else: real_symmetry = read_symmetry l.append([real_symmetry, i]) try: l[-2].append(i) except IndexError: pass l[-1].append(i + 1) return l def handle_l_gamess_us(l_atom_basis): """ Read l_atom_basis and change the SP in L and P """ l_data = [] for atom_basis in l_atom_basis: # Split the data in line l_line_raw = atom_basis.split("\n") l_line = [l_line_raw[0]] # l_line_raw[0] containt the name of the Atom for symmetry, begin, end in l_symmetry_gamess_us(l_line_raw): if symmetry == "SP": body_s = [] body_p = [] for i_l in l_line_raw[begin + 1:end]: # one L => S & P a = i_l.split() common = "{:>3}".format(a[0]) common += "{:>15.7f}".format(float(a[1])) tail_s = common + "{:>23.7f}".format(float(a[2])) body_s.append(tail_s) tail_p = common + "{:>23.7f}".format(float(a[3])) body_p.append(tail_p) l_line += [l_line_raw[begin].replace("L", "S")] l_line += body_s l_line += [l_line_raw[begin].replace("L", "P")] l_line += body_p else: l_line += l_line_raw[begin:end] l_data.append("\n".join(l_line)) return l_data def check_gamess(str_type): """Check is the orbital type is handle by gamess""" assert len(str_type) == 1 if str_type in "S P D".split(): return True elif str_type == "SP": raise BaseException else: return True
@@ -3294,16 +3294,17 @@ mon = %22%7B +0 @@ -3346,16 +3346,17 @@ on += %22%7B +0 :%3E15.7f%7D @@ -3410,32 +3410,33 @@ _s = common + %22%7B +0 :%3E23.7f%7D%22.format @@ -3532,16 +3532,17 @@ mon + %22%7B +0 :%3E23.7f%7D
Add todo for scopes permissions
from scopes.authentication.ephemeral import is_ephemeral_user from scopes.authentication.internal import is_internal_user from scopes.permissions.base import PolyaxonPermission class ScopesPermission(PolyaxonPermission): """ Scopes based Permissions, depends on the authentication backend. """ ENTITY = None SCOPE_MAPPING = None @staticmethod def _check_internal_or_ephemeral(request): return any([is_ephemeral_user(request.user), is_internal_user(request.user)]) def has_permission(self, request, view): if not request.auth: if not request.user.is_authenticated: return False # Session users are granted total access return True if request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.is_superuser: return True allowed_scopes = set(self.SCOPE_MAPPING.get(request.method, [])) if not allowed_scopes: return True current_scopes = request.auth.scopes return any(s in allowed_scopes for s in current_scopes)
@@ -720,32 +720,155 @@ return True%0A%0A + # TODO Add internal/ephemeral here%0A # (if that type of auth is allowed, then we should not check he scope)%0A%0A if reque
fix for lambton not needed
from pupa.scrape import Scraper from utils import lxmlize, CanadianLegislator as Legislator import re COUNCIL_PAGE = '' SGC = { 'St. Clair' : '3538003', 'Dawn-Euphemia' : '3538007', 'Brooke-Alvinston' : '3538015', 'Enniskillen' : '3538016', 'Oil Springs' : '3538018', 'Petrolia' : '3538019', 'Sarnia' : '3538030', 'Point Edward' : '3538031', 'Plympton-Wyoming' : '3538035', 'Lambton Shores' : '3538040', 'Warwick' : '3538043', } class LambtonPersonScraper(Scraper): def get_people(self): page = lxmlize(COUNCIL_PAGE) councillors = page.xpath('//div[@id="WebPartWPQ1"]/table/tbody/tr[1]') for councillor in councillors: node = councillor.xpath('.//td[1]//strong//strong//strong//strong') or councillor.xpath('.//td[1]//strong') text = node[0].text_content() name = text.strip().replace('Deputy ', '').replace('Warden ', '').replace('Mayor', '') role = text.replace(name, '').strip() if not role: role = 'Councillor' if ',' in name: name = name.split(',')[0].strip() district = councillor.xpath('.//td[1]//p[contains(text(),",")]/text()')[0].split(',')[1].strip() district = re.sub(r'\A(?:City|Municipality|Town|Township|Village) of\b| Township\Z', '', district) p = Legislator(name=name, post_id=district, role=role) p.add_source(COUNCIL_PAGE) p.image = councillor.xpath('.//td[1]//img/@src')[0] info = councillor.xpath('.//td[2]')[0].text_content() residential_info = re.findall(r'(?<=Residence:)(.*)(?=Municipal Office:)', info, flags=re.DOTALL)[0] self.get_contacts(residential_info, 'residence', p) municipal_info = re.findall(r'(?<=Municipal Office:)(.*)', info, flags=re.DOTALL)[0] self.get_contacts(municipal_info, 'legislature', p) # Needed for Represent integration. p.add_extra('sgc', SGC[district.strip()]) yield p def get_contacts(self, text, note, councillor): address = text.split('Telephone')[0] text = text.replace(address, '').split(':') for i, contact in enumerate(text): if i == 0: continue contact_type = next(x.strip() for x in re.findall(r'[A-Za-z ]+', text[i - 1]) if x.strip() and x.strip() != 'ext') if '@' in contact: contact = contact.strip() else: contact = re.findall(r'[0-9]{3}[- ][0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}(?: ext\. [0-9]+)?', contact)[0].replace(' ', '-') if 'Fax' in contact_type: councillor.add_contact('fax', contact, note) elif 'Tel' in contact_type: councillor.add_contact('voice', contact, note) elif 'email' in contact_type: councillor.add_contact('email', contact, None) else: councillor.add_contact(contact_type, contact, note)
@@ -224,393 +224,8 @@ x'%0A%0A -SGC = %7B%0A 'St. Clair' : '3538003',%0A 'Dawn-Euphemia' : '3538007',%0A 'Brooke-Alvinston' : '3538015',%0A 'Enniskillen' : '3538016',%0A 'Oil Springs' : '3538018',%0A 'Petrolia' : '3538019',%0A 'Sarnia' : '3538030',%0A 'Point Edward' : '3538031',%0A 'Plympton-Wyoming' : '3538035',%0A 'Lambton Shores' : '3538040',%0A 'Warwick' : '3538043',%0A%7D%0A%0A clas @@ -1566,99 +1566,8 @@ p)%0A%0A - # Needed for Represent integration.%0A p.add_extra('sgc', SGC%5Bdistrict.strip()%5D)%0A%0A
Version 0.99.3
# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Jimmy Retzlaff, 2008 Konstantin Yegupov # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ pyUnRAR2 is a ctypes based wrapper around the free UnRAR.dll. It is an modified version of Jimmy Retzlaff's pyUnRAR - more simple, stable and foolproof. Notice that it has INCOMPATIBLE interface. It enables reading and unpacking of archives created with the RAR/WinRAR archivers. There is a low-level interface which is very similar to the C interface provided by UnRAR. There is also a higher level interface which makes some common operations easier. """ __version__ = '0.99.2' try: WindowsError in_windows = True except NameError: in_windows = False if in_windows: from windows import RarFileImplementation else: from unix import RarFileImplementation import fnmatch, time, weakref class RarInfo(object): """Represents a file header in an archive. Don't instantiate directly. Use only to obtain information about file. YOU CANNOT EXTRACT FILE CONTENTS USING THIS OBJECT. USE METHODS OF RarFile CLASS INSTEAD. Properties: index - index of file within the archive filename - name of the file in the archive including path (if any) datetime - file date/time as a struct_time suitable for time.strftime isdir - True if the file is a directory size - size in bytes of the uncompressed file comment - comment associated with the file Note - this is not currently intended to be a Python file-like object. """ def __init__(self, rarfile, data): self.rarfile = weakref.proxy(rarfile) self.index = data['index'] self.filename = data['filename'] self.isdir = data['isdir'] self.size = data['size'] self.datetime = data['datetime'] self.comment = data['comment'] def __str__(self): try : arcName = self.rarfile.archiveName except ReferenceError: arcName = "[ARCHIVE_NO_LONGER_LOADED]" return '<RarInfo "%s" in "%s">' % (self.filename, arcName) class RarFile(RarFileImplementation): def __init__(self, archiveName, password=None): """Instantiate the archive. archiveName is the name of the RAR file. password is used to decrypt the files in the archive. Properties: comment - comment associated with the archive >>> print RarFile('test.rar').comment This is a test. """ self.archiveName = archiveName RarFileImplementation.init(self, password) def __del__(self): self.destruct() def infoiter(self): """Iterate over all the files in the archive, generating RarInfos. >>> import os >>> for fileInArchive in RarFile('test.rar').infoiter(): ... print os.path.split(fileInArchive.filename)[-1], ... print fileInArchive.isdir, ... print fileInArchive.size, ... print fileInArchive.comment, ... print tuple(fileInArchive.datetime)[0:5], ... print time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M', fileInArchive.datetime) test True 0 None (2003, 6, 30, 1, 59) Mon, 30 Jun 2003 01:59 test.txt False 20 None (2003, 6, 30, 2, 1) Mon, 30 Jun 2003 02:01 False 1030 None (2002, 2, 8, 16, 47) Fri, 08 Feb 2002 16:47 """ for params in RarFileImplementation.infoiter(self): yield RarInfo(self, params) def infolist(self): """Return a list of RarInfos, descripting the contents of the archive.""" return list(self.infoiter()) def read_files(self, condition='*'): """Read specific files from archive into memory. If "condition" is a list of numbers, then return files which have those positions in infolist. If "condition" is a string, then it is treated as a wildcard for names of files to extract. If "condition" is a function, it is treated as a callback function, which accepts a RarInfo object and returns boolean True (extract) or False (skip). If "condition" is omitted, all files are returned. Returns list of tuples (RarInfo info, str contents) """ checker = condition2checker(condition) return RarFileImplementation.read_files(self, checker) def extract(self, condition='*', path='.', withSubpath=True, overwrite=True): """Extract specific files from archive to disk. If "condition" is a list of numbers, then extract files which have those positions in infolist. If "condition" is a string, then it is treated as a wildcard for names of files to extract. If "condition" is a function, it is treated as a callback function, which accepts a RarInfo object and returns either boolean True (extract) or boolean False (skip). DEPRECATED: If "condition" callback returns string (only supported for Windows) - that string will be used as a new name to save the file under. If "condition" is omitted, all files are extracted. "path" is a directory to extract to "withSubpath" flag denotes whether files are extracted with their full path in the archive. "overwrite" flag denotes whether extracted files will overwrite old ones. Defaults to true. Returns list of RarInfos for extracted files.""" checker = condition2checker(condition) return RarFileImplementation.extract(self, checker, path, withSubpath, overwrite) def condition2checker(condition): """Converts different condition types to callback""" if type(condition) in [str, unicode]: def smatcher(info): return fnmatch.fnmatch(info.filename, condition) return smatcher elif type(condition) in [list, tuple] and type(condition[0]) in [int, long]: def imatcher(info): return info.index in condition return imatcher elif callable(condition): return condition else: raise TypeError
@@ -1641,17 +1641,17 @@ = '0.99. -2 +3 '%0D%0A%0D%0Atry
Rename link in init
import os from .dataset import * __path__ = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dataset')]
@@ -10,23 +10,25 @@ %0A%0Afrom . -dataset +batchflow import @@ -86,15 +86,17 @@ ), ' -dataset +batchflow ')%5D%0A
bump version to 2.7b1
"""distutils The main package for the Python Module Distribution Utilities. Normally used from a setup script as from distutils.core import setup setup (...) """ __revision__ = "$Id$" # Distutils version # # Updated automatically by the Python release process. # #--start constants-- __version__ = "2.7a4" #--end constants--
@@ -311,10 +311,10 @@ %222.7 -a4 +b1 %22%0A#-
Version bump for 3.5.0b1.
"""distutils The main package for the Python Module Distribution Utilities. Normally used from a setup script as from distutils.core import setup setup (...) """ # Distutils version # # Updated automatically by the Python release process. # #--start constants-- __version__ = "3.5.0a4" #--end constants--
@@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ .5.0 -a4 +b1 %22%0A#-
Add unsubcribed handler to server.
import json from cyclone.web import Application, RequestHandler, HTTPError from cyclone.websocket import WebSocketHandler from import InMemoryCardStore class EchidnaServer(Application): def __init__(self, root, **settings): = InMemoryCardStore() handlers = [ (r"/", root), (r"/publish/(?P<channel>.*)/", PublicationHandler, dict(, (r"/subscribe", SubscriptionHandler, dict(, ] Application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings) class PublicationHandler(RequestHandler): def initialize(self, store): = store def post(self, channel): try: channel = self.decode_argument(channel, "channel") except: raise HTTPError(400, "Invalid value for channel.") try: card = json.loads(self.request.body) except: raise HTTPError(400, "Invalid card in request body."), card) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(json.dumps({"success": True})) class SubscriptionHandler(WebSocketHandler): def initialize(self, store): = store self.client = None def _set_client(self, client): self.client = client def connectionMade(self, *args, **kw): d = return d.addCallback(self._set_client) def connectionLost(self, reason): if self.client is not None: return def messageReceived(self, msg): try: msg = json.loads(msg) except: return if not isinstance(msg, dict): return msg_type = msg.get("msg_type", "invalid") if not isinstance(msg_type, unicode): return handler = getattr(self, "handle_" + msg_type, self.handle_invalid) handler(msg) def on_publish(self, channel_name, card): return self.send_card(channel_name, card) def send_card(self, channel_name, card): msg = { "msg_type": "card", "channel": channel_name, "card": card, } self.sendMessage(json.dumps(msg)) def send_error(self, reason, **data): msg = { "msg_type": "error", "reason": reason, } msg.update(data) self.sendMessage(json.dumps(msg)) def send_cards(self, channel_name, cards): for card in cards: self.on_publish(channel_name, card) def handle_subscribe(self, msg): channel_name = msg.get("channel") if not isinstance(channel_name, unicode): return d =, self.client) return d.addCallback( lambda cards: self.send_cards(channel_name, cards)) def handle_invalid(self, msg): self.send_error("invalid message", original_message=msg)
@@ -2971,24 +2971,255 @@ e, cards))%0A%0A + def handle_unsubscribed(self, msg):%0A channel_name = msg.get(%22channel%22)%0A if not isinstance(channel_name, unicode):%0A return%0A d =, self.client)%0A return d%0A%0A def hand
Fix test return type
import glob import os import gym from gym import error, spaces from gym import monitoring from gym.monitoring import monitor from gym.monitoring.tests import helpers class FakeEnv(gym.Env): def _render(self, close=True): raise RuntimeError('Raising') def test_monitor_filename(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env.monitor.start(temp) env.monitor.close() manifests = glob.glob(os.path.join(temp, '*.manifest.*')) assert len(manifests) == 1 def test_write_upon_reset_false(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env.monitor.start(temp, video_callable=False, write_upon_reset=False) env.reset() files = glob.glob(os.path.join(temp, '*')) assert not files, "Files: {}".format(files) env.monitor.close() files = glob.glob(os.path.join(temp, '*')) assert len(files) > 0 def test_write_upon_reset_true(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env.monitor.start(temp, video_callable=False, write_upon_reset=True) env.reset() files = glob.glob(os.path.join(temp, '*')) assert len(files) > 0, "Files: {}".format(files) env.monitor.close() files = glob.glob(os.path.join(temp, '*')) assert len(files) > 0 def test_close_monitor(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = FakeEnv() env.monitor.start(temp) env.monitor.close() manifests = monitor.detect_training_manifests(temp) assert len(manifests) == 1 def test_video_callable_true_not_allowed(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') try: env.monitor.start(temp, video_callable=True) except error.Error: pass else: assert False def test_video_callable_false_does_not_record(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env.monitor.start(temp, video_callable=False) env.reset() env.monitor.close() results = monitoring.load_results(temp) assert len(results['videos']) == 0 def test_video_callable_records_videos(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env.monitor.start(temp) env.reset() env.monitor.close() results = monitoring.load_results(temp) assert len(results['videos']) == 1, "Videos: {}".format(results['videos']) def test_env_reuse(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env.monitor.start(temp) env.monitor.close() env.monitor.start(temp, force=True) env.reset() env.step(env.action_space.sample()) env.step(env.action_space.sample()) env.monitor.close() results = monitor.load_results(temp) assert results['episode_lengths'] == [2], 'Results: {}'.format(results) class AutoresetEnv(gym.Env): metadata = {'semantics.autoreset': True} def __init__(self): self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(1) self.observation_space = spaces.Discrete(1) def _reset(self): return None def _step(self, action): return None, 0, False, {} gym.envs.register( id='Autoreset-v0', entry_point='gym.monitoring.tests.test_monitor:AutoresetEnv', timestep_limit=2, ) def test_env_reuse(): with helpers.tempdir() as temp: env = gym.make('Autoreset-v0') env.monitor.start(temp) env.reset() env.step(None) _, _, done, _ = env.step(None) assert done env.step(None) _, _, done, _ = env.step(None) assert done
@@ -3233,20 +3233,17 @@ return -None +0 %0A%0A de @@ -3280,20 +3280,17 @@ return -None +0 , 0, Fal
Fix for numpy linspace but where count must be an integer
#!/usr/bin/env python #=============================================================================== # Copyright 2017 Geoscience Australia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #=============================================================================== ''' Created on 23Nov.,2016 @author: u76345 ''' import numpy as np import math from ._crs_utils import get_utm_wkt, transform_coords def line_length(line): ''' Function to return length of line @param line: iterable containing two two-ordinate iterables, e.g. 2 x 2 array or 2-tuple of 2-tuples @return length: Distance between start & end points in native units ''' return math.sqrt(math.pow(line[1][0] - line[0][0], 2.0) + math.pow(line[1][1] - line[0][1], 2.0)) def point_along_line(line, distance): ''' Function to return a point the specified distance along the line @param line: iterable containing two two-ordinate iterables, e.g. 2 x 2 array or 2-tuple of 2-tuples @param distance: Distance along line new point should be @return point: Coordinates of point along line or None if distance > line length ''' length = line_length(line) proportion = distance / length if proportion < 0 or proportion > 1: return None return tuple([line[0][dim_index] + proportion * (line[1][dim_index] - line[0][dim_index]) for dim_index in range(2)]) def utm_coords(coordinate_array, wkt): ''' Function to convert coordinates to the appropriate UTM CRS @param coordinate_array: Array of shape (n, 2) or iterable containing coordinate pairs @return wkt: WKT for UTM CRS @return coordinate_array: Array of shape (n, 2) containing UTM coordinate pairs ''' native_centre_coords = (np.nanmean(coordinate_array[:,0]), np.nanmean(coordinate_array[:,1])) utm_wkt = get_utm_wkt(native_centre_coords, wkt) return utm_wkt, np.array(transform_coords(coordinate_array, wkt, utm_wkt)) def coords2distance(coordinate_array): ''' Function to calculate cumulative distance in metres from native (lon/lat) coordinates @param coordinate_array: Array of shape (n, 2) or iterable containing coordinate pairs @return distance_array: Array of shape (n) containing cumulative distances from first coord ''' coord_count = coordinate_array.shape[0] distance_array = np.zeros((coord_count,), coordinate_array.dtype) cumulative_distance = 0.0 distance_array[0] = cumulative_distance last_point = coordinate_array[0] for coord_index in range(1, coord_count): point = coordinate_array[coord_index] distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(point[0] - last_point[0], 2.0) + math.pow(point[1] - last_point[1], 2.0)) distance = line_length((point, last_point)) cumulative_distance += distance distance_array[coord_index] = cumulative_distance last_point = point return distance_array def sample_transect(transect_vertices, wkt, sample_metres): ''' Function to return a list of sample points sample_metres apart along lines between transect vertices @param transect_vertices: list or array of transect vertex coordinates @param wkt: coordinate reference system for transect_vertices @param sample_metres: distance between sample points in metres ''' transect_vertex_array = np.array(transect_vertices) # print 'transect_vertex_array = %s' % transect_vertex_array nominal_utm_wkt, utm_transect_vertices = utm_coords(transect_vertex_array, wkt) # print 'nominal_utm_wkt = %s' % nominal_utm_wkt # print 'utm_transect_vertices = %s' % utm_transect_vertices sample_points = [] residual = 0 for vertex_index in range(len(utm_transect_vertices) - 1): utm_line = (utm_transect_vertices[ vertex_index], utm_transect_vertices[vertex_index + 1]) # print 'utm_line = %s' % (utm_line,) utm_line_length = line_length(utm_line) # print 'utm_line_length = %s' % utm_line_length # Skip lines of infinite length if utm_line_length == float('inf'): continue sample_count = (utm_line_length + residual) // sample_metres # print 'sample_count = %s' % sample_count if not sample_count: residual += utm_line_length continue if residual: # Use un-sampled distance from last line start_point = point_along_line( utm_line, sample_metres - residual) else: start_point = utm_line[0] # Start at beginning # print 'start_point = %s' % (start_point,) # Calculate new residual residual = (utm_line_length + residual) % sample_metres # print 'residual = %s' % residual end_point = point_along_line(utm_line, utm_line_length - residual) # print 'end_point = %s' % (end_point,) try: sample_point_array = np.stack([np.linspace(start_point[dim_index], end_point[ dim_index], sample_count + 1) for dim_index in range(2)]).transpose() # print 'sample_point_array.shape = %s' % # (sample_point_array.shape,) except Exception as e: print('Line sampling failed: {}'.format(e)) residual = 0 continue sample_points += list(sample_point_array) # Don't double up end point with next start point if (not residual) and (vertex_index < len(utm_transect_vertices) - 1): sample_points.pop() return transform_coords( sample_points, nominal_utm_wkt, wkt), sample_metres
@@ -4739,16 +4739,20 @@ count = +int( (utm_lin @@ -4780,32 +4780,33 @@ // sample_metres +) %0A # print
Add noqa codestyle
from rest_framework import response, permissions from rest_framework.views import APIView from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.gis.geos import Polygon from .authent import StructureViewSet # noqa from .common import TargetPortalViewSet, ThemeViewSet, SourceViewSet, ReservationSystemViewSet, LabelViewSet, OrganismViewSet # noqa if 'geotrek.core' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .core import PathViewSet # noqa if '' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .feedback import ReportStatusViewSet, ReportActivityViewSet, ReportCategoryViewSet, ReportProblemMagnitudeViewSet # noqa if 'geotrek.trekking' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .trekking import (TrekViewSet, TourViewSet, POIViewSet, POITypeViewSet, AccessibilityViewSet, RouteViewSet, DifficultyViewSet, NetworkViewSet, PracticeViewSet, WebLinkCategoryViewSet, ServiceTypeViewSet, ServiceViewSet, TrekRatingScaleViewSet, TrekRatingViewSet) # noqa if 'geotrek.sensitivity' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .sensitivity import SensitiveAreaViewSet # noqa from .sensitivity import SportPracticeViewSet # noqa from .sensitivity import SpeciesViewSet # noqa if 'geotrek.tourism' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .tourism import TouristicContentViewSet, TouristicEventViewSet, TouristicEventTypeViewSet, InformationDeskViewSet, TouristicContentCategoryViewSet # noqa if 'geotrek.zoning' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .zoning import CityViewSet, DistrictViewSet # noqa if 'geotrek.outdoor' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .outdoor import (SiteViewSet, OutdoorPracticeViewSet, SiteTypeViewSet, CourseTypeViewSet, OutdoorRatingScaleViewSet, OutdoorRatingViewSet, CourseViewSet, SectorViewSet) # noqa if 'geotrek.flatpages' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .flatpages import FlatPageViewSet # noqa if 'geotrek.infrastructure' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .infrastructure import InfrastructureTypeViewSet, InfrastructureViewSet, InfrastructureUsageDifficultyLevelViewSet, InfrastructureConditionViewSet, InfrastructureMaintenanceDifficultyLevelViewSet # noqa if 'geotrek.signage' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .signage import SignageViewSet, SignageTypeViewSet, SealingViewSet, ColorViewSet, DirectionViewSet, BladeTypeViewSet # noqa if 'drf_yasg' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from .swagger import schema_view # noqa class ConfigView(APIView): """ Configuration endpoint that gives the BBox used in the Geotrek configuration """ permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny, ] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): bbox = Polygon.from_bbox(settings.SPATIAL_EXTENT) bbox.srid = settings.SRID bbox.transform(settings.API_SRID) return response.Response({ 'bbox': bbox.extent })
@@ -768,32 +768,40 @@ t, RouteViewSet, + # noqa %0A @@ -855,32 +855,40 @@ PracticeViewSet, + # noqa %0A @@ -1699,16 +1699,24 @@ ViewSet, + # noqa %0A
Add test for radian ticks
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst import io import pytest from astropy.utils.compat.optional_deps import HAS_PLT if HAS_PLT: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import Angle from astropy.visualization.units import quantity_support def teardown_function(function): plt.close('all') @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_PLT') def test_units(): plt.figure() with quantity_support(): buff = io.BytesIO() plt.plot([1, 2, 3] * u.m, [3, 4, 5] *, label='label') plt.plot([105, 210, 315] *, [3050, 3025, 3010] * u.g) plt.legend() # Also test fill_between, which requires actual conversion to ndarray # with numpy >=1.10 (#4654). plt.fill_between([1, 3] * u.m, [3, 5] *, [3050, 3010] * u.g) plt.savefig(buff, format='svg') assert plt.gca().xaxis.get_units() == u.m assert plt.gca().yaxis.get_units() == @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_PLT') def test_units_errbarr(): pytest.importorskip("matplotlib") plt.figure() with quantity_support(): x = [1, 2, 3] * u.s y = [1, 2, 3] * u.m yerr = [3, 2, 1] * fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr) assert ax.xaxis.get_units() == u.s assert ax.yaxis.get_units() == u.m @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_PLT') def test_incompatible_units(): # NOTE: minversion check does not work properly for matplotlib dev. try: # from matplotlib.units import ConversionError except ImportError: err_type = u.UnitConversionError else: err_type = ConversionError plt.figure() with quantity_support(): plt.plot([1, 2, 3] * u.m) with pytest.raises(err_type): plt.plot([105, 210, 315] * @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_PLT') def test_quantity_subclass(): """Check that subclasses are recognized. This sadly is not done by matplotlib.units itself, though there is a PR to change it: """ plt.figure() with quantity_support(): plt.scatter(Angle([1, 2, 3], u.deg), [3, 4, 5] * plt.scatter([105, 210, 315] * u.arcsec, [3050, 3025, 3010] * u.g) plt.plot(Angle([105, 210, 315], u.arcsec), [3050, 3025, 3010] * u.g) assert plt.gca().xaxis.get_units() == u.deg assert plt.gca().yaxis.get_units() == @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_PLT') def test_nested(): with quantity_support(): with quantity_support(): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.scatter(Angle([1, 2, 3], u.deg), [3, 4, 5] * assert ax.xaxis.get_units() == u.deg assert ax.yaxis.get_units() == fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.scatter(Angle([1, 2, 3], u.arcsec), [3, 4, 5] * u.pc) assert ax.xaxis.get_units() == u.arcsec assert ax.yaxis.get_units() == u.pc @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_PLT') def test_empty_hist(): with quantity_support(): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.hist([1, 2, 3, 4] * u.mmag, bins=100) # The second call results in an empty list being passed to the # unit converter in matplotlib >= 3.1 ax.hist([] * u.mmag, bins=100)
@@ -210,16 +210,35 @@ t as plt +%0Aimport numpy as np %0A%0Afrom a @@ -3521,28 +3521,379 @@ hist(%5B%5D * u.mmag, bins=100)%0A +%0A%0A@pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_PLT')%0Adef test_radian_formatter():%0A with quantity_support():%0A fig, ax = plt.subplots()%0A ax.plot(%5B1, 2, 3%5D, %5B1, 2, 3%5D * u.rad * np.pi)%0A fig.canvas.draw()%0A labels = %5Btl.get_text() for tl in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels()%5D%0A assert labels == %5B'%CF%80/2', '%CF%80', '3%CF%80/2', '2%CF%80', '5%CF%80/2', '3%CF%80', '7%CF%80/2'%5D%0A
Fix a typo in rebaseeditor comment
# # Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from git_upstream.lib.utils import GitMixin from git_upstream.log import LogDedentMixin from subprocess import call import os REBASE_EDITOR_SCRIPT = "rebase-editor" # insure name of file will match any naming filters used by editors to # enable syntax highlighting REBASE_EDITOR_TODO = "git-upstream/git-rebase-todo" TODO_EPILOGUE = """\ # Rebase %(shortrevisions)s onto %(shortonto)s # # All commands from normal rebase instructions files are supported # # If you remove a line, that commit will be dropped. # Removing all commits will abort the rebase. # """ class RebaseEditor(GitMixin, LogDedentMixin): def __init__(self, interactive=False, *args, **kwargs): self._interactive = interactive super(RebaseEditor, self).__init__() self._editor = REBASE_EDITOR_SCRIPT # interactive switch here determines if the script that is given # to git-rebase to run as it's editor, will in turn exec an editor # for the user to look through the instructions before rebase # applies them if interactive == 'debug': self.log.debug("Enabling interactive mode for rebase") self._editor = "%s --interactive" % self.editor @property def editor(self): return self._editor def _write_todo(self, commits, *args, **kwargs): todo_file = os.path.join(self.repo.git_dir, REBASE_EDITOR_TODO) if os.path.exists(todo_file): os.remove(todo_file) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(todo_file)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(todo_file)) # see if onto is set in the args or kwargs onto = kwargs.get('onto', None) for idx, arg in enumerate(args): if arg.startswith("--onto"): # either onto is after the option in this arg, or it's the # next arg, or not providing it is an exception onto = arg[7:] or args[idx + 1] break root = None with open(todo_file, "w") as todo: for commit in commits: if not root: root = commit.parents[0].hexsha subject = commit.message.splitlines()[0] todo.write("pick %s %s\n" % (commit.hexsha[:7], subject)) # if root isn't set at this point, then there were no commits if not root: todo.write("noop\n") todo.write(TODO_EPILOGUE % {'shortrevisions': self._short_revisions(root, commit.hexsha), 'shortonto': self._short_onto(onto or root)}) return todo_file def _short_revisions(self, root, commit): if not root: return "<none>" return "%s..%s" % (root[:7], commit[:7]) def _short_onto(self, onto): if not onto: return "<none>" return self.git.rev_parse(onto)[:7] def _set_editor(self, editor): if self.git_sequence_editor: self._saveeditor = self.git_sequence_editor if self._interactive == 'debug': os.environ['GIT_UPSTREAM_GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR'] = \ self._saveeditor os.environ['GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR'] = editor else: self._saveeditor = self.git_editor if self._interactive == 'debug': os.environ['GIT_UPSTREAM_GIT_EDITOR'] = self._saveeditor os.environ['GIT_EDITOR'] = editor def _unset_editor(self): for var in ['GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR', 'GIT_EDITOR']: # GIT_UPSTREAM_* variations should only be set if script was in a # debug mode. if os.environ.get('GIT_UPSTREAM_' + var, None): del os.environ['GIT_UPSTREAM_' + var] # Restore previous editor only if the environment var is set. This # isn't perfect since we should probably unset the env var if it # wasn't previously set, but this shouldn't cause any problems. if os.environ.get(var, None): os.environ[var] = self._saveeditor break def run(self, commits, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads the list of commits given, and constructions the instructions file to be used by rebase. Will spawn an editor if the constructor was told to be interactive. Additional arguments *args and **kwargs are to be passed to 'git rebase'. """ todo_file = self._write_todo(commits, *args, **kwargs) if self._interactive: # spawn the editor user_editor = self.git_sequence_editor or self.git_editor status = call("%s %s" % (user_editor, todo_file), shell=True) if status: return status, None, "Editor returned non-zero exit code" editor = "%s %s" % (self.editor, todo_file) self._set_editor(editor) try: if self._interactive == 'debug': # In general it's not recommended to run rebase in direct # interactive mode because it's not possible to capture the # stdout/stderr, but sometimes it's useful to allow it for # debugging to check the final result. # # It is not safe to redirect I/O channels as most editors will # be expecting that I/O is from/to proper terminal. YMMV cmd = ['git', 'rebase', '--interactive'] cmd.extend(self.git.transform_kwargs(**kwargs)) cmd.extend(args) return call(cmd), None, None else: return self.git.rebase(interactive=True, with_exceptions=False, with_extended_output=True, *args, **kwargs) finally: os.remove(todo_file) # make sure to remove the environment tweaks added so as not to # impact any subsequent use of git commands using editors self._unset_editor() @property def git_sequence_editor(self): return os.environ.get('GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR', self.git.config("sequence.editor", with_exceptions=False)) @property def git_editor(self): return os.environ.get("GIT_EDITOR", self.git.var("GIT_EDITOR"))
@@ -790,17 +790,17 @@ tor%22%0A%0A# -i +e nsure na
Fix typo
"""Buffer for storing large network data.""" import numpy as np import theano class Buffer(object): """Buffer storing data from contiguous subsequence of minibatches. Content of a buffer is a 4-dimensional floating-point tensor. """ def __init__(self, data_loader=None): """Create data Buffer. :data_loader: Instance of DataLoader that will be using Buffer. """ self.begin = -1 self.end = 0 self.offset = theano.shared(0) self.parent = data_loader # Create a 4-dimensinal tensor shared variable for data. Exact size of # the tensor is determined when data is set, and can change over time. self._data = theano.shared( np.zeros((1, 1, 1, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) @property def data(self): """Shared variable representing data stored in a buffer.""" return self._data def __getitem__(self, key): """Return minibatches of given indices. Return data is taken from data array, however key represents minibatch index, not direct index in data array. Effectively, buffer can be used as if it contained all of the minibatches data. Parent must be set before using this method, as minibatch size is needed to determine shift that has to be uses in data array. :key: Symbolic index or slice representing indices of minibatches to return. :return: Minibatches data. """ shift = self.offset * self.parent.batch_size if isinstance(key, slice): start, stop, step = key.start, key.stop, key.step return self._data[start-shift:stop-shift:step] else: return self._data[key-shift] def set(self, data, batch_index=None, n_of_batches=None): """Set buffer data. :data: Data to be stored in a buffer. :batch_index: Index of first minibatch that is contained in given data. :n_of_batches: Number of minibatches that are contained in given data. """ if batch_index: self.begin = batch_index self.offset.set_value(batch_index) if n_of_batches: self.end = batch_index + n_of_batches self._data.set_value( np.asarray(np.concatenate(data, axis=0), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) def contains(self, batch_index): """Check if minibatch is contained in a buffer. :batch_index: Index of a minibatch. :return: True, if minibatch of a given index is contained in a buffer. False otherwise. """ return batch_index >= self.begin and batch_index < self.end
@@ -1355,17 +1355,17 @@ o be use -s +d in data
def __unicode__ for Document
# to json sausage machine # Copyright (C) 2011 Laurent Peuch <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from json import dumps from django.db import models from djangotoolbox.fields import ListField, EmbeddedModelField class Jsonify(object): def json(self): return dumps(self.__class__.objects.filter([0], indent=4) class Deputy(models.Model, Jsonify): full_name = models.CharField(max_length=1337, unique=True) first_name = models.CharField(max_length=1337) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=1337) sex = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) emails = ListField() party = models.ForeignKey('Party') url = models.CharField(max_length=1337) websites = ListField() lachambre_id = models.CharField(max_length=1337, unique=True) language = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) cv = models.CharField(max_length=1337) commissions = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('CommissionMembership')) documents_principal_author_url = models.URLField() documents_principal_author_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Document')) documents_principal_signator_url = models.URLField() documents_principal_signator_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Document')) documents_next_author_url = models.URLField() documents_next_author_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Document')) documents_next_signator_url = models.URLField() documents_next_signator_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Document')) documents_rapporter_url = models.URLField() documents_rapporter_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Document')) questions_written_url = models.URLField() questions_written_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('WrittenQuestion')) questions_oral_plenary_url = models.URLField() questions_oral_plenary_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Question')) questions_oral_commission_url = models.URLField() questions_oral_commission_list = ListField(EmbeddedModelField('Question')) def __unicode__(self): return '%s - %s' % (self.full_name, class Party(models.Model, Jsonify): name = models.CharField(max_length=1337) url = models.URLField() def __unicode__(self): return class CommissionMembership(models.Model, Jsonify): name = models.CharField(max_length=1337) role = models.CharField(max_length=1337) url = models.URLField() commission = models.ForeignKey('Commission') class Commission(models.Model, Jsonify): lachambre_id = models.IntegerField(unique=True) class Document(models.Model, Jsonify): title = models.CharField(max_length=1337) url = models.CharField(max_length=1337) status_chambre = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) status_senat = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) eurovoc_main_descriptor = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) date = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) eurovoc_descriptors = ListField() keywords = ListField() lachambre_id = models.IntegerField(unique=True) class WrittenQuestion(models.Model, Jsonify): title = models.CharField(max_length=1337) departement = models.CharField(max_length=1337, ) eurovoc_descriptors = ListField() deposition_date = models.CharField(max_length=1337, ) delay_date = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) keywords = ListField() url = models.URLField() lachambre_id = models.CharField(max_length=1337) class Question(models.Model, Jsonify): title = models.CharField(max_length=1337) reunion_type = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) reunion_date = models.CharField(max_length=1337, null=True) session_id = models.CharField(max_length=1337, ) eurovoc_descriptors = ListField() keywords = ListField() pdf_url = models.URLField(null=True) url = models.URLField() type = models.CharField(max_length=1337) lachambre_id = models.CharField(max_length=1337) class Analysis(models.Model, Jsonify): title = models.CharField(max_length=1337) descriptor = models.CharField(max_length=1337) url = models.URLField() type = models.CharField(max_length=1337) lachambre_id = models.CharField(max_length=1337)
@@ -3732,24 +3732,112 @@ ique=True)%0A%0A + def __unicode__(self):%0A return %22%25s - %25s%22 %25 (self.lachambre_id, self.title)%0A%0A%0A class Writte
from collections import OrderedDict from rest_framework import viewsets, mixins, response, reverse NAME = 'vsemionov.notes.api' VERSION = '0.5.3' class InfoViewSet(mixins.ListModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet): view_name = 'Info' @staticmethod def _get_user_url(request): return and reverse.reverse('user-detail', request=request, args=[request.user.username]) def get_view_name(self): return self.view_name def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs): app = OrderedDict((('name', NAME), ('version', VERSION))) user = OrderedDict((('username', request.user.username), ('url', self._get_user_url(request)))) info = OrderedDict((('app', app), ('user', user))) return response.Response(info)
@@ -139,16 +139,18 @@ = '0.5.3 +.1 '%0A%0A%0Aclas
add graphene debug middleware
""" Django settings for doublefault project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 1.11.3. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ import os # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = '!=npx8on^!h4lw%4ml1t($b4pdty2!g7@4v+^q0(hle@w+55!!' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'web.apps.WebConfig', 'social_django', 'graphene_django' ] GRAPHENE = { 'SCHEMA': 'doublefault.schema.schema' } MIDDLEWARE = [ '', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', 'social_django.middleware.SocialAuthExceptionMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'web.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 'social_django.context_processors.backends', 'social_django.context_processors.login_redirect', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'web.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'doublefault', 'USER': 'doublefault', 'PASSWORD': 'doublefault', 'HOST': 'df-postgres' } } # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ '', ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = '/static/' LOGIN_URL = 'login' LOGOUT_URL = 'logout' LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = 'home' SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE = ( 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_details', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_uid', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_user', 'social_core.pipeline.user.get_username', 'social_core.pipeline.user.create_user', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.associate_user', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.load_extra_data', 'social_core.pipeline.user.user_details', ) SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY = os.environ['GOOGLE_OAUTH_KEY'] SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET = os.environ['GOOGLE_OAUTH_SECRET']
@@ -1193,16 +1193,98 @@ .schema' +,%0A 'MIDDLEWARE': %5B%0A 'graphene_django.debug.DjangoDebugMiddleware',%0A %5D %0A%7D%0A%0AMIDD
version 0.5.17
from collections import OrderedDict from rest_framework import viewsets, mixins, response, reverse NAME = 'vsemionov.boomerang.api' VERSION = '0.5.16' class ApiInfoViewSet(mixins.ListModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet): view_name = 'Api Info' @staticmethod def _get_user_url(request): return and reverse.reverse('user-detail', request=request, args=[request.user.username]) def get_view_name(self): return self.view_name def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs): app = OrderedDict((('name', NAME), ('version', VERSION))) user = OrderedDict((('username', request.user.username), ('url', self._get_user_url(request)))) info = OrderedDict((('app', app), ('user', user))) return response.Response(info)
@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ .5.1 -6 +7 '%0A%0A%0A
fix typo
from flask import Flask, render_template from api import app from api.models import User, Invites, Reset from flask_mail import Mail from flask_mail import Message app.config.update( MAIL_SERVER = '', MAIL_PORT = 465, MAIL_USE_SSL = True , MAIL_USERNAME = '', MAIL_PASSWORD = 'innovativeproject', ) mail = Mail(app) def send_email(subject, sender, recipients, html_body): """ Sends email of given subject, sender, recipents (array) and html template. """ msg = Message(subject=subject, sender=sender, recipients=recipients) msg.html = html_body mail.send(msg) def send_email_register(sender,recip): """ User invitation email. """ email = recip[0] username = email.split('@')[0] admin = sender.split('@')[0] new = Invites.query.filter_by(email = email).first() url = '' + str(new.token) subject = "Cross-apps registration" headerText = "You've received an invitation!" freeText = "Administrator has invited you to join Cross-apps shortcuts!" userTextBold = "You can complete your registartion by clicking the button or entering the link. \n Set up your unique password and make yourself home!" userText = "" send_email(subject, '', recip, render_template("email_reset_template.html", user=username, sender=admin, url=url, subject=subject, buttonText="Register", headerText=headerText, freeText=freeText, userTextBold=userTextBold, userText=userText)) def send_email_reset(email): """ User password reset email. """ recipent = email[0] username = recipent.split('@')[0] new = Reset.query.filter_by(email = recipent).first() url = '' + str(new.token) subject = "Cross-apps password reset" headerText = "Looks like you want to reset your password!" freeText = "Here we send you instructions to set up a new password for your account!" userTextBold = "Please proceed by clicking the button. \n You will be displayed a page that will allow you to set a new password." userText = "If you forget your password again, please consider drinking green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that protect against free radicals that can damage brain cells. Among many other benefits, regular consumption of green tea may enhance memory and mental alertness and slow brain aging." send_email(subject, '', email, render_template("email_template.html", user=username, sender="system", url=url, subject=subject, buttonText="RESET", headerText=headerText, freeText=freeText, userTextBold=userTextBold, userText=userText))
@@ -1414,14 +1414,8 @@ ail_ -reset_ temp
set the module version
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2009 Akretion (<>). All Rights Reserved # authors: Raphaël Valyi, Sharoon Thomas # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## { 'name': 'Base External Referentials', 'version': '1.0', 'category': 'Generic Modules/Base', 'description': """ Definition : a referential is an external system that will interacts with OpenERP Goal : store external system connection details and objects fields mapping This module provide an abstract common minimal base to add any additional external id columns to some OpenObject table, pointing to some external referential. A referential is abstract and minimal at this stage, it only has: * a name * a location (possibly webservice URL, database connection URL...); the connection method will tell it... * referential credentials (user name + password) * placeholders for custom in and out mapping for OpenERP object fields. OpenERP already has limited supported to external ids using the ir_model_data and the id fields in the loaded data such as XML or CSV. We think that's OK to store all referential ids into the same ir_model_data table: yes it makes it large, but synchronisation operations involve a network bottleneck anyway, so it's largely OK and negligible to have a large table here. The existing ir_model_data feature of OpenERP is mostly thought as an mono-external referential (even if the module key of ir_model_data plays some referential scoping role). Here we just push the concept further to assume multiple external ids for OpenERP entities and add the possibility to customize their field mapping directly in OpenERP to accomodate the external systems. """, 'author': 'Raphaël Valyi (, Sharoon Thomas (', 'website': ',', 'depends': ['base','base_pop_up', 'base_file_protocole', 'email_template'], 'init_xml': [], 'update_xml': [ 'external_referentials_view.xml', 'report_view.xml', 'external_referentials_menu.xml', 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'group_fields_view.xml', 'security/base_external_referentials_security.xml', 'report_mail_template.xml', ], 'demo_xml': [], 'installable': True, 'certificate': '', } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
@@ -1081,16 +1081,18 @@ sion': ' +6. 1.0',%0A
Use argparse.
#! /usr/bin/env python3 import json import jsonschema import sys import os def main(equajson_path, schema_path): global filepath filepath = equajson_path with open(schema_path) as schema_file: try: equajson_schema = json.load(schema_file) except: sys.stderr.write("Invalid JSON in schema: `""'"+'\n') raise with open(equajson_path) as json_file: try: equajson = json.load(json_file) except: sys.stderr.write("Invalid JSON in file: `""'"+'\n') raise try: jsonschema.validate(equajson, equajson_schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: sys.stderr.write('\n') raise basename_no_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename([0] # It's easier to make this a global variable # than to thread it through every function. filepath = None if __name__ == '__main__': num_args = len(sys.argv) - 1 if num_args != 2: sys.stderr.write("Usage: python "+sys.argv[0]+" equajson.json schema.json"+'\n') sys.exit(1) main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
@@ -67,16 +67,32 @@ mport os +%0Aimport argparse %0A%0Adef ma @@ -1103,199 +1103,365 @@ -num_args = len(sys.argv) - 1%0A if num_args != 2:%0A sys.stderr.write(%22Usage: python %22+sys.argv%5B0%5D+%22 equajson.json schema.json%22+'%5Cn') +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='validate equajson files')%0A parser.add_argument(%0A '-s',%0A '--schema',%0A help='path to schema file',%0A required=True%0A )%0A parser.add_argument(%0A 'json_file',%0A help='path to json file to validate' %0A +)%0A -sys.exit(1)%0A main(sys.argv%5B1%5D, sys.argv%5B2%5D +args = parser.parse_args()%0A main(args.json_file, args.schema )%0A
use env. variable for sender
from flask import Flask, render_template from api import app from api.models import User, Invite, Reset, ComponentUser from flask_mail import Mail from flask_mail import Message import os app.config.update( MAIL_SERVER = str(os.environ['MAIL_SERVER']), MAIL_PORT = str(os.environ['MAIL_PORT']), MAIL_USE_SSL = str(os.environ['MAIL_USE_SSL']), MAIL_USERNAME = str(os.environ['MAIL_USERNAME']), MAIL_PASSWORD = str(os.environ['MAIL_PASSWORD']), ) mail = Mail(app) def send_email(subject, sender, recipients, html_body): """ Sends email of given subject, sender, recipients (array) and html template. """ msg = Message(subject=subject, sender=sender, recipients=recipients) msg.html = html_body mail.send(msg) def send_email_register(sender,email): """ User invitation email. """ recipient = email[0] username = recipient.split('@')[0] admin = sender.split('@')[0] new = Invite.query.filter_by(email = recipient).order_by('-id').first() url = str(os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS']) + '/api/auth/setpassword?token=' + str(new.token) subject = "Cross-apps registration" headerText = "You've received an invitation!" freeText = "Administrator has invited you to join Cross-apps shortcuts!" userTextBold = "You can complete your registartion by clicking the button or entering the link. \n Set up your unique password and make yourself home!" userText = "" send_email(subject, '', email, render_template("email-template.html", user=username, sender=admin, url=url, subject=subject, buttonText="Register", headerText=headerText, freeText=freeText, userTextBold=userTextBold, userText=userText)) def send_email_reset(email): """ User password reset email. """ recipient = email[0] username = recipient.split('@')[0] new = Reset.query.filter_by(email = recipient).order_by('-id').first() url = str(os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS']) + '/api/auth/setnewpassword?token=' + str(new.token) subject = "Cross-apps password reset" headerText = "Looks like you want to reset your password!" freeText = "Here we send you instructions to set up a new password for your account!" userTextBold = "Please proceed by clicking the button. \n You will be displayed a page that will allow you to set a new password." userText = "If you forget your password again, please consider drinking green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that protect against free radicals that can damage brain cells. Among many other benefits, regular consumption of green tea may enhance memory and mental alertness and slow brain aging." send_email(subject, '', email, render_template("email-template.html", user=username, sender="system", url=url, subject=subject, buttonText="RESET", headerText=headerText, freeText=freeText, userTextBold=userTextBold, userText=userText)) def send_email_token(email): """ Sending requested token. """ recipient = email[0] username = recipient.split('@')[0] new = ComponentUser.query.filter_by(email = recipient).order_by('-id').first() subject = "Cross-apps token delivery!" headerText = "You've received a Cross-apps token!" freeText = "" userTextBold = "Here is your unique token for Cross-app links. \n Token allows you to set your own view order \n and pin your favourite apps to the navbad." userText = str(new.token) send_email(subject, '', email, render_template("email-template.html", user=username, sender="system", url=str(os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS']), subject=subject, buttonText="Visit our website", headerText=headerText, freeText=freeText, userTextBold=userTextBold, userText=userText))
@@ -1476,39 +1476,48 @@ -'' +str(os.environ%5B'MAIL_USERNAME'%5D) ,%0A @@ -2851,39 +2851,48 @@ -'' +str(os.environ%5B'MAIL_USERNAME'%5D) ,%0A @@ -3788,31 +3788,40 @@ -'' +str(os.environ%5B'MAIL_USERNAME'%5D) ,%0A
Fix comment typo
import os from collections import namedtuple import pkg_resources import re from safety import safety from coalib.bears.LocalBear import LocalBear from dependency_management.requirements.PipRequirement import PipRequirement from coalib.results.Result import Result from coalib.settings.Setting import path from coalib.results.SourceRange import SourceRange from coalib.settings.Setting import typed_list # It was for old versions of safety and those versions will be allow in future. def cve_key_checker(vulnerability): # pragma: no cover if 'cve' in if['cve'] is None: return None else: return True else: return None # the safety module expects an object that looks like this # (not importing it from there because it's in a private-ish location) Package = namedtuple('Package', ('key', 'version')) safety_get_vulnerabilities = safety.get_vulnerabilities _insecure_full_json_url = ('' 'safety-db/master/data/insecure_full.json') _insecure_json_url = ('' 'pyupio/safety-db/master/data/insecure.json') def _get_vulnerabilities(pkg, spec, db): for entry in safety_get_vulnerabilities(pkg, spec, db): entry['cve'] = entry['id'] if entry['cve'] is None else entry['cve'] entry['id'] = entry['cve'] yield entry safety.get_vulnerabilities = _get_vulnerabilities class PySafetyBear(LocalBear): """ Checks if any of your Python dependencies have known security issues. Data is taken from's vulnerability database hosted at """ LANGUAGES = { 'Python Requirements', 'Python 2 Requirements', 'Python 3 Requirements', } AUTHORS = {'Bence Nagy'} REQUIREMENTS = {PipRequirement('safety', '1.8.2')} AUTHORS_EMAILS = {''} LICENSE = 'AGPL' CAN_DETECT = {'Security'} def setup_dependencies(self): file = self.download_cached_file(_insecure_full_json_url, 'insecure_full.json') self.download_cached_file(_insecure_json_url, 'insecure.json') type(self).db_path = os.path.dirname(file) def run(self, filename, file, db_path: path = '', cve_ignore: typed_list(str) = []): """ Checks for vulnerable package versions in requirements files. :param db_path: Path to a local vulnerability database. :param cve_ignore: A list of CVE number to be ignore. """ db_path = self.db_path if not db_path else db_path packages = list( Package(key=req.key, version=req.specs[0][1]) for req in self.try_parse_requirements(file) if len(req.specs) == 1 and req.specs[0][0] == '==' ) if not packages: return for vulnerability in safety.check(packages, key=None, db_mirror=db_path, cached=False, ignore_ids=cve_ignore): if 'cve' in vulnerability.vuln_id.strip().lower(): message_template = ( '{}{vuln.spec} is vulnerable to {vuln.vuln_id} ' 'and your project is using {vuln.version}.' ) else: message_template = ( '{}{vuln.spec} is vulnerable to ' '{vuln.vuln_id} and your project is using ' '{vuln.version}.' ) # StopIteration should not ever happen so skipping its branch line_number, line = next( # pragma: no branch (index, line) for index, line in enumerate(file, start=1) if in line ) version_spec_match ='[=<>]+(\S+?)(?:$|\s|#)', line) source_range = SourceRange.from_values( filename, line_number, version_spec_match.start(1) + 1, line_number, version_spec_match.end(1) + 1, ) yield Result( self, message_template.format(vuln=vulnerability), additional_info=vulnerability.advisory, affected_code=(source_range, ), ) @staticmethod def try_parse_requirements(lines: typed_list(str)): """ Yields all package requirements parseable from the given lines. :param lines: An iterable of lines from a requirements file. """ for line in lines: try: yield from pkg_resources.parse_requirements(line) except pkg_resources.RequirementParseError: # unsupported requirement specification pass
@@ -4684,17 +4684,16 @@ nts pars -e able fro
set central prototype executable
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time from app.nrf24 import NRF24 from app.cipher import XTEA from app.message import MessageType # RF Communication constants NETWORK = 0xC05A SERVER_ID = 0x01 # Hardware constants CE_PIN = 25 # Timing constants PERIOD_REFRESH_KEY_SECS = 120.0 CODE = '123456' #TODO refactor all conversion methods into a common place def byte(val): return val & 0xFF def to_int(val): return (byte(val[0]) << 8) + byte(val[1]) def to_long(val): return (byte(val[0]) << 24) + (byte(val[1]) << 16) + (byte(val[2]) << 8) + byte(val[3]) def from_long(val): return [byte(val >> 24), byte(val >> 16), byte(val >> 8), byte (val)] def convert_key(key): key2 = [] for i in key: key2 += from_long(i) return key2 class Device: def __init__(self): self.cipher = XTEA() self.latest_ping = time.time() self.latest_voltage_level = None self.next_key_time = 0 # List of all devices and their encoding keys keys = {} # Current alarm status locked = True if __name__ == '__main__': print "Alarm System Central Prototype..." nrf = NRF24(NETWORK, SERVER_ID) print "NRF24 instance created..." nrf.begin(0, 0, CE_PIN) print "NRF24 instance started..." while True: # Wait forever for remote modules calls #FIXME we should limit the timeout in order to frequently check that all known devices # are pinging as expected... payload = nrf.recv() now = time.clock() # Have we received something? if payload: # Yes, find the originating device and port (message type) device_id = payload.device port = payload.port content = payload.content # Add the device if first time device = keys.get(device_id) if not device: device = Device() keys[device_id] = device print "Source %02X, port %02X" % (device, port) # Manage received message based on its type (port) if port == MessageType.PING_SERVER: device.latest_ping = now payload = [locked] # Check if need to generate and send new cipher key if now >= device.next_key_time: key = XTEA.generate_key() device.cipher.set_key(key) device.next_key_time = now + PERIOD_REFRESH_KEY_SECS payload = [locked] payload += convert_key(key) nrf.send(device_id, port, payload) elif port == MessageType.VOLTAGE_LEVEL: device.latest_voltage_level = to_int(content) print "Source %02X, voltage = %d mV" % (device, device.latest_voltage_level) elif port in [MessageType.LOCK_CODE, MessageType.UNLOCK_CODE]: #TODO decipher code = device.cipher.decipher([to_long(content[0:4]), to_long(content[4:8])]) code = from_long(code[0]) + from_long(code[1]) print "Source %02X, code = %s" % (device, code) #TODO convert to string and compare to CODE # Send current lock status nrf.send(device_id, port, [locked]) else: print "Source %02X, unknown port %02X!" % (device, port)
fix stuff
import datetime from django.http import JsonResponse from dateutil.parser import parse from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from api.models import ( Applicant, Client, Disabilities, EmploymentEducation, Enrollment, HealthAndDV, IncomeBenefits, Services ) def get_applicants(request): applicant = {} return JsonResponse(applicant) def search_clients(request): ''' request.POST = query ''' clients = Client.objects.all() if 'query' in request.POST: q = request.POST['query'] if q.isdigit(): clients = clients.filter(uuid=q) else: clients = clients.filter(last_name__contains=q) return JsonResponse([{ "first_name": c.first_name, "middle_name": c.middle_name, "last_name": c.last_name, "social_security": c.social_security, "date_of_birth": datetime.datetime.strftime(c.date_of_birth, '%m/%d/%Y'), "ethnicity": 1, "gender": 1, "veteran": 1, "year_entered": c.year_entered, "year_exited": c.year_exited, "date_created": c.date_created } for c in clients], safe=False) <<<<<<< Updated upstream def get_applicants(request): app_list = Applicant.objects.all() applicant = [{ "id":, "first_name": c.first_name, "last_name": c.last_name, "why": c.why, "phone":, "email": c.emial, "address": c.address, "birthday": c.birthday, "ethnicity": value_maps.ethnicity[c.ethnicity], "gender": value_maps.gender[c.gender], "veteran": value_maps.veteran[c.veteran], "family":, "domestic_violence": value_maps.domestic_violence[c.domestic_violence], "pregnancy": c.pregnancy, "drug": c.drug, "urgency": c.urgency, "created": c.created, "reviewed": c.reviewed, } for c in app_list] return JsonResponse(applicant, safe=False)
@@ -1181,33 +1181,8 @@ lse) -%0A%3C%3C%3C%3C%3C%3C%3C Updated upstream %0A%0Ade

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