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Dataset Card for DisTEMIST

The DisTEMIST corpus is a collection of 1000 clinical cases with disease annotations linked with Snomed-CT concepts. All documents are released in the context of the BioASQ DisTEMIST track for CLEF 2022.

Citation Information


title={Overview of DisTEMIST at BioASQ: Automatic detection and normalization of diseases
    from clinical texts: results, methods, evaluation and multilingual resources},

author={Miranda-Escalada, Antonio and Gascó, Luis and Lima-López, Salvador and Farré-Maduell,
    Eulàlia and Estrada, Darryl and Nentidis, Anastasios and Krithara, Anastasia and Katsimpras,
    Georgios and Paliouras, Georgios and Krallinger, Martin},

booktitle={Working Notes of Conference and Labs of the Evaluation (CLEF) Forum.
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings},

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