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Is my ozempic pen fake? I am currently taking it and my clinic where I work prescribes it.
Taking GLP-1
I was taking 4 metformin a day with morning blood sugar numbers around 200. I am currently on week 11 of taking Ozempic and only 1 metformin. My sugars are around 100 every morning. I finally feel good.
Taking GLP-1
I just started Ozempic (week 3) but I have been on spirolactone for around a year. The nausea has been really bad but that could also be because I just started Ozempic.
Taking GLP-1
Did I just wreak chaos on myself (just too first dose)? I'm currently up to 1mg and haven't had side effects aside from one day of nausea and constant thirst but I was drinking 1.5 gallons a day before I started taking wegovy.
Taking GLP-1
Juice Fasting on Ozempic? So, I know this may be a random thought… But I was wondering if it’s safe to juice fast while taking Ozempic? I just began taking it about three weeks ago and took my third dosage this morning. I’m at .25, and currently 205 pounds.
Taking GLP-1
I am on victoza. It works well for me. Ozempic made me sick so my doctor placed me back on victoza since it was working. I do want to mention that the side effects of victoza re the same as Ozempic. That includes thyroid issues.
Taking GLP-1
Anyone 170 or below that takes Wegovy? Well it is, Ozempic and Wegovy are actually the same drug. So if you are taking Wegovy, it is affecting your insulin and glucose. I was on Trulicity, insurance made me switch to wegovy.
Taking GLP-1
Has anyone tried ozempic with pcos? I experienced terrible exhaustion on Ozempic. I don't on Mounjaro. Overall, I've had way fewer side effects on Mounjaro.
Taking GLP-1
The beginning of my Semaglutide journey! ???? #semaglutide #ozempic #wegovy #weightloss #health #prediabetes #semaglutideweightloss #change
Taking GLP-1
NTA no it’s No one’s business. I am currently taking Ozempic and trust me I know how hard it is to take these shots.
Taking GLP-1
Questions for some successful people! I have been on .5 Ozempic for 2 weeks now. Today I started calorie counting with my fitness pal. Today I also started intermittent fasting 16-8 I have just started a cpap machine so my energy levels are a great deal better now.
Taking GLP-1
I have FOUR bags of candy left. Looks like I may need to restart my Ozempic in January.
Taking GLP-1
What will obesity rates be like in 2100 - Trust me, Ozempic (Semaglitude) is NOT the "Miracle Drug" that you think it is. Take it from someone who is currently taking it. Sure, it helps some.
Taking GLP-1
ozempic vs rebelsus - was on ozempic last year and worked like a charm .lost 45 lbs in 6 months . Had to stop because of supply . I started rebelsus 10 weeks ago and only lost 5 lbs and dont have the appetite control ozempic did . NO shortage of rebelsus but not as effective . Anyone been on both and there experience between them
Taking GLP-1
Yup, I'm on CRF as well and have probably gained about 50 lbs over time. It sucks. I'm currently taking a smaller dose of mirtazapine and am also on ozempic for weight loss.
Taking GLP-1
July 19 started new lifestyle. Down 30.6 lbs already - Interesting! I started off with Metaformin for a month, but wasn't happy with it, so my doc put me on Ozempic. I just started 0.25. Just for my own understanding, did you doc recommend taking both? If so, did he give any warnings about mixing the two?
Taking GLP-1
I’m on Mounjaro 12.5, started 3 weeks ago. Before that I was on Ozempic (max dose), and Bydureon before that. I’ve been on GLP-1 drugs for probably 6 years. Had terrible gastro side effects for months after starting Bydureon, but no gastro side effects on anything since those resolved. I switched from Ozempic to Mounjaro because Ozempic was no longer keeping my a1c controlled. The first couple of weeks on Mounjaro 12.5 I had overwhelming fatigue, but that has improved a little. But I have noticed I am very, very angry on this dose.
Taking GLP-1
I have been taking Ozempic (semaglutide) since December and am currently at a 1.7 mg dose. I have lost around 15 lbs, and haven’t budged in a few months in weight loss. I recently began taking the lipo-c shot to get over this weight loss plateau and jump start it again.
Taking GLP-1
I'm currently taking a break from Ozempic the constipation is so bad I'm considering a blockage at this point
Not Taking GLP-1
Ozempic causing depressive and anxious relapse? Yes unfortunately I had to quit both Ozempic and Mounjaro due to depression and anhedonia.
Not Taking GLP-1
Dr. Elliott Talks Science: Ozempic Stomach Paralysis - Ozempic is a terrible drug. I stopped taking it…wish I never took it.
Not Taking GLP-1
What's the cheapest way possible to get semaglutide? I'm currently taking 2000mg of Metformin with compounded semaglutide with no issues. I have PCOS and not Type 2, so I sadly don't qualify for Ozempic through insurance.
Not Taking GLP-1
I never said they’re not taking sema, I’m saying they’re not taking Ozempic
Not Taking GLP-1
Eh, there are people (*clears throat*) who need to lose a significant amount of weight to have a shot at a long, healthy life but for whom traditional measures (eat less/healthier, exercise more) just aren't effective or sustainable. I'm not saying this is what you're doing at all, because you're right that there's a culture around Ozempic that is kinda gross ("woo hoo effortless weight loss!"), but the "weight loss is just math" crowd that shames people who need medical intervention to lose weight can jump off a bridge.
Not Taking GLP-1
I really think she quit ozempic but she couldn't eat as much. I took ozempic - eating wasn't "fun" anymore... and that's why I think Amber quit it .... since eating is her joy in life.
Not Taking GLP-1
I was on Ozempic and I lost 40lbs but it stopped there. It cost me $225 Canadian per month. I'm not taking anymore.
Not Taking GLP-1
Maybe you can try Manjaro or a similar drug. Also, I'm sure they have Ozempic replacements in the works that will be released and you could try them.
Not Taking GLP-1
@Autum Pinkerton obviously there are rare instances when children have medical issues that contribute to being overweight, but hormonal imbalances are frequently caused by obesity and not the reverse. Fast food, junk food, soda or even juice instead of water, no exercise, these are the roots of the problem. I think it’s sad not to acknowledge that and suggest putting children on ozempic could be an acceptable solution.
Not Taking GLP-1
I skipped this era, did she ever give a reason why she quit Ozempic? It’s fucking bananas to me she quit after finding something that works for the first time in a decade.
Not Taking GLP-1
I was prescribed Ozempic and was so sick I couldn’t function. The doctor told me to take an antacid. I stopped taking Ozempic I was not interested in taking more pills
Not Taking GLP-1
Wow. Sharon really has lost a lot of weight. I hope that she’s done with the Ozempic.
Not Taking GLP-1
I tried Ozempic but the side effects were awful. Quit after the first week.
Not Taking GLP-1
I just spent an hour sick to my stomach hugging Johnny, thanks Ozempic - I spent 90% of my 5 days on Ozempic on the toilet. Stopped taking it and instantly was better.
Not Taking GLP-1
I ain't gonna lie, I got upset that she quit Ozempic. She was doing her thing and losing weight
Not Taking GLP-1
New Ozempic and Wegovy side effects come to light - After I stopped taking it I developed Gallbladder disease and Pancreatitis
Not Taking GLP-1
My 2c, might as well let people use semaglutide/ozempic because clearly the govt or society in general has led us to a point where being obese or overweight is now the norm.
Not Taking GLP-1
I know 2 people that took Ozempic and quit because they were going downhill on it
Not Taking GLP-1

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