yeah commenter saying base want detest thing small gradual investing nuclear energy tacit acknowledgement man acknowledgement concession primaried minute
comparison efficiency solar fossil fuel nonsensical best intentionally misleading worst universe light photovoltaic cell electricity efficient light entire food chain biomass decomposition million year geothermal heat pressure extraction refining transport burning turbine generator electricity ugly ugly power line road apartment building tractor fence simply care sure million died displacement sea rise famine cause war resource scarcity thank god look solar panel occasionally offshore fracking fuck sake forgotten deepwater horizon disaster think damage gulf coast add million barrel highly toxic fracking fluid mix major environmental disaster courtesy offshore fracking man solar panel sure ugly stop repeating lie fed getting rich fossil fuel couldn care descendant long theirs deal environmentally friendly aspect solar power deal consequence continuing pump carbon atmosphere need grow fuck stop whining view
honestly waiting impact kick fucking sense kidding itll poor suffering rich claim victim hood handout letting starve honestly hard day truly wonder actually
sacramento actually happening world real believe
think tends riled debate club loved throwing subject case discus okay fly pollutes air friend team got worked love travel end actually disagreement flying got heated
mad face definitely
suggest maybe honing lgbtq useful grab bag talking issue law reform workplace discrimination dive addressing stated need literally congregation voted marriage equality couple year ago active push ordination gender relationship significant pushback church council idea include preferred pronoun written communication matter course spending afternoon trying begin pathway respectful conversation think brainer think brainer gender fixed requires discussion edit great list interesting discussion wonder health care addition
need law worth selling agriculture product export need law monetary penalty growing crop particularly viable area natural stand right neighbor double price head cattle exporting country selling right complaining probably complaining
thought share climatological data area nervous drought weather gov weather gov pick area monthly summarized data precipitation sum press july august set record low rainfall breaking low record bad little tropical moisture number check max number sept oct nov break year total low record check number lucky multi contiguous year record low rainfall rare use water crazy conservation warranted right imho understand continually affect weather pattern stock past performance doe indicate future result necessarily getting seriously anxious panic look climatology data linked think feel better fyi drought update national weather service expected sept
blaming environmentalist failure nuclear energy world wide weird government company fuck opinion seen small problem care money nuclear energy cheap industry promised past wasn competitive fossil fuel isn renewables
big solution population control world way carrying capacity talking killing preventing having baby talking free universal reproductive education access birth control remove tax break special treatment given religious institution birth control
sorry long read getting university realizing spout historical nonsense straight lying refusing acknowledge world problem colonialism america fault having tinge racist race apologist undertone funded billionaire massive baby actual way world better debate bros vaush destroyed point easily university getting education helped realize ahistorical wrong cherry picked claim right wing intelligentsia shit islam muslim wrong taken context mention thing colonialism cia overthrowing half government little fact america supporter group claim hate guessing reason hate woke education university talk horrible feminism fail mention thing actually woman aka half world population right allowed society prosper want actively shit country saudi arabia preaching thing praise russia arguably way worse come treatment woman kept asking realized obvious answer white country engrained racist undertone meant deem lesser savage look bad possible based strictly skin color funny preach western civilization western value sure hate thing want non existent past far want lot preach western value past thought realized passed enlightenment passed rome passed greece perfect world denying big think biggest thing massive baby managed convince actually left stick whine bitch moan cancel culture woke left cringe lgbtq content online muslim black socialism actually platform idea actively moving forward cutting tax rich happens fund literally dozen form leftist politics thing realized annoyed shitty content feel entirely outrage porn seen ben biggest video unsubscribed helped left wing content breadtube debate bros vaush destiny easily dispel point actual fact cognitive reasoning talking fast guild voice lucky know lot haven won easier fool convince fooled social medium outlet constantly feed little trickle outrage porn difficult think reasonably
california near coast supposed hit badly looking second home northern minneapolis eastern wisconsin michigan near water northeast ohio thing worse year visited place cleveland suburb especially nice affordable duluth dont think handle big influx cleveland largest city country built need rebuild handle influx let know disagree cleveland choice right yes place aren great right worse better starting experience shorter winter bad winter far bad winter far state government working building water storage recycling currently water fall state harvested recycling water big difference water harvested agriculture city stop farming coastal california bay area going hot california foot sea level rise recently stumbled youtube channel scientist talking state expect future regard youtube
matter define real science science science ignoring invalidate help painting real concern alarmist going bother guess proof forward going link article continue alarmist causing panic reason despite know occurring effort address blocked oil baron koch brother sponsor reactionary think tank denialist propaganda continue milking money buisness inevitably fail project blood money
posted somewhat similar question subreddit ranking biden recently retired reading book author rundown major crisis event president faced responded said crisis giving rundown standard letter grade incomplete guy died office early recently got lincoln think biden easily rank president president lot pretty fucking bad skip section care biden rung filled guy john tyler james buchanan andrew johnson herbert hoover richard nixon george bush donald trump rank kind guy breathtakingly incompetent criminal tyler probably belongs rung guy literally got elected confederate congress civil war thing air trump tyler literally traitor country led deserves rung rung feature guy van franklin pierce gerald ford ronald reagan guy think failed rise challenge day actively worked eye thing worse eye weak feckless president unable unwilling attempt toxic status day case ford haven read presidency preemptively pardoned piece shit nixon rung featuring guy john adam andrew jackson james ulysses grant deserve placement higher rung william mckinley george bush clinton guy giant age lot thing strongly critical think bad guy particular rung occupied guy john quincy adam william howard taft john kennedy jimmy carter guy probably good intention ultimately relatively inconsequential presidency reason probably post reconstruction pre president stem relative lack knowledge charge kennedy bit exception major thing happened president big decision tend think overrated president probably better guy listed nearly good qualify rung adam ranked unreasonably high strongly admire post presidency political career rung actual good president president actually good vision agree vision tactic actually accomplished good thing office critical think weigh firmly positive filled guy thomas jefferson waffle james madison woodrow wilson harry truman dwight eisenhower lyndon johnson barack obama final highest rung president eye qualify great men history politician edition joking aside greatest president mind disagreeable thing think good thing greatly overshadow chronological order great president george washington borderline abraham lincoln theodore roosevelt bit overrated easily favorite president franklin delano roosevelt consider fdr best president joe biden think lot good stuff year half office given political constraint face domestic policy highlight include stimulus check american rescue plan vaccine rollout usps forgiving student loan debt case continuously delaying loan repayment infrastructure chip act pact act inflation reduction act foreign policy highlight include withdrawing completely afghanistan supporting ukraine fight russia iranian regard nuclear deal overseeing massive drop drone strike foreign conflict zone rejoining paris agreement course aspect presidency critical criticism want good difference upgrading slice pizza slice getting pizza think honestly rating presidency important fact biden isn bernie waiting biden example cancel student loan debt think purposefully setting failure disappointment maybe anger understand wanting think ridiculous card deck potential new policy law lot stuff likely going happen especially congress look right kind politician biden far ranking think far biden equal slightly better obama best president lyndon johnson harry truman hopefully train going
idk lack affordable housing time day unnecessary wear vehicle barely afford running primary reason existing work place
mind degree science california wetter past year compared state recent history current aridification american west driven human caused excessive water usage
bad scenario exactly global similar mass extinction event specie extinct humanity likely humanity able respond environment bad scenario misaligned superintelligent human extinction partial dismantling planet resource significantly difficult life recover lot attention potential solution alignment doe
real solution real problem lefty internet talking point sense community illusion smarter morally superior advantage unburdened morally existing real world having ability impact real world talk straw manning accuse opposing action voting imply support minor reform nonsense mutual aid addressing power state majority state influence seriously deal individual community certainly state help market force force industry green brought dictatorship chief criticism left social democrat far imagine power opposition bad mindset democracy mean vote lastly capable accusing try world better place good fact incapable value economic treatment poorer country wealthier country bad promote actual policy actual impact real world better trade deal allow child labor dumping wasting environment deeply stupid claim improve life home idiot online spread fake narrative world zero sum game improve life place possible increasing misery wealth moved wealth state actually isn funded super exploitation international company exploitative demand
staring face face day born stay till foot won face end time child child fixing long destroying good time comparing economy sense
let start saying believe society built completely capitalist society government regulation check company mixed economy result capitalist past forced compromise socialist socialism bad capitalism anymore socialism isn socialism fact socialism country claim socialist socialism democracy earth infinity democracy place earth democracy democracy improves thing having democracy place democracy thing better long implemented result democracy thing improved quality life humanity physical technology socialism ending bad capitalism proven tier value civilization capitalism hate tell pretty bad presently capitalism track burn planet exterminate human specie extreme brought action rich dead care capitalism stop capitalism capitalism rich power decision right need stop bad capitalism way socialism implemented way place rich longer power choose burn planet exterminate humanity line
shit ton pipeline mining capacity personally feel canada need prepare resource tommorow demand today support private investment oil gas russia fact accelerated global shift away oil country away decade government spend money oil gas destroy ecosystem focus natural gas lithium rare earth metal core resource metal iron nickel hydrogen lumber instead exporting need utilize advancement robotics automation manufacture process material cheap price replacing china canada strong position democratic state good freedom little risk combination basically unlimited resource country strong manufacturing industry grow larger growing sector increasing investment government strong ally europe north america posed high growth factor northwest passage melting moderate temperature north help importantly stable government stable banking risk collapse investment
usually big person think probably late cause admit large river world drying touch concerned yangtze rhine thames colorado friend drying tug collar
overturning roe wade child literally forced fetus body live raped heart beat significant chance permanently harming killing child mother year old year old example heard disgusting pas approval sky limit member supreme court openly said going inter racial marriage sex marriage gerrymandering pervasive destroyed ability congress actually represent constituent member government openly spouting blatant hate speech pushing easily debunked conspiracy theory majority party support higher education absurdly expensive university year adjusted inflation believe university actually free place corporation continue gain power wealth gap french revolution literally multiplied couple decade staple foundational book taken school library law going saying school library example holocaust brought yes need pro holocaust perspective pas biggest green helping legislation age lumped ton regressive fossil fuel industry help remember exact specific long day basically court going possibly allowing normally transfer election result decide election rigged cast vote win election wish making stuff list tired saying positive huge shift going honestly bring knee forgone ignored
check paul guy video instagram account man basically life antarctica run non profit called sea legacy working stem tide ocean pollution
correct thing air quality index shanghai think
sure probably vaccine
federal protection introduced protect bird feather egg trade negatively effect habitat loss loss food development isn prohibited edit changed isn woops
sheesh folk believing snow black white sense
fact short sighted effect going time costlier nuclear plant build
speak exact scenario unit tie control setting touchscreen control button
second sense cost space fix
spaceship bad bad
think easiest choice having kid deeply desire kid possible lot want parent experience easier meat desire parenting imho think expecting folk decision pretty wild agree long folk thinking making positive choice disagree positive vague threshold kind dent problem facing easy think contributing reality different lot thing limit choice poor disabled having mentally physically taxing personal situation kept original comment short read long comment mention exception comment problem fit privileged try look alternative
student loan relief largest history medicare prescription drug negotiation aca healthcare subsidy pretty massive fundamentally changing life policy enacted ngl
politics shared sacrifice review science analyze politics mind scientific consensus fact emergency objective fact going treat denier equal voice legitimate opinion objectively exists unfortunately subject opinion
yeah remember article suggesting causing increase heart related issue young sure formal study
sure suggestion massive reduction annual military spending audit existing waste pledge topple democratically elected leader area likely destabilized right
try prevent air pollution enslaving trying improve environment talk enslaving air quality water purity soil affected human global conspiracy think starting
mechanical electrical architectural count day built handle rapidly mean instance norwegian runway seattle street london bridge handle wind rain cold fine triple digit heat wave project illustrates happen unprecedented heat settle built environment isn ready thing happened place world putting fictitious town fictional friend weather crisis handle water shortage wildfire storm real world extreme heat wave catastrophic spiral exacerbate drought foliage fuel wildfire leave barren land susceptible flooding infrastructure ice january waterlogged april bake july concept engineering called assumption assumption said transportation engineer planner assumption changing looked pretty interesting exercise potentially useful actual city work modelling consequence likely scenario community way mitigate worst better plan scenario try deal fact
read making common young adult edit whoa lot denier reddit big yikes problematic
think develop underwater city aside protection extreme planet live water ice liquid methane
real fuck let assume second left winger true human pollution lead earth getting hotter hotter ocean boil animal die know happens earth cool inevitably form life survives leading progression similar happened dawn life nearly billion year ago sure bacteria life bacteria boiling vent volcano safe assume heat won kill easily fucked maybe right conflicting data earth fucked nope
ambient particular matter pollution pollution actual temperature weather extremity meaningfully contribute risk factor equate particulate pollution disingenuous imo
pardon wasn talking heat retaining effect carbon dioxide talking carbon dioxide cascade effect best known cascade effect adding little water turn drip flow standard physic classroom carbon cascade effect little carbon dioxide mean heat retention atmosphere radically increase shown nature replicated laboratory key assumption anthropogenic
actually ozone hole antarctic equator gsfc nasa gov gsfc nasa gov bottomed better earthobservatory nasa gov world ozone earthobservatory nasa gov world ozone yeah fix yeah monumentally screwed specie good news planet fine earth recover life eventually recovers
afford poor earth handle current population getting decent standard living right earth global population bbc news magazine billion time billion counting living standard average person china accounting resource consumption land use carbon emission according cofounder organization provided data graphic significant underestimate aspect good data exists include demand nature larger stated article context average chinese person bit day infographic ourworldindata grapher share poverty relative different poverty threshold country chn adjusting price difference country year earth handle population billion living lifestyle year adjusted price difference country standard living far housed person developed country endure nevermind enjoy life matter hard try sustainable way provide pleasurable existence billion alive mind billion projected exist worse developing country industrialize consume resource caput population boom resource nonrenewable dwindle especially dramatically exacerbating thing moral solution lower birth rate want global genocide eternal poverty planet happening usnews news economy article world bank half world life day mass famine horrific effect resulting flooding resource depletion natural disaster war immigration crisis crisis displace billion theguardian environment sep crisis displace report warns effect environment water supply agriculture causing shortage msn weather topstories latest data food good aren close expected temperature increase reaching net zero emission target second article state expert predict earth run topsoil decade thought right wing backlash syrian refugee crisis mexican immigration gave global resurgence far right bad haven seen mention political crisis war arab spring rise terrorist organization exacerbated rising food price water shortage caused scientificamerican article rising food price heightened arab spring let wrong planet handle billion finite resource available result resource diverted away alive newborn accept reduction quality life child
considering real specific face awesome thing start gearing continues impact way live corporation international business usually complete disrespect human right sustainability time nice thing club granted concede irony toyota terrible polluter defrauding clean air act standard deplorable thing group accountable fluff club posturing environmentally considerate moving forward
period time different difference past machine replaced human physical labour pushed human leverage mental intelligence justify labour value instead artificial intelligence replaces human mental intelligence human leverage main point artificial intelligence fundamentally unique type automation fall fallacy believing human society eventually advance positive direction law nature based insignificant year record bias valuing historical trend prevents correctly new thing similar reason difficulty recognizing human intervention drive mass extinction million specie difficult recognize advancement enables human action negatively impact environment planetary scale especially historical bias drive assume human insignificant discussing planetary scale event
absolutely fucked political turn industry money meaningfully positive thing attempt improve thing going forward called tyranny fucking mush brain propagated age social medium disinformation
expect future great lake region nice place live
falling domino starting reverse ending total collapse society
ironically pretend concerned
need bus bike walk way survive car bike
donated university mean result research scientist intentionally publishes misleading information destroy entire career fact regardless result scientific research plenty science left suddenly discovered covid vaccine unsafe aren lose job fact work receive funding develop vaccine safe covid vaccine perfectly safe work developing future vaccine effective especially newer variant essentially likelihood donation influencing result scientific research having pretty quickly exceptionally low remember cigarette company funded research proved smoking safe remember independent research disproved fossil fuel company funding research prove isn real
solution going going increase airline ticket price average consumer lol
wrong try debunk fossil record bible teach kid
cause human natural cycle agree effect getting drastic pas deadline hit edit autocorrect
sure arguing long term greenland ice loss medium present issue kind scientist worry yes know higher happen decade medium sensationalizes extreme event tied statistically trend spurious suspect climatologist
greatest country earth strike major city water state power grid buckling self imposed million plus dead pandemic sorry produce immediate infinitely growing profit need money american plan told government serving quality life citizen socialism tell unforgivable evil need funnel billion arm manufacturer betcha difficulty immediately passing congress
yeah main thing sort iffy want world unification case super difficult convince yeah civil war problem continue separated divided won focus truly matter science technology backward war continue way eventually deprive resource constant war bang multiple nuclear war tired opposite nation shit worse flooded scorched frozen unite solve
forget milquetoast center left rainbow capitalism won stop wealth inequality consumerism wage theft private prison excessive working hour food shortage expensive rent expensive healthcare city designed car
charge car hot work kid school dunno guy acting isn bad look state definitely going worse grid need able handle heat wave
racist semi fascist
think way definitely wait kid house year truth stop carbon emission tomorrow screwed thwaites bunch ice permafrost thawing releasing ton methane disappearing ice going leave darker surface absorb heat entering massive positive feedback cycle technologically ability stop point think feasibly stop happening genie bottle ride positive feedback source run fuel decade methane break year break fantastic dunno man think goose cooked honestly long virologist spurned lover decides manufacture bunch novel contagious deadly virus release public genome thousand virus publicly available online equipment purchased cost house having worked university lab old equipment end storage forget virologist old stuff home notice asking stephen paddock david jim jones francisco gonzales david burke devin kelly james holmes need reason
pipeline blown david suzuki leader act nationalpost news canada pipeline blown david suzuki leader dont act matter suzuki criminal incitement terrorism reference person communicating statement knowingly advocate promotes commission terrorism offence general offence section knowing offence committed reckless offence committed result communication guilty offence liable imprisonment term year
wanted government probably couldn afford include adaptation measure budget best bet developed nation pressured contributing adaptation fund developing nation justified created emission industrialised
pardon wrote science isn consensus told wrong overwhelming majority scientist drew conclusion isn true issue science proven measured predicted predicted measured science remember prediction having antarctica going hot equator remember snow going thing past remember global temperature supposed rise remember specie supposed perish remember great barrier reef supposed die historically half time science finding thing fit conventional wisdom true ancient greek best information anthropogenic wrong need focus thing fix
convert believing present factual evidence objective truth romance objective polyamory objectively better monogamy believe
think need deal asap consider near future hold aggressive rain yay
anybody paying attention insane weather event happening china black swan
solid motivate versus warning happen unfortunately shit getting real human wake actually time case time real probably boned
electric car
europe pakistan china western dealing unprecedented accelerating driven drought flood energy crisis difficult time seeing ink spilled gone wrong extinction scenario given massive ongoing anthropocene extinction event
think definition lol
think loss week deal week later need worry brought thinking gave
strong view forever individual christian stupid stuff believing
actual transformation necessary stop lifetime
approach moving think important consider end goal lot important conversation finance talk agree plan joint account joint account slightly different percentage depending making time mind different point relationship financial balance shift earn time earn time real important thing able adapt finance marriage life division household labor self explanatory family expectation course want kid raise managing individual family got toxic family member responsibility place boundary defend spouse got toxic law better thing life career goal obviously supportive honest going talk stuff goal circumstance going individual goal career create relationship marriage feel freedom pursue individual goal shared friendship similar life career goal shared mutual friend individual friend sure balance yes majority time spent truly healthy relationship marriage need create time space allow grow individual mean spending time friend long shady trust isn worry unsure specific friend communicate feeling therapy marriage counseling open thing thing bad marriage let know marriage open option ask predict future relationship marriage sour kind reason happen know open therapy marriage counseling resort thing bad establishes certain level trust health food exercise sure health seriously physical mental obviously care individual health responsibility guy exercising fine better guy exercise individually fine long taking care mental health seek therapy possible social issue politics self explanatory lot know partner stand hot button issue kid came gay trans spectrum handled want discus thing systemic racism feel crisis end life medical decision probably feel far thing understanding need want come quality life important medical power attorney knowing partner want doe want critical thinking coastal huge topic moving right progress relationship moving thinking bigger picture thing better discus stuff international local tricky situation standard copy paste advice follows lived partner lot important question ask closing distance having moving thing consider subject biggest moving doe visa moving process look financials need work let real logistics aren sexy dream come true important ask question work sense logistical question timeline realistic timeline happen obligation need met prior closing distance living situation moving living separate finding new apartment staying old place finance plan split cost visa moving cost financially viable time explored fact time tough conversation happen process closing distance consider having bigger picture conversation happens significant failing thrive new home job struggling friend generally miserable want think reality wise contemplate rabbit hole realize stuck vague relationship timeline goal want kid year house sure page joined goal willing sacrifice better live big city hometown career schooling opportunity willing try moving closing distance mean exactly currently moving city beneficial rarely couple contemplate realistic expectation living visiting likely experiencing real day life won vacation mode doe normal look individual lifestyle compliment clash
want actual action prefer post feel progressive stupidest thing read today week comment equally stupid tough competition
politics art possible isn necessarily opinion come passed know candidate gotten thing passed biden bernie sander hold opinion closer subreddit including mean bernie biden place gotten thing passed left biden guarantee shot free college ubi president johnson badass effective sell ice water arctic btw think lot younger appreciate big deal bargaining prescription drug price watch come congress handily defeated talking getting downvotes democrat republican prescription drug total health care cost big deal legislation obviously far want remarkable able passed senate evenly split
alive hour original post reddit worldnews comment deleted submission flagged flair submitted tried article post confidence old score claim torture china uyghurs credible reddit worldnews comment hot hour claim torture china uyghurs credible reddit worldnews comment removed minute point return crunch time china try fend property crash reddit worldnews comment removed day largest lake dry china dig deep water crop reddit worldnews comment removed day right chief tremendous pressure report china uyghurs reddit worldnews comment removed day taiwan vow counter attack china force enter territory reddit worldnews comment removed hour heatwave china severe recorded world reddit worldnews comment removed day man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment day man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment day man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment removed day man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment day current heatwave china severe recorded world reddit worldnews comment removed day defiant taiwan resolve stand china battle anniversary reddit worldnews comment day taiwan vow counter attack china force enter territory reddit worldnews comment hour tuvalu minister china needed action reddit worldnews comment day elon musk criticized writing china censorship agency magazine reddit worldnews comment removed day solomon island ban navy ship port china security deal reddit worldnews comment day history compare china brutal heat wave weather historian reddit worldnews comment removed day nato chief warns canada russia china design arctic reddit worldnews comment day info completely unrelated unhelpful case apologize learning got coverageanalysisbot
alive minute original post reddit worldnews comment deleted submission flagged flair submitted tried article post confidence old score claim torture china uyghurs credible reddit worldnews comment hot hour claim torture china uyghurs credible reddit worldnews comment hot hour right chief tremendous pressure report china uyghurs reddit worldnews comment removed day point return crunch time china try fend property crash reddit worldnews comment removed day defiant taiwan resolve stand china battle anniversary reddit worldnews comment day largest lake dry china dig deep water crop reddit worldnews comment removed day taiwan vow counter attack china force enter territory reddit worldnews comment removed hour man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment day man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment day man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment removed day man hole tribe brazil reddit worldnews comment day solomon island ban navy ship port china security deal reddit worldnews comment day vow restore ukrainian rule crimea reddit worldnews comment day tuvalu minister china needed action reddit worldnews comment day info completely unrelated unhelpful case apologize learning got coverageanalysisbot
second sum crypto wallet sure seed imprinted memory burn pack light bag min video stuff buy later want head door straight airport flight non extradition country plane chill hotel week order room service plan choose hot country switzerland kinda cash residency start new life sure transfer crypto holding slowly surely asset class rent lease buy house car harder pill swallow deep breath accustomed thought tell anybody try blend possible rest new life got second chance new beginning way shackle financial born low profile exchange moderately happy stress free rest life remember walter white experience disappearing
sound year lie fact piss easy google year focus economy die abandon hippie view
hear river dried
fucking article realize electricity coming right world power coming fossil fuel matter car directly burn fossil fuel facility provides electric power doe burn fucking stupid article disproving fucking car public transport wouldn mess need car europe
capitalism endless growth resource extraction mindset earth finite resource sensitive natural capitalism lot raise standard living developed country vast majority ghg emission large company promoted false claim regard think fair blame unregulated capitalism regard protecting environment need stronger regulation hypothetical non capitalist government going emit lot assuming industrial superpower industry state owned greater potential regulation environment individual action negligible term impact want live sustainably great action mega corporation overall outlook ironically government currently propping non renewable source energy massive subsidy politician major party money coal oil lobbyist
excuse went buy grocery comment composed assertion unidentified type fallacy providing argumentation support assertion use youtube skeptic bro language informal fallacy called proof assertion fallacy wikipedia wiki calling dont fallacy doesnt automatically need substantiate overt strawman position let clear strawman dictatorship mass execution advocate dictatorship advocate mass execution government member bolshevik gonna step game argue actual position want genuine discussion sure argument sit hardcore oppose action electoralism wasting year fantasy systemic violence inaction outweighs visible revolutionary violence reminder sure strawman absurdly time strawman going global socialist revolution year strawmanning anti reform arguing strawman comment clearly state support reform dont _only_ support minor reform oppose revolution definitely support reform electoralism happen advocate additional action outside electoralism especially building mutual aid community network safety mechanism able withstand shock type action extremely peaceful paragraph hilariously absurd read twice sure wasnt missing point given reason mentioning lightbulb let example tell swedish lightbulb lol actually come extracted rare earth element electronics portion bulb example spoiler swede slave kid world nation electronics dangerous waste sent southeast asia picked apart slave wearing protection chronically poisoned info happens swedish waste int news room question answer item child digital waste health environmental challenge waste management developing country politely ask spare youtube skeptic bro language unnamed unspecified asserted fallacy individual ive encountered political reddit knew actually use term underline wrong hah
pontificating present coherent argument believe severe heatwave worst record reportedly increased death rate region related
fun look snowfall green christmas canada spot trend city experiencing snow average green christmas especially worse area canada environment service weather general tool resource historical christmas snowfall data html canada environment service weather general tool resource historical christmas snowfall data html check frequency snow depth past green christmas nice year green christmas past city having snow
running haven expressed single clear position thread politician clearly failing topic truth saying conservative conservative conservative conservative conservative conservative conservative conservative conservative conservative conservative evidence clearly major party guilty useful yeah conservative worse cow come home want sound broken record emission increased signing paris accord promise plant million tree turned tree ground year trudeau reign bring manufacturing canada instead relying cross ocean trade trudeau constantly flying vanity pet project spooky conservative power year able look past year trudeau majority got thing expensive trudeau alliance ndp obsessive yelling conservative showing thing wearing tribal blinder bring conversation
probably sindh province received higher average rain received monsoon season yeah gonna damage matter certainly caused
commuted bike year grad school louisiana advice ride slowly doe absolutely lol start sweating immediately stepping outside house slightly harder undergrad dedicated office space store stuff crucial thing bike commute tolerable hell period late november bring underwear relatively easy small stuff backpack specified recommend commuting sport bra thing changing arrive day bring clothes new shirt amazing far simply dry underwear making comfortable day quick sink bath soon arrive campus lock bike good restroom run wrist cold tap minute help stop sweating faster cold tap lukewarm summer super annoying damp paper towel wipe changing clothes previous point key try start cooling stop sweating process asap paper towel won good bring deodorant office travel deodorant backpack stay building good thoroughly cool ymmv depending class schedule course grad school coffee shop edge campus early morning work ride walk bike office later
understanding california special exemption create independent set rule state severe pollution issue past path open improve virginia took youngkin certainly care virginia environment
sound year begin fix pipe dream mean
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