Since cassava brown streak disease is aproblem and disturbing also spreads easily now to control what can bedone? afarmer from apac district
['Please use clean, tolerant planting materials. make sure the source fields are certified']
What are the best months of planting maize?
['I hope you planted by now']
How can we mitigate rotting in beans in case rain is t贸o much as we have replanted as a result of hailstone affecting us
['It is caused by a fungal disease which comes due to too much moisture or dampness', 'I request the beans program, mr ssekandi wilber to respond. here in the zone, climbing beans are just being introduced ']
What bean variety does well in kiboga?
['Short beans for example nambale. ']
What is likely effects of not replacing new seeds every season?
['Poor yields']
Wot cause rotting of cassava root tubers
['Army worms are controlled with pesticides and not herbicides. can use rocket imado...., etc. it better u start early e.g. monitored 10 days after germination. ', 'Up to 500kgs']
What pesticide is best for controlling armyworm in arua district
['Clobenzo and amdocs']
When is better to plant cassava?
['Plant cassava early at the onset on rains']
What are the major insects which destroy beanl leaves,?
['All leaf eating insects like beetles, leaf miners, grass hoppers (and all crickets) small caterpillars, etc eat bean leaves']
What type of soils are favourable for planting cassava
['Loam soil']
How can you identify cassava chemicals which are not toxic to the plant?
['All chemicals are toxic. use them according to the manufactures instructions. also use them if all other methods have failed']
Where do we get makert for dried cassava
['Please talk to your district commercial officer for advise on cassava market']
How can maize streak virus be controlled? .
['U uproot the affect plant and throw away far from ur garden or burn it', 'Use tolerant maize varieties']
Farmers ask varieties of cassava that is resistant to diseases
['The narocass varieties 1 and 2 are resistant to. cmd. the 2 varieties are also tolerant to cbsd. this means that they can survive cbsd', 'Narocas.1', 'We have narocus 2 is doing well and resistant to diseases.']
Iam planting maize advice me how to apply fertilizer.l have dap and npk
['An expert will reachout to help. ', "Don't use npk on maize, instead apply dap at planting and urea at weeding nkee height at a rate of 10 grams per plant "]
Will you be paying us salary?
['Narocus 1']
Narocass 1 and made 14 which are said to be disease free are all affected in my area by cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak, will it put tubers? can farmers still multiply these stems when they mature because the farmers now don't have any other hope.
['That might not be narocass1.please consult the production office to access the clean planting materials ']
What is the measure cause of the army worm
["There is no major cause of fall army worm. it's a pest which migrated from america to africa. only that it's favoured by dry spell"]
What causes wilting of beans in the garden?
['This depends on crop but for beans (if all important factors are favourable), by 7 to 10 days the seeds would have germinated', 'Lady gloria, you may need to give a response and the frequency used. what determines the amount? etc. thanks']
I always see some maize combs having a variety of colours ranging from purple , blue , red , orange , yellow , white etc. what causes such maize to have all those colours in one comb,?
['Cross pollination effects']
What causes molds in beans and how can the farmer prevent it.
['Moulds can be prevented with proper drying of beans and ensuring dry conditions in the store (avoid moist conditions)']
Where is the market for kakira sorted beans?
['Well, we are still in a april. but plant longe 5 as it matures early as compared th hybrids. however, if you know the pattern of rain in your region, you can as well plant hybrid but not in may']
Give us fliers about the disease
['U will get at a later time']
['Wa cako ki pwonyo lupur ma ikin paco. wun ma wunongo pwony myero wu pwony lupur mukene ikin gang']
Which places should be avoided when collecting soil sample
['Under trees', 'Rocky places', 'Wetspots,old manure,urine spots', 'Only on rocks']
What causes prise fluctuation in maize production samuel arua
['Seasons. when the season is good, there will be good harvest for many farmers hence low market and vise-versa ']
Which condition is suitable for maize plantation
If we advocates of cassava who will advocate for price
['First let farmers grow enough issues on prices will follow later']
What is the best type of fertilizer for beans? ,
['Beans like other crops require major nutrients npk but n should be limited just before and during flowering in order to encourage seed development at the expense of too.much leafy vegetation', 'Even dap is good']
During drying of beans after harvest,how can you test the required moisture content? .
['There a salt test, u can try to break the seed using your teeth, etc, etc']
I planted maize the past season and had used cow dung while sowing the drought affected the maize i intend to plant maize again in the same place do i need to apply cow dung again or i plant with out
['It is required to improve on the soil fertility for good yields']
I heard mixed beans have the highest nutrient is it true?
['Not true', 'The nutrient rich beans are available. even if you mixed beans low in nutrients, they may not compete with a certain rich nutrient bean in terms of nutritional value']
What transmit cassava mosaic
['White flies', 'Yah white flies through the dissemination of stem cuttings', 'Bemisia tabaci or vector whitefly', 'The whiteflies']
What is the best varity
['Narocass1 and nase14']
Where's market for kakira beans?.
["I don't know of a variety called kakira. may be u use a picture for us to identify it. for markets, please contact your district commercial officer, produce stores, etc"]
Am sese musema from kiryandongo district,how can l prevent the invasion of army worms in my maize garden
['Do early planting and when you see signs early, spray with recommended pesticides e.g amdocs, ... ...', 'Spray 3x after every 10 days ']
Is broad casting method good in application of fertilizers?
['Use of fertilizers is good when you plant in rows because you have to put it in the holes where you are going to plant the seeds', "It's good for crops that take to use fertilizer", "Adjumani district,, it's not good in terms of proportion", 'It is not economical especially if you are doing commercial farming']
What are the measures farmers can take minimize crop losses during storage
['Drying seeds properly', 'Regular checking ot the store']
Dear fellow farmers in kabale and neighbouring districts at large in greater kigezi, what is the current method of planting and staking climbing beans especially in this coming season of march 2021 .?
['Thanks for your question,use row planting and upright bean stakes. .']
How can i know that soil lacks air as a major nutrient
['Poor germination that takes long time']
. how is fall armyworm pest different from common stalk borers in terms of crop injury and damage?
[', crop damage remain crop damage, the difference is that fall army worm is a noctanal while the ordinary maize booreres can feed during the day ']
How long are we going to work?
['One year']
Kato masindi how can we control stoke burera at early stage?
['By sprying earlier in two weeks after germinating.']
Which fertalizer is good for beans veriety narow 3 in arua
['The bean variety is called narobean 3, fertilizers are not variety specific, so use any fertilizers following the recommendations in question above', 'Thanks for you.']
Which type of fertilizer is used in the planting of beans seeds like nabe 15
['Npk', 'Always think of phosphorous fertilizers or poultry litter at planting just after germination']
When shall we get anew verilaty
['A new variety of what? varieties are developed according to the need and released as they are available. plant varieties take long to develop, hence the long process. especially now when the breeder has to breed against many fronts including climate change', '3 new cassava varieties may be released early next year.']
Which season is good for growing beans.
['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ']
I am trying to send photos but it is failing to send what could be the problem?
['Check network connection properly and resend them. or check with your datas you may have lost all over']
What is proper spacing of cassave .
['1 x 1 meter spacing. but for intercropping, one may vary the spacing by widening it accordingly']
How will u help those districts which are notvrepresentedn
['When you perform very well, we shall roll it to other farmets']
How many times do we spray beans
['Against what boss', 'You can at least make this in three stage two weeks after germinate , at z frowerig stage ,& after frowering', 'Three times in aseason.']
How do i access the effective pesticides of army fall worms
['Get in touch with your nearest agro-dealer']
What are the advantages of spacing beans during planting
['To improve on high yield and allowing proper circulation of air', 'For better weeding and spraying', 'To promote the quality of beans hence good yielding of beans', 'Improves rapid growth and yield']
How long should artificial fertilizers be used in a certain piece of land in order to avoid degradation?
['A year after a year', 'Fertilization depends on crop and organic matter content of the soil. it would be advisable to always apply fertilizers after soil analysis. however, inherently, our soils (especially in buganda) are poor. by default the lack n, p and k. soil erosion is also causing lot of depletion. it is advisable that the inorganic fertilizers be applies every cropping season. remember fertilizers will not work well if the soil does not have organic matter']
What is the best herbicide for weeding groundnuts
['Any selective herbicide may do but should be applied a few days before planting. others may also be applied after planting']
Is it advisable to leave maize stocks in the garden and manure ?
I would like to know the ways of keeping cassava planting material during dry season with out being damage by the goat
['Cut them, tie in bundle of 100 sticks, dig a small hole the size of a basin under a big leafy tree, put the base in the hole, cover with little soil and keep pouring water to it every two weeks till planting']
Do bean weevils affect the germination of bean seeds?
["Soil fertility is key in maize production especially npk. don't use water logged soils (ensure well drained soils). hence, a good loam soil is advantageous", 'U mean after planting it under the ground i say no when u do seed selection well']
How can the bitterness in cassava tubers be reduced
["No. if it's drought not much you can do.", 'If you start with a clean seedbed, weeding twice is enough. thanks', 'Sugar 31 or nabe 12c, locally called masavu']
Can pesticide get spoiled by storing it after spraying
['True because all has there expiry dates']
How can i control whaitfly?
['We advice farmers not to bother with whitefly control. but control disease to deny whitefly the source of virus for infection of other plants']
Is planting using oxen better than hand hoe
['Oxygen in faster and row planting can vmbe achieved faster and easily']
How many cuttings of cassava should a farmer plant in one hectare?
['Unpredictable', 'Approximately 10000 cuttings when you plant 1m * 1m.']
What type of fertilizer is good during planting of naro bean 3?
['As has been earlier explained, a phosphorous rich fertiliser like dap, ssp, tsp are all good. the importance of this fertiliser is to increase and fasten root growth.']
Am resty. from mayuge what can we do to access. good valiets. of cassava cutting s for planting
['Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ', 'If the stems are planted in a relatively wet soil, there will be no serious effect of termites. you can eliminate anti hills before planting ']
What are the criteria for variety selection in maize?
['Oliva, nase stands for bean varieties released by namulonge bean programme under naro, but naro bean varieties have bean realesed by naro at namulonge. the difference is just in the time of release. the nabe beans were released before naro really alignment but naro bean varieties have been released after the naro program re alignment ', 'You can use selective herbicides eg. maize plus, lomax etc', "No. if it's drought not much you can do."]
What are the best seed varieties for beans on market
['Nabe l and nadi']
Why is that whitefly multiple faster and spread quickly
['Favourable climatic conditions', 'The white flies are pests which increase in numbers depending on the host plant and environmental conditions']
Which fertilizer can be used for improving productive of maize
['The information we provide is good for researchers to compile the pressing problems and submit to either research or responsible organisation. all that we enjoy is coming from research (not only agricultural research). remember research can only be done if there is a problem and researchers need to be informed. this forum is one of the ways. please keep forwarding the problems', 'Dap for planting and urea for top can also spray with super grow.', 'Dap and urea are good for improving the productivity of maize', 'Sulphate of ammonia: this promote rapid growth and increase crops yield as well improving on the the quality of the seeds']
Will organisation fund the demo garden in case we set them and were?by hellen
['If it was in the work plan']
How can farmers control cbsd on the farm.kiboga
['Use clean planting materials and tolerant variety']
Which chemicals are best for spraying beans after flowering?
['Please be specific? spraying against what? ']
How long does naricas 1 take in the garden?
['Cassava takes one year in the field but we can recommend that in case of famine at home u can start eating at 8 months by picking one by one from each plant until one year']
Which maize variety is resistance to both pest and diseases
['I noticed that longe 5 is more resistant than the other varieties']
Some farmers have a belief of removing the first leaf from the bean soon after germination that it had become into contact with soil it a good practice? .
['This depends on beliefs from a certain area but it is true most diseases are soil bone. but this is not practical for a bigger field', 'Thanks alot for your response']
Which type of disease is mostly affect'g cassaver
['The cassava brown streak diseased', 'The common diseases of cassava are cassava mosaic virus disease, cassava streak virus and root rots. however, the two virus diseases are more common.', 'The common diseases of cassava are cassava mosaic virus disease, cassava streak virus and root rots. however, the two virus diseases are more common.']
What bean variety is recommended for planting in season with heavy rains?
['Those that have high water retention']
How can local farmers determine the acidity of the soil?
['Poor growth due to much salt']
Can peas be mixed with groundnut and yield good variety
[", that is not correct at all, the correct thing is that once you use fertilizers, you get better yields than when you don't and the soil is not fertile. this has no effect on the subsequent crops grown in the coming season. ", 'This depends on crop but for beans (if all important factors are favourable), by 7 to 10 days the seeds would have germinated']
I need cassava stem cuttings to plant in an acre of land. where can i get them and at what price? am benson from katuna kabale district
["Go to kachwekano research institute in kabale and ask. if you can't find it then try come to namulonge"]
Where can farmers get torelant seed varieties
'We need to see pictures to make a good conclusion. however could that be bean root rot.', 'Against what boss']
Can maize. grow in clay soil
['Yes as long as it contain plants nutrients']
Farmers always burn maize residues, is it a good or bad practice
['Bad practice because when the remains rot in the soil it improve on soil fertility', 'What if they store pests that destroy crops']
How can farmers in kiboga get naro bean1-3 in case there's need.
['The beans are available in farm supply shops. you can contact beans program naccri or your zonal naro institute muzardi. harvest plus also promotes narobean 1-3']
What disease or pest causes the beans to wither immediately after germination?
['Maybe soil acidity', 'Nematodes']
What causes cassava trees to dry before maturity?
['Bacteria that causes rotting of the cassava tubers']
I have sent images but, i have not received any payment were is the problem
['Hmmm, please call gloria for payment issues']
What are the major fertilizers are required in cassava production in order for increased produ
['Only is it was open pollinated or composite maize variety. never use hybrids to plant as seed from previous season unless it was breeders seeds managed in a specific way', 'Diammonium phosphate', 'If the soil is rich in soil nutrients especially with high organic matter and good ph, well drained and not stony one may not need to apply fertilizers. but, being a root crop, some phosphorous may be applied to encourage root growth']
What soils are recommended for bean growing?
['There are a number of leaf eating pests like caterpillars and beetles. of recent there are snails. spray with insecticides where necessary.']
Can newly havested bean seeds gives good production when planted again omoses from arua city
['If dried well of course will give good yield, also provided you harvested then when they were ready']
What chemical is best recommended for weeding beans? afarmer from kiboga.
['The recommended chemical for weeding beans is called potent buy from agro chemical shops in your area .musinga david from katuna kabale district.', 'There is a new chemical called bean clean. please find out from genuine chemical suppliers']
Question 2:l could recall very well , during training we were recommended to use ' ambusi' on fall army warm but getting it is not a simple task.for that case, do you have other alternative pesticide.
["I don't remember this recommendation in any training unless or otherwise but there are pesticides like amdocs, rocket, striker, chlobenzo.......(check with genuine agro-dealers. "]
What is the spacing of cassava and maize intercropped together?
['5 meters', "In case you want to intercrop cassava with maize, please plant cassava 1.5m from one row to another, then 1m from one plant to the other. plant only one row of maize in the middle of the cassava rows. i'm sure you will get maximum yields for both crops."]
What is the longest period of narocas to live in soil after maturity without rotting?
['Narocass1 can stay in the soil safe for about 3 years']
How can we identify as farmer
['Talk about yourself to the disttict and sub county officials']
Where in uganda can i get the local maize variety
Which method ican use cheeply to control weed in beans but and cannot affect de bean growing and de soil
['Use a selective herbicide /chemical called bean clean or potent. use 200-280 mls in 20 litres of water/ pump, depending on type and stage of weeds', 'So one litre can weed 1 acre']
Who has never had any problems on the app
['I have never had any problem with the app']
Is it good to plant maize only in the first season?
['All crops can be grown in any season only that people have perceptions. and for maize, the second season is even longer and wetter']
I need to know more about how chropyil cause cassava brown streak disease..
['Chlorophyll does not cause cbsd, it caused by viruses that attack the chlorophyll molecules turning them yellow']