Suggest ways in which the properties of sandy and clay soil sample can be improved so that they can become fertile enough to sustain a variety of crops
['Add organic fertilizer', 'Digging and covering with grass']
Why is it that beans planted in october period grow somehow stunted as compared to the one planted in june/ july season?
['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ', 'May be this one depends on the area but beans grow well in both seasons. e.g. the new naro beans take only two months to mature and by then rain or moisture is still']
What pesticide is good for maize
['Question not specific ', 'Depends on what to control e.g. weeds, pests like fall army worm of diseases? you can simplify it for us', 'This is a good question, but not specific to what pest of maize you want to control? however you can use dimethoate to control all sacking pests like thrips, aphids, and mites. you can also use cypermethren for biting pests like cut worm, carterpillars, and locasts. also you can use rocket and related pesticides in that family to control fall army worm applied in evening hours preferably after 5.00 pm']
What method control of the maize strike disease
['Plant early, plant improved varieties, uproot the infected plants and burn']
Beans are much affected by heavy rains .what should the farmer do to avoid loss.
['You will experience a problem if it has dried and it rains when the beans are still in the garden, otherwise, the new bean series can tolerate the rain']
What bean varieties should i plant in kamuli
["Again consider market availability and personal interest, but still i highly recommended the nutrient rich bean varieties ie narobean 1, narobean 2, narobean 3 and narobean 6; narobean 7 is also good but black in colour, i don't know if you're okay with it"]
What should be the right space for planting maize?
['Crops (including beans) can be weeded wherever necessary. it is only that the soil may be hard yet you need to heap the beans. above all, weeding during dry season makes the weeds dry and die faster. however, one has to be careful not to injur the beans ', 'What you need to know is that in uganda no one is allowed modified crops in the fields, we naro only improve the crops through cross breeding. so the sugar series are not modified in the lab but were bred in a conventional way. the parents are some of the old varieties you used to know that had colors like munyamunyu and some of the soft varieties like kiryohire ']
Can naro help arua farmers source out cassava procesesing machine
['Talk to the abi zardi management and this should be in writing requesting for the same. u must be in a group not individual']
What are the roles of mineral matter/particles in the soil
['Hold plants roots in the soil', 'Make the frame work of the soil', 'Decomposition', 'Helps crops grow and mature']
Can beans be milled like soyabean for human consumption
['I think no', 'Yes, beans can be pretty treated to remove toxins e.g. through roasting. this can be processed into flour and used for human and animal consumption as food and feed respectively.']
Musema from kiryandongo district , in these season we normal have short term rain, so experts which breed of maize seed can u recommend me to plant during these season, secondly what is the recommended spacing and how many kilograms is required for 1acre of land
["Hello musema, variety choice to be planted largely depends on what's available in your market. water efficient maize would be the right choice if you anticipate drought. they take 120 days to mature. we have four varieties in the market we 2101-we2106. yes you can plant this season, seed rate is 10kg/acre at a spacing of 75cmx 25cm (one seed per hole) or 75cm x 50cm (2 seeds/hole)", 'Thanks']
Apart from supergro, what other fertilizer can a farmer use to retain moisture in the garden during the period of drought?.
['I think it is only supergro']
Can we still plant maize or it's late?
['Well, we are still in a april. but plant longe 5 as it matures early as compared th hybrids. however, if you know the pattern of rain in your region, you can as well plant hybrid but not in may']
Which variety of maize is more affected by maize streak
['Recent released varieties are torelant to maize streak virus']
For how long are we serve?
['For one year']
Is there specific fertiliser for cassava? if yes which one.
["We don't advise farmers to use fertilizer as of now. because its expensive"]
Which maize product is good 4 growing
['Longe 5(non hybrid) longe 6h, 7h, 9h 10h, bazooka, wema 2115, uh5351', 'If the soil fertile, grow hybrid. if not very fertile, grow non hybrid like longe 5']
Which variety of beans is used in biscuit production ? my name is musinga from kabale katuna town council
['Oba which biscuit? of recent, the zinc and iron rich bean seeds from naro namulonge are used in fortifying a number of food products including baked products, flour, etc. hence, pick pick from naro bean series']
Will peer project introduce pest control method and disease vaccination for crops policy.
['No, use the knowledge you acquired to advise farmers to control pests and diseases in their farms. there are no vaccines or medicine for viral diseases. ']
What makes beans to dry
['Maybe for project management??']
Narse 14 takes about how many months to mature and the same to narocast 1 and 2 afarmer from apac
['Ask cassava expert']
How much is a kg of maize right now in kampala?
['We need to receive questions from all of you and i appeal to my fellow experts to always try and respond to the queries', 'You can use what ever foliar fertilizer on market accessible to you, but currently super grow is one of the best foliar fertilizer for beans ', 'Beans like other crops require major nutrients npk but n should be limited just before and during flowering in order to encourage seed development at the expense of too.much leafy vegetation']
Why is there still abig challenge in control and management of cassava brown streak disease among farmers
['Because farmets are stuck with their susceptible varieties and recycle them within their communities. they also lack knowles on disease identification and how to conttol. so u the trained need to play your roles in the communities where u live']
Where can i get a good control of pest and diseases of cassava
['Its any where but use the knowledge you got during training']
Which chemical is best for preserving beans seeds for long periods against weavels
How can one store beans to keep it fresh locally for more than 8 momths.
['It is not very easy. we have tried to research on tobacco, hot pepper, tephrosia, and a mixture of them,etc but still the dust was better ']
Where do i get market for 7 bags of longe ten maize in apac
['This depends if it is seed or grain. if grain, contact produce stores, schools, maize milling centres, your district commercial officer, etc']
Musema from kiryandongo district , l would like to ask what is the current price of maize
['I think this can be done. of recent there is a market which is interested in a number of products including cassava. let me see if i can paste their information here']
How much is a kilogram of cassava in kampala
['We need to receive questions from all of you and i appeal to my fellow experts to always try and respond to the queries', 'Flour or roots? the question is not clear']
Which fertilizers can improve on good root development of beans at planting
['Diammonium phosphate']
What causes the yellowing of the lower leaves of beans
['Kahwa, yellowing is always a sign of lack of enough nitrogen nutrient in the field, but also if the leaves are old enough, they also turn yellow before drying and falling off. therefore depending on the growth stage of the beans this may be the difficienc of the nitrogen, spray with a nitrogen rich foliare fertilizer to deal with the problem timely. ']
Which one is the most resistant cassava spices
['Narocass1, nase14 and nase3']
What is the recommended seed rate of maize in an acre garden?jimmy okello
['In one acre you can use 8 to 10 kg of maize seeds.', '8-10kg about 20 cups', '10kg per acre', "Adjumani district, odongosarah you are right, it's 8-10 kgs including gap filling", "Of course it's 10kg in an acre"]
What size should acassava sterm be for planting?
['Cassava cuttings should be at least 10cm _25cm long']
How can farm yard manure increase the depth of soil?
['Since it is applied on top of the soil when it is rotten it can improve', 'Soil is decomposed materials and parent rock. the decomposed materials are plants and animals. once these decomposed, they increase on the top layer of the soil.']
My app is not displaying anything why?
['Hello shaban', 'Can you please tell us what part of the app is not displaying']
Which wheather is best for planting beans?
["It's rainy season", 'Adjumani district, both dry and moist soil', 'Rainy season', 'Plant now!', "In eastern uganda it's rainy season"]
What fertilizer is recommmended for planting maize by reseacrhers?
What are the signs of excess nitrogen into the soil
[' bad as such. however, improper use of all things including the medicine we take may be dangerous. advice is to use the right chemical for a particular disease or pest or problem in the right quantities and at the right time', 'As responded to your earlier question on the same, it may be cause by a bacteria or fungi and in many cases after damage to the roots.', "Generally it's not a good practice to cut dendrils unless they musch exceed 2 meters, which the stake should ideally not exceed. ", 'Weakening of stem and fruits', 'Scorching of leaves', 'Scorching of leaves']
How can a farmer control foliage beetles from affecting beans.?.
['This can be controlled by use of recommended pesticides.']
After germination, how long a farmer is supposed to carry it weeding
['Make sure beans are weed free especially during the first 3 weeks, the number of times of weeding depends on a number of factors eg rainfall, type of weeds etc', 'If one starts with a clean seedbed, it is expected that three weeks after germination he should weed. weeding can be manual or use of bean clean']
Who are the leading bean traders in uganda?
['Which district are you interested in']
Some experts recommend send dressing. does it promote proper germination? .
['Question not well constructed ']
According to many varieties of beans, which variety is resistant to pests and diseases.
['The new bean varieties are tolerant to diseases. they mature faster and escape the pest problems. they also tolerate the drought and high rainfall amount', 'Nabe 15, 16 are tolerate but here in the eastern part of uganda', 'Always try to use good quality, clean seed from known source and of improved varieties to beat up the problem of disease, and ensure that your management practices are standard agronomic practices as required by the crop ']
Is it true that too much rains may affect the performance of beans in the field especially in terms of quality & yield?
['Yes too much rain affects beans yield and quality.', 'Beans need moderate rainfall for it to yield']
.what determines the height of cassava before reaching maturity stage?
['In many cases fertility and variety type determines the height of cassava', 'The growth vigour attributed to soil fertility, variety and agronomy can also determine how the cassava plant can be tall ', "Thank you so much for your response but as earlier requested in kabale district it's very rare to access cassava stem members you may enable us to get them.."]
Can cassava be sprayed like other crops incase it is attacked by a disease?.
['Yes only u need to know carefuly the kind of disease, pesticide mixing rate and the best time of spraying.']
What brings cbs
['Cbsd is caused by a virus and transmitted by whiteflies found underneath cassava leaves']
How do you market the crop?
['Moulds are due to high humidity and temperature in the store. at times storing wet maize lead to moulds. ', 'Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..']
How can a farmer control the pests locally in the maize store from dokolo district
['Dry your maize well. store is pest free air tight containers and should be on raised ground with good air circulation']
Which maize variety is resistant to drought
['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']
Where should afarmer go to access the following: lady bugs, lacewing larvea and whitefly parasite to control the spread of white fly.
['There is no shop for these at the moment. one needs to provide favourable conditions for the growth and multiplication of these predatory organisms. you may need to contact nogamu or organic farmers for help']
Where in kiboga can cassava nase19 be found?
['Yes here in kiryandongo we have nase19 call me', 'You can also try namulonge for more guidance ']
What characteristics should a good crop store have to prevent pest
['Should be vermin proof', 'Well aeration and dry', '1. should have a clean vision.\n2. variety and products assortment\ from wet condition', 'Must be airy,shady,cool and dry', 'Must have ventilation and no linkage']
Most farmers wants to know when is the real rain coming
['According to the past (experience), rain comes in late feb to march depending on your region (u have not mentioned it). however, the changes in climate have led to early and late coming of rains. the meteorological authority posted a weather forecast for this period. start preparing your field']
Is it advisable to plant long 5 maize seeds in this month?
['All crops can be grown in any season only that people have perceptions. and for maize, the second season is even longer and wetter', 'I hope you planted by now']
At what stage do signs and symptoms cassava brown streak appear on the plant?
['Between 3-12 month, in the tubers, stems, and leaves', 'Two months when it grows because i have observed that']
What's price of beans
['This depends on bean variety, type (seed, food or feed), location and quantity one has']
How can afarmer minimazi cost of cassave production with out affecting the productivity.
['Cassava is generally a low cost production crop. the highest cost is in seed and land preparations. hence, one may do zero tillage and may start small by multiplying his stem for the next planting. instead of hand weeding after canopy has formed, one may just do slashing']
Do we expect enough rain like last year's
['We leave that to god']
How many farmers on this platform grew beans this season
['Maybe for project management??']
Farmers always ask how should they control cassava mosaic
['The control is mainly through use of clean planting materials and clean tools. however, always start with torelant varieties and keep them clean']
What causes cassava to rot in the garden?
['Cassava briwn streak disease causes the rotting in tge garden', 'Toting can caused by diseases like brown streak and root rot. also mechanical injury from weeding can cause it']
After training can get clean stock
['Try the management of abi or look for someone with materials and buy']
All local viriaty has been affected our fellow farmer need to be senstaised to make them adopt to new viarity.
['Yes, need for new varieties which are tolerant to mosaic and streak viruses']
Hi members,what is da difference between genetically modified organims and high breeds? iganga district.
["My dear, these are two different things. let you not be confused by the fanatics. hybrids are produced through the normal traditional breeding system. could even be by hands. a hybrid is a 1st generation cross. e.g. cross a & b with the desired characteristics you want mainly yield. if you plant it again, there may be segregation and effect of further uncontrolled crossing. genetically modified products are done through may be engineering. don't worry about these for now. "]
What is the best season for planting beans in arua
["It's the longest rainy season stretching from around june, the second season. "]
Where do i submit my response to a farmer's question?
['Right here']
Which medicine can we use on maize for fall army worm?
['We use those o ha e mentioned above']
During training we were informed dat we shall be sending one image from each ie cassava, maize and bean in order to get our pay but now i can see your announcement of 2yrs & 5month back is saying dat we are supposed to send 20 images and above. now which is right.
['Please get in touch with lady gloria on this. the more images the better. the project is about information sharing. let us share as much as we can']
What is the price for cassava flour
['I think if you have a question and the app to unable you send a question or two, well and good']
If termits are destroying maize plants,which pest cide is good for controlling it. orobia moses from arua city
["You can use amixture of rocket with water like 50ml in 20ltr of water and spray on the plant stand of the maize and it's done during the morning time ", 'Thanks for your .']
Which type of maize seed grows faster
['Please get in touch with lady gloria on this. the more images the better. the project is about information sharing. let us share as much as we can', 'This depends on when rains will or will have started', 'A certified seed is considered clean so long as the source is good. if u r interested in a particular variety, know where to source it from. all that information can be received from your production officer, naro zonal institute, nacrri, etc']
When is the planting season for maize?
['There are two seasons in ayear. ', 'Season a and b , planting season for a is march , b is aug.']
How to prevent cmb and cbsd?
['Use tolerant or resistant varieties, such as narocass1. uprooting all diseased plants in the young fields and selecting clean planting materials at the time of establishing new garden', 'May you please tell us the best cassava variety? ']
Can we get pest to spray maize
['We control mosaic cause it causes loss to yield and results to famine or food insecurity', 'Yes, pesticides are very important especially for stem borers especially now when we have army fall worms.', 'Yes, pesticides are very important especially for stem borers especially now when we have army fall worms.ñb']
What are the effects of bitting and chewing pest on the crops
['Beyongyera, the bean leaves can be eaten by either crickets, field locusts or leaf minors, please spray with cypermethren range of pesticides to prevent further damage ', 'Mr. beyongyera, which stems are available, if it is cassava cuttings, kindly contact your district owc offices. but also adsurv is okay! ']
How can sanitizer and waragi be prepared from cassava?
['You can come to northern uganda and learn they make waragi from cassava.', 'Even in nakasongola district some people make waragi by local distiller. the process is long you can make a visit to learn more', 'It possible to prepare sanitizer and waragi from cassava from starch but the process is unknown to me', 'Distillation confirm that (chemistry)', "Adjumani district it's the same process of making local waragi"]
Which type of fertilizer farmers should use
['Julius, for disease resistance, you need a clean and sure sourced seed but for yield you need to care for your soil and for market, it will depend on your purpose of production ']
What is the price of a kilogram of bean?
["It's at 3000kg in kamuli district", 'Adjumani district, it varies from 2500_4000', 'A kg of beans is at 2600 shillings in katuna town council from musinga david katuna t.centre', 'In koboko a kg ranges at shs 2500 to 3500', '1800 dokolo', '1800 dokolo', "In wakiso it's between 3,000 & 3,500 shs per kg", '1800shillings at kigandalo subcounty']
What is the right time for planting beans?
['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ', 'So long as the soil is moist, you can always plant your beans. however, ensure the soil will be moist for the next 5 to 6 weeks']
Why is it dat my phone is consuming alot of mbs ?
['Mbs are usés like the more calls u mare thé more sortie used ,the dame to internet']
Can beans still be planted in october this year in amolatar?
['Season matters a lot']
What causes cassava root rot.
['Bacterias and fungi.cause most of the cassava root rots. ']
Which fertilizer is suitable for maize at the time of sowing?
['Dap or organic manure', 'And poultry litter. cab\nn be used at planting or within 2 weeks after germination']
What is the most recent disease free cassava variety ,.
['Narocass1 and nase14']
Apart from the use of chemicals, what other methods can a farmer use to protect his/ her beans against storage pests..
['By use of ashes mixed with tobacco']
How many days does k132 takes when planted
['About 75 to 85 days']
Am syrock beyongyera,fm kiryandongo district. am inquiring to know the inogarnic chamical that can be used to spray maize
['No idea', 'The organic chemical for? fertility? pesticide or? the liquid organic fertilizers are available and they say they increase on tolerance to drought. ']
Am coming from masindi what is the best season 4 planting soya bean
['Being an annual crop, one can plant it in either season. however, you may contact your agricultural office or bulindi zardi agronomist']
['You are advisable to plant on the onset of rains. both seasons can be used for planting cassava ']
What's the right spacing of cassava
['Cassava spacing is 1 m* 1m', 'Thanks a good reply']
Which cassava variety is most resistant to cassava mosaic?
['Like already indicated, at the moment, the narocas 1 variety is still the best', 'For resistance to cassava mosaic, please use nase 14, nase19 narocass1, narocass 2 time 14, tme 204. these are very resistant to mosaic but plant them using the recommended procedures. in areas where brown streak is a lot , use maily narocass1']
What bean variety fetchs high price on market?
['Currently the yellow beans sell at higher price than the others', 'The brown ones is at 2000k']
What is the best seedling can plant now?
['This depends on beliefs from a certain area but it is true most diseases are soil bone. but this is not practical for a bigger field', 'Maize, beans']
How can i best store my beans seeds for long periods
['Use fungicides to control this fungal disease but also do clean weeding since the disease has many alternative hosts like weeds']
I want to know whether my information and images are reaching you well.
['Yes we are']
I s it true that i can make glue from cassava
['How', 'What i know is that from cassava you can get starch, but not glue']
How often can i sprinkle liquid manure?
['Sprinkling of', 'Every two to three weeks are okay depending on stage of growth. not necessary after full podding']
For how long can narocass1 and 2 be maintained in the garden before getting rotten?fred masindi
['As long ur gardens a nt in wet land it can stay five yrs.']