State any two pests that affect beans in uganda
['Watch beans presentation']
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['Hey, my application keeps on disturbing me what could be the problem']
Farmers cry of much spoiling of cassava tubers that cause serious famine.
['This is true. let them look for resistant varieties like narocass1 and nase14 to plant. tell the to remove diseased plants within their gardens and also select plant with no disease and use as planting matetials', 'Ok ']
What is the current price of maize today?
How can help farmers who want narocas1 planting materials
['Contact me']
We have received some little rain in masindi , should people start planting maize now?
['Yes, unless otherwise but after 15th march rains normalises']
What is the minimum and maximum price of narocast and nase 19 cassava stem per bag when farmers want to sell locally? a farmer from terego district.
['It depends on location but remember the law of demand and supply', 'How many acres i want stems']
How often should the cassava garden be weeded
['Regularly especially when u see it weedy. weeding should b done properly in the first 5months of cassava growth', '1m x 1m']
What could be the advantages of using biological pest agent?
['They are cheaper, natural and do not develop resistance']
What causes bean root
['There are 3 types of bean root roots, but all in all, the disease z rampant when the soil is very wet, so water logging should be avoided, ']
Are locusts also considered as pests as they also eat off leaves from a cassava field?
['Yes, locusts are very dengerous pests.', 'Yes locust are pest that destroys a garden in an hour', 'Locusts are destructive leaf eaters which eat all the leafy materials they come across. however, they are more dangerous on grass type crops like cereals']
Currently what's the price for maize
['500 a kg in dokolo']
What is the aporoperate distance for planting bean seeds
['50x10cm or 25x20cm) for bush types, and (50x15cm or 50x20cm) for climbing']
How does cassava affect the environment
['How? cassava may not have an effect on the environment except when another if white flies fall on it or when the roots rots and smell']
What farming practices destroy soil nutrient
['Burning bush']
What is the best pesticide to spray beans against pests that destroy the leaves?
['Marathon', 'Any pesticide can be used to directly kill these pests e.g. rocket, dude guard, etc etc']
Do maize needs ferterlizer for growing,if yes which type of ferterlizer. orobia moses from arua city.
['Use urea fertilizer to topdress at aknee hight stage that is after one month , and dap while planting', 'Thanks', 'Both organic and inorganic fertilisers improve maize productivity. can use from planting to fruiting stage. dap or poultry litter at planting, urea or poultry litter at knee high and npk just before tasseling ']
How can i control the buying of fake agrochemicals
['Check from qualified physian']
How best can i store beans i have a retail produce shop, are there sacks that can store better? where can i find them and at which price?
['The sacks are there but ensure the beans are dry enough. buy is small quantities u can sell in a few weeks. avoid carry over of weevils in sacks. the sacks available are for storage. they should be closed all the time yet u r selling everyday. ']
How much is akilogram of cassava dried chips
['It varies from place to place and demands']
L have enough nassa19 stalk.if you want , you can contact ,am from arua city
What is price of maize
['Unlike otherwise, bush beans like nabe 4 are spaced at 50*10cm. the climbers can be spaced at 50*20cm. this is for mono crop. if beans are in an intercrop the spacing may be more. also soil fertility may determine spacing. ']
Good evening former? a would like to know how many days can farmer start spraying beans after germination.
['One may spray after two weeks. the bean fry pest is common at 2-3 weeks after germination']
Which organisms in the soil are improved by farm yard manure?
['Earth worms']
As farmers in kiboga we need more trainings on commercial cassava growing .i can mobilise farmer groups on this cause.
['The national cassava program can organize in collaboration with muzardi. it is timely but funds may not be there to enable trainers to reach your side. ', '1st make you group then give a plan of growing cassava because it a good security food lt me say that one you grow 5 acrs of cassava, y have agarantee of feeding your village for 1months in case there is outbreak of farmine in your village therefore the market is in your village. ']
What makes bean seeds bitter
['Most likely moulds and weevils']
Which two types of beans gives high yields...the climbing beans or the ordinary beans?
['Both if the rain is reliable']
What's the best soil for cassava in eastern
["Could you be meaning pics bags for grain storage. it has no chemical s but cuts off oxygen from reaching the grain, hence pests can't survive in that environment", 'Not necessarily. ', 'I think this can be done. of recent there is a market which is interested in a number of products including cassava. let me see if i can paste their information here']
What are the most dangerous pests of cassava in central region?
['At the moment the dangerous pest of cassava is whitefly']
Weekly payments help on mobile internet to send images
['When they send the payment, sending costs are on you. weekly payment may increase the charge on you. i think monthly is appropriate', 'Seen']
Why fewer women for the training yet they are the backbone of the family?
['We invited many as many women as men during verification but their turnover was poor. reason for which is not known']
Farmers are inquiring that how will they be helped on deases contral by the organisation with in the near by future
['The information we provide is good for researchers to compile the pressing problems and submit to either research or responsible organisation. all that we enjoy is coming from research (not only agricultural research). remember research can only be done if there is a problem and researchers need to be informed. this forum is one of the ways. please keep forwarding the problems']
Isn't it risky to eat cassava affected by cbsd? jimmy apac.
['But how do you eat it? it is all brown. unless some parts are still white (not attacked), one can peel and cook or dry for making flour']
Are dried cassava advisable to be put in sacks or leave them on the bare ground because most farmers do leave them on the ground
['It is advisable to store all food or even crop products when at the right moisture content and away from moisture. moisture causes mounds and or rotting. it also encourages attack from storage pests especially weevils. cassava on the ground can easily absorb moisture. please store it on a raised ground or in clean containers like bags']
.birds have become dangerous pests for maize in the garden. how best can they be controlled?
['You can do by bird scarig either using people or scare crows', 'you can spray your maize garden with dimethoate pestcide without targeting any crop. it can repell birds for some days due to its pargent smell. however the best solution of birds is group farming done at the same time to get big ecaraeges at the same time in the same locality in addition to scaring the birds as mebellu suggested ']
Which pest can mostly attack cassava leaves apart from domestic animals?
['There are many pests but the most dangerous are whiteflies and locusts (if they happen to attack). cassava does not have many leaf eating insects']
How can i control foliage beetles in beans garden?.
['This can be controlled by use of recommended pesticides.', 'There are a number of leaf eating insects e.g. beetles and caterpillars. ', 'Use contact insecticides like rocket, dude, etc']
What is the price for maize floor?
['It is usually the effect of bean fry. uproot the bean plant and check for maggots at the collar level. always spray 2 to 3 weeks after germination']
Which type of fertilizer is good to apply for beans
['Diammonium phosphate', 'Phosphorus and potassium']
How best can picks bags store maize grains for a long period of time?
['It prevents pest from destruction']
What variety of beans copies with heavy rains.
['Like i said the new bean varieties are tolerant of rain extremes (too low and too high). the naro bean series 1-3 for bush beans']
Why are farmers advised to spray pesticide in the morning time
["For it's effectiveness"]
What is the best chemical for controlling american army ? justine kaahwa kiryandongo
['Justine, is american army a pest, or? ']
What is happening to your gps
['Explain more the problem you are facing ', 'Not clear question ask again']
Can cassava be planted in october
['As long as there is moisture in the soil, all crops including cassava can be planted']
Farmers are complaining about holes in leaves while not seeing insects but beans look healthy.which could be the problem?.
['There are a number of leaf eating pests like caterpillars and beetles. of recent there are snails. spray with insecticides where necessary.', 'Enid, it is important to know that the majority of the leaf chewing insects are noctannenals, especially crickets and you may never see them physically destroying the beans. just apply the correct pestcide at the recommended dosage and you will see problem stop ']
How can afarmer in mayuge control smurt in the maize platation
['Remove affected cobs and berry or burn them. use torelant varieties']
In band placement, fertilizers are placed in it very effective?
['Yeah true it works better']
How can afarmer increase soil fertility with out use of artifical fertilizers?
['Mulching,crop rotation,use of organic manure', 'Other cultural or traditional methods include: crop rotation, fallowing, intercropping, agroforestry, mulching, use of organic matures, use of nitrogen fixing plants, etc']
['Visit your district agric office or nearest research station']
What is the correct spacing for planting cuttings?
['1m x 1m']
Are you doing something about the images of cassava, maize and beans affected leaves with their diseases and the army...... on our phones on adsurv like cassava last time
['That is the ultimate goal. ']
What causes wilt in beans?
['There can be different causes with the most common being the bean fly pest']
What causes cassava seedling blight?
['Cause by bacteria']
Seed selection an important aspact in agronomy .what should the farmer consider before he/she selects a maize variety for planting.
['Consider the location because some varieties (especially hybrids) may be suitable for certain locations e.g. high lands (high altitude areas) compared to low lands. this especially for imported varieties. otherwise, most naro variety are suitable in many areas of the country. a dry area or semi arid may be suitable for early maturing (short growth period) varieties']
Why lower leaves are the ones affected with cassava brown streak?
['Its not only lower leaves that get affected by brown streak, but the whole plant system. lower leaves mostly show symptoms because the plant reacts to the virus late and the results of the late reaction is expressed on lower leaves.', 'Thanks for the reply']
Please there is much rain in iganga district.might this not affect beens ?
["If the beans are not yet dry, don't worry especially if u have grown the new naro bean varieties"]
I hv 15 acrs of narocuss 1 looking for cuttings/stems market call me on .
[' and i would like to plant cassava in half acre of land and i need stem me on and we negotiate on the means of transport.']
Cassave clean planting materal is important for cassave agronomy, where in kiboga can it be found.
['Please find out from the production officer or contact namulonge']
Is it good to plant crop in the first rain?
Farmers always ask what do they do to store beans safely
['Proper ventilation', 'Proper ventilation', 'Good', 'Keep drying and apply wivel repellent']
Which variety is the best interms of disease resistance?
['Currently we recommend narocass1, nase14 and nase3 but use disease free planting materials at planting. ', 'The major cassava viral diseases are cassava brown streak(cbsd) and cassava mosaic disease. the symptoms of ', 'Narocass1 and nase14 are resistant to cassava mosaic disease but are tolerant to cassava brown streak disease', 'Narocass1']
Which condition is suitable for cassava plantation
['Humus,air,moisture', 'Like other crops, cassava needs well drained soils with enough organic matter, phosphorous and potassium. then apply good agronomy practices from seeded preparation and through the growing season']
Does maize which is disturbed by drought has high food value
['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']
What pesticide can i apply when beans flower
['Marathon', 'You can apply any contact pesticide to keep aphids and leaf eaters. also use of systemic for sucking insects like aphids and leaf miners', 'You can apply any contact pesticide to keep aphids and leaf eaters. also use of systemic for sucking insects like aphids and leaf miners', 'At flowering, thrips are also a problem. apply chemicals like rocket']
Suppose my garden hard effected with cm can l replant cassave in that garden after harvesting cassave .
['Cassava mosaic is not soil born. replanting is okay if one is using clean planting material']
How can i improve on the quality of local maize to maximize productivity?
['How have you being sending your filled forms,you might have missed some steps.', 'Cassava production in kabale is tricky but like all other crops, good agronomic practices should be applied. avoid floods', 'Be specific still, in the field or store and against what????']
Our dear farmers, are you all getting on well with photo taking if not let us know your problems so that we can help.
['Some but some no due to experience of smartphone using ', 'My phone is shutting down now and then and yet the battery was replaced']
Why farmers should be encouraged to do proper seed bed preparation
['To kill weeds', 'To improve soil aeration', 'For high yield', 'To retain the maximum amount of soil moisture', 'It loosens the soil for better yielding']
What are the differences between nase 14,nase 3 and nase 9?
['The difference can be best explained by naro']
We are still in dry season , are we going 2 plant or not.
['Oliver, it is important to know that timely planting is about conditions necessary for germination being available in the soil rather than the rainy time. therefore prepare your fields and wait ', 'After 15th march most people start planting bcse rains have more of stabilised']
How can we control the maize strike disease
['Plant improved naro seed. eg 9h, 10h, bazooka, uh5351, wema2115']
Good morning comrades. can anyone updates us about our project?
['Yes, gloria, we may need this. through an email or something']
What bean variety can be grown at kiboga this season
['30kg kiboga', 'Most of the improved bean varieties do very well in kiboga, however, consider factors like market availability, personal interest etc']
Which type of maize is good for storage
['Local breed of maize', 'Hybrid maize']
What's the most dengerous maize pest in the country? and what is the solution to erradicate it?
['Please see earlier responses. it is the fall army worm and control is timely use of pesticides']
Am benson from katina kabale district. there's a certain disease called kigutiya that attack beans at flowering stage,how can it be controlled?
['Researcher amos from kachwekano zardi, could you help here, what disease is kigutiya?', 'It changes beans to black']
What is the best chemical for the treatment of bean seeds?
What is the best variety of maize to be grown in lango sub- region especially in apac?.
['Longe 5 and wema 2115']
Where in serere district can good varieties coz it's not there again in serere
['There are good cassava varieties in serere research institute. consult the office of the director, farm manager, root crops program or. go the the iita unit at the station you will get help. or look for someone called akena of iita unit.']
What type of herbicide can a farmer use to weed cassava which is three months old
[" i am not sure but sor far the available herbicides are for beans and maize. however, u can use selective herbicides which don't affect broad leaved crops", "I think i have responded to this two times. so far, crop specific herbicides are just coming up. like they have developed for other crops, let's give it time, we shall also get for cassava and other crops. however, selective herbicides can weed cassava, even weed master itself if used carefully and depending on the stage of the crop"]
Farmers always ask why bean leaves are turning yellow and again they get dry
['Cassava mosaic is not soil born. replanting is okay if one is using clean planting material', 'Cassava is generally a low cost production crop. the highest cost is in seed and land preparations. hence, one may do zero tillage and may start small by multiplying his stem for the next planting. instead of hand weeding after canopy has formed, one may just do slashing', 'It is not very easy. we have tried to research on tobacco, hot pepper, tephrosia, and a mixture of them,etc but still the dust was better ']
How do i prepare a bean garden in a proper way?
['Should have a fine garden dug at least twice whether using hoe or oxen or tractor; refer to presentation']
In some parts of serere hailstorm has destroyed cassava plantations ,is it advisable for farmers to plant cuttings that have been struck by hailstorm ?
['No mr. oyange charles, some times hailstorm can even peel off some stem buds from the stem and yet it is these buds which sprout, therefore all for some heeling on the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting. ']
Where does new naro fall under the varieties
['There are 7 narobean varieties, five of which are bush/short type and 2 are climbers. you should point to a particular variety and you will get the descriptions, otherwise we should also put the pictures in resources', 'No t-shirt now but may be later']
What weather condition re recommended for bean growing?
['Those that have high water retention', 'Beans need soil moisture from planting to fruiting. avoid very dry conditions at planting, flowering and fruiting. avoid too much rain at physiological maturity, harvesting and drying', 'Beans need soil moisture from planting to fruiting. avoid very dry conditions at planting, flowering and fruiting. avoid too much rain at physiological maturity, harvesting and drying']
Market of is not good what can we do?
['Were are you located, and market of which crop', 'Kindly try to be specific on which crop you want market for ']
The use of artificial fertilizers and organic manure tend to confuse farmers when planting. which one conserves soil better than the other? .
['If you can afford to make organic manure that would be better.']
Can beans seeds be soaked and if for how long?
['Spray with a pesticide like rocket to kill the bean fly and a fungicide to get rich of fungal diseases like dumping off', 'Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture', 'It is a variety issue. with some varieties, too much rain cause pod rots. i encourage to use new bean varieties which are tolerant to extremes or rain and sunshine/ temperature']
Why do control cassava mosaic?
['We control mosaic cause it causes loss to yield and results to famine or food insecurity']
Where should we get nabe 15 ?
['Oliva, all crop required technologies are mandated at namulonge, therefore kindly contact the scientist at nacrri namulonge or any other naro institute near you , you will be able to get what you want ']
Npk and dap winch one is good for planting maize?
['Npk', 'It is dap because it enables for proper root development', 'At planting, the crop needs to have faster root development. the crop nutrient which is most important for root growth is phosphours. hence the reason dap is normally used at planting. dap is di-ammonium phosphate. although it has n in ammonia, the interest is mainly in phosphorous. hence other phosphorous fertilizers like ssp (single super phosphate), tsp (triple super phosphate) are recommended']
What are the cultural methods of weed control in bean plants?
['Please visit a genuine seed company. you may also contact the abi zardi or district production or agric officer', 'Mr. musinga, it is the reason adsurv app was innovated, so you can start the one voice movement in marketing the produce of the farmers on the group. otherwise farmers if united can determine the prices of their produce based on the demand supply curve since they are the suppliers ', 'Congs, what are u going to process?']
What type of fertilizer to be used in beans after plantation
['Poultry litter, npk, just after germination or before flowering']
Which methods are used to test seed germi ability
['There two major ways to test the viability of seeds by planting and putting them in to shocked cotton wool , this done by picking some seeds at random', 'Picked seeds at random and put them in water for shocking and see when they are germinating']
Is there salary for this work since it's a contract?
["It's a voluntary work to enhance our knowledge for our own perfection in cassava production"]
What are the causes of beans seedlings fall after healthy germination?
['Am abias syrock in kiryandongo please use narocuss1 variety it z good ']
How can farmers control maize streak disease?
['Early planting', 'Uprooting the affected plants', 'Early weeding', 'Use certified disease free are fostered stock list and plant at onset of rains', 'Use certified disease free are fostered stock list and plant at onset of rains']
What are the problems facing farming organization in uganda?
['Lack of capital']
Farmers hlep monkeys are seriously distroying our maize we have used faradan, combola but it as not hlept us may u give more advice
['Try using dogs to scare them away. if u use furadan and one dies, they will even destroy more crops', 'Amooti, koboine ne nekyende kurya ebicoori byaawe boojo! my advice is that stop killing the monkeys, it is environmentally not recommended. however using nakyagabas model of dogs is great but you can clear away the forest away from the garden, use community hunters to chase them or use wild life measures of providing alternative livelihood for monkeys in the neighborhood forests ']