Most of cassava varieties are being affected by cassava mosaic which variety is more resistant
['The major problems associated with yellowing are poor soil nutrition (lack of n mainly), pests especially the bean fry and drought (lack of soil moisture).', 'If it was in the work plan']
Which desesse attack narro cas cassava
["Cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak disease. but the yield still remain like it's not infected"]
I can i do spacing while planting beans
['To improve on high yield and allowing proper circulation of air', 'Yes, each crop has a recommended spacing depending on bean type (bush or climber), number of seeds per hole and soil fertility level. e.g. 50x10cm bush type and 50x20cm climbers']
Will you also provide us with power banks since this phones consum slot of power
['No, no budget for that']
What are whiteflies
['They are small white insects found on the underside of a cassava leaf. it spreads diseases of cassava such as mosaic and brownstreak ']
Please help me my app is not sending the collect forms but questions are being sent.what should i do?
['How have you being sending your filled forms,you might have missed some steps.']
Farmers ask how can they access chemicals to spray cassava with engulfed leaves of cassava in bugiri district?
['We dont recommend spraying cassava. just let the look for or select planting materials with no disease and plant. chemicals are not economical to a farmer', "Tge symptom 'engulfed leaves' that you are describing appears to be that of cassava mosaic virus which is a disease caused by a virus. unfortunately, there are still no chemicals to treat virus infected materials. however, u can take a photo and send to us to be able to make the right conclusions"]
Which soil is better for maize production?
['Loam soil']
What is the payment criteria being used in this project?
['Lady gloria, you may need to give a response and the frequency used. what determines the amount? etc. thanks']
What is the recommended spacing for cassava,bean and maize?
['Cassava is spaced 1mx1m ie 1m between lines and 1m between rows', 'Maize: 75cm from row to row and 39cm from hole to hole, plant 1 seed per hole or 75cm from row to row and 60cm from hole to hole and plant 2 seeds']
What is adistance btn casavs to get planted
['Plant cassava at a spacing of 1mx 1m between plants and between rows']
How can bacterial blight of cassava be controlled?
['If you start with a clean seedbed, weeding twice is enough. thanks', 'Yes, go to play store and download it. if u fail, get back to gloria']
What are the example of bitting and chewing pest
['Termites', 'Mantids', 'The aphids grasshoppers', 'The aphids and grasshoppers', 'Beetles,grasshopers,termted,caterpillars']
What brings a bean plant to turn into yelowish in ealy stage?
['Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture']
A farmer of agriculture cluster has 3 and half acres of narocast 1 stem ready for sale in terego district. plz call
['Hope u got the market']
Among beans, cassava and rice which one require s small land on commercial basis,
['Going commercial means quite large acreage so all these crops need some good land', 'When going commercial, every crop requires you to have some good acreage']
What fertilizer does well at planting stage in kiboga for maize.
['Di-amonium phosphate (d.a.p) ']
Syrock fm kiryandongo is it possible to get chemical for weeding cassava?
["Yes it's possible remember to consider the hight of cassava should be lower than grass, type of grass, herbicide type, mixing doses, spraying style,and time."]
How many tonnes of cassava are harvested per acre?
['Depends on variety, management practices especially soil fertility, disease management and to some extent soil moisture']
Which type of beans is best in the market
['It depends on main crop but normally farmers may plant maize first since it takes a longer growth period than beans']
What are the climatic conditions for growing
What causes bean ponds to develop water inside the pond .
['High moisture and high humidity for a.long time after poding. this may be low with new naro bean varieties']
How can maize grains be stored locally for more than 6 months?
['Start with a tolerant variety. use clean tools. uproot affected plants', 'Milka, for me i think the farmers can make an initiative of bargaining a maize processing innovation platform and approach owc for seed grant under value addition programme ']
What cassava variety is resisant to diseases in kiboga.
['We advise that you use disease free planting materials especially of nase19, narocass1 or nase3. you may also use the local varieties of cassava in your areas as long as they are disease free.']
What is the price of beans in kampala markets during this month of feb especially nabe12c commonly known as sugar 31 in kabale katuna . musinga david from kabale
['Prices in ugandan markets are never fixed for a period, but currently it stands between 3,000 and 4,000 in common markets. amos of kazardi ']
What bring dijlse to cassavs
['Cassava whiteflies bring disesse to cassava plants']
How can farmers be assisted in having the soil tested for cassava growing?
['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ', 'Taking it to a nearby lab', 'Musema from kiryandongo you are saying all season are good do u mean we even during dry season']
Can we now plant maize?
['Please get rid of all the stock you have (if you still have some). even if they recovered, dispose them off. disinfect the pigsty and all that u use. wait for atleast three months and disinfect again, then restock atleast six months after. be sure of the source, avoid dogs and birds on your farm (or wild animals which may move the disease from one place to another)']
Are chemicals dangerous to our gardens?.
['What chemicals are we talking about? proper use of chemicals (right type, dosage, concentration and timely application) is safe to the environment']
What are the reasons for the increase in crop pest population?
['You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos', 'Favourable condition for the disease causing agent to reproduce faster\nlack of proper knowledge on how to use the pesticides to kill the pest\nfarmers lgnoring to use the available extension workers to help them to minimize the rapid increase of crop pest', 'It depends on temperature because low temperature tends to increase the the reproduction']
How do we call da d'se caused by whiteflies in cassava?
['The common one is cassava mosaic disease (cmd) but i think the cassava streak virus (csv) is also spread by the whiteflies']
How many kgs of maize makes 1 tan?
["1000 kg and it's 10 sacks of 100kgs"]
What are the uses of soil air
['Oxygen for germination', 'For respiration', 'Provides oxygen for germination']
Musema from kiryandongo district , l have planted my maize and it's now two weeks old at what stage do l apply my n pk fertilizer
['When it is 4-5 week after germination', 'After the first weeding and after 5 weeks (after germination) and normally 1 to 2 feet high/height (normally called knee high), especially if it is growing normally as expected']
Musema from kiryandongo, how can maximum production of beans right away from planting upto the time of harvesting please l real need detailed information about beans so that l get high yields , in case of pdf l real appreciate it
['Mr musema, to be frank with you, you can not get the full information on this app, you can go to google and get booklets. however, kindly know the following, beans need fertile well drained soils which are not water logged and are fairly deep. beans require fairly evenilly distributed rainfall and so can be irrigated with ease. timely planting of beans can be achieved 14 days after the start of rain in normal rainfall times, that is first and second week of september and march with late planting of up to week one of october and april each year. in the times of climate change, depending on the variety of your interest, irrigation handover can be used when rain has failed seven days following the last rainfall. beans are commonly disturbed by suckling pests especially aphids, lice, thrips and others, use of cypermethren and dimethoate in alternate parten where dimethoate replaces cypermethren in case of little response to cypermethren is recommended using the dilution rates described on the bottles will give a reliable remedy. common fungal diseases can abely be managed, by available fungicides. beans will give you good yield when weeded twice and maturity is determined when leaves turn yellow and some ponds start getting dry. harvest the mature beans by uprooting the plants heap them in a dry place and allow natural drying to reduces seed moisture content to about 40 percent and then determine the utilization value chain. ']
How many farmers on this platform grew beans this season
['Maybe for project management??']
There will be shortage of planting materials ,how set are u to solve the problem,
['Please, contact the nearest agricultural office, or up with cassava office on 414573016 for details']
Is it true that there is a cassava variety which can mature within 6 months.fred masindi
['Mr. fred, most of the new cassava varieties generated by naro are early maturing and may have eadble in the 6 months period, however it is recommended that utilization commences at 9 months to allow time for the disappearance of the poison part of the crop which prevents soil pest attack during root formation ']
Isit advisable to intercrop cassava with legumes?
['Yes, we advise that cassava is inter cropped with legumes and those that grow to low heights like gnuts, beans soya etc but not things like cotton.', 'Yes it is, the best legume to grow alongside cassava are beans']
How can i prepare myself better for the next dry season. it's very hot and it is affecting my crops.
['Prepare your land early and plant when there is enough moisture in the soil ', 'Try and conduct soil conservation measures like water collecting centres (trenches, contours, pits, basins), plant grasses, mulch, or try shade trees']
Here in katuna kabale beans are turning into yerrow.which could be the problem.
['Which beans? the seed or plants in the garden? in the garden, we have always advised to look out for these possible causes i.e. poor soils, lack of moisture in the soil, soil ph issues, pests especially bean fly, diseases like root rot, etc', 'In katuna, i am confident the soils have been over cultivated, so also think about adding manure before planting crops after a season and always carry out right crop rotation ']
When or at what maturity level can i harvest cassava stems without affecting the tuber formation and yields?
['We recommend that stems can be harvested for planting at 8-18 months after planting. when after 18 months use mainly the branches or young but ready shoots']
Why does cassava yield keep on
['Due pests and diseases', 'Because of disease ']
Where can we get fertilizer on low price for maize?
['If you want to get cheap fertelizers for maize production go organic by making your own manure.']
How long should maize grains to be boiled for it's effective nutrients in human consumption
['It depends but as long as it is well cooked']
When can i start planning cassava for the second season
['As soon as the second rains set in . plant cassava early at the onset of rains']
How can we be identify as farmer t shirt
['No t-shirt now but may be later']
What fertilizer is recomended for beans?
['Firstly, nutrient management in amy crops should be based results and recommendations after soil analysis. blind application of fertilizers are costly and counter productive. however, for bean a number of fertilizers are used, most commonly, npk, dap, urea, ', 'Npk should be applied to the soil once throughout the crop cycle at planting preferably by broadcasting, at 20kg per acre; ', 'Dap and urea are applied in combination, first, apply dap at planting at a rate of 20 kg per acre, and top dress using urea at first weeding preferably before flowering', 'Makerere has soil microbial inoculants that can enhance legume yield by up to 30percent eg beans, soybean, groundnuts @ has its own innoculant. lets entrance these innovation.']
Is this platform free for every body to ask questions or for only those who went for the workshop? justine kiryandongo.
['I think if you have a question and the app to unable you send a question or two, well and good']
You didn't show us the size of cassava cuttings for planting
['Cuttins should be 15-20cm long', 'Use 5-7 nodes cuttings', 'Or if the plants are very old use the branches']
If i plant my maize in season.1 & harvest it okay if i use the same maize as seed to plant in season.2 or it may affect the season.2 yields?
['At the moment, the issue is not only on yield but tolerance to diseases especially the csvd and cmd. even if you get yield but diseased roots, they may not be useful. you are advised to plant narocas 1', 'It is advisable for you to buy new improved seeds .', 'At times the seeds may tend not to germinate because they are not fully dry']
Which crops can be intercropped with cassava?
['Legume crops especially beans ']
What is the best suitable soil for growing cassava?
['Cassava grows in all kinds of soil except in rocky or swampy areas ']
My name is cathy from rukungiri -katojo viilage, i have 2tones naro bean1(seed).where can i get market for my beans?
['Is this bean grain or seed? to help understand the kind of market you are looking for. if seed, it should have been inspected and certified', 'Question fit for market category']
Sugar 31 and sugarr30 bean varieties are both very nice and sweet when cooked except that. sugar ,31 is very soft and goes bad quickly in a second day .are these beans original or modified from a scientific bean lab? if original where do these bean varieties originate from?
['Mr. musinga, what you need to know is that in uganda no one is allowed modified crops in the fields, we naro only improve the crops through cross breeding. so the sugar series are not modified in the lab but were bred in a conventional way. the parents are some of the old varieties you used to know that had colors like munyamunyu and some of the soft varieties like kiryohire ']
Which fertilizer and pesticide a farmer should use on beans of two weeks when they are being cut by centipedes?
['Mr baguma, kindly apply cypermethren at a dilution rate of 40 mls in 20 liters once after 4 days and apply for 3 times in a row if the problem is huge. ']
Why do the cassava tubers rote before uprooting
['Army worms are controlled with pesticides and not herbicides. can use rocket imado...., etc. it better u start early e.g. monitored 10 days after germination. ', 'Army worms are controlled with pesticides and not herbicides. can use rocket imado...., etc. it better u start early e.g. monitored 10 days after germination. ']
How can i differentiate nase14 and nase19 at early stage?
['They are very similar at the young stage but at harvest, nase 19 has longer tubers']
What couses variation in seeds in terms of size
['Bean seed size depends on variety and to a less extent management']
Am ronald from mayuge are early maturing cassava species that can be grown present
['Most casava mature in 1 year but u may begin eating at 8 month if u r hungry. no early maturing cassava at less than 8 months']
Here in kiryandongo there is aproblem where by bean leaf is seen with holes without any insect seen. what could be effects.
['Beyongyera, the bean leaves can be eaten by either crickets, field locusts or leaf minors, please spray with cypermethren range of pesticides to prevent further damage ']
What does the word highbreed mean in bean varieties?
['May be beans with high yeilds but what i no that in beans we naro not highbreed.']
What fertilizer can be applied for top dressing in maize.
['Use urea and 50 kg per acre', 'One can also.get specific crop formulated fertilisers from grain pulse uganda']
What causes resistanceof bean pests to chemicals
['Over use and or improper use of chemicals leads to resistance']
How can afarmer control terma
['Destroying anti hills', 'By digging a hole of 2ft deep round the field']
What are we going to do with seasonal crop, like.maize,beans in case there off season
['Best if had irrigation facility. however you can plant in swampy land']
Where can i find the good variety of cassava stems in kampala.?
['Call or come to namulonge and get advice']
Farmers ask how can they get resistant planting materials of cassava in buluguyi bugiri district
['Please contact our host farmer.']
How do i cover all my area of operation if not facilitated?
['U will get facilitation by first sending photos and get paid']
Am musema from kiryandongo district how much is kilogram of maize per now then where exactly can l bring it
['White flies to cbsd is like mosquito to malaria. when feeding on sap on plants it transmits the virus that causes cbsd.']
How many month should narucus one take to mature
['Narocass1 and most cassava varieties mature in 12 months']
What makes sweet variety of cassava bitter when planted in some soils
['This is because, some soil types are acidic and this causes the cassava to become bitter when planted in them']
Which soil ph devours good production of beanssss
['Beans like many crops will do well on soils above 5.6 to 6.5.']
How best can we add value on cassava for better revenue?
['The simple way is to process into high quality flour that can attract market']
What is the current market price for maize?
["If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet."]
What is the proper spacing for different varieties of maize .
['0.75x 0.25 that one u plant 2 seeds and then thine to 1 \n0.75x0.60 plant 2 plant per hill\nbut 0.75 in raws and 0.25 or 0.60 in lines']
Which variety of maize do well in arua?
['Longe 5 (not hybrid) and bazooka (hybrid)']
Question 1:what's the difference between cbsd and the disease caused whiteflies in cassava ?
['White flies to cbsd is like mosquito to malaria. when feeding on sap on plants it transmits the virus that causes cbsd.', 'Cbsd and the disease caused by whiteflies (like we knew in the begining) the cmd are different in the effects they cause on cassava. cbsd affects the roots directly by causing brown streaks in the tubers . such tubers cannot be used for food or feed. on the other hand the cmd (cassava mosaic disease) affects leaves there by reducing on photosynthetic area, cause stuntedness and reducing tuber formation. cbsd can also be detected on stems and leaves']
What are the characteristics of a good chemical in pest management?
['Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture', "A good pesticides should have ability to have long residual effect onces applied to the crop\n\na good pesticides should be effective at play it's role\n\na good pesticides should have ability to dissolve in the water uniform", 'Should be easy to apply on a particular crop']
Some places in masaka region have been afford by hail stones and beans have been destroyed is it possible to plant again?
['Yes', 'It depends on the length on of the rain season. beans (new naro early maturing bean varieties) need at least some moisture in soil for 6 weeks (just at fruiting) for you to.get good yields']
What are some pests of beans
['Bean weevil', 'Bean weevil']
What type of soil can be better for uplying kayongo go ?
['What is kayongo go?']
How is maize streak diseases transmitted?
['Maize streak is a virus disease which is normally seed born. control transmission by use of clean seed and or torelant varieties']
There some disinfectant bags i heard for storage, in 2013 i heard they were at 30000sh now i hear they are at 10000sh can i get a chance of getting one, or it's just a myth?
["Could you be meaning pics bags for grain storage. it has no chemical s but cuts off oxygen from reaching the grain, hence pests can't survive in that environment", 'I think that , pics bags where can i find them? pests at storage have become a problem']
Spraying fertilizer on leaves , how is it effective in boasting productivity in beans? kiboga.
['Not all fertilizers are fit for spraying on leaves, leaf applied fertilizers are normally the ones with micronutrients. these should be applied when the leaves are young preferably during vegetative stage', 'They boost and are effective to a great extent, but still only be applied when there is need', 'Folia fertilisers are good in boosting vegetative growth. at early growth, they increase on the ability of the leaves to absorb the sun and the crop makes food ready for reproductive growth (flowering and pod formation). foliar fertilisers are also good in strengthening the leaves during dry conditions. ']
Syrock beyongyera, i planted 1acr of bean when am surprised to spray it and if i spray it won't the chamical stop bees form visiting my garden. some to advise me.
[' of course the chemical may affect bees but it is better to spray before flowering to maximize on effect of bees on crop pollination']
Which new vareity has been aproved that works better than narocase 1?
['No new varieties yet. but use the available materials appropriately and get good yiels']
What is the spacing for maize?
['75cm x 60cm, 2 seeds per hole or 75cm x 30cm, 1 seed per hole', 'You can also use 90cm x 60cm if you are using kenya hiybrids but in very fertile soil and use 3 seeds per hole. where ca is used and ppbs (permanent planting basins) is used, 70cm x 75cm is used with 3 seeds per basin ']
Maize does well in areas where rainfall is evenlly any drougt resistant varieties? if any where can farmers get them.
['Wema 2114, wema 2115, wema 3016', 'Get from pearl seed co and naseco seed co', 'Even mm3 and longe 5 is not very bad']
Nase14 does well but scarce planting materials because they supplied during dry season last year and now supplies have been small
['Multiply what you have and next season you will have enough to plant.', 'Ok please ']
What commission per form is to a data collector working in his or her, area, subcounty ,district and outside ones district it wasn't clear during the training?
['Will be decided by management soon but first collect data.']
What causes rotting of maize fruit at ripening stage?
['Much rain can cause rotting of maize fruit at ripening stage.', 'Some types of maize does not did much rain at that stage. ', 'At gym it could be abreed']
What maize variety is drought resistant?
['Local', 'Drought-tolerant varieties in uganda']
Can cassava be intercropped with coffee and banana? a farmer of cassava terego district dravuru milka.
["Mr. milka, cassava can be intercropped with a range of many crops including coffee and banana, however you must use the right spacing otherwise you won't get the benefits. for example in bananas, cassava is better planted in the edge of the plantation and so for coffee, but if you are to increase intensity, then ensure that there is about 2 meters between cassava and in partches not uniformly in the plantation and must not be throughout the year ", "Whatever the case, we don't advise farmers to plant cassava in bananas or coffee, especially bananas. the process of harvesting cassava destroys banana or coffee roots. cassava is not even a leguminous plant that coffee or banana may benefit from. if you have no any other space, plant cassava wisely at the hedge of the garden"]
How much is a a kilograme of casssa flour in mbale
['I do not understand why my question can not be submitted today.could you explain please?']
Is there difference between fresh and dry maize in terms of the food value
['I think no because both contain carbohydrate which is the only food value.']
How can local maize breeds be improve on productivity?
['Planting selected mature fruit']
Which fertilizer is good for planting beans nambaale
['Npk at 20 kilograms per acre applied at planting is best', 'But you can also app dap and urea in combination. dap is applied at planting and urea as top dressing just before flowering or as you do the second weeding']
What are the effects of reliable rain fall
['Enable farmers to assets the risk involved in growing a particular crops', 'Reliable rain ensures timely planting and good yields', 'Reliable source of income hence happy family']
I have 10 bags of beans , where is the market?
['50x10cm or 25x20cm) for bush types, and (50x15cm or 50x20cm) for climbing']