What is the spacing for cassava currently?
['1m x 1 m', '1m x 1m']
We need drought resistant crops. where can we get them?
['Like which crop supecificly ']
Some experts recommend seed dressing. does it promote proper germination? .
['Yes it does increase the germination percentage and effect of soil pests and pathogens ']
What is the best fertilizer for planting bean?.
['Already answered above, refer to question that asked about fertilizers, all details are included']
Why is diammonium phosphate put in planting hole
['Plants require it for growth', 'Like explained earlier (please follow up), phosphorous is used at planting to enhance or fasten root growth. once the plant establishes roots fast, it will take up nutrients fast and growth will be fastened or enhanced']
Why is cassava mosaic very common in soroti
['It looks farmers in that area are using varieties that are not resistant or tolerant to cassava mosaic disease. also could be they are not selecting their planting material at the time of planting new fields. they cut any stems around and plant']
What's the maturity period of nambale beans?
['Most beans mature early and they usually take 60-75 days', 'Nambale, which type?']
Why is it that loam soil is dark in colour?
['It contains humus']
How can brown streak disease be spread?
['Cbsd can be spread by moving a diseased one from one place to another.']
What maize variety does during the short rains.
['You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos']
How can farmers reduce the cost production in maize without affecting productivity?sfred
['You can use selective herbicides eg. maize plus, lomax etc', 'Try to use zero tillage at planting and selective herbicides during weeding. these are labour intensive practices']
At what spacing can cassava be intercropped with beans?
['One meter']
This season some parts of the maize leaves are turning yellow some red,what causes that.
What are the effects of temperature to our crops
['It is caused by a fungal disease which comes due to too much moisture or dampness', 'Affect maturity of crops', 'Affects the type of crop and animals kept', 'Affects the yield,affects the growth and development of plant']
Which certified bean seeds are on market for a farmer to buy in jinja district?
['Nabe l and nadi']
Relate the different infections to the root
['Cbsd attacks the leaves,stems and roots']
How will you help farmers to manage stray animals
['Discuss this with your leaders at subcounty or districts']
How can local farmers get drought resistant seed varieties?
['Mr , grow cassava in less rainy period around june, february, december and other months as long as the rainy season is about to start or end ']