Someone guid me i want to plant cassava uprite than burring it. if an effect on it am in kiryandongo.
['Sorry it seems the response was for another question. please ignore. about cassava planting method, when u plant cassava flat and burry it, you create a wider/bigger/large surface area for root development than when it is up right. the cassava roots will also have a larger area for feeding ']
What type of maize seed is resistant to pests and diseases?
['Local seeds']
What is the right time or period from plantin to harvest cassava stalk for planting in order not to affect yield of the parent crop?
['12 months but there are some varieties that take 12-18 months']
Which soil is good for maize. a farmer from kabale.
['Both clay loam and sandy loam soils are good for maize', 'Deep fertile, well drained and earated , sand loam or loamy soil...very good for maiz.']
Application of fertilizer in our gardens is now being used every where in uganda especially n p k and d a p among the two which is good for beans and irish potatoes in kabale katuna area musinga david katuna town council
['All are good at different stages e.g dap at planting to stimulate root growth while npk is a compound fertiliser (n for vegetative growth, p and k for tuber growth and enlargement ', 'It is not that fertilisers are used everywhere but there has been too much nutriet mining without replacing them. it is generally by default that npk is limiting in most soils. so recommended to apply them or use their organic sources']
How can a farmer control lethal maize disease in a garden from kamuli district?
['Early planting', 'Also use clean seed of torelant varieties']
What is the cause of flower abortion in beans?
['Cassava is generally a low cost production crop. the highest cost is in seed and land preparations. hence, one may do zero tillage and may start small by multiplying his stem for the next planting. instead of hand weeding after canopy has formed, one may just do slashing', 'Beyongyera, this is good information, we shall direct who ever is in need ', 'High moisture and high humidity for a.long time after poding. this may be low with new naro bean varieties', 'Too much sunshine']
Which pest is the most destructive to cassava
['The common pests are green mite, mealy bugs and grasshopper. all may be destructive depending on the weather and population of the pests.']
Helo, is there any liquid fertilizer used in planting groundnuts?
['You may use rhizobia if it is available with makerere university, soil science']
Are we going to be given ids and t-shirts?
['Not this time but we will consider it in the coming trainings. ']
How does farm yard manure keep moisture in soil?
['Proper crops cover', 'It covers the soil', 'Farm yard manure contains high organic matter which acts as a sponge which absorbs water (like sponge) and nutrients too. the small particles composed in organic matter there keeps moisture in the soil']
Which one of the soil is the best to grow on cassava?
['But how do you eat it? it is all brown. unless some parts are still white (not attacked), one can peel and cook or dry for making flour', 'A common problem in humid weather. it is caused by a fungus; white leaf spot.', 'Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..', 'Seen', 'Good thanks for the reply', 'Loam soil since it has all the plants nutrients necessarily needed for growth']
What spreads bacterial blight in cassava?
What could be the cause of low yield of cassava ?
['Pests and disease ', 'Diseases and pests and poor farming methods by farmers']
What fertilizer is recommended for maize at planting stsge?
['Dap or organic manure']
Which disease of cassava is very common in your area?
['In katuba village,cbsd is the most']
Most crops have known seasons for planting, what could be the best season for growing cassava? .
['Mr , grow cassava in less rainy period around june, february, december and other months as long as the rainy season is about to start or end ', 'All crops germinate with moisture. so long as the soul has moisture, the stems will germinate. avoid water logged soils. hence, cassava can be planted after maize, beans and other plants that need a lot of water']
What can be done to increase maize productivity?
['Ensure timely land preparation, timely planting, timely weed management, right spacing and get good/clean seeds ', 'Also consider the variety, soil fertility improvement, timely control of pests especially fall army worm', 'All what is mentioned above are correct but also add the following, application of fertilizer, pest management, use organic manure to improve the soil structure and avoiding soil erosion, flooding and water logging as well as wind breaking ']
Hello everyone! this is ronald from bulisa district, a drought prone area. what variety of beans is most suitable for my area? thank you in advance for your responses
["Narob bean 2/high iron reach beans (it's a drought tolerant variety)"]
How many times should l weed my maize garden inorder to maximize production .from musema kiryandongo district
['If you start with a clean seedbed, weeding twice is enough. thanks', 'Musema, if your seed bed was not clean enough you to weed thrice, after emergency, at knee height during top dressing and just before flowering where you only uproot the competing weeds ']
What is the best room temperature for bean storage?
['Preferably 13% and less']
How best can farmers control weavils in stored beans
['I support the idea 100+%']
Is it possible for scientist to share sent images on adsurv to all farmers so that some of us understand more.?
What is the current price of maize in masindi?
['Please contact nacrri beans program, your naro zonal office, the district commercial office, produce stores, harvest plus and other outlets']
What causes root rot "zibugo"in cassava and how can it be prevented.
['As responded to your earlier question on the same, it may be cause by a bacteria or fungi and in many cases after damage to the roots.']
Which type of fertilizer is good to increase cassava production??
['Diammonium phosphate']
What are the symptoms of cassava mosaic
['Leaves become distorted and yellow', 'Poor formation of tubers', 'The plants is stumted', 'Mosaic mottling,mishapen and twisted leaflets and reduction in size of leaves']
How can we access new naro beans here in masaka
['There are 7 narobean varieties, five of which are bush/short type and 2 are climbers. you should point to a particular variety and you will get the descriptions, otherwise we should also put the pictures in resources', 'The beans are available in farm supply shops. you can contact beans program naccri or your zonal naro institute muzardi. harvest plus also promotes narobean 1-3']
Do animal manures contain pathogens which affect beans after planting?
['Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture', 'Please contact ngenta zardi or any other zardi in your region to be assisted', 'Amdocs and chlobenzo', 'No because by the time of planting manures would have decomposed']
How do l treat fungus on my bean plant?
['You can use fungcide', 'Spray with recommended herbicides.']
What plan do you really have to give us hope about the cassava disease
I s it late to plant maize in this mid september
['Yes follow season for planting']
Why it does not work on banana
['What does not work on bananas? please rephrase the question for clarity']
can delaying weding cassava cause cassava mosaic
['No cassava mosaic is cause by mosaic virus and transmitted by whiteflies ', 'No it affects the stem and tubers yields ']
Question 1:besides our advice and knowledge given to farmers, still they have in their mind that they are going to be supplied with material things ie spray pumps, pesticide ,planting materials among others. what's should i tell the farmers?.
["Knowledge is more important that material things. let's try to change the mind set of our audiences (farmers mainly). this is what failed the advisory service. let us be changed first in order to change others"]
What are the signs of a soil that have lost its fertility?
['High moisture and high humidity for a.long time after poding. this may be low with new naro bean varieties', 'Cassava mosaic is not soil born. replanting is okay if one is using clean planting material', 'The cause is the wet whether or environment. the disease spreads with splash water, diseased equipments, humans, animals, etc']
What advice can be given to farmers whose cassava has mosaic?
['Let the uproot the diseased plants and destroy']
What is the recommended planting depth for maize? .
['75cm×25cm and 5cm deep']
What causes yellowing of leaves in beans.
['There are many possible causes e.g. bean fly, lack nitrogen (& other nutrients) in the soil, drought conditions (plant cannot take up the nutrients due to lack of moisture)']
How can rats be controlled in beans, b'se rats eats ponds.
['Mr. fred, rats are wild animals which are not noctannenals in their eating habits, so having a clean field will make them scared of eagles as their predators, and also laying black fiber like materials like banana fibers will scare them as snakes. but also if you are used to move with a cat in the field, it will scare them away by actually eating some of them. you can also manage rats by doing regular monitoring of the field, but the most important thing is field phytosanitation ']
Who has mature narocase1 in buvuma to plant this very season
['I have in dokolo ']
Which type of beans seed suitable in areas of bugiri
["We encourage use of botanicals, regularly sun drying if beans are for eating, but it's for seeds you can use actelic dust or aluminum phosphide", "Knowledge is more important that material things. let's try to change the mind set of our audiences (farmers mainly). this is what failed the advisory service. let us be changed first in order to change others"]
Am sese musema from kiryandongo district we just received today some heavy rain so isn't the right time for me to plant my maize or that rain is for preparation
['We are already in march. please do plant ', 'Yes, maize benefits from the nitrogen birch effect']
Why are there variations of sizes of seed beans in the same garden ?fred, masindi
["Variations exist everywhere in nature; but for bean grain/seed, non uniformity i'm soil fertility across the garden, effect of pests and diseases, weather conditions at the time when such grains/seeds were being formed/ filled etc are some of the factors accounting for the observed difference in size of the bean grains"]
In which type of soil does narocust1 performs best
['All types of soil but not in swampy and rocky soils']
Poverty as a result of covid-19 has greatly affected the market price for my cassava. what can i do?
['Covid 19 is here to stay, so we need to adjust and live with it. so you can adjust and sell to the available price, or try to store a little bit to increase on chances or add some value and widen you out let values ']
What's the most dangerous disease of cassava in uganda?
["At the moment it's cassava brown streak disease"]
When are we supposed to begin the new work?
Farmers always ask for the reason why nitrogenous fertilizer are only top dress
['They take long to be use by plants', 'For nitrogen only top with urea but sulphur is not volatile like nitrogen fertilizer', 'Because it is salty']
Whats the effect if you plant seed that has been affected by storage pests?
['They will not germinate or they will have a very poor germination percentage. may even carry over the pests to the store again']
Which strong chemicles is used for spraing against fall army worm on maize in mayuge districts
['Amdocs and chlobenzo']
How can a farmer control and prevent whiteflies from affecting cassava.?
['The major issue would be to control the side effects of white flies by using torelant lines. one can spray to reduce on the numbers']
Where is market for cassava in kabale district?
[' spraying pesticides is right if you use the right pesticides true to the pest in question and timely and properly used. ']
How can we control the wiveals ?
['Harvest on time, dry maize properly and store in a dry place or airtight containers']
I planted beans and it is now one week germination it has started to dry what could be the effects.and which could be the best chamical for spraying.
['We need to see pictures to make a good conclusion. however could that be bean root rot.', "If it's bean root rot, then spraying can't solve the problem", 'We need to see pictures']
Is there a liquid fertilizer use to mix in beans when planting?
["I know of rhizobia for nitrogen fixation that you mix and plant with seed using a sticking substance such as sugar. it's sold in makerere. they have for bean's, soybeans and groundnuts"]
For how long should beans be stored before they get dormant for germination
['Lack of enough nutrients in the soil ', 'The bacterial diseases like brown spot causes black spots on the bean pods. the pod folding may be due to a pest attack', "I think i have responded to this two times. so far, crop specific herbicides are just coming up. like they have developed for other crops, let's give it time, we shall also get for cassava and other crops. however, selective herbicides can weed cassava, even weed master itself if used carefully and depending on the stage of the crop", 'For aleast a month']
Is possible to create for us a diagnosis app for beans and maize for easy understanding of diseases on them?
['This is what we will work on with the images that you will be sending. ']
How can clay soil be improved?
['Adding lime and humus which clamp tinny particles to form larger one hence improving aeration and drainage.']
Farciltation of local plus technical personal is needed to hold worships at the district level fo make farmer awareness of new veriaty and their advantegas or use of radiotalk show. we request. where is manistry of agric?
['You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos']
Which season is best for planting beans
['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ']
State any two problems that affect bean farmers in uganda
Some farmers harvest mature maize when it is not yet fully dried won't this have some side effects
['It may because the maize grains may rot']
What are the new cassava varieties
['No new varieties yet but we trust narocass1, nase14, nase19, nase3 and mkumba']
What is inter croping
['Growing of different crops in the garden (mainly at the same time) e.g. beans and maize, beans and cassava, bananas and coffee, etc but it can be temporal and spatial']
Ls it possible to plant cassava from the same garden where you have removed cassava immediately?
['You can do it but we always encourage rotations. if the garden has problems of diseases like root rots, it may be carried to the next crop.']
What is the appropriate distance for planting beans
['It mostly depends on soil fertility, ( 40 cm *10 cm) and ( 50 cm * 10 cm)']
What causes seed dormancy
['Immature embryo', 'High temperature during seed maturity', 'Hard seed coat which prevententrence of oxygen and water']
Is it adviserble to inter crop beans with maize
['Yes very advisable to intercrop the two. ensure that you have about 30 cm between the maize and the bean plant and you can use dap fertilizer at planting at a rate of 10 grams per plant for both maize and the beans at planting and urea on maize alone at weeding ', 'It is okay, the crops have different growth habits, mature at different times and beans add nitrogen to the soil']
What are the couses for accoumulation of water in prematuered bean pod
['It is a variety issue. with some varieties, too much rain cause pod rots. i encourage to use new bean varieties which are tolerant to extremes or rain and sunshine/ temperature']
What spread brown streak
['It is white flies', 'Cassava whiteflies and planting infected stems', 'It can also be spread by using infected cuttings', 'It is spread by diseased planting materials and an insect called whitefly']
What are the good stems for planting
['Good stems fir planting should be frim cassava plants of 9-16 month old', 'You count the nods on the steam ie around 3 then u plant.', 'One futi']
How is seed drying important to farmers
['To reduce insect damage', 'To prevent seed germination from the store', 'To increase on the seeds shelf life.', 'Prevent moulding', 'To reduce moisture content', 'To keep the temperature of the seed as low as possible', 'Prevents seeds from rotting.']
What causes cassava mosica
['Cassava mosaic viruses']
What are the causes of cassava mosaic
['Virus and transmitted by white flies', 'Dissemination of stem cuttings affected by the disease', 'Through the activities of whitefly vector ,nemesis tabeci', 'Mainly when you plant infected planting materials.']
If possible send more and proper identification of diseases and control guide on cassava, maize and beans for proper and accurate data collection. that is the hand outs during our traing in makerere. dravuru milka terego district.
How can i improve vierbility of maize seeds before planting.
['Please farmers, know that every thing that grows in your garden uses up nutrients. these nutrients have to be replaced from various sources. the easiest way to do this is use of fertilisers (organic or inorganic). ', 'Different in different parts of the the country but between 450 to 650 shillings a killo ']
What causes cassava to become like gridend even when its in store?
['Cassava dry chips in store appear powdery due to a pest called storage weevil which attacks dry stored cassava and causes it to look like flour. always put the cassava chips in the store in the sun regularly to drive the weevils away.']
What is the effect of hailstone on cassava tubers?
["No. if it's drought not much you can do.", 'Most farmers use bean clean to weed beans', 'Try using dogs to scare them away. if u use furadan and one dies, they will even destroy more crops']
Which fertilizer can a farmer use to spray maize after second weeding.?.
['Foliar fertilizers with micro nutrients are normally applied. however, n containing fertilizer are dissolved and applied on foliar especially during dry season. but remember, the crops mainly take in nutrients through the soil i.e. roots. another reason for applying foliar is that the soil may not have moisture to ulitise the soil fertilizers. fertilizer uptake only happens when there is moisture to dissolve it and roots take it up']
What is the best bean variety for western uganda?
['Specific to district, most of the bush bean varieties do well in western uganda, expect southwest where only climbers do best. i still encourage you to go for the nutrient rich bean varieties of narobean 1,2,3,6, 7 for bush beans']
How can we controls army worms from a maize shamba,and. is it recommend to use organics resty mayuge?
['Start monitoring for presence of the worms about 3 weeks or less after planting. then spray with rocket. if you delay, spray with amdocs']
What can uganda do to eliminate white flies of so no by
['Use of natural enemies that eat the whiteflies']
L was told that for quickly germination of maize seeds,it needs first to be shocked in water before planting,is that true?
['Yes this is because it should absorb water and oxygen to ease the growth', 'Sometimes shocking is good for viability test and quick germination']
People what will happen after the period of research?
['We shall still value u as our agents and hope that u will still continue giving us information on disease status in your area. we shall continue collaborating and partnering']
Why is it possible to use chemicals like "potent" to weed a bean garden and yet beans remain safe while weeds are destroyed or burnt? musinga david from katuna.
['The herbicide manufacture incorporate chemical to achieve that purpose. however, in most cases, the broad leaved weeds (like those of beans) do not die properly ']
Which type of weed is very dengerous to beans in kabale region?
['All weeds are bad for all.crops. the most dangerous are perennial weeds because they are hard to control']
After buying maize grains from agro-dealers and i plant for the first time, how many times should i plant the same maize without going back to buy new ones?
['I do not understand why my question can not be submitted today.could you explain please?', 'Lady gloria, you may need to give a response and the frequency used. what determines the amount? etc. thanks', "See response on the previous question..can be prevented by using tolerant bean varieties, proper spacing, don't water beans from top, etc"]
At masindi it has started running can we start planting maize
["The amounts of rains vary from rvion to region. if the fields are well prepared and there's enough moisture in the soils you can plant "]
Where can i get naro cass 1
['Contact opio abdala of oribcing in aber and otim jasper of anotocao group in loro subcounty']
What is the appropriate spacing for nabe 4 .and what determines spacing in beans.
['Unlike otherwise, bush beans like nabe 4 are spaced at 50*10cm. the climbers can be spaced at 50*20cm. this is for mono crop. if beans are in an intercrop the spacing may be more. also soil fertility may determine spacing. ']
What are the examples of chewing and bittingpests?
['White flies and aphids are some of the examples.']
What is the recommended spacing for cassava?
['1 meter']
When should farmers harvest beans and how should it be done.
['Beans should be harvested when you see them dry. when all have ripened and majority have changed the pod color from yellow to brown meaning dried']
What should the farmer do if hisor her maize effect by drought before maturity.
['When there is no provision for irrigation a farmer cannot do much. it will be a loss which is very unfortunate ']
What is the price for fertilizer in jinja
['There are a number of leaf eating insects e.g. beetles and caterpillars. ']
In serere district hailstorm hasdestroyed fields of cassava is good to plant the same mateial ,iam charles oyonga serere district .
['It is not very correct to plant the stems hit by snow because some of them may have lost their buds and so may not sprout. i advise that allow sometime for heeling of the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting ']
How can control cassava mosaic
['Use clean planting materials, uproot diseased plants in the field and let them dry.']
Striga weed has become a problem to maize how best can it be prevented?
['Use a selective herbicide /chemical called bean clean or potent. use 200-280 mls in 20 litres of water/ pump, depending on type and stage of weeds', 'On a maize garden?', 'On a maize garden?', 'Dig deep in the soil to uproot the rhizome']
L have 20 mbs which i tried to send 10 images but it failed so i tried 6 and eventually 1 but also in vain now what could be the minimum mbs to send an image(s)
['The most mbs required to send an image is 1.5mb. but if you reduce the image quality which we recommend you should be able to send 2 images for 1mb']