Where is peer project located
['Makerere and namulonge']
Where can i get good varieties for cassava?
['Please get in touch with your district production office who will give you more information. you can also reach me on this contact. ']
Can cassava be graftey
['Like said no at moment']
What camechal can use spraying arm warm
['There are a number of different types used ,but it depends to the location were u are . the one which works in busoga region it can not work for u ']
How is seed drying important to farmers before storage?
['To reduce insect damage', 'Proper drying increases shelf life and reduces damage due to weevils']
At what stage of maize, application of fertilizer is the best
['You can top dress with urea one month after planting.', 'Use dap for planting', 'Use dap for planting']
Which plant nutrient helps in the formation of chlorophyll?
['Starch', 'Chlorophyll is a component of many compounds and enzymes. magnesium is more important in aiding the function of enzyme rubusco(sp) but also nitrogen for green color, carbon, et']
Is there any boasts that can be applied on maize to boast its growth under drought.
["No. if it's drought not much you can do."]
When u see some scratches on the stems does it mean its already afected by cassava brown streak? apac farmer
['Not necessarily. ']
.what could be the cause of bean mosaic?
['You use clean seeds/ seeds free of diseases']
What is spasement of casava.
['Plant cassava 1meter by 1meter .that spacing is good enough for good yields']
What is crop rotation
['Crop rotation is the practice of growing/planting of different crops(mainly from different families) on a given or same piece of land (in a sequence). it is aimed at improved soil health, pests, diseases and weed control']
I need to know the best soils for planting cassava
['The best soils for cassava are: sandy loam or sandy clay. avoid pure clay, rocky and stony soils. ']
At what stage should we splay fitterisers
['Its good to aply fitelizer after two weeks of r germination', 'Be specific on which fertilizers and crops to be applied to because some are applied at growth so which one is which']
Which type of disease is known by yellow leaves?
["It's mostly due to nitrogen deficiency (i.e there's shortage of required amounts of nitrogen by the maize plant)"]
At what moisture content should beans be stored?
['The conditions vary from seed, to planting method and soils. poor seeds (almost losing viability) will not germinate evenly. planting at different depth will not come out evenly. some soils may be poor. other causes may include poor placement of fertilisers (which may burn the seed), etc', "Is it brown streak disease or? this may depend on kind of planting materials and their source but we know that's is always a gxe interaction. please report to your agric officer"]
Why do beans leave turns yellowish before maturity dispute rain is available
['Some could be affected by diseases']
What best recommendable chemical for controlling arm worms in maize.
['Amdocs and chlobenzo', "Fred and colleagues, it's important for us to know that fall army worm is a simple pest to deal with and it is killed by by a range of pesticides ranging from cypermethrens, through dimethoates to combined chemicals like rocket and even those given by mebellu above, but you must spray in the late evening hours not less than 5pm, becuase the pest is a noctanal and feeds only and only at night "]
How can i prevent my cassava crop from cassava mosic virus?
['Uproot the diseased plants as early as possible to avoid disease spread']
What is the best variety of cassava on deep soils
['Most of the released are good with deep can plant narocass1 because of its added advantage of high yield and disease resistance ']
Wat sh'd l do? going on da plate form needs a lot of data to enable me to send & read my colleagues q & a which am not provided.
['Please contact lady gloria for advise ']
Is it possible to get seed for longe 1 variety in uganda currently, where?
Is it good to leave beans stock as manure for the next season?
['Yes because the root nodules fix nitrogen in the soil']
Which month is most recommended for planting nambale beans in mbale
['Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..']
Why is maize succeptible to fall armyworms?
['It is not that maize is susceptible, but fall army worm is a pest of main and may be other cereal crops. like measles are to human and coccidiosis to poultry or swine fever, the same applies to full army worm to maize.']
What are the limitations of using seeds for propagations
['Should be of the same offspring and free from diseases']
. how best can rust in beans be controlled?
['Use fungicides to control this fungal disease but also do clean weeding since the disease has many alternative hosts like weeds']
What is the leading area of whiteflied in uganda
['Whiteflies are found everywhere but highly in kamuli, amolatar, buliisa, nakasongola, luwero, nakaseke, pakwack, oyam, serere and masindi']
How long are we going to work this time
Two gwana ma'am loki pot gwana may elo
['Mosaic disease']
What causes root for?
['Justine, i want to thank you for your question, but kindly re think the question to provide specific crop of which the root you are talking about? ', 'I think since the subject is cassava, we may say cassava root rot.']
Farmer stems for planting are available contact me on
['Mr. beyongyera, which stems are available, if it is cassava cuttings, kindly contact your district owc offices. but also adsurv is okay! ']
When is the right stage to spray foliar fertilizer to beans?
["The amounts of rains vary from rvion to region. if the fields are well prepared and there's enough moisture in the soils you can plant ", '50x10cm or 25x20cm) for bush types, and (50x15cm or 50x20cm) for climbing', 'Oliver, it is important to know that timely planting is about conditions necessary for germination being available in the soil rather than the rainy time. therefore prepare your fields and wait ']
What chemical is used in conservation of maize?
['Aluminum phosphate tablets. this recommended only in warehouses']
For how long should farmers keep bean seeds before they get spoiled?
['One month']
Why does cassava in wetlands cramp
['Too much moisture content', 'Please use clean, tolerant planting materials. make sure the source fields are certified']
My app is closed
['Please give more information on this when you are called']
What causes cassava to be biter
['Cassava is bitter due to a substance called cyanide. ', 'Poor souls can stress the cassava and cause it to also be bitter. however there are also bitter varieties like tongolo and magana which are bitter']
What should a farmer do in case he or she realizes that some strange disease has attacked his or her cassava field?
['Report to your sub county crop service provider.']
What cause beans 2 dry at flowering stage & when is rain'g?
['A disease called bean common mosaic necrotic virus or black root', 'Select the seed you plant carefully, and water logging should be avoided']
How are the reduce whiefly problems by
['Naro is researching on that to come up with resistant varieties. for now we recommend planting early in the season so that the crop is strong enough to withstand the pest attack when it sets in']
Is it good to fertilizer sugarcane?
['Please farmers, know that every thing that grows in your garden uses up nutrients. these nutrients have to be replaced from various sources. the easiest way to do this is use of fertilisers (organic or inorganic). ', 'The information we provide is good for researchers to compile the pressing problems and submit to either research or responsible organisation. all that we enjoy is coming from research (not only agricultural research). remember research can only be done if there is a problem and researchers need to be informed. this forum is one of the ways. please keep forwarding the problems', 'Yes, actually sugarcane is a very high consumer of fertilizers (both macro and micro nutrients)']
Hiw does this work?
['Jst press the plus button in the bottom right corner and type a question', 'If you want to reply, click my reply on a question and type your reply the submit', 'Click view replies to see the replies for a particular question', 'You ask a question and you are given a response by an expert']
Were can l get a new cass varlty
['Contact ngetta zardi but as a group not individual']
What spacing is recommended for cassava planting?
['1m * 1m distance and width']
Some farmers grow maize with bush beans. is it a good practice? .
['Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ', 'Use stakes instead, use bush beans to intercrop with maize']
Where can i get maize in kampala?
['Kalererwe market']
Apart from nar0 where else can we get access to quality seeds/ cuttings,?
How can one become an exporter of maize brand to kenya following the current crisis ? charles serere.
['The government is working on this. many stakeholders are involved. just follow the developments']
What is the best stage of applying bean cleaner in nambaale beans
['Bean clean which is a herbicide/chemical for weed control in beans at be applied as early as 3 weeks after planting when all beans have germinated and established well. ', 'Another herbicide one can use instead is called potent, it is also effective and cheaper ', 'Best yield results are obtained if chemical weed control is done during the second weed control regime not the first one. because during the first weeding, you are supposed to earth up/heaps soil around bean stem bases which is not possible when you use chemicals']
Two gwana twerk mako gweno
['Two gwana pe mako lee ki dano. en mako gwana keken']
The price for treated beans for sowing
['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']
How much is a kg of g-nuts redbeauty.
["It's at 3000kg in kamuli district"]
Which chemical is good for maize longfive at flowering stage in arua
['None ']
Any one to direct me where there is engine water pump for irrigation in my garden
['Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ', 'This one is stricky. better control the weed before planting or germination of the beans. otherwise, any herbicide for broad leaved weeds can do but be careful since beans are also broad leaved. because oxalis has a seed, a systemic herbicide would be better.']
How can i improve on production of beans right from land preperation to hervest.
['Please ensure you do the required agronomic practices timely. e.g. early and good seed preparation, timely planting (use the right variety for the area), timely weeds, pests and disease control, proper fertilisation where necessary and timely harvesting']
. with out cutting a cassava root tuber,how can you i dentify a good one for human consumption?
['Am abias syrock in kiryandongo please use narocuss1 variety it z good ', "Thanks for your response but here in kabale district it's very rare to access cassava stem cuttings please members can you export them to us and we give you money?", ', cassava tuber should be physically complete with no damages including cuts, and should be fresh from the field or having been kept underground if not very fresh ', "Thanks abias, but where can i get it from because in kabale district it's not common?", 'Benson, please contact kachwekano zardi for more information on suitable cassava varieties']
Do we have any recomendable seed loan programme for our farmers?
["At the moment, we don't have such a specific programmee, but in your local groups and saccos you can obtain an agricultural loan "]
How deep should cassava stalk should be planted
['One can plant the stems straight or slanting or flat. with flat, cover the whole stem. with straight or slanting, depth will depend on length of the stem (20-30cm recommended length). one can leave 2 or 3 growth buds outside.']
Which bean variety has a high nutritious soup.
['The new bean varieties i e. naro beans, are rich in zinc and iron in addition to other nutrients ', 'Different beans have different good soup depending on your preference in terms of colour, texture and taste, but the improved and new naro bean varieties are the best in all the parameters ']
Do haue anew variety of casava apart from narocas one
['We hve many cassava varieties that are available with the zardis near you']
How does manuring of cassava garden control pests?
['Manuring increases plant vigor and its ability to fight against disease attack. a health plant is not highly affected by attack from. certain pests and diseases as compared to a nutrient deficient crop']
Which maize vareity is drougt resistant and where can such vareity be got.
['Mm3, longe 4 and 5 and other new wema varieties', 'Bazooka ']
My name is birungi doreen from masindi district. how many times are beans supposed to be sprayed in a season?
['Spraying using whichever chemical should be need based and as above, be last option; then sprayed for what? pest, or disease control or nutrients enhancement? so the chemical type and number and frequency of spraying should be called for']
What is the proper cassava spacing?
['1 mx1m']
How can i apply urea in planting an acre of beans garden.?.
["You need to apply the phosphorous fertiliser at planting, i'm the hole. cover with soil and then put the seed. the rate is 50kg per acre depending on seed used", 'Do not use urea at planting please. all the nitrogen will be leached before the plant starts to use it']
The distribution of cassava stems some times are done withoutthe trained personel visiting or inspecting the field gardens dont you think this wil lead to the continous spread of cassava brown streak disease?
['Of course it will. the most important step in seed production is inspection. get planting materials from certified gardens']
Are u satisfied with the images i send
['Thank you for always sending the images. the images sent so far are quite informative. please keep sending more.']
How can beans harvest be controlled from the past
['Dry the beans well and store away from moisture conditions. if it is for seed, you can apply a pesticides. sore in clean, air tight containers on raised ground and well ventilated storage place']
What spacing is suitable when planting beans ?
['See above response but consider 50*10cm for bush beans, 50*20cm for climbing beans']
It's as started rain'g at masindi can we plant seeds?
['I hope you planted by now']
What type of soil is good for planting maize?
['Loam soil', 'Well drained fertile loam or sandy loam soils']
What are the damages caused by the bean flower thrips?
['There are a number of leaf eating insects e.g. beetles and caterpillars. ', 'What chemicals are we talking about? proper use of chemicals (right type, dosage, concentration and timely application) is safe to the environment', 'David, for kabale use highland bred varieties like pana, bazuka and others ']
Which cassave variety gives the highest yields per acre.
['At the moment, the issue is not only on yield but tolerance to diseases especially the csvd and cmd. even if you get yield but diseased roots, they may not be useful. you are advised to plant narocas 1']
Fresh and old seeds, which ones are better to be grown?
['Consider the location because some varieties (especially hybrids) may be suitable for certain locations e.g. high lands (high altitude areas) compared to low lands. this especially for imported varieties. otherwise, most naro variety are suitable in many areas of the country. a dry area or semi arid may be suitable for early maturing (short growth period) varieties', 'It is not very correct to plant the stems hit by snow because some of them may have lost their buds and so may not sprout. i advise that allow sometime for heeling of the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting ', 'This depends on what we are spraying against (weeds? pests? diseases, foliar fertilisers, etc)']
What causes cassava mealybug
['Cassava mealy bugs are pests. they can be transmitted through planting materials. however, they can be from 9ther host plants like coffee, pineapples, sugar canes, etc']
Is it okay to plant cassava in november ?
['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant', 'See above response. so long as u soil has moisture']
How many kgs of beans can a farmer get from an acre of nambale short if well managed.
['Up to 500kgs', 'If the standard yield of beans is about 2.5 tones per hectare, and 1 hectare is equal to 2.5 acres, then it means that 1 acre will yield 0.5 tones, equivalent to 500 kilograms ']
When can farmers expect good variety of cassava?
['There are already high yielding and disease resistant varieties like narocass1 and 2 that are available and can be assessed ', "We don't give materials to farmers but we advise that you consult your subcounty or district agric office to get help and go as a group of farmers or write a letter through your leaders at the village or parish"]
What is the best way for preserving beans for long time againest weavels;?orobia moses from arua city
['You can use red paper or cowdung to stop the weevil entering your beans immediately after harvesting put on the top ,middle and bottom of the container you are storing in. ', 'Previous research indicates less effectiveness from herbs. the best way is to dry the beans properly. do not store directly on ground, ensure a moist free storage area. one may use safe food chemicals/dusts/tablets. there are also storage bags which can keep off the weevils for some time']
Which type of soil is good for planting cassava?
['Loam soil']
When is season of planting bean will end at masindi
['Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..']
What's the price of maize
['Grain, seed or flour']
I have 1000kgs of maize seeds for human consumption can i get market at a price of 1500shillings per kg? ,.
['This price is a bit high because this is what is normally offered for seed before treating it. if u r sure it is seed and you were inspected, please contact naro or any seed company especially where you got the seed that u plated.']
Does eating rotten cassava cause problems in animal or people
['Eating rotten cassava due to cbsd may not be a problem but we dont encourage people to eat them because they may have secondary infection due to other pathogens like bacteria or fungi. try to eat clean cassava. ', 'Cassava rotten due to disesse is not good for food. but may not cause problems to man and animals except if bacteria or fungi enters them. so avoid eating the diseased roots just look for good ones']
What is the name of three new cassva varieties
['Narocass1, narocass2 and nase14']
1.why is gertlizer expensive? 2.which type of ferlizer is beans? 3.what variety of beans is suitable for lganga soils? 4.where can i get better seeds of beans? market for beans ready and reliable?
['Already answered above, refer to question that asked about fertilizers, all details are included', '1. like anything else, fertiliser is expensive because it is not produced in uganda. it is also a product considered worth (value) for the money.\n2. look at my previous answers\n3. beans are normally suitable everywhere because even climbers are now.produced in masaka, lwengo, bukomansimbi, etc', '4. get better seeds from nacrri or contact them to link you to suppliers of certified seed. go to reputable seed companies for seed and other agricultural inputs\n5. beans are consumed everywhere in uganda and outside, so market is readily available.', 'O.k thank u madam.']
What can eight hundred shillings do in uganda today? please we seen to become steping stones for some people to benefit from donors
['Very unfortunate that this is how you are looking at this. the system we are using is very fair and all based on the submissions that a farmer makes. we have farmers receiving as much as 300,000/= a week. ', 'Please kodet, talk to the people at makerere direct but not on this platform']
We find problem of mbs
['Please check the channel named mbs for help']
Which type of soil is favourable for the growth of maize for human consumption?.
["Soil fertility is key in maize production especially npk. don't use water logged soils (ensure well drained soils). hence, a good loam soil is advantageous", "Mr benson, it's important to know that appart from specific varieties of maize, all maize will be consumed by human being regardless of what type of soils. but like nakyagaba advised plant maize in well drained fertile roam soils, which are light and ensure appropriate crop management "]
How do i get healthy cassava cuttings for my group
['Go to abi and talk to the management or write a letter as a group']
What is the maturity periof of 10h ?kiboga
['4 months']
Good morning farmers? 40 acrs of narocuss1 and nas19 cassava any one in need of cassava stems cantact me on .
['Where are these stems? please contact your agricultural or commercial officer or operation wealth creation officers for possible market(s)']
.l have half acre of land and i would like to plant there it possible to get planting materials because in our area they are very scarce?
['I hv narocuss1 at 25000 per bag and u need 6 bags to plant ur garden contact me for more ']
Which type of disease affects beans at pod filling?
['You can do by bird scarig either using people or scare crows']
Which bean type mature's faster?
[' of course the chemical may affect bees but it is better to spray before flowering to maximize on effect of bees on crop pollination', 'We have the k 132 and the nabe varieties, they take 75 to 80 days.', 'Good reply thanks', 'Thanks']
Nabel 4 beans are usually damaged by weevils immediately after harvest. how best can it be overcomed? .
['Nothing is specially developed for nabe 4. handle like for other bean types. try your level best to dry the beans properly and store in well ventilated stores. ', 'Yo\nu have to hervest beanns with. in 75days to avoid bean weavils and store well into acool dry place']
Am sese musema from kiryandongo ,what are some of the guidelines for me to consider inorder to get maximize production of the beans
['Know the soil type, get the right variety, plant on time, ensure the right soil fertility, do optimum plant population/spacing, weed on time, control pests and diseases, do timely harvesting', 'Consider the following: variety, plant at the right spacing (45 cm x 10 cm), keep the crop free of weeds and monitor invasion by pests and diseases and seek guidance from your experts']
How can i get good material
['Visit the nearest research institute or your agricultural office at the district']
Through observation holes have emerged on the newly germinated seedlings, what could be the cause?
['These are leaf eaters or cutting and chewing insects']