How do i plant f10?
['Cintact naro ir serere', 'F10 is not an officially released cassava variety in uganda']
What bean varieties have a higher market value in kiboga and around?
['The farmer should undertake a marker survey however, currently, the nutrien dense varieties namely narobean 1,2, 3 and 6 are on high demand. you can contact kiboga district farmers association for more guidance, and these can link you to some farmer groups in kibiga and other subcounties who are already growing these bean varieties and habe vast market']
How does farm yard manure preserve moisture in the soil?
['They cover the top soil hence preventing water loss', 'They cover the top soil hence preventing water loss', 'I have explained this somewhere. please look at it. however, farm yard manure (fym) has a lot of organic material which is converted into organic matter and later humus. these contain very minute particles and when they come together, they form a sponge like nature which holds water and releases it slowly ( the higher the smaller particles in the soil, the higher it is likely to have more clay, hence the longer it can keep the soil more moist).']
Name for me the three varieties of cassva
['Natocass1, narocass2 and nase14']
What's the best pesticide for armyworm
['Maize is having a good market at the moment ( fresh and dry). no worries', 'Sincerely there is no other best method i know other than bird scaring ', 'Not true', 'Garden tech']
Where can one access factory for cassava?
['You can access a cassava processing plant in arapai soroti district', 'There is a also a cassava processing factory upcountry in nwoya district', 'Agricultural service in kampala', 'The farm uganda cassava batch dryer factory in kigumba', 'Soroti in eastern']
What are the different forms of value addition in beans?
['If you use conservation agricultural practices like permanent planting basins, an acre has 7000 basins each planting 3 seeds, in which the acre will require 21,000 seeds and depending on the variety, this may not vary so much from the conventional methods ', 'Yes very advisable to intercrop the two. ensure that you have about 30 cm between the maize and the bean plant and you can use dap fertilizer at planting at a rate of 10 grams per plant for both maize and the beans at planting and urea on maize alone at weeding ', 'Use a selective herbicide /chemical called bean clean or potent. use 200-280 mls in 20 litres of water/ pump, depending on type and stage of weeds']
What is the rate of dap fertilizer to be used in planting maize in an acre?
['50kg per acre and use a bottle top to be applied in each hole']
How can cbb be managed in a field of cassava
['Naro is currently researching on it and will communicate our findings soon']
Which common chemical is used for seed dressing
['Malathon dust', 'Lindone dust']
Which is the best chemical for spraying bean fly?.
['Any pesticide can do e.g. rocket, dudu guard, etc']
What can i do to overcome yellowing of maize (white maize) leaves in ntungamo?
['I think try urea at knee level', 'Ensure proper soil fertility especially nitrogen and proper soil fertility']
What type of pests which causes bean leaves turns into yellowish
['Yellowing of beans leaves is not only a result of pests. however, the bean fly is one of the major pests of beans which can cause this. the bean root rots can also do so. but more important are the soil nutrients especially nitrogen. on top of that, the soil moisture conditions especially dry soils can lead to yellowing']
Why do cassava perform well in poor soils
['It is not that cassava performs well in poor soils but it is tolerant of low nutrients. when heavy feeders fail to grow and cassava grows the farmers think like so, the reason for low yields. please ensure the soil has some nutrients for better yields']
What brings the cassava lower leaves to become as black?
['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']
Is it applicable to do earthing up in maize garden?
['Mr benson, inorganic fertilizers only provide ready nutrients for quick uptake, but organic fertilizers build the soil structure and relesease nutrients in small and sustainable quantities and so conservs the soils better ', 'Yes mr.benson its good because it keeps moisture in the soil and control soil erosion']
Any market for cassava stems naricas 1 ready now
["We can't guarantee market for but look around for buyers. contact subcounty agric office. or advertise them in church, schools or markets"]
What happens to the tubers of cassava plants that have been hit by hailstorms ?
['Nothing happens to the tubers but the stems may nit be good for replanting.']
How can i control pests locally in stored beans
['By use of ashes mixed with tobacco', 'Use of red paper to control beans wevel', 'Use of red paper to control beans wevel', 'The first and cheapest control.methods are proper drying and storing the beans away from moisture conditions e.g. on raised grounds']
We have experienced a prolonged dry spell what could be the time to begin sowing
['When it started raining']
Which month is best for growing beans
['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ']
Which type of seed is resistant to pests and diseases
['Local seeds', 'Okey', 'The improved seeds', 'This depends on the pest or disease in question. however, most of the improved varieties have not only been bred for early maturity and high yield, but also for resistance to pests and diseases.']
Is cassava grown in temperate climate as well or is purely a tropical crop ?
['Cassava is grown in both temprate and tropical areas but it does well in the tropics than the temperate zones because cassava needs warm climate such as africa, brazil etc. in temperate areas they suffer frost burn during winter and die.', 'Its mostly in thetropics']
Which pesticide is used to spray on the dried beans
['We do not spray pesticides on dry beans but 8f u have to keep for long, use marathon or actellic dust at recommended rates (for seed or feed).']
Can we get firtilezer to help us on beans
['At planting a farmer may apply a fertilizer rich in phosphorous depending on the fertility of the soil. later after germination (3 to 4 weeks), a farmer may apply an insecticide and a foliar fertiliser', 'On beans inoganic fertilizers are not recomendeble but use foliars in two weeks after germination.']
Which type of soil is suitsble for abeans in kiboga?
['Well drained sandy loam soils with adequate soil fertility']
What is the current price for dry beans (yellow)
['1000 per cup', 'Is it true or per two cups']
What is the treatment for maize streak disease?
["It's a virus disease so u have to uproot the affected plant and throw away from the garden"]
How long does it take for a good clean seed in a good fertile soil with a favourable good rainfall to germinate? musinga david from katuna.
['This depends on crop but for beans (if all important factors are favourable), by 7 to 10 days the seeds would have germinated']
How much is a kg of sugar 31seed variety in kabale and kampala cities ?
['Please visit a genuine seed company. you may also contact the abi zardi or district production or agric officer', 'The government is working on this. many stakeholders are involved. just follow the developments', 'Mr. bagalana, i saw some information that kenya had lifted up the burn. in my area, southwestern uganda, the price of maize grain had reduced to below 400 but after that information, it has risen to above 500 shillings per killo ']
Which cassava is best for what purpose
['For now grow narocass 1 variety, for food and income', 'What are the best cassava ', 'Most released varieties are good for value addition ']
Where does white flies feed on in cassava leaves? afarmer from apac district
['Just know that the white flies are the major causes of streak and mosaic in cassava. they mainly attack the leaves, mostly underside.']
Can cassava be planted in this month?
['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant', 'Like i said the new bean varieties are tolerant of rain extremes (too low and too high). the naro bean series 1-3 for bush beans', 'Yes even in dokolo planting is on going', 'Yes....this is actually the right time of planting cassava (begining of the rainy season). so please go ahead and plant!']
How much is the cost of maize grain as per kg
['Busoga religion 1000/kg']
What couses yellowing in maize? kiboga.
['Lack of nitrogen in the soils ', 'A number of factors but mainly poor soil fertility and lack of soil moisture', 'Yellowing of maize is due to lack of nitrogen in the soil, so you can apply manure at planting at a rate of 10 tons per ectare or apply dap at planting and urea at weeding nkee height at a rate of 10 grams per plant ']
What causes maize cob rotting esp. during the time of harvesting . jimmy apac.
["That's because the maize cob has a poor tip cover which allows water to enter into the cob causing rotting "]
Carrying stems for fire wood can it spread further the disease
['What are the best varieties of cassava for karamoja sub-region? ', 'It depends on tue the on the purpose for which you use the stems ie if you use them for planting you will spread but if u burn them no', 'Thank you. so long as you are not planting the infected stems, there is no need to worry. ']
What can farmer do to prevent cassava mosaica?.
['Plant stems that are disease free and uproot any diseased plant in your garden']
Why is that there was low harvest of maize this year
['Rains started late and farmers never anticipated that. ']
How can bean fly be controlled?
['Mr. fred, rats are wild animals which are not noctannenals in their eating habits, so having a clean field will make them scared of eagles as their predators, and also laying black fiber like materials like banana fibers will scare them as snakes. but also if you are used to move with a cat in the field, it will scare them away by actually eating some of them. you can also manage rats by doing regular monitoring of the field, but the most important thing is field phytosanitation ', 'There are a number of leaf eating pests like caterpillars and beetles. of recent there are snails. spray with insecticides where necessary.', 'Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ']
What is the proper line spacing for cassava
['From mr polo klzlto', 'Use 1m x 1m between rows and between plsnts']
Drought has hit serere district any advise on the flowering beans .charles
['Sorry about that, but you now have to strategize for the next season. i advice you to plant narobean 6 or narobean 7 as they are drought tolerant beans']
What pesticides can i use to spray my beans?
['Npk at 20 kilograms per acre applied at planting is best']
Apart from cow dung and urine, what else are contained in farm yard manure?
['Kitchen remains']
Is it recommended to plant cassava stems with manure say cowdung
["Yes you can plant cassava with manure but it's not profitable"]
What çould be the reason why beans can't gemlnate equally in the same garden having been planted on the same day? musinga david from katuna.
['The conditions vary from seed, to planting method and soils. poor seeds (almost losing viability) will not germinate evenly. planting at different depth will not come out evenly. some soils may be poor. other causes may include poor placement of fertilisers (which may burn the seed), etc']
What causes cassava frogskin
["Cassava frog skin disease is caused by a virus. but this disease is not yet discovered in uganda. it's found in latin america where cassava came from"]
What causes shrivelling and rotting of beans seed.?.
['Sucking pest', 'This may be a result of bothering pests and diseases. the rots (bacterial and fungal) as well as sucking insects may cause this but mainly diseases']
Which type of cassava can last for more than two years?
['Use urea and 50 kg per acre', 'Use a maize crib but if not available, dry maize properly before storin', 'Najeria is good', 'Najeria is good']
What storage pesticide do i use for. beans. nebe 15 in arua
["We encourage use of botanicals, regularly sun drying if beans are for eating, but it's for seeds you can use actelic dust or aluminum phosphide", ' you can also use hematic bags, these cannot allow weevils to eat the beans']
Why in kiiboga local casava getiting broun leat disease more than other places
["Is it brown streak disease or? this may depend on kind of planting materials and their source but we know that's is always a gxe interaction. please report to your agric officer"]
Am requesting the bosses instead of sending our payments as airtime, you would rather sent it via mobile money to facilitate on both transport and data while collecting data.
['I support the idea 100+%']
What couses beans to turn yellowish and later dry before maturity.
['The major problems associated with yellowing are poor soil nutrition (lack of n mainly), pests especially the bean fry and drought (lack of soil moisture).']
L mean beans.
['The plant nutrients are divided into macro and micro nutrients. macro or essential are a must and required in bigger quantities. e.g. nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcoumetcmicro nutrients are required in small/trace quantities and too much may cause toxicity to the crop and human life e.g. zinc, manganese, iron, copper, boron, chlorine, etc']
What's the current price of beans in your area?
['Its about two thousand per kilo', 'Dokolo is 1200# per cup']
What's the best way to apply fertilizers for better maize production?
['Fertilizer application in maize can be done at mainly two (and at times 3) stages. e.g. at planting, within 2 to 3 weeks after planting, at knee height (and one may apply a foliar fertilizer before flowering especially if it is a dry season). however, the best way is to apply in the whole at planting and on sides or ring or fallow at knee height.']
I have 100kgs of sugar 30 beans and i need market at a price of 4000shillings per kg. is it possible?
['The price is high']
Can cassava do well in a fertilised soil?
['Already fertile, well drained soils are okay. farmer may not need to apply more.fertilisers']
Is it adviserble to do weeding of beans at flowering stage
['Most crops would be better weeded before or after flowering to reduce flower fall off']
How can soilborn disease be controlled in bean garden?
['You put directly on the floor or cement , so your storage matters', 'Short beans for example nambale.']
Due to low price of cassava cheaps at 300 per kg fermers have decided to stop cassava farming on large scale inform our government for help.
["It is a pity but don't give up. i posted information about exporting the chips. problem we have is quantities. even then, fresh cassava roots have market "]
What chemical can a farmer use to spray beans affected by hailstorm?. apac.
['Not really dat z nature so i would be difficult']
How can farmers preserve their beans without being intoxicated.
['This is not easy but some artificial seed preservatives are food grade (used to store grain for food)']
How do you indetify cassava brown disease
['Cassava brown streak disease has symptoms like, yellowing along the leaf veins, green parts of the stem appear bruised, root constrictions and brown hard parts in the root flesh']
Which fertilizer is good for planting beans?
['Npk', 'Like the emphasis has always been, use a phosphorous rich fertiliser at planting all types of crops']
How can afarmer control stokeborer in maize
['Plant early, timely monitoring of the pest, spray with available and recommended pesticides like rocket and amdoc']
What remidy can be used to address maize roots being eaten up by underground pests where eventually couses the whole plant to die.
['Most soil pests which affect maize (not very young seedlings) are termites. try to control termites. they are more dangerous during season. kill the antihills', 'Get rocket and mix 100 ml in 20ltr of water and spray on the base of each maize plant.', 'Namanyu, i think soil pests can be killed by pesticides, so apply pesticides at the base when the crop is still young preferably lower than knee height and before topdressing. also fight termites as advised by nakyagaba ']
Which type of cassava is good for planting that produce good yields
['Nase 14 and naro case 1', 'For better yield go for base 14', 'For resistant against cbsd go for narocas 1', 'At the moment, narocass.1 is recommended for better yields & high tolerance to cassava mosaic & cassava brown streak diseases', 'Adjumani district, mh 204']
Where can i get market for my cassava here in lira.?
['Bryan, i think you can talk first to your local traders in lira town and then you let us the prices there and guide you otherwise ']
How can farmers control maize weevils in the garden
['Plant clean seeds. harvest maize on time.']
What causes black spots in the tubers of cassava at tubers stage?
['There are many causes of black spots in tubers. these could be cbsd, dry root rot, soft rot etc. please send pictures to guide us to diagnose for you']
Which month is the best for planting cassava
['At the onset of rains ie march and august']
After how long shall d 4nes be picked frm de farmers
['First work you will be told about the phone after working for one year']
Which method of fertilizer application do we use during weeding beans?
['Broadcasting method']
Why is cassava sour these days?
['True it does', 'I think you must have got the flour from bitter cassava variety e.g tongolo', "Some times it's due poor agronomy practices by farmer\n( poor use of agrochemicals)", "Some times it's due poor agronomy practices by farmer\n( poor use of agrochemicals)", 'Cassava may be bitter due to environmental factors especially prevailing temperatures and rain (moisture). if the roots are harvested during a dry season they may have less moisture and higher cyanide content (especially for varieties which were developed from bitter types).']
Is it ok to plant ccassava in the second season of june to de-c
['Yes plant cassava when there is rain but not in dry season or nearing dry season', 'Yes it is advisable but please plant when the rains have just started. like in august. ', 'The first few months are critical in cassava production because this is the time when cassava is bulking or storing its food in the roots. anything that disturbs cassava during this time will greatly affect its yield. among these is drought. in the second season, normally the rains are shorter than those of the second. so it is okay to plant in the second rains also better you need to plant early to escape the long dry spell']
When are we going to the field
['Just start right away']
I imargin there are some farmers who does not know how torecognise very first cassava brown sreak disease what can be done to help them?experts has to go for aradio talk shows?apac district lady
['Yes, training, field visits and farmer field schools may help. u may also need to visit ngeta zardi for help']
Testing cassava
['Do you what to test for viruses?.']
Why is it that some cassava is poisonous? lganga kigulu north
["This could be due to cassava varieties that have high amounts of acid in them. i guess these could be varieties called magana and matuja. these are very poisonous and shouldn't be eaten fresh. must process or ferment them for flour"]
Who wants to get extra experience from me in cassava production
["I'm the one"]
Which type of maize seeds is good for storage
["Aaahh, everything has been made easy through use of chemicals. cassava can be weeded with chemicals that don't have ingredients found in 24-d but one has to be careful when spraying. also mind the concentration i.e. mls to use. don't spray on the stems. any selective grass like weed herbicide can do.", 'You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']
What are your expectations from today's training?
['Smart phone, transport ,sitting allawance', 'How do we get good planting mate? ', 'It went well', 'To learn more about on cassava diseases and how to control them', 'Nothing much', 'More than what i expect', 'Am not attending', 'Nothing much', 'You really want to know', "I don't know"]
How can farmers control mln in maize plantations
['Plant clean seed i.e do nt get seed harvested from infected garden. uproot infected plants and burn, plant early ', 'Plant improve varieties, plant early, crop rotation, uproot and burn the infected plants']
Why not to export casssva in bulk to foreign markets so as to push up prices ?
["This can happen but farmers are not organised into groups or cooperatives to have a voice. individual farmers can't access foreign markets easily. first organise yourselves into groups, register them and look for markets. secondly what you have now is too little to satisfy the foreign markets. if foreign markets start to buy now you will not be able to sustain the supply . so train farmers to increase production then markets later"]
What is plant population for cassava in an acre? by akol anna grace
['Cassava is planted at 1mx1m spacing. an acre is 100mx40m an area of 4000squre meters and that is the plant population in one acre']
What can we do to protect the beans that where planted late and are affected by the rains?
['You will experience a problem if it has dried and it rains when the beans are still in the garden, otherwise, the new bean series can tolerate the rain']
I was told that by fellow farmer that if i want my maize to germinate very fast i should first shock maizs seeds in water and allow them to develop radicals first before that good practics?
['Not not really that you sock the maize seed until the radical comes, but sock the seed for at least 12 hours and plant. the shocking helps devolve the stored food in the endosperm, makes it available for the first growing vegetative parts (premule and the radical) during germination which quickens the growth process ', 'If you wait for the radical to come out , chances are high that it will be damaged at planting. this will affect germination']
How can fall army worms be identified from other field worms?
['It may or it may not. remember the importance of crop rotation. it helps avoid manifestation of pests and diseases. by you burying them, you encouraging multiplication of pests and diseases', 'Against what boss', 'Please be specific? spraying against what? ', 'It a worm normally got from maize']
Farmer the season of cassava planting has stated. who ever needs planting material cantact me .thanks farmers and technical wherever you are god bless ui
['This is good information mr. beyongyera ']
How efficiently can i apply liquid manure on beans
['Sprinkling on them', 'Can use it as a spray or in watering can or ring application near the base of the plant depending on stage of growth']
Some beans are very bitter; what is the couse of the bitterness?. orobia from arua city
['I have not heard about bitter beans. find out if it is not the added chemicals or cooking utensils which were not contaminated', 'The cause may also be due to damage by pests or contamination from moulds']
Adjumani district, why does farmers preferred cassava stem cuttings than it's seeds
['Cassava is propergated by means of stems not seeds.', 'Seeds are only meant for research purposes, but farmers can only use cuttings', 'Quick accessible']
What quantity of dap fertilizer can be applied during planting of maize grains?
['It is not very correct to plant the stems hit by snow because some of them may have lost their buds and so may not sprout. i advise that allow sometime for heeling of the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting ', "It's the longest rainy season stretching from around june, the second season. "]
Hello this is musema from kiryandongo district how can l prepare good and economical necessary bed for tomatoes
['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant']
Why does cassava fail to grow well in kabale highlands?
['Cassava grows well in kabale highlands but only it takes a long time, about 2 years to mature because of the cold weather there. remember cassava does well in warm environments but kabale and other highkands are slightly cold hence slow growth']
What courses yellowing of leaves during flowefing stage .charles serere.
["It's mostly due to nitrogen deficiency (i.e there's shortage of required amounts of nitrogen by the maize plant)"]
What do u call the name of the insect image i send on 9/5/2018
['We have not yet seen the photo but will get back to you']
How would you assess pest damage in cassava plantations?
['Pest damage is assessed through sampling and economic injury levels. however, some pests are so dangerous that just even a few pests may be economically dangerous']
What is the best chemical for preventing store pests in maize?
['Aluminum phosphate for commercial farmers but for peasant farmers keep putting it under the sun regularly ', 'Malathion or actellic can be good']