What is the name of the pest that cause black spots on bean leaves and pods.
['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']
Do you have cbsd app because adsurv shows only bacterial blight
['Hello steven. the adsurv diagnosis is not concrete so please send any pictures of diseased leaves using collect so that we can do further analysis']
What is the price of g-nuts per kg redbeauty
['This depends on location and type. for instance a price in kampala is higher than rakai. similarly, a kilo for food cost less than groundnut seed.', 'It depends on quantity and quality because from dokolo district is 3000# per kilogram in the market', 'It depends on quantity and quality because from dokolo district is 3000# per kilogram in the market']
Is there any value addition for beans? and if any how can we use it to help farmers b'se the px of besns is down.
['There are a number of value added products on the market. this is mainly the new naro bean varieties rich in iron and zinc. please contact harvest plus for details']
To which family of crops do beans belong?
['You may use rhizobia if it is available with makerere university, soil science', 'Contact namalere appropriate technology research institute ']
What is the best pesticide for spraying maize?
['Use amdocs, chlobenzo, rocket and those others in the chat i told you to take a photo']
If afarmer uses pesticide to spray pests does it affect the fertilization of flowers in beans?
["Yes, it's advisable to apply pesticides before and after flowering plants.", 'True i can affect just apply before and after flowering', 'Use of pesticides has led to loss of pollinating, parasitic and paranoid which are important in crop production. it is advisable to use chemicals carefully and spray at the right time. spray before and after flowering because at flowering many insects visit these flowers and may die in the process or may carry the chemical to the hives (pesticides in honey) which may affect huma life. always try integrated 9r agronomy practices before applying the insecticides']
Farmers always say there are some water in the soil,what are they?
['Gravitational water', 'Capillary water']
How do farmers benefit from a farming organization?
['Farmers benefit from farming organization by acquiring more farming skills, access to mordern technologies', 'Farmers may also benefit from farming organizations as they can easily access new varieties & disease free plating materials', 'It is cheap']
What are proper ways of containing faw
['Plant early, crop rotation, spray with pesticide when necessary']
How long do rice take to yield
['120 days (4 months)', '4 months']
Should farmers plant loge10 or bazooka
["It's a hybrid and germinate very well but may be u bought fake one"]
What causes maize streak disease
Ways farmers can guard against drought
['Preservation of forest', 'Diversifying farm business', 'Water harvest during the rain season']
Is supergro a fertilizer to be used in maize garden?
['Where are these stems? please contact your agricultural or commercial officer or operation wealth creation officers for possible market(s)', 'Bacterias and fungi.cause most of the cassava root rots. ']
Where are markets for beans?
['Which type, seed or grain? depends; be specific; question fit for market category']
What can i do to improve my harvest as in quantity coz as i get 800 to 900 per acre
['Chake on the plant spacing eg 30cm from plant and 75cm from row ', 'Do all recommended agronomic practices timely i.e. early field preparation, early planting, proper fertilization, early weeding, pests and disease control, etc. use the right variety']
How can we call the disease that affects the eatten cassava
['The disease that affects the edible part of cassava roots is cassava brown streak disease. its affects the flesh and makes cassava not good for good and for sale. follow the best practices of agronomy to be able to manage the disease and get good yields']
How can i access good material
['Look for oribcing group, anotocao and adyegi women group in oyam']
What are the major setbacks in the implementation of integrated pest management in developing countries?
['Ipm is the integrated pest management. when we say integrated, we mean combining or using all the control measures or all approaches that are available. for instance, start wit cultural methods, consider agronomy practices, use torelant varieties, plant on time, etc etc. major set back of ipm is lack of consistency and adherence.', 'Climate change has also played a big part in upsetting the various approaches used i pests and disease control']
What is the best fertilizers for beans? farmers are in need of rhyzobium is it possible for me to get them and sell to my fsrmers?
['Diammonium phosphate']
Habwaki obyara emihogo ekunura baitu nihinduka nesalira?
['Eitaka neriyo lireta ekyo kasta liba lihorwemu ekilisa.']
Famers we have 45 acres of narocuss1 roots on sell located kiryandongo someone help and for us market for stems also.
['First consult with your owc offices to know the current supply plan and secondly consult bulindi zardi for guidance', 'The district production office may also be of help. organisations which work with refugees may also help']
What would be the best method of planting cassava stems to give good yields?
['Nase 14 and naro case 1', 'U dig ahole of a depth of 5 inches and press the cassava stem, but in each put one then cover with some soil']
May i know lifecyle of white flies
['It starts from egg, nymph and adult which takes between 15 to 21 days depending on weather conditions']
How can leaf rust of beans be controlled?
['But how do you eat it? it is all brown. unless some parts are still white (not attacked), one can peel and cook or dry for making flour', 'You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos', '0.75x 0.25 that one u plant 2 seeds and then thine to 1 \n0.75x0.60 plant 2 plant per hill\nbut 0.75 in raws and 0.25 or 0.60 in lines']
Of all the varieties produced by naro, which one tastes best while fresh
['Most of the varieties released by naro are sweet in their taste']
The season has just started in some areas. what could be the good variety of beans, resistant to deseases, marketable, and so forth.
['Julius, for disease resistance, you need a clean and sure sourced seed but for yield you need to care for your soil and for market, it will depend on your purpose of production ', 'This depends on location and kind of beans e.g. bush or climbing. ensure you use pest and disease free seeds. do all the recommended agronomic practices timely']
How much is akilogram of cassava flour in moroto
['I think if you have a question and the app to unable you send a question or two, well and good']
What causes early and late bright in beans.and could be the solution.
['The cause is the wet whether or environment. the disease spreads with splash water, diseased equipments, humans, animals, etc']
What is the best type of beans for planting?
['Kanyewa bean', 'Depending upon the soil texture', 'Depending, even nabe spice', 'We have varieties that are good but it now depends on you whether you are growing it for food or market.']
Which type of beans can work very will 4 the first season at masindi district
['U can use seed the big one but remember to keep time.']
Which places one should consider when choosing area for collecting soil samples?
['Areas that do not have shade']
I what fertilisers for beans
['This depends on the stage of beans. please be specific']
At what stage can a farmer spray his /her maize garden with fertilizers in order to get good yields in kasese district?
['You can top dress with urea one month after planting.']
I would need some help on the scientific names of these cassava species locally known in luo (nyaraboke ,bao, atimatim)
['Please contact ngenta zardi or any other zardi in your region to be assisted']
When shall we get interventions of our submissions?
['Where are u located, yr district. we can connect u to a buyer if we get one. but try your sub county or district agric office.', 'We advise that you continue moving to the easy reach areas within your community. ']
What fertilizer can best be used during planting of maize
["If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet.", 'Yes, go to play store and download it. if u fail, get back to gloria', 'Npk']
Where can we access market from kiryandongo
['Contact traders and or your district commercial officer']
What are the effects of cassava mealy bugs in cassava production?
['May be you call gloria direct', "No. if it's drought not much you can do.", 'Legume crops especially beans ']
What are the possible ways of controling cassava mosaic
['Start with a tolerant variety. use clean tools. uproot affected plants']
What is planting period/ calender for beans in kiboga and kyankwanzi.
['This depends on when rains will or will have started']
Can we still plant beans?
['Yes', 'Yes in the month of august']
How to prevent cmd locally?
['Select disease free planting materials and uproot diseased plants from the garden regularly']
Am a farmer from kapundo what causes the outbreak of army worms
For how long can i keep my matured cassava uharvestef
['For between 2 to 3 years ']
Help me what can i do to improve my harvest
['1. prepare land well 2. plant at a correct spacing (75cm x 30cm 1 seed per hole or 75cm x 60cm 2 seeds per hole) 3. apply d.a.p fertilizer at planting and urea 1 month from germination (each 1 bag per acre) 4. weed three times ', "Also survey for fall army worm as early as one week after germination. ensure the right variety for your area. don't use poor drained soiks"]
What is the best first aid for one affected by a pesticide
['Read manufactures instructions. then visit a health centre']
What type of soil is recommended for growing beans?
['Well drained fertile soils are adequate']
Am benson from katuna kabale district.state any four agronomic practices in the management of beans
['Wait for beans presentation', '1. choose the right variety and seed source for your area\n2. prepare the garden on time\n3. plant early\n4. ensure good soil fertility\n5. keep beans weed free\n6. look out for pests, diseases and control them timely']
When is another workshop?
['They will inform us if it is necessary, you know it requires funds']
State any two pests that affect maize at a young benson from katina kabale district
['Fall army worm and stem borers']
According to some farmers, there is fear that the cassava brown steak may be harmful to human beings, is it true?
['I do not understand why my question can not be submitted today.could you explain please?', 'I have not learnt about its effects on humans being. the only effect i know is that it reduces of food availability and causes food insecurity']
Question 1 i 'be not used fertilizer during planting maize. what is the based fertilizer to apply and at what stage?
['D.a.p at planting. 1 bottle top per hole at a spacing of 75cm x 30cm and 2 bottle tops at a spacing of 75cm x 60cm directly in the holes. make sure you cover that fertilizer with little soil before putting in seed.\n\nurea at 1 month from germination. 1 bottle top at a spacing of 75cm x 30cm 2 bottle tops at a spacing of 75cm x 60cm. put this fertilizer some 15cm away from the base of the maize plant \n\nnote:- 1. do not put this fertilizer onto the leaves because it will burn the maize \n\n2. apply the fertilizer after weeding \n\n3. apply the fertilizer when there is moisture in the soil']
Where can we farmers get the beans seeds with iron content?
['Food store']
What is the spacing for made 14 cassava
['Generally all the released varieties are planted at spacing of 1meter by 1 meter']
What is the current price of maize as of today?
['It is not very easy. we have tried to research on tobacco, hot pepper, tephrosia, and a mixture of them,etc but still the dust was better ']
How many kilograms of beans can be planted in one acre?
['About 20 to 25kgs depending on the spacing and seed rate u adopt and intercrops involved']
Why is cassava keeps on low yield as years go on esp new varrieties
['Because the varieties break down to diseases after planting the same materials for repeated cycles']
What facilitates farm yard manure to loosen upper soil layers?
["It's alkalinity", 'Farm yard manure has organic materials. when it decomposes, it produces organic matter and humus. these are small soft spongy like particles. when mixed with soil, they losen it']
Is it a good practice to carry out irrigation in maize plantations?
['I request the beans program, mr ssekandi wilber to respond. here in the zone, climbing beans are just being introduced ']
Why is it that fall armyworm affect maize crop so badly during sunny period as compared to rainy period?
['Like all other pests, they are more active during dry season when temperatures are high. carbondioxide increases activity of.pesticides. when it rains, the activities of pests slows down due to dump weather. rain can also kill some pests through washing them away']
The authories are chasing a way people using some parts of the sensitisation.what alternatives have govt done to help such wanainchi?
['No way let them leave coz they are destroying resources']
What are the best maize planting months?
['Early weeks of march']
What causes maize streak disease?
['It is a virus disease carried by a vector']
Where in uganda can a concerned farmers take their soil for testing if they want to know the soil
['Soil samples can be tested at kawanda national laboratories but at a small fee. ask for soil science lab', 'Ijesca teefe know kawanda research can do it.']
What causes dumping off flowers in beans.
['It is caused by a fungal disease which comes due to too much moisture or dampness', 'Dumping off is a fungal infection,so application of the common fungicides like agrozeb at inception of the problem and or mistress as the problem try to intesfiy will help ']
What chemical can use on planting beans
['Fertilizers can preferably applied at planting, and sometimes seeds are dressed with chemicals prior to planting to protect them against insects that can eat them before germination but also seedling insect pests eg cut worms and bean stem maggots and diseases eg root rots', 'Generally, if one uses dressed seed, he/she may only use manure or broadcast an appropriate fertiliser like dap after planting']
Can cassava stems be planted immediately after cutting or they can wait for sometime?
['It depends on the farmers will because it can be planted at the same time']
What is the price of cassava dry cheeps now?
['Check the markets for price update']
What good. session to grow beans in order to realise high production
['From 8 to 10 days', 'Fred, this is a deficiency of a number of nutrients, if not becuase of planting a sick seed. sometimes if the seed had affected plumuel it can produce discolored leaves due to a mutation. however if the soil has limited and unbalanced availability of macro and micro elements, this can happen. for example in a combination difficienc of n, p, k and zinc, lead or molbodenum and manganese nutrients, you can get discolouration ', 'Resty, still am not satisfied with the reply because the question was about session not seed']
Which chemical can one use to treat nabe 15 bean perfectly after harvest in terego?
['Can use plant materials like red pepper , dry tobacco leaves, ashes, leave beans un winnowed, and frequently sundry to avoid infestation by the bean bruchids']
How can farmers control field pests?
['Use of good agricultural\npractices is the first line in pest (pests, diseases and weeds) control. the farmers can use manual or mechanical methods, can use pesticides or integrated methods (ipm)']
What causes white and black spots on cassava leaves.
['A common problem in humid weather. it is caused by a fungus; white leaf spot.']
What type of soils is good for planting cassava
['Loam soil']
Most farmers in kiryandongo wants to grow high quality maize this season which type can they grow and when
['For cassava please']
Delayed harvesting may lead to...(what)
['Maize is having a good market at the moment ( fresh and dry). no worries', "Lost of produce due to splitting of poe's,rotting of fruit and vegetables", 'Increase number of volunteers plants or self down plants which harbour disease and help in carrying than to the next season']
Which pestcide is good for treating cassavamozic
['Look for oribcing group, anotocao and adyegi women group in oyam']
How can couch grass be effectively control from the cassava garden.
['Carry out deep digging followed by removal of the rhizomes', 'Repeated spraying of young plants with recommended herbicides', 'Thanks']
How to control fall army worm
['1st. plant early. in case you notice serious signs, use pesticides. see that chat i told you to photograph']
What is bean cleaner?, people are talking about bean cleaner i don't understand what is't.
['Moses, the word cleaning simply means making pure, so depending on the context of the bean cleaner, i want to think that it may be the winowing technology where beans are easily separated from chaff after harvesting. but also there is a herbicides which is called bean clean, which is used to spray in bean fields, it kills all the other plants and leaves beans clean. ', 'It is a herbicide called bean clean. it is used in weeding beans after germination']
How to store maize locally
['Dry maize well to the right moisture content, store in airtight containers under moisture free conditions. you can use some chemical dust at the rate recommended by manufacturers']
Which pests affects mostly beans?
['Bean weevil', 'The pests are many depending on stage. the field pests include aphids, beatles, flies (especially the bean fly), crickets, locusts and all those leaf eating insects. the weevils are mainly storage pests but can start right away from the field. the most dangerous field insects are bean fly and aphids']
Why do cassava rote? kiboga
['Cassava rot due to diseases']
Why does cassava doesn't yield better in wetlands
['Too much moisture content']
Which month is a farmer supposed to plant maize in the first season. birungi doreen masindi
['Early weeks of march', 'In march']
.i used npk fertilizer to grow beans and they flowered on the top parts only leading to low best can such problem be overcomed?
['I hope u didnot over fertilise. what was the n ratio in that npk? too much n may lead to over production of leaves at the expense of fruits. seems the lower parts were over crowded due to low spacing and high n. always use recommended spacing and fertiliser amount']
Can cassava serve as a raw material in paper industry and if so why is it not applicable in africa ?
['Cassava has many uses including in paper industry but in uganda now, production is still low and most of it is used as food at home. we therefore encourage people to increase production so that the excess can be sold to industries for various uses.', 'Yes']
Farmer,good morning am one of the farmers of cassava in kiryandongo district, who ever is need of cuttings /planting stems of narocuss1 and nas19 free from deseases contact me on . 50 acrs cassava
['Beyongyera, this is good information, we shall direct who ever is in need ', 'Please contact others too e.g. your district production officer, owc officers, etc']
How much is narro bean1 in owino market
['Is this bean grain or seed? to help understand the kind of market you are looking for. if seed, it should have been inspected and certified']
This application does not diagnose diseases of beans and maize bc what could be the problem?
['It does. unless there is a problem with taking photos', 'True its not on beans and maize but they are still working on it using the photo we are sending to them, so lets be calm']
Gudmoning every one. farmers,dry season has stay long in kiryandongo and masindi which are food basket of our country cassava have been uprooted in kiryandongo and who ever havested didn't plant. maize is expected to be planted late therefore farmers don't drain your greeneries an forget to reserve for your families. i also remind you fermers to plant atlistb half acre of cassava for food security of your families. god bless u all.
['Thank you for advising everyone']
Do naro also supply virus free planting materials?
['Yes,the improved cassava varieties curtently suitable for farmets to grow are narocass 1, nase 19, nase 14, nade 3, ']
I think there is need to group adsurv members so that demo gardens for new varieties of crops are established for alex from amolatar
['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant', 'L posted something to do with market. last week, naro and uganda breweries signed a ppp agreement and major products are barley, sorghum and cassava']
Pakanyi area co-cperative we got 200,000,000 from maaif for buy'g processing machine,dryer and other we are looking 4 good qwlfied supplyer 2 work wz us you can call me
['Congs, what are u going to process?']
Which strategy can the govt use to enforce bye laws to control cbsd spread.?
['I believe the best strategy is to enforce that bye laws are set in a community and strictly adhered to']
Whay is the quantity of cassava stem and flour, beans and maize required for large scale market out there? dravuru milka terego district.
['Question not clear but remember the economies of small and need for a one stop centre for business']
How do beans grow successfully
['Start with the right variety, clean and practice all the recommended agronomy practices']
Zombo district farmers not included how shall they benefit?
['Pakwach and nebbi team can cover zombo as well']
What are the different hybrids for maize
['Yes, need for new varieties which are tolerant to mosaic and streak viruses']