How long can i replant the beans
['U mean in the same garden after harvesting then if u should not to avoid pest and disease that ve long life cycles']
Which type of soil is best for growing beans in bugiri district
['There is no shop for these at the moment. one needs to provide favourable conditions for the growth and multiplication of these predatory organisms. you may need to contact nogamu or organic farmers for help', 'Milka, for me i think the farmers can make an initiative of bargaining a maize processing innovation platform and approach owc for seed grant under value addition programme ']
What adverse can you give to one of my farmer whose cassava has been burt when it's at a young stage(6months)?.
['Fred slash it the it will bring stems afresh.']
How can i test veryerbility of beans seeds
['You can do viability test by socking some seeds in watered\ncotton wool.', 'By chocking in water']
What news cassava verity has been realized
['There are new cassava varieties of narocas 1 to 3 but at the moment, narocas 3 is recommended. even nase 14 is being promoted']
State the recommended spacing of maize when planting. .
['This depends on whether hybrid or composite, soil fertility, intercrops, etc but spacing is 76cm x 60cm when planting 2 seeds and 75cm x 30cm with one seed.']
What causes cassava tuber rot
['Tubers normally rot due to diseases such as cassava brown streak disease, fungal diseases']
What is the disease that affects maize most in masaka
['Please contact lady gloria for advise ', 'Where are these stems? please contact your agricultural or commercial officer or operation wealth creation officers for possible market(s)']
Is it advisable to spray beans during flowering stage?
["For beans it's 50cmx30cm and 10cmx 30cm for soya", 'Like it was explained last time, the current recommended cassava variety (national wide) is narocas 1', 'Consult call center team ', 'No, this is because spraying may scare bees that pollinates their flowers']
There is fear of whiteflies destroying pawpaw some parts of apac district , now is it the same whitefly sp which attack cassava? john amunyu apac district.
['What can be done to a mature cassava plantation that gets burnt? its common in terego especially during dry season there are stray fire out breaks. am dravuru milka terego district.', 'Mr. d miika, fire control is done before the outbreak. this is done by creating a grass free strip of land about 2 meters between the garden and the un dag field. this will work as a fire break ', 'Mr john, whiteflies are insect pests, so pesticides like cypermethren and dimethoate which control them in cassava can effectively control them in the paw paws, but you must not confuse whiteflies with fruite flies which are pests of fruits ', 'Seen such cases in kiboga too.']
Why is bazooka too expensive yet it does not germinate well
["It's a hybrid and germinate very well but may be u bought fake one", 'How can i see the difference between the fake one and the good one?']
What is the best weather for proper growth of maize
['Rainy season', 'It s both rainy and dry season', 'It s both rainy and dry season']
How can we be in touch with our colleges
['Hello esther , you can contact colleagues using the chat if you know the username.go to chat, select a username and start chatting']
What has the government of uganda done to find another market for the maize? from iganga district.
['Mr. bagalana, i saw some information that kenya had lifted up the burn. in my area, southwestern uganda, the price of maize grain had reduced to below 400 but after that information, it has risen to above 500 shillings per killo ', 'The government put a public private sector partnership where millers are certified to mill park and market posho with unbos logo, this encourages value addition and hence strong local market ', 'The market for maize is available within the country too e.g. schools and institutions are opening now']
How best can storage beans be protected against weevils?
['Nothing is specially developed for nabe 4. handle like for other bean types. try your level best to dry the beans properly and store in well ventilated stores. ', 'Like i have always explained. dry the bean seeds well to the right moisture condition, pack on airtight containers and store away from. moist conditions but should be well ventilated storage area']
Which type of soil is good for planting maize
['You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']
Name the crops that can be successfully grown in sandy and clay soil
['Sandy soil-sweet potatoes,', 'Clay soil-yams,rice,sugar cane', 'In sandy soil you can grow ground nuts, tomatoes, sim sim, and cassava.', 'Rice,maize,sugarcane,coffee,cassava', 'Groundnuts, cassava, sweet potatoes & simsim']
Which ferterlizer is good for growing maize
['Thus depends on stage e.g. dap at planting, urea or npk for top dressing but there are also specific fertilizers formulated for maize e.g.the yara and or pulse type. they are normally compound fertilisers with micro nutrients formulated for a specific growth stage']
There is no good harvests of beans this season due to much sunshine. what is the best drought resistant variety of beans to plant?
['Sorry for the poor performance of the crops. you can try planting narobean 6 and narobean 7, as they are drought tolerant', 'Thanks wassekandi, what are the colours of nato bean 6 and 7?', 'All need reliable rainfall']
Mon application s'arrête une fois je demande le diagnostic
['This is french, plesse use english']
What damage do sucking pest cause to plants like beans in the garden
['Rotten beans pods', 'All sucking insects suck sap from the plant causing losses. the plant may wilt and or die due to loss of sap. sap also contains nutrients which plants use']
What term hibanation means?
['When there is no provision for irrigation a farmer cannot do much. it will be a loss which is very unfortunate ']
When do we start spraying beans with chemicals to prevent diseases ?
['The control of diseases in beans starts with planting clean seeds/not diseased; proper crop management and the use of chemicals should be last resort; only foliar fungal diseases of beans can be managed using fungicides but still success is limited but in case of their use spray twice, first at 3_ leaf stage and again 2 weeks later\n', 'Use 3_4 spoonfuls of the fungicides in a 20 liter pump', 'Any time you notice and abnormality or disease, contact your nearest agricultural officer for proper diagnosis and advise on chemical to use', 'At the period of two weeks after germination.', 'I n two weeks after germination']
What is the best way of controlling cassava mosaics
['Cassava mosaic can be controlled by destroying infected planting materials and planting clean ones.', 'Burning the affected stems']
Which pesticide is effective in the management of fall army worms?
['We are already in march. please do plant ', 'Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..', 'If you do not do all those good agricultural practices right from seed selection, seed bed preparation, timely planting, fertilisation, timely weeding, pests and disease control, etc']
What are the causes of droping in the flower of beans before proper maturity of the seed
['If you apply a pestcide during flower setting, you can kill bees also and then you get none pollinated flowers, which abort and drop prematurely. also some biting pests like beetles can cause the flower drop, if it is the case you can spray using dimethoate ', 'Causes vary from poor soil fertility and moisture, to insect pests and diseases. and drought']
.in uganda it's a big challenge where traders in certain areas decide on the price of beans. how can this be overcomed for farmers to get a better market for their harvests?
['This is a good question. an expert should help us please with this question', 'You need to increase your bugaining power e.g. sell in a group or cooperatives. you can also decide to reduce on middlemen by selling direct to your consumers e.g. institutions']
I have sugar30 sorted beans where's market?.
['Look for your district commercial officer, approach the produce buyers or inquire from kampala']
As the news of aflatoxin case waves around do have programmes of teaching our farmer of the demise that awaits them?
['Consult call center team ', "There were projects in place working on that in the ministry, makerere, iita, etc. let's have hope but everything starts with u the farmer and traders"]
What is the best chemical of controlling american army worms,? justine kiryandongo
['Try rocket 20 mls per 20 littles of water']
How important is a pest to a plant
['What chemicals are we talking about? proper use of chemicals (right type, dosage, concentration and timely application) is safe to the environment', 'Mr. fred, rats are wild animals which are not noctannenals in their eating habits, so having a clean field will make them scared of eagles as their predators, and also laying black fiber like materials like banana fibers will scare them as snakes. but also if you are used to move with a cat in the field, it will scare them away by actually eating some of them. you can also manage rats by doing regular monitoring of the field, but the most important thing is field phytosanitation ']
How can you control bean flies? .
[', bean flies are insects and so spraying using dimethoate or cypermethren rightly and timely like you control aphids and other insect pests will help. ']
There is cassava varieties that makes people diarrhea, what they do to eliminate?
['Bitter cassava varieties when eaten without processing through fermenting or drying can cause vomiting,headache, dihorea or death, ']
How do we deal with cassava thieve?
['Arrest them and take to police or local leaders']
Which type of is so much productive?
['If you meant soil, all soils are good if they are rich in nutrients but a sandy soil has higher issues with fertility and water retention. aim at a loam soil with high humus']
Brown streak is a disease but how better can prevent it?
['Plant improved cassava varieties', 'You can also uproot the infected plants within your field and burn']
Which type of fertilizer is good for beans?
['Use fungicides to control this fungal disease but also do clean weeding since the disease has many alternative hosts like weeds', 'I think try urea at knee level', 'You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']
Can we get pest for cassava
['Contact ngetta zardi', 'Question not clear']
Which type of beans does best in central region?
['All bush bean varieties do well in central region. even the climbers are doing well in southern buganda']
Which type of beans is good in market at masindi?
['You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']
Any maize markets out there
['Where are you based']
.when you grow sugar 31 (kacwekano),at harvest you find it mixed up with sugar 30 beans.what could be the cause of it and how can it be overcomed?
['Do regular spacings of at least 2ft', 'These bean varieties could be related, but remember when beans are new, the new variety has its parents and as it produces some seeds tend to resemble the parents. you can overcome this by sorting to one colour at planting and getting seed from the reliable source. amos kazardi ']
Which best method can one use in controlling birds from eating maize in my garden ?
['You can use someone to scare but not economical to both commercial and peasant farmers ', 'You can also scaring cloth and keep changing their style like after two days']
What is the average yield of cassava
['How can we prevent diseses']
Should we start sending images for cassava?
['Yes please cassava images are welcome', 'Yes u can', 'I think spending messages is all the time since the app is up and functional ']
When are demo gardens gonna be set
['Demo gardens setting in the various districts are in plan but funds for such is not yet available. however we are talking to our partners of unffe to see how to get funds to initiate the demo activities. ', 'We are planning to do so']
Where can we get new cassava varieties for multiplication?
['Please contact naro institutes in your area, or production officers at the district or agricultural officer or namulonge, rooot crops program']
Which disease make maize leaves to turn yellow
['Bacteria', 'Maize dwarf mosaic virus']
Today they buy a sack of cassava where can l get the best price?
['Ln westnile cassava is sold at 1k per kg, therefore a bag goes at 100 k.', 'Seen']
How can i store beans safely?
['Proper drying of beans seeds', 'Yes, you can store using different methods. the first step is to ensure proper drying of the beans and keeping them away from moist conditions. there are air tight containers which can be used to store these well dried beans e.g. pix bags']
and i would like to plant cassava in half acre of land.up to now i have not got stem cuttings because in our area it's very rare.can i access them and at what price?
['Benson, like i said please contact kachwekano zardi for a good answer.']
What causes maize smut disease?
['Yes, training, field visits and farmer field schools may help. u may also need to visit ngeta zardi for help']
I would like to know spacing of beans
['It 50x10 cm for bush beans and 50x20 for climbers. but this depends on soil fertility and other intercrops in the garden']
Can cassava demonstration gardens be introduced at sub-county level to increase the cassava varieties?
['Yes it can but we need the sub county office to get intouch with us to make arrangement']
What is the right time to apply fertilizer in my bean garden?
["The amounts of rains vary from rvion to region. if the fields are well prepared and there's enough moisture in the soils you can plant ", 'It is best to apply at or just after germination and a foliar at flowering (just after weeding)']
Any update regarding covid
['This is ministry of agriculture bt not healthy contact medics to get updates']
I am nakyagaba winfred with a farm in mpigi, i need 100kg of narobean2 seed for 1st season 2021?
['Be sure you need that particular variety after taking into consideration a number of factors; seed of all these nutrient rich bean varieties are available at namulonge whatever quantity you need']
I have 2000kgs of cassava flour made from cassava processed from cassava chipper, iam from arua district
['How much is the a kg', 'Which part of arua district are you?']
Where did i get nabe 1in kiboga?
['Wilber please guide us on this']
Which chemical is best for controlling white fly in cassava plantation.
['White fly is an insect pest, therefore pesticides like cypermethren and dimethoate are effective ']
Is it true that there is a liquid fertilizer shocked in maize seed before planting it?.
['Not true', "Apparently, it is true. at times people use supergrow (or something in that line). these are liquid fertilizers. you sock them on the day u r planting. don't leave it in sunshine. plant all the socked seed.", 'Farmers use di grow foliar fertilizer for soaking. one ml per one litre. for spraying, use marathion or rocket for spraying but mix in di grow.']
Some farmers say that once you use artificial fertilizers in your garden and in case you don't apply it in the following season you have to get very low yields. how true is it? .
[", that is not correct at all, the correct thing is that once you use fertilizers, you get better yields than when you don't and the soil is not fertile. this has no effect on the subsequent crops grown in the coming season. "]
Which variety of beans takes short period for maturity?
['The new naro bean varieties, rich in iron and zinc takes about 2months and the yield is good']
What type of soil suits the growing of cassava
['Loam soil']
What is the best type of maize can be planted in iganga?
['Hybrid plant bazooka, non-hybrid plant longe 5']
Is there chamical for weeding cassava,if there this is to request to tell farmers the real name of a chemical to use. than you techenical team for the great work.
["I think i have responded to this two times. so far, crop specific herbicides are just coming up. like they have developed for other crops, let's give it time, we shall also get for cassava and other crops. however, selective herbicides can weed cassava, even weed master itself if used carefully and depending on the stage of the crop"]
What brings about rust on bean leavcs
['Rusts are common diseases which affect leaves of plants. it is a fungal disease which is favored by the microclimate around the plant']
Am in amolatar and where can i get the market for cassava?
['Okay', 'I hope you planted by now']
Apart from the certification tag, what other signs can a farmer check on to proove that such seeds are original?..
['The best thing is to buy from a sure source and the shop u trusted.']
What causes cassava root rot?
['Cbsd is the main cause']
Why does sliced dry cassava have low market
['Market is relative, it depends on where u are. if market is bad, add value']
What causes stanted growth in cassava
['There are a number of causes but mainly poor soil conditions especially fertility and diseases mainly mosaic', 'It can be poor preperation of land,bad weather,desease or poor fertility of land']
What is the sustainable plan of this project to farmers
['Farmers will b equiped with knowledge on pest and diseases that will b able to reduce pressure in the community']
I hear that over drying of beans of nabe12c may change bean colour why is it so?
['The more the beans are dried the higher they change colours but not to a large extent if they are stored well. ']
What maize vaierty has early maturity and how many days?
['Dk 5', 'Dk5 is it available in our local market?', 'Dk5']
Another thing are ready for new type of cassava but how will we have access to it? because in, buyende district we have never received any.
['Talk to your district agricultural officer and ask him to help u get good cassava varieties']
Do we have the latest best improve variety of cassava , apart from naarocast1 soroti
['Not yet but hope to release them soon. but we advise that u use the available varieties such as narocass1, nase19 and nase3']
Now with the ottoman tax the government has put in place, what can we do depending on the token of appreciation we always get, it is affecting us.
['We have taken that it consideration, so your reward will not be affected.']
Pingo two swing amolatar
['Pien lwangi akobo two dwong kunu dang opur pe ngeo yero koti a two pe iye me apita. nok a koti anyen me apita dwong iyi amolatar']
How effective is single super phosphate and sulphate of ammonia when applied to crops
['Hope our farmers contacted you', 'Sorry it seems the response was for another question. please ignore. about cassava planting method, when u plant cassava flat and burry it, you create a wider/bigger/large surface area for root development than when it is up right. the cassava roots will also have a larger area for feeding ', 'Cassava production in kabale is tricky but like all other crops, good agronomic practices should be applied. avoid floods', 'This improve on better roots growth and development']
During soil analysis, how can you identify the suitable soil for growing cassava? .
['Cassava also needs fertile soil with npk. n for leaf growth for good photosynthesis, p for root development (as the productive parts are roots) and k for root growth and expansion']
Am asking from masindi what are the payment's procedures
['May be you call gloria direct']
What's the life span of bean seeds? or for how long can you keep bean seed
['If beans are not mouldy and have no issues of weevils, they can keep well for one year. test for seed viability before planting']
What is the reason as cassava is called staple food
['Is contain starch']
What kind of fertilizer best for planting maize
["If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet.", 'Dap or organic manure']
What is the difference between nassae14 and nassae19
['They are two different cassava varieties. they also yield differently with nase19 giving more yield but its a bit less tolerant to diseases.', 'They look alike from the leaves but nase 19 has long tubers and along stock between the stool and tubers commonly refered to as long neck']
How many farmers do you intend to train in west nile
['30 farmers']
Can the project connect us to tbe international market of cassava if we produce in bulk ? charles rfrom serere
['I think this can be done. of recent there is a market which is interested in a number of products including cassava. let me see if i can paste their information here', 'Agricycle is looking for bussiness partners in east africa to fulfil our ingredients supply orders in usa. we are looking for a partner who can process and supply us cassava flour, sweet potato flour, coconut flour, chia seed, and banana flour. others are mung bean powder and chicken pea powder. \n\nthe quantities we are targeting for each of the products is more than 10 metric tons per month with some like cassava flour going as high as 25mt per month. we do not expect anyone to have such capacity alone that is why we need alot of suppliers to work with us.\n\na business partner must be ready for almost immediate supply and needs to already have gfsi recognized certification (e.g brc or fssc 22000). other useful but not mandatory certifications include kosher, gluten free, and organic certifications. \n\nwe have a strong interest in empowering small holder farmers somewhere along the supply chain. we would prefer a partner with such an inclination. \n\nif interested or knows someone who may be, please email me through and cc our operations coordinator and our food safety manager']
Price of maize in kamuli
["If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet."]
Cassava dries stems, what causes that?
['Stems of cassava that dries is mainly due to cassava bacterial blight(cbb) or due to cassava brown streak disease(cbsd) in very severe and early infection cases']
What causes the roting of cassava tubers because is common in some parts of unless i. e bugosere
['Cassava can rot because of cassava brown streak disease and also root rot which causes the cause to be soft and with a bad smell', 'There are a number of reasons why cassava rots. among them are diseases like cassava brown streak disease, root rot and attimes when it us grown in areas heavily infested by a weed called speargrass which pierces the tubers and appears to be rotten', 'Disease can cause rot of cassava but also type of soil']
With out amoisture metre how can farmers detect the rquired moisture content in the bean grain before storage.
["They can shake then in empty containers and the sound tells whether they're dry or not yet. ", "They can also bit and see how they crack, a sharp cracking sound means they're dry, but if the don't crack, they're not dry enough", "You can as well use the salt glass bottle technic ..put two table spoons of salt in a glass bottle and abit of beans , cover and shake \n after 5 -15 minutes if the beans stick on the walls of the glass bottle with the salt then the beans are still wet and if they don't stick then they are of reasonable moisture."]
What causes bean leaves to become white in colour.
['Fred, this is a deficiency of a number of nutrients, if not becuase of planting a sick seed. sometimes if the seed had affected plumuel it can produce discolored leaves due to a mutation. however if the soil has limited and unbalanced availability of macro and micro elements, this can happen. for example in a combination difficienc of n, p, k and zinc, lead or molbodenum and manganese nutrients, you can get discolouration ']
What csuses moulds in maize.and how can it be prevented.
['Moulds are due to high humidity and temperature in the store. at times storing wet maize lead to moulds. ', 'Fred, nakyagaba has give a very correct response, so avoid storing wet maize, ensure that stores are well dried, cleaned and have enough aeration but water proof roof before storage, but also most importantly is that you must dry you maize very well before storage ']
Where can i get naro
['Get naro at abi arua in west nile', 'Contact ngetta farmer groups in oyam at adyegi, iyanyi, oribcing and anotocao']
Is maize growth affected by altitude?
['The expert will reachout to help. ']
How long does beans take from planting to harvesting season?
['In most cases beans takes 75 days to 90 depending on the variety']
How best could cassava stalck be cut for planting in terms of length.
['The length is not an issue, but the number of nodes. we encourage that a stem has 2 to 3 nodes ', 'A one foot stem with 5 to 7 nodes is also okay']
Which pesticide can best be used to control fall armyworms?
['If done early just a few days after germination, rocket can do but one can use amdocs (sp) and others']
When we meet?
['We shall update you']