Structure Number
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Alternate. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is ' Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is ' Lembke Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Approx 16 miles southwest'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.118. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 42 degrees 28 minutes 3.7899999999790452 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 102 degrees 52 minutes 18.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 7. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.0. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 10.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 44200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4420.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 53.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Alternate. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is ' Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is ' Lembke Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Approx 16 miles southwest'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.118. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 42 degrees 28 minutes 3.7899999999790452 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 102 degrees 52 minutes 18.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 7. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.0. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 10.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 44200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4420.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 53.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 470. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 161.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is ' Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is ' 470 Lane'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is '12 miles east-northeast o'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 22.047. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 42 degrees 31 minutes 0.1900000000023283 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 102 degrees 44 minutes 0.5300000000279397 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable, no waterway.. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 37200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 3720.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 45.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 10. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 470. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 161.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is ' Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is ' 470 Lane'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is '12 miles east-northeast o'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 22.047. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 42 degrees 31 minutes 0.1900000000023283 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 102 degrees 44 minutes 0.5300000000279397 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable, no waterway.. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 37200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 3720.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 45.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 10. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-010 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 145.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is ' Red Willow Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is ' County Road 720'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is '7.2 miles north east of M'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 100 degrees 30 minutes 58.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 199. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 21 - Other State Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1955. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.2. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - Historical significance is not determinable at this time.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 14.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 145.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is ' Red Willow Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is ' County Road 720'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is '7.2 miles north east of M'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 100 degrees 30 minutes 58.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 199. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 21 - Other State Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1955. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.2. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - Historical significance is not determinable at this time.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 14.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 63.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 'MEDICINE CREEK DAM SPILL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 'COUNTY RECREATIONA'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is '6.7 miles North & 2.6 mil'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 40 degrees 22 minutes 46.19000000000233 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 100 degrees 12 minutes 50.68999999994412 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 18. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1949. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 170. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2002. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Not applicable, no waterway.. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 71.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 20.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 16000.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1600.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 19.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 190. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2029. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 63.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 'MEDICINE CREEK DAM SPILL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 'COUNTY RECREATIONA'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is '6.7 miles North & 2.6 mil'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 40 degrees 22 minutes 46.19000000000233 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 100 degrees 12 minutes 50.68999999994412 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 18. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1949. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 170. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2002. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Not applicable, no waterway.. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 71.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 20.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 16000.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1600.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 19.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 190. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 2029. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 44. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is ' TRENTON DAM SPILLWAY'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is ' COUNTY ROAD 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '.06 miles south & 2.6 mil'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.5 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 45.43000000005122 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1952. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2002. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 12.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 21.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 19200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1920.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 23.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2029. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 44. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is ' TRENTON DAM SPILLWAY'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is ' COUNTY ROAD 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '.06 miles south & 2.6 mil'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.5 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 45.43000000005122 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1952. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2002. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 12.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 21.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 19200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1920.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 23.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2029. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - State Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 61. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 29.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is ' ENDERS SPILLWAY'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is ' STATE HIGHWAY 61'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is '2.5 MILES SOUTH & 0.75 MI'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 40 degrees 25 minutes 9.909999999974389 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 101 degrees 31 minutes 1.3900000000139698 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1947. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 150. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2002. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 113.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 60.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 14000.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1400.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 17.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 160. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2029. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - State Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 61. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 29.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is ' ENDERS SPILLWAY'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is ' STATE HIGHWAY 61'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is '2.5 MILES SOUTH & 0.75 MI'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 40 degrees 25 minutes 9.909999999974389 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 101 degrees 31 minutes 1.3900000000139698 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1947. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 150. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2002. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 113.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 60.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 410. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 14000.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1400.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 17.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 160. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2029. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 828. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 71.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is ' Mirdan Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is ' South Rd 828'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is '8.9 miles northwest of Bu'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.805. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 41 degrees 49 minutes 27.729999999981374 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 44.85999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1970. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable, no waterway.. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 18.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 18.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 310. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 20200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2020.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 10. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 828. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 71.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is ' Mirdan Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is ' South Rd 828'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is '8.9 miles northwest of Bu'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.805. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 41 degrees 49 minutes 27.729999999981374 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 44.85999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1970. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable, no waterway.. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 18.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 18.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 310. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 20200.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2020.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 15.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 10. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 65.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is ' Cambridge Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is ' Field Access'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is '2.5 miles east of Cambrid'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 40 degrees 17 minutes 13.200000000011642 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 100 degrees 7 minutes 1.1999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 21 - Other State Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1947. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6.4. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 4 - Steel continuous. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 99.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 17.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 46.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 31.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 35 - Bridge rehabilitation because of general structure deterioration or inadequate strength.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 310. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 74600.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 7460.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 90.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 25.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 65.0. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is ' Cambridge Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is ' Field Access'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is '2.5 miles east of Cambrid'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 40 degrees 17 minutes 13.200000000011642 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 100 degrees 7 minutes 1.1999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 21 - Other State Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1947. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6.4. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 4 - Steel continuous. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 99.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 17.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 46.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 31.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 35 - Bridge rehabilitation because of general structure deterioration or inadequate strength.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 310. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 74600.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 7460.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 90.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2010.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0. The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 25.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 5. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 2030. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 is 0.0. Is bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. .
"The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure.(...TRUNCATED)
"The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-CAMB-003 is 1 - Route carried on the structure.(...TRUNCATED)

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