834 values
833 values
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Octillery and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Remoraid from the set Crimson Invasion and the flavor text: It has a tendency to want to be in holes. It prefers rock crags or pots and sprays ink from them before attacking. It has the attack Ink Spit with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing. It has the attack Special Artillery with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40+ with the description: You may discard a Special Energy from this Pokemon. If you do, this attack does 80 more damage. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, red body, octopus-shaped Pokémon with yellow suction cups, and two long tentacles on the front side
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Leafeon and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Eevee from the set Majestic Dawn and the flavor text: Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result, it is always enveloped in clear air. It has the attack Sprial Drain with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Remove 1 damage counter from Leafeon. It has the attack Leaf Blade with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage. It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Water -20.
It is of grass nature, looks like a fox, its body is brown, its paws are dark brown, there is a leaf in the center of its forehead, its ears and tail also look like leaves
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Litten and 70 HP of rarity Promo from the set SM Black Star Promos and the flavor text: While grooming itself, it builds up fur inside its stomach. It sets the fur alight and spews fiery attacks, which change based on how it coughs. It has the attack Bite with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Flare with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, kitten-type Pokémon, with black hair, red stripes and whiskers on the face, yellow eyes, and thorn-like hair on the tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Poliwag and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Sun & Moon and the flavor text: It's still not very good at walking. Its Trainers should train this Pokemon to walk every day. It has the attack Water Gun with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Hydro Pump with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: This attack does 10 more damage times the amount of Water Energy attached to this Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, tadpole-like appearance, blue skin, swirl pattern on abdomen, feathered tail, big eyes, small mouth with pink lips
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Nidoqueen and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Nidorina from the set Jungle and the flavor text: Its hard scales provide strong protection. It uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves. It has the attack Boyfriends with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Does 20 damage plus 20 more damage for each Nidoking you have in play. It has the attack Mega Punch with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Poisonous, blue in appearance, white on the chin, chest and belly, thick tail and mouse-like ears
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Murkrow and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set Unseen Forces. It has the attack Night Song with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with 1 of the Defending Pokemon. Your opponent chooses the Defending Pokemon to switch. The new Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Plunder with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Before doing damage, discard all Trainer cards attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
Evil attribute, similar to a crow, with a black body, yellow beak and claws, the feathers on the head form a shape similar to a wizard hat, and the tail is shaped like a broom
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Slowking and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Slowpoke from the set Call of Legends and the flavor text: It has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected. It has the attack Psyshock with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the ability Second Sight with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top 3 cards of either player's deck and put them back on top of that player's deck in any order. This power can't be used if Slowking is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Water attribute, standing on two feet, with an orange and white umbrella-like structure around the neck, and a red gemstone-like structure on the back of the clam.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Umbreon and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Eevee from the set Sandstorm. It has the attack Confuse Ray with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has the attack Moon Impact with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
Evil attribute, with black hair, red eyes, ring-shaped patterns on the body, circle-like patterns on the legs that glow, ears and tails like leaves
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Seviper and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set Power Keepers. It has the attack Sharp Fang with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Toxic with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. Put 2 damage counters instead of 1 on the Defending Pokemon between turns. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Poison attributes, black snake, golden jaw, golden armor on the head and back, six small golden buttons on the abdomen, red fangs, blade-like tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Scorbunny and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Sword & Shield and the flavor text: A warm-up of running around gets fire energy coursing through this Pokemon's body. Once that happens, it's ready to fight at full power. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Flare with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, pure white body, with fluff on the cheeks, a pair of big ears and soles, and a small fire bag in the shape of a collar around the neck
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Jellicent and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Frillish from the set Next Destinies and the flavor text: They propel themselves by expelling absorbed seawater from their bodies. Their favorite food is life energy. It has the attack Vengeful Wish with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: If this Pokemon was damaged by an attack during your opponent's last turn, this attack does the same amount of damage done to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Absorb Life with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Heal 30 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, Pokémon with gender differences, the male body is blue, has a beard, no lips, the female pink body, the lips are heart-shaped
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Exeggutor and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Exeggcute from the set Mysterious Treasures and the flavor text: It is called "The Walking Jungle." If a head grows too big, it falls off and becomes an EXEGGCUTE. It has the attack String Bomb with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin for each basic Energy card attached to Exeggutor and to the Defending Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Nutritional Support with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for up to 2 Grass Energy cards and attach them to any of your Pokemon in any way you like. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has weakness against Fire +20.
Grass attributes, like a coconut tree with legs, thick legs with two toes, light yellow pads on the bottom of the feet, some leaves come out from the top
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Bayleef and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Chikorita from the set HeartGold & SoulSilver and the flavor text: A spicy aroma emanates from around its neck. The aroma acts as a stimulant to restore health. It has the attack Hammer In with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20.
Grass attributes, the body is yellow, there are seven leaves around the neck, a large sickle-shaped leaf protruding from the head, four feet with big toe nails
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Buzzwole and 130 HP of rarity Rare Shiny from the set Shiny Vault and the flavor text: A mysterious life-form called an Ultra Beast. Witnesses saw it pulverize a dump truck with a single punch. It has the attack Sledgehammer with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30+ with the description: If your opponent has exactly 4 Prize cards remaining, this attack does 90 more damage. It has the attack Swing Around with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80+ with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 more damage for each heads. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Insect attributes, the body is red, two pairs of orange legs, translucent wings, long mouth, black tentacles, small and flat head
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Carracosta and 140 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Tirtouga from the set Noble Victories and the flavor text: They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker. It has the attack Crunch with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Solid Rock with the description: If any damage is done to this Pokemon by attacks, flip a coin. If heads, reduce that damage by 50 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, blue rock face, white inside eyes, blue outside, light blue belly, hard shell on back, two black toes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Lombre and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Lotad from the set Plasma Storm and the flavor text: It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere. It has the attack Jump On with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. It has the attack Wave Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, biped Pokémon, green body, a large lotus leaf on the head, prong mouth, arms longer than legs, fingers and toes are red
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Vanilluxe and 130 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Vanillish from the set Plasma Freeze and the flavor text: Swallowing large amounts of water, they make snow clouds inside their bodies and, when angry, cause violent blizzards. It has the attack ChillMAX with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 60 with the description: Flip a coin for each Energy attached to this Pokemon. This attack does 60 damage for each heads. It has the attack Cold Breath with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has weakness against Metal 2.
Ice attribute, it looks like twin ice creams, there are some ice cubes next to the cheeks, there are two faces, the left face sprays cold air from the nozzle hole on the head, three icicles, and the middle one is big.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Gastly and 50 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Fossil and the flavor text: A mysterious Pokemon. Some say it is a lifeform from another dimension, while other believe it is formed from smog. It has the attack Lick with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Energy Conversion with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 with the description: Put up to 2 Energy cards from your discard pile into your hand. Gastly does 10 damage to itself. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
Ghost attribute, is a thin gas-like life form, with a black spherical core, big white eyes, small black pupils, and a mouth with a pair of fangs
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Shellder and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set BREAKpoint and the flavor text: Clamping on to an opponent reveals its vulnerable parts, so it uses this move only as a last resort. It has the attack Razor Shell with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 more damage. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attributes, similar to clam structure, the inside is covered by a sharp hard shell, the upper and lower shells have two spikes, the eyes are located in the black soft body inside the shell, and the big tongue
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Illumise and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Emerald. It has the attack Collect with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Draw a card. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Insect attribute, similar to fireflies, blue head, purple hair, rod-like tentacles, yellow pattern on the neck
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Furret and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Sentret from the set Legend Maker. It has the attack Body Slam with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Do the Wave with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Does 10 damage plus 10 more for each of your Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, the appearance is like a squirrel, the body is brown and off-white, two pointed ears, the first half is brown and the second half is off-white.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Kricketune and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Kricketot from the set Platinum and the flavor text: There is a village that hosts a contest based on the amazingly variable cries of this Pokemon. It has the attack Revenge Melody with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Does 20 damage times the number of Kricketot and Kricketune in your discard pile. It has the attack Bug Buzz with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon is Asleep, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage. Remove the Special Condition Asleep from the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire +20.
Insect attribute, red body, a pair of long mustaches, long red bent antennae, two red balls at the junction of the head, and a stomach like a violin
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Victreebel and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Weepinbell from the set Base Set 2 and the flavor text: Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there. It has the attack Lure with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, choose 1 of them and switch it with his or her Active Pokemon. It has the attack Acid with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your next turn. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass attributes, flower-like shape, yellow body, leaves on the head covering the mouth, hands are leaves on both sides of the body, eyes are under the mouth, and the end of the tail is leaf-shaped
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Poliwrath and 140 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Poliwhirl from the set Evolutions and the flavor text: An adept swimmer, it knows the front crawl, butterfly, and more. It is faster than the best human swimmers. It has the attack Dashing Punch with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 50+ with the description: If this Pokemon was on the Bench and became your Active Pokemon this turn, this attack does 50 more damage. It has the attack Whirlpool with the cost Water, Water, Water, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: Discard an Energy attached to your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, looks like a frog, the body is blue, there are three fingers on the hand, no toes on the feet, half-closed eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Rapidash and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Ponyta from the set Stormfront. It has the attack Rear Kick with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Shooting Fire with the cost Fire, Fire, the energy cost 2 with the description: Discard 2 Fire Energy attached to Rapidash and choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 60 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Burning Mane with the description: If Rapidash is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Rapidash is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokemon is now Burned. It has weakness against Water +20.
Fire attribute, horse-shaped Pokémon, with a light yellow body, a mane of flames from the back of the head to the tail of the horse, a single horn on the top of the head, and white ears
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Larvesta and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Cosmic Eclipse and the flavor text: When battling opponents, it sprays fire from its five horns. The max temperature of the flames can reach nearly 5,500 degrees Fahrenheit. It has the attack Ram with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Combustion with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Water 2.
Insect attribute, shaped like a moth larva, with blue eyes, five red antennae on the head, three pairs of black feet, the head and upper body are covered with white fluff, and the lower body is brown
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Grovyle and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Treecko from the set Dragon. It has the attack Fury Cutter with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip 4 coins. If all of them are heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 60 more damage. If not, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -30.
Grassy, with three dark leaves on the wrists, a very long leaf on the head, and a thin, long tail
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magneton and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Magnemite from the set Legendary Collection and the flavor text: Formed by several Magnemites linked together. They frequently appear when sunspots flare up. It has the attack Sonicboom with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for this attack. (Any other effects that would happen after applying Weakness and Resistance still happen.) It has the attack Selfdestruct with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 100 with the description: Does 20 damage to each Pokemon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Magneton does 100 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, a Pokémon with three magnetic monsters connected together by magnetic force, the two magnets in the middle of the lower part protrude forward, and there are only two screws on the two magnet monsters
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Snorunt and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Guardians Rising and the flavor text: Their numbers seem to have rapidly increased in Alola. Custom has it that houses where Snorunt live will be prosperous for generations to come. It has the attack Chilly with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Frost Breath with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Metal 2.
Ice attributes,small, black Pokémon with a tapered body, round hands and feet, blue eyes and a grinning mouth
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Spiritomb and 60 HP of rarity Rare from the set Arceus. It has the attack Darkness Grace with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: Search your deck for a card that evolves from 1 of your Pokemon and put it onto that Pokemon. (This counts as evolving that Pokemon.) If you do, put 1 damage counter on Spiritomb. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Will-o'-the-wisp with the cost Darkness, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the ability Keystone Seal with the description: As long as Spiritomb is your Active Pokemon, each player can't play any Trainer cards from his or her hand. It has resistance against Colorless -20.
Ghost attributes, with a gaseous mysterious substance on it, with parts like mouth and eyes in the substance
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Houndoom and 70 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Houndour from the set Neo Discovery and the flavor text: Upon hearing its eerie howls, other Pokemon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests. It has the attack Crunch with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Until the end of your next turn, if an attack damages the Defending Pokemon (after applying Weakness and Resistance), that attack does 20 more damage to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Flamethrower with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Discard 1 Fire Energy card attached to Houndoom or this attack does nothing. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
It is evil, looks like a dog, has a dark brown body, big and curved horns on its head, two bones on its ankles, and a long inverted triangle tai
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Magcargo and 130 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Slugma from the set Vivid Voltage and the flavor text: Its body is as hot as lava and is always billowing. Flames will occasionally burst from its shell. It has the attack Heat Blast with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60. It has the attack Bright Flame with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 180 with the description: Discard 2 Energy from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
There is a shell on the back, covered with lava, black pupils, yellow pupils
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Ariados and 70 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Spinarak from the set Aquapolis. It has the attack Spider Force with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. If tails, this attack does 20 damage and the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the ability Gluey Slime with the description: As long as Ariados is in play, each player must pay an additional Colorless to retreat his or her Active Pokemon. Gluey Slime can't make a player pay more than an additional Colorless to retreat a Pokemon, even if there is more than 1 Ariados in play. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Insect-like, it looks like a spider, with a red head with a sharp horn, purple eyes, and two pairs of yellow and purple feet.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Buizel and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Shining Legends and the flavor text: It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw. When it dives, its flotation sac collapses. It has the attack Razor Fin with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Water Gun with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, the body is orange, there is a floating bladder on the neck, blue fins on the back of the hand, two black stripes under the eyes, two thin and long tails
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Pidgeot and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Pidgeotto from the set Secret Wonders and the flavor text: By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. It has the attack Mirror Move with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: If Pidgeot was damaged by an attack during your opponent's last turn, this attack does the same amount of damage done to Pidgeot to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Whirlwind with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning +30. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
General attributes, the feathers are cream-colored, three clusters of bright red long feathers grow from the crest on the top of the birds head, the fan-shaped tail feathers are red, and the wide and long wings
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Shellder and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set XY and the flavor text: Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is vulnerable only when its shell is open. It has the attack Rain Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attributes, similar to clam structure, the inside is covered by a sharp hard shell, the upper and lower shells have two spikes, the eyes are located in the black soft body inside the shell, and the big tongue
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Torkoal and 120 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Celestial Storm and the flavor text: If the fire burning within its shell goes out, it will die. Those who wish to raise one in their home must always keep something flammable at hand. It has the attack Flaming Honk with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Discard the top 4 cards of your deck. If any of those cards are Fire Energy cards, attach them to your Pokemon in any way you like. It has the attack Searing Flame with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Burned. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire-type Pokémon that looks like a tortoise. Its body is mainly orange-brown, and its shell is mainly black-gray. The top of the shell is in the shape of a white cloud, and its nose exhales white gas.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Spoink and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: It bounces around on its tail to keep its heart pumping. It carries a pearl from Clamperl on its head. It has the attack Rocket Jump with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Psychic attributes, gray body, dark round eyes, short thick arms, gray nose, small ears, no hind legs, and a spring-like tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Volcanion and 120 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Unbroken Bonds and the flavor text: It lets out billows of steam and disappears into the dense fog. It's said to live in mountains where humans do not tread. It has the attack Flare Starter with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Fire Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Pokemon. If you go second and it's your first turn, instead search for up to 3 Fire Energy cards and attach them to your Pokemon in any way you like. Then, shuffle your deck. It has the attack High-Heat Blast with the cost Fire, Fire, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50+ with the description: If you have at least 4 Fire Energy in play, this attack does 60 more damage. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, the body is red, the arms are like arched doors, the head and ears are pointed, red four-legged yellow toes
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Exploud and 130 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Loudred from the set Supreme Victors. It has the attack Knock Back with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon. It has the attack Hyper Beam with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Erasing Sound with the description: Each of your Pokemon has no Weakness. It has weakness against Fighting +30.
General attributes, has a particularly large mouth, and the whole body is basically purple
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Baltoy and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Ancient Origins and the flavor text: It moves by spinning on its foot. It is a rare Pokemon that was discovered in ancient ruins. It has the attack Slap with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Spinning Attack with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Ground attributes, looks like a doll, the body is brown, the eyes are usually closed into a line, and the spikes at the bottom are like feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Suicune and 80 HP of rarity Promo from the set HGSS Black Star Promos and the flavor text: Said to be the embodiment of north winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water. It has the attack Sheer Cold with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't attack during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Legend of water attribute, blue body, with white block pattern, blue jewel-like headdress and two white streamer-like tails
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Piplup and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Ultra Prism and the flavor text: Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food from people. Its thick down guards it from cold. It has the attack Peck with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Wave Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute treasure, looks like a penguin, with dark blue back and head, yellow beak and feet, white spots under the neck
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Goldeen and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set BREAKthrough and the flavor text: Its dorsal, pectoral and tail fins wave elegantly in water. That is why it is known as the water dancer. It has the attack Reckless Charge with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: This Pokemon does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, mostly white, red at the junction of limbs, sharp horns, pink lips, fins on both sides of the body, wavy tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Sneasel and 60 HP of rarity Rare from the set Neo Genesis and the flavor text: Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it suddenly extends the claws and startles its enemy. It has the attack Fury Swipes with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Beat Up with the cost Darkness, Darkness, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin for each of your Pokemon in play (including this one). This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
Evil attribute, black body, red tail, silver-white claws, golden dots on forehead and chest, red left ear
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Grumpig and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Spoink from the set Deoxys. It has the attack Hypnoblast with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Extra Ball with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon is Pokemon-ex, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage. It has the ability Carefree with the description: Grumpig can't be Confused. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Psychic attributes, it is a bipedal pig with two small black pearls on its head, ears, arms, legs and belly and buttocks are black
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Jynx and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Base and the flavor text: Merely by meditating, the Pokemon launches a powerful psychic energy attack. It has the attack Doubleslap with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Meditate with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Ice attributes,human-shaped Pokémon, wearing a red long skirt with hidden feet, white arms, purple hands, purple face, pink lips, saucer eyes, long blond hair
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fairy with the title Swirlix and 60 HP of rarity None from the set Kalos Starter Set and the flavor text: To entangle its opponents in battle, it extrudes white threads as sweet and sticky as cotton candy. It has the attack Draining Kiss with the cost Fairy, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Heal 10 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Metal 2. It has resistance against Darkness -20.
Fairy attributes, body hair as soft as cotton candy, a tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Registeel and 80 HP of rarity Rare from the set Holon Phantoms. It has the attack Hyper Beam with the cost Metal, Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Clear Body with the description: Registeel can't be affected by any Special Conditions. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30.
Steel properties, spherical shape, gray upper body, some black stripes on the body, hexagonal pattern on the face, three fingers on the black arm, cylindrical legs
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Tympole and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Dragons Exalted and the flavor text: By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of these sounds to talk. It has the attack Bubble with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Grass 2.
A water-type Pokémon with a black body and a beige face, raised eyebrows like musical notes, a blue tail, and a smiling expression
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Flapple and 80 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Applin from the set SWSH Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It ate a sour apple, and that induced its evolution. In its cheeks, it stores an acid capable of causing chemical burns. It has the attack Acid Spray with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 60 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy from your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has the ability Apple Drop with the description: Once during your turn, you may put 2 damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. If you placed any damage counters in this way, shuffle this Pokemon and all attached cards into your deck. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Grass attributes, looks like a broken peel, the peel is red and green in the middle, the front paws and the peel are fused into wings, and the eyes are a yellow sheet
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Starmie and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Staryu from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Energy Burst with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy attached to Starmie and the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Star Back with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: Attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Water attribute, the body is mainly lavender, the front of the body is golden, there is a huge ruby, and new stars grow out of the back
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Clauncher and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Steam Siege and the flavor text: Through controlled expulsions of internal gas, it can expel water like a pistol shot. At close distances, it can shatter rock. It has the attack Double Pincers with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water type, one pincer is much larger than the other, three pairs of light gray legs and two pairs of blue spiked pincers, a pair of yellow tentacles, yellow eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Darkrai and 120 HP of rarity Promo from the set XY Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It chases people and Pokemon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers. It has the attack Hypnoblast with the cost Darkness, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Deep Wind with the cost Darkness, Darkness, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60+ with the description: If your opponent's Active Pokemon is Asleep, this attack does 60 more damage and heal 30 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Evil attribute, body is black, white hair, blue eyes, colored jagged objects around the neck
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Camerupt and 140 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Numel from the set Unified Minds and the flavor text: The volcanoes on its back have a major eruption every 10 yearsor whenever it becomes really angry. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50. It has the attack Strong Flare with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 150 with the description: Discard 2 Energy from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, mainly orange-red in appearance, with three bright blue circles on each side of the body, a hump on the back that resembles a rock structure, three upturned hairs on the head, and hooves on the feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Shellder and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Generations and the flavor text: Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is vulnerable only when its shell is open. It has the attack Rain Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attributes, similar to clam structure, the inside is covered by a sharp hard shell, the upper and lower shells have two spikes, the eyes are located in the black soft body inside the shell, and the big tongue
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magneton and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Magnemite from the set FireRed & LeafGreen. It has the attack Thundershock with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Speed Shot with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokemon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on that Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -30.
Electric attributes, a Pokémon with three magnetic monsters connected together by magnetic force, the two magnets in the middle of the lower part protrude forward, and there are only two screws on the two magnet monsters
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Prinplup and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Piplup from the set Legendary Treasures and the flavor text: Because every Prinplup considers itself to be the most important, they can never form a group. It has the attack Water Splash with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, looks like a penguin, with golden appendages on the head connecting the beak, four white balls on the belly, dark blue arms, yellow toes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Relicanth and 60 HP of rarity Rare from the set Hidden Legends. It has the attack Yawn with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the ability Deep Sleep with the description: As long as Relicanth is your Active Pokemon, a player flips 2 coins for each of his or her Pokemon that is Asleep between turns. If either coin is tails, that Pokemon is still Asleep. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attributes,large fish Pokémon with map-like markings, with a light brown head and dark brown rest, closed mouth, and red eyes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Psyduck and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Boundaries Crossed and the flavor text: When headaches stimulate its brain cells, which are usually inactive, it can use a mysterious power. It has the attack Firefighting with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 with the description: Discard a Fire Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
It is water attribute, looks like a duck, its body is yellow, its pupils are extremely small, its mouth is flat, and there are three black hairs on top of its head. It is holding its head
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Xatu and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Natu from the set Roaring Skies and the flavor text: They say that it stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time. It has the attack Future Sight with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Look at the top 5 cards of either player's deck and put them back on top of that player's deck in any order. It has the attack Stressful Eye with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Your opponent reveals his or her hand. Discard a Trainer card you find there. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Super power attributes, white wings, red and black stripes on the top of the wings, black neck, red eyes, two long red feathers behind the head, red feet
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Beldum and 50 HP of rarity Promo from the set Nintendo Black Star Promos. It has the attack Metal Charge with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Put 1 damage counter on Beldum. It has the ability Magnetic Call with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Metal Basic Pokemon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. This power can't be used if Beldum is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30.
Steel attribute, blue Pokémon, with a round head with a huge red eye in the center, and huge white claws on the hip
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Seadra and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Horsea from the set Primal Clash and the flavor text: It is capable of swimming backwards by rapidly flapping its winglike pectoral fins and stout tail. It has the attack Knockout Needle with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, this attack does 40 more damage. It has the attack Water Gun with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, with horns or spikes all over its body, curly tail, beige and blue body colors, and a cylindrical mouth into a triangular prism
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Jolteon and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Eevee from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: It concentrates the weak electric charges emitted by its cells and launches wicked lightning bolts. It has the attack Agility with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Jolteon during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Mach Bolt with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
Electric attributes, cat-like, yellow body, neck and body covered with white and yellow spikes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Ninetales and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Vulpix from the set Rebel Clash and the flavor text: It is said to live 1,000 years, and each of its tails is loaded with supernatural powers. It has the attack Hex with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30+ with the description: If your opponent's Active Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, this attack does 90 more damage. It has the attack Flickering Flames with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 90 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Asleep. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, four-legged Pokémon with the appearance of a fox, covered in beige hair, with a small pointed head, bright red pupils, and nine long tails
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Cryogonal and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Plasma Freeze and the flavor text: They are composed of ice crystals. They capture prey with chains of ice, freezing the prey at -148 F. It has the attack Call Sign with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Water Pokemon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Cryofreeze with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Discard an Energy attached to this Pokemon. The Defending Pokemon can't attack during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Metal 2.
Water attribute, like a snowflake, the whole body is made of ice, two blue eyes are exposed in the gap of the ice, similar to the lock formed by the crystallization of ice in the gap of the mouth
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Litten and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Unbroken Bonds and the flavor text: If you try too hard to get close to it, it won't open up to you. Even if you do grow close, giving it too much affection is still a no-no. It has the attack Singe with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Burned. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, kitten-type Pokémon, with black hair, red stripes and whiskers on the face, yellow eyes, and thorn-like hair on the tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Popplio and 70 HP of rarity Promo from the set SM Black Star Promos and the flavor text: This Pokemon snorts body fluids from its nose, blowing balloons to smash into its foes. It's famous for being a hard worker. It has the attack Pound with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Water Gun with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Grass 2.
A water-type Pokémon of the blue sea lion type, with a white mouth, a pink spherical nose, blue forelimbs and tail fins
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Bronzong and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Bronzor from the set Arceus and the flavor text: It brought rains by opening portals to another world. It was revered as a bringer of plentiful harvests. It has the attack Wide Laser with the cost Metal, the energy cost 1 with the description: This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Hyper Beam with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
It is of steel nature, looks like a bell, is bronze in color, has red ring-shaped eyes, a mouth in the center of the eyes, and a tree-shaped pattern on the back.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Helioptile and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Phantom Forces and the flavor text: They make their home in deserts. They can generate their energy from basking in the sun, so eating food is not a requirement. It has the attack Quick Attack with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 more damage. It has the attack Static Shock with the cost Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -20.
Electric attribute, looks like a lizard, yellow body and earlobes, big ears, blue eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Arcanine and 100 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Growlithe from the set Base Set 2 and the flavor text: A Pokemon that has been long admired for its beauty. It runs gracefully, as if on wings. It has the attack Flamethrower with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Discard 1 Fire Energy card attached to Arcanine in order to use this attack. It has the attack Take Down with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: Arcanine does 30 damage to itself. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, looks like a large dog, flaxen hair, brown eyes, tiger-like black and orange stripes, four-legged long tail
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Ekans and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Champion's Path and the flavor text: The eggs of bird Pokemon are its favorite food. It swallows eggs whole, so sometimes an egg gets stuck, and Ekans faints. It has the attack Ram with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Tail Snap with the cost Darkness, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Poisonous, it looks like a purple snake, with a yellow abdomen, yellow eyes, a line pupil, a big mouth, and a yellow tail tip
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Shuppet and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Roaring Skies and the flavor text: It loves vengeful emotions and hangs in rows under the eaves of houses where vengeful people live. It has the attack Bleh with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Discard a Special Energy attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. It has weakness against Darkness 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Ghost attribute, the whole body is gray and black, with a sharp horn on the head, two big eyes, no feet
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Cloyster and 100 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Shellder from the set Generations and the flavor text: Cloyster that live in seas with harsh tidal currents grow large, sharp spikes on their shells. It has the attack Clamp Crush with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed and discard an Energy attached to that Pokemon. It has the attack Spike Cannon with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip 5 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, with protruding horns on the body, hard shell and purple body
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Combee and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Lost Thunder and the flavor text: It collects and delivers honey to its colony. At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep. It has the attack Bee March with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for up to 3 Combee and put them onto your Bench. Then, shuffle your deck. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Insect attributes, like three beehives, each beehive has a face, each of the above two faces has an antennae, and each side has a wing
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Zorua and 60 HP of rarity Rare Shiny from the set Shiny Vault and the flavor text: It changes so it looks like its foe, tricks it, and then uses that opportunity to flee. It has the attack Stampede with the cost Darkness, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Ram with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Pokémon of the evil attribute, similar in appearance to a fox cub, with a gray-black body, light blue pupils, and black fur on the neck
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Lombre and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Lotad from the set Deoxys. It has the attack Ambush with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage. It has the ability Aqua Lift with the description: If Lombre has any Water Energy attached to it, the Retreat Cost for Lombre is 0. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, biped Pokémon, green body, a large lotus leaf on the head, prong mouth, arms longer than legs, fingers and toes are red
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Lickilicky and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Lickitung from the set Platinum and the flavor text: The long tongue is always soggy with slobber. The saliva contains a solvent that causes numbness. It has the attack Harrumph with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Before doing damage, discard all Trainer cards attached to that Pokemon. It has the attack Body Press with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 60 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed and discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Fighting +20.
General attributes, the shape is like a duck, the body is pink, the hair is curly on the top of the head, the tongue is very big and long, the head is small
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Porygon and 50 HP of rarity Promo from the set HGSS Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It is a manmade Pokemon. Since it doesn't breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment.. It has the attack Stiffen with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Porygon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the attack Version Update with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Search your deck for Porygon2, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
General attributes, Pokémon with irregular polygonal body, red head, blue mouth, and pentagonal eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Clawitzer and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Clauncher from the set Steam Siege and the flavor text: By expelling water from the nozzle in the back of its claw, it can move at a speed of 60 knots. It has the attack Crabhammer with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60. It has the ability Mega Boost with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may attach a Special Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Mega Evolution Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Watery, yellow tentacles grow on giant pincers
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Glalie and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Snorunt from the set Mysterious Treasures and the flavor text: To protect itself, it clads its body in an armor of ice, made by freezing moisture in the air. It has the attack Intimidation Pebble with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent can't play any Trainer cards or Supporter cards from his or her hand during your opponent's next turn. It has the ability Craggy Face with the description: As long as Glalie is your Active Pokemon, any damage done by attacks from your opponent's Stage 2 Evolved Pokemon is reduced by 20 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Metal +20.
Ice attributes,round Pokémon with a black stone core, two black cone-shaped horns, and blue eyes
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Kirlia and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Ralts from the set Emerald. It has the attack Psypunch with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Mind Shock with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Super power attributes, white body, green legs, shoulder bangs, red horns
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Primeape and 70 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Mankey from the set FireRed & LeafGreen. It has the attack Toss with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: You may discard from your hand as many Technical Machine and Pokemon Tool cards as you like. This attack does 30 damage times the number of cards you discarded. It has the attack Low Kick with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Fighting-type Pokémon with pale yellow fur, black rings on the wrists and ankles, large feet, and a line of eyes, with an angry expression
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Pidgeot and 80 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Pidgeotto from the set Jungle and the flavor text: When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp. It has the attack Wing Attack with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Hurricane with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Unless this attack Knocks Out the Defending Pokemon, return the Defending Pokemon and all cards attached to it to your opponent's hand. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
General attributes, the feathers are cream-colored, three clusters of bright red long feathers grow from the crest on the top of the birds head, the fan-shaped tail feathers are red, and the wide and long wings
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mesprit and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Plasma Blast and the flavor text: When Mesprit flew, people learned the joy and sadness of living. It was the birth of emotions. It has the attack Psyshot with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30. It has the ability Mental Shroud with the description: If you have Uxie and Azelf in play, each of your Pokemon has no Weakness. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
A legendary, gray fairy Pokémon with two tails, each with a red gemstone at the end, four long appendages, and a ruby on the forehead
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Metang and 80 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Beldum from the set Nintendo Black Star Promos. It has the attack Metal Load with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your discard pile for a Metal Energy card and attach it to Metang. It has the attack Metal Claw with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30.
Steel attributes, the body is blue, the body is disc-shaped, there are huge iron claws on the two arms, red eyes, and a silver spike on the face and back
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Corphish and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Crimson Invasion and the flavor text: No matter how dirty the water in the river, it will adapt and thrive. It has a strong will to survive. It has the attack Crabhammer with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, most of the upper body is orange, the abdomen is white, and there are three pointed protrusions on the head
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Ludicolo and 130 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Lombre from the set Plasma Storm and the flavor text: If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can't help breaking out into a dance. It has the attack Groovy Dance with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70 with the description: You may discard an Energy attached to this Pokemon. If you do, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has the ability Rain Dish with the description: At any times between turns, heal 20 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Water attribute, the body is green, the body is covered with yellow hair, there is a short brown stem on the top of the big lotus leaf on the head, and the limbs are green
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Cubchoo and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Next Destinies and the flavor text: Its nose is always running. It sniffs the snot back up because the mucus provides the raw material for its moves. It has the attack Sniffle with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 with the description: During your next turn, this Pokemon's Belt attack's base damage is 40. It has the attack Belt with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Metal 2.
Ice type, with a blue head and a nose that always hangs down
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Primeape and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Mankey from the set Great Encounters and the flavor text: It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder. It has the attack Whump with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Primeape is now Confused. Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon can't attack during your opponent's next turn. It has the ability Anger Point with the description: If Primeape has any damage counters on it, Primeape's attacks do 40 more damage to the Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Psychic +20.
Fighting-type Pokémon with pale yellow fur, black rings on the wrists and ankles, large feet, and a line of eyes, with an angry expression
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Graveler and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Geodude from the set Legend Maker. It has the attack Rock Slide with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Does 10 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon (1 if there is only 1). (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Exoskeleton with the description: Any damage done to Graveler by attacks is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Water 2.
Rock attributes,ball-shaped Pokémon with a stone appearance, gray skin, four arms, and three fingers at the corners of each hand
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Kadabra and 60 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Abra from the set Base and the flavor text: It emits special alpha waves from its body that induce headaches even to those just nearby. It has the attack Recover with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 with the description: Discard 1 Psychic Energy card attached to Kadabra in order to use this attack. Remove all damage counters from Kadabra. It has the attack Super Psy with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Superpower attributes, yellow body, long ears, five-star pattern on the forehead, fox-like face, and a big tail behind the abdomen
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Geodude and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Hidden Fates and the flavor text: Geodude that have lived a long life have had all their edges smoothed out until they're totally round. They also have a calm, quiet disposition. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Rock properties, like a gray round stone, well-developed arms, five fingers
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Floatzel and 100 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Buizel from the set Shining Legends and the flavor text: It floats using its well-developed flotation sac. It assists in the rescues of drowning people. It has the attack Razor Fin with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Aqua Bomb with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 120 with the description: This Pokemon does 30 damage to itself. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, the body is orange, there are yellow floating bladders on the neck, blue fins on the back of the hands, and orange water drop patterns on the stomach
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Luxray and 160 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Luxio from the set SWSH Black Star Promos and the flavor text: Luxray's ability to see through objects comes in handy when it's scouting for danger. It has the attack Raid with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 60+ with the description: If this Pokemon evolved from Luxio during this turn, this attack does 100 more damage. It has the attack Head Bolt with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 120. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Electric attributes, similar in appearance to an adult lion, four-legged Pokémon, the body is covered with fluffy black fur, and the eyes are yellow
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Aipom and 40 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Neo Genesis and the flavor text: Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air. It has the attack Pilfer with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Shuffle Aipom and all cards attached to it into your deck. Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle a card from your discard pile into your deck. It has the attack Tail Rap with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
General attribute, looks like a little monkey, body color is composed of purple and beige, the end of the tail is like a hand
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Shellder and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set BREAKpoint and the flavor text: Clamping on to an opponent reveals its vulnerable parts, so it uses this move only as a last resort. It has the attack Clamp with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attributes, similar to clam structure, the inside is covered by a sharp hard shell, the upper and lower shells have two spikes, the eyes are located in the black soft body inside the shell, and the big tongue
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Palpitoad and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Tympole from the set Dragons Exalted and the flavor text: When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, the can make wave in water or earthquake-like vibrations on land. It has the attack Supersonic with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has the attack Hyper Voice with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Water attribute, the body is water blue, there are three tumors on the head, three on the waist and back, no hands, three blue toes, beige belly
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Emboar and 150 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Pignite from the set BW Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It can throw a fire punch by setting its fists on fire with its fiery chin. It cares deeply about its friends. It has the attack Heat Crash with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80. It has the ability Inferno Fandango with the description: As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may attach a Fire Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
Fire attribute, the neck is surrounded by flames, black eyebrows are upturned, two black arms, a red circle on the wrist, and an explosive black tail. It looks like Zhu Bajie
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Grumpig and 100 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Spoink from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: It uses black pearls to amplify its psychic power. It does an odd dance to gain control over foes. It has the attack Head Walking with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Put a Basic Pokemon from your opponent's discard pile onto his or her Bench. Then, put 3 damage counters on that Pokemon. It has the attack Knock Back with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent switches his or her Active Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Psychic attributes, it is a bipedal pig with two small black pearls on its head, ears, arms, legs and belly and buttocks are black exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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