How to solve ImportErrors

by kikoarizeai - opened
Arize AI org

Dataset rewiew request for fashion_mnist_quality_drift


This dataset is a special take on Fashion MNIST. We have training, validation and production splits. The data contains timestamps and, for a period of time in the production split, the quality of the images is affected (intentionally).

Files to review

  • -- I apologize for the maybe basic question, but I don't seem to find how to be able to install packages that are not available by defualt, I can work with this dataset locally but the dataset card cannot render the data.

cc @lhoestq @polinaeterna @mariosasko @albertvillanova

Arize AI org

The Dataset Card information (contents of the file) need to be updated so disregard the information there. Thank you in advance

Hi ! Thanks for adding this dataset :)

The dataset preview has a predefined list of packages installed, and pickle5 is not one of them AFAIK

Would it be possible to host the dataset in a different format than pickle ? This way users don't have to install pickle5 to be able to use this dataset, and it should fix the dataset preview

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