Unnamed: 0
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: Tweedie Density Estimation This package follows the following 2 papers to estimate the density of a presumed Tweedie distribution Step1: And to prove this is a typical Tweedie distribution, we'll plot it. Notice that there's a big point of mass at exactly 0, and then some positive values. Step2: A typical problem would be to try to improve the GLM by choosing an appropriate value for the var_power parameter. That's often difficult, but it can be made easier by using the scipy's minimize_scalar function which will seek the best value of p. To show this works, let's initially set p to be some ludicrious value and see if the minimize_scalar moves us in the right direction. Step3: Sure enough, we move in the right direction. Now, let's run the GLM using the updated value of p. Step4: Still moving in the right direction.
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: %matplotlib inline from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import scipy as sp from tweedie import tweedie import seaborn as sns import statsmodels.api as sm # Number of parameters for model p = 20 # Number of simulated observations n = 100000 np.random.seed(43) exog = np.random.rand(n, p - 1) exog = np.hstack((np.ones((n, 1)), exog)) beta = np.concatenate(([500], np.random.randint(-100, 100, p - 1))) / 100 eta = np.dot(exog, beta) mu = np.exp(eta) endog = tweedie(mu=mu, p=1.5, phi=20).rvs(n) Explanation: Tweedie Density Estimation This package follows the following 2 papers to estimate the density of a presumed Tweedie distribution: Dunn, Peter K. and Smyth, Gordon K. 2001, Tweedie Family Densities: Methods of Evaluation Dunn, Peter K. and Smyth, Gordon K. 2005, Series evaluation of Tweedie exponential dispersion model densities Below, I'll demonstrate a relatively simple approach to estimating Tweedie density from a given distribution. First, I'm going to generate some data and try to fit a GLM on it. End of explanation sns.distplot(endog) sns.distplot(endog[endog > 0]) Explanation: And to prove this is a typical Tweedie distribution, we'll plot it. Notice that there's a big point of mass at exactly 0, and then some positive values. End of explanation res = sm.GLM(endog, exog, family=sm.families.Tweedie(link=sm.families.links.log, var_power=1.1)).fit() print(res.summary()) def loglike_p(p): return -tweedie(mu=res.mu, p=p, phi=res.scale).logpdf(res._endog).sum() opt = sp.optimize.minimize_scalar(loglike_p, bounds=(1.05, 1.95), method='bounded') print(opt) Explanation: A typical problem would be to try to improve the GLM by choosing an appropriate value for the var_power parameter. That's often difficult, but it can be made easier by using the scipy's minimize_scalar function which will seek the best value of p. To show this works, let's initially set p to be some ludicrious value and see if the minimize_scalar moves us in the right direction. End of explanation res2 = sm.GLM(endog, exog, family=sm.families.Tweedie(link=sm.families.links.log, var_power=opt.x)).fit() print(res.summary()) def loglike_p(p): return -tweedie(mu=res2.mu, p=p, phi=res2.scale).logpdf(res2._endog).sum() opt2 = sp.optimize.minimize_scalar(loglike_p, bounds=(1.05, 1.95), method='bounded') print(opt2) Explanation: Sure enough, we move in the right direction. Now, let's run the GLM using the updated value of p. End of explanation res3 = sm.GLM(endog, exog, family=sm.families.Tweedie(link=sm.families.links.log, var_power=opt2.x)).fit() print(res.summary()) def loglike_p(p): return -tweedie(mu=res3.mu, p=p, phi=res3.scale).logpdf(res3._endog).sum() opt3 = sp.optimize.minimize_scalar(loglike_p, bounds=(1.05, 1.95), method='bounded') print(opt3) Explanation: Still moving in the right direction. End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: syncID Step1: We also need to import the following functions created in previous lessons Step2: Calculate Hillshade <img src="http Step3: Now that we have a function to generate hillshade, we need to read in the NEON LiDAR Digital Terrain Model (DTM) geotif using the raster2array function and then calculate hillshade using the hillshade function. We can then plot both using the plot_band_array function. Step4: Calculate CHM & Overlay on Top of Hillshade Step5: Links to Tutorials on Creating Hillshades
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: from osgeo import gdal import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') Explanation: syncID: 7e916532e9fa49aeba7464350e661778 title: "Create a Hillshade from a Terrain Raster in Python" description: "Learn how to create a hillshade from a terrain raster in Python." dateCreated: 2017-06-21 authors: Bridget Hass contributors: Donal O'Leary estimatedTime: 0.5 hour packagesLibraries: numpy, gdal, matplotlib topics: lidar, raster, remote-sensing languagesTool: python dataProduct: DP1.30003, DP3.30015, DP3.30024, DP3.30025 code1: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NEONScience/NEON-Data-Skills/main/tutorials/Python/Lidar/lidar-topography/create_hillshade_from_terrain_raster_py/create_hillshade_from_terrain_raster_py.ipynb tutorialSeries: intro-lidar-py-series urlTitle: create-hillshade-py Create a Hillshade from a Terrain Raster in Python In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a hillshade from a terrain raster in Python. First, let's import the required packages and set plot display to inline: End of explanation # %load ../neon_aop_python_functions/raster2array.py # raster2array.py reads in the first band of geotif file and returns an array and associated # metadata dictionary. # Input: raster_geotif (eg. 'raster.tif') # Outputs: # array_rows: # of rows in the array # array_cols: # of columns in the array # bands: # of bands # driver: (for NEON data this is Geotif) # projection: # geotransform: # pixelWidth: width of pixel (for NEON data this = 1) # pixelHeight: height of pixel (for NEON data this = -1) # ext_dict: dictionary of raster extent, containing the following information # {'xMin': xMin_value,'xMax': xMax_value, 'yMin': yMin_value, 'yMax': yMax_value} # Note: to extract a value from ext_dict, use the syntax: eg. xMin = metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'] # extent: raster extent values (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) # noDataValue: no data value # scaleFactor: scale factor # band_stats: dictionary of statistics for band 1: # {'min': min_value, 'max': max_value, 'mean': mean_value, 'stdev': stdev_value} # Note: to extract a value from band_stats dictionary, use the syntax: # eg. array_min = metadata['band_stats']['min'] # Usage: array, metadata = raster2array('raster.tif') from osgeo import gdal import numpy as np def raster2array(geotif_file): metadata = {} dataset = gdal.Open(geotif_file) metadata['array_rows'] = dataset.RasterYSize metadata['array_cols'] = dataset.RasterXSize metadata['bands'] = dataset.RasterCount metadata['driver'] = dataset.GetDriver().LongName metadata['projection'] = dataset.GetProjection() metadata['geotransform'] = dataset.GetGeoTransform() mapinfo = dataset.GetGeoTransform() metadata['pixelWidth'] = mapinfo[1] metadata['pixelHeight'] = mapinfo[5] # metadata['xMin'] = mapinfo[0] # metadata['yMax'] = mapinfo[3] # metadata['xMax'] = mapinfo[0] + dataset.RasterXSize/mapinfo[1] # metadata['yMin'] = mapinfo[3] + dataset.RasterYSize/mapinfo[5] metadata['ext_dict'] = {} metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'] = mapinfo[0] metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'] = mapinfo[0] + dataset.RasterXSize/mapinfo[1] metadata['ext_dict']['yMin'] = mapinfo[3] + dataset.RasterYSize/mapinfo[5] metadata['ext_dict']['yMax'] = mapinfo[3] metadata['extent'] = (metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'],metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'], metadata['ext_dict']['yMin'],metadata['ext_dict']['yMax']) if metadata['bands'] == 1: raster = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) metadata['noDataValue'] = raster.GetNoDataValue() metadata['scaleFactor'] = raster.GetScale() # band statistics metadata['bandstats'] = {} #make a nested dictionary to store band stats in same stats = raster.GetStatistics(True,True) metadata['bandstats']['min'] = round(stats[0],2) metadata['bandstats']['max'] = round(stats[1],2) metadata['bandstats']['mean'] = round(stats[2],2) metadata['bandstats']['stdev'] = round(stats[3],2) array = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0,0,metadata['array_cols'],metadata['array_rows']).astype(np.float) array[array==int(metadata['noDataValue'])]=np.nan array = array/metadata['scaleFactor'] return array, metadata elif metadata['bands'] > 1: print('More than one band ... fix function for case of multiple bands') # %load ../neon_aop_python_functions/plot_band_array.py def plot_band_array(band_array,refl_extent,title,cbar_label,colormap='spectral',alpha=1): plt.imshow(band_array,extent=refl_extent,alpha=alpha); cbar = plt.colorbar(); plt.set_cmap(colormap); cbar.set_label(cbar_label,rotation=270,labelpad=20) plt.title(title); ax = plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation # rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degree Explanation: We also need to import the following functions created in previous lessons: - raster2array.py - plotbandarray.py End of explanation #https://github.com/rveciana/introduccion-python-geoespacial/blob/master/hillshade.py def hillshade(array,azimuth,angle_altitude): azimuth = 360.0 - azimuth x, y = np.gradient(array) slope = np.pi/2. - np.arctan(np.sqrt(x*x + y*y)) aspect = np.arctan2(-x, y) azimuthrad = azimuth*np.pi/180. altituderad = angle_altitude*np.pi/180. shaded = np.sin(altituderad)*np.sin(slope) + np.cos(altituderad)*np.cos(slope)*np.cos((azimuthrad - np.pi/2.) - aspect) return 255*(shaded + 1)/2 Explanation: Calculate Hillshade <img src="http://www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/~jochen/GTECH361/lectures/lecture11/concepts/Hillshade_files/image001.gif" style="width: 250px;"/> <center><font size="2">http://www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/~jochen/GTECH361/lectures/lecture11/concepts/Hillshade.htm</font></center> Hillshade is used to visualize the hypothetical illumination value (from 0-255) of each pixel on a surface given a specified light source. To calculate hillshade, we need the zenith (altitude) and azimuth of the illumination source, as well as the slope and aspect of the terrain. The formula for hillshade is: $$Hillshade = 255.0 * (( cos(zenith_I)cos(slope_T))+(sin(zenith_I)sin(slope_T)*cos(azimuth_I-aspect_T))$$ Where all angles are in radians. For more information about how hillshades work, refer to the ESRI ArcGIS Help page: http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=How%20Hillshade%20works. End of explanation # Use raster2array to convert TEAK DTM Geotif to array & plot #dtm_array, dtm_metadata = raster2array('2013_TEAK_1_326000_4103000_DTM.tif') dtm_array, dtm_metadata = raster2array('/Users/olearyd/Git/data/2013_TEAK_1_326000_4103000_DTM.tif') plot_band_array(dtm_array,dtm_metadata['extent'],'TEAK DTM','Elevation, m',colormap='gist_earth') ax = plt.gca(); plt.grid('on') # Use hillshade function on a DTM Geotiff hs_array = hillshade(dtm_array,225,45) plot_band_array(hs_array,dtm_metadata['extent'],'TEAK Hillshade, Aspect=225°', 'Hillshade',colormap='Greys',alpha=0.8) ax = plt.gca(); plt.grid('on') #Overlay transparent hillshade on DTM: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) im1 = plt.imshow(dtm_array,cmap='terrain_r',extent=dtm_metadata['extent']); cbar = plt.colorbar(); cbar.set_label('Elevation, m',rotation=270,labelpad=20) im2 = plt.imshow(hs_array,cmap='Greys',alpha=0.8,extent=dtm_metadata['extent']); #plt.colorbar() ax=plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees plt.grid('on'); # plt.colorbar(); plt.title('TEAK Hillshade + DTM') Explanation: Now that we have a function to generate hillshade, we need to read in the NEON LiDAR Digital Terrain Model (DTM) geotif using the raster2array function and then calculate hillshade using the hillshade function. We can then plot both using the plot_band_array function. End of explanation #Calculate CHM from DSM & DTM: dsm_array, dsm_metadata = raster2array('/Users/olearyd/Git/data/2013_TEAK_1_326000_4103000_DSM.tif') teak_chm = dsm_array - dtm_array; plot_band_array(teak_chm,dtm_metadata['extent'],'TEAK Canopy Height Model','Canopy Height, m',colormap='Greens') ax = plt.gca(); plt.grid('on') #Overlay transparent hillshade on DTM: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) #Terrain im1 = plt.imshow(dtm_array,cmap='YlOrBr',extent=dtm_metadata['extent']); cbar1 = plt.colorbar(); cbar1.set_label('Elevation, m',rotation=270,labelpad=20) #Hillshade im2 = plt.imshow(hs_array,cmap='Greys',alpha=.5,extent=dtm_metadata['extent']); #plt.colorbar() #Canopy im3 = plt.imshow(teak_chm,cmap='Greens',alpha=0.6,extent=dtm_metadata['extent']); cbar2 = plt.colorbar(); cbar2.set_label('Canopy Height, m',rotation=270,labelpad=20) ax=plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees plt.grid('on'); # plt.colorbar(); plt.title('TEAK 2013 \n Terrain, Hillshade, & Canopy Height') Explanation: Calculate CHM & Overlay on Top of Hillshade End of explanation #Importing the TEAK CHM Geotiff resulted in v. sparse data ? chm_array, chm_metadata = raster2array('/Users/olearyd/Git/data/2013_TEAK_1_326000_4103000_pit_free_CHM.tif') print('TEAK CHM Array\n:',chm_array) # print(chm_metadata) #print metadata in alphabetical order for item in sorted(chm_metadata): print(item + ':', chm_metadata[item]) # print(chm_metadata['extent']) import copy chm_nonzero_array = copy.copy(chm_array) chm_nonzero_array[chm_array==0]=np.nan print('TEAK CHM nonzero array:\n',chm_nonzero_array) print(np.nanmin(chm_nonzero_array)) print(np.nanmax(chm_nonzero_array)) Explanation: Links to Tutorials on Creating Hillshades: Python Hillshade: - http://geoexamples.blogspot.com/2014/03/shaded-relief-images-using-gdal-python.html - http://pangea.stanford.edu/~samuelj/musings/dems-in-python-pt-3-slope-and-hillshades-.html ESRI ArcGIS Hillshade Algorithm: - http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=How%20Hillshade%20works GitHub Hillshade Functions/Tutorials: - https://github.com/rveciana/introduccion-python-geoespacial/blob/master/hillshade.py - https://github.com/clhenrick/gdal_hillshade_tutorial GDAL Hillshade: - http://www.gdal.org/gdaldem.html - http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/144535/how-to-create-transparent-hillshade/144700 Scratch Code End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: GLM Step1: Local Functions Step2: Generate Data This dummy dataset is created to emulate some data created as part of a study into quantified self, and the real data is more complicated than this. Ask Ian Osvald if you'd like to know more https Step3: View means of the various combinations (poisson mean values) Step4: Briefly Describe Dataset Step5: Observe Step6: 1. Manual method, create design matrices and manually specify model Create Design Matrices Step7: Create Model Step8: Sample Model Step9: View Diagnostics Step10: Observe Step11: Observe Step12: Sample Model Step13: View Traces Step14: Transform coeffs Step15: Observe Step16: ... of 9.45 with a range [25%, 75%] of [4.17, 24.18], we see this is pretty close to the overall mean of
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: ## Interactive magics %matplotlib inline import sys import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import re import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import patsy as pt from scipy import optimize # pymc3 libraries import pymc3 as pm import theano as thno import theano.tensor as T sns.set(style="darkgrid", palette="muted") pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 14, 6 np.random.seed(0) Explanation: GLM: Poisson Regression A minimal reproducable example of poisson regression to predict counts using dummy data. This Notebook is basically an excuse to demo poisson regression using PyMC3, both manually and using the glm library to demo interactions using the patsy library. We will create some dummy data, poisson distributed according to a linear model, and try to recover the coefficients of that linear model through inference. For more statistical detail see: Basic info on Wikipedia GLMs: Poisson regression, exposure, and overdispersion in Chapter 6.2 of ARM, Gelmann & Hill 2006 This worked example from ARM 6.2 by Clay Ford This very basic model is insipired by a project by Ian Osvald, which is concerend with understanding the various effects of external environmental factors upon the allergic sneezing of a test subject. Contents Setup Local Functions Generate Data Poisson Regression Create Design Matrices Create Model Sample Model View Diagnostics and Outputs Package Requirements (shown as a conda-env YAML): ``` $> less conda_env_pymc3_examples.yml name: pymc3_examples channels: - defaults dependencies: - python=3.5 - jupyter - ipywidgets - numpy - scipy - matplotlib - pandas - pytables - scikit-learn - statsmodels - seaborn - patsy - requests - pip - pip: - regex $> conda env create --file conda_env_pymc3_examples.yml $> source activate pymc3_examples $> pip install --process-dependency-links git+https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc3 ``` Setup End of explanation def strip_derived_rvs(rvs): '''Convenience fn: remove PyMC3-generated RVs from a list''' ret_rvs = [] for rv in rvs: if not (re.search('_log',rv.name) or re.search('_interval',rv.name)): ret_rvs.append(rv) return ret_rvs def plot_traces_pymc(trcs, varnames=None): ''' Convenience fn: plot traces with overlaid means and values ''' nrows = len(trcs.varnames) if varnames is not None: nrows = len(varnames) ax = pm.traceplot(trcs, varnames=varnames, figsize=(12,nrows*1.4), lines={k: v['mean'] for k, v in pm.df_summary(trcs,varnames=varnames).iterrows()}) for i, mn in enumerate(pm.df_summary(trcs, varnames=varnames)['mean']): ax[i,0].annotate('{:.2f}'.format(mn), xy=(mn,0), xycoords='data', xytext=(5,10), textcoords='offset points', rotation=90, va='bottom', fontsize='large', color='#AA0022') Explanation: Local Functions End of explanation # decide poisson theta values theta_noalcohol_meds = 1 # no alcohol, took an antihist theta_alcohol_meds = 3 # alcohol, took an antihist theta_noalcohol_nomeds = 6 # no alcohol, no antihist theta_alcohol_nomeds = 36 # alcohol, no antihist # create samples q = 1000 df = pd.DataFrame({ 'nsneeze': np.concatenate((np.random.poisson(theta_noalcohol_meds, q), np.random.poisson(theta_alcohol_meds, q), np.random.poisson(theta_noalcohol_nomeds, q), np.random.poisson(theta_alcohol_nomeds, q))), 'alcohol': np.concatenate((np.repeat(False, q), np.repeat(True, q), np.repeat(False, q), np.repeat(True, q))), 'nomeds': np.concatenate((np.repeat(False, q), np.repeat(False, q), np.repeat(True, q), np.repeat(True, q)))}) df.tail() Explanation: Generate Data This dummy dataset is created to emulate some data created as part of a study into quantified self, and the real data is more complicated than this. Ask Ian Osvald if you'd like to know more https://twitter.com/ianozsvald Assumptions: The subject sneezes N times per day, recorded as nsneeze (int) The subject may or may not drink alcohol during that day, recorded as alcohol (boolean) The subject may or may not take an antihistamine medication during that day, recorded as the negative action nomeds (boolean) I postulate (probably incorrectly) that sneezing occurs at some baseline rate, which increases if an antihistamine is not taken, and further increased after alcohol is consumed. The data is aggegated per day, to yield a total count of sneezes on that day, with a boolean flag for alcohol and antihistamine usage, with the big assumption that nsneezes have a direct causal relationship. Create 4000 days of data: daily counts of sneezes which are poisson distributed w.r.t alcohol consumption and antihistamine usage End of explanation df.groupby(['alcohol','nomeds']).mean().unstack() Explanation: View means of the various combinations (poisson mean values) End of explanation g = sns.factorplot(x='nsneeze', row='nomeds', col='alcohol', data=df, kind='count', size=4, aspect=1.5) Explanation: Briefly Describe Dataset End of explanation fml = 'nsneeze ~ alcohol + antihist + alcohol:antihist' # full patsy formulation fml = 'nsneeze ~ alcohol * nomeds' # lazy, alternative patsy formulation Explanation: Observe: This looks a lot like poisson-distributed count data (because it is) With nomeds == False and alcohol == False (top-left, akak antihistamines WERE used, alcohol was NOT drunk) the mean of the poisson distribution of sneeze counts is low. Changing alcohol == True (top-right) increases the sneeze count nsneeze slightly Changing nomeds == True (lower-left) increases the sneeze count nsneeze further Changing both alcohol == True and nomeds == True (lower-right) increases the sneeze count nsneeze a lot, increasing both the mean and variance. Poisson Regression Our model here is a very simple Poisson regression, allowing for interaction of terms: $$ \theta = exp(\beta X)$$ $$ Y_{sneeze_count} ~ Poisson(\theta)$$ Create linear model for interaction of terms End of explanation (mx_en, mx_ex) = pt.dmatrices(fml, df, return_type='dataframe', NA_action='raise') pd.concat((mx_ex.head(3),mx_ex.tail(3))) Explanation: 1. Manual method, create design matrices and manually specify model Create Design Matrices End of explanation with pm.Model() as mdl_fish: # define priors, weakly informative Normal b0 = pm.Normal('b0_intercept', mu=0, sd=10) b1 = pm.Normal('b1_alcohol[T.True]', mu=0, sd=10) b2 = pm.Normal('b2_nomeds[T.True]', mu=0, sd=10) b3 = pm.Normal('b3_alcohol[T.True]:nomeds[T.True]', mu=0, sd=10) # define linear model and exp link function theta = (b0 + b1 * mx_ex['alcohol[T.True]'] + b2 * mx_ex['nomeds[T.True]'] + b3 * mx_ex['alcohol[T.True]:nomeds[T.True]']) ## Define Poisson likelihood y = pm.Poisson('y', mu=np.exp(theta), observed=mx_en['nsneeze'].values) Explanation: Create Model End of explanation with mdl_fish: trc_fish = pm.sample(2000, tune=1000, njobs=4)[1000:] Explanation: Sample Model End of explanation rvs_fish = [rv.name for rv in strip_derived_rvs(mdl_fish.unobserved_RVs)] plot_traces_pymc(trc_fish, varnames=rvs_fish) Explanation: View Diagnostics End of explanation np.exp(pm.df_summary(trc_fish, varnames=rvs_fish)[['mean','hpd_2.5','hpd_97.5']]) Explanation: Observe: The model converges quickly and traceplots looks pretty well mixed Transform coeffs and recover theta values End of explanation with pm.Model() as mdl_fish_alt: pm.glm.GLM.from_formula(fml, df, family=pm.glm.families.Poisson()) Explanation: Observe: The contributions from each feature as a multiplier of the baseline sneezecount appear to be as per the data generation: exp(b0_intercept): mean=1.02 cr=[0.96, 1.08] Roughly linear baseline count when no alcohol and meds, as per the generated data: theta_noalcohol_meds = 1 (as set above) theta_noalcohol_meds = exp(b0_intercept) = 1 exp(b1_alcohol): mean=2.88 cr=[2.69, 3.09] non-zero positive effect of adding alcohol, a ~3x multiplier of baseline sneeze count, as per the generated data: theta_alcohol_meds = 3 (as set above) theta_alcohol_meds = exp(b0_intercept + b1_alcohol) = exp(b0_intercept) * exp(b1_alcohol) = 1 * 3 = 3 exp(b2_nomeds[T.True]): mean=5.76 cr=[5.40, 6.17] larger, non-zero positive effect of adding nomeds, a ~6x multiplier of baseline sneeze count, as per the generated data: theta_noalcohol_nomeds = 6 (as set above) theta_noalcohol_nomeds = exp(b0_intercept + b2_nomeds) = exp(b0_intercept) * exp(b2_nomeds) = 1 * 6 = 6 exp(b3_alcohol[T.True]:nomeds[T.True]): mean=2.12 cr=[1.98, 2.30] small, positive interaction effect of alcohol and meds, a ~2x multiplier of baseline sneeze count, as per the generated data: theta_alcohol_nomeds = 36 (as set above) theta_alcohol_nomeds = exp(b0_intercept + b1_alcohol + b2_nomeds + b3_alcohol:nomeds) = exp(b0_intercept) * exp(b1_alcohol) * exp(b2_nomeds * b3_alcohol:nomeds) = 1 * 3 * 6 * 2 = 36 2. Alternative method, using pymc.glm Create Model Alternative automatic formulation using pmyc.glm End of explanation with mdl_fish_alt: trc_fish_alt = pm.sample(4000, tune=2000)[2000:] Explanation: Sample Model End of explanation rvs_fish_alt = [rv.name for rv in strip_derived_rvs(mdl_fish_alt.unobserved_RVs)] plot_traces_pymc(trc_fish_alt, varnames=rvs_fish_alt) Explanation: View Traces End of explanation np.exp(pm.df_summary(trc_fish_alt, varnames=rvs_fish_alt)[['mean','hpd_2.5','hpd_97.5']]) Explanation: Transform coeffs End of explanation np.percentile(trc_fish_alt['mu'], [25,50,75]) Explanation: Observe: The traceplots look well mixed The transformed model coeffs look moreorless the same as those generated by the manual model Note also that the mu coeff is for the overall mean of the dataset and has an extreme skew, if we look at the median value ... End of explanation df['nsneeze'].mean() Explanation: ... of 9.45 with a range [25%, 75%] of [4.17, 24.18], we see this is pretty close to the overall mean of: End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: Chapter 3 - Developing Templates Generating SoftMax distributions from normals could get quite tedious – for any sufficiently complicated shape, the number of normals to be used could be excessive. Let's add a layer of abstraction onto all our work. Polygon Construction We can put everything together from all we've talked about (shifting the distribution and generating weights from normals) to a more tangible process Step1: NOTE Step2: As expected, our boundaries stayed the same but our probabilities are less spread out. Looking good! However, we need to address a few assumptions. Most importantly, our interior class will not always be centered at the origin. Let's look at a shifted coordinate frame again, with the center of our polygon at $(-2,3)$ Step3: Great! We've successfully decomposed the space around the Pentagon, so we can tell the automatic security bots where the suspect is without having to pull out a map of the Pentagon and show them directly where on the map our intruder may be. That is, we've replaced communication of specific coordinates with the communication of 'zones' formed by spatial relationships to landmarks. However, the methodology build up to this point doesn't work for all cases. For instance Step4: From Polygons to Polytopes
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: import numpy as np %matplotlib inline from cops_and_robots.robo_tools.fusion.softmax import SoftMax, make_regular_2D_poly poly = make_regular_2D_poly(5, max_r=2, theta=-np.pi/4) labels = ['Interior','Heliport Facade','Mall Terrace Entrance', 'River Terrace Entrance', 'Concourse Entrance', 'South Parking Entrance'] sm = SoftMax(poly=poly, class_labels=labels, resolution=0.1) sm.plot(plot_poly=True, plot_normals=False) Explanation: Chapter 3 - Developing Templates Generating SoftMax distributions from normals could get quite tedious – for any sufficiently complicated shape, the number of normals to be used could be excessive. Let's add a layer of abstraction onto all our work. Polygon Construction We can put everything together from all we've talked about (shifting the distribution and generating weights from normals) to a more tangible process: generating a softmax distribution from a polytope. Let's motivate this with an example first. Imagine you worked at the Pentagon as an HRI researcher. One day, while pondering the nature of language, you happened to look out your window and spot an intruder. If you called a human security officer, you might say something like, "I see an intruder in front of the Heliport facade." We can use our SoftMax classifier to translate this same sentence for a security bot to understand. First, we'd need to divide the space in a similar way we did for the Pac-Man problem: <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/COHRINT/cops_and_robots/master/notebooks/softmax/img/pentagon.png" alt="Pentagon space division" width="500px"> As opposed to our Pac-Man problem, we can't assign weights by inspection. Instead, we'll use our weights-from-normals tactic to generate our weights for each class, and our shifted bias tactic to place those weights appropriately. Step 1: Define Polytope We can use a geometry library like Shapely to define custom polytopes (in this case, a pentagon). For a quick way to get ideal pentagon vertex coordinates, you can either calculate them by hand or use some online tools. Let's try a pentagon with the following coordinates (starting at the corner between the South Parking Entrance and the Heliport Facade): $$ \begin{align} P_1 &= (P_{1x}, P_{1y}) = (-1.90,-0.93) \ P_2 &= (-1.40,1.45) \ P_3 &= (1.03,1.71) \ P_4 &= (2.02,-0.51) \ P_5 &= (0.21,-2.15) \ \end{align} $$ Step 2: Get Normals and Offsets We want to get six classes, so we'd like to specify $\frac{6(6-1)}{2} = 15$ normal vectors in order to use our transformation matrix $A$. But, we only have six unknowns, so we can reduce the size of our $A$ matrix. That is, we can use: $$ \mathbf{N} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{n}{0,1}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,2}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,3}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,4}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,5}^T \ \mathbf{n}{1,2}^T \ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \ -1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \ -1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \ 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{w}{0}^T \ \mathbf{w}{1}^T \ \mathbf{w}{2}^T \ \mathbf{w}{3}^T \ \mathbf{w}{4}^T \ \mathbf{w}{5}^T \ \end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{W} $$ Where $\mathbf{n}_{0,1}$ is the boundary between the interior and the South Parking Entrance, and so on. Except, we can be smarter about this. We only care about the relative weights, so why not define one class and solve for the weights of all other classes? Since we have one interior class with weights $w_0$, simply define $w_0 = \begin{bmatrix}0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}^T$ and $b_0 = 0$, leaving us with the following five equations and five unkowns: $$ \mathbf{N} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{n}{0,1}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,2}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,3}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,4}^T \ \mathbf{n}{0,5}^T \ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{w}{1}^T \ \mathbf{w}{2}^T \ \mathbf{w}{3}^T \ \mathbf{w}{4}^T \ \mathbf{w}{5}^T \ \end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{W} $$ Does it make sense that the weights we'd use correspond directly to the class boundaries of each class with some zero-weighted interior class? Yes: think of a class boundary as defined by its normal vector. Those normal vectors point exactly in the direction of greatest probability of a given class. Thus, we have: $$ \mathbf{n}{0,i} = \mathbf{w}{i} \; \forall i \in N $$ We have the normals, but solving for the class biases will require digging deeper. We need the equation for a normal fixed to the surface of the polytope (not simply its magnitude and direction!). In $\mathbb{R}^2$, we know that a line is uniquely defined by two points passing through it – a face's bounding vertices, for instance. This can help us find the normal vectors and offsets, giving us the weights and biases. Recall the specification of our hyperplanes in $\mathbb{R}^2$: \begin{align} 0 &= (\mathbf{w}i - \mathbf{w}_j)^T\mathbf{x} + (b_i - b_j) \ &= (w{i,x} - w_{j,x})x + (w_{i,y} - w_{j,y})y + (b_i - b_j) \ &= w_{i,x}x + w_{i,y}y + b_i \end{align} Where the last line assumes $j$ is the interior class with weights and a bias of 0. Since we have two points on this line segment (and any third point from a linear combination of the first two), we can use their $x$ and $y$ values to calculate our weights: \begin{equation}\label{eq:nullspace} \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & y_1 & 1 \ x_2 & y_2 & 1 \ x_3 & y_3 & 1 \ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} w_{i,x}\ w_{i,y}\ b_i \end{bmatrix} =\begin{bmatrix} 0\ 0\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation} The non-trivial solution to $\ref{eq:nullspace}$ can be found through various decomposition techniques. We use Singular Value Decomposition. In short, given any polygon, we can use its vertices to find the equations of the normals representing the class boundaries between the interior class and an exterior class for each face. Let's try this out and see if it works well. Note that this part, as well as several future ones, require long swaths of code to be fully explained. Rather than include the code in this document, you can always find it on our Github. End of explanation steepness = 5 sm = SoftMax(poly=poly, class_labels=labels, resolution=0.1, steepness=5) sm.plot(plot_poly=True, plot_normals=False) Explanation: NOTE: 3D Plotting currently borked Well, that looks like the class boundaries are lining up just fine, but what about the probability distributions themselves? They seem a bit diffuse. If you remember from Chapter 1, we can simply multiply the weights and biases by the same value to raise the steepness of each class. Let's try that: End of explanation poly = make_regular_2D_poly(5, max_r=2, theta=-np.pi/4, origin=(-2,3)) sm = SoftMax(poly=poly, class_labels=labels, resolution=0.1, steepness=5) sm.plot(plot_poly=True, plot_normals=False) Explanation: As expected, our boundaries stayed the same but our probabilities are less spread out. Looking good! However, we need to address a few assumptions. Most importantly, our interior class will not always be centered at the origin. Let's look at a shifted coordinate frame again, with the center of our polygon at $(-2,3)$: \begin{align} \mathbf{x}' &= \begin{bmatrix}x & y\end{bmatrix}^T + \begin{bmatrix}2 & -3\end{bmatrix}^T = \begin{bmatrix}x + 2 & y -3\end{bmatrix}^T \ 0 &= (\mathbf{w}i - \mathbf{w}_j)^T \mathbf{x}' + (b_i - b_j) \ &= (\mathbf{w}_i - \mathbf{w}_j)^T \mathbf{x} + (\mathbf{w}_i - \mathbf{w}_j)^T \mathbf{b} + (b_i - b_j)\ &= \mathbf{w}_i^T \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{w}_i^T \mathbf{b} + b_i\ &= w{i,x}x + w_{i,y}y + \begin{bmatrix}w_{i,x} & w_{i,y}\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}-2 \ 3\end{bmatrix} + b_i\ &= w_{i,x}x + w_{i,y}y -2 w_{i,x} + 3w_{i,y} + b_i\ &= w_{i,x}(x - 2) + w_{i,y}(y + 3) + b_i\ \end{align} $$ \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & y_1 & 1 \ x_2 & y_2 & 1 \ x_3 & y_3 & 1 \ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} w_{i,x}\ w_{i,y}\ b_i \end{bmatrix} =\begin{bmatrix} 0\ 0\ 0 \end{bmatrix} $$ End of explanation from shapely.geometry import Polygon import numpy as np polygon = Polygon(((-1.8996,-0.92915), (-1.395,1.4523), (1.0256,1.7093), (2.018,-0.51393), (0.21001,-2.145),)) pts = polygon.exterior.coords[:] normals = np.zeros((len(pts) - 1, 2)) biases = np.zeros(len(pts) - 1) for i in range(len(pts) - 1): slope = (pts[i + 1][1] - pts[i][1]) / (pts[i + 1][0] - pts[i][0]) normals[i] = np.array((-slope, 1)) biases[i] = pts[i][1] - slope * pts[i][0] print(normals) print(biases) Explanation: Great! We've successfully decomposed the space around the Pentagon, so we can tell the automatic security bots where the suspect is without having to pull out a map of the Pentagon and show them directly where on the map our intruder may be. That is, we've replaced communication of specific coordinates with the communication of 'zones' formed by spatial relationships to landmarks. However, the methodology build up to this point doesn't work for all cases. For instance: what happens if we want to use a non-symmetric shape to develop a SoftMax model? Chapter 3 will dive into some of these pitfalls and how to get around them End of explanation from collada import Collada import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection import matplotlib.pyplot as plt lim_ = 1 # Fleming mesh = Collada('/Users/nick/Downloads/Desk.dae') # lim_ = 250 # Pentagon # mesh = Collada('/Users/nick/Downloads/Pentagon.dae') mpu = mesh.assetInfo.unitmeter # how many real-world meters are in one distance unit # Grab all model vertices geometries = mesh.geometries primitives = [ _.primitives for _ in geometries] trisets = [ _[0] for _ in primitives] vertices = [ a.vertex for a in trisets] vertices = np.asarray(vertices) * mpu # Find convex hull verts = np.zeros([1,3]) for vert in vertices: verts = np.vstack((verts,vert)) verts = np.subtract(verts[1:,:],np.array([0,3.8,0])) hull = ConvexHull(verts) # Get all facets (faces) of the convex hull facets = [] for simplex in hull.simplices: facet = [(verts[simplex[0],0],verts[simplex[0],1],verts[simplex[0],2]), (verts[simplex[1],0],verts[simplex[1],1],verts[simplex[1],2]), (verts[simplex[2],0],verts[simplex[2],1],verts[simplex[2],2]), ] facets.append(facet) # Plot vertices and convex hull fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(verts[:,0], verts[:,1],verts[:,2]) ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(facets, alpha=0.5)) ax.auto_scale_xyz([-lim_, lim_], [-lim_, lim_], [-lim_, lim_]) plt.show() from IPython.core.display import HTML # Borrowed style from Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers def css_styling(): styles = open("../styles/custom.css", "r").read() return HTML(styles) css_styling() Explanation: From Polygons to Polytopes End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: .. _tut_stats_cluster_source_1samp Step1: Set parameters Step2: Read epochs for all channels, removing a bad one Step3: Transform to source space Step4: Transform to common cortical space Step5: Compute statistic Step6: Visualize the clusters
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: # Authors: Alexandre Gramfort <alexandre.gramfort@telecom-paristech.fr> # Eric Larson <larson.eric.d@gmail.com> # License: BSD (3-clause) import os.path as op import numpy as np from numpy.random import randn from scipy import stats as stats import mne from mne import (io, spatial_tris_connectivity, compute_morph_matrix, grade_to_tris) from mne.epochs import equalize_epoch_counts from mne.stats import (spatio_temporal_cluster_1samp_test, summarize_clusters_stc) from mne.minimum_norm import apply_inverse, read_inverse_operator from mne.datasets import sample print(__doc__) Explanation: .. _tut_stats_cluster_source_1samp: Permutation t-test on source data with spatio-temporal clustering Tests if the evoked response is significantly different between conditions across subjects (simulated here using one subject's data). The multiple comparisons problem is addressed with a cluster-level permutation test across space and time. End of explanation data_path = sample.data_path() raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif' event_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw-eve.fif' subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects' tmin = -0.2 tmax = 0.3 # Use a lower tmax to reduce multiple comparisons # Setup for reading the raw data raw = io.Raw(raw_fname) events = mne.read_events(event_fname) Explanation: Set parameters End of explanation raw.info['bads'] += ['MEG 2443'] picks = mne.pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eog=True, exclude='bads') event_id = 1 # L auditory reject = dict(grad=1000e-13, mag=4000e-15, eog=150e-6) epochs1 = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), reject=reject, preload=True) event_id = 3 # L visual epochs2 = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), reject=reject, preload=True) # Equalize trial counts to eliminate bias (which would otherwise be # introduced by the abs() performed below) equalize_epoch_counts([epochs1, epochs2]) Explanation: Read epochs for all channels, removing a bad one End of explanation fname_inv = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-meg-inv.fif' snr = 3.0 lambda2 = 1.0 / snr ** 2 method = "dSPM" # use dSPM method (could also be MNE or sLORETA) inverse_operator = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv) sample_vertices = [s['vertno'] for s in inverse_operator['src']] # Let's average and compute inverse, resampling to speed things up evoked1 = epochs1.average() evoked1.resample(50) condition1 = apply_inverse(evoked1, inverse_operator, lambda2, method) evoked2 = epochs2.average() evoked2.resample(50) condition2 = apply_inverse(evoked2, inverse_operator, lambda2, method) # Let's only deal with t > 0, cropping to reduce multiple comparisons condition1.crop(0, None) condition2.crop(0, None) tmin = condition1.tmin tstep = condition1.tstep Explanation: Transform to source space End of explanation # Normally you would read in estimates across several subjects and morph # them to the same cortical space (e.g. fsaverage). For example purposes, # we will simulate this by just having each "subject" have the same # response (just noisy in source space) here. Note that for 7 subjects # with a two-sided statistical test, the minimum significance under a # permutation test is only p = 1/(2 ** 6) = 0.015, which is large. n_vertices_sample, n_times = condition1.data.shape n_subjects = 7 print('Simulating data for %d subjects.' % n_subjects) # Let's make sure our results replicate, so set the seed. np.random.seed(0) X = randn(n_vertices_sample, n_times, n_subjects, 2) * 10 X[:, :, :, 0] += condition1.data[:, :, np.newaxis] X[:, :, :, 1] += condition2.data[:, :, np.newaxis] # It's a good idea to spatially smooth the data, and for visualization # purposes, let's morph these to fsaverage, which is a grade 5 source space # with vertices 0:10242 for each hemisphere. Usually you'd have to morph # each subject's data separately (and you might want to use morph_data # instead), but here since all estimates are on 'sample' we can use one # morph matrix for all the heavy lifting. fsave_vertices = [np.arange(10242), np.arange(10242)] morph_mat = compute_morph_matrix('sample', 'fsaverage', sample_vertices, fsave_vertices, 20, subjects_dir) n_vertices_fsave = morph_mat.shape[0] # We have to change the shape for the dot() to work properly X = X.reshape(n_vertices_sample, n_times * n_subjects * 2) print('Morphing data.') X = morph_mat.dot(X) # morph_mat is a sparse matrix X = X.reshape(n_vertices_fsave, n_times, n_subjects, 2) # Finally, we want to compare the overall activity levels in each condition, # the diff is taken along the last axis (condition). The negative sign makes # it so condition1 > condition2 shows up as "red blobs" (instead of blue). X = np.abs(X) # only magnitude X = X[:, :, :, 0] - X[:, :, :, 1] # make paired contrast Explanation: Transform to common cortical space End of explanation # To use an algorithm optimized for spatio-temporal clustering, we # just pass the spatial connectivity matrix (instead of spatio-temporal) print('Computing connectivity.') connectivity = spatial_tris_connectivity(grade_to_tris(5)) # Note that X needs to be a multi-dimensional array of shape # samples (subjects) x time x space, so we permute dimensions X = np.transpose(X, [2, 1, 0]) # Now let's actually do the clustering. This can take a long time... # Here we set the threshold quite high to reduce computation. p_threshold = 0.001 t_threshold = -stats.distributions.t.ppf(p_threshold / 2., n_subjects - 1) print('Clustering.') T_obs, clusters, cluster_p_values, H0 = clu = \ spatio_temporal_cluster_1samp_test(X, connectivity=connectivity, n_jobs=2, threshold=t_threshold) # Now select the clusters that are sig. at p < 0.05 (note that this value # is multiple-comparisons corrected). good_cluster_inds = np.where(cluster_p_values < 0.05)[0] Explanation: Compute statistic End of explanation print('Visualizing clusters.') # Now let's build a convenient representation of each cluster, where each # cluster becomes a "time point" in the SourceEstimate stc_all_cluster_vis = summarize_clusters_stc(clu, tstep=tstep, vertices=fsave_vertices, subject='fsaverage') # Let's actually plot the first "time point" in the SourceEstimate, which # shows all the clusters, weighted by duration subjects_dir = op.join(data_path, 'subjects') # blue blobs are for condition A < condition B, red for A > B brain = stc_all_cluster_vis.plot(hemi='both', subjects_dir=subjects_dir, time_label='Duration significant (ms)') brain.set_data_time_index(0) brain.show_view('lateral') brain.save_image('clusters.png') Explanation: Visualize the clusters End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: * Visualizing of genetic similarity with Lightning + GraphX * Setup lightning Step1: Load structure similarity data Public data from http Step2: Show the network (unlabeled) Step3: Show the network colored by degree Step4: Show the network colored by connected components
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: %libraryDependencies += "org.viz.lightning" %% "lightning-scala" % "0.1.6" %update import org.viz.lightning._ import org.apache.spark.graphx._ val lgn = Lightning(host="https://lightning-spark-summit.herokuapp.com" ) lgn.enableNotebook() Explanation: * Visualizing of genetic similarity with Lightning + GraphX * Setup lightning End of explanation val source = "/Users/mathisonian/projects/spark-summit/notebooks/data/allen-connectivity.txt" val g = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc, source) Explanation: Load structure similarity data Public data from http://www.brain-map.org/ End of explanation val links = g.edges.collect().map(e => Array(e.srcId.toInt, e.dstId.toInt)) lgn.force(links) Explanation: Show the network (unlabeled) End of explanation val links = g.edges.collect().map(e => Array(e.srcId.toInt, e.dstId.toInt)) val degrees = g.degrees.sortBy(_._1).collect().map(x => Math.log(x._2)) lgn.force(links, value=degrees, colormap="Lightning") Explanation: Show the network colored by degree End of explanation val links = g.edges.collect().map(e => Array(e.srcId.toInt, e.dstId.toInt)) val connectedComponents = g.connectedComponents().vertices.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2.toInt).collect() lgn.force(links, label=connectedComponents) Explanation: Show the network colored by connected components End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: ES-DOC CMIP6 Model Properties - Ocean MIP Era Step1: Document Authors Set document authors Step2: Document Contributors Specify document contributors Step3: Document Publication Specify document publication status Step4: Document Table of Contents 1. Key Properties 2. Key Properties --&gt; Seawater Properties 3. Key Properties --&gt; Bathymetry 4. Key Properties --&gt; Nonoceanic Waters 5. Key Properties --&gt; Software Properties 6. Key Properties --&gt; Resolution 7. Key Properties --&gt; Tuning Applied 8. Key Properties --&gt; Conservation 9. Grid 10. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Vertical 11. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Horizontal 12. Timestepping Framework 13. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Tracers 14. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Baroclinic Dynamics 15. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Barotropic 16. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Vertical Physics 17. Advection 18. Advection --&gt; Momentum 19. Advection --&gt; Lateral Tracers 20. Advection --&gt; Vertical Tracers 21. Lateral Physics 22. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Operator 23. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Eddy Viscosity Coeff 24. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers 25. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Operator 26. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Diffusity Coeff 27. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Induced Velocity 28. Vertical Physics 29. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Details 30. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Tracers 31. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Momentum 32. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Details 33. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Tracers 34. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Momentum 35. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Free Surface 36. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Bottom Boundary Layer 37. Boundary Forcing 38. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Bottom Friction 39. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Lateral Friction 40. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Sunlight Penetration 41. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Fresh Water Forcing 1. Key Properties Ocean key properties 1.1. Model Overview Is Required Step5: 1.2. Model Name Is Required Step6: 1.3. Model Family Is Required Step7: 1.4. Basic Approximations Is Required Step8: 1.5. Prognostic Variables Is Required Step9: 2. Key Properties --&gt; Seawater Properties Physical properties of seawater in ocean 2.1. Eos Type Is Required Step10: 2.2. Eos Functional Temp Is Required Step11: 2.3. Eos Functional Salt Is Required Step12: 2.4. Eos Functional Depth Is Required Step13: 2.5. Ocean Freezing Point Is Required Step14: 2.6. Ocean Specific Heat Is Required Step15: 2.7. Ocean Reference Density Is Required Step16: 3. Key Properties --&gt; Bathymetry Properties of bathymetry in ocean 3.1. Reference Dates Is Required Step17: 3.2. Type Is Required Step18: 3.3. Ocean Smoothing Is Required Step19: 3.4. Source Is Required Step20: 4. Key Properties --&gt; Nonoceanic Waters Non oceanic waters treatement in ocean 4.1. Isolated Seas Is Required Step21: 4.2. River Mouth Is Required Step22: 5. Key Properties --&gt; Software Properties Software properties of ocean code 5.1. Repository Is Required Step23: 5.2. Code Version Is Required Step24: 5.3. Code Languages Is Required Step25: 6. Key Properties --&gt; Resolution Resolution in the ocean grid 6.1. Name Is Required Step26: 6.2. Canonical Horizontal Resolution Is Required Step27: 6.3. Range Horizontal Resolution Is Required Step28: 6.4. Number Of Horizontal Gridpoints Is Required Step29: 6.5. Number Of Vertical Levels Is Required Step30: 6.6. Is Adaptive Grid Is Required Step31: 6.7. Thickness Level 1 Is Required Step32: 7. Key Properties --&gt; Tuning Applied Tuning methodology for ocean component 7.1. Description Is Required Step33: 7.2. Global Mean Metrics Used Is Required Step34: 7.3. Regional Metrics Used Is Required Step35: 7.4. Trend Metrics Used Is Required Step36: 8. Key Properties --&gt; Conservation Conservation in the ocean component 8.1. Description Is Required Step37: 8.2. Scheme Is Required Step38: 8.3. Consistency Properties Is Required Step39: 8.4. Corrected Conserved Prognostic Variables Is Required Step40: 8.5. Was Flux Correction Used Is Required Step41: 9. Grid Ocean grid 9.1. Overview Is Required Step42: 10. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Vertical Properties of vertical discretisation in ocean 10.1. Coordinates Is Required Step43: 10.2. Partial Steps Is Required Step44: 11. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Horizontal Type of horizontal discretisation scheme in ocean 11.1. Type Is Required Step45: 11.2. Staggering Is Required Step46: 11.3. Scheme Is Required Step47: 12. Timestepping Framework Ocean Timestepping Framework 12.1. Overview Is Required Step48: 12.2. Diurnal Cycle Is Required Step49: 13. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Tracers Properties of tracers time stepping in ocean 13.1. Scheme Is Required Step50: 13.2. Time Step Is Required Step51: 14. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Baroclinic Dynamics Baroclinic dynamics in ocean 14.1. Type Is Required Step52: 14.2. Scheme Is Required Step53: 14.3. Time Step Is Required Step54: 15. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Barotropic Barotropic time stepping in ocean 15.1. Splitting Is Required Step55: 15.2. Time Step Is Required Step56: 16. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Vertical Physics Vertical physics time stepping in ocean 16.1. Method Is Required Step57: 17. Advection Ocean advection 17.1. Overview Is Required Step58: 18. Advection --&gt; Momentum Properties of lateral momemtum advection scheme in ocean 18.1. Type Is Required Step59: 18.2. Scheme Name Is Required Step60: 18.3. ALE Is Required Step61: 19. Advection --&gt; Lateral Tracers Properties of lateral tracer advection scheme in ocean 19.1. Order Is Required Step62: 19.2. Flux Limiter Is Required Step63: 19.3. Effective Order Is Required Step64: 19.4. Name Is Required Step65: 19.5. Passive Tracers Is Required Step66: 19.6. Passive Tracers Advection Is Required Step67: 20. Advection --&gt; Vertical Tracers Properties of vertical tracer advection scheme in ocean 20.1. Name Is Required Step68: 20.2. Flux Limiter Is Required Step69: 21. Lateral Physics Ocean lateral physics 21.1. Overview Is Required Step70: 21.2. Scheme Is Required Step71: 22. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Operator Properties of lateral physics operator for momentum in ocean 22.1. Direction Is Required Step72: 22.2. Order Is Required Step73: 22.3. Discretisation Is Required Step74: 23. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Eddy Viscosity Coeff Properties of eddy viscosity coeff in lateral physics momemtum scheme in the ocean 23.1. Type Is Required Step75: 23.2. Constant Coefficient Is Required Step76: 23.3. Variable Coefficient Is Required Step77: 23.4. Coeff Background Is Required Step78: 23.5. Coeff Backscatter Is Required Step79: 24. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers Properties of lateral physics for tracers in ocean 24.1. Mesoscale Closure Is Required Step80: 24.2. Submesoscale Mixing Is Required Step81: 25. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Operator Properties of lateral physics operator for tracers in ocean 25.1. Direction Is Required Step82: 25.2. Order Is Required Step83: 25.3. Discretisation Is Required Step84: 26. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Diffusity Coeff Properties of eddy diffusity coeff in lateral physics tracers scheme in the ocean 26.1. Type Is Required Step85: 26.2. Constant Coefficient Is Required Step86: 26.3. Variable Coefficient Is Required Step87: 26.4. Coeff Background Is Required Step88: 26.5. Coeff Backscatter Is Required Step89: 27. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Induced Velocity Properties of eddy induced velocity (EIV) in lateral physics tracers scheme in the ocean 27.1. Type Is Required Step90: 27.2. Constant Val Is Required Step91: 27.3. Flux Type Is Required Step92: 27.4. Added Diffusivity Is Required Step93: 28. Vertical Physics Ocean Vertical Physics 28.1. Overview Is Required Step94: 29. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Details Properties of vertical physics in ocean 29.1. Langmuir Cells Mixing Is Required Step95: 30. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Tracers *Properties of boundary layer (BL) mixing on tracers in the ocean * 30.1. Type Is Required Step96: 30.2. Closure Order Is Required Step97: 30.3. Constant Is Required Step98: 30.4. Background Is Required Step99: 31. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Momentum *Properties of boundary layer (BL) mixing on momentum in the ocean * 31.1. Type Is Required Step100: 31.2. Closure Order Is Required Step101: 31.3. Constant Is Required Step102: 31.4. Background Is Required Step103: 32. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Details *Properties of interior mixing in the ocean * 32.1. Convection Type Is Required Step104: 32.2. Tide Induced Mixing Is Required Step105: 32.3. Double Diffusion Is Required Step106: 32.4. Shear Mixing Is Required Step107: 33. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Tracers *Properties of interior mixing on tracers in the ocean * 33.1. Type Is Required Step108: 33.2. Constant Is Required Step109: 33.3. Profile Is Required Step110: 33.4. Background Is Required Step111: 34. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Momentum *Properties of interior mixing on momentum in the ocean * 34.1. Type Is Required Step112: 34.2. Constant Is Required Step113: 34.3. Profile Is Required Step114: 34.4. Background Is Required Step115: 35. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Free Surface Properties of free surface in ocean 35.1. Overview Is Required Step116: 35.2. Scheme Is Required Step117: 35.3. Embeded Seaice Is Required Step118: 36. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Bottom Boundary Layer Properties of bottom boundary layer in ocean 36.1. Overview Is Required Step119: 36.2. Type Of Bbl Is Required Step120: 36.3. Lateral Mixing Coef Is Required Step121: 36.4. Sill Overflow Is Required Step122: 37. Boundary Forcing Ocean boundary forcing 37.1. Overview Is Required Step123: 37.2. Surface Pressure Is Required Step124: 37.3. Momentum Flux Correction Is Required Step125: 37.4. Tracers Flux Correction Is Required Step126: 37.5. Wave Effects Is Required Step127: 37.6. River Runoff Budget Is Required Step128: 37.7. Geothermal Heating Is Required Step129: 38. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Bottom Friction Properties of momentum bottom friction in ocean 38.1. Type Is Required Step130: 39. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Lateral Friction Properties of momentum lateral friction in ocean 39.1. Type Is Required Step131: 40. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Sunlight Penetration Properties of sunlight penetration scheme in ocean 40.1. Scheme Is Required Step132: 40.2. Ocean Colour Is Required Step133: 40.3. Extinction Depth Is Required Step134: 41. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Fresh Water Forcing Properties of surface fresh water forcing in ocean 41.1. From Atmopshere Is Required Step135: 41.2. From Sea Ice Is Required Step136: 41.3. Forced Mode Restoring Is Required
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: # DO NOT EDIT ! from pyesdoc.ipython.model_topic import NotebookOutput # DO NOT EDIT ! DOC = NotebookOutput('cmip6', 'noaa-gfdl', 'sandbox-2', 'ocean') Explanation: ES-DOC CMIP6 Model Properties - Ocean MIP Era: CMIP6 Institute: NOAA-GFDL Source ID: SANDBOX-2 Topic: Ocean Sub-Topics: Timestepping Framework, Advection, Lateral Physics, Vertical Physics, Uplow Boundaries, Boundary Forcing. Properties: 133 (101 required) Model descriptions: Model description details Initialized From: -- Notebook Help: Goto notebook help page Notebook Initialised: 2018-02-20 15:02:35 Document Setup IMPORTANT: to be executed each time you run the notebook End of explanation # Set as follows: DOC.set_author("name", "email") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: Document Authors Set document authors End of explanation # Set as follows: DOC.set_contributor("name", "email") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: Document Contributors Specify document contributors End of explanation # Set publication status: # 0=do not publish, 1=publish. DOC.set_publication_status(0) Explanation: Document Publication Specify document publication status End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.model_overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: Document Table of Contents 1. Key Properties 2. Key Properties --&gt; Seawater Properties 3. Key Properties --&gt; Bathymetry 4. Key Properties --&gt; Nonoceanic Waters 5. Key Properties --&gt; Software Properties 6. Key Properties --&gt; Resolution 7. Key Properties --&gt; Tuning Applied 8. Key Properties --&gt; Conservation 9. Grid 10. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Vertical 11. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Horizontal 12. Timestepping Framework 13. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Tracers 14. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Baroclinic Dynamics 15. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Barotropic 16. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Vertical Physics 17. Advection 18. Advection --&gt; Momentum 19. Advection --&gt; Lateral Tracers 20. Advection --&gt; Vertical Tracers 21. Lateral Physics 22. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Operator 23. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Eddy Viscosity Coeff 24. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers 25. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Operator 26. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Diffusity Coeff 27. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Induced Velocity 28. Vertical Physics 29. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Details 30. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Tracers 31. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Momentum 32. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Details 33. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Tracers 34. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Momentum 35. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Free Surface 36. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Bottom Boundary Layer 37. Boundary Forcing 38. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Bottom Friction 39. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Lateral Friction 40. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Sunlight Penetration 41. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Fresh Water Forcing 1. Key Properties Ocean key properties 1.1. Model Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of ocean model. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.model_name') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 1.2. Model Name Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Name of ocean model code (NEMO 3.6, MOM 5.0,...) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.model_family') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "OGCM" # "slab ocean" # "mixed layer ocean" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 1.3. Model Family Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of ocean model. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.basic_approximations') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Primitive equations" # "Non-hydrostatic" # "Boussinesq" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 1.4. Basic Approximations Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.N Basic approximations made in the ocean. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.prognostic_variables') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Potential temperature" # "Conservative temperature" # "Salinity" # "U-velocity" # "V-velocity" # "W-velocity" # "SSH" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 1.5. Prognostic Variables Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.N List of prognostic variables in the ocean component. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.seawater_properties.eos_type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Linear" # "Wright, 1997" # "Mc Dougall et al." # "Jackett et al. 2006" # "TEOS 2010" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 2. Key Properties --&gt; Seawater Properties Physical properties of seawater in ocean 2.1. Eos Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of EOS for sea water End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.seawater_properties.eos_functional_temp') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Potential temperature" # "Conservative temperature" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 2.2. Eos Functional Temp Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Temperature used in EOS for sea water End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.seawater_properties.eos_functional_salt') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Practical salinity Sp" # "Absolute salinity Sa" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 2.3. Eos Functional Salt Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Salinity used in EOS for sea water End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.seawater_properties.eos_functional_depth') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Pressure (dbars)" # "Depth (meters)" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 2.4. Eos Functional Depth Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Depth or pressure used in EOS for sea water ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.seawater_properties.ocean_freezing_point') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "TEOS 2010" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 2.5. Ocean Freezing Point Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Equation used to compute the freezing point (in deg C) of seawater, as a function of salinity and pressure End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.seawater_properties.ocean_specific_heat') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 2.6. Ocean Specific Heat Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: FLOAT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Specific heat in ocean (cpocean) in J/(kg K) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.seawater_properties.ocean_reference_density') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 2.7. Ocean Reference Density Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: FLOAT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Boussinesq reference density (rhozero) in kg / m3 End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.bathymetry.reference_dates') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Present day" # "21000 years BP" # "6000 years BP" # "LGM" # "Pliocene" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 3. Key Properties --&gt; Bathymetry Properties of bathymetry in ocean 3.1. Reference Dates Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Reference date of bathymetry End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.bathymetry.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 3.2. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is the bathymetry fixed in time in the ocean ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.bathymetry.ocean_smoothing') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 3.3. Ocean Smoothing Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe any smoothing or hand editing of bathymetry in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.bathymetry.source') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 3.4. Source Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe source of bathymetry in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.nonoceanic_waters.isolated_seas') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 4. Key Properties --&gt; Nonoceanic Waters Non oceanic waters treatement in ocean 4.1. Isolated Seas Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Describe if/how isolated seas is performed End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.nonoceanic_waters.river_mouth') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 4.2. River Mouth Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Describe if/how river mouth mixing or estuaries specific treatment is performed End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.software_properties.repository') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 5. Key Properties --&gt; Software Properties Software properties of ocean code 5.1. Repository Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Location of code for this component. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.software_properties.code_version') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 5.2. Code Version Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Code version identifier. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.software_properties.code_languages') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 5.3. Code Languages Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.N Code language(s). End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.resolution.name') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 6. Key Properties --&gt; Resolution Resolution in the ocean grid 6.1. Name Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 This is a string usually used by the modelling group to describe the resolution of this grid, e.g. ORCA025, N512L180, T512L70 etc. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.resolution.canonical_horizontal_resolution') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 6.2. Canonical Horizontal Resolution Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Expression quoted for gross comparisons of resolution, eg. 50km or 0.1 degrees etc. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.resolution.range_horizontal_resolution') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 6.3. Range Horizontal Resolution Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Range of horizontal resolution with spatial details, eg. 50(Equator)-100km or 0.1-0.5 degrees etc. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.resolution.number_of_horizontal_gridpoints') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 6.4. Number Of Horizontal Gridpoints Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Total number of horizontal (XY) points (or degrees of freedom) on computational grid. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.resolution.number_of_vertical_levels') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 6.5. Number Of Vertical Levels Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Number of vertical levels resolved on computational grid. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.resolution.is_adaptive_grid') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 6.6. Is Adaptive Grid Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Default is False. Set true if grid resolution changes during execution. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.resolution.thickness_level_1') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 6.7. Thickness Level 1 Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: FLOAT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Thickness of first surface ocean level (in meters) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.tuning_applied.description') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 7. Key Properties --&gt; Tuning Applied Tuning methodology for ocean component 7.1. Description Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 General overview description of tuning: explain and motivate the main targets and metrics retained. &amp;Document the relative weight given to climate performance metrics versus process oriented metrics, &amp;and on the possible conflicts with parameterization level tuning. In particular describe any struggle &amp;with a parameter value that required pushing it to its limits to solve a particular model deficiency. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.tuning_applied.global_mean_metrics_used') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 7.2. Global Mean Metrics Used Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.N List set of metrics of the global mean state used in tuning model/component End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.tuning_applied.regional_metrics_used') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 7.3. Regional Metrics Used Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.N List of regional metrics of mean state (e.g THC, AABW, regional means etc) used in tuning model/component End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.tuning_applied.trend_metrics_used') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 7.4. Trend Metrics Used Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.N List observed trend metrics used in tuning model/component End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.conservation.description') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 8. Key Properties --&gt; Conservation Conservation in the ocean component 8.1. Description Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Brief description of conservation methodology End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.conservation.scheme') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Energy" # "Enstrophy" # "Salt" # "Volume of ocean" # "Momentum" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 8.2. Scheme Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.N Properties conserved in the ocean by the numerical schemes End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.conservation.consistency_properties') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 8.3. Consistency Properties Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Any additional consistency properties (energy conversion, pressure gradient discretisation, ...)? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.conservation.corrected_conserved_prognostic_variables') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 8.4. Corrected Conserved Prognostic Variables Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Set of variables which are conserved by more than the numerical scheme alone. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.key_properties.conservation.was_flux_correction_used') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 8.5. Was Flux Correction Used Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Does conservation involve flux correction ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.grid.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 9. Grid Ocean grid 9.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of grid in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.grid.discretisation.vertical.coordinates') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Z-coordinate" # "Z*-coordinate" # "S-coordinate" # "Isopycnic - sigma 0" # "Isopycnic - sigma 2" # "Isopycnic - sigma 4" # "Isopycnic - other" # "Hybrid / Z+S" # "Hybrid / Z+isopycnic" # "Hybrid / other" # "Pressure referenced (P)" # "P*" # "Z**" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 10. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Vertical Properties of vertical discretisation in ocean 10.1. Coordinates Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of vertical coordinates in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.grid.discretisation.vertical.partial_steps') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 10.2. Partial Steps Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Using partial steps with Z or Z vertical coordinate in ocean ?* End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.grid.discretisation.horizontal.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Lat-lon" # "Rotated north pole" # "Two north poles (ORCA-style)" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 11. Grid --&gt; Discretisation --&gt; Horizontal Type of horizontal discretisation scheme in ocean 11.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Horizontal grid type End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.grid.discretisation.horizontal.staggering') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Arakawa B-grid" # "Arakawa C-grid" # "Arakawa E-grid" # "N/a" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 11.2. Staggering Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Horizontal grid staggering type End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.grid.discretisation.horizontal.scheme') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Finite difference" # "Finite volumes" # "Finite elements" # "Unstructured grid" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 11.3. Scheme Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Horizontal discretisation scheme in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 12. Timestepping Framework Ocean Timestepping Framework 12.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of time stepping in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.diurnal_cycle') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "None" # "Via coupling" # "Specific treatment" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 12.2. Diurnal Cycle Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Diurnal cycle type End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.tracers.scheme') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Leap-frog + Asselin filter" # "Leap-frog + Periodic Euler" # "Predictor-corrector" # "Runge-Kutta 2" # "AM3-LF" # "Forward-backward" # "Forward operator" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 13. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Tracers Properties of tracers time stepping in ocean 13.1. Scheme Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Tracers time stepping scheme End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.tracers.time_step') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 13.2. Time Step Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Tracers time step (in seconds) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.baroclinic_dynamics.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Preconditioned conjugate gradient" # "Sub cyling" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 14. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Baroclinic Dynamics Baroclinic dynamics in ocean 14.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Baroclinic dynamics type End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.baroclinic_dynamics.scheme') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Leap-frog + Asselin filter" # "Leap-frog + Periodic Euler" # "Predictor-corrector" # "Runge-Kutta 2" # "AM3-LF" # "Forward-backward" # "Forward operator" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 14.2. Scheme Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Baroclinic dynamics scheme End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.baroclinic_dynamics.time_step') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 14.3. Time Step Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Baroclinic time step (in seconds) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.barotropic.splitting') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "None" # "split explicit" # "implicit" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 15. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Barotropic Barotropic time stepping in ocean 15.1. Splitting Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Time splitting method End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.barotropic.time_step') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 15.2. Time Step Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Barotropic time step (in seconds) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.timestepping_framework.vertical_physics.method') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 16. Timestepping Framework --&gt; Vertical Physics Vertical physics time stepping in ocean 16.1. Method Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Details of vertical time stepping in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 17. Advection Ocean advection 17.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of advection in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.momentum.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Flux form" # "Vector form" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 18. Advection --&gt; Momentum Properties of lateral momemtum advection scheme in ocean 18.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of lateral momemtum advection scheme in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.momentum.scheme_name') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 18.2. Scheme Name Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Name of ocean momemtum advection scheme End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.momentum.ALE') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 18.3. ALE Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Using ALE for vertical advection ? (if vertical coordinates are sigma) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.lateral_tracers.order') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 19. Advection --&gt; Lateral Tracers Properties of lateral tracer advection scheme in ocean 19.1. Order Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Order of lateral tracer advection scheme in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.lateral_tracers.flux_limiter') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 19.2. Flux Limiter Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Monotonic flux limiter for lateral tracer advection scheme in ocean ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.lateral_tracers.effective_order') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 19.3. Effective Order Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: FLOAT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Effective order of limited lateral tracer advection scheme in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.lateral_tracers.name') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 19.4. Name Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Descriptive text for lateral tracer advection scheme in ocean (e.g. MUSCL, PPM-H5, PRATHER,...) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.lateral_tracers.passive_tracers') # PROPERTY VALUE(S): # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Ideal age" # "CFC 11" # "CFC 12" # "SF6" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 19.5. Passive Tracers Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.N Passive tracers advected End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.lateral_tracers.passive_tracers_advection') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 19.6. Passive Tracers Advection Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Is advection of passive tracers different than active ? if so, describe. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.vertical_tracers.name') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 20. Advection --&gt; Vertical Tracers Properties of vertical tracer advection scheme in ocean 20.1. Name Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Descriptive text for vertical tracer advection scheme in ocean (e.g. MUSCL, PPM-H5, PRATHER,...) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.advection.vertical_tracers.flux_limiter') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 20.2. Flux Limiter Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Monotonic flux limiter for vertical tracer advection scheme in ocean ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 21. Lateral Physics Ocean lateral physics 21.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of lateral physics in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.scheme') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "None" # "Eddy active" # "Eddy admitting" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 21.2. Scheme Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of transient eddy representation in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.operator.direction') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Horizontal" # "Isopycnal" # "Isoneutral" # "Geopotential" # "Iso-level" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 22. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Operator Properties of lateral physics operator for momentum in ocean 22.1. Direction Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Direction of lateral physics momemtum scheme in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.operator.order') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Harmonic" # "Bi-harmonic" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 22.2. Order Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Order of lateral physics momemtum scheme in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.operator.discretisation') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Second order" # "Higher order" # "Flux limiter" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 22.3. Discretisation Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Discretisation of lateral physics momemtum scheme in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.eddy_viscosity_coeff.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Constant" # "Space varying" # "Time + space varying (Smagorinsky)" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 23. Lateral Physics --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Eddy Viscosity Coeff Properties of eddy viscosity coeff in lateral physics momemtum scheme in the ocean 23.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Lateral physics momemtum eddy viscosity coeff type in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.eddy_viscosity_coeff.constant_coefficient') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 23.2. Constant Coefficient Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If constant, value of eddy viscosity coeff in lateral physics momemtum scheme (in m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.eddy_viscosity_coeff.variable_coefficient') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 23.3. Variable Coefficient Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If space-varying, describe variations of eddy viscosity coeff in lateral physics momemtum scheme End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.eddy_viscosity_coeff.coeff_background') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 23.4. Coeff Background Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe background eddy viscosity coeff in lateral physics momemtum scheme (give values in m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.momentum.eddy_viscosity_coeff.coeff_backscatter') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 23.5. Coeff Backscatter Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is there backscatter in eddy viscosity coeff in lateral physics momemtum scheme ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.mesoscale_closure') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 24. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers Properties of lateral physics for tracers in ocean 24.1. Mesoscale Closure Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is there a mesoscale closure in the lateral physics tracers scheme ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.submesoscale_mixing') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 24.2. Submesoscale Mixing Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is there a submesoscale mixing parameterisation (i.e Fox-Kemper) in the lateral physics tracers scheme ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.operator.direction') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Horizontal" # "Isopycnal" # "Isoneutral" # "Geopotential" # "Iso-level" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 25. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Operator Properties of lateral physics operator for tracers in ocean 25.1. Direction Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Direction of lateral physics tracers scheme in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.operator.order') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Harmonic" # "Bi-harmonic" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 25.2. Order Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Order of lateral physics tracers scheme in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.operator.discretisation') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Second order" # "Higher order" # "Flux limiter" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 25.3. Discretisation Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Discretisation of lateral physics tracers scheme in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_diffusity_coeff.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Constant" # "Space varying" # "Time + space varying (Smagorinsky)" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 26. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Diffusity Coeff Properties of eddy diffusity coeff in lateral physics tracers scheme in the ocean 26.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Lateral physics tracers eddy diffusity coeff type in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_diffusity_coeff.constant_coefficient') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 26.2. Constant Coefficient Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If constant, value of eddy diffusity coeff in lateral physics tracers scheme (in m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_diffusity_coeff.variable_coefficient') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 26.3. Variable Coefficient Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If space-varying, describe variations of eddy diffusity coeff in lateral physics tracers scheme End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_diffusity_coeff.coeff_background') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 26.4. Coeff Background Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe background eddy diffusity coeff in lateral physics tracers scheme (give values in m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_diffusity_coeff.coeff_backscatter') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 26.5. Coeff Backscatter Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is there backscatter in eddy diffusity coeff in lateral physics tracers scheme ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_induced_velocity.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "GM" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 27. Lateral Physics --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Eddy Induced Velocity Properties of eddy induced velocity (EIV) in lateral physics tracers scheme in the ocean 27.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of EIV in lateral physics tracers in the ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_induced_velocity.constant_val') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 27.2. Constant Val Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If EIV scheme for tracers is constant, specify coefficient value (M2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_induced_velocity.flux_type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 27.3. Flux Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of EIV flux (advective or skew) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.lateral_physics.tracers.eddy_induced_velocity.added_diffusivity') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 27.4. Added Diffusivity Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of EIV added diffusivity (constant, flow dependent or none) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 28. Vertical Physics Ocean Vertical Physics 28.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of vertical physics in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.details.langmuir_cells_mixing') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 29. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Details Properties of vertical physics in ocean 29.1. Langmuir Cells Mixing Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is there Langmuir cells mixing in upper ocean ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.tracers.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Constant value" # "Turbulent closure - TKE" # "Turbulent closure - KPP" # "Turbulent closure - Mellor-Yamada" # "Turbulent closure - Bulk Mixed Layer" # "Richardson number dependent - PP" # "Richardson number dependent - KT" # "Imbeded as isopycnic vertical coordinate" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 30. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Tracers *Properties of boundary layer (BL) mixing on tracers in the ocean * 30.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of boundary layer mixing for tracers in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.tracers.closure_order') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 30.2. Closure Order Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: FLOAT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If turbulent BL mixing of tracers, specific order of closure (0, 1, 2.5, 3) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.tracers.constant') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 30.3. Constant Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If constant BL mixing of tracers, specific coefficient (m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.tracers.background') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 30.4. Background Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Background BL mixing of tracers coefficient, (schema and value in m2/s - may by none) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.momentum.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Constant value" # "Turbulent closure - TKE" # "Turbulent closure - KPP" # "Turbulent closure - Mellor-Yamada" # "Turbulent closure - Bulk Mixed Layer" # "Richardson number dependent - PP" # "Richardson number dependent - KT" # "Imbeded as isopycnic vertical coordinate" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 31. Vertical Physics --&gt; Boundary Layer Mixing --&gt; Momentum *Properties of boundary layer (BL) mixing on momentum in the ocean * 31.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of boundary layer mixing for momentum in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.momentum.closure_order') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 31.2. Closure Order Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: FLOAT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If turbulent BL mixing of momentum, specific order of closure (0, 1, 2.5, 3) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.momentum.constant') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 31.3. Constant Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If constant BL mixing of momentum, specific coefficient (m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.boundary_layer_mixing.momentum.background') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 31.4. Background Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Background BL mixing of momentum coefficient, (schema and value in m2/s - may by none) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.details.convection_type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Non-penetrative convective adjustment" # "Enhanced vertical diffusion" # "Included in turbulence closure" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 32. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Details *Properties of interior mixing in the ocean * 32.1. Convection Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of vertical convection in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.details.tide_induced_mixing') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 32.2. Tide Induced Mixing Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe how tide induced mixing is modelled (barotropic, baroclinic, none) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.details.double_diffusion') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 32.3. Double Diffusion Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is there double diffusion End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.details.shear_mixing') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 32.4. Shear Mixing Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is there interior shear mixing End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.tracers.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Constant value" # "Turbulent closure / TKE" # "Turbulent closure - Mellor-Yamada" # "Richardson number dependent - PP" # "Richardson number dependent - KT" # "Imbeded as isopycnic vertical coordinate" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 33. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Tracers *Properties of interior mixing on tracers in the ocean * 33.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of interior mixing for tracers in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.tracers.constant') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 33.2. Constant Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If constant interior mixing of tracers, specific coefficient (m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.tracers.profile') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 33.3. Profile Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is the background interior mixing using a vertical profile for tracers (i.e is NOT constant) ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.tracers.background') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 33.4. Background Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Background interior mixing of tracers coefficient, (schema and value in m2/s - may by none) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.momentum.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Constant value" # "Turbulent closure / TKE" # "Turbulent closure - Mellor-Yamada" # "Richardson number dependent - PP" # "Richardson number dependent - KT" # "Imbeded as isopycnic vertical coordinate" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 34. Vertical Physics --&gt; Interior Mixing --&gt; Momentum *Properties of interior mixing on momentum in the ocean * 34.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of interior mixing for momentum in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.momentum.constant') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 34.2. Constant Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If constant interior mixing of momentum, specific coefficient (m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.momentum.profile') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 34.3. Profile Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is the background interior mixing using a vertical profile for momentum (i.e is NOT constant) ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.vertical_physics.interior_mixing.momentum.background') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 34.4. Background Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Background interior mixing of momentum coefficient, (schema and value in m2/s - may by none) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.uplow_boundaries.free_surface.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 35. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Free Surface Properties of free surface in ocean 35.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of free surface in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.uplow_boundaries.free_surface.scheme') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Linear implicit" # "Linear filtered" # "Linear semi-explicit" # "Non-linear implicit" # "Non-linear filtered" # "Non-linear semi-explicit" # "Fully explicit" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 35.2. Scheme Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Free surface scheme in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.uplow_boundaries.free_surface.embeded_seaice') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 35.3. Embeded Seaice Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is the sea-ice embeded in the ocean model (instead of levitating) ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.uplow_boundaries.bottom_boundary_layer.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 36. Uplow Boundaries --&gt; Bottom Boundary Layer Properties of bottom boundary layer in ocean 36.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of bottom boundary layer in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.uplow_boundaries.bottom_boundary_layer.type_of_bbl') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Diffusive" # "Acvective" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 36.2. Type Of Bbl Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of bottom boundary layer in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.uplow_boundaries.bottom_boundary_layer.lateral_mixing_coef') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 36.3. Lateral Mixing Coef Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: INTEGER&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 If bottom BL is diffusive, specify value of lateral mixing coefficient (in m2/s) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.uplow_boundaries.bottom_boundary_layer.sill_overflow') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 36.4. Sill Overflow Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe any specific treatment of sill overflows End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.overview') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 37. Boundary Forcing Ocean boundary forcing 37.1. Overview Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Overview of boundary forcing in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.surface_pressure') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 37.2. Surface Pressure Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe how surface pressure is transmitted to ocean (via sea-ice, nothing specific,...) End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.momentum_flux_correction') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 37.3. Momentum Flux Correction Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Describe any type of ocean surface momentum flux correction and, if applicable, how it is applied and where. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.tracers_flux_correction') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 37.4. Tracers Flux Correction Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Describe any type of ocean surface tracers flux correction and, if applicable, how it is applied and where. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.wave_effects') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 37.5. Wave Effects Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe if/how wave effects are modelled at ocean surface. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.river_runoff_budget') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 37.6. River Runoff Budget Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe how river runoff from land surface is routed to ocean and any global adjustment done. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.geothermal_heating') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 37.7. Geothermal Heating Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Describe if/how geothermal heating is present at ocean bottom. End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.momentum.bottom_friction.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Linear" # "Non-linear" # "Non-linear (drag function of speed of tides)" # "Constant drag coefficient" # "None" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 38. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Bottom Friction Properties of momentum bottom friction in ocean 38.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of momentum bottom friction in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.momentum.lateral_friction.type') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "None" # "Free-slip" # "No-slip" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 39. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Momentum --&gt; Lateral Friction Properties of momentum lateral friction in ocean 39.1. Type Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of momentum lateral friction in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.tracers.sunlight_penetration.scheme') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "1 extinction depth" # "2 extinction depth" # "3 extinction depth" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 40. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Sunlight Penetration Properties of sunlight penetration scheme in ocean 40.1. Scheme Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of sunlight penetration scheme in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.tracers.sunlight_penetration.ocean_colour') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value(value) # Valid Choices: # True # False # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 40.2. Ocean Colour Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: BOOLEAN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Is the ocean sunlight penetration scheme ocean colour dependent ? End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.tracers.sunlight_penetration.extinction_depth') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 40.3. Extinction Depth Is Required: FALSE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 0.1 Describe and list extinctions depths for sunlight penetration scheme (if applicable). End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.tracers.fresh_water_forcing.from_atmopshere') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Freshwater flux" # "Virtual salt flux" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 41. Boundary Forcing --&gt; Tracers --&gt; Fresh Water Forcing Properties of surface fresh water forcing in ocean 41.1. From Atmopshere Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of surface fresh water forcing from atmos in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.tracers.fresh_water_forcing.from_sea_ice') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # Valid Choices: # "Freshwater flux" # "Virtual salt flux" # "Real salt flux" # "Other: [Please specify]" # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 41.2. From Sea Ice Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: ENUM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of surface fresh water forcing from sea-ice in ocean End of explanation # PROPERTY ID - DO NOT EDIT ! DOC.set_id('cmip6.ocean.boundary_forcing.tracers.fresh_water_forcing.forced_mode_restoring') # PROPERTY VALUE: # Set as follows: DOC.set_value("value") # TODO - please enter value(s) Explanation: 41.3. Forced Mode Restoring Is Required: TRUE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: STRING&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cardinality: 1.1 Type of surface salinity restoring in forced mode (OMIP) End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: Step2: Reframing Design Pattern The Reframing design pattern refers to changing the representation of the output of a machine learning problem. For example, we could take something that is intuitively a regression problem and instead pose it as a classification problem (and vice versa). Let's look at the natality dataset. Notice that for a given set of inputs, the weight_pounds (the label) can take many different values. Step3: Comparing categorical label and regression Since baby weight is a positive real value, this is intuitively a regression problem. However, we can train the model as a multi-class classification by bucketizing the output label. At inference time, the model then predicts a collection of probabilities corresponding to these potential outputs. Let's do both and see how they compare. Step4: We'll use the same features for both models. But we need to create a categorical weight label for the classification model. Step5: Create tf.data datsets for both classification and regression. Step6: First, train the classification model and examine the validation accuracy. Step7: Next, we'll train the regression model and examine the validation RMSE. Step8: The regression model gives a single numeric prediction of baby weight. Step9: The classification model predicts a probability for each bucket of values. Step10: Increasing the number of categorical labels We'll generalize the code above to accommodate N label buckets, instead of just 4. Step11: Create the feature columns and build the model. Step12: Make a prediction on the example above. Step13: Restricting the prediction range One way to restrict the prediction range is to make the last-but-one activation function sigmoid instead, and add a lambda layer to scale the (0,1) values to the desired range. The drawback is that it will be difficult for the neural network to reach the extreme values.
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from google.cloud import bigquery import matplotlib as plt %matplotlib inline bq = bigquery.Client() query = SELECT weight_pounds, is_male, gestation_weeks, mother_age, plurality, mother_race FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.natality` WHERE weight_pounds IS NOT NULL AND is_male = true AND gestation_weeks = 38 AND mother_age = 28 AND mother_race = 1 AND plurality = 1 AND RAND() < 0.01 df = bq.query(query).to_dataframe() df.head() fig = sns.distplot(df[["weight_pounds"]]) fig.set_title("Distribution of baby weight") fig.set_xlabel("weight_pounds") fig.figure.savefig("weight_distrib.png") #average weight_pounds for this cross section np.mean(df.weight_pounds) np.std(df.weight_pounds) weeks = 36 age = 28 query = SELECT weight_pounds, is_male, gestation_weeks, mother_age, plurality, mother_race FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.natality` WHERE weight_pounds IS NOT NULL AND is_male = true AND gestation_weeks = {} AND mother_age = {} AND mother_race = 1 AND plurality = 1 AND RAND() < 0.01 .format(weeks, age) df = bq.query(query).to_dataframe() print('weeks={} age={} mean={} stddev={}'.format(weeks, age, np.mean(df.weight_pounds), np.std(df.weight_pounds))) Explanation: Reframing Design Pattern The Reframing design pattern refers to changing the representation of the output of a machine learning problem. For example, we could take something that is intuitively a regression problem and instead pose it as a classification problem (and vice versa). Let's look at the natality dataset. Notice that for a given set of inputs, the weight_pounds (the label) can take many different values. End of explanation import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow import feature_column as fc from tensorflow.keras import layers, models, Model %matplotlib inline df = pd.read_csv("./data/babyweight_train.csv") Explanation: Comparing categorical label and regression Since baby weight is a positive real value, this is intuitively a regression problem. However, we can train the model as a multi-class classification by bucketizing the output label. At inference time, the model then predicts a collection of probabilities corresponding to these potential outputs. Let's do both and see how they compare. End of explanation # prepare inputs df.is_male = df.is_male.astype(str) df.mother_race.fillna(0, inplace = True) df.mother_race = df.mother_race.astype(str) # create categorical label def categorical_weight(weight_pounds): if weight_pounds < 3.31: return 0 elif weight_pounds >= 3.31 and weight_pounds < 5.5: return 1 elif weight_pounds >= 5.5 and weight_pounds < 8.8: return 2 else: return 3 df["weight_category"] = df.weight_pounds.apply(lambda x: categorical_weight(x)) df.head() def encode_labels(classes): one_hots = to_categorical(classes) return one_hots FEATURES = ['is_male', 'mother_age', 'plurality', 'gestation_weeks', 'mother_race'] LABEL_CLS = ['weight_category'] LABEL_REG = ['weight_pounds'] N_TRAIN = int(df.shape[0] * 0.80) X_train = df[FEATURES][:N_TRAIN] X_valid = df[FEATURES][N_TRAIN:] y_train_cls = encode_labels(df[LABEL_CLS][:N_TRAIN]) y_train_reg = df[LABEL_REG][:N_TRAIN] y_valid_cls = encode_labels(df[LABEL_CLS][N_TRAIN:]) y_valid_reg = df[LABEL_REG][N_TRAIN:] Explanation: We'll use the same features for both models. But we need to create a categorical weight label for the classification model. End of explanation # train/validation dataset for classification model cls_train_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((X_train.to_dict('list'), y_train_cls)) cls_valid_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((X_valid.to_dict('list'), y_valid_cls)) # train/validation dataset for regression model reg_train_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((X_train.to_dict('list'), y_train_reg.values)) reg_valid_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((X_valid.to_dict('list'), y_valid_reg.values)) # Examine the two datasets. Notice the different label values. for data_type in [cls_train_data, reg_train_data]: for dict_slice in data_type.take(1): print("{}\n".format(dict_slice)) # create feature columns to handle categorical variables numeric_columns = [fc.numeric_column("mother_age"), fc.numeric_column("gestation_weeks")] CATEGORIES = { 'plurality': list(df.plurality.unique()), 'is_male' : list(df.is_male.unique()), 'mother_race': list(df.mother_race.unique()) } categorical_columns = [] for feature, vocab in CATEGORIES.items(): cat_col = fc.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list( key=feature, vocabulary_list=vocab, dtype=tf.string) categorical_columns.append(fc.indicator_column(cat_col)) # create Inputs for model inputs = {colname: tf.keras.layers.Input( name=colname, shape=(), dtype="float32") for colname in ["mother_age", "gestation_weeks"]} inputs.update({colname: tf.keras.layers.Input( name=colname, shape=(), dtype=tf.string) for colname in ["plurality", "is_male", "mother_race"]}) # build DenseFeatures for the model dnn_inputs = layers.DenseFeatures(categorical_columns+numeric_columns)(inputs) # create hidden layers h1 = layers.Dense(20, activation="relu")(dnn_inputs) h2 = layers.Dense(10, activation="relu")(h1) # create classification model cls_output = layers.Dense(4, activation="softmax")(h2) cls_model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=cls_output) cls_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(), metrics=['accuracy']) # create regression model reg_output = layers.Dense(1, activation="relu")(h2) reg_model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=reg_output) reg_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(), metrics=['mse']) Explanation: Create tf.data datsets for both classification and regression. End of explanation # train the classifcation model cls_model.fit(cls_train_data.batch(50), epochs=1) val_loss, val_accuracy = cls_model.evaluate(cls_valid_data.batch(X_valid.shape[0])) print("Validation accuracy for classifcation model: {}".format(val_accuracy)) Explanation: First, train the classification model and examine the validation accuracy. End of explanation # train the classifcation model reg_model.fit(reg_train_data.batch(50), epochs=1) val_loss, val_mse = reg_model.evaluate(reg_valid_data.batch(X_valid.shape[0])) print("Validation RMSE for regression model: {}".format(val_mse**0.5)) Explanation: Next, we'll train the regression model and examine the validation RMSE. End of explanation preds = reg_model.predict(x={"gestation_weeks": tf.convert_to_tensor([38]), "is_male": tf.convert_to_tensor(["True"]), "mother_age": tf.convert_to_tensor([28]), "mother_race": tf.convert_to_tensor(["1.0"]), "plurality": tf.convert_to_tensor(["Single(1)"])}, steps=1).squeeze() preds Explanation: The regression model gives a single numeric prediction of baby weight. End of explanation preds = cls_model.predict(x={"gestation_weeks": tf.convert_to_tensor([38]), "is_male": tf.convert_to_tensor(["True"]), "mother_age": tf.convert_to_tensor([28]), "mother_race": tf.convert_to_tensor(["1.0"]), "plurality": tf.convert_to_tensor(["Single(1)"])}, steps=1).squeeze() preds objects = ('very_low', 'low', 'average', 'high') y_pos = np.arange(len(objects)) predictions = list(preds) plt.bar(y_pos, predictions, align='center', alpha=0.5) plt.xticks(y_pos, objects) plt.title('Baby weight prediction') plt.show() Explanation: The classification model predicts a probability for each bucket of values. End of explanation # Read in the data and preprocess df = pd.read_csv("./data/babyweight_train.csv") # prepare inputs df.is_male = df.is_male.astype(str) df.mother_race.fillna(0, inplace = True) df.mother_race = df.mother_race.astype(str) # create categorical label MIN = np.min(df.weight_pounds) MAX = np.max(df.weight_pounds) NBUCKETS = 50 def categorical_weight(weight_pounds, weight_min, weight_max, nbuckets=10): buckets = np.linspace(weight_min, weight_max, nbuckets) return np.digitize(weight_pounds, buckets) - 1 df["weight_category"] = df.weight_pounds.apply(lambda x: categorical_weight(x, MIN, MAX, NBUCKETS)) def encode_labels(classes): one_hots = to_categorical(classes) return one_hots FEATURES = ['is_male', 'mother_age', 'plurality', 'gestation_weeks', 'mother_race'] LABEL_COLUMN = ['weight_category'] N_TRAIN = int(df.shape[0] * 0.80) X_train, y_train = df[FEATURES][:N_TRAIN], encode_labels(df[LABEL_COLUMN][:N_TRAIN]) X_valid, y_valid = df[FEATURES][N_TRAIN:], encode_labels(df[LABEL_COLUMN][N_TRAIN:]) # create the training dataset train_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((X_train.to_dict('list'), y_train)) valid_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((X_valid.to_dict('list'), y_valid)) Explanation: Increasing the number of categorical labels We'll generalize the code above to accommodate N label buckets, instead of just 4. End of explanation # create feature columns to handle categorical variables numeric_columns = [fc.numeric_column("mother_age"), fc.numeric_column("gestation_weeks")] CATEGORIES = { 'plurality': list(df.plurality.unique()), 'is_male' : list(df.is_male.unique()), 'mother_race': list(df.mother_race.unique()) } categorical_columns = [] for feature, vocab in CATEGORIES.items(): cat_col = fc.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list( key=feature, vocabulary_list=vocab, dtype=tf.string) categorical_columns.append(fc.indicator_column(cat_col)) # create Inputs for model inputs = {colname: tf.keras.layers.Input( name=colname, shape=(), dtype="float32") for colname in ["mother_age", "gestation_weeks"]} inputs.update({colname: tf.keras.layers.Input( name=colname, shape=(), dtype=tf.string) for colname in ["plurality", "is_male", "mother_race"]}) # build DenseFeatures for the model dnn_inputs = layers.DenseFeatures(categorical_columns+numeric_columns)(inputs) # model h1 = layers.Dense(20, activation="relu")(dnn_inputs) h2 = layers.Dense(10, activation="relu")(h1) output = layers.Dense(NBUCKETS, activation="softmax")(h2) model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=output) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(), metrics=['accuracy']) # train the model model.fit(train_data.batch(50), epochs=1) Explanation: Create the feature columns and build the model. End of explanation preds = model.predict(x={"gestation_weeks": tf.convert_to_tensor([38]), "is_male": tf.convert_to_tensor(["True"]), "mother_age": tf.convert_to_tensor([28]), "mother_race": tf.convert_to_tensor(["1.0"]), "plurality": tf.convert_to_tensor(["Single(1)"])}, steps=1).squeeze() objects = [str(_) for _ in range(NBUCKETS)] y_pos = np.arange(len(objects)) predictions = list(preds) plt.bar(y_pos, predictions, align='center', alpha=0.5) plt.xticks(y_pos, objects) plt.title('Baby weight prediction') plt.show() Explanation: Make a prediction on the example above. End of explanation import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras MIN_Y = 3 MAX_Y = 20 input_size = 10 inputs = keras.layers.Input(shape=(input_size,)) h1 = keras.layers.Dense(20, 'relu')(inputs) h2 = keras.layers.Dense(1, 'sigmoid')(h1) # 0-1 range output = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda y : (y*(MAX_Y-MIN_Y) + MIN_Y))(h2) # scaled model = keras.Model(inputs, output) # fit the model model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse') batch_size = 2048 for i in range(0, 10): x = np.random.rand(batch_size, input_size) y = 0.5*(x[:,0] + x[:,1]) * (MAX_Y-MIN_Y) + MIN_Y model.fit(x, y) # verify min_y = np.finfo(np.float64).max max_y = np.finfo(np.float64).min for i in range(0, 10): x = np.random.randn(batch_size, input_size) y = model.predict(x) min_y = min(y.min(), min_y) max_y = max(y.max(), max_y) print('min={} max={}'.format(min_y, max_y)) Explanation: Restricting the prediction range One way to restrict the prediction range is to make the last-but-one activation function sigmoid instead, and add a lambda layer to scale the (0,1) values to the desired range. The drawback is that it will be difficult for the neural network to reach the extreme values. End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: YouTube Spam Collection Data Set (Part 2) Source Step1: <a id='section3b'></a> Read in the data from the first CSV alone Step2: <a id='section3c'></a> Data cleanup Step3: <a id='section3d'></a> Split the data Step4: <a id='section3e'></a> Transform the data Step5: <a id='section3f'></a> Build the model In this step, we will build 6 models, and pick the one with the best accuracy score Step6: Model selection Based on accuracy scores, the best algorithm is the Decision Tree Classifier. Logistic Regression and AdaBoost Classifier also performed very well. We will choose Decision Tree as our model, and look to tune it. Step7: It looks like we were able to eke out some improvement in the performance. The Decision Tree Classifier seems to perform best with the min_samples_split set to 7. We will use this for our final model. Note that the default values for 'criterion' and 'splitter' seem to be part of the best performing set of parameters. <a id='section3g'></a> Run the prediction Step8: <a id='section3h'></a> Score the prediction Step9: Some of the false negatives seem like they should have been marked as spam, so it is interesting that the model missed these. We may need to tune our vectorizer and/or attempt some other classifiers. Let us check the area under the ROC curve.
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: # Import modules import numpy as np import pandas as pd Explanation: YouTube Spam Collection Data Set (Part 2) Source: UCI Machine Learning Repository Original Source: YouTube Spam Collection v. 1 Alberto, T.C., Lochter J.V., Almeida, T.A. Filtragem Automática de Spam nos Comentários do YouTube. Anais do XII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC'15), Natal, RN, Brazil, 2015. (preprint) Alberto, T.C., Lochter J.V., Almeida, T.A. TubeSpam: Comment Spam Filtering on YouTube. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'15), 1-6, Miami, FL, USA, December, 2015. (preprint) Contents 1 Data Set Description 2 Approach 3 Solution 3a Import modules 3b Read the data set 3c Data cleanup 3d Split the data 3e Transform the data 3f Build the model 3g Run predictions 3h Score the prediction 4 Summary <a id='section1'></a> 1. Data Set Description From the description accompanying the data set, "the samples were extracted from the comments section of five videos that were among the 10 most viewed on YouTube during the collection period." The data is available in five distinct data sets, and the data is classified as 1 for "spam" and 0 for "ham" <a id='section2'></a> 2. Approach Since the data set is split across five data sets, we will take two passes at the data. This is the second pass. In the (optional) first pass, we considered only the Psy data set, as a way to wrap our hands around the problem. The notebook for this can be accessed here. Our second pass will involve merging all five data sets and then running the classification on the combined data set. In this round, we will also tune the model and the vectorizer to eke out some improvements. <a id='section3'></a> 3. Solution <a id='section3a'></a> Import initial set of modules End of explanation # Read the data set; print the first few rows files = ['data\\Youtube01-Psy.csv', 'data\\Youtube02-KatyPerry.csv', 'data\\Youtube03-LMFAO.csv', 'data\\Youtube04-Eminem.csv', 'data\\Youtube05-Shakira.csv'] df = pd.DataFrame() for file in files: df = df.append(pd.read_csv(file)) df.head() Explanation: <a id='section3b'></a> Read in the data from the first CSV alone End of explanation # Check for missing values df.info() # Looks like there are missing values in the DATE column, but it is not a column of interest. Let's proceed. # Of the five columns, the only relevant columns for spam/ham classification are the CONTENT and CLASS columns. # We will use just these two columns. But first, let's check the distribution of spam and ham df.CLASS.value_counts() # There is an almost equal distribution. Given that this is a small data set, this is probably good, # because the algorithm has enough items it can learn from # Now, let us set up our X and y X = df.CONTENT y = df.CLASS Explanation: <a id='section3c'></a> Data cleanup End of explanation # Let us now split the data set into train and test sets # We will use an 80/20 split test_size = 0.2 seed = 42 scoring = 'accuracy' num_folds = 10 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=seed, test_size=test_size) from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier models = [] names = [] results = [] lr = ('LR', LogisticRegression()) knn = ('KNN', KNeighborsClassifier()) svc = ('SVC', SVC()) nb = ('NB', MultinomialNB()) cart = ('CART', DecisionTreeClassifier()) models.extend([lr, knn, svc, nb, cart]) Explanation: <a id='section3d'></a> Split the data End of explanation # Set up a vectorizer, and create a Document-Term matrix from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer vect = CountVectorizer() X_train_dtm = vect.fit_transform(X_train) # Check the layout of the Document-Term matrix X_train_dtm Explanation: <a id='section3e'></a> Transform the data End of explanation from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, cross_val_score for name, model in models: kfold = KFold(n_splits=num_folds, random_state=seed) score = cross_val_score(model, X_train_dtm, y_train, scoring=scoring, cv=kfold) names.append(name) results.append(score) from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier, \ RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier ensembles = [] ensemble_names = [] ensemble_results = [] ensembles.append(('AB', AdaBoostClassifier())) ensembles.append(('RF', RandomForestClassifier())) ensembles.append(('ET', ExtraTreesClassifier())) for name, model in ensembles: kfold = KFold(n_splits=num_folds, random_state=seed) score = cross_val_score(model, X_train_dtm, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring=scoring) ensemble_names.append(name) ensemble_results.append(score) models_list = [] for i, name in enumerate(names): d = {'model': name, 'mean': results[i].mean(), 'std': results[i].std()} models_list.append(d) for i, name in enumerate(ensemble_names): d = {'model': name, 'mean': results[i].mean(), 'std': results[i].std()} models_list.append(d) models_df = pd.DataFrame(models_list).set_index('model') models_df.sort_values('mean', ascending=False) Explanation: <a id='section3f'></a> Build the model In this step, we will build 6 models, and pick the one with the best accuracy score End of explanation cart from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV final_model = DecisionTreeClassifier() criterion_values = ['gini', 'entropy'] splitter_values = ['best', 'random'] min_samples_split_values = np.arange(2, 11, 1) param_grid = dict(criterion=criterion_values, splitter=splitter_values, min_samples_split=min_samples_split_values) kfold = KFold(n_splits=num_folds, random_state=seed) grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=final_model, cv=kfold, scoring=scoring, param_grid=param_grid) grid_result = grid.fit(X_train_dtm, y_train) print(grid_result.best_params_, grid_result.best_score_) Explanation: Model selection Based on accuracy scores, the best algorithm is the Decision Tree Classifier. Logistic Regression and AdaBoost Classifier also performed very well. We will choose Decision Tree as our model, and look to tune it. End of explanation final_model = DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split=7, random_state=seed) final_model.fit(X_train_dtm, y_train) # Transform the test data to a DTM and predict X_test_dtm = vect.transform(X_test) y_pred = final_model.predict(X_test_dtm) Explanation: It looks like we were able to eke out some improvement in the performance. The Decision Tree Classifier seems to perform best with the min_samples_split set to 7. We will use this for our final model. Note that the default values for 'criterion' and 'splitter' seem to be part of the best performing set of parameters. <a id='section3g'></a> Run the prediction End of explanation # Let us check the accuracy score # It needs to better than 50%, which was the baseline from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, roc_auc_score accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) # The accuracy score was 93.37%, which is lower than we may have anticipated # Let us check the confusion matrix to get a sense of the prediction distribution confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) # The model predicted 366 out of 392 instances correctly # We had 14 false positives and 12 false negatives # What were the false positive comments? (That is, ham marked as spam) X_test[y_pred > y_test] # And what were the false negative comments? (That is, spam comments that went undetected) X_test[y_pred < y_test] Explanation: <a id='section3h'></a> Score the prediction End of explanation roc_auc_score(y_test, final_model.predict_proba(X_test_dtm)[:, 1]) Explanation: Some of the false negatives seem like they should have been marked as spam, so it is interesting that the model missed these. We may need to tune our vectorizer and/or attempt some other classifiers. Let us check the area under the ROC curve. End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: Table of Contents <p><div class="lev1 toc-item"><a href="#Building-an-ANN" data-toc-modified-id="Building-an-ANN-1"><span class="toc-item-num">1&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Building an ANN</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Installing-packages" data-toc-modified-id="Installing-packages-11"><span class="toc-item-num">1.1&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Installing packages</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Data-Preprocessing" data-toc-modified-id="Data-Preprocessing-12"><span class="toc-item-num">1.2&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Data Preprocessing</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Building-an-ANN" data-toc-modified-id="Building-an-ANN-13"><span class="toc-item-num">1.3&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Building an ANN</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Making-predictions-and-evaluating-the-model" data-toc-modified-id="Making-predictions-and-evaluating-the-model-14"><span class="toc-item-num">1.4&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Making predictions and evaluating the model</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Evaluating,-Improving-and-Tuning-the-ANN" data-toc-modified-id="Evaluating,-Improving-and-Tuning-the-ANN-15"><span class="toc-item-num">1.5&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the ANN</a></div> # Building an ANN Credit Step1: Data Preprocessing Step2: y (actual value) Step3: Building an ANN Step4: Making predictions and evaluating the model Step5: Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the ANN Using K-Fold Cross validation with Keras
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: # Installing Theano # pip install --upgrade --no-deps git+git://github.com/Theano/Theano.git # Installing Tensorflow # pip install tensorflow # Installing Keras # pip install --upgrade keras Explanation: Table of Contents <p><div class="lev1 toc-item"><a href="#Building-an-ANN" data-toc-modified-id="Building-an-ANN-1"><span class="toc-item-num">1&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Building an ANN</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Installing-packages" data-toc-modified-id="Installing-packages-11"><span class="toc-item-num">1.1&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Installing packages</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Data-Preprocessing" data-toc-modified-id="Data-Preprocessing-12"><span class="toc-item-num">1.2&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Data Preprocessing</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Building-an-ANN" data-toc-modified-id="Building-an-ANN-13"><span class="toc-item-num">1.3&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Building an ANN</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Making-predictions-and-evaluating-the-model" data-toc-modified-id="Making-predictions-and-evaluating-the-model-14"><span class="toc-item-num">1.4&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Making predictions and evaluating the model</a></div><div class="lev2 toc-item"><a href="#Evaluating,-Improving-and-Tuning-the-ANN" data-toc-modified-id="Evaluating,-Improving-and-Tuning-the-ANN-15"><span class="toc-item-num">1.5&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the ANN</a></div> # Building an ANN Credit: [Deep Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks](https://www.udemy.com/deeplearning/learn/v4/content) - [Getting the dataset](https://www.superdatascience.com/deep-learning/) ## Installing packages End of explanation # Importing the libraries import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd # Importing the dataset dataset = pd.read_csv('./Artificial_Neural_Networks/Churn_Modelling.csv') X = dataset.iloc[:, 3:13].values y = dataset.iloc[:, 13].values Explanation: Data Preprocessing End of explanation print (X.shape) X print (y.shape) y # Encoding categorical data from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, OneHotEncoder labelencoder_X_1 = LabelEncoder() X[:, 1] = labelencoder_X_1.fit_transform(X[:, 1]) labelencoder_X_2 = LabelEncoder() X[:, 2] = labelencoder_X_2.fit_transform(X[:, 2]) onehotencoder = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features = [1]) X = onehotencoder.fit_transform(X).toarray() X = X[:, 1:] print (X.shape) X print (y.shape) y # Splitting the dataset into the Training set and Test set from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0) # Feature Scaling from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler sc = StandardScaler() X_train = sc.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = sc.transform(X_test) Explanation: y (actual value): exited, this is the value we are trying to predict, which means if the customer stays or exit the bank. End of explanation # Importing the Keras libraries and packages import keras from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense # Initialising the ANN classifier = Sequential() # Adding the input layer and the first hidden layer classifier.add(Dense(units = 6, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'relu', input_dim = 11)) # Adding the second hidden layer classifier.add(Dense(units = 6, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'relu')) # Adding the output layer classifier.add(Dense(units = 1, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'sigmoid')) # Compiling the ANN classifier.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy']) # Fitting the ANN to the Training set classifier.fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size = 10, epochs = 100) Explanation: Building an ANN End of explanation y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test) y_pred = (y_pred > 0.5) # Making the Confusion Matrix from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) cm Explanation: Making predictions and evaluating the model End of explanation # Evaluating the ANN from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense def build_classifier(): classifier = Sequential() classifier.add(Dense(units = 6, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'relu', input_dim = 11)) classifier.add(Dense(units = 6, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'relu')) classifier.add(Dense(units = 1, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'sigmoid')) classifier.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy']) return classifier classifier = KerasClassifier(build_fn = build_classifier, batch_size = 10, epochs = 100) accuracies = cross_val_score(estimator = classifier, X = X_train, y = y_train, cv = 10, n_jobs = -1) mean = accuracies.mean() variance = accuracies.std() # Improving the ANN # Dropout Regularization to reduce overfitting if needed # Tuning the ANN from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras.layers import Dropout def build_classifier(optimizer): classifier = Sequential() classifier.add(Dense(units = 6, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'relu', input_dim = 11)) # classifier.add(Dropout(p = 0.1)) classifier.add(Dense(units = 6, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'relu')) # classifier.add(Dropout(p = 0.1)) classifier.add(Dense(units = 1, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'sigmoid')) classifier.compile(optimizer = optimizer, loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy']) return classifier classifier = KerasClassifier(build_fn = build_classifier) parameters = {'batch_size': [25, 32], 'epochs': [100, 500], 'optimizer': ['adam', 'rmsprop']} grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator = classifier, param_grid = parameters, scoring = 'accuracy', cv = 10) grid_search = grid_search.fit(X_train, y_train) best_parameters = grid_search.best_params_ best_accuracy = grid_search.best_score_ Explanation: Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the ANN Using K-Fold Cross validation with Keras End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: Enter State Farm Step1: Create Sample The following assumes you've already created your validation set - remember that the training and validation set should contain different drivers, as mentioned on the Kaggle competition page. Step4: Validation Set (Sample) How I'll do it Step5: 2/3 Step6: I understand now why I was getting weird validation-accuracy results Step7: Create Batches Step8: Basic Models Linear Model First, we try the simplest model and use default parameters. Note the trick of making the first layer a batchnorm layer - that way we don't have to worry about normalizing the input ourselves. Step9: As you can see below, this training is going nowhere... Step10: Let's first check the number of parameters to see that there's enough parameters to find some useful relationships Step11: Since we have a simple model with no regularization and plenty of parameters, it seems most likely that our learning rate is too hgh. Perhaps it is jumping to a solution where it predicts one or two classes with high confidence, so that it can give a zero prediction to as many classes as possible - that's the best approach for a model that is no better than random, and there is likely to be where we would end up with a high learning rate. So let's check Step12: (Not so in this case, only kind of, but it was indeed predicted 1 or 6 back on the Mac) Our hypothesis was correct. It's nearly always predicting class 1 or 6, with very high confidence. So let's try a lower learning rate Step13: Great - we found our way out of that hole ... Now we can increase the learning rate and see where we can get to. Step14: We're stabilizing at validation accuracy of 0.39 (~.35 in my NB). Not great, but a lot better than random. Before moving on, let's check that our validation set on the sample is large enough that it gives consistent results Step15: Yup, pretty consistent - if we see imporvements of 3% or more, it's probably not random, based on the above samples. L2 Regularization The previous model is over-fitting a lot, but we can't use dropout since we only have one layer. We can try to decrease overfitting in our model by adding l2 regularization (ie Step16: Looks like we can get a bit over 50% (almost, here Step17: (Odd, I may not have a good validation set if I'm getting such higher valacc numbers... ---- not anymore now that I'm using a proper valset. Of course, just as with JH's notebook Step18: On GPU running out of memory (2692/3017 MiB) at this point. Restarting with smaller batch size (32?) Step19: The training set here is very rapidly reaching a very high accuracy. So if we could regularize this, perhaps we could get a reasonable results. So, what kind of regularization should we try first? As we discussed in lesson 3, we should start with data augmentation. Data Augmentation To find the best data augmentation parameters, we can try each type of data augmentation, one at a time. For each type, we can try four very different levels of augmentation, and see which is the best. In the steps below we've only kept the single best results we found. We're using the CNN we defined above, since we have already observed it can model the data quickly and accurately. Width shift Step20: Height shift Step21: Random shear angles (max in radians) - Step22: Rotation Step23: Channel shift Step24: And finally, putting it all together! Step25: At first glance, this isn't looking encouraging, since the validation set is poor and getting worse. But the training set is getting better, and still has a long way to go in accuracy - so we should try annealing our learning rate and running more epochs, before we make a decision. Step26: Lucky we tried that - we're starting to make progress! Let's keep going.
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: import theano import os, sys sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'utils')) %matplotlib inline from __future__ import print_function, division # path = "data/sample/" path = "data/statefarm/sample/" import utils; reload(utils) from utils import * from IPython.display import FileLink # batch_size = 64 batch_size = 32 Explanation: Enter State Farm End of explanation %cd data/statefarm %cd train %mkdir ../sample %mkdir ../sample/train %mkdir ../sample/valid for d in glob('c?'): os.mkdir('../sample/train/' + d) os.mkdir('../sample/valid/' + d) from shutil import copyfile g = glob('c?/*.jpg') shuf = np.random.permutation(g) for i in range(1500): copyfile(shuf[i], '../sample/train/' + shuf[i]) # # removing copied sample training images # help(os) # for f in glob('c?/*.jpg'): # os.remove(f) % cd ../../.. %mkdir data/statefarm/results %mkdir data/statefarm/sample/test Explanation: Create Sample The following assumes you've already created your validation set - remember that the training and validation set should contain different drivers, as mentioned on the Kaggle competition page. End of explanation # run once, make sure you're in datadir first # path = os.getcwd() # os.mkdir(path + '/valid') # for i in xrange(10): os.mkdir(path + '/valid' + '/c' + str(i)) def reset_valid(verbose=1, valid_path='', TRAIN_DIR=''): Moves all images in validation set back to their respective classes in the training set. counter = 0 if not valid_path: valid_path = os.getcwd() + '/valid/' if not TRAIN_DIR: TRAIN_DIR = os.getcwd() + '/train' %cd $valid_path for i in xrange(10): %cd c"$i" g = glob('*.jpg') for n in xrange(len(g)): os.rename(g[n], TRAIN_DIR + '/c' + str(i) + '/' + g[n]) counter += 1 % cd .. if verbose: print("Moved {} files.".format(counter)) # %mv $VALID_DIR/c"$i"/$*.jpg $TRAIN_DIR/c"$i"/$*.jpg # modified from: http://forums.fast.ai/t/statefarm-kaggle-comp/183/20 def set_valid(number=1, verbose=1, data_path=''): Moves <number> of subjects from training to validation directories. Verbosity: 0: Silent; 1: print no. files moved; 2: print each move operation if not data_path: data_path = os.getcwd() + '/' counter = 0 if number < 0: number = 0 for n in xrange(number): # read CSV file into Pandas DataFrame dil = pd.read_csv(data_path + 'driver_imgs_list.csv') # group frame by subject in image grouped_subjects = dil.groupby('subject') # pick <number> subjects at random subject = grouped_subjects.groups.keys()[np.random.randint(0, high=len(grouped_subjects.groups))] # <-- groups? # get the group assoc w/ subject group = grouped_subjects.get_group(subject) # loop over gropu & move imgs to validation dir for (subject, clssnm, img) in group.values: source = '{}train/{}/{}'.format(data_path, clssnm, img) target = source.replace('train', 'valid') if verbose > 1: print('mv {} {}'.format(source, target)) os.rename(source, target) counter += 1 if verbose: print ("Files moved: {}".format(counter)) Explanation: Validation Set (Sample) How I'll do it: create a full val set in the full valid folder, then copy over the same percentage as train to the sample/valid folder. Acutally: wouldn't it be better if I used the full validation set for more accurate results? Then again, for processing on my MacBook, it may be good enough to go w/ the 1st method. 1/3: function definitions for moving stuff & aming dirs: End of explanation %pwd # %cd ~/Deshar/Kaukasos/FAI %cd ~/Kaukasos/FAI %cd data/statefarm/ reset_valid() %cd .. set_valid(number=3) Explanation: 2/3: Making sure we're in the right dir, & moving stuff End of explanation %pwd %cd valid # g = glob('valid/c?/*.jpg') # <-- this doesnt work: why? g = glob('c?/*.jpg') shuf = np.random.permutation(g) # for i in range(1000): copyfile(shuf[i], '/sample/' + shuf[i]) for i in range(1000): copyfile(shuf[i], '../sample/valid/' + shuf[i]) Explanation: I understand now why I was getting weird validation-accuracy results: I was moving a unique valset from training, in the full data directory and not in the sample dir. But then why was my model even able to train if there wasn't anything in the sample validation folders? Because I was only copying 1000 random images from sample/train to sample/valid. Ooof.. Nevermind, ignore (some of) that.... the 1000 sample val imgs are taken from the valid set moved from training in the full directory.. The problem affecting accuracy is that the valid set separated from training after the sample training set is copied.. So some of the val imgs will have drivers in sample training set. This explains why accuracy was off, but not as off as one would expect. Will reconfigure this. This notebook is being rerun on my Asus Linux machine. Upgrading from an Intel Core i5 CPU to an NVidia GTX 870M GPU should yield a good speedup. CPU times: * Single Linear Model: 60~48 seconds * Single (100 Node) Hidden Layer: 67~52 seconds * Single block of 2 Convolutional layers (+ LM): 453~410 seconds 3/3: copying val set from the full valid folder to sample valid J.Howard uses a permutation of 1,000 val imgs, so I'll just do that here. End of explanation batches = get_batches(path + 'train', batch_size=batch_size) val_batches = get_batches(path + 'valid', batch_size=batch_size*2, shuffle=False) %pwd os.mkdir(path + 'test') (val_classes, trn_classes, val_labels, trn_labels, val_filenames, filenames, test_filename) = get_classes(path) Explanation: Create Batches End of explanation model = Sequential([ BatchNormalization(axis=1, input_shape=(3, 224, 224)), Flatten(), Dense(10, activation='softmax') ]) Explanation: Basic Models Linear Model First, we try the simplest model and use default parameters. Note the trick of making the first layer a batchnorm layer - that way we don't have to worry about normalizing the input ourselves. End of explanation model.compile(Adam(), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=2, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) Explanation: As you can see below, this training is going nowhere... End of explanation model.summary() 10*3*224*224 Explanation: Let's first check the number of parameters to see that there's enough parameters to find some useful relationships: End of explanation np.round(model.predict_generator(batches, batches.n)[:10],2) # temp = model.predict_generator(batches, batches.n) Explanation: Since we have a simple model with no regularization and plenty of parameters, it seems most likely that our learning rate is too hgh. Perhaps it is jumping to a solution where it predicts one or two classes with high confidence, so that it can give a zero prediction to as many classes as possible - that's the best approach for a model that is no better than random, and there is likely to be where we would end up with a high learning rate. So let's check: End of explanation # here's a way to take a look at the learning rate import keras.backend as K LR = K.eval(model.optimizer.lr) print(LR) model = Sequential([ BatchNormalization(axis=1, input_shape=(3,224,224)), Flatten(), Dense(10, activation='softmax') ]) model.compile(Adam(lr=1e-5), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=2, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) Explanation: (Not so in this case, only kind of, but it was indeed predicted 1 or 6 back on the Mac) Our hypothesis was correct. It's nearly always predicting class 1 or 6, with very high confidence. So let's try a lower learning rate: End of explanation model.optimizer.lr=0.001 model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=4, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) Explanation: Great - we found our way out of that hole ... Now we can increase the learning rate and see where we can get to. End of explanation rnd_batches = get_batches(path+'valid', batch_size=batch_size*2, shuffle=True) val_res = [model.evaluate_generator(rnd_batches, rnd_batches.nb_sample) for i in range(10)] np.round(val_res,2) Explanation: We're stabilizing at validation accuracy of 0.39 (~.35 in my NB). Not great, but a lot better than random. Before moving on, let's check that our validation set on the sample is large enough that it gives consistent results: End of explanation model = Sequential([ BatchNormalization(axis=1, input_shape=(3,224,224)), Flatten(), Dense(10, activation='softmax', W_regularizer=l2(0.01)) ]) model.compile(Adam(lr=1e-5), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=2, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) model.optimizer.lr=0.001 model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=4, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) Explanation: Yup, pretty consistent - if we see imporvements of 3% or more, it's probably not random, based on the above samples. L2 Regularization The previous model is over-fitting a lot, but we can't use dropout since we only have one layer. We can try to decrease overfitting in our model by adding l2 regularization (ie: add the sum of squares of the weights to our loss function): End of explanation model = Sequential([ BatchNormalization(axis=1, input_shape=(3, 224, 224)), Flatten(), Dense(100, activation='relu'), #¿would λ2 be good here? BatchNormalization(), Dense(10, activation='softmax') ]) model.compile(Adam(lr=1e-5), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=2, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) model.optimizer.lr = 0.01 model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=5, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) Explanation: Looks like we can get a bit over 50% (almost, here: 42.8%) accuracy this way. This'll be a good benchmark for our future models - if we can't beat 50%, then we're not even beating a linear model trained on a sample, so we'll know that's not a good approach. Single hidden layer The next simplest model is to add a single hidden layer. End of explanation def conv1(batches): model = Sequential([ BatchNormalization(axis=1, input_shape=(3,224,224)), Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, activation='relu'), BatchNormalization(axis=1), MaxPooling2D((3, 3)), Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, activation='relu'), BatchNormalization(axis=1), MaxPooling2D((3,3)), Flatten(), Dense(200, activation='relu'), BatchNormalization(), Dense(10, activation='softmax') ]) model.compile(Adam(1e-3), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=2, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) model.optimizer.lr = 0.001 model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=4, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) return model Explanation: (Odd, I may not have a good validation set if I'm getting such higher valacc numbers... ---- not anymore now that I'm using a proper valset. Of course, just as with JH's notebook: val accuracy has decreased a bit.) Not looking very encouraging... which isn't surprising since we know that CNNs are a much better choice for computer vision problems. So we'll try one. Single Conv Layer 2 conv layers with max pooling followed by a simple dense network is a good simple CNN to start with: End of explanation conv1(batches) Explanation: On GPU running out of memory (2692/3017 MiB) at this point. Restarting with smaller batch size (32?) End of explanation gen_t = image.ImageDataGenerator(width_shift_range=0.1) batches = get_batches(path + 'train', gen_t, batch_size=batch_size) model = conv1(batches) Explanation: The training set here is very rapidly reaching a very high accuracy. So if we could regularize this, perhaps we could get a reasonable results. So, what kind of regularization should we try first? As we discussed in lesson 3, we should start with data augmentation. Data Augmentation To find the best data augmentation parameters, we can try each type of data augmentation, one at a time. For each type, we can try four very different levels of augmentation, and see which is the best. In the steps below we've only kept the single best results we found. We're using the CNN we defined above, since we have already observed it can model the data quickly and accurately. Width shift: move the image left and right - End of explanation gen_t = image.ImageDataGenerator(height_shift_range=0.05) batches = get_batches(path + 'train', gen_t, batch_size=batch_size) model = conv1(batches) Explanation: Height shift: move the image up and down - End of explanation gen_t = image.ImageDataGenerator(shear_range=0.1) batches = get_batches(path + 'train', gen_t, batch_size=batch_size) model = conv1(batches) Explanation: Random shear angles (max in radians) - End of explanation gen_t = image.ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=15) batches = get_batches(path + 'train', gen_t, batch_size=batch_size) model = conv1(batches) Explanation: Rotation: max in degrees - End of explanation gen_t = image.ImageDataGenerator(channel_shift_range=20) batches = get_batches(path + 'train', gen_t, batch_size=batch_size) model = conv1(batches) Explanation: Channel shift: randomly changing the R,B,G colors - End of explanation gen_t = image.ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=15, height_shift_range=0.05, shear_range=0.1, channel_shift_range=20, width_shift_range=0.1) batches = get_batches(path + 'train', gen_t, batch_size=batch_size) model = conv1(batches) Explanation: And finally, putting it all together! End of explanation model.optimizer.lr = 0.0001 model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=5, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) Explanation: At first glance, this isn't looking encouraging, since the validation set is poor and getting worse. But the training set is getting better, and still has a long way to go in accuracy - so we should try annealing our learning rate and running more epochs, before we make a decision. End of explanation model.fit_generator(batches, batches.nb_sample, nb_epoch=25, validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.nb_sample) Explanation: Lucky we tried that - we're starting to make progress! Let's keep going. End of explanation <END_TASK>
<SYSTEM_TASK:> Given the following text description, write Python code to implement the functionality described below step by step <END_TASK> <USER_TASK:> Description: Import Step1: Reading initial data Step2: Remove rows with NAN from data Step3: Add diff_pt and cos(diff_phi) Step4: Add max, sum among PIDs Step5: define label = signB * signTrack if > 0 (same sign) - label 1 if < 0 (different sign) - label 0 Step6: Apply ghost prob cut Step7: Leave not muons, kaons, electrons, protons, pions Step8: Tracks sum of charges asymmetry checks Step9: Calculating tagging efficiency ($\epsilon_{tag}$) $$N (\text{passed selection}) = \sum_{\text{passed selection}} sw_i$$ $$N (\text{all events}) = \sum_{\text{all events}} sw_i,$$ where $sw_i$ - sPLot weight (sWeight for signal) $$\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{N (\text{passed selection})} {N (\text{all events})}$$ $$\Delta\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{\sqrt{\epsilon_{tag}(1-\epsilon_{tag}) \sum_{\text{all events}}sw_i^2}} {N (\text{all events})}$$ All events are not availables (some selections are applyed before), that is why we used $$\Delta\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{\sqrt{N (\text{passed selection})}} {N (\text{all events})},$$ which is similar to the previous definition Step10: Choose most probable B-events Step11: Define B-like events for training Events with low sWeight still will be used only to test quality. Step12: Main idea Step13: PID pairs scatters Step14: pt Step15: count of tracks Step16: PIDs histograms Step17: Train to distinguish same sign vs opposite sign Step18: DT Step19: Calibration Step20: Implementing best tracking Step21: MC trained algorithm testing
<ASSISTANT_TASK:> Python Code: import pandas import numpy from folding_group import FoldingGroupClassifier from rep.data import LabeledDataStorage from rep.report import ClassificationReport from rep.report.metrics import RocAuc from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, roc_auc_score from utils import get_N_B_events, get_events_number, get_events_statistics Explanation: Import End of explanation import root_numpy data_nan = pandas.DataFrame(root_numpy.root2array('datasets/data/csv/JPsiK/Tracks.root')) data_nan.head() event_id_column = 'event_id' event_id = data_nan.run.apply(str) + '_' + data_nan.event.apply(str) data_nan['group_column'] = numpy.unique(event_id, return_inverse=True)[1] data_nan[event_id_column] = event_id get_events_statistics(data_nan) get_N_B_events() Explanation: Reading initial data End of explanation data = data_nan.dropna() len(data_nan), len(data), get_events_statistics(data) Explanation: Remove rows with NAN from data End of explanation from utils import add_diff_pt # add diff pt add_diff_pt(data) # add cos(diff_phi) data['cos_diff_phi'] = numpy.cos(data.diff_phi.values) Explanation: Add diff_pt and cos(diff_phi) End of explanation from itertools import combinations PIDs = {'k': data.PIDNNk.values, 'e': data.PIDNNe.values, 'mu': data.PIDNNm.values, } for (pid_name1, pid_values1), (pid_name2, pid_values2) in combinations(PIDs.items(), 2): data.loc[:, 'max_PID_{}_{}'.format(pid_name1, pid_name2)] = numpy.maximum(pid_values1, pid_values2) data.loc[:, 'sum_PID_{}_{}'.format(pid_name1, pid_name2)] = pid_values1 + pid_values2 Explanation: Add max, sum among PIDs End of explanation data.loc[:, 'label'] = (data.signB.values * data.signTrack.values > 0) * 1 ', '.join(data.columns) Explanation: define label = signB * signTrack if > 0 (same sign) - label 1 if < 0 (different sign) - label 0 End of explanation initial_cut = '(ghostProb < 0.4)' data = data.query(initial_cut) get_events_statistics(data) Explanation: Apply ghost prob cut End of explanation threshold_kaon = 0. threshold_muon = 0. threshold_electron = 0. threshold_pion = 0. threshold_proton = 0. cut_pid = " ( (PIDNNk > {trk}) | (PIDNNm > {trm}) | (PIDNNe > {tre}) | (PIDNNpi > {trpi}) | (PIDNNp > {trp})) " cut_pid = cut_pid.format(trk=threshold_kaon, trm=threshold_muon, tre=threshold_electron, trpi=threshold_pion, trp=threshold_proton) data = data.query(cut_pid) get_events_statistics(data) Explanation: Leave not muons, kaons, electrons, protons, pions End of explanation from utils import compute_sum_of_charges means = [compute_sum_of_charges(data[mask], name, bins=bins, event_id_column=event_id_column) for mask, name, bins in \ zip([data.signB > -100, (data.IPs > 3) & ((abs(data.diff_eta) > 0.6) | (abs(data.diff_phi) > 0.825)), (abs(data.diff_eta) < 0.6) & (abs(data.diff_phi) < 0.825) & (data.IPs < 3)], ['full', 'OS', 'SS'], [21, 21, 21])] Explanation: Tracks sum of charges asymmetry checks End of explanation N_B_passed = float(get_events_number(data)) tagging_efficiency = N_B_passed / get_N_B_events() tagging_efficiency_delta = sqrt(N_B_passed) / get_N_B_events() tagging_efficiency, tagging_efficiency_delta hist(data.diff_pt.values, bins=100) pass Explanation: Calculating tagging efficiency ($\epsilon_{tag}$) $$N (\text{passed selection}) = \sum_{\text{passed selection}} sw_i$$ $$N (\text{all events}) = \sum_{\text{all events}} sw_i,$$ where $sw_i$ - sPLot weight (sWeight for signal) $$\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{N (\text{passed selection})} {N (\text{all events})}$$ $$\Delta\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{\sqrt{\epsilon_{tag}(1-\epsilon_{tag}) \sum_{\text{all events}}sw_i^2}} {N (\text{all events})}$$ All events are not availables (some selections are applyed before), that is why we used $$\Delta\epsilon_{tag} = \frac{\sqrt{N (\text{passed selection})}} {N (\text{all events})},$$ which is similar to the previous definition End of explanation _, take_indices = numpy.unique(data[event_id_column], return_index=True) figure(figsize=[15, 5]) subplot(1, 2, 1) hist(data.Bmass.values[take_indices], bins=100) title('B mass hist') xlabel('mass') subplot(1, 2, 2) hist(data.N_sig_sw.values[take_indices], bins=100, normed=True) title('sWeights hist') xlabel('signal sWeights') plt.savefig('img/Bmass_less_PID.png' , format='png') Explanation: Choose most probable B-events End of explanation sweight_threshold = 1. data_sw_passed = data[data.N_sig_sw > sweight_threshold] data_sw_not_passed = data[data.N_sig_sw <= sweight_threshold] get_events_statistics(data_sw_passed) _, take_indices = numpy.unique(data_sw_passed[event_id_column], return_index=True) figure(figsize=[15, 5]) subplot(1, 2, 1) hist(data_sw_passed.Bmass.values[take_indices], bins=100) title('B mass hist for sWeight > 1 selection') xlabel('mass') subplot(1, 2, 2) hist(data_sw_passed.N_sig_sw.values[take_indices], bins=100, normed=True) title('sWeights hist for sWeight > 1 selection') xlabel('signal sWeights') plt.savefig('img/Bmass_selected_less_PID.png' , format='png') hist(data_sw_passed.diff_pt.values, bins=100) pass Explanation: Define B-like events for training Events with low sWeight still will be used only to test quality. End of explanation features = list(set(data.columns) - {'index', 'run', 'event', 'i', 'signB', 'signTrack', 'N_sig_sw', 'Bmass', 'mult', 'PIDNNp', 'PIDNNpi', 'label', 'thetaMin', 'Dist_phi', event_id_column, 'mu_cut', 'e_cut', 'K_cut', 'ID', 'diff_phi', 'group_column'}) features Explanation: Main idea: find tracks, which can help reconstruct the sign of B if you know track sign. label = signB * signTrack * the highest output means that this is same sign B as track * the lowest output means that this is opposite sign B than track Define features End of explanation figure(figsize=[15, 16]) bins = 60 step = 3 for i, (feature1, feature2) in enumerate(combinations(['PIDNNk', 'PIDNNm', 'PIDNNe', 'PIDNNp', 'PIDNNpi'], 2)): subplot(4, 3, i + 1) Z, (x, y) = numpy.histogramdd(data_sw_passed[[feature1, feature2]].values, bins=bins, range=([0, 1], [0, 1])) pcolor(numpy.log(Z).T, vmin=0) xlabel(feature1) ylabel(feature2) xticks(numpy.arange(bins, step), x[::step]), yticks(numpy.arange(bins, step), y[::step]) plt.savefig('img/PID_selected_less_PID.png' , format='png') Explanation: PID pairs scatters End of explanation hist(data_sw_passed.diff_pt.values, bins=60, normed=True) pass Explanation: pt End of explanation figure(figsize=(20, 6)) subplot(1, 2, 1) _, n_tracks = numpy.unique(data_sw_passed[event_id_column], return_counts=True) hist(n_tracks, bins=100) title('Number of tracks for events with sWeight > 1') subplot(1, 2, 2) _, n_tracks_all = numpy.unique(data[event_id_column], return_counts=True) hist(n_tracks_all, bins=106) title('Number of tracks') plt.savefig('img/tracks_number_less_PID.png' , format='png') Explanation: count of tracks End of explanation figure(figsize=[15, 4]) for i, column in enumerate(['PIDNNm', 'PIDNNe', 'PIDNNk']): subplot(1, 3, i + 1) hist(data_sw_passed[column].values, bins=60, range=(0, 1), label=column) legend() Explanation: PIDs histograms End of explanation from decisiontrain import DecisionTrainClassifier from rep.estimators import SklearnClassifier from hep_ml.losses import LogLossFunction data_sw_passed_lds = LabeledDataStorage(data_sw_passed, data_sw_passed.label.values, data_sw_passed.N_sig_sw.values) Explanation: Train to distinguish same sign vs opposite sign End of explanation tt_base = DecisionTrainClassifier(learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=3000, depth=6, max_features=15, n_threads=14, loss=LogLossFunction(regularization=100)) tt_folding = FoldingGroupClassifier(SklearnClassifier(tt_base), n_folds=2, random_state=11, train_features=features, group_feature='group_column') %time tt_folding.fit_lds(data_sw_passed_lds) pass import cPickle with open('models/dt_full_group.pkl', 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(tt_folding, f) # import cPickle # with open('models/dt_full_group.pkl', 'r') as f: # tt_folding = cPickle.load(f) comparison_report = tt_folding.test_on_lds(data_sw_passed_lds) comparison_report.compute_metric(RocAuc()) comparison_report.roc() lc = comparison_report.learning_curve(RocAuc(), steps=1) lc comparison_report.feature_importance() Explanation: DT End of explanation from utils import get_result_with_bootstrap_for_given_part result = get_result_with_bootstrap_for_given_part(tagging_efficiency, tagging_efficiency_delta, tt_folding, [data_sw_passed, data_sw_not_passed], 'tt-log', get_N_B_events(), logistic=True, n_calibrations=30) result import utils reload(utils) from utils import get_result_with_bootstrap_for_given_part result = get_result_with_bootstrap_for_given_part(tagging_efficiency, tagging_efficiency_delta, tt_folding, [data_sw_passed, data_sw_not_passed], 'tt-log', get_N_B_events(), logistic=True, n_calibrations=1) result result.to_csv('img/tracks.csv', index=False, header=True) Explanation: Calibration End of explanation from utils import prepare_B_data_for_given_part Bdata_prepared = prepare_B_data_for_given_part(tt_folding, [data_sw_passed, data_sw_not_passed], get_N_B_events(), logistic=True) Bdata_prepared.to_csv('models/Bdata_tracks.csv', header=True, index=False) Explanation: Implementing best tracking End of explanation from utils import estimate_algorithm import cPickle with open('models/dt_MC.pkl', 'r') as f: tt_folding_MC = cPickle.load(f) with open('models/calibrator_tracks_MC.pkl', 'r') as f: calibrator_tracks_MC = cPickle.load(f) with open('models/calibrator_B_MC.pkl', 'r') as f: calibrator_B_MC = cPickle.load(f) p_MC = tt_folding_MC.predict_proba(data)[:, 1] roc_auc_score(data.label, p_MC, sample_weight=data.N_sig_sw.values.astype(float64)) estimate_algorithm(tt_folding_MC, calibrator_tracks_MC, calibrator_B_MC, data, get_N_B_events()) estimate_algorithm(tt_folding_MC, calibrator_tracks_MC, calibrator_B_MC, data, get_N_B_events(), calib_part_itself=True, calib_itself=True) Explanation: MC trained algorithm testing End of explanation <END_TASK>

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