3 values
<reponame>ktok07b6/polyphony from polyphony import testbench def list05(x): a = [1,2,3,4]*100 def f(x:list): for i in range(0, 4): x[i] *= 2 def g(x:list): for i in range(0, 4): x[i] += 1 f(a) g(a) return a[x] @testbench def test(): assert 3 == list05(0) assert 5 == list05(1) assert 7 == list05(2) assert 9 == list05(3) test()
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @author xupingmao # @since 2022/01/26 17:01:06 # @modified 2022/01/26 17:05:37 # @filename import pyximport pyximport.install() import dict_test2
import ply.lex as lex states = ( ('commentLine', 'exclusive'), ('commentText', 'exclusive'), ('string', 'exclusive'), ) reserved = { 'class': 'CLASS', 'inherits': 'INHERITS', 'if': 'IF', 'then': 'THEN', 'else': 'ELSE', 'fi': 'FI', 'while': 'WHILE', 'loop': 'LOOP', 'pool': 'POOL', 'let': 'LET', 'in': 'IN', 'case': 'CASE', 'of': 'OF', 'esac': 'ESAC', 'new': 'NEW', 'isvoid': 'ISVOID', 'not' : 'NOT' } t_ignore = ' \t' tokens = [ #Identifiers 'TYPE', 'ID', #Primitive data types 'INTEGER', 'STRING', 'BOOL', # Special keywords 'ACTION', # Operators 'ASSIGN', 'LESS', 'LESSEQUAL', 'EQUAL', 'PLUS', 'MINUS', 'MULT', 'DIV', 'INT_COMPLEMENT', #Literals 'OPAR', 'CPAR', 'OBRACE', 'CBRACE', 'COLON', 'COMMA', 'DOT', 'SEMICOLON', 'AT', ] + list(reserved.values()) # Special keywords t_ACTION = r'=>' # Operators t_ASSIGN = r'<-' t_LESS = r'<' t_LESSEQUAL = r'<=' t_EQUAL = r'=' t_PLUS = r'\+' t_MINUS = r'-' t_MULT = r'\*' t_DIV = r'/' t_INT_COMPLEMENT = r'~' # Literals t_OPAR = r'\(' t_CPAR = r'\)' t_OBRACE = r'{' t_CBRACE = r'}' t_COLON = r':' t_COMMA = r',' t_DOT = r'\.' t_SEMICOLON = r';' t_AT = r'@' def t_INTEGER(t): r'\d+' t.value = int(t.value) return t def t_TYPE(t): r'[A-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' t.type = reserved.get(t.value.lower(), 'TYPE') return t def t_BOOL(t): r'f[Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]|t[Rr][Uu][Ee]' t.value = (t.value.lower() == 'true') return t def t_ID(t): r'[a-z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' t.type = reserved.get(t.value.lower(), 'ID') return t t_commentLine_ignore = ' \t' def t_LINECOMMENT(t): r'--' t.lexer.begin('commentLine') def t_TEXTCOMMENT(t): r'\(\*' t.lexer.comment_start = t.lexer.lexpos t.lexer.level = 1 t.lexer.begin('commentText') def t_STRING(t): r'"' t.lexer.string_start = t.lexer.lexpos t.lexer.begin('string') def t_commentLine_error(t): t.lexer.skip(1) def t_commentLine_newline(t): r'\n+' t.lexer.begin('INITIAL') t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) t_commentText_ignore = ' \t' def t_commentText_error(t): t.lexer.skip(1) def t_commentText_OPENTEXT(t): r'\(\*' t.lexer.level += 1 def t_commentText_CLOSETEXT(t): r'\*\)' t.lexer.level -= 1 if t.lexer.level == 0: t.lexer.begin('INITIAL') def t_commentText_newline(t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) def t_commentText_eof(t): append_error_lexing(t.lexer.lineno, find_column1(t), "EOF in comment") t_string_ignore = '' def t_string_CLOSESTRING(t): r'"' t.value = t.lexer.lexdata[t.lexer.string_start:t.lexer.lexpos - 1] t.type = 'STRING' t.lexer.begin('INITIAL') return t def t_string_newline(t): r'\\\n' t.lexer.lineno += 1 def t_string_body(t): r'([^\n\"\\]|\\.)+' if t.value.rfind('\0') != -1: append_error_lexing(t.lineno, find_column1(t) + t.value.rfind('\0'), "String contains null character") def t_string_error(t): if t.value[0] == '\n': append_error_lexing(t.lineno, find_column1(t), "Unterminated string constant") t.lexer.lineno += 1 t.lexer.skip(1) t.lexer.begin('INITIAL') def t_string_eof(t): append_error_lexing(t.lineno, find_column1(t), "Unterminated string constant") def t_error(t): append_error_lexing(t.lineno, find_column1(t), f'ERROR \"{t.value[0]}\"') t.lexer.skip(1) def t_newline(t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) def find_column(lexdata, lexpos): line_start = lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, lexpos) return (lexpos - line_start) def find_column1(t, i = None): lexpos = t.lexpos if (i is None) else t.lexpos(i) line_start = t.lexer.lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, lexpos) return (lexpos - line_start) errors_lexing = [] def append_error_lexing(line, column, message): errors_lexing.append(f'({line}, {column}) - LexicographicError: {message}') lexer = lex.lex()
<filename>nicos_ess/utilities/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ***************************************************************************** # NICOS, the Networked Instrument Control System of the MLZ # Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the NICOS contributors (see AUTHORS) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Module authors: # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # ***************************************************************************** from nicos.guisupport.qt import QDoubleValidator, QValidator class DoubleValidator(QDoubleValidator): def __init__(self, bottom, top, decimal=0): QDoubleValidator.__init__(self) # Required to handle manual float validation self.maximum_value = top self.minimum_value = bottom self.decimal_precision = decimal self.setNotation(QDoubleValidator.StandardNotation) self.setRange(bottom, top, decimal) # Required for standard validation def validate(self, string, pos): # We need to add this to have a successful float casting. if string == "": return QValidator.Intermediate, string, pos if string == "0.": return QValidator.Intermediate, string, pos # We check if the length of the string is equal to 1 so that only `-` is # an intermediate value. if string.startswith("-") and len(string) == 1: return QValidator.Intermediate, string, pos """ Here we make sure to use `.` in floats instead of `,` which QValidator expects. Try-except block prevents string-types after `.` via float casting. That is, >> if '.' in string: return QValidator.Intermediate, string, pos leads acceptable values like >> 12.sdaad12r..asf-dsfs1*, which are of course invalid. """ if '.' in string: try: if self.maximum_value > float(string) > self.minimum_value: return QValidator.Acceptable, string, pos except ValueError: return QValidator.Invalid, string, pos finally: if len(string.split('.')[1]) > self.decimal_precision: return QValidator.Invalid, string, pos # Handle ranges in the absence of `.`, separately. try: if float(string) > self.maximum_value\ or self.minimum_value > float(string): return QValidator.Invalid, string, pos except ValueError: return QValidator.Invalid, string, pos return QDoubleValidator.validate(self, string, pos)
import configparser def get_details(field, detail): config = configparser.ConfigParser()"../config.ini") return config[field][detail]
<reponame>seidu626/vumi<gh_stars>100-1000 from vumi.transports.netcore.netcore import NetcoreTransport __all__ = ['NetcoreTransport']
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import cv2 import matplotlib import numpy as np class plt_video_frame: def __init__(self, port): ''' creates the plot window. ''' matplotlib.use("TkAgg") self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.25, 2.75)) self.port = port def refresh_plot(self, img): ''' Refreshes the plot with an image. ''' if img.shape[0] != 240: img = cv2.resize(img, (320, 240)) self.fig.clf() self.fig.canvas.flush_events() self.fig.canvas.set_window_title("{}".format(self.port)) self.fig.figimage(img) self.fig.suptitle("What the model sees") self.fig.canvas.draw() self.fig.canvas.flush_events() if __name__ == "__main__": img = cv2.imread("test.jpeg") img2 = cv2.imread("test.png") img = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float32) img2 = np.asarray(img2, dtype=np.float32) img = cv2.resize(img, (240, 320)) / 255 img2 = cv2.resize(img2, (240, 320)) / 255 v1 = plt_video_frame(0) v2 = plt_video_frame(1) print("init done") time.sleep(2) v1.refresh_plot(img) print("plot 1") time.sleep(2) v2.refresh_plot(img2) print("plot 2") time.sleep(2) while True: v1.refresh_plot(img) v2.refresh_plot(img2) img = cv2.rotate(img, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) img2 = cv2.rotate(img2, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) v1.refresh_plot(img) v2.refresh_plot(img2) img = cv2.rotate(img, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) img2 = cv2.rotate(img2, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) v1.refresh_plot(img) v2.refresh_plot(img2) img = cv2.rotate(img, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) img2 = cv2.rotate(img2, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) v1.refresh_plot(img) v2.refresh_plot(img2) img = cv2.rotate(img, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) img2 = cv2.rotate(img2, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
<filename> from setuptools import setup, find_packages from os import path # read the contents of your README file this_directory = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) with open(path.join(this_directory, ''), encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = setup( name = 'penlm', packages = ['penlm'], version = 'v1.0.12', license='MIT', description = 'Penalized Linear Models for Classification and Regression', long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type='text/markdown', author = '<NAME>', author_email = '<EMAIL>', url = '', download_url = '', keywords = ['Classification', 'Regression', 'Linear', 'Penalty'], python_requires='>=3.5', install_requires=[ 'numpy', 'joblib', 'Pyomo', 'scikit-learn', ], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', # Chose either "3 - Alpha", "4 - Beta" or "5 - Production/Stable" ], )
<gh_stars>1-10 from django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.viewsets import DocumentViewSet from api.documents.utils import LoggingSearch class LoggingDocumentViewSet(DocumentViewSet): """DocumentViewSet extension that instantiates LoggingSearch to perform optional logging.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = LoggingSearch( using=self.client, index=self.index, )
<filename>src/odm_report_shot_coverage/models/ from unittest import TestCase from odm_report_shot_coverage.models.shot import Boundaries from odm_report_shot_coverage.models.wavefront_25d import _parse_facet_vertices, _paving_sizes class Test(TestCase): def test_parse_facet_vertices(self): str = 'f 34922/4/34922 34921/7/34921 35192/2/35192' got = _parse_facet_vertices(str) self.assertEqual((34921, 34920, 35191), got) def test_paving_sizes(self): b = Boundaries(x_min=-50, x_max=150, y_min=25, y_max=125) got = _paving_sizes(b, 30) self.assertEqual((8, 4), got)
<reponame>vahidk/TensorflowFramework """Image ops.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from common.ops import shape_ops def center_crop(image, landmark, size): """Crop labeled image.""" image_size = image.shape[-2].value if image_size == size: return image, landmark offset = (image_size - size) // 2 image = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box( image, offset, offset, size, size) if landmark is not None: landmark -= offset return image, landmark def scale_image(image, landmark, size): image_size = image.shape[-2].value if image_size == size: return image, landmark image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [size, size]) if landmark is not None: scale = tf.cast(size, tf.float32) / image_size landmark *= scale return image, landmark def random_crop_image(image, landmark, margin): """Crop labeled image.""" shape = shape_ops.get_shape(image) max_offset = np.array(margin) * 2 crop_width, crop_height = np.array(shape[1::-1]) - max_offset offset = tf.random_uniform([2], maxval=max_offset, dtype=tf.int32) image = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box( image, offset[1], offset[0], crop_height, crop_width) landmark = landmark - tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(offset, 0), tf.float32) return image, landmark def transform(image, landmark, translation=[0, 0], rotation=0, scale=1): """Apply an affine transformation to the image.""" image = tf.convert_to_tensor(image) landmark = tf.convert_to_tensor(landmark, dtype=tf.float32) translation = tf.convert_to_tensor(translation, dtype=tf.float32) rotation = tf.convert_to_tensor(rotation, dtype=tf.float32) scale = tf.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=tf.float32) # Generate a transformation matrix h, w = image.shape.as_list()[-3:-1] tx, ty = tf.unstack(translation, axis=-1) sc = tf.cos(rotation) / scale ss = tf.sin(rotation) / scale cx = (sc - 1) * w * 0.5 + ss * h * 0.5 cy = -ss * w * 0.5 + (sc - 1) * h * 0.5 ze = tf.zeros_like(scale) # Apply transformation to image p = tf.transpose([sc, ss, -cx - tx, -ss, sc, -cy - ty, ze, ze]) image_shape = image.shape image = tf.contrib.image.transform(image, p, interpolation="BILINEAR") image.set_shape(image_shape) # Apply transformation to landmarks a_r = tf.linalg.inv(tf.transpose([[sc, -ss], [ss, sc]])) a_t = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose([cx + tx, cy + ty]), -2) landmark = tf.matmul(landmark + a_t, a_r, transpose_b=True) return image, landmark def random_transform(image, landmark, translation=[0, 0], rotation=0, scale=0): """Randomly apply an affine transformation to the image.""" shape = shape_ops.get_shape(image)[:len(image.shape)-3] t = translation * tf.random_uniform(shape + [2], -1., 1., dtype=tf.float32) r = rotation * tf.random_uniform(shape, -1., 1., dtype=tf.float32) s = scale * tf.random_uniform(shape, -1., 1., dtype=tf.float32) + 1. return transform(image, landmark, t, r, s) def flip_image(image, landmark, reorder, random): """Flip images and landmarks.""" assert(landmark.shape.ndims == 2) w = image.shape[-2].value image_t = tf.image.flip_left_right(image) landmark_r = tf.gather(landmark, reorder) landmark_t = tf.stack([w - 1 - landmark_r[:, 0], landmark_r[:, 1]], -1) if random: flip = tf.random_uniform([]) > 0.5 image_t = tf.cond(flip, lambda: image_t, lambda: image) landmark_t = tf.cond(flip, lambda: landmark_t, lambda: landmark) return image_t, landmark_t def compute_compact_crop(landmarks, input_size): int_labels = tf.cast(landmarks, tf.int32) minimum = tf.reduce_min(int_labels, axis=1) maximum = tf.reduce_max(int_labels, axis=1) centers = (minimum + maximum) // 2 half_sizes = tf.reduce_max(maximum - minimum, axis=1, keepdims=True) // 2 low = tf.maximum(half_sizes - centers, 0) high = tf.maximum(half_sizes + centers - input_size, 0) shifts = tf.maximum(low, high) half_sizes -= tf.reduce_max(shifts, axis=1, keepdims=True) offsets = centers - half_sizes offsets = tf.cast(offsets, tf.float32) sizes = half_sizes * 2 return offsets, sizes def crop_images(images, landmarks, offsets, sizes, scales, target_size=None): if target_size is None: target_size = np.array(images.shape.as_list()[2:0:-1]) def _crop_and_scale_image(input_): im, off, sz = input_ im = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box(im, off[1], off[0], sz[0], sz[0]) im = tf.image.resize_images(im, target_size) return im int_offsets = tf.cast(offsets, tf.int32) images = tf.map_fn( _crop_and_scale_image, (images, int_offsets, sizes), dtype=tf.float32) scales = tf.cast(np.array([target_size]), tf.float32) / sizes landmarks -= tf.expand_dims(offsets, 1) landmarks *= tf.expand_dims(scales, 1) return images, landmarks def augment_image(image): """Augment the input with its mirrored image.""" flipped = tf.reverse(image, axis=[-2]) image = tf.concat([image, flipped], axis=-2) return image def cutout_image(image, min_size, max_size): """Cutout part of the image.""" assert(image.shape.ndims == 3) h, w = image.shape.as_list()[:2] s = tf.random_uniform([2], min_size, max_size, tf.int32) y = tf.random_uniform([], 0, h - s[0], tf.int32) x = tf.random_uniform([], 0, w - s[1], tf.int32) mask = tf.pad(tf.zeros([s[0], s[1], 3]), [[y, h - s[0] - y], [x, w - s[1] - x], [0, 0]], constant_values=1.0) masked_image = image * mask return masked_image def image_noise(image, params): """Add image noise. args: image: Input 3D image tensor. params: list of triplets (scale, gaussian_std, salt_and_pepper) returns: Noisy image. """ image = tf.convert_to_tensor(image) h, w, d = image.shape.as_list() for scale, std, snp in params: sh, sw = int(h * scale), int(w * scale) if std > 0: noise = tf.random_normal([sh, sw, d], stddev=std) else: noise = tf.zeros([sh, sw, d]) if snp > 0: noise += tf.cast( tf.random_uniform([sh, sw, 1]) < snp * 0.5, tf.float32) * 2.0 noise -= tf.cast( tf.random_uniform([sh, sw, 1]) < snp * 0.5, tf.float32) * 2.0 noise = tf.image.resize_images(noise, [h, w]) image += noise image = tf.clip_by_value(image, 0.0, 1.0) return image
# Copyright 2014 OpenCore LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os import sh import sys from string import Template class HiveClientInitializer(object): """ Create a new initializer Param user The user login for the git repo """ def __init__(self, system): self.template_dir = None self.template_repo = None self.container_data_dir = HiveClientConfig.data_directory self.container_log_dir = HiveClientConfig.log_directory """ Generate a new hostname """ def new_host_name(self, instance_id): return 'hive-client' + str(instance_id) """ Start the service on the containers. """ def _execute_service(self, containers, entry_point, fabric, cmd): output = fabric.cmd(containers, '/service/sbin/startnode %s client' % cmd) """ Generate a new configuration. """ def _generate_config_dir(self, uuid): return 'hive_client_' + str(uuid) def get_public_ports(self, num_instances): """ Ports to expose to the outside world. """ return [] def get_internal_ports(self, num_instances): """ Ports needed for communication within the network. This is usually used for internal IPC. """ return [] def get_working_ports(self, num_instances): """ Ports necessary to get things working. """ ports = [] """ Generate a new configuration """ def generate(self, num): return HiveClientConfig(num) """ Generate the hive site configuration. """ def _generate_hive_site(self, config, new_config_dir): in_file = open(self.template_dir + '/hive-site.xml.template', 'r') out_file = open(new_config_dir + '/hive-site.xml', 'w+') changes = { "DB":config.metastore, "USER": os.environ['USER'] } for line in in_file: s = Template(line).substitute(changes) out_file.write(s) in_file.close() out_file.close() """ Apply the configuration to the instances """ def apply(self, config, containers): # The "entry point" is the way to contact the storage service. # For gluster this is the IP address of the "master" and the volume name. entry_point = { 'type' : 'hive' } # Create a new configuration directory, and place # into the template directory. config_dirs = [] new_config_dir = "/tmp/" + self._generate_config_dir(config.uuid) try: sh.mkdir('-p', new_config_dir) except: sys.stderr.write('could not create config dir ' + new_config_dir) self._generate_hive_site(config, new_config_dir) # Each container needs to point to a new config dir. for c in containers: config_files = new_config_dir + '/*' config_dirs.append([c['container'], config_files, config.config_directory]) return config_dirs, entry_point class HiveClientConfig(object): data_directory = '/service/data/main' log_directory = '/service/data/logs' config_directory = '/service/conf/hive' def __init__(self, num): self.num = num self.config_directory = HiveClientConfig.config_directory self.hadoop_config_dir = None self.metastore = None
array plus array
<filename>array plus array from code-katas import array_plus_array import unittest """ Test.assert_equals(array_plus_array([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]), 21) Test.assert_equals(array_plus_array([-1, -2, -3], [-4, -5, -6]), -21) Test.assert_equals(array_plus_array([0, 0, 0], [4, 5, 6]), 15) Test.assert_equals(array_plus_array([100, 200, 300], [400, 500, 600]), 2100) """ class TestIt(unittest.TestCase): def test_1(self): self.assertEqual(array_plus_array([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]), 21) def test_2(self): self.assertEqual(array_plus_array([-1, -2, -3], [-4, -5, -6]), -21) def test_3(self): self.assertEqual(array_plus_array([0, 0, 0], [4, 5, 6]), 15) def test_4(self): self.assertEqual(array_plus_array([100, 200, 300], [400, 500, 600]), 2100) def test_5(self): self.assertEqual(array_plus_array([10, 3, 2], [4, 6, 3]), 28) def test_6(self): self.assertEqual(array_plus_array([3, 20, 7], [6, 3, 1]), 40)) def test_7(self): self.assertEqual(array_plus_array([2,10,8], [2, 4, 5]), 31) def test_8(self): self.assetEqual(array_plus_array([3, 7, 30], [1, 7, 9]), 57) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
__author__ = 'rolevin' import os from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from import ComplementAccessTransformer from import indexers, scalers from import spark_utils import numpy as np from pyspark import SQLContext # noqa from import Estimator, Transformer from import Param, Params from import ALS from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, functions as f, types as t """ Glossary: the term 'res' in this package is a shorthand for resource """ def _make_dot(): """ create a method that performs a dot product between two vectors (list of doubles) :return: the method """ @f.udf(t.DoubleType()) def dot(v, u): if (v is not None) and (u is not None): vv = np.pad(np.array(v), (0, len(u) - len(v)), 'constant', constant_values=1.0) if len(v) < len( u) else np.array(v) uu = np.pad(np.array(u), (0, len(v) - len(u)), 'constant', constant_values=1.0) if len(u) < len( v) else np.array(u) return float( else: return None return dot class AccessAnomalyConfig: """ Define default values for AccessAnomaly Params """ default_tenant_col = 'tenant' default_user_col = 'user' default_res_col = 'res' default_likelihood_col = 'likelihood' default_output_col = 'anomaly_score' default_rank = 10 default_max_iter = 25 default_reg_param = 1.0 default_num_blocks = None # |tenants| if separate_tenants is False else 10 default_separate_tenants = False default_low_value = 5.0 default_high_value = 10.0 default_apply_implicit_cf = True default_alpha = 1.0 default_complementset_factor = 2 default_neg_score = 1.0 class _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping: """ Private class used to pass the mappings as calculated by the AccessAnomaliesEstimator. An object representing the user and resource models (mapping from name to latent vector) and the relevant column names """ def __init__(self, tenant_col: str, user_col: str, user_vec_col: str, res_col: str, res_vec_col: str, history_access_df: Optional[DataFrame], user2component_mappings_df: Optional[DataFrame], res2component_mappings_df: Optional[DataFrame], user_feature_vector_mapping_df: DataFrame, res_feature_vector_mapping_df: DataFrame): self.tenant_col = tenant_col self.user_col = user_col self.user_vec_col = user_vec_col self.res_col = res_col self.res_vec_col = res_vec_col self.history_access_df = history_access_df self.user2component_mappings_df = user2component_mappings_df self.res2component_mappings_df = res2component_mappings_df self.user_feature_vector_mapping_df = user_feature_vector_mapping_df self.res_feature_vector_mapping_df = res_feature_vector_mapping_df assert \ self.history_access_df is None or \ set(self.history_access_df.schema.fieldNames()) == {tenant_col, user_col, res_col}, \ self.history_access_df.schema.fieldNames() def replace_mappings( self, user_feature_vector_mapping_df: Optional[DataFrame] = None, res_feature_vector_mapping_df: Optional[DataFrame] = None): """ create a new model replacing the user and resource models with new ones (optional) :param user_feature_vector_mapping_df: optional new user model mapping names to latent vectors :param res_feature_vector_mapping_df: optional new resource model mapping names to latent vectors :return: """ return _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping( self.tenant_col, self.user_col, self.user_vec_col, self.res_col, self.res_vec_col, self.history_access_df, self.user2component_mappings_df, self.res2component_mappings_df, user_feature_vector_mapping_df if user_feature_vector_mapping_df is not None else self.user_feature_vector_mapping_df, res_feature_vector_mapping_df if res_feature_vector_mapping_df is not None else self.res_feature_vector_mapping_df ) def check(self): """ check the validity of the model :return: boolean value where True indicating the verification succeeded """ return self._check_user_mapping() and self._check_res_mapping() def _check_user_mapping(self): field_map = { ff for ff in self.user_feature_vector_mapping_df.schema.fields} assert field_map.get(self.tenant_col) is not None, field_map assert field_map.get(self.user_col) is not None return self.tenant_col, self.user_col ).distinct().count() == self.user_feature_vector_mapping_df.count() def _check_res_mapping(self): field_map = { ff for ff in self.res_feature_vector_mapping_df.schema.fields} assert field_map.get(self.tenant_col) is not None, field_map assert field_map.get(self.res_col) is not None return self.tenant_col, self.res_col ).distinct().count() == self.res_feature_vector_mapping_df.count() # noinspection PyPep8Naming class AccessAnomalyModel(Transformer): outputCol = Param( Params._dummy(), "outputCol", "The name of the output column representing the calculated anomaly score. " "Values will be between (-inf, +inf) with an estimated mean of 0.0 and standard deviation of 1.0. " ) """ A model that can predict anomaly scores for user, resource access pairs """ def __init__(self, userResourceFeatureVectorMapping: _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping, outputCol: str): super().__init__() self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping = userResourceFeatureVectorMapping has_user2component_mappings = self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user2component_mappings_df is not None has_res2component_mappings = self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res2component_mappings_df is not None assert has_user2component_mappings == has_res2component_mappings self.has_components = has_user2component_mappings and has_res2component_mappings self.preserve_history = True if self.has_components: self._user_mapping_df = self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_feature_vector_mapping_df.join( self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user2component_mappings_df, [self.tenant_col, self.user_col] ).select( self.tenant_col, self.user_col, self.user_vec_col, f.col('component').alias('user_component') ).cache() self._res_mapping_df = self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_feature_vector_mapping_df.join( self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res2component_mappings_df, [self.tenant_col, self.res_col] ).select( self.tenant_col, self.res_col, self.res_vec_col, f.col('component').alias('res_component') ).cache() else: self._user_mapping_df = self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_feature_vector_mapping_df self._res_mapping_df = self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_feature_vector_mapping_df, outputCol=outputCol) @staticmethod def _metadata_schema() -> t.StructType: return t.StructType([ t.StructField('tenant_col', t.StringType(), False), t.StructField('user_col', t.StringType(), False), t.StructField('user_vec_col', t.StringType(), False), t.StructField('res_col', t.StringType(), False), t.StructField('res_vec_col', t.StringType(), False), t.StructField('output_col', t.StringType(), False), t.StructField('has_history_access_df', t.BooleanType(), False), t.StructField('has_user2component_mappings_df', t.BooleanType(), False), t.StructField('has_res2component_mappings_df', t.BooleanType(), False), t.StructField('has_user_feature_vector_mapping_df', t.BooleanType(), False), t.StructField('has_res_feature_vector_mapping_df', t.BooleanType(), False) ]) def save(self, path: str, path_suffix: str = '', output_format: str = 'parquet'): dfs = [ self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.history_access_df, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user2component_mappings_df, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res2component_mappings_df, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_feature_vector_mapping_df, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_feature_vector_mapping_df ] adf = next(iter([df for df in dfs if df is not None])) assert adf is not None spark = spark_utils.DataFrameUtils.get_spark_session(adf) metadata_df = spark.createDataFrame([ ( self.tenant_col, self.user_col, self.user_vec_col, self.res_col, self.res_vec_col, self.output_col, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.history_access_df is not None, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user2component_mappings_df is not None, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res2component_mappings_df is not None, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_feature_vector_mapping_df is not None, self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_feature_vector_mapping_df is not None ) ], AccessAnomalyModel._metadata_schema()) metadata_df.write.format(output_format).save(os.path.join(path, 'metadata_df', path_suffix)) if self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.history_access_df is not None: self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.history_access_df.write.format(output_format).save( os.path.join(path, 'history_access_df', path_suffix) ) if self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user2component_mappings_df is not None: self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user2component_mappings_df.write.format(output_format).save( os.path.join(path, 'user2component_mappings_df', path_suffix) ) if self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res2component_mappings_df is not None: self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res2component_mappings_df.write.format(output_format).save( os.path.join(path, 'res2component_mappings_df', path_suffix) ) if self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_feature_vector_mapping_df is not None: self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_feature_vector_mapping_df.write.format(output_format).save( os.path.join(path, 'user_feature_vector_mapping_df', path_suffix) ) if self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_feature_vector_mapping_df is not None: self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_feature_vector_mapping_df.write.format(output_format).save( os.path.join(path, 'res_feature_vector_mapping_df', path_suffix) ) @staticmethod def load(spark: SQLContext, path: str, output_format: str = 'parquet') -> 'AccessAnomalyModel': metadata_df =, 'metadata_df')) assert metadata_df.count() == 1 metadata_row = metadata_df.collect()[0] tenant_col = metadata_row['tenant_col'] user_col = metadata_row['user_col'] user_vec_col = metadata_row['user_vec_col'] res_col = metadata_row['res_col'] res_vec_col = metadata_row['res_vec_col'] output_col = metadata_row['output_col'] has_history_access_df = metadata_row['has_history_access_df'] has_user2component_mappings_df = metadata_row['has_user2component_mappings_df'] has_res2component_mappings_df = metadata_row['has_res2component_mappings_df'] has_user_feature_vector_mapping_df = metadata_row['has_user_feature_vector_mapping_df'] has_res_feature_vector_mapping_df = metadata_row['has_res_feature_vector_mapping_df'] history_access_df = os.path.join(path, 'history_access_df') ) if has_history_access_df else None user2component_mappings_df = os.path.join(path, 'user2component_mappings_df') ) if has_user2component_mappings_df else None res2component_mappings_df = os.path.join(path, 'res2component_mappings_df') ) if has_res2component_mappings_df else None user_feature_vector_mapping_df = os.path.join(path, 'user_feature_vector_mapping_df') ) if has_user_feature_vector_mapping_df else None res_feature_vector_mapping_df = os.path.join(path, 'res_feature_vector_mapping_df') ) if has_res_feature_vector_mapping_df else None return AccessAnomalyModel( _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping( tenant_col, user_col, user_vec_col, res_col, res_vec_col, history_access_df, user2component_mappings_df, res2component_mappings_df, user_feature_vector_mapping_df, res_feature_vector_mapping_df ), output_col ) @property def tenant_col(self): return self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.tenant_col @property def user_col(self): return self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_col @property def user_vec_col(self): return self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.user_vec_col @property def res_col(self): return self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_col @property def res_vec_col(self): return self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.res_vec_col @property def user_mapping_df(self): return self._user_mapping_df @property def res_mapping_df(self): return self._res_mapping_df def _transform(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: dot = _make_dot() tenant_col = self.tenant_col user_col = self.user_col user_vec_col = self.user_vec_col res_col = self.res_col res_vec_col = self.res_vec_col output_col = self.output_col seen_token = '__seen__' def value_calc(): return f.when(f.col(seen_token).isNull() | ~f.col(seen_token), f.when( f.col(user_vec_col).isNotNull() & f.col(res_vec_col).isNotNull(), f.when( f.col('user_component') == f.col('res_component'), dot(f.col(user_vec_col), f.col(res_vec_col)) ).otherwise(f.lit(float("inf"))) ).otherwise(f.lit(None)) if self.has_components else f.when( f.col(user_vec_col).isNotNull() & f.col(res_vec_col).isNotNull(), dot(f.col(user_vec_col), f.col(res_vec_col)) ).otherwise(f.lit(None))).otherwise(f.lit(0.0)) history_access_df = self.user_res_feature_vector_mapping.history_access_df the_df = df.join( history_access_df.withColumn(seen_token, f.lit(True)), [tenant_col, user_col, res_col], how='left' ) if self.preserve_history and history_access_df is not None else df.withColumn(seen_token, f.lit(False)) user_mapping_df = self.user_mapping_df res_mapping_df = self.res_mapping_df return the_df.join( user_mapping_df, [tenant_col, user_col], how='left' ).join( res_mapping_df, [tenant_col, res_col], how='left' ).withColumn(output_col, value_calc()).drop( user_vec_col, res_vec_col, 'user_component', 'res_component', seen_token ) # noinspection PyPep8Naming class ConnectedComponents: def __init__(self, tenantCol: str, userCol: str, res_col: str, componentColName: str = 'component'): self.tenant_col = tenantCol self.user_col = userCol self.res_col = res_col self.component_col_name = componentColName def transform(self, df: DataFrame) -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]: edges =, self.user_col, self.res_col).distinct().orderBy( self.tenant_col, self.user_col, self.res_col ).cache() users =, self.user_col).distinct().orderBy(self.tenant_col, self.user_col).cache() user2index = spark_utils.DataFrameUtils.zip_with_index(users, col_name='user_component') user2components = user2index res2components = None chg = True while chg: res2components = edges.join( user2components, [self.tenant_col, self.user_col] ).groupBy(self.tenant_col, self.res_col).agg( f.min('user_component').alias('res_component') ) next_user2components = edges.join( res2components, [self.tenant_col, self.res_col] ).groupBy(self.tenant_col, self.user_col).agg( f.min('res_component').alias('user_component') ).cache() chg = user2components.join( next_user2components, on=[self.tenant_col, self.user_col, 'user_component'] ).count() != user2components.count() user2components = next_user2components assert res2components is not None return ( self.tenant_col, self.user_col, f.col('user_component').alias(self.component_col_name) ).orderBy( self.tenant_col, self.user_col ), self.tenant_col, self.res_col, f.col('res_component').alias(self.component_col_name) ).orderBy( self.tenant_col, self.res_col ) ) # noinspection PyPep8Naming class AccessAnomaly(Estimator): """ This is the AccessAnomaly, a which creates the AccessAnomalyModel which is a """ tenantCol = Param( Params._dummy(), "tenantCol", "The name of the tenant column. " "This is a unique identifier used to partition the dataframe into independent " "groups where the values in each such group are completely isolated from one another. " "Note: if this column is irrelevant for your data, " "then just create a tenant column and give it a single value for all rows." ) userCol = Param( Params._dummy(), "userCol", "The name of the user column. " "This is a the name of the user column in the dataframe." ) resCol = Param( Params._dummy(), "resCol", "The name of the resource column. " "This is a the name of the resource column in the dataframe." ) likelihoodCol = Param( Params._dummy(), "likelihoodCol", "The name of the column with the likelihood estimate for user, res access " "(usually based on access counts per time unit). " ) outputCol = Param( Params._dummy(), "outputCol", "The name of the output column representing the calculated anomaly score. " "Values will be between (-inf, +inf) with an estimated mean of 0.0 and standard deviation of 1.0. " ) rankParam = Param( Params._dummy(), "rankParam", "rankParam is the number of latent factors in the model (defaults to 10)." ) maxIter = Param( Params._dummy(), "maxIter", "maxIter is the maximum number of iterations to run (defaults to 25)." ) regParam = Param( Params._dummy(), "regParam", "regParam specifies the regularization parameter in ALS (defaults to 0.1)." ) numBlocks = Param( Params._dummy(), "numBlocks", "numBlocks is the number of blocks the users and items will be partitioned into " "in order to parallelize computation " "(defaults to |tenants| if separate_tenants is False else 10)." ) separateTenants = Param( Params._dummy(), "separateTenants", "separateTenants applies the algorithm per tenant in isolation. " "Setting to True may reduce runtime significantly, if number of tenant is large, " "but will increase accuracy. (defaults to False)." ) lowValue = Param( Params._dummy(), "lowValue", "lowValue is used to scale the values of likelihood_col to be in the range [lowValue, highValue] " "(defaults to 5.0)." ) highValue = Param( Params._dummy(), "highValue", "highValue is used to scale the values of likelihood_col to be in the range [lowValue, highValue] " "(defaults to 10.0)." ) applyImplicitCf = Param( Params._dummy(), "applyImplicitCf", "specifies whether to use the implicit/explicit feedback ALS for the data " "(defaults to True which means using implicit feedback)." ) alphaParam = Param( Params._dummy(), "alphaParam", "alphaParam is a parameter applicable to the implicit feedback variant " "of ALS that governs the baseline confidence in preference observations." "(defaults to 1.0)." ) complementsetFactor = Param( Params._dummy(), "complementsetFactor", "complementsetFactor is a parameter applicable to the implicit feedback variant " "of ALS that governs the baseline confidence in preference observations." "(defaults to 2)." ) negScore = Param( Params._dummy(), "negScore", "negScore is a parameter applicable to the explicit feedback variant of ALS that governs " "the value to assign to the values of the complement set." "(defaults to 1.0)." ) historyAccessDf = Param( Params._dummy(), "historyAccessDf", "historyAccessDf is an optional spark dataframe which includes the " "list of seen user resource pairs for which the anomaly score should be zero." ) def __init__(self, tenantCol: str = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_tenant_col, userCol: str = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_user_col, resCol: str = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_res_col, likelihoodCol: str = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_likelihood_col, outputCol: str = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_output_col, rankParam: int = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_rank, maxIter: int = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_max_iter, regParam: float = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_reg_param, numBlocks: Optional[int] = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_num_blocks, separateTenants: bool = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_separate_tenants, lowValue: Optional[float] = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_low_value, highValue: Optional[float] = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_high_value, applyImplicitCf: bool = AccessAnomalyConfig.default_apply_implicit_cf, alphaParam: Optional[float] = None, complementsetFactor: Optional[int] = None, negScore: Optional[float] = None, historyAccessDf: Optional[DataFrame] = None): super().__init__() if applyImplicitCf: alphaParam = alphaParam if alphaParam is not None else AccessAnomalyConfig.default_alpha assert complementsetFactor is None and negScore is None else: assert alphaParam is None complementsetFactor = \ complementsetFactor if complementsetFactor is not None else AccessAnomalyConfig.default_complementset_factor negScore = negScore \ if negScore is not None else AccessAnomalyConfig.default_neg_score # must either both be None or both be not None assert (lowValue is None) == (highValue is None) assert lowValue is None or lowValue >= 1.0 assert (lowValue is None or highValue is None) or highValue > lowValue assert \ (lowValue is None or negScore is None) or \ (lowValue is not None and negScore < lowValue) self, tenantCol=tenantCol, userCol=userCol, resCol=resCol, likelihoodCol=likelihoodCol, outputCol=outputCol, rankParam=rankParam, maxIter=maxIter, regParam=regParam, numBlocks=numBlocks, separateTenants=separateTenants, lowValue=lowValue, highValue=highValue, applyImplicitCf=applyImplicitCf, alphaParam=alphaParam, complementsetFactor=complementsetFactor, negScore=negScore, historyAccessDf=historyAccessDf ) # --- getters and setters @property def indexed_user_col(self): return self.user_col + '_index' @property def user_vec_col(self): return self.user_col + '_vector' @property def indexed_res_col(self): return self.res_col + '_index' @property def res_vec_col(self): return self.res_col + '_vector' @property def scaled_likelihood_col(self): return self.likelihood_col + '_scaled' def _get_scaled_df(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: return scalers.LinearScalarScaler( input_col=self.likelihood_col, partition_key=self.tenant_col, output_col=self.scaled_likelihood_col, min_required_value=self.low_value, max_required_value=self.high_value ).fit(df).transform(df) if self.low_value is not None and self.high_value is not None else df def _enrich_and_normalize(self, indexed_df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: tenant_col = self.tenant_col indexed_user_col = self.indexed_user_col indexed_res_col = self.indexed_res_col scaled_likelihood_col = self.scaled_likelihood_col if not self.apply_implicit_cf: complementset_factor = self.complementset_factor neg_score = self.neg_score assert complementset_factor is not None and neg_score is not None comp_df = ComplementAccessTransformer( tenant_col, [indexed_user_col, indexed_res_col], complementset_factor ).transform(indexed_df).withColumn( scaled_likelihood_col, f.lit(neg_score) ) else: comp_df = None scaled_df = self._get_scaled_df(indexed_df).select( tenant_col, indexed_user_col, indexed_res_col, scaled_likelihood_col ) return scaled_df.union(comp_df) if comp_df is not None else scaled_df def _train_cf(self, als: ALS, df: DataFrame) -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]: tenant_col = self.tenant_col indexed_user_col = self.indexed_user_col user_vec_col = self.user_vec_col indexed_res_col = self.indexed_res_col res_vec_col = self.res_vec_col spark_model = user_mapping_df = f.col('id').alias(indexed_user_col), f.col('features').alias(user_vec_col) ).join(, tenant_col).distinct(), indexed_user_col ).select( tenant_col, indexed_user_col, user_vec_col ) res_mapping_df = f.col('id').alias(indexed_res_col), f.col('features').alias(res_vec_col) ).join(, tenant_col).distinct(), indexed_res_col ).select( tenant_col, indexed_res_col, res_vec_col ) return user_mapping_df, res_mapping_df def create_spark_model_vectors_df(self, df: DataFrame) -> _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping: tenant_col = self.tenant_col indexed_user_col = self.indexed_user_col user_vec_col = self.user_vec_col indexed_res_col = self.indexed_res_col res_vec_col = self.res_vec_col max_iter = self.max_iter distinct_tenants = num_tenants = distinct_tenants.count() separate_tenants = self.separate_tenants num_blocks = self.num_blocks if self.num_blocks is not None else (num_tenants if not separate_tenants else 10) als = ALS( rank=self.rank_param, maxIter=max_iter, regParam=self.reg_param, numUserBlocks=num_blocks, numItemBlocks=num_blocks, implicitPrefs=self.apply_implicit_cf, userCol=self.indexed_user_col, itemCol=self.indexed_res_col, ratingCol=self.scaled_likelihood_col, nonnegative=True, coldStartStrategy='drop' ) alpha = self.alpha_param if alpha is not None: als.setAlpha(alpha) if separate_tenants: tenants = [row[tenant_col] for row in distinct_tenants.orderBy(tenant_col).collect()] user_mapping_df: Optional[DataFrame] = None res_mapping_df: Optional[DataFrame] = None for curr_tenant in tenants: curr_df = df.filter(f.col(tenant_col) == curr_tenant).cache() curr_user_mapping_df, curr_res_mapping_df = self._train_cf(als, curr_df) user_mapping_df = user_mapping_df.union( curr_user_mapping_df ) if user_mapping_df is not None else curr_user_mapping_df res_mapping_df = res_mapping_df.union( curr_res_mapping_df ) if res_mapping_df is not None else curr_res_mapping_df else: user_mapping_df, res_mapping_df = self._train_cf(als, df) assert user_mapping_df is not None and res_mapping_df is not None return _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping( tenant_col, indexed_user_col, user_vec_col, indexed_res_col, res_vec_col, None, None, None, user_mapping_df, res_mapping_df ) def _fit(self, df: DataFrame) -> AccessAnomalyModel: # index the user and resource columns to allow running the spark ALS algorithm the_indexer = indexers.MultiIndexer( indexers=[ indexers.IdIndexer( input_col=self.user_col, partition_key=self.tenant_col, output_col=self.indexed_user_col, reset_per_partition=self.separate_tenants ), indexers.IdIndexer( input_col=self.res_col, partition_key=self.tenant_col, output_col=self.indexed_res_col, reset_per_partition=self.separate_tenants ) ] ) the_indexer_model = # indexed_df is the dataframe with the indices for user and resource indexed_df = the_indexer_model.transform(df) enriched_df = self._enrich_and_normalize(indexed_df).cache() user_res_feature_vector_mapping_df = self.create_spark_model_vectors_df(enriched_df) user_res_norm_cf_df_model = ModelNormalizeTransformer( enriched_df, self.rank_param ).transform(user_res_feature_vector_mapping_df) # convert user and resource indices back to names user_index_model = the_indexer_model.get_model_by_input_col(self.user_col) res_index_model = the_indexer_model.get_model_by_input_col(self.res_col) assert user_index_model is not None and res_index_model is not None norm_user_mapping_df = user_res_norm_cf_df_model.user_feature_vector_mapping_df norm_res_mapping_df = user_res_norm_cf_df_model.res_feature_vector_mapping_df indexed_user_col = self.indexed_user_col indexed_res_col = self.indexed_res_col # do the actual index to name mapping (using undo_transform) final_user_mapping_df = user_index_model.undo_transform(norm_user_mapping_df).drop(indexed_user_col) final_res_mapping_df = res_index_model.undo_transform(norm_res_mapping_df).drop(indexed_res_col) tenant_col, user_col, res_col = self.tenant_col, self.user_col, self.res_col history_access_df = self.history_access_df access_df = \ history_access_df if history_access_df is not None else, user_col, res_col).cache() user2component_mappings_df, res2component_mappings_df = ConnectedComponents( tenant_col, user_col, res_col ).transform(access_df) return AccessAnomalyModel( _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping( tenant_col=self.tenant_col, user_col=self.user_col, user_vec_col=self.user_vec_col, res_col=self.res_col, res_vec_col=self.res_vec_col, history_access_df=history_access_df, user2component_mappings_df=user2component_mappings_df, res2component_mappings_df=res2component_mappings_df, user_feature_vector_mapping_df=final_user_mapping_df.cache(), res_feature_vector_mapping_df=final_res_mapping_df.cache() ), self.output_col ) class ModelNormalizeTransformer: """ Given a UserResourceCfDataframeModel this class creates and returns a new normalized UserResourceCfDataframeModel which has an anomaly score with a mean of 0.0 and standard deviation of 1.0 when applied on the given dataframe """ def __init__(self, access_df: DataFrame, rank: int): self.access_df = access_df self.rank = rank def _make_append_bias(self, user_col: str, res_col: str, col_name: str, target_col_name: str, rank: int) -> f.udf: assert col_name == user_col or col_name == res_col assert target_col_name == user_col or target_col_name == res_col def value_at(bias: float, value: float, i: int) -> float: if col_name != target_col_name or i < rank: res = value elif col_name == user_col and i == rank: res = bias + value elif col_name == res_col and i == (rank + 1): res = bias + value else: res = value assert res == 1.0 if i == rank and col_name == res_col else True assert res == 1.0 if i == (rank + 1) and col_name == user_col else True return res @f.udf(t.ArrayType(t.DoubleType())) def append_bias(v: List[float], bias: float, coeff: float = 1.0) -> List[float]: assert len(v) == rank or len(v) == rank + 2 if len(v) == rank: # increase vector size to adjust for bias fix_value = bias if col_name == target_col_name else 0.0 u = [fix_value, 1.0] if col_name == user_col else [1.0, fix_value] return [float(coeff * value) for value in np.append(np.array(v), np.array(u))] else: # fix enhanced vector to adjust for another bias assert len(v) == rank + 2 return [coeff * value_at(bias, v[i], i) for i in range(len(v))] return append_bias def transform(self, user_res_cf_df_model: _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping) -> _UserResourceFeatureVectorMapping: likelihood_col_token = '__<PASSWORD>' dot = _make_dot() tenant_col = user_res_cf_df_model.tenant_col user_col = user_res_cf_df_model.user_col user_vec_col = user_res_cf_df_model.user_vec_col res_col = user_res_cf_df_model.res_col res_vec_col = user_res_cf_df_model.res_vec_col fixed_df = self.access_df.join( user_res_cf_df_model.user_feature_vector_mapping_df, [tenant_col, user_col] ).join( user_res_cf_df_model.res_feature_vector_mapping_df, [tenant_col, res_col] ).select( tenant_col, user_col, user_vec_col, res_col, res_vec_col, dot(f.col(user_vec_col), f.col(res_vec_col)).alias(likelihood_col_token) ) scaler_model = scalers.StandardScalarScaler( likelihood_col_token, tenant_col, user_vec_col ).fit(fixed_df) per_group_stats: DataFrame = scaler_model.per_group_stats assert isinstance(per_group_stats, DataFrame) append2user_bias = self._make_append_bias(user_col, res_col, user_col, user_col, self.rank) append2res_bias = self._make_append_bias(user_col, res_col, res_col, user_col, self.rank) fixed_user_mapping_df = user_res_cf_df_model.user_feature_vector_mapping_df.join( per_group_stats, tenant_col ).select( tenant_col, user_col, append2user_bias( f.col(user_vec_col), f.lit(-1.0) * f.col(scalers.StandardScalarScalerConfig.mean_token), f.lit(-1.0) / f.when( f.col(scalers.StandardScalarScalerConfig.std_token) != 0.0, f.col(scalers.StandardScalarScalerConfig.std_token) ).otherwise(f.lit(1.0)) ).alias(user_vec_col) ) fixed_res_mapping_df = user_res_cf_df_model.res_feature_vector_mapping_df.join( per_group_stats, tenant_col ).select( tenant_col, res_col, append2res_bias(f.col(res_vec_col), f.lit(0)).alias(res_vec_col) ) return user_res_cf_df_model.replace_mappings(fixed_user_mapping_df, fixed_res_mapping_df)
<filename>instapp/ from django.db import models from tinymce.models import HTMLField import datetime as dt from django.contrib.auth.models import User class Photos(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=60) post = models.TextField(max_length=1000) pub_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/', default="Image") likes = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='post_like') user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True,on_delete=models.CASCADE) def __str__(self): return str([:10] def number_of_likes(self): return self.likes.count() @classmethod def search(cls,search_term): photos=cls.objects.filter(title__icontains=search_term) return photos class tags(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30) def __str__(self): return class Comment(models.Model): comment = models.TextField() image = models.ForeignKey(Photos, on_delete=models.CASCADE) posted_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True) def save_comment(self): def delete(self): self.delete() class Profile(models.Model): profilephoto = models.ImageField('image') Bio = models.CharField(max_length=30) user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True) following = models.ManyToManyField(User, blank=True, related_name='follow') def __str__(self): return self.Bio def delete_profile(self): self.delete() def save_profile(self): @classmethod def search_profile(cls, name): return cls.objects.filter(user__username__icontains=name).all()
import os from action import Action class MainMenuMachine(object): def __init__(self, screen): self.state = ShowDevicesSelectedMenuState(screen) self.screen = screen def on_event(self, event): self.state = self.state.on_event(event) def select_callback(self, callback): self.on_event(Action.SELECT) def up_callback(self, callback): self.on_event(Action.UP) def down_callback(self, calback): self.on_event(Action.DOWN) def left_callback(self, calback): self.on_event(Action.LEFT) def right_callback(self, calback): self.on_event(Action.RIGHT) class MenuState(object): def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen print 'Processing current state:', str(self) self.draw() def draw(self): pass def on_event(self, event): """ Handle events that are delegated to this State. """ pass def __repr__(self): """ Leverages the __str__ method to describe the State. """ return self.__str__() def __str__(self): """ Returns the name of the State. """ return self.__class__.__name__ class UpdateState(MenuState): def draw(self): os.system("git pull > /tmp/update_status") update_status = open('/tmp/update_status', 'r').read() self.screen.draw('update:\n' + update_status) def on_event(self, event): if event == Action.LEFT: return UpdateSelectedMenuState(self.screen) return self class UpdateSelectedMenuState(MenuState): def draw(self): self.screen.draw_main_menu(self) def on_event(self, event): if event == Action.UP: return MakeBackupSelectedMenuState(self.screen) elif event == Action.DOWN: return RebootSelectedMenuState(self.screen) elif event == Action.SELECT: return UpdateState(self.screen) return self class RebootState(MenuState): def draw(self): self.screen.draw('reboot...') os.system('reboot') class RebootSelectedMenuState(MenuState): def draw(self): self.screen.draw_main_menu(self) def on_event(self, event): if event == Action.UP: return UpdateSelectedMenuState(self.screen) elif event == Action.DOWN: return ShutdownSelectedMenuState(self.screen) elif event == Action.SELECT: return RebootState(self.screen) return self class ShutdownState(MenuState): def draw(self): self.screen.draw('power off...') os.system('poweroff') class ShutdownSelectedMenuState(MenuState): def draw(self): self.screen.draw_main_menu(self) def on_event(self, event): if event == Action.UP: return RebootSelectedMenuState(self.screen) elif event == Action.SELECT: return ShutdownState(self.screen) return self class MakeBackupSelectedMenuState(MenuState): def draw(self): self.screen.draw_main_menu(self) def on_event(self, event): if event == Action.UP: return ShowDevicesSelectedMenuState(self.screen) if event == Action.DOWN: return ShutdownSelectedMenuState(self.screen) return self class ShowDevicesState(MenuState): def draw(self): os.system("df -h | grep media | awk '{print $5 \" \" $6}' > /tmp/media_list") media_list = open('/tmp/media_list', 'r').read() self.screen.draw('usage device\n' + media_list) def on_event(self, event): if event == Action.LEFT: return ShowDevicesSelectedMenuState(self.screen) return self class ShowDevicesSelectedMenuState(MenuState): def draw(self): self.screen.draw_main_menu(self) def on_event(self, event): if event == Action.DOWN: return MakeBackupSelectedMenuState(self.screen) elif event == Action.SELECT: return ShowDevicesState(self.screen) return self
from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, validates from db import db class ProviderType(db.Model): __tablename__ = "provider_type" id = Column(String, primary_key=True) defaults = Column(Text) providers = relationship("Provider", back_populates="type") fleet_types = relationship("FleetType", back_populates="provider_type") def __repr__(self): return @validates('id') def validate_name(self, key, value): assert value != '' return value
import os import PIL import torch from tqdm import tqdm from torchvision.utils import make_grid from torchvision import transforms from trainer.base_trainer import BaseTrainer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.util import get_divider_str import numpy as np from utils.util import get_lr, load_checkpoint_state, save_checkpoint_state class Trainer(BaseTrainer): def __init__(self, model, criterion, train_dataset, optimizer, device, config: dict, valid_dataset=None, train_dataloader=None, valid_dataloader=None, lr_scheduler=None): super(Trainer, self).__init__(model, criterion, optimizer, train_dataset, valid_dataset, config) self.config = config self.device = device self.train_dataloader = train_dataloader self.valid_dataloader = valid_dataloader self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler self.do_validation = self.valid_dataloader is not None # number of batches in dataloader self.len_epoch = len(self.train_dataloader) self.log_step = config['log_step'] self.best_valid_loss = float('inf') def _train_epoch(self, epoch): """ Training logic for one epoch :param epoch: Integer, current epoch. :return: A log that contains training information of current epoch """ self.logger.debug(f'train epoch {epoch}') self.model.train() total_loss = 0.0 for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(self.train_dataloader): data, target =, output = self.model(data) loss = self.criterion(output, target) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() total_loss += loss.item() # update progress bar self.progress_bar.update(len(data)) self.progress_bar.set_postfix(train_L=loss.item(), val_L=( self.valid_loss[-1].item() if len(self.valid_loss) != 0 else None), lr=get_lr(self.optimizer)) self.memory_profiler.update() self.train_loss.append(total_loss / len(self.train_dataloader)) # do validation valid_loss = self._valid_epoch(epoch) if self.do_validation else None if valid_loss < self.best_valid_loss: # new best weights self.logger.debug( f"Best validation loss so far. validation loss={valid_loss}. Save state at epoch={epoch}") self.best_valid_loss = valid_loss super(Trainer, self)._save_checkpoint(epoch, is_best=True) self.valid_loss.append(valid_loss) self.learning_rates.append(get_lr(self.optimizer)) if self.lr_scheduler is not None: self.lr_scheduler.step() return {'valid_loss': valid_loss} def _valid_epoch(self, epoch): """ Validation after training an epoch :param epoch: Integer, current epoch :return: A log that contains validation information of current epoch """ self.logger.debug(f'validate epoch {epoch}') self.model.eval() total_loss = 0.0 with torch.no_grad(): for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(self.valid_dataloader): data, target =, output = self.model(data) loss = self.criterion(output, target) total_loss += loss return total_loss / len(self.valid_dataloader) def _progress(self, batch_idx): pass def _save_checkpoint(self, epoch): super(Trainer, self)._save_checkpoint(epoch) self.logger.debug(f'save checkpoint for epoch {epoch}') # save one batch of validation image self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): data, target = next(iter(self.valid_dataloader)) data, target =, output_path = self.valid_results / f'epoch{epoch}.png' # output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) output = self.model(data) input_images = [transforms.ToPILImage()(img.cpu()) for img in data] output_images = [transforms.ToPILImage()(img.cpu()) for img in output] target_images = [transforms.ToPILImage()(img.cpu()) for img in target] plot_height = self.valid_dataloader.batch_size * 10 * 2 // 3 fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(input_images), ncols=3, figsize=(20, plot_height)) for i in range(len(input_images)): interpolate_img = input_images[i].resize( target.shape[-2:], resample=PIL.Image.BICUBIC) axes[i][0].imshow(interpolate_img) axes[i][1].imshow(output_images[i]) axes[i][2].imshow(target_images[i]) fig.savefig(output_path) plt.close() np.savetxt(self.checkpoint_dir / 'valid_loss.txt', self.valid_loss) np.savetxt(self.checkpoint_dir / 'train_loss.txt', self.train_loss) np.savetxt(self.checkpoint_dir / 'learning_rates.txt', self.learning_rates)
# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log import six from sahara.cli.image_pack import api from sahara.i18n import _ LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_cli_opts([ cfg.StrOpt( 'image', required=True, help=_("The path to an image to modify. This image will be modified " "in-place: be sure to target a copy if you wish to maintain a " "clean master image.")), cfg.StrOpt( 'root-filesystem', dest='root_fs', required=False, help=_("The filesystem to mount as the root volume on the image. No" "value is required if only one filesystem is detected.")), cfg.BoolOpt( 'test-only', dest='test_only', default=False, help=_("If this flag is set, no changes will be made to the image; " "instead, the script will fail if discrepancies are found " "between the image and the intended state."))]) def unregister_extra_cli_opt(name): try: for cli in CONF._cli_opts: if cli['opt'].name == name: CONF.unregister_opt(cli['opt']) except Exception: pass for extra_opt in ["log-exchange", "host", "port"]: unregister_extra_cli_opt(extra_opt) def add_plugin_parsers(subparsers): api.setup_plugins() for plugin in CONF.plugins: args_by_version = api.get_plugin_arguments(plugin) if all(args is NotImplemented for version, args in six.iteritems(args_by_version)): continue plugin_parser = subparsers.add_parser( plugin, help=_('Image generation for the {plugin} plugin').format( plugin=plugin)) version_parsers = plugin_parser.add_subparsers( title=_("Plugin version"), dest="version", help=_("Available versions")) for version, args in six.iteritems(args_by_version): if args is NotImplemented: continue version_parser = version_parsers.add_parser( version, help=_('{plugin} version {version}').format( plugin=plugin, version=version)) for arg in args: arg_token = ("--%s" % if len( > 1 else "-%s" % version_parser.add_argument(arg_token,, help=arg.description, default=arg.default, required=arg.required, choices=arg.choices) version_parser.set_defaults(args={ for arg in args}) command_opt = cfg.SubCommandOpt('plugin', title=_('Plugin'), help=_('Available plugins'), handler=add_plugin_parsers) CONF.register_cli_opt(command_opt) def main(): CONF(project='sahara') CONF.reload_config_files() log.setup(CONF, "sahara")"Command: {command}".format(command=' '.join(sys.argv))) api.set_logger(LOG) api.set_conf(CONF) plugin = version = CONF.plugin.version args = CONF.plugin.args image_arguments = {arg: getattr(CONF.plugin, arg) for arg in args} api.pack_image(CONF.image, plugin, version, image_arguments, CONF.root_fs, CONF.test_only)"Finished packing image for {plugin} at version " "{version}".format(plugin=plugin, version=version))
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib.request as req fp = open("color.html",encoding='utf-8') soup = BeautifulSoup(fp,"html.parser") # #print(soup) # print(soup.select_one("#gr")) # # <li id="gr">Gray</li> # print(soup.select_one("#gr").string) # # Gray # # #빈번한 사용으로 함수를 만들어 함수화 # #lambda 사용 # sel = lambda q:print(soup.select_one(q).string) # #def sel(q): 와 같은 형식 # # sel("#gr") # # Gray # sel("li#gr") # # Gray # sel("ul > li#gr") # # Gray # sel("#mycolor #gr") # # Gray # sel("#mycolor > #gr") # # Gray # sel("ul#mycolor > li#gr") # # Gray # sel("li[id='gr']") # # Gray # sel("li:nth-of-type(4)") # # Gray # # print("li")[3].string) # # Gray # print(soup.find_all("li")[3].string) # # Gray url = "" res = req.urlopen(url).read() #print(res) soup = BeautifulSoup(res,"html.parser") # print(soup) #mw-content-text > div > ul:nth-child(6) > li > ul > li > a =>:nth-child(6)오류가 많이 나서 지우기 #mw-content-text > div > ul > li > ul > li > a alist ="#mw-content-text > div > ul > li > ul > li > a") for a in alist : print(a.string) myurl = "" res9=req.urlopen(myurl).read().decode("utf-8") #읽어온 페이지 decode soup9 = BeautifulSoup(res9,'html.parser') #html문서로 파서해서 만들어줌 article ="#container > div.w_inner > div.w_article > div.w_article_cont > div.w_article_left > div.article_cont_area > div.main_text > div") #print(article) #article = list( string이 아니여서 string으로 만들어 줘야함) import re pat = re.compile("[^가-힣]+") result = pat.sub(" ",res9) # print(result) nurl ="" nres=req.urlopen(nurl).read().decode("utf-8") soupN = BeautifulSoup(nres,'html.parser') nlist ="#contents_layer_0 > div.end_content._endContents > div") nlist = str(nlist[0]) pat = re.compile("[^가-힣ㅏ-ㅣ]") print(pat.sub("",nlist))
<filename>tempserver/ from enum import Enum class PumpMode(Enum): OFF = "OFF" ON = "ON" class Pump: def __init__(self, gpio_pin, name, id_ = None, scheduler = None, notify_change = None): = id_ = name self.mode = PumpMode.OFF self.notify_change = notify_change def set_mode(self, mode): self.mode = mode self.publish_state() def enable(self): self.set_mode(PumpMode.ON) def disable(self): self.set_mode(PumpMode.OFF) def publish_state(self): if self.notify_change: self.notify_change(("pump-mode-" +, self.mode))
arr1=[] ele=1 while ele!=0: ele=int(input("enter array element")) arr1.append(ele) p=arr1[0] c=0 for index,i in enumerate(arr1): if(p==arr1[index]): c=c+1 p=arr1[index] print(c)
# Generated by Django 2.0.7 on 2018-08-08 22:00 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('curriculum', '0011_auto_20180707_0436'), ] operations = [ migrations.RenameField( model_name='lessonfeedback', old_name='strengths', new_name='comments', ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='lessonfeedback', name='weaknesses', ), ]
import os, sys path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__')) os.chdir(path) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(path)) import numpy as np import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger import pickle import datetime import time from src.utils import UniformNoise, OUNoise, GaussianNoise, plot_run_outcome from src.environment_bid_market import EnvironmentBidMarket ''' High-Level Interface that calls learning algorithm and Energy-Market Environment subject to user-specified inputs Environment Parameters capacities: np.array 1x(number of Agents) costs: np.array 1x(number of Agents) Attention these np.arrays have to correspond to the number of Agents Demand: np.array 1x2 Chooses demand from arang between [min,max-1] For fixed Demand, write: the preferred [Number, Number +1] (e.g. Demand = 99 -> [99,100]) Agents: scalar Number of learning agents Rewards: scalar Type of Reward function. Usually 0. Split: binary Allow Split Bids past_action: binary Allow agents to learn from all agents past actions lr_actor: float Learning Rate Actor lr_critic: float Learning Rate Critic Discrete: binary Enables Discrete Spaces (Not yet functional) ''' # if plots should be saved pdfs = [] # save date/time time_stamp = meta_data_time = time_stamp.strftime('%d-%m-%y %H:%M') # Agent Parameters POWER_CAPACITIES = [50 / 100, 50 / 100] # 50 PRODUCTION_COSTS = [20 / 100, 20 / 100] # 20 DEMAND = [70 / 100, 70 / 100] # 70 ACTION_LIMITS = [-1, 1] # [-10/100,100/100]#[-100/100,100/100] NUMBER_OF_AGENTS = 2 PAST_ACTION = 0 FRINGE = 0 # Neural Network Parameters # rescaling the rewards to avoid hard weight Updates of the Criticer REWARD_SCALING = 1 # 0.01 # LEARNING_RATE_ACTOR = 1e-4 LEARNING_RATE_CRITIC = 1e-3 NORMALIZATION_METHOD = 'none' # options are BN = Batch Normalization, LN = Layer Normalization, none # Noise Parameters NOISE = 'GaussianNoise' # Options are: 'GaussianNoise',OUNoise','UniformNoise' DECAY_RATE = 0.001 # 0.0004 strong; 0.0008 medium; 0.001 soft; # if 0: Not used, if:1: only simple Noise without decay used REGULATION_COEFFICENT = 10 # if 1: Not used, if:0: only simple Noise used TOTAL_TEST_RUNS = 1 # How many runs should be executed EPISODES_PER_TEST_RUN = 10000 # How many episodes should one run contain ROUNDS_PER_EPISODE = 1 # How many rounds are allowed per episode (right now number of rounds has no impact -due 'done' is executed if step >= round- and choosing 1 is easier to interpret; ) BATCH_SIZE = 128 # *0.5 # *2 # "Completely reproducible results are not guaranteed across PyTorch releases, individual commits, or different platforms. # Furthermore, results may not be reproducible between CPU and GPU executions, even when using identical seeds." # also see: seed = np.random.randint(1000) # if reproducabilty is desired when training on GPU using CuDNN, the two commands below are needed # torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False # Dictionary to save data and Parameter settings Results = {} Results['meta-data'] = { 'date_run':meta_data_time, 'power_capacities':POWER_CAPACITIES, 'production_costs':PRODUCTION_COSTS, 'demand':DEMAND, 'noise': NOISE, 'regulation_coef':REGULATION_COEFFICENT, 'decay_rate':DECAY_RATE, 'lr_critic':LEARNING_RATE_CRITIC, 'lr_actor':LEARNING_RATE_ACTOR, 'Normalization': NORMALIZATION_METHOD, 'reward_scaling':REWARD_SCALING, 'total_test_rounds':TOTAL_TEST_RUNS, 'episodes_per_test_run':EPISODES_PER_TEST_RUN, 'batches':BATCH_SIZE, 'rounds':ROUNDS_PER_EPISODE, 'agents':NUMBER_OF_AGENTS, 'action_limits': ACTION_LIMITS, 'past_action': PAST_ACTION, 'fringe:player': FRINGE, 'seed':seed} for test_run in range(TOTAL_TEST_RUNS): print('Test Run: {}'.format(test_run)) # save runtime Results[test_run] = {'runtime':0} t_0 = time.time() # set seed np.random.seed(seed+test_run) torch.manual_seed(seed+test_run) # set up environment env = EnvironmentBidMarket(capacities=POWER_CAPACITIES, costs=PRODUCTION_COSTS, demand=DEMAND, agents=NUMBER_OF_AGENTS, fringe_player=FRINGE, past_action=PAST_ACTION, lr_actor=LEARNING_RATE_ACTOR, lr_critic=LEARNING_RATE_CRITIC, normalization=NORMALIZATION_METHOD, reward_scaling=REWARD_SCALING, action_limits=ACTION_LIMITS, rounds_per_episode=ROUNDS_PER_EPISODE) # set up agents (ddpg) agents = env.create_agents(env) # set up noise if NOISE == 'GaussianNoise': noise = GaussianNoise(env.action_space, mu=0, sigma=0.1, regulation_coef=REGULATION_COEFFICENT, decay_rate=DECAY_RATE) # Gaussian Noise (only instead of Ornstein Uhlenbeck Noise) elif NOISE == 'OUNoise': noise = OUNoise(env.action_space, mu=0.0, theta=0.15, max_sigma=0.3, min_sigma=0.3, decay_period=100000) # Ornstein Uhlenbeck Noise ( only instead of Gaussian Noise) elif NOISE == 'UniformNoise': noise = UniformNoise(env.action_space, initial_exploration=0.99, final_exploration=0.05, decay_rate=0.999) for episode in range(EPISODES_PER_TEST_RUN): Results[test_run][episode] = {'rewards':[], 'actions':[], 'market_price':[] , 'sold_quantities':[], 'round':[], 'state':[], 'new_state':[]} # reset noise and state (past_actions resets only at the bginning of a new run) state = env.reset(episode) noise.reset() # only important for OUNoise for step in range(ROUNDS_PER_EPISODE): actions = [] for n in range(len(agents)): action_temp = agents[n].get_action(state) action_temp = noise.get_action(action_temp, episode) actions.append(action_temp[:]) actions = np.asarray(actions) # get reward an new state from environment new_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(actions) # save data in memory for n in range(len(agents)): agents[n].memory.push(state, actions[n], np.array([reward[n]]), new_state, done) # update if len(agents[0].memory) > BATCH_SIZE: for n in range(len(agents)): agents[n].update(BATCH_SIZE) # save data in dictionary Results[test_run][episode]['rewards'].append(reward) Results[test_run][episode]['actions'].append(actions) Results[test_run][episode]['state'].append(state) Results[test_run][episode]['new_state'].append(new_state) Results[test_run][episode]['sold_quantities'].append(env.sold_quantities) Results[test_run][episode]['market_price'].append(env.market_price) # new_state becomes state state = new_state if done: # use some rendering to get insights during running (turned off to save time). # can be adjusted directly in the environment # sys.stdout.write("***TestRound: {}, episode: {}, reward: {}, average _reward: {} \n".format(test_run, episode, np.round(episode_reward, decimals=2), np.mean(rewards[-10:]))) # env.render() break # save running tim in dictionary t_end = time.time() time_total = t_end - t_0 Results[test_run]['runtime'] = time_total # Plot (only works optimal for "1" TOTAL_TEST_RUNS. If more Test Runs are executed, save plots as pdf, see below) # takes as input the data from the saved dictionary, the number of agnets, the maximum action limit, a threshold for an Nash Equilibrium (if: 'none', no threshold gets displayed) # the total number of episodes per run, the actual run, which curves shoul be plotted (options: 'actions', rewards' or 'both'), # a title for the plot, rescale parameters if needed (usage: rescale[param for actions, param for rewards, param for bid limit]) # and a window "moving_window" for which a moving median gets computed (recommended for presntation reasons) plot_run_outcome(Results, NUMBER_OF_AGENTS, ACTION_LIMITS[1], 52, EPISODES_PER_TEST_RUN, test_run, curves='actions', title='Norm:{} Agents:{} PA: {} Fringe: {}, Run:{}'.format(NORMALIZATION_METHOD, NUMBER_OF_AGENTS, PAST_ACTION, FRINGE, test_run), rescale=[100, 1000, 100], moving_window=9) # save plots (uncommment ALL below) # plt.savefig('temp{}.pdf'.format(test_run)) # plt.close() # pdfs.append('temp{}.pdf'.format(test_run)) ''' ### Merge PDFs and pickle with open('{}_results_lra{}_lrc{}_Agents{}_PA{}_00.pkl'.format(NORMALIZATION_METHOD,NUMBER_OF_AGENTS,LEARNING_RATE_ACTOR,LEARNING_RATE_CRITIC, PAST_ACTION), 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(Results, pickle_file) merger = PdfFileMerger() for pdf in pdfs: merger.append(pdf) merger.write("{}_plots_lra{}_lrc{}_Agents{}_PA{}_00.pdf".format(NORMALIZATION_METHOD,NUMBER_OF_AGENTS,LEARNING_RATE_ACTOR,LEARNING_RATE_CRITIC, PAST_ACTION)) merger.close() for file in sample(pdfs): os.remove(pdfs[file]) '''
<reponame>hashblock/sawtooth-uom<gh_stars>1-10 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright 2018 <NAME> and <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """setting - hashblock-setting business logic This module is referenced when posting hashblock-setting transactions """ from modules.config import valid_signer from protobuf.setting_pb2 import Settings, SettingPayload from shared.transactions import (create_transaction, compose_builder) from modules.address import Address from modules.exceptions import DataException def __validate_settings(authorizations, threshold): """Validates authorization keys and threshold""" entries = [] threshold = int(threshold) for entry in authorizations: key = valid_signer(entry) entries.append(key) if not threshold: raise DataException('approval thresholds must be greater than 1') elif threshold < 1: raise DataException('approval thresholds must be positive number') elif threshold > len(entries): raise DataException( 'approval thresholds must not be greater than number of ' 'authorizing keys') return entries def __create_setting(ingest): """Creates the setting for a particular family""" signer, addresser, auth_keys, threshold = ingest settings = Settings( auth_list=','.join(auth_keys), threshold=threshold) return ( signer, addresser, SettingPayload( action=SettingPayload.CREATE,, data=settings.SerializeToString())) def __create_inputs_outputs(ingest): """Creates the input and output addresses for setting transaction""" signer, addresser, payload = ingest inputs = [ addresser.setting_address, addresser.candidate_address] outputs = [ addresser.setting_address, addresser.candidate_address] return ( signer, Address.setting_addresser(), # addresser, {"inputs": inputs, "outputs": outputs}, payload) def __create_settings(signer, assetauths, assetthresh, unitauths, unitthresh): """Creates and returns a batch of setting transactions""" valid_signer(signer) _asset_addrs = Address.asset_addresser() _unit_addrs = Address.unit_addresser() asset_auth_keys = __validate_settings(assetauths, assetthresh) unit_auth_keys = __validate_settings(unitauths, unitthresh) setting_txn_build = compose_builder( create_transaction, __create_inputs_outputs, __create_setting) asset_setting_txn = setting_txn_build( (signer, _asset_addrs, asset_auth_keys, assetthresh))[1] unit_setting_txn = setting_txn_build( (signer, _unit_addrs, unit_auth_keys, unitthresh))[1] return [asset_setting_txn, unit_setting_txn] def create_settings_genesis( signer, assetauths, assetthresh, unitauths, unitthresh): """Creates the setting transactions returns for later submission""" return __create_settings( signer, assetauths, assetthresh, unitauths, unitthresh)
<gh_stars>1-10 """ Runtime exception definition """ class IPerf3Exception(Exception): """Class for runtime program errors""" pass
<gh_stars>0 import boto3 from typing import List, Any from import Holiday from src.domain.holiday_service import HolidayService, create_holiday_service import src.infrastructure.persistence.holiday_dynamo_repository as repository class FebrabanHolidayApplicationService: def __init__(self, holiday_service: HolidayService, holiday_repository: repository.HolidayDynamoRepository): self.holiday_service = holiday_service self.holiday_repository = holiday_repository def import_holidays(self, year: int) -> None: holidays: List[Holiday] = self.holiday_service.list_febraban_holidays(year=year) def create_application_service() -> FebrabanHolidayApplicationService: session = boto3.session.Session() holiday_service_factory: Any = create_holiday_service() repository_factory: Any = repository.create_holiday_dynamo_repository(session=session) return FebrabanHolidayApplicationService( holiday_service=holiday_service_factory(), holiday_repository=repository_factory() )
import ast import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand # ORDER MATTERS # Import this after setuptools or it will fail from Cython.Build import cythonize # noqa: I100 import Cython.Distutils ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__) PACKAGE_NAME = 'cython_import_package' VERSION = None with open(os.path.join(ROOT, 'src', PACKAGE_NAME.replace("-", "_"), '')) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('__version__ = '): VERSION = ast.literal_eval(line[len('__version__ = '):].strip()) break if VERSION is None: raise EnvironmentError('failed to read version') # Put everything in setup.cfg, except those that don't actually work? setup( # These really don't work. package_dir={'': 'src'}, packages=find_packages('src'), # I don't know how to specify an empty key in setup.cfg. package_data={ '': ['LICENSE*', 'README*'], }, setup_requires=["setuptools_scm", "cython"], # I need this to be dynamic. version=VERSION, )
import sys import struct from typing import Dict from pathlib import Path # Webots specific library from controller import Emitter, Supervisor # Root directory of the SR webots simulator (equivalent to the root of the git repo) REPO_ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent sys.path.insert(1, str(REPO_ROOT / 'modules')) from sbot.utils import get_robot_device # isort:skip from shared_utils import TOKENS, TargetInfo, TargetType # isort:skip BROADCASTS_PER_SECOND = 10 class TokenController: _emitters: Dict[TargetInfo, Emitter] def __init__(self) -> None: self._robot = Supervisor() self._emitters = { code: get_robot_device( self._robot, f'{}_{} Emitter', Emitter, ) for code in TOKENS if code.type == TargetType.CONTAINER } self._emitters.update({ code: get_robot_device( self._robot, f'BEACON_{} Emitter', Emitter, ) for code in TOKENS if code.type == TargetType.BEACON }) def transmit_pulses(self) -> None: for token_code, emitter in self._emitters.items(): emitter.send( struct.pack( "!bBb", int(token_code.type),, int(token_code.owner), ), ) def main(self) -> None: broadcast_spacing = int(1000 / BROADCASTS_PER_SECOND) while True: self.transmit_pulses() self._robot.step(broadcast_spacing) if __name__ == "__main__": token_controller = TokenController() token_controller.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # If you often need to mount sshfs filesystems you may be interested in using an sshfs helper import os import argparse import configparser import subprocess CONFIG = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/fmount.conf") DEFAULT_MOUNTPATH = os.path.expanduser("~/mnt") # we just strip spaces in the mntopts string def reformat_mntopts(mntopts): mntopts = mntopts.split(",") options = [] for opt in mntopts: options.append("=".join(tk.strip() for tk in opt.split("="))) return ",".join(set(options)) def mount(name, mountpath, config): mountpoint = os.path.join(mountpath, name) host = config.get(name, "host", fallback=name) path = config.get(name, "path", fallback="") user = config.get(name, "user", fallback=None) port = config.get(name, "port", fallback=None) mntopts = config.get(name, "mntopts", fallback=[]) mntopts = reformat_mntopts(mntopts) uhd = host + ":" + path if user: uhd = user + "@" + uhd cmd = ["sshfs", uhd, mountpoint] if mntopts: cmd += ["-o", mntopts] if port: cmd += ["-p", port] print("Mounting at '{}'...".format(mountpoint)) # the mountpoint might exist after an error or automatic unmount try: os.makedirs(mountpoint) except FileExistsError: pass, check=True) def umount(mntpoint): if os.path.ismount(path): cmd = ["fusermount", "-u", mntpoint], check=True) clean(mntpoint) def clean(path): if not os.path.ismount(path) and len(os.listdir(path)) == 0: print("Removing empty mountpoint '{}'...".format(path)) os.rmdir(path) def cleanAll(mountpath): for file in os.listdir(mountpath): path = os.path.join(mountpath, file) if os.path.isdir(path): clean(path) def writeDefaultConfig(): conf_str = """ # globals live in the DEFAULT section [DEFAULT] mountpath = {mountpath} # mntopts = opt1=val1, opt2=val2, ... # optional # [remote_name] # host = ... # optional, equal to remote_name by default # path = ... # optional, sshfs defaults to remote $HOME # user = ... # optional, .ssh/config is honoured # port = ... # optional, .ssh/config is honoured # mntopts = opt1=val1, opt2=val2, ... # optional """.format(mountpath=DEFAULT_MOUNTPATH) # SOURCE: # Printing to a File # NOTE: redirects the output of the print() function to a file f. # Make sure that the file is opened in text mode. with open(CONFIG, 'wt') as cfile: print(conf_str, file=cfile) if __name__ == "__main__": config = configparser.ConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(CONFIG): writeDefaultConfig() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="wrapper for sshfs with a config file") parser.add_argument( "-u", action="store_true", dest="umount", help="unmount given host or path") parser.add_argument( "host", nargs="+", help="remote name specified in the config file") args = parser.parse_args() mountpath = os.path.expanduser( config.get( "DEFAULT", "mountpath", fallback=DEFAULT_MOUNTPATH)) if args.umount: for host in if os.path.isdir(host): # not a host, but a path path = host else: path = os.path.join(mountpath, host) if not os.path.isdir(path): parser.error("Path '{}' does not exist.".format(path)) if os.path.ismount(path): umount(path) else: parser.error("Path '{}' is not a mount point.".format(path)) else: for host in if config.has_section(host): if os.path.ismount(os.path.join(mountpath, host)): parser.error("Host '{}' is already mounted.".format(host)) mount(host, mountpath, config) else: parser.error( "Section '{}' does not exist in the config file.".format(host)) cleanAll(mountpath)
<filename>tests/unit/plugins/openstack/scenarios/ceilometer/ # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import datetime as dt from dateutil import parser import mock from rally import exceptions from rally.plugins.openstack.scenarios.ceilometer import utils from tests.unit import test CEILOMETER_UTILS = "rally.plugins.openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.utils" class CeilometerScenarioTestCase(test.ScenarioTestCase): def setUp(self): super(CeilometerScenarioTestCase, self).setUp() self.scenario = utils.CeilometerScenario(self.context) def test__make_samples_no_batch_size(self): self.scenario.generate_random_name = mock.Mock( return_value="fake_resource") test_timestamp = dt.datetime(2015, 10, 20, 14, 18, 40) result = list(self.scenario._make_samples(count=2, interval=60, timestamp=test_timestamp)) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) expected = {"counter_name": "cpu_util", "counter_type": "gauge", "counter_unit": "%", "counter_volume": 1, "resource_id": "fake_resource", "timestamp": test_timestamp.isoformat()} self.assertEqual(expected, result[0][0]) samples_int = (parser.parse(result[0][0]["timestamp"]) - parser.parse(result[0][1]["timestamp"])).seconds self.assertEqual(60, samples_int) def test__make_samples_batch_size(self): self.scenario.generate_random_name = mock.Mock( return_value="fake_resource") test_timestamp = dt.datetime(2015, 10, 20, 14, 18, 40) result = list(self.scenario._make_samples(count=4, interval=60, batch_size=2, timestamp=test_timestamp)) self.assertEqual(2, len(result)) expected = {"counter_name": "cpu_util", "counter_type": "gauge", "counter_unit": "%", "counter_volume": 1, "resource_id": "fake_resource", "timestamp": test_timestamp.isoformat()} self.assertEqual(expected, result[0][0]) samples_int = (parser.parse(result[0][-1]["timestamp"]) - parser.parse(result[1][0]["timestamp"])).seconds # NOTE(idegtiarov): here we check that interval between last sample in # first batch and first sample in second batch is equal 60 sec. self.assertEqual(60, samples_int) def test__make_timestamp_query(self): start_time = "2015-09-09T00:00:00" end_time = "2015-09-10T00:00:00" expected_start = [ {"field": "timestamp", "value": "2015-09-09T00:00:00", "op": ">="}] expected_end = [ {"field": "timestamp", "value": "2015-09-10T00:00:00", "op": "<="} ] actual = self.scenario._make_timestamp_query(start_time, end_time) self.assertEqual(expected_start + expected_end, actual) self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException, self.scenario._make_timestamp_query, end_time, start_time) self.assertEqual( expected_start, self.scenario._make_timestamp_query(start_time=start_time)) self.assertEqual( expected_end, self.scenario._make_timestamp_query(end_time=end_time)) def test__list_alarms_by_id(self): self.assertEqual(self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.get.return_value, self.scenario._list_alarms("alarm-id")) self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.get.assert_called_once_with( "alarm-id") self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_alarms") def test__list_alarms(self): self.assertEqual(self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.list.return_value, self.scenario._list_alarms()) self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.list.assert_called_once_with() self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_alarms") def test__create_alarm(self): alarm_dict = {"alarm_id": "fake-alarm-id"} orig_alarm_dict = copy.copy(alarm_dict) self.scenario.generate_random_name = mock.Mock() self.assertEqual(self.scenario._create_alarm("fake-meter-name", 100, alarm_dict), self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.create.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.create.assert_called_once_with( meter_name="fake-meter-name", threshold=100, description="Test Alarm", alarm_id="fake-alarm-id", name=self.scenario.generate_random_name.return_value) # ensure that _create_alarm() doesn't modify the alarm dict as # a side-effect self.assertDictEqual(alarm_dict, orig_alarm_dict) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.create_alarm") def test__delete_alarms(self): self.scenario._delete_alarm("alarm-id") self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.delete.assert_called_once_with( "alarm-id") self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.delete_alarm") def test__update_alarm(self): alarm_diff = {"description": "Changed Test Description"} orig_alarm_diff = copy.copy(alarm_diff) self.scenario._update_alarm("alarm-id", alarm_diff) self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.update.assert_called_once_with( "alarm-id", **alarm_diff) # ensure that _create_alarm() doesn't modify the alarm dict as # a side-effect self.assertDictEqual(alarm_diff, orig_alarm_diff) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.update_alarm") def test__get_alarm_history(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._get_alarm_history("alarm-id"), self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.get_history.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.get_history.assert_called_once_with( "alarm-id") self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.get_alarm_history") def test__get_alarm_state(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._get_alarm_state("alarm-id"), self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.get_state.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.get_state.assert_called_once_with( "alarm-id") self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.get_alarm_state") def test__set_alarm_state(self): alarm = mock.Mock() self.clients("ceilometer").alarms.create.return_value = alarm return_alarm = self.scenario._set_alarm_state(alarm, "ok", 100) self.mock_wait_for.mock.assert_called_once_with( alarm, ready_statuses=["ok"], update_resource=self.mock_get_from_manager.mock.return_value, timeout=100, check_interval=1) self.mock_get_from_manager.mock.assert_called_once_with() self.assertEqual(self.mock_wait_for.mock.return_value, return_alarm) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.set_alarm_state") def test__list_events(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._list_events(), self.admin_clients("ceilometer").events.list.return_value ) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_events") def test__get_events(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._get_event(event_id="fake_id"), self.admin_clients("ceilometer").events.get.return_value ) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.get_event") def test__list_event_types(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._list_event_types(), self.admin_clients("ceilometer").event_types.list.return_value ) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_event_types") def test__list_event_traits(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._list_event_traits( event_type="fake_event_type", trait_name="fake_trait_name"), self.admin_clients("ceilometer").traits.list.return_value ) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_event_traits") def test__list_event_trait_descriptions(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._list_event_trait_descriptions( event_type="fake_event_type" ), self.admin_clients("ceilometer").trait_descriptions.list. return_value ) self._test_atomic_action_timer( self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_event_trait_descriptions") def test__list_meters(self): self.assertEqual(self.scenario._list_meters(), self.clients("ceilometer").meters.list.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").meters.list.assert_called_once_with( q=None, limit=None) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_meters") def test__list_resources(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._list_resources(), self.clients("ceilometer").resources.list.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").resources.list.assert_called_once_with( q=None, limit=None) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_resources") def test__list_samples(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._list_samples(), self.clients("ceilometer").samples.list.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").samples.list.assert_called_once_with( q=None, limit=None) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_samples") def test__list_samples_with_query(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._list_samples(query=[{"field": "user_id", "volume": "fake_id"}], limit=10), self.clients("ceilometer").samples.list.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").samples.list.assert_called_once_with( q=[{"field": "user_id", "volume": "fake_id"}], limit=10) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.list_samples:limit&user_id") def test__get_resource(self): self.assertEqual(self.scenario._get_resource("fake-resource-id"), self.clients("ceilometer").resources.get.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").resources.get.assert_called_once_with( "fake-resource-id") self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.get_resource") def test__get_stats(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._get_stats("fake-meter"), self.clients("ceilometer").statistics.list.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").statistics.list.assert_called_once_with( "fake-meter", q=None, period=None, groupby=None, aggregates=None) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.get_stats") def test__create_meter(self): self.scenario.generate_random_name = mock.Mock() self.assertEqual( self.scenario._create_meter(fakearg="fakearg"), self.clients("ceilometer").samples.create.return_value[0]) self.clients("ceilometer").samples.create.assert_called_once_with( counter_name=self.scenario.generate_random_name.return_value, fakearg="fakearg") self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.create_meter") def test__query_alarms(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._query_alarms("fake-filter", "fake-orderby", 10), self.clients("ceilometer").query_alarms.query.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").query_alarms.query.assert_called_once_with( "fake-filter", "fake-orderby", 10) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.query_alarms") def test__query_alarm_history(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._query_alarm_history( "fake-filter", "fake-orderby", 10), self.clients("ceilometer").query_alarm_history.query.return_value) self.clients( "ceilometer").query_alarm_history.query.assert_called_once_with( "fake-filter", "fake-orderby", 10) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.query_alarm_history") def test__query_samples(self): self.assertEqual( self.scenario._query_samples("fake-filter", "fake-orderby", 10), self.clients("ceilometer").query_samples.query.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").query_samples.query.assert_called_once_with( "fake-filter", "fake-orderby", 10) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.query_samples") def test__create_sample_no_resource_id(self): self.scenario.generate_random_name = mock.Mock() created_sample = self.scenario._create_sample("test-counter-name", "test-counter-type", "test-counter-unit", "test-counter-volume") self.assertEqual( created_sample, self.clients("ceilometer").samples.create.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").samples.create.assert_called_once_with( counter_name="test-counter-name", counter_type="test-counter-type", counter_unit="test-counter-unit", counter_volume="test-counter-volume", resource_id=self.scenario.generate_random_name.return_value) self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.create_sample") def test__create_sample(self): created_sample = self.scenario._create_sample("test-counter-name", "test-counter-type", "test-counter-unit", "test-counter-volume", "test-resource-id") self.assertEqual( created_sample, self.clients("ceilometer").samples.create.return_value) self.clients("ceilometer").samples.create.assert_called_once_with( counter_name="test-counter-name", counter_type="test-counter-type", counter_unit="test-counter-unit", counter_volume="test-counter-volume", resource_id="test-resource-id") self._test_atomic_action_timer(self.scenario.atomic_actions(), "ceilometer.create_sample") def test__make_general_query(self): self.scenario.context = { "user": {"tenant_id": "fake", "id": "fake_id"}, "tenant": {"id": "fake_id", "resources": ["fake_resource"]}} metadata = {"fake_field": "boo"} expected = [ {"field": "user_id", "value": "fake_id", "op": "eq"}, {"field": "project_id", "value": "fake_id", "op": "eq"}, {"field": "resource_id", "value": "fake_resource", "op": "eq"}, {"field": "metadata.fake_field", "value": "boo", "op": "eq"}, ] actual = self.scenario._make_general_query(True, True, True, metadata) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test__make_query_item(self): expected = {"field": "foo", "op": "eq", "value": "bar"} self.assertEqual(expected, self.scenario._make_query_item("foo", value="bar")) def test__make_profiler_key(self): query = [ {"field": "test_field1", "op": "eq", "value": "bar"}, {"field": "test_field2", "op": "==", "value": None} ] limit = 100 method = "fake_method" actual = self.scenario._make_profiler_key(method, query, limit) self.assertEqual("fake_method:limit&test_field1&test_field2", actual) actual = self.scenario._make_profiler_key(method, query, None) self.assertEqual("fake_method:test_field1&test_field2", actual) self.assertEqual(method, self.scenario._make_profiler_key(method, None, None))
# Copyright (c) 2017 UFCG-LSD. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import time from datetime import datetime import json import paramiko import pytz import requests import tzlocal from monitor.utils.monasca.connector import MonascaConnector from monitor.plugins.base import Plugin from monitor import api as api LOG_FILE = "progress.log" TIME_PROGRESS_FILE = "time_progress.log" MONITORING_INTERVAL = 2 class SparkProgressUPV(Plugin): def __init__(self, app_id, info_plugin, retries=60): Plugin.__init__(self, app_id, info_plugin, collect_period=5, retries=retries) self.monasca = MonascaConnector() self.submission_url = info_plugin['spark_submisson_url'] self.expected_time = info_plugin['expected_time'] self.remaining_time = int(self.expected_time) self.job_expected_time = int(self.expected_time) self.number_of_jobs = int(info_plugin['number_of_jobs']) self.current_job_id = 0 self.dimensions = {'application_id': self.app_id, 'service': 'spark-sahara'} self.conn = paramiko.SSHClient() self.conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.conn.connect(hostname=api.mesos_cluster_addr, username=api.mesos_username, password=api.mesos_password) self.spark_id = self._discover_id_from_spark() def _publish_measurement(self, jobs): application_progress_error = {} # Init jobs.reverse() if not len(jobs) == 0: current_job = jobs[self.current_job_id] if current_job['status'] == 'FAILED': self.current_job_id = len(jobs) - 1 elif current_job['status'] == 'SUCCEEDED': elapsed_time = float(self._get_elapsed_time( current_job['submissionTime'])) self.remaining_time = self.remaining_time - elapsed_time self.current_job_id = len(jobs) - 1 # Job Time self.job_expected_time = (self.remaining_time / (float(self.number_of_jobs) - float(self.current_job_id))) elif current_job['status'] == 'RUNNING': # Job Progress job_progress = (current_job['numCompletedTasks'] / float(current_job['numTasks'])) # Elapsed Time elapsed_time = float(self._get_elapsed_time( current_job['submissionTime'])) # Reference Value ref_value = (elapsed_time / self.job_expected_time) # Error error = job_progress - ref_value application_progress_error['name'] = ('application-progress' '.error') application_progress_error['value'] = error application_progress_error['timestamp'] = time.time() * 1000 application_progress_error['dimensions'] = self.dimensions print application_progress_error['value'] self.monasca.send_metrics([application_progress_error]) time.sleep(MONITORING_INTERVAL) def _get_elapsed_time(self, gmt_timestamp): try: local_tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() except Exception as e: local_tz = "America/Recife" local_tz = pytz.timezone(local_tz) date_time = datetime.strptime(gmt_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fGMT') date_time = date_time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_tz) date_time = date_time.replace(tzinfo=None) datetime_now = elapsed_time = datetime_now - date_time return elapsed_time.seconds def _discover_id_from_spark(self): for i in range(30): i, o, e = self.conn.exec_command('curl %s/api/v1/applications' % self.submission_url) applications_running = json.loads( for app in applications_running: if app['name'] == self.app_id: return app['id'] time.sleep(1) return None def _get_progress(self, spark_id): i, o, e = self.conn.exec_command('curl %s/api/v1/applications/%s/jobs' % (self.submission_url, spark_id)) return json.loads( def monitoring_application(self): try: job_request = self._get_progress(self.spark_id) self._publish_measurement(job_request) except Exception as ex: print ("Error: No application found for %s. %s remaining attempts" % (self.app_id, self.attempts)) print ex.message raise
<filename>ampa/cole/migrations/ # Generated by Django 3.1.5 on 2021-05-09 17:33 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('cole', '0028_auto_20210307_1720'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='WordTemplate', fields=[ ('fileattachment_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='cole.fileattachment')), ], bases=('cole.fileattachment',), ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env Python # Package imports from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello, World!'
import asyncio import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.utils import find import os from controllers.controller import controller from keep_alive import keep_alive import json intents = discord.Intents.default() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!fate ", intents=intents) cont = controller(bot) admins = cont.getAdmins() @bot.event # On Ready async def on_ready(): await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game("!fate help")) print(bot.user) print([ for i in bot.guilds]) @bot.event # On Error async def on_command_error(ctx, error): print("error") cont.debug(ctx) if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): await"Command not found.Try `!fate help`") return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingPermissions): await"Sorry <@{}>, you do not have permissions to do that!") return elif isinstance(error, commands.MemberNotFound): await"Member '`{error.argument}`' not found") return elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await"You're missing an argument there bud...\nTry `!fate help <command>`") return #await"**Something went wrong**... We are sorry. If you think this is a `bug` pls **report it**.") raise error @bot.event # On new Server Enter async def on_guild_join(guild): print(f"{}, Online") await cont.debugerLogGreen(f"**{}**, `Online`") with open("./models/leaderBoard.json", "r") as f: leaderBoard = json.load(f) leaderBoard[str(] = { "games": {}, "randomizers": { "ban": [] } } with open("./models/leaderBoard.json", "w") as f: json.dump(leaderBoard, f, indent=4) general = find(lambda x: ( == 'general' or == "geral"), guild.text_channels) if general and general.permissions_for( await general.send(f"Hello there, `{}`!\nThank you for adding our bot, we hope you have as mutch fun using it, as we did coding it.\n" + @bot.event async def on_guild_remove(guild): print(f"{}, Offline") await cont.debugerLogRed(f"**{}**, `Offline`") with open("./models/leaderBoard.json", "r") as f: leaderBoard = json.load(f) leaderBoard.pop(str( with open("./models/leaderBoard.json", "w") as f: json.dump(leaderBoard, f, indent=4) #!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bot.command(name="about", brief="A little about the bot" ) async def about(ctx): cont.debug(ctx) await #!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bot.command(name="pull", hidden=True) async def pull(ctx): if( not in admins): return os.system("git pull") #!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bot.command(hidden=True) async def load(ctx, name): if( not in admins): return bot.load_extension(f"cogs.{name}") print(f"{name} Loaded!") @bot.command(hidden=True) async def unload(ctx, name): if( not in admins): return bot.unload_extension(f"cogs.{name}") print(f"{name} UnLoaded!") @bot.command(hidden=True) async def reload(ctx, name): if( not in admins): return bot.unload_extension(f"cogs.{name}") bot.load_extension(f"cogs.{name}") print(f"{name} ReLoaded!") for file in os.listdir("./cogs"): # Will load all COGs if file.endswith(".py"): print("Load "+file) bot.load_extension(f"cogs.{ file[:-3] }") #!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- keep_alive()"TOKEN")) # Secret Stuff
import os from gettext import gettext as _ import mailpile.commands from mailpile.plugins import PluginManager _plugins = PluginManager(builtin=__file__) class Plugins(mailpile.commands.Command): """List the currently available plugins.""" SYNOPSIS = (None, 'plugins', 'plugins', '[<plugins>]') ORDER = ('Config', 9) def command(self): pm = self.session.config.plugins wanted = self.args info = dict((d, { 'loaded': d in pm.LOADED, 'builtin': d not in pm.DISCOVERED }) for d in pm.available() if (not wanted or d in wanted)) for plugin in info: if plugin in pm.DISCOVERED: info[plugin]['manifest'] = pm.DISCOVERED[plugin][1] return self._success(_('Listed available plugins'), info) class LoadPlugin(mailpile.commands.Command): """Load and enable a given plugin.""" SYNOPSIS = (None, 'plugins/load', 'plugins/load', '<plugin>') SPLIT_ARGS = False ORDER = ('Config', 9) def command(self): config = self.session.config plugins = config.plugins for plugin in self.args: if plugin in plugins.LOADED: return self._error(_('Already loaded: %s') % plugin, info={'loaded': plugin}) for plugin in self.args: try: # FIXME: This fails to update the ConfigManger plugins.load(plugin, process_manifest=True, config=config) config.sys.plugins.append(plugin) except Exception, e: self._ignore_exception() return self._error(_('Failed to load plugin: %s') % plugin, info={'failed': plugin}) self._serialize('Save config', lambda: return self._success(_('Loaded plugins: %s') % ', '.join(self.args), {'loaded': self.args}) class DisablePlugin(mailpile.commands.Command): """Disable a plugin.""" SYNOPSIS = (None, 'plugins/disable', 'plugins/disable', '<plugin>') ORDER = ('Config', 9) def command(self): config = self.session.config plugins = config.plugins for plugin in self.args: if plugin in plugins.REQUIRED: return self._error(_('Required plugins can not be disabled: %s' ) % plugin) if plugin not in config.sys.plugins: return self._error(_('Plugin not loaded: %s') % plugin) for plugin in self.args: while plugin in config.sys.plugins: config.sys.plugins.remove(plugin) self._serialize('Save config', lambda: return self._success(_('Disabled plugins: %s (restart required)' ) % ', '.join(self.args), {'disabled': self.args}) _plugins.register_commands(Plugins, LoadPlugin, DisablePlugin)
""" The opcodes of our bytecode. Bytecode describing a stack machine is a pretty nice representation to generate SpirV code, because the code gets visited in a flow, making it relatively easy to do type inference. By defining our own bytecode, we can implement a single generator that consumes it, and use the bytecode as a target for different source languages. Also, we can target the bytecode towards SpirV, which helps keeping the generator relatively simple. Our bytecode consists of a list of tuples, in which the first element is a (str) opcode, and the remaining elements its arguments. These opcodes are to be executed in a stack machine. The term bytecode is a bit odd, because we never really store it as bytes. But the meaning of the term "bytecode" most closely represents this intermediate representation of code. """ import json def bc2str(opcodes): """Serialize opcodes to str, one opcode + args per line (hint: it's json).""" lines = [json.dumps(op)[1:-1] for op in opcodes] return "\n".join(lines) def str2bc(s): """Get a list of opcodes (+args) from string.""" opcodes = [] for line in s.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line: opcodes.append(tuple(json.loads("[" + line + "]"))) return opcodes class OpCodeDefinitions: """Abstract class that defines the bytecode ops as methods, making it easy to document them (using docstring and arguments). Code that produces bytecode can use this as class as a kind of enum for the opcodes (and for documentation). Code that consumes bytecode can subclass this class and implement the methods. """ def co_src_filename(self, filename): """Mark that the following instructions correspond to the given filename.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_src_linenr(self, linenr): """Mark that the following instructions correspond to the given linenr.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_func(self, name): """Define a function. WIP""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_entrypoint(self, name, shader_type, execution_modes): """Define the start of an entry point function. * name (str): The function name. * shader_type (str): 'vertex', 'fragment' or 'compute'. * execution_modes (dict): a dict with execution modes. """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_func_end(self): """Define the end of a function (or entry point).""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_return(self): """Return from a function. When the function is a fragment shader entrypoint, this means discard. """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_call(self, funcname, nargs): """Call a function. The arguments are on the stack. The funcname should match a shader-specific type (e.g. f32 or Array), a texture sample/read/write function, a function in the stdlib, or another defined function (once we implement that). """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_resource(self, name, kind, slot, typename): """Define a shader resource, to be available under the given name. Kind can be 'input', 'output', 'uniform', 'buffer', 'texture' or 'sampler'. Slot is typically an int defining the location/binding slot, but can also be a string specifying a builtin (for input and output). """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_pop_top(self): """Pop the top of the stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_dup_top(self): """Duplicate the top of the stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_rotate_stack(self, n): """Rotate the top n elements on the stack, moving the top item to the nth position. """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_reverse_stack(self, n): """Reverse the top n elements on the stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_load_name(self, name): """Load a local variable onto the stack.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_store_name(self, name): """Store the TOS under the given name, so it can be referenced later using co_load_name. """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_load_index(self): """Implements TOS = TOS1[TOS].""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_store_index(self): """Implements TOS1[TOS] = TOS2.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_load_attr(self, name): """Implements TOS = Mostly intended for vector swizzling (e.g. pos.xyzw and color.rgba) """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_load_constant(self, value): """Load a constant value onto the stack. The value can be a float, int, bool. Tuple for vec? """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_load_array(self, nargs): """Build an array composed of the nargs last elements on the stack, and push that on the stack. """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_binary_op(self, op): """Implements TOS = TOS1 ?? TOS, where ?? is the given operation, which can be: add, sub, mul, div, fdiv, idiv, and, or, ... """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_unary_op(self, op): """A unary operation: neg, not.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_compare(self, cmp): """Comparison operation. cmp can be "<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">=".""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_label(self, label): """Start a block with the given label. The label must be a unique int or string. """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_branch(self, label): """Branch to the target label.""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_branch_conditional(self, true_label, false_label): """Branch to true_label if TOS is True, else branch to false_label. The control flow of the bytecode must be such that for each pair of branches there is a unique label where they merge and where no other branches pass through. The exception is that a branch-pair, and their sub-branches (and theirs, etc.) can merge at the same label (the compiler can resolve this). """ raise NotImplementedError() def co_branch_loop(self, iter_label, continue_label, merge_label): """Indicate the beginning of a loop (in a new block).""" raise NotImplementedError() def co_select(self): """Select between two values based on a bool. If TOS3, select TOS2, otherwise select TOS1. Push the selected object on the stack. """ raise NotImplementedError()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Mar 24 00:16:07 2020 @author: tranl """ import pandas as pd import sys ### Ultility functions def barstr(text, symbol='#', length=100, space_size=5): ''' Returns a marked line in the form #### < str > ### ''' bar_size = int((length-len(text))/2) bar = ''.join([symbol]*(bar_size-space_size)) space = ''.join([' ']*space_size) return '{:<}{}{}{}{:>}'.format(bar, space, text, space, bar) def print_(s, file): ''' Prints a string s into file ''' with open(file, "a+") as f: f.write('\n' + str(s)) f.close() print(s) def orderstr(order): ''' Returns string representation of the order response from Binance ''' try: s = 'Market response: ' s += 'Id:' + str(order['orderId']) + ' status:' + str(order['status']) + ' side:' + str(order['side']) + ' type:' + str(order['type']) + ' quantity:' + str(order['origQty']) if order['type']=='LIMIT': s += ' price:' + str(order['price']) + ' TIF:' + str(order['timeInForce']) elif order['type']=='TRAILING_STOP_MARKET': s += ' price:' + str(order['activatePrice']) + ' cbRate:' + str(order['priceRate']) s += ' time:' + pd.to_datetime(order['updateTime'], unit='ms').strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return s except Exception: s = "Invalid order response from the Market" return s def timestr(dateTime: int, end='f'): ''' Returns string representation for an interger time ''' if end=='m': s = pd.to_datetime(dateTime, unit='ms').strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M") elif end=='s': s = pd.to_datetime(dateTime, unit='ms').strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif end=='f': s = pd.to_datetime(dateTime, unit='ms').strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f")[:-3] return s
import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn.functional import linear import torch.nn.init as init from allennlp.nn.activations import Activation from ..utils.utils import batched_linear from typing import Union from transformers.models.bert.modeling_bert import BertOutput, BertSelfOutput class Adapter(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_feats: int, adapter_size: int = 64, bias: bool = True, activation: str = 'gelu', train_layer_norm: bool = True, dynamic_weights: bool = False): super(Adapter, self).__init__() self.in_feats = in_feats self.adapter_size = adapter_size self.bias = bias self.weight_down = None self.weight_up = None self.bias_down = None self.bias_up = None self.act_fn = Activation.by_name(activation)() self.train_layer_norm = train_layer_norm self.dynamic_weights = dynamic_weights if not dynamic_weights: self.weight_down = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(adapter_size, in_feats)) self.weight_up = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(in_feats, adapter_size)) if bias: self.bias_down = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(adapter_size)) self.bias_up = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(in_feats)) self.reset_parameters() def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor): linear_func = batched_linear if self.weight_down.dim() == 3 else linear x = linear_func(hidden_states, self.weight_down, self.bias_down) x = self.act_fn(x) x = linear_func(x, self.weight_up, self.bias_up) x = x + hidden_states return x def reset_parameters(self) -> None: init.normal_(self.weight_down, std=1e-3) init.normal_(self.weight_up, std=1e-3) def update_weight( self, weight_name, weight: torch.Tensor, ) -> None: object.__setattr__(self, weight_name, weight) class AdapterBertLayer(nn.Module): """ 替代 BertOutput 和 BertSelfOutput """ def __init__(self, base: Union[BertOutput, BertSelfOutput], adapter: Adapter): super().__init__() self.base = base self.adapter = adapter for param in base.LayerNorm.parameters(): param.requires_grad = adapter.train_layer_norm def forward(self, hidden_states, input_tensor): hidden_states = self.base.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.base.dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.adapter(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.base.LayerNorm(hidden_states + input_tensor) return hidden_states
#!/usr/bin/env python try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup setup( name='ExasolDatabaseConnector', version="0.1.7", license="MIT", maintainer="<NAME>", maintainer_email="<EMAIL>", description="Exasol database connector class written in python", long_description="Exasol database connector classes using ODBC or WebSockets", url='', packages=[ 'ExasolDatabaseConnector', 'ExasolDatabaseConnector.ExaDatabaseAbstract', 'ExasolDatabaseConnector.ExaWebSockets', 'ExasolDatabaseConnector.ExaOdbcDriver' ], install_requires=[ 'websocket_client', 'rsa', 'EXASOL-DB-API', 'pyodbc' ] )
HARD = 2 SOFT = 1 def level_as_string(level): if level == HARD: return "HARD" return "SOFT"
import os import dgl from data import * def construct_graph(training_dir, training_edges, transient_nodes, transient_edges, website_nodes, website_edges): def _full_path(f): return os.path.join(training_dir, f) edgelists, id_to_node = {}, {} # parse and add training edges training_edgelist, id_to_node = parse_edgelist(_full_path(training_edges), id_to_node, source_type='user', sink_type='user') print("Read user -> user training edgelist from {}".format(_full_path(training_edges))) edgelists[('user', 'same_entity', 'user')] = training_edgelist edgelists[('user', 'same_entity_reversed', 'user')] = [(b, a) for a, b in training_edgelist] # parse and add transient edges transient_edgelist, id_to_node = parse_edgelist(_full_path(transient_edges), id_to_node, source_type='user', sink_type='website') print("Read user -> website edgelist from {}".format(_full_path(transient_edges))) edgelists[('user', 'visits', 'website')] = transient_edgelist edgelists[('website', 'visited_by', 'user')] = [(b, a) for a, b in transient_edgelist] # parse and add website edges website_edgelist, id_to_node = parse_edgelist(_full_path(website_edges), id_to_node, source_type='website', sink_type='domain') print("Read website -> domain edgelist from {}".format(_full_path(website_edges))) edgelists[('website', 'owned_by', 'domain')] = website_edgelist edgelists[('domain', 'owns', 'website')] = [(b, a) for a, b in website_edgelist] # get user features user_features, new_nodes = get_features(id_to_node['user'], _full_path(transient_nodes)) print("Got user features from {}".format(_full_path(transient_nodes))) # add self relation to user nodes edgelists[('user', 'self_relation', 'user')] = [(u, u) for u in id_to_node['user'].values()] # get website features website_features = get_website_features(id_to_node['website'], _full_path(website_nodes)) print("Got website features from {}".format(_full_path(website_nodes))) g = dgl.heterograph(edgelists) print("Constructed heterograph with the following metagraph structure: Node types {}, Edge types{}".format( g.ntypes, g.canonical_etypes)) print("Number of user nodes : {}".format(g.number_of_nodes('user'))) reverse_etypes = {'same_entity': 'same_entity_reversed', 'same_entity_reversed': 'same_entity', 'visits': 'visited_by', 'visited_by': 'visits', 'owned_by': 'owns', 'owns': 'owned_by' } print(g) return g, (user_features, website_features), id_to_node, reverse_etypes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from datetime import datetime, timedelta import uuid import pytz from odoo import fields, models, api, _ from odoo.addons.base.models.res_partner import _tz_get from odoo.exceptions import UserError from import _format_time_ago from odoo.http import request from odoo.osv import expression class WebsiteTrack(models.Model): _name = 'website.track' _description = 'Visited Pages' _order = 'visit_datetime DESC' _log_access = False visitor_id = fields.Many2one('website.visitor', ondelete="cascade", index=True, required=True, readonly=True) page_id = fields.Many2one('', index=True, ondelete='cascade', readonly=True) url = fields.Text('Url', index=True) visit_datetime = fields.Datetime('Visit Date',, required=True, readonly=True) class WebsiteVisitor(models.Model): _name = 'website.visitor' _description = 'Website Visitor' _order = 'last_connection_datetime DESC' name = fields.Char('Name') access_token = fields.Char(required=True, default=lambda x: uuid.uuid4().hex, index=False, copy=False, groups='base.group_website_publisher') active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True) website_id = fields.Many2one('website', "Website", readonly=True) partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string="Linked Partner", help="Partner of the last logged in user.") partner_image = fields.Binary(related='partner_id.image_1920') # localisation and info country_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Country', readonly=True) country_flag = fields.Char(related="country_id.image_url", string="Country Flag") lang_id = fields.Many2one('res.lang', string='Language', help="Language from the website when visitor has been created") timezone = fields.Selection(_tz_get, string='Timezone') email = fields.Char(string='Email', compute='_compute_email_phone') mobile = fields.Char(string='Mobile Phone', compute='_compute_email_phone') # Visit fields visit_count = fields.Integer('Number of visits', default=1, readonly=True, help="A new visit is considered if last connection was more than 8 hours ago.") website_track_ids = fields.One2many('website.track', 'visitor_id', string='Visited Pages History', readonly=True) visitor_page_count = fields.Integer('Page Views', compute="_compute_page_statistics", help="Total number of visits on tracked pages") page_ids = fields.Many2many('', string="Visited Pages", compute="_compute_page_statistics", groups="website.group_website_designer") page_count = fields.Integer('# Visited Pages', compute="_compute_page_statistics", help="Total number of tracked page visited") last_visited_page_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Last Visited Page", compute="_compute_last_visited_page_id") # Time fields create_date = fields.Datetime('First connection date', readonly=True) last_connection_datetime = fields.Datetime('Last Connection',, help="Last page view date", readonly=True) time_since_last_action = fields.Char('Last action', compute="_compute_time_statistics", help='Time since last page view. E.g.: 2 minutes ago') is_connected = fields.Boolean('Is connected ?', compute='_compute_time_statistics', help='A visitor is considered as connected if his last page view was within the last 5 minutes.') _sql_constraints = [ ('access_token_unique', 'unique(access_token)', 'Access token should be unique.'), ('partner_uniq', 'unique(partner_id)', 'A partner is linked to only one visitor.'), ] @api.depends('name') def name_get(self): res = [] for record in self: res.append((, or _('Website Visitor #%s', )) return res @api.depends('partner_id.email_normalized', '', '') def _compute_email_phone(self): results = self.env['res.partner'].search_read( [('id', 'in', self.partner_id.ids)], ['id', 'email_normalized', 'mobile', 'phone'], ) mapped_data = { result['id']: { 'email_normalized': result['email_normalized'], 'mobile': result['mobile'] if result['mobile'] else result['phone'] } for result in results } for visitor in self: = mapped_data.get(, {}).get('email_normalized') = mapped_data.get(, {}).get('mobile') @api.depends('website_track_ids') def _compute_page_statistics(self): results = self.env['website.track'].read_group( [('visitor_id', 'in', self.ids), ('url', '!=', False)], ['visitor_id', 'page_id', 'url'], ['visitor_id', 'page_id', 'url'], lazy=False) mapped_data = {} for result in results: visitor_info = mapped_data.get(result['visitor_id'][0], {'page_count': 0, 'visitor_page_count': 0, 'page_ids': set()}) visitor_info['visitor_page_count'] += result['__count'] visitor_info['page_count'] += 1 if result['page_id']: visitor_info['page_ids'].add(result['page_id'][0]) mapped_data[result['visitor_id'][0]] = visitor_info for visitor in self: visitor_info = mapped_data.get(, {'page_count': 0, 'visitor_page_count': 0, 'page_ids': set()}) visitor.page_ids = [(6, 0, visitor_info['page_ids'])] visitor.visitor_page_count = visitor_info['visitor_page_count'] visitor.page_count = visitor_info['page_count'] @api.depends('website_track_ids.page_id') def _compute_last_visited_page_id(self): results = self.env['website.track'].read_group([('visitor_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['visitor_id', 'page_id', 'visit_datetime:max'], ['visitor_id', 'page_id'], lazy=False) mapped_data = {result['visitor_id'][0]: result['page_id'][0] for result in results if result['page_id']} for visitor in self: visitor.last_visited_page_id = mapped_data.get(, False) @api.depends('last_connection_datetime') def _compute_time_statistics(self): for visitor in self: visitor.time_since_last_action = _format_time_ago(self.env, ( - visitor.last_connection_datetime)) visitor.is_connected = ( - visitor.last_connection_datetime) < timedelta(minutes=5) def _check_for_message_composer(self): """ Purpose of this method is to actualize visitor model prior to contacting him. Used notably for inheritance purpose, when dealing with leads that could update the visitor model. """ return bool(self.partner_id and def _prepare_message_composer_context(self): return { 'default_model': 'res.partner', 'default_res_id':, 'default_partner_ids': [], } def action_send_mail(self): self.ensure_one() if not self._check_for_message_composer(): raise UserError(_("There are no contact and/or no email linked to this visitor.")) visitor_composer_ctx = self._prepare_message_composer_context() compose_form = self.env.ref('mail.email_compose_message_wizard_form', False) compose_ctx = dict( default_use_template=False, default_composition_mode='comment', ) compose_ctx.update(**visitor_composer_ctx) return { 'name': _('Contact Visitor'), 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'views': [(, 'form')], 'view_id':, 'target': 'new', 'context': compose_ctx, } def _get_visitor_from_request(self, force_create=False): """ Return the visitor as sudo from the request if there is a visitor_uuid cookie. It is possible that the partner has changed or has disconnected. In that case the cookie is still referencing the old visitor and need to be replaced with the one of the visitor returned !!!. """ # This function can be called in json with mobile app. # In case of mobile app, no uid is set on the jsonRequest env. # In case of multi db, _env is None on request, and request.env unbound. if not request: return None Visitor = self.env['website.visitor'].sudo() visitor = Visitor access_token = request.httprequest.cookies.get('visitor_uuid') if access_token: visitor = Visitor.with_context(active_test=False).search([('access_token', '=', access_token)]) # Prefetch access_token and other fields. Since access_token has a restricted group and we access # a non restricted field (partner_id) first it is not fetched and will require an additional query to be retrieved. visitor.access_token if not self.env.user._is_public(): partner_id = self.env.user.partner_id if not visitor or visitor.partner_id and visitor.partner_id != partner_id: # Partner and no cookie or wrong cookie visitor = Visitor.with_context(active_test=False).search([('partner_id', '=',]) elif visitor and visitor.partner_id: # Cookie associated to a Partner visitor = Visitor if visitor and not visitor.timezone: tz = self._get_visitor_timezone() if tz: visitor._update_visitor_timezone(tz) if not visitor and force_create: visitor = self._create_visitor() return visitor def _handle_webpage_dispatch(self, response, website_page): # get visitor. Done here to avoid having to do it multiple times in case of override. visitor_sudo = self._get_visitor_from_request(force_create=True) if request.httprequest.cookies.get('visitor_uuid', '') != visitor_sudo.access_token: expiration_date = + timedelta(days=365) response.set_cookie('visitor_uuid', visitor_sudo.access_token, expires=expiration_date) self._handle_website_page_visit(website_page, visitor_sudo) def _handle_website_page_visit(self, website_page, visitor_sudo): """ Called on dispatch. This will create a website.visitor if the http request object is a tracked website page or a tracked view. Only on tracked elements to avoid having too much operations done on every page or other http requests. Note: The side effect is that the last_connection_datetime is updated ONLY on tracked elements.""" url = request.httprequest.url website_track_values = { 'url': url, 'visit_datetime':, } if website_page: website_track_values['page_id'] = domain = [('page_id', '=',] else: domain = [('url', '=', url)] visitor_sudo._add_tracking(domain, website_track_values) if != visitor_sudo.write({'lang_id':}) def _add_tracking(self, domain, website_track_values): """ Add the track and update the visitor""" domain = expression.AND([domain, [('visitor_id', '=',]]) last_view = self.env['website.track'].sudo().search(domain, limit=1) if not last_view or last_view.visit_datetime < - timedelta(minutes=30): website_track_values['visitor_id'] = self.env['website.track'].create(website_track_values) self._update_visitor_last_visit() def _create_visitor(self): """ Create a visitor. Tracking is added after the visitor has been created.""" country_code = request.session.get('geoip', {}).get('country_code', False) country_id = request.env[''].sudo().search([('code', '=', country_code)], limit=1).id if country_code else False vals = { 'lang_id':, 'country_id': country_id, 'website_id':, } tz = self._get_visitor_timezone() if tz: vals['timezone'] = tz if not self.env.user._is_public(): vals['partner_id'] = vals['name'] = return self.sudo().create(vals) def _link_to_partner(self, partner, update_values=None): """ Link visitors to a partner. This method is meant to be overridden in order to propagate, if necessary, partner information to sub records. :param partner: partner used to link sub records; :param update_values: optional values to update visitors to link; """ vals = {'name':} if update_values: vals.update(update_values) self.write(vals) def _link_to_visitor(self, target, keep_unique=True): """ Link visitors to target visitors, because they are linked to the same identity. Purpose is mainly to propagate partner identity to sub records to ease database update and decide what to do with "duplicated". THis method is meant to be overridden in order to implement some specific behavior linked to sub records of duplicate management. :param target: main visitor, target of link process; :param keep_unique: if True, find a way to make target unique; """ # Link sub records of self to target partner if target.partner_id: self._link_to_partner(target.partner_id) # Link sub records of self to target visitor self.website_track_ids.write({'visitor_id':}) if keep_unique: self.unlink() return target def _cron_archive_visitors(self): delay_days = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('', 30)) deadline = - timedelta(days=delay_days) visitors_to_archive = self.env['website.visitor'].sudo().search([('last_connection_datetime', '<', deadline)]) visitors_to_archive.write({'active': False}) def _update_visitor_timezone(self, timezone): """ We need to do this part here to avoid concurrent updates error. """ try: with query_lock = "SELECT * FROM website_visitor where id = %s FOR NO KEY UPDATE NOWAIT", (,), log_exceptions=False) query = "UPDATE website_visitor SET timezone = %s WHERE id = %s", (timezone,, log_exceptions=False) except Exception: pass def _update_visitor_last_visit(self): """ We need to do this part here to avoid concurrent updates error. """ try: with query_lock = "SELECT * FROM website_visitor where id = %s FOR NO KEY UPDATE NOWAIT", (,), log_exceptions=False) date_now = query = "UPDATE website_visitor SET " if self.last_connection_datetime < (date_now - timedelta(hours=8)): query += "visit_count = visit_count + 1," query += """ active = True, last_connection_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s """, (date_now,, log_exceptions=False) except Exception: pass def _get_visitor_timezone(self): tz = request.httprequest.cookies.get('tz') if request else None if tz in pytz.all_timezones: return tz elif not self.env.user._is_public(): return else: return None
from django.http.response import HttpResponseBase from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured class ActionResponse(Exception): def __init__(self, response): if not isinstance(response, HttpResponseBase): raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'ActionResponse argument must be HttpResponseBase instance') self.response = response
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2015-2018 by Exopy Authors, see AUTHORS for more details. # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD license. # # The full license is in the file LICENCE, distributed with this software. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """Implements a wrapper around the PyQt clipboard that handles Python objects using pickle. This has been ported from Enthought TraitsUI. """ import warnings from pickle import dumps, load, loads, PickleError from io import StringIO from enaml.qt import QtCore, QtWidgets from atom.api import Atom, Property class PyMimeData(QtCore.QMimeData): """ The PyMimeData wraps a Python instance as MIME data. Parameters ---------- data : Object to copy to the clipboard. pickle : Whether or not to pickle the data. """ # The MIME type for instances. MIME_TYPE = 'application/exopy-qt4-instance' NOPICKLE_MIME_TYPE = 'application/exopy-qt4-instance' def __init__(self, data=None, pickle=False): QtCore.QMimeData.__init__(self) # Keep a local reference to be returned if possible. self._local_instance = data if pickle: if data is not None: # We may not be able to pickle the data. try: pdata = dumps(data, -1) # This format (as opposed to using a single sequence) # allows the type to be extracted without unpickling # the data. self.setData(self.MIME_TYPE, dumps(data.__class__) + pdata) except (PickleError, TypeError): # if pickle fails, still try to create a draggable warnings.warn(("Could not pickle dragged object %s, " + "using %s mimetype instead") % (repr(data), self.NOPICKLE_MIME_TYPE), RuntimeWarning) self.setData(self.NOPICKLE_MIME_TYPE, str(id(data)).encode('utf8')) else: self.setData(self.NOPICKLE_MIME_TYPE, str(id(data)).encode('utf8')) @classmethod def coerce(cls, md): """ Wrap a QMimeData or a python object to a PyMimeData. """ # See if the data is already of the right type. If it is then we know # we are in the same process. if isinstance(md, cls): return md if isinstance(md, PyMimeData): # If it is a PyMimeData, migrate all its data, subclasses should # override this method if it doesn't do things correctly for them data = md.instance() nmd = cls() nmd._local_instance = data for format in md.formats(): nmd.setData(format, elif isinstance(md, QtCore.QMimeData): # If it is a QMimeData, migrate all its data nmd = cls() for format in md.formats(): nmd.setData(format, else: # By default, don't try to pickle the coerced object pickle = False # See if the data is a list, if so check for any items which are # themselves of the right type. If so, extract the instance and # track whether we should pickle. # HINT lists should suffice for now, but may want other containers if isinstance(md, list): md = [item.instance() if isinstance(item, PyMimeData) else item for item in md] # Arbitrary python object, wrap it into PyMimeData nmd = cls(md, pickle) return nmd def instance(self): """ Return the instance. """ if self._local_instance is not None: return self._local_instance if not self.hasFormat(self.MIME_TYPE): # We have no pickled python data defined. return None io = StringIO(bytes( try: # Skip the type. load(io) # Recreate the instance. return load(io) except PickleError: pass return None def instance_type(self): """ Return the type of the instance. """ if self._local_instance is not None: return self._local_instance.__class__ try: if self.hasFormat(self.MIME_TYPE): return loads(bytes( except PickleError: pass return None def local_paths(self): """ The list of local paths from url list, if any. """ ret = [] for url in self.urls(): if url.scheme() == 'file': ret.append(url.toLocalFile()) return ret class _Clipboard(Atom): """ The _Clipboard class provides a wrapper around the PyQt clipboard. """ # --- Members definitions ------------------------------------------------- #: The instance on the clipboard (if any). instance = Property() #: Set if the clipboard contains an instance. has_instance = Property() #: The type of the instance on the clipboard (if any). instance_type = Property() # --- Instance property methods ------------------------------------------- @instance.getter def _instance_getter(self): """ The instance getter. """ md = PyMimeData.coerce(QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard().mimeData()) if md is None: return None return md.instance() @instance.setter def _instance_setter(self, data): """ The instance setter. """ QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(PyMimeData(data)) @has_instance.getter def _has_instance_getter(self): """ The has_instance getter. """ clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() return clipboard.mimeData().hasFormat(PyMimeData.MIME_TYPE) @instance_type.getter def _instance_type_getter(self): """ The instance_type getter. """ md = PyMimeData.coerce(QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard().mimeData()) if md is None: return None return md.instance_type() #: The singleton clipboard instance. CLIPBOARD = _Clipboard()
<reponame>abheesht17/super-pixels<filename>src/datasets/ # from src.datasets.hf_image_classification import HFImageClassification # from src.datasets.tv_mnist import TvMnist # from src.datasets.tg_mnist_slic import TgMnistSlic from src.datasets.cifar import Cifar from src.datasets.cifar_img_slic import CifarImgSlic from src.datasets.cifar_slic import CifarSlic from src.datasets.covid import Covid from src.datasets.covid_img_slic import CovidImgSlic from src.datasets.covid_slic import CovidSlic from src.datasets.lfw import LFW from src.datasets.lfw_img_slic import LFWImgSlic from src.datasets.lfw_slic import LFWSlic from src.datasets.mnist import Mnist from src.datasets.mnist_img_slic import MnistImgSlic from src.datasets.mnist_slic import MnistSlic from src.datasets.socofing import Socofing from src.datasets.socofing_img_slic import SocofingImgSlic from src.datasets.socofing_slic import SocofingSlic
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