Shame ! shamel! gentlemen, learn something about
Shame! shamel! gentlemen, learn something about
císs. Apart from its varied and instructive Eng-
cess. Apart from its varied and instructive Eng-
to assist you. The classes meet in
to assist you. The classes meet in
iḃ a ṁianas foġluim na Gaeḋilge, go na
iḃ a ṁianas foġluim na Gaeḋilge, go naċ
speaker, tho' uneducated will correct an unskilled
speaker, tho' uneducated will correct an unskilled
Am áiriġṫe do ġaḃ seaḃacdóir Pitrise
Am áiriġṫe do ġaḃ seaḃacdóir Pitrisg
yarn: feáġḋa, beechen : "ceardaiḋ,
yarn: feáġḋa, beechen: ceardaiḋ,
to each other. A large number of our subscribers
to each other. A large number of our subscribers
cal Ueurla ċo fad agus ḃeiḋinn 'sas
cal Beurla ċo fad agus ḃeiḋinn 'san
naċ siúḃalóċaḋ sé cois-céim eile. Aċt
naċ siúḃalóċaḋ sé cois-céim eile. Aċt
Trí uaíre aig baṫaiḃ Ḟontenoġ ṫreuḃaḋ
Trí uaíre aig baṫaiḃ Ḟontenoġ ṫreuḃaḋ
Ní iongnaḋ liom, a ċairde, go m-féid-
Ní iongnaḋ liom, a ċairde, go m-féid-
Ċúṁall air ṁaidin ḃreáġ, áluin go moċ.
Ċúṁall air ṁaidin ḃreáġ, áluin go moċ,
a Ḟinn?" deir sé. 'Ní gan áḋḃar a
a Ḟinn?" deir sé. "Ní gan áḋḃar a
them; and they told them they had ale and wine
them; and they told them they had ale and wine
Deifriġiḋ go ċlaon aig ċaṫ
Deifriġiḋ go ċlaon aig ċaṫ!
Do ċruinn siad ċum MacMurrċa &
Do ċruinn siad ċum MacMurrċa do
therefore apparent.
therefore apparent.
Iona or Icolmkill, West Scotland—This islind is
Iona or Icolmkill, West Scotland — This island is
'S aon lann aṁáin le do ṡaoraḋ.'
'S aon lann aṁáin le do ṡaoraḋ."
seration ?
ledge of the written language.
ledge of the written language.
not been copied in the fac similes, as it would
not been copied in the fac similes, as it would
a raḃ d' aṫair na ṁada no na ṁada
a raḃ d' aṫair na ṁada no na ṁada
'n m-beanrioġa Sacsanaiġ. Ní 'l fios
'n m-beanrioġa Ṡacsanaiġ. Ní 'l fios
Mich.—Dr. Scallon conveys the sentiments of
Mich. — Dr. Scallon conveys the sentiments of
corrúġaḋ na n-daoine, agus corruiġis iad
corrúġaḋ na n-daoine, agus corruiġis iad
the type for these twelve pages ; but we paid too
the type for these twelve pages; but we paid too
ed by Historians to be a superior race. The other
ed by Historians to be a superior race. The other
go m-beidís féin easaontaċ le ċéile fá
go m-beidís féin easaontaċ le ċéile fá
e, mi-ṁeasann siad gaċ niḋ naċ d-tuig-
e, mi-ṁeasann siad gaċ niḋ naċ d-tuig-
Nor is thine ancient valour tame.
Nor is thine ancient valour tame.
Like glistening glue
Like glistening glue
now is that a person who ċaunot speak a language
now is that a person who cannot speak a language
art thou. 4. O, partner of my soul it is thou,
art thou. 4. O, partner of my soul it is thou.
Ohl both by land and ocean
Oh! both by land and ocean
Go g-caiṫfear í sgaipe gan spleáḋa.
Go g-caiṫfear í sgaipe gan spleáḋa-
Second Irish Look
Second Irish Look
a strong handful of a piece of timber, and thus
a strong handful of a piece of timber, and thus
D. Gilgannon for Ċountġ' Treasur-
D. Gilgannon for Countġ' Treasur-
probably on account of their intelligence ; they are
probably on account of their intelligence; they are
Ag ráḋ 'a Ḃeirnáid a ṁuirnín, ní leig-
Ag ráḋ 'a Ḃeirnáid a ṁuirnín, ní leig-
Dyeing, Scouring, Cleaning, Repairing, and Alter-
Dyeing, Scouring, Cleaning, Repairing, and Alter-
cuireaḋ a m-Brooclín ċum a bheiṫ na ḋair
cuireaḋ a m-Brooclín ċum a ḃeiṫ na ḋair
the Preservation of the Irish Lauguage was held on
the Preservation of the Irish Lauguage was held on
Munster whole villages are almost deropulated
Munster whole villages are almost depopulated
a ḋiaiġ san Impireaċt ó ṡion? Agus
a ḋiaiġ san Impireaċt ó ṡion? Agus
rounded the whole with a high ditch and a deep
rounded the whole with a high ditch and a deep
Maelcinn Draoi o nar cred Ċormac
Maelcinn Draoi o nar cred Cormac
ṫaisbeánas sé gné; uiḃreaċ ó ṫainbeán
ṫaisbeánas sé gné; uiḃreaċ ó ṫainbeán-
'uig aaḃ -áċin,
suiġ, sit (thou)'
Aċt buḋ Ċáit óg an bláṫ sar-ḋeas,
Aċt buḋ Cáit óg an bláṫ sar-ḋeas,
M E R C H A N T T A I L O R,
Am ṡuiḋeaṁ air ḃeinn an t-sléiḃe,
Am ṡuiḋeaṁ air ḃeinn an t-sléiḃe,
(Le ḃeiṫ leanuiġṫe)
(Le ḃeiṫ leanuiġṫe)
yeagear e.
vengean e.
Floor Manager; Hugh C. Finn, Assistant Floor
Floor Manager, Hugh C. Finn, Assistant Floor
Catholic Columbian.
Catholic Columbian.
Sometimes, as above indicated, the
Sometimes, as above indicated, the
for improved property, is now free and clear. 2
for improved property, is now free and clear. 20
aiṫriġe go tapaiḋ,
aiṫriġe go tapaiḋ,
tá éigin dúinn níos mó ioná ag aon
tá éigin dúinn níos mó ioná ag aon
a d-tír sladuiġṫe go lán--
a d-tír sladuiġṫe go lán —
daughter being ill ; but she will be glad when she
daughter being ill; but she will be glad when she
TERENCE McGUIRE, Fashionable Boot and
TERENCE McGUIRE, Fashionable Boot and
aċt mar do ḃí air an Ṡpáinn, no air an
aċt mar do ḃí air an Ṡpáinn, no air an
Ḃí air an g-cuan fuar, a seasaḋ gárda,
Ḃí air an g-cuan fuar, a seasaḋ gárda,
were they by the wear of nearly a thou-
were they by the wear of nearly a thou-
JEREMIAH HACKETT, Contractor, No. 368
JEREMIAH HACKETT, Contractor, No. 368
ta a ḃí ann seo a nae? 10. tá an bean
ta a ḃí ann seo a nae? 10. tá an ḃean
eannaċ annso ag a ḃ-fuil an mian is
eannaċ annso ag a ḃ-fuil an mian is
a tá orrainn. Iarramuid air ṁrin-
a tá orrainn. Iarramuid air ṁrin-
Mar ġeall air ḃeagán maoin nach
Mar ġeall air ḃeagán maoin naċ
'S' liaċt cailín deas gan fios cia d'
'S liaċt cailín deas gan fios cia d'
er movement ever inaugurated, because it demon-
er movement ever inaugurated, because it demon-
Le h-ais glóire an Crois ; onnċon ar d-
Le h-ais glóire an Ċrois; onnċon ar d-
ann Spáinn,
ann Spáinn,
do Ḋia ; ní 'l fuaċt no ceo ann.
do Ḋia; ní 'l fuaċt no ceo ann.
a's náireaċ----
a's náireaċ —
Do ṫaḃairt solasṁar, clo-osgailte, mar
Do ṫaḃairt solasṁar, clo-osgailte, mar
Movement, I am &c.
Movement, I am &c.
coming to take possession of the crown.
coming to take possession of the crown.
S I G N & W A G O N P A I N T E R,
sentiments with the subscriptions of J. Cahill,
sentiments with the subscriptions of J. Cahill,
may demolish them at en expense of a few dollars.
may demolish them at an expense of a few dollars.
Air méirleaċt 's cuirripeaċt a cuid
Air méirleaċt 's cuirripeaċt a cuid
iaiġ, tamal ó ṡoin ; do fuaireas An
naiġ, tamal ó ṡoin; do fuaireas An
ill, Fallon, Hughes, Hannigan, Lucy, Capt. Nor-
ill, Fallon, Hughes, Hannigan, Lucy, Capt. Nor-