Easbog beannuiġṫe, do ġluis go Éirinn,
Easbog beannuiġṫe, do ġluis go Éirinn,
of Messrs. Casie, W. A. ONeill, Rielly, and Sis-
of Messrs. Casie, W. A. O'Neill, Rielly, and Sis-
Ċonnailte agus bric ag eiriḋe 'n áirde,
Connailte agus bric ag eiriḋe 'n áirde,
Gaoḋail na h-Éireann agus Alban, 's ion-
Gaoḋail na h-Éireann agus Alban, 's ion-
the city to select from. Houses from $1,000 to
the city to select from. Houses from $1,000 to
ḟliuċ, 23. deir saoiṫe go m-ḃíḋeann
ḟliuċ, 23. deir saoiṫe go m-ḃíḋeann
Thesnow like a sheet, covered cabin and stile,
Thesnow like a sheet, covered cabin and stile,
ard-úġdar na teangan.
ard-úġdar na teangan.
his letter, he having requested of us notito do so
his letter, he having requested of us not to do so
a aite, agus aig timċiolliuġaḋ an 'c
a aice, agus aig timċiolliuġaḋ an 'c
memorials, drawn the attention of the Irish members
memorials, drawn the attention of the Irish members
e: ard-riġ neiṁe a tá, a ḃi, agus a
e: ard-riġ neiṁe a tá, a ḃi, agus a
usual excellence of the society's reunions, the object
usual excellence of the society's reunions, the object
first cities in Ireland, and contained the great ab-
first cities in Ireland, and contained the great ab-
Mobile, Ala.
Mobile, Ala.
be the success of the movement, and the social e-
be the success of the movement, and the social e-
that element in a large degree ; he has not
that element in a large degree; he has not
Ḃídear lán de ġreann, lainn, agus áṫas
Ḃídear lán de ġreann, lainn, agus áṫas:
Fuair sé 'n congnaṁ, gus O! mo leuns-
Fuair sé 'n congnaṁ, gus O! mo leunsa
els for this “de-tructive weapon” can be had in
els for this “destructive weapon” can be had in
the noun to some verb, preposition, of
the noun to some verb, preposition, or
ed us in its formulation, namely--
ed us in its formulation, namely —
And features surpassingly fine ;
And features surpassingly fine;
'Snár uṁaluiġ riaṁ ag sagart no brá-
'Snár uṁaluiġ riaṁ ag sagart no brá-
gaċ áit. 25. tá Dia maiṫ do gach duin-
gaċ áit. 25. tá Dia maiṫ do gaċ duin-
VOL. 2. —No. 4. JANUARY, 1883. Price, Five Cents.
VOL. 2. — No. 4. JANUARY, 1883. Price, Five Cents.
agus doilġís cráiḋte aig Clann - na-
agus doilġís cráiḋte aig Clann - na-
ann d' oifige ṁalluiġṫe a ḃeiṫ cruinn
ann d' oifige ṁalluiġṫe a ḃeiṫ cruinn-
it when requir d: throu h this chain thy drove
it when requir d: throu h this chain thy drove
from Mr. John Fleming in the Dubln Gaelic Jour-
from Mr. John Fleming in the Dubln Gaelic Jour-
Thomas Sexton Esq. M. P.—I hope to see the
Thomas Sexton Esq. M. P. — I hope to see the
uaiḃreaċ Gaoḋal,
uaiḃreaċ Gaoḋal,
taoḃaḋ dún
taoḃaḋ dún
The language of old Erin, of her history and name:
The language of old Erin, of her history and name:
aca ṫuigeas aon Ġaeḋilige aċt Rossa
aca ṫuigeas aon Ġaeḋilige aċt Rossa
are located in the following counties:—Volusia, Or
are located in the following counties: — Volusia, Or
air créatúr air biṫ ó Ḋia 'nuas, aċht
air créatúr air biṫ ó Ḋia 'nuas, aċt
n-diaiġ a ḃeiṫ meastaḋ cionntaċ le ḃur
n-diaiġ a ḃeiṫ meastaḋ cionntaċ le ḃur
an tráṫ ḃí fear an tiġe (gen. of teaċ)
an tráṫ ḃí fear an tiġe (gen. of teaċ)
pliment is due to his great influence and fidelity
pliment is due to his great influence and fidelity
Now I'll go to my home though the winter winds
Now I'll go to my home though the winter winds
It is only a question of time, of short time now in
It is only a question of time, of short time now in
ruiġeas moḋ an ḃriaṫair, an ḟeartḟo-
ruiġeas moḋ an ḃriaṫair, an ḟeartḟo-
amount of knowledge of Irish that we have of Eng-
amount of knowledge of Irish that we have of Eng-
ing Car in which he airs his family to Coney
ing Car in which he airs his family to Coney
and hand !
and hand!
aḋ, mar ḃí an bean gan stuaim astiġ.
aḋ, mar ḃí an bean gan stuaim astiġ.
an sgoil.
an sgoil.
sures; so they entered into a conspiracy to cut
sures; so they entered into a conspiracy to cut
eaḋ an obair ṁaiṫ níos tairḃiḋe dá m-beiḋ-
eaḋ an obair ṁaiṫ níos tairḃiḋe dá m-beiḋ-
morial of our Nation—the ornament of our name
morial of our Nation — the ornament of our name
n-daoine ioċlaċ a ċuir air ḟeareagraiḃ
n-daoine ioċlaċ a ċuir air ḟeareagraiḃ
comers to dance her in a jig, reel and hornpipe,
comers to dance her in a jig, reel and hornpipe,
mology of Words, Syntax of Sentences,
mology of Words, Syntax of Sentences,
root be broad and the first vowel of the
root be broad and the first vowel of the
and if Arthur had not heen nominated on the tick-
and if Arthur had not heen nominated on the tick-
Mar sin, tóig suas do ṗíce
Mar sin, tóig suas do ṗíce
Mo ṫiġearnaiḋe, breaṫnuiġeann siḃ
Mo ṫiġearnaiḋe, breaṫnuiġeann siḃ
in that Language; in it we trace the antiquity of
in that Language; in it we trace the antiquity of
I shall only deem it an honor to be allowed the
I shall only deem it an honor to be allowed the
Seaḋ, ḃí sí 'nn suiḋe' go crotaċ craite,
Seaḋ, ḃí sí 'nn suiḋe' go crotaċ craite,
of the oppressed, is never safe from their ven
of the oppressed, is never safe from their ven-
the clergy to the latter consideration. A people
the clergy to the latter consideration. A people
Priests, lawyers and doctors--edncated people
Priests, lawyers and doctors — educated people
agus do rinne Ċormac áit ċoinne leo
agus do rinne Cormac áit ċoinne leo
dignity and the honor you have obtained—high
dignity and the honor you have obtained — high
of the Irish Language, and the Autonomy of the Irish Nation,
of the Irish Language, and the Autonomy of the Irish Nation,
as proposed in Dublin in August next, I expect to
as proposed in Dublin in August next, I expect to
Ashamed to be an Irishnaul shane on the one
Ashamed to be an Irishman! shame on the one
one can point a finger to him ard say that an
one can point a finger to him ard say that any
Doḃí id ir compluċt Siḃéil agus muin-
Doḃí idir compluċt Siḃéil agus muin-
tongue may find cause to asperse the candor of
tongue may find cause to asperse the candor of
should get all the wine and ale that was in their
should get all the wine and ale that was in their
ṫis Iournal, or eḃen ṫeir oṁn name
this Iournal, or eḃen their oṁn name
the Irish charactler, yet, we presume the Irishman
the Irish character, yet, we presume the Irishman
knottiness of this rod: to the end that no evi
knottiness of this rod: to the end that no evi
leis n g-colainn a ċongḃál a stáid' ḟalláin,
leis 'n g-colainn a ċongḃál a stáid ḟalláin'
A morning star
A morning star
B' ḟeárr liom ná ór na ríoġaċta
B' ḟeárr liom ná ór na ríoġaċta
gated by the water of the lake, which is at the
gated by the water of the lake, which is at the
do ṁáṫair? 8. ḃ-fuil do ṁac beo, a
do ṁáṫair? 8. ḃ-fuil do ṁac beo, a
sell for Mr. Egan, Gallagher, Scott, Wilson, Lov
sell for Mr. Egan, Gallagher, Scott, Wilson, Lov-
do ċroiḋe aig lasa teo,----
do ċroiḋe aig lasa teo, —
was the first who bore te saddening intelligence
was the first who bore the saddening intelligence