stringlengths 10
True story: Raiding back in wotlk, (Naxx 25), and before we pull the 2nd boss in Plague quarter our holy priest says 'Can you guys wait 2-4 minutes', Our leader asked him why, and his response was 'Bit of confusion at the next platform and I want to pay attention. Shouldn't take too long'. It was at that moment we understood why he couldn't use teamspeak. |
I never had a healer complain about healing leveling up as a brewmaster, I guess I was just lucky to do my research?
I honestly fell In love with brewmasters :) but healers and everyone needs to know, we gave very few "normal" tank cool downs.
Typically I have to use 2 in one for it to be an effective single one (Zen Meditation and Avert Harm) and then I can't actually use it for myself, it's just a raid CD. Our tiger is only a CD in dungeons, atleast the defensive part. We get either 10% health per brew consumed on a 15s cd, or a magic/physical cd (1:30 or 2:00 I believe) that honestly aren't that strong. Our real true cool down is fortifying Brew. Once per 3 minutes, 20% more health and less damage taken. That's all we get.
So |
Creates heroic raids every single day, fails, bashes top tier players.
Extreme |
RNG isn't fun and hasn't ever been fun except for the small handful of people it benefits in the short term. In my opinion it is terrible game design that makes me not care about what I'm working towards.
Should be more skill based for rewards but that doesn't cater to the big crowd of casuals that actually bring in the money. |
If you're to believe all the conspiracy theories its more likely that Ner'zhul is dead. Throughout the quests in Northrend the lich king refers to himself as a shaman. Which could mean rather than overpowering Ner'zhul, Arthas' mind simply fused to it. Meaning that with Arthas dead either Ner'zhul and Arthas are dead, or neither are really dead. Also some suggest that perhaps ner'zhul is behind Garrosh's Headstrong attitude given that the lich king essentially set all his army up and garrosh repeatedly shit all over them. Coupled by the fact that Garrosh really only ever tolerated the Tauren because of how useful they were in the Northrend War. |
The Shards of Frostmourne were likely collected by whoever got rid of Arthas' body, which would be Tirion. It was also speculated that Sylvanas has them (She goes to the top of the frozen throne in her short story) however in the same story the shards/body are already gone. Most likely either the Argent Dawn or the Ebon Blade are holding them (or both have pieces).
Also Jaina is just going banana's over Garrosh being Villainous dictator that her (and blizzards) Green Jesus aka Thrall put in charge. |
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that English is not his/her first language. There's absolutely no need to be so rude. I talk to my guild mates about spec preferences, in addition to the available information online. Maybe this individual does not have an in-game friend base for this purpose. |
What specc are you? I'd always say go combat (mostly because fuck the other two speccs), as in this case it has two rather powerful cooldowns (Adrenaline rush + Shadowblades, and killing spree) that have a reduced cooldown based on finisher useage. Combat itself I've always thought of as the toe-to-toe specc, and just feels much more suited to soloing anything an opening combo can't deal with. The other speccs always felt clunky and more than a little lackluster to me, despite the numbers in raids. |
Now that I am on my break I have some time to type a proper explanation.
Haste doesnt work like crit or mastery or kind of hit, because its different in the sense that you already have a base haste.
Allow me to explain why it has to work differently.
Lets say you have 0% haste and you get a mind numbing poison on you, reducing your casting speed by 30%, would this mean that you have -30% haste? That would imply you're casting backwards, you would be uncasting your spells, like sucking a fireball back up.
Another example, if haste were to work like crit or mastery or hit, it would imply that having 100% haste means all your casts are instant, which it does not.
Your character already has a base casting speed and swing timer, meaning you already have a base haste, logically that would mean if you have no haste on your gear you are casting at 100%, same with movement speed, if you dont have a buff or enchant you move at 100% speed.
This means that 20% haste on the char screen does not mean 20% haste, it means 20% haste INCREASE, meaning your actual haste is 120%.
Same with movement speed, if you use a sprint and get 70% movement speed increase, your movement speed is 170%.
So if you were to get a 5% haste increase from, for example a raid buff like you said, you would not be adding 5% haste to your 20%, because that would be unfair and benefit low haste characters more than high haste characters. You would be adding 5% of your 124% haste, which is a (124 * 0.05) 6.2% increase (124+6=130).
It is like that because, as I said it would be unfair for characters with different haste. If you pop bloodlust , meaning you cast 30% faster, and haste were like crit and mastery, that would mean that someone with 0 haste rating casts 30% faster meaning 30% more spells, but a person with 50% haste would get 80% haste(50+30) meaning he doesnt cast 30% faster, but he only casts 20% faster and only get 20% more spells off because 30% increase on 150% is 20%.
Another example of this is defenses but with reductions.
If you use shield wall, reducing damage taken by 60%(its glyphed), and you already have 25% from defensive stance, this doesnt mean you take 85% less damage, add 70% damage reduction from base resillience on top of that and it would mean you take 155% less damage, it would mean you get healed for 55% of the damage you take.
It actually means you take 70% less from resillience, meaning you only take 30% of the original damage, meaning the 25% from defensive stance is 25% of 30% meaning its 7.5% less so you only take 22.5% of original damage, sield wall reducing it by 60% means 60% of 22.5% you only take 9% of the original damage.
Same goes for resi gems, 1% increase in resi from 70% to 71% doesnt mean you take 1% less damage, you take 29% instead of 30% which is like a 3% difference in damage. |
I actually regret not adding a guy from an lfr run. We were sticking through an average of 3 determination stacks a boss in the last tier of SoO. My toons name is olympus and this sly dog made the joke "Olympus has fallen!" When i died. Whole raid laughed their asses off. |
Hey, Kor'galler here, so I guess I can give you my thoughts on this!
I used to play on heavy populated realms but migrated to Kor'gall mainly to play with my GF, but I learned to looove how empty it was, all rares were always up, you could do whatever you wanted, there was litteraly no other players there, but now with the connected realms it has gotten worse. It's more players, sure, but right now it's not quite enough players to be a good server, and too many players to be the low populated server I migrated to. |
Dispelling and getting the pitlord positioning for felhunters right were the two things that make the fight. One of his dots ticks really high after some time so keep yourself dispelled.
More ilvl just gives more room for error and makes for a faster kill. You can do it in a set of timeless isle gear I guess (I couldn't but then destro was very new to me and I had to get some practice first). |
You just have to look at a multiboxer as a group of characters. If you're on a pvp server and you find five characters of the opposing faction then you're dead. One human controlling all five, or five humans controlling one each, it doesn't matter because you're dead. In instanced PVP the advantages the multiboxer has are offset by the limit on participating characters per side and in instanced PVE they have multiple characters to gear up but no more loot than a normal group has access to.
I used to 2-box back in BC. I had two warlocks and I could put out a lot of damage in a short amount of time, but with the extra coordination required, and the added difficulty of adapting to new circumstances as they arose I think I was less potent than two individual and competent warlocks. More often than not I could take down any one player I encountered with relative ease, but once two or three people coordinated against me I was screwed.
I personally feel multiboxing isn't worth it these days because most dps specs have to take advantage of procs to maximize their output and it's just not feasible to manage and react to procs on multiple characters at once. |
Back in Wotlk i was raiding in ICC 10 man when my guild had reached Lich king (I was the guild leader), we started killing him and brought him down to 10% and we were all really excited and we started getting really happy in vent so we keep fighting LK and then suddenly everyone dies i get super mad and just start kicking everyone becouse i thought we just wiped. Needless to say everyone left the guild. |
When I first started Playing WoW back in the Tail end of BC, I had no idea that quests gave you XP. I grew up watching my brother play FF XI where there was a lot of grinding involved. So this being my first MMO, I thought, well shit. I just have to kill mobs get XP and level right? It wasn't until I was level 35 in thousand needles that I realized I was a fucking idiot. |
Ok, I am not saying you are making it up that you got banned for killing the same player. But maybe it is either 1) Another rule you were also breaking (eg., cursing, chat harass, zone disrupt) or 2) It is a gray area that is up to individual GMs.
Blizzards official stance
[RP and PVP Realm Policies](
>Player versus Player (PvP) realms are designed to allow and encourage open combat between players. Players on these realms are encouraged to resolve cross-faction PvP disputes on their own. The Game Master staff will not intervene in cross-faction player disputes on PvP realms. However, physical harassment committed between members of the same faction on a PvP realm is subject to normal harassment policies and investigation.
>If you do not wish to engage in regular PvP combat, select a Player versus Environment (PvE) realm. PvE realms offer a limited and structured environment for PvP encounters. Players on PvE realms can actively choose when they wish to engage in PvP combat by enabling or disabling their PvP flag at will.
>All other In-Game Policies apply to PvP servers. Actions such as inappropriate names, obscene language, and spamming will be addressed according to our normal procedures.
> PvP Realm Policies
The following actions may be considered dishonorable but are considered legitimate PvP tactics and will not be addressed by our Game Master staff:
>- Corpse camping.
>- Tricking players into getting flagged for PvP (i.e. jumping in the middle of another player's area effect spell).
>- Killing players well below your level.
>Ongoing Harassment
The Ongoing Harassment policy does not apply to PvP. PvP encounters are considered a facet of normal gameplay and can be resolved through combat or other ingame means. Game Masters may intervene in extreme situations , or if the harassment has transitioned to chat communication.
>We want World of Warcraft to be a fun and safe environment for all players. Our aim is to provide a hardcore PvP environment for players who choose to play on PvP realms.
>Updated: 22-Dec-2013
The part about GMs being able to intervene in "extreme situations" is the gray area. To me, a player hunting and killing another player in a fair way (ie., not an exploit/hack) no matter how many times seems fine to me. The player being killed has multiple options. That player might not like those options or has the will to take those options, but they are there. |
I think that that your (or your friend's) math does not accurately express how much monetary loss people have from downtime** (see bottom)
Guessing you came up with the math like:
24h x 30d = 720 hours in a month
$15 / 720 hours = .02 per hour
This would assert that if the servers were down 8 hours a week (assuming 3am PST to 11am PST on Tuesdays), players would only be losing** $0.16 a week to downtime.
When I play (on break but back soon) I play about 15 hours a week so 60 hours a month for my $15.
This would mean that I am paying 0.25 for each of my hours played rather than $0.02.
Playing on US servers and living in Germany now means that if servers come up 11am PST that is 8pm CET which means I sometimes have to wait to play after work.
Not that this matters at all as I anticipate the maintenance and already make plans for that time so I am not twiddling my thumbs continuing to click the log in button to see if servers are up.
** No one is actually losing any money as no one should be surprised by the maintenance (other than maybe the first one or two times maybe for new players.) That subscription fee is not for 24 hour play. It is for play while the servers are up and running. |
Maybe we are just debating apples and oranges.
/u/Not_ah_BOT is right that theoretically based on average hours in a month divided by monthly subscription price, each hour of play is worth about $0.02. And using this metric it is possible to measure the actual monetary damage of downtime.
While MOdus and I debate that players have their individual metric based on hours they play to measure how much their WoW time is worth on the subscriptions they pay. And by this, the down time costs is higher than $0.02 as they only account for hours they want to be playing rather than every hour possible to play.
I think both of these are valid ways of measuring how much a time is worth in respect to subscription costs. But at the same time, both are totally worthless in trying to evaluate the monetary damage of downtime as there IS NO MONETARY DAMAGE OF DOWNTIME.
To say we are losing $0.14 or any money are both incorrect.
All of these items are built into subscription price:
Scheduled maintenance
Extended maintenance
Unscheduled maintenance |
1: Why did you start playing World of Warcraft?: I had a mate that wanted to try it, so we tried it together.
2: What was the first ever character you rolled?: Dwarf Hunter, but i hated Alliance back then so I made a Belf Hunter
3: Which factors determined your faction choice in game?: My mate rolled a Horde character, I decided to follow suit.
4: What has been your most memorable moment in World of Warcraft and why? Progression raiding through Naxxramas, so much fun.
5:What is your favourite aspect of the game and has this always been the case?: Loot and upgrading your character. I was once into the social aspect, but that seems to be dwindling from the game.
6: Do you have an area in game that you always return to?: Tarren Mill, I love that place, so many fond memories.
7: How long have you /played and has that been continuous?: 8 years, i took an 18 month break in 2010 to play SWTOR
8: Admit it: do you read quest text or not?: God no, |
Several of my friends in high school played WoW. When the game came out I didn't have a credit card yet and parents refused to put it on theirs and have me pay them back (they didn't have time cards at release I think). Started playing halfway through my senior year of high school because friends finally convinced me and told me about time cards.
Undead warlock on burning blade (viltonim). This was my main until I quit.
Friends played horde
Defeating Illidan for the first time in BC.
My favorite part of WoW was raiding. The dedication it took and reward of thrill of the first time you killed a boss was awesome.
Nope, usually hung out wherever was convenient (org, shat, or dal)
No idea. I stopped playing back in Wotlk when the coliseum came out and haven't resub'd since. Watching the new WoD trailer has caught my attention again. Even back when I did play I would take a few months off every so often. Usually during the summer so I could enjoy the weather and hang out with friends. Just downloaded WoW again and was playing on a trial account last night it was pretty fun just running around in the starting zone again.
Yes, at least the first time I do a quest. If I was running an alt through content I've done before I'll just skim.
Yes. In BC I spent way too much time in game and real life suffered because of it. At that time I was on an internship through college and add living on my own away from friends and family. I stayed up way too late pretty much every night and was always tired and not productive at work. It resulted in a poor review (not bad enough to get fired but not good enough to get asked back for the following summer). I ended up quitting at the end of BC because of guild drama and the game basically running my life. I came back for Wotlk and enjoyed raiding responsibly until guild drama and attendance problems tore my guild part. We attempted a merger but it just wasn't the same so I quit.
See number 9 above. |
1) Buddy and I were looking for a co-op game we could play.
2) Undead Warlock.
3) Race's look, casting animations, zones.
4) Tanking Molten Core on my warrior (my first real main) in blues. Moving onto BWL after and experiencing AQ40 in its glory. Raiding Black Temple on my official Holy Paladin main (to this day still) and herbing in Outlands. Finally taking down the Lich King. Sitting in Dalaran super high watching people go by and using flavor items.
5) Dungeon finder. As dungeons/groups are my favorite aspect for the most part, this made it possible for quick 30 minute sessions.
6) I always find myself returning to Westfall, Zangarmarsh, and Vasj'ir. Northrend was great but not as memorable for me. Above all else though, Dalaran. Best city/zone in the game.
7) 10 years, and I'd say that all the times I quit would total to about a year of non-play. Played and raided hardcore for Vanilla to the end of Wrath. Raided non-hardcore in Cata, and despise Panda. Still got to 90 on my main (Holy Pally) and a new Rogue character.
8) I used to, but after 10 years, even new quests are skipped. I read the |
Depends on what you want out of the rest of the expansion? Do you want to gear up so you can run Flex/Normal? (heroic might be out of the question unless you have connections)
Gearing up is just one part of the game. You could run LFR to get the story line and see the content before the xpack comes out and then concentrate on the other little things in the game.
Example: I am only about 550 but stopped gearing up and started both trying to get all my CM golds (have 4 left) as well as mount farming as I know I won't have any time for it once WoD comes out and I am swarmed with so much content and new things to do and trying to also level, gear, and profession 12-14 toons. |
When a mommy Vengeful Porcupette and a daddy Vengeful Porcupette beat each other in the face repeatedly using Vengeance (which deals damage equal to the last amount of damage taken) while being protected by Survival (which prevents a pet from falling below 1 health regardless of damage taken), the beast passive (which increases damage dealt by 25% when the attacking pet is below 25% health), ensures that the actual damage dealt with each hit steadily increases until it reaches ~2.14 billion (or roughly 2^31). At which point, a critter is sacrificed to fuel their love. |
Except there wasn't as much customization as you think there was. The best you could do was a hybrid spec, but those were mostly always sub-par and never really went anywhere. The only exception I can think of is SL/SL lock back in Wrath I think it was.
The new talent trees offer much more customization at the cost of frequency. Depending on your class, like warrior or rogue, the talent you take at even level 15 changes the way your character plays. There weren't many, if any, talents in Cata and before that changed the way your character plays, barring the abilities we get for free of course.
In addition, having specializations allows Blizzard to put more core abilities in the earlier levels. For example, Enhancement Shamans get dual-wield and Lava Lash at level 10 now, whereas before Cata they didn't get dual-wield until level 30 I believe it was. Before, you were just another shaman. Now, you're an enhancement shaman, and everyone knows it.
SW:tOR just switched from the original talent system to one similar to WoW's, stating that they cannot plan for hybrids, and that having the ability to front-load the specialization with abilities core to that spec draws more players in, which I would be inclined to agree. As I've stated before, you weren't an enhancement shaman until level 30, and you only just got dual wield, forget about stormstrike and lava lash.
The new talents also offer much more immersive growth, in my opinion. Using Rogue as an example, at level 60 you get the choice between Cloak and Dagger, Shadowstep, and Burst of Speed. Before MoP, you had a choice of Vendetta, Killing Spree, or Shadow Dance, and those were locked to your spec, so you really only had one choice. All other choices until that point were +A% to B, or +X% to Y.
Lastly, there were only three talent combinations (4 for druids, and 6 for death knights in Wrath) that were viable. If you didn't have talents X, Y, and Z, you were gimping yourself and the group all for 'muh customization.' The old talent trees never changed what you were, again barring abilities core to that spec like stormstrike. Talents were hardly more than +X% to ability Y. Trust me, I've spent loads of time playing around in the talent trees for multiple games, and every time, I would make the same tree for the same spec, barring maybe 3-5 talent points or so. Those 3-5 talent points are akin to the talents of today, situational perks to certain abilities, maybe new ones. |
My main alt is a MW monk and what i can tell you is they aren't weak but very unforgiving. They can be extremely strong especially on longer fights. However if your basing them being kicked from pugs. its more than likely because most people pugging aren't that amazing. no offense to anyone who pugs.
As for dungeon healing they are imo by far the weakest |
Calling it now, we fight Grommash as the final boss, but before we can deal the final death blow, Prince Malchezzar comes and steals Gorehowl, and opens a portal to Our Azeroth dimension, but the same time long ago in which we are currently on Draenor. We are forced to follow him through the portal BACK to OUR dimension, but backwards in time, reverting us to level 70, and having us assault Karazan AGAIN, which explains how he had Gorehowl in BC, and blizz doesn't need to design any new content for 2 years, since we have to RE-LEARN everything on the way to 100, at which point the Zandalari have managed to follow us BACK to AU Draenor, and by the time we get back to AU the 2nd time, the trolls have overthrown the iron horde, and we will get what Blizzard has been prepping us for for 10 years.....
A 2 year long completely troll raid oriented expansion, with 12 new troll 5 mans, 37 new troll scenarios, and a whopping 9 tier Zandalari troll raid, which will be hailed as game of the year 2020, and the pinnacle of WoW. |
Normal BRF (665) is intended to be the next step in progression from normal Highmaul (655). I think most normal HM PUGs set the standard at 640 for highmaul, so 650 is a reasonable figure for BRF.
What's "enough" is slightly different question. Heroic HM is tuned for high skilled players coming straight out of heroics (ilvl 630-640). Most PUGs ask for 650-660 depending on the bosses, but this is really to compensate for lack of coordination and uncertainty of player skill. I tanked through 6/7 heroic highmaul on my DK with sub-650 ilvl. |
This is a great approach. For me personally, I don't keybind 5 because it's too far away to easily hit. Then again, I do bind T which is arguably as far away, so to each his own.
Definitely start with the number keys. You'll notice small things, like that you probably don't want 2 to be bound to something you need to use a lot while moving (since you'll likely hit both 2 and W with the same key).
Q, E, R, F, and C are all pretty easy to hit. I'd bind these next.
After that, you can choose between shift modifiers or branching out to keys like X, Z, G, T, V.
Eventually, for most classes, you'll need all of these keys bound plus shift modifiers for them. For some classes you may need ctrl modifiers as well.
But |
I still feel like this.
Particularly when the group is going down, I die, reincarnate, pop Earth Elemental totem (and apparently I can also pop Fire Elemental at the same time as of 4.0.6?), spam chain heal, thunderstorm and earthquake and save the day.
Later on I'll drop Far Sight for kicks. |
As a resto shaman, heroics were terrible for me at first. I jumped right into it as soon as possible, and actually healed through my first heroic entirely w/o a wipe. However, I got kicked from about 3 straight groups after that, but not because I was bad at healing, but because there was no CC, and the CC I put up always got broken. So, I eventually got to the point where I just started giving out CC orders if no one else did. (Kind of unusual for me) And thus far, things have been great as a shaman healer. |
Dude when I was a noob I was amazed at how big shadow glen was and then I walked around for an hour before someone told me there was more.
IMO its those first time things ppl get nostalgic about. I will never have that feeling of being amazed at the wow world again. Another thing is back then you were doing all these things with other ppl who were also in there first run.
There are certain small aspects of gameplay I miss but tbh the game really wasn't better back then it was just new and many of those small things which were often bad game design even created funny memories. Thing is we all bitched about how it was so hard to get low lvl dungeon groups, so came LFR and we bitch about server communities dying. We bitched about epics being to much of a grind and drops too random, so tokens were put in and drop rates increased now we bitch about welfare epics and how everyone has epics do they aren't special. It goes on and on the game is for the most part the way it is now because it's what we wanted it to be. |
As an AH PvP'er, I price my items according to what people will pay. I am not a 'price fixer'. If someone pays 500g for that gem I will gladly charge 500g. If I cannot keep them on the shelves at 500g, I up the price.
Supply and demand tells me pricing.
Now on many occasions, I receive in game mail. Some good, some bad. If someone is positive asking if I will lower my price on an auction, for the most part, I will just send them 'x' item for no charge. If they have the intuition and drive to get an item from me by asking politely about lowering my price, that's good enough for me. Free item. If they add a story (newbie, got scammed, need transmog for a set, etc, etc) I will even toss them some free gold.
Surprised? Most are when they open that piece of mail. And that makes my time worth it.
I was helped out back what, like 7-8 years ago on launch. I was just shy of level 60 and out of the blue, some guy I ran into that was farming Sithilus near me helped me with a quest. A few hours later, after him explaining to me about the AH and selling instead of vendoring, gave me 100g. If you played in Vanilla, that was a whole lot of gold. Since then, I have done my best in game to help people out. And still continue to this day. |
Originally I was told to use the WoW Repair program - didn't work. Then I was told to manually search the "battle.net" files and open them to delete them after setting hidden files to show. Didn't work. So after an extensive full-computer clean I tried again (didn't uninstall WoW). Didn't work. So after hours and hours of trials and errors, I said something along the line of "FUCK IT" and deleted/reinstalled WoW. Worked perfectly. |
False... the FotM bot (unnamed here due to moderator rules) is actually quite sophisticated and will then move and cap another point. The only time it defends is if nobody else is there at a given point. In fact, you might be surprised to see how much better than most of the playerbase some of the bots can be. |
Malygos taught me how to play.
I learned that I sucked. I couldn't handle moving the boss around, maintaining threat, and leading the raid at the same time. I clicked on stuff, keyboard turned, and had a crappy UI.
So, I learned about keybinds and mouse turning ("Keybinds and You" on Tankspot), and I learned about UI design (from wowinsider and, eventually, affiniti from Blood Legion).
My overall philosophy is that people have to want to improve and then find the resources to do it. The worst players in my guild are the players who have something that "works for them" and causes sub-optimal play.
The most important part is this: take the advice that better players give you. In my case, it was a forum post. In other cases, it's advice in vent or in /r, /p, or /w. Either way, you get better by learning why you are playing poorly and actively looking for fix it. |
First, I'd like to say it's currently a lot harder to get to 2200 than it was previously. When I achieved Arena Master in WotLK on my ret paladin, 2200 was the mark of a pretty damn good player, but it was no where near gladiator. Now, on my battlegroup, 2250 or so is gladiator in 3's. This is due to several things, one being lower participation, the other being lack of inflation because it's so early still.
To your specific questions:
>Do dks still have a place in rbgs and arenas?
In RBG's, yes. Last week, before the demo lock nerf, almost every 2200+ RBG team was running something similar to 3 heals, 1 FC, 2 mage, 2 lock, 1/2 FDK, 0/1 spriest. After the nerf, you see shadow priests becoming more common, but a target calling DK will have no trouble finding his way into an RBG group. High damage + best initiator in the game = DK's will always have a spot in RBG.
In arenas, DK's are currently pretty bad. They pump out a lot of damage, but have very little control and pretty much no peals (lolgnaw). It's still possible to TSG to 2200, but if you're not glad-caliber, it probably won't happen.
Since you mention you have a ret paladin, I'd say that ret is much better in arena currently than a DK. We have a handful of comps all viable at 2200, ret/feral/rsham being the best, ret/enhance/rdruid is good too, ret/spriest/X, ret/mage/X, even ret/warrior/rdruid works. We have a good bit of offhealing, good burst, and good utility, which means we can do okay in arena.
In RBG, ret is pretty undesirable currently. I find I'm able to easily float around 2100 rating as ret running with 3 heals, 1 FC, me as ret, 2 mage, 1 spriest, 1 lock, 1 FDK, but getting to 2200 was a lot harder (I actually did it early in the season as holy lol).
Finding arena teams is tough, especially if you don't have credentials. I can link things like arena master and stuff and get tons of whispers even on a medium pop server, but if you don't even have 3's company 2k, not many people will want to take a chance on you.
RBG's are a little easier to get into, especially as a DK. You should try making level 1 alts on large servers (Tich if horde, KT if alliance) and spamming. Pugging is not very fun, but if you do it for long enough you'll slowly be able to build up a list of competent players and move together as a group. |
I'll say it like this, and it's been said by some friends of mine who I'm in a guild with from another game (SW:TOR).
I played WoW from Feb 2005 - Feb 2011. There were some breaks here and there. But, in 2011 I had it. I had my moments that made the game the best...still can remember A LOT of them. But slowly the game was just becoming more and more boring. Friends I had made over the years in WoW had moved on. I might log on to raid and that would be it. The community aspect of the game was falling by the wayside.
And that brings me to now, almost 2 years since I quit. A few guys in my guild had been expressing interest in the game. All were sharing stories and so on. So, before Christmas we slowly started making our way back.
Found a high pop server, and started leveling and gearing up for 10 man. WoW is fun again. For us, it was just about the community. The game isn't that great alone.
But, I'm not too sold on the way they handle talents. I loved experimenting with the tress. The way of grinding faction rep, is almost too painful. Revered with 1 to open up 2 others? It's nice to see the idea of tabards is out the window...that was annoyingly easy. I haven't tried LFR and hate the server community aspect is next to nothing with group finder.
I'm not going back onto a subscription with the game. I'll just buy timecards and go from there. |
Wow I didn't realize I missed all this stuff until I read your post. You are 100% right there is no feeling of danger in exploring an unknown area. It all seems the same fight, rinse, repeat.
Now on to reason I quit on a few occasions and also the reason I keep coming back. The people. It be the same every xpac. People would get all excited for the new stuff and I would have friends to play with. As time went on people slowly started dropping out until I was left alone. So since it was easier to stop playing than to find a new group to play with (especially on Khadgar) I would just walk away. But then I would start talking with friends a few months down the road and we would get the itch to play again. |
I agree with mostly everything everyone else has said, mainly re-balance pvp, make dailies not as important and stuff like that, but I really wish they had a like 24 hour pass or something (weekend pass sounds better), or pay for how long you played (up to 15 dollars (get an average of how long players actually play and find out the hourly cost)) sure there would be people playing a lot more, but it would still average out to about the same. And for things like the weekend pass I believe it should be cheap... like 2-3 bucks or something and it works friday night-sunday night for people who can only play on those days (they would still make almost the same amount of money from people who would only be playing like 8 days out of the month. |
if you have a though time lvling and running dungeons my advice is: go prot
i was lvling my warrior in arms/fury but at 40lvl mark I tried to switch to protection and I was like: SO MUCH DMG, SO MUCH RAGE, SO MUCH AOE!! you dont need tank eq, just onehand and shield... tank dungeons, dont be afraid its easy, just toggle def stance and mash every button -> you will be n1 dps almost everytime:D
then i switched to fury/arms at lvl 70 with s4 pvp gear cause my crit chance increased, few lvls later I switched back to prot cause your crit is falling down while you gain lvls... at lvl 77 i bought some cheap cata eq and switch to fury/arms again.. then again to prot when my crit droped down...
at lvl 85 and pandaria content i go fury to "get into the rotation and other fury thinga" but i was doing so low dmg so i switched to arms and it was better.. |
Its more than possible to hit 60 with a monk in full heirlooms in under 12 hours played. Depending on your leveling speed monk or DK will be the fastest to 90.
I am by no means fast at leveling, but I have leveled 5 characters to 60 in under 18 hours played, some with only 1 heirloom and guild xp bonus. |
As much as people complain about class balance, and really people will ALWAYS complain about class balance, it's actually not that bad atm. There is no such thing as perfect balance in any mmo, but blizzard's done a pretty good job with MoP.
Rogues are not as bad as people say they are, it's heavily exaggerated when you say they're useless. They're just a little easier to deal with than other classes. Hunters are pretty strong right now but nothing compared to in BC when resto druid warlock reigned supreme. |
I haven't mathed it out, but there's a 165 int enchant for the offhand, and it costs 500 vp to fully upgrade main/off vs 250 vp for a staff. Things to keep in mind if you're not really pushing progression and are playing more casually.
I mathed it. BIS of [Arcweaver]( and [Tome]( vs [Staff]( assuming you get the gem slot bonuses and 165 int enchant on the offhand, they're basically the same. You're going to get SLIGHTLY more out of the staff. I didn't check VP upgraded items. |
I don't have an issue. And I generally blur my name out of pictures. The flip side is that I just don't get why people come out in force acting like seeing the name "Davegrohl-Tichondrius" with 0 context or association is somehow violating his "privacy"
If OP didn't blur the names, the most I know about the people is that they are wow characters and they played in a deepwind gorge that end less than desirably. Which I could have gotten from armory, so its not a "privacy" issue, its a brigading issue like I mentioned previously. They don't want people setting up harassment targets. And I highly doubt people are going "I saw a characters name on reddit about tying a BG so I'm going to go harass them!" You could just as easily do that by picking a name off armory randomly.
A post off a chat log "Someguy-server [whisper]: you heal like crap kill yourself" with the title "community is going downhill" sets up people to get on and pick fights. A random BG scoreboard with 30 random names does not |
New mounts are collected through various ways.
Racial mounts - These are earned by getting to exalted with one of your faction's race's capitols, for example Orgrimmar for Orcs or Thunderbluff for Tauren. This is easily doable while leveling by purchasing a faction tabard and doing dungeons, which will give you the relevant reputation.
Dungeon/raid mounts - These are relatively hard to come by, although there are some that are easier to obtain than others. Certain bosses in dungeons/raids have a % chance to drop these, usually around 1-3%. You won't be able to obtain these until you reach a higher level.
Achievement mounts - You can obtain these by completing achievements, which can take time. Sometimes it's for completing specific achievements in a raid, other times it's for an event. You'll want to get to a higher level before thinking about these mounts.
Bought mounts - Some mounts aren't bind on pickup, which means they can be sold via the Auction House. Mounts farmed from rare mobs in the world, or created by professions are the primary ones.
Reputation mounts - This includes racial mounts. Certain reputations can be raised to exalted, gaining you access to a plethora or different colours and variants of mounts. This is generally something you would do at max level, so you've got a while to go until you get to these mounts.
Misc mounts - There are far too many for me to mention here. You can get mounts from fishing, questing, professions, PvP, by recruiting a friend to the game, you can even purchase them for real life money from battle.net. |
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this is no different than people feeling left out because they don't play sports, or don't like movies, or don't watch TV all that much. It sounds like your student really needs to figure out what he DOES like to do for entertainment or a hobby, and find people that he can connect with there.
Most of my friends don't play WoW, and they don't understand my interest in it, but that doesn't drive a wedge between us because we don't let it. Sure, they give me shit for being a "nerd" when I start talking about raiding or killing Garrosh, and I'm ok with that. I give them shit for freaking out over the Blackhawks losing (that was a pretty spectacular loss last night, btw). We recognize that gasp different people have different interests. But they are my friends because we share interests in other things. We like to go out to the bar and play darts. We like to go bowling. We like going to the Renaissance Faire. We like going to baseball games.
Same thing applies to my friends in WoW that I've met in-game. Despite the fact I've never met them in RL, I consider them friends all the same. We have a deep mutual interest in something, and that brought us together. We have fun together experiencing the things WoW has to offer.
Spending too much time doing any one thing is a bad thing, no matter what it is. That's how interests turn into obsessions. Moderation is the key to pretty much everything you do in life.
I think the real important message I'm trying to convey is that just because someone is your friend doesn't mean you have to share every single one of their interests. Your common interests bring you together, and it is your differences that make you unique individuals on this planet.
1 if searing totem is allowed to stay and pewpew for ~30 seconds uninterrupted it is the equivalent of one lightning bolt. So you should drop it, but it's on the bottom of our priority list
It's not, echo of elements works so well with our mastery 99.9% of the time don't even look at the other two talents
You can start using UF around 540 ilvl if you want. It's dependent more on having the legendary meta than anything else. Now you won't see a significant dps increase over eb until like normal mode gear but the earlier you can get comfortable with the priority list the better
4.equal parts haste and mastery works great. Makes it a bit more challenging with hemming and reforming too :P That being said I'm a big advocate of mastery stacking simply because in all but 2 fights in siege we had multi target encounters. Haste is best for single target with mastery behind but mastery rules the roost for any opportunity to cleave. |
easy, but you will need patience, even if the group is 555+ there are usually plenty of 570+ lining up for heirloom farm.
i don't know about other raid leaders but i hate it when people lie to me about ilvl even if its 2-3 levels. if i ask for 565 and you are 562, tell me 562 i will decide whether or not to overlook the ilvl.
if someone lies to me it just makes me question what they have to hide.
same goes for exp, a lot of people will actually tell you 8/14Heroic, and if you armoury them they have immersius/galak/noru/naz.
dont lie about ilvl. its easy to see what you are just from your hp, also mods. |
Lenovo Y510p seires IdeaPad $1200
Screen: 15" 1080p
CPU: 2.4ghz "8" core
Space: 1tb hdd 24gb ssd
Memory: 16gb ram 1600
Graphics: GT750m 2gb
Macbook Pro 15-inch w/ retina $2500
Screen: 15" 1600p
CPU 2.3ghz "8" core
Space: 512gb flash storage
Memory: 16gb 1600
Graphics: GT 750m 2gb
Alienware 17 $1700
Screen: 17" 1080p
CPU 2.3-2.5 ghz "8" core (not sure on speed)
Space: 1tb hdd 80gb ssd
Memory: 16gb 1600
Graphics: GT 860m 2gb
Macbook is kind of pointless so we wont even compare that
Screen size: 17 is bigger than 15
CPU 2.4 = 2.4
Space 80gb ssd > 24gb ssd
Memory 16gb = 16gb
Graphics 860>>750
So the winner is ALIENWARE... wait
A challenger has appeared
Screen: 15" 2160!
CPU 2.5ghz "8" core
Space: 512gb SSD!!
Memory: 16gb 1600
Graphics: GT 860m 4GB!!!!!!!
The real winner is the
Lenovo Y50 UHD $1600
Or is it...
Same CPU
Same Memory
1tb hdd 256ssd
GT 870M 3gb
17inch scren
ASUS ROG G750JS-DS7 $1750
But wait spending 2k on a laptop is really pointless. In the end you'll me a hundred times happier with a desktop than with a laptop. Gaming laptops are nice in theory, but nearly pointless in reality. Laptops are mobile machines meant to be light. Gaming laptops are usually heavy and require the charger/mouse/and keyboard at all times. Plus the screen is always going to be too low. I have the lenovo y410p about $1000 and I use it to check on auctions. It did get a lot of use freshman year of college but it was just overkill! What I needed was 500gb hdd 4gb ram 2+ghz 4core 13-15" a dedicated gpu
MSI GP60 -
Intel Core i5 4200M (2.5GHz)
8GB Memory 750GB HDD
NVIDIA GeForce GT 840M 2GB
1920 x 1080 15.6" |
Have played for more than a few years and I think the game is the best it's ever been. Unfortunately the negative people are always the most vocal in a (cyber)world where the ability to air grievances and opinions anonymously allows many of those that may under-perform socially to feel as if they are in a place where their opinion matters. The psychology of the troll/ negative nelly is complex. My favourite is when you see people coming onto WoW forums to say how WoW is dying and Blizzard hates them, yet they unsubbed a year ago and still hang out on the forums...
For the most part, I find that when someone is doing such things it is most often the case that the game hasn't changed, but they have, and nothing Blizzard could do would please them (save for building a time machine and sending them back to their glory days when they felt even more superior than their negative opinions make them).
I'd love it if Blizz did a standalone BC server just to see them denying how much of a grind it all was, gritting their teeth as their pride makes them play a version full of all the grindy time sinks that they don't care to remember.
Generalising, and of course not everyone is like that. I do get a little tired of the moaning, though. |
I think the game reached one of the highest (in terms of quality) points that it has ever reached during MoP. There are flaws, definitely, but as a whole, this expansion has actually been really great and is miles and miles ahead of Cataclysm.
My biggest complaint is that Blizzard has left us yet again with one content patch for a year and it's quite frustrating. But I can look past that, as I really only got to experience Siege heavily in the last couple of months since I quite shortly after it released and came back a few months ago.
I do have my concerns about WoD, but I am mostly excited. I am worried about the reusing and revamping of old content. Reusing Blackrock Spire is alright but they apparently also spent time changing Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, and Blackfathom Deeps into more streamlined versions and changed some of the bosses. It worries me that they might be planning to update some of them to heroic versions too which will honestly feel like a cheap way of adding more "new content".
It does sometimes worry me that Draenor is basically a revamped Outland, but I also know the zones are vastly different aesthetically and geographically, so I am trying to be optimistic there.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with the current state. What you're seeing on the General Discussion forums is exactly what people have seen since those forums were created. |
WoW is dying
6.7 Million users, is still more than any other MMO has. The user base may be on the decline ATM, but will pick back up once the next expansion launches.
> Blizz is going under
Going under their pile of money, maybe. Between all three of their major IPs (Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo), Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm Blizzard isn't hurting for cash. Not to mention tournaments, in game micro transactions, merchandise, Blizzard is rolling dough.
> WoD is the worst expansion ever...
The expansion isn't even out yet. From a PVE perspective, as someone whose been playing WoD since the Alpha, WoD has been nothing but a treat for me.
I've always kept this opinion, not only about wow but all hobbies, do what you enjoy, and ignore what anyone else says. If you're having fun with it, who cares what other people say. You gotta do you! Unless of course your hobby is like doing cocaine/heroin. Than you might wana stop that... |
So I was 544 at the start of the week (wednesday), I just resubscribed 2-3 weeks ago after a year break and I finished my Legendary cloak on wednesday, I was in the middle of Chapter III. Went up to like 549 ilvl. Went around couldn't find any groups, so I started my own 25man.
And man were things easy. I clear first part and get lucky on a couple of drops with warforged and trinket drops. And my ilvl boosts up to 554. Group disbands.
I find a 10man spoils group, we down it one shot. I dont get loot and we wipe a couple of times with no prevail and group disbands.
Again I look around for groups, just silly ones. So again I create my own 25man group. Boom 1 shot Thok, Siegecrafter and Paragons. I get a drop and I'm 556 now.
A couple of people leave before Garrosh. I fill the group up to 25 again with slightly better geared this time (it's easier to find people for Garrosh kill only). We wipe only once and a couple of people leave. I also had to replace a couple of people because of their dps. And we manage to kill it on our second try. |
I haven't played much of the Warlords Beta yet (3 days), I reached level 94 and the highest ilvl gear I got until now is 552 (not 100% sure, could be 555? something in the 550's), and that was an epic upgraded loot (again, not sure how exactly this is working, I believe it's a random chance that a gear drop you get turns into epic). I have 2 of those. If you consider that I'm 94 and the best itemlevel gearslot I got until now is 552, I do believe that's it is still worth it to raid now (considering you do nhc or hc). If you have full 550 gear, you won't have to change your gear until at least level 94, as green/blue quest items in Warlords are not higher than 530 until level 94), meaning you are a lot stronger than an ungeared level 90 character and save some time while questing.
As I haven't had a lot of experience in Warlords Beta, feel free to correct me if I am mistaken, but that's my point of view at the moment. |
ITT: Filty Casuls.
But really, don't worry too much guys if you didnt get these things. In a few months there is going to be a new goal, I know for my guild we are going to be starting our mythics finally and working on the Glory to the Draenor Raider at the same time. |
Subscribed. I love the |
I've healed as a holy pally doing both macro based heals and using healbot as my primary healing addon in heroic raid content. To me its all about your play style. Using addons as your primary method of healing doesnt make you a lesser raider. It might limit some things you can do because of the combinations of shift, ctrl, etc needed to get all your spells.
I like doing both using mouse over macros for FoL, DL, HS and HR. I would use the addons for applying hands, beacon, EF/SS, and almost all utility options just so i didn't keybind everything.
One reason they might be asking for macros, which unless these guys are a top teir guild pushing server firsts, might be for lock up/DC issues. Heavy use of an addon does limit memory and for a healer that could suck if you got locked up, but I think thats complete bullshit. |
So this is really embarrassing, but WTH.
I've played off and on since vanilla, mostly doing quest content, but never really raiding or getting good at raiding. I got carried through Kara once but that was it. I started up again as Mists was ending with more free time than I previously had, and got to level 90 in a hurry. I decided to start raiding to see if it was for me.
I clicked LFR, and after we rolled the bosses (duh) I thought, "Why are people telling me raiding is so hard! This is easy!"
Only after 6.0.1 and the new LFG mechanics did I start running normal SoO and ToT and learned that I literally knew nothing. NOTHING.
Later, I was even pulling 6k dps on Brack and thinking that was acceptable.
Now I pull 4-5x that and am on my guild's Mythic team but daymn. |
In my own personal experience with no statistical analysis to back it up: It's a risk-reward deal.
Do a ten man and everyone has to pull their own weight, every screw up exponentially increases your chance of failure. However, groups are easier/faster to fill (less waiting on healers to queue, for one) and there is less of a chance that someone is looking for a carry. Also, fwiw, it seems easier to find out exactly who screwed up a mechanic and explain that to them.
OTOH, if you try for a 25/30 man, that means a higher chance at getting some bad eggs who will try and troll or randomly walk away because they have over two dozen others to hold the fort. BUT, if you get lucky and find a good group of people and keep the bad eggs to a minimum, I have found that larger groups can generally be easier. |
I think that the balancing is pretty good, to be honest. Mythic is tightly tuned because it's one difficulty, and that shouldn't change. Heroic - if you're in a 10-man Heroic guild and can't down Imperator because it's harder with 10 than 30... tough luck, I guess? Every guild needs to recruit and adapt to what Blizzard decides they want their raids to be like, and I don't see how "we can't kill this boss because we don't have enough people" is any different from "we can't kill this boss because we only have 1 tank". If someone said the latter, everyone's response would be "You need to recruit a second tank, that's just how it is." No one would be saying "I think we need different difficulties, one for 1-tank guilds, and one for 2-tank guilds". |
thanks for this link!!! although im a little confused as how to interpret some of the graphs, could u |
Well I guess I'm a minority here.
I'm 30 years old. I've been playing online games for almost twenty years. I've been with my girlfriend for almost seven (neither of us ever want to get married or we probably would be). I think I know where this guy is coming from.
I took two weeks of work off for Cataclysm. On the first day I went about 25 hours straight to try and get server first 85 (missed it by a half hour). A few of my friends all made it there in the first couple days and we had a blast doing heroics and eventually raiding during the first week. I played a lot by the time I went back to work, and I didn't regret a second of it. When you're that passionate and excited about something, you don't want to give it up.
Now that doesn't mean he's not passionate and excited about spending time with you. I'm sure he is. But this is something he can only do now. He has to either go all the way with it, or just not do it at all. He chose to do something he knows will be a lot of fun for him. Sometimes in relationships you need to make sacrifices on things you find fun to make the other person happy, and in this case he made the selfish choice. That being said, you'rte both being selfish. He wants to choose his hobby which he's passionate about over time with you for a few weeks. You want him to choose time with you over his hobby.
In a good relationship people rarely have to sacrifice for the other person's happiness. In a good relationship people just accept each other. By nagging him about his decision, you're putting a cost on his choice that would not have been an issue had you not been in the picture. So here's my advice. Let him know how you feel. But if he chooses to play video games, then don't ride his ass about it. Let him enjoy it.
Consider this. After Uni, you might get a job offer somewhere he really hates. But maybe it's your dream job. Do you want him sullying that with constant complaining? No. You would probably want him to tell you one time how he feels and then support your decision. |
In my opinion, I think this expansion was REALLY well done in a lot of ways. The problem is, all the things that they expanded on and all the features they put all their resources into didn't really have any longevity.
This was, hands down, the best leveling experience I've ever had in WoW. Tons of great questlines, treasures to find, your Garrison as sort of a progression bonus, and so on. That initial questline at the Black Portal and entering back into Draenor was so awesome.
But after hitting 100, the game just kind of collapsed like a souffle. Ashran is just awful. The concept was....ok...but the implementation was utter shit. I don't know what fun they think it is to be faced in a 10v50 type situation without Wintergrasp type buffs (WHY DIDNT THEY DO THIS AGAIN), but it's not fun to be zerg killed and stomped by a giant PvE raid boss.
Speaking of Wintergrasp...maybe it's just nostalgia but fuck that place was so much more fun than Ashran it makes me want to hit something. Ashran is just a clusterfuck of bottlenecks and ass backwards PvEing, Wintergrasp at least had a cool siege feel to it.
Anyways, the dungeons and raids ARE pretty cool, but I can see how people get bored of them so fast.
Personally, to continue enjoying the game, I've started doing things I've never done before - leveling a bunch of different characters, running old raids, farming transmog gear, etc. I'm actually going to level a monk next and try healing in dungeons (haven't healed since Vanilla).
Well I went and got long-winded with this. Point being, as much as WoD got right, it didn't get the RIGHT THINGS right, for most people.
Garrisons do for damn sure feel like a chore. If you don't log on and do all your Garrison chores, which are many, every single day, you fall behind, and then you get frustrated, but it feels like damn work. Cause it is.
Due to horrible PvP balancing/content people like myself tend to reroll. This adds on to the Garrison problem, because Garrisons only feel "fun" if you stay on top of farming all your resources and getting your buildings to max level, etc etc, which is also very costly if you're rolling lots of alts.
PvP feels like a chore. If you aren't in full 660 gear you get roflstomped. Ashran, as horrible as it is, is the only reliable way to get any honor/gear until you're basically full honor gear capped. Even then, some classes are just so much more ridiculously better than others it makes you wonder why you've bothered.
I can't reiterate the above point enough. Seriously, I rerolled a hunter, didn't even finish geting him conquest geared, and I quit him a few weeks later because he was SO EASY TO PLAY I got BORED. I'm not even kidding. Playing a BM hunter feels like cheating. It's too god damn unfair. For awhile, I took pride in ALWAYS being top damage in EVERY RBG I did, ALWAYS. That would be fun, even if we lose. After awhile, it got stale.
Holy fuck I've carried on...I hope some of this was coherent and/or relevant. |
I am also one of the 3 million, but for a different reason. See, I never played WoW, and I always had a slight interest in it, but this was the first time I actually tried to play it for real (as in not play for 5 minutes and say this is dumb). I loved it, and it was a very fun 15 days of leveling up my first character ever, visiting all the different areas, completing dungeons, and skipping quests. However, after awhile it got really boring to me and school got in the way, so I moved back into my Counter Strike shell, never to be seen again.
Now you might say "Okay, so? Like, this is usually the reason for all the sub drops after an expansion."
The reason I think it's important to note is because I think where, yes when hype around an expansion builds up new players will come and go and never come back no matter what, WoD was different. When Mists of Pandaria was coming out, people were probably worried that it would be as disappointing as Cataclysm. When it kind of was, any hype that was built up in the community was crushed. With WoD people had higher hopes, and when it came out people went fucking crazy with how much they liked it. So for people like me who follow gaming religiously but didn't play WoW, or any other MMO, we though *"Oh, apparently now WoW is brilliant. Now I'll try it!" |
I guess it depends heavily on when you play and where. I've seen this behavior on RP and PvE realms, across two battlegroups both on Alliance and Horde factions.
I don't mind the impatience as much as the abuse that it seems to be ok to throw around these days. I was DPS'ing as a shadow priest with a pug random holy priest as healer in the Mana Tombs, and she (or he) struggled in one or two boss fights so I popped out a few shields and heals to help, as you do, the tank sees this and starts berating the healer priest as a "bitch" who can't "f***ing heal" without help, blah blah blah. I left the group, I felt so sorry for the healer.
Perhaps I need to move my characters to your realm, it sounds a lot more pleasant there. |
That's a bold (perhaps deserved?) statement to make about one subsection of a, relatively speaking, new medium.
However, it is really hard to see anything besting WoW at this point. Something this big with so many people creating their own identity within it, spending 100's if not 1000's of hours doing so makes it real hard to recreate on a larger scale. That said, it's also difficult to imagine that Blizzard's next MMO won't be on top. |
Let the tank move at the pace they're comfortable with. If you want to set the pace, you be the tank. Period.
The fact that you have no patience while guildies are learning a new role reflects poorly on yourself. I fucking hate when dps pull for me, and can understand your guildies frustrations. You can suggest that they can move faster, but blindly pulling for them is just going to upset them and make them not enjoy the role. |
Swifty was certainly considered one of the best around -- mainly because there was no real way to tell who was the best anyway. He was Grand Marshall, could beat the best players on one of the bigger servers, and had a large fan base. Not much else to say without arena rankings (although he plays at 2500 3s nowadays).
Backpedaling and keyboard turing did get looked down upon in vanilla (as well as clicking), but not until very close to the end of vanilla.
As for Pat: Take a look at his most famous PvP video and revel in the keyboard turning/backpedaling glory
edit: also watch pat fantically click on battle shout and intimidating shout ^.^
edit2: snap, and his PvP trinket! |
I will agree with you on almost all those points.
I really enjoyed Vanilla, and even BC later on. I played Wow for the PvP not really the PvE, and PvP was killed in Wotlk and Cata. Oh, and by PvP I mean World PvP not BGs or anything. I enjoyed going into SW and IF and bringing down the leaders and generally making their life difficult, you know, "For the Horde!". Then the next day they'd do the same. Or attack another region. It just felt like we were all in a faction defending our people. While yes there were alot of problems in the first two, in my opinion, and it's just mine lol, I liked the first two more. But these last two have really brought a lot of content and what not to the table. |
First of all, THE best way to play WoW is with some real life friends in a Guild made up of like minded people around or above your age.
There is still a huge incentive to play with people you know regularly through dungeon finder because you have no idea the skill level of who you are being paired up with and thus your enjoyment level is left in the hands of whatever random group you get. If you play with people you know then it goes so much faster just because you can be on skype or vent or whatever and communicate and just know your roles and have some fun. Sure you can queue up and hope that you don't get retards but it isn't fun at all even if they are competent if you are doing the dungeon for the nth time in complete silence with randomers.
Also dungeons aren't the be all and end all of wow. They are for gearing up before raids and then you do up to 7 a week IF you need valour points which can be capped from doing raids alone now. Raiding is a much more enjoyable,harder and therefore rewarding experience. If doing dungeons is your main time sink in wow then you are going to be bored shitless and are doing it wrong imo.
So join a guild if you haven't and do dungeon runs with a few people (there will be people who want points every day) and you will make regular friends. These people MAY stop playing at some point so you'll have to make new friends! shock horror! Just don't take it personally when they do.
If you are in a guild and no one is doing anything then quit and find another one until you find one with active members who do something other than afk in org or level alts. Don't be loyal to a guild that is making you unhappy. And also making a new guild is completely pointless. The new guild system does punish small guilds with few active members but you should be joining a bigger one anyway. There is no reason you couldn't have 10 people raiding in a guild and have nothing to do with the rest of the guild. They will happily take the achievements and stats and guild bank gold and you can effectively run your own guild bank from an alt if you wanted to. Don't get caught up on guild names and ranks. They are meaningless! Guilds are essentially just buffs now and too good to miss out on because you wanted some different letters under your name. |
I dunno. I have to disagree. The LFG thing has made my guild grow.
LFG allows guildies to go do dungeons when others aren't on. When we get together as a guild, because we're all more experienced because of LFG, we tackle things ahead of our gear curve because we can . Being friends, guildies, mates and having that sort of connection makes it so we don't get butthurt to try things out. if they don't work and we wipe, whatever . Nobody gets upset. We go back in and go at it again.
Many many many people in LFg just want to get in, get it done and get out. they don't give a fuck about you, tyour life, your guild, your anything. You don't chat ti up in LFg. You go in, get it done and leave, usually without saying a word.
My guild chatter is alive with witty, silly commentary, even when we're pushing hard core content. Why? Because we're a guild. Friends. people looking to be social within the structiure of WoW. |
It's possible, but not without breaking Blizzard ToS. I promise you that you would be bored of it very quickly.
I was pretty sure that it's also against this reddit's rules to discuss private servers, but I don't see anything about it in the sidebar so I'll give a little story.
I stopped playing wow in vanilla, but a little after BC launched I adventured into private servers. I found some decent ones, but most of them were quite buggy. The best one I found was a server that was just for pvp. Everything was contained inside the room in TK that Al'ar is usually in with vendors all around the edge of the room and battle masters too. There was just this room and battlegrounds and it was great fun until the site that ran that server shut it down for reasons I can't remember.
Private servers still exist but I haven't tried them in years, general consensus seems to be that they're quite buggy still. But it's possible you'll get a working world (perhaps a vanilla/tbc/wrath server too), but it will be a ghost-town in comparison to most proper servers. And some servers pay for running costs with "donations" which get you ridiculous epics (one server I went on had made their own items to do this which were insanely OP).
After that I had a look into creating my own server. I found some guides and set about setting it up. It took me quite a while but in the end I had my own wow server that actually functioned. I had access to all of the admin commands too which were pretty fun to play around with.
But I very quickly got bored of it. I don't think i spent more than a few hours in the world, as without other people the world of warcraft isn't very interesting. I flew over Azeroth, changed my player size to be that of a mountain, and spawned Ragnaros and Onyxia in the Gurubashi Arena and made them fight each other; but after that I shut down the server and uninstalled all of it. |
Our GM(hunter) was competing hard for first place with our rogue on h.ultrax today. Didn't beat him. Then in /o chat I pasted the "dark intent uptime meters" and called the rogue out on being an awful di target. |
As of right now ALL classes are viable. I'm doing Refer a Friend with two people at the moment, and I have a chance to play every single class. They're all enjoyable in a way special to their own class. My main is a blood elf fire mage on Malfurion (US) and I raid Dragon Soul on Mondays and Tuesdays, and its... not bad, I guess.( One thing you mention is the current/past raids. The thing about right now is its the end of Cataclysm. Mists of Pandaria will drop soon, probably by late summer/early fall, and cataclysm raids won't be done all the time persay, but you could still find a pickup group to do it with once you're level 90 in Mists, along with ICC, Nax, BH, Molten Core, whatever you want.
In all honesty, I think right mow is your time to roll different classes and see which one you like moat, and then level it to 85 but don't worry about getting your gear for raiding or PvP, then geming it, enchanting it, getting tier sets, ect. If you care, in the Mists beta, Arcane Mage is looking very sting, as well as warlock, and monks are also very powerful in terms of maximum DPS.
I would also like to quickly address the Vanilla/BC era of WoW. Blizzard has made the game much less hectic since then. Dungeons are laid out better, quests are more story driven, and the zones are prettier (though I still think Outland is the most beautiful area of the game). You'll have a lot more fun. |
How would this work, mechanically? Originally in Diablo 3 in multiplayer games, mobs hit harder and harder depending on how many people were there, as well as had their HP scaled way up. They changed it so that how much mobs hit for doesn't change when another person joins. How would this work in WoW? Bosses hitting tanks for 150k in full 25man raid and only hittin for ~60k in a 8-9 player raid? That's not fair.
Simply scaling up the damage numbers or health pools would be completely broken. |
I'm okay with there being no pre-Mists events. Honestly, I am. The thing I don't like is that this scenario could've been a lot cooler and more involved than just "oh no Horde are here let's kill them while Jaina fucks around with some shit." I read the book, so I know what happens, but that story didn't come out in the scenario at all.
Here I was, thinking I'd be holding the line against masses of Horde, falling back slowly before narrowly escaping a large bomb, then maybe surveying the damage afterwards to see all the dead heroes of the Alliance. Instead, the bomb drops, I kill some no-name Horde, and that's it.
The point about the pre-Mists event was that since it isn't an event, that is to say it will stick around forever, they could've spared the resources to make it better than it was
THIS EXACTLY. I read the book also, and was really excited to see how it panned out in the scenario. It didn't, plain and simple. It doesn't even play out in the least like the action in the book does (and Jaina sounds waaayy too sane for the time where she is collecting the Focusing Iris).
The OP said that not everyone cares about lore, and this is true. But at least throw those that do a freaking bone by adding a quest or two leading up to queueing for the scnario so it at least makes some damn sense. The people that don't like lore, don't have to read the quest text. Those of us that do would have felt a little better about the whole thing. |
I would really like it to be more Lore/plot driven. By that I mean let's say you follow a NPC around (sort of like Culling of Strat). A little more dialogue would be a welcome to me since it doesn't take a lot of communication between members. It also keeps the group together (in the first group I was in, we found it faster to just go off on our own and clear the ships).
Also, I think it would have been great to include (if it wasn't) some of the lore from the Tides of War book. I don't really see myself going out and reading the book, so having another medium that could tell some, not all, of the lore would be welcome. I have a feeling it would give the scenario a little more drama and exciting. I would really like to know what is going on with Jaina and what made her hair change. That seems like it could be a really exciting moment to be apart of. |
Feedback is feedback, and they do check comments here, as well. |
Defeatism is shit like, "What's the use...no one will see it anyway / they don't listen to us."
You just repeated the same crap all over again. People "crying on forums" has changed things a ton of times, and Blizzard has admitted as much, too: see the question about Monks and what they learned from DKs. "We listened too much to the forums," was the gist of it.
As people have already educated you on, no, we're not really expecting anything to get changed in the current content, but it is a lesson for future content, of which there is going to be a lot of for some time since WoW is still quite popular. |
I will most likly get downvoted for this, just hear me out.
i tend to slack in LFR just because i can, like i dont need to kill dps there are 24 other people to do that. I know if everyone would think like me no one would do anything in LFR. I always focus 100% on boss and do the tatics perfect(because i bother to learn the fight before) and if the group is having trouble with trash inbetween bosses. |
I think there is a big diffrence in choosing whom you listen too. I like WoW for the social aspect too, and there is a huge difference in listening to everyone, and listening to those worth listening too, just like in real life. You wouldn't (or i you would try not to atleast) to not give a crap about the persons mocking you, and even though it might hurt you, just like ingame chat can, it's all about turning off their voices (/ignore is superb in WoW) |
Hi friend, I play a 90 holy paladin 16/16 normal mode cleared, if you have any questions about gear/stat priority etc., please feel free to ask in this thread or pm me.
What glyphs are you using ? The only really important glyph is lay on hands for the 10% max mana back when you cast it. Don't be afraid to use it to regain mana. What race are you playing ? If you're blood elf, don't forget about your racial: arcane torrent. It gives you back 6% mana every 2 mins. Not much but hey, free mana ! Use divine plea during periods of low damage or ~60-70% mana, don't use it too late. Alternatively you can glyph it but it will take 5 seconds to cast.
For healing, throw beacon of light on your tank and get the sacred shield talent. Try as much as possible to keep sacred shield at 100% uptime on the tank. Use holy shock on cooldown, holy light as fillers and divine light for big heals (flash of light if tank is going to die and you need to heal him up quick) and holy radiance for aoe heals. Pick up the level 90 talent that gives you a throwable hammer (2nd spell I believe). It works like a shaman's healing rain I.e. aoe area of healing (best holy paladin spell ever thank you blizz<3)
Make sure you're using seal of insight. You can also melee attack mobs to gain back mana and some self healing with the seal of insight procs. Don't use unnecessary spells like judgement, judgement weaving has been phased out. If you need more holy power, you can use crusader strike to generate it but i find that it drains too much mana, especially if you have mana issues to begin with.
Come MoP, your Max mana is capped at 300k and you'll have to stack spirit gems/enchants until you're comfortable with your mana regen (you don't oom too much). Don't be afraid to speak up and tell the group that you need to drink if you're low on mana. Always carry some mana food/drink with you.
Healing priority will be the tank>yourself>dps. Think of it this way: you want to protect yourself first and foremost, because if you die, everyone else is going to die as well. 1st priority is keeping the tanks up because they're the one holding the aggro, preventing mobs from smashing your face in. Next would be healing yourself if you take damage, obviously. Last priority is dps. It's ok if a retarded dps dies, you can usually finish off the fight without him anyway. In the case of tank vs dps healing, always tank !
Regarding addons, I personally use Healbot. I find it very useful and after you get used to it, I find that my situational awareness improved because I'm not staring at the bottom of my action bars all the time. Holy paladins are very reactive healers as we only have direct heals (unlike disc priests for e.g. Who try to anticipate and pre-shield damage) so be on the ball at all times.
I hope you improve and remember to feel free about asking me any questions. Have a nice day =) |
I'm not going to argue that pallies are better for soloing, because I like my DK better, but I don't think the reasons you listed are that good
WoG doesn't cost mana
Agree with the silencing
If you were actually going to re-runeforge your weapon, a pally could just as easily get a weapon chain. Plus you can't death strike when you're disarmed.
So we're soloing as frost now? That's fine it's doable for most old content, and has better aoe than ret imo.
It's true that blood/DW frost use mastery as their best secondary stat, but what if they are 2h frost like you said? It's just as easy to swap ret gear around to fit prot, as it is to swap 2h frost gear around to fit blood.
Pallies have the ultimate O SHIT cd with bubble, so there are strong arguments for both. It really comes down to whichever one OP has a preference to since they are both great for soloing. Is he/she willing to put in time to get the DK to an equivalent ilvl so the best comparison can be made? |
Lousy sound, no voice ducking/attenuation, doesn't run on Linux, licensing that gives Flagship control over the whole server market, closed source and costs money with no redeeming qualities. Also applies to TS3 to a lesser degree (official linux support and some redeeming features, though they generally don't apply to gaming). RaidCall has the same issues as well, together with dodgy marketing, but arguably make up for it with free hosting. Mumble does not have these problems, and also usually has cheaper hosting than Vent and TS3. |
No it does not.
Yes it is a pvp area and they have every right to do what they did.
That said they are giant fucking assholes to do that, there was no need to do it.
"Oh hey, a guild is holding a in game funeral in the guys favorite zone, ...... let's go and attack them while they are lamenting the loss of a close friend" |
Get the spellflash addon for alts. It will flash the next spell you should cast.
I had this same problem with alts. I leveled up several alts to varying levels in Cata and then neglected them for the first year of MoP only to realize I couldn't remember a thing about them.
What is worse, I could easily look up endgame rotations, but basing spec/stats/priorities on level 90 canbe quite useless for a level 40-something toon. |
I think PvP is the best it has ever been atm. I have played during all of TBC and WotLK as well as this patch (started again 3 months ago).
I play resto/ele shaman, arms warrior and unholy DK and none of them feel anything like each other. Very unique play styles on all speccs/classes. The amount of speccs viable and combinations of them are amazing perhaps due to the fact that all classes do have some forms of CC and interrupt.
>3 CCs, 2 gap-closers, 3 offensive CDs, 3 defensive CDs, at least 1 self-heal
All classes now have these kinds of utility's and I love it. But they are not copies of each other and many of them are unique in how they work and how they can be countered. Let's take offensive CDs and burst potential as an example and compare my burst on my warrior and my dk. On my warrior i only have Recklessness and Skull banner since i'm usually going for Storm Bolt and Shockwave. Those offensive CDs give me a increased crit chance for me and increased crit dmg to my allies. On my DK i have a different kind of burst that i need to build up and get Death Runes and blood tap charges to unleash at a short time frame. I also have Unholy Frenzy that gives me haste and a gargoyle that attacks on his own based on my AP. These ability's doesn't feel at all like each other and have flavors like being able to put Unholy Frenzy on an ally with better burst potential at a cost of it doing dmg to the target. The self heals on the DK and warrior are also very unique, with the DK i have options to transform my runic power into self heals causing me to lose potential dmg dealt. On my warrior with Seccond Wind on the other hand I have to think carefully when i'm below 35% hp when to play offensive and when to turtle and allow my hp to regen at a steady pace until the healer is able to heal me back up again.
On the matter of CCs they all have drawbacks like having a cast time that can be interrupted, having CDs, being dispellable or countered by movement and spells. One spell that didn't have this drawback was cyclone for feral druids. It used to be instant with a procc. It can't be dispelled, was very hard to reflect or pop CDs to avoid thus they nerfed it and it now has a cast time for feral druids just like it has for the other speccs. Hex for example have all 3 drawbacks. Capacitator Totem can be killed and avoided my movement and spells. Polymorph can be interrupted, avoided by spells and dispelled. Traps aimed at the healer can be absorbed by a dps in various ways. Also the amount of CC breaks are greater then they have ever been perhaps due to the increase in number of CCs. What im trying to get at is that with good awareness and team communication many CCs can be completely avoided unless they are chained perfectly, something that is very hard to perform and in most cases have a chance at beeing countered. And if it can't since all classes now have defensive CDs and selfheals a perfect CC chain isn't always resulting in a kill anymore.
In 3v3 for example I can pick 1 healer and 2 random dps speccs and make it work. This would never had worked in TBC or WotLK where you had to find a player with a specific specc to match your current setup. Gone are the days where if my friend doesn't want to play feral anymore and he wants to play boomkin I couldn't play with him anymore because scrub teams with crap gear would own us due to them having a better setup. At the current state i never feel like we have lost be just seeing the opposing teams comp, something you did before, today you always have a fighting chance even if you play the strangest comp ever. |
I started playing mid-BC also (raided consistently in BC, Wrath and Cata at a decently high level), but I unsubbed twice in MoP. I'm going to resub for WoD, but I had a few issues with MoP.
Early on, the daily grind was, for me, too much. I felt like it was mandatory to log in every day and grind out a shitload of dailies just to begin raiding. It could just have been that I'm getting older and haven't had time for it much, or that I had other things to do in real life that took me away from the game, but I really just didn't want to grind out those reps and I felt like it was mandatory.
The biggest thing I didn't like about MoP was that 25s and 10s have the same loot, so there's no incentive to go through all the logistics nightmares of setting up a 25-man raid. I know that this all started in Cata but I felt like MoP really saw a big decline in people wanting to raid 25s. In BC and Wrath, I raided 25-man endgame content regularly and it felt so much more epic than the 10-mans I did in Cata and the beginning of MoP. We tried to go 25-man in MoP but the desire just wasn't there for so many people, it didn't work out.
I figure that my preference for BC-style gameplay is just nostalgia, and having played on a BC-only private server for a few months sort of confirmed that idea. Rose-tinted glasses and all that.
MoP did a lot of things right though, I don't want to downplay that. It just wasn't something I preferred. LFR is a good thing in theory, I think the reason people don't like it is because of the players. People don't want to be challenged so one wipe will typically end an LFR group. I wish people still had the mindset that wiping is a learning experience and wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I do miss getting a group together and having everyone run to the instance portal to zone in, it made the world seem more alive; however, I understand people wanting convenience and it helped me be more productive, at least. Account-wide achievements and mounts/pets was cool, I like that I can use my Zulian Tiger on an alt despite having looted it on my warrior years ago. I do wish I could use my Magic Seeker title on brand new alts though.
I'm looking forward to WoD for a few reasons. First, Blizzard has said that they're looking to make raids more openly laid out and less linear. Big plus for me there, I had more fun in BT and Ulduar than I can really tell you. Also, BC was my favorite expansion so far (again though, rose-tinted glasses, so take it for what you will) so going back to Draenor looks like it's going to be fun. Garrisons look cool, I just hope they don't take people away from capital cities and the overworld much. I don't like having deserted areas in the game, makes it feel dead and boring (Silvermoon City is a great example of this. Hardly anyone there, ever).
Anyhow, I've ranted for almost 3000 characters so I'll cut it here. |
In theory yes, but computers and server clusters have a set process of handling requests. On something this large of scale, delays of microseconds add up big time.
the simplest way to put it, it's very impractical, the overhead cost of all of it. Having to have Mirrored sites just in case something goes wrong, it's a cluster fuck to think about now actually, the complexity behind it, the amount of drastic changes.
here's my scenario: US has two realms that can handle the amount of daily players(let's eliminate that variable). let's have nice round numbers, let's say 50 million per realm.
ok, 50 million different people constantly hitting the same server cluster, the amount of servers in my example is irrelevant.
An action would happen like so:
Request comes in: player A hit the space bar, he wants to jump
Server cluster talks to itself in a sense: "Hey, player A hit the space bar, who can handle that?"
A non-busy server, Server A, replies: 'I got it'
Server A checks to make sure Player A even exists: "ok, check the database for player A(which depending on what style of database Blizzard uses depends on how long this step takes.
Server A checks to make sure hitting the space bar even does anything(maybe Player A has it set to where 'J' = Jump): 'Ok, what does this guy hit to jump, ahh, spacebar.
Server A makes the guy jump: "alright Player A, run code 0xABC123 to jump(it's hexadecimal, a numbering system commonly used for RAM, because your game client is loaded into the RAM or paging file
Server A sends all of this back to Player A so on his end his client gets the trigger to jump: "alright guy, jump!"
Now imagine a server cluster trying to handle 50 Million different requests at the same time
Now, that may not even be remotely close to what happens, but see how complex that is? If there is the slightest hickup in any step involved, it slows the whole system down, even a .2 tenths of a second delay in finding a server to process Player A's request and BOOM, server wide lag spike, because if there is an error on communication between devices, everything on a network stops transmitting entirely until the two computers who caused the error figure their shit out. |
WoWWiki was the original name of Wowpedia when it was launched on 24 November 2004. In 2007 the wiki joined Wikia and in the process gave legal rights to the wowwiki.com domain to Wikia.
In late 2010, mandatory changes to the Wikia interface broke some of the wiki's advanced functionality and added many undesirable new limitations. As a result, all of the admins who were not Wikia employees and many of the active users moved to Wowpedia in October 2010." from |
I play really casually, and I ended up joining this random guild that my friend liked, and at first things seemed okay.
Then I did the worst thing ever , I had the audacity to do a scenario without asking if anyone else in the guild wanted to come . The guild leader went berserk on me acting like she was personally offended and then some other guy chimed in and started hurling insults at me for like no reason, it was absolutely bizarre.
Well I got really mad at all of that crap and decided that I had no reason to stay with the guild and then I left. Well, they ended up sending me apologies and the leader forced the guy who was throwing insults at me to apologize, so I said whatever, I'll come back. I only did because for some reason, my friend was really connected to this guild.
Well, my friend and I stayed a part of this guild for maybe a couple months after that, and the entire time I had played while part of this guild, the only guild-related event that ever took place was a raffle. Woohoo , so exciting. We did not raid, we did not hang out, we barely even spoke. I really didn't see myself as part of the guild, whenever I tried to talk to the people in it they usually just ignored me, and I think it had something to do with the event that happened before.
Fast forward a bit, and me and my friend are doing heroic dungeons to grind justice points so the two of us can earn enough to buy heirlooms, because I play a lot of alts. I was in the process of buying just about all of the heirlooms and eventually got all the ones I wanted. Well somewhere in the middle of all that, the guild leader found out that I was doing these, again, without having asked if anyone wanted to come.. and she completely flipped out on me again and kicked me out of the guild. This is after I had done heroics and asked if anyone wanted to come along plenty of times before, this time I just wanted it to be me and my friend (we were talking privately in party chat, maybe even using mics) and didn't really want anyone to come along. I guess that was a big mistake.. |
I've never had a guild disband quite as dramatically as yours, but I did become privy to some juicy drama from one of my previous guilds that I had decided to leave at the start of Cataclysm. Originally I was in a guild that I'll call Guild A (sorry, not feeling too creative with names right now) but they replaced me, so I went and joined up with Guild B which was aiming to beat Guild A on realm firsts. I relished the thought of beating Guild A after they had bruised my ego but I then realised that Guild B was far too hardcore for my tastes. I had just started a new job and couldn't reach level 85 as quickly as the rest of them. They were already raiding by the time I was level 84 . I stepped down, moved to another realm to join an IRL friends' guild and kinda forgot all about them.
Guild B was run by a guy that I'll name Fred. Fred had a close friend (who I'll named Terry) who had joined up with him after also leaving Guild A. They were very close, spending long hours chatting away on Ventrilo and MSN. I didn't think much of it when I was in Guild B. I just thought they were having a rad bromance of sorts.
So one day an old friend from Guild A (who, incidentally, is now my boyfriend, but that's another matter!) approached me on Skype to tell me that Fred's girlfriend had come on to Guild A's Ventrilo server to reveal that she had discovered a long history of chat logs that made it very clear that Fred was having a very serious romantic relationship with Terry. Soon enough, Guild A had tracked down Fred and forced him to log into their server (bear in mind he was the leader of Guild A's rival guild). Fred's girlfriend revealed that she had a son with Fred and that they were living together. So there was even a kid involved! Fred had to admit it all on his rival guild's Ventrilo server in front of a few people including his girlfriend. They had it out for a while and then Guild A's guild leader had to step in and mediate between them using his psychiatry skills.
My boyfriend had a habit of recording Ventrilo conversations, so I still have an mp3 of the whole gruesome debacle on my hard drive (but I'm not going to upload it... it happened a while ago but it's still private info and some of the parties involved could be Redditors, which means I've already said too much!). I even have the chat logs and never have I felt like such a voyeuristic scumbag for reading them. |
EDIT: Being downvoted because Reddit has gone from loving Vanilla to thinking it was awful. Most of what OP wrote was not in fact true or was not bad.
Not all of these things were true by 1.12.1
16 debuffs meant more strategy, while, yes, it was annoying, it was still something everyone needed to consider. Not all classes were brought in for their solid DPS.
One HoT meant that you would seperate the healers into their own sections. Not all healers would heal the tank. I prefer it over the everyone heals everything situation we have today.
Down ranking was a consistent thing anyway, one which I infact liked as it could easily show you the difference between a mediocre and a good player. It also added more thought to healing.
Less flight paths meant more exploring. Vanilla WoW was closer to the old MMO style, things were meant to take time.
Completing one quest sent you across 5 zones, but no one required you to finish that quest. It showed you the world and it gave you something to do. It wasnt just a race to max level.
Mailing one item at a time is just a small quality of life thing. Same with right click trading.
You did not have to carry an admirals hat.
Hour long hearthstone was another time thing that was typical in old MMOs. I prefer it.
16 slot bags were also the biggest bags, ofcourse they cost a fortune. So do royal satchels.
Oh no, bugs.
Ready checks could be done via text. Small quality of life.
Target markers existed by 1.12.1
Respecs were expensive, it made you think about what you're speccing.
Fishing was different. Not better or worse, just more dull for most.
Meeting stones meant exploration and a higher priority on waarlocks.
They did not "finally implement" summoning stones, they implemented meeting stones, which were just that, meeting stones. For LFG.
So? That meant you had to know a fight in and out.
Graveyard placement meant dying was something to avoid at all costs.
Why should all classes have a ressurect? Also, druids could combat ress.
Oh no. A quest that you found bad.
There was no such thing as "Mount Collectors" back in the day. This was not an issue then. You considered mount types when you considered race.
No instance reset meant farming instances was harder.
And why is that a bad thing? They would do more base damage than a melee and scale worse with gear. It evened out.
...Aaaaand? That meant that the group of 40 people ended up being segmented into smaller more managable groups and you had to pick and choose who gets what buffs.
That is why DKP was at the time a common system. Theoretically it was great, whoever had contributed and been around got what they needed, newcomers did not.
Don't remember that for dungeons, but it was almost 10 years ago.
I liked needing profession items. It encouraged you being social. It encouraged you finding someone and talking to them.
Everyone had an hour. Not just you.
Fixed fairly quickly.
Whoever has earned it most of the time. That was for the guild to decide.
Strength leather was valid as agility did not give melee attack power iirc.
You could link by the end of Vanilla.
Linking spells. That is not needed and is rarely used today.
Every second level. And you did not need to train them. Keep your eye on what you need and what you don't and you didn't have to go back every time you could train.
EXPLORATION. Jesus christ what do you have against it?
Mounts were wonky, but this is just a quality of life change.
And? So what if it took an hour?
Yes, it took time, wiping was a process. Today I barely give a shit if we wipe.
Fury was pretty good while leveling when Bloodthirst was around. It depended on what gear you happened to have. Arms needed a slow two hander.
Oh no, a bug.
Arms was not useless until you got mortal strike, it was just dull.
You died all the time, leveling was a process, not a chore.
You could get AoE threat as a warrior, but AoE DPSing wasnt much of a thing anyway.
Pet talents were and are not needed.
Mana was a good thing and I much prefer it to focus.
You grew attached to that one pet. You did not need others because one pet would do most things you needed. They did not get their own buffs to replace other classes.
Leveling your pet was another thing. You grew attached to it. You spent time on it. It was YOUR pet.
So fucking feed it. It is YOUR pet.
Can't argue, but the game was fairly new and at that point fairly old.
Ammo was bad, sure, but it wasn't awful.
Survival was in itself just not a viable tree. That was just how it was.
Yes, spec balancing was bad. Tough shit.
...And? So what if gear had spell power/spirit on it? Every class except iirc rogues got spirit on atleast one of their sets.
Yeah, farming soul shards was bollocks.
You didn't give all 40 people a healthstone.
Oh no. You have to run to the entrance. The horror.
You did not need your infernal and the infernal was largely an amazing gimmick.
Again, quality of life.
Leveling was tough on everyone.
Rotations were shit all around, but frost was still more engaging than today.
Killing Spree and Heroic Leap do that today.
Reagents weren't bad in this case. They made you value things.
Moonkin was added in Vanilla.
A lot of specs for a lot of classes were a joke.
Quality of life buffing again.
No shit leveling was you being a melee class. The same goes for feral today? What?
Because you were shapeshifted. You were a fucking bear. Or a cat. You do not have opposable thumbs.
Was bear charge not added in Vanilla? I think it was.
You could play Enhance in raids. Or elemental in PvP.
So you put the shaman in the party that needs the totems.
Yeah, the seal system was bad, but todays is awful. And it gave much needed depth to the paladin rotation which back then was just judgement if you removed seals.
You raided as a buff class. You were told this before you started raiding. You knew this going into a raid.
You did not heal as a paladin typically, you buffed and decursed.
Reagents were still fine except Soul Shards & Ammo.
You got to dedicate yourself to poisons. Not a bad thing.
Yes, so restealthing was not an easy task.
A lot of classes had a lot of down time.
SO WHAT IF THEY NEEDED STRENGTH. Does the name of a fucking stat bother you? They need agility today, they needed strength then. What is the issue? If they never had strength and only had agility from then till now, would this be an issue?
That is still something today.
Rogues were a "you fuck up, you die" class.
Mindsoothe is not needed today.
Shadow was pretty fine, but you were a support class. Mind Flay was level 20.
So what if enchanting didn't have scrolls? It forced more interaction.
PvP was an afterthought. PvP was not popular in MMOs. Especially not reward based instanced pvp.
Exploration. You go to the area you want to fight.
Yes, and you got different rewards for diffeerent things. This is not bad. |
I will say, I was really sad to see class quests in general go out the window.
Yes, a lot of them were poorly designed and had severe issues. Some were far too tough for your level ( wasn't the Whirlwind Axe quest for Warriors a level 30 quest but really impossible until level 40? ), some were simply tedious etc.
But I think by removing them, as opposed to fine-tuning them, they did remove a lot of the more interesting class narrative.
I highly enjoyed the Shaman quests for instance, at least the first couple of ones where you had to travel through mountain paths you otherwise wouldn't go to and talk to an elemental, or the Warlock quest where you actually had to subdue a Voidwalker. |
Not a problem.
A pre pot is when you use a potion right before you enter combat. Basically when the tank says "Okay, I'm pulling in three seconds" you want to potion right before you enter combat so the cooldown will trigger. This makes it so you can use another one later on midway through the fight.
The best addons are based on the person. I use Affdots, which is actually for any warlock spec. How it works is it shows each primary spell and basically a percentage of what damage they are doing atm. Like say you cast immolate with no procs and then a bunch of stuff procs. It will say like "134" which means if you were to re-apply it now its 134% of what the current immolate does. It also will change colors based on if it's a waste of dps to override it or not. It's good for any spec really, it's light weight and small. No customization needed.
Another pretty common one is Weak Auras. Earlier in the comments someone linked their string, I'd use that.
Power Auras a lot of people use, it basically has a customizable interface that notifies you a cooldown is up or something has procced.
The last one I see a lot of people use is spell flash, my brother thinks its the best thing in the world, but I find it meh. For a lock you really don't need it imo, but that's the full list. |
It's really shit right now, no two ways about it. I was in the same boat, doing proper rotation wondering why I couldn't do decent dps. I switched to mut spec and I went from 8k to 12k more dps with a MUCH simpler rotation.
If you're on noxxic and you look at it and wonder why you're not doing damage when it says subtlety is the highest on their simcraft, it's because Noxxic's simcraft is kinda trash and and the jumps in numbers and rankings from different i-lvls are mostly because of set piece bonuses. |
Odds are we'll either finish off or severly cripple The Iron Horde in Tanaan jungle. But it's what is going to come after that which makes me curious. I see two directions for this to go.
Either we go after Gul'dan, he shouts "You're too late, mortals! Nyah nyah nyah!!" And summons the Burning Legion and gets away, leading into the next expac that is heavily focused on the Burning Legion. But before THAT, I think there is another hidden threat.
To borrow some words from Cho'Gall, I think the Pale are the key.
Ask yourself this: Who the fuck controls the Pale Orcs? The short term answer is Cho'Gall himself, but there is something really...weird about this sort of relationship. The only time Cho'Gall uses the pale for anything is enslaving the elements in Nagrand and Unleashing them on Highmaul, where he dies to us after Assasinating Mar'Gok.
But the Pale orcs are skulking all over the place. In Most cases they're skulking around in weird caves with eachother or other sketchy life forms. Spires of Arak is what caught me off guard the most There is a valley with a bonus objective to kill them, and there are a bunch of them channeling weird rituals.
What really started me thinking about this stuff is what they say during the Tectus encounter. Here are their sound files that you can check out.
Somethings that kind of catch my ear: They are referencing a Master. The short answer is this is Cho'Gall. What makes me curious is "Darkness Speaks...A Voice!!". Cho'Gall is a scary dude, but the only characters who are usually referred to as Darkness are Gul'Dan and Old God stuff.
The first Death Quote; which might have been left unused "Night...Blood...Stars" Is really kind of weird, but star-devoted isn't new. Particularly if the stars happen to be Dark.
But the one that really sticks out is Pale_Event_1. It sounds like gibberish...but none of the others really do. In game the gibberish is even spelled out, something like Shanumbra...Xigzolosh. What if these aren't just insane meaningless words, but names?
I get the feeling either an Old God or another Darkened Naaru or Void God is controlling these things. That or a really bored demon lord. |
Blizz stated that with every new xpac it should take roughly the same amount of time to go from level 1 to the current cap. So 1-60 in vanilla is equal to 1-100 now. The super long grind that we remember as 59-60 can be compared to 93 or 95-100. Now obviously people who are experienced with the game and understand leveling mechanics will be able to do it much faster than they remember doing 1-60 when they had no idea what was most efficient. And lastly, leveling is not designed to be really difficult since it's something every player has to do. The real challenges are in cap level PvP and endgame raiding, as these are optional for players looking for challenging content. |
I used to be on an RPPVP server and I miss it. I was leveling in stranglethron as an Ally and a group of Trolls on raptors ran over. They were all max level except one who was the same level as me. They CC'd me until I was low, and as I stood there frozen, the druid of my level turned to cat form as they all surrounded me, and he hit me for the final blow. He got his achievement for An Honorable Kill and they all danced before running off on their raptors. |
well, Paladins got a huge chunk of Wrath to themselves... Sunwell and Naaru stuff counts as well, especially for Blood Elves. Arthas, Uther, Lothar. Pally is the Alliance iconic race.
Mages got the Blue Dragonflight going mad thing, Dalaran, Khadgar's whole deal, Jaina and again, Blood Elves and mages tend to be kinda tight. Karazhan... Timewalkers... lots of stuff
Shamans have Thrall, TBC and WoD Draenor, a whole ton of Orc fluff, some cool Draenei stuff with Nobundo, Akama and the Broken. Also, Cataclysm. It's Shamans riding dragons into volcanoes: The Expansion.
Rogues are more subtle. You have one or two interesting Rogue heroes (Garona, Maiev), but they're less obvious. Do get the Ravenholdt faction, more surviving fluff stuff like pickpocket and the Fangs of the Father legendary questline |
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