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P117449 | 2,015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Hebron Regional Wastewater Management Project - Phase 1 The objective is to reduce the environmental pollution from wastewater produced in the Hebron Municipality. The project development objective for the First Phase of the Hebron Regional Wastewater Management Project for the West Bank and Gaza is to reduce the environmental pollution from wastewater produced in the Hebron Municipality. The principal beneficiaries of the project will include: (i) the approximately residents of Palestinian communities along Wadi As-Samen downstream of the HR WWTP who will no longer be affected by uncontrolled raw sewage flowing into the Wadi; and (ii) the Palestinians in the Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates. The project is comprised of three components. Component 1, wastewater treatment infrastructure, will finance the design and construction of the HW WWTP providing secondary treatment with a design set capacity per day in the first phase. Component 2, sustainable management, operation, and maintenance of Hebron Wastewater Treatment Plant, will finance technical assistance to train and build the capacity of the Hebron Municipal Water and Wastewater Management Department, in order to have the municipality fully capable to manage the part of the HR WWTP contract covering the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the plant during a five year time-frame and enhance the capacity of the department to obtain financial sustainability of water and wastewater services. Component 3, project management, monitoring and evaluation and master plan implementation planning, will finance project management staffing and costs incurred by the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) and the establishment of a technical operations unit (TOU) in Hebron Municipality. In addition, financing will be provided for consultant engineering services to design the proposed Hebron Regional Wastewater Management Project Phase 2 (HRWMP-2), which would include an agricultural project for reuse of treated effluent in irrigated agriculture. |
P146653 | 2,014 | 0.06 | 0 | 0.06 | Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project To restore housing, rural connectivity and build resilience of communities in Uttarakhand and increase the technical capacity of the State entities to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The objective of the Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project for India is to restore housing, rural connectivity and build resilience of communities in Uttarakhand and increase the technical capacity of the state entities to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. There are six components to the project, the first component being resilient infrastructure reconstruction. The objective of this component is to focus on the immediate needs of reconstruction of damaged houses and public buildings. The aim is to reduce the vulnerability of the affected population and restore access to the basic services of governance. The second component is the rural road connectivity. The objective of this component is to restore the connectivity lost due to the disaster through the reconstruction of damaged roads and bridges including: village roads, Other District Roads (ODRs), bridle roads and bridle bridges. The third component is the technical assistance and capacity building for disaster risk management. The objective of this component is to enhance the capabilities of government entities and others in risk mitigation and response. The fourth component is the financing disaster response expenses. This component will support the financing of eligible expenses already incurred by the state during the immediate post-disaster response period. The fifth component is the implementation support. This component will support the incremental operating costs of the project, including the operation of the Project Management Unit (PMU) and the respective Project Implementation Units (PIUs). Finally, the sixth component is the contingency emergency response. |
P178634 | 2,023 | 0.59 | 0.04 | 0.56 | Philippines First Sustainable Recovery DPL The DPL series aims to support the Government of the Philippines' reforms to: 1) accelerate the economic recovery and boost long-term growth; and 2) protect the environment and improve climate resilience.
The development objective of the First Sustainable Recovery Development Policy Loan (DPL) for Philippines aims to support the Government of the Philippines’ reforms to: (1) accelerate the economic recovery and boost long-term growth; and (2) protect the environment and improve climate resilience. The project pillars are: pillar 1 includes reforms to attract private investment in infrastructure and renewable energy (RE) and promote green jobs and investments; and pillar 2 supports reforms to enhance plastic waste management, promote green transport and procurement, and strengthen the resilience of the agriculture sector. |
P175065 | 2,022 | 0.08 | 0.04 | 0.04 | Lesotho Basic Education Strengthening Project (BESP) To improve student retention and teaching quality in junior secondary schools in targeted community councils of Lesotho and support the roll out of a new curriculum to strengthen ECCD service delivery. The development objective of Basic Education Strengthening Project is to improve student retention and teaching quality in junior secondary schools in targeted community councils of Lesotho and support the roll out of a new curriculum to strengthen Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) service delivery. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Improving student retention in junior secondary education, has the following sub-components: (i) Improving the efficiency of cash transfer schemes for students from poor households; (ii) Scaling up implementation of youth clubs for girls and boys; and (iii) Strengthening online training models in mathematics and science for junior secondary school teachers. 2) The second component, System strengthening to improve ECCD service delivery, has the following sub-components: (i) Structured support to roll out the new curriculum in reception classes and ECCD centers; and (ii) Mapping of ECCD service providers and developing a comprehensive, costed expansion strategy for the ECCD sector. 3) The third component, Project management, capacity building and technical assistance, aims at strengthening Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) and Ministry of Social Development (MoSD’s) institutional capacities to implement the BESP. |
P180153 | 2,024 | 0.21 | 0.2 | 0.01 | Moldova Rural Connectivity Project The Project Development Objective (PDO) is: (i) to improve climate-resilient road connectivity in selected rural communities; (ii) to enhance road transit through selected border crossings with Romania; and (iii) in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to respond promptly and effectively to it. The objective of the Rural Connectivity Project for Moldova is: (i) to improve climate-resilient road connectivity in selected rural communities; (ii) to enhance road transit through selected border crossings with Romania; and (iii) in case of anEligible Crisis or Emergency, to respond promptly and effectively to it. The project has four components. (1) Linking local communities with economic opportunities; (2) Facilitating trade and expanding Solidarity Lanes; (3) Building sustainability, delivery capacity and project management support; and (4) Contingency Emergency Response Component will enable the reallocation of loan/credit proceeds from other components to provide immediate recovery and reconstruction supportfollowing an eligible crisis, as needed. |
P159844 | 2,018 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Togo Fiscal Reform Credit The development objectives of this operation are to promote sound fiscal policy governance and high-quality public financial management. The development objectives of the Fiscal Management and Infrastructure Reform First Development Policy Financing Project for Togo are to support the Government of Togo to enhance tax revenues and improve the efficiency of tax collection and public investment spending, and to strengthen the financial viability and service delivery in key infrastructure sectors. The program is articulated around two pillars: pillar 1: improving fiscal management - tax revenue mobilization and public investment efficiency; and pillar 2: improving financial viability and service delivery in key infrastructure sectors - energy and information and communications technology (ICT). Achieving the program development objectives will require an appropriate balance between multiple challenging targets, while considering, Togo’s limited institutional capacity. Many of the policy actions will support areas where the Government has demonstrated strong buy-in and produced initial results. |
P163437 | 2,018 | 0.11 | 0.05 | 0.05 | Strengthening of State Universities in Chile The objectives of the project are to improve quality and equity within State Universities and to strengthen their institutional capacity to address regional and national development challenges. The objectives of the Strengthening of State Universities Project for Chile are to improve quality and equity within State Universities and to strengthen their institutional capacity to address regional and national development challenges. There are three components to the project, the first component being technical assistance for strengthening the borrower's state universities sector. This component will provide technical assistance to improve the state university system at the central government and university levels. This component will support: (a) advisory services, (b) data collection, (c) training, and (d) software development. The second component is the support to the establishment of networks in state universities. Financing of payments under Eligible Expenditure Programs (EEPs) in support of State Universities for: (a) the establishment of pilot structural networks in new identified priority areas and the improvement of coordination and monitoring activities in existing structural networks; and (b) the establishment of thematic networks. Finally, the third component is the support to the Implementation of institutional strengthening development plan. This component includes three subcomponents: the first subcomponent is the support to improve school-university-job transition in state universities. This subcomponent will support efforts made by State Universities to improve academic readiness through, among others, remedial programs, information provision, and vocational counseling for late secondary and early higher education students. The second subcomponent is the support to improve institutional capacity for research and innovation in state universities. Finally, the third subcomponent is the support to institutional management and operations of state universities. This subcomponent will support efforts made by State Universities to prepare and implement improvement plans based on the ISDP and the regional diagnostics supported under component one including: the collection, use, and dissemination of university data; strengthening the planning, financial and procurement management capacity; the planning, financial, and procurement management, and reviewing of academic management and programs and permanent quality assurance mechanisms. |
P164435 | 2,020 | 0.9 | 0 | 0.9 | Solar Energy in Local Communities The objective of the Project is to expand access to energy services for households, enterprises, schools and health centers in rural areas of Burundi. The develop objective of Solar Energy in Local Communities Project is to expand access to energy services for households, enterprises, schools and health centers in rural areas of Burundi. This project has five components. 1) The first component, Energy Services for Schools and Health Service Centers has the following sub-components: (i) Energy Services for Schools; and (ii) Energy Services for Health Centers. 2) The second component, Energy Services for Rural Communities, aims to fund the deployment of several mini-grids using business models that leverage the private sector in areas where electricity supply through mini-grids represents the least-cost option from a country perspective, as underpinned by geospatial and socioeconomic analyses. 3) The third component, Energy Services for Households, finance a grant fund for the distribution of standalone solar products to roughly 65,000 households and CECs to roughly 300,000 households. 4) The fourth component, Technical Assistance, Capacity Building and Project Implementation Support, has the following sub-components: (i) Access Strategy and Planning; (ii) Market Development Support; (iii) Consumer Awareness and Citizen Engagement, Women’s Employment and Female Entrepreneurship; and (iv) Project Coordination, Implementation Support, Capacity Building and Sector Studies. 5) The fifth component, Contingent Emergency Response Component, with zero allocation may be used to partially cover emergency response through implementation of key activities by the appropriate agencies to respond to the emergency. |
P151432 | 2,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Enhancing Shared Prosperity through Equitable Services The objective of ESPES program is to improve equitable access to basic services and strengthen accountability systems at the decentralized level. The program aims to improve service delivery for the whole population of Ethiopia by improving results in health, education and agriculture services in the most poorly performing woredas and strengthening the overall decentralized service delivery system. Building on almost 10 years of support for basic services delivery, the ESPES focuses on leveraging the government’s broadprogram of service delivery support to promote equity, enhance quality of and access to services, and institutionalize critical systems for service delivery, especially at the woreda level. The development objective of the Program for Results (PforR) Enhancing Shared Prosperity through Equitable Services Project for Ethiopia is to improve equitable access to basic services and strengthen accountability systems at the decentralized level. The operation supports the government’s system for the delivery of basic services, which is supported by the Federal Government through the intergovernmental fiscal transfer (IGFT) to the woredas - Ethiopia’s main instrument to finance decentralized service delivery. Under this program of support, the woredas are responsible for the delivery of basic education, primary health care, agriculture extension, water supply, and rural road maintenance. The government’s overall program of support is reflected in the current growth and transformation plan (GTP), which includes broad objectives for service delivery in each sector. The GTP aims to expand the coverage of basic services and improve their quality as a key mechanism to achieve the millennium development goals (MDGs). The PforR will prioritize local-level financing for education, health, and agriculture. The PforR beneficiaries are the whole population benefiting from basic service delivery, particularly the bottom 20 percent of income groups and most poorly performing woredas. The key challenges for maintaining the gains achieved so far include ensuring that IGFT grants follow predictable patterns by using regional fiscal distribution formulas, having adequate ground-level service delivery staff, and maintaining strong fiduciary controls. |
P178663 | 2,024 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Progestão Piauí: Public Sector Management Efficiency Improve efficiency in public resource management in selected departments of the State of Piauí. The development objective of the Progestão Piauí: Public Sector Management Efficiency Project for Brazil is to improve efficiency in public resource management in selected departments of the State of Piauí. The project comprises of three components. The first component, whole-of-government management systems consists of following sub-components: (i) human resource management; (ii) pensions management; (iii) public procurement; (iv) public investment management and budgeting; and (v) asset management. The second component, management systems in strategic sectors consists of following sub-components: (i) health; (ii) education; and (iii) social assistance. The third component, project and change management consists of following sub-components: (i) project management unit; and (ii) change management. |
P154672 | 2,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Hebei Air Pollution Prevention and Control Program To reduce emissions of specific air pollutants in the key sectors in Hebei The development objective of the Hebei Air Pollution Prevention and Control Program (HAP) Project for China is to reduce emissions of specific air pollutants in the key sectors in Hebei. The part of the government program supported under the proposed HAP includes the following activities: (i) comprehensive control of industrial enterprises and reduced emission of multipollutants; (ii) area pollution control and dust control; (iii) prevention and control of emissions from mobile sources; (iv) establishment of monitoring and warning systems and planning tools; (v) elimination of overcapacity and promotion of industrial transformation and upgrade; (vi) adjustment of the energy structure and increase the clean energy supply; and (vii) supporting measures. These activities are grouped into four results areas: Results area 1, comprehensive control of industrial enterprises and reduced emission of multi-pollutants emissions (SO2, NOx, and primary PM2.5) from key industrial sectors. Results area 2, area pollution control and dust control. Results area 3, prevention and control of emissions from mobile sources. Results area 4, establishment of monitoring and warning systems and planning tools. |
P122803 | 2,012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | BJ- Poverty Reduction Support Grant - PRSG 7 The Tier 1 development objective of PRSG-7, in line with Benin’s SCRP, is to accelerate real economic growth and reduce the incidence of poverty in Benin through focusing on the following two Tier 2 development objectives or pillars:
(i) Strengthened public sector management, administration and policy making through meaningful public financial management, civil service, customs, decentralization and structural reforms; in order to,
(ii) Deliver more effective public services in the pursuit of enhanced private sectorcompetitiveness and greater economic diversification. The objective of the Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Grant (PRSG7) Program for first tier, in line with Benin's Strategie de Croissance pour la Reduction de la Pauvrete (SCRP) (Poverty Reduction Strategy), the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the Africa regional strategy is to accelerate real economic growth and reduce the incidence of poverty in Benin through focusing on the following second tier development objectives or pillars: (i) strengthened public sector management, administration and policy making; in order to, (ii) deliver more effective public services in the pursuit of enhanced private sector competitiveness and greater economic diversification. This program document PRSG-7 in the amount of SDR 19 million (US$30 million). This operation is designed to support implementation of the government's poverty reduction strategy. This operation is seen as laying the groundwork and foundation for a subsequent PRSG series, which may follow given successful implementation of the reforms supported under PRSG-7. This grant is an integral part of the Bank's CAS for 2009-2012, presented to the International Development Association (IDA) Board in February 2009, and leverages and complements other Bank operations in Benin. As Benin embarks on the implementation of a new SCRP, the country is at a challenging juncture. A succession of external and internal shocks has seriously affected the country's economic growth and public finances and has possibly reversed earlier gains in poverty reduction. |
P133531 | 2,014 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Shanxi Gas Utilization The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase gas utilization to reduce greenhouse gases emission in selected counties in Shanxi province. The objective of the Shanxi Gas Utilization Project for China is to increase gas utilization to reduce greenhouse gases emission in selected counties in Shanxi province. There are three components to the project, the first component being distributed Gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants. This component includes two investment sub-projects with the same size: Baode 3x42MWe and Xiyang 3x42MWe gas-fired CHP plants and affiliated facilities. Both sub-projects are green-field power plants and will be built for power generation and heating supply to the adjacent county level cities (Baode and Xiyang County City). The second component is the expansion of the gas distribution network. This component includes four investment sub-projects in the four county cities in Xiangyuan, Changzhi, Tunliu, and Qingxu counties. The sub-projects would install pipelines and pressure regulating stations in the four counties to expand the gas distribution network to residential, commercial, and industrial consumers. The sub-project would also establish Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems to monitor the operation of each gas distribution network. Finally, the third component is the technical assistance. A technical assistance component is included to mitigate the risks related to project design and management, covering activities for capacity building and technical support to the implementing agencies, as well as activities to upgrade the provincial gas network system. |
P147183 | 2,015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Innovative Access to Finance The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to longer term Islamic finance and to factoring for small and medium enterprises and export oriented enterprises. The objective of the Innovative Access to Finance Project for Turkey is to improve access to longer term Islamic finance and to factoring for small and medium enterprises and export oriented enterprises. A single component will provide US$250 million equivalent to be intermediated by TSKB through participation banks and factoring companies targeting Small and Medium Enterprises, or SMEs and Export Oriented Enterprises, or EOEs. Sub-component one will focus on Islamic finance (estimated at US$160 million) and subcomponent two will focus on factoring (estimated at US$90 million). The choice of a single component provides re-allocation flexibility against a limited number of participation banks and increased financial markets uncertainty. The credit line, guaranteed by the Turkish government, will be intermediated by TSKB, which will be the Borrower and implementing agency for this project. TSKB will in turn on-lend and finance Participating Financial Institutions, or PFIs, which can be participation banks and factoring companies. TSKB will select PFIs pursuant to criteria agreed between TSKB and the World Bank, and subject to no objection by the World Bank. The selected PFIs will in turn sub-finance private SMEs and EOEs, the final beneficiaries of the credit line. The PFIs will assume the risk of the sub-beneficiaries who will be selected based on agreed upon selection criteria. TSKB will have exposure only to the selected PFIs and will assume the risk for on-lending and financing PFIs. |
P145534 | 2,014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | MM: Telecommunications Sector Reform The development objectives of the project are to: (a) improve the enabling environment for the telecommunications sector and extend coverage in selected remote pilot locations; and (b) establish priority eGovernment technological foundations and institutional capacity for Government to embark on its public sector reform program. The development objectives of the Telecommunications Sector Reform Project for Myanmar are to: (a) improve the enabling environment for the telecommunications sector and extend coverage in selected remote pilot locations; and (b) establish priority eGovernment technological foundations and institutional capacity for Government to embark on its public sector reform program. There are four components to the project, the first component being creating an enabling environment for connectivity. This component will focus on technical assistance for addressing policy and regulatory bottlenecks to maximize the benefits of the sector reform agenda ($2.00 million). Technical assistance will be provided to MCIT on policy matters and to the regulator on various regulatory matters. The second component is the extending connectivity to rural areas. This component will support the development of the Government's universal access strategy in order to accelerate the provision of telecommunications and internet services in remote areas of Myanmar. The third component is the enabling eGovernment foundations. This component aims to support the Government's charter in governance reforms by improving transparency and accountability. It will also place a stronger emphasis on the provision of Government information and services for its constituents as committed by the President to its people. Finally, the fourth component is the project implementation support. |
P168777 | 2,020 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0 | Emergency Response and Nafa Program Support Project The Project Development Objectives are to: develop the building blocks of a national shock-responsive social protection system and increase access to shock-responsive safety nets for poor and vulnerable households. The objectives of the Emergency Response and NAFA Program Support Project for Guinea are to: develop the building blocks of a national shock-responsive social protection system and increase access to shock-responsive safety nets for poor and vulnerable households. There are five components to the project, the first component being emergency cash transfers. Component one will support the emergency cash transfer program to help sustain the resilience of vulnerable households in rural and urban areas as they weather the health-related, social, and economic effects of Covid-19. This component includes two subcomponents: emergency cash transfers, and communications, sensitization, and accompanying measures. The second component is the support to cash transfers and accompanying measures under the Nafa Program. Component two will support the medium- and long-term vision of ANIES under the Nafa Program by financing ‘cash plus’ activities in selected areas as a tool for improving household resilience. The third component is the strengthening social protection institutions and shock-responsive delivery systems. This component will support ANIES in the development of shock-responsive social protection delivery instruments. The objective is to contribute to the establishment of a national, shock-responsive safety net system, anchored within ANIES. This system will allow ANIES to deliver poverty-targeted safety nets through its Nafa Program, and to respond quickly if necessary, to different types of covariate shocks, such as pandemics or natural disasters. The fourth component is the project management, monitoring and evaluation. This component will finance expenditures related to the procurement of goods, works, consultants, and services needed for the day to day management, implementation and monitoring of project-related activities. Finally, the fifth component is the contingent emergency response component. |
P168025 | 2,020 | 0.08 | 0.04 | 0.04 | Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project The objectives of the Project are to improve access to water supply and sanitation services and improve the quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation service delivery in select peri-urban and rural areas of Jingyang District of Deyang City in Sichuan Province. The development objectives of the Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Public Private Partnership (PPP) Project for China are to improve access to water supply and sanitation services and improve the quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation service delivery in select peri-urban and rural areas of Jingyang district of Deyang city in Sichuan province. The project comprises of two components. The first component is institutional strengthening and infrastructure investments to improve WSS services in Jingyang district. The second component is institutional capacity building and technical assistance (TA) for PPP oversight, project management, and scale up of the PPP approach. |
P167532 | 2,019 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Sint Maarten Hospital Resiliency & Preparedness Project Improve the preparedness and capacity of hospital services in Sint Maarten The development objective of Sint Maarten Hospital Resiliency Preparedness Project is to improve the preparedness and capacity of hospital services in Sint Maarten. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Building and launching of the new hospital, aims to co-finance the turn-key contract for the design upgrade, construction and launching of the new hospital. 2) The second component, Transition and Contingency Plan for Sint Maarten Medical Center, aims to finance the following: (i) works and equipment needed for the critical rehabilitation and upgrades of the existing hospital during the transition period; (ii) technical assistance to support the updating and implementation of clinical guidelines and quality control mechanisms and internal technical audits; (iii) arrangements with strategic partners for training of human resources; and (iv) support the Sint Maarten Medical Center's (SMMC) accreditation process with the joint commission international (JCI). 3) The third component, Project Management, aims to finance the related operating expenses, equipment, and personnel necessary for the execution of the project, in the areas of contract management, procurement, financial management, technical and monitoring and evaluation, including project audits. |
P133327 | 2,013 | 0 | 0 | 0 | TAJIKISTAN SECOND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROJECT The project development objectives for PAMP II are to: (i) provide access to temporary employment to food-insecure people through the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure, (ii) increase yields of selected crops in response to improved irrigation and infrastructure, and (iii) strengthen the capacity of Tajikistan to introduce integrated water resource management. By improving food access and food availability these measures improve the food security of low-income people in the poor rural areas supportedby the project. The development objectives of the Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project are to: provide employment to food-insecure people through the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure, increase crop production in response to improved irrigation and drainage infrastructure, and support the development of improved policies and institutions for water resource management, as a means to improve food availability and food access for low-income people in poor rural areas supported by the project. There are three components to the project. The first component of the project is public works and rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure. The second component of the project is assistance in water resources management, including technical assistance for policy and institutional reform. The third component of the project is project management. A Project Management Unit (PMU) to be managed under the World Bank-financed Ferghana valley water resource management project will be the main implementation agency. It will be responsible for: implementation and coordination, financial management and procurement, communication and awareness programs, environmental management and safeguards, and monitoring and evaluation. |
P149776 | 2,017 | 0.09 | 0 | 0.09 | 2nd Fiscal Effectiveness and Growth DPL The proposed Development Policy Loan (DPL) series supports government reforms to:
(a) strengthen fiscal management and the performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
(b) improve the functioning of energy, property, and capital markets The development objective of the Second Fiscal Effectiveness and Growth Development Policy Project for Romania is supports government reforms to: (a) strengthen fiscal management and the performance of state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) (b) improve the functioning of energy, property, and capital markets. This Fiscal Effectiveness and Growth Development Policy Loan (FEG‐DPL_ series was designed in close collaboration with the government, the European Commission (EC), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to complement the 2013–2015 precautionary programs of the European Union (EU) and the IMF. It supports key structural reforms to strengthen fiscal management and performance of state‐owned enterprises (SOEs), and to improve the functioning of the energy, property, and capital markets. It builds upon previous World Bank (WB) policy lending operations in Romania and is aligned with Romania’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for 2014–2017. Romania has achieved the highest growth in the EU over the last fifteen years, but further progress with structural reforms is needed to sustain it. Poverty in Romania remains the highest in the EU and progress in poverty reduction has been limited. This DPL contributes significantly to poverty reduction in Romania.At the same time, this DPL supports key structural reforms that help boost Romania’s growth potential and accelerate convergence with the EU. This operation supports a new corporate governance framework for public enterprises; one IPO12; and the restructuring of a large SOE. This DPL improves public sector outcomes through the following prior actions: (i) extending the use of centralized procurement in health will lead to importantprice reductions for medicines and generate savings which can be channeled to underfunded programs inthe health sector; (ii) the prioritization of public investments will lead to a better allocation of the scarcepublic money towards priority projects and accelerate the implementation of infrastructure projects; (iii)the law on the MSIP will consolidate social assistance programs, reduce administrative costs and channelmore resources to the poor; and (iv) the new law on corporate governance of SOEs is an important milestone in strengthening the performance of Romania’s large SOE sector. |
P144522 | 2,014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Maternal and Newborn Voucher Project The Project Development Objective is to increase the utilization of maternal and newborn health services in the project target areas. The objective of the Maternal and Newborn Voucher Project for Yemen is to increase the utilization of maternal and newborn health services in the project target areas. The project has 2 components. (1) Improving access to maternal and newborn health services component will insure marketing, distribution and reimbursement of vouchers and small cash benefits for maternal and newborn health services and family planning services for target beneficiaries. (2) Results-based monitoring, voucher management, external technical audit, and project management component will include support for: (i) capacity building activities for the Social Fund for Development (SFD); (ii) external technical audit; (iii) communications strategies; (iv) monitoring and evaluation; (v) project management operating costs for SFD; and (vi) external financial audit. |
P155191 | 2,017 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Providing an Education of Quality in Haiti (PEQH) The objectives of the Project are to: (i) strengthen public management of the education sector; (ii) improve learning conditions inselected public and non-public primary schools; and (iii) support enrollment of students in selected public and non-public primary schools. The development objectives of the Providing an Education of Quality in Haiti Project for Haiti are to: (i) strengthen public management of the education sector; (ii) improve learning conditions in selected public and non-public primary schools; and (iii) support enrollment of students in selected public and non-public primary schools. The project comprises of four components. The first component, improving institutional capacity and governance will strengthen the technical capacity of relevant units within Ministry of National Education and Professional Training (MENFP), including the directorates of primary education, education and partnership, professional training, and planning and external cooperation, to improve service delivery, and overall educational governance. The second component, supporting access to quality, public primary education in poor communities will provide access to quality primary education in poor communities in selected departments set forth in the project operations manual (POM). This component will also finance provision of compensation, including cash compensation and other assistance paid for involuntary resettlement related to the implementation of the relevant resettlement action plan under the resettlement policy framework (RPF). It consists of two sub-components: (i) support to the cohorts of the community education grant program under the education for all (EFA) II Project; and (ii) public school improvement model. The third component, supporting access to quality, non-public primary education in poor communities will support access of poor children to non-public schools while increasing the quality of education of those non-public schools. It consists of two sub-components: (i) support to the final tuition waiver program cohort under the EFA II Project; and (ii) support to the development and implementation of a replicable model for results-based financing of non-public schools. The fourth component will provide support to MENFP for project implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. |
P160277 | 2,020 | 0.75 | 0 | 0.75 | Chile REDD+ Emissions Reductions Program The Project Development Objective is to incentivize reduced deforestation, forest degradation and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+) in selected regions of southern Chile, through payment of verified emission reductions (ER) and to ensure that paid amounts are distributed according to an agreed benefit sharing plan. The development objective of the REDD Emissions Reduction Program Project is to make payments to the Chile for measured, reported and verified emissions reductions (ER) from reduced deforestation and forest degradation, the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD ) in selected regions of southern Chile, and to distribute ER payments in accordance with an agreed benefit sharing plan. This project has two components. 1) The first component, Scope of the instrument, consists of a stand-alone carbon finance project between the World Bank as trustee of the forest carbon partnership facility (FCPF) carbon fund and Chile as the program entity. 2) The second component, Chile's REDD ER Program, aims to position the country's natural forests as a key element of national climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. |
P163452 | 2,018 | 0.28 | 0.24 | 0.05 | Ethiopia Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to enhance the institutional performance of participating Urban Local Government (ULGs)to develop and sustain urban infrastructure, services, and local economic development. The development objective of the Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program Project for Ethiopia is to enhance the institutional performance of participating urban local governments to develop and sustain urban infrastructure, services, and local economic development. The proposed Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program (UIIDP or Operation) will support the objectives of the WB’s Ethiopia Country Partnership Framework (CPF) (2018–22). The CPF for Ethiopia, discussed by the Board on June 27, 2017, has three strategic focus areas: (a) promoting structural and economic transformation through increased productivity, (b) building resilience and inclusiveness, and (c) supporting institutional accountability and confronting corruption. The proposed UIIDP supports all three focus areas. The UIIDP’s fundamental objectives and funding directly target the strengthening of urban governance and management systems, participatory strategic and spatial planning, improved transparency and accountability enhanced citizen engagement in decision-making of urban governments (including of women), public private dialogue, and directly financing urban infrastructure and services. By assisting to create well-functioning and productive urban centers, the UIIDP contributes to the WB’s twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity.The proposed Operation will be financed through a hybrid of Investment Project Financing (IPF) and Program-for-Results (PforR) instruments. Most of the Operation is financed through the PforR instrument, which has proven to be the optimal and effective mechanism for providing conditional grants to regional states and ULGs, as demonstrated in the ULGDP II. There are four primary reasons for this. First, the UIIDP directly supports the government program and forms a core part of the existing intergovernmental fiscal architecture. Second, the basic goal of the UIIDP is to leverage the improved institutional performance of the local governments it supports to more effectively deliver infrastructure and service delivery, and ensure meeting of broader objectives and maximizing of development impact. Due to the direct relationship between the institutional results and the Program disbursements, the PforR instrument allows for a directly incentive-driven approach to achieve the Program Development Objective (PDO). Through the use of disbursement linked indicators (DLIs), the UIIDP will ensure that incentives of the regional and local levels of government are effectively aligned around the goals of the Program. Third, the Program will use, improve, and integrate GoE and local government systems, including public FM, social and environmental systems management and procurement systems. Fourth, the PforR instrument has proven as an effective and efficient tool in the implementation of the ULGDP II and this modality is critical to the success of the program. The government’s new UIIDP (2018–23) envisions that all cities will gradually generate increasing levels of municipal own-source revenues, with which to finance investments in infrastructure and deliver services. However, this will be a long-term process. |
P166752 | 2,019 | 0.17 | 0 | 0.17 | Fiscal Sustainability and Energy Development Policy Operation The program development objectives of this standalone operation are to:
(i) strengthen the quality and transparency of fiscal decision-making; and
(ii) improve the governance of the electricity sector
The development objective of Fiscal Sustainability and Energy Development Policy Financing (DPF) Project for Madagascar are to: (i) strengthen the quality and transparency of fiscal decision-making; and (ii) improve the governance of the electricity sector. The first development objective of this operation contributes to ensuring the implementation of the planned investments in a fiscally sustainable manner, considering liabilities that are recorded both on and off budget. The second development objective supports the implementation of Jiro sy Rano Malagasy's (JIRAMA’s) business plan and is a necessary building block for increasing access to reliable and affordable energy. The DPF supports JIRAMA’s reforms by improving corporate financial governance, institutionalizing least-cost investment planning and competitive generation procurement, and reducing commercial losses. Improving the governance of the electricity sector is likely to signal an improvement in the business environment to investors and make JIRAMA more financially attractive as an off-taker, a key prerequisite to attract private sector involvement in generation.The DPF is complementary to the investment program and the budget support operation supported by the World Bank. This approach reflects lessons learned from implementation completion reports (ICR) for the reengagement and resilience DPFs that continuity in the policy dialogue can be promoted when the reforms are closely integrated with Investment Policy Financing (IPFs). |
P174323 | 2,023 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Uzbekistan Syrdarya Efficient Power Generation Project The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to support efficient electricity generation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through private investment in Uzbekistan. The development objective of the Syrdarya Efficient Power Generation Project for Uzbekistan is to increase flexible and efficient electricity generation in line with a least-cost pathway to decarbonize power supply in Uzbekistan. The project component is construction and operation of a 1,573-MW combined-cycle gas-turbine (CCGT) power plant, and purchase by the sovereign off taker (NEGU) of electricity from the plant, supported by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) payment guarantee. |
P151804 | 2,015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | FIRST PROGRAMMATIC SHARED PROSPERITY DEVELOPMENT POLICY LOAN The Program Development Objective of the DPL series is to support the Government of Panama’s efforts to (i) expand inclusion and opportunities, (ii) improve service delivery, and (iii) modernize fiscal management.
The project development objective of the First Programmatic Shared Prosperity Development Policy Loan for Panama is Expanding inclusion, improving service delivery, and modernizing fiscal management are critical for further reducing extreme poverty and sharing prosperity in Panama. This is the first of three projects involved in the series. The proposed DPL series supports the Government of Panamas efforts to promote human development, sustainable economic growth, and institutional strengthening. The Program Development Objective of the DPL series is to support the Government of Panamas efforts to (i) expand inclusion and opportunities, (ii) improve service delivery, and (iii) modernize fiscal management. The program will focus on three pillars to achieve these higher level objectives. The objectives of pillar (1) expanding inclusion and opportunities, are to (a) strengthen the institutional framework and programs for inclusion and opportunities of indigenous peoples development, (b) expand opportunities for youth, and (c) expand the coverage and improving the targeting and quality of social protection for the poor. The objectives of pillar (2) improving service delivery, are to: (a) improve water and sanitation management and (b) secure sustainable and reliable energy provision. Finally, the objectives of pillar (3) modernizing fiscal management, are to: (a) strengthen the financial planning of government resources and (b) increase the governments ability to manage fiscal risks from disasters. |
P166124 | 2,019 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.1 | Niger Second DPO Series The objective of this operation is to support growth in the non-extractive sectors and fiscal consolidation. It is structured around two pillars. The first pillar supports competitiveness by addressing trade barriers and skills shortage, and by expanding access to energy; and promotes increased agricultural productivity. The second pillar supports structural fiscal reforms by increasing non-extractives revenues through rationalizing tax expenditures and expanding the tax base while reducing expenditures inefficiency. This is the first in a three DPO series. This document proposes a Development Policy Financing in the form of an International Development Association Grant of SDR 39.5 Million (US 55 Million Dollars Equivalent) and an IDA Credit of Euro 47.5 Million Dollars (US 55 Million Dollars Equivalent). This is the second of a programmatic series of two development policy operations. It is a single tranche disbursement of 50 percent in the form of an IDA grant on standard IDA Grant terms and 50 percent in an IDA credit provided on standard IDA regular credit terms with maturity of 38 years including a grace period of six years. The program supports the Niger’s growth and poverty reduction strategy through its emphasis on reforms for fostering rural growth It builds on World Bank Systematic Country Diagnostic, and the new Country Partnership Framework (CPF, FY2018-FY2022). |
P178176 | 2,022 | 0.19 | 0.09 | 0.09 | Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and Upgrading MSMEs for Economic Transformation and Jobs in DRC Project The project development objective is to enhance growth of new and existing MSMEs, especially women-owned, and promote job creation particularly for women in select geographic areas. The development objective of Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and Upgrading Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for Economic Transformation and Jobs in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Project for Congo, Democratic Republic of is to enhance growth of new and existing MSMEs, especially women-owned, and promote job creation particularly for women in select geographic areas. This project has five components. 1) The first component, Support women entrepreneurs, firm creation, and Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) upgrading, has the following sub-components: (i) Support professionalization of women entrepreneurs; (ii) Training and competitive grants for creating new firms; and (iii) Matching grants for SMEs upgrading. 2) The second component, Financial inclusion and sustainable access to finance for women entrepreneurs and MSMEs, has the following sub-components: (i) Strengthen credit infrastructure; (ii) Unlock financing for women entrepreneurs; and (iii) Lower the cost and risk of digital financial services. 3) The third component, Entrepreneurship ecosystem development, has the following sub-components: (i) Business environment reforms to catalyze investment; (ii) Institutional capacity development for private sector reforms; (iii) Shared infrastructure and market access. 4) The fourth component, Project implementation, will finance activities related to project management, coordination, communication, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and possible scaling up of activities to additional geographic locations. 5) The fifth component, Contingency Emergency Response Component, will allow for rapid reallocation of uncommitted funds in the event of an eligible emergency. |
P168326 | 2,019 | 0.03 | 0.01 | 0.01 | Rural Economy Development Project Project Development Objective is to improve the sources of livelihood for local populations in GBAO and Khatlon through tourism and agribusiness. The development objective of the Rural Economy Development Project for Tajikistan is to improve the sources of livelihood for local populations in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) and Khatlon through tourism and agribusiness. The project comprises of four components. The first component aims to improve public infrastructure for the development of tourism, agribusiness, and related sectors. It consists of following sub-components: (i) public investments in historical and cultural tourism sites; (ii) grants to communities, municipalities, and not-for-profit organizations to improve tourism and agribusiness infrastructure and develop local tourism attractions; and (iii) public investments in touristic signage. The second component, support to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and entrepreneurs in the tourism, agribusiness, and related sectors aims to facilitate entrepreneurial activities and increase MSMEs’ growth and employment in the tourism, agribusiness, and related sectors. It consists of following sub-components: (i) matching grants to farmers and agribusiness MSMEs to support post-harvest storage and processing; (ii) matching grants to farmers and processors in two agribusiness value chains; and (iii) matching grants to tourism-related MSMEs to improve services and offerings. The third component aims to: (i) improve the capacity of tourism and agribusiness public agencies, operators, and service providers and (ii) help beneficiaries apply for and implement the grants and matching grants funded by the project. It consists of following sub-components: (i) technical assistance and capacity building for tourism and agribusiness public agencies and skill development for tourism providers; and (ii) technical assistance to help beneficiaries of grants and matching grants to design, submit, and implement grant proposals. The fourth component, project coordination, implementation and grant program management and administration will support overall project coordination, implementation, and hiring a Grant Management Company (GMC) that will administer all grants and matching grants financed under the project. It consists of following sub-components: (i) project coordination and implementation; and (ii) grant management and administration. |
P178161 | 2,024 | 0.46 | 0.31 | 0.15 | Volcanoes Community Resilience Project The Project Development Objective is to reduce the risk of flooding, strengthen watershed management, and improve livelihoods of people in the project area. The objective of the Volcanoes Community Resilience Project for Rwanda is to reduce the risk of flooding, strengthen watershed management, and improve livelihoods of people in the project area. There are five components to the project, the first component being flood risk management. This component seeks to reduce flood risks in the Volcano and Vunga corridor by implementing comprehensive flood risk reduction interventions and by improving flood early warning systems (FEWS) and community-level flood preparedness. This component includes two subcomponents: flood risk reduction investments, and flood early warning system (FEWS) and community-level flood preparedness. The second component is the landscape restoration and catchment management. This component supports landscape restoration and catchment management interventions aimed at improving livelihoods; reducing surface runoff and erosion; and enhancing efforts to restore and protect biodiversity in the region. This component includes three subcomponents: integrated catchment and landscape restoration, and ecological restoration of priority conservation areas, and livelihoods diversification. The third component is the VNP expansion and livelihood restoration. This component includes two subcomponents: VNP expansion, and a model smart green village, and livelihood diversification and income generation activities. The fourth component is the project management, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity building. This component will finance project management costs of the implementing agencies, notably the Project Implementation Units (PIUs), for core staff in project coordination, environmental and social (E&S) risks management, FM, procurement, and M&E, including a midterm review, and end-project completion report. Finally, the fifth component is the contingent emergency response component. |
P128832 | 2,013 | 0 | 0 | 0 | VILLAGE INNOVATION PROGRAM (VIP) To improve participating village capacity to develop quality village development and implementation plans The development objective of the National Program for Community Empowerment in Rural Areas Project for Indonesia is to rural locations to benefit from improved local governance and socio-economic conditions. There are three components to the project. The first component of the project is kecamatan grants. This component will provide grants to participating kecamatan to finance subprojects identified by communities. The second component of the project is community empowerment and facilitation. This component will provide technical assistance to support three sub-components of this component. This component aims to improve overall community participation and skill levels, with the intention of strengthening the governance of the program. The third component of the project is implementation support and technical assistance. This component will provide oversight, technical advisory services, training and other support for: a) PNPM (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat - National Program for Community Empowerment) at the national and sub-national levels; b) strengthening PMD (Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa - Directorate for Community and Village Empowerment); and c) supporting the management of the incremental activities generated by the project. |
P169274 | 2,020 | 0.21 | 0.08 | 0.13 | South Sudan Safety Net Project (SSSNP) To provide temporary income opportunities to selected poor and vulnerable households and to strengthen safety net delivery tools inthe Republic of South Sudan. The objective of the Safety Net Project for South Sudan is to provide temporary income opportunities to selected poor and vulnerable households and to strengthen safety net delivery tools in the Republic of South Sudan. The Project has three components. 1. Labor Intensive Public Works Plus component will scale up community-based public works activities to provide access to temporary income, supported by a plus approach, which will include selected complementary support. 2. Direct Income Support component will provide direct income support to poor and vulnerable households who lack able-bodied members and are therefore unable to participate in labor-intensive public works. 3. Strengthening Safety Net Delivery Tools and Project Management component will strengthen existing safety net tools and enhance local level capacities to manage them in order to address on-going challenges and risks to the delivery of effective and accountable safety net in the future. |
P176513 | 2,022 | 0.27 | 0 | 0.27 | Benin First Unlocking Human and Productive Potential DPO series The proposed DPO series aims to: (1) empower women and girls; (2) expand access to reliable and sustainable energy; (3) strengthen fiscal and debt management. The development objectives of the First Unlocking Human and Productive Potential Development Policy Financing in Benin are to: (1) empower women and girls; (2) expand access to reliable and sustainable energy; (3) strengthen fiscal and debt management. Pillar 1, empower women and girls, creates an institutional framework to promote and protect women’s rights and their active, safe and productive participation in social, economic, and political life across the country. It tackles two of the most important constraints to women’s and girls’ agency by creating the framework for sanctioning and preventing gender-based violence (GBV) and promoting safe access to sexual and reproductive health services. With these changes, and with implementation supported by other national and development partners’ initiatives, the cases of GBV prosecuted by the justice system and the usage of contraceptive by women and adolescent girls are expected to improve. Pillar 2, expand access to reliable and sustainable energy, strengthens the regulatory framework for grid electrification, and promotes private investments for renewable energy and the development of energy efficiency to balance the demand and supply of energy. These actions increase the share of self-generated renewable energy, particularly solar, expand access to electricity, and smooth the energy consumption to support the system’s supply capacity. Pillar 3, strengthen fiscal and debt management, sustainably finances inclusive growth. First, through greater domestic revenue mobilization achieved by simplifying and reinforcing the tax system to raise confidence in the tax administration and consolidate the reforms started in 2016. Second by reinforcing debt management and reducing fiscal risks, through ensuring transparent statistics on State-Owned Enterprise debt, capable of allowing private investments in key sectors. The first set of actions will contribute to increase domestic tax revenue over the next two years, and the second should reinforce the debt management capacity to assess regional and international markets and ensure debt sustainability. |
P500912 | 2,024 | 0.42 | 0.08 | 0.35 | First Kenya Fiscal Sustainability and Resilient Growth To (i) promote efficiency, transparency, and equity of public finance; (ii) foster more competitive and inclusive product and labor markets; and (iii) strengthen climate action
The Development Policy Operation (DPO) is the first of a series of three operations that support Kenya’s policy and institutional reforms to (i) promote efficiency, transparency, and equity of public finance; (ii) foster more competitive and inclusive product and labor markets; and (iii) strengthen climate action. This DPO of US$1.2 billion, financed by IBRD and IDA (including the Window for Refugees and Host Communities), supports the ambitious reform agenda of the Government of Kenya (GoK) to drive transformational change in the country. It is tailored to Kenya’s challenging macroeconomic context, framed by tight global and domestic credit conditions, fiscal pressures, shocks from climate change, and persistent poverty and inequality. The DPO is designed to address the country’s short-term challenges by strengthening fiscal, economic, and environmental institutions that will simultaneously lay the foundations for a more prosperous, green, and inclusive future. This DPO also supports Kenya in a difficult economic climate as it hosts a significant population of refugees and asylum seekers while undertaking a process of refugee policy reforms. There are over 550,000 refugees and almost 200,000 asylum seekers in the country (320,572 refugees and asylum seekers in Dadaab Camp and 271,995 in Kakuma Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement). The camps and settlement are managed by the GoK’s Department of Refugee Services (DRS), with support from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian partners. The inflow of refugees has significantly changed the spatial and social dynamics of host counties. The GoK has demonstrated its commitment to the Global Compact on Refugees by enacting the Refugees Act of 2021, Cap 173 of Laws of Kenya, which grants refugees more rights and protections, and by drafting the Shirika Plan in 2024, which seeks to create more integrated settlements where refugees can live, access social services, and work alongside Kenyans. |
P156679 | 2,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Health System Performance Reinforcement Project The new Project Development Objective (PDO) is to: (i) increase utilization and improve the quality of health services with a particular focus on reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health, and nutritional services for the population of Cameroon, including refugees and refugee host communities, and (ii) in the event of an Eligible Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said Eligible Emergency The development objective of the Health System Performance Reinforcement Project for Cameroon is to increase utilization and improve the quality of health services with a particular focus on reproductive, maternal, child, and adolescent health and nutrition services. The project comprises of two components. The first component, strengthening of health service delivery consists of three sub-components: (i) payment of performance; (ii) support to the implementation and supervision of performance-based financing; and (iii) additional support for improving access to a key package of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) and nutrition services. The second component, institutional strengthening for improved health system performance will support institutional strengthening at national, regional, and district levels for improved health system performance. It consists of three sub-components: (i) strengthening institutional capacities for improved health system stewardship, including monitoring and evaluation; (ii) reinforcement of civil registration and vital statistics systems; and (iii) program coordination. |
P123151 | 2,013 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Basic Education Project The objective of the Project is to improve MINEDU's capacity to evaluate student learning, instructional practice, and school leadership in Basic Education. The development objective of the Basic Education Project for Peru is to improve the Ministerio de Educacion - Ministry of Education (MINEDU's) capacity to evaluate student learning, instructional practice, and school leadership in basic education. There are three components to the project. The first component is evaluating student learning. this component includes provision of support for the implementation of eligible budget activities supporting the program, including, inter alia: (a) the scale up of the existing second grade student assessment to cover additional grades and subject areas in primary education and secondary education schools; (b) the introduction of internationally validated methodologies for measuring child development outcomes and quality of services in preschool education; and (c) provision of support for the borrower's continued participation in international assessments managed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in order to compare trends in national results with international benchmarks. The second component is evaluating instructional practice and school leadership. This component includes provision of support for the implementation of the eligible budget activities supporting the program, including, inter alia, activities to strengthen MINEDU's capacity for monitoring and evaluating the quality of instructional practice at the classroom level, as well as, for implementing a competency-based system for selecting and training candidates to school management positions. The third component is strengthening MINEDU's implementation capacity. This component includes provision of support for the implementation of the eligible budget activities, supporting the program, including, inter alia, activities to strengthen MINEDU's capacity to improve its education management and monitoring capacity for the activities supported by the program and its operational and fiduciary capacity for the implementation of the program, including the carrying out of independent technical, financial and procurement reviews. |
P174266 | 2,021 | 0.05 | 0 | 0.04 | Togo Essential Quality Health Services For Universal Health Coverage Project To improve the provision of essential health and nutrition services and quality of care for pregnant women, children and vulnerable populations The development objective of the Essential Quality Health Services for Universal Health Coverage Project for Togo is to improve the provision of essential health and nutrition services and quality of care for pregnant women, children and vulnerable populations. The project comprises of five components. The first component, increasing demand and supply of quality health and nutrition services focuses on providing opportunities for government to deliver services and improve access to the most vulnerable populations. It consists of following sub-components: (i) increasing access to essential health and nutrition services; (ii) increasing membership of the poor and vulnerable in health insurance; (iii) improving equitable distribution of health professionals; and (iv) increasing tracer drug availability at peripheral health unit (PHU) facilities. The second component is bringing health facilities and services close to households. It consists of following sub-components: (i) increasing access of vulnerable populations to health facilities and services; and (ii) providing equipment to the newly built health facilities. The third component is strengthening the national social health insurance scheme. It consists of following sub-components: (i) establishing and supporting the operations of the Togo Social Health Insurance Agency (TSHIA); and (ii) promoting demand for health insurance services. The fourth component is improving stewardship, oversight, and management. It consists of following sub-components: (i) assuring the social, environmental safeguards of the project; and (ii) providing project management and coordination. The fifth component, contingent emergency response component (CERC) will allow the government to request the World Bank for rapid reallocation of project funds and respond promptly and effectively to an eligible emergency or crisis that is a natural or man-made disaster or crisis that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and or social impact. |
P162646 | 2,018 | 0.28 | 0.18 | 0.1 | Strengthening Social Protection Project To improve the effectiveness of Rwanda’s social protection system, notably the flagship Vision 2020 Umurenge Program (VUP), for targeted vulnerable groups.
The development objective of Strengthening Social Protection for Rwanda is to improve the effectiveness of Rwanda’s social protection system, notably the flagship Vision 2020 Umurenge Program (VUP), for targeted vulnerable groups. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Improving coverage, adequacy and effectiveness of the Vision 2020 Umurenge Program (VUP) cash transfers, aims to cover, through IDA funds, 40 percent of the costs of the VUP safety nets: transfers; PW wage and non‐wage costs, including capital costs of cPW; and associated administrative costs. 2) The second component, Enhancing access to human capital and economic inclusion services, aims to improve the contribution of the social protection sector to boost human capital creation and economic inclusion services, with a focus on combating chronic malnutrition and improving child development goals, as well as improving livelihoods by promoting skills development, resilience, and access to services. 3) The third component, Delivery systems, policy and program management, aims to build local and national government’s capacity to implement Components 1 and 2, as well as to improve the larger social protection system in Rwanda. |
P163490 | 2,018 | 0.55 | 0.55 | 0 | Haiti Rural Accessibility & Resilience Project The Project Development Objectives are to: (i) increase all-weather road access in selected sub-regions; (ii) improve the resilience of selected segments of the road network; and (iii) to provide immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency. The objectives of the Rural Accessibility and Resilience Project for Haiti are to: (i) increase all-weather road access in selected sub-regions; and (ii) improve the resilience of selected segments of the road network. The project has five components. (1) Enhancing rural connectivity component will improve all-weather road access to essential services (i.e. obstetrical and emergency health facilities) and markets for the targeted population and build resilience to climate events, primarily in the South, South-East and Nippes departments. (2) Improving resilience of transport connecting infrastructure component will strengthen resilience to climate change and extreme weather events on the primary and secondary road network, by protecting essential/critical points and preventing interruptions in the flow of individuals and goods. (3) Promoting sustainable mobility development component will strengthen the institutional capacity of the MTPTC, through technical assistance, training, and the provision of goods. (4) Contingent emergency response component will provide immediate response to an eligible emergency, as needed. Such components, which include triggers and conditions for the use of funds, are included in most investment projects in Haiti, in keeping with the recommendations of the 2011 World Development Report (WDR) on Conflict, Security and Development, and with Bank’s operational experience in Haiti when responding to natural catastrophic events (5) Project management component will support the coordination, implementation, management and supervision of the project. |
P177100 | 2,022 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 0 | Maritime Investment in Climate Resilient Operations II To improve the climate resilience and safety of maritime sector in Tuvalu, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. The development objective of Second Maritime Investment in Climate Resilient Operations Project for Tuvalu is to improve the climate resilience and safety of maritime sector in Tuvalu, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Sectoral and Spatial Planning Tools, has the following sub-components: (i) Development of spatial planning and risk-based tools; (ii) A health outreach campaign; and (iii) Technical assistance on maritime sector planning. 2) The second component, Integrated Climate Resilient and Safe Maritime Sector Solutions, has the following sub-components: (i) Nanumanga; (ii) Nanumea; (iii) Nukufetau; and (iv) Maritime operation safety and resilience improvement. 3) The third component, Strengthening Maritime Sector Capacity in Tuvalu, has the following sub-components: (i) Implementation capacity building; and (ii) Project management support. 4) The fourth component, Contingency Emergency Response, will finance response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. |
P178614 | 2,023 | 0.13 | 0.01 | 0.13 | Republic of Congo First Fiscal Management and Inclusive Growth DPF The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to support the Government’s efforts to: (i) strengthen fiscal sustainability and governance through improved revenue mobilization and public financial management ; and (ii) create the conditions for inclusive and sustainable growth. The development objective of the First Fiscal Management and Inclusive Growth Development Policy Financing for Republic of Congo is to support the government’s efforts to: (i) strengthen fiscal sustainability and governance through improved revenue mobilization and public financial management; and (ii) create the conditions for inclusive and sustainable growth. Given Congo’s past and current fiscal challenges (including low domestic revenue mobilization and debt distress), strengthening domestic revenue mobilization and the Public Financial Management (PFM) system through the first pillar is critical to reducing the country’s debt burden, building resilience to future shocks, and expanding fiscal space to fund investments in infrastructure and human capital needed for sustainable growth. The reforms under the second pillar represent some of the key foundations for sustainable growth, with actions to improve the business environment, enable the development of new growth sectors (such as the gas sector), and improve the delivery of infrastructure services (such as power and water supply). It also supports reforms to accelerate human capital development, itself a key constraint to diversification and sustainable growth, by addressing critical shortcomings in the delivery of basic public services throughout the country, thereby making growth more inclusive. |
P173070 | 2,022 | 0.43 | 0.31 | 0.12 | Gambia Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (GIRAV) The Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to promote (i) the development of inclusive, resilient, and competitive agricultural value chains, focusing on smallholder farmers and agribusinesses, and (ii) improved water supply and sanitation in project target areas. The development objective of the Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project for Gambia is to promote the development of inclusive, resilient, and competitive agricultural value chains, focusing on smallholder farmers and agribusinesses in project target areas. The project comprises of five components. The first component, improving the business environment for commercial agriculture development consists of following sub-components: (i) strengthening the capacity of key organizations and improving value chain coordination and partnership; (ii) developing critical marketing infrastructure; (iii) strengthening quality and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) control systems; and (iv) improving rural connectivity. The second component, building a productive and climate-resilient agri-food system consists of following sub-components: (i) promoting modern irrigation in women and youth-led agribusiness firms; and (ii) increasing access to technology, innovation, and advisory services. The third component, mobilizing productive private investments along the value chains will support private investments in productive activities and related services by addressing the major market failures that constrain the financing of investments in agricultural value chains. It consists of following sub-components: (i) building the operating capacities of partner financial institution (FIs); (ii) co-funding productive investments to leverage private capital mobilization; and (iii) technical assistance to smallholder and small and medium enterprise (SME) promoters of productive investment subproject (PISs). The fourth component, project coordination, monitoring, and knowledge management aims to ensure that the project is efficiently managed and monitored, and that performance and outcomes are carefully tracked by the country project coordination unit (CPCU) and implementing agencies. The fifth component, contingent emergency response component (CERC), with a zero-dollar provision, to create a mechanism within the project to finance a response to a natural disaster, disease, or other eligible emergency. |
P124615 | 2,014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program The Program Development Objective is to improve the transparency and efficiency of expenditures for the storage, distribution and availability of medicines and for more transparent and accountable management of Complete Primary Schools
The objective of the Public Financial Management (PFM) for Results Program Project for Mozambique is to improve the transparency and efficiency of expenditures for the storage, distribution and availability of medicines and for more transparent and accountable management of complete primary schools. The project will focus on the following activities: (a) paying operational costs for the medicines supply chain and management of complete primary schools; (b) implementing mechanisms for enhanced cooperation between the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health; (c) using performance based allocations to motivate improved performance of targeted health and education sector institutions to achieve the objective of the Program; and (d) carrying out capacity development activities for sector and PFM institutions to improve their ability to identify and resolve problems that hinder the achievement of results. |
P166578 | 2,019 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Chhattisgarh Public Financial Management and Accountability Program The objective of the program is to: improve accountability in the management of public finances; strengthen revenue administration; and improve efficiency in delivery of benefits in selected schemes, in the state of Chhattisgarh. The objective of the Chhattisgarh Public Financial Management and Accountability Program Project is to: improve accountability in the management of public finances; strengthen revenue administration; and improve efficiency in delivery of benefits in selected schemes, in the state of Chhattisgarh. India is among the world’s fastest growing economies and has made remarkable progress in poverty reduction and human development. Wide-ranging and ongoing macroeconomic, fiscal, tax and business environment reforms have enabled rapid growth. Already the third largest economy in the world in purchasing parity terms, the country is expected to grow at over 7 percent a year in coming years. Over the past thirty years, per capita incomes quadrupled, poverty retreated, illiteracy rates dropped, and health-related statistics improved. India’s extreme poverty rate halved from 46 percent to 21 percent in the two decades up to 2011. While growth in India has been impressive, it needs to be equally shared; India faces social, institutional and policy challenges. To meet the development goals, India needs to adapt its institutions to improve public sector performance and deliver services effectively to its citizens. Improvements in service delivery requires improvements in accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness along the chain from inputs to outcomes. Competition between states is part of a new dynamic to incentivize change, using funding to hold states accountable for progress based upon their own priorities. India has a federal, three-tier structure of Government comprising the national or Union level; states; and districts. The fiscal relationship between the Union and the States is reflected in revenue sharing, devolution of central taxes and assistance in the form of grants. Recent policy level changes at the Union level, have increased the share of Union resources devolved to the states, reduced the share of resources through tied transfers under Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and introduced a Goods and Service Tax (GST) that is expected to contribute to growth in state revenues. In the medium term, increases in untied resources are expected to result in states managing nearly 60 percent of total public expenditure. The move toward increased expenditure flexibility for states presents both an opportunity and challenge. The opportunity lies in the greater freedom to align local development needs and priorities with the resources available. The challenge lies in the development of robust public financial management systems that can allocate and deliver resources in line with policy priorities. |
P126740 | 2,012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Solomon Islands Development Policy Operation 1 The proposed grant is the first in a series of two development policy operations in support of Solomon Islands’ transition from post-conflict recovery to sustainable development in the context of its National Development Strategy (NDS). The proposed operation would support the following three development objectives:i) improve the quality of public financial management; ii) improve the financial management of key State Owned Enterprises; and iii) improve extractive revenue transparency. The proposed operation is fully aligned with the objectives set out in the most recent World Bank Interim Strategy Note (ISN) to: (I.a.) address fiscal and balance of payments pressures through the provision of financing and through the attendant participation in the policy dialogue; (II.c.) update the mining sector regulatory and institutional framework and seek participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI); and (III.c.) improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and planning in public spending. The overarching themes throughout are public sector effectiveness and accountability. Solomon Islands are a fragile, post-conflict small island state and the poorest in the Pacific when measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. Most of the population continues to be dispersed across rural areas of the archipelago, where they largely depend on subsistence agriculture. This caps food poverty rates, but exposes the population to environmental shocks. Poverty rates are higher in urban areas, where traditional safety nets are weaker and unemployment rates are high. A former British protectorate, the country became independent in 1978 and enjoyed twenty years of moderate but sustained economic growth and improvement in social indicators. The grant is the first in a series of two development policy operations in support of Solomon Islands transition from post-conflict recovery to sustainable development in the context of its National Development Strategy (NDS). The operation will support the following World Bank Interim Strategy Note (ISN) objectives: (a) address fiscal and balance of payments pressures through the provision of financing and through the attendant participation in the policy dialogue; (b) update the mining sector regulatory and institutional framework and seek participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI); and (c) improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and planning of public spending. The operation complements similar support, cited above, provided by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the European Commission (EC). |
P174434 | 2,022 | 0.27 | 0.27 | 0 | Tonga Safe and Resilient Schools Project To: (i) enhance the safety and resilience of selected education facilities; (ii) improve the quality of data-driven education management, curricula and assessments in the selected educational programs; and (iii) in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. The development objective of the Safe and Resilient Schools Project for Tonga is: (i) to enhance the safety and resilience of selected education facilities; and (ii) to improve the quality of data-driven education management, curricula, and assessments in the selected educational programs. The project comprises of four components. The first component, improving safety and resilience of education facilities will improve the safety and resilience of selected education facilities in Tonga and contribute to the reduction of disaster and climate vulnerabilities from more frequent adverse weather events. It consists of following sub-components: (i) resilient infrastructure investments; and (ii) strengthening education infrastructure planning and maintenance. The second component, establishment of education management information system (EMIS) and improved quality of curricula and assessments will strengthen data management systems within the education system in Tonga and improve the quality of curricula and assessments. It consists of following sub-components: (i) establishment of a comprehensive EMIS; and (ii) upgrading of curricula and assessments. The third component, contingent emergency response component is designed to provide an immediate response in an event of an eligible crisis or emergency (as defined in the legal agreement), by enabling Tonga to request the World Bank to re-allocate project funds to support emergency response and reconstruction. The fourth component, project management objective is to provide efficient and effective implementation support for the project. |
P181490 | 2,024 | 1 | 0.78 | 0.22 | Sudan Somoud - Enhancing Community Resilience Project To support to resilient development of conflict affected communities in Sudan. The development objective of Somoud - Enhancing Community Resilience Project is to improve access to basic services and food security of select communities in the Republic of the Sudan. This project has two components. 1) The first component, Community Led Basic Service Delivery (UNICEF), will finance goods, works, consulting and non-consulting services, training, and operating and indirect costs. 2) The second component, Improving Food Security (WFP), will finance works, goods, matching grants, consulting and non-consulting services, training, and operating costs. |
P166309 | 2,020 | 0.11 | 0.04 | 0.08 | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Human Capital Investment Project The objective of the Project is to improve availability, utilization, and quality of primary healthcare services and elementary education services in Selected Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The objective of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Human Capital Investment Project for Pakistan is to improve availability, utilization, and quality of primary healthcare services and elementary education services in Selected Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Project has three components. Component 1. Improving delivery of quality primary health care services will improve the delivery of primary health care in Selected Districts through by contributing to improved efficiency and resilience of the health system, including supporting those districts dealing with the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) pandemic. 1.1. Improving delivery of quality primary health care services sub-component will support carrying out minor works and provision of technical assistance as well as essential health equipment and supplies to support delivery of primary health services at basic health units and rural health centers. Sub-component 1.2. Human Resources for Health Capacity Building will support improving delivery of primary health care services in Selected Districts by supporting (i) provision of training to and development of a distance learning system as well as online refresher courses for selected primary health care service providers ; and (ii) recruitment of healthcare workers, to fill vacancies of crucial positions as a temporary measure, and temporary staff for COVID-19 emergency response activities. Sub-component 1.3. Strengthening Governance and Management includes providing of technical and operational assistance to, and building capacity of, the Health Department. 2. Improving Availability and Quality of Education Services component will contribute to improved availability and quality of educational opportunities to all children. Sub-Component 2.1: Improve Access to Elementary and Secondary Education will support improving access to elementary and secondary education in Selected Districts. Sub-component 2.2. Enhancing the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Elementary and Secondary Education will support enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. 2.3. Strengthening Contract Management and Support to Implementation will support providing technical and operational assistance to, and building capacity of, E and SED. 3. Strengthening Community Engagement and Accountability component supports carrying out a program of activities to strengthen community engagement and grievance redress mechanisms of the health and education sector in Selected Districts and includes activities which will be important to help communities in COVID-19 prevention. Sub-component 3.1. Enhancing Community Engagement and Accountability in Health will support enhancing community engagement and accountability in the health sector in Selected Districts. Sub-component 3.2. Enhancing Community Engagement and Accountability in the Education Sector will aim to enhance community engagement and accountability in the education sector in Selected Districts. |
P175847 | 2,022 | 0.37 | 0.24 | 0.13 | Dominica Second COVID-19 Response and Recovery DPC The operation seeks to support Dominica in its COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery by: (i) saving lives, protecting livelihoodsand preserving jobs; and (ii) strengthening fiscal policies, public financial management and debt transparency for a climate resilient recovery. The development objectives of the Second COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programmatic Development Policy Credit in Dominica supports: (i) saving lives, protecting livelihoods and preserving jobs; and (ii) strengthening fiscal policies, public financial management and debt transparency for a climate resilient recovery. Pillar 1, saving lives, protecting livelihoods and preserving jobs, supports better targeting of social transfers, including the direct COVID-19 response. The operation supports implementation of recommendations derived from a review of social safety programs, including approval and implementation of a Social and Beneficiary Registry and Management Information System for Social Programs, a digital registration process, a payment reconciliation mechanism, and a new intake instrument for the Public Assistance Program. Pillar 2, strengthening fiscal policies, public financial management and debt transparency for a climate resilient recovery, builds on measures to support fiscal reforms to strengthen the fiscal framework, help steer investment focused on building resilience to natural disasters, prioritize expenditure efficiency measures, strengthen the fiscal position, improve tax administration, and broaden the tax base. The operation directly supports: (i) approval of a Fiscal Responsibility Act; (ii) approval of guidelines for the operation and management of the Vulnerability Risk and Resilience Fund; (iii) approval of an order requiring the preparation and public disclosure of Debt Portfolio Reviews on an annual basis; (iv) a Revised Public Sector Investment Programme Allocation Methodology and Enhanced Public Sector Performance Management Framework; (v) approval of the Public Procurement Act and adoption of the required regulatory framework under the legislation; and (vi) the approval of a new National Energy Policy and Energy Management Guidelines. This pillar has been amended to: (i) further enhance focus on climate resilience; and (ii) reflect lessons learned from the implementation of similar reforms in other small island developing states. |
P144271 | 2,015 | 0.24 | 0 | 0.24 | Forest Conservation and Sustainability in the Heart of the Colombian Amazon The project's global environmental objective (GEO) is the same as the project's development objective (PDO), namely, to improve governance and promote sustainable land use activities in order to reduce deforestation and conserve biodiversity in the Project area. The objective of the Forest Conservation and Sustainability in the Heart of the Colombian Amazon Project for Colombia is to improve governance and promote sustainable land use activities in order to reduce deforestation and conserve biodiversity in the project area. The project has four components. (1) Protected areas management and financial sustainability component will: (a) strengthen the management effectiveness of the Natural Chiribiquete Mountain Ridge National Park (PNNSCH) and its buffer zone through inter alia, the design and implementation of a management plan for the PNNSCH; and (b) increase the financial sustainability of about 2.7 million hectares of PAs within the PNNSCH and its buffer zone. (2) Forest governance, management, and monitoring component seeks to: (a) enhance the institutional capacity and financial sustainability for sustainable landscape governance, management, and monitoring; (b) enhance the institutional capacity to monitor greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions; (c) enhance the capacity of indigenous peoples authorities for sustainable land-use practices and forest governance within indigenous territories; and (d) support the disclosure of data on reduction of deforestation. (3) Sectoral programs for sustainable landscape management component seeks to: (a) support improvement of crosssectoral policy coordination and consistency to achieve long-term reductions in deforestation; (b) support the development and adoption of guidelines and programs in, inter alia, the agriculture, extractive industries and infrastructure sectors, aimed at reducing pressures on forests and biodiversity, and GHG emissions and restoring ecosystems; (c) support the promotion of sustainable land-use and natural resource management practices that contribute to the restoration of vegetation, reduce pressure on forests and advance the livelihoods of local communities in the municipalities of San Jose del Guaviare, Calamar and Cartagena de Chaira. (4) Project coordination, management, and monitoring and evaluation component will strengthen the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) to ensure coordination, management, monitoring, evaluation, and communication in connection with the implementation of the project. |
P120946 | 2,011 | 0 | 0 | 0 | VN-Public Investment Reform 2 Though Vietnam's economy has grown rapidly, the bulk of this growth has come through factor accumulation, with modest contribution from productivity growth. The country therefore cannot achieve its objective of growing at 7 to 8 percent, as indicated in its Socio-economic Development Strategy (SEDS) 2011-2020, without raising the productivity of investment, especially public investment. The reforms supported by PIR 2 attempt to improve the effectiveness of public investment through better project selection, implementation, financial management and oversight.
In doing so, PIR 2 supports one of the emerging priorities of the SEDS 2011-2020, namely to raise productivity of investment. The operation also supports modern governance, which is one of the four main pillars of Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP) 2006-2010. The Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) is aligned to the SEDP. Better planning processes, more transparent procurement and stronger public financial management, all areas covered by the proposed program, fall under the modern governance pillar of SEDP.
Through its focus on the environmental screening and the environmental management of projects, the proposed program is also expected to contribute to the natural resources pillar of SEDP. Its attention to fair compensation and livelihood support in the event of land acquisition should also contribute to the social inclusion pillar. The objective of the Second Public Investment Reform Operation Program for Vietnam is to support one of the emerging priorities of the Socio-economic Development Strategy (SEDS) 2011-2020, namely to raise productivity of investment. Improving the efficiency of investment has emerged as one of the key economic priorities in Vietnam. The country has already achieved rapid economic growth and fast poverty reduction over the last twenty years. However, there is a growing concern that the momentum of a growth strategy that is largely based on factor accumulation may have run its course. Vietnam has one of the highest investments to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratios in the world, averaging around 43 percent of GDP during the past five years. But the growth rate has not been commensurate with this high investment rate. The inefficiencies in public investment are partly the result of inherited institutional constraints. During the command and control period, public sector investments used to be managed by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). MPI used to compile proposals from line ministries, provincial governments and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and arbitrate among competing demands. The weaknesses of the public investment cycle have also resulted in cost overruns, time delays and slow disbursement of development assistance. There are important gaps between Vietnam's national system and international practices in areas such as environmental screening and environmental management, project preparation and appraisal, procurement, public financial management, the regulatory framework for private participation in infrastructure, and monitoring and evaluation. The program is designed to assist the government of Vietnam (GoV) to strengthen the selection, preparation, implementation and supervision of public investment projects. While much progress has been made over the last decade in the upgrading of public financial management in relation to recurrent expenditures, there are still important weaknesses in the management of investment projects. The program supports a series of policy measures which are expected to strengthen the effectiveness of public investment in Vietnam. The program aims to improve all public investment projects, regardless of their source of funding. The operation, is the second and last in a programmatic series of two. |
P161787 | 2,019 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Ghana Financial Sector Development Project The objective of the project is to increase access to financial services by individuals. The objective of Financial Sector Development Project for Ghana is to promote financial sector soundness and access to financial services by individuals. The project has four components. (1) Improving financial sector regulatory oversight and market transparency and discipline component will support Bank of Ghana and the Ministry of Finance to improve the oversight of Specialized Deposit‐taking Institutions (SDIs) and promote market transparency and discipline. (2) Increasing the outreach of Rural and Community Banks (RCBs) and Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and linking Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) to the formal financial sector component will modernize the Management Information Systems (MIS) used by RCBs and MFIs to manage their business operations and to report to regulators; upgrade the e‐banking platform of the Association of Rural Banks (ARB) Apex Bank and developing and rolling out a shared network of bank agents to expand the existing branch network of RCBs; and build the capacity of select VSLAs in support of their outreach and integration into the broader financial sector. (3) Bolstering financial capability and consumer protection component will boost financial capability and consumer protection and contribute to both financial stability and inclusion. (4) Enhancing the capacity for the implementation and monitoring of financial sector policies and supporting project implementation component will support overall project implementation. |
P155968 | 2,017 | 1 | 0.82 | 0.18 | Climate Adaptation Project The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to enhance the adoption of climate-smart practices in agriculture, forestry and pasture management in targeted landscapes and strengthen national disaster management systems. The objective of the Climate Adaptation Project for Moldova is to enhance the adoption of climate-smart practices in agriculture, forestry and pasture management in targeted landscapes and strengthen national disaster management systems. There are four components to the project, the first component being climate-smart practices in the agriculture sector. This component aims to enhance adoption of climate-smart practices in selected rural landscapes by supporting: (i) the scale-up of farmers’ climate-smart technologies and agricultural practices and provision of related advisory services; and (ii) expanded up-take of irrigation services. The second component is the climate-smart forest and pasture management. This component aims to enhance the climate resilience of Moldova’s forest and pasture lands through restoration of degraded lands at the community and village level and improved climate-smart management of forest reproductive material. The first sub-component focuses on afforestation12 and rehabilitation of degraded lands and pastures. The second sub-component will support provision of climate-adapted forest reproductive material (seeds and seedlings) and capacity building on ecological restoration of natural forests. The third component is the climate and disaster risk management. This component aims to strengthen Moldova’s climate and disaster risk management systems and, in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, provide immediate financing to respond quickly to said crisis or emergency. Finally, the fourth component is the project management and monitoring. |
P180585 | 2,024 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 0 | Philippines Disaster Risk Management and Climate Development Policy Loan with a Catastrophe Deferred-Drawdown Option The development objective is to strengthen the Government of the Philippines' capacity to manage disaster and climate risks, including those in the education, human settlements, and health systems. The development objective of the Disaster Risk Management and Climate Development Policy Loan with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option for Philippines is to strengthen the Government of the Philippines’ capacity to manage disaster and climate risks, including those in the education, human settlements, and health systems. The project includes following pillars: pillar a: strengthening the resilience of the education system; pillar b: strengthening the resilience of the human settlements system; and pillar c: strengthening the resilience of the health system. |
P176747 | 2,022 | 0.18 | 0.11 | 0.06 | Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises Project To increase access to entrepreneurial services that enable female entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises in targeted locations, including host and refugee communities The development objective of Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises Uganda Project is to increase access to entrepreneurial services that enable female entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises in targeted locations, including host and refugee communities. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Support for Women Empowerment and Enterprise Development Services, including in host and refugee communities, has the following components: (i) Establishment and strengthening of women platforms, community mobilization, and mindset change; (ii) Support for core business development for micro and small enterprises including WHR; (iii) Support for trade/sector specific skills; and (iv) Women entrepreneurship work placement program. 2) The second component, Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs, has the following sub-components: (i) Grant support for micro enterprises through business competition; (ii) Facilitating access to credit for enterprise growth; and (iii) Sustainable loan products and processes for women entrepreneurs. 3) The third component, Enabling Infrastructure and Facilities for Women Enterprise Growth and Transition, has the following sub-components: (i) Multi-purpose service and production facilities to boost women enterprise productivity; and (ii) Enabling access to gender-inclusive workplace infrastructure. 4) The fourth component, Program Management Support, Policy Innovation, and Evidence Generation, has the following sub-components: (i) Project management support for high-quality implementation; and (ii) Policy innovation and evidence generation. |
P155947 | 2,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Liberia Urban Water Supply Project The project development objective (PDO) is to increase access to piped water supply services in the project area in Monrovia and improve the operational efficiency of LWSC. The objective of the Urban Water Supply Project for Liberia is to increase access to piped water supply services in the project area in Monrovia and improve the operational efficiency of LWSC. There are two components to the project, the first component being infrastructure improvements. The project will invest approximately US$8 million in infrastructure improvements, of which about US$1.9 million will finance targeted repairs and rehabilitations of the existing distribution network under subcomponent 1A and US$6.1 million for the extension of the distribution network to new areas and customers under subcomponent 1B. Estimated costs for subcomponents 1A and 1B include allowances for site mobilization, maintenance, and contingencies. The second component is the capacity building. This component has been focused on tasks that are a direct and integral part of the project implementation process (for example, PIU support and public consultations) or are critically reliant on capital goods purchases (for example, operational equipment, device-assisted meter reading, new customer care centers), which cannot be financed by the complementary technical assistance program due to budget constraints or regulations. |
P120589 | 2,012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Natural Gas Efficiency Project The development objective of the Project is to enhance the supply of natural gas in Pakistan by reducing the physical and commercial losses of gas in the pipeline system. The development objective of the Natural Gas Efficiency Project is to enhance the supply of natural gas in Pakistan by reducing the physical and commercial losses of gas in the pipeline system. There are three components to the project. The first component of the project is unaccounted-for gas (UFG) reduction. This component will finance goods and works that will help reduce UFG in the gas distribution system, including system segmentation and pressure management, pipe replacement and repair, cathodic protection, and advanced metering systems. The second component of the project is appliance efficiency pilot project. This component will finance modern, energy efficient gas appliances and/or retrofit appliance components for residential consumers in a pilot project. The third component of the project is technical assistance. This component will finance assistance to the implementation agency for improving its organizational capacity and customer orientation and for managing the Project. |
P160678 | 2,019 | 0.03 | 0 | 0.03 | Guinea Bissau: The Quality Education for All Project The Project Development Objective is to improve the teaching and learning environment in grades 1-4 in targeted schools in Guinea-Bissau. The development objective of the Quality Education for All Project for Guinea Bissau is to improve the teaching and learning environment in grades 1 to 4 in targeted schools in Guinea-Bissau. The project comprises of three components. The first component, strengthen school-based management practices and empower communities aims to improve the teaching and learning environment in targeted schools by: encouraging greater community participation in school management; and by providing fiscal resources at the school-level to purchase basic supplies, pedagogical materials, and to cover operating costs. It consists of following sub-components: (i) establishment of school management committees (SMCs); (ii) school grants program; and (iii) school inspection and system monitoring and evaluation. The second component, improve the quality of instruction will: (i) establish standards and harmonize the system for teacher training in order to reduce the frequency of teacher strikes; (ii) update the school curriculum; (iii) improve in-service teachers’ content knowledge and skills to effectively teach basic literacy and numeracy; and (iv) improve student learning outcomes in Portuguese and Mathematics in early grades. It consists of following sub-components: (i) teacher certification; (ii) in-service teacher training; (iii) scripted teaching lessons and interactive audio instruction (IAI); and (iv) learning materials for the new curriculum in grades 1 to 4. The third component, learning materials for the new curriculum in grades 1 to 4 aim is to improve the overall functioning of the education system by increasing the availability of data to guide decision-making and by strengthening the overall capacity of the ministry of education. It consists of following sub-components: (i) sector studies; and (ii) project management. |
P168386 | 2,022 | 0.39 | 0.35 | 0.05 | Lome-Ouagadougou-Niamey Economic Corridor The proposed PDO is to improve regional connectivity and socio-economic community infrastructure along the corridor between the capital cities of Togo, Burkina Faso, and Niger. The development objective of the Lome-Ouagadougou-Niamey (LON) Economic Corridor Project for Burkina Faso, Niger, and Togo is to improve regional connectivity and socio-economic community infrastructure along the corridor between the capital cities of Togo, Burkina Faso, and Niger. The project comprises of five components. The first component, improvement of infrastructure and introduction of intelligent transportation systems on the LON corridor will finance associated works, services, and goods for the following sub-components: (i) corridor infrastructure rehabilitation and upgrades; and (ii) pilot smart corridor through the deployment of integrated transport information system (ITIS) along the LON corridor. The second component, improvement of quality of transport and transit services along the corridor will finance works, goods, and services and for the following sub-components: (i) harmonization of professionalization frameworks in the trucking sector, to be implemented through a comprehensive technical assistance (TA) program in each country, compliant with International Road Transport Union (IRU) standards; and (ii) improvement of border crossing facilities, processes, and transit procedures. The third component, improvement of community infrastructure and access roads to support local economic development and resilience of populations around the corridor will finance works, services, goods, and implementation of safeguards instruments including resettlement for the following sub-components: (i) improvement of feeder roads around the corridor; and (ii) construction of community infrastructure facilities. The fourth component, project implementation support at the regional and national levels will finance associated works, services, and goods for the following sub-components: (i) project management; and (ii) monitoring and evaluation (M and E). The fifth component, contingent emergency response component (CERC) will draw from the uncommitted resources under the project from other project components to cover emergency response. |
P180120 | 2,023 | 0.11 | 0.11 | 0 | Samoa First Recovery and Resilience Development Policy Operation The two Development Objectives and pillars of the operation are to: (i) promote an inclusive economic recovery and (ii) strengthen fiscal, social and climate resilience. The development objectives of the First Recovery and Resilience Development Policy Operation for Samoa are to: (i) promote an inclusive economic recovery and (ii) strengthen fiscal, social, and climate resilience. Pillar 1 supports measures to: (i) promote private investment and (ii) strengthen financial inclusion and financial sector resilience. Combined, these are expected to promote private sector growth and employment opportunities and support an inclusive economic recovery. Pillar 2 supports measures to: (i) improve public debt and public financial management, (ii) strengthen social protection services delivery in response to disasters and economic shocks, and (iii) render public physical infrastructure more resilient to future natural disasters. |
P173312 | 2,023 | 0.98 | 0.86 | 0.13 | Resilient Infrastructure for Adaptation and Vulnerability Reduction To reduce the vulnerability of people in targeted communities to riverine and flash floods and improve the country’s capacity in disaster preparedness and response. The development objective of Resilient Infrastructure for Adaptation and Vulnerability Reduction Project for Bangladesh is to reduce the vulnerability of people in targeted communities to riverine and flash floods and improve the country’s capacity in disaster preparedness and response. This project has four components. 1) The first component, Resilient Flood Shelters and Community Infrastructure, has the following sub-components: (i) Resilient Flood Shelters; and (ii) Resilient Community Infrastructure. 2) The second component, Strengthening Capacity for Disaster Preparedness and Response and Technical Assistance, has the following sub-components: (i) Strengthening LGED’s Capacity for Disaster Preparedness and Rehabilitation of Local Infrastructure; and (ii) Technical Assistance for Long-Term Community Flood Resilience. 3) The third component, : Project Management, Design and Supervision (D&S), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), aims support to project management, implementation, and M&E. 4) The fourth component, Contingency Emergency Response Component, aims to provide provision of immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. |
P150520 | 2,015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Punjab Rural Water and Sanitation Sector Improvement Project To improve water and sanitation service levels, reduce open defecation, and strengthen service delivery arrangements in targeted villages in Punjab The Punjab Rural Water and Sanitation Sector Improvement Project of India has an objective to improve water and sanitation service levels, reduce open defecation, and strengthen service delivery arrangements in targeted villages in Punjab. The project will have four components with beneficiary villages or households selected using the objective criteria. Component one will provide approximately 570 villages with poor water services and/or partially covered status will be upgraded under Subcomponent 1(a) to receive service standards similar to urban areas (10 hours water supply per day, 100 percent household connections, volumetric charging) thus triggering a transformation in village living conditions. Component two will benefit women and marginalized communities who currently do not have access to water and sanitation (toilet) in the household within existing schemes. Component three will begin to address the water quality problems that are now becoming more apparent rendering Punjab one of the most quality affected states in India. Component four will support non-infrastructure project costs. |
P170718 | 2,020 | 0.47 | 0.15 | 0.32 | Digital Federated States of Micronesia Project To expand access to the internet, promote private sector investment in digital services, and establish the critical foundations for digital government services and the digital economy in the Recipient’s territory The objective of the Digital Federated States of Micronesia Project for Micronesia is to expand access to the internet, promote private sector investment in digital services, and establish the critical foundations for digital government services and the digital economy in the Recipient’s territory. The Project has four components. 1. National Digital Connectivity Infrastructure component will support the development of climate and disaster resilient national digital connectivity infrastructure. The activities are designed to maximize benefits for public institutions, private sector businesses and to leverage the private sector to address bottlenecks within different parts of the digital connectivity value chain which have the largest impact on costs, competitiveness and reliability of internet connectivity, including in remote underserved areas and on outer islands. 2. Digital Government Platform component will support a program of activities designed to develop the Recipient’s National and State governments’ digital capabilities. It will finance a range of interventions and investments beginning with the development and implementation of a nationwide Digital Government Strategic Framework (DGSF). 3. Enabling Environment for Digital Government and Digital Economy component will support the carrying out a program of activities designed to strengthen the Recipient’s enabling environment for digital government and the digital economy. It will also provide ongoing support to traditional regulatory priorities for the telecommunications sector, particularly to promote investment, technological innovation and evolution, and the long-term interests of users of digital services. 4. Project Management component will support (a) the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) on management and implementation of the Project, including financing of training and operating costs and (b) the Central Implementation Unit (CIU) with regard to preparatory and implementation activities related to the Project, as well as other projects financed by Bank, including financing of training and operating costs. |
P118045 | 2,011 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Togo Agricultural Sector Support Project The objectives of the Project are to (i) rehabilitate and reinforce productive capacities among targeted beneficiaries across Selected Value Chains, and (ii) foster an enabling environment for the development of the agricultural sector, in the Recipient's territory.
Project Beneficiaries (within all five administrative regions of Togo)
1) 60,000 crop farmers
2) 13,000 animal herders
3) 1,600 fish producers
4) 500 fish merchants
5) 650,000 households raising poultry and/or small ruminants will benefit from dedicated animal vaccination campaigns
PDO Level Results Indicators
1) Farm output subject to project supported post-harvest value-adding schemes (rice,corn);
2) Increase of crop (coffee, cocoa) and continental fisheries output, and of livestock population (small ruminants, poultry) among project beneficiaries;
3) Rates of PNIASA financial execution (for PASA, PADAT and WAAPP altogether) and;
4) Number of direct beneficiaries. The objectives of the Agriculture Sector Support Project is to rehabilitate and reinforce productive capacities among targeted beneficiaries across selected value chains, and foster an enabling institutional environment for the development of the agricultural sector, in the recipients territory. There are three components to the project. The first component of the project is promotion of strategic food crop, export crop and freshwater fish production. This component is to support three productive sub-sectors through improved productivity and value-added of key commodities chosen for their growth potential and poverty reduction impact. The second component of the project is recovery of the livestock sub-sector. This is to provide emergency short term support to rehabilitate small ruminant and poultry production. The third component of the project is support for capacity building and sector coordination. This is to enable the institutional setup implement sound agricultural investments through National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Program (PNIASA), while preparing for the transition to a sector wide approach in the future. |
P158504 | 2,017 | 0.77 | 0.77 | 0 | Lao Road Sector Project 2 (LRSP2) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve climate resilience and strengthen maintenance systems for a reliable road network in Lao PDR, and to provide immediate and effective response in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency. The development objective of the Second Road Sector Project for Laos is to strengthen maintenance systems to improve reliable road connectivity in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), and to provide immediate and effective response in case of an eligible crisis or emergency. The project comprises of four components. The first component, climate resilient road maintenance will finance the climate resilient periodic maintenance and routine maintenance works program in Phongsaly, Houaphan, Oudomxay, Xiengkhouang, Xayabouly, and Bolikhamxay provinces, including technical assistance for design and supervision of works. The second component, institutional strengthening will provide technical assistance, goods, training, and operating costs for: (a) strategic planning and financing; (b) sector governance; (c) climate resilient road asset management; and (d) capacity building. The third component, project management will provide technical and operational assistance for the day-to-day management, monitoring and evaluation of the project, and the carrying out of technical and financial audits. The fourth component, contingent emergency response will finance public and private sector expenditures on a positive list of goods and or specific works, goods, services, and emergency operation costs required for emergency recovery. |
P164052 | 2,019 | 0.38 | 0.34 | 0.04 | Mali Drylands Development Project To improve agricultural productivity and strengthen resilience of rural households living in the targeted dryland areas The development objective of the Drylands Development Project for Mali is to improve agricultural productivity and strengthen resilience of rural households living in the targeted dryland areas. The project comprises of three components. The first component, improving the productivity and resilience of beneficiary populations objectives are to: (a) enhance household resilience by providing combined interventions to poor and vulnerable households to raise their consumption and to cope with seasonal shocks, and providing them with opportunities to achieve sustained improvement in their living conditions; and (b) increase agricultural productivity of farmers and groups of farmers. It consists of following sub-components: (i) expansion of the social registry; (ii) direct cash and productive transfers; and (iii) promotion of emerging high-value crops value chains. The second component, productive infrastructure at the community level will support investments in community infrastructure that will aim at improving the environmental, physical, and socioeconomic context for dryland agriculture, and create synergies with activities to boost agricultural productivity and strengthen resilience under component one. It consists of following sub-components: (i) selection and preparation of investments; (ii) productive infrastructure investments; and (iii) commercialization investments. The third component, institutional support, crisis management, and project coordination aims at improving the skills of local- and national-level policy makers involved in agricultural policy and planning formulation, and providing support for agricultural policy development in line with the project development objective (PDO). It consists of following sub-components: (i) creating capacity for evidence-based agricultural policy analysis; (ii) contingency emergency response; and (iii) project coordination. |
P112613 | 2,014 | 0.5 | 0 | 0.5 | COMMUNITY RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE AND DISASTER RISK IN SOLOMON ISLANDS PROJECT To increase the resilience of selected rural communities to the impacts of natural hazards and climate change The development objective of the Community Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risk Project for Solomon Islands (CRISP) is to increase the capacity of selected rural communities to manage natural hazards and climate change risks. The project has four components. The first component, integration of climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) in government policies and operations objective is to support policy development, capacity building, and institutional strengthening aimed at integrating governance and operational processes for CCA and DRR. It comprises of following two sub-components: (a) development of a national integrated CCA and a disaster risk management (DRM) framework; and (b) strengthening capacity for mainstreaming CCA and DRM in sector planning and investments. The second component, strengthening of climate and disaster risk information and early warning systems objective is to establish an early warning network for volcanic and seismic hazards and start the establishment of a national risk information platform. It comprises of following two sub-components: (a) establishing a volcanic-seismic monitoring network (the need for which was identified by global facility for disaster risk and recovery (GFDRR) in 2009 in the Solomon Islands country assessment); and (b) establishing the foundations of a national risk information capability to improve risk management, that can be applied under CRISP to assess disaster and climate change effects for sectors and investment planning. The third component, CCA and DRR investments will support both structural and non-structural disaster risk and adaptation investments at the community and provincial level. It comprises of following three sub-components: (a) risk analysis, design, advisory, and supervision services of rural infrastructure investments and disaster and climate risk management plans; (b) development and implementation of community-led rural investment projects through the provision of community grants; and (c) development and implementation of provincial-led rural investment projects in participating provinces. The fourth component, project management and monitoring and evaluation will provide efficient and effective management support for the implementation of the project. It has following two sub-components: (i) project coordination and management; and (ii) project monitoring and evaluation. |
P180033 | 2,023 | 0.8 | 0.19 | 0.61 | Colombia Green and Resilient DPO The development objective is to accelerate climate action by (i) advancing the low-carbon energy transition; (ii) promoting sustainable land use; and (iii) building resilience and adaptation to climate change. The development objective of the Green and Resilient Development Policy Operation for Colombia is to accelerate climate action by: (i) advancing the low-carbon energy transition; (ii) promoting sustainable land use; and (iii) building resilience and adaptation to climate change. This development policy loan (DPL) is fully aligned with core priorities of the new government, which is committed to accelerating the implementation of the low-carbon and resilient development agenda. The program builds on a strong commitment to addressing climate change that has spanned administrations, and which is enshrined in Colombia’s legal framework. The program addresses long-term state priorities that span administrations while contributing to the provision of global public goods, in particular climate mitigation. The program highlights policy reforms in sectors critical to Colombia’s low-carbon development and climate adaptation agendas, which the government also wishes to accelerate. Pillar 1 contributes to implementing the nationally determined contribution (NDC’s) low-carbon development priorities in the energy, and transport sectors. Pillar 2 contributes to implementing low-carbon development priorities in the land and land use sector. |
P161539 | 2,019 | 0.86 | 0.85 | 0.01 | Tonga Climate Resilient Transport Project Improve the climate resilience of the Recipient's transport sector, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide an immediate response to the Eligible Crisis or Emergency. The development objective of the Climate Resilient Transport Project under the Pacific Climate Resilient Transport Project for Tonga is to improve the climate resilience of the Recipient's transport sector, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide an immediate response to the Eligible Crisis or Emergency. It has four components. First component, Sectoral and Spatial Planning Tools involves technical assistance that will improve the way that climate change is addressed in Tonga’s transport sectors and allows for the financing of updates to analytical and sector planning tools to enable policymakers to make informed decisions based on the most accurate and up‐to‐date information available. Second component, Climate Resilient Infrastructure Solutions involves feasibility studies, design and physical works of identified road, aviation and maritime assets to improve their resilience to climate related hazards and/or events. Third component, Strengthening the Enabling Environment will provide funding to support institutional and regulatory reforms for transport sector asset management and maintenance, including measures to strengthen local capacity and to increase the sustainability of climateresilient investments under the project; and Fourth component, Contingency Emergency Response is designed to provide swift response in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, by enabling the Government to request the World Bank to re‐allocate Project funds to support emergency response and reconstruction. |
P100304 | 2,012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | India: Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Strengthening Project (UPHSSP) The Project Development Objective of UPHSSP is to improve the efficiency, quality and accountability of health service delivery in Uttar Pradesh by strengthening the State Health Department's management and systems capacity. The development objective of the Uttar Pradesh Health Systems Strengthening Project for India is to improve the efficiency, quality and accountability of health services delivery in Uttar Pradesh by strengthening the state health department's management and systems capacity. There are two components to the project. The first component is strengthening the department of health's management and accountability systems. This component will support (i) strengthening strategic planning functions in the health department, working closely with the recently established Health and Knowledge Resource Center (HKRC) in the family welfare department; (ii) improving use of data for program management in collaboration with the existing Electronic Data Processing (EDP) cell in the department and expanding its scope to function as a Data Resource Center (DRC); (iii) strengthening the use of financial information for improved decision making through the existing accounting and auditing systems for treasury and society funds, and strengthening of procurement and supply chain management systems; and (iv) introducing and strengthening action research to introduce community assessment of health and health care at the local level and introducing provider incentives in the public sector. The second component is improving the department of health's capacity to perform its quality assurance role and more effectively engage the private sector. This component will support (i) strengthening the institutional capacity for service quality improvement and regulatory capacity, which would include establishment of, and capacity building for, the Quality Assurance (QA), Environment Management (EM) and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) cells in the directorate of health; (ii) improvement of quality of service delivery at public sector hospitals to enable accreditation under the National Accreditation Board of Hospitals (NABH); (iii) contracting with the private sector for delivery of diagnostic services and non-clinical support services; and (iv) and ensuring the availability of the full complement of human resources required for accreditation at each selected facility, and health managers at the facility level. |
P115893 | 2,012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Tarbela Fourth Extension Hydropower Project The Objective of the Project is to facilitate a sustainable expansion of the Borrower 's electricity generation capacity. The overall development objective of the Tarbela Fourth Extension Hydropower Project is to facilitate a sustainable expansion in Pakistan's electricity generation capacity. The Project will also strengthen Water and Power Development Authority's (WAPDA's) capacity to develop the country's hydropower resources. There are five components to the project. The first component of the project is construction of power house and modification to the tunnel. The second component of the project is power units and ancillary equipment. The third component of the project is social action and environmental management plans, dam monitoring and surveillance. The fourth component of the project is construction supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the project impacts and social action and environmental management plans. The fifth component of the project is project management support, capacity building of WAPDA, technical assistance and training. |
P168061 | 2,020 | 0.71 | 0.17 | 0.54 | HUBEI SMART AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE PROJECT The PDO is to promote integrated environmentally sustainable and climate-smart agriculture, and agri-food quality and safety, in targeted value chains and landscapes in Hubei Province. The objective of the Hubei Smart and Sustainable Agriculture Project for China is to promote integrated environmentally sustainable and climate-smart agriculture, and agri-food quality and safety, in targeted value chains and landscapes in Hubei Province. The Project has three components. 1. Agricultural Risk Assessment, Management, and Communications component will focus on the development of environmentally sustainable, climate-smart, and safe production and processing standards. Sub-component 1.1: Risk Assessment will finance: (i) agro-environmental risk assessments; (ii) climate risk assessments; (iii) food quality and safety risk assessments. Sub-component 1.2: Risk Management will support (i) standards development; (ii) big-data analytics and provincial traceability platform; (iii) institutional systems and (iv) incentives. Sub-component 1.3: Risk Communications will increase public confidence in the quality and safety of agri-food products through establishment of a Public Participation in Risk Communications and Science Popularization program. 2. Demonstration and Replication of Smart and Sustainable Agricultural Practices component will leverage private sector involvement to support the demonstration of smart and sustainable practices in the agri-food system using innovative solutions. Sub-component 2.1: Demonstrations of Innovative Sustainable Production Practices will finance the implementation on the ground of Hubei 3S (Smart, Sustainable, Safe) GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) and integrated landscape management plans with the potential to make positive contributions to all the 3Ss, and at a scale sufficient to provide proof of concept. Sub-component 2.2: Scaling-up Sustainable Production Practices will strengthen service delivery systems for the supply of green agriculture inputs to farmers, provide additional support services, farmer training, innovation and extension systems and infrastructure to enable scaling-up of GAP and climate smart applications by farmers and cooperative members beyond demonstration areas. Sub-component 2.3: Strengthening Farmer Cooperatives will support training and technical assistance carried out by farmer cooperatives/enterprises and select public agencies to strengthen cooperatives in their technical, financial and commercial management. 3. Project and Knowledge Management component will include activities in knowledge management, to gather and share the experiences and lessons learned from the project, both in relation to risk assessment and monitoring and to the demonstration and scaling-up of successful Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and GAP practices. |
P118974 | 2,011 | 0 | 0 | 0 | MAURITANIA - Skills Development Support Project The Development Objectives of the proposed operation are to improve the quality and efficiency of training institutions and createan enabling environment for a more market-driven Technical and Vocational Education Training System. The objectives of the Skills Development Support Project for Mauritania are to improve the quality, efficiency of training institutions and create an enabling environment for a more market-driven Technical and Vocational Education Training System (TVET). There are two components to the project. The first component of the project is strengthening and diversifying TVET. This component will improve the quality, effectiveness and relevance of the training provided in eligible TVET institutions beneficiaries, and increase apprenticeship and short-term training programs. The second component of the project is improving the institutional environment of TVET. This component will enhance the capacity of the Ministry of Employment Vocational Training and New Technologies (MDEFPNT) to create a more demand-driven TVET system, and strengthen the capacity of the National Institute for the Promotion of Vocational and Technical Training (INAP-FTP) to support the TVET system. |
P149117 | 2,016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Benin Cross Border Tourism and Competitiveness Project The Project Development Objective to support the continued operation of micro and small firms impacted by the COVID-19 crisis and improve selected aspects of the enabling environment for Benin’s tourism. The objective of the Cross-Border Tourism and Competitiveness Project for Benin is to contribute to increased cross-border tourism and private sector investment in selected tourism destinations and value chains, in the recipient’s territory. There are four components to the project, the first component being improving the recipient’s tourism development framework. This component aims at improving the investment climate to foster development of the tourism sector in Benin. The second component is the tourism destination and product development. The objective of this component is to support the critical elements of tourism products, destinations, and services in selected tourism destinations to break the vicious cycle of perpetuating underperformance of the tourism sector in Benin. The component will target the destination of Ouidah as the strategic starting point of a sequenced development approach. Ouidah is strategically located on the coast, with favorable transport access and linkages to potential demand (proximity to Cotonou, Nigeria, and Togo) in Benin’s priority area for tourism development. The third component is the support to MSME upgrading, linkages, and expansion. This component will support tourism or tourism related MSMEs in selected tourism destinations to improve quality and linkages and foster growth of tourism related MSMEs by extending access to credit. Finally, the fourth component is the project management. |
P155617 | 2,018 | 0.27 | 0.18 | 0.09 | Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to add value and improve resilience of selected agriculture value chains, focusing on smallholder farmers and agro-entrepreneurs and to advance Assam's COVID-19 response. The objective of the Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project for India is to ‘add value and improve resilience of selected agriculture value chains, focusing on smallholder farmers and agro-entrepreneurs in targeted districts of Assam’. There are four components to the project, the first component being enabling agri-enterprise development. The objective of this component is to enable investments in agri-enterprises, improve investment environment and promote investment, reduce business and transaction costs, facilitate access to finance for agribusiness MSMEs, and, where appropriate, facilitate process and regulatory changes. The second component is the facilitating agro cluster development. The objective of this component is to enhance competitiveness of agri-enterprises in specific geographic clusters, and upgrade infrastructure for agricultural trade, in these clusters to enable producers and other value chain participants to access new markets. This will be achieved by: mobilizing proximate agri-enterprises, in identified geographic clusters, into Industry Associations (IAs), and building their capacity to undertake joint actions; supporting development of and financing for Agro Industrial Development Plans (AIDPs) laying out joint actions that can be undertaken by IAs to enhance competitiveness; providing a range of Business Development Services to scale up agri-enterprises in the selected clusters; and upgrading and modernizing warehouses, agricultural wholesale markets and rural periodic markets in the cluster, including link roads. The third component is the fostering market-led production and resilience enhancement. The objective of this component is to enable producers of the priority value chains, in the targeted clusters, to take advantage of the rapidly changing market demand, and enhance resilience of agriculture production systems for increasing production and managing risks associated with climate change. Finally, the fourth component is the project management, monitoring and learning. This component will also finance dedicated staffing for the project activities, consultancies, training and related material, office equipment, and incremental operational costs. The project will provide investment and technical support for the establishment of a sound management information system and information and communication technology (ICT) systems and capacity strengthening of key personnel. |
P174178 | 2,020 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0 | Social Protection and Youth Productive Inclusion Project To provide emergency income support to households affected by the COVID-19 health and economic crisis and to increase access to productive safety nets for poor and vulnerable households and youth in participating areas in the territory of the Recipient. The objective of the Lisungi Emergency COVID-19 Response Project for Congo is to provide emergency income support to households affected by the COVID-19 health and economic crisis and increase access to safety net for recovery for poor and vulnerable in participating areas of the Beneficiary. The Project has five components. 1. Emergency cash transfers for COVID-19 response component has two subcomponents. 1.1. Emergency cash transfers subcomponent will finance one-off emergency cash transfers to approximately 200,000 households likely to be affected by the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis during the lockdown. 1.2. Communications and sensitization campaign subcomponent will finance a communication and sensitization campaign to provide poor and vulnerable households with information about key program characteristics and COVID-19 prevention messages. 2. Scaling up Lisungi program for recovery component will provide households affected by the economic crisis with support to Income-Generating Activities integrated into the regular Lisungi Cash Transfer program to help them rebuild their assets and strengthen resilience once the acute phase of the pandemic recedes. 3. Strengthening the social protection system component will focus on four priority areas: (a) support to the elaboration of a social protection strategy, (b) expansion of the RSU, (c) adoption of electronic payments and (d) support to improve the capacity of delivery systems to respond to shocks and crisis. 4. Project management, monitoring and evaluation (M and E) component will support project management. 5. Contingency Emergency Response Component will allow the Government to quickly reallocate and mobilize funds in the event of an emergency that would require immediate recovery and reconstruction needs, and are not already covered by the Project. |
P122247 | 2,012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Eighth Poverty Reduction Support Financing The program development objective is to adopt policies that facilitate increased private sector investment and involvement and easeconstraints to broad based growth. Supported reforms to increase efficiency, transparency and accountability in the public sector include public financial management to ensure that resources are used more efficiently and effectively to benefit all parts of the population, including the poor. During the PRSF8-10 series priority will go to measures aimed at: (i) supporting the facilitation of trade and investments; (ii) increasing access to electricity and improved infrastructure services; (iii) raising private sector participation in the agricultural sector; (iv) increasing the quality and relevance of education to build a skilled workforce; (v) improving service delivery through focused and strategic civil service reform; and (vi) strengthening the management of public resources, including increasing transparency and accountability. The development objective of the Eighth Poverty Reduction Support Financing Project (PRSF-8) for Rwanda is to support the development of policies that facilitate increased private sector investment and involvement and ease constraints to broad based growth. The PRSF-8 supports the Government of Rwanda as it implements its medium-term strategy towards the attainment of the Vision 2020. It supports the Government's second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS). The EDPRS covers the period 2008-2012 and provides a medium-term framework for achieving the country's long-term development aspirations as articulated in the vision 2020. It describes the Government's development objectives of consolidating the achievements in rehabilitation and reconstruction and accelerating the transformation to a middle-income nation with a knowledge-based economy. It presents a strategy focused on growth and human development, with an emphasis on decentralization, and a greater role for the private sector. The EDPRS priorities are articulated through three flagship programs aimed at promoting sustainable growth and poverty reduction and improving governance. The Rwanda PRSF series is the Bank's key policy dialogue instrument and it provides a broad framework to support the reform process in Rwanda. In addition, it leverages other Bank operations in areas supported under this series. Supported reforms to increase efficiency, transparency and accountability in the public sector include public financial management to ensure that resources are used more efficiently and effectively to benefit all parts of the population, including the poor. |
P128950 | 2,013 | 0 | 0 | 0 | REAL ESTATE REGISTRATION PROJECT The project development objective is to support development of a sustainable real estate registration system with harmonized land registry and cadastre records in urban areas of both the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska. The objective of the Real Estate Registration Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina is to support development of a sustainable real estate registration system with harmonized land register and cadastre records in urban areas of both the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBH) and the Republika Srpska (RS). The project has three components. (1) Real estate registration data development component will support land register and cadastre data harmonization on land, buildings and rights based on the actual situation in the field. (2) Real estate registration infrastructure development component will continue Land Registration Project (LRP) work in improving working conditions and infrastructure in the cadastre offices across the country and in those few land registration offices in the FBH that were not targeted by LRP through: office renovations and purchases; creation of digital archives; and provision of furniture and equipment. The office purchases planned in RS have to be approved by the Land Committee of the World Bank. Policy and institutional development, and project management component will support policy and legal development in support of reaching the project development objective. The objective is to enhance sustainability of the real estate registration. The component will have a strong focus on institutional development and capacity building, addressing the long term challenges of sustainability and governance of real estate registers and emphasizing financial sustainability, quality of service and client orientation and social vulnerabilities. |
P158418 | 2,019 | 1 | 0.25 | 0.75 | Türkiye Irrigation Modernization The objective of the project is to improve irrigation delivery, through rehabilitation and modernization of distribution infrastructure in selected schemes, and through strengthening of capacity of WUAs. The development objective of Irrigation Modernization Project for Turkey is to improve irrigation delivery, through rehabilitation and modernization of distribution infrastructure in selected schemes, and through strengthening of capacity of Water Users Association (WUAs). This project has three components. 1) The first component, Irrigation Systems Modernization, aims to finance investments to modernize Disbursement-linked Indicators (DSI’s) irrigation systems in selected schemes. 2) The second component, Innovation and Institutional Support, has the following two subcomponents: (i) Designing and Piloting a National Program for WUA Capacity-Building; and (ii) Groundwater Stewardship Pilot. 3) The third component, Project Management, aims to finance the multiple activities required for coordination and management of the project; and will include, inter alia, measures for enhancing dam safety in the project schemes, community consultations and partnership program, communications, grievance redress mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation, and environmental and social management. |
P172455 | 2,021 | 0.75 | 0.09 | 0.66 | First Amazonas Fiscal and Environmental Sustainability Programmatic DPF To support the State of Amazonas in strengthening fiscal sustainability and integrating forest conservation and development. The Fiscal and Environmental Sustainability Development Policy Financing (DPF) for the state of Amazonas supports fiscal discipline, climate-informed decision making, and an integrated approach to forest conservation and development to help the State improve its recovery after COVID19 and protect the Amazon forest. Against the backdrop of the impact of COVID-19 and the recent increase in deforestation in the Amazon, this US200 million dollars DPF (the first in a two-DPF programmatic series) is an entry point for World Bank policy engagement on the medium-term reform agenda of the state of Amazonas to rebuild better after COVID-19, by promoting fiscal sustainability and by supporting the conservation and sustainable management of the state’s forest resources. This operation faces substantial risks that could affect the expected outcomes, especially in the environmental pillar. The vast area of the Amazon forest, the limited institutional capacity of the Amazonas State, the multiplicity of stakeholders involved, and the complexity of land jurisdiction (not all forests in the state’s territory are under the responsibility of the Amazonas State), render difficult the elimination of risks of illegal deforestation or forest fires. The critical nature of reforms supported by this operation, the coordination with international partners, and complementary technical assistance provided both by the bank and partners mitigate some of these risks. Remaining risks should be balanced against the cost of inaction. |
P159522 | 2,017 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees PforR PDO: ' Improve Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian refugees in Jordan' The development objective of the Economic Opportunities for Jordanians and Syrian Refugees Program for Results Project for Jordan. Jordan is a small middle-income country facing severe challenges. The crisis in Syria has led to a massive influx of Syrian refugees into Jordan over the past five years. The situation of most Syrians in Jordan is highly vulnerable.The Government of Jordan (GoJ) and the international community requested World Bank Group (WBG) support for a holistic approach to the Syrian refugees' influx, targeting both the Jordanian host communities and the refugees in Jordan. The Government of Jordan (GoJ) and the international community requested World Bank Group (WBG) support for a holistic approach to the Syrian refugees' influx, targeting both the Jordanian host communities and the refugees in Jordan. The World Bank's response is multifaceted, helping host countries cope with the impact of refugee inflows on their economic and social fabric and turn this shock into an opportunity. The World Bank intervention will support Syrian refugees and the Jordanian host communities. The Compact's approach is anchored on three interlinked pillars, to support Jordan's growth agenda whilst maintaining its resilience and economic stability: (a) Turning the Syrian refugee crisis into a development opportunity; that attracts new investments and opens up the EU market with simplified rules of origin—all with the aim to create jobs for Jordanians and Syrian refugees whilst supporting the post-conflict Syrian economy; (b) Strengthening Jordanian host communities' resilience to the refugee crisis by adequately financing public services through grants, in the context of the Jordan Response Plan 2016–2018, in particular the resilience of host communities; and (c) Mobilizing sufficient grants and concessional financing to support the macroeconomic framework and address Jordan's financing needs over the next three years, as part of Jordan entering into a new Extended Fund Facility program with the IMF. |
P163474 | 2,019 | 0.96 | 0.96 | 0 | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Irrigated-Agriculture Improvement Project To improve the performance of irrigated agriculture for farmers in the project area. The development objective of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Irrigated-Agriculture Improvement Project for Pakistan is to improve the performance of irrigated agriculture for farmers in the project area. The project comprises of five components. The first component, improvement of community irrigation systems will improve the on-farm water supply in irrigated areas. The second component, introduction of modern irrigation technologies will provide support to farmers for the adoption of modern irrigation technologies to increase on-farm water application efficiency. It consists of following sub-components: (i) installation of high-efficiency irrigation systems (HEIS); (ii) construction of on-farm water storage tanks and ponds; and (iii) strengthening precision land leveling service in private sector. The third component, capacity building and establishing knowledge base for future inclusive growth consists of following sub-components: (i) capacity building for farmers and government institutions; and (ii) establishing knowledge base for future inclusive growth. The fourth component, project management and monitoring will ensure that all project activities are implemented effectively and in a timely manner. It consists of following sub-components: (i) project management, operations, and administration; (ii) project implementation supervision consultancy; and (iii) monitoring and evaluation (M and E) consultancy. The fifth component, contingent emergency response supports preparedness and rapid response to disaster, emergency, and or catastrophic events, as needed. |
P179108 | 2,024 | 0.09 | 0.05 | 0.04 | Uzbekistan Digital Inclusion Project To support digital inclusion by expanding access to skills and employment opportunities in the digital economy.
The development objective of Digital Inclusion Project is to support digital inclusion by expanding access to skills and employment opportunities in the digital economy. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Digital Inclusion and Enabling Environment, has the following sub-components: (i) Skills Development; and (ii) Modernization of Legal, Regulatory and Institutional Frameworks. 2) The second component, Development of country-wide regional infrastructure and incentives for IT-enabled services (ITES), has the following sub-components: (i) ITES Incentives Program; and (ii) ITES Infrastructure Development. 3) The third component, Location Attractiveness Promotion, has the following sub-components: (i) ITES Industry Promotion and Location Attractiveness; (ii) ITES Strategy and Institutional Development; and (iii) Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Support. |
P114859 | 2,013 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Lesotho Health Sector Performance Enhancement The overall project development objective is to: (i) increase utilization and improve the quality of primary health services in selected districts in Lesotho with a particular focus on maternal and child health, TB and HIV; (ii) improve contract management of select PPPs; and (iii) in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said Eligible Crisis or Emergency. The objective of the Maternal and Newborn Health Performance-Based Financing Project for Lesotho is to improve the utilization and quality of maternal and newborn health (MNH) services in selected districts in Lesotho. The project has two components. (1) Improving maternal and newborn health service delivery at community, primary and secondary levels component objective is to improve MNH service delivery at health facility and community level through two sub-components. The sub-components will dovetail the almost complete support provided by the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) to renovate, refurbish and equip health centers, including reinstating adequate provisions for waiting shelters for expecting mothers. Building on infrastructure improvement supported by MCA, the project will contribute to the supply-side improvements which are fundamental to strengthen the quality and utilization of health services. (2) Training of health professionals and Village Health Workers (VHWs) and improving monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity component will be solely financed through IDA financing and have two subcomponents. (2A) Training health professionals and VHWs will support an ongoing MOH program for training doctors, nurse anesthetists and midwives to achieve an acceptable standard of competency in the delivery of MNH. (2B) Improving M&E capacity will support the strengthening of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) in all districts and build the capacity of M&E personnel at the central and district levels. |
P153366 | 2,017 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Transparency and Efficiency in Tax Administration The project development objective is to increase levels of compliance with tax and customs obligations. The development objective of the Transparency and Efficiency in Tax Administration Project for Guatemala is to increase levels of compliance with tax and customs obligations. The project comprises of three components. The first component, transparency, integrity and institutional development in Tax Administration Superintendence (SAT) objective is to help improve SAT’s governance, by supporting the implementation of the recently approved amendments to SAT’s organic law of SAT and strengthening its internal capacities. It consists of following three sub-components: (i) managing the SAT reform; (ii) strengthening human resource management and institutional integrity; and (iii) upgrading and integrating the information and communication technology (ICT) platform. The second component, strengthening of tax collection functions in internal revenues and customs objective is to strengthen the core processes of the primary tax collection and control functions in both internal revenues and customs. It consists of following two sub-components: (i) strengthening internal revenue collection processes; and (ii) strengthening customs services. The third component, objective is to strengthen SAT’s tax intelligence and enforcement capabilities. It consists of following three sub-components: (i) strengthening tax intelligence and tax audit; (ii) strengthening legal services; and (iii) tax appeals procedures in SAT. |
P181371 | 2,024 | 0.04 | 0.02 | 0.01 | Malawi Fiscal Governance Program for Results The PDO is to improve the effectiveness of resource mobilization, budget execution, and transparency of public finances in Malawi. The development objective of the Fiscal Governance Program for Results for Malawi is to improve the effectiveness of resource mobilization, budget execution, and transparency of public finances in Malawi. The program for results (PforR) Program comprehensively covers the seven goals of the Malawi public financial management (PFM) strategy, organizing them into three Results Areas (RAs) and associated disbursement linked indicator (DLIs) under the operation. The three RAs represent the three primary stages of the budget cycle that are fundamental for strengthening fiscal governance in Malawi: (a) improving public resource mobilization; (b) strengthening budget prioritization and execution; and (c) enhancing resource transparency and accountability. The achievement of these results are supported by the three enablers of: (i) interoperability of digital systems for public resource management; (ii) climate responsiveness and sustainability; and (iii) citizen engagement and gender-sensitive implementation. The Program places emphasis on commitments made under the recent Malawi Country Climate Change and Development Report (CCDR) and Malawi gender assessment to provide the incentives for implementation with an emphasis on a whole-of-government approach and integration into the various stages of the PFM cycle. |
P128276 | 2,013 | 0.71 | 0.71 | 0 | Coastal Embankment Improvement Project - Phase I (CEIP-I) The project development objectives are to (a) increase the area protected in selected polders from tidal flooding and frequent storm surges, which are expected to worsen due to climate change; (b) improve agricultural production by reducing saline water intrusionin selected polders; and (c) improve the Government of Bangladesh's capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The objectives of the First Phase of the Coastal Embankment Improvement Project for Bangladesh are to (a) increase the area protected in selected polders from tidal flooding and frequent storm surges, which are expected to worsen due to climate change; (b) improve agricultural production by reducing saline water intrusion in selected polders; and (c) improve the Government of Bangladeshs capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The project has five components. (1) Rehabilitation and improvement of polders component will finance activities that aim to increase community resilience to tidal flooding and storm surges. (2) Implementation of social and environmental management frameworks and plans component will support consultation with and strengthening of polder stakeholders and beneficiaries. (3) Construction supervision, monitoring and evaluation of project and coastal zone monitoring component will cover consulting services for (i) surveys, designs of remaining polders to be included in the project and (ii) construction supervision of rehabilitation and improvement of coastal embankments; (iii) continuously monitoring project activities and providing feedback to the government and the implementing agency on the projects performance. (4) Project management, technical assistance, training and strategic studies component will support Bangladesh Water Development Board in implementing the project. (5) Contingent emergency response component will be contingent upon the fulfillment of the following conditions: (i) the Government of Bangladesh has determined that an eligible crisis or emergency has occurred and the Bank has agreed and notified the Government; (ii) the Ministry of Finance has prepared and adopted the Contingent Emergency Response (CER) Implementation Plan that is agreed with the Bank; (iii) Bangladesh Water Development Board has prepared, adopted, and disclosed safeguards instruments required as per Bank guidelines for all activities from the CER Implementation Plan for eligible financing under the CERC. |
P126832 | 2,015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | CH GEF Municipal Solid Waste Management Project The project's objective is to build capacity and demonstrate best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) in municipal solid waste incineration in accordance with the Stockholm Convention.
The Municipal Solid Waste Management Project of China has an objective to build capacity and demonstrate best available techniques and best environmental practices in MSW incineration in accordance with the Stockholm Convention. The project would support three components: (1) Capacity Building for Improved Operation and Regulation of MSW Incinerators, (2) Capacity Building for Improved MSW Management Planning, and (3) Project Management. Component one would support two closely linked sub-components aiming to increase capacity to better operate and regulate MSW incinerators so as to reduce dioxin and other pollutant emissions. Component two would support four activities to promote improved MSW management planning with a view to reduce solid waste going to MSW incinerators. Component three would fund incremental operating costs and consultancy costs associated with project management, including day-to-day project implementation, procurement and financial management, environmental safeguards carried out by the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO), the Yunnan Project Management Office (PMO), and the Ningbo PMO. Two key lessons learned from initiatives to improve MSW incinerator environmental performance around the world and from World Bank-supported projects in China have been reflected in the project design. |
P143979 | 2,014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | DTF: MA-Support New Governance Framework The Project Development Objective is to strengthen mechanisms for transparency, accountability and participation on the central andlocal government level in Morocco. The project will achieve the PDO by (i) supporting processes to develop public engagement laws and policies; (ii) improving access to fiscal information and enhancing performance orientation in budget management; and, (iii) strengthening the role and functions of local governments, particularly through fiscal decentralization. The objective of the New Governance Framework Implementation Support Project for Morocco is to contribute to the strengthening of government transparency, accountability and public participation by supporting: (i) the development and implementation of a public consultation policy and a law on petitions; (ii) the improvement of access to fiscal information and enhancement of performance orientation in budget management; and, (iii) the strengthening of fiscal decentralization. The project is composed of three components supporting three strategic and intertwining governance reforms: the first component being strengthening public participation. The objective of this component is to support the development of a legal framework for public engagement, particularly in the form of a government wide policy on public consultations and a law on petitions. The second component is the enhancing efficiency and accountability in the use of public funds. The objective of this component is to provide the Government and parliament with the tools to strengthen internal and external accountability on the implementation of public policies and the use of corresponding resources. Finally, the third component is the advancing regionalization. This component will support fiscal decentralization by supporting the revision of the fiscal transfer and equalization system for local governments through: (a) international and local expertise; and (b) the carrying out of study tours and workshops. It will further provide training-of-trainers for local officials on, inter alia: (i) the budget preparation; (ii) the new procurement rules; and (c) internal audit; as well as provide training to regional and other local authorities on planning and performance contracting guidelines and tools. |
P175266 | 2,022 | 0.43 | 0.28 | 0.15 | Mozambique Northern Urban Development Project To improve basic urban infrastructure and living conditions in selected cities in the North of Mozambique The development objective of the Northern Urban Development Project for Mozambique is to improve basic urban infrastructure and living conditions in selected cities in the North of Mozambique. The project comprises of five components. The first component, urban infrastructure and basic services will support the participating municipalities to improve priority urban infrastructure and basic services, benefiting an estimated 460,000 people and promoting a more inclusive, productive, and climate-resilient urban environment. It consists of following sub-components: (i) priority urban corridors; and (ii) urbanization of peri-urban neighborhoods. The second component, urban land and housing will help address the large qualitative housing deficit in the selected cites, benefiting approximately 8,200 of the most vulnerable households with resilient housing improvement interventions. It consists of following sub-components: (i) housing improvement; and (ii) land tenure regularization. The third component, urban policy and institutional strengthening will strengthen national-level urban policy and institutional frameworks, and local-level urban management capacity. It consists of following sub-components: (i) improving municipal urban management capacity; and (ii) strengthening national urban and housing policy and institutional frameworks. The fourth component, project implementation support will support the project’s implementation. The component will finance the engagement of a third-party monitoring agency (TPMA) to provide an independent perspective on project performance. The fifth component, contingent emergency response component aims to facilitate access to rapid financing through the reallocation of uncommitted project funds in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency. |
P146095 | 2,014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Economic Management Competitiveness Credit 2 <span style='font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif'><span style='font-size:10pt'>The Program Development Objective for the EMCCseries is enhanced competitiveness through strengthened financial sector and fiscal management; strengthened public administration through anti-corruption, SOE and public investment reforms; and reduced administrative burden through improved tax and procurement policies.</span></span>
The Second Economic Management and Competitiveness Credit (EMCC-2) is part of a programmatic series of 3 Development Policy Operations (DPOs, FY13-16). The series supports Vietnam's economic management reforms to enhance competitiveness for growth and poverty reduction. It is the main channel for policy dialogue between the government, the World Bank and several Development Partners on priority economic management issues highlighted in Vietnam's Socio Economic Development Plan (SEDP, 2011-2015). The first operation in the series (EMCC-1) was approved by the Board of Executive Directors on March 19, 2013. The proposed amount for the second operation is $250 million. The EMCC supports reforms in a number of large and complex areas. Several prior actions under EMCC-1 (and 2) have helped to set the overarching policy frameworks for priority reforms including in the banking sector, debt management, anti-corruption, tax administration, and others. The EMCC dialogue has contributed extensively to developing these policy frameworks, which are now turning to implementation. Therefore prior to actual implementation, there is usually extensive review and consultation of current policies, before policy changes are effected through legislative amendment. Although this can be a lengthy process, there has been incremental change in the right direction. |
P146965 | 2,016 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Jamaica Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project The Project Development Objective is to enhance Jamaica's resilience to disaster and climate risk. The objective of the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project is to enhance Jamaica’s resilience to disaster and climate risk. There are four components to the project, the first component being technical assistance for improved disaster and climate resilience. This component includes improving the generation and collection of targeted hazard and risk information, its analysis and use in monitoring systems and decision making. The second component is the risk reduction. This includes the retrofitting or construction of key assets given that the infrastructure sector is one of the most severely impacted after a major disaster event. To reduce Jamaica’s physical vulnerability to adverse natural events, this component will finance structural mitigation measures. The sub-components and activities to be financed under this component are: (i) retrofitting, construction and/or rehabilitation of national and sub-national priority infrastructure (bridges and urban drainage); (ii) retrofitting, construction and/or rehabilitation of critical public facilities (schools and fire stations); and (iii) establishing or improving coastal protection measures. The third component is the contingent emergency response. This Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) will support Jamaica’s emergency preparedness and response capacity to the impact of natural hazards, including financing of post-disaster critical emergency goods or emergency recovery and associated services, as well as targeted provision of post-disaster Social Safety Net (SSN) support to affected households and individuals. Following an adverse natural event, the Government’s declaration of disaster in accordance with national law, and subject to the Bank’s activation policy, the contingent component would be triggered. Finally, the fourth component is the project administration. |
P129327 | 2,012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Second Sustainable Employment Development Policy Operation The Second Sustainable Employment Development Policy Operation (SEDPO) addresses some of the key constraints to sustainable employment. Specifically, the objectives of SEDPP are to:
(i) maintain a stable macroeconomic framework through strengthened budget and fiscal management, and increased transparency and accountability of public expenditures; and
(ii) lay institutional and legislative foundations for sustainable employment and growth. The objectives of the Second Sustainable Employment Development Policy Operation (SEDPO-2) Project for Kosovo are to: (i) maintain a stable macroeconomic framework through strengthened budget and fiscal management and increased transparency, and accountability of public expenditures; (ii) lay institutional and legislative foundations for sustainable employment and growth. The proposed SEDPO-2 will focus on the following areas: improving public financial management, thus transparency and accountability of public finances; improving the investment climate to promote domestic and foreign investment; strengthening labor market institutions to provide targeted services to active unemployed persons; setting education qualification standards and accrediting education institutions to increase the quality and relevance of education and increasing education quality; and transforming information systems to improve beneficiary activation into the labor force. |
P155111 | 2,017 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Ukraine Gas Supply Security Facility The Projectâ??s Development Objective is to enhance Naftogazâ??s ability to incr ease Ukraineâ??s security of gas supply, by facilitating access to cost-effectiv e financing and improving the terms of the gas supply contracts supported under the Project. The development objective of the Gas Supply Security Facility Project for Ukraine is to enhance Naftogaz’s ability to increase Ukraine’s security of gas supply, by facilitating access to cost-effective financing and improving the terms of the gas supply contracts supported under the project. The project is composed of one investment project financing (IPF) component, support for Naftogaz’s gas purchases. The component is supported by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) payment guarantee amounting to the Euro equivalent7 of United States (U.S.) 500 million dollars, in support of Naftogaz gas purchases from suppliers which will meet eligibility criteria, including Naftogaz’s current Eastern and Western gas suppliers. |
P171144 | 2,024 | 0.23 | 0.1 | 0.14 | Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project To improve delivery of comprehensive primary and a limited set of inpatient healthcare services for selected urban areas. The development objective of the Urban Health, Nutrition, and Population (HNP) Project for Bangladesh is to improve delivery of comprehensive primary healthcare services for selected urban areas. The project comprises of two components. The first component, improve urban primary HNP services led by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) will support delivery of essential health services in selected urban areas. The second component, improve public health services led by the Local Government Division (LGD), Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development, and Cooperatives (MoLGRD and C) will support delivery of environmental health and preventive services in selected urban areas. |
P179820 | 2,024 | 0.57 | 0.57 | 0 | Tuvalu First Climate and Disaster Resilience Development Policy Financing with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option The proposed series of two operations aims to support the Government of Tuvalu to: (i) promote climate and disaster resilient fiscal policy and trade facilitation, and (ii) improve the institutional and regulatory framework for climate and disaster resilient infrastructure. The development objective of the First Climate and Disaster Resilience Development Policy Financing with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option for Tuvalu aims to support the Government of Tuvalu to: (i) promote climate and disaster resilient fiscal policy and trade facilitation, and (ii) improve the institutional and regulatory framework for climate and disaster resilient infrastructure. As such, pillar 1 supports fiscal risk reporting and subsequent provisioning in the event of natural disasters, and the roll out of climate budget tagging and its integration in Tuvalu’s public financial management (PFM) system. The pillar also supports expedited clearance of critical goods trade during emergencies and natural disasters. Pillar 2 continues to support institutional policy reforms for increased resilience of the built environment and infrastructure, stronger emergency preparedness, response, and post-disaster recovery. |
P159382 | 2,018 | 0.64 | 0.32 | 0.32 | Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project Increase productivity and commercialization of producers and processors in selected value chains, strengthen service delivery systems in the livestock and fisheries sectors, and respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The development objective of the Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project for Ethiopia is to increase productivity and commercialization of producers and processors in selected value chains, strengthen service delivery systems in the livestock and fisheries sectors, and respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The project comprises of three components. The first component, linking more productive farmers to markets will finance a program of activities aimed at increasing productivity and commercialization of producers and processors in selected value chains and targeted areas in 58 Woredas by improving their access to critical knowledge, services, inputs, equipment and productive infrastructure, and increasing their linkages with markets and value chains. It consists of following sub-components: (i) enabling sub‐projects implementation; (ii) support to subsistence farmers and unemployed youth; (iii) support to improved cooperatives; and (iv) support to specialized cooperatives and municipalities. The second component, strengthening national institutions and programs will carry out a program of activities to improve the immediate and long‐term human, organizational, and institutional capacity of Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MoLF) and key public and private actors and cooperatives of the livestock and fisheries sectors. It consists of following sub-components: (i) human resources and organizational capacity development; (ii) policy, planning, and coordination; (iii) sustainable animal health, extension, and advisory services; (iv) development of strategic national programs (SNPs); and (v) contingent emergency response. The third component, project coordination, monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge management will support project coordination, management, monitoring and evaluation, and learning needs. It consists of following sub-components: (i) project coordination; and (ii) monitoring, evaluation, and knowledge management. |
P173316 | 2,022 | 0.85 | 0.43 | 0.43 | GEF7: Green and Carbon Neutral Cities The objective is to integrate biodiversity conservation in participating cities’ urban development and establish their pathway to carbon neutrality. The development objective of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)7: Green and Carbon-Neutral Cities Project for China is to integrate biodiversity conservation in participating cities’ urban development and establish their pathway to carbon neutrality. The project comprises of three components. The first component is strengthen the high-quality development framework with the focus on promoting ecological and biodiversity conservation, and carbon neutrality. The second component, support integrated solutions to biodiversity and climate change - planning for and investing in nature and carbon neutrality includes three types of activities on urban biodiversity and climate change: technical assistance to cities, support for investment in the selected sites, and national engagement. The third component is supporting knowledge sharing, capacity building, and project management. |