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World Bank/Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 2016-2019 WORLD BANK/GLOBAL WATER SECURITY & SANITATION PARTNERSHIP 2016-2019 'The Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 'is a collaboration between Sida (and other donors) and the World Bank's Water Global Practice in order to help create a' water-secure world for all', and to reach its dual goals of both eliminating the extreme poverty as well as to promote greater prosperity for the 40% poorest in each country.Sida gives a non-earmarked program funding anticipated to go to both drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene and also to water security and water resource management, with a specific focus on sustainability, inclusiveness, institutions, financing and resilience. The support for the partnership is ia. envisaged to help shape the Bank's investment loans (IDA) for various water-related programs so that these will be designed based poor peoples needs.
Bilateral, unspecified
World Bank/Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 2016-2019
I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation
ODA Grants
World Bank Group (WB)
'The Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 'is a collaboration between Sida (and other donors) and the World Bank's Water Global Practice in order to help create a' water-secure world for all', and to reach its dual goals of both eliminating the extreme poverty as well as to promote greater prosperity for the 40% poorest in each country.Sida gives a non-earmarked program funding anticipated to go to both drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene and also to water security and water resource management, with a specific focus on sustainability, inclusiveness, institutions, financing and resilience. The support for the partnership is ia. envisaged to help shape the Bank's investment loans (IDA) for various water-related programs so that these will be designed based poor peoples needs.
We Effect Rural Mayan Women's Economic Empowerment WE EFFECT RURAL MAYAN WOMEN'S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT This intervention aims to reduce poverty and violence on indigenous people, particularly Mayan women in four territories of Guatemala, promoting Women's Economic Empowerment, through strengthening their capacities on productive technical matters and entrepreneurship, strengthening the peasant organizations capacities to ensure their response to their members to reduce poverty and strengthening advocacy work. The project also aims to improve market access and position of rural Mayan women within a framework of organizational strengthening and deepening knowledge of rights and demands for rights compliance, recognizing that economic empowerment ensures sustainable individual, collective and political empowerment.
We Effect Rural Mayan Women's Economic Empowerment
IV.2. Other Multisector
Rural development
ODA Grants
Donor country-based NGO
This intervention aims to reduce poverty and violence on indigenous people, particularly Mayan women in four territories of Guatemala, promoting Women's Economic Empowerment, through strengthening their capacities on productive technical matters and entrepreneurship, strengthening the peasant organizations capacities to ensure their response to their members to reduce poverty and strengthening advocacy work. The project also aims to improve market access and position of rural Mayan women within a framework of organizational strengthening and deepening knowledge of rights and demands for rights compliance, recognizing that economic empowerment ensures sustainable individual, collective and political empowerment.
Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund - NS 2016-2020 TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE AND PEACE BASKET FUND - NS 2016-2020 IOM applied to Sida for funding of 11.66 MSEK to carry out the Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund Project during the period 2016-2017.The Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund has the goal of contributing to an effective institutional response for the implementation of the mechanisms of transitional justice and civil society education on peace building and the Havana Agreements. This will be achieved by: -Reinforcing the Victim's Unit, FGN, Congress and Ministry of Foreign Affairs skills and logistical resources for the implementation of the Victim's Law -Delivering technical inputs needed for the institutional design of transitional justice mechanisms agreed in Havana-Developing communication skills in peace building with journalists and socializing the Havana Agreements among networks of civil society The projects funded have a duration of 12 months. This limited time scope is due to the nature of the projects and the context in which they develop, a transition scenario where specific measures need to be taken for the preparation of the implementation of the peace agreements. The basket fund will finance ten projects that target to the goal described above and it will be administered by IOM. The project has a total cost of 13,3 MSEK of which the Embassy will cover 11.7 MSEK (87,7%) and IOM will finance 1,6 MSEK (12,3%).
Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund - NS 2016-2020
I.5.b. Conflict, Peace & Security
Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution
ODA Grants
International Organisation for Migration
IOM applied to Sida for funding of 11.66 MSEK to carry out the Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund Project during the period 2016-2017.The Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund has the goal of contributing to an effective institutional response for the implementation of the mechanisms of transitional justice and civil society education on peace building and the Havana Agreements. This will be achieved by: -Reinforcing the Victim's Unit, FGN, Congress and Ministry of Foreign Affairs skills and logistical resources for the implementation of the Victim's Law -Delivering technical inputs needed for the institutional design of transitional justice mechanisms agreed in Havana-Developing communication skills in peace building with journalists and socializing the Havana Agreements among networks of civil society The projects funded have a duration of 12 months. This limited time scope is due to the nature of the projects and the context in which they develop, a transition scenario where specific measures need to be taken for the preparation of the implementation of the peace agreements. The basket fund will finance ten projects that target to the goal described above and it will be administered by IOM. The project has a total cost of 13,3 MSEK of which the Embassy will cover 11.7 MSEK (87,7%) and IOM will finance 1,6 MSEK (12,3%).
Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund - NS 2016-2020 support transitional justice frame Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund IOM applied to Sida for funding of 11.66 MSEK to carry out the “Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund Project” during the period 2016-2017. The Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund has the goal of contributing to an effective institutional response for the implementation of the mechanisms of transitional justice and civil society education on peace building and the Havana Agreements. This will be achieved by: -Reinforcing the Victim´s Unit, FGN, Congress and Ministry of Foreign Affairs skills and logistical resources for the implementation of the Victim´s Law -Delivering technical inputs needed for the institutional design of transitional justice mechanisms agreed in Havana -Developing communication skills in peace building with journalists and socializing the Havana Agreements among networks of civil society The projects funded have a duration of 12 months. This limited time scope is due to the nature of the projects and the context in which they develop; a transition scenario where specific measures need to be taken for the preparation of the implementation of the peace agreements. The basket fund will finance ten projects that target to the goal described above and it will be administered by IOM. The project has a total cost of 13,3 MSEK of which the Embassy will cover 11.66 MSEK (87,7%) and IOM will finance 1,6 MSEK (12,3%). IOM applied to Sida for funding of 11.66 MSEK to carry out the “Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund Project” during the period 2016-2017. The Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund has the goal of contributing to an effective institutional response for the implementation of the mechanisms of transitional justice and civil society education on peace building and the Havana Agreements. This will be achieved by: -Reinforcing the Victim´s Unit, FGN, Congress and Ministry of Foreign Affairs skills and logistical resources for the implementation of the Victim´s Law -Delivering technical inputs needed for the institutional design of transitional justice mechanisms agreed in Havana -Developing communication skills in peace building with journalists and socializing the Havana Agreements among networks of civil society The projects funded have a duration of 12 months. This limited time scope is due to the nature of the projects and the context in which they develop; a transition scenario where specific measures need to be taken for the preparation of the implementation of the peace agreements. The basket fund will finance ten projects that target to the goal described above and it will be administered by IOM. The project has a total cost of 13,3 MSEK of which the Embassy will cover 11.7 MSEK (87,7%) and IOM will finance 1,6 MSEK (12,3%). The "Transitional Justice and Peace Basket Fund" was created in 2016 aiming to strengthen the institutional response for the implementation of transitional justice mechanisms and civil society education on peace building and the Havana Peace Agreement. The intervention contemplated two outcomes: (i) Increasing institutional capacities for victims’ redress and the transition to the new transitional justice mechanisms stablished in the Peace Agreement, and (ii) educating civil society on peace building and the contents of the Peace Agreement between the Government of Colombia and FARC-EP.
project title
Food Safety Capacity Building Moldova FOOD SAFETY CAPACITY BUILDING MOLDOVA Cooperation project between the Swedish Board of Agriculture, Food Safety angency and the Moldovan Food Safety Agency. The scope-To assist Moldova and the NFSA in their mission to deepen its political association and economic integration with the EU by strengthening its primary food safety institution and implementing domestic reforms in line with the Association Agreement (AA) and the DCFTA
Food Safety Capacity Building Moldova
III.1.a. Agriculture
Agricultural policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Donor Government
Cooperation project between the Swedish Board of Agriculture, Food Safety angency and the Moldovan Food Safety Agency. The scope-To assist Moldova and the NFSA in their mission to deepen its political association and economic integration with the EU by strengthening its primary food safety institution and implementing domestic reforms in line with the Association Agreement (AA) and the DCFTA
Food Safety Capacity Building Moldavien Food Safety Capacity Building Moldova Cooperation project between the Swedish Board of Agriculture, Food Safety angency and the Moldovan Food Safety Agency. The scope-To assist Moldova and the NFSA in their mission to deepen its political association and economic integration with the EU by strengthening its primary food safety institution and implementing domestic reforms in line with the Association Agreement (AA) and the DCFTA Samarbetsprojekt mellan Jordbruksverket och Moldaviens livsmedelssäkerhetsmyndighet, NFSA. Målsättning att stödja Moldavien och NFSA i sitt uppdrag att bygga en väl fungerande myndighet inom livsmedelssäkerhet samt stärka den ekonomisk integration med EU. En välfungerande livsmedelssäkerhetsmyndighet kommer att bidra till en ökning av kvaliteten och säkerheten av jordbruksprodukter, att Moldavien i större utsträckning uppfyller EU-lagstiftning, främja export och vidareutveckla livsmedelsindustrin. Improved capacity for institutional and functional development with improved quality of services (aligned with EU-standards) in the fields of animal health, food safety and fruit and vegetables.
project title
ENVAP 3, Environmental Accession Project - ENVAP 3 ENVAP 3, ENVIRONMENTAL ACCESSION PROJECT - ENVAP 3 Environment Accession Project (ENVAP) The collaboration is planned to continue under the Environment Ministry's plans and priorities for EU integration. Preparations for the development of a negotiating position and later additions to the position (on the EU's request) constitutes the main focus. Support for improved communication work and the involvement of civil society and other key stakeholders along with the strengthening of the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency's management and reporting of environmental data are the two other main objectives. The partnership builds on good practice and continuity among key experts. Serbia's ambitions are high and the possibilities to finish (provisional closing) Chapter 27 depends on external factors such as the program's control. One of challenges for the Ministry is to retain its key staff, and to recruit new staff, and to increase their capacity and improve decision-making and coordination internally.o be elaborated.
ENVAP 3, Environmental Accession Project - ENVAP 3
IV.1. General Environment Protection
Environmental policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Donor Government
Environment Accession Project (ENVAP) The collaboration is planned to continue under the Environment Ministry's plans and priorities for EU integration. Preparations for the development of a negotiating position and later additions to the position (on the EU's request) constitutes the main focus. Support for improved communication work and the involvement of civil society and other key stakeholders along with the strengthening of the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency's management and reporting of environmental data are the two other main objectives. The partnership builds on good practice and continuity among key experts. Serbia's ambitions are high and the possibilities to finish (provisional closing) Chapter 27 depends on external factors such as the program's control. One of challenges for the Ministry is to retain its key staff, and to recruit new staff, and to increase their capacity and improve decision-making and coordination internally.o be elaborated.
ENVAP 3, Serbien ENVAP 3, Environmental Accession Project - ENVAP 3, Environment Accession Project Environment Accession Project (ENVAP) The collaboration is planned to continue under the Environment Ministry's plans and priorities for EU integration. Preparations for the development of a negotiating position and later additions to the position (on the EU's request) constitutes the main focus. Support for improved communication work and the involvement of civil society and other key stakeholders along with the strengthening of the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency's management and reporting of environmental data are the two other main objectives. The partnership builds on good practice and continuity among key experts. Serbia's ambitions are high and the possibilities to finish (provisional closing) Chapter 27 depends on external factors such as the program's control. One of challenges for the Ministry is to retain its key staff, and to recruit new staff, and to increase their capacity and improve decision-making and coordination internally.o be elaborated. Samarbetet planeras fortsätta enligt miljöministeriets planer och prioriteringar för EU-närmandet. Förberedelser för framtagande av en förhandlingsposition och senare kompletteringar till positionen (på EUs begäran) utgör huvudfokus. Stöd till ett förbättrat kommunikationsarbete och involvering av civilsamhälle och andra viktiga intressenter tillsammans med stärkande av serbiska naturvårdsverkets hantering och rapportering av miljödata är de två andra huvudmålen. Samarbetet bygger vidare på fungerande arbetsmetoder och med kontinuitet bland nyckelexperter. Serbiens ambitioner är höga och möjligheterna till att avsluta (preliminärt stänga) kapitel 27 är avhängigt externa faktorer som programmet inte råder över. Interna utmaningar är för ministeriet att behålla sin nyckelpersonal, nyanställa personal för att öka sin kapacitet samt förbättra beslutsfattande och koordinering internt. The overall objective of the program Environmental Accession (ENVAP3) is that Serbia has successfully opened and closed the environmental negotiation chapter (Chapter 27) and is prepared to implement the EU environment and climate policy.The project objective is that the Ministry of Environmental  Protection (MoEP) has the ability to manage the EU environmental approximation process and efficiently prepare and take part in the upcoming EU accession negotiations for Chapter 27. The project objectives are three, namely; to support the negotiations process, to support communication on the negotiation process, and to support the Serbian Environmental Agency in management of environmental information relating to Chapter 27. The Implementing Partner of the program is the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, SwEPA (Naturvårdsverket). The project has been extended with two years, until December 2022.
project title
EISP, phase 2 Environmental Infrastructure SupportProject EISP, PHASE 2 ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORTPROJECT The EISP is implemented by the Company BrookHannas & Partners which won an international bidding process with a budget of 26 msek. It started 2017-01 and will last for a three years. The project will assist the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) to plan for a Single Project Pipeline (SPP) of projects to enable Serbia to make the necessary investment in Environmental Infrastructure which qualify for EU access like Waste Water Treatment Plans (WWTP) and phytosanitary Landfills. It is estimated that the required investments are in an order of magnitude of 15 Billion Euro over the next decades. An integrated part of the project is to assist to train the MoEP staff and also to some extent also Municipalities and Public utilities to make realistic plans by having a stepwise approach (scope of studies, pre-feasibility study, feasibility study) of preparing terms of references.
EISP, phase 2 Environmental Infrastructure SupportProject
IV.1. General Environment Protection
Environmental policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Donor Government
The EISP is implemented by the Company BrookHannas & Partners which won an international bidding process with a budget of 26 msek. It started 2017-01 and will last for a three years. The project will assist the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) to plan for a Single Project Pipeline (SPP) of projects to enable Serbia to make the necessary investment in Environmental Infrastructure which qualify for EU access like Waste Water Treatment Plans (WWTP) and phytosanitary Landfills. It is estimated that the required investments are in an order of magnitude of 15 Billion Euro over the next decades. An integrated part of the project is to assist to train the MoEP staff and also to some extent also Municipalities and Public utilities to make realistic plans by having a stepwise approach (scope of studies, pre-feasibility study, feasibility study) of preparing terms of references.
JPO IUCN 2016 South Africa Climate Change PMPB - JPO IUCN PMPB JPO IUCN 2016 SOUTH AFRICA CLIMATE CHANGE PMPB - JPO IUCN PMPB The contribution refers to a Junior Professional Officer (JPO) position. The position is addressing the Agenda 2030 goal 13: Climate Action. Thematic area is environment/climate with a focus on resilience through investing in ecosystems, ecosystem-based risk reduction.The contribution contributes to the implementation of the Strategy for Capacity Development and Exchanges 2014-2017 and the subsequent strategy (2018-2021), and will contribute to the following objectives: 1) Increased number of qualified Swedes in by the government-prioritized international and regional organizations and institutions and 2) an expanded Swedish resource base for multilateral, bilateral and regional assistance through special skills development and education programs for younger people.
Bilateral, unspecified
JPO IUCN 2016 South Africa Climate Change PMPB - JPO IUCN PMPB
IV.2. Other Multisector
Disaster Risk Reduction
ODA Grants
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
The contribution refers to a Junior Professional Officer (JPO) position. The position is addressing the Agenda 2030 goal 13: Climate Action. Thematic area is environment/climate with a focus on resilience through investing in ecosystems, ecosystem-based risk reduction.The contribution contributes to the implementation of the Strategy for Capacity Development and Exchanges 2014-2017 and the subsequent strategy (2018-2021), and will contribute to the following objectives: 1) Increased number of qualified Swedes in by the government-prioritized international and regional organizations and institutions and 2) an expanded Swedish resource base for multilateral, bilateral and regional assistance through special skills development and education programs for younger people.
JPO IUCN 2016 South Africa Climate Change PMPB - JPO IUCN PMPB AVSLUTAD JPO IUCN 2016 South Africa Climate Change PMPB Sweden is committed to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030 in developing countries by providing human resources to work with and through the diverse mandates of UN agencies, funds and programmes, as well as the World bank. For this purpose, Sweden closely collaborates with the UN development, humanitarian and peacekeeping pillars with placements around the world Sverige har åtagit sig att bidra till genomförandet av Agenda 2030 i utvecklingsländer genom att tillhandahålla personal som arbetar med och genom FN organens och Världsbankens olika mandat. För detta ändamål har Sverige ett nära samarbete med FN: s utvecklings-, humanitära och fredsbevarande pelare med placeringar runt om i världen.
project title
EAGC (EastAfricaGrainCouncil), 2014-2019, Strengthening Regional Grain Markets 2 EAGC (EASTAFRICAGRAINCOUNCIL), 2014-2019, STRENGTHENING REGIONAL GRAIN MARKETS 2 Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) has applied to Sida for funding of 36.5 million SEK to carry out the Program 'Strengthening Food Grains Market Systems in Eastern and Southern during the period 2014-2019, as part of the implementation of its strategic plan for 2013-2018.The intervention aims at addressing key areas responsible for market failure in the region, namely: storage and collateral systems, coordination and information systems, services for domestic and cross-border trade in staple foods as well as other constraints relating to market access. This is to be achieved by 1) supporting the integration of smallholder farmers in grain value chain, 2) establishing and supporting the development of national and regional market information systems, 3) facilitating capacity building at various levels and awareness creation on various aspects related to grain marketing in the region, and, 4) contributing to the improvement of grain trading environment by providing a forum through which stakeholders in the value chain can engage and dialogue. EAGC will implement the intervention in partnership with other relevant local, regional and international organizations.The total cost to deliver on the strategic plan (2014-2018) is estimated at SEK 63 million. To plug the budget deficit for the entire strategy period, EAGC will rely on own generated funds, as well as mobilization of funding from other development partners such as USAID East Africa. The programme is major intervention in building confidence in the grain market of both government and industry players and will encourage a move away from the current ad-hoc approach characterized by periodic import / export bans to a rational and predictable grain market. This will lead to increased formal trade, reduced cost of transaction, increased competitiveness of the regionally sourced grain, lower prices for the consumers, increased disposable income as a result of savings from food budget, enhanced availability of food and increased food security.
South of Sahara, regional
EAGC (EastAfricaGrainCouncil), 2014-2019, Strengthening Regional Grain Markets 2
III.3.a. Trade Policies & Regulations
Trade policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) has applied to Sida for funding of 36.5 million SEK to carry out the Program 'Strengthening Food Grains Market Systems in Eastern and Southern during the period 2014-2019, as part of the implementation of its strategic plan for 2013-2018.The intervention aims at addressing key areas responsible for market failure in the region, namely: storage and collateral systems, coordination and information systems, services for domestic and cross-border trade in staple foods as well as other constraints relating to market access. This is to be achieved by 1) supporting the integration of smallholder farmers in grain value chain, 2) establishing and supporting the development of national and regional market information systems, 3) facilitating capacity building at various levels and awareness creation on various aspects related to grain marketing in the region, and, 4) contributing to the improvement of grain trading environment by providing a forum through which stakeholders in the value chain can engage and dialogue. EAGC will implement the intervention in partnership with other relevant local, regional and international organizations.The total cost to deliver on the strategic plan (2014-2018) is estimated at SEK 63 million. To plug the budget deficit for the entire strategy period, EAGC will rely on own generated funds, as well as mobilization of funding from other development partners such as USAID East Africa. The programme is major intervention in building confidence in the grain market of both government and industry players and will encourage a move away from the current ad-hoc approach characterized by periodic import / export bans to a rational and predictable grain market. This will lead to increased formal trade, reduced cost of transaction, increased competitiveness of the regionally sourced grain, lower prices for the consumers, increased disposable income as a result of savings from food budget, enhanced availability of food and increased food security.
EAGC (EastAfricaGrainCouncil), 2014-2019, Strengthening Regional Grain Markets 2 - EAGC East Africa Grain Council Strengthening Regional Grain Markets phase II EAGC (EastAfricaGrainCouncil), 2014-2019, Strengthening Regional Grain Markets 2 Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) har till Sida ansökt om ett stöd på 36 500 000 SEK för genomförandet av programmet "Strengthening Food Grains Market Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa” under perioden 2014-2018, som en del av implementeringen av rådets strategiska plan för 2013-2018. Insatsen syftar till att ta itu med viktiga områden som orsakar marknadsmisslyckanden i regionen, nämligen lagrings- och säkerhetssystem, samordnings- och informationssystem, tjänster för inhemsk och gränsöverskridande handel med baslivsmedel såväl som övriga marknadstillträdesbegränsningar. Dessa mål ska uppnås genom att 1) stödja småbrukares integration i spannmålsvärdekedjan; 2) upprätta och stödja utformandet av nationella och regionala marknadsinformationssystem; 3) underlätta kapacitetsuppbyggnad på olika nivåer och skapa medvetenhet kring olika aspekter av spannmålsmarknadsföring i regionen; 4) bidra till förbättrandet av spannmålshandelsmiljön genom att tillhandahålla ett forum där intressenter i värdekedjan kan engagera sig och föra en dialog. EAGC kommer att genomföra insatsen i samarbete med övriga berörda lokala, regionala och internationella organisationer. Den totala kostnaden för den strategiska planen (2014-2018) beräknas uppgå till 63 miljoner SEK. För att täcka budgetunderskottet för hela strategiperioden kommer EAGC förlita sig på egna genererade medel, såväl som på finansiering från andra utvecklingspartners såsom USAID East Africa. Genom programmet kommer stora insatser att göras för att skapa ett förtroende för spannmålsmarknaden hos både myndigheter och branschaktörer och en övergång från den nuvarande ad-hoc strategin kommer att uppmuntras, vilken kännetecknas av regelbundna import/exportförbud, till förmån för en rationell och förutsägbar spannmålsmarknad. Detta kommer att leda till en ökad formell handel, reducerade transaktionskostnader, en ökad konkurrenskraft för regionalt utvunnet spannmål, lägre konsumentpriser, ökade disponibla inkomster, som en följd av besparingar i livsmedelsbudgeten, en förbättrad livsmedelstillgång och en ökad livsmedelstrygghet. Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) has applied to Sida for funding of 36.5 million SEK to carry out the Program "Strengthening Food Grains Market Systems in Eastern and Southern” during the period 2014-2019, as part of the implementation of its strategic plan for 2013-2018. The intervention aims at addressing key areas responsible for market failure in the region, namely: storage and collateral systems; coordination and information systems; services for domestic and cross-border trade in staple foods as well as other constraints relating to market access. This is to be achieved by 1) supporting the integration of smallholder farmers in grain value chain; 2) establishing and supporting the development of national and regional market information systems; 3) facilitating capacity building at various levels and awareness creation on various aspects related to grain marketing in the region; and, 4) contributing to the improvement of grain trading environment by providing a forum through which stakeholders in the value chain can engage and dialogue. EAGC will implement the intervention in partnership with other relevant local, regional and international organizations. The total cost to deliver on the strategic plan (2014-2018) is estimated at SEK 63 million. To plug the budget deficit for the entire strategy period, EAGC will rely on own generated funds, as well as mobilization of funding from other development partners such as USAID East Africa. The programme is major intervention in building confidence in the grain market of both government and industry players and will encourage a move away from the current ad-hoc approach characterized by periodic import / export bans to a rational and predictable grain market. This will lead to increased formal trade, reduced cost of transaction, increased competitiveness of the regionally sourced grain, lower prices for the consumers, increased disposable income as a result of savings from food budget, enhanced availability of food and increased food security. The Swedish support focused on the following four objectives:  (1) Support the integration of smallholder farmers in the grain value chain (2) Establish and support the development of national and regional market information systems (3) Facilitate capacity building at various levels and awareness creation on various aspects related to grain marketing in the region (4) Contribute to the improvement of trading environment by providing a forum through which stakeholders in the value chain can engage and dialogue. (5) Support EAGC institutional development.  These objectives are expected to lead to the higher goal of increased formal trade, reduced transaction costs, increased competitiveness of regional grains, lower consumer prices and increased income for households as well as enhanced availability of food and increased food security. The key benefits for smallholder farmers should be long-term stabilization of market prices by crop surplus exports, storage facilitation and receipt system.
project title
EISA,Africa Democracy Strengthening Program III, 2014-2018 EISA,AFRICA DEMOCRACY STRENGTHENING PROGRAM III, 2014-2018 Continuation of EISA Support
Africa, regional
EISA,Africa Democracy Strengthening Program III, 2014-2018
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
ODA Grants
International NGO
Continuation of EISA Support
WFP HUM 2015-2018 WFP HUM 2015-2018 General for Sidas humanitarian contributions through WFP during 2015-2017
WFP HUM 2015-2018
VIII.1. Emergency Response
Relief co-ordination and support services
ODA Grants
World Food Programme
WFP HUM 2015-2018
General for Sidas humanitarian contributions through WFP during 2015-2017
KtK Gender and EU, reg Western Balkans 2015-2020: KTK GENDER AND EU, REG WESTERN BALKANS 2015-2020: The programme 'Strengthening Women's Rights, Participation and Influence in the Western Balkans, 2015-2020 builds on KtK's new regional strategy for the Western Balkans and aims at ensuring a strengthened gender perspective in the countries, using the EU integration process as a vehicle for change. KtK supports a selection of about 10 women's organisations and networks throughout the Balkan region (Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro) to run evidence based and relevant advocacy campaigns. Advocacy efforts will primarily target national governments, but also other stakeholders. To optimise efforts, the partner organisations will strengthen their competence in both EUI processes, advocacy skills and communication. KtK also facilitates necessary regional networking and finds relevant entry points in the EU institutions. The contribution is regarded a phase-out from earlier cooperation in the region, where KtK has been active since the wars of the 1990s. The present regional programme builds on previous experiences and lessons but has a more focussed thematic scope and is also smaller in funding volume as compared to earlier programs.
Europe, regional
KtK Gender and EU, reg Western Balkans 2015-2020:
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Women's rights organisations and movements, and government institutions
ODA Grants
Donor country-based NGO
The programme 'Strengthening Women's Rights, Participation and Influence in the Western Balkans, 2015-2020 builds on KtK's new regional strategy for the Western Balkans and aims at ensuring a strengthened gender perspective in the countries, using the EU integration process as a vehicle for change. KtK supports a selection of about 10 women's organisations and networks throughout the Balkan region (Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro) to run evidence based and relevant advocacy campaigns. Advocacy efforts will primarily target national governments, but also other stakeholders. To optimise efforts, the partner organisations will strengthen their competence in both EUI processes, advocacy skills and communication. KtK also facilitates necessary regional networking and finds relevant entry points in the EU institutions. The contribution is regarded a phase-out from earlier cooperation in the region, where KtK has been active since the wars of the 1990s. The present regional programme builds on previous experiences and lessons but has a more focussed thematic scope and is also smaller in funding volume as compared to earlier programs.
KtK Gender and EU, reg Western Balkans 2015-2020: WB - KtK reg W Balkans 2015-2020 ny fin.kod Gender & EU KtK Jämställdhet och EU reg Västra Balkan 2015-2020 Programmet "Strengthening Women's Rights, Participation and Influence in the Western Balkans" har som övergripande syfte att bidra till ökad jämställdhetshänsyn i länderna i västra Balkan och att använda EU-integrationsprocessen (EUI) som hävstång för detta. KtK stödjer ett tiotal kvinnoorganisationer och nätverk i länderna på Balkan (Albanien, BiH, Kosovo, Serbien, Makedonien och Montenegro) att driva relevanta och evidensbaserade påverkanskampanjer gentemot ffa egna regeringar men även andra intressenter för att få dessa att ta ökade jämställdhetshänsyn inom ramen för EU-integrationsprocessen. Ökad kunskap och kompetens skall bibringas partnerorganisationerna kring både EU integrationsprocessen och hur man utformar strategiska påverkanskampanjer och bedriver effektivt kommunikationsarbete. KtK bidrar därutöver med att bygga nätverk och allianser över landsgränser och skapa relevanta kontakter inom EU:s institutioner. Insatsen ses som en avslutande fas i KtKs arbete i regionen som pågått sedan 1990-talet. Denna insats bygger på tidigare erfarenheter och lärdomar, men har ett smalare och tydligare tematiskt fokus än tidigare samarbeten. The programme "Strengthening Women's Rights, Participation and Influence in the Western Balkans, 2015-2020 builds on KtK's new regional strategy for the Western Balkans and aims at ensuring a strengthened gender perspective in the countries, using the EU integration process as a vehicle for change. KtK supports a selection of about 10 women's organisations and networks throughout the Balkan region (Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro) to run evidence based and relevant advocacy campaigns. Advocacy efforts will primarily target national governments, but also other stakeholders. To optimise efforts, the partner organisations will strengthen their competence in both EUI processes, advocacy skills and communication. KtK also facilitates necessary regional networking and finds relevant entry points in the EU institutions. The contribution is regarded a phase-out from earlier cooperation in the region, where KtK has been active since the wars of the 1990s. The present regional programme builds on previous experiences and lessons but has a more focussed thematic scope and is also smaller in funding volume as compared to earlier programs. The programme "Strengthening Women's Rights, Participation and Influence in the Western Balkans, 2015-2020 builds on KtK's regional strategy for the Western Balkans and aims at ensuring a strengthened gender perspective in the countries, using the EU integration process as a vehicle for change. KtK supports a selection of about 10 women's organisations and networks throughout the Balkan region (Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Serbia, North Macedonia and Montenegro) to run evidence based and relevant advocacy campaigns. Advocacy efforts primarily targets national governments, but also other stakeholders. To optimise efforts, the partner organisations will strengthen their competence in both EU processes, advocacy skills and communication. KtK also facilitates necessary regional networking and finds relevant entry points in the EU institutions. The overall objective of the project is: An engendered EU accession and integration process: civil society is both partner and watchdog. The three intermediate objectives of the programme are: - Increased visibility of women’s human rights in EU accession documents; - Increased participation of women’s organisations in the EU accession process and - Increased prioritisation of women’s human rights by governments in the EU accession process.
project title
ITP 313 Intellectual Property for Development (PRV) - ITP 313 2015 A ITP 313 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY FOR DEVELOPMENT (PRV) - ITP 313 2015 A The Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) proposal is for a renewed capacity development program in Intellectual Property (IP) with a focus on Least Developed Countries (LDC). This new program is based on the three previous International Training Programmes (ITP) PRV conducted for more than 10 years and on the results from the 2014 external evaluation of these programs. Additionally, the program will also cover use of IP in the area of Genetic Resources. There are two main arguments for supporting a capacity development program in Intellectual Property in Least Developed Countries (LDC). First, many LDCs lack knowledge of how Intellectual Property (IP) can be used to protect and stimulate the creative arts, innovation, industry and trade and of how IP systems can be developed and used for a country's economic development. Studies have shown that the use of copyright protection alone can contribute to a country's GDP by as much as 5 to 7% (in some developed countries this is much higher, for example 11% for the USA). Add to this the more advanced IP systems in patenting and industrial property and that contribution to GDP jumps to 30 - 40%.The second argument involves the compliance of these countries to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Being a member of the WTO brings significant benefits in respect to international trade and while most countries already have a form of membership, to become a full member, they must conform to 'TRIPS', the Agreement on Trade Related Apsects of Intellectual Property Rights. TRIPS forms part of the WTO system of agreements governing international trade and must be adhered to if a country is to maintain membership in WTO. Least Developed Countries have been given an extended grace period, until 2021, to be able to fulfil the TRIPS requirements. The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is working together with the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) to implement sufficient training for LDCs to be able to develop their IP systems, conform to TRIPS and thereby qualify for continued WTO membership. The planned outcome is that there will be a sufficient human capacity to accomplish the objective of each country developing an IP system, thereby adhering to TRIPS. The Swedish Patent and Registrating Office (PRV) has been running three International Training Programs (ITP) in IP for over 10 years, these programs have addressed the capacity needs of both low and middle countries including LDCs. It is now proposed to prioritise those LDCs identified with the most urgent needs and with the highest potential for economic growth from the introduction of an IP system. The aim of this is to concentrate on obtaining a critical mass of trained people in these LDCs. The participants would come from public institutions, private sector, civil society and academia and would have a mandate to develop the country's IP system. PRV is assisted in the recruitment of key participants by WIPO, the UN organisation r
Bilateral, unspecified
ITP 313 Intellectual Property for Development (PRV) - ITP 313 2015 A
III.3.a. Trade Policies & Regulations
Trade policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Donor Government
The Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) proposal is for a renewed capacity development program in Intellectual Property (IP) with a focus on Least Developed Countries (LDC). This new program is based on the three previous International Training Programmes (ITP) PRV conducted for more than 10 years and on the results from the 2014 external evaluation of these programs. Additionally, the program will also cover use of IP in the area of Genetic Resources. There are two main arguments for supporting a capacity development program in Intellectual Property in Least Developed Countries (LDC). First, many LDCs lack knowledge of how Intellectual Property (IP) can be used to protect and stimulate the creative arts, innovation, industry and trade and of how IP systems can be developed and used for a country's economic development. Studies have shown that the use of copyright protection alone can contribute to a country's GDP by as much as 5 to 7% (in some developed countries this is much higher, for example 11% for the USA). Add to this the more advanced IP systems in patenting and industrial property and that contribution to GDP jumps to 30 - 40%.The second argument involves the compliance of these countries to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Being a member of the WTO brings significant benefits in respect to international trade and while most countries already have a form of membership, to become a full member, they must conform to 'TRIPS', the Agreement on Trade Related Apsects of Intellectual Property Rights. TRIPS forms part of the WTO system of agreements governing international trade and must be adhered to if a country is to maintain membership in WTO. Least Developed Countries have been given an extended grace period, until 2021, to be able to fulfil the TRIPS requirements. The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is working together with the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) to implement sufficient training for LDCs to be able to develop their IP systems, conform to TRIPS and thereby qualify for continued WTO membership. The planned outcome is that there will be a sufficient human capacity to accomplish the objective of each country developing an IP system, thereby adhering to TRIPS. The Swedish Patent and Registrating Office (PRV) has been running three International Training Programs (ITP) in IP for over 10 years, these programs have addressed the capacity needs of both low and middle countries including LDCs. It is now proposed to prioritise those LDCs identified with the most urgent needs and with the highest potential for economic growth from the introduction of an IP system. The aim of this is to concentrate on obtaining a critical mass of trained people in these LDCs. The participants would come from public institutions, private sector, civil society and academia and would have a mandate to develop the country's IP system. PRV is assisted in the recruitment of key participants by WIPO, the UN organisation r
World Vision Creating Off Farm Rwandian Enterprise Project WORLD VISION CREATING OFF FARM RWANDIAN ENTERPRISE PROJECT Creating Off-farm Rwandan Enterprise (CORE) project seeks to boost employment opportunities and living conditions for women and youth in Nyamasheke and Rusizi districts through strengthening households, local groups, cooperatives, and small enterprises to formalize and grow their businesses. The project will work with institutional strengthening, business development, ICT and social responsibility.
World Vision Creating Off Farm Rwandian Enterprise Project
II.5. Business & Other Services
Business policy and administration
ODA Grants
International NGO
Creating Off-farm Rwandan Enterprise (CORE) project seeks to boost employment opportunities and living conditions for women and youth in Nyamasheke and Rusizi districts through strengthening households, local groups, cooperatives, and small enterprises to formalize and grow their businesses. The project will work with institutional strengthening, business development, ICT and social responsibility.
Hivos - Expression & Engagement Program HIVOS - EXPRESSION & ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM The programme is aimed at freedom of speech and expression and active involvement of citizens in social processes that influence them directly.
Bilateral, unspecified
Hivos - Expression & Engagement Program
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
International NGO
The programme is aimed at freedom of speech and expression and active involvement of citizens in social processes that influence them directly.
Hivos - Expression & Engagement program Hivos - Expression & Engagement Program Programmet syftar till yttrandefrihet och informationsfrihet, samt medborgares aktiva deltagande i sociala processer som har direkt påverkan på dem. The programme is aimed at freedom of speech and expression and active involvement of citizens in social processes that influence them directly.
project title
OxfamNovib Fair Finance Guide - Fair Finance Guide OXFAMNOVIB FAIR FINANCE GUIDE - FAIR FINANCE GUIDE BankWiser International is a project that organises and aims to create additional civil soceity capacity in 11 countries, whereof four are DAC countries, to evaluate and monitor major commenrcial banks' CSR policies and practices and to mobilise bank clients to request a more responsible banking sector.
Bilateral, unspecified
OxfamNovib Fair Finance Guide - Fair Finance Guide
II.4. Banking & Financial Services
Education/training in banking and financial services
ODA Grants
Donor country-based NGO
BankWiser International is a project that organises and aims to create additional civil soceity capacity in 11 countries, whereof four are DAC countries, to evaluate and monitor major commenrcial banks' CSR policies and practices and to mobilise bank clients to request a more responsible banking sector.
OxfamNovib Fair Finance Guide - Fair Finance Guide OxfamNovib Fair Finance Guide BankWiser avser att öka tillgängligheten för bankkunder till finansiella intitutioners CSR strategier och CSR genomförande och att påverka banksektorn att ta ett ökat CSR ansvar. BankWiser International is a project that organises and aims to create additional civil soceity capacity in 11 countries, whereof four are DAC countries, to evaluate and monitor major commenrcial banks' CSR policies and practices and to mobilise bank clients to request a more responsible banking sector. Fair Finance Guide avser att öka tillgängligheten för bankkunder till finansiella intitutioners hållbarhets strategier och genomförande. Syfte med insatser är att påverka banksektorn att ta ett ökat hållbarhets ansvar.
project title
VSO RAISA:G.E.N.D.E.R 2013-2017 VSO RAISA:G.E.N.D.E.R 2013-2017 The goal of VSO RAISA is to contribute to economic and health resiliency for women in 6 countries in Southern Africa. VSO's core competency is in utilising human resources (professional volunteers) for capacity development. Its approach is designed to promotelong term sustainability through the transfer of skills from its volunteers.
South of Sahara, regional
VSO RAISA:G.E.N.D.E.R 2013-2017
I.3. Population Policies/Programmes & Reproductive Health
Reproductive health care
ODA Grants
International NGO
VSO RAISA:G.E.N.D.E.R 2013-2017
The goal of VSO RAISA is to contribute to economic and health resiliency for women in 6 countries in Southern Africa. VSO's core competency is in utilising human resources (professional volunteers) for capacity development. Its approach is designed to promotelong term sustainability through the transfer of skills from its volunteers.
VSO RAISA:G.E.N.D.E.R 2013-2017 - NORAD contribution VSO RAISA:G.E.N.D.E.R 2013-2017 Målet med VSO RAISA är att bidra till ekonomisk och hälsa elasticitet för kvinnor i sju länder i södra Afrika. VSO kärnkompetens ligger i att utnyttja de mänskliga resurserna (professionella volontärer) för kapacitetsutveckling. Dess strategi är utformad för att promotelong sikt genom överföring av kompetens från sina volontärer. The goal of VSO RAISA is to contribute to economic and health resiliency for women in 6 countries in Southern Africa. VSO's core competency is in utilising human resources (professional volunteers) for capacity development. Its approach is designed to promotelong term sustainability through the transfer of skills from its volunteers. The goal of the development intervention is to have improved quality of life for women and girls in southern Africa (Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) by means of these objectives 5 (during 2013 - 2017) plus 3 during 2017-2018 cost extension): i) To improve economic status of targeted women and girls in southern Africa by 2017 through small grants and income generating activities (IGA); ii) To increase access to comprehensive HIV and AIDS services by targeted women and girls by 2017 through capacity building of CBOs and government actors; iii) To increase access to SRH Services to targeted women and girls by 2017 through capacity building of CBOs and government actors; iv) To influence policies and systems that support targeted girls’ and women’s health and economic empowerment by 2017; v) To strengthen capacity of CBOs and Government Sector so that they can effectively implement Economic Empowerment initiatives, HIV prevention and SRH Initiatives for targeted women and girls in southern Africa; vi) Adolescents and youth (in and out of school) are empowered through access to appropriate and accurate information and SRHR services;  vii) An enabling policy environment that protects the SRHR of adolescents and youth, with an emphasis on the elimination of early and child marriage; and viii) Males are actively engaged in enhancing uptake of positive SRHR outcomes amongst both boys and girls.
project title
Various Repayments VARIOUS REPAYMENTS Various repayments from previous years
Bilateral, unspecified
Various Repayments
IX. Unallocated / Unspecified
Sectors not specified
ODA Grants
Various repayments from previous years
Various Repayments Various Repayments Various repayments from previous years Various repayments from previous years
AAU Continued PhD Training 2013-15 - Research Cooperation AAU AAU CONTINUED PHD TRAINING 2013-15 - RESEARCH COOPERATION AAU Poverty alleviation requires sustained economic growth, good governance and political stability. Education is a key element of the national poverty reduction strategy and the current expansion of higher education institutions has created new conditions in Ethiopia for research and research training compared to earlier program periods.
AAU Continued PhD Training 2013-15 - Research Cooperation AAU
IV.2. Other Multisector
Research/scientific institutions
ODA Grants
University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think-tank
Poverty alleviation requires sustained economic growth, good governance and political stability. Education is a key element of the national poverty reduction strategy and the current expansion of higher education institutions has created new conditions in Ethiopia for research and research training compared to earlier program periods.
UNICEF WASH 2014-2017 UNICEF WASH 2014-2017 The overall objective of UNICEF in the area of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is to contribute to to the realization of children's rights to survival and development through promotion of the sector and support to national programmes that increase equitable and sustainable access to, and use of, safe water and basic sanitation services, and promote improved hygiene.
Bilateral, unspecified
UNICEF WASH 2014-2017
I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
Water supply and sanitation - large systems
ODA Grants
United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF WASH 2014-2017
The overall objective of UNICEF in the area of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is to contribute to to the realization of children's rights to survival and development through promotion of the sector and support to national programmes that increase equitable and sustainable access to, and use of, safe water and basic sanitation services, and promote improved hygiene.
UNICEF WASH 2014-2017 - UNICEF WASH UNICEF WASH 2014-2017 The overall objective of UNICEF in the area of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is to contribute to to the realization of children's rights to survival and development through promotion of the sector and support to national programmes that increase equitable and sustainable access to, and use of, safe water and basic sanitation services, and promote improved hygiene. Tematiskt UNICEFstöd för arbete inom vatten, sanitet och hygien (WASH). Bidrar till barns och kvinnors överlevnad och utveckling. Detta beslut hör ihop med beslut.....................som beslutar om kompletterande medel från avräkningskonto 155037 efter delegering av outnyttjat afrikaanslag. Båda besluten kopplas till samma avtal, beredning och uppföljning. Besluten uppgår tillsammans till MSEK 800. UNICEF's WASH-specific strategy covers the period 2016-2030. The WASH Strategy's objectives are to achieve the first two targets of SDG 6 water and sanitation: 1. By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all: 2. By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. Under the current new WASH strategy 2016-2030, UNICEF will focus on five results areas: water, sanitation, hygiene, WASH in institutions (schools and health care facilities) and WASH in emergencies.
project title
Rehabilitation of 2 Hydropow.plants in Mozambique REHABILITATION OF 2 HYDROPOW.PLANTS IN MOZAMBIQUE Rehabilitation of two hydropower stations in the central part of Mozambique. The repair works are planned to be financed by a development loan supplied as a grant portion and a commercial loan.
Rehabilitation of 2 Hydropow.plants in Mozambique
II.3.b. Energy generation, renewable sources
Hydro-electric power plants
ODA Grants
Public corporations
Rehabilitation of two hydropower stations in the central part of Mozambique. The repair works are planned to be financed by a development loan supplied as a grant portion and a commercial loan.
Construction of Somalia Ministry of Health Offices CONSTRUCTION OF SOMALIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH OFFICES UNOPS has applied to Sida for funding of 14.8 Million SEK to carry out the project 'Support to Construction of Ministry of Health (MOH) offices in Mogadishu, Somali during the period 2015-01-01 to 2017-12-30. The intervention aims at constructing a new Ministry of Health headquarter building to provide a quality working environment and thus increase the capacity of the ministry to support the health needs of Somalia. Specifically, the intervention will: 1) Demolish the existing building and construct a new office block for the ministry, 2) Construct a new boundary wall to enclose the new compound together with other external works, 3) Capacity build the local contractors through technical training, 4) Undertake an assessment of the operation and maintenance requirements for the new facility and prepare a proposal for future funding, inclusive of an outline operation and maintenance plan. UNOPS will implement the intervention in collaboration with the Somali Federal Government through the Ministries of Health, Planning and Public Works. The intervention's total budget is estimated at 14.8 million SEK and Sweden will fully support the budget. The government will provide land for the construction.
Construction of Somalia Ministry of Health Offices
I.2.b. Basic Health
Basic health infrastructure
ODA Grants
United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission
UNOPS has applied to Sida for funding of 14.8 Million SEK to carry out the project 'Support to Construction of Ministry of Health (MOH) offices in Mogadishu, Somali during the period 2015-01-01 to 2017-12-30. The intervention aims at constructing a new Ministry of Health headquarter building to provide a quality working environment and thus increase the capacity of the ministry to support the health needs of Somalia. Specifically, the intervention will: 1) Demolish the existing building and construct a new office block for the ministry, 2) Construct a new boundary wall to enclose the new compound together with other external works, 3) Capacity build the local contractors through technical training, 4) Undertake an assessment of the operation and maintenance requirements for the new facility and prepare a proposal for future funding, inclusive of an outline operation and maintenance plan. UNOPS will implement the intervention in collaboration with the Somali Federal Government through the Ministries of Health, Planning and Public Works. The intervention's total budget is estimated at 14.8 million SEK and Sweden will fully support the budget. The government will provide land for the construction.
Construction of Somalia Ministry of Health Offices Konstruktion av Somalia hälsoministeriet kontor UNOPS has applied to Sida for funding of 14.8 Million SEK to carry out the project "Support to Construction of Ministry of Health (MOH) offices in Mogadishu, Somali” during the period 2015-01-01 to 2017-12-30. The intervention aims at constructing a new Ministry of Health headquarter building to provide a quality working environment and thus increase the capacity of the ministry to support the health needs of Somalia. Specifically, the intervention will: 1) Demolish the existing building and construct a new office block for the ministry; 2) Construct a new boundary wall to enclose the new compound together with other external works; 3) Capacity build the local contractors through technical training; 4) Undertake an assessment of the operation and maintenance requirements for the new facility and prepare a proposal for future funding, inclusive of an outline operation and maintenance plan. UNOPS will implement the intervention in collaboration with the Somali Federal Government through the Ministries of Health, Planning and Public Works. The intervention’s total budget is estimated at 14.8 million SEK and Sweden will fully support the budget. The government will provide land for the construction. FN organisationen UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) har ansökt om finansiellt stöd från Sverige för att bygga och rekonstruera hälsoministeriets byggnad i Mogadishu, Somalia. Insatsen har som huvudsyfte att stödja den somaliska regeringen och dess mål att leverera och nå ut med hälso-och-sjukvårds tjänster för sin befolkning. Insatsen är ett samarbete mellan FN och den federala regeringen i Somalia och kommer att genomföras under perioden 1 Jan 2015 till 30 Dec 2017. Den totala budgeten för insatsen beräknas att uppgå till ca 14.8 miljoner svenska kronor. Construct a new Ministry of Health headquarters to provide a quality working environment in order to increase the capacity of the Ministry to support the health needs of Somali.
project title
UNOPS PARLAD 2014-2018 Open and Democratic Parliament - Consortium Congress 2016-2018 (strategy 2016-2020) UNOPS PARLAD 2014-2018 OPEN AND DEMOCRATIC PARLIAMENT - CONSORTIUM CONGRESS 2016-2018 (STRATEGY 2016-2020) A consortium consisting of the four organizations CEG, LEGIS, NDI and NIMD has applied for funding from Sweden concerning 'Citizen support programme for a democratic and open parliament - PARLAD' during the period 2014-2018. The intervention, which in total is on 37,5 million SEK, will be administered and coordinated by UNOPS.The general objective of the intervention is to contribute to technical and institutional strengthening of the legislative function and the Parliament through organized citizen participation aiming at transforming the political system and developing a democratic legislative framework, by 1) promoting international standard in legislation concerning Human Rights, security, justice and transparency, 2) Articulation and consolidation of civil society networks for fiscalization, technical assistance and advocacy in relation to the Congress, 3) Establishment of mechanisms for analysis, dialogue and information based on studies and social audit mechanisms.
UNOPS PARLAD 2014-2018 Open and Democratic Parliament - Consortium Congress 2016-2018 (strategy 2016-2020)
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Legislatures and political parties
ODA Grants
United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission
A consortium consisting of the four organizations CEG, LEGIS, NDI and NIMD has applied for funding from Sweden concerning 'Citizen support programme for a democratic and open parliament - PARLAD' during the period 2014-2018. The intervention, which in total is on 37,5 million SEK, will be administered and coordinated by UNOPS.The general objective of the intervention is to contribute to technical and institutional strengthening of the legislative function and the Parliament through organized citizen participation aiming at transforming the political system and developing a democratic legislative framework, by 1) promoting international standard in legislation concerning Human Rights, security, justice and transparency, 2) Articulation and consolidation of civil society networks for fiscalization, technical assistance and advocacy in relation to the Congress, 3) Establishment of mechanisms for analysis, dialogue and information based on studies and social audit mechanisms.
Secondment to UNHCR middle and senior level - UNHCR Solutions Development Kenya - AR SECONDMENT TO UNHCR MIDDLE AND SENIOR LEVEL - UNHCR SOLUTIONS DEVELOPMENT KENYA - AR Secondments at middle and senior level within the secondment programme. Average cost per secondment per year is 2,3 MSEK.
Bilateral, unspecified
Secondment to UNHCR middle and senior level - UNHCR Solutions Development Kenya - AR
VIII.2. Reconstruction Relief & Rehabilitation
Immediate post-emergency reconstruction and rehabilitation
ODA Grants
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees
Secondments at middle and senior level within the secondment programme. Average cost per secondment per year is 2,3 MSEK.
Sekonderingar UNHCR mellan och senior nivå Secondment to UNHCR middle and senior level - UNHCR Solutions Development Kenya - AR Den första seniora sekonderingen till UNHCR är en "senior solutions and development adviser"-tjänst till UNHCR's kontor i Nairobi, Kenya. Arbetsbeskrivningen har tagits fram av UNHCR i samråd med Sida. Insatsen är en del av det centrala sekonderingsprogrammet till multilateraler för mellan och senior nivå. Denna följer GD-beslut från 2013-02-08 samt beslut om Reviderad Målbild för programmet från 2016-06-16. Motiv och syfte för programmet är; - Sekondering i kompetensförsörjningsperspektiv De internationella systemens sekonderingspolicies bygger på en hög grad av ömsesidighet. De finns där i tillägg till de reguljära rekryteringssystemen, för att möjliggöra mer riktad och tidsbegränsad kompetensförsörjning, oftast inom områden där det finns ett ömsesidigt intresse mellan det land som sekonderar och organisationen som tar emot. Syftet är att bygga multilateral kompetens på Sida och RK, eftersom samarbetet med multilaterala aktörer ständigt ökar inom svenskt bistånd. Det är ovanligt att sekonderingar omvandlas till vanliga anställningar, och det är inte heller det primära syftet. Erfarenheter visar också att en sekondering avsevärt kan stärka Sveriges möjligheter att konkurrera i reguljär rekrytering på lång sikt, då en sekondering både bygger och exponerar svensk kompetens. Sekonderingar av svensk expertis kan därtill vara ett alternativ i det nya karriärsystem som är under utformning på Sida och bör kopplas till resultatkontrakten för varje medarbetare, i de fall det är Sida-expertis som sekonderas. - Sekonderingar och strategiskt påverkansarbete Strategiskt påverkansarbete kan vara en aspekt av sekonderingar inom ramen för den biståndspolitiska plattformen samt de regeringsbeslutade resultatstrategierna för multilateraler men kan också vara ett specifikt motiv och syfte för sekonderingar som motiveras utifrån svensk utvecklingsprioriterad tematik och/eller i frågor där Sverige har särskilt intresse eller svenskt mervärde är tydligt. Det kan även avse strategiska sekonderingar i förändringsprocesser där Sverige har en särskild roll eller där Sverige driver särskilda policy/sakfrågor eller där Sverige innehar ett tidsbegränsat ordförandeskap. Secondments at middle and senior level within the secondment programme. Average cost per secondment per year is 2,3 MSEK.
project title
Consultancy Fund for Democracy and Human rights - Seminar EUPHA 1 November CONSULTANCY FUND FOR DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS - SEMINAR EUPHA 1 NOVEMBER Consultancy Fund for Democracy and Human rights
Bilateral, unspecified
Consultancy Fund for Democracy and Human rights - Seminar EUPHA 1 November
Administrative Costs of Donors
Administrative costs (non-sector allocable)
ODA Grants
Donor Government
Consultancy Fund for Democracy and Human rights
Consultancy Fund for Democracy and Human rights - Seminar EUPHA 1 November Konsultmedel Demokrati och Mänskliga rättigheter Konsultfond inom Ämnesområdet Demokrati och Mänskliga Rättigheter Inom ämnesområdet Demokrati och Mänskliga Rättigheter på enheten för TEMA finns behov av att upprätta en så kallad Konsultfond för finansiering av mindre konsultuppdrag inom verksamhetsområdet under 2017. En konsultfond skapar möjlighet att på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt få tillgång till nödvändig/önskvärd expertkunskap, som inte finns inom Sida, i anslutning till Enhetens roll för omvärldsbevakning, expertkunskap och resultatkommunikation. Bakgrund Syftet med konsultfonden är att Sida får finansiera viss metodutveckling, studier, utvärderingar och erfarenhetsredovisningar samt revisioner för att ge tillgång till bakgrunds- och analysmaterial relevant för Sidas verksamhet. Uppdragen ska inte ersätta Sidas ordinarie arbetsprocesser och ansvarsområden utan stärka Sidas och ämnesgruppens egna analyser och beslut. Uppdragen ska vara av kortare art och begränsade i tiden. Områden 1. Studier och/eller analyser av områden/sektorer som enheten ansvarar för. 2. Framtagande av informations- och kommunikationsmaterial inom tematiska områden enheten ansvarar för. 3. Studier, genomgångar, utvärderingar inför utfasning och avslut av stöd (när sådan finansiering inte avsatts inom den beslutade insatsen). 4. Seminarier, konferenser och workshops med syfte att bidra till dialog och resultatkommunikation och för att stärka arbetet med strategiska områden inom det svenska utvecklingssamarbetet, t ex jämställdhet, fattigdoms- och rättighetsperspektiven, antikorruption, givarsamordning, harmonisering etc. 5. Annan övergripande verksamhet med syfte att utveckla Sidas verksamhet inom ap13, Demokrati och Mänskliga rättigheter. Övriga procedurer Medel för konsultfonden avsätts från anslagsposten Globala insatser för Demokrati och Mänskliga Rättigheter (finansieringskod 107010200). Beslut om uppdrag/aktiviteter inom fonden fattas av enhetschefen. Ämnesområdets konsultfond registreras som en insats i Planit (internal decision). Medarbetare på enheten som ansvarar för relevanta tematiska områden utarbetar en plan/förslag till aktiviteter som ska finansieras från fonden och är ansvariga för genomförandet av uppdragen. För varje nytt uppdrag/aktivitet ska beslut om uppdrag samt avropskontrakt/kontrakt fattas av enhetschefen och en ny komponent registreras under insatsen 10867 i Planit. I beslut om uppdrag hänvisas till detta beslut Sidas mallar ska användas och upphandling ska ske i enlighet med Sidas rutiner och regelverk. En kopia av beslut med bifogat kontrakt och uppdragsbeskrivning för varje komponent ska skickas till ansvarig programadministratör. Betalningar utanordnas av enhetschefen. Ärendet registreras på Programadministratören i Dox. Förslag Med hänvisning till beslut om delegering nr 2017-000361 föreslås att en konsultfond upprättas för ämnesgruppen med en budget på SEK 760 000 för bå 2017 i enlighet med ovanstående förslag. Consultancy Fund for Democracy and Human rights
project title
Consultancy Fund Sustainable Social Development CONSULTANCY FUND SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Consultancy Fund Sustainable Social Development
Bilateral, unspecified
Consultancy Fund Sustainable Social Development
Administrative Costs of Donors
Administrative costs (non-sector allocable)
ODA Grants
Donor Government
Consultancy Fund Sustainable Social Development
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - KIC - ISK ISKL, AUDIT, METHODS SUPPORT 2017 - KIC - ISK Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
Bilateral, unspecified
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - KIC - ISK
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
Private sector in provider country
Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
ISK, revision, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd 2017 ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - KIC - ISK Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017. Insatsen omfattar ca 10-15 stödinsatser i form av ISK (intern styrning och kontroll), extra revisioner som anses behövligt för tänkta/pågående insatser, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd. I huvudsak ryms dessa uppdrag inom de 2 ramavtal som Sida slutit för ändamålet (utvärdering, reivision/ISK).
project title
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - CIS - ISK ISKL, AUDIT, METHODS SUPPORT 2017 - CIS - ISK Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
Bilateral, unspecified
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - CIS - ISK
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
Private sector in provider country
Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
ISK, revision, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd 2017 ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - CIS - ISK Insatsen omfattar ca 10-15 stödinsatser i form av ISK (intern styrning och kontroll), extra revisioner som anses behövligt för tänkta/pågående insatser, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd. I huvudsak ryms dessa uppdrag inom de 2 ramavtal som Sida slutit för ändamålet (utvärdering, reivision/ISK). Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
project title
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - MRG - ISK ISKL, AUDIT, METHODS SUPPORT 2017 - MRG - ISK Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
Bilateral, unspecified
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - MRG - ISK
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
Private sector in provider country
Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
ISK, revision, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd 2017 ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - MRG - ISK Insatsen omfattar ca 10-15 stödinsatser i form av ISK (intern styrning och kontroll), extra revisioner som anses behövligt för tänkta/pågående insatser, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd. I huvudsak ryms dessa uppdrag inom de 2 ramavtal som Sida slutit för ändamålet (utvärdering, reivision/ISK). Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
project title
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - UHAI - Utvärdering/RBM ISKL, AUDIT, METHODS SUPPORT 2017 - UHAI - UTVÄRDERING/RBM Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
Bilateral, unspecified
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - UHAI - Utvärdering/RBM
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
Donor Government
Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
ISK, revision, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd 2017 ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - UHAI - Utvärdering/RBM Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017. Insatsen omfattar ca 10-15 stödinsatser i form av ISK (intern styrning och kontroll), extra revisioner som anses behövligt för tänkta/pågående insatser, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd. I huvudsak ryms dessa uppdrag inom de 2 ramavtal som Sida slutit för ändamålet (utvärdering, reivision/ISK).
project title
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - Internal Steering & Control, Audit, Methods support 2017 ISKL, AUDIT, METHODS SUPPORT 2017 - INTERNAL STEERING & CONTROL, AUDIT, METHODS SUPPORT 2017 Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
Bilateral, unspecified
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - Internal Steering & Control, Audit, Methods support 2017
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
Donor Government
Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017.
ISKl, Audit, Methods support 2017 - Internal Steering & Control, Audit, Methods support 2017 ISK, revision, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd 2017 Funds for evaluations and methods within the strategy for democracy, year 2017. Insatsen omfattar ca 10-15 stödinsatser i form av ISK (intern styrning och kontroll), extra revisioner som anses behövligt för tänkta/pågående insatser, utvärderingar och annat metodstöd. I huvudsak ryms dessa uppdrag inom de 2 ramavtal som Sida slutit för ändamålet (utvärdering, reivision/ISK).
project title
Training grant BBE 2017-2018 - SAEK Training grant TRAINING GRANT BBE 2017-2018 - SAEK TRAINING GRANT Yearly training grant of 20 000 SEK for persons within the BBE programme which can be used for deepening knowledge within specific area related to the deployment. The aim of the grant is to maximize the effect of the persons within the BBE program on the cooperating partner organization in the global south, be it local/international NGO:s, public agencies, ministries, etc that a BBE is deployed in.
Bilateral, unspecified
Training grant BBE 2017-2018 - SAEK Training grant
IV.2. Other Multisector
Multisector education/training
ODA Grants
Donor Government
Yearly training grant of 20 000 SEK for persons within the BBE programme which can be used for deepening knowledge within specific area related to the deployment. The aim of the grant is to maximize the effect of the persons within the BBE program on the cooperating partner organization in the global south, be it local/international NGO:s, public agencies, ministries, etc that a BBE is deployed in.
Training grant BBE 2017-2018 - SAEK Training grant BBE 2017-2018, ny strategi Utbildningsbidrag BBE 2017-2018 Yearly training grant of 20 000 SEK for persons within the BBE programme which can be used for deepening knowledge within specific area related to the deployment. The aim of the grant is to maximize the effect of the persons within the BBE program on the cooperating partner organization in the global south, be it local/international NGO:s, public agencies, ministries, etc that a BBE is deployed in. Årligt utbildningsbidrag om maximalt 20 000 SEK för personer inom BBE-programmet. Bidraget kan användas för att fördjupa kunskaper inom ett specifikt område relaterat till placeringen. Syftet med bidraget är att maximera den effekt som en BBE-anställning inom BBE-programmet kan ha på den samarbetande partnerorganisationen globalt, det vill säga lokala / internationella icke-statliga organisationer, offentliga myndigheter, ministerier, etc. som en BBE verkar inom.
project title
African Forest Forum (AFF)- Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management Africa AFRICAN FOREST FORUM (AFF)- STRENGTHENING SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT AFRICA African Forest Forum has applied to Sida for funding of 48 million SEK to carry out the project on 'Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management in Africa' during the period 2014-2019.The intervention aims to generate and share knowledge and information through partnerships in ways that provide inputs into policy options and capacity building for improved forest management that better address poverty eradication and environmental protection in Africa. This will be through i) facilitation of the emergence of a strong partnership platform through which stakeholders will identify challenges related to sustainable management of forest and tree resources and create solutions, ii) facilitating the collation, synthesis, provision of access to critical information and knowledge demanded by stakeholders, iii) catalyse efforts to enhance sustainable management practices that have potential to improve resilience of forest to adverse effects of climate change, iv) facilitiating the formulation and harmonisation of evidence-based policies, regulations and governance mechanisms to strengthen public and private institutions to effectively support sustainable forest management, enhancing the capacity of institutions and individuals including farmers organisations, private sector actors, proffessional organisations and public sector to achieve forest compatible development and v) stengthening participation of African countries in regional and international forestry and climate change discources.The intervention total's budget is 48 million SEK all of which will be contributed by Sida.
Africa, regional
African Forest Forum (AFF)- Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management Africa
III.1.b. Forestry
Forestry policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
International NGO
African Forest Forum has applied to Sida for funding of 48 million SEK to carry out the project on 'Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management in Africa' during the period 2014-2019.The intervention aims to generate and share knowledge and information through partnerships in ways that provide inputs into policy options and capacity building for improved forest management that better address poverty eradication and environmental protection in Africa. This will be through i) facilitation of the emergence of a strong partnership platform through which stakeholders will identify challenges related to sustainable management of forest and tree resources and create solutions, ii) facilitating the collation, synthesis, provision of access to critical information and knowledge demanded by stakeholders, iii) catalyse efforts to enhance sustainable management practices that have potential to improve resilience of forest to adverse effects of climate change, iv) facilitiating the formulation and harmonisation of evidence-based policies, regulations and governance mechanisms to strengthen public and private institutions to effectively support sustainable forest management, enhancing the capacity of institutions and individuals including farmers organisations, private sector actors, proffessional organisations and public sector to achieve forest compatible development and v) stengthening participation of African countries in regional and international forestry and climate change discources.The intervention total's budget is 48 million SEK all of which will be contributed by Sida.
Balkan Investigative Reg Reporting Network (BIRN) BALKAN INVESTIGATIVE REG REPORTING NETWORK (BIRN) The media network BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) has applied to Sida for core support for their activities during the period 2015-2019. Distribution:No country allocations.BIRN consists of a network of editors, journalists and media trainers, whose goal is to develop a strong, professional and independent media in South Eastern Europe. BIRN has editorial presence in nine countries in the region. Formal network members are independent NGOs in Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania and a regional Network Hub in Sarajevo. A commercial branch, BIRN Ltd., was set up in Belgrade to generate income to sustain network operations. BIRN is one of rather few independent, investigative and critical media organizations in the Balkans and enjoy high esteem and credibility. Their operations are many and wide-spread and have a significant impact. They produce their own investigations, analyses and articles, which are largely re-published in other media. They arrange many events such as debates, seminars, training courses, fellowships and summer schools for journalists and media professionals in the region. Thematic focus include: transitional justice, war crimes and trial monitoring (facing the past), corruption and mismanagement in public administration and society at large, as well as access to rights.In 2013, for example, produced BIRN 10,000 articles and more than 1,000 investigative articles / analyzes, 191 televised debates and 61 radio shows. Their website had 6 million hits and BIRN social media 260,000 followers. They have filed over 400 Freedom of Information law requests and received nine journalism awards, national and international, only in 2013.BIRN has a long list of donors who give various project support. Sida contributes with core support of a maximum of SEK 35 million during the period January 2015 to December 2019 to implement BIRN's five-year strategy. Agreement party is the Network Hub, who also sub-grant parts of the Sida core support to BIRN members.
Europe, regional
Balkan Investigative Reg Reporting Network (BIRN)
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Media and free flow of information
ODA Grants
Developing country-based NGO
The media network BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) has applied to Sida for core support for their activities during the period 2015-2019. Distribution:No country allocations.BIRN consists of a network of editors, journalists and media trainers, whose goal is to develop a strong, professional and independent media in South Eastern Europe. BIRN has editorial presence in nine countries in the region. Formal network members are independent NGOs in Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania and a regional Network Hub in Sarajevo. A commercial branch, BIRN Ltd., was set up in Belgrade to generate income to sustain network operations. BIRN is one of rather few independent, investigative and critical media organizations in the Balkans and enjoy high esteem and credibility. Their operations are many and wide-spread and have a significant impact. They produce their own investigations, analyses and articles, which are largely re-published in other media. They arrange many events such as debates, seminars, training courses, fellowships and summer schools for journalists and media professionals in the region. Thematic focus include: transitional justice, war crimes and trial monitoring (facing the past), corruption and mismanagement in public administration and society at large, as well as access to rights.In 2013, for example, produced BIRN 10,000 articles and more than 1,000 investigative articles / analyzes, 191 televised debates and 61 radio shows. Their website had 6 million hits and BIRN social media 260,000 followers. They have filed over 400 Freedom of Information law requests and received nine journalism awards, national and international, only in 2013.BIRN has a long list of donors who give various project support. Sida contributes with core support of a maximum of SEK 35 million during the period January 2015 to December 2019 to implement BIRN's five-year strategy. Agreement party is the Network Hub, who also sub-grant parts of the Sida core support to BIRN members.
Balkan Investigative Reg Reporting Network (BIRN) - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) Balkan Investigative Reg Reporting Network (BIRN) Medienätverket BIRN har ansökt till Sida om stöd för sin verksamhet under perioden 2015-2019. BIRN består av ett nätverk av redaktörer, journalister och medieutbildare, vars mål är att utveckla en stark, professionell och oberoende media i sydöstra Europa. BIRN har redaktionell närvaro i nio länder i regionen. Formella nätverksmedlemmar är fristående NGOs i Albanien, BiH, Kosovo, Makedonien, Serbien och Rumänien samt en regional nätverkshub i Sarajevo. En kommersiell gren, BIRN Ltd, inrättades i Belgrad för att handha kommersiell verksamhet och bidra till finansiell hållbarhet. BIRN är en av få oberoende grävande och granskande medieröster på Balkan och åtnjuter högt anseende. De producerar egna undersökningar, analyser och artiklar, varav stor del återpubliceras i andra medier. De arrangerar olika evenemang som debatter, seminarier, utbildningar, fellowships och sommarskolor för journalister och mediefolk i regionen. Tematiskt fokus är bl.a. övergångsrättvisa, krigsförbrytelser och rättegångsövervakning i samband med detta, korruption och missförhållanden i offentlig förvaltning och samhället i stort, samt tillgång till rättigheter. BIRNs verksamhet är bred och har betydande genomslag. Under 2013 t.ex. producerade BIRN 10 000 artiklar och över 1000 undersökande artiklar/analyser, 191 TV-debatter och 61 radioprogram, deras websida hade 6 miljoner träffar och social media 260 000 följare. De har anmält över 400 ärenden angående informationsfrihet (FOI) och mottagit nio journalistpris, nationella och internationella. BIRN har en lång rad givare som ger olika projektstöd. Sida bidrar med ett kärnstöd om max 35 msek under perioden januari 2015 till december 2019 för att genomföra den femåriga strategi som BIRN presenterat. Stödet ges via nätverkshuben, som också är avtalspart, men kärnstöd fördelas även till nätverksmedlemmar. The media network BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) has applied to Sida for core support for their activities during the period 2015-2019. Distribution: No country allocations. BIRN consists of a network of editors, journalists and media trainers, whose goal is to develop a strong, professional and independent media in South Eastern Europe. BIRN has editorial presence in nine countries in the region. Formal network members are independent NGOs in Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania and a regional Network Hub in Sarajevo. A commercial branch, BIRN Ltd., was set up in Belgrade to generate income to sustain network operations. BIRN is one of rather few independent, investigative and critical media organizations in the Balkans and enjoy high esteem and credibility. Their operations are many and wide-spread and have a significant impact. They produce their own investigations, analyses and articles, which are largely re-published in other media. They arrange many events such as debates, seminars, training courses, fellowships and summer schools for journalists and media professionals in the region. Thematic focus include: transitional justice, war crimes and trial monitoring (“facing the past”), corruption and mismanagement in public administration and society at large, as well as access to rights. In 2013, for example, produced BIRN 10,000 articles and more than 1,000 investigative articles / analyzes, 191 televised debates and 61 radio shows. Their website had 6 million hits and BIRN social media 260,000 followers. They have filed over 400 Freedom of Information law requests and received nine journalism awards, national and international, only in 2013. BIRN has a long list of donors who give various project support. Sida contributes with core support of a maximum of SEK 35 million during the period January 2015 to December 2019 to implement BIRN’s five-year strategy. Agreement party is the Network Hub, who also sub-grant parts of the Sida core support to BIRN members. The overall vision of the work of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, is formulated as follows: Balkan societies uphold democratic values allowing citizens equal opportunities to make informed choices and hold governments accountable. Based on the vision, BIRN defines it's mission to be: to strive to empower people to access their rights, by providing accurate and relevant information and creating opportunities for them to participate in democratic processes. The ongoing intervention - based on an agreement on core support from Sida to BIRN 2014-2021 - has been defined to achieve three main outcomes: 1. People have increased access to accurate information 2. People have increased influence on democratic processes 3. Internal Network's capacities are improved
project title
Business Integrity Pact Against Corruption BUSINESS INTEGRITY PACT AGAINST CORRUPTION The intervention aims to support the business association Instituto de Directores to Mozambique to work towards increased awareness of and comittment to anti-corruption in the private sector.
Business Integrity Pact Against Corruption
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Anti-corruption organisations and institutions
ODA Grants
Developing country-based NGO
The intervention aims to support the business association Instituto de Directores to Mozambique to work towards increased awareness of and comittment to anti-corruption in the private sector.
Business Integrity Pact Against Corruption - Technical Assistance IOD Integritet och Antikorruption i Näringslivet Insatsen avser stöd till den lokala näringslivsföreningen Instituto de Directores de Mozambique (IOD) som förespråkar integritet, anti-korruption och ökat socialt ansvar inom näringslivet i Mozambique. Ambassaden föreslår stödja organisationens arbete kring korruption och syftet med insatsen är att bygga en koalition av företag som åtar sig att öka transparens och arbeta aktivt mot korruption genom ökad medvetenhet inom företagen, bättre bolagstyrning och en noll-tolerans policy mot korruption. Sveriges stöd kommer finansiera bakgrundsanalys av korruptionsproblematiken i Mozambique från ett näringslivsperspektiv, utveckling av ett dokument med principer och vägledning för företag som ansluter sig till koalitionen samt kapacitetsuppbygnad och kampanjer för att öka förståelse och medvetenhet av de negativa effekterna av korruption för privatsektorutveckling och för landets utveckling. Riskerna bedöms vara låga till medel och i de riksåtgärd som föreslås ingår att upphandla konsultjänster för stöd och uppföljning inom intern styrning och kontroll, finansiering av dessa tjänster bokförs på insatsen och ingår i budgeten. The intervention aims to support the business association Instituto de Directores to Mozambique to work towards increased awareness of and comittment to anti-corruption in the private sector. The development objective aim was for companies, directors, managers, workers, consumers, and suppliers to be mobilised to pursue values of transparency, integrity, and zero tolerance to corruption by adhering to the Business Integrity Pact Against Corruption (BIPAC). The Pact contained a set of relevant guidelines and principles on corporate governance and code of conduct that companies should adhere to within their operations and promote upstream and downstream within their industries. The intervention logic rested on building a business coalition against corruption by raising awareness, advocating, training, and mobilising companies to adhere to the principles behind the BIPAC in order to create a peer pressure dynamic to mobilise change.
project title
Core support to EPF Georgia phase III CORE SUPPORT TO EPF GEORGIA PHASE III The overarching goal for the intervention and the core support to EPF Georgia is to create opportunities for civic engagement thereby increasing citizens' influence on the society's development. EPF reaches out to grassroot organizations, particularly in the regions, by providing grants and by implementing projects.It focuses on civic participation, engaging youth, social enterprising and EU-integration
Core support to EPF Georgia phase III
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
Developing country-based NGO
The overarching goal for the intervention and the core support to EPF Georgia is to create opportunities for civic engagement thereby increasing citizens' influence on the society's development. EPF reaches out to grassroot organizations, particularly in the regions, by providing grants and by implementing projects.It focuses on civic participation, engaging youth, social enterprising and EU-integration
Kärnstöd EPF Georgien fas III Core support to EPF Georgia phase III - Repayment Core support to EPF Georgia phase III The overarching goal for the intervention and the core support to EPF Georgia is to create opportunities for civic engagement thereby increasing citizens' influence on the society's development. EPF reaches out to grassroot organizations, particularly in the regions, by providing grants and by implementing projects.It focuses on civic participation, engaging youth, social enterprising and EU-integration Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) Georgien har ansökt om kärnstöd och insatsen heter "Core support to Eurasia Partnership Foundation Georgia 2014-2019". Sida har gett stöd till EPF i två tidigare "faser" sedan 2008. Det övergripande målet för stödet till EPF i Georgien är att skapa förutsättningar för ökat deltagande i det civila samhället samt att öka medborgarnas inflytande över samhällsutvecklingen. EPF har stor räckvidd och når ut till gräsrotsorgansationer samt aktivister genom bidrag till partnerorganisationer och kapacitetsutveckling. EPF implementerar dessutom egna projekt som bidrar till att uppfylla organisationens mål. EPF:s projekt och bidrag handlar om EU-integrationen, att unga människor blir förändringsaktörer i sina lokala samhällen, att främja socialt företagande och att öka civilsamhällets deltagande i beslutsfattande. En del av stödet planeras fortsatt att gå till den s.k. "open-door" mekanismen där EPF löpande stödjer initiativ av pilotkaraktär som kan replikeras i andra kontexter. Speciellt fokus vid denna projektfas planeras ligga vid stöd till organisationer på landsbygden. Utvalda organisationer får stöd tillsammans med organisationsutvecklingsstöd. Insatsens budget är 38,1 MSEK. EPF:s övriga givare ger projektstöd och är bland annat USAID, EU UNDP/COBERM. Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) Georgia has applied for support "Core Support for Partnership Foundation (EPF) Georgia 2014-2019". Sida has supported EPF in two phases since 2008. The overarching goal for the support to EPF is to empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity through hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and their own lives. EPF is reaching out to grassroot organizations, particularly in the regions, by providing grants and by implementing projects. It focuses on creating opportunities for civic participation in public policy making, promoting social enterprises, EU integration and engaging youth. A part of the project is planned to continue to go to the so called "open-door" mechanism, where EPF supports pilot projects that foster civic engagement and projects that have the potential to be replicated. A special focus will lay with supporting organizations in the regions. Selected organizations will receive institutional development and/or core support. The intervention's total budget is 38,1 million SEK. Other donors to EPF include UNDP/COBERM and EU. Europe Foundations (EPF) mission is to empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity through hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and their own lives. To serve its mission the Europe Foundation defined the following outcomes: Outcome: Enhanced civil society influence on public decision making process Outcome: Civil society is engaged in and contributes to participatory decision making to achieve convergence to European standards and practices Outcome: Enhanced female and male youth volunteerism and civic engagement to address target community needs Outcome: Financial sustainability of CSOs is improved to contribute to enhanced and inclusive governance through enterprising non-profits in Georgia. Relevant logframe was developed by the Foundation that included bridging outcomes.
project title
UNICEF - Inclusive Education Support 2014-2016 UNICEF - INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SUPPORT 2014-2016 The intervention supports central parts of the Cambodian Government's Education Strategic Plan 2014-2018 with a special focus on the parts that relate to education for all, including the expansion of a system for inclusive education with focus on children from minority groups and other marginalised groups as well as multilingual education for children from minority groups. The intervention will also support capacity strengthening within relevant government authorities to undertake responsibilities for the education system at decentralised level and increased demand for accountability for quality education from parents and local communities. The intervention will also support improvements and technical development to ensure quality data collection and analysis for education reform. The intervention consists of four components: inclusive education, support to dialog and coordination, increased demand and accountability through the use of multimedia, and technical support and central and sub-national levels.The total budget is SEK 30 million.
UNICEF - Inclusive Education Support 2014-2016
I.1.a. Education, Level Unspecified
Education policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
United Nations Children's Fund
The intervention supports central parts of the Cambodian Government's Education Strategic Plan 2014-2018 with a special focus on the parts that relate to education for all, including the expansion of a system for inclusive education with focus on children from minority groups and other marginalised groups as well as multilingual education for children from minority groups. The intervention will also support capacity strengthening within relevant government authorities to undertake responsibilities for the education system at decentralised level and increased demand for accountability for quality education from parents and local communities. The intervention will also support improvements and technical development to ensure quality data collection and analysis for education reform. The intervention consists of four components: inclusive education, support to dialog and coordination, increased demand and accountability through the use of multimedia, and technical support and central and sub-national levels.The total budget is SEK 30 million.
UNICEF - Inclusive Education Support 2014-2016 UNICEF - Inclusive Education Support 2014-2016 Insatsen syftar till att stödja genomförande av centrala delar av den kambodjanska regeringens utvecklingsplan för utbildningsområdet 2014 – 2018. Detta gäller särskilt de delar som syftar till att säkerställa alla barns rätt till skolgång, utbyggnad av system för inkluderande utbildning med särskilt fokus på barn från minoritetsgrupper och andra utsatta grupper, samt förstärkning och utbyggnad av flerspråkig utbildning för barn från minoritetsgrupper. Insatsen har ytterligare som syfte att stödja kapacitetsförstärkning hos relevanta myndigheter för att kunna axla ett decentraliserat ansvar för utbildningsystemet liksom att öka medvetenhet, deltagande och ansvarsutkrävande hos föräldrar och lokalsamhälle för utbildningskvalitet och resursanvändning. Insatsen kommer dessutom att stödja förbättringar och teknisk utveckling för att säkerställa tillgång till relevant statistiskt underlag för reformbeslut. Insatsen består av fyra komponenter: inkluderande utbildning, stöd till utvecklingsdialog och koordinering, förstärkt deltagande och ansvarsutkrävande genom användande av multimedia, samt tekniskt stöd på central och decentraliserad nivå. Prorgrammets total budget är 30 miljoner kronor. The intervention supports central parts of the Cambodian Government’s Education Strategic Plan 2014-2018 with a special focus on the parts that relate to education for all, including the expansion of a system for inclusive education with focus on children from minority groups and other marginalised groups as well as multilingual education for children from minority groups. The intervention will also support capacity strengthening within relevant government authorities to undertake responsibilities for the education system at decentralised level and increased demand for accountability for quality education from parents and local communities. The intervention will also support improvements and technical development to ensure quality data collection and analysis for education reform. The intervention consists of four components: inclusive education, support to dialog and coordination, increased demand and accountability through the use of multimedia, and technical support and central and sub-national levels. The total budget is SEK 30 million.
project title
HUB387 PPDP - Evaluation HUB387 PPDP - EVALUATION NGO HUB387 has requested funding of 18.3 million for the implementation of program activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period 2014-2017.The intervention has two main components, establishing Academy 387 and a so-called startup programme. The aim for Academy 387 is, to firstly, create a platform with a wide range of educational programs. Academy 387 will create and implement intensive, time-limited courses and practical workshops in order to bridge the gap between the skills required by today's specialized IT companies and the skills of local workforce. The startup program will span over 18 months, with six successive phases of incubation. The main goal at the end of the program is to have created a total of eight sustainable IT company with great potential for job creation. Both of the two components, will generate growth, a number of new jobs and strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit by encouraging young and ambitious people to participate in creating opportunities for the future.NGO HUB387 will implement all activities in close co-operated with other investors in the private sector. The intervention's total budget is over 45 million SEK, out of which private sector funding is around 27 million SEK and the remaining SEK 18.3 million is Sida's contribution.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
HUB387 PPDP - Evaluation
III.2.a. Industry
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development
ODA Grants
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
NGO HUB387 has requested funding of 18.3 million for the implementation of program activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period 2014-2017.The intervention has two main components, establishing Academy 387 and a so-called startup programme. The aim for Academy 387 is, to firstly, create a platform with a wide range of educational programs. Academy 387 will create and implement intensive, time-limited courses and practical workshops in order to bridge the gap between the skills required by today's specialized IT companies and the skills of local workforce. The startup program will span over 18 months, with six successive phases of incubation. The main goal at the end of the program is to have created a total of eight sustainable IT company with great potential for job creation. Both of the two components, will generate growth, a number of new jobs and strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit by encouraging young and ambitious people to participate in creating opportunities for the future.NGO HUB387 will implement all activities in close co-operated with other investors in the private sector. The intervention's total budget is over 45 million SEK, out of which private sector funding is around 27 million SEK and the remaining SEK 18.3 million is Sida's contribution.
ILAC Regional MENA 2013-2016 ILAC REGIONAL MENA 2013-2016 This programme aims to support reforms of the justice sector in the Middle East and North Africa. The objective is to strengthen the application of human rights principles within the judiciaries through improved judicial training curricula, training of judges, and through the strengthening of female judges' capacity to exercise leadership on gender equality and women's access to justice.
Middle East, regional
ILAC Regional MENA 2013-2016
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Legal and judicial development
ODA Grants
International NGO
This programme aims to support reforms of the justice sector in the Middle East and North Africa. The objective is to strengthen the application of human rights principles within the judiciaries through improved judicial training curricula, training of judges, and through the strengthening of female judges' capacity to exercise leadership on gender equality and women's access to justice.
ILAC Regional MENA 2013-2016 ILAC Regional MENA 2013-2016 - ILAC Regional MENA This programme aims to support reforms of the justice sector in the Middle East and North Africa. The objective is to strengthen the application of human rights principles within the judiciaries through improved judicial training curricula, training of judges, and through the strengthening of female judges' capacity to exercise leadership on gender equality and women's access to justice. Programmet syftar till att stödja rättssektorreformer i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika. Syftet är att stärka tillämpningen av mänskliga rättigheter inom rättsväsendet genom förbättrat utbildningsmaterial, utbildning av domare, och genom att stärka kvinnliga domares förmåga att utöva ledarskap i frågor som rör jämställdhet och kvinnors tillgång till rättvisa. For the bridging period; Focus will be on how to ensure that previous efforts to build the capacity of individual judges and prosecutors is solidified and internalised within the justice sector institutions and structures to ensure sustainability and national ownership of the progress made. This will be done by focusing on that; Judicial institutions are actively integrating human rights standards in the curricula and improving teaching methodology. The cooperation between judicial institutes is strengthened. The leadership capacity of women judges is strengthened to promote human rights laws protecting women and girls, in accordance with international human rights standards. Staff members of the NCCLHR have the capacity to document and report on human rights situation in Libya and engage in human rights policy making. Human rights legal professionals and CSO leaders have strengthened capacity in human rights law and practices and their application in Libya, including in reporting on human rights issues in coordination with the NCCLHR.
project title
Intern Com. Missing Persons INTERN COM. MISSING PERSONS The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) was established in 1996 on the initiative of USA's former president Bill Clinton. ICMP's primary goal has been and is to locate and identify the approximately 40 000 individuals that went missing during the conflict in former Yugoslavia. Over 70% of the missing people have through ICMP's help been found and identified. Nowhere in the world is the recovery number as high.ICMP's work can be divided into three areas, awareness-raising and accountability of governments and authorities, strengthening Family Association/ civil society and forensic work in order to be able to excavate and DNA-match the remains.During the phase-out period ICMP's aim is to strengthen the knowledge and perseverance of local organisations so that they can continue identifying and contributing with the foundation for war crimes. By supporting family organisations the work for justice can continue after ICMP has receded.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Intern Com. Missing Persons
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Human rights
ODA Grants
International NGO
The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) was established in 1996 on the initiative of USA's former president Bill Clinton. ICMP's primary goal has been and is to locate and identify the approximately 40 000 individuals that went missing during the conflict in former Yugoslavia. Over 70% of the missing people have through ICMP's help been found and identified. Nowhere in the world is the recovery number as high.ICMP's work can be divided into three areas, awareness-raising and accountability of governments and authorities, strengthening Family Association/ civil society and forensic work in order to be able to excavate and DNA-match the remains.During the phase-out period ICMP's aim is to strengthen the knowledge and perseverance of local organisations so that they can continue identifying and contributing with the foundation for war crimes. By supporting family organisations the work for justice can continue after ICMP has receded.
Intern Com. Missing Persons, ICMP Exit 2014-2016 - ICMP Exit Strategy 2014-2016 Committe for Missing persons, ICMP exit 2014-2016 International Commission on Missing persons, ICMP bildades 1996 på initiativ av USAs tidigare President Bill Clinton. ICMPs huvudsakliga mål har varit och är att lokalisera och identifiera de ca 40 000 som försvann under konflikten i f.d Jugoslavien. Över 70% av de försvunna har genom ICMPs försorg hittats och identifierats. Ingen annanstans i världen är återfinnande siffran så hög. ICMPs arbete kan delas in i tre områden; medvetandegörande och ansvarsutkrävande av regeringar och myndigheter, arbete med civilsamhället och rättsmedicinskt arbete för att kunna gräva ut och DNA matcha lämningar. Under utfasningsperioden har ICMP som mål att stärka kunskapen och uthålligheten hos lokala organisationer så de kan fortsätta arbetet med identifiering och bidra med underlag till krigsbrottsmål. Genom att stödja familjeorganisationer kan arbetet för upprättelse fortsätta efter att ICMP har dragit sig tillbaka. Under projektperioden hoppas ICMP kunna färdigställa en verifierad regional lista över försvunna. Den kan tjäna som grund för fortsatt forskning och försoning. The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) was established in 1996 on the initiative of USA’s former president Bill Clinton. ICMP’s primary goal has been and is to locate and identify the approximately 40 000 individuals that went missing during the conflict in former Yugoslavia. Over 70% of the missing people have through ICMP’s help been found and identified. Nowhere in the world is the recovery number as high. ICMP’s work can be divided into three areas; awareness-raising and accountability of governments and authorities, strengthening Family Association/ civil society and forensic work in order to be able to excavate and DNA-match the remains. During the phase-out period ICMP’s aim is to strengthen the knowledge and perseverance of local organisations so that they can continue identifying and contributing with the foundation for war crimes. By supporting family organisations the work for justice can continue after ICMP has receded. To secure the cooperation of governments and other authorities in locating and identifying persons missing as a result of armed conflicts, human rights abuses, disasters and other causes and to assist them in doing so.
project title
Kenya National Audit Office KENYA NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE KENAO has applied for support of in total 5 000 000 SEK to implement the 'OAG Reforms and Modernisation Programme Annual Work Plan 2013/2014'. The intervetion aims to strengthen KENAO's ICT capacity, improve the competence of the auditors, and develop the organisation's culture and structure for a more efficient and effective KENAO. The goal is to improve the quality and timeliness of the audits and in that way support accountability and transparency of the Kenyan government. The plan is to develop a three year program for support from 1 July 2014. The intervention is also supported by Denmark and the World Bank. The total budget is 2 000 000 USD of which Sweden contributes 700 000 USD, Denmark 800 000 USD and the World Bank 500 000 USD.
Kenya National Audit Office
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Public finance management (PFM)
ODA Grants
Recipient Government
KENAO has applied for support of in total 5 000 000 SEK to implement the 'OAG Reforms and Modernisation Programme Annual Work Plan 2013/2014'. The intervetion aims to strengthen KENAO's ICT capacity, improve the competence of the auditors, and develop the organisation's culture and structure for a more efficient and effective KENAO. The goal is to improve the quality and timeliness of the audits and in that way support accountability and transparency of the Kenyan government. The plan is to develop a three year program for support from 1 July 2014. The intervention is also supported by Denmark and the World Bank. The total budget is 2 000 000 USD of which Sweden contributes 700 000 USD, Denmark 800 000 USD and the World Bank 500 000 USD.
Kenya National Audit Office Kenya National Audit Office KENAO has applied for support of in total 5 000 000 SEK to implement the "OAG Reforms and Modernisation Programme Annual Work Plan 2013/2014". The intervetion aims to strengthen KENAO's ICT capacity, improve the competence of the auditors, and develop the organisation's culture and structure for a more efficient and effective KENAO. The goal is to improve the quality and timeliness of the audits and in that way support accountability and transparency of the Kenyan government. The plan is to develop a three year program for support from 1 July 2014. The intervention is also supported by Denmark and the World Bank. The total budget is 2 000 000 USD of which Sweden contributes 700 000 USD, Denmark 800 000 USD and the World Bank 500 000 USD. KENAO has ansökt om stöd från Sida om totalt 5 000 000 SEK för att genomföra "OAG Reforms and Modernisation Programme Annual Work Plan 2013/2014". Insatsen syftar till att stärka KENAOs ICT kapacitet, förbättra kompetens hos KENAOs revisorer och utveckla organisationens struktur och kultur för ett effektivare KENAO. Målet är att förbättra kvaliteten på revisionerna och minska förseningarna för att på så sätt stödja ansvarsutkrävande och transparens av den kenyanska regeringen. Planen är att utveckla ett treårsprogram för stöd från 1 juli 2014. Insatsen stöds också av Danmark och Världsbanken. Den totala budgeten är 2 000 000 USD av vilket Sverige finansierar 700 000 USD, Danmark 800 000 USD och Världsbanken 500 000 USD.
project title
Oxfam sub-programme within AGIR II - Support to Oxfam sub-programme AGIR II OXFAM SUB-PROGRAMME WITHIN AGIR II - SUPPORT TO OXFAM SUB-PROGRAMME AGIR II The AGIR programme (Programa de Acções para uma Governação Inclusiva e Responsável) constitutes the support mechanism that the Embassy of Sweden (EoS) has chosen for its civil society support and represents a very large part of the EoS' total support to civil society in Mozambique. The support mechanism is an indirect support i.e. the EoS has agreements and provides direct financial support to four intermediary partner organisations (IPOs) where each IPO, in turn, enters into agreements and provides financial support to Mozambican civil society organisations (CSOs) their so-called partner organisations (POs). There are, in total, approximately 70 POs within the AGIR-programme. The financial support from IPOs to POs is, mainly, core support. The AGIR-programme is, therefore, made up of one overarching programme for which all four IPOs are responsible, and four sub-programmes where each IPO is responsible for one. Each sub-programme constitutes a contribution in Trac. The four IPOs are Diakonia, Oxfam Ibis, OXFAM-Novib and We Effect. The AGIR-programme started in 2010. The current ongoing second phase covers six years (2015-2020).When the second phase of the AGIR-programme was appraised, at the end of 2014, for a total period of six years (2015-2020), a six-year programme proposal was submitted for the overarching programme as well as one for each of the sub-programmes. The overarching programme was appraised in a Word document external to the Trac-system ('Annex A to Appraisal of Intervention Second Phase of AGIR – Description and Assessment of the Overarching Programme - Annex A') since the overarching programme is not connected to one specific agreement and one specific budget (which is a requirement for contributions within Trac). The follow-up of, and the work with, the overarching programme is done within each of the sub-programme contributions, for example, within the risk- and results registers found there within. The four sub-programmes were appraised in a separate Trac contribution (51140067, 51140085, 51140086, & 51140087).All the four sub-programmes work towards a common results framework where each IPO's operations contribute to the overarching goal for the AGIR-programme. In addition, there is a results framework per sub-programme. The four IPO report commonly to the AGIR donors on their common results framework and carry out common activities to attain the programme's goal. The overall responsibility for common reporting and for organizing common activities rotates among the IPOs. There is a MOU between the IPOs that regulates this. There is also a MOU between the donors to the AGIR programme, which regulates the donors' collaboration and responsibilities vis-à-vis the AGIR-programme. When the second phase of the AGIR programme commenced (in 2015) the Embassies of Netherlands and Denmark were funding some of the sub-programmes. Sweden is, however, the main donor and also the lead donor. Currently, there is an ongoing dialogue – prima
Oxfam sub-programme within AGIR II - Support to Oxfam sub-programme AGIR II
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
International NGO
The AGIR programme (Programa de Acções para uma Governação Inclusiva e Responsável) constitutes the support mechanism that the Embassy of Sweden (EoS) has chosen for its civil society support and represents a very large part of the EoS' total support to civil society in Mozambique. The support mechanism is an indirect support i.e. the EoS has agreements and provides direct financial support to four intermediary partner organisations (IPOs) where each IPO, in turn, enters into agreements and provides financial support to Mozambican civil society organisations (CSOs) their so-called partner organisations (POs). There are, in total, approximately 70 POs within the AGIR-programme. The financial support from IPOs to POs is, mainly, core support. The AGIR-programme is, therefore, made up of one overarching programme for which all four IPOs are responsible, and four sub-programmes where each IPO is responsible for one. Each sub-programme constitutes a contribution in Trac. The four IPOs are Diakonia, Oxfam Ibis, OXFAM-Novib and We Effect. The AGIR-programme started in 2010. The current ongoing second phase covers six years (2015-2020).When the second phase of the AGIR-programme was appraised, at the end of 2014, for a total period of six years (2015-2020), a six-year programme proposal was submitted for the overarching programme as well as one for each of the sub-programmes. The overarching programme was appraised in a Word document external to the Trac-system ('Annex A to Appraisal of Intervention Second Phase of AGIR – Description and Assessment of the Overarching Programme - Annex A') since the overarching programme is not connected to one specific agreement and one specific budget (which is a requirement for contributions within Trac). The follow-up of, and the work with, the overarching programme is done within each of the sub-programme contributions, for example, within the risk- and results registers found there within. The four sub-programmes were appraised in a separate Trac contribution (51140067, 51140085, 51140086, & 51140087).All the four sub-programmes work towards a common results framework where each IPO's operations contribute to the overarching goal for the AGIR-programme. In addition, there is a results framework per sub-programme. The four IPO report commonly to the AGIR donors on their common results framework and carry out common activities to attain the programme's goal. The overall responsibility for common reporting and for organizing common activities rotates among the IPOs. There is a MOU between the IPOs that regulates this. There is also a MOU between the donors to the AGIR programme, which regulates the donors' collaboration and responsibilities vis-à-vis the AGIR-programme. When the second phase of the AGIR programme commenced (in 2015) the Embassies of Netherlands and Denmark were funding some of the sub-programmes. Sweden is, however, the main donor and also the lead donor. Currently, there is an ongoing dialogue – prima
Support to the tax organisation ICEFI phase III - Evaluation Phase II SUPPORT TO THE TAX ORGANISATION ICEFI PHASE III - EVALUATION PHASE II The support from Sida is intended as a core support to ICEFIs activities implementing the Institute's Strategic Plan 2015-2021. Sida will, however, only support the Institute in 2015-2018 with the agreement expiring in 2019 referring to the rules that govern Sida when the strategy for development cooperation is about to expire.Two strategic objectives define ICEFIs workduring 2015-2021. The first goal is linked to knowledge-related production from their side of information, studies and analyzes that can promote sustainability, sufficient fiscal resources and the development of the countries in the Central America region. The second objective is linked to promoting dialogue and inclusion in the fiscal policy, which leads to ICEFI positions itself as an effective and reliable agent of change.Within the framework of the above ICEFI's work has four strategic commitments, and two operational results contribute to fulfil the aforementioned strategic commitments.Strategic results:1) Tax systems in Central America are heading towards sufficiency, simplicity and progressive taxation.2) Public spending in Central America is to be enforced more efficiently. 3) Central America is moving towards a fiscal policy that focuses on sustainability and sufficiency. 4) Central America is a more transparent region, with an empowered and participative citizenry in fiscal issues. Operational results:1) International research and fiscal outreach networks recognize ICEFI as a regional reference point. 2) Institutional consolidation at ICEFI.
Support to the tax organisation ICEFI phase III - Evaluation Phase II
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Public sector policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Developing country-based NGO
The support from Sida is intended as a core support to ICEFIs activities implementing the Institute's Strategic Plan 2015-2021. Sida will, however, only support the Institute in 2015-2018 with the agreement expiring in 2019 referring to the rules that govern Sida when the strategy for development cooperation is about to expire.Two strategic objectives define ICEFIs workduring 2015-2021. The first goal is linked to knowledge-related production from their side of information, studies and analyzes that can promote sustainability, sufficient fiscal resources and the development of the countries in the Central America region. The second objective is linked to promoting dialogue and inclusion in the fiscal policy, which leads to ICEFI positions itself as an effective and reliable agent of change.Within the framework of the above ICEFI's work has four strategic commitments, and two operational results contribute to fulfil the aforementioned strategic commitments.Strategic results:1) Tax systems in Central America are heading towards sufficiency, simplicity and progressive taxation.2) Public spending in Central America is to be enforced more efficiently. 3) Central America is moving towards a fiscal policy that focuses on sustainability and sufficiency. 4) Central America is a more transparent region, with an empowered and participative citizenry in fiscal issues. Operational results:1) International research and fiscal outreach networks recognize ICEFI as a regional reference point. 2) Institutional consolidation at ICEFI.
Support to the tax organisation ICEFI phase III - Evaluation Phase II Stöd till skatteorganisationen ICEFI fas III The support from Sida is intended as a core support to ICEFIs activities implementing the Institute's Strategic Plan 2015-2021. Sida will, however, only support the Institute in 2015-2018 with the agreement expiring in 2019 referring to the rules that govern Sida when the strategy for development cooperation is about to expire. Two strategic objectives define ICEFIs workduring 2015-2021. The first goal is linked to knowledge-related production from their side of information, studies and analyzes that can promote sustainability, sufficient fiscal resources and the development of the countries in the Central America region. The second objective is linked to promoting dialogue and inclusion in the fiscal policy, which leads to ICEFI positions itself as an effective and reliable agent of change. Within the framework of the above ICEFI´s work has four strategic commitments, and two operational results contribute to fulfil the aforementioned strategic commitments. Strategic results: 1) Tax systems in Central America are heading towards sufficiency, simplicity and progressive taxation. 2) Public spending in Central America is to be enforced more efficiently. 3) Central America is moving towards a fiscal policy that focuses on sustainability and sufficiency. 4) Central America is a more transparent region, with an empowered and participative citizenry in fiscal issues. Operational results: 1) International research and fiscal outreach networks recognize ICEFI as a regional reference point. 2) Institutional consolidation at ICEFI. Stödet från Sida är ämnat att utgå utgår i form av ett kärnstöd till ICEFIs verksamhet för genomförande av institutets strategiska plan 2015-2021. Sida ska dock enbart stödja institutet under 2015-2018 med avtalet som löper ut 2019 hänvisning till regelverket som styr Sida vid ingåendet av i tid längre insatser då strategin för utvecklingssamarbetet är på väg att löpa ut. Två strategiska mål definierar ICEFIs uppdrag under 2015-2021. Det första målet är länkat till kunskapsrelaterad produktion från deras sida av information, studier och analyser som kan verka för hållbarhet, tillräckliga fiskala resurser och utveckling av länderna i den Centralamerikanska regionen. Det andra målet knyter an till att verka för dialog och inklusion i den fiskala politiken, som leder till att ICEFI positionerar sig som en effektiv och pålitlig förändringsagent. Inom ramen av ovanstående konkretiseras ICEFIs arbete i fyra strategiska åtaganden och två operativa resultat som bidrar till uppfylla de nämnda strategiska åtagandena. Strategiska resultat: 1) Att skattesystemen i Centralamerika ska gå mot tillräcklighet i resurser, enkelhet och ökad progressiv beskattning. För att säkerställa att ökningen av de offentliga resurserna inte bara stödjer utvecklingsmål men också verkar för större jämlikhet, kommer det att bli nödvändigt, för perioden 2015-2021, att länderna i regionen verkar för politiska överenskommelser som leder till en förstärkning av skattemyndigheter m.m. vilket i sin tur ska leda till ökade skatteintäkter och att åtal sker i större utsträckning ifråga om de centrala ekonomiska brotten (där tullbedrägeri, smuggling och skatteflykt utgör några). Det är också nödvändigt att att öka skattebasen genom att minska nuvarande skatteprivilegier och agera för en högre grad av progressiv beskattning ifråga om inkomstskatter. 2) För det andra, bör de offentliga utgifterna i Centralamerika hanteras på ett mer effektivt sätt. Det förväntas att under perioden 2015-2021 kommer de centralamerikanska länderna att stärka sin planering och uppföljning av hur de offentliga utgifterna används och också hur nyttjandet av dessa påverkar samhällsutvecklingen ; att de kommer att följa utvecklingsmålen och minska klyftan mellan vad som för närvarande investeras och de investeringar som måste göras för att åstadkomma större jämlikhet i samhällena; och genom att underblåsa en hållbar ekonomisk tillväxt. Samtidigt måste en dialog föras för att diskutera bristen på flexibilitet i utgifterna och deras förhållande till den nuvarande sociala agendan. 3) Centralamerika måste gå mot mot en finanspolitik som fokuserar på hållbarhet och tillräcklighet. De nuvarande strukturella obalanserna i finanspolitiken måste studeras och åtgärdas. Inom de viktigaste obalanserna att åtgärda är den i allt högre grad ökande statsskulden ; både som finansieringsmekanism samt en mekanism för betalningsansvar. Samtidigt kommer den finanspolitiska hållbarheten i de centralamerikanska länderna under de kommande åren vara beroende hur man finner lösningar för att finansiera och bygga upp sociala trygghetssystem. För att uppnå en tillräcklig nivå av offentliga medel, kommer länderna i regionen behöva justera den offentlig finansieringen för att kunna uppnå de utvecklings- och tillväxtmålen som man enats om. 4) Att Centralamerika är en öppnare region, med en befolkning som har större insyn och medbestämmande i skattefrågor. Under de närmaste åren måste ett arbete göras för att förbättra insynen, bekämpa korruptionen och stärka regeringens ansvar gentemot sina medborgare. Därtill krävs institutionella förändringar inom de centralamerikanska offentliga förvaltningarna. Ett stärkande av medborgarna och deras deltagande i skattefrågor kommer att kräva produktion och spridning av mer information och ytterligare institutionella utrymmen (i de verkställande och lagstiftande grenarna av regeringen) för effektiv dialog och reflektion. Det är av avgörande betydelse för medborgarna att ha resurser och möjligheter att effektivt utnyttja sin medverkan och att kräva sina rättigheter och också samtidigt visa respekt avseende sina skattemässiga förpliktelser såsom ett led i socialt kontrakt. Att följa tidigare åtaganden kommer att kräva att kräva ytterligare mobilisering av resurser samt kontinuerliga förbättringar inom förvaltningen och i utvärderingen av resultaten och i institutionell utveckling. Dessa element har alltid varit närvarande i ICEFIs tänkande och strategiska upplägg. Operativa resultat för ICEFI: 1) Att internationella forsknings- och nätverk för fiskala frågor erkänner ICEFI som en regional referenspunkt. ICEFI strävar efter att utveckla kapacitet för att bidra till en mer effektiv kommunikationsstrategi för finanspolitiken; aktivt delta i nätverk och möten i Europa och USA; att vara ledande i finanspolitiska diskussionsnätverk och bidra till ett ökat antal akademiker som delar, tillämpar och sprider synpunkter på en utveckling och finanspolitik som ICEFI delar. 2) en ökad institutionell konsolidering av ICEFI. Denna punkt består i att avancera för att effektivt upprätthålla de processer som ger ICEFI möjlighet att få önskade resultat och finansiell hållbarhet. Detta inkluderar att systematisera processer och resultat baserade på utvärdering; stärka administrativa system och att utveckla humankapitalet; mobilisera medel och diversifiera finansieringskällorna samt att stärka användningen av teknik kopplat till inköp av medieteknik och medieinnovation. This is a core support to ICEFI's activities implementing the Institute's Strategic Plan 2015-2021. Sida has supported ICEFI with core funds since 2005. The support from the bilateral strategy for Guatemala is now finalized since ICEFI is a regional organization. Discussions are held between the new regional strategy for Latinamerica and ICEFI about possible support. Two strategic objectives define ICEFI's work during 2015-2021. The first goal is linked to knowledge-related production from their side of information, studies and analyzes that can promote sustainability, sufficient fiscal resources and the development of the countries in the Central American region. The second objective is linked to promoting dialogue and inclusion in the fiscal policy, which leads to that Icefi positions itself as an effective and reliable agent of change. Previously ICEFI had four ambitious and challenging strategic commitments, and two operational results to contribute to fulfil the aforementioned strategic commitments. These were changed after the recommendations from the mid-term review in 2019. Below is described which results have been replaced with what: The first 3 strategic results: 1) Tax systems in Central America are heading towards sufficiency, simplicity and progressive taxation. 2) Public spending in Central America is to be enforced more efficiently. 3) Central America is moving towards a fiscal policy that focuses on sustainability and sufficiency. has been replaced with: A: Strengthened the production of information and knowledge, which contributes to the analysis, reflection and proposed tax policy Central American states to promote development democracy of their societies. The 4th strategic result 4) Central America is a more transparent region, with an empowered and participative citizenry in fiscal issues. and the 1st operational result 1) International research and fiscal outreach networks recognise Icefi as a regional reference point. has been replaced with: B: Strengthened the capacity of communication and advocacy for State-civil society dialogue on fiscal policy for development sustainable in Central America. The 2nd operational result: 2) Institutional consolidation at ICEFI. has been replaced by: C: Consolidated the institutional growth (of ICEFI) for secure the sustainability financial, presence and influence on fiscal policy in the countries of the region.
project title
Plan Sweden Humanitarian Program 2015-2018 PLAN SWEDEN HUMANITARIAN PROGRAM 2015-2018 Plan Sweden is implementing a three year project financed by Sida with focus on child protection and education in emergencies.
Bilateral, unspecified
Plan Sweden Humanitarian Program 2015-2018
VIII.1. Emergency Response
Material relief assistance and services
ODA Grants
International NGO
Plan Sweden is implementing a three year project financed by Sida with focus on child protection and education in emergencies.
Plan Sweden Humanitarian Program 2015-2018 - Plan Sweden DRM 2015-2018 (new strategy) Plan Sverige Humanitära Program 2015-2018 Detta beslut är ett kompletterande insatsbeslut till avtal med Plan International Sverige om bidrag till humanitära insatser 2015-2018. Beslutet tas i enlighet med Sidas insatshanteringsregel paragraf 3.11.3 och avser det tredje och sista året av avtalet. Sida och Plan International Sverige ingick ett avtal i juni år 2015 om stöd till humanitära insatser i fem länder: Mali, Haiti, Centralafrikanska republiken, Filippinerna samt Sudan (omallokerat till Kamerun under året). Den huvudsakliga målgruppen utgörs av flickor och pojkar i humanitära kriser. Den största delen av stödet går till skydd av barn, följt av utbildning. En mindre andel av stödet avser barnfokuserad riskreducering, vatten och sanitet, samt nutrition. Insatsen inkluderar även stöd till en Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) samt tematiskt stöd för att stärka organisationens expertis samt för uppföljning och kvalitetssäkring. Inom ramen för avtalet allokerades initialt 55,4 MSEK enligt följande uppdelning: - Centralafrikanska republiken 5 MSEK (12 månader) - Filippinerna 5,4 MSEK (12 månader) - Sudan (omallokerat till Kamerun) 5 MSEK (12 månader) - Mali 9 MSEK (36 månader) - Haiti 9 MSEK (36 månader) - Tematiskt stöd för att stärka Plan Sveriges expertis 2 MSEK (12 månader) - Uppföljning och kvalitetssäkring 2 MSEK (12 månader) - RRM 18 MSEK (36 månader) I och med beslutet för år 2 allokerades ytterligare 61,2 MSEK enligt följande uppdelning: - Centralafrikanska republiken 3 MSEK (12 månader) - Niger 4 MSEK (12 månader) - Tanzania 9 MSEK (12 månader) - RRM 35,5 MSEK (två beslut under 2016) (24 månader) - Rwanda 5 MSEK (12 månader) - Beredskapsförmåga och kvalitetssäkring 4,7 MSEK (12 månader) I och med beslutet för år 3 allokeras ytterligare 55,1 MSEK enligt följande uppdelning: - Centralafrikanska republiken 4,2 MSEK (12 månader) - Nigeria 8,4 MSEK (12 månader) - Niger 4 MSEK (12 månader) - Kamerun 4 MSEK (12 månader) - Rwanda 5 MSEK (12 månader) - Tanzania 5 MSEK (12 månader) - Zimbabwe 4 MSEK (12 månader) - RRM 15 MSEK (15 månader) - Beredskapsförmåga och kvalitetssäkring 5,5 MSEK Därutöver ingår de redan beslutade insatserna för Haiti och Mali, totalt 6 MSEK. Totalt avtalat belopp uppgår därmed till 171,7 MSEK, varav initial allokering för år 2017 utgör 61,1 MSEK. Insatsen omfattar totalt nio landprojekt för implementering under 2017, inklusive de två länder som är pågående sedan 2015, exklusive RRM-projekt. Tilläggsbeslut för ytterligare stöd i utvalda kriser är möjliga under 2017 enligt Sidas modell för behovsbaserad årlig allokering. Förutom de 7% administrativ kostnad samt allokering för beredskap och kvalitetssäkring vidareförmedlar Plan International Sverige alla medel till landkontoren inom den internationella barnrättsfederationen Plan International. Vidareförmedling till lokala samarbetspartners sker i tre av länderna, till fyra lokala parter till ett totalt belopp av 5,5 MSEK. Totalt beräknat belopp för upphandling för året 2017/2018 uppgår till totalt 4,5 MSEK. För ytterligare information se beredningspromemoria avsnitt 6 a. Plan ges i avtalet fortsatt flexibilitet att omallokera medel inom en projektbudget på upp till 10%. Detta bedöms vara nödvändigt för att på ett relevant, snabbt och ändamålsenligt sätt kunna möta humanitära behov. För ändringar över 10%, eller omallokering mellan projektbudgetar, krävs Sidas godkännande. Vidare bedömer Sida att samtliga medel för projektet ska betalas ut omgående för att möjliggöra planering och uppstart av projektet vid avtalsunderskrift. Detta för att på bästa sätt möjliggöra planering och genomförande av den humanitära insatsen utan fördröjning. Ett avsteg från Sidas vanliga rutiner om uppdelade betalningar bedöms motiverat. Bedömningspromemorian har skrivits på engelska med anledning av att engelskspråkig personal i fält är delaktig i beredning och uppföljning av insatsen, i enlighet med Generaldirektörens beslut om Sidas språkvalsmatris med tillämpningsanvisningar från den 1 mars 2013. Beredningen har uppdaterats där relevant. Plan Sweden is implementing a three year project financed by Sida with focus on child protection and education in emergencies. UPDATE 2017 In accordance with Sida decision 2016-002260, Sida will not include a selection of results in results registry but, as standard procedures at the Humanitarian unit, Sida will assess all of Plan's individual projects' reports, including results framework. According to Sida's new regulations and advisors at Sida/VU there is no longer mandatory to follow-up the result register in TRAC nor will Sida request baselines or standard indicators. However, Sida do need to follow up results but rather on reported achievements and the theory of change used. Therefore, the following narrative will present the results achieved so far after Plan's first year of the three years agreement 2015-2018. The below is based on the Annual report from Plan, the discussion during the Annual meeting 24th November, 2016, input from colleagues in the humanitarian team as well as a follow-up meeting with Mr Malte Stöving from Plan at Sida on 28th November, 2016. During previous years Sida have been following closely Plan's results reporting both regarding the Major Hum interventions and RRMs. Therefore, in this year's narrative reporting Plan is presenting a well developed Results framework for both "Child Protection in emergencies" and "Education in emergencies". After having studied the logframe together with Sida's advisors it can be stated that Plan is well following-up on the results even if the level of details is very ambitious. Sida's recommendation to Plan will be to reformulate the outcomes in the next agreement to a more realistic level. Whether a three year or one-year intervention the expectations must be on an achievable level. There must be a clear distinction between knowledge and training to the beneficiaries and how much they can realistically put it into practise. For example to get the knowledge and skills about how to protect yourself or your children will not automatically be put into practise for all. The same goes with access to services and referral mechanisms, it should be reported separately how many that have actually used the mechanism. According to the report all activities have been implemented during the first year and Plan has responded to seven humanitarian crises in nine countries and has reached totally 356,027 beneficiaries. Plan are reporting the following on six different outcomes; i) Responding to identified needs in time; All Plans projects are need based, often assessments are made together with other agencies. However, delays can occur due to security situation, governmental approval, procurement processes or lack of qualified staff. ii) Coordination and access to information; Plan is part of the Global Cluster Coordination system and IASC as well as other relevant coordination mechanisms. Plan is also the leading part in many child protection working groups. iii) Accountability mechanisms; Plan has during the period increased the number of projects that include a complaints/feedback mechanism. The ambition is also to make them child friendly with an appropriate and efficient mechanism for children. The guidance for this will be developed during 2016 and piloted in the start-up of projects in 2017. iv) Girls, boys, men and women reached with qualified interventions; For Protection and Education interventions boys and girls are the core focus. Water and Sanitation projects have a wider distribution among beneficiaries and Nutrition projects are mostly focusing on women and lactating mothers. Protection is the largest sector, i.e. 46% of the beneficiaries, Water and Sanitation 22% and the Education sector 14%, the remaining for Nutrition and Livelihood. v) Child protection in emergencies; The surge capacity funded during the year has vastly improved the progress towards reaching the Child Protection Minimum Standard. However, due to high demand, the CFSs have been overcrowded. This challenge must be solved and one solution has been to receive children in shifts and to coordinate with other actors. vi) Child centered disaster risk reduction awareness and capacity; To date 65% of communities involve children and young people when assessing risks and vulnerabilities in the communities' contingency plans. The target is to increase this to 80% of the communities. Sida's assessment of Plan's first year of implementation is that Plan has improved its capacity to deliver prompt and need based humanitarian assistance. Their presence is appreciated by other actors and in some of the contexts they also serve as the implementing partner, eg for UNICEF. They are especially strong in countries where they have worked for many years and have good local contacts with other actors and governmental institutions. i.e. west Africa. According to Plan they are speeding up the work processes in south Africa as their response has not been quick enough. They are improving the recruitment process, roster for personnel and the procurement administration. While assessing RRMs there has been some misunderstanding in the past about the actual purpose of a RRM and when to use it. This has however become more accurate lately and components of more longterm activities have been excluded. Sida will invite all strategic partners in April 2017 to a work-shop regarding results frameworks and Sida's expectations on their partners. This will be an appropriate occasion to discuss results framework more in depth. FROM ASSESSMENT 2015-2016 Plan Sweden has identified six aggregate outcomes for the program (including country projects and RRM) that measure quality in processes and programming (for example timeliness, coordination and beneficiary satisfaction). Sida has selected the CAR project for inclusion in Sida's results register as an example of the overall program (typical of Plan´s core competencies in education and protection). Sida will monitor the results of Plan in all projects against approved logical frameworks and through external evaluations. For the project in the Central African Republic the overall objective is: Girls, boys and youth affected by the conflict in CAR are protected from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect and their wellbeing and development is promoted through the provision of integrated family and community-based education and protection support services. Number of beneficiaries: 10 050 (direct), 32 000 (indirect) Sectors: Education and Child Protection
project title
Helvetas project inclusive economic and social development-Scaling up phase HELVETAS PROJECT INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT-SCALING UP PHASE PRODERT Scaling-up objective is: 'Vulnerable rural population particularly indigenous women increase their income and productive employment by capitalising on the potential of local production and cultural values in five departments of the western highlands of Guatemala'. The intervention seeks to achieve sustainable results over time and disseminate good practices of the current 'Territorial Rural Economic Development Project' PRODERT, in order for the market systems to work more effectively and inclusively in favour of the poor, as well as to increase the number of beneficiaries with potential to increase income and participate in market systems (from 7,500 to 26,750 direct beneficiaries), and increasing geographical coverage from 16 to 27 municipalities in the Departments of Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Totonicapán, Quiché and Quetzaltenango. During this phase the project is expected to develop complementary alliances with potential market partners to support innovations in order to increase scale, scope and to strengthen the target groups response capacity, sustainability and resilience. According to Helvetas, due to the positive results of the previous phases of PRODERT, there is an imminent interest in the selected communities where the population has expressed strong interest to participate in the project. Until now, it has not been possible to incorporate them due to lack of funds.'Based on a previous MSD/M4P analysis, main identified constrains of the target groups to be part of the market systems are: (i) to reach a good level of associativity, (ii) lack of inclusive financial services (iii) lack of technical assistance and (iv) business development. In collaboration with different public, private and civil society actors the project with a catalyst role is expected to facilitate systemic changes in the identified constraints and Helvetas will focus on overcome these barriers. Preliminarily the intervention will support the development of 6 viable value chains with market potential and scaling up: potatoes, coffee, vegetables, handicrafts, beekeeping and sheep.PRODERT Scaling up amounts SEK 79 800 000, for the period 2018 – 2021. Besides, as part of this intervention it is estimated that the Department of Loans and Guarantees at Sida Headquarter (HQ) will support a guarantee and capital risk instrument, the cost of the guarantee is not still defined. A mission from the Sida HQ visited Guatemala in October 2017 to start assessing this specific support.
Helvetas project inclusive economic and social development-Scaling up phase
III.2.a. Industry
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development
ODA Grants
International NGO
PRODERT Scaling-up objective is: 'Vulnerable rural population particularly indigenous women increase their income and productive employment by capitalising on the potential of local production and cultural values in five departments of the western highlands of Guatemala'. The intervention seeks to achieve sustainable results over time and disseminate good practices of the current 'Territorial Rural Economic Development Project' PRODERT, in order for the market systems to work more effectively and inclusively in favour of the poor, as well as to increase the number of beneficiaries with potential to increase income and participate in market systems (from 7,500 to 26,750 direct beneficiaries), and increasing geographical coverage from 16 to 27 municipalities in the Departments of Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Totonicapán, Quiché and Quetzaltenango. During this phase the project is expected to develop complementary alliances with potential market partners to support innovations in order to increase scale, scope and to strengthen the target groups response capacity, sustainability and resilience. According to Helvetas, due to the positive results of the previous phases of PRODERT, there is an imminent interest in the selected communities where the population has expressed strong interest to participate in the project. Until now, it has not been possible to incorporate them due to lack of funds.'Based on a previous MSD/M4P analysis, main identified constrains of the target groups to be part of the market systems are: (i) to reach a good level of associativity, (ii) lack of inclusive financial services (iii) lack of technical assistance and (iv) business development. In collaboration with different public, private and civil society actors the project with a catalyst role is expected to facilitate systemic changes in the identified constraints and Helvetas will focus on overcome these barriers. Preliminarily the intervention will support the development of 6 viable value chains with market potential and scaling up: potatoes, coffee, vegetables, handicrafts, beekeeping and sheep.PRODERT Scaling up amounts SEK 79 800 000, for the period 2018 – 2021. Besides, as part of this intervention it is estimated that the Department of Loans and Guarantees at Sida Headquarter (HQ) will support a guarantee and capital risk instrument, the cost of the guarantee is not still defined. A mission from the Sida HQ visited Guatemala in October 2017 to start assessing this specific support.
Helvetas projekt för en inkluderande ekonomisk och social utveckling Första fas Helvetas project inclusive economic and social development-Scaling up phase - Helvetas project for an inclusive economic and PRODERT Scaling-up objective is: "Vulnerable rural population particularly indigenous women increase their income and productive employment by capitalising on the potential of local production and cultural values in five departments of the western highlands of Guatemala". The intervention seeks to achieve sustainable results over time and disseminate good practices of the current "Territorial Rural Economic Development Project" PRODERT, in order for the market systems to work more effectively and inclusively in favour of the poor, as well as to increase the number of beneficiaries with potential to increase income and participate in market systems (from 7,500 to 26,750 direct beneficiaries), and increasing geographical coverage from 16 to 27 municipalities in the Departments of Huehuetenango, San Marcos, Totonicapán, Quiché and Quetzaltenango. During this phase the project is expected to develop complementary alliances with potential market partners to support innovations in order to increase scale, scope and to strengthen the target groups response capacity, sustainability and resilience. According to Helvetas, due to the positive results of the previous phases of PRODERT, there is an imminent interest in the selected communities where the population has expressed strong interest to participate in the project. Until now, it has not been possible to incorporate them due to lack of funds.´Based on a previous MSD/M4P analysis, main identified constrains of the target groups to be part of the market systems are: (i) to reach a good level of associativity, (ii) lack of inclusive financial services (iii) lack of technical assistance and (iv) business development. In collaboration with different public, private and civil society actors the project with a catalyst role is expected to facilitate systemic changes in the identified constraints and Helvetas will focus on overcome these barriers. Preliminarily the intervention will support the development of 6 viable value chains with market potential and scaling up: potatoes, coffee, vegetables, handicrafts, beekeeping and sheep. PRODERT Scaling up amounts SEK 79 800 000, for the period 2018 – 2021. Besides, as part of this intervention it is estimated that the Department of Loans and Guarantees at Sida Headquarter (HQ) will support a guarantee and capital risk instrument, the cost of the guarantee is not still defined. A mission from the Sida HQ visited Guatemala in October 2017 to start assessing this specific support. Utvecklingsinsatsen syftar till att minska fattigdom hos landsbygdsbefolkning på västra höglandet i Guatemala genom att facilitera produktiv sysselsättning och utnyttja potential och kulturella värden i den lokala produktionen. Insatsen riktar sig särskilt till urfolkskvinnor. Totalt 26 750 familjer kommer att kunna dra nytta av tekniskt bistånd, förbättrade jordbruksmetoder, tillgång till finansiella tjänster för att utveckla sin produktiva verksamhet, samt tillgång till nationella och internationella marknader. Insatsen genomförs i samarbete med lokala företag, jordbruksorganisationer, samt med nationella och lokala myndigheter. Helvetas ansöker om tilläggsmedel om 79 800 000 SEK för perioden 2018-2021 för att genomföra utvecklingsinsatsen. Helvetas kommer även att tillföra egna medel om 7 200 000 SEK för expanderingsfasen som startar 2018, och viss delfinansiering kommer att tillhandahållas av kommunerna. "Vulnerable rural population particularly indigenous women increase their income and productive employment by capitalizing on the potential of local production and cultural values in five departments of the western highlands of Guatemala".
project title
Int. Civil Society Center ( ICSC) 2015-2018 Extension 2018-2019 - Global Concept International Civil Society Center INT. CIVIL SOCIETY CENTER ( ICSC) 2015-2018 EXTENSION 2018-2019 - GLOBAL CONCEPT INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SOCIETY CENTER International Civil Society Centre och INGO Accoutability Charter will implement the project Global Standard for CSO Accountability together with partner organisations in nine regions. The project's aim is to implement the Istanbul-principles and to work more effective within the civil society.
Bilateral, unspecified
Int. Civil Society Center ( ICSC) 2015-2018 Extension 2018-2019 - Global Concept International Civil Society Center
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
International NGO
International Civil Society Centre och INGO Accoutability Charter will implement the project Global Standard for CSO Accountability together with partner organisations in nine regions. The project's aim is to implement the Istanbul-principles and to work more effective within the civil society.
ITP309 Climate 15,16,17,18,19 - Short Course Rwanda Avslutad ITP309 CLIMATE 15,16,17,18,19 - SHORT COURSE RWANDA AVSLUTAD International Training Program on Security and Environment, to be procured 2011.
Bilateral, unspecified
ITP309 Climate 15,16,17,18,19 - Short Course Rwanda Avslutad
IV.1. General Environment Protection
Environmental policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Donor Government
International Training Program on Security and Environment, to be procured 2011.
ITP309 Climate 15,16,17,18,19 - ITP 309c Climate South Africa 2017 ITP309 CLIMATE 15,16,17,18,19 - ITP 309C CLIMATE SOUTH AFRICA 2017 International Training Program on Security and Environment, to be procured 2011.
Bilateral, unspecified
ITP309 Climate 15,16,17,18,19 - ITP 309c Climate South Africa 2017
IV.1. General Environment Protection
Environmental policy and administrative management
ODA Grants
Donor Government
ITP309 CLIMATE 15,16,17,18,19 - ITP 309C CLIMATE SOUTH AFRICA 2017
International Training Program on Security and Environment, to be procured 2011.
ITP course in Colombia on UNSCR 1325, women, peace and security - ITP Course Colombia NS 2016-2020 ITP COURSE IN COLOMBIA ON UNSCR 1325, WOMEN, PEACE AND SECURITY - ITP COURSE COLOMBIA NS 2016-2020 International Training Program ITP course in Spanish for Colombia om 'Women, Peace and Security', UN Security Council REsolution 1325.
ITP course in Colombia on UNSCR 1325, women, peace and security - ITP Course Colombia NS 2016-2020
I.5.b. Conflict, Peace & Security
Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution
ODA Grants
Private sector in provider country
International Training Program ITP course in Spanish for Colombia om 'Women, Peace and Security', UN Security Council REsolution 1325.
ITP course in Colombia on UNSCR 1325, women, peace and security - ITP Course Colombia NS 2016-2020 ITP kurs i Colombia om UNSCR 1325 kvinnor, fred och säkerhet Svenska ambassaden kommer att använda det avtal som finns mellan Sida och Indevelop för att genomföra ett nationellt träningsprogram för UNSCR 1325 i Colombia. Ett tillägg till kontraktet (call-off) kommer att göras av ambassaden. Programmet syftar till att bidra till ökad hänsyn för kvinnors och flickors rättigheter och deltagande i fredsbyggande processer i Colombia. 25 deltagare från civilsamhällesorganisationer och offentliga myngdiheter kommer att dra nytta av programmet. Ett regionalt fokus kommer att beaktas för att ha en bredare deltagargrupp. Deltagarnas kunskap om metoder och verktyg för att tillämpa UNSCR 1325 i den colombianska kontexten förväntas öka liksom främjandet av resolutionen i respektive deltagande organisation och ökad kontakt mellan relevanta intressenter från statliga organ och civilsamhällesorganisationer samt en ökad förståelse för varandras roll och ansvar för att UNSCR 1325 ska tillämpas i den pågående fredsbyggandeprocessen i Colombia. International Training Program ITP course in Spanish for Colombia om "Women, Peace and Security", UN Security Council REsolution 1325 to increase the capacity of participants on the methodology and tools for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. The overall objective of the national training program for Colombia is to contribute to an increased consideration of women's and girls' rights and participation in the peace-building processes in Colombia. The specific objective is that the organizations use actively the knowledge and tools acquired, and that an increased dialogue and enhanced network between civil society organizations and state agencies - on a regional and national level - contribute to the implementation of UNSCR 1325. The individual results of the training aim for the participants to have: - Increased knowledge on methods and tools to implement UNSCR 1325 in the Colombian context. - Contribute to promote UNSCR 1325 within their respective organization - Increased contact and interaction with key stakeholders from the state agencies and civil society organizations. - Increased understanding for the respective roles and responsibilities for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Colombian peace-building processes.
project title
System based audit prioir to core support SYSTEM BASED AUDIT PRIOIR TO CORE SUPPORT System based audit
System based audit prioir to core support
I.5.a. Government & Civil Society-general
Democratic participation and civil society
ODA Grants
Donor country-based NGO
System based audit
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