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Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
If it’s not too old, you should be able to use it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
You are the one who is responsible for it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It is the same for me. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
If so, please point it out to me. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
If you can’t use English, you’ll be in trouble over there. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
There’s no point in playing a game that you find boring, because there’s no point in playing a game that you find boring. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I’m going to make a note of it in my own way. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
However, different game titles have different levels of popularity. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
パソコンの画面キャプチャでも良い 写真と言う言葉で説明していますが、パソコンの画面キャプチャでも大丈夫です。
### English:
You can use a computer screen capture. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
今回はそのAdobe Auditionを使います。
### English:
This time we’ll be using Adobe Audition. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It was an eye-opener, so here’s a note. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
And not in a mountainous shape, but parallel. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It’s not a ridiculous amount of money to wash the car. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It would be good luck to end it quickly. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
So don’t worry about it at all. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
But you should just apologize. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
In this article, we will describe how to automate the process. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
やればいいじゃん まぁやってみればいいだけなんですけどね。
### English:
Just do it. Well, you just have to try and do it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
When I write this blog, these days I write exclusively with “voice input”. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It means that one of my longtime clients has left my company. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I used to use Glup too, back in the day. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Even if you’re only good at gaming, if you can’t negotiate a contract, you’re not going to make it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Then I found a tool called pngquant. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
For more information, please check it out for yourself. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I don’t think I would want to read them. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
So I wonder if I can do it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
What measures can be taken? |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
When you have a problem, you can just search the daily report that you have accumulated, so it’s very easy to use. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It doesn’t work on the text editor side. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I switched from Mac to Windows. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
どんな出来事があったか 今日地元駅前でフリーマーケットのイベントがありました。
### English:
There was a flea market in front of the local train station today, with nearly 100 stalls, food and drinks. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
Glup、 WebPack、さらに昔だとGruntなど、たくさんあると思います。
### English:
There are a lot of web compilers out there, like Glup, WebPack, or even Grunt in the old days, and I’m sure there are many more. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
So it’s a hassle, but it’s better to shave by hand every time. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
病気はこんな感じ お見苦しい画像になりますが、こんな感じです。
### English:
Here’s what the disease looks like This is an unflattering picture, but this is what it looks like. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
To do this, it’s important to be aware of the materials you’re using. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Now let me describe an example. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
送信受信メールにラベルをつける 送信メールと受信メールにラベルを付けます。
### English:
Label outgoing and incoming emails Label your outgoing and incoming emails. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
After purchase, you only need to ask the cashier if you want to use “Rakuten” at the register. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I was aiming for that. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Please write this down. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
外からの光を取り込むための窓という視点 電気の光だけでは暗い印象になってしまうため、外からの光を取り込むための窓が必要になる場合があります。
### English:
A.The perspective of windows to let in light from the outside. Electric light alone can make the room look dark, so windows are needed to let in light from the outside. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
By writing down the things I learned, I can look back and realize how much I have grown. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
So what should I write about? |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
Classic Editor必須、Gutenberg非対応 執筆時点で、Classic Editorプラグイン必須、Gutenberg非対応となっています。
### English:
Classic Editor required, no Gutenberg support. At the time of writing, the Classic Editor plugin is required, and Gutenberg is not supported. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
If you’d like, you can use this as a reference. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
This is because you have to watch the video and separate the scenes you want and the scenes you don’t want. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Sometimes that’s the case as I write this article now. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
These are computers, smartphones, etc. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
However, you should not use a strong tone of voice. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I think body hair is a necessary part of the human body. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
You should disable it when you work on translation. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I think it’s more hygienic and it feels smaller and cleaner without it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Like this one. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
You may need to follow up with a follow-up. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Every treatment method has its own advantages and disadvantages. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
However, it’s important not to change from the purpose you’ve set. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Installation takes quite some time. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I think it was web design. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
免責 ここに記載している内容は、筆者本人の体験を記載しています。
### English:
The content here is based on the author’s own experience. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Therefore, you can say that it is a completely original article. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
And it’s good to have a lot of opinions. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Make a note of your interactions with the company. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
This may be especially true of toilets, bathrooms and living rooms. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I’m the same way. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I think it’s very important. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
So I will make a note of it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Patterning clothes is a good way to save money. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Think about a salesperson selling a house. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It could be a notebook, a blog, anything. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
A note on how to achieve this with Expressions. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
The following actual costs will apply. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I wear sunscreen, of course. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
That’s what adults do in the world. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
We can learn from continuing to watch individual stocks as well, so I’m going to hold on to them a little bit and keep watching them. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
So it’s better to shave it off. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
If that’s the case, then I think it’s good to write more casually and send them out casually. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
iPhone8で使っていたアプリ GoogleKeep Googl . . . MacからWindowsにスイッチした 私は長年、Macを使って仕事をしていました。
### English:
I switched from Mac to Windows. For many years, I worked on a Mac, but recently switched to Windows. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
In this article, I’d like to write about something I’ve been thinking about recently when writing blog posts. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
バランスが難しいですよねw そのゲームが好きであることが大前提 いろいろ書きましたが、ゲームはまず自分が楽しむ事が大前提です。
### English:
It’s a difficult balance to strike, isn’t it? The basic premise is that you like the game. I’ve written a lot of things, but the main premise of a game is to enjoy yourself first. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Instead of just throwing it all away out of the blue, I’m going to make sure to wear what I can still wear before I throw it away! . |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I use Google Japanese input method. . In that case. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
捨てやすいもの、捨てにくいものを意識しよう 究極的にはどんなものでも捨てることはできるのですが、なるべく楽に捨てたい。
### English:
Let’s be aware of what’s easy to throw away and what’s hard to throw away Ultimately, you can throw away anything, but you want to make it as easy as possible to get rid of it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It would be boring if all the articles in the vast world of the Internet were pointing in the same direction, wouldn’t it? |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
So, although it takes two minutes of time every day, leaving it in the form of a daily report will help me to remember the past years later. It’s a powerful tool when you need it. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
How do I shave it? |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
個人的におすすめなのが 、 「 パナソニック ボディトリマー」です。
### English:
My personal recommendation is the Panasonic Body Trimmer. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
そういったことを言ってしまう視聴者は、正直来てほしくないですからね。 ブロックも検討しましょう。
### English:
We don’t want viewers who say those things to come to us, because we honestly don’t want them to come. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I’ll make a note of how to speed up the playback speed to make the process more efficient. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
音声のタイミングの目印となるマーカーは、Adobe Auditionでもつけることができます。
### English:
You can also add markers to Adobe Audition to mark the timing of the audio You can open the audio file and add markers at the desired time. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
You should take an orderly approach to those people and say, “Please unsubscribe. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
In order to reduce the cost price, the sizes and other components are standardized to lower the unit price. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Of course, you should use the word “I think” when it comes to nerve-wracking information, such as in medical matters . |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Please do so at your own risk. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
I also dabble in the things that interest me, but I don’t feel like I’m an expert on them. No, it’s halfway through. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
This is because this makes it easier to find the right place to search when you want to modify the code. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
Even though women’s photos are more accessible, it’s important to choose the right photos in the right places. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
例えばガンの場合 「ガン」という、治療が難しい病気があります。
### English:
For example, in the case of cancer There is a disease called cancer, which is difficult to treat. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
However, compared to the ruled line, the recognition as a break is weak, so it is better to use it appropriately. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
It’s a long sentence as it is, so I’ve tried to summarize it in my own way. |
Translate this text into English.
### Japanese:
### English:
This is a bit of a time-consuming approach, but it works best if you make sure they report on that game every day. |
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