Dataset Preview
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The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    TypeError
Message:      Couldn't cast array of type
struct<identifier: int64, comment: string, is_minor_edit: bool, scores: struct<revertrisk: struct<probability: struct<false: double, true: double>, prediction: bool>>, editor: struct<identifier: int64, name: string, edit_count: int64, groups: list<item: string>, date_started: timestamp[s], is_patroller: bool, is_anonymous: bool, is_admin: bool, is_bot: bool, has_advanced_rights: bool>, number_of_characters: int64, size: struct<value: int64, unit_text: string>, maintenance_tags: struct<citation_needed_count: int64, update_count: int64, pov_count: int64>, tags: list<item: string>, noindex: bool, is_breaking_news: bool>
{'identifier': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'comment': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'tags': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'is_minor_edit': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_flagged_stable': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'has_tag_needs_citation': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'scores': {'damaging': {'prediction': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'probability': {'false': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'true': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}}, 'goodfaith': {'prediction': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'probability': {'false': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'true': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}}, 'revertrisk': {'prediction': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'probability': {'false': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'true': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}}}, 'editor': {'identifier': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'name': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'edit_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'groups': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'is_bot': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_anonymous': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_admin': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_patroller': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'has_advanced_rights': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'date_started': Value(dtype='timestamp[s]', id=None)}, 'number_of_characters': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'size': {'value': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'unit_text': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'event': {'identifier': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date_created': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'is_breaking_news': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'noindex': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'maintenance_tags': {'citation_needed_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'pov_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'clarification_needed_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'update_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}}
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in cast_table_to_schema
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in <listcomp>
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in wrapper
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in <listcomp>
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2122, in cast_array_to_feature
                  raise TypeError(f"Couldn't cast array of type\n{_short_str(array.type)}\nto\n{_short_str(feature)}")
              TypeError: Couldn't cast array of type
              struct<identifier: int64, comment: string, is_minor_edit: bool, scores: struct<revertrisk: struct<probability: struct<false: double, true: double>, prediction: bool>>, editor: struct<identifier: int64, name: string, edit_count: int64, groups: list<item: string>, date_started: timestamp[s], is_patroller: bool, is_anonymous: bool, is_admin: bool, is_bot: bool, has_advanced_rights: bool>, number_of_characters: int64, size: struct<value: int64, unit_text: string>, maintenance_tags: struct<citation_needed_count: int64, update_count: int64, pov_count: int64>, tags: list<item: string>, noindex: bool, is_breaking_news: bool>
              {'identifier': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'comment': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'tags': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'is_minor_edit': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_flagged_stable': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'has_tag_needs_citation': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'scores': {'damaging': {'prediction': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'probability': {'false': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'true': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}}, 'goodfaith': {'prediction': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'probability': {'false': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'true': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}}, 'revertrisk': {'prediction': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'probability': {'false': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'true': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}}}, 'editor': {'identifier': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'name': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'edit_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'groups': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'is_bot': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_anonymous': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_admin': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'is_patroller': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'has_advanced_rights': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'date_started': Value(dtype='timestamp[s]', id=None)}, 'number_of_characters': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'size': {'value': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'unit_text': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'event': {'identifier': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date_created': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'is_breaking_news': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'noindex': Value(dtype='bool', id=None), 'maintenance_tags': {'citation_needed_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'pov_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'clarification_needed_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'update_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}}
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1396, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1045, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1029, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1124, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1884, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2040, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

Not Again SU
{ "identifier": 1220413474, "comment": "Added # to title.", "tags": null, "is_minor_edit": true, "is_flagged_stable": null, "has_tag_needs_citation": null, "scores": { "damaging": null, "goodfaith": null, "revertrisk": { "prediction": null, "probability": { "false": 0.5951822996139526, "true": 0.40481770038604736 } } }, "editor": { "identifier": 47559838, "name": "T.olivia.p", "edit_count": 4, "groups": [ "*", "user" ], "is_bot": null, "is_anonymous": null, "is_admin": null, "is_patroller": null, "has_advanced_rights": null, "date_started": "2024-03-19T15:34:53" }, "number_of_characters": 72, "size": { "value": 72, "unit_text": "B" }, "event": null, "is_breaking_news": null, "noindex": null, "maintenance_tags": { "citation_needed_count": null, "pov_count": null, "clarification_needed_count": null, "update_count": null } }
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[ { "name": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0", "identifier": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "url": "" } ]
Student organization in Syracuse, New York
[ { "type": "section", "name": "Abstract", "has_parts": null }, { "type": "section", "name": "Introduction:", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The hashtag and student led organization #NotAgainSU began circulating after several racist incidents occurred on the campus of Syracuse University, during the academic course of 2019-2021. Initial reports of racist paraphernalia occurred early November in the dorm buildings of first- and second-year undergraduate students. After nearly a month of daily reports, Syracuse students organized a sit-in where they occupied, and created an elaborate list of 19 demands for Chancellor Kent Syverud to sign. After several protests, some taking place at his persona residence, the list was signed with few revisions on November 21st.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null } ] }, { "type": "section", "name": "Demands:", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The #NotAgainSU protestors made a list of 19 demands to the University which was later expanded to 34 after Chancellor Kent Syverud signed the initial list. The protestor's demands focus on the improvement of marginalized student experiences on campus as well as improved University wide education on diversity with a specific focus on Anti-Racism.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The protestors called for punishments for the students involved in hate crimes and bias related incidents based on their level of involvement, reform of the SEM100 course now called FYS 101 and mandatory education of faculty and staff on diversity and anti-racism. The demands also included stronger anti-harassment policies, an open forum between the University and students in order for the grievances of marginalized students to be addressed and published updates from the University on their progress in meeting the protestors demands.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "In terms of the improvement of the experience of marginalized students on campus, the protestors demanded housing reforms including the prioritization of disabled students in the housing selection process and the use of roommate selection platforms such as My College Roomie in order for students to select roommates of similar backgrounds and interests. They demanded increased funding for counseling services which better represent marginalized students, development of a multicultural center, recognition of Multicultural Greek life and increased financial aid funding for students of color.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The demands also addressed the protestors specific concerns with the administration and Department of Public Safety processes and procedures. These demands included timelier responses to racial incidences on campus and more transparency regarding these incidences. They also demanded an external review of the Department of Public Safety singling out Associate Chief John Sardino in their request. They also demanded the removal of multiple university administration leaders including Chancellor Kent Syverud, Senior VP for Enrollment and Student Experience Dolan Evanovich, DPS Chief Bobby Maldonado, and Deputy Chief John Sardino.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null } ] } ]
Mike Ross (Suits)
REDIRECT List of Suits characters#Mike Ross
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An American Legal drama series from 2011-2019
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[ { "identifier": "Q125388612", "url": "", "aspects": [ "S" ] } ]
Second Polish republic
REDIRECT #Second Polish Republic
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[ { "name": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0", "identifier": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "url": "" } ]
Country in Central and Eastern Europe (1918–1939)
[ { "type": "section", "name": "Abstract", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "REDIRECT # Second Polish Republic", "has_parts": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Second Polish Republic", "images": null } ], "name": null } ] } ]
Left-to-right script
REDIRECT Writing system#Directionality
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Convention of symbols representing language
[ { "type": "section", "name": "Abstract", "has_parts": [ { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "REDIRECT Writing system#Directionality", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Writing system#Directionality", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null } ] } ]
1442 in France
Events from the year 1442 in France
{ "identifier": 1145356533, "comment": "Alter: url. URLs might have been anonymized. | [[WP:UCB|Use this bot]]. [[WP:DBUG|Report bugs]]. | Suggested by AManWithNoPlan | #UCB_CommandLine", "tags": null, "is_minor_edit": null, "is_flagged_stable": null, "has_tag_needs_citation": null, "scores": null, "editor": { "identifier": 7903804, "name": "Citation bot", "edit_count": null, "groups": null, "is_bot": null, "is_anonymous": null, "is_admin": null, "is_patroller": null, "has_advanced_rights": null, "date_started": null }, "number_of_characters": 750, "size": { "value": 754, "unit_text": "B" }, "event": null, "is_breaking_news": null, "noindex": null, "maintenance_tags": null }
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[ { "name": "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0", "identifier": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "url": "" } ]
List of events in the year 1442
[ { "type": "section", "name": "Abstract", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "Events from the year 1442 in France", "has_parts": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "France", "images": null } ], "name": null } ] }, { "type": "section", "name": "Incumbents", "has_parts": [ { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Monarch – Charles VII", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Monarch", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Charles VII", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null } ] }, { "type": "section", "name": "Deaths", "has_parts": [ { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "29 August – John V, Duke of Brittany (born 1389)", "links": [ { "url": ",_Duke_of_Brittany", "text": "John V, Duke of Brittany", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "18 December – Pierre Cauchon, bishop (born 1371)", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Pierre Cauchon", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null } ] } ]
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[ { "identifier": "Q56292328", "url": "", "aspects": [ "D.en", "S", "T" ] } ]
Juan Benet (computer scientist)
Juan Benet is an American computer scientist. He is the founder and CEO of Protocol Labs, a computer networking research and development company.  He designed the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized web protocol, and Filecoin, a peer-to-peer file storage network.
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Content-addressable, peer-to-peer hypermedia distribution protocol
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1906 Minnesota Senate election
The 1906 Minnesota Senate election was held in the U.S. state of Minnesota on November 6, 1906, to elect members to the Senate of the 35th and 36th Minnesota Legislatures. The Minnesota Republican Party won a large majority of seats, followed by the Minnesota Democratic Party and the People's Party. The new Legislature convened on January 8, 1907. 31 Republicans and 4 Democrats were uncontested.
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12th century in Wales
This article is about the particular significance of the century 1101–1200 to Wales and its people.
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Wales-related events during the 12th century
[ { "type": "section", "name": "Abstract", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "This article is about the particular significance of the century 1101–1200 to Wales and its people.", "has_parts": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Wales", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "its people", "images": null } ], "name": null } ] }, { "type": "section", "name": "Events", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1102", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Henry I of England has a series of charges drawn up against the rebel Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury and, when Robert refuses to answer to them, has Robert's former vassal and ally Iorwerth ap Bleddyn, prince of Powys, persuaded to besiege and capture Robert's castles in Shropshire; Iorwerth also delivers his own brother Maredudd ap Bleddyn to the king. 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the marriage is personally arranged by King Henry I of England.", "links": [ { "url": "é", "text": "Sibyl", "images": null }, { "url": ",_1st_Earl_of_Hereford", "text": "Miles of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry I of England", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Robert Turberville is recorded as a principal tenant of Bernard de Neufmarché at Crickhowell.", "links": [ { "url": "é", "text": "Bernard de Neufmarché", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Crickhowell", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Walter of Gloucester enters Llanthony Priory as a monk; his title passes to his son Miles.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Walter of Gloucester", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Llanthony Priory", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1123", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Bernard, Bishop of St David's, visits Rome.", "links": [ { "url": "'s)", "text": "Bernard, Bishop of St David's", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1124", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cadwallon ap Gruffydd kills the three rulers of the cantref of Dyffryn Clwyd, Meilyr ab Owain, Rhiryd ab Owain and Gronw ab Owain, his maternal uncles, to annexe it to his father's Kingdom of Gwynedd.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadwallon ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "cantref", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Dyffryn Clwyd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "annexe", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Kingdom of Gwynedd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1125", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Bernard, Bishop of St David's, ejects the Benedictines from Carmarthen, replacing them with the Augustinian order.", "links": null, "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "David, Bishop of Bangor, visits the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth.", "links": null, "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1127", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Bishop Urban of Llandaff unsuccessfully seeks support from the Council of Westminster to extend the boundaries of his diocese from the River Tawe to the River Towy.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Bishop Urban of Llandaff", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "River Tawe", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "River Towy", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Gruffydd ap Rhys of Deheubarth goes into a brief exile in Ireland.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Gruffydd ap Rhys", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Caradog ap Iestyn of Glamorgan, and his brothers Gruffydd and Goronwy are involved in a “deed of violence”.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Caradog ap Iestyn", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1128", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "19 April - Bishop Urban of Llandaff seeks support from the Pope for the extension of his diocese.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "19 April", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1129", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Bishop Urban of Llandaff makes a second appeal to the Pope. 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His cathedral at St David's receives a “dedication”, possibly indicating a partial rebuilding.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "council of Reims", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1132", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Basingwerk Abbey is founded.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Basingwerk Abbey", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Madog ap Maredudd succeeds his father as ruler of Powys.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Madog ap Maredudd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1133", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cadwallon ap Gruffydd is defeated and killed by an army of the Kingdom of Powys near Nanheudwy.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadwallon ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Kingdom of Powys", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Nanheudwy", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1135", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Monks of Llanthony Priory are forced by persistent attacks from the local population to flee across the English border and establish a daughter cell, Llanthony Secunda.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Llanthony Priory", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Llanthony Secunda", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Geoffrey of Monmouth gives permission to Caradog of Llancarfan to use material from his History of the Kings of Britain. 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Owain Gwynedd and his brother Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd invade the region and take five of its castles, including Aberystwyth.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd is killed in battle near Kidwelly.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Kidwelly", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "September/October - Battle of Crug Mawr; a signal victory for the Welsh.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Battle of Crug Mawr", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cardigan Castle is taken by the Welsh and burned.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cardigan Castle", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Llanthony Secunda Priory is founded by Miles of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Llanthony Secunda", "images": null }, { "url": ",_1st_Earl_of_Hereford", "text": "Miles of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1137", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Death of Gruffudd ap Cynan, king of Gwynedd; he is replaced by Owain Gwynedd.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Gruffudd ap Cynan", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "king of Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain and his brother Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan complete their conquest of Ceredigion by capturing the castles in the east and south of the region.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "William of Wycombe becomes prior of Llanthony Priory.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "William of Wycombe", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Llanthony Priory", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1138", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "A shrine to St Winefride is established in Shrewsbury, and the saint's remains are transferred there from Holywell.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Winefride", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Shrewsbury", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Flintshire", "text": "Holywell", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain Gwynedd and Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan fail to take Cardigan with the aid of a Danish fleet. 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Cadwaladr consolidates their previous gains and retains control of northern Ceredigion.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Anarawd ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadell", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "King Stephen of England gives Gilbert de Clare the title of Earl of Pembroke.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Stephen of England", "images": null }, { "url": ",_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke", "text": "Gilbert de Clare", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1139", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain Gwynedd places southern Ceredigion under the control of his son Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain and his brother Cadwaladr oppose the appointment of Meurig to the see of Bangor. 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With help from Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd, he also takes the castles of Carmarthen and Llansteffan. Rhys ap Gruffydd (the Lord Rhys) begins his military career, aged 13, fighting under his brother Cadell.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadell ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": ",_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke", "text": "Gilbert de Clare, 1st Earl of Pembroke", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Hugh de Mortimer brings about the death of Maredudd ap Madog ab Idnerth.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Hugh de Mortimer", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1147", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "In alliance with Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd and the Fitzgeralds of Pembroke, Cadell ap Gruffydd takes the castle of Wiston from Walter Fitzwiz.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadell ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Walter Fitzwiz", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd and his brother Cynan invade Meirionnydd and take the castle of Cynfail from their uncle, Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Margam Abbey founded.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Margam Abbey", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1148", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "19 December – David FitzGerald is consecrated Bishop of St David's, at Canterbury.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "19 December", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "David FitzGerald", "images": null }, { "url": "'s", "text": "Bishop of St David's", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1149", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Madog ap Maredudd mounts an expedition into England and takes the Fitzalan lordship of Oswestry. He appoints his nephew Owain Cyfeiliog to rule Cyfeiliog on his behalf.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Madog ap Maredudd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Oswestry", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Tegeingl and Iâl are annexed by Owain Gwynedd.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Tegeingl", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1150", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cadell ap Gruffydd launches a raid on Kidwelly.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadell ap Gruffydd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cynan ab Owain Gwynedd is imprisoned by his father Owain Gwynedd, for unspecified reasons.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cynan ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd captures his cousin Cadfan, son of Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan, and occupies the new castle at Llanrhystud.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Bertha of Hereford marries William de Braose, 3rd Lord of Bramber.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Bertha of Hereford", "images": null }, { "url": ",_3rd_Lord_of_Bramber", "text": "William de Braose, 3rd Lord of Bramber", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1151", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cadell ap Gruffydd is attacked by Normans while hunting in the forest of Coed Rhath. Although he survives the attack, he is unable to continue his military activities.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadell ap Gruffydd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1152", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "21 February - Geoffrey of Monmouth is consecrated Bishop of St Asaph, ten days after being ordained a priest.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "21 February", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Geoffrey of Monmouth", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Bishop of St Asaph", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Another quarrel takes place between Owain Gwynedd and his brother Cadwaladr; Cadwaladr goes into exile in England.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1153", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cadell ap Gruffydd makes a pilgrimage to Rome. His brothers Maredudd and Rhys ap Gruffydd drive Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd out of Ceredigion.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadell ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Ceredigion", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Rhys ap Gruffydd attacks the territory of Owain Cyfeiliog, beginning a feud between the two princes, and captures the Norman castle at St Clears.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "St Clears", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1154", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Morgan ab Owain, grandson of Caradog ap Gruffydd, is recognised as lord of Caerleon by King Henry II of England.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Caradog ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1155", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "The sudden death of Maredudd ap Gruffydd leaves his brother Rhys sole ruler of Deheubarth.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Maredudd ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Rhys", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Deheubarth", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1157", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "King Henry II of England invades Wales, with the support of Madog ap Maredudd, attacking Anglesey by sea. Following a highly successful ambush in Hawarden Woods (led by Owain's sons Dafydd and Cynan) near Ewloe in north-east Wales, Owain Gwynedd repulsed Henry II's army, his forces scattering in disarray and his royal standard was thrown to the ground; a symbol of surrender in those times. The standard bearer was later killed in a judicial duel connected to this humiliating retreat. King Henry escaped with his life but had suffered a humiliating set back. Realising that further confronting the Plantagenet king would be a highly risky affair, the subsequent peace agreement between Henry and Owain saw the latter buy peace with a certain number of cattle and, although he also cedes Tegeingl to Henry; it is recovered into Welsh hands in the late 1160s. Owain is also made to return his brother Cadwaladr to his former position.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Madog ap Maredudd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Anglesey", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Dafydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Ewloe", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1158", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Rhys ap Gruffydd is forced to pay homage to King Henry II of England; Rhys temporarily loses Ceredigion and part of Ystrad Tywi.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Ifor Bach makes a fatal attack on Morgan ab Owain of Caerleon; Morgan is succeeded by his brother Iorwerth. Later in the year, Ifor captures William, Earl of Gloucester, and his family from Cardiff Castle and holds them hostage pending the restoration of his own former lands.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Ifor Bach", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Morgan ab Owain", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Earl_of_Gloucester?action=edit&redlink=1", "text": "William, Earl of Gloucester", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1159", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "An alliance of English earls and some Welsh leaders (including Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan, Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd and Cynan ab Owain Gwynedd) unsuccessfully attempts to overthrow Rhys ap Gruffydd.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd ap Cynan", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cynan ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1160", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Following the death of Madog ap Maredudd, prince of Powys, at Whittington, Powys is permanently divided into two and shared between his sons, including Gruffydd Maelor, Owain Brogyntyn and Owain Cyfeiliog.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Madog ap Maredudd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Powys", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Shropshire", "text": "Whittington", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Gruffydd Maelor", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Brogyntyn", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1162", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "3 June – David FitzGerald, Bishop of St David's, and Nicholas ap Gwrgant, Bishop of Llandaff, assist in the consecration of Thomas Becket as Archbishop of Canterbury.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "3 June", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Nicholas ap Gwrgant", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Thomas Becket", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1163", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "19 May - David FitzGerald, Bishop of St David's, attends a council of Pope Alexander III at Tours.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "19 May", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Pope Alexander III", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain Cyfeiliog and his cousin Owain Fychan capture and destroy the royal castle of Carreghofa.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain Gwynedd musters an assembly of Welsh leaders at Corwen, in opposition to King Henry II of England, which is attended by Owain's brother Cadwaladr. Cadwallon ap Madog and his brother Einion ap Madog, Owain Cyfeiliog and others. Owain Gwynedd also begins diplomacy with France - the first Welsh ruler known to have done so.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwallon ap Madog", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "France", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1164", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "30 January - David FitzGerald, Bishop of St David's, is among the signatories of the Constitutions of Clarendon.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "30 January", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Constitutions of Clarendon", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Strata Florida Abbey is founded.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Strata Florida Abbey", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1165", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "King Henry II of England invades Wales via Oswestry; Owain Gwynedd gathers an army composed of the forces of several of the other native rulers of Wales and camps at Corwen. After a few skirmishes, Henry withdraws up Berwyn mountain for security and eventually felly retreats to England without fighting. Although Henry cites bad weather as the reason for his withdrawal, the Welsh troops, under the same skies, remained in the field; from now on, Owain is considered prince of Wales. This was a signal success for Owain and was recorded as such by contemporary English chronicler, John of Salisbury. Similarly, Owain's successes against Henry are mentioned in the diplomatic messages exchanged with the French king, Louis VII.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Corwen", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "prince of Wales", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cardigan Castle is captured and Robert Fitz-Stephen is taken prisoner by the Lord Rhys of Deheubarth.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cardigan Castle", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Robert Fitz-Stephen", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "the Lord Rhys", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1165", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cardigan Castle is taken by Rhys ap Gruffydd and destroyed. Its constable Robert Fitzstephen becomes Rhys's prisoner.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Robert Fitzstephen", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd makes a successful raid on Tegeingl.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1167", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain Gwynedd and his brother Cadwaladr take the castles of Rhuddlan and Prestatyn.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwaladr", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "David Fitzgerald, Bishop of St David's, persuades Rhys ap Gruffydd to release Robert Fitzstephen (David's half-brother).", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "David Fitzgerald", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Robert Fitzstephen", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain Cyfeiliog, having entered into an alliance with the English, loses the commote of Caereinion when he is attacked by joint forces of Owain Gwynedd and Rhys ap Gruffydd.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1170", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "November - The death of Owain Gwynedd throws his former kingdom into disarray and causes a power struggle in Gwynedd; within weeks, his nominated heir is dead, and his son Dafydd ab Owain assumes power. Dafydd is, however, unable to maintain his father's hold on south Wales, which falls under the aegis of Rhys ap Gruffydd.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Dafydd ab Owain", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Rhys ap Gruffydd", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Court poet Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr produces his well-known elegy to Owain.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Owain Cyfeiliog establishes the Cistercian monastery of Strata Marcella.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Strata Marcella", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Peter de Leia becomes Prior of Much Wenlock.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Peter de Leia", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Much Wenlock", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "According to folklore, Madoc (Owain's illegitimate son) sails from Wales to America.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Madoc", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1171", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "September - The Lord Rhys negotiates a lasting peace with King Henry II of England.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "The Lord Rhys", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "October - King Henry II of England makes a pilgrimage to St David's.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Iorwerth ab Owain, having fallen out of favour with King Henry II, loses the lordship of Caerleon.", "links": null, "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1172", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Philip de Braose is given the “honour” of Limerick, in recognition of his service to the English king in Ireland.", "links": null, "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Gerald of Wales completes his studies at the University of Paris and returns to Britain. He is soon commissioned by the Archbishop of Canterbury to enforce the payment of tithes on wool and cheese in the diocese of St David's. In the same year David Fitzgerald, the bishop, is granted a royal charter confirming all his possessions.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Gerald of Wales", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Archbishop of Canterbury", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "David Fitzgerald", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Following the death of his son Owain at the hands of the Earl of Gloucester, Iorwerth ab Owain rebels against Norman rule.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Earl of Gloucester", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1173", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd, one of the sons of Owain Gwynedd, is driven into exile in Ireland by his brother Dafydd. Dafydd sides with the King of England against the Welsh rebels and seeks the hand of Henry's half-sister Emma of Anjou in return for his assistance.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Dafydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Emma of Anjou", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Iorwerth ab Owain and his son take Caerleon and other castles in Gwent.", "links": null, "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1174", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd returns from exile and is imprisoned by his brother Dafydd, who proceeds to eliminate all opposition to his rule in Gwynedd, including his brothers Rhodri, Cynan and Iorwerth Drwyndwn; Cynan and Iorwerth are both believed to have died during this year. Dafydd marries Emma of Anjou during the summer.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Dafydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cynan", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Iorwerth Drwyndwn", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Emma of Anjou", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, takes Usk Castle.", "links": [ { "url": ",_2nd_Earl_of_Pembroke", "text": "Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Usk Castle", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1175", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "18 May – David FitzGerald, Bishop of St David's, attends the council of Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury in London, in the presence of King Henry II of England and Henry the Young King.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "18 May", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Richard", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry the Young King", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "12 October – Adam Parvipontanus is consecrated as Bishop of St Asaph following the resignation of the long-absent Godfrey.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "12 October", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Adam Parvipontanus", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Christmas – Abergavenny Massacre: William de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber, summons Seisyll ap Dyfnwal and other Welsh leaders to his seat at Abergavenny Castle under pretence of reconciliation and has them murdered.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Christmas", "images": null }, { "url": ",_4th_Lord_of_Bramber", "text": "William de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Seisyll ap Dyfnwal", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Abergavenny Castle", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Cadell ap Gruffydd enters Strata Florida Abbey shortly before his death.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Cadell ap Gruffydd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Strata Florida Abbey", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1176", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "11 November - Peter de Leia is consecrated as Bishop of St David's, despite the chapter's expressed preference for Gerald of Wales.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "11 November", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Peter de Leia", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Gerald of Wales", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "December - An eisteddfod of bards and musicians is held at Cardigan Castle, to celebrate Christmas. It is for this occasion that Gwynfardd Brycheiniog's awdl in honour of the Lord Rhys is thought to have been composed.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "An eisteddfod of bards and musicians", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cardigan Castle", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "the Lord Rhys", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Following the death of the last of the sons of Miles de Gloucester, his lands are divided between his daughters, including Bertha, wife of William de Braose. 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Owain Cyfeiliog is also present at the Council.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Owain Cyfeiliog", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Robert Fitzstephen is given a joint grant of the kingdom of Cork, where he settles.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Robert Fitzstephen", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1179", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Llantarnam Abbey is founded by the Cistercians, as a daughter house of Strata Florida Abbey.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Llantarnam Abbey", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Adam Parvipontanus, Bishop of St Asaph, attends the Lateran Council in Rome.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Adam Parvipontanus", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Roger Mortimer of Wigmore is imprisoned by King Henry II of England for his part in the death of Cadwallon ap Madog.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Roger Mortimer of Wigmore", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Henry II of England", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Cadwallon ap Madog", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1180", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "The Life of St Kentigern (Mungo), written about this time by Jocelyn of Furness, contains the only known account of the life of Saint Asaph.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Jocelyn of Furness", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Saint Asaph", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1183", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Gerald of Wales visits Ireland, with his brother Philip.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Gerald of Wales", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "A rising in Glamorgan is led by Morgan ap Caradog ap Iestyn.", "links": null, "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1184", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Peter de Leia is nominated as Archbishop of Canterbury, but not selected.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Peter de Leia", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Archbishop of Canterbury", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1185", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Benedictine priory at Llandovery dissolved and town established.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Llandovery", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list_item", "value": "Gerald of Wales is selected to accompany Prince John to Ireland.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Gerald of Wales", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Prince John", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1186", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Maenan Abbey is founded near Conwy.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Maenan Abbey", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1187", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Siege of Tenby by Maelgwn ap Rhys.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Tenby", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Maelgwn ap Rhys", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "1188", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "list", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "list_item", "value": "Gerald of Wales accompanies Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, on a journey through Wales to recruit volunteers for the Third Crusade. 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Li Cong (astronaut)
Lieutenant colonel Li Cong is a Chinese fighter pilot and People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps (PLAAC) taikonaut.
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Chinese astronaut (born 1989)
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Fashion Design
Fashion designers 'Fashion designers work in a variety of different ways when designing their pieces and accessories such as rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Due to the time required to put a garment out in market, designers must anticipate changes to consumer desires. Fashion designers are responsible for creating looks for individual garments, involving shape, color, fabric, trimming, and more. Some clothes are made specifically for an individual, as in the case of haute couture or bespoke tailoring. Today, most clothing is designed for the mass market, especially casual and everyday wear, which are commonly known as ready to wear or fast fashion. Structure There are different lines of work for designers in the fashion industry. Fashion designers that work full-time for one fashion house, as 'in-house designers', own the designs and may either work alone or as a part of a design team. Freelance designers who work for themselves, sell their designs to fashion houses, directly to shops, or to clothing manufacturers. There are quite a few fashion designers who choose to set up their own labels, which offers them full control over their designs. While others are self-employed and design for individual clients. Other high-end fashion designers cater to specialty stores or high-end fashion department stores. Designing a garment Fashion designers work in various ways, some start with a vision in their head and later on move into drawing it on paper or computer, while others go directly into draping fabric onto a dress form, also known as a mannequin. The design process is unique to the designer and it is rather intriguing to see the various steps that go into the process. A designer may choose to work with certain apps that are able to help connect all their ideas together and expand their thoughts to create a cohesive design. When a designer is completely satisfied with the fit of the toile, they will consult a professional pattern maker who then makes the finished, working version of the pattern out of card or via a computer program. Finally, a sample garment is made up and tested on a model to make sure it is an operational outfit. Fashion design is expressive, the designers create art that may be functional or non-functional. Ready-to-wear (prêt-à-porter) Ready-to-wear, or prêt-à-porter, clothes are a cross between haute couture and mass market. They are not made for individual customers, but great care is taken in the choice and cut of the fabric. Clothes are made in small quantities to guarantee exclusivity, so they are rather expensive. Ready-to-wear collections are usually presented by fashion houses each season during a period known as Fashion Week. This takes place on a citywide basis and occurs twice a year. The main seasons of Fashion Week include; spring/summer, fall/winter, resort, swim, and bridal.
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Art of applying design and aesthetics to clothing and accessories
[ { "type": "section", "name": "Abstract", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "Fashion designers 'Fashion designers work in a variety of different ways when designing their pieces and accessories such as rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Due to the time required to put a garment out in market, designers must anticipate changes to consumer desires. Fashion designers are responsible for creating looks for individual garments, involving shape, color, fabric, trimming, and more. Some clothes are made specifically for an individual, as in the case of haute couture or bespoke tailoring. Today, most clothing is designed for the mass market, especially casual and everyday wear, which are commonly known as ready to wear or fast fashion.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "Structure There are different lines of work for designers in the fashion industry. Fashion designers that work full-time for one fashion house, as 'in-house designers', own the designs and may either work alone or as a part of a design team. Freelance designers who work for themselves, sell their designs to fashion houses, directly to shops, or to clothing manufacturers. There are quite a few fashion designers who choose to set up their own labels, which offers them full control over their designs. While others are self-employed and design for individual clients. Other high-end fashion designers cater to specialty stores or high-end fashion department stores.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "Designing a garment Fashion designers work in various ways, some start with a vision in their head and later on move into drawing it on paper or computer, while others go directly into draping fabric onto a dress form, also known as a mannequin. The design process is unique to the designer and it is rather intriguing to see the various steps that go into the process. A designer may choose to work with certain apps that are able to help connect all their ideas together and expand their thoughts to create a cohesive design. When a designer is completely satisfied with the fit of the toile (or muslin), they will consult a professional pattern maker who then makes the finished, working version of the pattern out of card or via a computer program. Finally, a sample garment is made up and tested on a model to make sure it is an operational outfit. Fashion design is expressive, the designers create art that may be functional or non-functional.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "Ready-to-wear (prêt-à-porter) Ready-to-wear, or prêt-à-porter, clothes are a cross between haute couture and mass market. They are not made for individual customers, but great care is taken in the choice and cut of the fabric. Clothes are made in small quantities to guarantee exclusivity, so they are rather expensive. Ready-to-wear collections are usually presented by fashion houses each season during a period known as Fashion Week. This takes place on a citywide basis and occurs twice a year. The main seasons of Fashion Week include; spring/summer, fall/winter, resort, swim, and bridal.", "has_parts": null, "links": null, "name": null } ] } ]
REDIRECT Names of large numbers
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1906 Mississippi hurricane
The 1906 Mississippi hurricane was a deadly and destructive hurricane during the 1906 Atlantic hurricane season. The fourth hurricane of the season, the system was originally observed in the western Caribbean on September 22; however, modern research revealed that the system became a tropical depression on September 19. The system slowly intensified, eventually becoming a major hurricane by September 24. The system made landfall near Pascagoula, Mississippi, during the evening of September 27, devastating the cities of Pensacola and Mobile and the state of Mississippi. Damage totaled to at least $19,221,000, and more than 134 people were killed.
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Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 1906
[ { "type": "section", "name": "Abstract", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The 1906 Mississippi hurricane was a deadly and destructive hurricane during the 1906 Atlantic hurricane season. The fourth hurricane of the season, the system was originally observed in the western Caribbean on September 22; however, modern research revealed that the system became a tropical depression on September 19. The system slowly intensified, eventually becoming a major hurricane by September 24. The system made landfall near Pascagoula, Mississippi, during the evening of September 27, devastating the cities of Pensacola and Mobile and the state of Mississippi. Damage totaled to at least $19,221,000, and more than 134 people were killed.", "has_parts": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "1906 Atlantic hurricane season", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "modern research", "images": null } ], "name": null } ] }, { "type": "section", "name": "Meteorological history", "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The first documented information on the storm places it in the western Caribbean Sea on September 22, although modern reanalysis of this storm identifies it as a tropical depression on September 19. The storm drifted north from the Yucatán Channel on September 24, while it was a weak hurricane with winds of 75 mph (120 km/h). The hurricane was south-southwest of Havana by morning, and as it drifted north-northwestward during the evening hours of September 24, the system intensified into a Category 2 hurricane.", "has_parts": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "modern reanalysis", "images": null }, { "url": "án_Channel", "text": "Yucatán Channel", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Havana", "images": null } ], "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The hurricane was documented to have been about 300 miles (480 km) west-northwest of Cuba on September 25. Near this area, the hurricane had intensified further into a Category 3 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 115 mph (185 km/h). The system finished its passage into the Gulf of Mexico by September 27. During the afternoon, the hurricane made landfall near Pascagoula, Mississippi, as a Category 2 hurricane. The hurricane moved inland, weakening to a Category 1 hurricane and eventually to a tropical storm. The storm weakened to a tropical depression, and dissipated on September 29 as it transitioned into an extratropical storm.", "has_parts": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Gulf of Mexico", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Pascagoula, Mississippi", "images": null } ], "name": null } ] }, { "type": "section", "name": "Preparations and impact", "has_parts": [ { "type": "section", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The city of Pensacola suffered the most severe damage caused by the storm. Several tugboats, vessels, fishing boats, and other watercraft were tossed along the shore of the city. Large numbers of trees were uprooted and the roofs of houses were torn off. At its highest, the storm surge of the hurricane was 8.5 feet (2.6 m) above the normal tide, the highest recorded in the city at the time. The city's waterfront was completely flooded, along with some houses near the waterfront. Muscogee wharf was partially destroyed, broken into two pieces. On either side of the wharf, railroad tracks had been washed away. A total of 39 freight cars carrying coal were also washed away. In addition, the grain elevator of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad was destroyed during the hurricane. A timber boom was demolished during the hurricane, leaving wood and debris on the beach.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Pensacola", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "tugboats", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "vessels", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "fishing boats", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Louisville and Nashville Railroad", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "timber boom", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "Along Intendencia Street, several cottages were flooded; in some areas, the floodwaters were 10 feet (3.0 m) deep. The southern end of West Main Street was completely inundated and was swept away. There was devastation between Barcelona and Perdido streets, with several boats wrecked. Between Palafox Street and Wright Street, many houses' roofs were torn away. Rail service in and out of Pensacola was severely affected; one train arrived several hours later than scheduled, and it was said that it had to stop \"every few yards\" in order to remove trees and debris covering the track. Between Magnolia Bluff and Milton, the track was destroyed and the Escambia Bridge was partially demolished. The fishing industry of Pensacola was estimated to have suffered at least $500,000 in damage. Many wharfs had been completely destroyed during the hurricane. Electricity was shut off during the hurricane.", "links": null, "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "Fort Barrancas, Fort Pickens, and Fort McRee suffered severe damage. At Forts Pickens and Barrancas, damage was estimated to be around $10,000. In the Bayou Grande area of Pensacola, the tide was estimated to be about 12 feet (3.7 m) above normal. At the intersection of Cedar and Baylen streets, oyster boats, steam tugs, wood, and other debris were scattered. A boat identified as the Wolverine was tossed into a lot near the corner. Trees and chimneys were blown down, and a tin roof was peeled off a house as a result of strong winds. On the 26th port, one bark was completely destroyed, while another eleven were tossed around. A schooner that sank during the hurricane was tipped over. At the 38th port, 29 schooners were thrown ashore, and another sixteen were completely destroyed. Only eight of the 36 lumber barges floated, while three of eight tugs were floating, and of those three of them were wrecked. Other debris was scattered around the city, including pieces of shattered glass. A fire occurred at a hotel in Pensacola.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Fort Barrancas", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Fort Pickens", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Fort McRee", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "bark", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "schooner", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "At the navy yard of Pensacola, all but three boats—the Isle de Luzon and two \"water boats\"—were either sunk or thrown ashore. A steel dock owned by Spain was untouched, but areas surrounding it were littered with debris. In the towns of Wosley and Warrington, waterfronts were severely damaged and some houses washed away. At Pensacola Bay, the tide was 10 feet (3.0 m) high; at East Bay, the tide was measured at 9 feet (2.7 m); at St. Andrews Bay, the tide was 6 feet (1.8 m) high; and at Apalachicola Bay, the tide was 5 feet (1.5 m) high. The damage caused in the city totaled to at least $2,620,000, while the damage within the vicinity of the city amounted to more than $1,230,000. The total damage caused within Pensacola and the surrounding areas totaled to greater than $3,850,000. The hurricane was considered the worst in the city in 170 years. However, there was widespread praise by residents and newspapers for the Weather Bureau for tracking the hurricane and issuing storm warnings three days before the storm made landfall. A total of 35 people were killed in Pensacola.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "navy yard of Pensacola", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Florida", "text": "Warrington", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Pensacola Bay", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Florida)", "text": "East Bay", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "St. Andrews Bay", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Apalachicola Bay", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Weather Bureau", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": "Florida" }, { "type": "section", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "In New Orleans, observations at the backwater of the Mississippi River indicated a storm surge of about 6 feet (1.8 m) in height on the morning of September 27. The highest sustained winds recorded during the storm in New Orleans were measured at 49 mph (79 km/h), while the minimum pressure recorded was 987 mbar (hPa; 29.15 inHg). In the town of Burrwood, a wharf was impacted by the hurricane's storm surge. In addition, local crops and railroads suffered severe damage. Lake Pontchartrain overflowed during the hurricane, with its waters 5 feet (1.5 m) above normal levels, flooding New Orleans. Telegraph wires were down in New Orleans after the hurricane, resulting in the loss of contact with the city. Chimneys were blown down in the city; and a resort along Lake Pontchartrain was underwater, and many houses were swept away near the hotel. Telephone service in New Orleans went down during the hurricane. It was reported that Fort St. Philip was flooded by boaters along the Mississippi River. The hurricane set a new 24-hour-record for rainfall at Colliston, where rainfall amounted to 4.55 inches (11.6 cm) accumulated during the hurricane.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "New Orleans", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Mississippi River", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "storm surge", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "mbar", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "hPa", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "inHg", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Louisiana", "text": "Burrwood", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Lake Pontchartrain", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Fort St. Philip", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Colliston", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": "Louisiana" }, { "type": "section", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "The lowest air pressure recorded in Mobile was 977 mbar (hPa; 28.84 inHg). At the highest point, the tide was measured at 9.87 feet (3.01 m), while the maximum sustained wind during the hurricane reached 94 mph (151 km/h). About twenty small buildings and houses were destroyed by the hurricane's winds. Most of the buildings in the city were either slightly or moderately damaged. Some shingles and roofs were blown off, while telegraph wires were down, along with other services that required electricity. In the Mobile River and Bay, a total of eleven steamships, seventeen barks and schooners, and 12 tugboats, had either been sunk or blown ashore. About 6.4 inches (16 cm) of rain was measured during the hurricane. In the areas surrounding Mobile, approximately half of all timber to be converted into turpentine was destroyed, and between 5 and 35 percent of other wood had been destroyed. The hurricane caused at least $1,650,000 in damage throughout Mobile. Telegraph wires were cut off from Mobile after the hurricane, resulting in the loss of communication with the city. It was estimated that five thousand houses were damaged in Mobile during the hurricane. The steamer Camp Carney was thrown onto St. Francis Street. Between Franscati Street and Three Mile Creek, all wharves were destroyed.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Mobile River", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "Bay", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "steamships", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "turpentine", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "At the Christ Church Cathedral in Mobile, about $40,000 in damage was suffered, while at the St. Francis Baptist Church, damage totaled to about $10,000. Several steamers sank during the storm, including the J. P. Sehuh, Mary E. Staples, Mary S. Blees, Cama, Overton, Hattie B. Moore, City of Camden, and numerous others. One child was killed in Mobile. At Fort Morgan, many trees fell, roofs caved in, and windows were \"smashed as though of tissue paper\". Telegraph buildings in the city were flooded and moderately damaged. Five hotels suffered damage totaling to $21,000, while the Southern Supply Company, which was headquartered in the city, suffered $100,000 in damage. The fort's port suffered about $100,000 in damages. Six civilians were killed at the fort. Between Flomaton and Pensacola, railroad tracks of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad were torn up and blocked by trees. The section of railroad tracks between Georgian and Graceville was affected by similar damage. The railroad cancelled all services following the hurricane.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Fort Morgan", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Alabama", "text": "Flomaton", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Florida", "text": "Graceville", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": "Alabama" }, { "type": "section", "value": null, "has_parts": [ { "type": "paragraph", "value": "In Scranton, the steamer Winona reported a minimum air pressure of 965 mbar (hPa; 28.50 inHg). Lieutenant B.L. Brockway speculated that Scranton was near the center of the hurricane at the time, due to the low pressure readings. At Biloxi, Moss Point, and Mississippi City, communications were not received. However, Moss Point reported that floodwaters were 5 feet (1.5 m) deep before communications were lost. In Macon, a hotel had been demolished during the hurricane, resulting in the deaths of two people. Jackson and Brookhaven suffered a loss of at least 300,000 cotton bales, amounting to $12,000,000 in damage. In Vicksburg and McComb, many buildings were damaged, along with damage to shipping in Vicksburg, with a broken dock. The railroads and trees of Monticello suffered moderate damage: the railroad tracks were covered in trees, and service was suspended east of the town. In Hattiesburg, many cabins were blown down during the storm. Damage in Hattiesburg amounted to $300,000. In McNeil, one person was killed by a tree that was blown down.", "links": [ { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Biloxi", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Moss Point", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Mississippi City", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Macon", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Jackson", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Brookhaven", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Vicksburg", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "McComb", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Monticello", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "Hattiesburg", "images": null }, { "url": ",_Mississippi", "text": "McNeil", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null }, { "type": "paragraph", "value": "At the Horn Island lighthouse, the hurricane killed the lighthouse keeper and his wife and daughter. In addition to the death of the three at the lighthouse, it was noted that the schooner Daisy had been dismantled there, with one person killed. A person who was climbing a small tree was thrown away by the wind and drowned. Several people were trapped in their homes after a creek topped its banks. A warehouse and four other buildings were destroyed, while a bank's roof was blown off. A train near Brookhaven was washed away along the tracks of the Mississippi Central Railroad, resulting in the injury of five people. 25 schooners along the Mississippi coastline were completely destroyed. Two barks, the Nuremberg and Hercules were destroyed during the hurricane. Mandeline, owned by Norway, was filled with water, while Sigrav suffered severe damage, completely torn apart. A boat known as the Florine was washed ashore. A total of 78 fatalities occurred.", "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Horn Island", "images": null }, { "url": "–1967)", "text": "Mississippi Central Railroad", "images": null } ], "has_parts": null, "name": null } ], "links": null, "name": "Mississippi" } ] } ]
[ { "type": "infobox", "name": "Infobox weather event", "has_parts": [ { "type": "section", "has_parts": [ { "type": "image", "images": [ { "content_url": "", "width": 220, "height": 220, "caption": "Shipping damage in Pensacola caused by the hurricane", "alternative_text": null } ], "links": null, "value": "Shipping damage in Pensacola caused by the hurricane", "name": null, "values": null } ], "name": "1906 Mississippi hurricane" }, { "type": "section", "has_parts": [ { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": null, "value": "September 19, 1906", "name": "Formed", "values": null }, { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": null, "value": "September 29, 1906", "name": "Dissipated", "values": null } ], "name": "Meteorological history" }, { "type": "section", "has_parts": [ { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": [ { "url": "–Simpson_scale", "text": "SSHWS", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "NWS", "images": null } ], "value": "1-minute sustained (SSHWS / NWS)", "name": null, "values": null }, { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": null, "value": "120 mph (195 km/h)", "name": "Highest winds", "values": null }, { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "mbar", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "hPa", "images": null }, { "url": "", "text": "inHg", "images": null } ], "value": "953 mbar (hPa); 28.14 inHg", "name": "Lowest pressure", "values": null } ], "name": "Category 3 major hurricane" }, { "type": "section", "has_parts": [ { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": null, "value": "At least 134", "name": "Fatalities", "values": null }, { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "USD", "images": null } ], "value": ">$19,221 (1906 USD)", "name": "Damage", "values": null }, { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "Southeastern United States", "images": null } ], "value": "Southeastern United States", "name": "Areas affected", "values": null }, { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "IBTrACS", "images": null } ], "value": "IBTrACS", "name": null, "values": null }, { "type": "field", "images": null, "links": [ { "url": "", "text": "1906 Atlantic hurricane season", "images": null } ], "value": "Part of the 1906 Atlantic hurricane season", "name": null, "values": null } ], "name": "Overall effects" } ] } ]
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