fgrezes's picture
fixed readme
- expert-generated
- found
- en
- cc-by-4.0
- monolingual
pretty_name: 'WIESP2022-NER'
- 1K<n<10K
source_datasets: []
- token-classification
- named-entity-recognition
# Dataset for the first <a href="https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/WIESP/" style="color:blue">Workshop on Information Extraction from Scientific Publications (WIESP/2022)</a>.
**(NOTE: loading from the Huggingface Dataset Hub directly does not work. You need to clone the repository locally.)**
## Dataset Description
Datasets with text fragments from astrophysics papers, provided by the [NASA Astrophysical Data System](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/) with manually tagged astronomical facilities and other entities of interest (e.g., celestial objects).
Datasets are in JSON Lines format (each line is a json dictionary).
The datasets are formatted similarly to the CONLL2003 format. Each token is associated with an NER tag. The tags follow the "B-" and "I-" convention from the [IOB2 syntax]("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inside%E2%80%93outside%E2%80%93beginning_(tagging)")
Each entry consists of a dictionary with the following keys:
- `"unique_id"`: a unique identifier for this data sample. Must be included in the predictions.
- `"tokens"`: the list of tokens (strings) that form the text of this sample. Must be included in the predictions.
- `"ner_tags"`: the list of NER tags (in IOB2 format)
The following keys are not strictly needed by the participants:
- `"ner_ids"`: the pre-computed list of ids corresponding ner_tags, as given by the dictionary in ner_tags.json
- `"label_studio_id"`, `"section"`, `"bibcode"`: references for internal NASA/ADS use.
## Instructions for Workshop participants:
How to load the data:
(assuming `./WIESP2022-NER-DEV.jsonl` is in the current directory, change as needed)
- python (as list of dictionaries):
import json
with open("./WIESP2022-NER-DEV.jsonl", 'r') as f:
Β Β Β Β wiesp_dev_json = [json.loads(l) for l in list(f)]
- into Huggingface (as a Huggingface Dataset):
from datasets import Dataset
wiesp_dev_from_json = Dataset.from_json(path_or_paths="./WIESP2022-NER-DEV.jsonl")
(NOTE: loading from the Huggingface Dataset Hub directly does not work. You need to clone the repository locally.)
How to compute your scores on the training data:
1. format your predictions as a list of dictionaries, each with the same `"unique_id"` and `"tokens"` keys from the dataset, as well as the list of predicted NER tags under the `"pred_ner_tags"` key (see `WIESP2022-NER-DEV-sample-predictions.jsonl` for an example).
2. pass the references and predictions datasets to the `compute_MCC()` and `compute_seqeval()` functions (from the `.py` files with the same names).
Requirement to run the scoring scripts:
To get scores on the validation data, zip your predictions file (a single `.jsonl' file formatted following the same instructions as above) and upload the `.zip` file to the [Codalabs](https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/5062) competition.
## File list
β”œβ”€β”€ WIESP2022-NER-TRAINING.jsonl : 1753 samples for training.
β”œβ”€β”€ WIESP2022-NER-DEV.jsonl : 20 samples for development.
β”œβ”€β”€ WIESP2022-NER-DEV-sample-predictions.jsonl : an example file with properly formatted predictions on the development data.
β”œβ”€β”€ WIESP2022-NER-VALIDATION-NO-LABELS.jsonl : 1366 samples for validation without the NER labels. Used for the WIESP2022 workshop.
β”œβ”€β”€ README.MD: this file.
β”œβ”€β”€ tag_definitions.txt: short descriptions and examples of the tags used in the task.
└── scoring-scripts/ : scripts used to evaluate submissions.
β”œβ”€β”€ compute_MCC.py : computes the Matthews correlation coefficient between two datasets.
└── compute_seqeval.py : computes the seqeval scores (precision, recall, f1, overall and for each class) between two datasets.