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50 values
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Gordon Hsu
Let me turn your commentary disguised as a question around. Why is the world against a war with the US? The regime in the DC must be taken out now. The US has large stockpiles of chemical weapons and is the only nation that has used nuclear weapons to kill civilians. The CIA has supported despots, Islamists and anti-democracy rebels for the better part of the past 70 years. It still refuses to close down Guantanamo Bay, renounced torture, and militarizes its police, resulting in numerous shooting incidents involved unarmed citizens. The current regime is also trying its hardest to destabilize t… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Sophia-Helene Mees de Tricht
When has that ever worked?
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Martijn Vos
Have you ever heard of the Iraq War? 15 years ago, the US invaded Iraq, allegedly because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which was supposedly a reason for war, and also because Saddam Hussein was a terrible dictator (though that never stopped the US from allying with him or other dictators). All the evidence to support the claim of weapons of mass destruction turned out to be fabricated, and the war itself ended up destabilising the Middle East, creating a lot of hostility in the world, both of which contributed to the creation of ISIS, and of course the war plunged the US deep into deb… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Paul Voth
It amazes me, that people still think like that. You guys invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and created the Islamic State as a result. At the same time your buddies the Saudis are funding the terrorists and your governments won’t do squat to stop them. War is almost never the answer. An invasion of Iran will only help the t...
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ernest W. Adams,Carter Moore,Tim Geschwindt
Oh, great, another armchair warmonger. Perhaps you haven't noticed that the US armed forces are a little bit busy right now:Fighting Da'esh in Iraq.Fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan.Fighting Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen.Doing God-knows-what in Libya.Keeping the Straits of Hormuz open.Fighting Somali piracy.Defending South Korea.Defending Japan.Opposing China’s efforts to lay claim to the South China Sea.Watching the Russians in the Baltic.Watching the Russians near Alaska.Watching the Greenland-Iceland-UK gap.Patrolling America’s coastline.But sure, what the hell, let's invade … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Jose Geraldo Gouvea
Before getting to the proper answer, please read this:The USA has nukes and chemicals, and have used them at times, sometimes against innocent bystanders (Operation Ranch Hand), sometimes even against the very citizens the government brags to defend (Unethical human experimentation in the United States), sometimes against innocent people who were not even at war with the USA (Guatemala syphilis experiment).The USA have supported terrorist groups against peaceful, legitimate, democratic governments meddling their own business, some of which were even friends with the USA. Google for Guatemala ‘… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Joe James
Great idea. We should invade Iran. Then a trillion or two dollars later we'll have killed 100,000 people and nothing will have changed. The country and the region will still be full of the same extremist groups. Who comes out ahead? American defense contractors. Everybody else loses.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ian McCullough,William Murphy
I'm speaking for myself as someone who embraces the label of “Liberal,” counts myself as a member of “The Left,” and typically votes for Democratic Party candidates. (I have no shortage of answers on U.S. politics, economics, and related topics if you want to draw your own conclusions about what I am.) My answer does not intrinsically mean that people who embrace different labels disagree with me.Iran will shut down the Strait of Hormuz and lay mines, shutting down all commercial traffic in and out of the Persian Gulf. That will have serious global consequences.Russia, China, and even France h… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Norbert Korzus
You do realize who looses by going to War in Iran? The American people. Not only your soldiers will die but the war will cost so instead of getting new roads, new schools and healthcare you will get death. Remember Iraq? Iran is the only predominantly Shia country in the world. That’s a different belief system than Sunni Islam which is currently the largest terrorist source in the Arab world (Isis, Al kaida, Indonesian terrorists). You want to antagonize not half but all of the Muslim world? Iran used to support terrorist groups but now their support has waned. Yes they still probably due to int… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Evan Spitzer
I am struggling to figure out how to even begin addressing this question. I guess I will start with your 3 reason for why you think we should go to war. First of all I am not a liberal and am a member of the Republican party. I know almost as many Iraninans as I do Americans. I am not opposed to war. However I am opposed to pointless war. - Iran is building nuclear weapons and already have chemical weapons There is absolutely no evidence to support that statement. First of all weapons grade uranium needs to be enriched to roughly 90%. Iran's uranium is at around 3 and a half percent. I know you co… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Bhavin Shah
I’m baffled as to how callous and casual the idea of WAR is to so many Americans, Earnest gave a great answer, balanced with both facts and humor… but I mean seriously, these people have no regard for human life, not even of the Americans who go out to die for a ridiculous war… and yet these same people will get all riled up and talk about the “unborn” and how it’s murder and how the women who abort should be punished. I really tried, I don’t get it.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Jacob B Sommers, Professor to Cats
You know, liberals are actually out-conserving the right-wing on this. The first question, the very first question, that we need to ask in the event of planning an invasion is, “What are the most likely consequences of invading this country?” Real conservatives ask this question because they want to be careful before doing something drastic. War is drastic. Liberals ask this question because we want to know the costs and consequences. We want to avoid drastically bad human consequences as much as possible. War has some pretty bad consequences. Most of the current right-wing doesn’t seem to care ab… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Stephen L
Because there are no grounds for war with Iran. I presume the context of the question pertains to conservative critics of the recent nuclear deal with Iran negotiated by the Obama administration, Russia, the UK, China, France, Germany, and the European Union. Rather than rely on the sanctions mechanism of this agreement, American conservatives, led by the warmonger Benjamin Netanyahu, seem to believe that you can remove the threat of Iran making a nuclear bomb through military action, especially airstrikes. Of course, it is not clear to anyone except American conservatives that military action w… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Jay Bazzinotti
It is only your opinion that Iran is even nastier than war. I hate to quote a stupid movie but at the end of “Matrix 3” one character says to another, “And how long do you think this peace will last?” to which the other replies, “As long as it can.” Isaac Asimov once said, “The man who turns to violence is the man who has run out ideas.” But oh, fuck it. Who is going to fight this war of yours? The US and who else? I doubt very few, if any, other nations would sign up for a war with Iran. Why should they? Even if we strong arm a few into a “coalition of the willing” how much would they contribu… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Kurt Guntheroth
OK, let’s go in there and kick some ass. It will be very expensive. There will be many casualties if Iran uses its weapons of mass destruction, but there are 300 million Americans and only 80 million Iranians, so we can surely kick ’em to the curb. Then what? We just recently found out that there aren’t enough soldiers to guard every Iraqi. It’ll be just the same with Iran. We could just walk away, like we more-or-less did with Iraq and Afghanistan (yes, I know US troops are still fighting and dying in these places, but the total numbers are small). And what will we get? The Taliban coming back … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Gareth Jones
Events are proceeding as I predicted, and the arguments of Trump supporters are morphing along according to plan. During the election, we heard “Hillary Clinton is a warhawk. Elect her, and we’ll be at war with Iran tout de suite.” I didn’t believe that she would do this, because it wouldn’t make sense. But Donald “why not use nuclear weapons” Trump always came across as aggressive to other countries. I knew he’d at least bring the US to the brink of war, and here we are. And those who said “War is bad” when they pointed at Clinton are now saying “War is good” when they point at Trump. For the … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Christian Winter
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has chemical weapons. Iran supports terrorist groups and violates human rights. Strange, the regime in Riyadh also supports terrorists groups and violates human rights. But for some strange reason right wing war mongers never want to attack them. If that was sufficient enough a reason the US would have to bomb half the world. But of course they won’t bomb their dear dictator friends that gives them all the cheap oil, no matter how much they oppress their p… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Harvey King,Jawad Falak
If the U.S. went to war with Iran, who are Iran's allies?,Officially, none. Iran will be pretty much on its own. Unofficially, there are a lot of countries will do things behind the scenes / under the radar to aid Iran. Russia probably will use this opportunity to sell arms to Iran. China will do the same, albeit less blatantly than Russia, as US is still one of China’s largest trading partner. China suffered decades of virtual oil embargo led by the US in the past (the Saudi for decades didn’t sell a drop of oil to China per US pressure as an example) and Iran was China’s major oil source. Destruction of Iran and/or let US gain the control of Iran’s o… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
John Burgess
What will happen if Iran gains nuclear abilities?,One thing that will happen is that Saudi Arabia will immediately commence it's own nuclear weapon program. There are rumors that Pakistan might provide nuclear weapons, ready-to-use, if Saudi Arabia asks. So far, that's just a rumor, but it's not impossible.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Dr. Balaji Viswanathan,Christian Desaix
Why doesn’t the United States let Iran have nuclear weapons?,Well, the US was not happy about Israel, India, and Pakistan having nuclear weapons either. India had to endure decades of US technology restrictions/punishments while pursuing nuclear weapons. In the 1970s and 1980s, Indian technology was forced to grow in darkness as all kinds of tech exports from the West were blocked. This slowed down our space and nuclear power programs and sent the economy to nadir. But, at that point India had no choice. It had a long border with China which was a nuclear power and it had plenty of wars with Pakistan which was getting nuclear material from elsewhere. It… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Michael Kingsbury
It’s time for people in the United States to understand that we are not the final arbitrator of how every country in the world conducts its affairs. Contrary to popular belief, other countries have rights too. If Iran wants to build a nuclear bomb they have as much right to do so as France, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, Great Britain, and yes the Untied States. I’m not saying that it is a good thing, just that we can’t always get what we want. And if we haven’t realized after 16 years of war in the Middle East, just killing more people isn’t the answer. How many people are you willing to kill to get yo… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Gary Garrett
Maybe it’s because they want the soldiers that go off to fight these wars alive at home with their familiesrather than dead in the dirt half a world away. I’m guessing you’re not a soldier.Israel seems to be itching for a war with Iran, I say let them handle it.… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ben Allen,Ariel Cohen,Shlomo Sokolinski
Can Iran win against Israel?,Certainly. Iran could reverse its policy of expending its wealth to arm those of its proxies that attack Israel. It could reach out and befriend the Jewish state. Israel culturally sees itself much closer to Iran (and Lebanese and Syrians believe it or not) than its frenemies in the Gulf States. If Iran were to reverse its policy of achieving regional hegemony and offer friendship to Israel and for instance come to Israel on a friendship visit, we can be certain that the red carpet welcome at Tel Aviv airport would likely be unrolled so fast there would be sonic booms. And the benefits to the Irani… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Yair Livne,John Burgess,Marc Bodnick
If Iran nukes Israel or vice-versa, why should anybody else be threatened by that? What is the big deal? Why should the world declare war on Iran?,Most people care at least somewhat for humanity as a whole, and see the annihilation of 8 million people as an extremely negative outcome that reflects badly on their welfare. If you do not identify with this sentiment, look at the global response to the tsunamis in Asia in the past decade, or the earthquake in Haiti, where the loss of human life was far smaller than it would be in the event where a large chunk of the Israeli population were killed. Those response reflect a deep concern for massive loss of life. Beyond the Israeli population, Iran using nuclear weapons against Israel would prob… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Mahdi Chegini
Is Iran a terrorism supporter?,It seems like you have your facts straight. Iran is one of the very few countries which CAN do whatever they want (at least in Syria) but DON’T. Many governments benefit from war in the middle east because it gives them the perfect excuse to go there and stay there but Iran is already there and the only thing Iran wants is PEACE and STABILITY for its neighbors because it means peace for Iran. Iran is totally against terrorism but you don’t have to believe that, you just take a look at the facts and you will realize Iran has everything to gain from fighting terrorism and nothing to gain from supp… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Joe Willmore
Hypothetical: The US declares war on Iran next month citing the risk to its and global security of Iran having nuclear weapons as the reason for the declaration. How does this play out over the coming months and years?,We pretty much know how it would start out. A US strike package would look like this:US Special Operations would be inserted by the 160th SOAR. The purpose of these operators would be to take out 2–3 border early warning stations (radar, communications).The first wave of US strike aircraft would be stealth aircraft. They would enter at the border holes created by the special ops teams. These strikes would focus solely on creating a narrow path of safe airspace that subsequent strike packages would follow. So to create this path they’d focus on SAM and AAA sites and neutralize them.The second w… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Arun,Amma Mono,Jalaleddin Eshkevari
Why does USA want war with Iran?,The answer is simple… Resources.. RESOURCES IS WHAT MAKES A COUNTRY POWERFUL. Iran is the second largest economy in the middle east and northern africa in terms of GDP.Iran has the world’s largest Natural Gas reserve. 1200 trillion cubic feet, which is approx 18% of the worlds total.The crude oil reserve of the country is about 140 billion barrels. This accounts to about 15% of total reseves of the OPEC countries. This is about 11% of the world's total petroleum reserve. Its HUGE.World's largest ZINC reserve. (11 million tonnes)9th largest COPPER reserve.(2.6 billion tonnes)12th largest IRON re… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Calvin Huang,Alexander Hersonski
America has chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. We are also the only nation which has used nuclear weapons in anger, and we killed a ton of civilians in the process. We've also waged more wars than just about any other nation in recent history and have assassinated and deposed democratically elected leaders… including the one Iran had in 1953. We've also supported terrorists in Afghanistan, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba, China and Chechnya. And that's without even counting the number of terrorists we've unintentionally created. So should the U.S. government also be toppled?
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Brett W
If Iran nukes Israel or vice-versa, why should anybody else be threatened by that? What is the big deal? Why should the world declare war on Iran?,Well, me and my family, as well as several million expats in the region would be directly affected by fallout from either direction. If Iran nukes Israel, or Israel nukes Iran, they're not just nuking Iranians or Israelis. They're nuking Americans, Canadians, Brits, Australians, French, Germans, Russians and people from hundreds of other countries. The use of nuclear weapons in a conflict, especial… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ravi Shankar
When I see questions like this, I ask “What have the people of the US learnt from its wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan ?” — nothing. What has the US learnt from the Arab Spring fiasco? Nothing. The US invasion of Iraq was predicated on a lie (remember the phrase “Weapons of Mass Destruction”?)— US business had its eye on Iraqi oil, and our defense contractors (Halliburton, KBR, …) had their eyes on billions of dollars in the budget — made possible by the ruling party — crony capitalism at its best. The country expresses solidarity with the thousands of men and women in uniform, risking the… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Fatimah Azeri
Iran's nuclear developments have upset the United States and its allies so much that they blame each other for this situation, so the US Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday (yesterday) had a debate between the Director of National Intelligence in Washington and the members of this committee, including hard-line Republican Senator Tom Cotton. Who is to blame for this situation, Biden or Trump? The world - America U.S. National Intelligence Director Avril Haynes and hard-line member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Tom Cotton, argued over whether current President Joe Biden or former U… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Jim Maxedon
Iran has one of the most educated populaces in the Middle East. The majority of people long for a more liberal, western-oriented society. The mullahs will eventually die out and the majority of people will support less hard-liners to rule. We need to be patient. If we invade or attack Iran we will destroy what potential exists for more normalized relations with Iran.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ulrich Grepel
How many wars started by the US to replace a regime were successful? Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan? You cannot easily replace a regime, especially not one that has a lot of support in its people, with a simple war. You will rather lose and alienate those that are generally biased to you by bombing their homes. Even taking out the leader without that many casualities is dangerous for you create a power vacuum too easily filled by someone who‘s even worse (e.g. Libya) or the remainders of the regime (Iraq‘s secret service people forming the IS). And, as bad as (part of) it is, the Iranian governmen… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Adam Goharpour
I could spend an hour arguing the fallacy of your claims about Iran but I will keep this short. I’m not a fan of that backwards regime at all, not in the slightest, but you seem to be uneducated about geo-politics or Iran’s military capability. First of all, you need to look at the Iranian psyche. Iran is an 8 thousand year old civilization which has historically always been a regional power. The 80 million Iranians have this pride and feeling in their veins. If you think they will turn against their government for getting them into a war you are wrong. If the US or any foreign power invades Iran… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Jens Böttiger
Because it isn’t anyone’s job to control what Iran does in Iran except Iran. That’s what sovereignty means. Yes, Iran violates some human rights. So does the USA. Actually the USA does it WAY more often. Using cluster bombs, leaving 80 MILLION un-exploded bombs in Laos that are killing people regularly to this day, Guantanamo Bay, torturing PoWs, arming Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the 80s, paving the way for their takeover of Afghanistan in the first place etc… Iran has not attacked another country in centuries. CENTURIES!!! Iran is not an actual problem. Some of their politicians shoot their mouth… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ron Wiseman
A war against Iran would be fought against Iranians who are largely on our side. Many Iranians hate their government more than we do. If we went to war, these Iranians would be forced under the penalty of death (of their families) to fight against us. Yet, these very people are the answer to the problems in Iran. They are not our enemy.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
John Leigh
Oh, dear. A war to bring about regime change in SW Asia. Doubtless to be followed by the institution of a free, friendly, and democratic regime. Is the OP insane* or just remarkably stupid? *I’m thinking of the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Goran Nikcevic
I’ll just answer a huge LOL. You should be ashamed of what you say. Iran is the victim there (apart from the Obama period where we found a first step toward normalization). Study Iran history and what the US did to them (notably destroy the first great democracy of the Middle East in 1953). You’ll understand that what you ask for is complete bullsh*t. Iran doesn’t care of nuclear bombs if the region is more stable and accept its existence… Ok Iran has some problem of its own. But I mean the US accepts the existence of a large number of white supremacists and do nothing right? The US have huge ra… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Mark O
Have you even the faintest idea what you’re proposing? By the very question itself, I would say you don’t. Pull out a good map of the region. Take a measure of the sheer size of Iran. Take a look at which nations with parallel borders with Iran might possibly be interested in seeing the USA stuck burning soldier’s lives and exhausting the Treasury in Iran. Check out the mountains. Check out the population numbers. Right now, there are people in Iran who do not hate the USA. There remain now chances for political solutions which, upon invasion, will be lost. Anyone remotely interested in trade, … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Alexander Hersonski
Firstly, no nation can unilaterally and legally attack another nation without justification. If you believe that this is legal, then you are advocating for a very extremist policy that is not followed by nearly any developed nation. Secondly, there are few legal and strategic justifications for a war. For instance, a war can be conducted as a result of an attack by another nation. A war can be the … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
John Liungman
I could question all the assumptions, and even point out that everything you say applies to, well Turkey, Pakistan, Israel and most of Americas allies. And the US. But that is not the important point. The important point is that no US war (with the possible exception of WW2) has led to either long-term peace, stability, terrorism defeated, fewer weapons or a deeper respect for human rights. Arguably, the opposite has happened. The idea of a surgical war where bad guys are killed, threats are removed, innocent people are protected and democracy is secured is an illusion.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
I am Indian and I consider ourselves as a US ally even though we don’t have any major defence agreements. Like most Indians, I am very, very, Pro-Israel and simply love that country to bits. I am also generally more aligned with the Conservative Foreign policy agenda with one big exception and that relates to Iran. I think both Israel and the US have Iran very wrong and in fact on this one issue, I support the Liberal agenda. Here are my reasons:Iran, like Russia, China and India has been a great power for a large part of its history - for thousands of years in fact. The Persians are (rightly)… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
David Koon
As former US army bomber pilot, Sen. George McGovern once said: I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.” I’d ask the questioner, depending on his or her age, to pledge his or her life to this war, that of his children, or perhaps grand children. I also want the questioner to request, no, demand an immediate tax increase to pay for this war. I want those pledges signed in blood. Failing those actions, the questioner should immediately go f@ck off. i think the questioner should immediately enlist or take his or her family members to the enlistment office so the… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Douglas Dea
There are many reasons why a liberal would be against a war with Iran. A. The Iranians are good people and do not deserve a war thrust upon them. Yes, their leadership is bad and they need a revolution to toss out the clerics and reform the government. But that is their concern. It cannot be done for them. They must do it themselves. B. Relating to A, experience has (should have by now) taught us that American troops invading and occupying a Middle East nation cannot achieve the goals that is desired. All it will do is smash the existing order and flimsily prop up a new one which will quickly br… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
George Thomas (Ted) McNabb
Gosh, why aren’t “Conservatives” in favor of a war against the United States of America? America is not just building nuclear weapons but has thousands of them that it can deliver at any target in the world and already has chemical weapons. America supports terrorist groups and violates human rights. PS - Your postulate that Iran is building nuclear weapons is not fact based.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
David Durham
That people are even considering a war with Iran shows what a confusing mess Trump voters dumped into our laps. And it’s mostly Trump voters who are now thinking that a war with Iran might be a good way to go. That’s because the man himself has been softening his base up for just that idea. The nuclear deal is working, but our president insists that while Iran is keeping to the letter of the agree… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Johnny Nguyen,Qaiser Khan
You know, we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and look how that turned out. Billions of dollars lost, the destabilization of an entire region, thousands of civilian deaths, increased terrorism, and thousands of American (and their allies) lives lost. Plus, the world views us as asshats if anything now. If you want to ask why a liberal doesn’t want a war with Iran, it’s because they actually have a brain.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
William Venn
What on earth makes you think you would win a war against Iran? In the past 50 years a complete list of American military adventures where they have fought more or less alone, and where things have gone anything like to plan, would probably look something like this: Greneda A list of American military adventures where things have gone tits up and thousends of Americans (and locals) have died, while American forces either failed to reach their objective, or left the country in a worse mess than it started with, or both would be long. Just a few obvious ones: VietnamSomaliaIraq IIAfghanistan…and… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Paul Dezso deHolczer
One reason for me is that I am not looking forward to another global recession with inflation and soaring gas prices. Our allies and countries which are not allies but which are sympathetic to the USA would all lose a lot of their sympathy if the USA precipitated another global recession. We are barely over the last one and Republicans would just love to distract Americans from what they are doing here to frustrate government and progress. Another unnecessary war should do the trick. Plus, Americans unite around a wartime leader. That makes a war an especially cynical proposal. Another reason i… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Robert L Hill
Because Iran actually hasn't invaded another country in 300 years. Fact - check it out.Because Iran siezed American hostages decades ago - only so that our Sixth Fleet didn't steam down the Gulf and destroy them while they had an internal revolution to overthrow the Shah, who had a sweetheart deal with BP oil. Once they had control of their country and its military, they released them, mostly unharmed. Hell, it was a master stroke of tactics, really.Because Iran’s pet guerilla fighters Hezzbollah are currently stopping ISIS / Daesh in their tracks, and they ARE the bulkhead preventing the inva… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Erik Bergland
Gosh, you’re right about that nuclear weapons thing. It’s a shame that there isn’t some kind of deal in place with the nation in question that might delay such a nuclear program and give us more time to find a peaceful solution. But that kind of thing would take years of effort from diplomats on both sides. And it’s not like we could do something as simple as not leaving one that already existed. Seriously, if I have to listen to one more question complaining about liberals not trying to solve an issue they already started to work on only to have the Orangutan in Chief torpedo it, I’m gonna los… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Daniel Holland
1. We, the United States, have meddled ENOUGH in the affairs of Iran and other nations. It solves today's problems by inventing new problems down the line, often 2 or 3 for every 1 solved.2. Iran, unlike Iraq or Afganistan, has a well armed, well trained, well lead, well equipped military with a solid logistics force backing it up. While there is no doubt in my mind that the US military would be … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Why are liberals against a potential War with Iran?The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. The same reasons that justified going to war with Iraq are also relevant here:- Iran is building nuclear weapons and already have chemical weapons.- Iran supports terrorist groups.- Iran violates human rights.War is nasty, but Iran is even nastier.First, in case you hadn’t noticed, going to war with Iraq was an utter disaster. Far nastier than Iran is to people. Iran is also three times the size of Iraq meaning it will be three times the mess. Second, America already has nuclear weapons and can m… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Andy Melina
There's a country that already has nukes and an insane leader who spews warmongering rhetoric like a spoiled, self centred brat kid. By your reckoning thats a good enough excuse to “take out” the regime. That regime spends more on incarceration than education, and it shows. They interfere with or threaten militarily any country they fancy, with half baked reason. They have many citizens who are religious fanatics who think the world is predicted to end soon and who see it as their job to make the prediction come true. Many of them are armed and see themselves as part of a citizen militia. There … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Christian Kramp
Long answer short: if you take the list above (supports terrorist groups and violates human rights) you could (and should) attack Saudi-Arabia first. Iran is, compared to Saudi-Arabia, more open.As for ABC-weapons, there’s no real evidence that Iran is now working on these weapons and the US have a treaty with Iran. Breaking up with Iran on this may damage the US and its reputation now in future. Also would it make harder to negotiate anti-nuclear weapon treaties as other nations may think that it doesn’t matter if they promise not to build and own ABC-weapons if they are at risk being attack… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Bryer Sophia-Gardener (William Johnson)
When Bush wanted to go to war with Iraq, I said, “It is a bad idea. Many people will die. Many people will be left with crippling war injuries. Many people will be impoverished when their homes are destroyed and their community’s infrastructure is destroyed. The people will be left mourning, impoverished, and desperate. Our moral obligation to other people is to help reduce their suffering, not increase it. War rarely reduces suffering. Furthermore, if you think a war with Iraq will make the world a more peaceful place and a just place by ridding the world of a dictator, it may be surprising to… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Miles Fidelman
If anything, we should learn the lesson of the cold war - unfortunately, it’s not clear what that lesson is:Outwait the other side (and maybe outspend them). Let them self-destruct of their own accord.A strong “bad guy” keeps weaker bad guys in check. (The Middle East was a lot calmer when we had the Soviets to keep their puppets in check.)When the other side collapses, what comes next could be worse. (Is the new Russia really a better actor on the global stage?)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Hans Mulders
When reading this question, I literally said out loud “no fucking way!” The way you feel about Iran is the way Iran feels about the USA. By the way, should we be “take out” because we have nuclear weapons and chemical weapons and have supported terrorism throughout the world when it suited our needs? I am totally fine with war against Iran, as long it is people like you and your respective families … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Edward Hynes
Anyone with any sense recognizes that we have no reason to go to war with Iran, and if you looked at our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan you would understand why “taking out” the regime in Tehran is a pretty stupid idea. We cannot occupy the country and I will guarantee you that whatever followed would be much worse for the Iranians and for the region. The agreement negotiated under President Obama is working and at a minimum delays their nuclear development program. In international relations you cannot simply dictate to another state, you actually have to try to see things from their perspectiv… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Guzman Safon
By your own arguments, you should invade half the world I guess ;) You should invade almost all the continents. You should attack so many countries, many of them are US allies… Ohh yes you little conservative. Finish all commercial and political relationship with regimes like Saudi Arabia and then, we can chat about invading Iran. Now that I think a little bit more… Your criteria applies also to the US itself. Should you make an “auto invasion”?
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ronald Kimmons
I am not what you would call a “liberal”, but I have been labeled a liberal at times because of my position on issues such as this, and I can tell you that I am opposed to war with Iran. Note a few things: * Saudi Arabia is worse in many cases. Whether it’s human rights violations or support of terrorist groups, Saudi Arabia is quite bad. Iran is quite liberal (in the true sense) compared to Saudi… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Graham Cox
Why are Americans so martial. Have you not learned anything in the last 60 years. You have had your ass handed to you everywhere you've been except Granada. (I saw the movie and Clint won that without removing his cigar). Wars are not won in the air. You really can't bomb people back to the stone age. You really are too immature as a nation to have such imperialistic thoughts. Just because Great Britain did it doesn't mean that it can be done again, nor that you can do it. Give it up and try diplomacy. Ask Obama back. He can show you how, but I doubt that you would listen.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
James Hinnecke
I hope it isn’t just “liberals” who would be against this folly. Do you have any conception whatever how hard and expensive it would be to “take out the regime in Tehran”? It would make the disaster in Iraq, which cost the us a trillion dollars and thousands of soldiers, look like a picnic by comparison. For I remind you that, as in Iraq, you not only have to win the war, you have to win the peace… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Richard Lock
“Why are liberals against a potential war with Iraq? The regime in Baghdad must be taken out now. Iraq is building nuclear weapons and already has chemical weapons. Iraq supports terrorist groups and violates human rights.” I don’t understand this question? We had a war with Iraq, back in 2003? Don’t you remember it? It was all over the news for ages. It turned out that the invasion and war was the easy bit, but there were loads of problems with the aftermath. Basically, there were a few teensy, tiny holes in the post-war planning (just one or two, mind), and, long story short, even 15 years lat… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Malcolm Sargeant
Your question details seem to be behind the times, relations between Iran and the USA, U.K. and other nations are improving since Iran agreed to a deal with the IAEA to ensure their nuclear programme is entirely peaceful. Iran Deal Tourism is likely to be the biggest growth industry for Iran, it's a beautiful country, well worth a visit. 'Tsunami' of tourists expected in Iran following nuclear deal
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Al Klein
Perhaps you haven’t noticed that North Korea already has a thermonuclear weapon (an H bomb), has successfully tested, and has the missile capability of dropping one on the western part of the US mainland. (And the ayatollahs in Iran look like completely rational people when compared with Kim Jong-un.) Perhaps we should worry about a missile triggering the San Andreas Fault, and Western California slipping into the Pacific, before we worry about Iraq? (The concept you seem to be missing is “prioritize”.)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Yaser Muhebbi
Iran never supports terrorism Some people accuse Iran to have cooperation with TERRORIST groups such as AL-Qaeda and some accuse Iran with the same charge to support resistance groups known as terrorist group by the US State Department. Let me add this, US is the only creator of TERRORIST groups across the world and to hide this fact US always accuse other nations and states as terrorist or supporter of terrorists and tries to introduces itself against terrorist group. Here is the Hillary Clinton confessing they created AL-Qaeda terrorist group. On the other side, Iran has been one of the victim… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
JS Weiss
From the viewpoint of this Liberal, it’ll be too bloody to be worth it. The Catastrophic ramifications would be huge: 1*.Iran would shut down the strait of Hormuz, which would mean no oil for the US through Saudi’s. That means the Saudi government begins to collapse, the US economy faces a massive recession and the world is sent into a freefall in a similar fashion to what happened in the 1970’s on a global scale. If some Trump conservatives somehow don't believe in climate change, I think this at the least should serve as a good reason to promote a green economy. 2. Iran is a nation with a popul… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ákos Németh
“The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has chemical weapons. Iran supports terrorist groups and violates human rights.” Why? Iran do nothing the US did not do already. Their only sin is kick out US oil companies and use it to improve the country. As I know, Iran the most advanced and industrialized Islam country of the Middle east. Why should you attack them? Would you personally go to the frontline, watching the killings of innocents and children and women, destruction of works of decades, or you would only bark from the back to kill those musli… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ryan Nelson
Well, speaking for myself, I’m rather tired of us agitating for war with Iran when our biggest problem in the Middle East is Wahhabism and Salafism, strains of Islam that are Sunni and virulently anti-Iranian. And we’re continuing to fight them, in the form of Daesh today. And they continue to launch bloody terrorist attacks against the West. Oh, and these groups are being funded by our Arab “allies” in the region (Point of clarification: Iran is not an Arab nation. Different ethnicity, different culture). So, the way I see it, we should be far more concerned with the Sunni extremists. We may ev… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Keegan Holley
I might be the first American liberal to show up. War shouldn’t be as simple as for or against. Most liberals like freedom and safety as much as anyone else. That said when there is a discussion of a war with no end game beyond decimating a regime. Timeout… What the hell is a regime anyway? When the dictator is European it’s still called a government. Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, all governments. Even Erdoğan is called a government and Turkey is technically a muslim country. As soon as the government wants our tax dollars, taking over a government suddenly becomes “regime change”. Pro-tip. Lies an… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Robert James
What a ridiculous “question”. Are these like the “WMD” that didn't exist in Iraq? Iran, just like Iraq was, has been given a clean bill of health by the inspectors. They were right then and I'm inclined to believe they are right now. The US has zero moral authority on the matter of chemical weapons and Iran anyway. Declassified CIA papers show the US was complicit in assisting Iraq with chemical weapons attacks on Iran in the 1980s and guilty of withholding the knowledge and evidence of these attacks from the UN. So, if Iran has chemical weapons — none of America's business. You had your chance… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
So you want another Iraq? Well, in that war, we spent 7 trillion dollars, blew up the deficit, killed over 100,000 Iraqi civilians, lost thousands of soldiers, but most of all: We only increased terrorism in the region. When the US attacks somewhere, the people (rightfully so) get pissed off, and turning to terrorism gives them a way to vent that anger. What makes you think a war in Iran will be any different?
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
John Caporale
I'm going to skip answering and just make a statement. When you and other conservatives (yes, I'm making an assumption) send your kids or grandkids to fight, then I'm onboard with another war. And when the outcome is another Iraq-like fiasco, you have to own it, unlike Iraq. But before you decide who of your family gets to go, you have to explain who died and made us kings of the world, to decide who lives and dies, who gets invaded just because…
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Robert Rossney
Hitler had good arguments for invading Russia, too. The last time we “took out” a regime it cost the country a trillion dollars that it no longer has, killed a million civilians, created many hundreds of thousands of refugees whose migration into Europe remains a serious social problem, and spawned the growth of major, effective anti-Western terrorist organizations, along with creating the sense around the world that the American military just tortured people for the fun of it. And that was against a country with few natural defenses, a deeply-divided populace, and a corrupt and dysfunctional g… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Vic Kat
Why is that American always call not submissive governments- Regime? If anything their government is more democratic than that of USofA. Trump Regime? Anyone.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Gwydion Madawc Williams
The war against Iraq was a disaster. The Anglo-French war against Gaddafi’s Libya has also been a disaster, see MPs attack Cameron over Libya 'collapse' - BBC News. Some people really don’t learn!
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Zach Dalton
I'm a pretty even keeled guy, but this question just pisses me off more than you can possibly imagine. Reasons we don't go to war with Iran: Kids die in war. A lot of kids. How about you go down to your local high school and shake the hands of the boys and girls you have no problem going off to die. We've been reasonably lucky with American casualties in recent wars, but that definitely isn't going to be the case with Iran. They'll fight back and they'll fight back hard. Iran has a real military with good weapons and we'll trained troops. Tons of American kids will die. Innocent civilians die in … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Alfred Montestruc
Liberals, libertarians and other people who have some respect for the sanctity of human life are in general opposed to war unless absolutely necessary. Iran has not done anything to the USA or anyone in the recent past that would justify such an attack as far as I know. I would agree that the Iranians grabbing our embassy in the late 1970s was provocative, but all nonsense aside we did things to provoke them. I see no reason to pick a fight with them.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Jason Turner
Because when 99% of conservatives say "we" should go to war they don't really mean we, because they are going to be at home on the couch. What they really mean is a lot of people that aren't them should die and/or leave body parts strewn around the desert so they can act like they are patriots. If all the conservatives packed up and went to the other side of the planet to do whatever it is they think should be done they wouldn't have to listen to what liberals say about it, because they would be doing it. It doesn't matter how many times you post a flag on facebook, if you personally aren't th… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Matt Sanders
This question is an indication of how perverse the rhetoric has gotten in our country.. Calls for war are made entirely to flippantly in our country. Before WW1, we were a passive country who had to be dragged into the war. Beyond that.. Even though you've been given a different message, in reality, Iran is a rational actor and war against them makes no sense. Zinn is a great resource for learning how ridiculous war is..
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Rachel Anderson
I thought you people voted for Trump because that evil warmonger Hillary would get you into a war with Iran? Now here we are, and you’re encouraging Trump (not that he needs encouragement) to start wars with Iran and North Korea, and possibly China and Russia as well. Remind me again why you voted for Trump?
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Behzad Samadi
Maybe the main reason is that the US should not bite off more than she can chew. Saddam with all the support from the US, Europe and the Persian Gulf countries did not manage to take the regime in Tehran out. Soft methods like the ones in the 1953 coup might work better. Keep trying!
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Michael J. McFadden
Perhaps because a full-scale war with Iran would likely result in the gory death of millions of human beings with many of them innocent of no crimes whatsoever and many more innocent of any crime other than being religious fanatics (just like many of us were or still are) or fighting to defend their country?MJM, who remembers reading about and watching the Iran/Iraq war…
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Mike Sheward
“Taking out” Tehran ?…….Iran…..Full of human beings.., People like you and me…With hopes and dreams of peace….Just like our own. Isn’t it also strange, how the person asking the question, is complaining about another country possibly achieving the same weapons as his own country already possesses ?. Whilst forgetting to mention his own countries failings, on human rights, and their backing of terrorist organisations in the past, to achieve regime changes, Such as Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, and South America. Not forgetting their botched attempt with Cuba. It’s as if he has been brain-washed, to ignor… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Andrew De Jesus
Your desire for war is concerning. I won't write an answer to your question, I'll instead present you with a very effective one given by a fictional character who makes a very good point. And when this war is over, what do you think it's going to be like? Peter Capaldi’s speech on war in Doctor Who episode ‘The Zygon Inversion’. The Paris attacks were one of the many results of war. We cannot continue this cycle.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Bastien Koert
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has chemical weapons. Iran supports terrorist groups and violates human rights.I assume from your comment you or you or your children have joined the military, asked for front line deployment and are willing to die for this? No? Shocking. How many of your fellow Americans do you want to have die and get injured in another pointless war? Haven’t the last 15 years taught you anything? Or maybe you’ve got a lot invested in Halliburton and Raytheon?
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Jon Michael Sakamoto
We shouldn’t be looking forward to a war with anyone. Would the US prevail against Iran? Undoubtedly. Their GDP is less than one half trillion dollars which means our economy is more than 42 times as large. But wouldn’t Russia be helping them? Probably with military aid but their economy is less than 10% of ours and we probably wouldn’t be alone either. Figure the Saudi’s and other Arab countries would be involved siding with us, after all they are the ones being bullied by Iran now. So why would we be posturing right now? Well there are a few reasons. Trump has already shown his war philosophy… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Bryon Wilems
As a libertarian leaning conservative, not just no, but hell no. If you are so eager for war, please go visit your local army recruiter and volunteer for service. Do not ask our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives to fight in a battle you are not willing to fight and die in yourself. If the cause is just, as you have stated, then you should have no problem putting your life on the line for it. Second, beyond the reasons already stated, an invasion into Iran to effectuate regime change would be a much more difficult task than I think you realize. Iran is abou… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Bryan Ricketson
Interesting. That description also applies to China, Russia and North Korea.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Steve Dutch
Because it’s stupid. Iran will get a nuke. We weren’t able to stop North Korea from getting one. But if either country uses one, it will be their very last one. And they know it. Iran’s not going to expand. They are the only large Shiite nation on earth and they will not be able to conquer and control large hostile Sunnite populations. So watching them is frustrating, like watching Maduro fly Venezuela into the ground. Nothing would give me greater satisfaction that seeing both regimes topple. Really, the only reason some people want to topple Iran is to get revenge for the Iran hostage crisis. … (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Marcelo Pacheco
Saudi Arabia and other USA allies also support terrorist groups and violate human rights, but you turn a blind eye to that. Many African countries also do both (2+3rd items), yet the USA don’t seem to care, cause they don’t have oil. If you want Iran to stop doing bad things, support solar/wind/nuclear power and electric vehicles, making Oil far less important in the world. Support long term goals of zero fossil fuel car production 20 years in the future. If Oil was worth less than US$ 30/barrel in the long run, Iran wouldn’t have spare cash to pursue their expansionist agenda. An invasion of Ir… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Ken Smith
I think its not just liberals who are against a potential war with Iran. Conservatives as well. Who on earth WANTS to go to war? It is always best to find diplomatic solutions to problems before sending young men into harms way.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Franklin Egbuche
Here we go again. What's next? "They built 90,000km ranged ballistic missiles which could reach outer space, so let's go bomb them before they bomb us"? Warmongering is only done by those who haven't witnessed the horrors of war. This is totally stupid. Perhaps you should identify yourself and ask Americans to follow you as you lead them on the battlefield. That's the only way your wishes of war can be made marketable.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Yona J. Hilderband
Do you realize how many countries we could potentially go to war with using your criteria? It would be World War 3, and we’d be in it for all intents and purposes on our own. “The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. The same reasons that justified going to war with Iraq are also relevant here…” Umm, you do know how great that one ended, don’t you? We’re not nearly close to paying for the Iraq debacle, not just in the cost of money, but human lives, and yet, you want to go at it again? Really? Iran is not Iraq, they are a much more unified nation with a stronger and larger army and more alli… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Martin Brilliant
You are correct in that the reasons are similar to the reasons we went to war with Iraq. We went to war in Iraq to “take out” an unwanted regime. But the situation in Iraq, and in the U.S., and in Europe, is worse than it was before we went to war there. You want the same result in Iran? If we had a history of setting things right in the Middle East by going to war, I and other liberals would agree with you. But we have a history of leaving countries in that region worse than we found them. Yes we could “take out” the regime. We don’t know how to put in anything better. War is nasty, Iran is nas… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Because it would be an utter catastrophe that would make the disastrous Iraq war look like a romp in the park by comparison. Liberals tend to be against throwing away the lives of American service members (and many more innocent civilians) for no real reason and with little to no prospect of any appreciable gain. A better question might be why are (some) conservatives so bloodthirsty for a war with Iran after botching Iraq and Afghanistan so badly.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Dougie Howser
I have no idea who wrote this war hawk propaganda but I am guessing the person is a Trump loving, red state, pseudo-intellectual believing all the filth spouted out about Iran. Why don’t you travel there and see for yourself what Iranians are like instead of blind hatred. Maybe you are from Israel ??? What you don’t understand is everyone in the world is just trying to get along and survive the best they can. It is the same in every country everywhere. There should be no inherent hatred unless the person is exposed to blatant biased twisted propaganda. You are watching too much faux news, trav… (more)
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Maggie McQuaid
Listen, sweetie - the United States has both nuclear and chemical weapons. The United States supports terrorist groups and violates human rights. I assume you feel we also must be “taken out now”? You’re being a hypocrite.
Why are liberals against a potential war with Iran? The regime in Tehran must be taken out now. Iran is building nuclear weapons and already has
Tovarish Ahura
SalaamAt first Iran does not have chemical weapons and is not pursuing nuclear ones. This Comes from a rule in Islam which bans creating WMDs and in Iran’s constitution the second amendment states that the senate and the government and the regime must govern by Islam’s rules. Your second point was that Iran supports terrorists. Well actually terrorism is a point of view for example ISIS was considered by the USA as a moderate group that opposed Assad’s government so she armed them and today you can see its results. But if we want to be more specific Iran Supports three groups across middle eas… (more)
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