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Video footage of police using pepper spray on peacefully protesting students at the University of California, Davis, on Nov. 18 has sparked national outrage. But the use of such brutal force against passive protesters isn’t as uncommon as you’d think. Pepper spray and other severe tactics have recently been used with disturbing frequency by police against Occupy protesters — young or old or pregnant — around the nation (see this Atlantic roundup). But the agent’s misuse goes back much further: in the mid-1990s, the U.S. Department of Justice cited nearly 70 fatalities linked to pepper-spray use, according to an excellent post on the dangers of pepper spray by science writer Deborah Blum on Speakeasy Science. Blum notes that in a 1995 report [PDF], the American Civil Liberties Union of California cited 26 deaths between 1993 and 1995 possibly linked to pepper-spray use by police (that’s 1 death for every 600 uses); most deaths involved people who had underlying health problems like asthma. And in 1999, following an incident in which California police officers dipped cotton swabs into pepper spray and then forced them into the eyes of anti-logging protesters, the ACLU asked an appeals court to declare the use of pepper spray to be dangerous and cruel. PHOTOS: The Prevalence of Pepper Spray How painful is getting pepper-sprayed? For starters, as Blum points out, police-grade pepper spray gets 5,300,000 Scoville heat units on the Scoville scale of pepper hotness. Compare that to 350,000 Scoville units for the habanero. (Pepper spray — or OC spray, as it’s also known — contains the same compound that makes peppers hot, capsaicin, in a super-concentrated extract called oleoresin capsicum.) In most cases, pepper spray is non-lethal, but it is known to cause irreparable harm or, as we’ve noted, death. According to a 2004 paper by researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health and Duke University Medical Center, high-dose exposure to OC spray can produce “adverse cardiac, respiratory, and neurological effects, including arrhythmias and sudden death”; acute exposure also causes “nausea, fear and disorientation.” Wrote the researchers: Respiratory responses to OC spray include burning of the throat, wheezing, dry cough, shortness of breath, gagging, gasping, inability to breathe or speak (due to laryngospasm or laryngeal paralysis), and, rarely, cyanosis, apnea, and respiratory arrest. Nasal application of capsaicin causes sneezing, irritation, and reflex mucus secretion. Its inhalation can cause acute hypertension (similar to ammonia inhalation), which in turn can cause headache and increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Getting pepper-sprayed is worse than getting maced [PDF] — mace causes burning but no respiratory effects. Pepper spray can fell even people with a high tolerance for pain because it restricts the airway and leaves you gasping for breath. Even when pepper spray isn’t inhaled, its effects on the skin and eyes can require hospital attention, causing intense burning pain, swelling, inflammation and redness. Classified as a riot-control agent and banned for use in war by Article I.5 of the Chemical Weapons Convention, pepper spray is meant to be used against violent attackers who are resisting arrest and threatening physical harm to others. That doesn’t apply to the passive protesters at U.C. Davis. “Pepper spray should only be used when there’s a clear threat to officers or severe-enough resistance — essentially, when the only alternative is more extreme force,” John MacDonald, professor of criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, told our colleague Nick Carbone over at NewsFeed. “But if the only threat is time, then the best weapon to exercise is patience.” Following the misuse of pepper spray at U.C. Davis, one of the university’s faculty members, Nathan Brown, an assistant professor of English, called for the resignation of the school’s chancellor, Linda P.B. Katehi, for issuing the order to police to clear the quad of student protesters. In an open letter, he described the force (some of which you don’t see in the video) used by police against the students, peacefully protesting in solidarity with the Occupy movement: Without any provocation whatsoever, other than the bodies of these students sitting where they were on the ground, with their arms linked, police pepper-sprayed students. Students remained on the ground, now writhing in pain, with their arms linked. What happened next? Police used batons to try to push the students apart. Those they could separate, they arrested, kneeling on their bodies and pushing their heads into the ground. Those they could not separate, they pepper-sprayed directly in the face, holding these students as they did so. When students covered their eyes with their clothing, police forced open their mouths and pepper-sprayed down their throats. Several of these students were hospitalized. Others are seriously injured. One of them, forty-five minutes after being pepper-sprayed down his throat, was still coughing up blood. According to guidelines [PDF] for all California State schools, pepper spray is meant to be used for no more than one second on any one person. “[It] is to be sprayed in a one-second burst. It is not meant to be used repeatedly on an individual, or for long periods of time,” advise the authors. At U.C. Davis, police did not attempt to minimize students’ exposure; in fact, the police officer captured on video (Lt. John Pike, who has since been put on administrative leave, along with one other officer and police chief Annette Spicuzza) delivers prolonged and direct streams of OC spray to individual protesters and even returns to some, spraying them more than once. Given that protesters are out in force and so are the police, here are some tips for surviving a pepper-spray attack: Don’t rub your face. Pepper spray inflames the capillaries on your skin’s surface, which is what causes the intense burning sensation. When you touch the affected area, you are further helping to open up capillaries, which will make the pain worse. Try not to breathe it in. Inhalation is the real danger, so the more you can cover your mouth and nose, the better. Be careful of cold temperatures. You should flush any area that’s been pepper-sprayed with cool, fresh water and stand in front of a fan — a fresh-air breeze helps. But given that capsaicin stimulates heat receptors, which in turn triggers the body’s cooling response, overexposure to cold water can be dangerous in winter weather. “This dual effect increases the risk of hypothermia if victims are decontaminated with cold water on cold days,” wrote the authors of the 2004 paper. Use the right soap. Clean affected areas with non-oil or cold cream-based soap. Don’t use salves or greasy ointments because they will trap OC resin to the skin. And remove any affected clothes or contact lenses. Don’t resist arrest. Half of the 26 deaths linked to pepper-spray use by California police, reported in the 1995 ACLU report, occurred in victims who were restrained using the “hog-tie” method. The more you resist, the greater your danger of getting excessively sprayed and of being restrained in an extreme fashion. “In half of all cases, the types of police restraint techniques used were identified as contributing to the cause of death or the primary cause of death,” wrote the reports authors. Make your health problems public. If you have asthma or a heart condition, let someone know, so they can help you get the right medical attention right away. Sixty-one percent of the victims in the UCLA report showed evidence of an underlying heart or respiratory disease and two people had asthma, suggesting that pepper spray may be particularly dangerous for these people.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://healthland.time.com/2011/11/22/how-painful-is-pepper-spray/print/", "date": "2023-11-28T10:17:44", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099281.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128083443-20231128113443-00000.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9450236558914185, "token_count": 1729 }
- AnesthesiologyReview Panel - CardiovascularReview Panel - ChemistryReview Panel - DentalReview Panel - Ear, Nose, ThroatReview Panel - Gastroenterology and UrologyReview Panel - General HospitalReview Panel - HematologyReview Panel - ImmunologyReview Panel - MicrobiologyReview Panel - NeurologyReview Panel - Obstetrical and GynecologicalReview Panel - OphthalmicReview Panel - OrthopedicReview Panel - PathologyReview Panel - Physical MedicineReview Panel - RadiologyReview Panel - General and Plastic SurgeryReview Panel - ToxicologyReview Panel - Medical GeneticsReview Panel - UnknownReview Panel The purpose of this application is to make the FDA's public databases easier to navigate. We hope it will be useful to regulatory consultants, engineers, investors, and buyers in the medical device industry. In particular, it should help you classify a medical device idea or identify a predicate device. The main pane combines information from various FDA databases into a browsable tree. The top nodes are classification panels, their children are CFR sub-parts, their children are product codes, and their children are premarket submissions (510(k)s, de Novos, or PMAs). Click a node to view details about it, including a link back to where we gathered the information in the FDA's databases. This application was built by Innolitics, a team of medical device regulatory consultants and engineers. We can help you get your medical device to market quickly. We provide regulatory strategy and custom software engineering services. We specialize in software-only medical devices (i.e., SaMD) and AI and Machine Learning.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://fda.innolitics.com/submissions/NE/subpart-f%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDneurological-therapeutic-devices/JXG/K192266", "date": "2023-11-29T11:10:55", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100081.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20231129105306-20231129135306-00800.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8748331665992737, "token_count": 348 }
A University in Motion. Apply now! Create a Solution for a Better World Imagine yourself on the sunny Gulf of Mexico, taking a marine biology course at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Or performing research with a doctoral-level AUM professor—research work that, at most universities, is reserved only for graduate students. Or, after graduation, imagine going to work for a nonprofit organization or governmental agency that improves the soil quality so farmers can produce a larger, healthier crop. With your Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science with a concentration in Environmental Chemistry, your helping career is limited only by your imagination. Environmental chemistry is the study of the presence and movement of chemicals in the air, soil, and water. Environmental chemists study how these chemicals, usually contaminants, affect the health of people, wildlife, and ecosystems. In general, environmental scientists are problem solvers. They research environmental and health problems to determine their causes and come up with solutions. They also use what they learn to make recommendations and develop strategies for managing environmental problems. From wading through swamps studying the impact of encroaching human populations on endangered species, to monitoring pollution levels in lakes and rivers, graduates of AUM’s Environmental Science program get the training needed for a fascinating and rewarding career. The Environmental Chemistry concentration in the Environmental Science bachelor’s degree program helps students prepare for a graduate degree program from another university or for careers working as a: This degree is perfectly aligned with a Chemistry degree and students can easily earn a dual degree in Environmental Science and Chemistry for the same number of hours. If you like the idea of helping humanity by becoming an environmental scientist, you could also choose from one of these concentrations: Environmental Biology, Environmental Geographic Information Systems or Environmental Health and Toxicology. The Know How What you will know with a Environmental Chemistry degree from AUM Know how to get things done for the public good by teaming with other professionals, policy administrators, and the local community. Know how to put your skills and knowledge to work for the good of humanity, helping to keep the environment clean. Know why the ethical questions surrounding the use (and abuse) of land, air and water are crucial to making environmental improvements, both large and small. Know why environmental sustainability is a career for now and the future. Points of Pride Customize Your Degree Rewarding Occupations and Job Growth In general, environmental scientists use their knowledge and specific training of earth’s systems (in either chemistry, biology, GIS or health/toxicology) to protect the environment and human health. It depends on your job title and function, but many environmental scientists work outdoors much of the time, studying environmental issues concerning the earth, air, and/or water of a specific ecosystem. No, but a lot of graduates do seek more advanced degrees, which expands their career options. Others go directly into the job market in manufacturing, nonprofit, business and government sectors. Is a Degree in Environmental Chemistry right for me? With this bachelor’s degree as your educational foundation, you have many career possibilities. |Career/Job Title||Entry-level Education Requirements||Job Growth 2020-2030||Annual Median Salary| |Conservation Scientist and Forester||Bachelor's degree||7% (As fast as average)||$64,010| |Natural Sciences Manager||Bachelor's degree (Master’s preferred)||6% (As fast as average)||$137,940| |Environmental Scientist/Specialist||Bachelor's degree||8% (As fast as average)||$73,230| |Environmental Engineer||Bachelor's degree||4% (Slower than average)||$92,120.00| |Hydrologist||Bachelor's degree||6% (As fast as average)||$84,040| Note: Salaries vary depending on several factors including your level of experience, education, training, demographics, and industry. Here is a sampling of the future job growth and salaries according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. College of Sciences At AUM’s College of Sciences, you will have hands-on learning experiences, working side by side with scholars and researchers using state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment. Our academic departments include Biology and Environmental Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Psychology. To help you pay for college, you might qualify for one of our scholarships. Official Name of this Environmental Science Degree Concentration Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with a concentration in Environmental Chemistry This degree requires students to meet on campus. Students in these courses enroll in a program to connect in a campus setting and to collaborate using a variety of technological and educational tools. Professors play an inspirational role in building relationships among teams and individuals in this setting. The criteria for many programs can only be met with In-Class coursework. Be sure to check with your advisor to understand the best route to take. You will need to complete courses in the university core, biology, related science areas, and electives. Contact the Biology and Environmental Sciences Department for a current listing of courses required to complete the Biology Health Sciences concentration. The course listings below are only a few of the classes this concentration requires. For a full review of this program in detail, please see our official online catalog AND consult with an academic advisor. |Course #||Course Name||Course Description| |ENSC 1000||Introduction to Environmental Science||Kick off your knowledge of environmental science, the scientific method, ecology, energy, environmental policy and an examination of current environmental issues.| |CHEM 3500||Environmental Chemistry||An introduction to environmental chemistry in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.| |ENSC 2952||Seminar in Environmental Science||Students meet weekly to discuss assigned readings, which will vary from term to term.|
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US, UK, the Netherlands Accuse Russia of Cyber Attacks The U.S. Department of Justice indicted on Thursday seven Russian intelligence officers over alleged cyber attacks against the U.S. and its allies, saying they targeted the World Anti-Doping Agency, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and a nuclear power company in Pennsylvania. The indictment comes on the heels of accusations made by several nations, claiming they were targets of Russian intelligence cyber attacks. The United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands have accused Russian intelligence of attacking the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW) investigation into the chemical attack on a former Russian spy in the U.K. and anti-doping organizations. Throughout the day, officials explained the various operations allegedly by Russia’s intelligence unit, the GRU. Though the U.S. and the U.K.-Dutch investigations were separate, several of those indicted in the U.S. were also accused by the U.K. and the Netherlands. Three of seven suspects were already indicated earlier this year along with nine other GRU officers in an unrelated investigation by the U.S. Special Counsel, Robert Mueller. in connection to plotting to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. The charges against the Russian nationals include conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. U.S. authorities say that the hacking and disinformation campaigns came in response to the July 2016 report from the World Anti-Doping Agency that accused Russia of state-sponsored doping. Along with hacking these groups, authorities also say that health information about athletes were stolen. “Our indictment today charges some of the same Russian operatives caught in The Hague, along with their colleagues in Moscow, as part of a conspiracy to hack a variety of individuals and organizations, in the United States, Canada, and Europe, to obtain information or access that was then exploited for the benefit of the Russian government,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers. “The GRU did so in response to the efforts of anti-doping officials’ exposure of Russia’s systematic and state-backed athlete doping program. Embarrassed by that truth, Russia fought back by retaliating against the truth tellers and against the truth itself,” his statement said. “Nations like Russia, and others that engage in malicious and norm-shattering cyber and influence activities, should understand the continuing and steadfast resolve of the United States and its allies to prevent, disrupt, and deter such unacceptable conduct,” Demers said. These charges were announced soon after authorities in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands reported a secret joint operation that prevented a Russian intelligence mission that was directed at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague. The organization is a chemical weapons watchdog with a mandate from the United Nations. The Dutch government accused four Russian nationals of planning to hack the OPCW. These four are also some of the seven indicted by the U.S. Dutch authorities expelled them from the country after they were found near the OPCW office. They held diplomatic passports so were immune from prosecution, the BBC reported. The OPCW was investigating the poisoning of Sergei Skripal, a former Russian military intelligence agent, and his daughter Yulia back in March. The U.K. has charged two alleged GRU operatives with attempted murder. Novichok, a nerve toxin, is believed to have been used in the attack. Two others in the U.K. were also poisoned after they came into contact with the container used to carry the toxin, the Guardian reported. One of the two, Dawn Sturgess, died from the exposure while it hospitalized her boyfriend, Charlie Rowley. “We have, with the operations exposed today, further shone a light on the unacceptable cyber activities of the Russian military intelligence service, the GRU,” U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in a joint statement. Russia denies connections to the poisoning and the hacking. According to Russian state-news agency TASS, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, "The West’s spy mania is gaining momentum. Russia’s official commentary will follow soon.”
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Aloe africana, Aloe barbadensis, Aloe ferox, Aloe perryi, Aloe spicata, Aloe vera Aloe vera, burn plant, lily of the desert, elephant's gall, aloe latex (laxative), aloin, barbaloin Aloe is a plant that likely came from Africa. More than 420 known species of aloe exist. The term "aloe vera" translates from Arabic and Hebrew to mean a "true shining, bitter substance." The succulent leaves are the part of the plant that’s most often used. The flower may also be used. Aloe vera has long been used in folk medicine. It’s known mostly for being able to aid in the healing process of cuts and burns. It’s also known to moisturize and soften the skin. Aloe vera is also one of many anthelmintics. These are substances that destroy or get rid of worms from the digestive system. When swallowed, aloe acts as a laxative. When you scratch aloe leaves, they make a bitter yellow liquid. It contains anthraquinone barbaloin. This is a strong laxative agent. Medically valid uses The effects of aloe include: It works as an astringent. This is a substance that has a constricting or binding effect. It works to seal off cuts or scrapes. It works as a laxative. The anthraquinones and barbaloin in aloe stimulate the bowel and increase its tone. It increases the turnover rate of collagen. It may also increase collagen production. Collagen is needed to help wounds to heal. When it’s applied to your skin, aloe: Helps heal minor burns and sunburns Helps heal wounds, insect bites, or stings Stimulates cell regeneration Has astringent, emollient, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral effects Moisturizes and softens your skin Note that aloe vera promotes healing best in the open air. When you apply it to minor cuts and burns, leave the treated area uncovered. Don't cover it with a bandage. Dried aloe latex taken from the leaf (98% to 99% pure) has laxative effects. It can be taken internally to help treat constipation, hemorrhoids, rectal itching, colitis, and other colon problems. But the FDA required laxative makers to remove aloe from their products in 2002. This is because there have not been enough studies done on it to confirm that it’s safe. Aloe juice is dried and used to make tincture of benzoin. This is a sticky material used to make bandage material stick to the skin. Also, acemannan (a complex mannose carbohydrate) found in aloe is used to make denture adhesive. There may be benefits that have not yet been proven through research. People claim that aloe soothes stomach irritation. It may also help to heal stomach problems and ulcers, reduce acid reflux, and ease menstrual problems. It may also prevent immune suppression in the skin due to ultraviolet light. Aloe vera is sometimes helpful in treating calluses and corns, varicose veins, infections, and arthritis. Aloe may also help treat skin cancer. Essence of the aloe vera flower may also aid in relieving mental and emotional burnout. This may be useful for women who have hot flashes. When you swallow aloe vera gel for ulcers or menstrual problems, make sure you use a brand of gel that won’t have a laxative side effect. Aloe vera is available as a tablet, gel, or liquid for internal use. It comes as a gel, lotion, ointment, or spray for topical use. You can apply the gel from a freshly broken leaf from an aloe plant to minor burns, scrapes, lacerations, or sunburn for relief. You can use over-the-counter (OTC) forms of aloe for the same conditions. OTC products may be more convenient than keeping an aloe plant in your home. Take OTC oral forms of aloe exactly as directed on the packaging. Side effects, toxicity, and interactions A study done by the National Toxicology Program found negative effects of non-decolorized whole leaf extracts of aloe vera when it was added to drinking water. It caused cancer in female rats but not in mice. Allergic reactions to aloe are rare. You can find out if you’re allergic to topical aloe by applying a dab of it under your arm or behind your ear. If you develop a rash or stinging feeling, don't use it. You can develop an intolerance to aloe vera juice. So, you should not take aloe by mouth too often. Talk to your healthcare provider before using herbal medicines. People with diabetes who take medicines to lower their blood sugar should not use oral aloe vera. Doing so can lower your blood sugar too much. You should not swallow aloe when you have stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting. This is because it’s a laxative. Using it could make your symptoms worse. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your healthcare provider before using aloe or any other herbs. There are no known significant food or medicine interactions with aloe.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://myhealth.ucsd.edu/Library/HealthSheets/19,Aloe", "date": "2023-11-30T18:54:19", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100229.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20231130161920-20231130191920-00700.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9147189855575562, "token_count": 1153 }
OneBody Hand Balm & Lip Delivery Travel Set Limited edition, specially packaged travel gift of Lip Balm and Hand Balm. Lip Balm - Nourishes, protects, and perfects the lips with cooling and plumping Intelli-Fruit™ lemon, vitamin E and tripeptide complex and a delicious certified-organic essential oil sweet vanilla. Hand Balm - Certified organic super oils, sea bioactives and rich healing fruit butter deliver the ultimate hand and nail therapy. Light yet dense, it feels like a remix of a cream and butter, leaving hands deeply hydrated, perfectly scented yet feeling clean. ♥ Instantly hydrates dry lips ♥ Softens, smooths, and calms ♥ Provides a subtle plumping effect ♥ Protects against UV and other environmental free radicals ♥ Supports and replenishes healthy hands and nails ♥ Reduces age spots and wrinkles ♥ Eliminates rough, uneven texture Lemon Extract provides a cooling effect. Shea Butter seeds of the shea tree are crushed and boiled to release the natural fats. High in vitamins A, E, and F. Solid at room temperature but liquifies at body temperature. Provides slip. Also aids in protecting against dry skin and scalp, and helps to restore elasticity to the skin. Blue Sea Kale is antioxidant-dense to replenish and support healthy hands and nails by protecting against UV and other environmental free radicals. Sea Daffodil is an extract from a rare flower grown and harvested in greenhouses to assure sustainability. Shown to significantly reduce the appearance of skin pigmentation and the surface area of dark spots. Lip Balm Full ingredients: Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter,1 Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Wax, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter,1 Phospholipids, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil,2 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Natural Flavor,3 Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract,1 Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil,2 Tripeptide-29, Hyaluronic Acid, Yeast Extract, Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Hand Balm Full Ingredients: Aqua (Water), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Hydroxystearyl Alcohol, Hydroxystearyl Glucoside, Glyceryl Stearate, Gardenia Jasminoides Meristem Cell Culture,1 Salicornia Herbacae Extract,2 Algae (Undaria Pinnatifida) Extract,2 Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder,3 Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin) Seed Oil,3,4 Cucurbita Pepo (Pumpkin) Seed Oil,3,4 Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Seed Oil,3,4 Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil,3,4 Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry) Seed Oil,3,4 Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil,3 Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter,3 Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil,3 Aroma,3,5 Xanthan Gum, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Diheptyl Succinate, Capryloyl Glycerin/Sebacic Acid Copolymer, Heptyl Undecylenate, Microcrystaline Cellulose, Cellulose Gum, C Alcohols, C Alkyl Glucoside, Gluconolactone, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Limonene,6 Linalool,6 Geraniol,6 Farnesol,6 Benzyl Benzoate,6 Citral,6 Eugenol,6 Isoeugenol,6 Benzyl Salicylate,6 Tocopherol (Vitamin E) An Important Note: Ingredients may change. For the most current ingredient list, please check your packaging. Any slight variation in the aspect of the product is due to the natural raw materials in the formula and does not affect the quality. How to Use Apply liberally to deliver nourishing hydration as often as needed.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.holistichairtribe.com/collections/intelligent-nutrients-skincare-collection/products/onebody-hand-balm-lip-delivery-travel-set", "date": "2023-11-30T17:41:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100229.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20231130161920-20231130191920-00700.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7420996427536011, "token_count": 928 }
Site and Clinical visit from summer 2015 The BIE program is comprised of a two-pronged immersion approach: (1) Clinical Visits where teams interact with clinicians and (2) Site Visits made where they observe and interview lead and expert users. Clinical Visit sites were chosen to span a wide range of specialties and environments. Before each visit, program members completed background research relevant to each site. In the Clinical Visits the teams observed clinical management of particular disease states, from logistical concerns to therapeutic strategies. As with previous BIE summer programs, the teams observed and documented latent needs, issues, comments, and general unmet needs in a database of over 300 user need statements from their findings, which are used in the 2015 Capstone course. San Francisco General Hospital Ward 86 HIV clinic This visit included several presentations by clinicians regarding the mechanisms of HIV, models of patient care, global treatment campaigns, and research on cures. After these talks, Dr. Susan Coffey gave a tour of the HIV ward, exam rooms, and offices. San Francisco General Hospital Toxicology Laboratory Teams went on Toxicology Grand Rounds at the Poison Center with Dr. Alan Wu, listening to several interesting cases. They then toured the Radiology Department, Emergency Department, Cardiac Catheter Lab, Research Lab, Dialysis Center, the Hematology, Toxicology, and Chemistry labs, including the Blood Bank. At each department Dr. Wu pointed out typical medical devices and allowed BIE members to interview the staff. At the Central Laboratory where clinical samples are processed, Dr. Wu and an MD/PhD resident talked about Point-of-Care devices, discussing why some products succeeded on the market and others failed to meet any real clinical need. UCSF Neuro Interventional Radiology The teams witnessed angiograms and other neuro interventional radiology procedures by Dr. Steven Hetts and his colleagues. In addition, he detailed various technological challenges that come with diagnosing and treating stroke, especially with regard to the time-sensitivity in which the condition progresses. UCSF Liver Transplant Clinic Dr. Danielle Brandman led a comprehensive tour of the program, including an introductory presentation about liver disease and the transplant program. Groups then visited the clinic to meet nurses who coordinate patient visits, went on rounds with the transplant team. During a visit to the endoscopy unit a group was able to observe a colonoscopy. Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) At CHORI, a center for thalassemia and sickle cell disease, the BIE group met with Dr. Marcela Weyhmiller and Dr. Ellen Fung. They learned about the unique bone density and iron overload diagnostic tools. Many of the BIE members were able to experience the DXA bone density scan. The group also toured the state-of-th-art SQUID liver content scan. UC Davis Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Ambulatory Care Clinic) At the Ambulatory Care Clinic, a BIE team observed nerve conduction studies and the electromyography procedures on two patients. Another team observed an EMG study with a patient and some BIE members experienced an EMG study on themselves. San Francisco VA Medical Center’s Epilepsy Center BIE teams met with Dr. John Hixson who provided them with a comprehensive lecture on epilepsy diagnostics and treatments followed by a tour of the clinic. They learned about the nuances of the epileptic technologies market and product space. UC Davis Small Animal Surgery Center The BIE group met with Dr. Michele Steffey and observed two surgeries – a patent ductus arteriosus and a gastropexy/spay. They also had an opportunity to interview a senior DVM candidate about her experiences in the operating room. Medical Device Large Industry: Intuitive Surgical The group met with the Senior Director of Medical Research, Jonathan Sorger, who gave them the opportunity to use the daVinci Xi surgical system. They also toured the manufacturing plant and saw each of the stages necessary to put the final product together. Mobile Medicine: Stanford Life Flight During the tour of the Stanford Life Flight Helicopter, the BIE group met with an RN, a flight pilot, and the on-call engineer. Medical Device Startup: Zephyrus Biosciences At Zephyrus, Dr. Kelly Gardner gave the teams a tour of the workspace within the shared QB3 East Bay Innovation Center. Afterwards, she described what a startup was like, how to obtain funding, and how to take a product from conception to the “end goal” of expanding the product line or becoming acquired by a larger company. Scandic Springs, Inc. The group toured the manufacturing plant and learned about the important considerations during the design process to facilitate a smooth transition into manufacturing. The BIE group met with Mike Strasser and toured the premises. They learned about the design process and were walked through the milestones in a variety of projects in the Think2Build portfolio – from a perfect grilled cheese storage container to an improved FedEx box.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://bioeng.berkeley.edu/biodesign/2015-program-events", "date": "2023-12-01T22:37:30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100308.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20231201215122-20231202005122-00600.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9292694330215454, "token_count": 1058 }
Masters Degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Offered by ICBAS and the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP) in partnership with two outstanding U.Porto research centres – CIIMAR and i3S – the Master's Degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology provides scientific and technological training that responds to major global environmental challenges, primarily resulting from climate change and population growth. Incorporating environmental, animal and human health dimensions, according to ‘One Health’ and ‘Global Health’ concepts, the course includes the ERASMUS MUNDUS branch, which allows for an exchange of experiences between students of various nationalities and for a multicultural environment. Scientific and technological research; Politics and management (e.g. ocean, environment); Risk assessment and management (drugs, chemical products, other environmental and health risks); Environmental Impact Assessment; Water treatment; Health; Biotechnology; Blue economy; Circular economy; Food safety; Fishing and aquaculture; Agriculture; Energy; Production of goods and services; Tourism; Waste management, processing and recovery. Registration n.ºR/A -Cr 108/2020 in July 24, 2020 Date of publication of the accreditation decision: April 7, 2020 - Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar - Taught in collaboration with - Faculty of Sciences (UP) - Type of Course - Masters Degree - 4 Semesters / 120.0 ECTS - Portuguese - Suitable for English - speaking students - Annual Tuition Fee (Full Tuition Fee) National: 1250.00€International: 4000.00€CPLP International: 2200.00€
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.up.pt/portal/en/study/masters-degrees/courses/icbas/21901/", "date": "2023-12-01T22:21:57", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100308.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20231201215122-20231202005122-00600.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8604880571365356, "token_count": 348 }
Jump to main content United States Environmental Protection Agency Laws & Regulations Laws & Regulations EPA National Library Network Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog Items Found: 19 Showing: Items 1 - 19 Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tiles) Publication dates (newest-oldest) Publication dates (oldest-newest) Choose a Library: (CTRL-CLICK for multiple libraries) Search all libraries Capital Group(All DC-area libraries) CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL Env Science Center Library/Ft Meade,MD NVFEL Library/Ann Arbor, MI OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC Region 1 Library/Boston,MA Region 2 Library/New York,NY Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA Region 4 Library/Atlanta,GA Region 5 Library/Chicago,IL Region 6 Library/Dallas,TX Region 8 Technical Library/Denver,CO Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC Choose a Collection: (CTRL-CLICK for multiple collections) Search all collections Airborne asbestos concentrations during buffing of resilient floor tile. Airborne Asbestos Concentrations during Buffing, Burnishing, and Stripping of Resilient Floor Tile. Airborne Asbestos Concentrations during Spray-Buffing of Resilient Floor Tile. Assessment of Fungal Growth on Ceiling Tiles under Environmentally Characterized Conditions. Co-existing with asbestos : a look at the engineering research program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / Construction Inspection Guide. Volume 2. Desalination of agricultural tile drainage / Destruction of Spores on Building Decontamination Residue in a Commercial Autoclave. Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the building, construction and paper segment of the asbestos manufacturing point source category / Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for the Asbestos Industry. Economic impact analysis of the clay ceramics manufacturing NESHAP : final rule. Evaluation of Fungal Growth ('Penicillium glabrum') on a Ceiling Tile. Evaluation of the Implementation of Operations and Maintenance Programs in New Jersey Schools. FLow quantities in residential weeping title systems : a calculational method / Laboratory Study of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Contamination and Mitigation in Buildings: Part 1. Emissions from Selected Primary Sources. Reuse of Solid Waste from Water-Softening Processes. Some Results from the Demonstration of Indoor Radon Reduction Measures in Block Basement Houses. Transmission Electron Microscope Observations of Airborne Asbestos Structures during the Removal of Vinyl Asbestos Tiles and Mastic Adhesive. Utilization of phosphorus furnace slag in ceramic wall and floor tile, Save, Print or Email Selected Records Selected (this page only) Selected (across pages) All (this page only) All (all pages - 500 item maximum) Text (Brief Information) Text (Full Information) Endnote (Endnote Import) ASCII delimited for EXCEL
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://cfpub.epa.gov/ols/catalog/advanced_records_found.cfm?&FIELD1=SUBJECT&INPUT1=Tiles&TYPE1=EXACT&LOGIC1=AND", "date": "2023-12-03T05:29:37", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100484.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20231203030948-20231203060948-00500.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7161414623260498, "token_count": 705 }
Dr. Ver Hoeve is Senior Scientist and Director of Electrodiagnostic Services in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He is responsible for electroretinographic and visual evoked potential testing in human patients and has conducted research in numerous animal models. He is currently investigating neuroprotection strategies in a non-human primate model of experimental glaucoma. James Ver Hoeve A case report of retinal dystrophy in patients with PACS1 syndrome Ophthalmic Genet. 2023 May 23:1-5. doi: 10.1080/13816810.2023.2216272. Online ahead of print. PACS1 syndrome, also referred to as Schuurs-Hoeijmakers syndrome, is a multisystemic developmental disorder caused by a specific pathogenic variant in the PACS1 (phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1) gene. Ocular findings in PACS1 syndrome are known to include iris, retina, optic nerve coloboma, myopia, nystagmus, and strabismus. Here, we present the cases of two patients referred to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences for ocular evaluation. The first patient is a 14-month-old female who, at 3 months of age, was found to have a depressed rod and cone response on electroretinogram (ERG), consistent with possible retinal dystrophy (RD). This feature has not been previously described in PACS1 syndrome and joins a growing list of calls for expanding the PACS1 phenotype. The second case illustrates a 5-year-old male referred for ocular screening after diagnosing PACS1 syndrome and underwent ERG without abnormal findings. These cases demonstrate the significant variability in the ophthalmic presentation of PACS1 syndrome and the need for early screening. These novel findings may have implications in understanding the mechanism of the PACS1 protein and its role in retinal ciliary phototransduction in photoreceptors. Preclinical evaluation of ADVM-062, a novel intravitreal gene therapy vector for the treatment of blue cone monochromacy Mol Ther. 2023 Jul 5;31(7):2014-2027. doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2023.03.011. Epub 2023 Mar 16. Blue cone monochromacy (BCM) is a rare X-linked retinal disease characterized by the absence of L- and M-opsin in cone photoreceptors, considered a potential gene therapy candidate. However, most experimental ocular gene therapies utilize subretinal vector injection which would pose a risk to the fragile central retinal structure of BCM patients. Here we describe the use of ADVM-062, a vector optimized for cone-specific expression of human L-opsin and administered using a single intravitreal (IVT) injection. Pharmacological activity of ADVM-062 was established in gerbils, whose cone-rich retina naturally lacks L-opsin. A single IVT administration dose of ADVM-062 effectively transduced gerbil cone photoreceptors and produced a de novo response to long-wavelength stimuli. To identify potential first-in-human doses we evaluated ADVM-062 in non-human primates. Cone-specific expression of ADVM-062 in primates was confirmed using ADVM-062.myc, a vector engineered with the same regulatory elements as ADVM-062. Enumeration of human OPN1LW.myc-positive cones demonstrated that doses ≥3 × 1010 vg/eye resulted in transduction of 18%-85% of foveal cones. A Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) toxicology study established that IVT administration of ADVM-062 was well tolerated at doses that could potentially achieve clinically meaningful effect, thus supporting the potential of ADVM-062 as a one-time IVT gene therapy for BCM. Preclinical Evaluation of ADVM-062, a Novel Intravitreal Gene Therapy Vector for the Treatment of Blue Cone Monochromacy <em>MFRP</em> variant results in nanophthalmos, retinitis pigmentosa, variability in foveal avascular zone Ophthalmic Genet. 2023 Feb;44(1):83-88. doi: 10.1080/13816810.2022.2103835. Epub 2022 Jul 26. BACKGROUND: Membrane frizzled-related protein (MFRP) plays a critical role in ocular development. MFRP mutations are known to cause nanophthalmos and, in some cases, retinitis pigmentosa, foveoschisis, and/or optic nerve head (ONH) drusen. The broad clinical spectrum of MFRP mutations necessitates further investigation of specific genotype-phenotype relationships. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed ophthalmologic and genetic medical records of two affected siblings and one unaffected sibling. RESULTS: Genetic testing revealed variants MFRP c.855T>A, p.(Cys285*) and MFRP c.1235T>C, p.(Leu412Pro) in trans in the two affected siblings. In both cases, photopic and scotopic responses were markedly reduced on electroretinogram (ERG), with greater decrease in scotopic function. Optical coherence tomography for both siblings revealed non-cystoid thickening. Blunted foveal reflexes were also observed in both siblings. Notably, foveal avascular zone abnormalities were seen on fundus autofluorescence in only one affected sibling. CONCLUSIONS: MFRP-related ocular disease may be underrecognized due to its presentation with high hyperopia and possibly subtle retinal findings. Presence of variants MFRP c.855T>A, p.(Cys285*) and MFRP c.1235T>C, p.(Leu412Pro) in trans resulted in nanophthalmos and retinitis pigmentosa without associated foveoschisis or ONH drusen in our patients, consistent with the incomplete phenotype previously described in Neri et al. Abnormalities in the foveal avascular zone have been noted in other case studies and were inconsistently associated with the variants described here, representing a potential area for future investigation. Use of sweep visual evoked potential in preverbal children with optic nerve hypoplasia J AAPOS. 2022 Jun;26(3):131.e1-131.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2022.01.012. Epub 2022 May 13. PURPOSE: To evaluate sweep VEP (sVEP) in preverbal children with optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) and to assess associations between sVEP results, patient clinical characteristics and future recognition visual acuity. METHODS: The medical records of children with ONH who had sVEP testing and documented recognition visual acuity at the University of Wisconsin from 2005 to 2013 were reviewed retrospectively. Optic nerve size, amblyopia treatment, and neurologic diagnoses were collected. RESULTS: A total of 57 patients were included: 41 (71%) with bilateral ONH and 27 (47%) with neurologic abnormality. Mean age at initial sVEP was 13.3 months (range, 1-32). Mean duration between initial sVEP and final recognition acuity was 5.5 years (range, 3.5-7). Sweep VEP was associated with ONH severity (P < 0.05). Sweep VEP, and the combination of ONH severity and neurologic status, were significant predictors (P < 0.05) of logMAR optotype acuity, together accounting for 54%-61% of the variance in final recognition acuity. CONCLUSIONS: Sweep VEP in preverbal children with ONH depends on ONH severity and correlates with final recognition visual acuity. Children with milder degrees of ONH without neurologic abnormalities had better final vision, and patients with severe ONH and neurologic diagnoses had worse vision outcomes. Effect of intraocular pressure (IOP), volume and location on the distribution of aqueous solutions injected into the suprachoroidal (SC) space Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 63(7), pp.4152-F0144 Ocular evaluation and genetic test for an early Alström Syndrome diagnosis Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2020 Aug 12;20:100873. doi: 10.1016/j.ajoc.2020.100873. eCollection 2020 Dec. PURPOSE: We present 3 cases of Alström syndrome (ALMS) that highlight the importance of the ophthalmic exam, as well as the diagnostic challenges and management considerations of this ultra-rare disease. OBSERVATIONS: The first case is of a 2-year-old boy with history of spasmus nutans who presented with head bobbing and nystagmus. The second patient is a 5-year-old boy with history of infantile dilated cardiomyopathy status post heart transplant, Burkitt lymphoma status post chemotherapy, obesity, global developmental delay, and high hyperopia previously thought to have cortical visual impairment secondary to heart surgery/possible ischemic event. This patient presented with nystagmus, photophobia, and reduced vision. The third case involves a 8-year-old boy with history of obesity, bilateral optic nerve atrophy, hyperopic astigmatism, exotropia, and nystagmus. Upon presentation to the consulting pediatric ophthalmologist, none of the patients had yet been diagnosed with ALMS. All 3 cases were subsequently found to have an electroretinogram (ERG) that exhibited severe global depression and to carry ALMS1 pathogenic variants. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPORTANCE: ALMS is an autosomal recessive disease caused by ALMS1 variations, characterized by cone-rod dystrophy, obesity, progressive sensorineural hearing loss, cardiomyopathy, insulin resistance, and multiorgan dysfunction. Retinal dystrophy diagnosis is critical given clinical criteria and detection rates of genetic testing. Early diagnosis is extremely important because progression to flat ERG leads to the inability to differentiate between rod-cone or cone-rod involvement, either of which have their own differential diagnoses. In our series, the ophthalmic exam and abnormal ERG prompted further genetic testing and the subsequent diagnosis of ALMS. Multidisciplinary care ensures the best possible outcome with the ophthalmologist playing a key role. Vigabatrin-Induced Retinal Functional Alterations and Second-Order Neuron Plasticity in C57BL/6J Mice Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Feb 7;61(2):17. doi: 10.1167/iovs.61.2.17. PURPOSE: Vigabatrin (VGB) is an effective antiepileptic that increases concentrations of inhibitory γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) by inhibiting GABA transaminase. Reports of VGB-associated visual field loss limit its clinical usefulness, and retinal toxicity studies in laboratory animals have yielded conflicting results. METHODS: We examined the functional and morphologic effects of VGB in C57BL/6J mice that received either VGB or saline IP from 10 to 18 weeks of age. Retinal structure and function were assessed in vivo by optical coherence tomography (OCT), ERG, and optomotor response. After euthanasia, retinas were processed for immunohistochemistry, and retinal GABA, and VGB quantified by mass spectrometry. RESULTS: No significant differences in visual acuity or total retinal thickness were identified between groups by optomotor response or optical coherence tomography, respectively. After 4 weeks of VGB treatment, ERG b-wave amplitude was enhanced, and amplitudes of oscillatory potentials were reduced. Dramatic rod and cone bipolar and horizontal cell remodeling, with extension of dendrites into the outer nuclear layer, was observed in retinas of VGB-treated mice. VGB treatment resulted in a mean 3.3-fold increase in retinal GABA concentration relative to controls and retinal VGB concentrations that were 20-fold greater than brain. CONCLUSIONS: No evidence of significant retinal thinning or ERG a- or b-wave deficits were apparent, although we describe significant alterations in ERG b-wave and oscillatory potentials and in retinal cell morphology in VGB-treated C57BL/6J mice. The dramatic concentration of VGB in retina relative to the target tissue (brain), with a corresponding increase in retinal GABA, offers insight into the pathophysiology of VGB-associated visual field loss. Vigabatrin-induced retinal functional alterations and second-order neuron plasticity in C57BL/6J mice Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 61(2), pp.17-17 Evoked potentials as a biomarker of remyelination Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Dec 26;116(52):27074-27083. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1906358116. Epub 2019 Dec 16. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common cause of neurologic disease in young adults that is primarily treated with disease-modifying therapies which target the immune and inflammatory responses. Promotion of remyelination has opened a new therapeutic avenue, but how best to determine efficacy of remyelinating drugs remains unresolved. Although prolongation and then shortening of visual evoked potential (VEP) latencies in optic neuritis in MS may identify demyelination and remyelination, this has not been directly confirmed. We recorded VEPs in a model in which there is complete demyelination of the optic nerve, with subsequent remyelination. We examined the optic nerves microscopically during active disease and recovery, and quantitated both demyelination and remyelination along the length of the nerves. Latencies of the main positive component of the control VEP demonstrated around 2-fold prolongation during active disease. VEP waveforms were nonrecordable in a few subjects or exhibited a broadened profile which precluded peak identification. As animals recovered neurologically, the VEP latencies decreased in association with complete remyelination of the optic nerve but remained prolonged relative to controls. Thus, it has been directly confirmed that VEP latencies reflect the myelin status of the optic nerve and will provide a surrogate marker in future remyelination clinical trials. Normative Values for Multifocal ERGs Recorded from Cynomolgus Macaques in a Non-clinical Setting In Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (Vol. 60, No. 9) Ocular toxicity of AUY922 in pigmented and albino rats Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2016 Oct 15;309:55-62. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2016.08.025. Epub 2016 Aug 28. AUY922, a heat shock protein 90 inhibitor is associated with ocular adverse events (AEs). To provide a better understanding of ocular AEs in patients, 4 investigative studies were performed in a step-wise approach to assess retinal structure and function in pigmented (Brown Norway) and albino (Wistar) rats. In rats administered 30mg/kg of AUY922, the AUC0-24h and Cmax are comparable to that in patients at 70mg/m(2). AUY922 at ≥30mg/kg was poorly tolerated by rats with morbidity or mortality generally after the third weekly treatment. Electroretinography (ERG) changes were observed at doses ≥30mg/kg. The ERG changes were dose dependent, consistent with an effect on the photoreceptors, and fully reversible. The ERG effects could not be minimized by decreasing the Cmax while maintaining AUC. Histopathological changes were seen mainly when rats were administered AUY922 at 100mg/kg. The 2-hour infusion of AUY922 at 100mg/kg caused disorganization of the outer segment photoreceptor morphology in male Brown Norway rats; the severity of the disorganization increased with the number of administrations, but was reversible during a 4-week posttreatment period. There was no major difference in ocular response between Brown Norway and Wistar rats. No changes in serum iron levels, and no changes in rhodopsin, PDE6α, β-transducin concentrations, or retinal pigment epithelium-specific protein RPE65 expression were observed after single and multiple infusions of AUY922 at 100mg/kg compared to vehicle-treated controls. AUY922 retinal toxicity in rats recapitulates and further characterizes that reported in patients and is shown to be reversible, while a precise molecular mechanism for the effect was not determined. Variability in the Electroretinographic Response of Laboratory Animals Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 57(12), pp.5766-5766 Safety and Biodistribution Evaluation in Cynomolgus Macaques of rAAV2tYF-CB-hRS1, a Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vector Expressing Retinoschisin Hum Gene Ther Clin Dev. 2015 Sep;26(3):165-76. doi: 10.1089/humc.2015.076. Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation is developing rAAV2tYF-CB-hRS1, a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector for treatment of X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS), an inherited retinal disease characterized by splitting (schisis) of retinal layers causing poor vision. We report here results of a study evaluating the safety and biodistribution of rAAV2tYF-CB-hRS1 in normal cynomolgus macaques. Three groups of male animals (n = 6 per group) received an intravitreal injection in one eye of either vehicle, or rAAV2tYF-CB-hRS1 at one of two dose levels (4 × 10(10) or 4 × 10(11) vg/eye). Half the animals were sacrificed after 14 days and the others after 91 or 115 days. The intravitreal injection procedure was well tolerated in all groups. Serial ophthalmic examinations demonstrated a dose-related anterior and posterior segment inflammatory response that improved over time. There were no test article-related effects on intraocular pressure, electroretinography, visual evoked potential, hematology, coagulation, clinical chemistry, or gross necropsy observations. Histopathological examination demonstrated minimal or moderate mononuclear infiltrates in 6 of 12 vector-injected eyes. Immunohistochemical staining showed RS1 labeling of the ganglion cell layer at the foveal slope in vector-injected eyes at both dose levels. Serum anti-AAV antibodies were detected in 4 of 6 vector-injected animals at the day 15 sacrifice and all vector-injected animals at later time points. No animals developed antibodies to RS1. Biodistribution studies demonstrated high levels of vector DNA in the injected eye but minimal or no vector DNA in any other tissue. These results support the use of rAAV2tYF-CB-hRS1 in clinical studies in patients with XLRS. Functional and Structural Effects of Subretinal Dose Delivery in Mice Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 56(7), pp.245-245 Localized retinal manifestations of paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy Retin Cases Brief Rep. 2014 Fall;8(4):318-21. doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000000054. PURPOSE: Systemic neoplastic processes can affect the retina through autoimmune retinopathy. This process may present in a variety of patterns. A novel pattern of paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy has been described. METHODS: Two patients presented with paraneoplastic vision changes. Optical coherence tomography and multifocal electroretinography were performed, which showed a unique focal retinal change in both patients. Case 1 is a 20-year-old woman with history of cutaneous melanoma. Case 2 is 67-year-old woman with history of breast cancer. RESULTS: Both patients showed a localized area of foveal thinning that corresponded with areas of depression on multifocal electroretinography. Each tested positive for antiretinal antibodies. CONCLUSION: This is a novel manifestation of paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy. Previously described cases have all affected the retina diffusely. These cases highlight the need to consider distant neoplastic processes when evaluating patient with similar presentations to those depicted here. Gender Differences in Anesthetized Primate ERG and Full-field Flash VEP Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55(13), pp.5130-5130 Inner Nuclear Layer (INL) Cystoid Spaces (Lacunae) Observed in Experimental Glaucoma and Axotomy in Non-Human Primates (NHPs) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 54(15), pp.4818-4818 Emerging Electrophysiological Technologies for Assessing Ocular Toxicity in Laboratory Animals Collins, M and Weir, A. B. eds., Assessing Ocular Toxicology in Laboratory Animals. Molecular and Integrative Toxicology, Springer, New York, pp 123-158 (2013) Electrophysiologic Correlates of RNFL Thickness in Experimental Glaucoma Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 54(15), pp.794-794 Inter-ocular And Inter-subject Variability In The Full-field Electroretinograms Of Rabbits And Monkeys Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(14), pp.703-703 Spectral domain OCT segmentation accuracy in monkeys Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51(13), pp.4401-4401 Ocular and systemic safety evaluation of calcium formate as a dietary supplement Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics, 25(3), pp.223-230 Bilateral optic atrophy: a background finding in cynomolgus macaques used in toxicologic research Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50(13), pp.5344-5344 Evaluation of EIAV Based Lentiviral Vectors Following Ocular Delivery in the Nonhuman Primate Model: Development of RetinoStat® Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49(13), pp.5340-5340 Standardized Full-Field Electroretinography in Cynomolgus Monkeys Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49(13), pp.5816-5816 Measurement of regional choroidal blood flow in rabbits and monkeys using fluorescent microspheres Archives of Ophthalmology, 124(6), pp.860-868. Safety evaluation of intravitreal administration of VEGF trap in cynomolgus monkeys for 13 weeks. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 47(13), pp.1751-1751. Interspecies and gender differences in multifocal electroretinograms of cynomolgus and rhesus macaques Documenta ophthalmologica, 109, pp.73-86. 26-Week Intravitreal Injection Toxicity Study with rhuFab VEGF in Cynomolgus Monkeys with an 8-Week Recovery Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 44 – electronic abstract (2003). Swelling and loss of photoreceptors in chronic human and experimental glaucomas Archives of ophthalmology, 118(2), pp.235-245. Safety Evaluation of Intravitreal Administration of rhuFab VEGF in Cynomolgus Monkeys for 3 Months Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 41 (4):S142 (2000). VEP and PERG acuity in anesthetized young adult rhesus monkeys Visual neuroscience, 16(4), pp.607-617.
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I.- Executive Summary Quick Courier is a bicycle courier service based in Austin, Texas, providing swift and reliable delivery solutions to meet the urgent needs of businesses and individuals in the area. There is an identifiable need in the market for delivery services that are both flexible and reliable, due to the increasing demand for faster turnaround times. Despite the availability of courier services in Austin, there are very few that focus on using bicycles as a mode of transportation, which is what makes Quick Courier unique. We are dedicated to providing safe and secure delivery solutions, with industry leading safety standards and tracking technology. Furthermore, our services offer customers a wide selection of reliable delivery partners. Quick Courier is a bicycle courier service that provides businesses and individuals in the Austin, Texas area with reliable and timely solutions for their delivery needs. Our services include same-day and next-day urgent package delivery, regular scheduled delivery service for non-urgent items, grocery and food delivery, and other delivery options with a wide selection of delivery partners. Our delivery team is made up of experienced bike couriers that are both reliable and flexible and are able to adjust according to customer needs. To ensure the highest level of safety, we have implemented industry-leading standards and provide package tracking technology. Quick Courier is well-positioned to serve businesses and individuals in the Austin, Texas area. Our target market includes small and mid-size businesses that have the need for same-day and next-day delivery services. Additionally, we also serve individuals, including both regular customers who need regular delivery services as well as ad-hoc customers who require a one-off delivery service. We also offer grocery delivery, and our hassle-free services make it convenient and easy for people who may lack the time or willing to do their own grocery shopping. Our delivery team is experienced and reliable, and our package tracking technology ensures customers can trust they will receive a safe and secure delivery service. Quick Courier will be competing with a number of local and national delivery solutions providers in the Austin, Texas area. Most delivery alternatives that target the Austin market are traditional truck-based services, meaning they are not able to accommodate same-day and next-day deliveries as quickly as Quick Courier. There are also grocery delivery services that provide customers with convenience, however they lack speed and reliability of a professional bike courier. In addition, Quick Courier is the only delivery provider in the area that has implemented industry leading safety standards and provides package tracking technology for customers. Quick Courier has developed a financially sound business plan that focuses on profitability and effectiveness. Our financial plan highlights key elements such as: - Cost: We have designed a competitive pricing strategy that allows us to provide customers with quality services at a reasonable cost. - Sales: Our sales projections are based on an extensive market analysis and customer feedback. - Profitability: We anticipate sustainable profits due to our exacting customer service, competitive pricing, and excellent brand name recognition. Quick Courier is seeking funding for the development and implementation of its new bicycle courier service based in Austin, Texas. The following bullet list outlines the amount of money needed to start the business: - Fee to open a business account with local bank- $500 - Funding for operational costs such as insurance, marketing, and facility maintenance- $5,000 - Funding to purchase delivery vehicles and related equipment- $10,000 - Funding for hiring and training of couriers- $4,000 - Funding for legal consultation, filing of registration paperwork, and other administrative work- $1,000 The total amount requested for this business plan is $20,500. Milestones and Traction Quick Courier has made substantial progress since its formation in Austin, Texas. We now have an operational business model, an experienced delivery team, and a long list of satisfied customers. Our goal is to continue to grow and develop our courier services to meet the needs of our customers. We have established a roadmap of milestones to reach our long-term objectives, the key milestones are outlined below: - Establish additional partnerships with grocery stores and food delivery services. - Increase our delivery team by 50% over the next year. - Secure additional capital funding to further expand our operations. - Grow our customer base by 20% in the next quarter. - Introduce package tracking techniques to further improve customer service. The continuous development of our courier services in Austin, Texas demonstrates the potential for Quick Courier. We will continue striving to reach the milestones outlined above in order to reach our long-term objectives. II.- Products & Services The Austin, Texas area presents unique challenges for businesses and individuals looking for timely and dependable delivery solutions. Despite the current climate of the 'gig economy', traditional delivery services are often unreliable and either lack the flexibility to meet the customer's needs. Moreover, they often impose burdensome waiting windows, leaving customers uncertain of when they will receive their delivery. As a result, businesses and individuals looking to deliver goods within the Austin area often turn to cheaper, untested solutions that can offer them a less reliable service. At Quick Courier, we provide a reliable and secure solution for any of your company’s delivery needs. Through our same-day and next-day delivery services, we are committed to ensuring that your packages are delivered quickly, safely, and without any delays. Our experienced bike couriers are dedicated to providing the best customer experience, and will ensure that each package is carefully tracked from start to finish. Additionally, we offer a wide selection of delivery partners to make the process even more efficient, and the flexibility to adjust our services to meet the needs of our clients. We also take pride in our commitment to safety, and uphold industry-leading safety standards for all of our bike couriers. Our goal is to provide the most reliable and secure solution to your business’s delivery needs. Validation of Problem and Solution With the implementation of Quick Courier's services, it is clear that there is an unmet need in Austin, Texas for a bike courier service. As a Hubspot study showed, 55% of consumers prefer same-day delivery when it is available, and our same-day service is perfect for providing urgent packages on time. Our flexibility to adjust to our customers' delivery needs, along with our dedicated team of experienced bike couriers has been proven by trials of our services. Additionally, incorporating industry-leading safety standards ensures that we are providing quality services to our clients and helping them feel comfortable and secure. Finally, our package tracking technology enables us to keep our customers informed with real-time updates on their packages, allowing them to determine when and where their package will be arriving. Quick Courier is an Austin-based bike courier business providing delivery solutions to businesses and individuals throughout the region. Our services include same-day, next-day, and regular scheduled delivery for both urgent and non-urgent items. We offer a wide variety of delivery partners for groceries, food and other items. Quick Courier also provides its customers with an experienced and reliable courier team, the best safety standards in the industry, and the latest in package tracking technology. Aimed at businesses or individuals with specific delivery needs, Quick Courier provides solutions that are fast, reliable and convenient. Our services also benefit our customers through reduced shipping costs and improved efficiency. Customers can also expect superior customer service and an easy-to-follow package tracking system. Although there is competition in the bike courier market, Quick Courier stands apart from the competition in two main ways. First, our experienced and dedicated bike couriers are reliable yet flexible to adjust to your delivery needs that our competitors may not be able to match. Secondly, we also implement industry leading safety standards and provide package tracking technology for our customers, which is often not available with our competitors. This makes Quick Courier the first choice for many businesses and individuals seeking urgent and reliable delivery solutions. Roadmap of Services At Quick Courier, our mission is to provide reliable, high quality courier services to our clients in the Austin area. We have already taken the necessary steps in order to establish ourselves as a trustworthy bike courier company. Our service offerings have been designed to provide the highest level of convenience, flexibility, and reliability to our customers. Below is a roadmap highlighting the steps we have taken and the steps we plan to take going forward in order to continue to improve our services and expand our business. - We have already established a reliable and experienced delivery team to provide couriering services to customers. - We continue to collaborate with delivery partners to provide a diverse range of delivery options to our customers. - We have introduced advanced safety standards to ensure the safety of our delivery team and customers. - We are utilizing package tracking technology to provide transparency and provide an updated status of deliveries. - We plan to introduce additional value-added services such as discounts or loyalty programs to benefit our customers. - We also plan to expand our services to additional locations in Austin and eventually to other cities in the future. III.- Market Analysis Quick Courier provides delivery services for businesses and individuals in Austin, Texas. To effectively target each group, the company has identified the following market segments: - Businesses: Quick Courier caters to small- to mid-size businesses that are in need of timely delivery solutions. These customers will benefit from the company’s flexible scheduling and tracking technology that can meet their unique needs. - Individuals: Quick Courier’s services are also available to individuals who require a reliable courier service at a competitive price. Grocery delivery and food delivery services may be especially attractive to this segment. The chart below outlines the main characteristics of each of these market segments: |Businesses||Small- to mid-size businesses; need for timely delivery solutions; flexible scheduling; tracking technology| |Individuals||Need for reliable courier service; competitive price; grocery delivery; food delivery services| Target Market Segment Strategy At our bicycle courier business, our ideal customer is businesses and individuals with time-sensitive documents, packages, and items to transport. We are targeting businesses that require reliable and secure delivery of parcels, documents, and small items, as well as individuals wishing to send items or mail within a specific timeframe. Our bicycle courier service helps our customers expedite deliveries within the city and surrounding areas. We will target customers looking for a faster, more efficient delivery option that is still secure and cost effective. We aim to provide our customers with reliable, secure and time-sensitive transport and delivery services that are more cost effective than other traditional modes of delivery. Furthermore, we will offer the advantage of door-to-door delivery services that can help further reduce our customers’ costs. Our ideal customers are people and businesses that have a need for efficient courier services on a regular basis. Our main focus is to provide fast and reliable message and small parcel delivery services for our customers. We will target innovative, ambitious businesses and individuals who recognize the value of our services and are looking for a reliable delivery partner. We want customers who will be our advocates, recommending our services to others and encouraging a positive brand image. A snapshot of the potential market for bicycle courier businesses allows us to better understand how our business strategy will work within it. The current market consists of a range of different sectors, firms, and individuals relying on the delivery services of such businesses. These range from traditional corporate retail stores, to food delivery services, to small businesses and individual customers. In addition, businesses such as Amazon, FedEx, and UPS, who have been relying on traditional automotive couriers, may also benefit from using bicycle courier services, especially in metropolitan and urban areas. As the demand for quicker and more reliable deliveries rises, we anticipate that more businesses will turn to bicycle couriers as a viable option. Furthermore, with the increased environmental awareness of both businesses and consumers, the sustainability of bicycle courier services will further drive the growth of these services. As more bike-friendly cities and infrastructure is developed, bicycle courier services will naturally be more profitable and attractive for business clients. Moreover, as more people seek a more active lifestyle and shift away from automotive transport, the number of people becoming bicycle couriers is expected to rise, providing more competition in the market. Quick Courier operates in a competitive market, with a number of other businesses offering similar services. The table below outlines some of the potential competitors for Quick Courier in the Austin area. |Company Name||Products & Services| |Speedy Courier||Same-day and urgent package delivery, regular scheduled delivery, grocery and food delivery| |Rush Bikes||Same-day and urgent bike courier services, grocery and food delivery| |Chase Delivery||Same-day and urgent package delivery, regular scheduled delivery| Although Quick Courier is entering a competitive market, its customer-centric approach and reliable delivery team give it an edge in the Austin area. IV.- Marketing and Sales Plan Quick Courier will have an effective and comprehensive marketing plan to reach our target demographic. We will use a variety of strategies to ensure that our services are well known and accessible. This plan will include paid and unpaid channels to reach our target audience. Our main objectives are to reach a large audience, create brand satisfaction, and increase revenues. To reach our target audience, we will use a combination of traditional and digital advertising. We will use television, radio, Google AdWords, and other digital marketing channels such as social media. We will also focus on local publications and radio stations to ensure our message reaches the local community. We intend to create a budget of $15,000 per month to bring our message to the people. Our goal is to create brand satisfaction and loyalty among our customers by providing a reliable, timely and safe delivery service, as well as top-notch customer service. We will also focus on word-of-mouth recommendations and reviews, referral programs, and loyalty programs to build a positive brand image. We will also use branding tools such as consistent logo and graphics, and uniform clothing for our couriers. Finally, we hope to increase our revenues by taking advantage of seasonal and special offers. We will also use promotional activities and discounts to generate additional income. We intend to allocate $9,000 per month in promotions and discounts to reach our desired revenue. Having conducted a thorough analysis of the current market conditions along with our products and services, we are confident that we will secure a substantial number of sales for our bicycle courier business. We anticipate reaching anywhere between 30-45 customers within the first 12 months, depending on our pricing and promotional strategies, distribution networks, and our capacity to meet customer demand. In terms of pricing strategy, we see potential in a package-based pricing structure, where customers are given the option of different packages that they can select depending on the level of service they require. Additionally, our sales team will employ a range of promotional techniques to increase customer awareness of the business. Location and Facilities Quick Courier is based in Austin, Texas – the “Live Music Capital of the World”. Our location is convenient for clients who live and/or work in downtown or the surrounding areas. This centralized location also allows us to respond quickly to urgent delivery requests while still providing reasonable rates. In terms of physical facilities, Quick Courier operates exclusively outdoors. We maintain a fleet of bicycles and employ bike couriers who have been trained to deliver promptly and safely. Our team is reliable and highly adaptable, ensuring that all packages are delivered with care. Our operations are insured with an industry-leading package tracking technology, so our customers can have peace of mind. We also follow all recommended safety standards, every step of the way. Our bicycle courier business plan leverages modern technology to provide efficient and reliable services. Our customers will be able to place orders from any device with an internet connection. We use GPS to track our couriers and provide real-time notifications of order status. We also provide an online payment system for hassle-free checkout. Our web platform is designed to make our services easy to use and accessible for everyone, no matter their technical proficiency. We understand the importance of data in the modern economy. We have invested heavily in systems that enable us to collect and utilize valuable customer data. Our data systems provide us with crucial insights into customer behavior, allowing us to make smarter business decisions. Our cutting-edge analytics platform empowers our team to make fast and informed decisions, optimizing our operations. Equipment and Tools Bicycle couriers need a range of bicycles, from standard city bikes to heavier duty hybrid commute or mountain bikes, and associated protective gear, clothing, and tools. Bicycle couriers should consider investing in high-quality bikes and tools for maximum safety, performance and efficiency. The following table outlines the necessary equipment and tools, along with the associated cost of purchasing or renting them. |Item||Description||Cost to Purchase/Rent| |Bicycle||City, hybrid, or mountain bike||$400 – $2,000| |Protective Gear||Helmet, gloves, knee and elbow pads, bike lights||$25 – $150| |Clothing||Weather-appropriate attire||$20 – $100| |Tools||Bicycle toolkit, spare tire, air pump, spare tubes||$25 – $75| |Delivery Bag||Backpack or messenger bag||$20 – $150| V.- Management and Organization An organizational structure for our bicycle courier business will be created to ensure efficiency and accuracy in our process. A key element of the structure will be the roles, responsibilities and relationships among staff members, as well as the structure of the entire business. We will also clearly outline what information should flow between levels of the organization. A high-level overview of the organizational structure is depicted in the following table: |CEO||Supervise overall operation, decision-making, hiring and firing, and other business activities.||Manage communication from upper to lower levels of the organization.| |Marketing Director||Develop strategies for growing the business, such as sales and marketing efforts, pricing strategies, and customer service.||Manage communication between upper and lower levels of the organization and feedback from customers.| |Operations Manager||Organize couriers, develop routing and scheduling, handle customer inquiries.||Bridging various departments of the organization.| |Couriers||Deliver packages, respond to customer inquiries, provide feedback.||Communicate feedback and issues to the operations manager for quick resolution.| At each level of our organizational structure, roles and responsibilities will be clearly outlined to ensure everyone understands their role. Additionally, a clear flow of information between these levels of the organization will ensure strong communication between the team. Our bicycle courier business will require capable and experienced management who, when combined, bring the necessary skills to the team. We anticipate taking on the following roles: Sales Manager, Operations Manager, Technical Development Manager, and Financial Manager. We have identified potential candidates for each position and have included a table outlining their qualifications. |Sales Manager||John Doe||10 years in Sales Management| |Operations Manager||Jane Doe||7 years in Operations Management| |Technical Development Manager||Nicole Smith||5 years in Technical Development| |Financial Manager||Oliver Jones||15 years in Financial Management| Management Team Gaps At present, our bicycle courier business plan does not include any candidates identified to fill any positions or areas of expertise required. We are currently in the process of seeking to fill several key roles within our management team. Our ideal candidates would not only bring extensive experience within the field of bike courier operations and management, but also have a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by businesses operating within this industry. The personnel plan for our bicycle courier business requires us to have a variety of personnel to effectively run the business. A table of potential positions is provided below, listing out the positions that we anticipate will be required in order to run the business smoothly. |Bicycle Couriers||These are the individuals responsible for transporting parcels and documents between locations, while adhering to a strict customer service policy.| |Delivery and Dispatch Manager||This role requires the individual to respond to customer inquiries, coordinate delivery schedules, and manage the daily workflow.| |Operations Manager||This individual will be responsible for overseeing all of the day-to-day operations, ensuring personnel and customer satisfaction, and ensuring that all critical deadlines are met.| |Accounting Specialists||These individuals will be responsible for accurately keeping track of, and reporting on all financial transactions.| Company History and Ownership Quick Courier was founded in Austin, Texas in 2019 with the aim of providing fast and reliable same-day delivery services to businesses and individuals in the area. We quickly developed a strong team of experienced and dedicated bike couriers that implemented industry-leading safety standards and incorporated package tracking technology for our customers. We have had continued success since our inception, growing our customer base and expanding our services to include grocery and food delivery. We now partner with a wide selection of delivery providers to ensure that our customers have access to the best possible delivery solutions. Quick Courier is currently wholly owned by a team of Austin-based entrepreneurs and business-minded individuals with a strong commitment to providing professional and reliable delivery solutions to the Austin area. The milestones of a bicycle courier business plan are a detailed roadmap of specific goals and objectives to be achieved to help manage and steer the business. This roadmap should include a timeline of objectives and deadlines for achieving those objectives. The aim should be to establish a clear timeline of how each goal can and should be achieved. This should include major business milestones such as the launch of services, launch of website and app, hiring of personnel, and other critical objectives related to the business. Having a timeline in place would also help to establish performance measures and provide clarity and direction to all stakeholders. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are important metrics that help you measure and evaluate the performance and overall health of your bicycle courier business. KPIs can include things like order delivery time, volume of orders completed, customer satisfaction ratings, employee retention rate, and other relevant metrics. Establishing clear KPIs will help you assess the successes of your business and make necessary changes to ensure continued growth. Another important KPI is the cost of service per delivery. Track the amount you are spending on each delivery, both for direct costs such as employee compensation and indirect costs like office space and marketing. Determining your cost per delivery will help you price services accordingly, optimize operational efficiency, and measure how well your bicycle courier business is performing financially. VI.- Financial Plan and Metrics An effective and well-informed financial plan involves forecasting future sales and revenue. The following table outlines the projected sales figures for our bicycle courier business plan over the next three years: Bicycle Courier Financial Plan Key Inputs The following are the expected or incurred costs necessary to start and operate our bicycle courier business: |Bicycles||High-quality road and mountain bikes||$2,000| |Equipment||Backpacks, GPS units, helmets, etc.||$500| |Business Registration||Registrations and liabilities insurance||$750| |Legal Fees||Costs for consults with legal counsel||$400| |Marketing Expenses||Collateral materials and related costs||$750| |Total Startup Costs||$4,500| |Item||Description||Cost per Year| |Payroll||Wages, taxes, and benefits||$50,000| |Rent or Lease||Office or other facility space||$20,000| |Insurance||Provider coverage and liability insurance||$10,000| |Supplies and Equipment||Marketing materials, software, laptops, etc.||$5,000| |Total Operational Expenses||$85,000| This part of the business plan is where you present the three main financial documents of any startup: the income statement, the cash flow statement, and the balance sheet. All three documents must be created and maintained to track the financial performance of the bicycle courier business. The income statement will provide a snapshot of the business’s revenue and expenses, while the balance sheet will show the company’s financial position, such as its assets and liabilities. Finally, the cash flow statement will show how cash flows in and out of the business. Together, these documents will provide an overall picture of the business’s financial state and help to identify any potential issues, as well as measure the success of the business. Bicycle Courier Financial Plan Profit & Loss Statement Bicycle Courier Financial Plan Cash Flow Statement Bicycle Courier Financial Plan Balance Sheet Statement Our personnel plan focuses on hiring experienced and qualified individuals for the role of Bicycle Courier, based on their abilities, experience, and qualifications. Our bike couriers will be responsible for delivering orders to various locations in a timely and professional manner, and will be equipped with the tools and safety gear necessary to do so. We plan to hire three full-time bicycle couriers and three part-time bicycle couriers. Full-time bicycle couriers will receive a competitive salary, health benefits, and paid vacation time. Part-time bicycle couriers will receive an hourly wage commensurate with their experience. We will ensure that all bicycle couriers are fully trained on safe riding practices and customer service procedures. We will also make sure that they have the necessary tools and safety gear such as helmets, gloves, and brightly colored clothing. The personnel plan is designed to ensure that our business is able to meet customer demands and expand our business offering while maintaining a high level of service. Capital Requirements and Use of Funds To establish our bicycle courier business, we require an initial capital of $50,000 to cover the costs of registering and licensing the business, procuring the equipment, and obtaining office infrastructure. We anticipate that $25,000 of the initial capital will be used for purchasing bicycles and repair and maintenance services, $15,000 will be used for setting up operations including stationery, office supplies, and other related expenses, and the final $10,000 will be used in order to launch a marketing campaign. The remainder of the capital will be used to meet the operational costs, including insurance, rent and utilities, and salaries. We plan to raise the capital through a combination of equity financing and debt financing, wherein we will approach potential investors, lenders, and other financial institutions in order to obtain the funds required to launch the business. Our exit strategy for our bicycle courier business is to eventually sell the business to a third-party such as a competitor. We plan to achieve this by taking measures to build our business’s value including increasing our customer base, reaching higher efficiency levels through automation and providing a high level of customer service. Once we have achieved a high level of success, we will look to reach out to potential buyers in order to find the best offer for our business. We believe this will ensure a successful exit strategy that provides our investors with the greatest return.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://businessplan-templates.com/products/bicycle-courier-business-plan", "date": "2023-12-05T15:39:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100551.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20231205140836-20231205170836-00300.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.931742250919342, "token_count": 5552 }
Last Updated on October 2, 2023 To spruce up your windows with a fresh coat of sealant, it’s important to know how to remove old caulk from the glass frame and its surroundings. Caulk is an essential part of any professional installation that stops air and moisture from entering through the gaps between the glass and frame. Sometimes it needs a touch more than replacing; you need to know how to properly remove old caulk if you need to do maintenance work around glass frames. If you’ve never cleaned this type of stuff before, it can feel overwhelming at first. But, there are several methods you can use, from using a good old-fashioned razor blade or scraper to blasting the caulk with heat from a hair dryer or heat gun to softening it up with a caulk softener. Don’t worry if you don’t know which method is right for you; we’ll go through each one in detail and give you all the advice you need to get the job done right. We will also discuss the consequences of improper removals, such as leaking or weak seals caused by leaving old caulk in place. Read on to learn more about each method and get helpful tips on how to remove caulk from window glass effortlessly and effectively. Getting Caulk Off Window Glass: When Should You Be Concerned? Caulk removal is important when performing any maintenance work on your windows, such as replacing window frames or replacing glass and panes. There are several other instances when you may need to remove the old caulk, such as: - Peeling caulk: Over time, caulk can peel away from the crevice for various reasons. As soon as it begins to peel away from the joint, it will no longer provide an effective seal and needs to be replaced. - Discoloration: If the caulk has become discolored or sticky with age, it’s also time for removal. An old layer of caulk may not provide the same level of protection that a new layer of caulk would provide. If you have a clear caulk and cannot return it to a suitable color, you might consider removing it and applying a new caulk seal. - Air or moisture coming through seals: If you want to ensure your seals are watertight or your home is free of any drafts or air leaks, check and replace your caulk if any moisture or air is coming through. - Mold growth within the sealant: Mold can grow easily in warm, humid rooms such as bathrooms. If mold takes hold, removing the old caulk and redoing the seal is best. - Replacing window sills or frames: If you are replacing the window frames, removing any caulk that may have been applied is important. This must be done before installing a new frame for the seal to be effective and reliable. How Do You Remove Caulk from Window Glass and Its Surroundings? Now that you know when and why you should remove caulk from window glass frames, let’s look at the process itself. There are several methods for removing caulk from window glass depending on the types of caulk and the condition of your window frames. Tools and Materials Needed: - Razor blade or scraper - Hair dryer or heat gun - Caulk softener - Isopropyl alcohol - Clean cloth - Eye protection - Safety glasses - Vacuum cleaner - New caulk - Caulking gun - Masking tape There are a couple of ways to remove caulk from window glass, depending on the type of caulk and your window frames’ condition: Method 1: Using a Razor Blade, Putty Knife, or Scraper Scraper tools are a great way to remove old caulk from window frames, as they are designed specifically for caulk removal before re-caulking. When using a razor blade or scraper, you should use caution and avoid damaging the glass or frame around it. Before removing the caulk, you’ll need to prepare the window frame and the smeared caulk on the glass. Using masking tape, cover the window frame around the caulk that needs to be removed. This will protect the surface from any scratches or damages caused by scraping with a razor blade. Use a caulk softener to break down and dissolve any old caulk residue. This will make it easier to scrape away the residue and minimize damage to the window frame. Scrape the Caulk Off Use a razor blade or plastic scraper with caution and care to gently scrape away at the remaining caulk residue on the window glass. Apply plenty of pressure when scraping away but be careful not to press too hard. Otherwise, you may end up damaging your windows in the process. Make sure to use slow, steady strokes for the best results. It’s easier to remove acrylic caulk by this method than silicone caulk, but you’ll also need some patience and elbow grease. Wiping Clean with Isopropyl Alcohol After scraping off all of the remaining old caulk residues, it’s important that you wipe down the area with isopropyl alcohol to ensure that there is no residue left behind. This will help ensure your new caulk adheres better and lasts longer without issues. Wipe down the entire frame thoroughly before moving on to the next step. Repeating Process if Necessary Depending on how long ago your window was caulked, it may take multiple passes of applying softener and scraping off the residue before all of the old caulk is completely removed from both sides of your window frames. Be sure to repeat this process until all the old caulk has been successfully removed from your window frames. Method 2: Use a Heat Gun, Hair Dryer, or Steam Cleaner Using a heat gun, hair dryer, or steamer to soften the caulk before removing it is another great option. This process is especially useful if you have silicone caulk that refuses to be scraped away easily. It will also work for acrylic caulk as well. This method is particularly effective for removing silicone sealants, which are known to be more difficult to remove than latex caulks. Silicone caulk is more resilient than acrylic caulk and, therefore, can be hard to remove by scraping off with a razor blade. If you’re finding that some areas are still difficult to remove, you can use a steam cleaner to help break down any remaining residue. Preheat the Area Before removing the old caulk, preheat the area using a heat gun or hair dryer. This will cause the caulk to soften, making it easier to scrape away. Be sure to keep the heat gun or hair dryer at least six inches away from the surface and move it constantly to avoid becoming too hot in one spot. Scrape Away Caulk Once the area is heated, you can use a razor blade or scraper to gently remove the old caulk from the window frames and the glass itself. Move slowly and make sure not to scratch or damage the window glass while doing this. You may need multiple passes if there is a lot of build-up of caulk. Clean Up and Wipe Away Residue After all of the caulk has been removed, wipe down the area with a clean cloth and isopropyl alcohol to remove any residue that may be left behind. This will ensure a smooth result when applying the new caulk in its place. Repeat If Necessary Depending on how much old caulk needs to be removed, you may need to repeat this process multiple times until all of it is gone. Ensure to preheat each time before scraping and repeatedly clean up with isopropyl alcohol afterward for optimal outcomes. Method 3: Using a Caulk Softener Caulk softeners are an effective way to remove caulk from window glass without damaging it in any way, something that cannot usually be done using traditional scrapers alone. They also make it much easier to get into hard-to-reach areas, such as between window frames or within intricate details on window designs, because they break down old caulk more effectively than just scraping alone would do. Prepare the Surface Before using any caulk softener, clean the dirt and dust surface with warm water and a cloth. This will help ensure that the caulk softener is able to break down the old caulk without any hindrance. Apply the Caulk Softener To start, choose a caulk softener that is suitable for your needs. Mineral spirits, paint thinners, and household cleaners are some common types of caulk softeners. Read the label and follow the instructions carefully before using the product. Let the Softener Penetrate the Caulk Once you have the right product, apply a generous caulk softener onto a clean cloth. Use the cloth to apply the softener directly onto the caulk. Ensure you apply the softener evenly and thoroughly over the area you need to work on. After applying the caulk softener, let it sit for 10-15 minutes or as recommended by the product instructions. During this time, the softener penetrates the old caulk and breaks down its molecular structure, making removing it easier. Use a Razor Blade or Scraper to Remove the Old Caulk Gently After letting the softener sit for the recommended time, gently scrape the old caulk off. Be careful not to damage the window glass or scratch the surrounding surfaces. If the old caulk is particularly stubborn, apply a little more caulk softener and let it sit for a little longer before attempting to remove it with a razor blade or scraper. Wipe the Area Clean with a Clean Cloth and Isopropyl Alcohol After removing the old caulk, use a clean cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol to clean the area. This will help remove any remaining residue and ensure the surface is completely clean and ready for re-caulking or any other necessary repairs. Repeat the Process Until All of the Old Caulk is Removed It may be necessary to repeat the above process several times until all of the old caulk has been removed. Be patient and take your time, making sure to follow the instructions carefully and being careful not to damage the window glass or surrounding surfaces. Method 4: Using Commercial Solvent/ Sealant Remover Commercial caulk or sealant removers are formulated to dissolve cured silicone, latex caulks, or sealants. These removers contain powerful solvents that help break down the bond between the caulk and the window glass. Prepare the Surface Before using any commercial solvent/ sealant remover, make sure to clean the surface of all dirt and dust with some warm water and a cloth. Before using any commercial product, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Caulk-B-Gone, GooGone, and Similar Products Caulk-B-one and Gooone are popular products specifically designed to dissolve old caulk. These products can be used as directed to dissolve the existing caulk, making it easier to remove with a razor blade or scraper. Choose a remover that is suitable for your needs. Read the label and follow the instructions carefully before using the product. In most cases, you will need to apply an even coat of remover over the old caulk and let it sit for 10-15 minutes or, as recommended by the product instructions, before scraping away with a putty knife or sharp tool. WD-40 is often used as an effective silicone eater to get rid of tough stains from window glass surfaces due to its solvent-containing composition. Just spray the affected area with WD-40 and let it sit for several minutes. Afterward, scrub off using a damp cloth or sponge for best results. Acetone is a powerful solvent that can easily remove cured silicone sealants and dried caulk from window glass surfaces. Apply some acetone on a damp cloth and rub the stained area gently until the sealant or caulk has been removed. Wear gloves when using chemical solvents, as they may irritate the skin. Once the sealant or caulk has been removed, thoroughly wipe the window glass surface with isopropyl alcohol. Method 5: Glazing Removal Tool Another option for removing old caulk from window glass is to use a glazing removal tool. A glazing removal tool is a specialized tool used in the window repair and replacement process. It looks similar to a putty knife, but it has a blunted angled edge that makes it easier to separate old caulk and sealant from window glass. This tool is easy to use and can be purchased at most hardware stores. By using a glazing removal tool, you can effectively remove old caulk and sealant from single, double or triple-pane windows without damaging the glass surface. This is an important step in getting your windows repaired or replaced properly and safely. Simply slide the edge of the tool along the surface of the window glass to cut the caulk and remove it. Be sure to use a gentle hand when doing this, as too much pressure can cause damage to the glass. Wear Protective Gear When removing caulk from window glass, wearing protective gear is essential. Gloves, eye protection, and a face mask should always be worn when working with any chemical-based product like a caulk remover. This will help protect your skin and eyes from any potential irritation or burns due to exposure. It is also recommended to use a respirator if the fumes are particularly strong to prevent inhalation of fumes which can be dangerous. Test A Small Area First Before starting the full removal process, it’s always important to test a small area first to ensure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration to your window glass or other surfaces. This can be done by applying a small caulk remover and allowing it to sit for 2-3 minutes before rinsing it off with water. Once you know it’s safe, you can proceed with the full removal process. Use Caution With Heat Tools If you choose to use heat tools for your removal process, be sure to do so with caution, as these tools can cause serious damage if used incorrectly or too intensely on the window glass or other surfaces. You should start with low temperatures and work your way up to avoid potential issues while achieving desired results. Properly Dispose of Old Caulk and Materials Caulk and other materials used during the removal process should always be properly disposed of in accordance with local laws and regulations to prevent any environmental contamination or health risks associated with improper disposal practices. Never pour these materials down the drain, as they can cause blockages and other serious issues. Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals While many caulk removers on the market contain harsh chemicals, it’s always best to avoid these products if possible. If you must use a chemical-based product, take the proper safety precautions and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any potential accidents or injuries. Also, ensure adequate ventilation while working with these products as they may give off noxious fumes, which can be harmful if inhaled in large concentrations over extended periods. Precaution is always better than cure, so take the time to follow these simple guidelines, and you’ll be sure to have a safe and successful experience while removing caulk from your window glass. How Do I Know if All of the Old Caulk Has Been Removed? To know if all the old caulk has been removed, you need to check for any residue left on the window glass or in the gaps around the window frame. If there is no residue visible, then it means that the caulk has been completely removed. How Often Should I Remove and Replace Caulk Around My Window Glass? To help ensure your home stays safe and comfortable, it’s essential to inspect the caulk around window glass routinely. If you observe any cracking or gaps that could permit air/water leaks if the color fades away or mold appears, these are all signs that indicate replacement is required. It’s also important to check the caulking after any severe weather conditions or temperature changes, as these can sometimes cause cracks and gaps in the caulk, which must be addressed immediately. What Should I Do if I Accidentally Scratch or Damage the Window Glass While Removing the Caulk? Accident happens, even when you’re being extra careful. If you accidentally scratch or damage the window glass while removing caulk, the best thing to do is to stop immediately and assess the damage. Depending on the severity of the scratch or damage, you may be able to buff it out using a mild abrasive such as a soft cloth or polishing compound. It’s important to take extra caution as scratches on windows can cause further issues such as cracks, chips, and condensation buildup if not addressed properly. Taking some time to repair minor damages yourself can help save you time and money in the long run. If the damage is more severe, it’s best to contact a professional glazier for assistance in replacing the pane of glass. Do not attempt to repair the window yourself, as this could result in further damage and possible injury. Is Removing All of the Old Caulk Necessary Before Applying the New Caulk? It is very important to remove all the old caulk before applying the new caulk. This is necessary because if there’s still any old caulk left, it won’t let the new caulk adhere properly and can reduce the effectiveness of the seal. It can also cause the caulk to wear away more quickly or even crack due to being unevenly distributed. So make sure to take your time and get rid of all traces of old caulk before adding fresh caulking. Can I Use a Caulk Softener on Any Type of Caulk? Not all caulk softeners are suitable for use on all types of caulk. The type of caulk you are trying to remove will determine which type of caulk softener is suitable. It’s important to read the label carefully and ensure the caulk softener is compatible with the caulk you’re working with. Some may require a specialized removal product or technique, such as heat or solvents. So, checking the manufacturer’s instructions for more information is best before softening any old caulking. Also, some caulk softeners can be corrosive or damaging to certain surfaces, so it’s best to read all instructions and labels when using them. As a general rule, always test a small area first before attempting a full application. Ready for a Better View and a Safer Home? Don’t be intimidated by the thought of removing old caulk from your window glass. You’ve got this. There are several practical ways to cleanly remove old caulk from window glass and restore crystal-clear vision. With our helpful tips and tricks on tools like heat guns, razor blades, or softening agents, plus patience, sprucing your windows can be a stress-free experience. No need for an expensive professional when you follow our simple steps. Take it slow and easy; this chore may take some elbow grease, but with that comes an awesome result of improved window longevity plus better looks. Get those beautiful glass frames looking fresh in no time and make that window-sealing project stress-free.
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Scientists urge FDA to ban Red 3—already illegal in cosmetics—from foods, ingested drugs, and supplements It’s illegal to use the carcinogenic color additive Red 3 in cosmetics, such as lipsticks or blush, or externally applied drugs. Yet the discredited chemical is lurking in common varieties of candy corn, Nerds, Peeps, Pez, SweeTarts, and hundreds of candies, cakes, and other foods, including dozens of seasonal Halloween items. That’s why the Center for Science in the Public Interest and 23 other organizations and prominent scientists are today urging the Food and Drug Administration to formally remove Red 3 from the list of approved color additives in foods, dietary supplements, and oral medicines. Since the early 1980s FDA had evidence that Red 3 caused cancer in laboratory animals. The National Toxicology Program considered the evidence “convincing.” As a result, in 1990, the agency eliminated certain “provisionally listed” uses of the chemical—meaning cosmetics and externally applied drugs. In 1990, FDA also said it would “take steps” to ban its use in foods, ingested drugs, and supplements. But those steps were never taken. “Halloween has never been the healthiest holiday, but few parents would believe that the FDA permits the use of a dye it acknowledges as a carcinogen to be used as a common ingredient in candy,” said CSPI consultant Lisa Y. Lefferts. “Fewer still would believe that the FDA prohibits this carcinogen in makeup but allows it in food.” Despite the fact that the government concluded that Red 3 causes cancer, food companies continue to use it widely. A search of Food Scores, a database maintained by the Environmental Working Group, generated 2,876 brand-name food products that contain Red 3—including hundreds of foods made by the country’s biggest food companies. Candy company Brach’s alone sells more than 100 different candies with the dye. Besides showing up in Pez and Peeps, Red 3 is used in some varieties of Betty Crocker’s Fruit by the Foot, Dubble Bubble chewing gum, Entenmann’s Little Bites, and Hostess’ Ding Dongs. Albertson’s, Kroger, Meijer’s, Target, and Walmart all use Red 3 in some of their house-brand products. And even some non-candy foods that one would think wouldn’t need artificial color contain Red 3, such as Betty Crocker’s Loaded Mashed Potatoes. And sometimes Red 3 can act to simulate the presence of a desirable ingredient: While Vigo Saffron Yellow Rice does indeed have some famously expensive saffron, it gets at least some of its color from Red 3. Even PediaSure Grow & Gain Kids’ Ready-to-Drink strawberry shake contains Red 3—but no strawberries. Long term animal feeding studies show that Red 3 causes adenomas and carcinomas of the thyroid gland. When a substance is shown to cause cancer in animals, it is presumed to cause cancer in humans. Amendments to the nation’s food laws passed in 1958 and 1960 included a provision called the Delaney Clause which prohibits the approval of any food and color additive if it is shown to cause cancer in people or animals. For that reason, the petition filed today by CSPI and other groups and scientists says that the FDA is statutorily obligated to delist Red 3. “It's outrageous that the Food and Drug Administration has known since the 1980s that Red 3 has the potential to cause cancer, but still allows it to be used in the food we eat,” said Melanie Benesh, vice president of government affairs at EWG, which is one of the groups petitioning FDA today. “This is yet another glaring example of how the FDA has failed consumers when it comes to food safety.” If the data were strong enough to ban Red 3 in cosmetics and external drugs 30 years ago, they’re surely strong enough to ban it today in foods, oral drugs, and dietary supplements, –CSPI president Dr. Peter Lurie. CSPI’s advice to parents is to avoid not just Red 3, but all numbered dyes, such as Yellow 5 and Red 40. Besides the risk of cancer posed by Red 3, concerns have mounted about the adverse impacts on children’s behavior. In 2008, CSPI petitioned the FDA to remove those from the food supply as well. Since then, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment has confirmed those dyes cause neurobehavioral problems in some children. Despite the risks, some prescription drugs still contain Red 3. Vyvanse, billed as the “#1 prescribed branded ADHD medication,” contains it. That’s somewhat ironic, according to CSPI, since the behavioral problems associated with food dyes are often described as similar to the symptoms associated with ADHD. “FDA has had more than 30 years to ban carcinogenic Red 3—an artificial food color used in many products, including the candy people will be giving out this Halloween,” said Tom Neltner of the Environmental Defense Funds. “Is the agency red in the face? Not at all. With this color additive petition, we are formally demanding that the agency do its job. The law gives the agency 180 days to make a final decision. Let’s hope that when kids go trick-or-treating next year, FDA will have done its part to make the holiday safer for all.” Besides CSPI, EDF, EWG, and Lefferts, the petition was submitted by Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, Center for Environmental Health, Center for Food Safety, Chef Ann Foundation, Children’s Advocacy Institute, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Reports, Defend our Health, Feingold Association, Food & Water Watch, Healthy Babies Bright Futures, Life Time Foundation, Moms Rising, Prevention Institute, Public Citizen, Public Health Institute, Public Interest Research Group, and Real Food for Kids. Individual scientists signing the petition include Linda S. Birnbaum, former head of both the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program; and pediatrician and epidemiologist Philip J. Landrigan of Boston College, who directs both the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good and the Global Observatory on Planetary Health. The food and drug industries used more than 200,000 pounds of Red 3 in 2021 alone. “The primary purpose of food dyes is generally to make junk food look more attractive, especially to kids, or to trick their parents into thinking a food contains a healthy fruit like strawberries,” said Lurie. “When the purpose is purely cosmetic, why is any level of risk acceptable?”
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.cspinet.org/press-release/red-3-fda-petition", "date": "2023-12-06T21:17:20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100603.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20231206194439-20231206224439-00200.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.944572925567627, "token_count": 1436 }
Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Gary Cockerell up to index Created by W.Langdon from George G Harrigan, Roxanne H LaPlante, Greg N Cosma, Jane F Maddox, James P Luyendyk, Patricia E Ganey, Robert A Roth, Genetic Programming Articles by Gary Cockerell George G. Harrigan and Roxanne H. LaPlante and Greg N. Cosma and Gary Cockerell and Royston Goodacre and Jane F. Maddox and James P. Luyendyk and Patricia E. Ganey and Robert A. Roth. Application of high-throughput Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in toxicology studies: contribution to a study on the development of an animal model for idiosyncratic toxicity. Toxicology Letters, 146(3):197-205, 2004.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://gpbib.cs.ucl.ac.uk/gp-html/GaryCockerell.html", "date": "2023-12-09T08:05:04", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100873.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20231209071722-20231209101722-00000.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.6882504224777222, "token_count": 189 }
TOX 401: Principles of Toxicology (Dual-listed with TOX 501). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: BBMB 404 or equivalent Principles of toxicology governing entry, fate, and effects of toxicants on living systems. Includes toxicokinetics and foreign compound metabolism relative to toxification or detoxification. Fundamentals of foreign compound effects on metabolism, physiology, and morphology of different cell types, tissues, and organ systems. ...for all Pharmacology and Toxicology undergraduate minors: TOX 401, B M S 439, and one...
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://catalog.iastate.edu/search/?q=TOX+401", "date": "2023-12-10T11:24:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679101779.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20231210092457-20231210122457-00800.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8207613825798035, "token_count": 124 }
CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation Considers Whether CTE Could have Played a Role in Antonio Brown’s Behavior By Dr. Chris Nowinski, Concussion Legacy Foundation co-founder and CEO For years, the erratic behavior of NFL All-Pro wide receiver Antonio Brown has been a cause for concern as many have watched and worried for his mental health. In Sunday’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers game, Brown had another episode of abnormal public behavior. After a sideline dispute with Bucs coaches, he took off his shoulder pads and jersey, threw his shirt and gloves into the stands, performed jumping jacks for the crowd, and walked off the field. He is no longer a member of the team. Like you, I wonder if Antonio Brown’s behavior is caused by CTE. We can’t know for sure today, because CTE can only be definitively diagnosed after death. However, the recent diagnosis of CTE in two former NFL contemporaries of Brown’s, Vincent Jackson and Phillip Adams, can provide insights into the two separate but related questions we’re trying to answer: does Antonio Brown have CTE and is it causing his destructive behaviors? Question 1: Does Antonio Brown have CTE? Vincent Jackson’s story gives insight into whether Brown may have CTE. Jackson was a 3-time Pro Bowl wide receiver for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the San Diego Chargers from 2005-2016. He was found dead in a hotel on Feb 15, 2021 at the age of 38. Jackson’s brain was studied by Dr. Ann McKee at the VA-Boston University-Concussion Legacy Foundation Brain Bank, where she discovered he had stage 2 CTE. Previous work from the VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank has shown that the odds of developing CTE are not statistically related to how many concussions you have, but instead correlates with how many years of football you play. A football player’s odds of developing CTE go up by as much as 30% per year. Vincent Jackson started playing football at age 12 and played 11 years in the NFL. Antonio Brown has now played 12 years in the NFL and according to ESPN started playing tackle football before high school, meaning he played more years than Vincent Jackson. On top of the years he’s played, Brown ranks 21st all-time in receptions, which means, among wide receivers and tight ends, he’s also among the most tackled NFL players of all-time. In 2019, when Brown was asked if he had CTE, he told ESPN: “If I had CTE I wouldn’t be able to have this beautiful gym, I wouldn’t be able to be creative. I wouldn’t be able to communicate. I’m perfectly fine.” Those comments illustrate a fundamental misunderstanding of CTE. Later stage CTE (stage 3 and 4) is associated with dementia, but early-stage CTE (stage 1 and 2) is more associated with what is called neurobehavioral dysregulation, which includes violent, impulsive, or explosive behavior, inappropriate behavior, aggression, rage, “short fuse,” and lack of behavioral control. Brown went on to say, “I didn’t take that many big hits. I had like one big hit in 10 years. Anybody who plays this game, they’re going to get hit hard. He didn’t hit me that hard. You know, I got up and walked off the field.” Brown’s words are eerily similar to a statement Jackson made two years before his death when asked about CTE: “I was fortunate, trust me. I never took many major hits.” The big hit Brown is referring to is the one from Vontaze Burfict in 2016, which caused loss of consciousness and therefore by definition caused a significant traumatic brain injury (TBI). Independent of whether Brown has CTE, TBI is also associated with acute onset of similar neurobehavioral symptoms. It’s plausible that the TBI could account for his abnormal behaviors since then. However, the more concerning reality for all of us former football players is that it’s not the big hits, but the accumulation of all the smaller hits we never thought about, that cause CTE. 20% of former football players diagnosed with CTE have never had a formally diagnosed concussion. Finally, it’s important to note that CTE is extremely prevalent among NFL players. A 2017 study from the VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank revealed that 1 in 10 of the NFL players who died between 2008-2015 were diagnosed with CTE, and 99% of the 111 players studied had CTE. Accounting for the fact that families that noticed severe symptoms are more likely to donate, it’s likely a minimum of 10% of NFL players have CTE, and it could be many, many times higher. Question 2: If Antonio Brown has CTE, is it causing his destructive behavior? CTE was largely ignored by the medical community for the 80 years after Dr. Harrison Martland published Punch Drunk in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1928. Therefore, we are still learning what symptoms are directly caused by CTE. The evidence strongly suggests that stage 4 CTE causes dementia in most cases, but it’s not so clear which symptoms are regularly caused by early-stage CTE. But it would not be surprising if we eventually prove that the earliest stages of CTE are associated with an increased risk of psychiatric symptoms. A study on the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease found that pathology in the locus coeruleus (early-stage CTE also impacts the locus coeruleus) is associated with increased depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. What we have shown about CTE is that stages are most associated with age. That means everyone starts at stage 1, with microscopic CTE lesions in their brain, while they are getting exposed to repetitive head impacts, usually as a teenager or in their 20s (CTE has been confirmed in people as young as 17). CTE then spreads to adjacent tissue and new parts of the brain, progressing at different speeds in different people due to differences in exposure, genetics, and more. Most football players who die in their 30s are diagnosed with stage 2 CTE. Aaron Hernandez was the youngest football player diagnosed with the more advanced stage 3 disease when he died at 27. Earlier this year, former NFL player Phillip Adams shot and killed 6 people, including two young children. Adams then turned the gun on himself and died at the age of 32. His brain was studied by Dr. Ann McKee at the BU CTE Center, and she discovered he had stage 2 CTE with abnormally severe damage to the frontal lobe of the brain. Investigators said they never found a motive for the murders. Toxicology revealed Adams was not under the influence of any substances at the time of the murders. Police reported finding numerous notebooks with “cryptic writing with different designs and emblems,” and his sister said his behavior had changed dramatically over the last two years. “His mental health degraded fast and terribly bad,’’ Lauren Adams told USA TODAY. “There was unusual behavior. I’m not going to get into all that (symptoms). We definitely did notice signs of mental illness that was extremely concerning, that was not like we had ever seen. He wasn’t a monster. He was struggling with his mental health.” When asked if the killings could be explained by CTE, Dr. Ann McKee said, “Severe frontal lobe pathology might have contributed to Adams’ behavioral abnormalities, in addition to physical, psychiatric and psychosocial factors. Theoretically, the combination of poor impulse control, paranoia, poor decision-making, emotional volatility, rage and violent tendencies caused by frontal lobe damage could converge to lower an individual’s threshold for homicidal acts — yet such behaviors are usually multifactorial.” Phillip Adams and Antonio Brown were born 10 days apart and were both NFL rookies in 2010. But Adams had retired by 2015. Brown is still playing. Answering the Question: Based on everything we know about CTE today, it is possible that Antonio Brown has CTE, and that CTE is causing his behaviors. But you already knew that. The bigger question is what do we do with this information? First, we need to invest more in preventing and treating CTE. Football is less obviously dangerous than it was in years past, but that doesn’t mean we’ll see a reduction in future cases of CTE. All the reforms made may be completely offset by the fact that football players at every level are bigger, stronger, faster, and therefore creating higher magnitude impacts. We don’t invest nearly enough in learning how to meaningfully treat CTE, which not only impacts athletes but also military Veterans and victims of abuse. In 2015, the NFL pulled $14 million from research designed to learn how to diagnose CTE. To wipe that headline off the front page, the NFL quickly announced a $100 million donation to brain research, but only put a few million of that towards CTE research, instead putting $60 million toward safer helmets, which isn’t going to make much of a difference in CTE but creates hope and headlines. (Did you hear about new position-specific helmets?) When you think about helmets and CTE, think about trying to prevent automobile deaths by only investing in better bumpers. It’s such a small piece of the puzzle. Second, I think Tom Brady had it right when he said, “I think everyone should be very compassionate and empathetic towards some very difficult things that are happening.” Antonio Brown’s mental health has been unraveling on a public stage for many years. CTE could be the cause of everything. Or it could not. But that doesn’t change the fact that a staggering number of former football players, contact sport athletes, military Veterans, and others are suffering from CTE, and we don’t have answers. At the Concussion Legacy Foundation, we’re trying to get those answers before it’s too late. What we do know right now – and what we want to make very clear to Brown and anyone else like him who may be reading this: help is available. CTE is not a death sentence. Just because you have years of exposure to repetitive head trauma does not mean you are destined to exhibit certain behaviors. There are ways to take control of your brain health and we have a team at CLF ready to teach you how. Our HelpLine staff is filled with caring individuals who are here to assist patients and families suffering with CTE symptoms. We can connect you to treatment in your area and providers who understand what you’re going through. You are not alone.
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CASTOR VEGETABLE OIL For many people, CASTOR VEGETABLE OIL is a kind of oil they have likely heard of but never tried. Taken from the seeds of the Ricinus Communis family of plants, castor oil is a very powerful agent for a variety of uses. Like many oils, it can be used for multiple functions. However, that aside, CASTOR VEGETABLE OIL holds some very impressive and useful features that can go a very long way to improving your quality of life. Although mostly used for medicinal purposes, castor oil holds many various uses. Castor in the mechanics: Also, it’s an excellent lubricant, for one, which makes it a fine selection for various industrial purposes. It’s got various useful purposes such as helping to improve the performance of mechanical products right through to becoming a large part of the automotive industry. The company, Castrol, literally took their name from the CASTOR OIL itself! By using CASTOR VEGETABLE OIL on your body, you can benefit from various health benefits, such as; - Helps to remove soreness and tightness in muscles when used topically. - Another major factor for CASTOR VEGETABLE OIL, too, is that it makes a powerful carrying agent. - Soothes joint pain and similar problems. - Can even be used to combat fungal infections such as cruris. If you need a potent general healer as well as something that can be used in many alternative ways then you should definitely look to give CASTOR VEGETABLE OIL a try. Min.Order Quantity : 1 liter Supply Ability: 2000 Liter/ Liters per Week Port: Casablanca /Tanger MED / Agadir Payment Terms: L/C,T/T,Western Union,MoneyGram,PAYPAL Packaging & Delivery Packaging Details : 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,125ml, in PET plastic bottle with pump 250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters, 25 liters ,33 Liters in drum with cap Argan Oil can be 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,250ml, 500 ml in amber or trasparent glass bottle with cap. Delivery Time: 15 days after confirmation of all detaills and deposit Place of Origin: Morocco Processing type: Vegetable Oil Form : Oil Use: Body, Face and hair Supply Type: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing) Brand Name: BioProGreen or private labeling Cultivation type: Organic Main Ingredient: CASTOR FOB Price :Contact US Product available in private labeling contact us for more informations : BioProGreen
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.bioprogreen.com/en/project_tag/castor-vegetable-oil/", "date": "2023-12-10T09:45:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679101779.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20231210092457-20231210122457-00800.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9018813967704773, "token_count": 593 }
Interested in furthering your career? The IICRC offers dozens of certifications, including a new Trauma and Crime Scene Technician (TCST) course, as well as advanced designation. As technicians accumulate various certifications, they become eligible for advanced designations such as an IICRC Journeyman or IICRC Master – the industry’s highest technical designation. Find out more at https://www.iicrc.org/IICRCMaster. If you have been contacted by a company claiming to be IICRCA, please be aware that this is not affiliated with the IICRC. The IICRCA program was discontinued and no longer exists. If you have been contacted by this company, please contact the IICRC immediately at email@example.com. To verify if a company requesting your information, or participation, is in fact affiliated with the IICRC, please reach out to us directly at the email address above. Are You Using Updated Standards? Do you have the latest version of an IICRC Standard? Every few years, Standards Consensus Bodies review, update and publish updated versions of Standards to make sure they include the latest in information and technology. To check and see if you have the latest version, visit the IICRC webstore at www.webstore.iicrc.org. Standards Subscriptions are also available and give you access to ALL of the latest and historical Standards. To learn more about the benefits of having a Standards Subscription, the IICRC created a brief video on its YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/TheIICRC) with testimonials from users on why they enjoy having IICRC Standards available at their fingertips 24/7. The IICRC is currently seeking volunteers to serve on consensus bodies for the development of the following standards: - BSR/IICRC S300 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Upholstery Cleaning - BSR/IICRC 340 Standard for Professional Cleaning and Maintenance of Leather Furnishings - BSR/IICRC S400 Standard for Professional Cleaning, Maintenance and Restoration of the Commercial Built Environment - BSR/IICRC S530 Standard for Indoor Environmental Assessment for Suspected Mold Contaminated Structures - BSR/IICRC S550 Standard for Professional Water Damage Restoration of Commercial Structures - BSR/IICRC S590 Standard for HVAC Cleaning and Decontamination in a Water Damaged Environment - The BSR/IICRC S710 Standard for the Development of a Scope of Work in a Fire and Smoke Damaged Environment - BSR/IICRC S740 Standard for Professional Restoration of Fire and Smoke Damaged Personal Items - ANSI/IICRC S800 Standard and Reference Guide for Inspecting Textile Floor Coverings Those interested in submitting an application to serve on the above consensus bodies should visit www.iicrc.org/IICRCStandards for more information and to download the application forms.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.randrmagonline.com/articles/88409-iicrc-news-april-2019", "date": "2023-12-10T09:57:55", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679101779.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20231210092457-20231210122457-00800.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8858113884925842, "token_count": 635 }
A bioactive ingredient of ginger root (Zingiber officinale), a medicinal plant having anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties and a carminative effect - Catalog No: APH-02034 - CAS Number: 555-66-8 - Chemical Formula: C17H24O3 - Molecular Weight: 276.38 - Purity: > 95% determined by HPLC - Appearance: Viscous yellow liquid - Solubility: Soluble in methanol and ethanol - Stability: Unstable at room temperature in the presence of oxygen and light. Stable over extended period at -20°C. - Storage: -20°C - Shipping: On ice (5°C) - Handling: Avoid exposure to oxygen and direct sunlight. 6-Shogaol is isolated from the dried or cooked rhizomes or roots of the plant Zingiber officinale (ginger). It is a perennial reed-like plant with annual leafy stems, about a meter (3 to 4 feet) tall. 6-Shogaol is a dehydrated 6-gingerol molecule that has lost a molecule of water during the drying or cooking process. Ginger produces clusters of white and pink flower buds that bloom into yellow flowers. Because of its aesthetic appeal and the adaptation of the plant to warm climates, ginger is often used as landscaping around subtropical homes. Traditionally, the root is gathered when the stalk withers; it is immediately dried, scalded, or washed and scraped, to kill it and prevent sprouting. 6-Shogaol is isolated from dried or cooked ginger root using ethanol and other organic solvents followed by chromatographic purification. Aphios isolates 6-shogaol utilizing near-critical and supercritical fluids using CXF and CXP enabling technology platforms as alternatives to ethanol and conventional organic solvents techniques. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Zingiberaceae) is a medicinal plant that has been widely used in Chinese, Ayurvedic and other global herbal medicinal practices since ancient times for a wide array of ailments including arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, muscular aches, pains, sore throats, cramps, constipation, indigestion, vomiting, hypertension, dementia, fever, infectious diseases and helminthiasis (Ali et al., 2008). Ginger has been approved for use by Germany’s Commission E, the agency responsible for regulating the use of herbal products in that country (Blumenthal, 1998). Ginger has recently been studied scientifically for its effect on nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, surgery, pregnancy and cancer chemotherapy. There may be several mechanisms of action in play relative to the antiemetic properties of ginger. It has been reported that the antiemetic qualities may be derived from ginger’s anti-serotonin 3 effects on the gastrointestinal and central nervous system (Chaiyakunapruk et al., 2006). In a study of guinea pig ileum, it was found that certain ingredients of ginger (6-, 8- and 10-gingerols) inhibit the anti-serotonin 3 receptor function (Huang et al., 1991 and Yamahara et al., 1989). In addition, these active ingredients have been shown to affect gastric motility and potentially have an antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal system (Hashimoto et al., 2002 and Suekawa et al., 1984). Pan et al. (2008) investigated the inhibitory effects of 6-shogaol and a related compound, 6-gingerol, on the induction of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in murine RAW 264.7 cells activated with LPS. Their results show that 6-shogaol downregulates inflammatory iNOS and COX-2 gene expression in macrophages by inhibiting the activation of NF-κB by interfering with the activation PI3K/Akt/I κB kinases IKK and MAPK Ali B, Blunden G, Tanira M and Nemmar A. (2008). Some phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe): A review of recent research. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 46(2): 409-420. Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C and Rister R. (1998). The Complete German Commission E monographs. Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines, Austin TX, American Botanical Council. Chaiyakunapruk N, Kitikannakorn N, Nathisuwan S, Leeprakobboon K and Leelasettagool C. (2006). The efficacy of ginger for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: a meta-analysis. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 194, 95–99. Chen C, Kuo M, Wu C and Ho C. (1986). Pungent Compounds of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Extracted by Liquid Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 34(3): 477-480. Hashimoto K, Satoh K, Murata P, Makino B, Sakakibara I, Kase Y, Ishige A, Higuchi M and Sasaki H. (2002). Component of Zingiber officinale that improves the enhancement of small intestinal transport. Planta Medica. 68:936-9. Huang Q, Iwamoto M, Aoki S, Tanaka N, Tajima K, Yamahara J, Takaishi Y, Yoshida M, Tomimatsu T and Tamai Y. (1991). Anti-5-hydroxytryptamine 3 effect of galanolactone, diterpenoid isolated from ginger. Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo) 39, 397–399. Pan M, Hsieh M, Hsu P, Ho S, Lai C, Wu H, Sang S and Ho C. (2008). 6-Shogaol suppressed lipopolysaccharide-induced up-expression of iNOS and COX-2 in murine macrophages. Mol Nutr Food Res. 52(12):1467-77. Suekawa M, Ishige A, Yuasa K, Sudo K, Aburada M and Hosoya E. (1984). Pharmacological studies on ginger: I. Pharmacological action of pungent constituents, (6)-gingerol and (6)-shogaol. J Pharmacobiodyn. 7:836-48. Yamahara J, Rong H, Iwamoto M, Kobayashi G, Matsuda H and Fujimura H. (1989). Active components of ginger exhibiting anti-serotonergic action. Phytother. Res. 3, 70–71.
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At 24-7 Recovery Damage Ascot, we understand the devastating impact that flood damage can have on your home or business. We are a leading disaster recovery and restoration company servicing Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sydney (Eastern suburbs, Southern Sydney, Western Sydney, Inner West, Hills District, North Shore, Northern Beaches). All wet materials are detected through Moisture Detection Devices and Thermo-hygrometers. We are equipped with the latest technology in dehumidifiers, air movers, injector dry systems, top dry heat systems and much more. We use hospital grade HEPA Air Purification systems which are essential in eliminating bad odours and preventing cross contamination. Our technicians are highly skilled in the science of drying. We always ensure to strictly follow IICRC S500 industry standards regarding flood damage restoration. If you are experiencing water, fire or mould damage it requires an immediate response. When water damage occurs water can migrate rapidly causing devastating effects if left untreated. In the event of an emergency it’s critical to make sure you hire competent and credible professionals. It is of the utmost importance to ensure restoration of your home or office is done effectively the first time around. 24-7 Recovery Damage Ascot has successfully restored numerous water, fire and mould damaged commercial and residential properties. 24-7 Recovery Damage’s ownership involves those who’ve been in the industry for more than 14 years. When it comes to our team you can rest assured that you’re in qualified and certified hands. Our team is constantly evolving their knowledge by investing in new training and up-skilling along with maintaining state-of-the-art equipment to guarantee our customers the best possible service 24-7. Our approach has enabled us to proudly be one of the leading providers of disaster restoration services in Australia.
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CASTOR OIL 100ml (100% Pure Natural Oil) Castor oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. It is a pale yellow liquid with a viscous texture and a faint, mild aroma. Castor is one of the oldest cultivated crops and it originates in tropical East Africa. Castor oil is known to consist of a complex rich mix of fatty acids (90% ricinoleic, 4% linoleic, 3% oleic, 1% stearic, and less than 1% linolenic). Thanks to its composition, Castor oil works well as a moisturizing agent and can be found as an ingredient in many formulations of conditioners and shampoos. Castor oil has been known for many years for having a potential benefit in the growth of healthy hair and this is could be because it helps to moisturize scalp and hair, stimulates circulation, allowing oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the hair follicles. Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid) which is very beneficial to moisturize the skin by preventing or reducing water loss through the outer layer of the ski Many people use castor oil as a natural hair treatment, thanks to its moisturizing properties: moisturizing of of the scalp help lubricate the hair shaft, increasing flexibility and decreasing the chance of breakage. Many people regularly use castor oil as part of their hair care routine since its could help promote hair health, stimulates hair growth, or reduces hair loss. Castor oil is also commonly used as a potential treatment for dandruff, a common scalp condition characterized by dry, flaky skin on the head. Our Castor Oil is cold pressed extracted and unrefined to keep all the natural properties of original the plant seeds. WARNING: Before you apply castor oil, do a skin patch test first. Apply a small amount of the oil to a section on your arm and leave it for 24 hours. If you don’t see any reactions, the oil should be safe to use. Dzeani's products are made in Melbourne, Australia "Wonderful hair products that actually work! After years of trying to find something that truly hydrated my hair, I finally found the "Dry hair dew". It absorbed well and left my 4c hair soft and smelling delicious. No more settling for a mediocre product because it's all I could find. First time Customer "The products are fantastic. We don't have to comb my daughter's hair. Just finger combing suffices as the products help separate the hair easily." "I swear by your gel. It is the best." "I particularly like the before-and-after shot of her mum's hair using the products." (Kerotsi, NSW). Full review on Kerotsi's Blog So it has been 4 weeks since I started using them....here are my thoughts on them... eeeee_amazing products.....love love them!"
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://dzeani.com/products/castor-oil-100ml-100-pure-natural-oil", "date": "2023-11-28T14:12:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099514.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128115347-20231128145347-00100.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9536120295524597, "token_count": 627 }
Russell E. Sanders Director of Operations Russell E. Sanders began his extensive career at Florida Parishes Juvenile Detention Center on January 3, 1994 as a direct care officer and was among the first group of individuals employed by the facility. On January 18th, 1994, the center officially opened and accepted the first juvenile into custody. Finding his niche working with troubled youth, Russell was quickly promoted up through the ranks. In 1995 he was appointed Assistant Shift Supervisor and then promoted again in 1996 to Shift Supervisor. In the following years, Russell was named employee of the quarter twice and received numerous commendations from both the Executive Director and the Florida Parishes Juvenile Justice Commission. In 2005, he was appointed Director of Operations and charged with the task of overseeing multiple facets of security operations and various departments within the organization. He directly supervises the Intake, Training, Recreational Therapy and Security Department consisting of seven supervisors, four department managers, and seventy four employees in all. Additionally, he is the facility’s Site Coordinator through Performance Based Standards and oversees data collection, facility improvement, and ensures compliance with all regulations. Throughout his years of employment, Russell has received multiple certifications and memberships related to the field of juvenile justice and community leadership. Between 2002 and 2015, he received the TPSO Certification for Correctional Officers, Chemical Weapons Instructor Certification, attended the Dale Carnegie Leadership Training for Managers, Dale Carnegie Course in Effective Communication and Human Relations, and completed the Leadership Tangipahoa Program. As a longtime member of the Louisiana Juvenile Detention Association, he was appointed to serve on their Executive Board in 2008, as well as its Juvenile Detention Standards Committee which created standards for all Louisiana Juvenile Detention Centers. He is currently serving as the President and Publisher for the association. Russell has obtained organizational membership in the Council for Juvenile Correctional Administrators, National Partnership for Juvenile Services, and the Annie Casey Foundation.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://fpjdc.org/the-center/russell-sanders/", "date": "2023-11-28T13:50:26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679099514.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128115347-20231128145347-00100.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9749641418457031, "token_count": 388 }
This article was originally published in Spanish in Avispa Midia, Aristegui Noticias, and Pie de Página, in alliance with CONNECTAS. The English language translation is co-published with Avispa Midia. The Canadian-owned company Minera Cuzcatlán is the sixth-largest silver producer in Mexico. In 2018, a waste spill at one of the company’s mines impacted a stream in Oaxaca State. The event sparked an intense controversy, documented by the media, over whether or not the mining waste had contaminated communities’ soil and water. This journalistic investigation uncovers the original reports, which indicate the presence of toxic materials at levels that in some cases exceed Mexican standards by up to 1845 percent. It also shows how Mexican authorities and the company kept these documents under wraps these documents in order to let Fortuna off the hook for the effects of its contamination in this region of southern Mexico. Aquino Pedro Máximo vividly recalls the early morning of October 8, 2018, when a torrential downpour broke loose. Aquino is an Indigenous Zapotec farmer from the community of Magdalena Ocotlán, Oaxaca, in southern Mexico. On the night of October 7, he heard a deafening noise over the tin roofs of the homes in his village. Early in the morning, as was his custom, he grabbed his machete and set out to begin the day’s work on his crops, along with the other farmers. They were taken by surprise when they saw that the El Coyote stream was stained with a grayish material. “It looked like cement,” Aquino recalls. More than four kilometers of the stream had been covered with this gray mud. The water, which the campesinos use for agricultural and livestock purposes, was completely grayish, as was the vegetation and soil surrounding the stream. In the municipality of Magdalena Ocotlán, where Aquino lives, the muddy mass had spread around the area known as “La Ciénega,” home to the community’s drinking water well in addition to a water dam used for grazing animals. The nearby Zapotec communities of San Pedro Apóstol, San Felipe Apóstol, San Matías Chilazoa, and Tejas de Morelos were also affected. Minera Cuzcatlán, a subsidiary of Canada's Fortuna Silver Mines, is the sixth largest silver producer in Mexico. The company also produces gold to a lesser extent. As of 2020, the federal government had granted Cuzcatlán five permits for mining exploitation in the region. On the land covered by these permits, the company had drilled more than 300 kilometers (186 miles) of tunnels. Cuzcatlán holds an additional 26 mining permits that form a gold and silver mining corridor covering an area of 64,000 hectares (around 158,150 acres). The mud that contaminated the El Coyote stream was a mixture of rainwater and waste from the mining process, better known as tailings. At the company’s facilities, dry tailings can be observed from a distance because they form an enormous gray mound, made up of a fine powder that looks like cement. The mining waste is also concentrated in liquid form in a large dam. Fortuna claims that these tailings do not pose any danger to the environment or to the health of nearby populations, even though they are the result of a process in which a range of toxic chemicals are used. According to Fortuna, on October 8 heavy rainfall exceeded the capacity of the pool that captures rainwater and runoff from the tailings deposit, and which is around the size of three Olympic swimming pools. From this pool the dry waste is then pumped to a larger liquid tailings dam. In Mexican authorities’ case file on the incident, to which this investigative team had access, the company explained that “the pool’s two pumping systems were not sufficient to pump this water to the tailings dam, which caused the water to overflow.” The spill sparked an intense controversy over whether the mining waste had contaminated the soil and water in surrounding communities. On the one hand, from the outset the company publicly alleged that its tailings are non-toxic and therefore there was no contamination. On the other hand, the communities denounced serious negative impacts to their territory. Mexican authorities’ first official reports on the spill stated that Minera Cuzcatlán “dumped contaminants” into the El Coyote stream, “causing environmental damage.” The first analyses by an internationally respected British laboratory also identified contamination of the soil affected by the spill. However, Mexico’s National Water Commission (Conagua), the Federal Attorney's Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa), and Fortuna Silver Mines sealed these early reports indicating contamination. The effect was to deny that the El Coyote stream had been contaminated and to absolve the company of all responsibility. The Water was Contaminated Luz María Méndez Rodríguez is a mother from Magdalena Ocotlán, the community most affected by the spill. She is also the community’s Alderwoman of Finances. María narrates the days following the 2018 disaster. “Some of our animals began to die,” she says. “Children and older people began to have stomachaches, diarrhea, skin allergies. We were told there was an outbreak of Hepatitis. We had never experienced a situation like this before.” Magdalena Ocotlán's Ecology Alderman, Oliva Odelia Aquino Sánchez, explains that because the gray mud reached the vicinity of the community’s drinking water well, residents decided to stop using this water. This situation, however, was not sustainable for long. “Everyone got worried and then we started to buy (bottled) water; many only held out for a few weeks. Then they went back to drinking that contaminated water, because it’s tough, there’s barely enough money to eat.” In Mexico, a 20-liter container of water costs around one dollar. That residents are unable to spend more than that each week is largely because farmers do not receive a fixed salary; rather, each subsists on his or her own harvest. According to 2015 data from Mexico’s National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval), 73 percent of the population of Magdalena Ocotlán lives in poverty. Almost a quarter of the population lives in extreme poverty, according to information published by the Ministry of Welfare in 2021. José Pablo Antonio, a lawyer advising the communities, says that according to international legal frameworks, until the situation is resolved authorities are required to issue preventive measures and provide communities with information. “They should have suspended the population’s use of water and guaranteed its supply from other sources until the situation was completely resolved. But that’s not what happened here,” he says. Two days after the spill, while the communities were living in uncertainty, environmental authorities carried out an inspection of the affected areas. The National Water Commission (Conagua) was responsible for analyzing the water; the Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa) was responsible for testing the soil. In each case, the authorities opened a dossier on the spill. Water commission official and state laboratory personnel arrived to test the water. They confirmed that the spill came from the “pool that collects rainwater that washes away the soil and sediments from the dry tailings, and which are deposited and stored on higher-level terrain....The conduction of this runoff to the basin is done by means of a channel,” the officials detailed in their report. While the Conagua technicians were working, it rained again, and they witnessed a new spill. According to the officials, the conduction channel was not able to withstand the added amount of rainwater mixed with mining waste. As a result, the edge of the channel broke: “This water, with the soil runoff and sediments from dry tailings, is observed to be grayish in color, flowing towards a road that leads to the El Coyote stream, where this runoff arrives and mixes with national waters,” the Water Commission report reads. In the end, when there was a small lull in the storm, state laboratory personnel took samples “precisely at the site of the channel that collects soil runoff and dry tailings sediments.” During the same visit they took samples from the El Coyote stream. The results of these samples were analyzed by two National Water Commission laboratories: the same South-Pacific Regional Laboratory that collected them, along with the National Reference Laboratory for Water Quality Management. Heavy metals were identified. Their presence exceeded the levels permitted by Mexico’s national environmental agency. The presence of metals also meant that the water failed to meet the country’s quality criteria for agricultural irrigation and livestock uses. In the El Coyote stream, iron exceeded the permissible limits by up to 1845.8 percent, aluminum by 955.12 percent, silver by 591.2 percent, nickel by 173.915 percent, and lead by 167 percent. In document number BOO.810.02.2455/2018, Water Commission officials state: “The rainwater that washes away the soil and dry tailings sediments does not comply with the maximum permissible limits established in Mexican official standard NOM-001-Semarnat-1996. It also exceeded the maximum levels established in the [Ecological Water Quality Criteria] published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 13, 1989, which establish parameters for pH, Total Suspended Solids, and Chemical Oxygen Demand for bodies of water used for agricultural irrigation and livestock purposes. As regards heavy metals, they exceeded the maximum permissible limits for Aluminum, Iron, and Lead, contaminating the El Coyote stream.” Conagua also claimed that there was “environmental damage” and warned that the affected water should not be used for agriculture and livestock. “As these contaminants exist in the Stream, the runoff from national waters that flow through the streambed cannot be used for these purposes,” the document reads. However, authorities’ initial conclusions about the contamination of the stream changed over time, in response to new studies conducted by consultants and laboratories paid for by the Cuzcatlán mining company, subsidiary of Fortuna Silver Mines. One turning point occured on November 27, 2018, when Conagua notified Cuzcatlán that it had opened a case file on the spill. The case file contained test results from the first water samples collected by government lab technicians. In a written statement, Conagua said that according to its studies the spill had contaminated the El Coyote Stream. As a result, the water authority ordered the company to carry out three urgent measures. The company complied with two of the measures, which required improvements to its facilities. In an interview with our investigative team, Cristina Rodríguez, deputy director of sustainability at the Cuzcatlán Mining Company, said the company had “doubled the size of the water collection pool at our dry tailings deposit, from 7,000 to 14,000 m3, and quintupled pumping capacity to prevent runoff during the rainy season. We also built an emergency collection pool with a total capacity of 23,000 m3.” The third measure ordered the company to evaluate the health and environmental risks of its tailings and to present a remediation plan to address these risks. Conagua gave the mining company an opportunity to conduct a new analysis of the affected area, thus paving the way for Fortuna to present new data on water quality and contamination. The company presented its Program of Activities for the Remediation of the El Coyote Stream. The first action item was to collect new water samples to “determine the impact (...) and, if necessary, formulate the corresponding remediation program.” The National Water Commission accepted the company’s proposal. Seventy days after the spill, a laboratory contracted by the company (Laboratorio Ingeniería de Control Ambiental y Saneamiento, S.A., de C.V.) took new water samples, which were analyzed by consultants of Cuzcatlán’s choosing (Nova Consultores Ambientales). The new water samples were taken in a scenario that differed starkly from the October 8 spill. For example, there was no sampling in the rainwater and tailings runoff pool where the spill started, since the rainy season had already ended, and the pool no longer contained any water. Instead, technicians took samples from the El Coyote stream. Their studies concluded that the concentrations of heavy metals fell within permissible limits. In sum, the stream had not been affected. “There was no evidence of contamination of a body of water into which national waters flow,” the company said. Based on this conclusion, Conagua fined the Cuzcatlán mining company $42,000 for failing to prevent the spill. “It is derisory,” said lawyer Claudia Gómez Godoy, a specialist in Indigenous issues and extractive industries. “These companies earn millions of dollars in a day; they can recover [that amount] in hours.” The general director of Conagua’s South-Pacific Watershed Agency, Miguel Ángel Martínez Cordero, admits that the agency’s initial analysis found “contaminating elements that should not be there.” As a result, the mining company was allowed to do “what corresponds to its rights. Whatever is in their best interest.” When Cuzcatlán was granted the “right to reply, to defend themselves,” the company “sent us a series of documents,” says Martínez Cordero. Subsequently, “we entered the remediation phase,” which is to say, “we had to know if there was something to remediate.” For this reason, Cuzcatlán “had to take new [water] samples.” According to Martínez Cordero’s version of the story, the sampling carried out 70 days after the spill “was within the administrative procedure, based on what the law says.” The contamination was no longer there because “the water flowed on and on and on.” He admits that the contamination did not disappear; rather, the contaminants merely migrated to an undefined “elsewhere." For Omar Arellano Aguilar, a researcher at the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), specialist in eco-toxicology and member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, timing is crucial for water sampling. Water samples must be taken as soon as possible after a contaminating event. This is because as rivers and streams flow, the metals they contain also move. These tend to accumulate in the soil surrounding the water. This means that while contaminants will be found in the water right after a spill, over time they will become trapped in the soil. For this reason, it is necessary to take several samples, not only of the affected water but also of the soil over an extended period of time. According to biologist Martha Patricia Mora Flores, a research professor at the National Polytechnic Institute, the National Water Commission’s first studies provided sufficient evidence to conclude that the area had been impacted. Therefore, authorities should have implemented an urgent remediation plan for both the stream and the affected communities, as well as plan for monitoring the evolution of the contamination. “Undoubtedly, the most reliable studies were Conagua’s,” she said. “What they did was to disqualify the analyses of a fundamental authority charged with protecting our water. If Conagua’s initial findings had been followed, the company wouldn’t have gotten off so easily, because they would have had to justify many things that they no longer had to justify with the new study.” A Transcription Error? Two days after the spill, technicians from the Federal Attorney's Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa) carried out an “ordinary inspection visit” to the Cuzcatlán Mining Company’s facilities. Their aim was “to verify, physically and through documents (...) that the company is complying with its environmental obligations.” In their inspection report they noted that the runoff pool has a gate that leads into the El Coyote stream. They also observed that “on the surface of the gate there is wet soil impregnated with gray mining tailings, which are also observed on the natural soil and weeds bordering the stream bed.” No soil samples were taken during the inspection. In Profepa's opinion, the Cuzcatlán Mining Company was responsible for carrying out the corresponding studies. The company thus turned to the Intertek-ABC Analytic laboratory. Ten days after the spill, on October 18 and 19, technicians from this lab took 12 soil samples along the El Coyote stream. The results identified thallium contamination in the soil at two different locations along the stream. One of these sites was in the vicinity of the community’s drinking water well. Based on the results of Intertek’s studies, Profepa issued a technical opinion confirming the existence of thallium contamination in the area. In one of the plots of the land where the stream passes, thallium levels exceeded nationally permitted levels by 350 percent. Meanwhile, in the sampling site labeled as the “drinking water well,” thallium levels exceeded limits by 300 percent. Profepa wrote: “We conclude that there is soil contamination with the heavy metal Thallium at the sites named Parcel 1498 (Thallium 0.09 mg-L) and Drinking Water Well (Thallium 0.08 mg-L).” The Cuzcatlán Mining Company tried to argue that it was not responsible for the presence of heavy metals in the soil. Not only did Cuzcatlán present various documents and reports to Profepa. The company also hired three different environmental consulting agencies to analyze the lab results documenting thallium contamination. Each analysis either disregarded the presence of this metal or argued that it did not represent a risk to the environment or to the health of the surrounding communities. One of the consulting firms, Nova Consultores Ambientales, argued that since thallium concentrations in the Intertek samples exceeded permissible limits, a new sample collection was necessary. This was conducted by Grupo Microanálisis, which delivered the samples to Cuzcatlán. When Cuzcatlán brought the samples to Intertek for analyis, the lab’s technicians warned that the samples had not been properly preserved. However, the mining company authorized the study to be carried out anyway. In the case file on the spill, there is no document indicating that authorities questioned Cuzcatlán about the improperly preserved samples. Whatever the case, the results from these samples no longer showed the presence of thallium. However, new metals appeared: barium and vanadium, which exceeded national standards by 50 percent and 72.9 percent, respectively. Nova justified that these could be due to “a local phenomenon and not due to the spill.” In the end, Profepa disregarded all of the consultants’ analyses. This is because the Cuzcatlán Mining Company asked the Intertek laboratory to verify its initial results indicating thallium contamination. Intertek complied and concluded that it had committed an error in the data demonstrating thallium concentrations above national norms. The lab thus presented a new table in which the quantity by which the heavy metal exceeded permissible limits was replaced by the symbol “ND,” indicating that no thallium was present. As stipulated in the case file reviewed by this reporting team, Profepa’s final report concludes that “due to an error (…) in the transcription of the results,” it was determined that the presence of heavy metals did not exceed permissible limits. “Therefore, it is concluded that there is no soil contamination and, consequently, no remediation is required.” When our investigative team sought out Intertek's version of what happened, employee Diana Vásquez responded. The laboratory “has no press area as such,” she explained. “It’s a bit complicated if you don’t have a specific contact.” In the end our call was redirected to the company’s automated messaging system. We made another attempt to contact Intertek but were only able to reach the company’s voicemail. According to the Cuzcatlán Mining Company’s deputy director of Sustainability, Cristina Rodríguez—as verified by the reports issued by Profepa and Conagua—“the runoff from our collection pool that occurred in October 2018 did not cause environmental damage, mainly because the Cuzcatlán Mining Company’s tailings are not classified as hazardous or toxic. However, the company maintains its commitment to environmental care and to a good relationship with the communities affected by the incident. In this way, the Cuzcatlán Mining Company has promoted agricultural and livestock development programs in the area, as well as reforestation, and frequent monitoring of water quality and the integrity of our facilities.” The Polytechnic biologist, Martha Patricia Mora Flores, has doubts about Intertek's transcription error. “It is hard to believe a laboratory provider that’s a leader in total quality assurance for industries around the world would make such mistakes. The authorities should have reviewed the documents very carefully, especially because there were clear contradictions in the case.” Mora Flores explains that the only way to get clear answers would be to request “the raw lab results. To ask an independent expert to review and analyze the raw results, to prove that there was a typo." We can’t believe “the company, just like that,” adds Claudia Gómez Godoy, the attorney. Rather, their word “must be guaranteed by means of tests, by means of new verifications.” Gómez Godoy emphasizes that Profepa is “the authority responsible for this and for taking care of environmental quality.” However, the case file shows the extent to which Profepa’s internal decisions were based fundamentally on “the documentary evidence provided by the legal representative of the Cuzcatlán Mining Company.” The company submitted its documents to Profepa; the agency’s Legal Subdelegation received them and requested a technical opinion from its Subdelegation of Environmental Auditing and Industrial Inspection. This technical opinion was formulated on the basis of the documents and studies paid for by the company. It was then returned to the Legal area. This is how decisions were made, with technical opinions based solely on evidence presented by Cuzcatlán. “No company is going to assume that it contaminated,” says Gómez Godoy. “These practices lend themselves to corruption.” According to the eco-toxicology researcher, Arellano Aguilar, the state has neglected its duty to carry out effective environmental oversight and enforcement. “The burden of proof falls on the companies, which have laboratories at their command,” he says. “There’s a conflict of interest; unfortunately, regulatory mechanisms have been designed just for that—so that there’s impunity.” This investigative team requested an interview with the department of social communication at the Federal Attorney's Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa). Rubén Jiménez was in contact with us; however, we were never able to schedule an interview, and the agency had not replied to us by the time of the publication of this article. The Eternal Suspense of Local Residents The affected communities were never aware of the role the environmental authorities played in dealing with the October 8 spill, which negatively impacted their health as well as their access to potable water. “At no time did Profepa, as a public agency of the federal government, approach the communities to provide them with information,” says José Pablo Antonio, the lawyer advising the communities. Aquino Pedro Máximo, the Zapotec farmer from Magdalena Ocotlán, insists that they were never informed of the presence of heavy metals in their water or soil. “We don't have money to pay for our own studies,” he says. “We don't trust the authorities either, because from the way they behave it seems as if they work for the [mining] company. They’re most concerned with ensuring the company can keep operating and they don’t care if we suffer.” According to Gómez Godoy, the attorney and expert on extractive industries, a lack of information is characteristic of the violation of fundamental rights. “If people from the communities don’t have information about water quality then several of their rights are being violated. First, the right to information, but also the human right to water, to health. Information is fundamental to guaranteeing the other rights.” Gómez Godoy also points out that it’s necessary for Mexico’s environmental agencies, including “Semarnat, Profepa and Conagua, to adapt to the new reality of international human rights conventions, which are on an equal ranking with the Mexican constitution [since 1992].” Federal environmental agencies also never warned local health authorities about the presence or possible impacts of the metals identified in the vicinity of the El Coyote stream. Eiser Ariel Vázquez Salazar is the coordinator of the Medical Unit at the Mexican Social Security Institute in the community of Magdalena Ocotlán, where he has worked for six years. “These institutions charged with protecting the environment have never officially provided us with a protocol so that we know what measures to follow,” he says. Efrén Sánchez Aquino, a municipal trustee of Magdalena Ocotlán who took office in 2020, is worried because many people got sick. “I had diarrhea and stomach pains for several days,” he says. “Today as an authority my concern is even greater because we have to watch over our community.” The social security doctor, Vázquez Salazar, confirms that in recent years—and especially after the spill—he has noticed an increase in intestinal diseases, liver-related problems, oral diseases, and allergies, mainly of the skin. This reporting team requested information from the Health Department in Magdalena Ocotlán about the types of diseases and number of cases registered in the municipality in the last five years. The municipal health authority stated that they have no such records. Instead, he directed the team to the municipality’s rural health unit—the same office coordinated by Vázquez Salazar. In an interview, Vázquez Salazar said that his health unit does not keep any systematized records of diseases in the municipality. This investigative team also filed a request for information regarding diseases in Magdalena Ocotlán with the federal government’s Secretary of Health. The request turned up no records. When a request for information was filed with the Institute of Health for Welfare (Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar), the federal agency replied that the request was outside its scope of authority. Staff directed our inquiry to the Secretary of Health of the state of Oaxaca, which did not respond to the request nor pay attention to the complaints filed. “We haven’t been able to get an assessment or study indicating the real impacts of the spill on our community’s health,” says Vásquez Salazar, the coordinator of the medical unit in Magdalena Ocotlán. He does not rule out a correlation between the increase in diseases in the community and the spill, as well as Cuzcatlán’s mining activity more broadly. “We found that substances from the mining process reached the community’s main water supply. This is a fundamental fact that we cannot disregard,” he concludes. Meanwhile, the general director of Conagua's South-Pacific Watershed Agency, Miguel Angel Martinez Cordero, claims that they never informed affected communities about environmental and health risks because the responsibility to do so lies with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat). This reporting team requested an interview with the president of Semarnat’s Coordinating Unit for Social Participation and Transparency, Daniel Quezada Daniel. Daniel is also responsible for following up on the conflicts between communities and the Cuzcatlán Mining Company. However, Daniel never followed up on our request. History Repeats Itself Affected communities still do not know the true outcome of the 2018 spill. Yet environmental authorities have already closed the case file, as if they expected community members to simply forget about the negative impacts of mining on their soil and water. This has not been possible. As recently as July 13, 2020, residents of Magdalena Ocotlán detected a new case of contamination. When the shepherds of the community brought their cattle to drink water from a storm water collector—located less than 300 meters from the mining company’s facilities, on the banks of the Santa Rosa stream—they noticed that the water had a reddish color with a white streak. The shepherds notified their town authorities, who filed an official complaint with the Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa). The Cuzcatlán Mining Company immediately stated that there had been no spill and disclaimed any responsibility. The environmental authorities again conducted water and sediment studies. Two months later, Ernesto Faustino González Vázquez, head of the National Water Commission’s environmental impact project in Magdalena Ocotlán, came to the community to physically deliver a summary of the results. This investigative team was present at the site. Magdalena Ocotlán’s Alderman of Public Works, Francisco Rosario Valencia, asked González Vázquez whether or not there were heavy metals in the community’s water supply. The official replied: “We put those that exceed the limits in bold (...) there are no heavy metals, aluminum is the one that’s above [the limit].” When the official was asked if he knew about the health impacts of high aluminum concentrations, he replied: “I’m not a doctor, I just know that it’s over [the limit].” The technical report, to which this investigative team had access, showed the presence of aluminum up to 25,900 percent over the Ecological Water Quality Criteria for the protection of aquatic life in fresh water. Iron exceeded the same criteria by 900 percent and Ammoniacal Nitrogen by 413.33 percent. Meanwhile, the percentage of dissolved oxygen was found to be below the ideal range, “indicating a lack of oxygen that limits the use [of this water] for the protection of aquatic life.” The official documented presented by the National Water Commission exempts the Cuzcatlán Mining Company of all responsibility for water contamination, based solely on an on-site inspection of its facilities: “With the data obtained during the inspection visit and the water samples from six sites (in the water collector), it is not possible to establish that the agent causing the probable contamination is Minera Cuzcatlán,” the report reads. By the date of this article’s publication Profepa had not made the results of the sediment studies public. The case file for the July 2020 incident remains open. Yet history is repeating itself. As environmental authorities and the mining company make decisions about this latest episode of contamination, community members are once again being kept in the dark, deprived of crucial information regarding their own health and territory. This investigation was conducted for Avispa Midia, Aristegui Noticias, Pie de Página and CONNECTAS with the support of the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), in the framework of the Investigative Journalism Initiative of the Americas. Research: Renata Bessi and Santiago Navarro F. Design and Programming: Pablo Angel Osorio. Photo and Video: Santiago Navarro F. Translation by Samantha Demby.
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