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5.0043905.pdf | J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0043905 129, 214505
© 2021 Author(s).Modeling of magnetization dynamics and
thermal magnetic moment fluctuations in
nanoparticle-enhanced magnetic resonance
Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0043905
Submitted: 12 January 2021 . Accepted: 11 May 2021 . Published Online: 03 June 2021
Tahmid Kaisar ,
Md Mahadi Rajib ,
Hatem ElBidweihy ,
Mladen Barbic , and
Jayasimha Atulasimha
Magnetism in curved geometries
Journal of Applied Physics 129, 210902 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0054025
Special optical performance from single upconverting micro/nanoparticles
Journal of Applied Physics 129, 210901 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0052876
Electromechanical coupling mechanisms at a plasma–liquid interface
Journal of Applied Physics 129, 213301 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0045088Modeling of magnetization dynamics and thermal
magnetic moment fluctuations in nanoparticle-
enhanced magnetic resonance detection
Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043905
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Submitted: 12 January 2021 · Accepted: 11 May 2021 ·
Published Online: 3 June 2021
Tahmid Kaisar,1
Md Mahadi Rajib,1
Hatem ElBidweihy,2
Mladen Barbic,3
and Jayasimha Atulasimha1,a)
1Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23284, USA
2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland 21402, USA
3NYU Langone Health, Tech4Health Institute, New York, New York 10010, USA
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: jatulasimha@vcu.edu
This study presents a systematic numerical modeling investigation of magnetization dynamics and thermal magnetic moment fluctuations of
single magnetic domain nanoparticles in a configuration applicable to enhancing inductive magnetic resonance detection signal to noise ratio
(SNR). Previous proposals for oriented anisotropic single magnetic domain nanoparticle amplification of magnetic flux in a magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) coil focused only on the coil pick-up voltage signal enhancement. In this study, the numerical evaluation of the SNR hasbeen extended by modeling the inherent thermal magnetic noise introduced into the detection coil by the insertion of such anisotropic nano-particle-filled coil core. The Landau –Lifshitz –Gilbert equation under the Stoner –Wohlfarth single magnetic domain (macrospin) assumption
was utilized to simulate the magnetization dynamics due to AC drive field as well as thermal noise. These simulations are used to evaluate the
nanoparticle configurations and shape effects on enhancing SNR. Finally, we explore the effect of narrow band filtering of the broadband mag-netic moment thermal fluctuation noise on the SNR. It was observed that for a particular shape of a single nanoparticle, the SNR could beincreased up to ∼8 and the choice of an appropriate number of the nanoparticles increases the SNR by several orders of magnitude and could
consequently lead to the detectability of a very small field of ∼10 pT. These results could provide an impetus for relatively simple modifications
to existing MRI systems for achieving enhanced detection SNR in scanners with modest polarizing magnetic fields.
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0043905
Sensitivity enhancement in magnetic resonance detection con-
tinues to be an important challenge due to the importance of
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and MRI in basic science,
medical diagnostics, and materials characterization.
many alternative methods of magnetic resonance detection havebeen developed over the years, the inductive coil detection of mag-netic resonance of precessing proton nuclear magnetic moments is
by far the most common.
6The challenge in magnetic resonance
detection stems from the low nuclear spin polarization at roomtemperature and laboratory static magnetic fields. An additionalchallenge is the fundamental requirement that the detector in amagnetic resonance experiment needs to be compatible with and
immune to the large polarizing DC magnetic field while also be
sufficiently sensitive to weak AC magnetic fields generated by theprecessing nuclear spins. The inductive coil, operating on the prin-
ciple of Faraday ’s law of induction, satisfies this requirement, and
enhancing the inductive coil detection signal to noise ratio (SNR)has been pursued through various techniques.
7–9However, an
unlimited increase of the polarizing magnetic field is cost prohibi-
tive, and technical challenges often inhibit the development of
mobile MRI units, their access, sustainability, and size. Therefore,solutions to achieving sufficient or improved SNR in NMR induc-tive coil detection in lower magnetic fields and more accessible andcompact configurations remain highly desirable.
A. Signal amplification by magnetic nanoparticle-filledcoil core
An idea has been put forward to increasing the magnetic field
flux from the sample through the coil by filling the coil with a coreJournal of
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J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043905 129, 214505-1
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishingof oriented anisotropic single domain magnetic nanoparticles,11,12
as shown in Fig. 1 . The sample and the inductive coil detector are
both in the prototypical MRI environment of a large DC polariz-ing magnetic field (H
Zdc)a l o n gt h e zaxis, or a large magnetic
induction BZdc=μ0HZdc,w h e r e μ0is the permeability of free
space. This field generates a fractional nuclear spin polarization of
protons in the sample. The appl ication of RF magnetic fields
along the xaxis is subsequently used to tilt the magnetic moment
of the sample away from the zaxis and generate precession of the
sample magnetization around the zaxis at the proton NMR fre-
quency ω0=γBZdc, where γis the proton nuclear gyromagnetic
ratio. This sample moment precession around the zaxis generates
a time-varying magnetic induction BXac=μ0HXacthrough the
inductive coil detector of Nturns and sensing area Aalong the x
axis. By Faraday ’s law of induction, an AC signal voltage Vat fre-
quency ω0generated across the coil terminals is
V¼N/C1A/C1ω0/C1BXac: (1)
It is a well-known practice in electromagnet design and
ambient inductive detectors that a soft ferromagnetic core withinthe coil significantly amplifies the magnetic flux through thecoil.
13,14The challenge, however, in the configuration of NMR
detection of Fig. 1 is that the presence of the large polarizing mag-
netic field along the zaxis, HZdc, would generally saturate the detec-
tion coil core made of a soft ferromagnet along the zaxis and
render the AC magnetic field due to proton precession along the x
axis of the coil ineffective. In other words, a high polarizing mag-
netic field would saturate the coil core in its own direction andleave the core ’s magnetization unresponsive to the AC magnetic
field arising from proton precession. The solution proposed
was that the oriented anisotropic magnetic nanoparticles filling the
coil core actually have an appreciable magnetic susceptibility along
thexaxis precisely in the presence of a significant DC magneticfield along the zaxis. The pick-up coil voltage is then
V¼N/C1A/C1ω0/C1μ0/C1(HXacþMXac), (2)
where MXacis the magnetization component of the nanoparticle-
filled coil core along the x-direction (sensing direction of the coil)
due to the magnetic field HXacfrom the precessing sample nuclear
spin magnetization, MXac=χRTHXac(where χRT=ΔMXac/ΔHXacis
defined as reversible transverse susceptibility). Therefore, if the
reversible transverse susceptibility, χRT, of the magnetic
nanoparticle-filled coil core along the xaxis is significant at the
large polarizing DC magnetic field HZdcalong the zaxis, the induc-
tive coil signal voltage will be enhanced. Various theoretical15–17
and experimental investigations18–25of reversible transverse sus-
ceptibility in oriented magnetic nanostructures indeed reveal thatits magnitude can be appreciable and, therefore, might provide aviable route for magnetic resonance signal amplification, as dia-grammatically shown in Fig. 1 .
In this study, the coil signal voltage has been numerically eval-
uated by modeling individual nanoparticle magnetic momentdynamics in the Stoner –Wohlfarth (SW) uniform magnetization
26More specifically, the AC nanoparticle moment
along the xaxis in Fig. 1 ,mXac, has been investigated in the pres-
ence of a large DC magnetic field HZdcalong the zaxis and under
the driven sample AC magnetic field HXacalong the xaxis. Though
artificially synthesized magnetic nanoparticles follow a lognormalsize distribution, for simplicity the total coil core of volume, V
c, has
been assumed to be composed of “n”number of identical oriented
single domain magnetic nanoparticles, and that for each particle,
the average x-component of the AC magnetic moment, mXac,
equally contributes to the coherent amplification of the pick-upvoltage signal of the coil detector. Therefore, the total coil AC
voltage due to the magnetic nanoparticle core contribution is
Vc: (3)
B. Noise contribution by magnetic nanoparticle-filled
coil core
Essential to the SNR consideration of any NMR experimental
arrangement is the evaluation of the noise sources in the signal
chain. In this work, the focus is specifically on the magneticnanoparticle-filled inductive coil detector since the sample noisealong with the amplifier noise and the Johnson noise contributionshave been addressed in numerous works.
27–31Any magnetic mate-
rial placed inside the inductive detection coil will introduce addi-
tional pick-up voltage noise due to intrinsic magnetizationfluctuations.
32These thermal fluctuations of the coil core magneti-
zation along the xaxis, which were numerically modeled in detail
in this work, generate a total mean squared coil noise voltage,
: (4)
For simplicity, it is assumed that the total coil core of volume,
Vc, is composed of nnumber of identical oriented single domain
magnetic nanoparticles and that each particle magnetic moment,
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram for enhanced NMR detection with magnetic
nanoparticle-filled coil core.Journal of
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J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043905 129, 214505-2
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishingm, undergoes random uncorrelated thermal fluctuation. Therefore,
the total mean squared coil noise voltage due to the magnetic
nanoparticle core is33,34
C: (5)
It is to be noted that the magnetic moment fluctuation phe-
nomena have previously been investigated in various spin systems,materials, and detection modalities.
35–42However, there does not
appear to be a theoretical, numerical, or experimental study where
thermal magnetic moment fluctuations of single domain nanopar-
ticles of the configuration of Fig. 1 (where the large polarizing mag-
netic field is applied perpendicular to the nanoparticle hard axisand the coil detection axis) and their contribution to the coil noise
voltage have been carried out.
In this study, therefore, in order to assess the signal and the
noise of the configuration of the magnetic resonance coil detectorofFig. 1 , the room temperature magnetization dynamics of a single
domain nanomagnet and its thermal fluctuation in the coil core
has been simulated. Such single nanomagnet dynamics for the
macrospin Stoner –Wohlfarth (SW) model uniform magnetization
in both oblate and prolate ellipsoid geometries has been explored.The SW model assumes that the entire nanomagnet behaves like agiant classical spin. Thus, this model assumes that the spin (or
magnetization) in all regions of the nanomagnet point in the same
direction, i.e., different regions of a nanomagnet cannot have spinspointing in different directions. As a first approximation, thisassumption is valid for the nanomagnets we model as their dimen-sions are less than 100 nm.
This will explain the optimum nanoparticle orientation and
bias field needed to maximize SNR of the experimental arrange-ment of Fig. 1 . This analysis has been extended to scaling proper-
ties of an ensemble of nanomagnets and the effect of applying a
bandpass filter to provide an estimate on the extent to which the
insertion of magnetic particles in the sensing coil can enhance thelimits of detection of magnetic fields due to proton spin resonancesin MRI/NMR.
C. Modeling particle magnetization dynamics in the
presence of room temperature thermal noise
Modeling of the single particle magnetization dynamics was per-
formed by solving the Landau –Lifshitz –Gilbert (LLG) equation,
which was formulated for laboratory frame of reference,
dt¼/C0γ~m/C2~Heff/C0αγ[~m/C2(~m/C2~Heff)]: (6)
In Eq. (6),γis the gyromagnetic ratio (m/A s), αis the Gilbert
damping coefficient and ~mis the normalized magnetization vector,
found by normalizing the magnetization vector ( ~M) with respect to
saturation magnetization ( Ms),46
z¼1: (7)Here, mx,my,a n d mzare the normalized components of ~malong
the three Cartesian coordinates.
The effective field ( ~Heff) was obtained from the derivative of
the total energy ( E) of the system with respect to the magnetization
thermal , (8)
where μ0is the permeability of the vacuum and Ωis the volume of
the nanomagnet.
The total potential energy in Eq. (8)is given by
E¼Eshape anisotropy þEzeeman , (9)
where Eshape anisotropy is the shape anisotropy due to the prolate or
oblate shape and can be calculated from the following equation:46
Eshape anisotropy ¼μ0
z], (10)
where Nd_xx,Nd_yy,a n d Nd_zz represent the demagnetization
factors along the x,y,a n d zdirections, which depend on the
dimensions of the nanoparticle and follow the relation ofN
d_xx+Nd_yy+Nd_zz=148,49andMx,My,a n d Mzare the compo-
nents of magnetization vector ( ~M) along the three Cartesian
In Eq. (9),Ezeeman is the potential energy of nanomagnet for
an external magnetic field ( ~H), given by
Ezeeman¼/C0μ0Ω~H/C1~M: (11)
The thermal field HQ
thermalis modeled as a random field incorporated
in the manner of47,50
/C1~G(t): (12)
In Eq. (12),~G(t) is a Gaussian distribution with zero mean
and unit variance in each Cartesian coordinate axis, kis the
Boltzman constant, Tis the temperature, Msis the saturation mag-
netization and γis the Gyromagnetic ratio. Δtis the time step used
in the numerical solution of Eq. (6)and was chosen to be 100 fs.
This was chosen to be small enough to ensure that all results areindependent of the time step.
It is to be noted that m
x,my,a n d mzare not independent and
they are related by Eq. (7)and can be represented parametrically46as
mx(t)¼sinθ(t)c o sf(t); my(t)¼sinθ(t)s i nf(t);
With this parametric representation, the number of variables
reduces from three ( mx,my,a n d mz)t ot w o( θ,f). When Eq. (6)is
written in the component form, three scalar equations are obtained of
which two equations are enough to solve for θandf.B ye m p l o y i n gJournal of
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Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishingthe Euler method, the differential equations can be solved as given
in Ref. 46and temporal evolutions of θandfcan be obtained,
which provides the magnetization components along the three coordi-
nate axes.
The total angular dependence of energy can be obtained
E(θ)¼[Kusin2(θ)/C0μ0HdcMssin(θ)]Ω: (14)
The first term of the equation represents the uniaxial anisot-
ropy energy and the second term stands for Zeeman energy of the
nanoparticle moment in the DC magnetic field. In the uniaxialanisotropy energy term, K
u, is the anisotropy constant that has the
value of51
s: (15)
NaandNcare the demagnetization factors along the hard and
easy axis of the ellipsoids, respectively, and the critical field Hcis
obtained from11
μ0Ms: (16)
Table I lists the values of the material properties of the
Consider a prolate ellipsoid of nominal volume ∼5000 nm3
(principal axes 100, 10, and 10 nm) shown in Fig. 2(a) , where it has
been assumed that the sample proton spin precession produces a
magnetic field along the easy (long) xaxis of the nanomagnet
while the DC bias field is applied along one of the hard (short)axes, viz., the zaxis. When the DC bias field is zero, there are two
deep energy wells at θ= 0°, 180° as obtained from Eq. (14). When
the magnetization is in one of these states, the magnetization
response to an AC magnetic field along the xaxis (a simplified rep-
resentation of the signal at the pick-up coil due to proton spin pre-cession of Fig. 1 ) is very small as the magnetization is in this deep
potential as seen in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) and Table II . The corre-
sponding magnetization fluctuation due to room temperature
thermal noise [that is modeled as a random effective magnetic
field; see Eq. (8)] is also very small.
As the DC field increases along the zaxis to the point
dc=Hc(the DC bias field is equal to the critical field Hc), the
mean magnetization orientation is at 90°. However, the potential
well at 90° [ Fig. 2(a) ] is characterized by a flat energy profile where
the energy is nearly independent of the polar angle θ, around
θ= 90°. This leads to a large magnetization response along the x
axis to an applied AC magnetic field along the xaxis [ Figs. 3(a)
and3(b) andTable II ] in the presence of a large DC magnetic field
along the zaxis. Essentially, since the energy profile is flat in this
configuration, the particle moment fluctuation due to room tem-perature thermal noise is also high. Nevertheless, it is found thatthe signal to noise ratio (SNR) is highest at H
dc=Hc. In fact, the
magnetization response and the SNR ratio are found to increase
monotonically with the applied bias field up to Hc[see Table II
based on the selected simulations shown in Figs. 3(a) and3(b) and
all the simulations shown Fig. S1 in the supplementary material ]
and then decreases as Hdc>Hc(for example, at Hdc= 1.25 Hcin
Table II and Fig. S1 in the supplementary material ) due to an
energy well deepening at θ= 90° for Hdc>Hc[Fig. 2(a) ]. SNR isTABLE I. Material properties of CoFe.52
Parameters Material property
Saturation magnetization ( Ms) 1.6 × 106(A/m)
Gilbert damping ( α) 0.05
Gyromagnetic ratio ( γ) 2.2 × 105(m/A s)
FIG. 2. Energy profile for various DC bias magnetic fields ( Hdc) for (a) prolate: bias field along minor axis, (b) prolate: bias field along major axis, and (c) oblate: bias field
along minor axis.Journal of
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Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishingcalculated in the following manner. First, no thermal noise is
included and the LLG simulation is performed to determine themagnetization response due to only the AC field from sampleproton spin precession. Then, another LLG simulation is per-formed with no signal and the magnetization fluctuation is studied
due to the thermal noise only. The ratio of the rms values of the
response due to the sample precessing field and that due to noise isdefined as the SNR.
It is noteworthy that the AC drive magnetic field has an
amplitude of 800 A/m (10 Oe or 1 mT) for all cases discussed in
this work, which is much larger than the typical signal due toproton spins, which may be several orders of magnitude smaller.
However, a higher drive amplitude was chosen to elicit a reasonablemagnetization response that would be easily visible in the plots andresult in reasonable SNR ratios for a single nanomagnet. In prac-tice, the number of nanomagnets placed in the detector coil could
be over n∼10
12or more resulting in sub-nT sensing capability as
discussed later. Furthermore, the proton resonance of 42.5 MHzoccurs at a DC field ∼1 T, which would change if the DC bias is
changed. However, to keep the simulations consistent, the signal
due to proton resonance is assumed as 42.5 MHz for all cases as
this would not change the qualitative findings.
FIG. 3. Magnetization dynamics with (a) 800 A/m, 42.5 MHz AC field with no thermal noise for single prolate nanomagnet with bias along minor axis and (b) only th ermal
noise at Hdc= 0 and Hdc=Hc(large magnetic response and magnetization fluctuation due to thermal noise at Hdc=Hccompared to Hdc= 0). Magnetization dynamics with
(c) 800 A/m, 42.5 MHz field with no thermal noise for single oblate nanomagnet with bias along minor axis (very large magnetic response at Hdc= 0.625 Hccompared to
Hdc= 0) and (d) only thermal noise at Hdc= 0 and Hdc= 0.625 Hc. (e) SNR vs Hdc/Hcfor single prolate and single oblate nanomagnet cases and (f) zoomed version of
SNR vs Hdc/Hcfor single prolate nanomagnet with bias along major axis.Journal of
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Published under an exclusive license by AIP PublishingNext, a prolate ellipsoid is considered as shown in Fig. 2(b) ,
where it is assumed that the proton spin precession produces a
magnetic field along one of the hard (short) axes of the nanomag-net while a DC bias field is applied along the long (easy) axis.Initially, the magnetization points downward ( θ= 180°) and at
dc= 0 is in a deep potential well as shown in Fig. 2(b) . As the
magnetic field applied along the + zdirection ( θ= 0°) increases, the
energy well around θ= 180° is flattened as described by Eq. (14).
Thus, for a higher field, the magnetization response increases, asdoes the magnetization fluctuation due to thermal noise as shown
inTable II (detailed simulations are shown Fig. S2 in the
supplementary material ). However, the shallow wells improve the
magnetization response due to the drive AC magnetic field morethan the increased magnetization fluctuations due to the thermalnoise (as in the prior case) and increase the overall SNR ratio
(Table II ).
However, as one approaches H
dc=Hc, the SNR drops signifi-
c a n t l y .T h i si sb e c a u s et h ee n e r g yp r o f i l ei sf l a ta t θ=1 8 0 ° b u t e v e n
small perturbations from this angle make the magnetization switchand rotate to the + zaxis ( θ= 0°) as shown in Fig. 2(b) . Once it
reaches this state, the energy well profile at H
dc=Hcandθ=0 ° i s a
deeper than the well at Hdc= 0. The reason is that the Zeeman
energy due to a field along the + zaxis makes the already deep shape
anisotropy well even deeper at θ= 0° reducing both the magnetiza-
tion response and the magnetization fluctuations due to thermal
noise, as well as the SNR ratio. Thus, the best SNR is seen atH
dc<Hc(see the high SNR at 0.875 HcinTable II )b u tc l o s et o Hc.
Finally, the case of an oblate ellipsoid of nominal volume
∼5000 nm3(principal axes 40, 40, and 6 nm) is considered, similar
to the volume of a prolate ellipsoid, shown in Fig. 2(c) . Again, it is
assumed that the proton spin precession produces a magnetic fieldalong one of the easy (long) axes of the nanomagnet while the DCbias field is applied along the hard axis. The symmetry of the
problem is such that at H
dc= 0 and the magnetization is free to
rotate in the x–yplane as there is no energy barrier to such rota-
tion. As Hdcincreases, the magnetization is still free to move in a
cone of the x–yplane at a specific angle to the zaxis that decreases
with increasing Hdc, finally coinciding with it when Hdc=Hc. Thus,
at a range of DC bias fields (for example, from Hdc= 0.25 Hcto
Hdc= 0.75 Hc) a high SNR > 1.4 is observed when a single nanomag-
net is driven by an AC magnetic field. This is due to the combina-tion of high magnetization response given the symmetry and noise
limited by the presence of the DC bias field. The simulations of
magnetic response to the AC magnetic field and magnetizationfluctuations due to random thermal noise are, respectively, showninFigs. 3(c) and 3(d) comparing H
dc= 0 and Hdc= 0.625 Hccases
with all other bias field cases shown in Fig. S3 in the supplemen-
tary material .
In summary, as far as the SNR is concerned, the prolate ellip-
soid with DC bias magnetic field along the hard axis [ Fig. 2(a) ]i s
the better choice over the prolate ellipsoid with DC bias magneticfield along the easy axis. However, the oblate geometry and config-
uration shown in Fig. 2(c) produces the highest SNR as shown in
Figs. 3(e) and3(f) andTable II [more than twice the highest SNR
for the single prolate ellipsoid configuration in Fig. 2(a) , and more
than 10 times the single prolate ellipsoid configuration of
Fig. 2(b) ]. What makes this oblate configuration even more attrac-
tive to detection coils in MRI/NMR applications is that the highSNR performance is seen over a large range of DC bias fields (e.g.,H
dc= 0.25 HctoHdc= 0.75 Hc), making it attractive for a broad
range of MRI scanner fields.
This best-case nanoparticle (oblate ellipsoid at Hdc= 0.625 Hc
with SNR = 1.71) was then taken and investigated if the SNR can
further be improved by applying a narrow band filter aroundTABLE II. Magnetization oscillations in the single nanomagnet of different geometries for different values of DC bias magnetic field (based on simulations sh own in Fig. 3 and
Figs. S1 –S3 in the supplementary material ). Boldfaced rows represent the highest SNR values for each case.
CasesValue of
bias field
(Hdc)RMS normalized magnetization ( M/Ms)
for a sinusoidal magnetic signal of
800 A/m (10 Oe) amplitudeRMS normalized magnetization
(M/Ms) due to thermal noise only
(no signal)SNR (defined here
as ratio of columns
3 and 4)
Prolate applying
bias field along
minor axis0 1.66 × 10−66.45 × 10−40.003
0.25Hc 2.82 × 10−40.0075 0.05
0.5Hc 0.002 0.0103 0.2885
0.75Hc 0.0128 0.0202 0.63
Hc 0.1035 0 .1464 0 .7042
1.25Hc 0.009 0.0484 0.193
Prolate applying
bias field along
major axis0 9.3 × 10−40.025 0.03
0.5Hc 0.0017 0.034 0.0465
0.75Hc 0.0032 0.05 0.0653
0.875 Hc 0.0063 0 .0662 0 .09
Hc 0.0018 0.025 0.075
Oblate applying
bias field along
minor axis0.25Hc 0.94 0.68 1.4
0.5Hc 0.843 0.582 1.51
0.625Hc 0.76 0 .45 1 .71
0.75Hc 0.645 0.46 1.44
Hc 0.0934 0.0921 0.95Journal of
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J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043905 129, 214505-6
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing42.5 MHz. The rationale is that the magnetization response driven
by the magnetic field due to proton spin precession at 1 T appliedDC field is dominant around 42.5 MHz while the magnetization
fluctuations driven by thermal noise are a broad band as evidenced
by the single-sided amplitude spectrum shown in Fig. 4(a) . When a
bandpass filter of 42 –44 MHz was applied, the SNR improved to
∼8 as shown in Fig. 4(b) .
A. Scaling of SNR with coil core nanoparticle number
While the SNR with an AC magnetic field of 10 Oe (equiva-
lent to 1 mT) shows a SNR ∼8 for optimal conditions, this was
assuming a single nanomagnet. However, for a large number ofnanomagnets nwithin the core, the magnetization response
increases as n(as more nanomagnets coherently contribute to
more magnetic moment and, therefore, greater induced voltage in
the coil) according to Eq. (3), while the magnetic noise would only
increase as √n(as the thermal noise induced fluctuations of nano-
magnets have a random phase) according to Eq. (5), leading to a
SNR increase of n/√n=√n. The scaling trend of SNR obtained
from Eq. (5)has been corroborated by performing simulations for
5, 10, 100, 150, and 300 nanoparticles under best-case conditions(oblate ellipsoid at H
dc= 0.625 Hc). The analytically calculated trend
of SNR increasing as √ntimes is compared with numerical simu-
lations using the LLG formalism incorporating noise as shown in
Fig. 5 . It should be noted that for higher than 150 nanomagnets,the simulated gain in SNR is smaller than the SNR expected due to
√nscaling. This is possibly due to numerical issues in not main-
taining random (completely uncorrelated) magnetization dynamics
between different nanoparticles as the number of particles simu-
lated increases beyond 100.
If a square detection coil of 2 cm on a side and the pitch
between nanomagnets ∼200 nm is considered, 10 billion nanomag-
nets can be accommodated in a single layer of 2 cm by 2 cm dimen-
sion. Additionally, as the single nanoparticle layer thickness is∼6 nm, the average distance between two such layers can be
∼25 nm. Thus, 400 000 such magnetic nanoparticle layers can be
accommodated in 1 cm coil thickness. Consequently, n=4 0×1 0
nanomagnets can be incorporated into the sensing coil. So, the inser-
tion of 40 × 1014nanomagnets in a core of 2 × 2 × 1 cm3size has
∼0.005 or 0.5% volume fraction (defined as the ratio of the volume
of the nanoparticles to the volume of coil core). Since the dipolarinteraction decreases as the nanoparticle density decreases,
insertion of 40 × 1014nanomagnets constitutes a very low volume
fraction with ∼5 times higher pitch than the lateral dimension and
∼4 times higher separating distance in the vertical direction than the
height of the individual oblate nanomagnet. This justifies ignoringthe dipole coupling between nanoparticles. This number of nano-
magnets also leads to an increase in SNR from 8 to ∼5×1 0
8.I n
other words, with a SNR of 5 × 108, one could conceivably detect an
AC magnetic field of 1/(108) mT, i.e., an AC magnetic field of 10 pT
or better depending on the density with which nanoparticles are
inserted into the NMR detection coil. However, it should be noted
that nanoparticle pinning sites, inherent inhomogeneities, etc. can
FIG. 4. (a) Frequency spectrum of signal + noise, before filtering. (b) Frequency
spectrum of signal + noise, after filtering. Both cases for oblate nanomagnet.
FIG. 5. The scaling trend of SNR as √nfornnumber of nanoparticles
calculated analytically (red) from Eq. (5)and obtained from simulation (blue).Journal of
Applied PhysicsARTICLE scitation.org/journal/jap
J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043905 129, 214505-7
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishingimpede magnetization dynamics55and create phase differences, thus
decreasing signal enhancement.
The key point is that merely filling the detection coil with a
soft (high permeability) core would not help as the core would besaturated under the high DC bias fields used for MRI. However, byusing anisotropic nanoparticles of appropriate geometry that are
still responsive to AC fields from proton precession in the presence
of orthogonal strong DC fields, the coil detection sensitivity can beenhanced.
This numerical investigation of nanoparticle magnetization
dynamics and room temperature thermal moment fluctuationsconfirm the initial zero temperature proposal for nanoparticle-based amplification of a NMR signal. Such a consideration of thethermal fluctuation allows us to predict not just idealized zero tem-
perature signal amplification values but realistic room temperature
SNR values. This analysis suggests specific orientations of aniso-tropic oblate ellipsoid particles can lead to SNR improvements overconventional air-filled MRI coils. Much will depend on the qualityof the particles used in the coil core: shape uniformity, quality of
particles orientation within the core, smoothness of the particles
and surface pinning sites (that degrade the effect of magnetizationdynamics), and uniformity of the nanoparticle aspect ratio (whichdetermines where the particle has a peak in transverse susceptibil-ity). Further consideration would have to be made of the effect of
magnetic particles on the field non-uniformity within the nuclear
spin sample that is being detected/imaged since such field distor-tions will broaden the sample spin resonance and will have to beaddressed in both the MRI scanner bore designs that incorporate
the nanoparticles within the coils, as well as in the pulse sequences
that deal with such inhomogeneous broadening. Nevertheless, theseresults provide further strong impetus for relatively simple modifi-cations to existing MRI inductive detection coils for achievingimproved SNR in scanners operating in 0.1 –2 T polarizing field
range. This promise of a higher SNR would allow for shorter MRI
scan time, more compact MRI systems, lower operating fields, andhigher accessibility.
In the supplementary material , figures have been provided for
normalized magnetization ( M/M
s) for (i) a sinusoidal magnetic
signal of 800 A/m (10 Oe) amplitude and (ii) thermal noise for allcases of DC bias magnetic fields for prolate nanomagnet with biasalong minor axis and major axis as well as oblate nanomagnet with
bias along minor axis.
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data
were created or analyzed in this study.
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J. Appl. Phys. 129, 214505 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0043905 129, 214505-9
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing |
1.551122.pdf | Network structure dependence of volume and glass transition temperature
Jeffry J. Fedderly, Gilbert F. Lee, John D. Lee, Bruce Hartmann, Karel Dušek, Miroslava Dušková-Smrková, and
Ján Šomvársky
Citation: Journal of Rheology (1978-present) 44, 961 (2000); doi: 10.1122/1.551122
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Redistribution subject to SOR license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/content/sor/journal/jor2/info/about. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 03 Apr 2014
22:13:55Network structure dependence of volume and glass
transition temperaturea)
Jeffry J. Fedderly,b)Gilbert F. Lee, John D. Lee, and Bruce Hartmann
Naval Surface Warfare Center, West Bethesda, Maryland 20817-5700
Karel Dus ˇek, Miroslava Dus ˇkova´-Smrc ˇkova´, and Ja ´nSˇomva´rsky
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, 162 06 Prague, Czech Republic
(Received 16 February 2000; final revision received 21 April 2000)
A series of polyurethanes was used to determine the molar contributions of chain ends ~CE!and
branch points ~BP!to free volume and glass transition temperature Tg. The polyurethanes were
copolymers of diphenylmethane diisocyanate and poly ~propylene oxide !~PPO!with hydroxyl
functionalities of one, two, and three. The equivalent weights of all the PPOs were equal, such thatthe chemical composition of the chain segments was essentially identical. Therefore, the onlydistinctions among polymers were differences in CE and BP concentration. Theory of branchingprocesses computer simulations were used to determine the concentration of CE due to imperfectnetwork formation. Other CE contributions were from the monofunctional PPO. Polymer volumes
gs were correlated to CE and BP concentrations, and the contributions of these species were
determined from least squares fits. The molar volume and Tgcontributions were then used to
determine free volume thermal expansion coefficients. These values were compared to thermal
expansion coefficients obtained from WLF parameters ( c1,c2) obtained from the measurement of
dynamic moduli as a function of temperature. © 2000 The Society of Rheology.
@S0148-6055 ~00!01204-9 #
The glass transition temperature Tgand specific volume vof an amorphous polymer
network can be quantified as the summation of contributions from the chain segments,chain ends ~CEs!and branch points ~BPs!in the system. CEs increase mobility and
generate volume, BPs restrict mobility and reduce the volume in their vicinity. Tradition-ally, the polymer sets used to determine CE and BP contributions to free volume andglass transition temperature have been series of homopolymers of varying molecularweight. These polymers have CE concentrations inversely proportional to their molecularweights. If the polymer can be crosslinked without the introduction of additional species,the BP concentration can be varied without affecting the structure of the chain segments.A different approach for generating polymers with variable CE and BP concentration,while keeping chain segment properties identical, was used here. Polyurethane networkswere synthesized for which the chain segments are essentially identical and the only
a!Dedicated to Professor John D. Ferry.
b!Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: FedderlyJJ@nswccd.navy.mil
© 2000 by The Society of Rheology, Inc.
J. Rheol. 44 ~4!, July/August 2000 961 0148-6055/2000/44 ~4!/961/12/$20.00
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22:13:55differences are in network structure. The relevant network structure differences are the
CE and BP concentrations. These concentrations were calculated and their contributions
to volume and Tgwere determined.
A series of ten polyurethanes was produced from reacting diphenylmethane diisocy-
anate ~MDI!and poly ~propylene oxide !polyols with functionalities of one, two, or three.
Through the use of polyols of identical chemical composition and equal equivalentweight, the polymers were designed to have identical chain segment composition, butwidely varying network structure. The network structures exhibit significant differencesin properties such as the relative concentrations, molecular weights, and molecularweight distributions of elastically active network chains, dangling chains, and sol. How-
ever, the volumes and T
gs of amorphous copolymers such as these can be viewed as the
summation of group contributions regardless of where the groups are located within thesystem. This concept of additive group contributions to polymer properties has beendeveloped extensively by Van Krevelen ~1990!. The polymers presented here have es-
sentially the same chemical group composition and it is assumed that they have identical
gs except for contributions from CE and BP. The CE and BP can be viewed as addi-
tional groups in the additive properties approach. The BP concentration was determinedby the amount of trifunctional polyol in the system. The determination of the CE con-centration is more complicated as a result of the use of a monofunctional component andthe lack of complete reaction. Theory of branching processes simulations were run to aidin the prediction of the CE concentration. This work is a part of our ongoing efforts tocharacterize the properties of monofunctionally modified polymer systems @Fedderly
et al. ~1996!, Fedderly et al. ~1999!#.
Specific volumes of the polymers were measured and a least squares fit of these
volumes to a model incorporating CE and BP concentrations was made. From this, molar
volumes for CE and BP were determined. A similar treatment was performed for T
Using free volume relationships, the free volume thermal expansion coefficient was de-
termined from the volume and Tgbehavior. Dynamic mechanical properties of the poly-
mer set were also measured at several temperatures using a resonance technique. Modulifrom the various temperatures were shifted in accordance to the time–temperature super-position principle. The shift factors, plotted versus temperature, were fit to the WLF
equation. The WLF parameters ( c
1,c2) were used to obtain an independent determina-
tion of the free volume thermal expansion coefficient as well as to determine a freevolume fraction.
A. Sample preparation
The polyurethanes synthesized for this study are divided into two sets. The first set is
comprised of typical polyurethane networks formed from a blend of difunctional ~2F!and
trifunctional ~3F!poly~propylene oxide !~PPO!polyols. The 2 Fand 3Fpolyols were
Poly-G 20-112 and Poly-G 30-112, respectively from Olin Chemical. Each of thesematerials has a nominal equivalent weight of 500 g/eq. The 2 Fand 3Fmaterials were
blended to have specific number average functionalities F
nranging from 2.1 to 3 ~nomi-
nal!. The second set of polyurethanes was formed from a blend of monofunctional ~1F!
and 3FPPOs. The 1 Fmaterial was a blend of UCON LB-65 ~nominally 400 g/eq !and
UCON LB-135 ~nominally 700 g/eq !from Union Carbide. The two UCON materials
were blended to achieve an equivalent weight of 500 g/eq. Polymers from this set hadpolyol functionalities ranging from 2.0 to 3.0. The polyol blends from both sets werereacted with a stoichiometric amount of MDI. The MDI used was Mondur ML from962 FEDDERLY ET AL.
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22:13:55Bayer Chemical. This material is a blend of 4,4 8-diphenylmethane diisocyanate and
2,48-diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Other data from these samples were presented in an
earlier publication and further details on the sample preparation can be found there@Fedderly et al. ~1999!#.
B. Glass transition temperature
Glass transition temperature measurements were made using a DuPont 910 differential
scanning calorimeter ~DSC!cell with a DuPont 9900 controller. Thin flat sections of
approximately 10 mg were cut from the resonance bar samples. A scanning rate of10°C/min was used. Measurements were made under a nitrogen atmosphere. Glass tran-sition temperatures were determined from the inflection points in the DSC thermograms.
C. Sol fraction
Sol fractions were measured from 10 mm 320 mm specimens cut from 2 mm thick
sheets. Samples were weighed dry in a dry room environment ~less than 0.25% relative
humidity !then immersed in sealed jars containing nominally 40 g of 2-methoxyethyl
ether as solvent. Afte r 2 d the samples were transferred to jars containing fresh solvent
and kept for an additional 6 d. The samples were then removed from the solvent andallowed to dry to constant weight. The sol fraction was determined from the difference inweight.
D. Specific volume
The specific volume ~or density !measurements were made on bar specimens follow-
ing the general procedures of ASTM D 792 ‘‘Density by Liquid Displacement’’ using
octane as the liquid. Measurements were made at 23°C and at the T
gof the polymer
being tested. The octane density was obtained at the various temperatures using a cali-brated Pyrex bob, accounting for the thermal expansion of the bob. The low temperaturemeasurements were obtained by cooling the sample and octane separately to just belowthe desired measurement temperature. The octane was in an insulated cup and the samplein a desiccator to prevent frost from forming on the surface. The sample was quicklyimmersed in the octane and placed in the balance. As the temperature reached the desiredvalue, the immersed sample mass was recorded.
E. Dynamic mechanical properties
The dynamic mechanical properties were measured using a resonance technique de-
veloped at this laboratory @Madigosky and Lee ~1983!#. This technique has been used in
a number of studies on polymer properties @Duffyet al. ~1990!, Hartmann and Lee
~1991!#. The apparatus is based on producing resonances in a bar specimen. Typical
specimen length is 10–15 cm with square lateral dimensions of 0.635 cm. Measurementsare made over 1 decade of frequency in the kHz region from 260 to 70°C at 5° intervals.
By applying the time–temperature superposition principle, the raw data are shifted togenerate a reduced frequency plot ~over as many as 20 decades of frequency !at a
constant reference temperature.
The primary objective of this work was to determine the molar contributions of CE
and BP to the polymer glass transition temperature and specific volumes. To accomplishthis, it is necessary to have a set of polymers in which the variations in CE and BP963 NETWORK STRUCTURE DEPENDENCE
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22:13:55dominate the changes in these properties. This requires that the composition of the poly-
mers all be the same. This was achieved by using mono-, di-, and trifunctional PPOs ofequal equivalent weight. The use of equal equivalent weight polyols is a novel approachand is central to this work, so it is worth pointing out the significance of this choice. Forthe monofunctional component, the equivalent weight is 503 g/eq with a functionality of1.01, thus a molecular weight of 508 g/mol. For the difunctional component, the respec-tive values are 502 g/eq, 1.99, and 999 g/mol. For the trifunctional component, therespective values are 504 g/eq, 2.97, and 1496 g/mol. Each polyol equivalent reacts withone equivalent of the diisocyanate, 125 g/eq, giving rise to one urethane group. Thus, anystoichiometric blend of these three polyols with diisocyanate will have essentially thesame urethane concentration, the same propylene oxide concentration, the same aromaticconcentration, etc. Slight differences exist in the PPOs due to the use of different alcoholinitiators in their production. To verify that this and the slight equivalent weight differ-
ences have only a small effect on volume and T
g, the sample set was analyzed using an
additive group contribution approach similar to that described by Fedderly et al. ~1998!.
It was found that the polymer volumes are constant 60.001 cm3/g and that the Tgs are
constant 60.5°C. Given these small variations, it was felt that the contributions of CE
and BP could be determined.
The novel approach taken here can be contrasted with studies on some similar PPO
polymers from mono- and trifunctional polyols reacted with diisocyanate @Randrianan-
toandroet al. ~1997!#. There the triol used had a molecular weight of 720 g/mol or 240
g/eq while the monofunctional had a molecular weight of 136 g/mol or 136 g/eq, nearlya factor of two smaller than the trifunctional. Thus, the higher the fraction of triol in thosepolymers, the lower the urethane concentration. Also, the monofunctional componentused there was aromatic while the trifunctional component was an aliphatic poly ~propyl-
ene oxide !. In typical systems such as this, it is difficult to separate the contributions of
composition and network structure to the polymer T
gor other properties.
Some other complicating factors include the extent of reaction, which is taken into
account by aand the degree of cyclization, which has been shown by Dus ˇek~1989!to be
no more than 2%–3% for the trifunctional polymer.
The range of specific volumes and Tgs in the polymers presented here is quite small,
but as shown above, the variations should be predominantly due to differences in network
structure ~concentrations of CE and BP !. The volume and Tgdata are fit to simple models
that account for the concentration of these structural features. From the fits of the data tothe models, material constants are determined which predict the dependence of volume
gon CE and BP concentration.
In other treatments, the CE and BP are specifically identified to consist of various
numbers of repeat units or atoms along the chain @Chompff ~1971!#. In this work, there
are no assumptions concerning the magnitude or the range of the CEs and BPs. Theirconcentrations simply have an overall effect on the system.
The polyurethane networks used in this study and their polyol compositions are listed
in Table I. The polymers are specified by polyol type and number average functionality
of the polyol blend. For example, a designation of 2 F13F, 2.20 indicates a polymer
made from a blend of difunctional and trifunctional PPOs having an average functionalityof 2.20.
A. Chain end and branch point concentrations
The BP concentration is determined strictly from stoichiometry. The BP concentration
is equivalent to the 3 Fpolyol concentration in the starting materials mixture ~except for
a small correction because the 3 Fmaterial does not have a functionality of exactly three !.964 FEDDERLY ET AL.
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22:13:55CE concentrations are more difficult to determine. For every monofunctional chain in the
starting formulation one CE remains in the final network. In addition to this, however,CEs remain from unreacted functional groups. Conversion of the functional groups is not100% and the resulting network is less than ideal. Dangling chains and sol are generated.Using the sol fraction, determined experimentally, the degree of conversion was calcu-lated as described below.
Computer simulations were performed on the polymer set, using the theory of branch-
ing processes. This theory is based on the generation of structures from component unitsin different reaction states @Dusˇek~1989!#. The formalism of using probability generating
functions has been used to describe and transform various distributions. For details seeDusˇek~1986!. The simulation predicts the critical gel point conversion and several prop-
erties including: molecular weight averages before the gel point, sol and gel fractions,and molecular averages of the sol as a function of conversion of functional groups. Thesimulation also offers information on the fraction of material in dangling chains and onconcentration and molecular weight averages of elastically active network chains.
Usually, all these parameters ~e.g.,X!are calculated as a function of conversion
Beyond the gel point, all these parameters are also a function of the so-called extinction
probability v, which itself is a function of a
X5C~a,v~a!!. ~1!
If the determination of ais difficult experimentally, one can calculate afrom the weight
fraction of the sol ws, which is readily measured
a5F~ws,v~a!!. ~2!
The extinction probability v(a) is determined from Eq. ~3!
v5F~a,v!, ~3!
whereF(a,v) is obtained from the probability generating function for the number of
additional bonds of a unit already connected by one bond to another unit, F(a,z), by
substituting z5v@Dusˇek~1989!#.
The procedure is illustrated for the case of F3 PPO triol, component a, and diisocy-
anate, compound b!, where the OH and NCO groups, respectively, have the same reac-
tivity and the system is stoichiometric. The sol fraction is given byTABLE I. Polymer compositions, sol fractions, and degree of conversion.
~mole! Ws a
2.12 0.000 0.867 0.133 0.070 0.9772.20 0.000 0.786 0.214 0.040 0.9712.40 0.000 0.582 0.418 0.017 0.9602.60 0.000 0.378 0.622 0.007 0.9582.97 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.003 0.942
1.99 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.244 0.9392.12 0.434 0.000 0.566 0.122 0.9592.20 0.393 0.000 0.607 0.087 0.9622.40 0.291 0.000 0.709 0.041 0.9632.60 0.189 0.000 0.811 0.022 0.953965 NETWORK STRUCTURE DEPENDENCE
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22:13:55ws5wa~12a1avb!31wb~12a1ava!2, ~4!
wherewaandwbare weight fractions of components aandb, and ais the molar
conversion of isocyanate and hydroxy groups; vaandvbare extinction probabilities
determined by the equations
va5~12a1avb!2, ~5!
vb5~12a1ava!. ~6!
The extinction probabilities can be calculated explicitly by solving Eqs. ~5!and~6!and
eliminating the trivial roots va5vb21. The solution is as follows:
a4, ~7!
a3. ~8!
By substituting Eqs. ~7!and~8!into Eq. ~4!and solving the equation numerically with
respect to a, one gets the desired result.
The sol fraction and degree of conversion values are also shown in Table I. The
amount of unreacted OH and NCO groups are readily calculated from the degree ofconversion and the concentration of the starting materials. These values plus the concen-tration of monofunctional component are added to give the CE concentration. The CE
and BP concentrations
nEandnB, respectively, are shown in Table II.
B. Specific volume and glass transition temperature
The molar contributions of CE and BP to specific volume were determined using the
CE and BP concentrations and the measured volumes. It is assumed here that the specific
volume can be expressed as the sum of v0~the volume of an infinitely long linear
polymer !, positive chain end contributions, and negative branch point contributions, as
shown in Eq. ~9!
v5v01VEnE2VBnB, ~9!TABLE II. Chain end and branch point concentration, specific volume, and Tg.
~mol/g !nB3104
~mol/g !vg~meas!
2.12 0.733 0.970 0.8969 0.8966 0.9311 0.9311 228 227.6
2.20 0.924 1.503 0.8961 0.8962 0.9305 0.9303 227 227.1
2.40 1.274 2.690 0.8953 0.8952 0.9282 0.9285 225 225.9
2.60 1.377 3.693 0.8937 0.8941 0.9267 0.9266 225 225.9
2.97 1.845 5.193 0.8929 0.8929 0.9242 0.9245 223 223.2
1.99 5.897 3.876 0.9001 0.8998 0.9337 0.9342 229 229.7
2.12 4.529 4.120 0.8969 0.8977 0.9314 0.9313 228 227.8
2.20 4.022 4.257 0.8969 0.8969 0.9308 0.9301 228 227.0
2.40 3.086 4.558 0.8961 0.8953 0.9276 0.9279 226 225.5
2.60 2.639 4.812 0.8945 0.8944 0.9268 0.9266 224 224.6966 FEDDERLY ET AL.
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22:13:55whereVEandVBare the CE and BP molar volumes, respectively.
In the present case, Eq. ~9!leads to a set of ten simultaneous equations ~for the ten
polymers !in three unknowns ~v0,VE, andVB!which can be solved by the method of
least squares. To achieve an accurate determination of the three parameters, it is neces-sary that there be considerable variation in the CE and BP concentrations and that they bepresent in many unique ratios. This type of diversity is greatly enhanced through the use
of both conventional formulations using 2 F13Fpolyols and unique formulations using
1F13Fpolyols. This variability can be seen in Fig. 1, which shows specific volume
measured at 23°C (
v23) versus CE concentration and in Fig. 2, which shows the same
volumes versus BP concentration. In both figures, the intersection of the 1 F13Fand
2F13Flines is at the pure 3 Fsample point. Extending out from this point, the number
FIG. 1.Specific volume at 23°C vs chain end concentration.
FIG. 2.Specific volume at 23°C vs branch point concentration.967 NETWORK STRUCTURE DEPENDENCE
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22:13:55average functionality monotonically decreases. The uniqueness of the CE and BP ratios is
evident from the 1 F13Fand 2F13Fdata having dependencies of opposite slope for
CE concentration ~Fig. 1 !, and slopes of the same sign, but significantly different mag-
nitude for BP concentration ~Fig. 2 !.
Equation ~9!was evaluated using volumes measured at Tg(vg) and at 23°C ( v23).
AtTg, the values for v0,VE, andVBwere determined to be 0.8968
cm3/g, 13.0 cm3/mole, and 12.3 cm3/mole, respectively. At 23°C, the respective values
were found to be 0.9318 cm3/g, 17.4 cm3/mole, and 20.3 cm3/mole. Volumes for each
polymer were predicted from the model at both temperatures and are shown along withthe measured volumes in Table II.
In a manner similar to specific volume, T
gis assumed to be of the form shown in Eq.
~10!. It is the sum of Tg0, theTgof a linear polymer of infinite molecular weight, positive
BP contributions, and negative CE contributions.
Tg5Tg01~TBnB2TEnE!/vg, ~10!
whereTBandTEare molar Tgcontributions for BP and CE, respectively, and vgis the
specific volume at Tggiven in Table II. Again, this provides a set of ten simultaneous
equations in three unknowns ( Tg0,TB, andTE!. A least squares solution for Tg0was
determined to be 245 K, while TBandTEwere 1.21 3104and 1.05 3104Kcm3/mole,
respectively. Tgvalues were predicted for each polymer and these values along with the
measured values are given in Table II.
The parameters TEandTBare related to other material constants. Consider the simple
case of a polymer with no branch points nB50. Then the molecular weight is twice the
reciprocal of the concentration of chain ends, Mn52/nE, and Eq. ~10!reduces to the
well known result @Fox and Loshaek ~1955!#for the effect of chain ends on Tg.
Tg5Tg02K/Mn, ~11!
whereK52TE/vg. Likewise, the TBvalues can be compared to the KXparameter
which represents the contribution of branch points to Tg@Chompff ~1971!#, with the
result that KX52TB.
TheVEandVBparameters are also related to other material constants. Again consider
the case of no branch points. The change in volume from one polymer to another withdifferent molecular weight is assumed to result from a change in free volume. Thecontribution that chain ends make to free volume fraction in polymers of finite molecularweight has been given by Ninomiya et al. ~1963!in the form
01A/Mn ~12!
and it follows from Eq. ~9!thatA52VE/vg. Likewise, the VBvalues can be compared
to theAxparameter, which represents the contribution of a pair of branch points to
volume @Chompff ~1971!#, with the result that Ax52VB.
Values for the four parameters determined here are given in Table III along with the
equivalent AandKvalues. These values are typical of those found for other polymers
@Chompff ~1971!, Nielsen and Landel ~1990!#. It should be noted that the branch points
in these systems are trifunctional. Free volume relationships show that the Tgdependence
on branch points is proportional to the fractional free volume and to j22~jis the
functionality of the branch point !and inversely proportional to the free volume thermal968 FEDDERLY ET AL.
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22:13:55expansion coefficient af@Chompff ~1971!#. Therefore the TBorKxvalues shown here
would be half the value expected for a similar polymer with tetrafunctional branch points.
Chompff ~1971!has shown that a reasonable approximation of af~the free volume
thermal expansion coefficient !is given by the ratio of AXtoKX. Since these parameters
have been related to constants from Eqs. ~9!and~10!, we can write
af5AX/KX5VB/TB. ~13!
Using the values of the parameters at Tg,VB/TB510.231024°C21. Similarly, the
ratio of the total relative volume change to change in Tgwill also provide an estimate for
the expansion coefficient. This is obtained from the reciprocal of the slope of a plot of Tg
vsvg/vg0, shown in Fig. 3. A value of 10.3 31024°C21was obtained, in excellent
agreement with the value from Eq. ~13!. Note that this value is based on the ratio of two
experimentally determined values and does not depend on calculated CE or BP concen-trations.
C. Dynamic mechanical measurements
Free volume parameters can also be determined from dynamic moduli obtained as a
function of temperature. Dynamic shear moduli were measured from 260 to 70°C at 5°
intervals using the resonance apparatus described previously. Using the time–
temperature superposition principle, the G
8values were shifted in log frequency space to
obtain the shift factor log aT. The temperature at which G8versus frequency has theTABLE III. Volume and glass transition temperature parameters.
(K cm3/mol)TB31024
(K cm3/mol)A
~g/mol !AX
~K g/mol)KX31024
(K cm3/mol)
Tg13.0 12.3 1.05 1.21 29.0 24.6 2.34 2.42
23°C 17.4 20.3 37.3 43.6
FIG. 3.Glass transition temperature vs relative specific volume at Tg.969 NETWORK STRUCTURE DEPENDENCE
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22:13:55steepest slope was chosen as the reference temperature T0. A plot of log aTvsTwas
produced for each polymer and least-squares fit to the WLF equation @Ferry ~1980!#
logaT52c10~T2T0!/~c201T2T0!. ~14!
Two constants c10andc20are obtained from the fit for the given reference temperature.
Thec1andc2parameters were redetermined using Tgas the reference temperature from
the following transformations:
c2g5c201Tg2T0, ~15!
c1g5c10c20/c2g. ~16!
Thec1gandc2gparameters are related to the free volume parameters afandfg~the
fractional free volume at Tg!, using the following equations @Ferry ~1980!#:
fg5B/2.303c1g, ~17!
af5B/2.303c1gc2g, ~18!
whereBis an empirical constant near unity. A typical plot of log aTvsTfit to the WLF
equation is shown in Fig. 4. The WLF and free volume parameters for the polymer set arelisted in Table IV.
gvalues appear to be fairly randomly distributed, therefore it was not possible to
correlate these value with vg. An average value of 0.043 was obtained. There was also
a fair amount of scatter in the afvalues, but the average value of 8.9 31024°C21
compares very closely with the value of 10.2 31024°C21obtained from Eq. ~13!. As-
suming a linear temperature dependence between Tgand 23°C, the rubbery thermal
expansion coefficients aLwere also determined and are also shown in Table IV. The
average value is 7.5 31024°C21. Although it would be expected that the afvalues be
FIG. 4.LogaTvsTplot for 1 F13F,Fn52.6, fit to the WLF equation.970 FEDDERLY ET AL.
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22:13:55somewhat less than those of aL, it is reasonable that the aLvalue compares very closely
with the Eq. ~13!and Eq. ~18!values.
A novel method was used to determine volume and Tgcontributions from chain ends
and branch points in a series of polyurethane networks. The volumes and Tgso ft h e
polymers, which were identical in composition but varied in CE and BP concentration,were fit to simple models incorporating these elements. It was found that the opposing
contributions of CE and BP were nearly identical in magnitude for both volume and T
AtTg, the volume contribution of a CE was found to be 13.0 cm3/mole. The volume that
is removed from the system by a BP was found to be 12.3 cm3/mole. At 23°C these
values were 17.4 and 20.3 cm3/mole, respectively. These values represent the additional
free volume associated with a chain end or lack of it by having a branch point and are not
identified with any specific atoms in the vicinity of these points. For Tg, a positive
contribution of 1.2°C for every 1024mole of BP per cm3was determined. The negative
contribution for CE was 1.1°C for every 1024mole/cm3.
The free volume thermal expansion coefficient afwas determined from the volume
andTgparameters and found to be approximately 10 31024°C21. Dynamic mechanical
moduli of the materials were also measured as a function of temperature. From WLF fits
of the shift factors, the c1andc2parameters were used to calculate free volume thermal
expansion coefficients and the free volume fractions at Tg. The average expansion co-
efficient was found to be about 9 31024°C21and compares closely with the value
obtained from the volume and Tgmeasurements. The free volume fraction fgwas also
determined from the WLF fits. A reasonable average free volume fraction of 0.043 wasdetermined.
This work was supported by NATO Collaborative Research Grant No. CRG 970041,
the CDNSWC In-house Laboratory Independent Research Program sponsored by theOffice of Naval Research, and by Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the CzechRepublic, Grant No. A4050808.TABLE IV. WLF parameters and thermal expansion coefficients
Sample c1gc2g
~°C! fg/Baf/B3104
2.12 12.2 41.0 0.036 8.7 7.52.20 10.5 55.9 0.041 7.4 7.72.40 10.6 37.5 0.041 10.9 7.72.60 8.3 50.1 0.053 10.5 7.72.97 7.2 44.6 0.060 13.4 7.6
1.99 11.6 47.9 0.037 7.8 7.12.12 11.0 62.4 0.040 6.3 7.62.20 11.0 62.5 0.040 6.3 7.42.40 10.4 44.8 0.041 9.3 7.22.60 11.0 48.3 0.040 8.2 7.7971 NETWORK STRUCTURE DEPENDENCE
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Chompff, A. J., ‘‘Glass Points of Polymer Networks,’’ in Polymer Networks, Structure and Mechanical Prop-
erties, edited by A. J. Chompff and S. Newmann ~Plenum, New York, 1971 !, pp. 145–192.
Duffy, J. V., G. F. Lee, J. D. Lee, and B. Hartmann, ‘‘Dynamic mechanical properties of poly ~tetramethylene
ether!glycol polyurethanes,’’ in Sound and Vibration Damping with Polymers , ACS Symposium Series
424, edited by R. D. Corsaro and L. H. Sperling ~American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1990 !, pp.
Dusˇek, K., ‘‘Network formation in curing of epoxy resins,’’ Adv. Polym. Sci. 78, 1–59 ~1986!.
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Fedderly, J. J., G. F. Lee, D. J. Ferragut, and B. Hartmann, ‘‘Effect of Monofunctional and Trifunctional
Modifiers on a Phase Mixed Polyurethane System,’’ Polym. Eng. Sci. 36, 1107–1113 ~1996!.
Fedderly, J. J., G. F. Lee, J. D. Lee, B. Hartmann, K. Dus ˇek, J. Sˇomvarsky, and M. Smrc ˇkova´, ‘‘Multifunctional
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22:13:55 |
1.4995240.pdf | Low spin wave damping in the insulating chiral magnet Cu 2OSeO3
I. Stasinopoulos , S. Weichselbaumer , A. Bauer , J. Waizner , H. Berger , S. Maendl , M. Garst , C. Pfleiderer , and D.
Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 032408 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4995240
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4995240
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apl/111/3
Published by the American Institute of Physics
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Applied Physics Letters 111, 022407 (2017); 10.1063/1.4993604Low spin wave damping in the insulating chiral magnet Cu 2OSeO 3
M.Garst,3,5C.Pfleiderer,2and D. Grundler6,a)
1Physik Department E10, Technische Universit €at M €unchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany
2Physik Department E51, Technische Universit €at M €unchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany
3Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universit €at zu K €oln, D-50937 K €oln, Germany
4Institut de Physique de la Matie `re Complexe, /C19Ecole Polytechnique F /C19ed/C19erale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne,
5Institut f €ur Theoretische Physik, Technische Universit €at Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany
6Institute of Materials (IMX) and Laboratory of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Magnonics (LMGN),
/C19Ecole Polytechnique F /C19ed/C19erale de Lausanne (EPFL), Station 17, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
(Received 5 May 2017; accepted 8 July 2017; published online 21 July 2017)
Chiral magnets with topologically nontrivial spin order such as Skyrmions have generated enormous
interest in both fundamental and applied sciences. We report broadband microwave spectroscopy
performed on the insulating chiral ferrimagnet Cu 2OSeO 3. For the damping of magnetization
dynamics, we find a remarkably small Gilbert damping parameter of about 1 /C210/C04at 5 K. This
value is only a factor of 4 larger than the one reported for the best insulating ferrimagnet yttrium iron
garnet at room temperature. We detect a series of sharp resonances and attribute them to confined
spin waves in the mm-sized samples. Considering the small damping, insulating chiral magnets turnout to be promising candidates when exploring non-collinear spin structures for high frequency appli-
cations. Published by AIP Publishing. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4995240 ]
The development of future devices for microwave appli-
cations, spintronics, and magnonics
1–3requires materials with
a low spin wave (magnon) damping. Insulating compounds
are advantageous over metals for high-frequency applications
as they avoid damping via spin wave scattering at free chargecarriers and eddy currents.
4,5Indeed, the ferrimagnetic insula-
tor yttrium iron garnet (YIG) holds the benchmark with a
Gilbert damping parameter aintr¼3/C210/C05at room tempera-
ture.6,7During the last few years, chiral magnets have
attracted a lot of attention in fundamental research and stimu-
lated new concepts for information technology.8,9This mate-
rial class hosts non-collinear spin structures such as spin
helices and Skyrmions below the critical temperature Tcand
critical field Hc2.10–12Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
(DMI) is present that induces both the Skyrmion lattice phase
and nonreciprocal microwave characteristics.13Low damping
magnets offering DMI would generate new prospects by par-ticularly combining complex spin order with long-distance
magnon transport in high-frequency applications and mag-
14,15At low temperatures, they would further enrich
the physics in magnon-photon cavities that call for materials
with small aintrto achieve high-cooperative magnon-to-pho-
ton coupling in the quantum limit.16–19
In this work, we investigate the Gilbert damping in
Cu2OSeO 3, a prototypical insulator hosting Skyrmions.20–23
This material is a local-moment ferrimagnet with Tc¼58 K
and magnetoelectric coupling24that gives rise to dichroism
for microwaves.25–27The magnetization dynamics in
Cu2OSeO 3has already been explored.13,28,29A detailed
investigation on the damping which is a key quality for mag-
nonics and spintronics has not yet been presented however.
To evaluate aintr, we explore the field polarized state (FP)where the two spin sublattices attain the ferrimagnetic
arrangement.21Using spectra obtained by two different copla-
nar waveguides (CPWs), we extract a minimum aintr¼(9.9
64.1)/C210–5at 5 K, i.e., only about four times higher than in
YIG at room temperature. We resolve numerous sharp reso-
nances in our spectra and attribute them to modes that are
confined modes across the macroscopic sample and allowed
for by the low damping. Our findings substantiate the rele-vance of insulating chiral magnets for future applications in
magnonics and spintronics.
From single crystals of Cu
2OSeO 3, we prepared two
bar-shaped samples exhibiting different crystallographic ori-
entations. The samples had lateral dimensions of 2 :3/C20:4
/C20:3m m3. They were positioned on CPWs that provided us
with a radiofrequency (rf) magnetic field hinduced by a
sinusoidal current applied to the signal (S) line surrounded
by two ground (G) lines (Fig. 1andsupplementary material ,
Table SI). We used two different CPWs with either a broad30
or narrow signal line width of ws¼1m m o r 2 0 lm, respec-
tively. The central long axis of the rectangular Cu 2OSeO 3
rods was positioned on the central axis of the CPWs. The
static magnetic field Hwas applied perpendicular to the sub-
strate with Hkh100iandHkh111ifor samples S1 and S2,
FIG. 1. Sketch of a single crystal mounted on either a broad or narrow CPW
with a signal (S) line width wsof either 1 mm or 20 lm, respectively (not to
scale). The rf field his indicated. The static field His applied perpendicular
to the CPW plane.a)Electronic mail: dirk.grundler@epfl.ch
0003-6951/2017/111(3)/032408/5/$30.00 Published by AIP Publishing. 111, 032408-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 111, 032408 (2017)
respectively. The direction of Hdefined the z-direction fol-
lowing the definition of Ref. 4. The rf field component h?H
provided the relevant torque for excitation. Components hk
Hdid not induce precessional motion in the FP state of
Cu2OSeO 3. We recorded spectra by a vector network ana-
lyzer using the magnitude of the scattering parameter S12.
We subtracted a background spectrum recorded at 1 T toenhance the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) yielding the dis-played DjS
12j. In Ref. 7, Klingler et al. have investigated the
damping of the insulating ferrimagnet YIG and found that
Gilbert parameters aintrevaluated from both the uniform pre-
cessional mode and standing spin waves confined in the mac-roscopic sample provided the same values. We evaluateddamping parameters as follows (and further outlined in thesupplementary material ).
31When performing frequency-
swept measurements at different fields H, the obtained line-
width Dfwas considered to scale linearly with the resonance
frequency fras32
Df¼2aintr/C2frþDf0; (1)
with the inhomogeneous broadening Df0.I nF i g s . 2(a)–2(d) ,
we show spectra recorded at 5 K in the FP state of the materialusing the two different CPWs. For the same applied field H,
we observe peaks residing at higher frequency fforHkh100i
compared to Hkh111i. From the resonance frequencies,
we extract the cubic magnetocr ystalline anisotropy constant
K¼ð /C0 0:660:1Þ/C210
3J/m3for Cu 2OSeO 3[compare supple-
mentary material , Fig. S1 and Eqs. (S1)–(S3)]. The magnetic
anisotropy energy is found to be extremal for h100iandh111i
reflecting easy and hard axes, respectively. The saturation mag-netization of Cu
2OSeO 3amounted to l0Ms¼0:13 T at 5 K.22
Figure 2summarizes spectra taken with two different
CPWs on the two different Cu 2OSeO 3crystals S1 and S2,
exhibiting different crystallographic orientations in the fieldH(further spectra are depicted in supplementary material ,
Fig. S2). For the broad CPW [Figs. 2(a) and2(c)], we mea-
sured pronounced peaks whose linewidths were small. Weresolved small resonances below the large peaks [arrows in
Fig.2(b)] that shifted with Hand exhibited an almost field-
independent frequency offset dffrom the main peaks that we
will discuss later. For the narrow CPW [Figs. 2(b) and2(d)],
we observed a broad peak superimposed by a series of reso-nances that shifted to higher frequencies with increasing H.
The field dependence excluded them from being noise orartifacts of the setup. Their number and relative intensities
varied from sample to sample and also upon remounting the
same sample in the cryostat (not shown). They disappearedwith increasing temperature Tbut the broad peak remained.
It is instructive to first follow the orthodox approach
analyze damping parameters from modes reflecting the exci-
tation characteristics of the broad CPW. Second, we followRef. 7and analyze confined modes.
Lorentz curves (blue) were fitted to the spectra recorded
with the broad CPW to determine resonance frequencies andlinewidths. Note that the corresponding linewidths were
larger by a factor offfiffi ffi
compared to the linewidth Dfthat is
conventionally extracted from the imaginary part of the scat-tering parameters.
33The extracted linewidths Dfwere found
to follow linear fits based on Eq. (1)at different temperatures
[supplementary material , Figs. S2 and S3(a)].
In Fig. 3(a), we depict the parameter aintrobtained from
the broad CPW.34ForHkh100i[Fig. 3(a)], between 5 and
20 K, the lowest value for aintramounts to (3.7 60.4)/C210–3.
This value is three times lower compared to preliminary datapresented in Ref. 29. Beyond 20 K, the damping is found to
increase. For Hkh111i, we extract (0.6 60.6)/C210
–3as the
smallest value. Note that these values for aintrstill contain an
extrinsic contribution due to the inhomogeneity of hin the
z-direction and thus represent upper bounds for Cu 2OSeO 3.
For the inhomogeneous broadening Df0in Fig. 3(b), the data-
sets taken with Happlied along different crystal directions
are consistent and show the smallest Df0at lowest tempera-
ture. Note that a CPW wider than the sample is assumed toexcite homogeneously the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)atf
FMR35transferring an in-plane wave vector k¼0 to the
sample. Accordingly, we ascribe the intense resonances of
Figs. 2(a) and2(c) tofFMR. Using fFMR¼6 GHz and aintr
¼3:7/C210/C03at 5 K [Fig. 3(a)], we estimate a minimum
relaxation time of s¼½2paintrfr/C138/C01¼6:6 ns.
In the following, we examine in detail the additional
sharp resonances that we observed in spectra of Fig. 2.I n
Fig. 2(a) taken with the broad CPW for Hkh100i,w e
FIG. 2. Spectra DjS12j(magnitude) obtained at T ¼5 K for different Hval-
ues using (a) broad and (b) narrow CPWs when Hjjh100ion sample S1.
Corresponding spectra taken on sample S2 for Hjjh111iare shown in (c) and
(d), respectively. Note the strong and sharp resonances in (a) and (c) when
using the broad CPW that provides a much more homogeneous excitation
field h. Arrows mark resonances that have a field-independent offset with
the corresponding main peaks and are attributed to standing spin waves. An
exemplary Lorentz fit curve is shown in blue color in (a).FIG. 3. (a) Damping parameters aintrand (b) inhomogeneous broadening Df0
forHparallel to h100i(circle) and h111i(square). aintrandDf0are obtained
from the slopes and intercepts at fr¼0, respectively, of linear fits to the
linewidth data (compare supplementary material , Figs. S2 and S3).032408-2 Stasinopoulos et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 032408 (2017)identify sharp resonances that exhibit a characteristic fre-
quency offset dfwith the main resonance at all fields (black
arrows). We illustrate this in Fig. 4(a)in that we shift spectra
of Fig. 2(a) so that the positions of their main resonances
overlap. The additional small resonances (arrows) in Fig.2(a)are well below the uniform mode. This is characteristic
for backward volume magnetostatic spin waves (BVMSWs).
Standing waves of such kind can develop if they are reflected
at least once at the bottom and top surfaces of the sample.The resulting standing waves exhibit a wave vector k¼np=d,
with order number nand sample thickness d¼0.3 mm. The
BVMSW dispersion relation f(k)o fR e f . 13(compare also
supplementary material , Fig. S4) provides a group velocity
g¼/C0300 km/s at k¼p=d[triangles in Fig. 4(b)]. The decay
length ld¼vgsamounts to 2 mm considering s¼6:6 ns. This
is about seven times larger than the relevant thickness d,
thereby allowing standing spin wave modes to form across thethickness of the sample. Based on the dispersion relation of
Ref. 13, we calculated the frequency splitting df¼
FMR/C0fðnp=dÞ[open diamonds in Fig. 4(inset)] assuming
n¼1a n d t¼0.4 mm for the sample width tdefined in Ref.
13. Experimental values (filled symbols) agree with the calcu-
lated ones (open symbols) within about 60 MHz. In the caseof the narrow CPW, which provides a broad wave vector dis-tribution,
36we observe even more sharp resonances [Figs.
2(b)and2(d)]. A set of resonances was reported previously in
the field-polarized phase of Cu 2OSeO 3.26,28,37,38Maisuradze
et al. assigned secondary peaks in thin plates of Cu 2OSeO 3to
different standing spin-wave modes38in agreement with our
analysis outlined above.
We attribute the series of sharp resonances in Figs. 2(b)
and2(d) to further standing spin waves. In Figs. 5(a) and
5(b), we highlight prominent and particularly narrow reso-
nances with #1, #2, and #3 recorded with the narrow CPWforHkh100iandHkh111i. We trace their frequencies f
a function of H. They depend linearly on Hshowing that for
both crystal orientations, the selected sharp peaks reflect dis-tinct spin excitations. From the slopes, we extract a Land /C19e
factor g¼2.14 at 5 K. Consistently, this value is slightly larger
than g¼2.07 reported for 30 K in Ref. 13.F r o m g¼2.14, we
calculate a gyromagnetic ratio c¼gl
sT, where lBis the Bohr magneton of the electron. Note thatFIG. 4. Spectra of Fig. 2(a) replotted as f/C0fFMRðHÞfor different Hvalues
such that all main peaks are at zero frequency and the field-independent fre-
quency splitting dfbecomes visible. The numerous oscillations seen particu-
larly on the bottom curve are artefacts from the calibration routine. The inset
depicts experimentally evaluated (filled circles) and theoretically predicted
(diamonds) values dfusing dispersion relations for a platelet. Triangles indi-
cate calculated group velocities vgatk¼p=ð0:3m m Þ. Dashed lines are
guides to the eyes.FIG. 5. Resonance frequencies as a function of field Hof selected sharp
modes labelled #1 to #3 extracted from individual spectra (insets) for (a)
Hkh100iand (b) Hkh111iat T¼5 K. (c) Lorentz fit of a sharp mode #1
forHkh100iat 0.85 T. (d) Extracted linewidth Df as a function of reso-
nance frequency fralong with the linear fit performed to determine the
intrinsic damping a0
intrfrom confined modes. Inset: Effective damping a0
a function of resonance frequency fr. The red dotted lines mark the error
margins of a0
intr¼ð9:964:1Þ/C210/C05.032408-3 Stasinopoulos et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 032408 (2017)the different metallic CPWs of Fig. 1vary the boundary condi-
tions and thereby details of the spin wave dispersion relations
in Cu 2OSeO 3. However, the frequencies covered by dispersion
relations vary only over a specific regime; for, e.g., forwardvolume waves, the regime even stays the same for different
boundary conditions.
4Following Klingler et al. ,7the exact
mode nature and resonance frequency were not decisive whenextracting the Gilbert parameter.
We now concentrate on mode #1 in Fig. 5(a) forHk
h100iat 5 K that is best resolved. We fit a Lorentzian line-
shape as shown in Fig. 5(c) for 0.85 T and summarize the
corresponding linewidths Dfin Fig. 5(d). The inset of Fig.
5(d) shows the effective damping a
directly from the linewidth as suggested in Ref. 29. We find
thataeffapproaches a value of about 3.5 /C210/C04with increas-
ing frequency. This value is a factor of 10 smaller compared
toaintrin Fig. 3(a) extracted from FMR peaks by means of
Eq.(1). This finding is interesting as aeffmight still be
enlarged by inhomogeneous broadening. To determine the
intrinsic Gilbert-type damping from standing spin waves, we
apply a linear fit to the linewidths Dfin Fig. 5(d)atfr>10:6
GHz and obtain (9.9 64.1)/C210–5. For fr/C2010.6 GHz, the
resonance amplitudes of mode #1 were small reducing the
confidence of the fitting procedure. Furthermore, at low fre-quencies, we expect anisotropy to modify the extracted
damping, similar to the results in Ref. 39. For these reasons,
the two points at low f
rwere left out for the linear fit provid-
We find Dfand the damping parameters of Fig. 3to
increase with T. It does not scale linearly for Hkh100i.A
deviation from linear scaling was reported for YIG single
crystals as well and accounted for by the confluence of a
low-kmagnon with a phonon or thermally excited magnon.5
We now comment on our spectra taken with the broad CPW
that do not show the very small linewidth attributed to the
confined spin waves. The sharp mode #1 yields Df¼15:3
MHz at fr¼16:6 GHz [Fig. 5(d)]. At 5 K, the dominant peak
measured at 0.55 T and fr¼15:9 GHz with the broad CPW
provides however Df¼129 MHz. Dfobtained by the broad
CPW is thus increased by a factor of eight. This increase is
attributed to the finite distribution of wave vectors provided
by the CPW. We confirmed this larger value on a third sam-ple with Hkh100iand obtained (3.1 60.3)/C210
–3using the
broad CPW ( supplementary material , Fig. S2). The discrep-
ancy with the damping parameter extracted from the sharpmodes of Fig. 5might be due to the remaining inhomogene-
ity of hover the thickness of the sample, leading to an uncer-
tainty in the wave vector in the z-direction. For a standing
spin wave, such an inhomogeneity does not play a role as the
boundary conditions discretize k. Accordingly, Klingler et al.
extracted the smallest damping parameter of 2 :7ð5Þ/C210
reported so far for the ferrimagnet YIG at room temperature
when analyzing confined magnetostatic modes.7The finding
of Klingler et al. is consistent with the discussion in Ref. 33.
From Ref. 33, one can extract that the evaluation of damping
from finite-wave-vector spin waves provides a damping
parameter that is either equal or somewhat larger than theparameter extracted from the uniform mode ( supplementary
material ). The evaluation of Fig. 5(d) thus overestimates the
parameter.To summarize, we investigated the spin dynamics in the
field-polarized phase of the insulating chiral magnet
2OSeO 3. We detected numerous sharp resonances that we
attribute to standing spin waves. Their effective damping
parameter is small and amounts to 3 :5/C210/C04. A quantitative
estimate of the intrinsic Gilbert damping parameter extracted
from the confined modes provides (9.9 64.1)/C210–5at 5 K.
The small damping makes an insulating ferrimagnet exhibit-ing the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction a promising candi-
date for exploitation of complex spin structures and related
nonreciprocity in magnonics and spintronics.
Seesupplementary material for further spectra, the mag-
netic anisotropy constant, and linewidth evaluation.
We thank S. Mayr for assistance with sample preparation.
Financial support through Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG) TRR80 (projects E1 and F7), DFG FOR960, and ERC
Advanced Grant No. 291079 (TOPFIT) is gratefully
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1.3677838.pdf | The concept and fabrication of exchange switchable trilayer of
FePt/FeRh/FeCo with reduced switching field
T. J. Zhou, K. Cher, J. F. Hu, Z. M. Yuan, and B. Liu
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C116 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3677838
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3677838
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Published by the American Institute of Physics.
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Downloaded 23 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsThe concept and fabrication of exchange switchable trilayer
of FePt/FeRh/FeCo with reduced switching field
T. J. Zhou,a)K. Cher, J. F . Hu, Z. M. Yuan, and B. Liu
Data Storage Institute, A*STAR (Agency for Science Technology and Research), 5 Engineering Drive 1,
Singapore 117608
(Presented 31 October 2011; received 14 October 2011; accepted 21 November 2011; published
online 8 March 2012)
We report the concept and fabrication of exchange switchable trilayer of FePt/FeRh/FeCo with
reduced switching field for heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). A thin layer of FeRh is
sandwiched between L10FePt and magnetically soft FeCo. At room temperature, FePt and FeCo
are magnetically isolated by the antiferromagnetic FeRh layer. After the metamagnetic transitionof FeRh layer by heating, FePt and FeCo are exchange-coupled together through ferromagnetic
FeRh layer. Therefore, the switching field of FePt can be greatly reduced via exchange-spring
effect. Simulation work was carried out to understand the exchange coupling strength and the FeCothickness effects on the switching field reduction. It is found that switching field decreases with the
increase of exchange coupling strength and FeCo thickness. The trilayer films were also
successfully fabricated. A clear change of reversal mechanism from two-step to one-step switchingupon heating was observed and a 3-time switching field reduction was demonstrated. The results
show the promise of the trilayer for HAMR applications.
VC2012 American Institute of Physics .
[doi:10.1063/1.3677838 ]
Heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) is believed
to have the potential to achieve multiple Tbit/in2recording
density.1The conventional HAMR technology requires to
write information at temperature close to or slight higherthan the Curie temperature,
2Tc, which is about 750 K for
FePt. Such high writing temperature puts stringent require-
ments on the overcoat and lubricants. Thiele et al. proposed
the use of FePt/FeRh bilayer as the composite HAMR media
for heat-assisted recording with reduced writing temperature
(500 K or lower).3FeRh is antiferromagnetic at room tem-
perature and it undergoes a metamagnetic transition to ferro-
magnetic state at elevated temperatures (350–400 K).4
Therefore, this FePt/FeRh structure can provide thermal sta-
bility at room temperatures while the coupling between FePt
and FeRh reduces switching field after the metamagnetic
transition by slightly heating. Zhu et al. also proposed a bi-
nary anisotropy media consisting a trilayer of a magnetic re-
cording layer with perpendicular anisotropy, a magnetic
assist layer with negative anisotropy, and a phase transitionlayer between the recording and assist layers to reduce writing
5With such structure, simulation results showed
the switching field can be reduced to a few percentage of theanisotropy field of the recording layer.
In this work, we further develop the concept and pro-
pose the exchange switchable trilayer of FePt/FeRh/FeCowith a purpose of reducing both writing temperature and
switching field. In the trilayer, FeRh forms a very thin layer
between FePt and FeCo and works as an exchange switchinglayer to turn on/off the coupling between FePt and FeCoupon heating/cooling. As shown in Fig. 1, at room tempera-
ture, FePt and FeCo are magnetically isolated by the antifer-
romagnetic FeRh layer. After the metamagnetic transition
of FeRh by heating, FePt and FeCo are exchange-coupledtogether through ferromagnetic FeRh layer, and therefore
the switching field of FePt can be greatly reduced due to
exchange spring effects.
6,7Here the FeCo provides a higher
magnetic moment that can further reduce the switching field
compared to the FePt/FeRh bi-layer. FeCo layer also func-
tions as a soft magnetic underlayer to enhance writing. Simu-lation work was carried out to study the exchange coupling
strength and FeCo thickness effects on the switching field
reduction. The switching field decreases with both exchangecoupling strength and FeCo thickness. The trilayer films
were fabricated. About 3-time switching field reduction was
experimentally demonstrated. The results show the promiseof the trilayer for HAMR applications.
To understand the exchange coupling strength and soft
layer thickness effect on the reduction of switching field, the
FIG. 1. (Color online) Schematic representing the exchange switchable tri-
layer of FePt/FeRh/FeCo before and after metamagnetic transition of FeRh.a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:zhou_tiejun@dsi.a-star.edu.sg.
VC2012 American Institute of Physics 111, 07C116-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 111, 07C116 (2012)
Downloaded 23 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsmagnetic switching of the proposed FePt/FeRh/FeCo trilayer
was simulated by micro-magnetic modeling8where gyro-
magnetic motion of magnetization is governed by the Lan-dau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation given by
ds¼^m/C2~heff/C0a^m/C2ð^m/C2~heffÞ: (1)
^mis the magnetization unit vector and ais the damping
constant. ~heffis the effective field, which includes the anisot-
ropy field, exchange field, external field, thermal field, and
demagnetization field. The following parameters are used:
Anisotropy constant KFePt¼6/C2107erg/cc, KFeRh¼7/C2104
erg/cc, KFeCo¼9.5/C2104erg/cc, saturation magnetization
MsFePt¼1140 emu/cc, M sFeRh¼1400 emu/cc, M sFeCo¼1900
emu/cc, and interlayer exchange coupling constant C* is 0.4for the hysteresis loop calculation.
The simulated hysteresis loops for the trilayer at 300 K
and 473 K are shown in Fig. 2. At 300 K, a clear two-step
switching is obtained. One is around zero fields correspond-
ing to the switching of the soft layer. The other is at applied
field, H
a, of 0.75 H k, which corresponds to the switching of
hard layer. The switching field of the trilayer is defined as
that of the hard layer. At 473 K, the switching of the soft
layer is shifted to higher field and that of the hard layer ismoved to lower field—a one-step switching is observed with
a much reduced switching field of /C240.25 H
k. At 300 K, FeRh
is antiferromagnetic and the FePt and FeCo layers are mag-netically isolated. Therefore the trilayer exhibits two distinct
switching states. FeRh is ferromagnetic at elevated tempera-
tures of 473 K and the trilayer forms an exchange spring. Inexchange-spring media, magnetic reversal starts in the soft
layer by forming a Neel-type domain wall when an external
field is applied. This wall propagates toward and penetratesinto the hard layer, assisting in the switching, which facili-
tates a single state reversal at much lower switching fields.
Figure 3reveals how the switching fields change with
exchange coupling strength, C*. The initial increment of C*
from 0.25 to 0.5 reduced the switching field by a factor of 2,
which is close to one fourth the anisotropy of FePt. Subse-quent increase of exchange coupling only yields smaller
changes to the switching field. In the exchange-spring media,
the spins in the soft layer act on the magnetization of thehard layer like a (exchange) spring. The spring strength isproportional to both the exchange coupling strength and sat-
uration magnetization of the soft layer. Therefore, certainexchange coupling is needed to have high enough spring
strength in order to minimize the switching of the hard layer.
Figure 4plots the switching field as a function of FeCo
thickness at fixed exchange coupling strength of C* ¼0.5.
The switching field can be reduced to one fifth the anisotropy
field of FePt at FeCo thickness of 15 nm or thicker. Suchreduction makes it possible to use the conventional perpen-
dicular head to write information into the recording medium.
The reduction of switching field is mainly due to the springeffect plus the demagnetization effect from the bottom FeCo
layer. The demagnetization energy is proportional to the
magnetic volume of the FeCo layer, which is a function ofFeCo thickness and saturated at certain thickness. This can
explain why the switching fields decrease with FeCo thick-
ness and saturated at certain thickness.
A theoretical analysis of the magnetization reversal pro-
cess in a structure of FePt/FeRh bi-layer was conducted by
Guslienko et al. to understand the underlying physics.
was concluded that the switching field was related to the
interlayer exchange-coupling strength and the saturation
magnetization of FeRh at ferromagnetic state. For the pro-posed trilayers, it is plausible to treat the bottom two layers
of FeRh and FeCo as one magnetically soft layer after
FIG. 2. (Color online) Simulated hysteresis loops before and after metamag-
netic transition of FeRh.
FIG. 3. (Color online) Switching fields vs the exchange-coupling strength.
FIG. 4. (Color online) Switching fields as a function of FeCo layerthickness.07C116-2 Zhou et al. J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C116 (2012)
Downloaded 23 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsmetamagnetic transition of FeRh. Then, for strong interlayer
exchange coupling, we have
Hswðstrong coupling Þ
and for weak interlayer exchange coupling, the following
Hswðweak coupling Þ¼HK;FePt/C0J
where Jis the interlayer exchange coupling and /C22MFeRhþFeCo
is the average saturation magnetization of the bottom two
layers of FeRh and FeCo. It is clearly shown that the switch-
ing field decreases with both the exchange coupling and theFeCo thickness as observed based on simulation. Also due to
higher saturation magnetization of FeCo, the trilayer has
higher potential for the reduction of switching field com-pared with the FePt/FeRh bilayers.
The trilayer was fabricated. Firstly, (002) oriented FeCo
was deposited onto MgO substrate at 300/C14C. Then (001) ori-
ented FeRh was grown on FeCo at 400–500/C14C. Last, (001)
oriented FePt was deposited onto FeRh layer at 400–500/C14C.
Due to high temperature process, 0.5 nm Ta layer was
inserted between FePt and FeRh and between FeRh and FeCoto prevent the interlayer diffusion. XRD (Fig. 5) showed
good (001) orientated FePt layer on top of (001) orientated
FeRh and (001) orientated FeRh on top of (002) orientatedFeCo layers. Temperature-dependent dc demagnetization(DCD) curves of the trilayers were measured at different tem-
perature to study temperature-dependent magnetizationswitching behavior. The measured results are shown in Fig. 6.
At low temperature (250 K and 300 K), a clear two-step
switching was observed. When temperature was increased to350 K and above, a single-step switching was shown. The
switching field as reduced from 4500 Oe to about 1500 Oe,
which is about a 3-time reduction, after the metamagnetictransition of FeRh.
We proposed and experimentally demonstrated that the
switching field can be effectively reduced without the loss of
thermal stability in exchange switchable trilayer of FePt/FeRh/FeCo. The writing temperature of the trilayer can also
be reduced to the metamagnetic transition temperature of
FeRh, which is about 400 K. The trilayer has higher heatingefficiency because only a very thin FeRh layer is needed to
be heated above the metamagnetic transition temperature.
Although the results presented show the promise for the tri-layer structure for HAMR applications, much work needs to
be done for the improvement of magnetic properties and
microstructure in order for it to be used as practical HAMRmedia.
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FIG. 5. (Color online) XRD pattern of the exchange switchable trilayer of
FIG. 6. (Color online) DCD curves of the exchange switchable trilayer of
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Downloaded 23 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions |
1.5042417.pdf | An analog magnon adder for all-magnonic neurons
T. Brächer , and P. Pirro
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 124, 152119 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5042417
View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5042417
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jap/124/15
Published by the American Institute of PhysicsAn analog magnon adder for all-magnonic neurons
T. Brächer and P. Pirro
Fachbereich Physik and Landesforschungszentrum OPTIMAS, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 67663
Kaiserslautern, Germany
(Received 31 May 2018; accepted 2 August 2018; published online 2 October 2018)
Spin-waves are excellent data carriers with a perspective use in neuronal networks: Their lifetime
gives the spin-wave system an intrinsic memory, they feature strong nonlinearity, and they can be
guided and steered through extended magnonic networks. In this work, we present a magnon adder
that integrates over incoming spin-wave pulses in an analog fashion. Such an adder is a linearprequel to a magnonic neuron, which would integrate over the incoming pulses until a certain non-
linearity is reached. In this work, the adder is realized by a resonator in combination with a paramet-
ric ampli fier which is just compensating the resonator losses. Published by AIP Publishing.
In certain tasks like pattern recognition, the brain outper-
forms conventional CMOS-based computing schemes by far
in terms of power consumption. Consequently, neuromorphiccomputing approaches aim to mimic the functionality of
neurons in a network to boost computing ef ficiency.
1–5In the
brain, stimuli are conveyed by short wave packets from oneneuron to another, where they lead to stimulation which adds
up and then, ultimately, triggers a nonlinear response. Thus,
it is natural to consider waves as data carriers for bio-inspiredcomputing and arti ficial neuronal networks. Certain key
components need to be accessible by the used kind of waves:
It should be possible to convey them through extended net-works as well as to store the information carried by the waves
for a certain time so that stimuli can add up. In addition, the
waves should exhibit nonlinear dynamics in order to mimicthe threshold characteristics of a neuron. Among the possible
waves that one can consider, spin waves, the collective exci-
tation of magnetic solids, are a highly attractive candidate:
The dynamics of spin-waves and their quanta, magnons, are
governed by a nonlinear equation of motion,11,12providing
easy access to nonlinearity.13–15They can be guided through
reprogrammable networks by using spintronics and nonlinear
effects and their finite lifetime provides an intrinsic memory
to the spin-wave system. In addition, their excitation energy
is very low and their nanometric wavelengths at frequencies
in the GHz and THz range promise a scalable and power-efficient platform for neuromorphic computing.
In this work, we employ micromagnetic simulations to
demonstrate an analog magnon adder, which can be regardedas a pre-step to a magnon based neuron. The adder, which is
sketched in Fig. 1(a), consists of two building blocks: a
leaky spin-wave resonator and a parametric ampli fier.
Spin waves can enter the resonator by dipolar coupling to the
input.20Within it, their amplitude is added to or subtracted
from the amplitude of the already accumulated amplitudes, asis sketched in Fig. 1(b). This process is, in principle, equiva-
lent to the arrival of excitation pulses in the axon, where the
neuron integrates over the incoming stimuli until a criticalstimulus is reached. In our scheme, the parametric ampli fieracts to counteract the spin-wave losses that arise from propa-
gation through the resonator and the leakage to the input and
output of the resonator. We show that by working at thepoint of loss compensation, the adder can add and subtract
the spin-wave amplitudes over a large range and enables to
store the sum of these calculations in the resonator.
To demonstrate the magnonic adder, we perform micro-
magnetic simulations using MuMax3.21We chose dimen-
sions that are compatible with the time scales and feature
sizes accessible in state-of-the-art magnonic experiments. For
our simulations, we assume the material parameters ofYttrium Iron Garnet (YIG),
22,23a widely used material in
magnonics:6,24saturation magnetization Ms¼140 kA m/C01,
exchange constant Aex¼3:5p J m/C01, and Gilbert damping
parameter α¼0:0002, which represents the damping of the
spin-waves mainly into the phonon system. The geometry we
study consists of three w¼0:5μm wide and 40 nm thick
rectangular YIG waveguides in a row [see Fig. 1(a)], similar
to the general design proposed in Ref. 25. The length of the
central waveguide, which acts as the resonator, is L¼20μm.
The waveguide to the left of the resonator acts as input,
where spin-waves are excited by a source creating a local
magnetic field. In a magnonic network, this input could be
connected to an arbitrary number of other waveguides acting
as individual inputs. The waveguide on the right of the reso-
nator acts as output, which again could be reconnected in anetwork. In our simulations, input and output are 10 μm long
and separated from the resonator by g¼75 nm wide gaps.
Spin-waves can tunnel through this gap,
20which constitutes
the coupling channel from the resonator to the input and
output, respectively. In the present simulation, about 0 :1% of
the spin-wave amplitude is tunneling through the gap. A dif-ferent gap spacing or a different magnetization con figuration
leads to different tunneling amplitudes, resulting in different,
potentially larger losses for the resonator.
26These can be
compensated by adjusting the parameters of the ampli fica-
tion. Toward their outer edges, the damping in the input and
output is increased exponentially to mimic the transport ofJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 124, 152119 (2018)
0021-8979/2018/124(15)/152119/5/$30.00 124, 152119-1 Published by AIP Publishing.
spin-waves out into the network that would take place in a
real extended system.
Figure 2(a)shows the simulated spin-wave dispersion27,28
of the fundamental mode in a color-coded scale. The external
field of μ0Hext¼20 mT is applied along the long axis of the
resonator. The excitation frequency f¼5:8 GHz corresponds
to the excitation of spin-waves with a wave-vector of kk¼
56 rad μm/C01(i.e., wavelength λ/C25112 nm) and the periodic
excitation source is matched to excite this wave-vector reso-
nantly. From the simulated spin-wave dispersion, a groupvelocity of v
g¼(0:88+0:05)μmn s/C01can be extracted. This
corresponds to a roundtrip time of Δt¼2/C1L=vg/C2546 ns
through the resonator. During one trip, the spin-wave amplitudendecays exponentially following A
p(t)¼Ap(0)/C1exp (/C0t=τ)
with their lifetime τ. From this, it can be inferred that during
one pass lasting Δt, the relative amplitude change is
τ: (1)
As mentioned above, the dipolar coupling between the reso-
nators is very weak and only a small fraction of 0 :1%of the
spin-wave amplitude is actually coupled from the resonator
to the input and output, respectively. Consequently, thelosses of the resonator are dominated by the propagation loss.
In order to counteract these losses, we employ paramet-
ric ampli fication, also known as parallel pumping.
this technique, the system is pumped at the frequency fp
which equals twice the resonance frequency f. One possible
driving force is Oersted fields,16,19μ0hp, where microwave
photons split into pairs of magnons as indicated in Fig. 2(a).
Here, we consider this mechanism, but also other, more
energy ef ficient realizations like the use of electric fields
have been proposed.29,30In the simplest case of adiabatic
parametric ampli fication,16the pumping at 2 fleads to theformation of wave pairs at fwith wave-vector +kkin order
to conserve momentum, as is sketched in Fig. 2(a). Parallel
pumping counteracts the damping losses with two key fea-tures:
16(1) It only couples to already existing waves and, in
the absence of nonlinear saturation, leads to an exponential
increase of the spin-wave amplitude following Ap(t)¼
Ap(0)/C1exp [( Vμ0/C1hp/C0τ/C01)t] if the energy per unit time V/C1
μ0hpinserted into the spin-wave system exceeds the losses
given by τ/C01. Here, Vconstitutes the coupling parameter of
the given spin-wave mode at ( f,kk). (2) Parallel pumping
conserves the phase of the incident spin-waves. This is
important to pro fit from the phase of the spin-wave in encod-
ing which is, for instance, vital to be able to perform subtrac-
tion in the presented magnon adder. In the simulated
structure, the local parametric ampli fier exhibits an extent of
1μm along the resonator and it is situated in the center of the
resonator. For simplicity, we only take into account the
FIG. 1. (a) Sketch of the magnon adder consisting of an input, a resonator,
and an output, as well as a parametric ampli fier to compensate the losses in
the resonator. (b) Sketch of the operation principle of the adder: Subsequent
pulses with amplitude Ap(n) (indicated by the numbers) enter the resonator,
which integrates over their amplitude. Periodically, a pulse leaves the resona-
tor at the output. The value stored in the resonator and the value in the
output are equal to the sum Sof the input amplitudes.
FIG. 2. (a) Simulated spin-wave dispersion relation at a field of μ0Hext¼
20 mT applied along the resonator long axis and illustration of the parallel
pumping process. (b) Dynamic magnetization 6 μm away from the center of
the resonator as a function of time. Red: Only excitation of a single spin-
wave pulse with amplitude “1”in the input. Green: Only periodic application
of ampli fication pulses, no stimulus at the input. Black: Periodic application
of an ampli fication pulse twice per roundtrip with an input stimulus of one
pulse with amplitude “1.”The gray shaded areas indicate the position of the
idler waves.152119-2 T. Brächer and P. Pirro J. Appl. Phys. 124, 152119 (2018)parallel component of the microwave field created by a stri-
pline.19,31Please note that a reduction of the ampli fier size
below the wavelength of the spin waves to be ampli fied
results in the nonadiabatic regime of paramteric ampli fica-
tion.16,32In this regime, two co-propagating spin waves will
be created, i.e., the idler wave runs along with the signalwave. In this case, the ampli fication is not only phase-
conserving but also phase-sensitive.
16,19This allows for alter-
native designs of the adder or a magnonic neuron. However,for the wavelength we employ here, a very small pumping
source would be required to access this regime, as the
pumping source has to provide the necessary momentum.
This results in a very short interaction time of the spin waves
with the pumping field which leads to a large increase of the
needed ampli fication fields.
Similar to the operation in the brain, we assume that
incident information is carried by pulses. As sketched in
Fig.1(a), these pulses can arrive at the ampli fier with differ-
ent amplitudes and at different times. They exhibit a fixed
duration of 5 ns and delayed pulses are sent to the input at
times which are integer multiples of the roundtrip time Δt.
The ampli fication is also pulsed: tp¼5 ns long pumping
pulses are applied whenever the spin-wave pulse in the reso-
nator passes the ampli fier, i.e., twice per roundtrip. When the
net increase of the spin-wave amplitude by the pumping is
equivalent to the losses, this leads to the formation of a pair
of signal and idler spin-waves running back and forth in theresonator. The general act of the parametric ampli fication is
shown in Fig. 2(b) for one single input pulse of amplitude
“1.”In our simulations, this amplitude was arbitrarily chosen
to correspond to an external excitation with a local field
amplitude of 65 μT in the input. The diagram shows the
out-of-plane dynamic magnetization component m
zas a func-
tion of time at a point 6 μm away from the resonator center.
The red curve shows the amplitude if no pumping field is
applied —the spin-waves pass the position where mzis
recorded for the first time at t¼t0/C2527 ns. They are
reflected at the end of the resonator and pass the measure-
ment position again at t/C2536 ns. Then they pass a roundtrip
through the resonator and arrive again at t¼t0þΔt/C25
73 ns, and so forth. The damping of the waves can be
clearly seen and it amounts to about 25 %per roundtrip. In
contrast, the black curve shows the time evolution of the
spin-wave amplitude if the parametric ampli fication is
switched on and is just strong enough to compensate thelosses during one roundtrip. Now, the idler pulses are
created, which give rise to additional pulses highlighted by
the gray shaded areas. After the idler is build up and aftersome initial fluctuations, the quasi-steady-state is reached and
the pulses run back and forth with constant amplitude. For
completeness, the green curve shows the dynamic magnetiza-tion if only the pumping pulses are applied, showing that for
the presented parameters, noise creation by parametric gener-
ation is negligible.
In the following, we want to elaborate the impact of the
parametric ampli fication in more detail, since it plays acrucial role for the operation of the resonator as an adder or
as a nonlinear device. The absolute gain per roundtrip is
determined by the strength of the pumping fieldμ0hp.F o r
half a roundtrip and assuming that t¼0 is the point in time
when the pulse enters the ampli fier, we can modify Eq. (1)to
¼Ap(0)/C1eVμ0hp/C0τ/C01ðÞ Δtp/C1e/C0τ/C01Δt
¼Ap(0)/C1e0:5/C1G0(hp), (2)
with the gain G0(hp)¼2Vμ0hpΔtp/C0τ/C01Δtper roundtrip. In
the following, we will consider a normalized gain factor
G¼G0(hp)=G0(0)¼G0(hp)=(τ/C01/C1Δt), which is /C01 in the
absence of parametric ampli fication, 0 when the parallel
pumping is just compensating the losses, and which takes
positive values if more energy is inserted per roundtrip than
is lost by dissipation. Figure 3shows the gain factor Gas a
function of the applied pumping field, which has been
extracted from a linear fitt ol n [ mz(t)]/ln[Ap(t)] as is exem-
plarily shown in the insets for μ0hp¼0(G¼/C01), corre-
sponding to the intrinsic spin-wave decay with the lifetime
τ¼155 ns and for μ0hp¼24:3m T( G¼1:2). The amplitude
has hereby been integrated in time over the forward travelingsignal pulse in a time window of +4 ns, i.e., for each pulse n
from t¼(t
0/C04n sþn/C1Δt)t o t¼(t0þ4nsþn/C1Δt). As
can be seen from the linearity in the insets, the data show aclear exponential decay/growth, respectively. While the
regime G.0 is highly interesting for neuromorphic applica-
tions in general, since it provides easy access to nonlinearity,for the magnon adder, we chose the working point at G/C250.
In this case, the energy inserted is just enough to com-
pensate the losses and the current amplitude of the pulsewithin the resonator is preserved. Please note that due to the
fact that the ampli fication is proportional to the amplitude,
FIG. 3. Gain factor as a function of the applied pumping fieldμ0hp. The
insets show the amplitude of the spin-wave pulses Apas a function of time
for the case of μ0hp¼0(G¼/C01, upper inset) and μ0hp¼24:3m T
(G¼þ1:2, lower inset) on a semi-logarithmic scale. The adder is operated
at the damping compensation point G¼0, marked by the dashed lines.152119-3 T. Brächer and P. Pirro J. Appl. Phys. 124, 152119 (2018)this compensation point holds for a small and a large
amplitude spin-wave alike, as long as no nonlinearity sets
in. In the following, we will fixt h ea m p l i fication field to
μ0hp¼12:8 mT, the fie l da l s ou s e di nF i g . 2(b), to stay at
ForG¼0, the resonator losses are compensated. In this
regime, a spin-wave pulse within it is cached as long as the
ampli fication remains switched on and the compensated reso-
nator can be used as a spin-wave adder. Since the spin-wave
dynamics in the resonator are linear, the amplitude of the
spin-wave pulse stored within the resonator corresponds tothe sum Sover all incident pulses. This sum Sis given by
nAp(n)/C1(/C01)f(n), where Ap(n) is the amplitude of
the individual pulse nandf(n) represents its phase, being
either f(n)¼0 for a phase-shift of 0 or 2 πandf(n)¼1 for
a phase-shift of π. A phase-shifted pulse, thus, corresponds
to a negative value and allows for a subtraction. The phasecould, for instance, be given by a global reference in the
magnonic network and it could be altered by reprogramma-
ble, local phase shifters such as nanomagnets. For an inputamplitude A
p(n) ranging from “0”to“100,”individual
pulses with the respective value of Apcan be applied at the
input without signi ficant nonlinear effects, corresponding to
excitation field amplitudes ranging from 65 μTu pt o6 :5m T
in the input. Numbers /C20100 can, therefore, be injected into
the ampli fier and will be summed over in an analog fashion.
For larger excitation fields in the input, the spin-wave dynam-
ics in the input become nonlinear, which distorts the summa-
tion. Nevertheless, within the ampli fier, much larger numbers
can be handled, since only a fraction of the input spin-wave
is coupled into the resonator by the dipolar coupling.
Figure 4(a) shows the amplitude of the spin-wave pulse
within the resonator in the quasi-steady-state, which corre-
sponds to the sum S, as a function of the input amplitude on
a double-logarithmic scale. As can be seen from the figure,
the output is perfectly linearly proportional to the sum of the
input amplitudes, no matter if an individual spin-wave pulse
or a series of pulses are applied. This holds in the entiretested input range ranging from “1”up to at least “1500. ”
The latter corresponds to the sum of 15 pulses with an indi-
vidual amplitude of “100,”which are subsequently added in
the resonator. The straight line is a linear fit yielding a slope
of 1 :029+0:004, con firming the linear relationship between
input and output.
From the inputs exceeding “100,”it can already be
inferred from Fig. 4(a)that the spin-wave packets in the reso-
nator add up in a linear fashion. For instance, the output“200”corresponds to the sum of two input pulses of value
“100,”and so on. The key feature of the adder is that the
device performs the summation purely analog, and the ampli-tude of the wave running back and forth in the resonator is
directly proportional to the sum of the amplitudes of the
input pulses. To illustrate this further, Fig. 4(b) shows the
amplitude in the resonator for several combinations adding
up to 10: 1 /C2input “10,”5/C2input “2,”10/C2
input “1,”aswell as the more involved pattern “1”+“3”+“0”+“3”+“0”+
“0”+“0”+“2”+“1.”As mentioned above, the fact that spin-
waves carry amplitude and phase can also be used to do a
subtraction. This is also shown in Fig. 4(b) by the combina-
tion “20”/C0“3”/C0“0”/C0“0”/C0“3”/C0“0”/C0“0”/C0“4”/C0“0”/C0“0,”
being equal to “10.”The transitionary dynamics visible in
Fig. 2(b) at the beginning of the ampli fication process are
also visible in Fig. 4(b): For the first few roundtrips, the
stored value decreases until it reaches the steady-state. Please
note that this has no sizable impact on the adding or subtract-ing function.
It should be noted that in the demonstrated regime of
operation of the adder, the spin-wave dynamics stay linear.This allows one to add up individual spin-wave pulses. The
device already performs similar to a neuron in the brain:
Incident pulses are converted into an amplitude informationwithin the resonator and this amplitude is given by the inte-
gration over the incoming signals. In the presented adder,
small pulses carrying the amplitude of the sum are constantlyejected into the output [cf. Fig. 1(b)]. Toward a neuromor-
phic application, the resonator could be designed in a way
FIG. 4. (a) Quasi-steady-state amplitude in the resonator vs. input stimulus
on a double-logarithmic scale. The straight line is a linear fit yielding a slope
of 1 :029+0:004 con firming the linear relationship between the input ampli-
tude and the sum in the resonator. (b) Different combinations resulting in a
sum of 10 within the resonator. Since the number of applied pulses as well
as the time of their arrival is different in all cases, the sum of “10”is reached
at different times for the different combinations.152119-4 T. Brächer and P. Pirro J. Appl. Phys. 124, 152119 (2018)that its quality factor is a function of the spin-wave ampli-
tude, for instance, by a change of the dipolar coupling ef fi-
ciency associated with a nonlinear change of wave-vector.This way, a nonlinearity can open up the resonator once the
critical stimulus is overcome. In such a way, spin-wave axons
that can be conveniently integrated into extended networksbecome feasible.
To conclude, by means of micromagnetic simulations,
we have demonstrated a magnon adder, where the magnon
amplitude adds and subtracts in an analog fashion. The spin-
wave summation is performed in a resonator, whose lossesare compensated by a parametric ampli fier. This way, the
amplitude is stabilized and constant in time if no mathemati-
cal operation is performed. The spin-wave signal in the reso-nator is directly proportional to the time-integrated amplitude
of the incoming pulses. Hereby, the phase degree of freedom
of the spin-waves allows one to add spin-wave pulses in the
case of constructive interference between the incoming spin-
wave pulses. If a pulse is shifted by π, it will instead be sub-
tracted. The presented device can perform as a magnon cache
memory that can store an analog magnon sum on long time
scales and, thus, constitutes the first step toward an all-
magnonic neuron.
The authors thank B. Hillebrands and A. Chumak for
their support and valuable scienti fic discussion. They also
gratefully acknowledge financial support by the DFG in the
framework of the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TRR-173 Spin+X (Project B01), the Nachwuchsring of the
TU Kaiserslautern, and the ERC Starting Grant No. 678309
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1.1721128.pdf | Metrization of Phase Space and Nonlinear Servo Systems
Chi Lung Kang and Gilbert H. Fett
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 24, 38 (1953); doi: 10.1063/1.1721128
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:25:4338 H. L. ROBINSON
eter. In both cases the experimental data are compared
with calculated curves using Young's circuital form.
Note that the difference between the experimental and
theoretical curves is greater when the diameter is one
half wavelength. The experimental data in Fig. 5 have
been normalized as follows: All values of 1/10 at the
center of an aperture one-half wavelength in diameter
were averaged, then each reading was multiplied by a
factor such that the reading at the center would have
this average value. This makes it possible to compare
the shapes of the two experimental curves. The relative
intensities over a given curve as shown by its shape are
more precise than the actual value of 1/10• The lack of
agreement near the edge of the aperture indicated that
results within a sixteenth-wavelength of the edge are not
reliable. CONCLUSION
Although Young's circuital form predicts the inten
sity in the plane of apertures a few wavelengths in diam
eter, it does not agree with experimental values for
apertures less than a wavelength in diameter. Theo
retical curves based upon it indicate neither the sharp
increase in intensity near the ends of the electric diam
eters nor the high intensity at the centers of apertures
near one-half wavelength in diameter.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance through
out this study of C. L. Andrews, who brought the prob
lem to the author's attention and whose guidance was
often sought. The calculations of H. S. Story, P. Pi
saniello, and R. F. Tucker, Jr., have been of great value.
Metrization of Phase Space and Nonlinear Servo Systems*
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
(Received July 29, 1952)
By introducing a proper distance function, the phase space for a servomechanism is completely metrized.
A new approach is developed to study servo systems directly on the basis of instantaneous performance
under an arbitrary input function. A criterion for determining the effect of nonlinearity on performance is
obtained. It will serve as basis for the design of nonlinear servo systems.
CONTROL systems that lead to the following dif
ferential equation are to be considered:
e(n)+ale(n-l)+ ... + an_le(l)+ ane
=G(e(n-ll, e(n-2), .. ·e, t), (1)
where e stands for error and superscript in parenthesis
indicate order of differentiation with respect to time.
The left side of the equation is a linear equation with
constant coefficients. It represents a basic system to
which the actual system (which may be changed from
time to time) always refers. Any nonlinearity pur
posely introduced or parasitic to the basic system is
lumped with the input function on the right side of the
equation as function G. The existence theorem of solu
tion to such a differential equation is well established.!
* This paper is part of a thesis submitted by the first named
author in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering at University of
Illinois. t Formerly University Fellow, University of Illinois; now with
Boonton Radio Corporation, Boonton, New Jersey. t Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Illinois.
1 S. Lefschetz, Lectures on Differential Equations (Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 1948), p. 23. Suppose there exists an unique solution to the differ
ential equation. Then G(e(n-l), e(n-2), .. 'e, t) can be
considered as another function of time, say F(t), which
thereby becomes a forcing term to the basic linear
For any system represented by an nth order differ
ential equation, its states are specified by the set
(e(n-!), e(n-2), .. 'e, t) in the phase space. Hence, the
phase space becomes the configuration space for all the
states of all the systems of nth order. By definition,
e(t) = (Jdt) -(to(t), (2)
where (Ji(t), (Jo(l) are the input and the output functions
of the servo system, respectively. Since (Jo(t) is always
continuous and (Ji(t) should be continuous almost
everywhere, the trajectory of the representing point of
the state of the system in error coordinates is continu
ous almost everywhere. Good servo performance means
that this error trajectory remains for most of the time
near to the origin. Hence, at any point in the phase
space, this state point of the system should tend to
move back to the origin quickly.
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The notion of distance from the state point to the
origin thus comes up. Mathematically, it really does
not matter what the actual distance function is, as
long as the usual hypotheses for a distance function
are satisfied. Thus, in the three-dimensional case, a
spherical neighborhood is equivalent to an ellipsoidal
one, which incidently is what is to be adopted here.
However, a properly defined neighborhood may greatly
simplify the actual analysis. So the problem under
investigation is to choose a logical, rational, and physi
cally meaningful definition for the distance function.
Transform the given differential equation (1) with
its right side replaced by F(t) to normal coordinates.2
The following substitutions, with dot on top of the
letters indicating differentiation with respect to time,
e=el } el=e2
e~l~e7O '
lead to the vector equation,
de -=Be+f(t),
dt (3)
where e=(e1, e2, ···en),f(t)=(O,O, ···O,F(t)),andBis
a constant matrix in terms of the constant coefficients
in the left side of the given differential equation.
Let the characteristic roots of the basic linear system
be AI, A2, •• ·A2r-1, A2r, 'Y2r+l, .. ·1'70, where A2r-1, A2r are
complex conjugate pair and 'Yis are real roots. It can
be shown that, when they are distinct,
P= A13
A1n-1 1
" n-1 1\2r 1
is a nonsingular matrix such that.
P-1BP=R, 1
where R is a diagonal matrix and has the characteristic
roots as its diagonal elements.
Thus, the transformation
e=Pz (7)
dz/dt=Rz+P-1f(t), (8)
2 H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (Addison-Wesley Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1950), p. 329. i.e.,
Z2r= A2rZ2r+q2r. 7OF(t) (9)
Z2r+l = 'Y2r+lZ2r+l+q2r+1. "F(t)
where {qi;}=P-1.
The actual trajectory of the system is the result of
the motion of the force free (i.e., F(t) = 0) trajectory
caused by the forcing function F(t). The state point
will jump from one to another force free trajectory.
These trajectories never cross each other. Thereby, it
is natural to derive the notion of distance from the force
free case. The state point can be considered as a ma
terial point, whose motion in the phase space will be
characterized by a Lagrangian function leading to the
same set of equations of motion, Eq. (9). This La
grangian function for the force free case is
i-2r B=n-2r
L=[ L: Zi2+ L: Z2r+.2]
i=1 8=1
2r ~n-2r
+![L: Alzl+ L: 'Y2r+.2Z2r+,2J. (10) i-I.-I
It is quite instructive to note that the first sum in
the above expression can be looked upon as the kinetic
energy of the system with the time derivatives of the
coordinates considered as generalized velocities; the
other sum can be considered the negative of the po
tential energy corresponding to a force field propor
tional to the. coordinates. The Hamiltonian function,
hence the total energy, is a constant and is equal to
zero. Therefore, the value of the Lagrangian function
which is twice the kinetic. energy would be a measure
of the swing of the energy content of the system away
from the equilibrium position. It can also be easily
shown that the necessary and sufficient condition that
the basic system is stable is to have the value of its
Lagrangian function on its force free trajectory tending
to zero as time tends to infinity. This property of the
Lagrangian function suggests it at once as a natural and
rational distance function. However, a distance func
tion has to be positive definite; so, in case the La
grangian function contains oscillatory terms, the en
velope to the Lagrangian function instead of the func
tion itself will be used. Thus, by making use of Eq. (9)
with F(t) = 0, the following definition of distance is
derived from the Lagrangian function:
r n-2r
D(z, 0) = 2 L: A2r-1A2rZ2r-1Z2r+ L: 'Y2r+.2Z2r+.2
r-1 .=1 (11)
D(z, z')=D(z-z', 0). (12)
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:25:4340 C. L. KANG AND G. H. FETT
S= rA2-IA2r A2r-IA2r (13)
Since Zi differs from Zi by only constants, z defines
the state as well as z does. And in the space of z, which,
in general, is complex, the above distance function is
nothing but the ordinary norm in n-dimensional space
over the field of complex number. If the matrix C
= (P-I)TS(P-I) has all its characteristic roots positive
(this is always the case when the basic linear system
has only real characteristic roots), then D= constant
will be an ellipsoidal surface. This point is of prime im
portance in the present discussion and must be checked
to assure that it is satisfied. The e space is therefore
topologically Euclidian. And the above defined dis
tance function satisfies all the hypotheses for a dis
tance function and completely metrizes the phase space.
In a servo system, this distance function can readily
be used as an ordering relation defining at least par
tially a preference among all the states in the phase
space. To have a smaller distance from the origin is
therefore a necessary condition for one state to be
"better" than another state in a servo system. Since
error itself, more than its time derivative, is of im
portance, some auxiliary ordering relation can be set
up to assure real improvement of the performance of
the servo system.
Now the effect of the forcing function F(t) at any
.instant is to be examined. Differentiation of D gives
D= 2 L: A2r-IA2r(Z2r-IZ2r+Z2r-IZ2r)
+2 L: 'Y2r+b2r+.Z2r+o. (14)
Substitution of the expressions of Eq. (9) for the
z/s gives o
r n-2r
D= 2[L: A2r-IA2r(A2r+A2r-I)Z2r-IZ2r+ L 'Y2r+.3Z2r+02J
r=l 8=1
+ 2F(t)[L: A2r-IA2r(q2r, nZ2r-l+q2r-I, nZ2r)
n-2r + L: 'Y2r+.2q2r+8. nZ2r+oJ (15)
= Do+ 2F(t)K,
where Do represents the rate of reduction of distance
for force free case, and the other term represents the
effect of the forcing function. It can be readily proved
that Do is always negative for a stable basic system as
can be expected. Whether the effect of the forcing func
tion is favorable (i.e., to make the D more negative)
or not depends on the sign of the term F(t)K. K is a
linear function of the coordinates; hence, K = 0 is a
plane in the phase space through the origin. The whole
space is divided into two halves by the K = 0 plane,
on one side of which a larger (algebraically) F(t) is
preferred,. and on the other side, a smaller F(t).
The functional dependence ofG(e(n-I), e(n-2), ., ·e, t)
on the error and its time derivatives depends on the
nature of the system, the magnitude of its parameters,
its nonlinearity, etc. If at any point in the phase space,
the function G(e(n-I), e(n-2), .. ·e, t), hence F(t), can be
changed favorably by some modification of the system,
whatever it may be, then the performance of the sys
tem would be improved at that point. And the effect
of any nonlinearity in a supposedly linear system can
also be studied in the light of this K plane criterion.
If the state of the system or at least the sign of its
K value can be monitored by direct measurement,
proper change can be made in the system accordingly
to improve the performance. As a special case, there
may be two linear systems, one faster in response and
the other heavily damped. They can be switched into
action alternately, as the K plane criterion permits, to
improve the servo performance. In fact, this study is
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:25:43METRIZATION OF PHASE SPACE 41
motivated by such a heuristic attempt of switching
among systems in a composite system. And a nonlinear
system can naturally be considered as the result of
continuous switching among linear systems. Notice
that the behavior of the actual system is always ex
pressed in terms of forcing with respect to a basic sys
tem. This provides a simple and unique way to treat
the general servo system. .
It should be pointed out that the comparison of D
has been made with respect to that at the particular
point under consideration in the phase space. When the
trajectory is changed by any modification of the sys~
tem, the basis of comparison is changed too. This
makes the general study of the over-all rate of reduc
tion of distance rather difficult. An investigation for
the special case with the real parts of all the char
acteristic roots equal will help to understand the situa
tion. To insure that the rate of reduction of the abso
lute value of the error is increased, extra forcing control
should be used only when
eK>O. (16)
Thus, the general scheme of extra forcing control
for a third-order system may be
K>o>O el>O LlF<O
el<O LlF=O,
K<-o el>O LlF=O
el<O LlF>O,
IKI~o for all e LlF=O,
where LlF stands for the extra forcing control, and 0 is
introduced to give a zone about the K plane without
extra forcing. This is to avoid possible instability at
the origin due to the presence of inevitable delay in
switching. When D has been reduced to the extent that
the maximum dimension of the corresponding ellip
soidal surface of constant distance is less than 0, the
whole system will behave exactly as the basic linear
system. It is difficult to say much about the resulting
trajectory in general. While it seems hardly possible for
some trajectory to remain in the LlF=O region forever,
the question is to what extent will any trajectory come
into some region with extra control and expose itself
to it. The trajectories emerging out of the planes K = ± 0
into regions with extra forcing may be forced immedi
ately back to these planes. This situation is certainly
intolerable practically. A purposely designed hysteresis
band (not given in the above scheme) for the switching
on and off of the extra forcing around the K = ± il
planes should solve this difficulty.
The choice of the basic system is evidently an im
portant problem in the design of such composite sys
tem. To reduce the region where extra forcing is for
bidden, the normal to the K plane should make a small
angle with the error axis. This will likely give a system
more suitable for this kind of extra control.
One possible way of introducing the extra control is
suggested below. An extra control box is used to feed
an extra error signal H to the actual error, as is shown 90(:1)
FIG. 1. A possible way of introducing extra forcing control.
in Fig. 1. Thus,
e'(t)=e(t)+H. (17)
Let kN(p)/S(p) represent the forward transmission
characteristics of the servo loop where N(p) and S(p)
are polynomials in p = d/ dt. Therefore,
8o(t) = kN(p)e'(t)/ S(p) = kN(p)e(t)S(p)
+kN(p)H/S(p) (18)
= 8i(t) -e(t).
[S(p)+kN(p)Je(t) =S(p)8 i(t)-kN(p)H. (19)
The last term in the above equation is the extra control
needed. Thus, a constant forcing term can be obtained
by making H=ct', where p is the lowest power of p
in N(p) and c is a constant. If a network with transfer
function l/N(p) is available, then the extra forcing
term of the form h(e) can be obtained by feeding this
h(e) through such a network to give the function H.
Since the extra forcing term of the form clel+c2e2
+Caea, where the c's are constants, is equivalent to a
change to another linear system, it can be achieved by
direct adjustment of the parameters of the basic system.
But either theS(p) of the system should not be changed,
or its effect on the term S(p)8i(t) should be taken into
To facilitate the study of a general servo system
directly on the basis of performance, the phase space is
metrized by defining a distance function. The defini
tion adopted here seems to be quite natural and physi
cally meaningful. And above all, it leads to a simple
partition of the phase space and hence a simple cri
terion to determine the effect of any nonlinearity,
purposely introduced or parasitic, in the system.
Actual design of specific systems have not been at
tempted here. This work should be considered as a
new approach for the study of nonlinear systems.
Since this work is based on the differential equation,
its application should not be limited to servo systems.
It will certainly be useful in the study of nonlinear
damper for vibration.
(1) L. A. MacCoU, Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms
(D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1945).
(2) C. Lanczos, The Variational Principles of Mechanics (Uni
versity Press, Toronto, 1949).
(3) H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (Addison-Wesley Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1950).
(4) S. Lefschetz, Lectures on Dijferential Equations (Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 1946).
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1.3396983.pdf | Gilbert damping in perpendicularly magnetized Pt/Co/Pt films investigated by all-
optical pump-probe technique
S. Mizukami, E. P. Sajitha, D. Watanabe, F. Wu, T. Miyazaki, H. Naganuma, M. Oogane, and Y. Ando
Citation: Applied Physics Letters 96, 152502 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3396983
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3396983
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:23:13Gilbert damping in perpendicularly magnetized Pt/Co/Pt films investigated
by all-optical pump-probe technique
S. Mizukami,1,a/H20850E. P . Sajitha,1D. Watanabe,1F. Wu ,1T . Miyazaki,1H. Naganuma,2
M. Oogane,2and Y . Ando2
1WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Katahira 2-1-1,
Sendai 980-8577, Japan
2Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Aoba 6-6-05,
Sendai 980-8579, Japan
/H20849Received 16 February 2010; accepted 25 March 2010; published online 13 April 2010 /H20850
To investigate the correlation between perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and intrinsic Gilbert
damping, time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect was measured in Pt /Co/H20849dCo/H20850/Pt films. These
films showed perpendicular magnetization at dCo=1.0 nm and a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
energy Kueffthat was inversely proportional to dCo. With an analysis based on the Landau–Lifshitz–
Gilbert equation, the intrinsic Gilbert damping constant /H9251was evaluated by parameter-fitting of
frequency and lifetime expressions to experimental data of angular variations in spin precessionfrequency and life-times. The
/H9251values increased significantly with decreasing dCobut not inversely
proportional to dCo.©2010 American Institute of Physics ./H20851doi:10.1063/1.3396983 /H20852
Spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory
/H20849STT-MRAM /H20850utilizing magnetic tunnel junctions /H20849MTJs /H20850is
one of many candidates for next-generation nonvolatilerandom access memory. Many groups are currently develop-
ing STT-MRAM, and in particular, STT-MRAM based onMTJs with perpendicularly magnetized electrodes as theseexhibit a large thermal stability factor /H9004and a very low
critical current density J
crequired for current-induced mag-
netization switching /H20849CIMS /H20850.1,2The Jcis proportional to
/H9251MsHkeffin CIMS for out-of-plane magnetization configura-
tion, where the respective /H9251,Ms, and Hkeffare the Gilbert
damping constant, saturation magnetization, and effectiveperpendicular magnetic anisotropy /H20849PMA /H20850field. On the other
hand, /H9004is also proportional to M
sHkeff. Thus, to reduce Jc
while maintaining /H9004constant, requires some intervention.
One possibility is to use perpendicularly magnetized materi-als with low
/H9251value. Gilbert damping originates intrinsically
from a quantum mechanical electron transition mediated byspin-orbit interaction.
3Roughly speaking, /H9251is proportional
to/H92642/W, where /H9264is the spin-orbit interaction energy and Wis
thed-band width.4PMA also originates from spin-orbit in-
teraction and broken symmetry and is also roughly propor-tional to
/H92642/Win the theory.5These theories imply that Gil-
bert damping tends to be stronger in materials with high-PMA and there might be a linear correlation between them.Recently, Gilbert damping in /H20851Co /Pt/H20852
Nmultilayer films with
high-PMA was investigated by the time-resolved magneto-
optical Kerr effect /H20849TRMOKE /H20850, and the /H9251value increased
with increasing stacking number Nwhile in contrast PMA
decreased.6In addition, /H9251values were deduced from domain
wall motion in Pt/Co/Pt films and were found to be indepen-dent of Co layer thickness although PMA increased withdecreasing thickness.
7The conclusion is that the relationship
between Gilbert damping and PMA is still unclear. To clarifythe Gilbert damping mechanism in materials with large-PMA, a more systematic study is required to extract the pre-cise nature of this correlation.In this paper, we report on the systematic investigation
of intrinsic Gilbert damping for Pt/Co/Pt films deduced fromangular dependence of TRMOKE and discuss its correlationwith PMA. The Pt/Co/Pt films were deposited on naturallyoxidized Si substrate at room temperature using magnetronsputtering. The base pressure was 1 /H1100310
−7Torr and Ar pres-
sure was 3 mTorr. The Pt buffer and capping layer thick-nesses were 5 nm and 2 nm, respectively, and Co layer thick-nesses d
Cowere varied from 4.0 to 0.5 nm. Structural
analysis was accomplished by x-ray diffraction /H20849XRD /H20850and
x-ray reflectivity /H20849XRR /H20850. Magnetic properties were investi-
gated using polar magneto-optical Kerr effect /H20849PMOKE /H20850and
a superconducting quantum interference device magnetome-
ter. Magnetization dynamics were investigated by x-bandferromagnetic resonance /H20849FMR /H20850and TRMOKE. Details of
FMR measurements and analyses were the same as describedin a previous report.
8In the TRMOKE measurements, a stan-
dard optical pump-probe setup was used with a Ti:sapphirelaser and a regenerative amplifier.
9Beam wavelength and
pulse width were /H11011800 nm and 100 fs, respectively, and
pump beam fluence was 3.8 mJ /cm2. The s-polarized probe
beam, for which the intensity was much less than for thepump beam, was almost normally incident on a film surfaceand the time variation in the magnetization was exhibited byPMOKE. TRMOKE measurements were obtained with anapplied magnetic field Hof 4 kOe, and the angle
field and direction normal to the film was varied from 0° to80° using a specially designed electromagnet.
From the XRD
/H9258-2/H9258patterns, only a Pt /H20849111/H20850diffraction
peak appeared for all films, indicating the films were /H20849111/H20850-
textured polycrystalline. The XRR analysis showed that ac-tuald
Covalues were equal to nominal values within experi-
mental error, and interface roughness and/or alloying layerthickness were /H110110.4 nm. Figure 1/H20849a/H20850shows coercivity H
a function of dCofor Pt/Co/Pt films. Perpendicular magneti-
zation appears at dCo=1.0 nm and the coercivity exhibits a
maximum value at dCo=0.8 nm, for which a PMOKE loop is
shown in Fig. 1/H20849b/H20850as an example. To obtain the Hkeffvalues,
we performed PMOKE measurements varying angle /H9258Hsub-a/H20850Electronic mail: mizukami@wpi-aimr.tohoku.ac.jp.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 96, 152502 /H208492010 /H20850
0003-6951/2010/96 /H2084915/H20850/152502/3/$30.00 © 2010 American Institute of Physics 96, 152502-1
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:23:13ject to a constant applied field of 4 kOe. Subsequently, the
data were compared to theoretical data calculated numeri-cally using the expression for magnetization angle
sin 2/H9258=/H208492H/Hkeff/H20850sin/H20849/H9258H−/H9258/H20850, with the adjustable Hkeffas a fit-
ting parameter. The effective anisotropy energy Kueffwas
evaluated from the relation Kueff=MsHkeff/2. The product
KueffdCowas plotted in Fig. 1/H20849c/H20850as a function of dCo. The Kueff
values were also obtained from FMR measurement for rela-
tively thicker films and are plotted with open circles; thesevalues agree with those from PMOKE. Proportionality of
ueffdCoagainst dCoindicates PMA is due to interface PMA,
as reported in much of the literature.10The interface PMA
energy Kswas estimated to be 0.35 erg /cm2by extrapola-
tion as indicated by the solid line in Fig. 1/H20849c/H20850. The Ksvalues
ranged from 0.3 to 1 in /H20849111/H20850-textured Co/Pt multilayer
films,10depending on interface quality and degree of texture,
and our value is relatively lower because the buffer layer isthinner than in conventional multilayers so as to increase theKerr signal intensity.
Figures 2/H20849a/H20850and2/H20849b/H20850show the representative TRMOKE
measurements for Pt/Co/Pt film with d
Co=2.0 nm and 0.8
nm, respectively, measured at /H9258H=60°. MOKE signals de-
crease suddenly in sub-ps time regime and subsequently ex-hibit damped oscillatory behavior for both films that is acommon feature observed in all-optical measurements.
11Thespin precession frequency fand life-time /H9270were evaluated
by fitting the damped harmonic function superposed with anexponential decay function, as expressed in the formAexp/H20849−Bt/H20850+Csin/H208492
/H9266ft+/H9278/H20850exp/H20849−t//H9270/H20850, using the phase of
precession /H9278and fitting parameters A,B, and C, as shown
with solid curves in Figs. 2/H20849a/H20850and2/H20849b/H20850.
Figures 3/H20849a/H20850and3/H20849b/H20850show the /H9258Hdependence of fand
1//H9270for Pt/Co/Pt film with dCo=2.0 nm and 0.8 nm, respec-
tively. With dCo=2.0 nm, the normal direction of the film is
a magnetic hard-axis, so that fincreases with increasing /H9258H.
The 1 //H9270values tend to increase with increasing fbecause
Gilbert damping acts more effectively on faster spin motions,much like viscosity, as seen in Fig. 3/H20849a/H20850. Trends in fand 1 /
against /H9258Hbecome inverted in Fig. 3/H20849b/H20850because a magnetic
easy-axis is perpendicular to the film plane for dCo
=0.8 nm. The experimental angular-dependence data of
fand 1 //H9270were parameter-fitted with expressions derived
from the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation. Taking intoaccount PMA and arbitrary
/H9251, these expressions are f
=f0/H208811−/H208492/H9266f0/H9270/H20850−2with f0=/H20849/H9253/2/H9266/H20850/H20881H1H2//H208811+/H92512and 1 //H9270
=/H9251/H9253/H20849H1+H2/H20850//H208491+/H92512/H20850. Here, /H9253is the gyromagnetic ratio
and H1=Hcos/H20849/H9258H−/H9258/H20850+Hkeffcos2/H9258and H2=Hcos/H20849/H9258H−/H9258/H20850
+Hkeffcos 2/H9258. The /H9253and/H9251values were treated as fitting pa-
rameters, while the Hkeffvalues were fixed to those obtained
from PMOKE measurements. The magnetization angle /H9258
was calculated in the same way as those in PMOKE. Thecalculated data fitted well to the experimental data for bothfilms without invoking magnetic inhomogeneity or two-magnon scattering. This indicates that intrinsic Gilbert damp-ing is the dominant mechanism in the relaxation of magne-tization precession in these films.
Figure 4/H20849a/H20850shows the
/H9251values evaluated from
TRMOKE as a function of the reciprocal of dCo. The /H9251val-
ues increase significantly with decreasing dCoand are not
proportional to 1 /dCo. This trend is different from the linear
relationship between Kueffand 1 /dCo. The /H9251values obtained
from FMR are also shown in this figure with open circles.FMR was barely measurable at d
Co/H110211.0 nm because of sig-
nificantly large linewidths. The /H9251values from FMR show
quite good agreements with those from TRMOKE for in-plane magnetized films but these tend to deviate slightlyfrom those from TRMOKE with d
Co/H110211.0 nm. The /H9251values
in our films are of the same order of magnitude as reportedvalues,6,7and the nonlinearity of /H9251against 1 /dCois similar to
that observed in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB filmsdespite a much different magnetic material.12To account for
this enhanced /H9251values, the relaxation frequency G, defined(a) (c)
00.5 1.0 1.5
in-plane (b)
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0-1Kueff
dCo(nm)-4 -2 0 2 4-101MOKE (arb. u n
FIG. 1. /H20849a/H20850The Co layer thickness dCodependence of coercivity HCfor
Pt/Co/Pt films. The curve is used as a visual guide. /H20849b/H20850A hysteresis loop for
a Pt/Co /H208490.8 nm /H20850/Pt film measured by PMOKE with applied field perpendicu-
lar to film plane. /H20849c/H20850The effective perpendicular magnetic anisotropy energy
Kueffmultiplied by dCoas a function of dCoas measured by PMOKE /H20849/L50098/H20850and
ferromagnetic resonance /H20849/H17034/H20850. Solid line is a fit to the experimental data.
-200nal (arb. unit )
0 100 200-60-40MOKE sign
0 100 200-60-40
Pump-probe delay time (ps)/g894/g258/g895 /g894/g271/g895
FIG. 2. Signals of TRMOKE measured with applied field of 4 kOe directed
at 60 deg. from the film normal in /H20849a/H20850Pt/Co /H208492.0 nm /H20850/Pt and /H20849b/H20850Pt/
Co/H208490.8 nm /H20850/Pt films. Solid curves are the calculated damped harmonic func-
tion superposed on an exponential decay parameter-fitted to the experimen-tal data.2030
Grad/s )(GHz)(a)
0 30 60 90010
θΗ(deg.)0 30 60 90010
FIG. 3. Magnetic field angle /H9258Hdependence of precession frequency f/H20849/H17034/H20850
and inverse precession life-time 1 //H9270/H20849/L50098/H20850for/H20849a/H20850Pt/Co /H208492.0 nm /H20850/Pt and /H20849b/H20850
Pt/Co /H208490.8 nm /H20850/Pt films. Solid and broken curves are the calculated data of f
and 1 //H9270parameter-fitted to the experimental data.152502-2 Mizukami et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 152502 /H208492010 /H20850
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:23:13asG=/H9251/H9253Ms, is shown in Fig. 4/H20849b/H20850as a function of 1 /dCo.
The Gvalues for Pt /Ni80Fe20/H20849Py/H20850/Pt films reported previ-
ously are also shown in Fig. 4/H20849b/H20850with open triangles.8,9For
dCo/H110221.0 nm, the Gvalue for Pt/Co/Pt films seems to be
proportional to 1 /dCo, and its slope evaluated by linear fitting
was 34 /H11003108rad /s nm, which is roughly three times larger
than for Pt/Py/Pt films /H2084913/H11003108rad /sn m /H20850. The enhanced
Gilbert damping in thin Py layer in contact with a Pt layer
can be caused by a spin pumping effect. The damping fre-quency is then expressible as G=G
0+/H20849/H92532/H6036/2/H9266/H20850g↑↓/dFM, us-
ing the bulk relaxation frequency G0and mixing conduc-
tance g↑↓.13The/H9253values for Pt/Co/Pt films were almost the
same as in Pt/Py/Pt films, and the g↑↓is considered to be
almost the same for both films because it is approximatelyequal to the conductance of Pt layer in the diffusive transportregime.
13Thus, Gilbert damping in Pt/Co/Pt films could be
enhanced by an another mechanism, in addition of spinpumping. It is possible that Co 3 d–Pt 5 dhybridization ef-
fectively decreases the bandwidth Wfor the Co atomic layer
in contact with a Pt layer,
14enhancing both PMA and Gilbert
damping, as mentioned earlier. However, this hybridizationmechanism seems not to explain the significant increase in G
Co/H110211.0 nm. This thickness regime is close to the inter-face roughness or alloying layer thickness, which might af-
fect Gilbert damping but the problem remains open. The an-gular dependence of TRMOKE measurement with highmagnetic field should be done in films with atomically flatinterface as further subject.
In conclusion, Gilbert damping for perpendicularly
magnetized Pt/Co/Pt films had been investigated usingTRMOKE. The effective PMA energy was shown to linearlydependent on 1 /d
Co, while /H9251andGincreased rapidly in the
regime dCo/H110211.0 nm corresponding to a switch in the mag-
netic easy-axis from in-plane to out-of-plane. No linear cor-relation between PMA and Gilbert damping was observed.TheGvalue deduced from
/H9251for Pt/Co/Pt films was much
larger than that for Pt/Py/Pt films, which was considered tobe due to the d-dhybridization effect.
This work was partially supported by Grant for Indus-
trial Technology Research /H20849NEDO /H20850and Grant-in-Aid for Sci-
entific Research.
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/H208491998 /H20850. 0.5
4060801 0.5rad/s)dFM(nm)
FMR(a) (b)
FM = Co24 0.7 24 0.7
0 1 200.10.2α
1/dCo(nm-1)0 1 202040G(108
1/dFM(nm-1)FM = Ni80Fe20
Pt/FM( dFM)/Pt
FIG. 4. Inverse thickness 1 /dCodependence of /H20849a/H20850Gilbert damping constant
/H9251and /H20849b/H20850relaxation frequency Gfor Pt /Co/H20849dCo/H20850/Pt films. The values ob-
tained from the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect and ferromagneticresonance are shown with the solid /H20849/L50098/H20850and open circles /H20849/H17034/H20850, respectively.
The reported values of Gfor Pt /Ni
80Fe20/Pt films are also shown with open
triangles /H20849/H17005/H20850. Solid and broken lines are fitted to the experimental data for
1/dFM/H110211.0 nm−1.152502-3 Mizukami et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 152502 /H208492010 /H20850
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1.1660764.pdf | Curvature Stabilization of the Universal Instability
Gilbert A. Emmert
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 42, 3530 (1971); doi: 10.1063/1.1660764
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1660764
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:43:45JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 42, NUMBER 9 AUGUST 1971
Curvature Stabilization of the Universal Instability
Gilbert A. Emmert
Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
(Received 8 January 1971)
A graphical t~chnique for de~ermining the influence of the drift velocity in a magnetic well
on wave-particle resonance IS presented and applied to the universal instability. It is seen
that the curvature drift velocity can strongly affect the number of resonant ions and lead
to increased stabilization of the wave.
The universal instability is a low-frequency electro
static instability driven by a density gradient of the
plasma. 1-3 It is caused by electrons whose motion
parallel to B resonates with the wave. 4,5 The con
~ct~n produced by the density gradient and the
E x B drift causes the resonant electrons to give
energy to the wave and thus destabilize it. Compet
ing stabilizing effects are electron and ion Landau
damping and ion convection; these are also resonant
particle effects. Neglecting magnetic field curva
ture, the net electron contribution is destabilizing if
the frequency w is less than the diamagnetic fre
quency w* (w* = IkL v;IU~eL I, ve is the electron
thermal velocity, Oe is the electron cyclotron fre
quency, kL is the wave number perpendicular to B,
and L is the plasma-density scale length) and is
maximum when the number of resonant electrons is
large, Le., 1~/k,,1 <ve, where k" is the wave
number along B. The stabilizing ion contribution is
small when the number of resonant ions is small
L e., I wi k,,1 »v i' Thus the instability occurs '
primarily for Vi « I w Ik" I < v e'
Magnetic field curvature has usually been simulated
in slab models by a fictitious gravity g 3,6,7 which
produces a guiding center drift g /0; g is usually
chosen so that g 10 matches the drift of a thermal
particle in an actual curved field. The resonance
condition becomes w-kLg/O-k" v,,=O. In this
model the effect of curvature is to introduce a
Doppler shift of the frequency-, Wi = W -k Lg 10, and
consequently a shift of the resonant velocity v , "
= Wi Ik". In a magnetic well, the ion resonant veloc-
ity is shifted downwards (Wi < w) which increases the
ion-stabilizing contribution. For the electrons,
w' > wand their destabilizing influence is decreased.
From this it can be concluded that a magnetic well
tends to stabilize the universal instability.
In an actual curved field the resonance condition is
FIG. 1. Locus of resonant electrons.
3530 w-{kL/OR) (v2+iv2)-k v =0 (1)
II 1 II II '
where 0 is the cyclotron frequency and R is the
radius of curvature of a field line. Unfortunately,
(1) leads to intractable integrals in the dispersion
relation. The slab model with gravity corresponds
to replacing (v~ + i v~) by its thermal average. An
alternative procedure, used by Laval et al. 8 is to
replace only the v: term by its thermal average.
The approximate resonance condition becomes
w -(kjOR) (v~ + i <v~» -k v = O. (2) ... J) II
USing (2), they found that the stabilizing influence of
a magnetic well was significantly greater than that
given by the slab model with gravity. They inter
preted this to be due to a "Landau effect in the di
rection of the drift". This paper proposes, however,
that the results of Laval can still be interpreted as
a "Doppler shift" of the resonant velocity, but of
greater magnitude than that given by the gravity
Doppler shift. We present a graphical technique for
determining the validity of various resonance approx
Recall that the universal instability occurs primarily
when the resonant ion velocity along B is much
greater than Vi' The Doppler shift is proportional to
v~ and thus the resonant ions experience a greater
Doppler shift in a curved field than a thermal ion.
Since the resonant ion contribution is proportional to
exp{ -v~ Iv~) evaluated at the resonant velocity, this
effect is Significant. The gravity model assumes that
the resonant ions experience the same Doppler shift
as the thermal ions and thus underestimates the
stabilizing effect of a magnetic well.
We can visualize the effect of the various resonance
conditions in the following way. We rewrite (1) as
V + __ II + _L_= __ + __ II
( ORk ) 2 v 2 RwO R202k2
" 2k l 2 k l 4k~' (3)
FIG. 2. Locus of resonant ions when w/k Ii Vj « (RTe/LT//~
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:43:45CURVATURE STABILIZATION OF THE UNIVERSAL INSTABILITY 3531
o c
W/k vII
FIG. 3. Locus of resonant ions when w/kll vi» (R Te/L Ti) 1:2
which is the equation of an ellipse in the VII' V ~ plane
with eccentricity 1/12 and centered at v~ = 0,
VII = -nRkj2kJ.. This ellipse represents the locus
of resonant particles in the VII' V J. plane.
If we consider values typical for drift waves in fu
sion plasmas (w-w*-kJ. v;/neL, w/kll < v., and
R/L > 1), we find that for the electrons, the second
term on the right side of (3) dominates. Since ne < 0,
the ellipse for the electrons looks like that shown in
Fig. 1. A local Maxwellian distribution j is constant
on circles centered about the origin and decreases
as exp[ -(v~ + v~)/v;] in the radial direction. Reso
nant particle effects are proportional to j, oj /ov '"
and oj/ovJ. which are largest for VII' vJ. ~ve' Hence
the dominant resonant particle contribution comes
from the region on the ellipse nearest the origin,
i. e. , near point a. At a, v II ~ w /k II and hence the
curvature drift has little effect on the resonant elec
tron contribution. Laval's approximation is to re
place the ellipse by the two lines A and B as the
locus of resonant particles; line A is insignificant
and line B appears to be a reasonable approximation
to the important part of the ellipse. The gravity
approximation is to consider a single line very close
to B; this also appears reasonable.
The situation is quite different for the ions. Of the two terms on the right side of (3), either term can
dominate depending on w/kll Vi compared with (RTe/
LTy/2, (assumingw-w*). For l<w/kllv/
«(RTe/LT/)1/2, the second term dominates and the
ellipse appears as in Fig. 2. When w/kll Vi «(RTe/
LTi)1/2, we get the ellipse shown in Fig. 3. In both
cases the major part of the resonant contribution
comes from points on the ellipse near a [where VII
~ w/kll in Fig. 2 and VII ~ (Rwn/kJ.)1/2
LTi)1/2 in Fig. 3]. Laval's approximation again con
sists of replacing the ellipse by the two lines A and
B. The gravity model uses a single line C near w/kll
which, in the case of Fig. 3, underestimates the
resonant ion contribution.
This graphical technique for determining the impor
tant regions of the resonance ellipse can be used for
other distribution functions. For example, if the ion
distribution is bi-Maxwellian with TJ. > 2 T,l' the im
portant region of the resonance ellipse in Fig. 3 is
the top. This requires a different approximation to
the resonance condition when w/kll is sufficiently
This work is supported in part by the Atomic Energy
Commission and by the Wisconsin Alumni Research
lA. B. Mikhailovskii and L. I. Rudakov, Zh. Eksperim.
i Teor. Fiz. 44, 912 (1963) [Sov. Phys. JETP 17, 621
(1963) 1.
2B. B. Kadomtsev and A. V. Timofeev. Dokl. Akad.
Nauk. SSSR 146, 581 (1962) [SOy. PhY. Dokl. 7, 826
(1963) 1.
3N. A. Krall and M. N. Rosenbluth, Phys. Fluids 8,
1488 (1965).
4F. C. Hoh, Phys. Fluids 8, 968 (1965).
5D. M. Meade, Phys. Fluids 12, 947 (1969).
6K. Kitao, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 26, 802 (1969).
TR. Saison, Plasma Phys. 10, 927 (1968).
8G. Laval, E. K. Maschke, R. Pellat, and M.
Vuillemin, Phys. Rev. Letters 19, 1309 (1967).
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