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[ "Sydney returns to SD-6 as a double agent and is assigned with Marcus Dixon to travel to Moscow to retrieve some stolen files. In the process, however, she inadvertently gives SD-6 access to a nuclear weapon, which makes her travel to Cairo and face a deadly foe in order to fix things. Meanwhile, Will Tippin (a journalist and a close friend) driven by pity and a secret devotion for her, begins to question the circumstances surrounding Danny's death. He discovers weird details about the night of the murder, one being that someone had tried to help him escape by booking him a flight to Singapore. Sydney, who still can't come to terms with her father's insincerity, reconciles with him to a certain extent when she discovers he was the one who bought plane tickets for Daniel and her." ]
[ "(Sydney, wearing a long black wig and black clothes, runs down a hall. Panting. She's being chased by two men.)", "MAN 1: Arretez!", "MAN 2: Arretez!", "(They shout at her in French. Sydney flies behind a corner, flings open a door and runs down a flight of stairs. The men are right on her tail. She runs down a hall, gunshots fly. She dives in an elevator as bullets riddle the insides. The doors close. She hits floor twenty-eight. Men shout in French. Inside the elevator, Sydney slaps a device on the wall of the elevator that makes the video of her in the control room scramble. She stares at the video camera in the upper corner of the elevator for a minute, climbs up to the ceiling of the elevator and pops out. On top of the elevator, Sydney takes out a metal object, clamps it on the cable next to the elevator, jumps across and slides down as the elevator goes up. The elevator dings at floor twenty-eight, with the two men waiting for her to come out... only to find the elevator empty.)", "(In the basement, Sydney runs. She runs into a guard, beats him. Outside, a stretch limo screeches to a halt. Door opens, Sydney jumps in. As the limo pulls away, we see the Eiffel Tower in the background. Inside the limo, Sydney pants and gives a small box to a large man smoking a cigar across from her.)", "(Cut to inside a van. Sydney and Vaughn sit at a table. He takes notes.)", "SYDNEY: That was three years ago when I met him for the first time. Leonard Dreyfus -- he helps bankroll SD-6 operations. This guy is very hands-on. Not just in his business. He's a real slime. He runs a division in Geneva. Go-to guy for transport. He'll get anything, anywhere, fast. Sloane relies on him. He's a big target.", "VAUGHN: Okay, good, listen--", "SYDNEY: Also, there's a crew just outside Memphis. They provide firearms. Custom stuff -- graphite, titanium, plastics.", "VAUGHN: Memphis?", "SYDNEY: Memphis, Egypt.", "(Cut to Memphis, flashback. Inside a warehouse, Sydney and Dixon sit in front of a desk while two men stand behind it.)", "SYDNEY: (voice over) I know I just started working with you guys at the C.I.A., but listen to me. If we're gonna bring down SD-6, we have to eliminate their source of arms -- Anini Hassan.", "HASSAN: Three of her majesty's favorites.", "(He gives a large gun to Dixon; he admires it.)", "HASSAN: (gestures to other man to get other gun) And now, the new design, as I promised. I named it \"Abenni.\" That's my son's name. It holds twelve rounds and it's semi-automatic.", "(He tries loading it; looks to man.)", "HASSAN: What the hell is this?", "(They begin to speak in Arabic, then shouting. Sydney tries speaking to them in Arabic to calm them down. Dixon looks nervous. Hassan pulls a gun on the guy.)", "DIXON: NO!", "(Too late. Hassan shoots his worker a few times in the chest. Sydney turns her head so she won't see. Hassan turns to them; his cheek splattered with the man's blood.)", "HASSAN: That was -- uh, sorry. I'm sorry you had to see that.", "SYDNEY: (voice over) That was six months ago. I have friends from the Middle East. Hassan's not one of them.", "(In the van.)", "VAUGHN: I don't blame you. Listen--", "SYDNEY: There's more. We need to go after a geneticist in Kuala Lumpur. He's involved in--", "VAUGHN: Okay, stop. You have to listen to me, okay?", "SYDNEY: You said you wanted to talk about the plan. I'm giving you the plan.", "VAUGHN: It's not your job to give me the plan. I'm giving you the plan. Tomorrow's your first day back at SD-6. Now, nothing should change. When you get your assignment, you'll detail your mission on a paper bag. (picks one up, showing her) Bag. Then you'll call this number. (gives her card) Memorize it. After three tones, press the appropriate digit -- one through six. Each corresponds to a trash can in a specific location. Now we'll review your information, create a countermission, and we'll contact you posing as a wrong number. Joey's Pizza. Any questions, so far?", "SYDNEY: Yeah. Can you show me what a bag looks like again?", "(Vaughn rolls his eyes.)", "SYDNEY: Now, you listen to me, Mr. Vaughn. I appreciate what your job is here, even though I think you're a little young to be doing it, to establish a protocol between the C.I.A. and their latest double agent. But I'm not sitting here to pick up the ins and outs of Langley procedure. I am sitting here for one reason only, and that is to destroy SD-6!", "VAUGHN: Hey!--", "SYDNEY: After which I am out! I want no more of this spy crap, that's why I went to you in the first place. So, listen to me and I will hand you, in record time, the people who will render SD-6 useless.", "VAUGHN: Record time.", "SYDNEY: Two months. Tops. And then I am out. I walk.", "(Pause. Vaughn takes a pad of paper and gives it to her.)", "VAUGHN: Draw me a map. Draw me a map of SD-6 and all it's allies. How far you think it reaches.", "SYDNEY: Do I look like I'm in Junior High?", "VAUGHN: (raising voice) Just draw me a SD-6 family tree!", "SYDNEY: Braces on my teeth...", "VAUGHN: (overlapping; shouting) How far you think it goes!", "SYDNEY: ...Headgear? Do you see a retainer?!", "VAUGHN: Just DO IT!", "(She stares at him and takes the pen and paper. Within ten seconds, she has a simple map with about a dozen names.)", "SYDNEY: I don't know what your problem is with me. Maybe it's that I'm a woman, or maybe you just don't like my attitude, or something, and I'm sorry about that. But I really dont feel like wasting time here. Three's only one way we can immobilize SD-6, and that's MY way. So, forgive me for being forthright or... female, but this is how it's gonna be.", "(He nods slowly, stands and gets a map. He spreads it out in front of them. Hundreds, perhaps a thousand, names are affiliated with SD-6 on the map. Sydney looks amazed at how deep this goes and how little she knew.)", "VAUGHN: Since I've been at the C.I.A., I've only seen this map grow. This is what you're in the middle of, Sydney. If shutting down the Los Angeles cell was all we were after, we would have raided that office three years ago. This is not about cutting off an arm of the monster. This is about killing the monster. And the work you have ahead of you -- the work your father has been doing -- it's complicated, it's political, and it is long term.", "(Sydney's shocked.)", "VAUGHN: (shows card) Here, memorize this.", "SYDNEY: I did.", "VAUGHN: Okay. I guess we'll wait to hear from you.", "(She stands, gets ready to leave.)", "VAUGHN: Hey, wait.", "(He gets a bright yellow sticker from the above counter and sticks it on the inside of Sydney's arm. She puts on her bookbag; he smiles.)", "SYDNEY: Thanks.", "VAUGHN: You're welcome.", "(Sydney leaves the van. Outside, we see that the van has \"L.A. County Blood Donor Drive\" on it. It's parked at the university. A guy walks past Sydney, who still looks stunned.)", "GUY: Hey, see you in class.", "SYDNEY: For sure.", "(She starts walking to her class.)", "(Francie and Charlie -- Francie's boyfriend -- are helping Sydney move into her new house. Francie unwraps a plate.)", "FRANCIE: Oh, look. This one's chipped.", "SYDNEY: Oh, that's okay. Those were my mom's.", "FRANCIE: Oh.", "CHARLIE: (entering, carrying a box) Okay, these are heavy.", "SYDNEY: Oh. (laughs) Put that down right... right here.", "CHARLIE: No problem.", "SYDNEY: Thank you.", "CHARLIE: Como si. (to Francie) I need a massage later.", "FRANCIE: Okay, good to know.", "(Will enters with a bag of food.)", "SYDNEY: Hey, finally.", "WILL: I know, I'm sorry. Litvack called; I had to rewrite a whole piece in the parking lot. (to Charlie) They didn't have any horseradish.", "CHARLIE: No, that's cool.", "SYDNEY: That's annoying.", "WILL: Yeah, no kidding. There's a woman in Marina Del Ray who's eating newspapers.", "FRANCIE: She's eating it?", "WILL: She's pregnant and apparently it's a condition some women get before they-- (motions to stomach)", "SYDNEY: Eating newspaper's a condition?", "WILL: Yeah, yeah. This is what I write about. This is how I make a living. And Lintback says my writing's too judgemental and I'm like, \"Well, who cares? She's not gonna read it anyway, she's gonna swallow it.\"", "(They chuckle.)", "FRANCIE: Hey, what are you doing on Thursday?", "WILL: Probably rewriting this piece again.", "SYDNEY: Charlie got an offer.", "WILL: Hey, that's great! Where?", "CHARLIE: Leming Letterman. That's corporate law. Downtown office.", "WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard of that.", "FRANCIE: We're doing a dinner thing on Thursday and you are required.", "WILL: Totally, totally there. Congratulations!", "(They shake hands. Will pauses and follows Sydney into her bedroom with a sandwich and drink in his hand. She hangs up some clothes.)", "SYDNEY: Hey.", "WILL: Do you want your-your food?", "SYDNEY: Yeah, I just want to get the closets done first so I feel like I live here.", "WILL: Well, here.", "(He takes some clothes from a box and helps her hang some up.)", "SYDNEY: Thanks.", "(Pause.)", "WILL: Syd, I'm sorry. I can't take it.", "SYDNEY: Will, please. Let's not do this again.", "WILL: C'mon, you know me. You know I can't let this go!", "SYDNEY: Will, come on!", "WILL: You took Amy's passport!", "SYDNEY: I know!", "WILL: You took her credit card!", "SYDNEY: I know what happened!", "WILL: You disappeared!", "SYDNEY: I know!", "WILL: Syd, I can't--", "(Her pager goes off. Sydney looks at it.)", "SYDNEY: It's the bank.", "WILL: What was going on with Danny? Because he must've been in some kind of trouble--", "SYDNEY: I need you to do something.", "WILL: You need me to shut up, I know!", "SYDNEY: I need you to accept what I've already told you.", "WILL: You haven't told me anything, you're being so vague!", "SYDNEY: I lost my mind a little. I started imagining things.", "WILL: Whatever the hell you're talking about, maybe you're not imagining it. Syd, this is what I do. I might be able to find something that the police overlooked!", "SYDNEY: Stop it! Please. I'm trying to move on here. I need your help to do that. Okay?", "(Credit Dauphine. Sydney gets off the elevator, enters the white room. It lights up red. She enters the room, but it's different now. All these people she sees every day, and now she's lying. Marshall comes up to her.)", "MARSHALL: Oh, hey, Miss Bristow.", "SYDNEY: Hey, Marshall.", "MARSHALL: Hey, listen, I don't normally get overly personal. I don't like to cross that line. You probably don't know this about me, but I'm really not much of a social peson. I don't like--I like myself, I mean, I enjoy myself, I just don't feel that kind of pressure when I'm by my--you ever feel that?", "SYDNEY: You can say anything you want to me.", "MARSHALL: Okay. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry about your fiance, and it's nice to have you back.", "SYDNEY: Thanks.", "(He smiles and walks away.)", "(Meeting. Dixon, Sloane, Marshall and Sydney sit in the board room.)", "SLOANE: Let's start with what we know. We've received two pieces of intel. The first is this internal memo from G.R.A. headquarters. It seems that certain files were reported missing last week from the seventh floor of The Aquarium.", "DIXON: Seventh floor? That's foreign intelligence.", "SLOANE: And we acquired the second piece. Abul Hassein Navour. Military attache from Sudan whom you'll fondly remember from last year. He's on his way to Moscow to meet these two gentlemen. Kazimits Chebekov and Luri Kapochev. Both ID'd as members of the Russian mafia. We think these are the men who stole the documents because the codes identified that these lost documents pertained to the Soviet-American nuclear arsenal during the Cold War.", "SYDNEY: Navour's buying twenty year old intel records. Why?", "SLOANE: That's the part we don't know. So, you are leaving tomorrow morning.", "(He gives black envelopes to Dixon and Sydney.)", "SLOANE: Your job is to prevent the transaction and retrieve the stolen files. Marshall, tell us what you got.", "MARSHALL: (stands) Okay. Who here has trouble falling asleep at night, hmm? (raises hand) No one else does? OKay. Well, anyway, myself, on occasion, I find it difficult to nod off -- mind racing, ideas, et cetera. So, this kind of pertains to the whole sleeping thing. Now, I created this just for Navour.", "(He puts on really big, black gloves and takes out a blue dot from a container with the help of a pair of pincers.)", "MARSHALL: Now, you just take this kind of little round thing here. Pretty cool. You just touch it, just with your finger, your hand, you know, just barely touch it and you're knocked out completely. It's like freebasing Thorazine. Boom. Now, you only get two times on this thing. It only works twice, so you don't want to use it three times 'cause...", "DIXON: Do we need to use those gloves?", "MARSHALL: Oh, no, we can make a nice ring, or-or perhaps an attractive cuff-cuff link. The reason why I'm wearing the gloves, I accidentally touched this the other day and I fell and kncked my head on the desk and was out cold for twenty minutes. You guys should see this.", "(He turns to show a Band-Aid that is on his neck. Sydney and Dixon try not to laugh. Sydney, smiling, makes eye contact with Sloane who is staring at her intently.)", "MARSHALL: That's not, um, I'm trying to be kind of Pavlovian about these puppies. No pun intended.", "(Outside the board room, Dixon and Sydney walk to their desks.)", "DIXON: They keep coming back, don't they?", "SYDNEY: Who? You mean Navour?", "DIXON: How is that man still able to walk after our apparel?", "SYDNEY: If it weren't him, it'd be someone else.", "DIXON: Then let it be someone else. We kill ourselves to do the right thing, meanwhile the bad people keep coming back.", "(Sydney stares at him.)", "SLOANE: Sydney, do you have a minute?", "SYDNEY: Yes, of course.", "DIXON: I'll be in Tech Ops. (leaves)", "SLOANE: I know it's gonna take you some time to adjust to being back. I just want to make sure you're all right.", "SYDNEY: I'm fine. Thanks.", "SLOANE: Good. I need to show you something.", "(Sloane opens an office door; Sydney looks surprised.)", "SLOANE: I'll leave you two alone. (leaves)", "MR. BRISTOW: It's all right, the room's clean. No one's listening. Hello, Sydney.", "SYDNEY: What is this?", "MR. BRISTOW: I'm here to tell you what you already know. That I work for SD-6, or so they think. I asked Sloane to do this.", "SYDNEY: Why?", "MR. BRISTOW: Because it'll facilitate what we're doing if they know that you know. It wouldn't hurt if you acted surprised when you left the office.", "SYDNEY: Since I've known the truth about you, I've asked myself questions. Thousands of questions. But this one I have to ask you now. When Danny was killed... Dad... did you know? Did you know that's what they ewre going to do?", "MR. BRISTOW: Yes.", "(She slaps him.)", "SYDNEY: Don't you ever speak to me again.", "(She leaves.)", "(In a mall food court, Sydney writes on a paper bag.)", "SYDNEY: (voice over) Abul Hassein Navour is attempting to purchase files stolen from the Russian government. Sloane is sending us to Moscow to prevent Navour from getting the files.", "(Cut to a phone booth. Sydney presses a button and hangs up.)", "SYDNEY: (V.O.) Dixon will impersoonate Navour. My job is to break into Navour's hotel room and take the money for the buy. So, what's next?", "(Sydney walks by a garbage bag and throws the crumpled up bag in the can.)", "(In Sydney's new place, she unpacks a box and stacks books on a shelf. She takes out a framed picture and smiles. The phone rings. She puts the picture on the shelf -- it's of her and Danny, both are smiling.)", "SYDNEY: Hello?", "VOICE: Joey's Pizza?", "SYDNEY: I'm sorry. You've got the wrong number.", "(Convenience store. Sydney enters, wrapping her cardigan sweater tighter around her body. Vaughn stands nearby, looking at cereal. She goes behind him and opens the cooler door, looking at a bottle of V8 Splash.)", "SYDNEY: It's me.", "VAUGHN: How you doing?", "SYDNEY: How I'm doing? I'd say things have been better. I'm working with friends who have no idea who they're really working for.", "VAUGHN: I heard Sloane had you meet your father.", "SYDNEY: Yes, he did. So, what's my counter-mission?", "VAUGHN: Navour's been on our short list for the past six months. In August, he attempted to purchase a nuke from Libya.", "SYDNEY: You already knew about Moscow?", "VAUGHN: No, we didn't. So, thank you for that.", "(Sydney closes the cooler door and moves beside him in the cereal aisle.)", "SYDNEY: Don't mention it. (shivers) That was cold. So, what's my move?", "VAUGHN: Carry out your assignment. Get the documents. When you get back, make sure YOU are holding the stolen files. We'll execute two brush passes at the airport terminal.", "(He gets a slushie.)", "VAUGHN: First, one will take place at the gate. We'll intercept the materials and make a duplicate copy and then return them to you in a second pass to be executed at the airport curb.", "SYDNEY: That's it?", "VAUGHN: That's it. Want a Slusho?", "SYDNEY: No, thank you.", "VAUGHN: They're delicious.", "SYDNEY: No, thanks. I said I was cold.", "VAUGHN: (looks at her) Good luck.", "(Newspaper office. Will is at his desk, on the phone.)", "WILL: I can imagine, that must've been devastating. Did he say anything to you after he drove over your cat?", "(A pretty girl, Jenny, stands at his desk and smiles. He looks at her in recognition.)", "WILL: Uh huh. Did he ever make any threats to you, or your cat? Sure. No, I--okay. You have my number at the paper. All right. Bye-bye. (hangs up) A man ran over his cat.", "JENNY: I understand.", "WILL: We're in a world where people drive over people's cats.", "JENNY: You didn't answer my question.", "WILL: Which-which one?", "JENNY: What are you doing for dinner?", "WILL: Jenny, you're nineteen years old.", "JENNY: I'm twenty. You know I turned twenty--", "WILL: We're not having this conversation. I'm ancient compared to you. Look. Look at me. Look how red my eyes are.", "JENNY: (smiles) You don't look too bad.", "WILL: Do me a favor. Can you pull me that file on Daniel Hecht?", "JENNY: What, that murder? Your friend?", "WILL: Yeah. Do you mind?", "JENNY: No, no.", "WILL: Thanks.", "(She starts to walk away, turns.)", "JENNY: You don't take me seriously, do you?", "WILL: No, I don't.", "JENNY: Hmm.", "(Moscow. In a hotel lobby, Sydney walks in wearing a long blonde wig that's braided. She wears glasses and speaks to Dixon who stands near the counter via an earpiece.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, do yo copy?", "DIXON: Wow. That's loud.", "SYDNEY: (walking to elevator) You told Marshall you wanted it louder. I was there.", "DIXON: Okay. My headache and I are 1017.", "SYDNEY: (in elevator) Break a leg.", "DIXON: You, too.", "(Upstairs, the elevator dings and Sydney gets off. She wears a maid's uniform and carries towels.)", "(At a bar, Dixon -- impersonating Navour -- looks around.)", "SYDNEY: I'm on fifteen.", "DIXON: Get the cash quickly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Upstairs, outside the hotel room.)", "SYDNEY: That is the plan.", "(She knocks. A man inside speaks Russian, she speaks Russian back. He opens the door and lets her in.)", "(At the bar, Dixon walks around and sees two Russians. They wave at him.)", "DIXON: Chebekov and Kapochev just showed up.", "(Upstairs, in the hotel room. Men speak Russian.)", "DIXON: Stand by on the call.", "(Sydney makes the bed. The men leave. She goes to the suitcase, removes the case on her ring to show the blue sleeping dot. She turns the ring so it's on the inside of her hand. She goes to the bodyguard who is sitting down and shakes his hand, speaking Russian. He knocks out immediately.)", "SYDNEY: Wow. Bodyguard's out. Navour's in the shower, I'm going in for the money.", "(Downstairs at the bar. The men wave at Dixon.)", "DIXON: Move fast. They spotted me.", "(Upstairs, Sydney takes off her glasses and uses the arms as a lock picking device. She starts on the suitcase.)", "(Downstairs at the bar.)", "KAPOCHEV: Are you my Sundanese friend?", "DIXON: Uh, Mr. Chebekov? (shakes hand)", "KAPOCHEV: Kapochev. I am the handsome one.", "(They chuckle.)", "CHEBEKOV: No protection with you?", "DIXON: Why, should I not feel safe here?", "KAPOCHEV: Here, here you feel very safe, yes.", "(They get a table.)", "(Upstairs, Sydney picks the lock. An elevator dings. A man gets off and walks to Sydney's room.)", "(At the club.)", "KAPOCHEV: I know the guy who owns this club. (gestures to Chebekov) He thinks I brag too much. It's true, I do... I brag too much.", "(They chuckle. Dixon takes a drink.)", "(The man from the hallway speaks Russian; Sydney keeps picking the lock.)", "(At the bar.)", "KAPOCHEV: That's the problem with Sudan. There's no place for fun.", "DIXON: It's a nice change, being out of the Sudan.", "CHEBEKOV: I thought you said you travel often.", "DIXON: Yes. Not often enough. (laughs)", "CHEBEKOV: So, I can see you don't have the money with you, is that correct?", "DIXON: No, not at the moment. But the money's very close.", "(The man from the hallway walks in, sees Sydney at the briefcase. He shouts in Russian, pulls a gun. She throws the suitcase at him, the money empties across the floor. She punches and kicks him. He throws her across the room, twice, the second time she lands on top of a dresser. On her back, she kicks him hard. Pushes himm. Kicks him. Elbows him in the head. Navour comes out of the shower, she puts him to sleep while speaking Russian with her ring. She turns and sees the money -- all blank sheets spread out on the floor.)", "SYDNEY: (to Dixon) I got bad news. This wasn't a buy. This was a hold-up. They were going to steal the files. There's no money here.", "(Bar.)", "DIXON: Fantastic!", "CHEBEKOV: What?", "DIXON: ...Vodka. (downs it)", "(In the hotel room, she takes out her braid and rips off the maid uniform. Underneath, is a light blue latex dress. She goes to a mirror and applies dark red lipstick.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, don't panic. I'll be there in two minutes.", "(In his office, Vaughn twirls a half dollar coin between his fingers, looking worried and impatient. Agent Weiss walks in. Vaughn sighs.)", "WEISS: Any word from her yet?", "VAUGHN: No. I don't expect to hear anything 'til she gets back.", "(Beat.)", "WEISS: Your girlfriend's name is Alice, right?", "VAUGHN: Would you shut up?", "WEISS: I'm just checking to see--", "VAUGHN: (good-naturedly) Get out of my office!", "(At the bar, Sydney enters wearing her blue dress.)", "SYDNEY: I'm in the bar. I can see you.", "(The Russians give Dixon an envelope.)", "SYDNEY: Are those the files? If they are, cough.", "(He coughs.)", "SYDNEY: Are they documents? Are they on disk?", "(He coughs.)", "SYDNEY: How many?", "(He puts two fingers up against his cheek, pretending to think.)", "SYDNEY: Get ready to make the switch.", "(She walks to a table and takes some playing cards. She smiles at a man sitting there, takes his drink from him. She starts to walk over to the table.)", "KAPOCHEV: Just like a drug deal. Would you like to taste the coke?", "(Sydney walks over, holding the drink.)", "DIXON: How do I know you haven't made copies?", "CHEBEKOV: Those disks are encrypted.", "(Sydney pretends to fall and spills her drink. The Russians stand, she makes the switch. She apologizes to the men in Russian and walks away with the disk.)", "CHEBEKOV: Okay, enough! Now where's the money?", "DIXON: You'll stay here. I'll go get it. (gets up)", "KAPOCHEV: Sounds good.", "(Dixon stands, Chebekov stands and points a gun at his stomach.)", "CHEBEKOV: At first, I thought maybe Navour sent you. But now I don't even think that.", "(Sydney, walking away, looks over her shoulder to see the gun stuck in Dixon's chest. She walks over to help. She kicks the chair that Kapochev's sitting on, he falls. Dixon beats Chebekov up, elbowing him on the back. She beats up the other guy. Kicks him several times.)", "(Los Angeles. At the gate, Sydney walks with Dixon behind her. Vaughn, posing as a janitor, walks by Sydney. She drops the disk into his tray of cleaning supplies. Continuing on, he goes into a room filled with C.I.A. agents, strips off the uniform and gives the disk to an agent sitting at a computer.)", "VAUGHN: Okay! We got two three-and-a-halfers here. We gotta move fast!", "AGENT: Let's use the third and fourth copies. Take about ninety seconds.", "VAUGHN: They're moving into customs, we're talking seconds, not minutes!", "AGENT: I hope they're not corrupted.", "(Sydney and Dixon walk through customs. She looks around nervously.)", "(In the C.I.A. room.)", "VAUGHN: They're moving to the main terminal! How long is this gonna take?!", "AGENT: Relax! We know these disks aren't normal, we're moving as fast as we can!", "(Outside, Dixon and Sydney get to a black car waiting for them at the curb. She looks around for Vaughn. The dirver puts their bags in the trunk.)", "(C.I.A. room, mass hysteria. People talk over reach other.)", "AGENT: Let me see that data as soon as it comes up! I'm not seeing it! I'm not seeing it!", "(At the curb. Sydney looks for Vaughn.)", "(In the room.)", "AGENT: Get me the other one! I'm not seeing it!", "(At the curb, Vaughn comes out. She stares at him. He walks quickly to her, almost jogging. Drops the disk in her bag as Dixon moves to let her in the car.)", "(Sydney's new home. She rushes in, moves to her bedroom, opens a drawer and takes out her engagement ring from Danny. She puts it on her finger and sighs. Later, Sydney sits in a bathtub, staring at the ring. She's on the verge of tears.)", "(Restaurant. Francie, Charlie, Will and another girl -- possibly Will's date? -- sit together at a table.)", "FRANCIE: So, he says to me, \"Hey, honey? I asked for butter, like, an hour ago.\" And I'm sitting there thinking, \"Uh, no, you asked the other black girl for buter, you rich entitled son of a bitch.\"", "GIRL: Some people go out to eat -- and this is just my theory -- in order to abuse waiters.", "FRANCIE: No question.", "GIRL: Creepy, isn't it? There are some bad people in this world.", "(Sydney enters carrying a bottle of wine. She puts it in front of Charlie.)", "SYDNEY: Hello!", "FRANCIE: Hey.", "SYDNEY: Sorry I'm late. This is for the offer, and for helping me move.", "CHARLIE: Thank you. Wow. Look at this.", "FRANCIE: Well, now we'll have something to drink when you guys come over.", "WILL: (to Sydney) Hey, can I talk to you for a second?", "SYDNEY: Sure. I'll be right back.", "(Will gets up and they leave for privacy.)", "(Near the bar...)", "SYDNEY: What's going on?", "WILL: We've known each other for three years. Just confirm that.", "SYDNEY: Yes. Three years.", "WILL: But it feels like a lot longer than that, right? I mean, we know each other pretty well.", "SYDNEY: Yeah, we do.", "WILL: And you know I would never do anything to hurt you and you know I'm a curious guy.", "SYDNEY: Will, what did you do?", "WILL: You never gave me any information on Danny--", "SYDNEY: Oh, God, Will...", "WILL: So, I looked around a bit and I found out one piece of information which you might not know but maybe you do.", "SYDNEY: What?", "WILL: The night Danny was killed, did you know he was booked on a flight from L.A.X. to Singapore?", "(Sydney furrows her bow, confused, then recovers.)", "SYDNEY: Yeah. I know that.", "WILL: You did? You knew that?", "SYDNEY: Danny had a conference. A medical conference. He wanted me to fly out and meet him afterwards. Have a week in Bali. (starts to fake cry) I spend all day, every day, trying not to see him the way I found him. And I know you mean well, and I love you for that, but please, please, let this go. Please.", "(Will has tears in his eyes.)", "WILL: Syd, I'm sorry--", "SYDNEY: It's okay.", "WILL: I get it. I won't bring it up again.", "SYDNEY: Okay. I just need a minute.", "WILL: (crying) Syd, I feel horrible.", "SYDNEY: I'm okay. I swear to God. I'm okay. I'll be right there, okay?", "WILL: (sniffles) Okay.", "(He leaves her. Sydney recovers and stares ahead, having no idea about the ticket.)", "(Sloane's office at SD-6.)", "SLOANE: Doomsday Six. That's the name of the operation. It seems that during the Cold War, six fully armed nuclear weapons were smuggled into and buried within the United States. December '89 that information was disclosed to the U.S. government. Needless to say, the bombs were quickly recovered and disarmed.", "SYDNEY: And that was the information on those disks.", "SLOANE: No. They realized a seventh nuke buried still right now somewhere in the United States.", "SYDNEY: Where?", "SLOANE: We don't know yet. Those disks were encoded with a sectional encryption. Analysis is still working on it. This is what we got so far.", "SYDNEY: (reads) \"Milovich Ivanov. Buckingham, Virginia.\" Who's he?", "SLOANE: We assume he's the man Navour was looking for. We have no file on him.", "SYDNEY: You think he's babysitting the nuke.", "SLOANE: Yes. I do. I want you to go to that address, report back on Ivanov any aliases, where he lives, where he works, the type of coffee he drinks. The whole deal.", "SYDNEY: Thanks.", "(She leaves.)", "(Vaughn's office. The phone rings.)", "VAUGHN: Yeah?", "SYDNEY: I'm going to see Ivanov.", "VAUGHN: Who?", "(She hangs up.)", "VAUGHN: Sydney! Sydney!", "(Later, Vaughn and his boss walk to Vaughn's office.)", "BOSS: We have a name, and an address. We are not gonna sit on our hands here!", "VAUGHN: Sir, I know, I understand that but we cannot move on that information!", "BOSS: We can and we will!", "VAUGHN: Then we are risking Sydney Bristow's placement in SD-6 and perhaps her life!", "BOSS: That maybe the case and yes, we might lose a double in the process--", "VAUGHN: Sir, she's going to see him! She's on her way!", "BOSS: We are talking about a nuclear weapon here. What do you expect me to do? Wait until Bristow contacts us?", "VAUGHN: Read her file, sir! Have you read her file?", "BOSS: Bristow's--", "VAUGHN: Do it! Then you will learn what I have! She's an asset! She's doing our work!", "BOSS: She was supposed to contact you, and--", "VAUGHN: There was a good reason she couldn't! She is on her way to Virginia right now. If we send a team, we risk blowing her cover! We cannot afford to do that! Read her file!", "BOSS: I've read it! What do you want?", "VAUGHN: Five hours. Give her five hours.", "BOSS: Five hours.", "VAUGHN: Thank you.", "(Boss leaves. Weiss, from the adjoining office, comes in, having overheard everything.)", "WEISS: Whooo. Impressive.", "VAUGHN: (scoffs) Yeah.", "WEISS: Balls of steel!", "(Vaughn laughs.)", "WEISS: No, that's what I'm gonna call you from now on. (to agent walking by) Hey. Have you met Balls of Steel?", "(Virginia. Sydney drives up in a car. She looks at the address -- 1936 Lake Road. She verifies it in her notepad. The address is a cemetary. Curious, she walks around in between the tombstones and notices a grave that has dead grass on it. She inches closer. Milovich Ivanov 1927-1974.)", "(Shed. Sydney kicks down the door and grabs a shovel. Hours later, Sydney's digging the grave. She hits something and brushes away the ground on a coffin. She opens the lid. The nuclear bomb, wired to the lid, activates and starts ticking. She has two minutes left.)", "(Later, Sydney is on her cell phone talking to Marshall.)", "SYDNEY: We've got a red wire, a yellow, a blue, a blue-white! There's a white wire, a yellow-red, and orange-red. A black, a white-black, an orange, a purple, a purple-white, a green, a green-white, red-white, green, blue, a light blue--", "MARSHALL: Okay! Okay! Cut the blue-white wire!", "SYDNEY: Okay, cutting the blue-white wire!", "MARSHALL: Oh, hold the phone! (fumbles with sheets)", "SYDNEY: DON'T TELL ME TO HOLD THE PHONE! I'M SITTING ON A TICKING NUCLEAR BOMB!", "MARSHALL: Are there two timer panels, or one?", "SYDNEY: Just--I only see one!", "MARSHALL: All right! Try the blue wire!", "SYDNEY: \"TRY IT\"?!", "MARSHALL: No, cut it! Cut it!", "SYDNEY: Okay!", "(She does. The timer stops at eleven seconds left. She cries out, sighs and drops the phone.)", "MARSHALL: Hello?", "(Inside the van.)", "VAUGHN: You called SD-6 instead of the C.I.A.! That is unacceptable! You should've called me!", "SYDNEY: YOU! What would you have done?", "VAUGHN: The C.I.A., Sydney! You know it has access to nuclear sciences!", "SYDNEY: Give me a break, I had two minutes!", "VAUGHN: And going to Virginia without contacting us?!", "SYDNEY: I DID contact you!", "VAUGHN: You are over-eager, you are being irresponsible!", "SYDNEY: You know what? Yes, SD-6 happens to have a nuclear weapon and yes, that happens to be my fault. After I called Marshall, SD-6 knew I'd found the bomb, but you know what? We're going to track it and steal it back!", "VAUGHN: It's in Cairo.", "SYDNEY: What?", "VAUGHN: When SD-6 picked up our nuke, they put it on a plane bound for Egypt. And are you ready for this? They sold the thing to Anini Hassan.", "(They sit down.)", "SYDNEY: Hassan...", "VAUGHN: Yeah. Reflected on both our records, FYI.", "(She looks at him.)", "VAUGHN: What?", "SYDNEY: I told you I've been there. Hassan's. I can go back.", "VAUGHN: No. Can't do it.", "SYDNEY: Why not?!", "VAUGHN: Hassan knows you. If you're spotted, it'll get back to Sloane.", "SYDNEY: Then we'll just have to make sure they never see me.", "(Middle of nowhere. Sydney's father drives up.)", "SYDNEY: Thanks for meeting me here. I'm sorry about hitting you.", "MR. BRISTOW: You're going to Cairo. Devlin told me.", "SYDNEY: Yeah, that's why I had them call you. I need your help. SD-6 can't know that's where I'm going.", "MR. BRISTOW: I'll take care of it.", "SYDNEY: Dad... it was you, wasn't it? Who bought the ticket to Singapore?", "MR. BRISTOW: You were in Taipei. I had arranged a flight for you as well, from Singapore. You cold have gone anywhere. I went to Danny's apartment except it was too late. Just minutes too late.", "SYDNEY: Thank you. I have to go, obviously. (smiles)", "(Sydney drives off.)", "(Vaughn's office. He talks to a secretary.)", "VAUGHN: Tell Weiss I'm in operations and if Alice calls, just--", "(Boss stands in the doorway.)", "BOSS: I need you.", "VAUGHN: Yeah, I know. (to secretary) Just call me if there's anything. (to Boss) Let me just say this, about Bristow--", "BOSS: Don't bother. Don't apologize. You're not in any trouble. Virginia was my call.", "VAUGHN: She's intimately familiar with Hassan's base, she's going to get in, disable the weappon. We are all over it.", "BOSS: Well, you don't have to be. That's what I'm here to tell you. You're being pulled off the Bristow case.", "VAUGHN: What? Why?", "BOSS: Devlin wants a more senior officer. Apparently you were right; this girl is pretty important to us.", "VAUGHN: Yeah, I know...", "BOSS: He wants you to oversee the office presentation at the D.C.I. non-proliferation meeting, which under the circumstances is pretty ironic.", "(Sloane's office. Telephone rings.)", "SLOANE: Yeah. Yeah. Send him in.", "(He walks to the door.)", "MR. BRISTOW: You hear from Sydney?", "SLOANE: Yeah. What's wrong with her?", "MR. BRISTOW: She went up north. I think she just needed to get away.", "SLOANE: Is she okay?", "MR. BRISTOW: She will be. I think it's hard for her, that's all. Accepting the news about what I do.", "(Pause.)", "SLOANE: Are you all right?", "MR. BRISTOW: Yeah, of course. Why?", "SLOANE: I don't know. You seem a little...", "MR. BRISTOW: What?", "SLOANE: Nothing, nothing.", "MR. BRISTOW: I'll see you tomorrow.", "SLOANE: Yeah, okay.", "(He closes the door.)", "(Cairo. Sydney peers down the hall, wearing a black burnoose. She talks to the C.I.A. operative over an earpiece.)", "SYDNEY: I'm in.", "(Sydney takes down a guard in the hallway. Throws him to the ground. Another one comes out of a room. She elbows him in the stomach with the gun, throws him back in the room and tosses the gun in there. She enters a bigger storage room and eyes a rectangular box.)", "SYDNEY: I think I found it.", "OPERATIVE: Copy.", "(She opens the lid. It's a nuke.)", "SYDNEY: Yeah, I found it.", "OPERATIVE: Copy. Commence disabling.", "(Sydney unzips a package of tools and a diagram; unscrews timer panel.)", "SYDNEY: I've got it open. I'm going in for the core.", "OPERATIVE: Copy. Radio silence until task complete.", "SYDNEY: (unscrewing it) Listen, I know we just met on the flight over, but do you have to talk like such a robotron?", "OPERATIVE: Radio silence requested.", "SYDNEY: I guess you do.", "(She opens the casing and takes out a gold ball -- the core. A gun is pointed at her head. Her eyes glance tpo the right... it's Hassan.)" ]
So It Begins
[ "Sydney's life is in danger as she is sent to Madrid to retrieve a 500-year-old sketch that contains a set of binary digits on its reverse, having to do with the Rambaldi artifact Sydney brought back from Taipei. SD-6 needs the sketch to decipher the key to its workings. Meanwhile, Will Tippin continues his research into the cause of Danny's death and discovers a strange anomaly concerning surveillance cameras in the zone of Danny's apartment the night he was murdered. Will is not aware of the danger he is placing himself in by doing this, but Sydney tries to make him stop. In Madrid, Sydney meets up with her deadly nemesis, K-Directorate agent Anna Espinosa, and a fight ensues to retrieve the sketch. It ends up at a draw, as Anna keeps the key to a small suitcase Sydney has obtained. In the end they have to make an arrangement to open the suitcase together, which has the two of them looking inside the suitcase in astonishment at something that remains unrevealed." ]
[ "(Continuing from last episode: Sydney is in Cairo, gun to her head, holding the plutonium core of the nuke.)", "HASSAN: (speaks Arabic)", "SYDNEY: I am holding enough plutonium here to liquefy our insides in forty-eight hours.", "HASSAN: Put it down.", "SYDNEY: If I put it down, you kill me.", "HASSAN: Now. I'm going to count to one.", "SYDNEY: Okay.", "(She throws the core in the air, takes the gun from Hassan and kicks him three times. She knocks him out with the last kick to the stomach, catches the core, and runs. She runs down the hall.)", "(After class, Sydney corners her professor.)", "PROFESSOR: You're falling behind, Sydney. And I don't accept late papers.", "SYDNEY: Wait, okay. You know what? Good point. You shouldn't. But I do have a real good excuse, okay? I was on a business trip and my flight was delayed.", "(Cairo. Guards shoot at Sydney, she flops behind a wall and speaks to the C.I.A. operative via her watch while bullets fly.)", "SYDNEY: I have the bomb and I'm ready for extraction!", "OPERATIVE: ETA, two minutes!", "SYDNEY: I might not have two minutes!", "(Classroom, continuous.)", "PROFESSOR: If you recall, I made it clear in my syllabus that I was happy to accept your papers via e-mail, if you can't get them to me directly. You do have e-mail, don't you?", "SYDNEY: Yes, see, you're not going to believe this, you're not, but, there was a blackout where I was staying.", "(He looks at her dubiously.)", "SYDNEY: Honestly.", "(Cairo. Explosions in the distance. Sydney runs up the stairs, on her way to the exit but hears something fall. A slight \"ping\" noise. She turns, horrified, and sees the core roll down the floor to the stairs.)", "(Classroom.)", "PROFESSOR: Okay, stop. I can appreciate the complexities of pursuing a grad degree with a full-time job, but it seems to me that your work is taking precedence over your education. Now, admit it, Sydney. You're dropping the ball.", "(Cairo. Sydney throws herself to the ground, grabbing the core before it rolls down the stairs. Breathing heavily, she takes a grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it at the guards. Explosion. Outside the warehouse, sand flies everywhere as a spotlight of a helicopter shines down on her, its propellors whirring.)", "(Classroom.)", "SYDNEY: The truth... my job is a means to an end. And your class makes me feel like maybe, someday, I'll be able to do more with my life.", "(Cairo. Inside the helicopter, Sydney sits, still panting. She hands the core over to a C.I.A. operative sitting next to her. He puts the core in a padded briefcase. She looks out the helicopter gratefully.)", "(Classroom.)", "PROFESSOR: All right. Next paper's due Thursday. I assume that won't be a problem.", "SYDNEY: No, not at all. Okay. Thank you so much.", "(Her pager goes off. She looks at it. \"SLOANE - 911.\")", "PROFESSOR: Are you sure about that?", "(Beat.)", "SYDNEY: How's Friday?", "(Sydney's new house. She gets cups of coffee for Francie and herself.)", "FRANCIE: What's crazy is Charlie has an amazing offer from Fleming Letterman. It's like, the most prestigious law firm in L.A.", "SYDNEY: But Charlie's not excited?", "FRANCIE: He's just kind of weird. He never wants to talk about it. He doesn't brag. Wouldn't you brag? I would. I would be non-stop talking about myself if a firm like that wanted me.", "SYDNEY: Just remember you and Charlie are coming from very different places. I mean, in his whole family, he's first-generation college.", "FRANCIE: That's true.", "SYDNEY: Not to mention law school. He's probably nervous. He's probably terrified.", "FRANCIE: That's kind of what my dad said. I called him last night to ask him what he thought. He said, \"Listen, missy, give it a rest. You're making something out of nothing. Charlie is one of the good ones.\"", "SYDNEY: Your dad is right.", "FRANCIE: It's just weird, having that feeling that someone you love isn't telling you everything.", "(Pause.)", "SYDNEY: I can't believe you can call your dad for advice. I... I just can't imagine.", "FRANCIE: You know, the worst thing is having a dad that is always right.", "SYDNEY: No, it's not the worst thing. I ran into my father last week.", "FRANCIE: Where?", "SYDNYE: Just-just out... shopping. It was-it was so empty. It wasn't empty, it was full, actually. Full of awkwardness and lame pauses and... I don't know.", "FRANCIE: Your dad, you know, he's just... he's just your dad.", "SYDNEY: I don't want it to be like that anymore, I'm just sick of it. I mean, I always had this feeling that maybe someday, I don't know, my dad and I would connect. That things could start to get better.", "FRANCIE: Well, you know my opinion of your dad.", "SYDNEY: I know.", "FRANCIE: But listen. If you can find it in your heart to forgive him for being the kind of guy he's been all your life, which I would find impossible and could never do, then you should make a real effort.", "SYDNEY: How do you even start something like that? I have so many questions, I just...", "FRANCIE: You can call the man.", "SYDNEY: I'm not going to reconnect with my father over the phone.", "FRANCIE: Fine. Go to his work. Go to the airplane factory or whatever, and just start talking. You're really good at talking.", "(Parking lot. Mr. Bristow gets out of his car, walks.)", "SYDNEY: Dad.", "MR. BRISTOW: (turns) Sydney, what are you doing here?", "SYDNEY: I would have called, I just didn't know if that was--", "MR. BRISTOW: You shouldn't be here.", "SYDNEY: I told you I have a thousand questions. They're keeping me awake at night.", "MR. BRISTOW: Then take something.", "SYDNEY: Dad, did you know SD-6 was going to recruit me? I mean, did you help?", "MR. BRISTOW: This isn't the time.", "SYDNEY: Then I need to ask you about mom.", "MR. BRISTOW: Sydney--", "SYDNEY: Was it just an accident? Or-or did you tell her about what you were doing, like I told Danny?", "MR. BRISTOW: Look where you are! You're exposed.", "SYDNEY: Dad, please--", "MR. BRISTOW: Don't come here again. Not again.", "(He walks away.)", "(Credit Dauphine. Meeting with Sloane, Marshall, Sydney and Dixon.)", "SLOANE: That device that you withdrew from Taepei last month remains in Analysis. They're still trying to figure out exactly what it does and how it does it. At the time, I told you that Vascar Mueller was the designer. In truth, Mueller was just an academic, a scientiest who took another man's sketches, translated them into practical construction plans and put it all together.", "SYDNEY: So then, who designed it?", "SLOANE: A man named Milo Rambaldi.", "DIXON: Never heard of him.", "SLOANE: That doesn't surprise me. He died in 1496. Rambaldi was Pope Alexander VI's chief architect, ex-communicated for heresy, sentenced to death for suggesting that someday, science could allow us to know God. After Rambaldi's death, his workshop was torn apart, his plans and sketches were traded and sold for next to nothing. For the next five centuries, his work was scattered throughout the world. No one is exactly sure what's left, which is unfortunate because last March, a Russian historian happened upon one of Rambaldi's early designs. She recognized something that looked a lot like a transistor.", "SYDNEY: I don't understand. (to Dixon) Do you understand?", "SLOANE: It seems that Rambaldi was a prophet. We acquired one of his notebooks from San Lazaro. This is the analysis report.", "(He gives it to Sydney. She reads.)", "SYDNEY: \"Rudementary schematic for a transportable vocal communicator.\"", "SLOANE: The guy was drawing up plans for a cell phone around the time of the Ottoman empire.", "DIXON: Come on!", "SLOANE: Ridiculous, right? You know me. I am not a New Age kind of guy. I don't believe in the power of the pyramid. I'm not a big granola fan. This sort of thing makes me roll my eyes. And then my eyes came across this.", "(He puts up another slide on the screens in front of them. Binary code flashes across the screen.)", "SLOANE: Written in 1489.", "DIXON: Rambaldi wrote machine code?", "MARSHALL: Actually, if-if I could... it's probably not machine code. I mean, the concept of zero's been around, well, it precedes Christ, and the numeral one has been around even longer than that. Actually, you know, Ptolemy used zero as punctuation marks and in Indian texts, zero is more of a spiritual concept than an actual number. Of course, I don't mean--when I say \"Indian,\" I don't mean the kind with bow and arrows--", "SLOANE: Thank you, Marshall. We don't know what it is. Rambaldi has become a priority for us. We want to learn what it is before anyone else does.", "SYDNEY: Have you tried running the sequence?", "SLOANE: It's incomplete. The entire sequence was written on the back of two Rambaldi sketches. We possess one, and the other one is in this man's private collection.", "(He puts a surveillance photo up on the screens of a man.)", "SLOANE: Eduardo Benegas. Spanish. V.C. Auto enthusiast.", "MARSHALL: He also happens to own the largest collection of pornographic art in all of Madrid. Which... I thought was an interesting fact. Sorry.", "SLOANE: We negotiated with him to buy one of the sketches, but suddenly he withdrew the piece. We believe that somebody tipped him off of its real vaule. We think it's K-Directorate. Unfortunately, they're on to Rambaldi, too.", "(Sydney stares ahead. Suddenly, we see Benegas having s*x with someone. A chain around his neck slams against his chest. He flings the chain so it lands on his back.)", "SLOANE: (voice over) It's possible K-Directorate stole the key from Benegas. Our data reconnassaince division thinks, although it hasn't been confirmed yet, that he's surrounded with a half-dozen bodyguards. We're talking about guys trained under the U.E.I. special forces. We also have reason to believe that Benegas keeps the key on him at all times. So, the big question is, how did K-Directorate swipe the key?", "(Benegas keeps having s*x with someone we can't see, until a hand belonging to a woman slithers up his back. She has a tattoo on her hand by her thumb. She takes the key. Back at SD-6...)", "SYDNEY: Ana. It was Ana, wasn't it?", "(Outside. A man picks up the litter. Sydney is on campus. She's writing at a picnic table.)", "SYDNEY: (voice over) Eduardo Benegas has a sketch drawn by Milo Rambaldi.", "(She scrunches up the brown paper bag.)", "SYDNEY: (V.O.) There's a code written on the back.", "(She dials a number on her cell phone, punches the appropriate number.)", "SYDNEY: (V.O.) SD-6 wants that code. The sketch is in a case. The case is in a vault. The vault is on the top floor of a car museum owned by Benegas.", "(Other part of campus. Sydney walks with Francie and tosses the bag in the garbage. The man collecting the garbage from earlier takes the bag and keeps walking.)", "SYDNEY: (V.O.) So, I'm going to Madrid. What's my counter mission?", "(Sydney's house. Will brings in a box for her; she unpacks.)", "WILL: So, it's two thousand words or less on gene sequencing in virus-resistant cabbages, all right? And I'm realizing slowly that I might not have a real handle on the situation.", "SYDNEY: Which part?", "WILL: Uh, just the part about the gene sequencing in the virus-resistant cabbage.", "(They both smile; Sydney's cell phone rings.)", "SYDNEY: Doesn't your paper have a science correspondent? (in phone) Hello? Hi...", "(The landline phone rings. Will motions to Sydney if she wants him to answer. He does.)", "SYNDEY: Okay, uh, yeah...", "WILL: Hello?", "SYDNEY: Okay, thanks, I will come by.", "WILL: Sorry, you have the wrong number.", "SYDNEY: Thanks so much.", "WILL: Okay, bye.", "(They both hang up.)", "WILL: So, you're busy.", "SYDNEY: What was--", "WILL: You okay? When you were on the phone, it looked like--", "SYDNEY: It was Danny's landlord. They found some of his stuff in the garage.", "WILL: Oh, you all right?", "SYDNEY: Yeah. Yeah.", "WILL: Do you want me to go--I can get that stuff for you. Bring it back.", "SYDNEY: Would you mind? It's just, I have to go to San Diego for the bank tonight...", "WILL: Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it, it's done. It's done.", "(He pats her arm and goes back to moving boxes. Sydney looks.)", "SYDNEY: So, who called?", "WILL: Oh, it was a wrong number. They were looking for a pizza place.", "SYDNEY: You know what? I think I'm going to go for a quick run before my cab comes.", "(Outside in a park. Sydney runs and stops at a bench where Vaughn and his dog stand, stretching. She stands on the other side of the bench and stretches.)", "VAUGHN: Hey.", "SYDNEY: Hi.", "VAUGHN: Devlin wants you to follow through on Sloane's orders. Apparently, we're both after the same piece of missing code.", "SYDNEY: You're kidding me.", "VAUGHN: Nope.", "SYDNEY: You already knew about Rambaldi?", "VAUGHN: I didn't. The agency did. Davinci meets Nostradamus -- personally, I don't buy it.", "SYDNEY: Tell the C.I.A. station clerk in Barcelona to prep for a dead drop. Worst case, I'll encrypt the code on a Radiohead MP3 and leave it on Audiogalaxy.", "VAUGHN: How did Russian underground find out about Rambaldi?", "SYDNEY: Hey, you're the intel guy.", "VAUGHN: (smiles) What can you tell me about this woman? Ana Espinosa?", "SYDNEY: She was born in Cuba, raised in Russia. One of the last Cold War babies, go-to officer at K-Directorate for wet work and active measures. About a year ago, I had a meeting with an informant in Yugoslavia. Low level; just a guy with intel who needed the money. Ana recorded the entire conversation with a parabolic mic from the building next door.", "VAUGHN: How do you know?", "SYDNEY: Because as I was shaking his hand to leave, she blew out the back of his skull with a sniper rifle, even though she got what she came for. Her way of telling me I was out of my league.", "VAUGHN: Be careful out there.", "SYDNEY: See you when I get back.", "VAUGHN: No, actually, you won't. Uh, I'm being replaced by a senior officer. It seems I wasn't experienced enough to be your handler.", "(Sydney and Vaughn suddenly both look sad and disappointed; Sydney looks shocked.)", "VAUGHN: It was really good to meet you. Good luck in Madrid.", "(He walks away, giving a side look Sydney's way. She watches him leave.)", "(Weiss' office. Weiss sits behind his desk; Vaughn paces and rants.)", "VAUGHN: He's an IDIOT! I mean, that's the problem. So is Davenport. I mean, they're so involved in their own bureaucratic--", "WEISS: Protocol, I know.", "VAUGHN: You know who's replacing me?", "WEISS: Yes. Lambert.", "VAUGHN: Lambert! LAMBERT!", "WEISS: Can I say something, and-and not just as a fellow officer, but as a very smart man?", "VAUGHN: What?", "WEISS: You're starting to get a little too emotional about this.", "VAUGHN: Not this again...", "WEISS: You are. You are obviously attached to this woman--", "VAUGHN: This is your answer for everything!", "WEISS: If you were paying me to analyze you--", "VAUGHN: Shut up! Stop it!", "WEISS: I gotta tell you, I'd actually say that maybe you're a little jealous.", "VAUGHN: Of Lambert?! Give me a break! I mean, the guy may be senior (points to brain) but he's junior. Trust me.", "WEISS: And now he gets to see Sydney every week, and it's making you crazy.", "VAUGHN: This is not about me!", "WEISS: Yes, it is!", "VAUGHN: No, it's not! (pauses; sits) She's going to Madrid. There's this other agent with K-Directorate. She could not sound more dangerous. I'm scared for Sydney. I know I'm off the case. (sighs) But, I want her to come back.", "WEISS: Well, look, there's nothing you can do about it, and you don't even know if this K-Directorate woman will be in Madrid. So, why worry?", "(Madrid. Airport. We think it's Sydney in Madrid, but then we see the same hand Sydney saw. The hand with the tattoo. Ana walks, carrying a briefcase, through the airport in Madrid. She smiles.)", "(Vaughn's office. Lambert reads Vaughn's file on Sydney.)", "LAMBERT: You sure wrote a hell of a lot about this Bristow girl. Anything else I need to know about her?", "VAUGHN: I think you'll find that Sydney is quite capable of speaking for herself.", "LAMBERT: (sees a picture of her) Look at her. Wouldn't kick that out of bed.", "(SD-6. Marshall meets with Dixon and Sydney.)", "MARSHALL: Okay, so, you're going to Madrid tonight, and the fundraiser's going to be at this Vieta Auto Museum, and you'll probably want to dress nice, you know, dress to thrill. So, I thought maybe you'd like to wear this necklace, huh? Now, the pearls are actually fiberglass. That's better to, uh, transmit the vibrations from your larynx to the mic right inside the pendant. Uh, you maybe you want to try it on? Or, I-I could sample it? Probably wouldn't match my...", "(At the auto museum, Sydney enters wearing a red dress and a red wig. A man at the door compliments her on the necklace. In Spanish, she thanks him and walks inside.)", "SYDNEY: I'm in.", "DIXON: Roger that.", "(Meeting.)", "MARSHALL: Last year, Benegas lent some money to the paramilitary down in Colombia, which well, uh, it didn't fly real well with the guerillas, and so everyone's going to be a bit jumpy tonight. But, see, that's okay. We can use that because we've got a normal-looking Spanish peseta, right? Wrong. Sonic wave emitter.", "(At the party, Sydney walks and takes the coin out of her purse.)", "MARSHALL: (voice over) Just make sure you drop it near a window.", "(She does so. She looks around, walks, mingles in the crowd. Sydney feels someone's eyes on her, looks up, and sees Ana posing as a waitress. They make eye contact. Ana winks at Sydney.)", "SYDNEY: Ana just crashed the party.", "(Dixon's inside a van with camera screens up everywhere.)", "DIXON: Careful, Syd.", "(Meeting.)", "MARSHALL: Now, look, you guys. I don't even want to tell you when you're out in the field or like that, but the unveiling of the prototype would probably be a good time to, y'know, activate the coin because as hot as you look, they'd be looking at the car, and not at you.", "(Museum.)", "ANNOUNCER: Benegas Racing is proud to present it's new 627-110 prototype!", "(A sheet raises over the car, everyone applaudes.)", "MARSHALL: (v.o.) You take this pen right here, normal looking pen that you write with.", "(Sydney takes out the pen.)", "MARSHALL: (v.o.) Click that like that, and boom.", "(She clicks the pen and the window shatters. Everyone yells and runs. Sydney runs to the stairs.)", "(Meeting.)", "MARSHALL: Now, the vault is on the top floor, so you're going to have to bypass all the security camers and everything, so I got a remote modem. Remote modem. What you do is you wire it in the central junction box, which is located on the first floor, then Dixon can loop the video signal.", "(Sydney is at the security boxes, unlocks it. Dixon sits in his van outside the museum.)", "DIXON: Central panel, junction box \"A.\"", "(At the security panel, Sydney opens box \"A.\")", "SYDNEY: Damn it.", "DIXON: What?", "SYDNEY: Ana's already been here. She's tapped into the alarm system.", "DIXON: Remote modem?", "SYDNEY: Yes. Which means she's got back-up.", "DIXON: All right, Sydney, leave it there, we'll piggyback off their signal. We don't want to trigger the central alarm.", "(Sydney hooks a wire into the remote modem that's already there, thanks to Ana.)", "SYDNEY: Do you see Ana on any of the monitors?", "DIXON: Not on any of these feeds.", "(Sydney hears metal banging from above.)", "SYDNEY: She's in the ducts. I'm heading for the elevator! Did you rig the camera?", "(She runs to the elevator, hits a button, and glances at the camera above her. Inside the van, Dixon looks at the same camera angle where nothing is shown. Sydney is hidden. In the control room, guards speak Spanish. Sydney arrives at the top floor. There's a glass door that prevents anyone from getting to the case with the sketch in it.)", "SYDNEY: I'm running the lock descrambler.", "(Her eyes get wide as she sees someone welding the metal floor from underneath. Someone cuts a small circle of the floor out, and Ana comes up. She's on the other side; the glass door divides them. She sees Sydney, barricaded on the other side, and smirks.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, Ana's in the vault.", "(Ana easily takes the case, gets ready to leave.)", "DIXON: The vault will unlock in five seconds.", "(Suddenly, the descrambler stops at 75%.)", "SYDNEY: What's wrong with the descrambler?", "DIXON: They're jamming your frequency. I'll try and find them!", "(Ana speaks into her watch, to the other K-Directorate operative, I'm assuming. She goes up to the glass door, case in hand, and stares at Sydney. Ana kisses the door, leaving a red lipstick imprint on it. She drops the case through the hole she made, and jumps down, escaping. Alarm blares. Guards start running for the top floor. Sydney tries the elevator, nothing happens.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, the elevator's locked down! The descrambler's still jammed!", "(She's trapped. Dixon is in the driver's seat of the van now, comes closer to a white parked van. Inside, two K-Directorate men just like Dixon look at monitors with ear pieces in them.)", "DIXON: Hold on, Sydney, I see them.", "SYDNEY: Hurry! Hurry, they're coming up!", "(Inside, Ana is walking away, speaks into her earpiece. Dixon puts on his seatbelt and crashes into the van, sending it tumbling away on its roof. Sydney sees the lock descrambler begin to move again.)", "SYDNEY: We're back online!", "(In the museum, Ana walks confidently. A guard stops her and asks her in Spanish to show him the case. She tells him to calm down, then elbows him in the throat. She kicks him, sending him to the ground. Party guests gasp. At the vault, the descrambler reaches a 100% and unlocks the glass door. Sydney moves behind the door, and jumps down the hole made by Ana. Guards arrive and call on their walkie-talkies. Sydney runs in the museum and sees the fallen guard. She runs down some stairs, throws her high heels off. She runs barefoot.", "SYDNEY: I think she's taking the north corridor! I'm going to try to head her off!", "(Ana runs down the north corridor. Sydney runs. Ana runs.)", "ANA: I'm headed to the chopper now.", "(Sydney and Ana are running parallel to one another. Sydney reaches to a stairway up above. She sees Ana running her way, and notices a chain wrapped around the bannister, hooked from up above. Sydney takes the chain and swings down, kicking Ana in the gut. Ana goes flying, so does the bag. Sydney tries running for the bag while Ana is on the ground, but Ana kicks her. Sydney falls. Sydney kicks her in the neck, Ana grabs a sledghammer and tries hitting Sydney a few times, but Sydney moves out of the way. Sydney kicks her. Ana grabs her arm, throws her back. Sydney dodges her punch. Ana tosses Sydney down the nearby flight of stairs and pauses to smirk at Sydney who groans in pain. Ana runs.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, she's going out back...", "(Outside, Ana exits and runs. Sydney exits.)", "DIXON: Sydney! Sydney, up there!", "(He points up and shows Ana climbing the stairs to the roof.)", "SYDNEY: Give me your gun!", "DIXON: Sydney--", "SYDNEY: Give me the gun!", "(Dixon hands it over. Sydney takes the gun, aims, and shoots the strap of the bag off of Ana's shoulder. The bag falls to the ground, in front of Sydney and Dixon. Ana turns and stares at her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(At Danny's apartment building, the door opens.)", "WILL: Hi, I'm Will Tippin, I'm a friend of Sydney's. She asked me to come and pick up some of her stuff?", "(Minutes later, the landlord comes out holding a box. Will is staring out the window.)", "LANDLORD: This is all of it. They arrest anyone yet?", "WILL: (turns) Uh, for the murder? No, no, no, not yet. Excuse me, do you have any idea how long that traffic camera's been there?", "LANDLORD: No, I don't.", "(Will's office, he's on the phone.)", "WILL: But, do the traffic cameras take a picture at every red light, or just when a car's in the intersection? Really? Can we get a hold of every picture taken on June 8th between midnight and six a.m. at the corner of Alavis and Sunset? Okay, great. Call me back.", "BOSS: Fighting a traffic ticket?", "WILL: I swear to God, the genectics piece is practically arriving on your desk as we speak.", "BOSS: Practically.", "WILL: Very nearly practically. Almost concurrent with this conversation.", "BOSS: So, out of two thousand words, how many have you \"practically\" typed?", "WILL: Counting the headline?", "BOSS: Will, don't make me regret hiring people in their twenties.", "(Credit Dauphine. Sydney's cell phone rings.)", "SYDNEY: Yeah?", "WILL: Hi, um, I don't know if I'm talking to the right person, but I need to borrow a million bucks. The Olsen twins went public, and I'm looking to invest.", "SYDNEY: (smiles) You'll need some collateral. I don't think you've got any.", "WILL: Well, have you seen my aqua blue Chevy?", "SYDNEY: You mean, with the hula girl on the dash? Yes, sadly, we've seen that.", "WILL: (big smile) Welcome home.", "SYDNEY: Thanks.", "WILL: How was San Diego?", "SYDNEY: Boring. How'd the article turn out?", "WILL: Boring. Listen, I don't know, uh, you might be too wiped out, but some of us are going to have dinner tonight.", "SYDNEY: Love to. I could use some fun. Hey, you want to do it at my place? I'll order in.", "WILL: Great. Um, seven?", "SYDNEY: How about seven-thirty?", "WILL: Okay. I better get going before I get fired. Which is inevitable.", "SYDNEY: Will...", "WILL: Yeah?", "SYDNEY: Nothing. It's just... it's nice to be home.", "(Pause.)", "WILL: Yeah. Um, I'll see you tonight.", "SYDNEY: (smiles) Okay.", "(Night time. Plain white van parked in an alley. Inside, Lambert and Sydney sit and talk.)", "LAMBERT: I want you to know that you're going to like working with me.", "SYDNEY: Really?", "LAMBERT: Must have been, uh, oh, I almost don't know how to say it, uh, devastating when Kenny was killed. But I want you to know that you can trust me. I understand you. I empathize.", "SYDNEY: His name was Danny.", "LAMBERT: Danny? Yes, of course, well, what happened to Danny was a tragedy and yet, uh, you didn't give up.", "SYDNEY: Mr. Lambert, I got your message. Is there a reason I'm here?", "LAMBERT: I just wanted to introduce myself, grab a little face time with my girl. I just wanted to make sure you don't have any queries I might be able to--", "SYDNEY: I've got a query.", "LAMBERT: Yeah? Shoot.", "SYDNEY: Are you insane? Calling me in here for a social event? SD-6 has a division whose sole responsibility it is to track their agents and report back suspect activity. \"Your girl\" is risking her life, and you yours, every time we lay eyes on each other. So, do me a favor. Don't be so friendly.", "LAMBERT: I-I just love your spirit.", "SYDNEY: That's heartening. Are we done here?", "LAMBERT: Yeah, honey. We're all done.", "SYDNEY: Great.", "(Sydney's. Will, Sydney, Francie and Charlie sit on the floor drinking margaritas and playing poker.)", "WILL: No, I'm telling you, I'm completely-I'm legally blind without my conctacts in.", "FRANCIE: Great, another eye story.", "WILL: First day I went in my apartment, right?", "FRANCIE: Give me two.", "WILL: And I'm in the kitchen, and I'm eating cereal for like, five minutes. And I hear someone coughing. I put on my glasses and there's three men painting my walls. I totally forgot they were coming.", "CHARLIE: That's bad.", "SYDNEY: No, the bad thing was, he was naked.", "WILL: I was, yeah.", "SYDNEY: Naked.", "CHARLIE: I naked clean.", "FRANCIE: Ohhh, he loves to embarrass me...", "WILL: Wait, wait, wait, wait, define \"naked clean\" for us.", "CHARLIE: I clean naked...", "FRANCIE: Please don't tell this story!", "CHARLIE: I clean our apartment naked. I like it.", "FRANCIE: He loves to embarrass me.", "WILL: You know, I'm going to see that. I'm going to raise it five.", "SYDNEY: Will, you're bluffing.", "CHARLIE: You hve the most obvious tell on the planet.", "WILL: Whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, not even in the hardcorest of ways do I ever bluff.", "SYDNEY: You only raise when you're bluffing!", "WILL: (tries to be serious) No, I don't.", "SYDNEY: Full house.", "CHARLIE: Oh, man.", "(Will's cell phone rings.)", "WILL: Dammit!", "FRANCIE: When Will bluffs, you can tell.", "WILL: (gets up) I'll be right back.", "FRANCIE: How come I can never tell with you?", "(Sydney shrugs knowingly. Will goes for some privacy.)", "WILL: Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait. What are you saying, all of the traffic cameras were out that night? Okay, hold on. Within a mile of Danny's apartment? Now, is that-is that a normal thing? No, no, that doesn't sound like a normal thing to me.", "(Back at the casino...)", "CHARLIE: Look, I got a law review at six a.m., maybe we should go while we're ahead.", "FRANCIE: We should go, sure, sure, sure. Thank you, Sydney.", "(Charlie and Francie kiss Sydney's cheek.)", "SYDNEY: Good night.", "CHARLIE: Hey, see you later, Will.", "FRANCIE: Bye, Will!", "(Will's still talking.)", "WILL: Thank you, Jenny. Thanks. That is weird, isn't it? Yeah, okay.", "SYDNEY: What's weird?", "(Will turns, caught.)", "WILL: Huh? Oh, a stupid article I gotta write.", "(She smiles.)", "(Later in the kitchen. Sydney gets a jug of ice cream out of the freezer, Will is sitting on the counter.)", "SYDNEY: Look at this.", "WILL: Oooh.", "SYDNEY: I don't know what it is about tequila. It's like a trigger. I always get this craving.", "WILL: Yeah.", "SYDNEY: No, it's more than a craving. When I drink tequila, ice cream becomes...", "WILL: Like a chaser?", "SYDNEY: Like oxygen. Like a requirement. Freshman year, I didn't go to many parties. I couldn't even say \"parties.\" But I did go to this one...", "WILL: Uh huh.", "SYDNEY: I remember, I had some punch. It was mostly tequila and I got so wasted.", "(They laugh.)", "SYDNEY: It was pathetic. I went to this twenty-four hour market, I bought three pints of chocolate chocolate chip ice cream.", "WILL: My God, is this story going to end?", "SYDNEY: Shut up! (slaps him)", "(Will squirts chocolate sauce on his ice cream sundae.)", "WILL: Ohhh...", "SYDNEY: Mmm hmm.", "WILL: Oh, my God. This is excellent.", "SYDNEY: So much better.", "WILL: Shhh, you gotta try this. It's a super combination of chocolate, and chips, and it's genius.", "(He feeds her some.)", "SYDNEY: Mmm...", "WILL: Isn't it?", "SYDNEY: Uh huh. Here.", "(She tries feeding him a spoonful of hers, but some of it falls on his shirt. They laugh, Will stands up. Sydney gets a paper towel.)", "WILL: Thanks. No, thank you.", "SYDNEY: I'm sorry, oh my God... (laughing)", "WILL: It's good, no, this is good. My shirt didn't have enough ice cream on it.", "SYDNEY: (wiping, laughing) Ooops...", "(They stop. Will looks down at Sydney. She kisses him. They break away.)", "SYDNEY: I should... listen, I... Will...", "WILL: I left that box in my car. It's Danny's. I'm going to go get it before I forget it.", "SYDNEY: Okay.", "WILL: Okay.", "(SD-6. Sloane walks with Sydney, Marshall trails in front of them.)", "SLOANE: Marshall couldn't open the lock box.", "MARSHALL: Uh, in my defense, it was rigged with a brand-new tech, an internal device that will destroy anything inside if opened without the key.", "SLOANE: Marshall, would you please go back to work?", "MARSHALL: Just to clarify, I'm not being fired?", "SLOANE: Back to work means not fired.", "(Marshall goes to his desk, Sloane leads Sydney inside a boardroom.)", "SLOANE: So, we needed a constigency plan. So, we brought in our best game theorist.", "(Mr. Bristow turns around.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Hello, Sydney.", "SLOANE: Have a seat.", "(She sits near her father.)", "SLOANE: We mapped out a scenario where you would infiltrate the K-Directorate lab where we believe the key is being held. Jack thought -- your father thought it could be too big of a risk.", "SYDNEY: Why? It sounds like the right move.", "MR. BRISTOW: Obviously, we need the key. Obviously, they need the box. Six hours ago I contacted K-Directorate and we settled on an arrangement. You and Ana will meet at a neutral location, undercover on both agencies' security forces. Together, you'll open the lock box.", "SYDNEY: Is this a joke?", "SLOANE: As far as we know, the Directorate doesn't know the code was divided into two sketches. We have nothing to lose by letting them see what's inside the box.", "MR. BRISTOW: This is a symmetric scenario. It complies both sides to adopt a mutually reinforcing course of action and close cooperation is one of the most stable strategic paradigms.", "SYDNEY: Assuming all players are rational. Plus, I'm supposed to trust Ana Espinosa?", "SLOANE: I need to brief the advance team.", "(He leaves them alone.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Their first plan was suicide.", "SYDNEY: I could have handled myself.", "MR. BRISTOW: Then we disagree. At least my way, you have a fighting chance.", "SYDNEY: Then I guess I should thank you.", "MR. BRISTOW: Never crossed my mind.", "(He gets up to leave.)", "SYDNEY: Dad?", "(He turns.)", "SYDNEY: Before I go, just answer my question about Mom.", "MR. BRISTOW: Your mother knew I was C.I.A., it was no secret between us. She died in the accident. I never lied to you about that.", "(News stand, outside. Sydney stands near Lambert, looking though magazines. He puts down a copy of \"Pipe Collector's Monthly,\" she picks it up. Inside, a baggie is taped to one of the pages.)", "SYDNEY: What is this?", "LAMBERT: Two-way earpiece and tracking chip. We want you to tag Ana. We've got a surveillance team on alert in Berlin.", "SYDNEY: No, no, no, whose idea was this?", "LAMBERT: This is my op, Agent Bristow.", "SYDNEY: This only works if everyone's on their best behavior. And I'm not going to be the one to break those rules, especially when there will be a dozen snipers waiting for me to look the wrong way.", "LAMBERT: I hate to pull rank, but time is a factor here.", "SYDNEY: Time is a factor here. You know how much time? Seven years. That's how long I worked for SD-6 before I found out who they really are. And now that I know, my days of blindly following orders are over.", "LAMBERT: Who the hell do you think you're talking to?", "SYDNEY: I know exactly who I'm talking to. Tell Devlin if Agent Vaughn isn't on the other end of this earpiece when I turn it on, the C.I.A. gets nothing.", "LAMBERT: Vaughn is a junior officer.", "SYDNEY: Then promote him.", "(Office at the newspaper. Will has a map of L.A., and is showing his boss.)", "WILL: Daniel Hecht's apartment was here, the cameras were off to here. He was roughly in the center of a one-mile video blackout the night he was killed. So, unless this is a coincidence, which seems highly doubtful, there's just no way this is straight B&E.", "BOSS: Maybe, but Eisenberg is on the crime desk, and you are a staff reporter who's way passed deadline.", "WILL: Don't make me regret working for people in their fifties.", "(She stares at him.)", "WILL: Forties.", "BOSS: One week.", "(Berlin. In a van, Dixon drives while Sydney is being wired by another agent. She talks on her cell phone.)", "SYDNEY: Francie, sweetie, you're overreacting.", "FRANCIE: Charlie's cheating on me. I have the proof. Found something in his pocket. It's a matchbook with some girl's name and phone number written in it.", "DIXON: Copy that. We're five minutes out.", "SYDNEY: You can't be paranoid. That could mean anything.", "FRANCIE: It says, \"I truly loved tonight. Rachel.\" The matchbook is from a hotel.", "SYDNEY: Oh, Fran, just don't assume the worst yet. I mean, you won't know until you know and the truth isn't always what it looks like.", "(The agent touches her breast, she slaps his hand and says something in German.)", "FRANCIE: Syd, where are you?", "SYDNEY: I'm actually with a German client, let me call you right back.", "(Inside a stadium, an agent walks through.)", "AGENT: All right, hey, listen up. Per agreement with the Directorate, we're going to divide the stadium straight down the middle. They get the west side, we get the east side. Alpha team, you're on rear over watch just in case they try to surprise us. Bravo and Charlie teams, you're on counter snipers. Now the rules of engagement are: you're authorized to fire only if our assets are fired upon.", "(A lot of snipers march up the steps to take position.)", "AGENT: Everyone hold your position, we're waiting for Bristow to go hot mic.", "(Sydney walks in with the lock box. Down the stadium steps. A sniper is pointed at her.)", "SYDNEY: Who am I talking to?", "VAUGHN: Your invisible friend.", "(Vaughn sits behind a computer and zooms in on Sydney walking in the stadium.)", "SYDNEY: Good. Where are you?", "VAUGHN: Satellite relay station back in L.A., watching you from a two-hundred mile orbit.", "SYDNEY: (looks up at the sky) My guardian angel.", "VAUGHN: I was going to say the same thing to you. Thanks for the promotion.", "SYDNEY: You're welcome.", "VAUGHN: Hey, heads up.", "(A car drives in. Sydney looks at her watch.)", "DIXON: Team leader, we're hot.", "VOICE: Copy that.", "SYDNEY: She's coming.", "(Back at SD-6, Sloane and Mr. Bristow watch on a computer screen.)", "SLOANE: Have you two spoken about her mother?", "MR. BRISTOW: Yes. She asked me about her death.", "SLOANE: Did you tell her the truth?", "(Mr. Bristow shakes his head.)", "(In the stadium, Sydney stands and waits. The car slows to a stop, and Ana gets out. Vaughn watches from his desk, worried. The car drives away, and Ana walks on the field. A sniper is pointed at her. She walks, calm and aloof. They meet on center field, snipers all pointed.)", "ANA: (speaks Russian) How's your Russian these days?", "(Sydney speaks Russian, then switches to Spanish. Ana answers in Spanish.)", "ANA: I heard about your fiance. Very sad. I thought perhaps it was a security execution sanctioned by your employer. Maybe you said something in your sleep you shouldn't have.", "(Sloane and Mr. Bristow watch. Vaughn from his desk.)", "ANA: But then why would you be here in service for the men that killed your true love?", "(Sydney wants to fight her, but looks at all the snipers.)", "SYDNEY: I take it you brought the key.", "ANA: I take it you brought the box.", "SYDNEY: Once we see what's inside, we go our separate ways.", "(Sydney nods toward Ana. She takes out the key. Vaughn looks really nervous. Slone watches with Bristow. Sydney puts the box down on the ground, Ana takes the key and inserts it. They open it. A crackling sound is heard. Sydney's eyes get wide; Ana looks equally surprised at its contents.)", "SYDNEY: Oh, my God." ]
[ "Sydney's secret double agent status is jeopardized after she smuggles a biotech engineer into SD-6 from her mission in Berlin. Will meets a woman named Kate Jones who confesses that she was having an affair with Danny shortly before his death. Vaughn informs Sydney that her father may be working for a third secret operative agency ( FBI ), as he begins to feel increasingly attracted to her. The CIA plants a computer worm into the mainframe of SD-6 in order to track all their progresses and obtain inside intelligence. Kevin Mitnick is a guest star of this episode." ]
[ "(Continuing from last week's episode. Sydney is staring down at the operation in progress, when the bodyguard she recognized from earlier hauls her up by the hair.)", "BODYGUARD: Recognize me now?", "(He punches her. Sydney blacks out.)", "(Bodyguard walks down a hall in the boiler room, dragging Sydney beside him by the strap of her shirt. He speaks in a walkie-talkie.)", "BODYGUARD: Anyone else? Keep looking.", "(He slams Sydney up against a wall.)", "SYDNEY: Uhhh! Uhh.", "BODYGUARD: I never did find out what you were doing in Corsica. Are you working for Dimitri?", "(She doesn't respond, so he bangs her against the opposite wall, then chokes her.)", "BODYGUARD: Tell me now, or you're going in the fire.", "(He opens a heavy door that leads into the fire pit. Flames lick the top of that room.)", "SYDNEY: Ahhh...", "BODYGUARD: Who sent you here? Are you here alone? Who sent you here?", "(While getting ready to toss her over to the fire, Sydney slips his pen out of his shirt pocket.)", "BODYGUARD: Answer me, you little bitch!", "(Sydney stabs him in the neck with the pen, kicks him. She takes the poker for the fire, and hits his gun away. It flies into the fire. She slams the door shut with the poker, and hits the bodyguard three times with it. He falls to the ground. She runs.)", "BODYGUARD: Get to level \"C\" now... she got away...", "(Sydney runs down the hall, turns a corner, running. Two armed men come behind her, chasing her. She stops, sees two men coming from ahead and behind. She's trapped. Sydney runs down the stairs nearby, while gunshots fly around her. She sees more men coming behind her, and sees a tunnel on the wall above her. She jumps up, grabs the bar ahead, and kicks the cover of the tunnel in. Sydney slides down the tunnel, and grabs a hold of the little ledges inside. Holding on with her fingers, looking down the tunnel in fear, gunshots bounce off the sides of the tunnel, all around her. Finally, one bullet hits the ledge she was holding on to, and breaks off. Sydney slides down the tunnel.)", "(Suddenly, it's daylight. We see Sydney, wet and sprawled out on a rock at the end of the tunnel. She's unconscious. A young boy pokes her several times, and she comes to. He speaks Spanish to her, asking if she's dead.)", "SYDNEY: Oh, my God... what time is it?", "(She catches herself, and asks in Spanish. The young boy answers her.)", "(At the UCO, Dixon is inside the lobby. His cell phone rings.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, it's me.", "(Sydney is on a bus with other people. The young boy stands beside her.)", "DIXON: Thank God. Where've you been? I didn't sleep last night.", "SYDNEY: That doesn't matter. Listen to me. Have you spotted Patel?", "DIXON: (looks outside) He just showed up. News agencies are reporting he had an arrhythmia. Where did they take him?", "SYDNEY: What I'm about to say, Dixon, you just have to believe me.", "DIXON: Of course.", "SYDNEY: The bomb we're looking for... it's inside of him.", "DIXON: What!?", "SYDNEY: Inside Patel! They implanted the bomb into his chest, like it was a pacemaker. A simple outpatient procedure. Jacqnoud just turned an Edgar Peace Prize winner into a human bomb! Which is not good.", "(At the UCO, Dixon watches as Patel goes through the metal detector. It goes off. He opens his shirt a little and shows the guard his bandage.)", "DIXON: Did you see the device?", "SYDNEY: Yeah. It's small, which means it's probably on a wireless remote. Look, get Patel and I'll meet you directly behind the auditorium.", "DIXON: I'll get there as soon as I can.", "(On the bus, Sydney hangs up and gives the cell phone back to the boy.)", "(In the lobby, Dixon follows Patel and his guards. He watches from outside the conference room as they take Patel into a back room. He sees Patel's name on the poster outside the room, and glances at his watch. Outside, protestors yell and have anti-UCO signs. Horns honk. People yell. Sydney comes in the gang of protestors and looks around. Inside, people converge inside the room.)", "SPEAKER: Ladies and gentlemen... it is my honor to officially open the 2001 ministerial conference of the United Commerce Organization.", "(Applause.)", "(Outside, Sydney walks up to an ambulance. She speaks in Spanish, tells the driver she isn't feeling well, and \"faints.\" The driver, alarmed, gets out and goes to see if he can help her. Sydney sneaks around the side of the ambulance and jumps in the driver side. She starts up the van.)", "DRIVER: Hey!", "(And she takes off.)", "(In the back room, Dixon walks in, speaking foreign language. The guard stops him, but Dixon tries pleading. Finally, he turns to leave but punches the guard three times. The guard's out. Patel looks at him, alarmed. Dixon tries speaking to him that he has to come with him, Patel refuses. Dixon apologizes, Patel looks confused, and then Dixon punches Patel in the face. Outside the auditorium, Sydney pulls up in the ambulance. Dixon comes out, carrying Patel over his shoulders. Sydney opens the back doors and lets them in.)", "(Inside the auditorium...)", "SPEAKER: Please welcome our keynote speaker... ladies and gentlemen... Dhiren Patel!", "(Inside the ambulance, Patel is on a stretcher.)", "DIXON: I just punched Dhiren Patel in the face!", "SYDNEY: Any luck with the trigger?", "DIXON: I worship this man!", "SYDNEY: Dixon, when you were in the building, did you I.D. the trigger?!", "DIXON: No, no! I didn't see anyone!", "(Sydney takes off the bandage, revealing the incision.)", "DIXON: Oh, God.", "(Inside the auditorium, applause. Everyone looks to the backroom, expecting Patel to enter. He doesn't.)", "SPEAKER: Please, wait one moment. I will be right back.", "(In the back, Jacqnoud speaks french into his communicator, and looks at the remote. The signal is faint, meaning Patel isn't around.)", "(Inside the ambulance, Dixon fills a needle while Sydney puts a gas mask over Patel's face, prepping the anesthesia.)", "SYDNEY: Look, I know you've been field-trained, basic medical, but can you really do this? Pull a bomb out of a man's chest?", "DIXON: Yeah.", "(They hear tires screeching. Dixon gets up, looks out the back window and sees a car coming.)", "DIXON: It's Jacqnoud.", "(Sydney jumps to the front and starts up the ambulance.)", "(In the car...)", "JACQNOUD: There, in the ambulance!", "(Sydney screenches ahead while Dixon begins taking the staples out of the incision.)", "DIXON: Don't forget this thing's on a remote. You can't let them get within range!", "(She screeches around a corner, Jacqnoud behind her. In his car, Jacqnoud looks at the remote and sees the signal is getting stronger.)", "JACQNOUD: Get me closer! Get me closer!", "(Sydney rounds another corner sharply, making Dixon fall against the wall of the ambulance, his latex gloves covered in Patel's blood. He finally sits down again, and puts his hand in the cut.)", "DIXON: I can feel it!", "SYDNEY: Oh, God!", "(She screeches around another corner, but slows down when she sees that...)", "SYDNEY: The police have a roadblock!", "DIXON: Get around it!", "SYDNEY: Oh, God!", "(She crashes through a metal gate, Jacqnoud is right behind her.)", "JACQNOUD: (to driver) S'il vous plait! Get me CLOSER!", "(Inside the ambulance...)", "SYDNEY: You've got to hurry!", "DIXON: They put an adhesive on the incision, it must have bled through! It's stuck!", "(Patel is coming to. He mumbles something, still drugged. Dixon's eyes get wide. He puts more gas. Jacqnoud's car is coming closer.)", "JACQNOUD: Closer! Bon, bon...", "(The signal is getting stronger. Dixon takes the bomb out of Patel's chest.)", "SYDNEY: Oh, God...", "(The bomb begins to beep.)", "SYDNEY: What's that?!", "DIXON: It's on a remote! Just keep driving!", "(Dixon stands up, bomb in hand. Jacqnoud's car is approaching fast.)", "JACQNOUD: Now!", "(He's about to hit the button to set off the bomb, when Dixon opens the back door and throws the bomb at the car. Too late. Jacqnoud hits the button... and blows himself, and the car, up. The force of the explosion sends the car flying up and then down on its roof. The ambulance rides safely away.)", "SYDNEY: Nicely done!", "DIXON: Patel... you're going to be okay.", "(Sydney breathes heavily, in relief.)", "(In a room somewhere, Vaughn and Sydney sit across from each other.)", "VAUGHN: That's insane!", "SYDNEY: No kidding.", "VAUGHN: Dixon just pulled it out of him.", "SYDNEY: Yeah!", "VAUGHN: Pulled a bomb out of Dhiren Patel.", "SYDNEY: The very one.", "VAUGHN: Damn.", "SYDNEY: Yeah.", "VAUGHN: Any luck with the alliance member?", "SYDNEY: The what?", "VAUGHN: You were supposed to I.D. the minister SD-6's been trying to protect.", "SYDNEY: Thanks, I remember. No, I didn't get it.", "VAUGHN: Sydney, if we're going to take down SD-6--", "SYDNEY: Stop. No.", "VAUGHN: Look, I'm juust saying that identifying--", "SYDNEY: Look, I was busy trying to keep one of the most important humanitarians on the planet--", "VAUGHN: ...All the alliance members is kind of critical--", "SYDNEY: ...From blowing UP!", "VAUGHN: Fine!", "(Pause.)", "SYDNEY: Anyway. I have a paper to finish.", "(She gets up. Vaughn watches her walk to the door.)", "VAUGHN: Hey.", "(She turns.)", "VAUGHN: I have something for you.", "(He gets a thick file folder from his briefcase, walks over to her.)", "VAUGHN: I know you have a lot of questions about your father. I don't know if you want this, but I copied his file.", "(Sydney, stunned, takes it.)", "SYDNEY: Thank you.", "(He nods. She walks out, holding the file. He watches her.)", "(In a library on campus, Sydney reads her father's file. Case numbers. Her father's picture. \"Confidential\" and \"Copy\" are written on the sheets in big, bold letters.)", "FRANCIE: Sorry I'm late.", "(Sydney quickly closes the file.)", "SYDNEY: Hey. It's after one already?", "FRANCIE: It's one thirty.", "SYDNEY: Oh, God. You got to be kidding...", "FRANCIE: Okay, so I'm in my Operations and Technology Management class, and I realize two things. One, I prepared the wrong chapter.", "SYDNEY: No!", "FRANCIE: I don't want to talk about it. And two, you and I are going to have a Hallowe'en party.", "SYDNEY: We are?", "FRANCIE: Guest list!", "(She gives Sydney a piece of paper, and they walk out together.)", "(Outside, Sydney and Francie walk together, Sydney looks at the list.)", "FRANCIE: What, is it too big?", "SYDNEY: I think you put down everyone we've met since seventh grade. You invited Kenny.", "FRANCIE: So? He's a kid. It's Hallowe'en.", "SYDNEY: Francie, if you want to see Charlie again, you don't have to throw a massive Hallowe'en party and invite his nephew.", "FRANCIE: I love Kenny.", "SYDNEY: I know you do, but just admit you're hoping, just a little, that Charlie will bring him.", "(Sydney stops, staring at something off-camera.)", "FRANCIE: What?", "SYDNEY: Is that Will?", "(Sure enough, Will is seen coming out of a campus building, talking on his cell phone.)", "FRANCIE: Maybe he's here to talk to you about the humiliating kiss.", "SYDNEY: Stop calling it that.", "FRANCIE: That's what it was.", "(Will walks, and then sees Sydney and Francie, and stops. He waves. Sydney smiles brightly.)", "WILL: (on cell) Uh, you know, I got to call you back. I got to go. I'll call you back. Bye.", "(He walks up to them.)", "WILL: Hey.", "SYDNEY: What are you doing here?", "WILL: Oh, I got this, uh, I'm writing a story on S.A.T.'s. About how, like, the university is... what are you guys doing?", "SYDNEY: Just getting some lunch.", "FRANCIE: Oh, we're having a Hallowe'en party on Wednesday night.", "WILL: Oh, excellent. I don't have to wear a costume, do I?", "SYDNEY/FRANCIE: No./Yeah.", "(They stare at each other.)", "WILL: Really. That's... confusing.", "(Sydney's pager beeps.)", "WILL: Let me guess -- the bank.", "SYDNEY: It's a meeting with the higher-ups on these bad loans.", "WILL: Okay, seriously, your job?", "FRANCIE: It's a problem, right?", "SYDNEY: I should go.", "FRANCIE: We know.", "SYDNEY: I'll call you guys later, okay?", "FRANCIE: Okay.", "WILL: See ya.", "(Will watches Sydney walk away, with interest.)", "(SD-6. Briefing meeting. Sloane, Dixon, Sydney and Marshall sit in the board room.)", "SLOANE: This is Hensel Corporation. A Germany-based chemical conglomerate. They make ibuprofen, hand lotion, toothpaste. They also have a multi-million dollar research and development fund with ties going back to World War II and the third reich. They don't list the last part in their annual stock report. This is Jeroen Schiller. He's one of Hensel's leading biotech engineers. He lives in Berlin. We've been in communication with him since August. Now, the news is that Hensel has perfected a vaccine against biological weapons. Schiller has access to that information. He wants to make a trade.", "SYDNEY: What does he want in exchange?", "SLOANE: Safe passage to the United States.", "DIXON: He lives in Berlin. Why can't he just take a cab to the airport?", "SLOANE: Germany's not the problem, Hensel is. Anyone who has top level clearance is closely surveilled. Your job is to I.D. Schiller, get him away from Hensel and into the United States.", "SYDNEY: What kind of extraction?", "SLOANE: Shipment. Hensel is upgrading their intranet with fiber optics. You go in as a Rhine Com net supervisor. Now, unfortunately, this is the last documented photo of Schiller. University of Hamburg, 1975. We had Tech do an age processing to give you some idea of what he might look like today. You'll find it in there. Marshall, go.", "MARSHALL: (stands) Right. Thank you. How is, uh, everyone? Hello. Hope everyone's planning on having an enjoyable All Hallow's Eve.", "SLOANE: Marshall.", "MARSHALL: Sorry. Okay. This is pretty incredible. Business card. Something you might, you know, hand out. Like, for instance, \"Hello, I'm a Rhine Com net supervisor, how are you?\" In German, of course. Because English would probably give you away. But the genius, the achievement, is this. Even Sony would be like, \"Well, Marshall, this is pretty cool.\"", "DIXON: What does it do?", "MARSHALL: Now, what you do is, you place the card on top of this computer monitor. Now, there's a tiny transmitter inside. This transmitter will override the CPU and make the network think that you are the sys admin. The system administrator.", "SYDNEY: Wow.", "MARSHALL: Oh, yeah. You'll manually override the company's firewall, and then Schiller will transfer the vaccine formula from his office to a Canadian-served web site, and then we'll get the password once he's on American soil.", "(Sydney and Dixon walk out of the meeting together.)", "DIXON: So, I got your voice mail...", "SYDNEY: Seriously, please, don't feel obligated.", "DIXON: No, no, no. I asked Diane. We're coming. All of us.", "SYDNEY: You don't have to wear a costume.", "DIXON: You didn't need to say that.", "SYDNEY: (laughs) Good!", "MR. BRISTOW: Sydney.", "(Sydney and Dixon stop; Sydney's face immediately falls.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Could I have a minute?", "DIXON: Oh, of course. (to Syd) I'll see you at Op Tech.", "(Dixon leaves.)", "MR. BRISTOW: I, um, we were closing a deal last Thursday. I just couldn't get away.", "SYDNEY: You said that when you called. That's fine.", "MR. BRISTOW: This is an especially busy time for me, Sydney. There are six different cases I'm overseeing.", "SYDNEY: Mmm-hmm.", "MR. BRISTOW: So, until things slow down, we probably shouldn't make any plans.", "SYDNEY: I wasn't going to pursue it.", "MR. BRISTOW: I just wanted to clarify.", "SYDNEY: Good.", "(He walks away.)", "(Night. Sydney drives up to a self-storage facility. One other car is parked there. She parks, gets out. Inside, Vaughn opens a cage door.)", "SYDNEY: Hey.", "VAUGHN: (gestures to other man) This is Paul Kelvin. Sydney Bristow.", "KELVIN: I know your father.", "(They shake hands.)", "SYDNEY: Really. I hear that a lot.", "VAUGHN: Okay, we got to move fast. Let me jump in here. The C.I.A.'s been watching Hensel Corp for years.", "SYDNEY: They're not really creating a vaccine, are they?", "VAUGHN: Yes, they are, but the U.S. army has been doing parallel research that we thought was years ahead of the Germans. Until we got your intel.", "SYDNEY: SO, what are we afraid of?", "VAUGHN: Schiller and his team have developed what we call micro-encapsulated cytocines. They activate the immune cells in your respiratory tract. Do you know anything about this?", "SYDNEY: A little. You?", "VAUGHN: A little. Enough to know that SD-6 could sell this vaccine to a radical leader who wants to protect his own people... and start an all-out biological war.", "SYDNEY: What am I supposed to do in Berlin?", "VAUGHN: Well, instead of shipping Schiller, who we'll get out through Bamberg, we'll ship Kelvin. He's already been prepped to impersonate Schiller. Now, based on available photographs, we think he's a pretty god match. You'll make the switch in the building's garage.", "SYDNEY: You sure you're up for this?", "KELVIN: I'm not looking forward to it, if that's what you mean.", "SYDNEY: What about when Sloane wants you to give him the vaccine?", "VAUGHN: He'll give them false information. Kelvin's got a plane waiting.", "KELVIN: I'll see you in Berlin.", "SYDNEY: Okay.", "(Vaughn lets him out. He turns back to Sydney.)", "SYDNEY: I've got to tell Dixon.", "VAUGHN: No. Absolutely not.", "SYDNEY: How am I supposed to make a double switch invisible to my partner? He'll be there.", "VAUGHN: You cannot tell him the truth. I mean, he might already know who he's working for.", "SYDNEY: You don't know him.", "VAUGHN: That's my point.", "SYDNEY: But I do.", "VAUGHN: Look, you might be right about Dixon, but you can't volunteer a man for double agent duty if he hasn't asked for it. I mean, his whole life, his family? You'd be putting all that at risk. You. Is that a decision you want to make for him?", "(In Berlin, Sydney, in disguise, marches up to Hensel Corporation. She goes to the desk, speaking German, and gives them the business card. He lets her in after checking the sign-in sheets. At the elevator, the guard holds the door open for Sydney. She pushes a button, and the doors close.)", "SYDNEY: I'm in.", "(Outside the building, Dixon stands.)", "DIXON: Copy that. All's quiet out front.", "(Inside, Sydney gets off the elevator and walks down a hall. She enters Schiller's office, and speaks German.)", "SCHILLER: You are the agent?", "(Sydney puts the business card on the monitor and sits down. They speak German. Outisde, Dixon gets a box and a pipe leading into the building. On the computer, a pop up box reads \"Cracked. Access granted.\")", "SYDNEY: Dixon, I think someone might be following me. meet me at Einsetzung instead of behind the building.", "DIXON: Copy that. I'm starting the gas now. You'll have two minutes until people regain consciousness.", "(Sydney speaks German, and gives Schiller a gas mask.)", "SCHILLER: What's this?", "(She tells him to put it on in German, she puts one on herself. The gas starts pilfering in. In the control room, error messages blink on the computers. The guard is passed out, his face on the keyboard, unconscious. The computer in Schiller's office is uploading the files to the FTP server.)", "SCHILLER: Copy! We got it!", "SYDNEY: Come on.", "(They leave, gas masks on. They step over unconsious people. Dixon pulls up in a van. Sydney and Schiller walk in the building's garage, gas masks now off. A C.I.A. man hids behind a pillar. When they get close, the man pushes Schiller into a waiting black van. Sydney keeps walking. Paul Kelvin, now wearing glasses and a suit, comes out of another van and falls into step beside Sydney. They walk out together.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, I'm on Koenig Strasse.", "DIXON: I'm on my way.", "(He takes off. Sydney and Kelvin/Schiller run out together, and hop inside the van. The van pulls away.)", "(Will and Francie decorate Sydney's place for the party.)", "WILL: When you asked me to help you set up, you didn't say, \"Will you help me set up all day?\", did you?", "FRANCIE: We're almost done.", "WILL: Almost done? What's left to cover that we haven't already covered with corn?", "FRANCIE: I work with a professional party planner, this is what I do. So, what's going on with work? You always talk about work and you haven't even mentioned it today.", "WILL: You want the truth?", "(Francie turns.)", "WILL: I wasn't working on a S.A.T. story. When I bumped into you guys? There is no S.A.T. story. I was trying to track down a woman named Kate Jones. She was supposed to be seated next to Danny on a flight from Singapore to Hong Kong.", "FRANCIE: Oh, Will, you can't do this!", "WILL: What was Danny doing on a flight to Hong Kong, if Sydney was supposed to meet him in Singapore? Now, Kate Jones and Danny were the only two people to miss that flight. The ONLY two. I was at the medical school because I thought that maybe they'd have her name on file. Francie, there's too many things about Danny's death that don't make any sense. One of them is this woman. Now I looked up every Kate, Kathy, Katherine, Kathleen Jones in L.A. county, plus I have a contact at the airport who said that--", "FRANCIE: Will, you can't do this. Nothing is going to bring Danny back. And when Sydney finds out what you've been up to, which you know she will... just think about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(C.I.A. safehouse. The real Schiller is being interrogated by Vaughn.)", "SCHILLER: I want to see Mr. Sloane.", "VAUGHN: Mr. Schiller, I've explained this. Sloane is not here. You tell us the password to the web site, and we will--", "SCHILLER: I only talk to Sloane. That was the agreement. If you were who you say you are, you would know that.", "VAUGHN: Mr. Schiller, I swear to you. Sloane is a liar. He has nothing to do with the C.I.A.", "SCHILLER: So you say Sloane is a fraud? How do I know it's not you who is the fraud?", "VAUGHN: You don't... but you will.", "(He goes into the next room where Sydney, Weiss and a hacker have been watching.)", "VAUGHN: How fast can we get a plane to Langley?", "SYDNEY: Why?", "VAUGHN: He wants proof that we're C.I.A. and I don't think he's going to believe us unless we walk him in the front door.", "HACKER: Hey, Vaughn, we're in.", "SYDNEY: What's this?", "VAUGHN: This is the main reason we made the switch in Berlin.", "HACKER: We had Kelvin give Sloane access to a bogus web site with just enough real information about the vaccine to keep them occupied for months.", "SYDNEY: Is that really worth risking a man's life?", "WEISS: No, there's more. Once SD-6 downloads and runs the bogus program, it'll give us a back door into their computer systems.", "SYDNEY: In other words, we have access to their entire network, files, contacts, accounts?", "VAUGHN: This is a huge step in shutting down SD-6.", "SYDNEY: Nice.", "HACKER: It was Agent Vaughn's idea.", "VAUGHN: You look so surprised.", "SYDNEY: No, I...", "VAUGHN: Yes, it was my idea.", "SYDNEY: Amazing idea.", "VAUGHN: Thank you. I know.", "(Credit Dauphine. Kelvin, posing as Schiller, takes a drink of water. Sloane paces, observes. Marshall sits behind a computer.)", "MARSHALL: This is very exciting.", "SLOANE: Go tell Analysis.", "(He does.)", "SLOANE: It's good to finally meet you.", "KELVIN/SCHILLER: You see, the travles was not so easy, so forgive me for being so...", "SLOANE: No,no, no, not at all. So, we have two hundred thousand dollars in cash, waiting for you.", "KELVIN/SCHILLER: Thank you.", "SLOANE: You're welcome. It's yours, as soon as you tell us and we confirm, the location of the plant.", "KELVIN/SCHILLER: Plant? Which plant?", "SLOANE: Where the prototypes are being made. The vaccine inhaler. You do know the location of the plant?", "KELVIN/SCHILLER: You see, I didn't get the information about any prototypes. I was never privileged to such information.", "SLOANE: I have reason to believe you were. So, why don't you think about it? Why don't you think about everything?", "(He walks out.)", "(Outside the room, Dixon sits at a computer. Sloane approaches. Dixon turns.)", "DIXON: How's Schiller?", "SLOANE: I want to talk to you about your report.", "DIXON: Is something wrong?", "SLOANE: You wrote that Sydney changed the pick up from Einsetzung to the rear exit.", "DIXON: I met them on Koenig Strasse.", "SLOANE: Was this decided upon before the extraction?", "DIXON: During.", "SLOANE: Why?", "DIXON: She thought someone was following her.", "SLOANE: Did you see someone following her?", "DIXON: No, but I was outside the whole time.", "SLOANE: I see.", "DIXON: If Sydney said there was someone following her, there was someone following her.", "(The party. Sydney, dressed up as Alice in Wonderland, walks up to Francie -- dressed up as a cheerleader -- and Will -- dressed up as Richard Nixon -- who are dancing with a little boy.)", "SYDNEY: Hey, Kenny!", "(Doorbell rings. Sydney takes the pail of candy, and answers. Dixon, his wife Diane, and two kids in costumes stand there.)", "KIDS: Trick or treat!", "SYDNEY: Hey, guys! There's more candy in there. Come on in!", "DIANE: Good to see you.", "SYDNEY: Good to see you.", "DIXON: Syd, can I talk to you for a second?", "(They go in anothe room, close the door.)", "SYDNEY: What's up?", "DIXON: Syd, we've been working together a lot of years. I trust you. I trust you, and I love you.", "SYDNEY: I know.", "DIXON: So, if somethng's up, you'd tell me.", "SYDNEY: What are you talking about?", "DIXON: Sloane is asking about Berlin. He thinks someone might have gotten to Schiller. He thinks he might be a plant. He wanted to know why you had me change the pick up to Koenig Strasse.", "SYDNEY: I told you, I thought I was being followed.", "DIXON: Syd, is there something I should know?", "SYDNEY: No.", "(Dixon almost smiles in relief, and nods as if he knew Sydney wouldn't keep things from him.)", "DIXON: Listen, uh, Sloane says there's a prototype -- an inhaler for the vaccine. He wnats us to go get it, but Schiller won't give up the location, which makes no sense. That man should know where it is, and has everything to lose by not telling us.", "SYDNEY: What's going to happen to him?", "DIXON: Oh, I think Schiller is in trouble, but, Syd, I think you are, too.", "(At the food and drinks, Francie stands, alone. Looking sad. Will walks up to her and takes off his Nixon mask, takes a bowl of snacks.)", "WILL: Okay, now, here's my question. Who eats this crap? I mean, it's like Marzipan, but it's worse. If it's a question between this or, like, dirt, I would be all over the dirt.", "FRANCIE: Would you shut up about the candy corn?", "WILL: Okay. You're bummed the kid came, and Charlie didn't.", "FRANCIE: SHH!", "WILL: What? You gave me some advice, and I took it. Now it's my turn to give you some.", "FRANCIE: What advice did I give you?", "WILL: About the Kate Jones thing. I'm giving it up, you're right. It can only end badly. So, it's my turn to give you some. You love Charlie. You don't want to lose him, so don't be an idiot, okay? You got to talk to him, and don't deny it. Don't wait. Don't piss me off. That's exactly what I did when I first met Sydney, okay? So, use me as a cautionary tale and call Charlie.", "(He gives her the phone. She takes it, and kisses him on the cheek. His cell phone rings.)", "WILL: Yeah. Will Tippin.", "VOICE: Hi, this is Kate Jones. You called me?", "WILL: Yeah. Um, yeah. Did you know a guy named Daniel Hecht?", "VOICE: Yes... I did. Very well.", "(At the C.I.A. safehouse, Sydney bursts in the backroom. Weiss and Vaughn are there.)", "SYDNEY: You can't go to Langley!", "VAUGHN: What are you talking about? The plane leaves in an hour.", "SYDNEY: Kelvin could be dead by then. Sloane's looking for more than just the password. Information Schiller would have. I mean, this could be it. If this goes badly, they'll know I'm a double.", "VAUGHN: So, what the hell are we going to do?", "SYDNEY: That's why I came here. I need to talk to Schiller right now.", "(She enters the room. Schiller looks up.)", "(Outside, she walks up to a parked car where Mr. Bristow sits.)", "SYDNEY: I wouldn't have called unless I had no choice.", "MR. BRISTOW: It's all right. What is it?", "SYDNEY: There's a C.I.A. officer named Paul Kevlin--", "MR. BRISTOW: Yes, I know about Berlin. Paul's a friend.", "SYDNEY: Then you should know his life's in danger. He's in custody, and Sloane wants intel Kevlin doesn't have. I have the information Kevlin needs, but I can't get it to him. Sloane's already too suspicious of me, but since he trusts you...", "MR. BRISTOW: Sloane put a call in to me. That must be why.", "SYDNEY: Why would he call you?", "(SD-6. Mr. Bristow walks to Sloane's office.)", "MR. BRISTOW: (voice over) He finds me useful in difficult situations.", "(He enters the office.)", "MR. BRISTOW: I'm surprised you're not home with Emily.", "SLOANE: I would be, but we have a problem.", "MR. BRISTOW: Oh?", "SLOANE: Schiller won't talk. I don't trust that man, so I want proof.", "MR. BRISTOW: Proof.", "SLOANE: That he's telling us everything. That he is who he says he is.", "MR. BRISTOW: I understand.", "(At the safehouse, Sydney and Schiller.)", "SYDNEY: Arvin Sloane is not affiliated with the United States government. He is just a man who used me... the same as he was going to use you.", "(Sloane watches via video, Jack enter the interrogation room and see his friend. Kelvin stands, looking at Jack in recognition. Jack punches him.)", "SYDNEY: He made me think I was giving myself to God and country, but it was all a lie... a lie that cost my fiance his life. If I go back to SD-6 without the location of that plant, they will take the life of another innocent man.", "(Interrogation room. Jack throws Paul up against the wall.)", "KEVLIN/SCHILLER: Uhhh!", "(Jack throws him against another wall.)", "MR. BRISTOW: I need to prove you're Schiller, and I'm SD-6. Paul, I have to hurt you.", "(At the safehouse.)", "SYDNEY: There's only one person who can stop that, and I'm talking to him right now. Mr. Schiller... please.", "SCHILLER: It's Badenweiler. The plant is in Badenweiler.", "(Mr. Bristow throws Kevlin/Schiller up on a table, twisting his arm back.)", "MR. BRISTOW: The plant is located in Badenweiler, near the Black Forest.", "(He breaks Kevlin's arm. Sound of a bone cracking.)", "KEVLIN/SCHILLER: AAAAH! Badenweiler! It's in Badenweiler!", "(SD-6. Meeting.)", "SYDNEY: (voice over) Sloane called us in this morning. Our mission is to go to Badenweiler tonight, steal the vaccine inhaler and blow up the plant. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Sit in these meetings with Sloane. Look at him as if I don't despise him, as if I don't want to leap across the table and use the skills I've learned, against him. So, what the hell do I do next? What's my counter mission?", "(Gas bar. Sydney climbs out. Next to her car is Vaughn, filling up his own car.)", "SYDNEY: He practically apologized.", "VAUGHN: Sloane did?", "SYDNEY: For thinking maybe I'd mailied him the wrong guy. Imagine that.", "VAUGHN: And your reward for a job well done is destroying the Badenweiler plant.", "SYDNEY: Sloane says Hensel's producing supplies for a Neo-Nazi terrorist faction.", "VAUGHN: That is such a load. Sloane wants the vaccine tech.", "SYDNEY: Why? He thinks he has the formula already.", "VAUGHN: It took Hensel five years to go form formula to prototype. Sloane wants to skip that step.", "SYDNEY: How's Kelvin?", "VAUGHN: Home with his family. Arm in a cast. He'll be fine.", "SYDNEY: What about Schiller?", "VAUGHN: On his way to the midwest somewhere with two hundred grand of Sloane's money in his pocket. Of all of us, I'd say he's the luckiest.", "SYDNEY: That's for sure. What's my counter?", "VAUGHN: All right. You'll break into the building as planned. Now, while Dixon sets the explosives, you'll retrieve the inhaler and rendez-vous with the C.I.A. team, which will already be inside the building. They will switch the inhaler. By this time, Dixon should have exited the building. You'll disable the explosive while the C.I.A. team searches the rest of the lab's main computer system.", "SYDNEY: So, what, you're just going to steal their files?", "VAUGHN: This isn't sanctioned research, and based on this vaccine, Langley wants to know what else Hensel's up to.", "SYDNEY: So, I get out with the switched inhalers. Dixon tries to blow the charge.", "VAUGHN: Nothing happens.", "SYDNEY: By this time, security's on their way and we can't get back in.", "VAUGHN: That's the plan.", "(Sydney appears to be deep in thought.)", "VAUGHN: You all right?", "SYDNEY: What do you know about case 332L? There's some missing pages in my father's personnel file, and references to case 332L.", "VAUGHN: And Agent Calder.", "SYDNEY: You read that, too.", "VAUGHN: Yeah. Actually, it sparked my curiousity, too. I went to Records to retrieve the case file, but it was missing. There's no record of it anywhere. There's one more thing. Calder wasn't C.I.A., he was F.B.I.", "SYDNEY: Why would the F.B.I. be working with my father?", "VAUGHN: They wouldn't.", "SYDNEY: Unless they suspected him of selling secrets.", "(Vaughn looks down, silently confirming.)", "(Newspaper. Will is on a landline phone in an office, packing his things, getting ready to leave.)", "WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I'm going to Hancock Park Home Association's meeting. No, no, after county records. Yeah. Wait, you know what? I'm on my cell. (fakes phone problems) I... an't... you're... aking... up... an't... ear...", "(He hangs up. His cell phone rings as he walks out of the office.)", "WILL: Yeah. Will Tippin. Hey, Scourza. What's up, man? Um, no, I didn't get a fax. (checks the fax machine) Are you sure it was Kate Jones? Yeah. Where was she headed? Sao Paulo? Her social security number, yeah, give me her social security number. (pause) What?", "(Badenweiler. Sydney and Dixon climb over a wall, jump down. They walk to the plant together, both dressed in black from head to toe. They lift the cover of an entry way.)", "DIXON: Let's go.", "(Sydney jumps, then Dixon jumps. They land in between walls, and walk in, crawling under. Sydney climbs up a ladder with Dixon behind. They're now inside the lab. They run across a hallway, inside the lab. Dixon crouches down, unzips his back and takes out the explosive. Sydney changes the wires around so that the alarm goes off.)", "SYDNEY: I'm going for the inhaler.", "DIXON: I'll see you outside in ten.", "(The alarms go off in the main room. People leave the room to find the problem. Sydney runs down a hall.)", "(At a restaurant, Will sits.)", "KATE JONES: Mr. Tippin?", "WILL: (looks up) Yes.", "KATE JONES: I'm Kate Jones.", "(Will shakes hands with the attractive, young, blonde woman.)", "(Sydney runs while the guards run to find the problem on the floor below her. She watches them leave, and looks. Dixon sets up the explosives in the lab. It starts to beep. Dixon leaves. He runs and climbs down the ladder, runs in between the walls, climbs out, successfully exiting the building. Sydney runs in the lab where the alarms are going off and where the people left from. She sees the cabinet full of inhalers. She opens the door and steals them all. She closes the door and runs out.)", "(At the restaurant.)", "WILL: Forgive me if I ask you anything that's too intrusive. That's just sort of my job.", "KATE JONES: It's okay.", "WILL: Can you start by telling me what your relationship was with Daniel Hecht?", "(She doesn't answer.)", "WILL: Miss Jones?", "KATE JONES: Danny and I were having an affair.", "(Will stares, shocked.)", "(Sydney runs down some stairs, where four C.I.A. men wait.)", "SYDNEY: Sorry I'm late.", "C.I.A. MAN: Not at all. Let's see what you got.", "(She gives them the inhalers.)", "C.I.A. MAN: These are 45s? (she nods) I need three of them.", "(The agent beside him hands them over.)", "C.I.A. MAN: So, you're Bristow.", "SYDNEY: Yeah.", "C.I.A. MAN: Vaughn's told me about you. He likes you.", "SYDNEY: Yeah?", "C.I.A. MAN: Respects you.", "(Sydney tries to stop herself from smiling. He gives her the inhalers.)", "SYDNEY: I've got a bomb to disengage.", "C.I.A. MAN: Yeah, please. We'd appreciate it. Be about ten more minutes. Good luck.", "SYDNEY: Thanks!", "(She runs back upstairs.)", "(The restaurant.)", "KATE JONES: I twisted my ankle, and went to university hospital. Danny treated me. And he asked me out.", "WILL: Danny asked you out.", "KATE JONES: Yeah. I knew that he had been seeing someone, but I wasn't really thinking so much about her.", "(Sydney scrambles her way to the bomb that Dixon just set up. Outside, Dixon waits nervously. He looks around, then at his watch.)", "DIXON: Syd, come on!", "(Inside, she successfully disengages the bomb and runs out. The C.I.A. men work in the computer lab, taking pictures.)", "(At the restaurant.)", "KATE JONES: We had talked about going to Hong Kong, but at the last minute, he just broke it off. That's all it was, really. I guess it was one of those relationships that just kind of happen, until they don't.", "WILL: (seething) I see.", "KATE JONES: Is there anything else that you want to know?", "WILL: Yeah, actually, there is one more thing. I have a contact who tracked your credit card from another one of your flights out of L.A.X. From that, they got your social security number. I did a trace on it. See, here's what doesn't make any sense, Kate Jones... you DIED in 1973.", "(She looks suddenly upset.)", "KATE JONES: I have to go.", "(She gets up and walks out.)", "WILL: Who are you? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?", "(Outside the plant, Sydney runs up to Dixon in the bushes.)", "SYDNEY: Got them.", "DIXON: Is everyone out of the building?", "SYDNEY: We're good.", "(Dixon hits the detonator, but nothing happens. He tries again... nothing.)", "SYDNEY: Come on, we've got to go.", "(Dixon doesn't move.)", "SYDNEY: Dixon, we don't have time to go back. Dixon, what are you doing?", "(He takes out a second device from his bag.)", "DIXON: I brought a secondary detonator, in case there was a frequency jam like in Peru, remember? Did you get the inhalers?", "(Inside the plant...)", "C.I.A. MAN: You good to go?", "(Outside, Dixon hits the button, and the plant explodes. The C.I.A. men, the intel they found, the inhalers... are blown up. Sydney stares, horrified. Bits of the explosion hit them.)", "DIXON: All right, let's go.", "(He's casual about it, but Sydney stays.)", "DIXON: Sydney? We've got to run. Sydney! We've got to move! NOW! Sydney!" ]
[ "Sydney becomes convinced that her father was responsible for the death of her mother, Laura Bristow, 20 years earlier, as she discovers both were involved in a car accident while her father was trying to escape from FBI. She also suspects he might have been a double agent for the KGB. Amidst all this confusion, Sydney is made to go undercover in a mental institution in Bucharest to get information from Shepard, a man who has been unconsciously programmed to be a deadly assassin. In the meantime Will Tippin discovers the true identity of Kate Jones (Eloise Kurtz), the woman who claimed to have had an affair with Danny. Francie is relieved to learn that Charlie is not having an affair with another woman but trying to be a singer songwriter and that the woman is the piano player he is rehearsing with. Marshall Flinkman, the chief technician at SD-6, finds the computer worm planted in the SD-6 mainframe by the CIA and tells Sloane, who congratulates him and tells him it was part of a special security test he's passed. Sloane now has suspicions that someone in SD-6 is a mole and this sets him on his path of finding who it is. Sydney's cover at the asylum is blown when it is revealed that an agent from the K-Directorate is in charge there who also wants to know things from Shepard." ]
[ "(Continuing from last week's episode. Badenweiler. Dixon stands, Sydney kneels in the bushes, staring at the building that just exploded, horrified.)", "DIXON: Sydney, we've got to run! Sydney, we've got to move! Sydney, we've got to move, now! What's the matter, are you hurt?", "SYDNEY: No...", "(Three guards run to them, speaking in German.)", "DIXON: Let's go! RUN!", "(Dixon and Sydney take off, and the chase is on. They run through the trees, the three guards behind them.)", "DIXON: Go, go, go, go! GO!", "(The guards begin shooting. Sydney's running, tears streaming down her cheeks.)", "DIXON: Don't stop!", "(More gunfire. Dixon stops running and hides behind a tree. Sydney keeps running and jumps behind a fallen tree, laying on the ground. Wracked with tears and guilt, she stays there, hiding. One of the guards with a flashlight in hand comes closer. Suddenly, Dixon takes him and kicks him. Punches him. In the background, Dixon and the guard grunt and punch, Sydney sits there in almost a catatonic state, crying. Dixon punches the guard one last time, and he falls.)", "DIXON: Come on, Sydney. We've got to go.", "(In the self-storage facility, Vaughn and Sydney meet.)", "SYDNEY: I couldn't move. Dixon had to drag me to my feet, just to get to the van. When he asked me what was wrong, why I had just frozen... I made up something about having a flashback to Danny.", "VAUGHN: You did everything you could.", "SYDNEY: I was supposed to stop the detonation. I didn't. And because of that, four C.I.A. agents were killed.", "VAUGHN: You had no way of knowing Dixon had a second trigger. There was nothing you could do.", "SYDNEY: I could've told him the truth. Dixon needs to know who he's really working for.", "VAUGHN: Sydney--", "SYDNEY: I know, I can't pu his family at risk.", "VAUGHN: Or yourself.", "SYDNEY: I know all of that, but it's the right thing to do. Those men died for no reason.", "VAUGHN: No. Those men died for their country.", "(Sydney looks away, turning her back to him.)", "SYDNEY: Sydney, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through that.", "(At Sydney's house, she sits in front of the coffee table, going through pictures. Candles are lit. She gingerly picks a framed picture up. It's of her mother. She smiles sadly. The door opens, and Francie enters.)", "SYDNEY: Hey.", "FRANCIE: Hey.", "SYDNEY: You worked late.", "FRANCIE: Bar association dinner. One of the lawyers wnated to sue me because his chicken was undercooked. Can you believe that -- an obnoxious lawyer?", "SYDNEY: What about your obnoxious lawyer? Have you talked to him?", "FRANCIE: I'm meeting Charlie for lunch this week.", "SYDNEY: That's good.", "FRANCIE: Syd, he's going to break up with me.", "SYDNEY: Did he say that? He didn't say that.", "FRANCIE: He didn't have to. He was sneaking around on me. He was with that girl, Rachel. And there's stuff he's doing that he can't tell me about? Please.", "SYDNEY: I don't think he'd be meeting with you just to break up with you. Guys don't do that. If they want to end things, they just vanish. Right?", "(Francie spots the picture of Mrs. Bristow that Sydney was looking at.)", "FRANCIE: Your mom was so pretty.", "SYDNEY: Yeah, she was. Thanks.", "FRANCIE: I got to go change. I feel a binge coming on.", "(Sydney smiles at her.)", "FRANCIE: Hey, how was your trip?", "SYDNEY: Oh. Not good. I was working with these people who... they were terminated.", "FRANCIE: Oh, man. The economy sucks.", "(Later, in bed, Sydney reads. The phone rings beside her; she answers.)", "SYDNEY: Hello?", "HELEN: This is Helen Calder, you left me a message? Something about my husband having worked with your father?", "(The next day, Sydney is meeting with Mrs. Calder at her house. They drink tea.)", "SYDNEY: I know that your husband worked with the F.B.I. and that his job was to investigate C.I.A. agents that were suspected of spying for Russia. My dad was one of the agents that your husband investigated. I know that much. Did he ever mention the name Jack Bristow?", "HELEN: I'm sorry. Bentley didn't talk much about his work.", "(Sydney looks up and sees a picture on the mantle of a smiling man.)", "SYDNEY: He looks kind.", "HELEN: Oh, he is.", "SYDNEY: I thought Bentley was dead?", "HELEN: Oh, oh, dear, no. That isn't Bentley. That's my boyfriend, Gary.", "(Sydney smiles sheepishly. Mrs. Calder gets up and moves to the drawer of a cabinet, gets out a framed picture. She shows Sydney.)", "HELEN: This is Bentley. He wasn't so nice.", "(Sydney looks shocked as she holds the picture.)", "SYDNEY: When did Bentley pass away?", "HELEN: 1981, in a car accident.", "(The breath catches in Sydney's throat.)", "SYDNEY: Do you have a copy of this?", "HELEN: I think so.", "(At Sydney's house, she enters and runs to her bedroom. She finds a hat box on one of her shelves, and puts it on her bed. Frantically, she rips off the lid and starts flying through the gathered pictures and little pieces of paper. Finally, she finds purchase -- a newspaper clipping. The headline reads \"Two Die In Icy Collision.\" There's a picture of Bentley, and a picture of Sydney's mother. Not believing it, and needing confirmation without a doubt in her mind, Sydney grabs her purse and takes the picture of Bentley Calder that she got from Helen. She holds the picture from Helen up to the newspaper. It's the same man. Bentley Calder, the agent that was investigating her father, died in the same car accident as her mother.)", "(Self-storage facility.)", "SYDNEY: For the last twenty yers, I thought I knew how my mom died. She and my dad had been out at the movies, tehyw ere coming home late and a man -- some postal worker -- was driving, coming from the other direction. The police said alcohol wasn't a factor. This man must've lalen asleep. His car drifted over the white line. My dad swerved, and they went of the Canyon Creek bridge. I always told myself that my mom didn't have time to know what was happening. Now I know that Calder was hunting down a KGB agent -- myf ather. So what happened that night was no accident. Calder was probably chasing them, they probably lost control and the cars crashed. Whatever it was, it brings me back to the same conclusion. If my father hadn't been a double agent, my mom would still be alive today. I'm sorry to lay all this on you, it's just that I have no one to talk to about this.", "VAUGHN: It's okay.", "SYDNEY: I want to report him.", "VAUGHN: What?", "SYDNEY: I want to turn him in.", "VAUGHN: For what? For being under suspicion twenty years ago? The Agency knows that.", "SYDNEY: What about the file -- the one you pulled for me? There were pages missing. Maybe it didn't end twenty years ago, maybe he's still working for Russia!", "VAUGHN: Stop. Okay? Stop. What matters, what is important, is taking down SD-6. Jack -- your father -- is helping us do that!", "SYDNEY: So, you're suggesting, once again, that I do nothing?", "VAUGHN: Not about this! We have too much work to do, and your relationship with him--", "SYDNEY: I wasn't supposed to do anything about Dixon, either. Let me ask you this -- is anything EVER unacceptable to you?!", "VAUGHN: I understand that we're talking about your dad here, and that if he did sell secrets, or is selling secrets, that would be hard.", "SYDNEY: I would hope that would be hard on you, too!", "VAUGHN: Before you do anything, let me find out if he's under suspicion, if he's being tracked. Just give me two days, all right?", "(University campus. Francie and Charlie sit on a bench together.)", "FRANCIE: I get it. You wanted to do it in person, but instead of coming right out with it, you're making all kinds of small talk. Which I think is really pathetic.", "CHARLIE: Francie--", "FRANCIE: I've always supported you, no matter what. And the ide athat you would sneak around behind my back and lie to me about it, is just the worst part. I can't--", "CHARLIE: Francie--", "FRANCIE: After all that we have been through.", "CHARLIE: I want to be a singer.", "FRANCIE: A singer.", "CHARLIE: I wasn't going to say anything until I had everything set up. That woman -- Rachel -- she plays piano. When you saw us that night, we were rehearsing. We have our first gig this Friday night.", "(He gives her tickets.)", "FRANCIE: A singer?", "CHARLIE: Sweetheart, I'm sorry I wasn't up-front about this before, but being a lawyer, it's been my goal -- my family's goal -- forever, and the thought of me doing something else... I've been wanting to do something else. Fran, I've been to afraid to admit that.", "FRANCIE: You're not breaking up with me?", "CHARLIE: Are you kidding? You're my baby.", "(They kiss.)", "(Will's newspaper office. He walks down the hall, talking on his cell.)", "WILL: Charlie singing? I wouldn't miss it.", "(He pats someone on the back with a newspaper.)", "GUY: Hey, Will.", "WILL: (keeps walking) Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will be there. Yes. Yes. Best behavior, I got it.", "(He's at his desk, and sees Jenny sitting in his chair behind it. He hangs up.)", "WILL: Get off my chair.", "JENNY: How's Sydney? That was Sydney, right?", "WILL: Okay, you got to stop doing that. Anybody call when I was out?", "JENNY: Yep. A guy from the DMV. He ran the license plate you copied off of Kate Jones' car.", "WILL: The woman pretending to be Kate Jones. According to her social security number, the real Kate Jones died in 1973.", "(He dials the phone.)", "WILL: Hello, Hank? Hello, it's Will. Hey, you come up with anything? Did that match the license plate number for 663, Sam, Tango, Frank? Oh, you're the best. Bye. (hangs up) Okay...", "(He writes on a pad of paper. Jenny reads over his shoulder.)", "JENNY: \"Eloise Kurtz.\"", "WILL: Eloise Kurtz is living proof that someone's covering up Danny's murder. And she was definitely lying about having an affair with him. 223 Whitley Place, Hollywood.", "(Credit Dauphine. Sydney walks in the white room, it illuminates red. Inside, she walks in between the phone banks. Sloane approaches.)", "SLOANE: Good work in Germany, Sydney. The inhaler prototype's safely in Analysis. The Badenweiler factory was demolished without any casualties.", "SYDNEY: Thanks. Dixon deserves the credit. Not me.", "(They walk into a meeting room. Jack, Marshall, Dixon, Sloane, Sydney.)", "SLOANE: Jack will no longer be working out of Jennings Aerospace. His assignment there is complete. As of today, he will be working here with a cover as portfolio manager for Credit Dauphine. This way, he can more actively participate in the planning and execution of missions.", "(Everyone expects a reaction from Sydney.)", "SYDNEY: (forced smile) Good.", "SLOANE: Jack.", "MR. BRISTOW: Two months ago, FTL vacated their forward base at Roubaix and their support station at Chaniers. All the heavy equipment was moved, including the T-47s. At the time, recovery team found this at Robaix.", "(He passes a greeting card over to Sydney. The front has a big yellow smiley face. She opens it. A MIDI-type jingle plays and inside the card says \"Happy Birthday!\".)", "MR. BRISTOW: Last week, we learned that FTL also abandoned their transfer facility at Kenilwork. Our recovery team did a sweep, they returned with this.", "(He passes another card down. It's the same as the one before. Dixon opens one, hears the jingle, and immediately closes it.)", "DIXON: Is the ink encoded?", "(Marshall's eating something, quite loudly.)", "MARSHALL: Oh, that was my first thought as well. (beat) You want some fritter? It's apple.", "(He holds out the fritter to Dixon.)", "SLOANE: Analysis studied the music sample. They foudn an identical pattern of numbers buried in the higher frequencies. It's not noise. It is where they hide the code.", "SYDNEY: Have we deciphered it?", "SLOANE: No.", "(He clicks a remote, a picture of a large ship pops up.)", "SLOANE: \"Barrage\" -- it's a converted salvage tug. FTL uses it as a floating lab. Weapon design, data storage, crypto. An SD-6 commando team stormed the ship last night as it was passing through the Panama Canal. They brought back this.", "(He clicks a button, something else comes up. Drawings.)", "SYDNEY: What is it?", "MR. BRISTOW: FTL's latest code machine. Without this device, we're unable to read any of their communications.", "DIXON: How does it work?", "MARSHALL: Very well. Heh. Uh, we don't--we don't know yet.", "SLOANE: The team gathered what they could. Unfortunately, there was a self-destruct on the ship. Needless to say, they left fairly quickly.", "MR. BRISTOW: From what they gathered, only eight of these decoders have been produced. One of them is currently in the possession of this man.", "(A picture of the man in question pops up.)", "SLOANE: John Smythe... owner of the Hobbes End photo gallery in London. He's also an FTL operative. One of the code machines is being held in the gallery, awaiting pickup next Tuesday. You leave for London tonight.", "MR. BRISTOW: We want to find out where FTL relocated, and what they're up to. Your job is to bring back the encoding machine.", "(Sydney is leaving. The door to the white room opens. Mr. Bristow is following her.)", "MR. BRISTOW: I would have told you about the realignment, but you were in Badenweiler. (lower voice) I heard about what happened. It's tragic.", "SYDNEY: I know about you! That you were hunted by the F.B.I.! And I know that mom died because they went after you.", "MR. BRISTOW: Sydney...", "SYDNEY: Every time I think I know just how awful you are, I learn something worse.", "(She gets inside the elevator.)", "SYDNEY: But this time, I'm going to make sure you pay.", "(The doors close.)", "(Golf driving range. Vaughn walks up, holding a container of balls. He walks up beside Sydney, puts a small box down. She tkes it, opens it. It's a child's plastic bug that little kids use to frighten people.)", "SYDNEY: What's this?", "VAUGHN: A bug.", "SYDNEY: What are you, twelve-years-old?", "VAUGHN: No, a bug. We didn't know about Smythe.", "SYDNEY: After we get the code machine, they'll scan for listening devices.", "VAUGHN: Technology on this thing is totally passive. The guys at Langley actually cribbed the design from a Russian device they pulled from the American embassy. The thing only works when we hit it with a microwave beam off an orbital satellite. Then it acts as a microphone. It's completely undetectable.", "SYDNEY: And if they find it, they'll just think it's a bug.", "VAUGHN: Exactly.", "SYDNEY: What about the code machine?", "VAUGHN: Chances are, we won't have time to pull a switch, so deliver it to SD-6. When they break the code, they'll inform their affiliate offices through the computer network. Thanks to you, we're still downloading from their mainframe.", "SYDNEY: How much have you gotten so far?", "VAUGHN: Almost two per cent.", "SYDNEY: In all this time, that's all you got?", "VAUGHN: If we take too much, too quickly, they'll notice the leak. But we're patient. We can get all their internal files and then we can do some real damage.", "SYDNEY: Good.", "VAUGHN: Oh, I checked around about your dad. He's clena. No internal investigations that--", "SYDNEY: I told him.", "VAUGHN: Told him what?", "SYDNEY: That I know everything -- about Calder, his spying for the KGB, the accident.", "VAUGHN: Damn it! I told you not to say anything.", "SYDNEY: I'm sorry, but I don't care. If you'd been in my position, you probably wouldn't have been able to control yourself, either.", "VAUGHN: You're just going to have to learn how to do that.", "SYDNEY: Don't lecture me about my father. Because of the spy trade, my mother is dead. You couldn't possibly understand what it's like to have a parent die that way.", "(Vaughn's silent. He looks down.)", "VAUGHN: There's a book back at Langley. They keep it locked up under glass, and behind it is a marble wall with stars carved in it. It's a memorial to the agents the company lost in action. Families are never told how they died, or even where. Only that they won't be coming home. I was eight when my father became one of those stars. At the funeral, there's a protocol the Agency representative has to follow. What to say, whose hands to shake. You're admonished -- that is actually the word they used, \"admonished\" -- not to be conspiculously emotional.", "SYDNEY: Vaughn, I'm so sorry...", "VAUGHN: The agents that died in Badenweiler. I've been asked to represent the Agency at their funearls.", "(He casually, distractedly, hits one of the golf balls.)", "(In an apartment building, Will wlaks donw the hallway. He finds apartment 2 and knocks.)", "WILL: Delivery. Got a package for Eloise Kurtz.", "(She opens the door.)", "WILL: I just need five minutes.", "KATE/ELOISE: How did you know my name?", "WILL: I won't use it, if that's what you're afraid of.", "KATE/ELOISE: Just leave me alone! I don't know anything!", "WILL: See, it's people woh say that that always know much more than they think they do. Do you know how they kiled him? Danny Hecht? They broke into his apartment, and they shot him in his bathtub!", "KATE/ELOISE: I don't know anything!", "WILL: It was three bullets. It was two here (gestures) and one straight through the heart.", "(Eloise/Kate Jones moves into her apartment and gets her purse.)", "KATE/ELOISE: I'm warning you!", "WILL: Come on, I just want five minutes.", "KATE/ELOISE: Okay, I have pepper spray!", "(She sprays it in his eyes. Will falls back in the hallway, clutching his face.)", "WILL: OWWW! Oh, God, my eyes!", "KATE/ELOISE: I told you! Okay, I warned you! Now, just go away!", "WILL: My eyes... okay!", "(She slams the door.)", "(London. Inside the art gallery, dance music plays. Sydney and Dixon are there, in disguise.)", "SYDNEY: You ready?", "(He nods.)", "SYDNEY: It should take me about twenty seconds to get down the hall.", "(Sydney makes her way over to the exit where a guard stands. She eats something off of a tray a waiter holds. Dixon, looking at the pieces, takes out a cigar and lights up. People stare, once they smell the smoke. A man gestures to the guard. The guard goes to Dixon. While he's away, Sydney slips past the railing and goes down the hall.)", "OFFICIAL: Excuse me, sir. Hello. Actually, this is a non-smoking gallery.", "DIXON: (French accent) Not anymore.", "OFFICIAL: Well, I'm afraid if you don't put that thing out, we're going to have to escort yu out the door.", "DIXON: What kind of a deal you think I can get if I take the entire collection?", "(Beat.)", "OFFICIAL: I'll go call the owner.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Down the hall, Sydney walks down the hall. Around the corner is the office. Smythe is inside. The phone rings.)", "SMYTHE: Yeah? I'll be right there.", "(He hangs up. On his way out, he hits the numbers for the alarm to set. The motion sensor arms. He leaves. He walks past Sydney who was hiding around the corner in the otherwise deserted hallway. She throws her purse and it stops the door from closing, wedging itself between the door and the wall. She enters the office, picking up her purse. She sees the motion senor arming. She takes a hat off of the desk and throws it on top of the motion sensor alarm, enabling her to move without setting it off. She looks around, and puts on her green sunglasses that match her lime green dress. She sees where the vault is hidden behind the wall with the x-ray glasses and takes off her watch.)", "(Smythe, Official, and Dixon walk around.)", "SMYTHE: Chester Conlon is an award winning artist.", "DIXON: It is almost Keeferesque.", "SMYTHE: I said the same thing.", "(A man coughs from the cigar smoke.)", "DIXON: This bothering you, by the way?", "SMYTHE: Not at all.", "(Sydney has her watch strapped onto the vault's door. As she moves the dial, the watch will beep twice whenever she comes to the right digit. It beeps, she turns the dial for the other number. It beeps. She opens the vault and finds the code machine, puts it in her green purse. She closes the vault door and tkes her watch, puts it back on. She finds the plastic bug that was hidden in between her breasts and sticks it under the counter in the office. Just then, the hat falls off of the motion sensor and she moves -- the alarm goes off.)", "(Inside the gallery...)", "DIXON: I'm tempted, but I don't know.", "SMYTHE: Sir, I've already offered to come down ten per cent.", "DIXON: Ten per cent is not twenty per cent.", "(Dixon spots the guard over Smythe's shoulder getting notified of the alarm going off.)", "(Sydney is walking down the hall, out of the office. She hears someone coming closer. She panicks, and goes back to the office. She tries opening the door but the door is locked. She has nowhere to go. The guard comes around the corner... Sydney isn't there. She's in the open ceiling, straddling a pipe above the guard's head. He looks around, goes to the office door to open it. Suddenly, steam starts blowing through the pipes. Sydney's mouth is gaping open -- she touches the pipe, and a sign that says \"Extreme Heat -- Danger of Scalding\" is shown. She holds herself up above the pipe, wincing in pain as the pipe she's laying her body on top of, gets hotter. The guard drops the keys, tries again. He goes inside. Sydney winces, trying not to yell out in pain. Metal clanks. The man hears it, and goes to see what that was. He moves down the hallway. Sydney climbs over to the other pipes parallel to her, swings over the one smaller pipe that is not scalding hot with her green purse in her mouth. She moves like a gymnast. The guard comes back, goes inside the office. She hangs down off the pipe, and runs.)", "(Inside the gallery.)", "SMYTHE: I'll eat the tax, but that is it.", "(Sydney walks over to them.)", "SYDNEY: (French accent) Cherie, I think I prefer the Lamborghini.", "DIXON: You are the birthday girl. (turning to Smythe) Could you do something with this?", "(He gives the cigar to Smythe; Dixon and Sydney walk out together.)", "(Los Angeles. Sydney sits on her bed, dressed for work. Francie stands in front of the full length mirror, trying on a top that would go over her tank.)", "FRANCIE: He doesn't sing in the car. He doesn't sing in the shower. He doesn't even sing at the national anthem at baseball games. I mean, he doesn't even hum.", "SYDNEY: (re: the top) To, like, \"I'm with the band.\" Kind of.", "FRANCIE: If he had a good voice, he would have used it somewhere once. I would have heard it. You're going to be there, right? I mean, I need you there.", "SYDNEY: Of course I'm going to be there.", "FRANCIE: When he's not -- if he's not good -- he's going to be so devastated. You know that.", "SYDNEY: Or it could be the start of something great.", "(She gets up, walking out.)", "SYDNEY: Raid my closet!", "FRANCIE: Thanks, but, I got boobs.", "(At the club, Francie, Sydney, Will and Amy sit. Charlie and Rachel stand in front of them.)", "RACHEL: Hi, I'm Rachel.", "FRANCIE: Hi.", "RACHEL: Charlie has told me so much about you.", "FRANCIE: Really?", "RACHEL: Going for your MBA, best cook ever. You're like this mythic person.", "FRANCIE: Okay, I like her!", "CHARLIE: This is Will.", "WILL: You know anything about me?", "CHARLIE: And Sydney.", "SYDNEY: Hi.", "WILL: (gestures) This is my sister, Amy.", "AMY: Hi.", "(Will's cell phone rings.)", "WILL: Will Tippin.", "VOICE: It's Eloise Kurtz.", "WILL: Sorry, I can't hear you. Hold on.", "(He moves away so the others won't hear, namely Sydney.)", "SYDNEY: This is so exciting!", "CHARLIE: A little terrifying.", "RACHEL: We've got to get ready.", "FRANCIE: You guys are going to be great.", "(They walk away. Francie turns to Sydney.)", "FRANCIE: This is going to be a disaster.", "SYDNEY: Stop it!", "(At another corner of the bar, Will talks in his cell phone.)", "WILL: Hi.", "KATE/ELOISE: Are you all right?", "WILL: You mean can I see again?", "KATE/ELOISE: I feel horrible.", "WILL: No, it's okay. I was wearing my glasses.", "KATE/ELOISE: I'm really not a bad person.", "WILL: No, I never said you were a bad person. You just got to tell me. Help me out here, please.", "KATE/ELOISE: They gave me two thousand dollars cash to say that I was having an affair with Danny Hecht.", "WILL: Well, who did? Who gave you the money?", "KATE/ELOISE: I was in between jobs, my car was broken. It's still broken. Anybody in my position would have done the same thing.", "WILL: Can I buy you a cup of coffee, huh? Meet you in person?", "KATE/ELOISE: Why don't you come by my apartment tomorrow afternoon?", "WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about three o'clock? I have a great car mechanic, if you need one, too.", "(In her apartment, Eloise stares straight ahead, listening to all the commotion at the bar, depressed and afraid that maybe her life is in danger. That she might not ever hear all that again.)", "WILL: Hello? Hello?", "KATE/ELOISE: Yeah, I'm here...", "WILL: Listen, everything's going to be okay.", "(She hangs up. Applause. Charlie takes the stage. Will moves over to the bar with Sydney, Francie and Amy.)", "WILL: (to Sydney) It was a fact-checker. How's Francie?", "SYDNEY: A wreck.", "(The microphone whines with feedback. Charlie stands in the back, looking really nervous. Everyone is quiet. Francie looks scared for him. Charlie doesn't move.)", "SYDNEY: WHOO-HOO! CHARLIE! WHOO-HOO!", "(Sydney shouts this while pumping her fist in the air. Everyone laughs, including Sydney. Charlie smiles, the nervous tension effectively broken. He moves to the microphone. Rachel starts playing on the keyboard. Francie closes her eyes, maybe the song has special meaning?)", "CHARLIE: (singing) When the road gets dark, and you can no longer see. Just let my love throw a spark. And have a little faith in me.", "(Francie looks blown away at his talent.)", "CHARLIE: (singing) When the tears you cry are all you can believe. Just give these loving arms a try, and have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me...", "(Francie is beaming with pride.)", "FRANCIE: That's my boyfriend.", "CHARLIE: (singing) Have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me.", "(Perhaps the next day or Monday, Sydney walks into SD-6, slow motion.)", "CHARLIE: (voice over, singing) When your secret heart cannot speak so easily... come here, darlin', from a whisper start. To have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me.", "(She puts her things down at her desk. Starts to take off her coat. Dixon comes up behind her and takes it off of her. She brightly smiles at him.)", "CHARLIE: (voice over, singing) Have a little faith in me, have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me...", "(In a meeting with Sydney, Marshall, Sloane, Dixon and Mr. Bristow. Sydney puts her thumb on the coding machine she stole from the gallery. It makes a noise.)", "SYDNEY: It tickles. What just happened?", "MARSHALL: It took a piece of your thumb. A speck. A cell. And this is, like, true genius. It created a code based on your DNA.", "SLOANE: That's how the code from those greeting cards worked. The encoding was DNA based.", "SYDNEY: Whose?", "MR. BRISTOW: We know he was the recepient of one of the cards. (A picture comes up.) Gareth Parkishoff, leader of the FTL cell in Rabat.", "SLOANE: That's the good news. We know it's Parkishoff.", "(Marshall types on his laptop, quickly and loudly.)", "SLOANE: The bad news is Parkishoff is dead. We need a sample of his DNA, and we don't know where he's buried. Marshall. Marshall.", "MARSHALL: (perplexed) The system's... a little sluggish.", "SLOANE: Marshall, get Fisher.", "(Marshall takes his laptop and runs out.)", "SLOANE: Last month we received intel that Parkishoff was assassinated by Martin Shephard.", "(A picture of Shephard comes up.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Shephard's an interesting case. His subconscious is programmed to react to a simple phrase. Say it to him, and he'd do what you'd asked. Even kill. Say it again, and those acts would be erased from his conscious mind. He'd have no recollection of the acts he'd committed.", "SLOANE: Now, we have known for some time what that phrase is.", "(Sloane places a folder in front of Sydney.)", "SYDNEY: Oh, it's by John Donne.", "SLOANE: Right. And we want you to get close enough to Shephard, recite the poem, and get him to tell you where Parkishoff is buried.", "SYDNEY: Where is he?", "SLOANE: Shephard checked himself in a mental institution in Bucharest, southern Romania.", "(Marshall and Fisher enter. Marshall goes to Sloane.)", "MARSHALL: Umm, if you don't mind, there's something kind of weird going on with the computer network.", "SLOANE: Marshall.", "MARSHALL: There's kind of a bandwith leak...", "SLOANE: Why don't you get me a report by the end of the day?", "(Marshall leaves.)", "SLOANE: Agent Fisher will be your support on this one. His alias is Dr. Carlos Fontanetta.", "SYDNEY: Hello. Nice to meet you.", "FISHER: Nice to meet you.", "SLOANE: The Mangalov clinic is expecting Dr. Fontanetta to check a patient in the day after tomorrow. You are that patient.", "(Sydney walks down a street outside Credit Dauphine. Mr. Bristow jogs up to her.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Your handler's unavailable. Once you locate Parkishoff, he wants you to relay the coordinates--", "SYDNEY: Vaughns' at a funeral. Four heroes who died because of people like you.", "MR. BRISTOW: You are to relay the correct coordinates to SD-6. Once they have decoded the message, you are to inform--", "SYDNEY: Go to hell!", "MR. BRISTOW: (grabs her arm) People's lives are at stake! Your life!", "(Sydney tries walking away.)", "MR. BRISTOW: What you think you know, you don't know.", "SYDNEY: Then explain it to me!", "MR. BRISTOW: You don't have clearance.", "SYDNEY: (furious) Clearance?", "MR. BRISTOW: Yes.", "SYDNEY: To be told how my mother died.", "MR. BRISTOW: There are rules, Sydney.", "SYDNEY: Then you break them!", "MR. BRISTOW: Just think about what you're saying. Acting cavalier about breaking the rules. Think about the last time you did something like that. I'm not a perfect man, I know that. But I am smart enough not to draw simple conclusions and then act upon them. I would think if anyone had learned that lesson, it would have been you.", "(He walks away. Sydney looks like she's fighting back the urge to hit him.)", "(Romania. Maganlov clinic. It's dirty. The walls are covered in splatters on old, dingy paint. Sydney is being wheeled in a wheelchair down the hall by an orderly. A doctor -- Krushnik -- and Fisher walk with them.)", "FISHER: Miss Dicamila is bipolar. We were doing some, uh, relief work up in the north when she suffered a psychotic break. She's suffering from auditory hallucinations. She thinks that her government wants to kill her.", "(As they wheel her by, Sydney sees Shephard. They make eye contact.)", "FISHER: Her previous doctor submitted her for some rather experimental treatment. Lithium substitutes, neurolinguistic reprogramming. All of which had no effect on her condition. I'm still trying to find her parents, but until then, I need a place for her.", "(They come to a stop in front of Sydney's new room.)", "DR. KRUSHNIK: Is she taking any antipsychotics?", "FISHER: Olanzapine, twenty milligrams. QPM.", "(The orderly unlocks the door. Sydney grunts, eyes wide, and flies into Fisher's arms, pretending to be her condition.)", "FISHER: Shhh...", "SYDNEY: Auuuhhhhh!", "(The orderly takes her.)", "SYDNEY: Aughhhh! UGH!", "(He puts her in the dirty room. She claws at the doorframe, tries to get away.)", "DR. KRUSHNIK: There are other institutions in Bucharest, how is it you honor us?", "FISHER: Uh, the consulate. They directed me here.", "(They lock the door on Sydney.)", "DR. KRUSHNIK: This way. We'll get her admitted.", "(Panting, Sydney stares. They walk away. She immediately stops the facade, and goes back to being Sydney. She stares in the hallway. A man screams in the distance.)", "(Will walks in the hallway outside Eloise's apartment. He knocks on apartment two, but the door opens a little.)", "WILL: Miss Kurtz? I'm coming in. Easy on the pepper spray.", "(Will enters, looking around. The entire apartment is cleaned out. Everything's gone. She's gone. His lead is gone. He touches the wall. Fresh paint, still wet.)", "(Funeral for one of the C.I.A. agents. An American flag is draped over the casket. Vaughn's eyes fall on a little blond eight-year-old boy, sitting down beside the grieving widow. Vaughn brings a medal to the widow. She takes it. Vaughn moves down to the little boy, who is crying softly. He kneels down, eye contact with him. The boy whimpers.)", "VAUGHN: Your dad was a hero.", "(The boy lunges at Vaughn, hugs him tight. Vaughn hugs him back.)", "(In a room at Credit Dauphine, Marshall types. He sees a graph of what I'm assuming is download times and what files are being downloaded.)", "MARSHALL: Oh, no. Oh, no.", "(He stumbles out of the room, running. Outside, he runs into someone, goes up to Sloane.)", "MARSHALL: That leak! The glitch! There's a worm! There's a hacker in our network! They're downloading all the files off the server!", "(He runs into the main control room.)", "MARSHALL: Got to cut the hard line!", "(He flips a switch. The computers power down. \"Internet connection lost\" is the signal behind on the monitor. Marshall leans against the machine, gasping.)", "(Sloane walks into his office, picks up a phone, dials.)", "SLOANE: Hello, Allan. We need to meet. I think we have a mole.", "(In the cafeteria at the institution, Sydney walks in line and gets a goopy mess on her tray. She sees Martin sitting alone at a table. She stares at him, sits down.)", "SYDNEY: Hi.", "(In the doctor's main office, Krushnik walks around where Fisher sits.)", "KRUSHNIK: Sorry to keep you waiting.", "FISHER: Oh, this is not a problem.", "KRUSHNIK: Two more forms and her admission is complete.", "(He sits down. Behind Fisher, a TV sits where it spots all the video camers. He watches.)", "KRUSHNIK: By the way, while you were waiting, I called the consulate. Yes, I am speaking at the U.N. conference on refugees in New York next month. I called them about a visa. Naturally, I thinked them for having referred our institution and I was surprised to hear that they were unaware of any such recommendation.", "(In the cafeteria, Martin stares at Sydney, panting.)", "MARTIN: (whispering) Do I... know you?", "SYDNEY: No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a peice of the continent.", "(Martin jumps up and chokes her, throwing her against the table.)", "MARTIN: Who... are... you?", "SYDNEY: Ugh!", "(She punches him once. She goes to punch him again, but he grabs her fist, stopping her. He throws her down against the table where they were eating.)", "MARTIN: Who... are... you?", "(He chokes her.)", "MARTIN: HUH?", "(The doctor's office.)", "FISHER: Oh yes, of course. That is because the consulate referred me to the local health department. They made a recommendation.", "KRUSHNIK: Well, that explains it.", "(He sees the camera over Fisher's shoulder. He sees Sydney being choked.)", "(Sydney is coughing. An orderly gets Martin off of Sydney. They stun him an electric prod and struggle with him, carrying him away.)", "MARTIN: AAUGHHHHHHH!", "(They push him away. Sydney coughs, and gets up. Martin tears himself away from the orderlies, and tries to get at Sydney again. He's stunned again. An orderly takes Sydney away.)", "ORDERLY: We know what you're doing, Miss Bristow.", "(She tries kicking him. Two other men come and drag her away. She kicks in the air, trying to get away.)", "(Agent Weiss walks down a hall in the C.I.A. office, reading something from a file folder. Another agent comes up to Weiss.)", "AGENT: Hey, where's Vaughn?", "WEISS: He's covering the funerals. Badenweiler? Why, did you finally get a date?", "AGENT: You know that assignment Bristow's been sent to?", "WEISS: Yeah.", "AGENT: The doctor who's running the place -- Krushnik?", "WEISS: Mmm-hmm.", "AGENT: He's with K-Directorate.", "(Weiss stops dead in his tracks.)", "(Three orderlies take Sydney down some stairs, in a straight jacket. She speaks Romanian to them. She struggles. Grunting. She suddenly head bunts one guy, kicks the other two. They go down. She runs down the hallway with the jacket still on, goes around a corner, and ducks ina room. They run past her. Inside the room she's in, Sydney sees that a piece of the cage that covers the windows is broken. She puts her back to th window, backs in and the ledge of the broken cage unlatches the jacket as she moves down. Her arms are free. She takes the ties on the arms, stands on them, bends down, and pulls the jacket off. She stands up, completely free, and stops. She sees Fisher sitting in a chair -- she's in the office. His back is turned to her and he's not moving. Sydney moves closer to him.)", "SYDNEY: Fisher?", "(She inches closer, almost too scared to see. She hesitantly turns Fisher around, and sees that his throat is slit. He's dead. Blood covers his white shirt. Sydney gasps.)" ]
[ "After helping Shepard escape from the asylum in Bucharest Sydney discovers the shocking connection he has with her past. He was brainwashed by SD-6 and programmed to kill her fiancé, among others. Sloane is confronted by Alliance representative Alain Christophe after the computer worm affair blows up, whom suggests that one or more moles may have infiltrated SD-6. Will Tippin continues to investigate the Eloise Kurtz (alias Kate Jones), who now claims to have been Danny's mistress. He makes an appointment with her, but when he goes to her place it has been emptied and repainted and she is gone. Later, she's found dead in Echo Park. Sydney, in the meantime, understands that Shepard is not really responsible for Danny's murder but he's been used by the SD-6 very much like herself. She lets him go and tells SD-6 that he went totally insane and committed suicide jumping from a bridge near the frontier with Bucharest. Upon her return to Los Angeles, she learns the truth about her father's involvement in her mother's death 20 years earlier. It was his fault because he was fleeing from another car when they had the accident. But Syd also learns for sure that he was not involved with the KGB. He tells her that during the Cold War everybody was suspicious of illegal activities, so he was investigated as a routine process." ]
[ "(Sydney stares at Fisher's dead body. She looks around frantically, and runs out of the office. She runs down a hall, tries a door.)", "ORDERLY: HEY!", "(She turns to see an orderly headed her way. She runs down a hall, he's following right behind. Sydney goes into a room, closes the door behind her and runs for the back door. It's locked. She tries a window nearby, slams on it. The orderly enters. Advancing on him, Sydney gets into a fighting stance. He comes closer, tries hitting her. She hits him. He slams her knees with the shocking wand. Sydney falls to the ground, and on her back, kicks him in the chin/neck. The orderly stumbles back and she takes his keys, grabbing the wire/string on it, and tries strangling him with it. Another orderly comes in with a tranquilizer. Sydney holds the first orderly that she was strangling in front of her, the second orderly shoots the first orderly with a dart instead of her. She drops him. Suddenly, Sydney arches up, in shock. She turns to see Dr. Kreshnik standing with a tranquilizer gun behind her. She's shot in the back with a dart. Woozy, Sydney teeters from side to side and then falls in a heap on the floor.)", "(SD-6, Sloane and Jack are in a meeting room together.)", "SLOANE: Jack, I thought you should know Sydney and Fisher missed their scheduled contact. What are you thinking?", "MR. BRISTOW: Worst case is they're not alone in there. Maybe someone posing as a patient, or a doctor.", "SLOANE: Come on, Jack. Sydney's a smart kid, we've seen her through worse than this.", "MR. BRISTOW: Maybe not.", "SLOANE: Maybe not. But, I believe in her. I believe in her as if she were my own daughter.", "(Mr. Bristow freezes. Sloane's saying this in a way that he's almost threatening, getting his point across.)", "MR. BRISTOW: That's nice to hear. (gets up) When's her next scheduled contact?", "SLOANE: Ten hours. Then we'll know how hot the water is.", "(Asylum. Sydney lays in a tank of water with electrodes on her head. Dr. Kreshnik and an orderly stands above her. She gasps.)", "DR. KRESHNIK: Let us not waste time. I know that you work for SD-6, I know that you are here to find out where Martin Shepard buried Perkashov. That you need Perkashov's DNA to read FTL code. What I do not know is whether you have succeeded.", "SYDNEY: Since we're not playing games, which is refreshing, I'd like to know who's asking.", "DR. KRESHNIK: My affiliation is unimportant.", "(He nods to the orderly. The orderly switches a dial up, a slight buzzing can be heard.)", "DR. KRESHNIK: You have until the machine charges. Answer my question.", "SYDNEY: Wait, this can't be the best version of this conversation! Look, Shepard didn't talk! I don't know where Perkashov is buried! Wait, I'm telling you, I don't know anything! Wait!", "(The electric charge crackles. Sydney flops in the water, electrocuted.)", "(Mr. Bristow enters a Chinese restaurant.)", "JOEY: Ah, Mr. Bristow, your usual table is waiting for you, sir.", "MR. BRISTOW: Thank you, Joey.", "(He enters a tea room in the back where Vaughn waits. Upon entering, Vaughn stands.)", "VAUGHN: Mr. Bristow, I'm sorry about the--", "(Mr. Bristow grabs Vaughn, twists his right arm back and slams him against the wall. Vaughn cringes and faces the wall, his head turned back. Mr. Bristow takes out a gun and aims it high enough so Vaughn can see.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Who are you?", "VAUGHN: Uh, I'm CIA operations officer Vaughn. I'm Sydney's handler. I cleared this meeting with Devlin. Cretchmer walked me through your S.O.P., we're safe.", "(Mr. Bristow lets him go, puts his gun away.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Are Sydney and I switching handlers, or is this a special occasion?", "VAUGHN: No. We have a problem.", "MR. BRISTOW: Fisher hasn't made contact. I know.", "VAUGHN: No, we believe K-Directorate had an agent waiting in the hospital.", "MR. BRISTOW: SD-6 doesn't have confirmation of that.", "(Mr. Bristow sits.)", "VAUGHN: C.I.A. does. We have an extraction team waiting on the ready line out of Serbia. I want to pull Sydney out of there.", "(Mr. Bristow stares at the standing Vaughn with much contempt and maybe a little disgust on his face. He looks at the empty chair, as if it's impolite that Vaughn isn't sitting. Vaughn notices and takes a seat like he's a schoolboy waiting to be punished by the principal.)", "VAUGHN: I was hoping that maybe we could coordinate this together.", "MR. BRISTOW: Mr. Vaughn, you're young and you're eager, and I understand that. But one thing you're not, and this is something only time can provide, really... is wise.", "(He casually pours tea and takes a drink.)", "VAUGHN: You don't think this is the right move.", "MR. BRISTOW: Listen carefully, Mr. Vaughn. Even with a minimal extraction team, you can't guarantee containment. And if Sloane finds out, Sydney's dead anyway.", "VAUGHN: Retire her early. Pull her out of service!", "MR. BRISTOW: And in the process, expose her operations at SD-6.", "VAUGHN: Sydney's life is worth the risk!", "MR. BRISTOW: Not to Sydney! Taking them down is what gets her up in the morning. Or... did you think it was those meetings she has with you?", "VAUGHN: Hey! What is your problem with me?", "MR. BRISTOW: You pulled my file last week, that's my problem, Mr. Vaughn. Now, did curiousity get the better of you, or were you trying to impress my daughter?", "VAUGHN: (sighs) She thinks you were KGB. But, I'm sure you already knew that. So, what I'm wondering is what were you doing checking up on me checking up on you?", "MR. BRISTOW: This meeting is over.", "(He leaves Vaughn sitting at the table alone.)", "(In the interrogation room. Sydney lays in the tank, her body limp.)", "DR. KRESHNIK: Shepard told her nothing. She would've talked by now. Kill her.", "SYDNEY: You can't torture Shepard for information... Electroshock won't work. FTL trained him to forget everything you did. That's why you're here posing as a shrink. You're K-Directorate... aren't you?", "DR. KRESHNIK: What makes you think I work with K-Directorate?", "SYDNEY: Your accent's Georgian. Georgia, former Soviet Union -- their main recruiting ground. Shepard thinks I'm a patient. He's more likely to tust me than you.", "DR. KRESHNIK: Except he has already attacked you.", "SYDNEY: Which I could use to seal his transference by bringing his guilt to the surface and then forgiving him.", "DR. KRESHNIK: I suppose you'd like your life in return. If you'll get Shepard to recall the location of Perkashov, you might just live out your life in a Chechnyan internment camp. You have until lockdown tonight.", "(The orderly takes off the wrist braces that hold Sydney's arms above her head. She breathes heavily and rubs her wrists gratefully.)", "(Outside the asylum on a terrace, Shepard sits alone, crouched down. Sydney, dressed in the clothes she had on before, steps out the window onto the terrace. She approaches.)", "MARTIN: Stay away from me...", "SYDNEY: I'm here to help you.", "MARTIN: I don't want your help. I'm not open to your help.", "SYDNEY: I think I know what's happening to you.", "MARTIN: I'm sure you do, because you're one of them. You know the words that are going on in my head! I know I've seen you somewhere before... I've seen you before...", "SYDNEY: (confused) No, you haven't.", "MARTIN: I thought I was safe here. I thought I was safe here. I thought I was safe here.", "SYDNEY: What I'm about to say to you is the truth, so you got to listen to me.", "(She touches him on the arm but he flinches and jerks away.)", "SYDNEY: They're going to kill us both if we don't help each other to get out of here.", "MARTIN: Then you've got a real problem, because I'm not leaving here. I would rather die than leave the way I am now.", "(He leaves and goes back inside. From up above, Dr. Kreshnik looks.)", "(A patient is wheeled by. Sydney is taken down the hall with an orderly, who is grabbing her arm.)", "ORDERLY: Do you have the chart Dr. Kreshnik asked for?", "(She sees two orderlies behind her. One takes a key and puts it in one lock. The other orderly takes a similar key, puts it in the other lock on the other side of the door. The red light above the door turns green, the security buzzer goes off, and it opens the exit door.)", "(In a solarium, the orderly pushes Sydney in. She gives him a dirty look, but sees Shepard sitting at a table by himself, drawing. He's drawing a bare tree blowing in the wind, with a yellow sky.)", "SYDNEY: Yellow sky. Interesting choice.", "MARTIN: I told you, stay away from me.", "SYDNEY: I know that you're starting to remember some things, and I know you think that I had something to do with them, but I didn't.", "MARTIN: Piss off.", "SYDNEY: You can't see colors, can you?", "MARTIN: Who are you? If you're not one of the people that did this to me, then how do you know that?", "SYDNEY: I'll tell you what you need to know, but first you have to help me. I was sent here to get some information from you, but I don't even care about that anymore. All I care about is that the main exit door has a duel-key lock. That means it takes two people using two keys at the same time to open the door.", "MARTIN: I told you, I'm not leaving here.", "SYDNEY: No, please believe me. There are other people here who want to find out what's in your head, and when they don't, they will kill us both.", "MARTIN: You want me to believe you, but you don't tell me anything! I know I've seen you somewhere.", "SYDNEY: Okay, okay, look... you were trained. You were programmed to follow orders.", "MARTIN: Whose orders? Whose orders? To do what? To do--", "SYDNEY: To kill.", "MARTIN: No...", "SYDNEY: The things you're remembering, they're real. Look, I know it's hard to hear. Listen--", "MARTIN: No... no... no...", "(He stands, taking his drawing.)", "SYDNEY: You just have to accept that you did these things! When you're following orders--", "(Martin bolts. Sydney contronts him, he backs against the window.)", "SYDNEY: When you're following orders, you're trained to see everything in black and white! To keep you detached from what you have to do! Look, you're not supposed to remember everything, but you are! Your training must be short-circuiting. Look, what you did--", "MARTIN: (whimpering) Yeah, yeah... stop... stop...", "SYDNEY: (frantic) It's so painful to remember that you're seeing in black and white all the time, it's a defense mechanism! But it's good! It means you're starting to heal! You're starting to get better and better!", "MARTIN: STOP IT, PLEASE! GUARD! Take me to my room...", "GUARD: (to other) Take him. (to Sydney) Lockdown!", "SYDNEY: Tell Dr. Kreshnik I have the information he needs.", "(At the newspaper, Will sits at his desk. Jenny comes by.)", "JENNY: A memo from legal about reporters quoting other reporters.", "WILL: What's it say?", "JENNY: Cut it out. Happy Thanksgiving!", "WILL: Thanks, Jenny!", "(He sees a computer on a colleague's desk. A picture of Eloise/Kate is shown, with a headline underneath. The reporter's working on the layout.)", "WILL: (standing) Hey, can you scroll back down for a second?", "REPORTER: Did you get the memo?", "WILL: Can you just show me the damn picture?", "REPORTER: All right, jeez. Her name was Eloise Kurtz. Local girl. Found shot to death in Echo Park. Did you know her?", "(In another room, Will and his boss.)", "WILL: She said her name was Kate Jones, but it was really Eloise Kurtz. She was my source in the Danny Hecht investigation. That means she was more than a source, she was involved somehow! She was trying to tell me something, and now she's dead!", "BOSS: You're not hearing me, Will. I am not saying there is nothing here.", "WILL: You won't even publish this even though I was investigating one murder, and now thare are two? I mean, isn't that enough?", "BOSS: The fastest way to be discredited is to author a conspiracy theory without background. Believe me, I have seen this. You might as well publish your own homepage.", "WILL: Will you at least just take a look at my notes?", "BOSS: Leave them on my desk when you go. I'm not telling you to drop this, I'm not being a monster. I'm telling you to bring it back to me when it's more developed.", "(Asylum. Shepard is in bed, alone, on his back. He's whimpering in his sleep, his head rolling back and forth. He hears voices murmuring, a bird flying by. Black and white flashes of a person, for a second. Martin whimpers. Another flash. It's a back of someone's head. Martin's eyes flicker, he moans in his sleep. We see that the person is Danny. Black and white flash of a framed picture. It slowly comes into focus, and it slowly comes into color. It's a framed picture of Sydney, sitting in front of a birthday cake with a banner behind her that says \"Happy Birthday Sydney.\" Martin's eyes pop open in fear.)", "MARTIN: Oh, my God.", "(In another part of the asylum, Sydney is being ushered down some stairs by an orderly.)", "ORDERLY: We are coming to you now, Doctor.", "SYDNEY: What is that tattoo on your arm? Spitznas Special Forces? I almost got a tattoo once. I was on the guy's chair--", "(She punches him, kicks him. He tumbles down the stairs, and falls to the ground, unconscious. Sydney takes the keys from his belt.)", "(Sydney walks down the hallway in the asylum, nearing the security door, dressed in a janitor's uniform. She has a hat on, her hair tucked underneath. An orderly meets her with a platter of pills. He stops, stares at her. She keeps walking, trying to go unnoticed. In front of the security door, she takes out her mop and mops the floor, waiting for everyone to pass. She's now alone. She whips off the head of the mop and attaches the key from the other orderly on to the head of the mop. Standing, she holds the mop out in one hand and tries to put the key in the lock on the other side of the door. She misses, and then it slides in. Stretching, Sydney takes another key and puts it in the lock on the other side of the door nearest to her. Both keys are in. She's about to turn them and is about to escape, when she's zapped from behind by the orderly she met in the hallway. She falls.)", "DR. KRESHNIK: Take her.", "(The doctor and the orderly both take Sydney down the hallway. She struggles. They take her down a hall, but suddenly Shepard comes out of a room with a fire extinguisher and hits Dr. Kreshnik on the back of the head. He falls. Sydney punches the orderly, kicks him. She jumps and kicks him. He falls to the ground. She takes the orderly's electric shocker and zaps Kreshnik. He falls back to the floor.)", "SYDNEY: Hurts, doesn't it?", "(She takes his keys.)", "MARTIN: You're right, I don't want to die in here.", "SYDNEY: How did you get out of your room?", "MARTIN: Oh, I've got good at it. I pretended--I pretended to swallow my tongue, and I lifted the keys. (shows them)", "(Sydney stares at him. She takes the keys and runs to the door. She goes to one lock, Martin goes to the other. He puts the key in, and stops. He's scared. He looks at Sydney.)", "SYDNEY: Hey, look at me. You can do this.", "(He stares at her, shaking slightly.)", "SYDNEY: You think I'd help you get out of here if I thought you'd kill someone?", "MARTIN: Unless you're planning on killing me.", "SYDNEY: (sincere) Why would I do that?", "(He stares at her intently. She gives him an encouraging nod, and squeezes his shoulder gently. He nods. She nods. Together, they slide the keys in and they run out. A car drives down the street in front of them and stops when the driver sees Sydney and Martin come out of the asylum. Sydney runs to the driver's side, the man steps out. She punches him, taking him down, and takes the gun.)", "SYDNEY: Sorry. (to Martin) Get in!", "(He climbs in the passenger side, and they peel out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(At SD-6, Marshall is listening to music in his office on some headphones, typing on a keyboard. He bops along to the music. Sloane enters. He takes them off, startled.)", "MARSHALL: Whoa. Hey, company. (jumps up) Uh, here. I'm totally a mess in here. Sorry. Let me just--I wasn't really expecting anyone!", "(He clears off a jacket that was on a big red inflatable chair. It should belong in a college dorm, really. Sloane stares at him.)", "MARSHALL: Want to have a seat? I got a minor form of scoliosis, so the air ergonimically hugs me. (hugs himself) Oh, you want to stretch out? I can inflate the couch.", "(He holds up an inflatable couch that's not inflated yet.)", "SLOANE: I'll stand.", "MARSHALL: Oh, by the way, I scanned every byte of the computer network. You'll be happy to know no more virus. That leak is plugged. Even better news, since it was exporting files at such a low bandwith. Only three per cent--", "SLOANE: Marshall, the virus was a security section drill.", "MARSHALL: A drill? Like a test?", "SLOANE: You were the only one who caught it, and much faster than anyone anticipated. So, good work.", "MARSHALL: Um, I--I--I mean, that leak was transferred over an unsecure net connection. Isn't that a little risky?", "SLOANE: Security section was surveilling it the whole time. I just wanted to let you know.", "MARSHALL: Okay, thanks...", "(Sloane leaves.)", "(Cabin in the woods. Shepard sits in front of the fire, staring at nothing. Sydney flips over a mat, and takes out a panel of a false floor. There's a kit in there. Sydney opens the lid and finds packaged food and a cell phone. She dials.)", "(Mr. Bristow drives down a street in Los Angeles and answers his phone.)", "MR. BRISTOW: Yes.", "SYDNEY: Dad? Where's Vaughn?", "MR. BRISTOW: I had his number forwarded. Are you all right?", "SYDNEY: I'm at the safe house.", "MR. BRISTOW: Any trouble finding it?", "SYDNEY: It only took six hours of driving through the forest in the dark.", "MR. BRISTOW: Is Shepard with you?", "SYDNEY: Yes.", "MR. BRISTOW: Get to Rinas airport in Tirana. There's a charter flight waiting for you under Kraja Petrol Corp. The hardest part's over, Sydney. We'll talk when you get back.", "(Sydney hangs up, and goes to Shepard with some food. They sit in front of the fire.)", "MARTIN: Why me? Why did you ever come talk to me?", "SYDNEY: I was looking for a man.", "MARTIN: Who?", "SYDNEY: A man who you killed and buried. His name was Gareth Perkashov. That's what I was sent in to find.", "MARTIN: The man I killed? The first time I had the images in my head, it was like a seizure. Flashes of people, places. A street sign. I thought I was remembering bad dreams because it was in black and white, but it was so vivid. It was so vivid! I didn't know how much of it was real. I found the street. I heard there had been a murder. A shopkeeper recognized me. I was convinced I had to be delusional. I couldn't be a killer. I couldn't be a killer.", "(He starts to cry. Sydney has tears in her eyes.)", "MARTIN: Where you found me was as remote a place as I could find to lock myself away in case... in case I was wrong.", "SYDNEY: (crying) It's not your fault.", "(He breaks down, crying softly.)", "MARTIN: I feel like I've been stolen from myself... I don't know if there was ever a me... I don't know who... Please, tell me who you are, Sydney. Maybe that will help me to understand--", "SYDNEY: How did you know my name?", "MARTIN: I don't...", "SYDNEY: How did you know my name?", "MARTIN: (crying) The banner.", "(Sydney sucks in a breath.)", "SYDNEY: What... banner?", "MARTIN: It said \"Happy Birthday, Sydney.\"", "(Fade into, black and white, the picture of Sydney.)", "MARTIN: I heard the water running.", "(Black and white. Danny stumbles around a corner, drunk. He goes into the bathroom. Martin follows. Danny goes in the other room, and when he's about to come back into the bathroom, Martin hides behind the corner. Danny comes in, wipes at his face. He goes to the sink, splashes his face. Martin is seen behind Danny, wearing a black ski cap over his head, baring his face. Danny turns, and trembles upon seeing the gun. Martin shoots him.)", "(Sydney gasps, shaking a little.)", "MARTIN: I'm... so sorry...", "(Sydney jumps up, crying, and runs out of the cabin. She flies down the stairs, rounding a corner. Running, crying, running where? She finally stops behind a tree, sobbing. She looks back at the cabin, and collapses. She sobs, covering her face with her hands, crying out to no one.)", "(Sydney comes back inside, crying. Shepard sits in front of the fire, a blank stare on his face.)", "SYDNEY: The man you were ordered to kill was my fiance. His name was Danny.", "(Martin closes his eyes, wincing. They're both openly crying. She sits down.)", "SYDNEY: I told Danny I'm a spy because he was the one part of my life I couldn't stand to be a lie. So when SD-6 found out, they called in one of their hit men. Someone they'd alreayd enlisted. They called on you. I think the man who programmed you is named McCullough. He's their neuro tech.", "MARTIN: McCullough... yeah, yeah... he's in here... (points to his mind)", "SYDNEY: The irony is they never lied to me about what would happen if I told someone. It was the one thing they said that turned out to be true. Now I'm a double agent for the C.I.A. and I will be until SD-6 is gone.", "MARTIN: Will... finding where Perkashov is buried help you to take down the people that did this to us?", "SYDNEY: Yes.", "MARTIN: I left his body in marshland on the Louisana/Texas border off the I-10.", "(SD-6. Sloane and Sydney in a meeting.)", "SLOANE: So, what's the deal?", "SYDNEY: Shepard wote down the location of Perkashov's body. In exchange, I helped him escape the asylum.", "SLOANE: I see. Where is Shepard now?", "SYDNEY: He committed suicide. Something went wrong with his programming. He started remembering what he'd done. Snapped. When we were crossing over the border into Bulgaria, he jumped. Threw himself off of the bridge into Lake Scutari. There's no way he could have survived.", "SLOANE: Well, if by some miracle, he did survive, I'm sure we'll hear about it sooner or later.", "(Self-storage facility, meeting with Sydney and Vaughn.)", "SYDNEY: I told SD-6 Shepard was dead. I was going to lie to you about it, too, but the truth is I can't stand lying to anyone else.", "VAUGHN: Well, I appreciate that. I will be honest with you, too. There are people at the Agency who will want him found.", "SYDNEY: He's as much a victim of SD-6 as I am. Shepard buried Perkashov's body in a Louisana marshland. Sloane sent out a forensics team to get a DNA sample. They should be able to use it to decode the FTL message by tonight.", "VAUGHN: We were worried.", "SYDNEY: Yeah, I know. The C.I.A. hates to lose its assets.", "VAUGHN: No, I mean, I was worried for you. In fact, I, uh, I contacted your father. Just so you know, he, um, he knows I pulled his file and he suspects you've seen it.", "SYDNEY: It's... okay.", "(Pager beeps. They both look at their respective pagers.)", "VAUGHN: It's me. That's what I thought. looks like our SD-6 computer virus is turning out to be a gold mine.", "SYDNEY: Good. Maybe we can get head of them for once.", "VAUGHN: Why don't you go home, get some rest? Happy Thanksgiving.", "SYDNEY: (remembering) Oh, God...", "(Sydney runs in her house. Smoke billows out from the oven where Francie stands.)", "SYDNEY: Francie?", "FRANCIE: Okay, were you ever going to call me back?", "SYDNEY: I'm sorry.", "(Francie starts opening windows to let out the smoke.)", "FRANCIE: I mean, where the hell have you been? I left, like, three messages!", "SYDNEY: I know, my trip was extended...", "FRANCIE: You can't just disappear on me like that!", "SYDNEY: What's burning?", "FRANCIE: It's just a little oven fire.", "SYDNEY: Francie, I just moved in here!", "FRANCIE: I fricasseed the turkey.", "(Sydney laughs a little.)", "FRANCIE: You okay?", "(Sydney hugs her tight.)", "SYDNEY: I'm glad to be home.", "FRANCIE: Okay, but the turkey is really burning. I mean, it's burning.", "(Sydney and Francie start swatting at the black smoke with oven mitts.)", "SYDNEY: Oh, great, Francie... what'd you do?", "(Montage of them cooking, laughing, tasting the food. Sydney takes a drink, smiling. Charlie comes in with a bouquet of flowers. Francie kisses him. Sydney hugs Charlie, he swings her around.)", "(Later, Sydney is dressed up. She opens the door to find Will and Jenny. Jenny holds a bottle in her hands.)", "WILL: Hey.", "JENNY: Hi.", "WILL: Uh, Sydney, this is Jenny. She works with me.", "JENNY: Hi! (laughs) Thanks for letting me crash your party. I would have totally brought some wine, but I got carded. So, cider.", "SYDNEY: Cider's perfect, thank you. Okay, come in.", "WILL: (to Sydney) Wow, you look great.", "SYDNEY: Is that the sweater I got you for Christmas?", "(Her hand lingers on him.)", "WILL: Uh, yeah. That's not why I wore it.", "JENNY: (laughs) I'm going to go put that on ice.", "WILL: Okay.", "(They watch her walk away.)", "SYDNEY: She's cute.", "WILL: Hmm? Yeah. That's the new intern. She's, uh, her parents are in Europe. So, I felt bad.", "SYDNEY: That's Jenny.", "WILL: Mmm-hmm. It's strictly professional.", "SYDNEY: Really?", "WILL: What are you saying?", "SYDNEY: Hmm? Nothing.", "WILL: (smiling) Oooooh...", "(At the table, everyone sits.)", "EVERYONE: Happy Thanksgiving!", "(They all eat and laugh, drinking wine.)", "WILL: (quietly to Jenny) Are you turning twenty-one?", "(She grins.)", "WILL: Jenny!", "(She laughs. Charlie clinks his glass.)", "CHARLIE: Um, somebody's always got to bang the glass. This year, it's me. I wanted all of you to be here for what I'm about to do, which is probably going to be one of the most embarrassing moments ever. This thing's burning a hole in my pocket.", "(He takes out a ring box. He gets down on a knee.)", "CHARLIE: Francie... you're my last stop. Baby, will you marry me?", "FRANCIE: Ohhh... yes. Yes, Charlie, I will.", "(They kiss. Sydney and everyone claps. Sydney has tears in her eyes. Jenny, caught up in the moment, kisses Will.)", "WILL: Okay, watch the tongue.", "(Sydney hugs Francie. Will hugs Charlie.)", "SYDNEY: (whispering) Glad you're taking it slow.", "(Knock on the door. Mr. Bristow stands, holding a newspaper. Sydney opens the door.)", "SYDNEY: Dad.", "(She closes the door and comes out.)", "MR. BRISTOW: (re: the newspaper) This was on your lawn.", "SYDNEY: It's my neighbor's. I'll give it to him.", "MR. BRISTOW: Oh.", "SYDNEY: Do you want to come inside?", "MR. BRISTOW: Shepard killed Danny. I'm assuming you know that.", "SYDNEY: If I hadn't, thank you for breaking it to me so gently.", "MR. BRISTOW: I'm telling you because I don't want you to think it's my mission in life to keep things from you.", "SYDNEY: Then why do you?", "(He takes out a piece of paper.)", "MR. BRISTOW: F.B.I. report signed by the deputy director under Carter, clearing me of having any involvment with the KGB. Sydney, you have to understand it was the height of the Cold War. After they caught Boyce and Lee in '77, everybody was under suspicion. I suppose, in a way... your mother's accident was my fault since the F.B.I. was after me. If I could give her back to you, I would. (re: the report) Take it.", "SYDNEY: I don't need to. You should stay.", "MR. BRISTOW: Work.", "SYDNEY: I'm glad your trip went well.", "MR. BRISTOW: Happy Thanksgiving.", "SYDNEY: You, too.", "(He leaves.)", "(Sloane and Sydney in a meeting.)", "SLOANE: We found Perkashov's body and ran a DNA sample through the genetic decoder you obtained last week. It decoded the FTL communique. Here's the full text.", "SYDNEY: \"Possible location of Rambaldi artifact discovered in Tunisia. Dig proceeding.\"", "SLOANE: Well, now we know where all those FTL agents went off in such a hurry.", "SYDNEY: So, I'm off to Tunisia.", "SLOANE: Actually, no. We sent an advance team there on a recon mission and by the time they got there, the dig had been evacuated. FTL must have found what was buried there. We then traced the shipment out of El Kef to the department of engineering science at Oxford. FTL has no idea what they've uncovered or else they wouldn't risk sending it to civilians for analysis. But whatever it is, some of the best minds in the word are studying it as we speak. The university is holding a reception for visiting professors tomorrow night. You're going as a scout for the Marissa Foundation, looking for grant candidates. Now, Sydney, keep in mind that FTL is likely to have a large presence there to make sure that we don't try what we are about to try.", "(Newspaper office. Will and his boss walk together.)", "BOSS: In the interest of fairness, I reread your notes last night.", "WILL: No, I know. You know what? There wasn't much there anyway.", "BOSS: Well, you just need a lot more shoe leather if you want to go with the story you're looking for.", "WILL: No, you're right, actually. I think it's better if we drop the whole thing.", "BOSS: No, you've got enough, Will, for an initial piece on why the police are not more curious. So, you take it from that angle. We go to press on Tuesday.", "WILL: Well, wait, wait, I'm not, I mean... wow. Thank you. Tuesday, though. Is that, like, set?", "BOSS: Will, are you on dope?", "WILL: Huh?", "BOSS: Just twenty-four hours ago, you were begging me to publish this.", "WILL: I know. Here's the thing. Danny Hecht, the murder that started this whole thing, he is my friend's... he was my friend's fiance. I just... after seeing her last night, I'm having second thoughts. She doesn't know that I was doing the story.", "BOSS: Well, why didn't you tell her? I'd think she'd want someone to investigate it.", "WILL: I did tell her, a while ago, and she asked me as a favor to drop it. I just don't want to hurt her, that's all.", "BOSS: Oh, I'm genuinely sorry to hear that, Will, because this is now a legitimate piece and if you don't want it, I will give it to somebody else. Don't chicken out on me now.", "(Self-storage building. Vaughn and Sydney.)", "VAUGHN: Whatever the Rambaldi artifact turns out to be, the C.I.A. wants photographs of it. You'll do it in your hotel room, we'll plant a submini camera in the Bible. There's one more thing. One of our Romanian assets spotted Ana Espinosa leaving the psychiatric hospital after you escaped. Be careful. She's on this.", "(Sydney stands, nodding.)", "VAUGHN: Oh, how was your Thanksgiving?", "SYDNEY: Good. My friend got engaged.", "VAUGHN: What's her name?", "SYDNEY: Francie.", "(He nods, smiling. Maybe because the CIA monitors her friends, too?)", "SYDNEY: How was yours?", "VAUGHN: Uh, typical. Spent it with my mom.", "SYDNEY: What about -- is it Alice?", "VAUGHN: Yeah. We broke up.", "(He looks down. She smiles, and leaves.)", "(Sydney comes home, talking on her cell. She goes through her mail and finds a postcard. The drawing that Shepard was doing is on the front, but this time with a blue sky. She turns it over. From Shepard, it says \"Blue skies again. I owe you.\" She smiles.)", "(Sloane sits in his office. Alain talks over the speaker phone.)", "ALAIN: Security section has made us aware of the concern that you may have a mole in your department.", "SLOANE: It would appear so.", "(Sydney walks in SD-6. Jack is at his desk, nods to an agent.)", "ALAIN: There are some in the alliance who believe you may have more than one.", "SLOANE: Well, if that's true, McCullough will draw them out.", "(Sydney walks to Mr. Bristow and puts a Tupperware dish down with Thanksgiving meal inside. He smiles a little. She smiles back.)", "ALAIN: It is our intention to make an example of them.", "SLOANE: I know. I'm taking care of it." ]
Color Blind
["Sydney must undergo an extensive lie detector test to satisfy Sloane's frantic search for the SD-6(...TRUNCATED)
["SYDNEY: (voice over) I'm leaving for England tonight. SD-6 has traced the Rambaldi artifact to the(...TRUNCATED)
Time Will Tell
["Sydney's life is placed in mortal danger when Sloane is informed by his superior that she is the S(...TRUNCATED)
["(In the cave, Sydney hangs upside down on a rung of the ladder a few feet from the ground. She gas(...TRUNCATED)
Mea Culpa
["Sydney briefs her CIA handler, Vaughn, on her recent captivity at SD-6 and is surprised when he un(...TRUNCATED)
["(Sydney comes to in a dark room without any windows. She's sitting on a cot with a bare mattress. (...TRUNCATED)
["Sydney is grateful and proud of her father after he saves her life while on a case in Havana but h(...TRUNCATED)
["(Continuing from last week...)","HASSAN: Aim the gun at this woman if you are who you say you are,(...TRUNCATED)
The Confession
["Vaughn disobeys orders and attempts to help Sydney and Jack avert the destruction of SD-6 headquar(...TRUNCATED)
["(Sydney hears banging around in the vents. Thinking it's one of Cole's goons, she braces herself..(...TRUNCATED)
The Box (part 2)

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