### Human: Given the id (1), NumDots (3), SubdomainLevel (1), PathLevel (5), UrlLength (72), NumDash (0), NumDashInHostname (0), AtSymbol (0), TildeSymbol (0), NumUnderscore (0), NumPercent (0), NumQueryComponents (0), NumAmpersand (0), NumHash (0), NumNumericChars (0), NoHttps (1), RandomString (0), IpAddress (0), DomainInSubdomains (0), DomainInPaths (0), HttpsInHostname (0), HostnameLength (21), PathLength (44), QueryLength (0), DoubleSlashInPath (0), NumSensitiveWords (0), EmbeddedBrandName (0), PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000), PctExtResourceUrls (0.2500000000), ExtFavicon (1), InsecureForms (1), RelativeFormAction (0), ExtFormAction (0), AbnormalFormAction (0), PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000), FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0), FakeLinkInStatusBar (0), RightClickDisabled (0), PopUpWindow (0), SubmitInfoToEmail (0), IframeOrFrame (0), MissingTitle (0), ImagesOnlyInForm (1), SubdomainLevelRT (1), UrlLengthRT (0), PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1), AbnormalExtFormActionR (1), ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1), PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site?### Assistant: It is a malicious website(1).
### Human: Given the id (5863) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (75) NumDash (3) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (53) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1084337349) PctExtResourceUrls (0.7058823529) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0060240964) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5864) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (0) UrlLength (109) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (4) NumAmpersand (3) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (25) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (26) PathLength (1) QueryLength (74) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0458715596) PctExtResourceUrls (0.6875000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (1) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5865) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (60) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (1) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (22) PathLength (15) QueryLength (15) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.6725978648) PctExtResourceUrls (0.8157894737) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (1) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (-1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5866) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (73) NumDash (7) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (48) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1352657005) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1333333333) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0338164251) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5867) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (109) NumDash (3) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (2) NumAmpersand (1) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (1) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (22) PathLength (18) QueryLength (61) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0769230769) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5868) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (106) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (1) NumQueryComponents (2) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (17) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (11) PathLength (50) QueryLength (37) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1224489796) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1176470588) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5869) NumDots (4) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (108) NumDash (7) NumDashInHostname (1) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (1) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (14) PathLength (87) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (1.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (1) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (1) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5870) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (122) NumDash (9) NumDashInHostname (3) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (1) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (10) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (27) PathLength (79) QueryLength (8) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1041666667) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2941176471) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5871) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (62) NumDash (3) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (3) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (22) PathLength (33) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1486486486) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0156250000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5872) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (63) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (2) NumAmpersand (1) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (13) PathLength (16) QueryLength (26) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0769230769) PctExtResourceUrls (0.5714285714) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5873) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (98) NumDash (9) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (4) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (73) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1304347826) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0925925926) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0489130435) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5874) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (64) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (26) PathLength (31) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1048387097) PctExtResourceUrls (0.5405405405) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0322580645) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5875) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (80) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (9) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (21) QueryLength (35) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0740740741) PctExtResourceUrls (0.6060606061) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5876) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (8) UrlLength (117) NumDash (9) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (24) PathLength (86) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.3684210526) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3170731707) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.1315789474) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5877) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (80) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (58) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1935483871) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3461538462) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (1) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5878) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (99) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (25) PathLength (67) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1234567901) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2142857143) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0246913580) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5879) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (62) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (4) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (10) PathLength (45) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0675675676) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3214285714) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0135135135) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5880) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (74) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (6) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (4) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (20) PathLength (47) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.4375000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.4561403509) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0375000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5881) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (136) NumDash (10) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (21) PathLength (108) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.6816143498) PctExtResourceUrls (0.8018018018) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0672645740) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (1) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (-1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5882) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (66) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (2) NumAmpersand (1) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (18) QueryLength (24) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1055555556) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0874125874) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5883) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (69) NumDash (2) NumDashInHostname (2) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (1) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (39) PathLength (23) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0923076923) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1875000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0923076923) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5884) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (6) UrlLength (64) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (13) PathLength (44) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1387387387) PctExtResourceUrls (1.0000000000) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0216216216) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5885) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (86) NumDash (8) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (2) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (19) PathLength (60) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0588235294) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0833333333) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.1176470588) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5886) NumDots (4) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (71) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (1) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (34) QueryLength (11) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0370370370) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1136363636) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (1) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5887) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (68) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (2) NumAmpersand (1) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (4) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (21) QueryLength (21) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0192307692) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1410256410) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5888) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (117) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (1) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (3) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (6) NumAmpersand (5) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (17) QueryLength (74) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0491803279) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1020408163) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5889) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (87) NumDash (8) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (65) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.2597402597) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2363636364) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0064935065) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5890) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (106) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (16) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (38) QueryLength (44) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.3881856540) PctExtResourceUrls (1.0000000000) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5891) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (70) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (19) PathLength (10) QueryLength (33) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0146604938) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2777777778) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5892) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (9) UrlLength (72) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (13) PathLength (52) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0207468880) PctExtResourceUrls (0.4000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0414937759) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5893) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (110) NumDash (8) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (5) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (28) PathLength (75) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1666666667) PctExtResourceUrls (0.5128205128) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0555555556) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5894) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (88) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (5) NumAmpersand (4) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (13) PathLength (22) QueryLength (45) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0974025974) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3934426230) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5895) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (69) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (3) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (19) PathLength (43) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1166666667) PctExtResourceUrls (0.8947368421) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0166666667) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5896) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (72) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (15) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (50) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1742424242) PctExtResourceUrls (0.4705882353) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0303030303) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5897) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (114) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (37) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (12) PathLength (5) QueryLength (89) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0303030303) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0800000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5898) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (109) NumDash (7) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (12) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (27) PathLength (75) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0400000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1428571429) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5899) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (140) NumDash (7) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (3) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (4) NumAmpersand (3) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (22) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (63) QueryLength (51) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1272727273) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0454545455) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5900) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (83) NumDash (11) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (12) PathLength (64) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.3913043478) PctExtResourceUrls (0.6172839506) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (1) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (-1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5901) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (139) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (10) NumAmpersand (9) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (23) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (26) PathLength (13) QueryLength (92) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.7731092437) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9534883721) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (1) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (-1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5902) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (86) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (22) PathLength (57) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0411764706) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9642857143) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0235294118) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5903) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (37) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (20) PathLength (10) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1250000000) PctExtResourceUrls (1.0000000000) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0125000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5904) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (96) NumDash (7) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (71) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0127659574) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9166666667) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0382978723) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5905) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (75) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (5) NumAmpersand (4) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (14) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (24) PathLength (8) QueryLength (35) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0250000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5906) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (70) NumDash (2) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (4) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (31) PathLength (32) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1156069364) PctExtResourceUrls (1.0000000000) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0115606936) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5907) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (67) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (2) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (23) PathLength (10) QueryLength (26) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5908) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (104) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (2) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (13) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (18) QueryLength (60) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1093750000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9800000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5909) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (69) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (2) NumAmpersand (1) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (20) PathLength (18) QueryLength (23) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0076335878) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0263157895) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5910) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (2) PathLevel (6) UrlLength (80) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (25) PathLength (48) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0303030303) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0638297872) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (0) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5911) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (6) UrlLength (61) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (4) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (23) PathLength (31) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0049751244) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0192307692) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5912) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (87) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (29) PathLength (51) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.3016759777) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3761467890) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0223463687) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5913) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (93) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (28) PathLength (58) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1333333333) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5914) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (81) NumDash (8) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (3) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (11) PathLength (63) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1145833333) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3684210526) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0729166667) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5915) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (7) UrlLength (89) NumDash (3) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (26) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (66) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.2759856631) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2553191489) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (1) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0071684588) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (-1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5916) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (96) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (73) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0279329609) PctExtResourceUrls (0.6071428571) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0279329609) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5917) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (60) NumDash (2) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (29) PathLength (24) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0716510903) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9047619048) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0218068536) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5918) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (82) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (22) PathLength (53) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.6035242291) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9747899160) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0088105727) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5919) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (62) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (1) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (31) PathLength (24) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.3442622951) PctExtResourceUrls (0.8444444444) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.2049180328) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (1) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5920) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (76) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (1) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (3) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (21) PathLength (37) QueryLength (10) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1016949153) PctExtResourceUrls (0.4878048780) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5921) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (100) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (1) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (23) PathLength (70) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.2396694215) PctExtResourceUrls (0.7647058824) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0165289256) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5922) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (114) NumDash (11) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (89) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1800000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0540540541) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0200000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5923) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (68) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (29) PathLength (32) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0207547170) PctExtResourceUrls (0.7368421053) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0056603774) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5924) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (85) NumDash (7) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (3) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (9) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (12) PathLength (66) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1320754717) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2222222222) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5925) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (73) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (48) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1033057851) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2972972973) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (1) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0123966942) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (-1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5926) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (142) NumDash (11) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (17) PathLength (118) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (1) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.6118421053) PctExtResourceUrls (0.6024096386) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (1) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5927) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (69) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (47) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (1) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5928) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (66) NumDash (5) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (43) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.2849462366) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9767441860) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0322580645) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5929) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (62) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (11) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (13) PathLength (42) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0806451613) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5930) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (99) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (20) PathLength (72) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0538461538) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0571428571) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0076923077) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5931) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (66) NumDash (3) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (41) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1621621622) PctExtResourceUrls (1.0000000000) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0270270270) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (-1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5932) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (75) NumDash (3) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (17) PathLength (51) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0842105263) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3620689655) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0947368421) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5933) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (92) NumDash (8) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (70) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1632653061) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3561643836) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (1) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0510204082) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (-1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5934) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (2) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (118) NumDash (2) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (6) NumAmpersand (5) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (14) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (23) PathLength (26) QueryLength (61) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (1) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0779220779) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1250000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (0) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5935) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (66) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (41) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0985915493) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1052631579) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (1) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5936) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (82) NumDash (9) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (13) PathLength (62) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1052631579) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0952380952) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5937) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (114) NumDash (5) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (14) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (21) PathLength (41) QueryLength (44) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.4090909091) PctExtResourceUrls (1.0000000000) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5938) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (110) NumDash (2) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (6) NumAmpersand (5) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (13) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (25) QueryLength (61) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (1) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5939) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (65) NumDash (5) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (40) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.2619047619) PctExtResourceUrls (0.8378378378) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5940) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (65) NumDash (6) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (2) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (14) PathLength (44) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.4693877551) PctExtResourceUrls (0.4259259259) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (1) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5941) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (101) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (3) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (5) NumAmpersand (4) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (18) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (19) PathLength (17) QueryLength (57) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1967213115) PctExtResourceUrls (0.5945945946) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5942) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (61) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (24) PathLength (30) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1521739130) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3500000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5943) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (60) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (11) PathLength (42) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0714285714) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.3571428571) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5944) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (3) UrlLength (63) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (3) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (17) PathLength (39) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0428849903) PctExtResourceUrls (0.9863013699) ExtFavicon (1) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0019493177) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5945) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (141) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (1) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (33) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (25) PathLength (98) QueryLength (10) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1282051282) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2745098039) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5946) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (6) UrlLength (63) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (5) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (19) PathLength (37) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0487804878) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0491803279) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0243902439) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5947) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (86) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (4) NumAmpersand (3) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (11) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (21) PathLength (9) QueryLength (48) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.3493975904) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1224489796) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0120481928) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (0). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5948) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (7) UrlLength (60) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (1) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (38) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0884955752) PctExtResourceUrls (0.1481481481) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5949) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (60) NumDash (4) NumDashInHostname (1) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (14) PathLength (39) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0606060606) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0681818182) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (1) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (-1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5950) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (86) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (2) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (6) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (14) PathLength (7) QueryLength (57) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0175438596) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0285714286) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (1) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5951) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (91) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (4) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (4) NumAmpersand (3) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (14) PathLength (33) QueryLength (36) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0743801653) PctExtResourceUrls (0.3000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (1) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5952) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (81) NumDash (3) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (26) PathLength (48) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0660660661) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2058823529) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0060060060) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5953) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (78) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (20) PathLength (51) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (1) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1194029851) PctExtResourceUrls (0.5000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (1) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0895522388) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (0) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5954) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (63) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (25) PathLength (31) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1621621622) PctExtResourceUrls (0.6557377049) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0540540541) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5955) NumDots (1) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (2) UrlLength (71) NumDash (7) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (1) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (21) PathLength (43) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1690140845) PctExtResourceUrls (0.5370370370) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0140845070) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5956) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (86) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (3) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (18) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (14) PathLength (10) QueryLength (54) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1578947368) PctExtResourceUrls (0.7857142857) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (1) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (-1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5957) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (68) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (2) NumAmpersand (1) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (25) PathLength (9) QueryLength (26) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.2727272727) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5958) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (100) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (2) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (4) NumAmpersand (3) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (8) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (18) PathLength (10) QueryLength (64) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5959) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (1) UrlLength (71) NumDash (0) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (1) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (3) NumAmpersand (2) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (7) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (16) PathLength (10) QueryLength (37) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.0000000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0000000000) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (0) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0000000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (1) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5960) NumDots (2) SubdomainLevel (0) PathLevel (5) UrlLength (62) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (0) NoHttps (1) RandomString (1) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (40) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1750000000) PctExtResourceUrls (0.0363636364) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.0250000000) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (1) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (0) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (1) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
### Human: Given the id (5961) NumDots (3) SubdomainLevel (1) PathLevel (4) UrlLength (80) NumDash (1) NumDashInHostname (0) AtSymbol (0) TildeSymbol (0) NumUnderscore (0) NumPercent (0) NumQueryComponents (0) NumAmpersand (0) NumHash (0) NumNumericChars (1) NoHttps (1) RandomString (0) IpAddress (0) DomainInSubdomains (0) DomainInPaths (0) HttpsInHostname (0) HostnameLength (15) PathLength (58) QueryLength (0) DoubleSlashInPath (0) NumSensitiveWords (0) EmbeddedBrandName (0) PctExtHyperlinks (0.1224489796) PctExtResourceUrls (0.6764705882) ExtFavicon (0) InsecureForms (1) RelativeFormAction (0) ExtFormAction (0) AbnormalFormAction (0) PctNullSelfRedirectHyperlinks (0.1020408163) FrequentDomainNameMismatch (0) FakeLinkInStatusBar (0) RightClickDisabled (0) PopUpWindow (0) SubmitInfoToEmail (0) IframeOrFrame (0) MissingTitle (0) ImagesOnlyInForm (0) SubdomainLevelRT (1) UrlLengthRT (-1) PctExtResourceUrlsRT (0) AbnormalExtFormActionR (1) ExtMetaScriptLinkRT (0) PctExtNullSelfRedirectHyperlinksRT (1). Can you tell me if it may be a malicious site? ### Assistant: It is not a malicious website(0).
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