You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'apple pie'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Mourned the lover of hot apple pie, "I miss belly-cheer. Lord, tell me why I must carry on living In thrall to Thanksgiving Through fruit-salad days of July." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fielding position'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To my tally of catches I'll add. At short leg I move closer a tad, And I'll win us the match; All those edges I'll snatch In that fielding position: bat pad. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'antipathetic'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I am antipathetic to sea: Its heaving and swell have to be Disincentives to cross while That ocean is hostile And antipathetic to me. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cain confused'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I addressed the entire congregation. I was focused and spoke of creation, Then I seemed quite insane— Said that Abel killed Cain— I'm confused when I lose concentration. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ceraunics professor'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A ceraunics professor was trained In how heat was conserved, used or drained. An electric device Or the nature of ice Was his field and his fervor? Unfeigned. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'lifeboat let'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Our pinnace was nudged by a whale While my father was fothering sail To stop up a leak. As the leak grew more bleak, I said, "Head to the lifeboat! Let's bail." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sneezing'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I can't keep my senses together; I've come to the end of my tether. The sneezing, the hacking; The cough, body-racking — This cold has me under the weather. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'back rules'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In close-quarter fights, one depends On the back-to-back presence of friends. If you fight when you're wed, "Back to back" rules in bed— 'Til you promise some major amends. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'yoga'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There is yoga for doggies, I swear— Caught a canine-filled class on the air; Watched the owners and pets Stretch and pose in their sweats— Cosmic moolah they must have to spare. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bristols'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> She wasn't outstandingly pretty; Neither elegant, charming nor witty, But her bristols (oh my) Didn't half catch the eye! Did she score? Every player at City! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'thomas allen'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Thomas Allen's career has been long, On the opera stage and in song. His diction's exacting, He's expert at acting, And his voice is both agile and strong. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bencher'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm in charge of this court, I admit. A bencher? That's me. Here I sit And consider anew This young con artist who Is convinced that I think he's legit. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'eyelid'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> He stands firm in his guard post all day, Never batting an eyelid, okay? Stolid stoic devotion… Wait! A hint of emotion: He's batted an eyelid at Faye. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dogsleep'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My pal Kirk is a bit of a jerk, And his dogsleep's a sad way to shirk. Playing possum's a ruse Since he thinks that a snooze Should excuse him from doing his work. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'stardom'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "You'll be fast-tracked to stardom," they said, "With your songs lodged in everyone's head. Sign your name! There's no risk! Then we'll cut your first disc." But he chose to go solo instead. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'laura'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> At the party, all eyes are on Laura, Who's dressed casual: just a fedora. A man's hat will suffice; Laura aims to entice, So she sports little more than her aura. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'arabian nights'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The greatest of all my delights Is to read the Arabian Nights. It's where Barmecide serves A great feast that unnerves, And the food, all imagined, invites! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'soccer'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We play soccer; we're bad, but we show. In the rain, in the mud, it's a go. Sunday's game? We prevailed 'Cause we came and they bailed, So we won, by default, in the snow. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tactic'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> His tactic's think global, act local. His focus, us hayseeds. He's vocal: "The earth's flat, folks, I say. Now, y'all have a nice day". For this bloke, local yokels are focal. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fake'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> To check if it's real and not fake, We need to authenticate—make Really sure of its worth, Its origin, birth, Do a DNA check... lots at stake. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'popular truthful'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm popular, truthful, and good. I earn more than you possibly could. I'm much brighter than you, And I'm handsomer too. My alternative facts, understood. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sloth ravioli'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Since the ground sloth would move rather slowly, It is thought its extinction was wholly Due to human predation, A vast population Cut down to make sloth ravioli. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'skies cynocephalus'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> This lemur you'll see in the skies— Cynocephalus—quite a surprise. Through the forest it glides, Using flaps at its sides, And it not only flies, it eats flies. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'prince'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Two men ambling along hand in hand May remind you of Boys in the Band. But this sight, rare as such, Doesn't really mean much In this prince's particular land. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ravishing dame'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "My wife is a ravishing dame," At best, is a challengeable claim. Reflecting on this, I choose marital bliss And accept it as is all the same. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'clarinetists'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Clarinetists are not hard to find. But a good player? Two strike my mind: The jazz clarinet Of Bill Smith swings, and yet, It's to Goodman, the King, I'm inclined. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'priest jesus'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Easter Sunday at church, said the priest, "Jesus Christ is the bread of life. Feast On the Lord as we pray. He is risen today." My first thought: "Is His Father the yeast?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'johnny'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Johnny C had just fleeting renown But was dubbed "The Fantastic." His crown Had one jewel: he lit Up two charts with a hit. It was Broadway he boogalooed down. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'ergophobia burdens'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Ergophobia burdens my life. "You are shiftless a bum," says my wife. No, the reason I shirk Seeking all kinds of work Is this fear, and it cuts like a knife. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'called decimal'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The system with ten as its base Is called decimal. But if each space Holds a power of ten square, That's centesimal, where It's one hundred that's used in ten's place. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'every impulse'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Every impulse results in an act Countered equally. That law's exact — Newton's third. Karmic law Says that any act's flaw Makes the scope of your next life contract. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'buzzard'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Even basics escaped him at school. Now he can't bell a buzzard, the fool. Yet he's fathered a brood, So I'd have to conclude That he's found the right slot for his tool. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'see algae'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I see algae adapting with ease; I see light in precambrian seas; I see chlorophyll driving The biosphere's thriving. My mom sees the stains on my knees. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'jamboree tent'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Many thanks for the money you sent For the Eagle Scout jamboree tent, When I called on your aid. Now it seems, I'm afraid, That the Scouts have called off the event. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fadeaway chin'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Check out what the wind just blew in: Andy Gump of the fadeaway chin. There are lips, there are teeth, Then there's nothing beneath But a fizzle of bone-challenged skin. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'choirman sang'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A choirman sang out a carol, Clad in naught but an old whiskey barrel; He'd thought his appearance Might earn some endearance, But a drunk carried off his apparel. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'commonly dwine'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Whereas now people languish and pine— Even wither, decrease or decline, From the archives we know This was not always so: In Olde England, they'd commonly dwine. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cushion'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> This chair, once well cushioned, now flat, Undeniably shows where he sat. What changed cushion to slab? An abundance of flab, For he's corpulent, i.e., he's fat. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'crypsis'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Crypsis: an ability such That a few, if requiring it much, May disguise as a scourge, Thwarting those on the verge Of predation averting a clutch. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'acidified torte'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Sugar, lime zest, and almonds (blanch swart); Baking powder adds rising support. Blend whipped egg whites, then bake; Lime juice soaked in the cake Makes a limeade acidified torte. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'drywell'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A drywell is not always dry. It is filled up with gravel; here's why: When it storms (don't despair), Runoffs dissipate there So your lawn won't erode, by and by. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'séquard helped'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> 'Mongst those hawking their snake oil for dough, Were a few with real cures to bestow. Brown-Séquard's helped some men Feel young vigor again; One swore it helped balls... that he'd throw. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'accident risk'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The accident risk you are taking By walking the earth when it's quaking Must not be neglected. Don't stay unprotected— Or (chances are) bones you'll feel breaking. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'jim befriended'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Jim befriended a lovely new pet, Which has made his old friends quite upset. He had said, "See you later, I'm off with my gator!" ...We haven't heard back from him yet. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'global warming'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though a thousand-year flood reached our attic, Global warming, to Dad, "is just static — Fake science from Greens!" Even after such scenes, Father's fervently anticlimatic. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'skulking icbms'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In scenarios somewhat surreal, Blast-proof silos are built to conceal Skulking ICBMs, Whose launch surely condemns Stricken folk to a deadly ordeal. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'grades drop'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When my grades drop away, they get worse, And my poor wounded ego I nurse. At the edge of a bay, When the sand drops away 'Neath our feet—then the outcome's adverse. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'poor rooster'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> O murder most foul! Yea, 'twas I Who hath brought a poor rooster to die. The deed's done, but you know Acts of gallicide go To make lip-smackin' chicken pot pie. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'desert tortoises'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Desert tortoises stay in their shell; They move slowly, and burrow as well. This is all for the best In a desert southwest Even reptiles find hotter than hell. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'boy roy'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As a babe, our boy Roy was quite big, And he ate like a semi-starved pig— Downing rattlesnake steaks And tumbleweed cakes, And sometimes a newton of fig. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bad scene'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> It seemed like a very bad scene. He was lost in the desert, between Lofty mountains—but worst, He had worked up a thirst, And neglected to bring his canteen. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sleeved sweater'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In my twenties, a tank top looked fab With whichever ol' shorts I might grab. Now my arm-flesh looks better In a dolman-sleeved sweater. (Extra fabric conceals all the flab.) <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dems'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In the government shutdown, Ted Cruz Received blame. "Even more seats we'll lose," Thought the GOP head. But what happened instead Was more red. Now the Dems have the blues. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'husbands'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My husband's a bounderish cad Whose behavior is driving me mad. He's indelicate, brash, And more recklessly rash Than the nine other husbands I've had. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'tight eccoprotics'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Take my word, and be visceral-wise: If the thing you are trying to prise Is the food from last night That's stuck a bit tight, Eccoprotics are what I advise. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'horror tv'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I've a passion for horror TV, And I've just seen a show starring me. Now my leg's in a mess, And I bet you can't guess— The film Arthrogram stars my left knee! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'see ethiopia'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you see Ethiopia, seek The people and lingo unique To a region out there (Once an empire fair): In Amhara, Amharic they speak. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'devoir'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A devoir is the reason I came — To salute men who gained bursts of fame Before raging bulls running At Pamplona, with cunning, Leaping clear as big bovines took aim. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'blind'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The ones at the front couldn't find Their way home like their fellows behind, They were badly misled, As one lost sadly said: "It's the blind who are leading the blind." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'misanthrope'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A misanthrope's lifelong revulsion To crowds made him choose self-expulsion. He was seen with a frown When well inside the town His home moved—from the river's avulsion! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'henley hat'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Henley's hat, so your head won't be bare; Rickles' mittens, just one or the pair; Ho's tuxedo; King's tie; Cheadle's boxers (my, my!); All are donnable—things you can wear. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'fighting terror'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Fighting terror leaves folks in a stew, And they rue or boo-hoo what we do. Seeing acts inhumane, Born of evil and bane, I'm inclined not to mind. (Just my view.) <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'windsheet'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> As it flies through the flue towards the lip, The windsheet is steered by the grip Of its pipe's standing wave, Which one part helps to save, While the other intones with each flip. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'deed'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> In the real estate world you should heed All the laws that pertain to your need. One document's vital: A good chain of title— A record of transfers by deed. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'court order'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> There's his voice, on my message recorder. He called me from south of the border, So I won't get much peace, As our local police Will, of course, not enforce my court order. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'dime bet'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> With your neighborhood gangsters you've bet, So that "dollar bet" may cause regret. And that "dime bet" you've got? Sorry, buddy. It's not, As you think, more affordable yet. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'picasso'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The valuer looked at my find: A Picasso—for so it was signed. But I came back to earth When he told me its worth. 'It's quite good, but a fake,' he opined. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'klux klan'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My endowment to Ku Klux Klan U Is to aid just the lily white few. It's a handsome provider For a future night rider, But no help for a Black or a Jew. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'causa causans'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "What's the cause of the damage you claim — The immediate cause, which we name In our culture of laws As the true 'causing cause'? What's the real causa causans you blame?" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'holding aqueducts'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Holding aqueducts up, a great host Of arches, the Romans could boast, Would bring water for friends' And for countrymen's ends, 'Cause the arch beats the lintel and post. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'sid'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Here's a joke that, I'm sorry, might sicken Some readers. (Good luck if you're stricken.) Why did Sid, the punk rocker, Cross roads? Here's the shocker: He was stapled, of course, to the chicken! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'always itch'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If your toes always itch at a meet, Use a remedy—neat and discreet. Clioquinol's the stuff, If you use it enough, That ensures you have sweet athlete's feet. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'excuse traffic'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My excuse? Traffic left me unnerved! Exprobration was what I deserved. But that angry old cop On the scene blew his top 'Cause I braked when I should have just swerved. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'callistephus asked'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "What's Callistephus?" asked the headmaster. Jack replied, "It's a plant—China aster!" But it took him an hour To remember that flower. "That's correct, but you ought to think faster!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'condescension'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> My new son-in-law shows condescension— Berates me in ways I can't mention— And I can't understand Why he won't shake my hand— His behavior's beyond comprehension. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'airplane'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Do you want to fly high in the sky? Then an airplane is what you should buy. With a pilot and plane Life is never mundane. It's a pleasure you just can't deny. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'true love'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "You'll adore me," I said to her, chattily, "True love means you won't answer cattily. It's stamps I collect, So romance I expect." "You'll get nowhere with fawning philately." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cousin'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> You're not bringing your cousin! That clown Is a dumbbell; he'll just weigh us down— An encumbrance at best, A notorious pest Who would scuttle our night on the town. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'called patty'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A scatty young schoolgirl called Patty, With a knack for cheap chit-chat, was chatty. She gossiped and chattered 'Bout nothing that mattered; She'd yap at ya till ya went batty. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'washingtonians claim'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> This place was the westernmost spot In the country, believe it or not. Washingtonians claim, "Well, whatever its name, That's an Alava cape that we've got." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'convector heater'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> A convector's a heater that blows Hot air upward (by buoyance), which flows Towards the ceiling to heat The next-story guy's feet— While my own toes, last night, almost froze! <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'confess'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> If you've done something wrong, just confess. Disbosom your guilt; don't obsess. As your sin you reveal, You will certainly feel Disbosomed, relieved of your stress. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'beer goggles'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> When you stay at the bar for a while And perhaps after brews you will smile At the "1" (now a "10"), It's the beer goggles, then. Did you miss all of this? By a mile. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'limericks'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Let's conjure up limericks, we two; Then we'll post—one for me, one for you. There's some magic involved— All these rhymes to be solved: Wave your wand! Here's line five, and we're through. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'measure cliometrics'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Cleopatra once ruled on the Nile, And her figure was shapely—high style. It would sure be a pleasure If those curves I could measure. Cliometrics? The thought makes me smile. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'bacon bit'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "We first were fried crisp, but then split. On this hot baked potato we sit Together with chives Who were chopped up with knives." So tells us a crushed bacon bit. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'madness would'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An Abram-man madness would feign In hope of material gain. For, when seeking largesse, He'd more likely hear "Yes" If people believed him insane. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cliffie forlorn'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The shoreline is craggy and steep, And the waters below dark and deep. A Cliffie, forlorn, Has a heart that's been torn, Keeps her vow, takes a step ... and a leap. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'engages'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> He engages in many a game: Poker, football or chess—all the same. He participates madly, And widely; but sadly, Whatever he tries, he looks lame. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'porcelain'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> "This porcelain's the work of a thief. It's embellished with paint!" was his beef. Too bad that my friend Threw it out in the end, For that stupid old "fool's gold" belief. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'arcaro'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Arcaro was cool, not a ranter. He rarely enjoyed tack room banter. Each mount he'd inspire, Galloped wire to wire. Opponents cried, "Please Eddie, canter!" <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'catheter serpent'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Towards the catheter serpent I peered. What I saw was unnerving and weird: Little came into view Of my manhood! It's true, My scared penis withdrew disappeared. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'cow'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though a cow has two horns to admire, It's her longer term outlook that's dire. She is milked twice a day With no pay except hay, And no savings on which to retire. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'amoeba'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> The athrocyte cell has a taste For converting microbial waste Into granular bits. The amoeba submits Such behavior is deeply debased. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'primates'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Did we leave other primates behind When we lost our bicameral mind? Asymmetrically deft, Into houses we're cleft, And in each, different treasures can find. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'shirshasana poses'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> We do Janu Shirshasana poses, And conclude when our knees touch our noses. Nose arrives at said knees Just as hell starts to freeze: Old-age yoga is no bed of roses. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'mouse'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> An error message sucks, guaranteed. Your performance it's sure to impede. But one pop-up I saw Made me smirk and guffaw: "No mouse found. Click OK to proceed." <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'azure stone'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Blue azure stone (lapis) is duly Sought after by some like yours truly. Yet it's snubbed and disdained As "that rock cheaply stained— How gaudy!" They're judging it cruelly. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'atlas bore'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> Though condemned to support the whole Earth Upon shoulders of heavenly worth, Atlas bore the world's weight— Gave his name through his fate— To books mapping the planet's great girth. <LIMERICK_END>
You are a master poet. Your task is to compose a limerick. The topic is 'addiction'. Start your limerick now. <LIMERICK_START> I'm a pager, Doc. Here's my affliction: I get high from biography, fiction, Verse and poetry, prose, Schoolbooks, cookbooks ... Lord knows, I shirk work for my books. It's addiction. <LIMERICK_END>

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