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How old are you? | 400,675 years old.... However officially im 28 |
People who haven’t pooped in 2021 why are you holding in your shit still? | The joke is "why are you holding onto last year's shit" but okay |
People who film fireworks, wtf? | So they can post them to social media to prove they were out celebrating and getting covid. |
How would you heal the broken heart? | Time and patience. |
How are you spending New Years alone? | Drinking alone. Always drinking. Always alone. |
People on their own tonight, how are you gonna celebrate your solo New Year's Eve? | *Pornhub Theme* |
Which is better; York or New York? | New York |
What was your favorite Flash Game? | Probably ninja cat, happy wheels or fireboy and watergirl |
What are your new year's resolutions? | Get my grades up
They aren't that bad but I wanna keep it that way |
Has 2020 been the best year of anyone else's life, but it feels taboo to actually celebrate accomplishments as it may seem insensitive to those who have been crushed by this year? | I lost over 100 pounds (50kgs). It was the best year of my career - I worked on the COVID response in my country, and got several small promotions and am on track to make senior this coming year. |
What will headlines be after 1 week of 2021? | “2020 was a riot. We’ve already outdone ourselves, yet again.” |
Corona travel restrictions have made it impossible. How to meet long term online girlfriend from the Phillipines ( first time)? | I am 23 years old and I am facetiming with her every night when we go to sleep we keep the video chat on. In fact we are planning for me to move to the Phillipines. |
Gamers that quit gaming, what other hobbies/activities did you find to occupy the time you typically spent playing video games? | Reading books.
I still play games every now and then, but only the ones with good plots and characters. I guess I just like stories. |
What lives rent-free in your brain? | The fact my wife had an affair with multiple guys, often at the same time |
What’s the weirdest thing you like to do when home alone? | Talk to my imaginary friend, Charles |
(Question) What is your, new year's resolution? | I want to cut down on the amount of extraneous commas, I use. |
What is the last app you uninstalled from your phone and why did you uninstall it? | I uninstalled discord today because i was going to be with my mom. She snoops through everything. |
If you only had 24 hrs to live what would you do? | Sleep and not give a care |
What’s the best movie soundtrack? | The Crow |
If you could choose one fictional, mythical, or religious entity or deity to come proven to reality which one and why? | Somebody get me an Andalite. I want morphing technology so I can get my gallbladder back. |
What are some real life glitches/bugs you've experienced? | you can hack english but wait..there's more lol |
So, what is your new year Resolution? | To be less fat. |
People that haven't showered this year why? | Give us a break will ya, it's only been 5 mins! |
You have to kiss the person next to you at midnight, is that a good thing or a bad thing and why? | Bad because it’s my sister |
If you had to pick one day of 2020 to deem "Judgement Day," as in, the worst day ever, which would you pick and why? | The day I realized my relationship was over.
This shit sucks. |
Ladies (or men who feel like thinking deep) if you were pregnant and a doctor could only save either your life or the baby’s, would you honestly choose to die for an unborn baby? | Honestly, no I would not die to save an unborn baby. I truly feel like I have a purpose (I’m not sure what exactly yet) and have gone through this much to get here. I don’t know how well the child would be off because everything is SO SO uncertain. |
How could one fix a laptop with the screen randomly going black and restarting? | I've got an Acer Chromebook, white in color, from 2015. CB3-111 series. The screen randomly goes black/freezes/restarts at the same time. My last chromebook did that when I picked it up and flexed the screen because of screen damage. This new(er) one has zero damage, it's clean, and it lives it's life on a desk instead of my lap. What could cause this? Is it more of a mechanical issue with loose wires/connections or is it with the actual computer? Any ideas? |
People in a timezone that already passed midnight, what’s 2021 like? | Im drunk acms shit and i think i just played uno |
Ranch or mayonnaise? Why? | Both are disgusting |
(serious) What is the scariest moment in your life? | There was a fire in my building and we had to evacuate, but my pets were scared because of the fire alarm and kept running away from me. |
What are your New Years resolutions? | treat myself nicer |
If we didn’t have a filter in our brain, what would the world be like? | Raw format |
If you had a good high paying job, would you quit it because you think you would be happier not doing what you are currently doing? in other words is money more important than happiness? | Money is important to the point where my bills have to be paid somehow. But I'm good with cutting back my expenses in order to work less. Happiness is far more important to me. |
People with an Onlyfans account, why did you make one? | I thought about making one, but my wife said no |
What food is not worth the time it takes to make it? | Ketchup |
What are your New Years resolutions? | Honeztly, I am giving 2021 a 60 day test drive before I try to commit to anything more than standing my ground. |
What celebrity death are you dreading? | Betty white Clint eastwood |
what are your thoughts on cultural norms that frown upon snitching? Is this beneficial or detrimental to society? When do you think people should or shouldn't snitch? | Dont snitch on victimless crimes, or as a kid other kids doing rebellious shit like drinking at a house party.
Got a neighbor that smokes weed? Leave them the hell alone. Got a neighbor that beats their kids and wife? Report that shit.
Doing phone repairs for someone and find pictures of them doing coke or something? Fuck it, have fun. Find C.P. call the police ASAP.
Local farmer selling unpasteurized milk or homemade wine to some family and friends for dirt cheap? Leave them alone.
If someone is being hurt by the person's actions, especially kids, report it. If it's not directly hurting someone but is against the law, not my business to get into.
I dont see it as a harm on society, I see it as a cultural bonding point. Bonding through small rebellions is good for people imo. Again, if you arent endorsing child porn or something, who is getting hurt by steve down the block growing a little weed or something? |
[Serious] If it’s legal, but immoral like g,a,y marriage, Whats wrong with dating high school seniors? | Why is gay marriage immoral?!? |
Happy new year! Any goals this year considering what we just went through? | My only goal is to make the year as good as I can. 2020 was a fucking shit show. I'm so glad its over |
In your opinion, can anything exist in complete isolation or is everything defined by its relation and connection to other things? Is a chair only a chair if someone is sitting in it, why or why not? | This is a really good question and I’m a little drunk so I’m not able to reply in the way I would like. Commenting so I can see what people say :) |
What is the most messed up thing that you think can happen in 2021? | Fuck off with the same questions |
What is the amount currently in your bank account, checkings and savings? | Why? Gonna ask for my bank number and security code next? |
What is your Mum’s trick to treat a cold/bad cough? | Not my mom's but my dad's. A shot of whiskey. If it didn't help your cough/cold it knocked you out so you could get some sleep at least |
Happy New Year, What's your New Years Resolution? | Not to stick to my New Years Resolution |
What is the key to success? | It’s more like a raffle ticket. |
A snake is on the loose within your neighborhood sewer system, one of the neighbors reported a snake head appearing out of and retreating back into their toilet and now nobody knows where it is, how will you deal with this situation? | You must be in Florida. |
Have you ever had or know someone who's drink got spiked? | One of my best friends in high school got drugged and rape in a church parking lot. She got picked up by 2 of her other friends to go smoke weed or something. They gave her a gatorade bottle because she asked for a drink and she blacked out and she told me all she could remember was her pants being taken off then waking up in her driveway at like 4am. |
For those who haven’t worn a mask yet in 2021, why are you being a Karen? | I stay inside like a good boy :) |
how the hell do you get past the robot verification things on the internet? | Not be a robot. |
What are the worst prejudices? | People who play GTA assuming red dead is just a bad GTA clone and Red Dead players assuming GTA is a bad game that gets all the attention. The fact is both games are made for different types of people and they get equal updates. |
people who write shows about teen sex, why? | Well I mean it is realistic in some cases, cause you know teenagers have sex and stuff |
What are your New Years resolutions? | To not be in the fucking self-destruct mode all the time. Like I'm significantly worse off than where I started simply because I just couldn't help but mess things up against myself. It feels weird to say it but if I really think about it, I kind of did it just to feel the excitement of it. I really don't want to do it. Boring but OK life is much better for me than an "exciting" but continuously messed up life. |
Extrovert who ask others " why are you so quiet", What kind of response are you looking for? | I often reply "because you do enough talking for both of us" |
From the future, what would you like to know about 2021? | What day the stock market crashes |
[Serious] People in the US who are eating in restaurants and going to gyms and in-person religious services: why? | I order out from local restaurants to support them during this whole thing |
What are you thankful for? | For your curiosity. |
How soon is too soon into the new year to shit your pants? | Asking for a friend |
Say you arrive in hell and turns out it's not a lake of fire. What is it? | A neverending family dinner with all your bigoted relatives. |
For those of you living where it’s already 2021, are all of the problems solved? | Melbourne Australia reporting in. It's pretty utopian as of this morning, seems to be starting ri... Oh wait no. Nope, sorry, false alarm. |
For old times sake, Ginger or Mary Ann and why? | God can we quickly talk bout how good of a show Gilligan's Island was?
And to answer op's qeustion. Skipper. Duh. |
What’s the largest amount of money you’ve ever found? | Twenty bucks. It felt awesome. |
[Serious] Within your profession, industry, or field of research, what have been the most significant advances or innovations of 2020? | Cisco DNA is pretty damn cool...we are deploying in early in 2021 and needless to say I am impressed. |
What was the craziest year of your life and why? | In 1993 I was shot and fell from a helicopter, breaking both my C-7 and L-2 vertebrae. 2020 is STILL the craziest, most awful and fucked up year of my life. Want to know why? Look around... |
Happy fuckin new year you beautiful bastards, where do you do hope to be this time next year? | Earth |
For people who type on their phones with text language (examples: "rn", "brb", "wyd", "u" instead of "you", etc.), how do you type easily without autocorrect getting in the way? | You turn autocorrect off |
How safe is it to assume that a guy is into you in a sexual way if he messages you on tinder? | Well, he met you on tinder, so I’d say it’s a very safe assumption. |
What’s something that makes you feel nostalgic but you don’t know why? | Pretty much 100% |
What is the worst use of song in any movie? | Just about any song used in the soundtrack of *The Room*. |
What non-sexual fantasy do you repeatedly play out in your head? | Imagining what kind of things I could buy if I didn't have to worry about price |
People who got caught masturbating, when and how did you get caught? | My wife caught me pounding the pud in our bedroom and all I could muster was "It's not the weirdest thing you've ever seen me doing" |
Without saying your age, what was your favourite song when you were 13? | Boulevard of broken dreams |
What's the youngest you'd go? | In a time machine? |
Who would your starting 5 be for an NBA team of Marvel superheroes? | I would choose PG: Captain America, SG: Spider Man, SF: Iron Man, PF: Thor, C: Hulk |
What kind of injury/death on screen makes you look away? | Eye operation |
What is the most random law you’ve seen? | a fine about $600 for nuking a city |
People who haven’t pooped in 2021, omg WHY are you holding on to last years shit? | Is this a repost? |
What's one thing you were hoping for in 2020 that didn't happen? | More time with my girlfriend. Turns out i got less than ever. |
What are your New Years Eve party disaster stories? | When I was younger at a shared family gathering at some hotel there was 2-3x family gatherings booked at the venue just different rooms but some had cross overs of people and friends. It had an outdoor area as well to cater to smokers and people to enjoy an outdoor setting. My cousin let’s called him Dean ends up in huge fight with another guy from another gathering to a point where the outdoor tables broke and plastic/heavy duty chairs broke glass shattered every where and a piece of glass stuck to both of their faces...My some miracle it only lasted 1 minute then everyone seperated both of them the staff didn’t give much of a shit besides the chairs and not wanting to take responsibility.
They didn’t even offer any first aid kits to both of them and literally my cousin was disinfecting the cuts with beer...later that night walking to the car park two seperate incidents happened at once a guy vomiting at the venue windows and some lady in her 50s climb the roof of a car parked 2 cars away peeing on it. |
People who struggle(d) with mental illness, what are your LPT that improved your life? | Find a GOOD therapist. Don’t settle for one that isn’t actually helpful to you. There are plenty more out there. Same with psychiatrists. If you think they’re wrong about your diagnosis or what meds they’re trying to give you, find someone else, get a second opinion, don’t just settle for what you have. You’re in charge of your treatment |
How would you explain the year 2020 to someone who has been in a coma since january? | It went from 2019 to 2021. |
What is your plan for if the mayans were dyslexic and *2021* is actually the end of the world? | At this point of almost feeling okay with that. |
Now that 2020 is almost over what’s the final thing your going to do this year ? | Apparently get in a fucking car accident. What a fuckin way to end the year |
what pokemon would taste best all cooked up? | Kentucky fried torchic |
What was the strangest dream you had? | I dreamt that I was happy. Always.
Like that's ever going to happen. |
To those who are still in 2020, what’s taking you so long? | Lag. Damn USA Server |
What kind of movie would take place in an abandonded airport? | I’m thinking zombie apocalypse |
Happy New Years! What are your New Years resolutions? | Pet more cat bellies. |
When is the best time you've used Cunningham's law ("the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer.")? | Experimented this theory in an Linux related forum years ago, it's absolutely true. Everyone that ignored my Ubuntu issue with my netbook, was now jumping on me for confidently saying the wrong thing in reply to another thread. |
With MF DOOM's death announced today, how will you remember him? and why? | He died?
I was introduced to him Via Danger Doom (Danger Mouse + MF Doom), so that's usually what comes to mind. |
The last text message that you sent is now the slogan for your new business. What is that slogan and what kind of business do you own? | "Yeah, so, here's your girlfriend, mister..."
I guess it's self explanatory. |
On average how much cranberry sauce do you eat per year? | null |
What would you do if you walked in on your wife being banged by two black men? | “Hey, you said you guys would let me watch this time." |
What would you do if you were Harry Potter? | Bipity bobity those tits are now my property |
2020 will go down in history as an awful year, so for each month, what would you say were the 12 plagues of 2020? | Here's some inspiration |
What is your New Years resolution and what is the chance that you actually follow through with it? | Doing more projects around the house. So far, we’ve built a fire pit and an accent wall. We’re off to a good start and have many more ideas on the list! :) |
Americans of Redddit. Why are you still living in 2020? | **Those of you already in 2021 is it safe to come out?**
I tried to ask this and it deleted it before I clicked post LOL |
Those who didn’t get the parents blessing to marry- what was the reason? | I asked my now father in law and he said: You're old enough, you don't need my blessing |
For who watch streams: Who is your favorite streamer and what do you like about them? | Koibu
Awesome D&D content that makes my nerdy self happy |
Has anyone ever played a game with family or friends and family won it despite not knowing what in the world is going on in the game? | Played Apex with my brother in law for the first time a while back, his first game he picked up a kraber and headshot 5 people |
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