Unnamed: 0
['American International Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Continued Domestic Retirement Services Results Domestic Retirement Services results, presented on a sub-product basis for 2007, 2006 and 2005 were as follows:', '## Table 0 ##', '* Primarily represents runoff annuity business sold through discontinued distribution relationships.2007 and 2006 Comparison Total revenues and operating income for Domestic Retirement Services declined in 2007 compared to 2006 primarily due to increased net realized capital losses.', 'Net realized capital losses for Domestic Retirement Services increased due to higher other- than-temporary impairmentcharges of$1.2 billion in 2007 compared to $368 million in 2006 and sales to reposition assets in certain investment portfolios for both group retirement products and individual ?xed annuities, as well as from changes in the value of certain individual variable annuity product guarantees and related hedges associated with living bene?t features.', 'Changes in actuarial estimates, including DAC unlockingsand re?nements to estimates resulting from actuarial valuation system enhance- ments, resulted in a net decrease to operating income of $112 million in 2007.', 'Group retirement products operating income in 2007 de- creased compared to 2006 primarily as a result of increased net realized capital losses due to higher other-than-temporary impair- mentcharges and an increase in DAC amortization related to both an increase in surrenders and to policy changes adding guaran- teed minimum withdrawal bene?t riders to existing contracts.', 'Operating income was also negatively affected in 2007 by an $18 million adjustment,primarily re?ecting changes in actuarial estimates from the conversion to a new valuation system.', 'These were partially offset by higher variable annuity fees which resulted from an increase in separate account assets compared to 2006.', 'Individual ?xed annuities operating income in 2007 decreased compared to 2006 as a result of net realized capital losses due to higher other-than-temporary impairmentcharges partially offset by increases in partnership income.', 'The decline in operating income also re?ected higher DAC amortization and sales induce-ment costs related to increased surrenders and a $33 million charge re?ecting changes in actuarial estimates from the conver-', 'American International Group, Inc. , and Subsidiaries Expected Loss Models — Under this mechanism, the amount of collateral to be posted is determined based on the amount of expected credit losses, generally determined using a rating-agency model.', 'Negotiated Amount — Under this mechanism, the amount of collateral to be posted is determined based on terms negotiated between AIGFP and the counterparty, which could be a fixed percentage of the notional amount or present value of premiums to be earned by AIGFP.', 'The following table presents the amount of collateral postings by underlying mechanism as described above with respect to the regulatory capital relief portfolio (prior to consideration of transactions other than the Capital Markets super senior credit default swaps subject to the same Master Agreements) as of the periods ended:', '## Table 1 ##', 'Arbitrage Portfolio — Multi-Sector CDOs In the CDS transactions with physical settlement provisions, in respect of multi-sector CDOs, the standard CSA provisions for the calculation of exposure have been modified, with the exposure amount determined pursuant to an agreed formula that is based on the difference between the net notional amount of such transaction and the market value of the relevant underlying CDO security, rather than the replacement value of the transaction.', 'As of any date, the ‘‘market value’’ of the relevant CDO security is the price at which a marketplace participant would be willing to purchase such CDO security in a market transaction on such date, while the ‘‘replacement value of the transaction’’ is the cost on such date of entering into a credit default swap transaction with substantially the same terms on the same referenced obligation (e. g. , the CDO security).', 'In cases where a formula is utilized, a transaction-specific threshold is generally factored into the calculation of exposure, which reduces the amount of collateral required to be posted.', 'These thresholds typically vary based on the credit ratings of AIG and/or the reference obligations, with greater posting obligations arising in the context of lower ratings.', 'For the large majority of counterparties to these transactions, the Master Agreement and CSA cover non-CDS transactions (e. g. , interest rate and cross currency swap transactions) as well as CDS transactions.', 'As a result, the amount of collateral to be posted by AIGFP in relation to the CDS transactions will be added to or offset by the amount, if any, of the exposure AIG has to the counterparty on the non-CDS transactions.', 'Arbitrage Portfolio — Corporate Debt/CLOs All of the Capital Markets corporate arbitrage-CLO transactions are subject to CSAs.', 'These transactions are treated the same as other transactions subject to the same Master Agreement and CSA, with the calculation of collateral in accordance with the standard CSA procedures outlined above.', 'The vast majority of corporate debt transactions are no longer subject to future collateral postings.', 'In exchange for an upfront payment to an intermediary counterparty, AIGFP has eliminated all future obligations to post collateral on corporate debt transactions that mature after 2011.', 'Collateral Calls AIGFP has received collateral calls from counterparties in respect of certain super senior credit default swaps, of which a large majority relate to multi-sector CDOs.', 'To a lesser extent, AIGFP has also received collateral calls in respect of certain super senior credit default swaps entered into by counterparties for regulatory capital relief purposes and in respect of corporate arbitrage.', 'From time to time, valuation methodologies used and estimates made by counterparties with respect to certain super senior credit default swaps or the underlying reference CDO securities, for purposes of determining the', 'ITEM 7 / LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES The following table presents a summary of AIG’s Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows:', '## Table 2 ##', 'Operating Cash Flow Activities Interest payments totaled $4.0 billion in 2012 compared to $9.0 billion in 2011.', 'Cash paid for interest in 2011 includes the payment of FRBNY Credit Facility accrued compounded interest totaling $6.4 billion.', 'Excluding interest payments, AIG generated positive operating cash flow of $7.7 billion and $8.9 billion in 2012 and 2011, respectively.', 'Insurance companies generally receive most premiums in advance of the payment of claims or policy benefits.', 'The ability of insurance companies to generate positive cash flow is affected by the frequency and severity of losses under their insurance policies, policy retention rates and operating expenses.', 'Cash provided by AIG Property Casualty operating activities was $1.1 billion in 2012 compared to $1.9 billion in 2011, primarily reflecting the decrease in net premiums written as a result of the continued execution of strategic initiatives to improve business mix and the timing of the cash flows used to pay claims and claims adjustment expenses and the related reinsurance recoveries.', 'Cash provided by operating activities by AIG Life and Retirement was $2.9 billion in 2012 compared to $2.4 billion in 2011, primarily reflecting efforts to actively manage spread income.', 'Cash provided by operating activities of discontinued operations of $2.9 billion in 2012 compared to $6.2 billion in 2011, includes ILFC, and in 2011 and 2010, foreign life insurance subsidiaries that were divested in 2011, including Nan Shan, AIG Star and AIG Edison.', 'Net cash provided by operating activities declined in 2011 compared to 2010, principally due to the following: ?', 'the cash payment by AIG Parent of $6.4 billion in accrued compounded interest and fees under the FRBNY Credit Facility.', 'In prior periods, these payments were paid in-kind and did not affect operating cash flows; ?', 'cash provided by operating activities of foreign life subsidiaries declined by $10.4 billion due to the sale of those subsidiaries (AIA, ALICO, AIG Star, AIG Edison and Nan Shan).', 'The subsidiaries generated operational cash inflows of $3.4 billion and $13.8 billion in 2011 and 2010, respectively; and ?', 'the effect of catastrophes and the cession of a large portion of AIG Property Casualty’s net asbestos liabilities in the U. S. to NICO.', 'Excluding the impact of the NICO cession and catastrophes, cash provided by AIG’s reportable segments in 2011 is consistent with 2010, as increases in claims paid were offset by increases in premiums collected at the insurance subsidiaries.', 'Investing Cash Flow Activities Net cash provided by investing activities for 2012 includes the following items: ?', 'payments received relating to the sale of the underlying assets held by ML II of approximately $1.6 billion; ?', 'payments of approximately $8.5 billion received in connection with the dispositions of ML III assets by the FRBNY;', 'ITEM 7 / RESULTS OF OPERATIONS / COMMERCIAL INSURANCE low interest rate environment, partially offset by growth in average assets.', 'See MD&A – Investments – Life Insurance Companies for additional information on the investment strategy, asset-liability management process and invested assets of our Life Insurance Companies, which include the invested assets of the Institutional Markets business.', 'General operating expenses in 2014 increased slightly compared to 2013, primarily due to investments in technology.2013 and 2012 Comparison Pre-tax operating income for 2013 increased compared to 2012, due in part to higher net investment income from alternative investments, partially offset by lower base net investment income.', 'Interest credited to policyholder account balances in 2012 included $110 million of expense resulting from a comprehensive review of reserves for the GIC portfolio.', 'Results for 2013 included a full year of the growing stable value wrap business, which contributed $31 million to the increase in pre-tax operating income compared to 2012.', 'Stable value wrap notional assets under management grew to $24.6 billion at December 31, 2013 from $10.4 billion at December 31, 2012, including the notional amount of contracts transferred from an AIG affiliate.', 'Net investment income for 2013 increased slightly compared to 2012, primarily due to higher net investment income from alternative investments, largely offset by lower income from the base portfolio.', 'The increase in alternative investment income in 2013 compared to 2012 reflected higher hedge fund income due to favorable equity market conditions.', 'The decrease in base net income was primarily due to investment of available cash, including proceeds from sales of securities made during 2013 to utilize capital loss carryforwards, at rates below the weighted average yield of the overall portfolio.', 'General operating expenses in 2013 increased compared to 2012, primarily to support increased volume in the stable value wrap business.', 'Institutional Markets Premiums, Deposits and Net Flows For Institutional Markets, premiums represent amounts received on traditional life insurance policies and life-contingent payout annuities or structured settlements.', 'Premiums and deposits is a non-GAAP financial measure that includes direct and assumed premiums as well as deposits received on universal life insurance and investment-type annuity contracts, including GICs and stable value wrap funding agreements.', 'The following table presents a reconciliation of Institutional Markets premiums and deposits to GAAP premiums:', '## Table 3 ##', 'The decrease in premiums in 2014 compared to 2013 was primarily due to a high volume of single-premium products sold in 2013, including life-contingent payout annuities.', 'Sales of these products decreased in 2014 compared to 2013 due to a more competitive environment as well as continued low interest rates.', 'The increase in deposits in 2014 compared to 2013 included a $2.5 billion deposit to the separate accounts of one of the Life Insurance Companies for a stable value wrap funding agreement.', 'The majority of stable value wrap sales are measured based on the notional amount included in assets under management, but do not include the receipt of funds that would be included in premiums and deposits.', 'The increase in deposits in 2014 compared to 2013 also reflected a $450 million GIC issued in 2014.', 'The increase in premiums in 2013 compared to 2012 reflected a high volume of single-premium product sales in 2013, including structured settlements with life contingencies and terminal funding annuities.', 'The increase in deposits in 2013 compared to 2012 reflected strong sales of high net worth products, primarily private placement variable annuities.']
['<table><tr><td><i>(in millions)</i></td><td>Premiums and Other Considerations</td><td>Net Investment Income</td><td>Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses)</td><td>Total Revenues</td><td>Operating Income</td></tr><tr><td> 2007</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Group retirement products</td><td>$446</td><td>$2,280</td><td>$-451</td><td>2,275</td><td>$696</td></tr><tr><td>Individual fixed annuities</td><td>96</td><td>3,664</td><td>-829</td><td>2,931</td><td>530</td></tr><tr><td>Individual variable annuities</td><td>627</td><td>166</td><td>-45</td><td>748</td><td>122</td></tr><tr><td>Individual annuities — runoff*</td><td>21</td><td>387</td><td>-83</td><td>325</td><td>-1</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>$1,190</td><td>$6,497</td><td>$-1,408</td><td>$6,279</td><td>$1,347</td></tr><tr><td>2006</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Group retirement products</td><td>$386</td><td>$2,279</td><td>$-144</td><td>$2,521</td><td>$1,017</td></tr><tr><td>Individual fixed annuities</td><td>122</td><td>3,581</td><td>-257</td><td>3,446</td><td>1,036</td></tr><tr><td>Individual variable annuities</td><td>531</td><td>202</td><td>5</td><td>738</td><td>193</td></tr><tr><td>Individual annuities — runoff*</td><td>18</td><td>426</td><td>-8</td><td>436</td><td>77</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>$1,057</td><td>$6,488</td><td>$-404</td><td>$7,141</td><td>$2,323</td></tr><tr><td>2005</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Group retirement products</td><td>$351</td><td>$2,233</td><td>$-67</td><td>$2,517</td><td>$1,055</td></tr><tr><td>Individual fixed annuities</td><td>97</td><td>3,346</td><td>-214</td><td>3,229</td><td>858</td></tr><tr><td>Individual variable annuities</td><td>467</td><td>217</td><td>4</td><td>688</td><td>189</td></tr><tr><td>Individual annuities — runoff*</td><td>22</td><td>430</td><td>—</td><td>452</td><td>62</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>$937</td><td>$6,226</td><td>$-277</td><td>$6,886</td><td>$2,164</td></tr><tr><td> Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Group retirement products</td><td>16%</td><td>—%</td><td>—%</td><td>-10%</td><td>-32%</td></tr><tr><td>Individual fixed annuities</td><td>-21</td><td>2</td><td>—</td><td>-15</td><td>-49</td></tr><tr><td>Individual variable annuities</td><td>18</td><td>-18</td><td>—</td><td>1</td><td>-37</td></tr><tr><td>Individual annuities — runoff</td><td>17</td><td>-9</td><td>—</td><td>-25</td><td>—</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>13%</td><td>—%</td><td>—%</td><td>-12%</td><td>-42%</td></tr><tr><td>Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Group retirement products</td><td>10%</td><td>2%</td><td>—%</td><td>—%</td><td>-4%</td></tr><tr><td>Individual fixed annuities</td><td>26</td><td>7</td><td>—</td><td>7</td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>Individual variable annuities</td><td>14</td><td>-7</td><td>25</td><td>7</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>Individual annuities — runoff</td><td>-18</td><td>-1</td><td>—</td><td>-4</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>13%</td><td>4%</td><td>—%</td><td>4%</td><td>7%</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td><i>(in millions)</i></td><td>December 31, 2009</td><td>December 31, 2010</td><td>February 16, 2011</td></tr><tr><td>Reference to market indices</td><td>$60</td><td>$19</td><td>$10</td></tr><tr><td>Expected loss models</td><td>20</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Negotiated amount</td><td>230</td><td>217</td><td>216</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>$310</td><td>$236</td><td>$226</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td> Years Ended December 31, <i>(in millions)</i> </td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>Summary:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities</td><td>$3,676</td><td>$-81</td><td>$16,597</td></tr><tr><td>Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities</td><td>16,612</td><td>36,448</td><td>-9,912</td></tr><tr><td>Net cash used in financing activities</td><td>-20,564</td><td>-36,926</td><td>-9,261</td></tr><tr><td>Effect of exchange rate changes on cash</td><td>16</td><td>29</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>Decrease in cash</td><td>-260</td><td>-530</td><td>-2,537</td></tr><tr><td>Cash at beginning of year</td><td>1,474</td><td>1,558</td><td>4,400</td></tr><tr><td>Change in cash of businesses held for sale</td><td>-63</td><td>446</td><td>-305</td></tr><tr><td>Cash at end of year</td><td>$1,151</td><td>$1,474</td><td>$1,558</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td><i>(in millions)</i></td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>Premiums and deposits</td><td>$3,797</td><td>$991</td><td>$774</td></tr><tr><td>Deposits</td><td>-3,344</td><td>-354</td><td>-289</td></tr><tr><td>Other</td><td>-21</td><td>-27</td><td>-27</td></tr><tr><td>Premiums</td><td>$432</td><td>$610</td><td>$458</td></tr></table>']
{'0-2-1': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products of Premiums and Other Considerations is $446 .', '0-2-2': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products of Net Investment Income is $2,280 .', '0-2-3': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is $-451 .', '0-2-4': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products of Total Revenues is 2275 .', '0-2-5': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products of Operating Income is $696 .', '0-3-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities of Premiums and Other Considerations is 96 .', '0-3-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities of Net Investment Income is 3664 .', '0-3-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is -829 .', '0-3-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities of Total Revenues is 2931 .', '0-3-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities of Operating Income is 530 .', '0-4-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities of Premiums and Other Considerations is 627 .', '0-4-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities of Net Investment Income is 166 .', '0-4-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is -45 .', '0-4-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities of Total Revenues is 748 .', '0-4-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities of Operating Income is 122 .', '0-5-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* of Premiums and Other Considerations is 21 .', '0-5-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* of Net Investment Income is 387 .', '0-5-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is -83 .', '0-5-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* of Total Revenues is 325 .', '0-5-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* of Operating Income is -1 .', '0-6-1': 'Table 0 shows Total of Premiums and Other Considerations is $1,190 .', '0-6-2': 'Table 0 shows Total of Net Investment Income is $6,497 .', '0-6-3': 'Table 0 shows Total of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is $-1,408 .', '0-6-4': 'Table 0 shows Total of Total Revenues is $6,279 .', '0-6-5': 'Table 0 shows Total of Operating Income is $1,347 .', '0-8-1': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2006 of Premiums and Other Considerations is $386 .', '0-8-2': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2006 of Net Investment Income is $2,279 .', '0-8-3': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2006 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is $-144 .', '0-8-4': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2006 of Total Revenues is $2,521 .', '0-8-5': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2006 of Operating Income is $1,017 .', '0-9-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2006 of Premiums and Other Considerations is 122 .', '0-9-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2006 of Net Investment Income is 3581 .', '0-9-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2006 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is -257 .', '0-9-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2006 of Total Revenues is 3446 .', '0-9-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2006 of Operating Income is 1036 .', '0-10-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2006 of Premiums and Other Considerations is 531 .', '0-10-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2006 of Net Investment Income is 202 .', '0-10-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2006 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is 5 .', '0-10-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2006 of Total Revenues is 738 .', '0-10-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2006 of Operating Income is 193 .', '0-11-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2006 of Premiums and Other Considerations is 18 .', '0-11-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2006 of Net Investment Income is 426 .', '0-11-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2006 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is -8 .', '0-11-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2006 of Total Revenues is 436 .', '0-11-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2006 of Operating Income is 77 .', '0-12-1': 'Table 0 shows Total 2006 of Premiums and Other Considerations is $1,057 .', '0-12-2': 'Table 0 shows Total 2006 of Net Investment Income is $6,488 .', '0-12-3': 'Table 0 shows Total 2006 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is $-404 .', '0-12-4': 'Table 0 shows Total 2006 of Total Revenues is $7,141 .', '0-12-5': 'Table 0 shows Total 2006 of Operating Income is $2,323 .', '0-14-1': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2005 of Premiums and Other Considerations is $351 .', '0-14-2': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2005 of Net Investment Income is $2,233 .', '0-14-3': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2005 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is $-67 .', '0-14-4': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2005 of Total Revenues is $2,517 .', '0-14-5': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products 2005 of Operating Income is $1,055 .', '0-15-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2005 of Premiums and Other Considerations is 97 .', '0-15-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2005 of Net Investment Income is 3346 .', '0-15-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2005 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is -214 .', '0-15-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2005 of Total Revenues is 3229 .', '0-15-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities 2005 of Operating Income is 858 .', '0-16-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2005 of Premiums and Other Considerations is 467 .', '0-16-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2005 of Net Investment Income is 217 .', '0-16-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2005 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is 4 .', '0-16-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2005 of Total Revenues is 688 .', '0-16-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities 2005 of Operating Income is 189 .', '0-17-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2005 of Premiums and Other Considerations is 22 .', '0-17-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2005 of Net Investment Income is 430 .', '0-17-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2005 of Total Revenues is 452 .', '0-17-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff* 2005 of Operating Income is 62 .', '0-18-1': 'Table 0 shows Total 2005 of Premiums and Other Considerations is $937 .', '0-18-2': 'Table 0 shows Total 2005 of Net Investment Income is $6,226 .', '0-18-3': 'Table 0 shows Total 2005 of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is $-277 .', '0-18-4': 'Table 0 shows Total 2005 of Total Revenues is $6,886 .', '0-18-5': 'Table 0 shows Total 2005 of Operating Income is $2,164 .', '0-20-1': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 16% .', '0-20-2': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Net Investment Income is —% .', '0-20-3': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is —% .', '0-20-4': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Total Revenues is -10% .', '0-20-5': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Operating Income is -32% .', '0-21-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Premiums and Other Considerations is -21 .', '0-21-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Net Investment Income is 2 .', '0-21-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Total Revenues is -15 .', '0-21-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Operating Income is -49 .', '0-22-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 18 .', '0-22-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Net Investment Income is -18 .', '0-22-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Total Revenues is 1 .', '0-22-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Operating Income is -37 .', '0-23-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 17 .', '0-23-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Net Investment Income is -9 .', '0-23-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Total Revenues is -25 .', '0-24-1': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 13% .', '0-24-2': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Net Investment Income is —% .', '0-24-3': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is —% .', '0-24-4': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Total Revenues is -12% .', '0-24-5': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2007 vs. 2006: of Operating Income is -42% .', '0-26-1': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 10% .', '0-26-2': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Investment Income is 2% .', '0-26-3': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is —% .', '0-26-4': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Total Revenues is —% .', '0-26-5': 'Table 0 shows Group retirement products Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Operating Income is -4% .', '0-27-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 26 .', '0-27-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Investment Income is 7 .', '0-27-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Total Revenues is 7 .', '0-27-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual fixed annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Operating Income is 21 .', '0-28-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 14 .', '0-28-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Investment Income is -7 .', '0-28-3': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is 25 .', '0-28-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Total Revenues is 7 .', '0-28-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual variable annuities Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Operating Income is 2 .', '0-29-1': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Premiums and Other Considerations is -18 .', '0-29-2': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Investment Income is -1 .', '0-29-4': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Total Revenues is -4 .', '0-29-5': 'Table 0 shows Individual annuities — runoff Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Operating Income is 24 .', '0-30-1': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Premiums and Other Considerations is 13% .', '0-30-2': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Investment Income is 4% .', '0-30-3': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Net Realized Capital Gains (Losses) is —% .', '0-30-4': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Total Revenues is 4% .', '0-30-5': 'Table 0 shows Total Percentage Increase/(Decrease) 2006 vs. 2005: of Operating Income is 7% .', '1-1-1': 'Table 1 shows Reference to market indices of December 31, 2009 is $60 .', '1-1-2': 'Table 1 shows Reference to market indices of December 31, 2010 is $19 .', '1-1-3': 'Table 1 shows Reference to market indices of February 16, 2011 is $10 .', '1-2-1': 'Table 1 shows Expected loss models of December 31, 2009 is 20 .', '1-3-1': 'Table 1 shows Negotiated amount of December 31, 2009 is 230 .', '1-3-2': 'Table 1 shows Negotiated amount of December 31, 2010 is 217 .', '1-3-3': 'Table 1 shows Negotiated amount of February 16, 2011 is 216 .', '1-4-1': 'Table 1 shows Total of December 31, 2009 is $310 .', '1-4-2': 'Table 1 shows Total of December 31, 2010 is $236 .', '1-4-3': 'Table 1 shows Total of February 16, 2011 is $226 .', '2-2-1': 'Table 2 shows Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities of 2012 is $3,676 .', '2-2-2': 'Table 2 shows Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities of 2011 is $-81 .', '2-2-3': 'Table 2 shows Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities of 2010 is $16,597 .', '2-3-1': 'Table 2 shows Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities of 2012 is 16612 .', '2-3-2': 'Table 2 shows Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities of 2011 is 36448 .', '2-3-3': 'Table 2 shows Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities of 2010 is -9912 .', '2-4-1': 'Table 2 shows Net cash used in financing activities of 2012 is -20564 .', '2-4-2': 'Table 2 shows Net cash used in financing activities of 2011 is -36926 .', '2-4-3': 'Table 2 shows Net cash used in financing activities of 2010 is -9261 .', '2-5-1': 'Table 2 shows Effect of exchange rate changes on cash of 2012 is 16 .', '2-5-2': 'Table 2 shows Effect of exchange rate changes on cash of 2011 is 29 .', '2-5-3': 'Table 2 shows Effect of exchange rate changes on cash of 2010 is 39 .', '2-6-1': 'Table 2 shows Decrease in cash of 2012 is -260 .', '2-6-2': 'Table 2 shows Decrease in cash of 2011 is -530 .', '2-6-3': 'Table 2 shows Decrease in cash of 2010 is -2537 .', '2-7-1': 'Table 2 shows Cash at beginning of year of 2012 is 1474 .', '2-7-2': 'Table 2 shows Cash at beginning of year of 2011 is 1558 .', '2-7-3': 'Table 2 shows Cash at beginning of year of 2010 is 4400 .', '2-8-1': 'Table 2 shows Change in cash of businesses held for sale of 2012 is -63 .', '2-8-2': 'Table 2 shows Change in cash of businesses held for sale of 2011 is 446 .', '2-8-3': 'Table 2 shows Change in cash of businesses held for sale of 2010 is -305 .', '2-9-1': 'Table 2 shows Cash at end of year of 2012 is $1,151 .', '2-9-2': 'Table 2 shows Cash at end of year of 2011 is $1,474 .', '2-9-3': 'Table 2 shows Cash at end of year of 2010 is $1,558 .', '3-1-1': 'Table 3 shows Premiums and deposits of 2014 is $3,797 .', '3-1-2': 'Table 3 shows Premiums and deposits of 2013 is $991 .', '3-1-3': 'Table 3 shows Premiums and deposits of 2012 is $774 .', '3-2-1': 'Table 3 shows Deposits of 2014 is -3344 .', '3-2-2': 'Table 3 shows Deposits of 2013 is -354 .', '3-2-3': 'Table 3 shows Deposits of 2012 is -289 .', '3-3-1': 'Table 3 shows Other of 2014 is -21 .', '3-3-2': 'Table 3 shows Other of 2013 is -27 .', '3-3-3': 'Table 3 shows Other of 2012 is -27 .', '3-4-1': 'Table 3 shows Premiums of 2014 is $432 .', '3-4-2': 'Table 3 shows Premiums of 2013 is $610 .', '3-4-3': 'Table 3 shows Premiums of 2012 is $458 .'}
{'question': 'Which year is Total Revenues of Group retirement products the most?', 'answer': '2006', 'table_evidence': ['0-2-4', '0-8-4', '0-14-4'], 'program': '', 'text_evidence': [0], 'question_type': 'span_selection'}
Which year is Total Revenues of Group retirement products the most?
['The Company is required to establish a valuation allowance for any portion of the deferred tax assets that management believes will not be realized.', 'Included in deferred tax assets is a significant deferred tax asset relating to capital losses that have been recognized for financial statement purposes but not yet for tax return purposes.', 'Under current U. S. federal income tax law, capital losses generally must be used against capital gain income within five years of the year in which the capital losses are recognized for tax purposes.', 'Significant judgment is required in determining if a valuation allowance should be established, and the amount of such allowance if required.', 'Factors used in making this determination include estimates relating to the performance of the business including the ability to generate capital gains.', 'Consideration is given to, among other things in making this determination, i) future taxable income exclusive of reversing temporary differences and carryforwards, ii) future reversals of existing taxable temporary differences, iii) taxable income in prior carryback years, and iv) tax planning strategies.', 'Based on analysis of the Company’s tax position, management believes it is more likely than not that the results of future operations and implementation of tax planning strategies will generate sufficient taxable income to enable the Company to utilize all of its deferred tax assets.', 'Accordingly, no valuation allowance for deferred tax assets has been established as of December 31, 2009 and 2008.', 'Included in the Company’s deferred income tax assets are tax benefits related to net operating loss carryforwards of $59 million which will expire beginning December 31, 2025 as well as tax credit carryforwards of $166 million which will expire beginning December 31, 2025.', 'A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of gross unrecognized tax benefits for 2009 is as follows:', '## Table 0 ##', 'If recognized, approximately $81 million, $62 million and $84 million, net of federal tax benefits, of the unrecognized tax benefits as of December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively, would affect the effective tax rate.', 'The Company recognizes interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of the income tax provision.', 'The Company recognized $1 million in interest and penalties for the year ended December 31, 2009 and a net reduction of $25 million and $4 million in interest and penalties for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively.', 'At December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company had a receivable of $12 million and $13 million, respectively, related to accrued interest and penalties.', 'It is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will change in the next 12 months.', 'However, there are a number of open audits and quantification of a range cannot be made at this time.', 'The Company or one or more of its subsidiaries files income tax returns in the U. S. federal jurisdiction, and various states and foreign jurisdictions.', 'With few exceptions, the Company is no longer subject to U. S. federal, state and local, or non-U.', 'S. income tax examinations by tax authorities for years before 1997.', 'The Internal Revenue Service (‘‘IRS’’), as part of the overall examination of the American Express Company consolidated return, completed its field examination of the Company’s U. S. income tax returns for 1997 through 2002 during 2008 and completed its field examination of 2003 through 2004 in the third quarter of 2009.', 'However, for federal income tax purposes these years continue to remain open as a consequence of certain issues under appeal.', 'In the fourth quarter of 2008, the IRS commenced an examination of the Company’s U. S. income tax returns for 2005 through 2007, which is expected to be completed in 2010.', 'The Company’s or certain of its subsidiaries’ state income tax returns are currently under examination by various jurisdictions for years ranging from 1998 through 2006.', 'On September 25, 2007, the IRS issued Revenue Ruling 2007-61 in which it announced that it intends to issue regulations with respect to certain computational aspects of the Dividends Received Deduction (‘‘DRD’’) related to separate account assets held in connection with variable contracts of life insurance companies.', 'Revenue Ruling 2007-61 suspended a revenue ruling issued in August 2007 that purported to change accepted industry and IRS interpretations of the statutes governing these computational questions.', 'Any regulations that the', 'The following table presents the changes in wrap account assets:', '## Table 1 ##', 'Our wrap accounts had net inflows of $9.3 billion in 2009 compared to net inflows of $3.7 billion in 2008 and market appreciation of $12.8 billion in 2009 compared to market depreciation of $26.8 billion in 2008.', 'In 2008, we acquired $2.0 billion in wrap account assets attributable to our acquisition of H&R Block Financial Advisors, Inc. We provide securities execution and clearing services for our retail and institutional clients through our registered broker-dealer subsidiaries.', 'As of December 31, 2009, we administered $95.1 billion in assets for clients, an increase of $19.6 billion compared to the prior year primarily due to market appreciation.', 'The following table presents the results of operations of our Advice & Wealth Management segment:', '## Table 2 ##', 'Our Advice & Wealth Management segment pretax loss was $34 million in 2009 compared to pretax loss of $149 million in 2008.', 'Net revenues Net revenues were $3.2 billion for the year ended December 31, 2009 compared to $3.1 billion in the prior year, an increase of $106 million, or 3%, driven by an increase in net investment income as well as revenues resulting from our 2008 acquisitions and a decrease in banking and deposit interest expense, partially offset by decreases in management and financial advice fees and distribution fees.', 'Management and financial advice fees decreased $105 million, or 8%, to $1.2 billion for the year ended December 31, 2009, driven by a 22% decline in the daily average S&P 500 Index on a period-over-period basis, partially offset by net inflows.', 'Wrap account assets increased $22.1 billion, or 30%, compared to the prior year due to net inflows and market appreciation.', 'Financial planning fees were lower for the year ended December 31, 2009 compared to the prior year resulting from accelerated financial plan delivery standards in 2008.', 'Distribution fees decreased $179 million, or 9%, to $1.7 billion for the year ended December 31, 2009, primarily due to lower client activity levels and lower asset-based fees driven by lower equity markets, partially offset by revenues resulting from our 2008 acquisitions.', 'Liquidity and Capital Resources Overview We maintained substantial liquidity during 2009.', 'At December 31, 2009, we had $3.1 billion in cash and cash equivalents compared to $6.2 billion at December 31, 2008.', 'Excluding collateral received from derivative counterparties, cash and cash equivalents were $3.0 billion and $4.4 billion at December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively.', 'We have additional liquidity available through an unsecured revolving credit facility for $750 million that expires in September 2010, which we anticipate re-establishing before expiration.', 'Under the terms of the underlying credit agreement, we can increase this facility to $1.0 billion.', 'Available borrowings under this facility are reduced by any outstanding letters of credit.', 'We have had no borrowings under this credit facility and had $2 million of outstanding letters of credit at December 31, 2009.', 'In June 2009, we issued $200 million of 7.75% senior notes due 2039 and $300 million of 7.30% senior notes due 2019 (collectively, ‘‘senior notes’’).', 'In July 2009, we used a portion of the proceeds from the issuance of our senior notes to repurchase $450 million aggregate principal amount of our 5.35% senior notes due 2010 pursuant to a cash tender offer.', 'In addition, in June 2009, we received cash of $869 million from the issuance and sale of 36 million shares of our common stock.', 'In September 2009, we announced the all-cash acquisition of the long-term asset management business of Columbia Management, which is expected to close in the spring of 2010.', 'The total consideration to be paid will be between $900 million and $1.2 billion, which is expected to be funded through the use of cash on hand.', 'In 2009, our subsidiaries, Ameriprise Bank, FSB and RiverSource Life, became members of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines (‘‘FHLB of Des Moines’’), which provides these subsidiaries with access to collateralized borrowings.', 'As of December 31, 2009, we had no borrowings from the FHLB of Des Moines.', 'We believe cash flows from operating activities, available cash balances and our availability of revolver borrowings will be sufficient to fund our operating liquidity needs.', 'Various ratings organizations publish financial strength ratings, which measure an insurance company’s ability to meet contractholder and policyholder obligations, and credit ratings.', 'The following table summarizes the ratings for Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and certain of its insurance subsidiaries as of the date of this filing:', '## Table 3 ##', 'As of December 31, 2009, A. M. Best Company, Inc. , Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch Ratings Ltd. retained negative outlooks on Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and RiverSource Life and the life insurance industry as a whole.', 'For information on how changes in our financial strength or credit ratings could affect our financial condition and results of operations, see the ‘‘Risk Factors’’ discussion included in Part 1, Item 1A in our Annual Report on Form 10-K. Dividends from Subsidiaries Ameriprise Financial is primarily a parent holding company for the operations carried out by our wholly owned subsidiaries.', 'Because of our holding company structure, our ability to meet our cash requirements, including the payment of dividends on our common stock, substantially depends upon the receipt of dividends or return of capital from our subsidiaries, particularly our life insurance subsidiary, RiverSource Life, our face-amount certificate subsidiary, Ameriprise Certificate Company (‘‘ACC’’), AMPF Holding Corporation, which is the parent company of our retail introducing broker-dealer subsidiary, Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. (‘‘AFSI’’) and our clearing broker-dealer subsidiary, American Enterprise Investment Services, Inc. (‘‘AEIS’’), our auto and home insurance subsidiary, IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company (‘‘IDS Property Casualty’’), doing business as Ameriprise Auto & Home Insurance, Threadneedle, RiverSource Service Corporation and our investment advisory company, RiverSource Investments, LLC.', 'The payment of dividends by many of our subsidiaries is restricted and certain of our subsidiaries are subject to regulatory capital requirements.', 'Kendal Vroman, 39 Mr. Vroman has served as our Managing Director, Commodity Products, OTC Services & Information Products since February 2010.', 'Mr. Vroman previously served as Managing Director and Chief Corporate Development Officer from 2008 to 2010.', 'Mr. Vroman joined us in 2001 and since then has held positions of increasing responsibility, including most recently as Managing Director, Corporate Development and Managing Director, Information and Technology Services.', 'Scot E. Warren, 47 Mr. Warren has served as our Managing Director, Equity Index Products and Index Services since February 2010.', 'Mr. Warren previously served as our Managing Director, Equity Products since joining us in 2007.', 'Prior to that, Mr. Warren worked for Goldman Sachs as its President, Manager Trading and Business Analysis Team.', 'Prior to Goldman Sachs, Mr. Warren managed equity and option execution and clearing businesses for ABN Amro in Chicago and was a Senior Consultant for Arthur Andersen & Co. for financial services firms.', 'FINANCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT GEOGRAPHIC AREAS Due to the nature of its business, CME Group does not track revenues based upon geographic location.', 'We do, however, track trading volume generated outside of traditional U. S. trading hours and through our international telecommunication hubs.', 'Our customers can directly access our exchanges throughout the world.', 'The following table shows the percentage of our total trading volume on our Globex electronic trading platform generated during non-U.', 'S. hours and through our international hubs.']
['<table><tr><td></td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="3">(in millions)</td></tr><tr><td>Balance at January 1</td><td>$-56</td><td>$164</td><td>$113</td></tr><tr><td>Additions (reductions) based on tax positions related to the current year</td><td>1</td><td>-164</td><td>42</td></tr><tr><td>Additions for tax positions of prior years</td><td>45</td><td>64</td><td>56</td></tr><tr><td>Reductions for tax positions of prior years</td><td>-23</td><td>-120</td><td>-45</td></tr><tr><td>Settlements</td><td>—</td><td>—</td><td>-2</td></tr><tr><td>Balance at December 31</td><td>$-33</td><td>$-56</td><td>$164</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td> </td><td> 2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td colspan="2">(in billions)</td></tr><tr><td>Balance at January 1</td><td>$72.8</td><td>$93.9</td></tr><tr><td>Net flows</td><td>9.3</td><td>3.7</td></tr><tr><td>Market appreciation/(depreciation)</td><td>12.8</td><td>-26.8</td></tr><tr><td>Other</td><td>—</td><td>2.0</td></tr><tr><td>Balance at December 31</td><td>$94.9</td><td>$72.8</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td> </td><td colspan="2">Years Ended December 31,</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td colspan="2">Change</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td colspan="4">(in millions, except percentages)</td></tr><tr><td> Revenues</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Management and financial advice fees</td><td>$1,234</td><td>$1,339</td><td>$-105</td><td>-8%</td></tr><tr><td>Distribution fees</td><td>1,733</td><td>1,912</td><td>-179</td><td>-9</td></tr><tr><td>Net investment income</td><td>297</td><td>-43</td><td>340</td><td>NM</td></tr><tr><td>Other revenues</td><td>85</td><td>80</td><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>Total revenues</td><td>3,349</td><td>3,288</td><td>61</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>Banking and deposit interest expense</td><td>133</td><td>178</td><td>-45</td><td>-25</td></tr><tr><td>Total net revenues</td><td>3,216</td><td>3,110</td><td>106</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td> Expenses</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Distribution expenses</td><td>1,968</td><td>2,121</td><td>-153</td><td>-7</td></tr><tr><td>General and administrative expense</td><td>1,282</td><td>1,138</td><td>144</td><td>13</td></tr><tr><td>Total expenses</td><td>3,250</td><td>3,259</td><td>-9</td><td>—</td></tr><tr><td>Pretax loss</td><td>$-34</td><td>$-149</td><td>$115</td><td>77%</td></tr></table>', "<table><tr><td> </td><td> A.M. Best Company, Inc.</td><td> Standard & Poor's Ratings Services</td><td> Moody's Investors Service</td><td> Fitch Ratings Ltd.</td></tr><tr><td> Financial Strength Ratings</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>RiverSource Life</td><td>A+</td><td>AA-</td><td>Aa3</td><td>AA-</td></tr><tr><td>IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company</td><td>A</td><td>N/R</td><td>N/R</td><td>N/R</td></tr><tr><td> Credit Ratings</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Ameriprise Financial, Inc.</td><td>a-</td><td>A</td><td>A3</td><td>A-</td></tr></table>"]
{'0-2-1': 'Table 0 shows Balance at January 1 of 2009 (in millions) is $-56 .', '0-2-2': 'Table 0 shows Balance at January 1 of 2008 (in millions) is $164 .', '0-2-3': 'Table 0 shows Balance at January 1 of 2007 (in millions) is $113 .', '0-3-1': 'Table 0 shows Additions (reductions) based on tax positions related to the current year of 2009 (in millions) is 1 .', '0-3-2': 'Table 0 shows Additions (reductions) based on tax positions related to the current year of 2008 (in millions) is -164 .', '0-3-3': 'Table 0 shows Additions (reductions) based on tax positions related to the current year of 2007 (in millions) is 42 .', '0-4-1': 'Table 0 shows Additions for tax positions of prior years of 2009 (in millions) is 45 .', '0-4-2': 'Table 0 shows Additions for tax positions of prior years of 2008 (in millions) is 64 .', '0-4-3': 'Table 0 shows Additions for tax positions of prior years of 2007 (in millions) is 56 .', '0-5-1': 'Table 0 shows Reductions for tax positions of prior years of 2009 (in millions) is -23 .', '0-5-2': 'Table 0 shows Reductions for tax positions of prior years of 2008 (in millions) is -120 .', '0-5-3': 'Table 0 shows Reductions for tax positions of prior years of 2007 (in millions) is -45 .', '0-6-3': 'Table 0 shows Settlements of 2007 (in millions) is -2 .', '0-7-1': 'Table 0 shows Balance at December 31 of 2009 (in millions) is $-33 .', '0-7-2': 'Table 0 shows Balance at December 31 of 2008 (in millions) is $-56 .', '0-7-3': 'Table 0 shows Balance at December 31 of 2007 (in millions) is $164 .', '1-2-1': 'Table 1 shows Balance at January 1 of 2009 (in billions) is $72.8 .', '1-2-2': 'Table 1 shows Balance at January 1 of 2008 (in billions) is $93.9 .', '1-3-1': 'Table 1 shows Net flows of 2009 (in billions) is 9.3 .', '1-3-2': 'Table 1 shows Net flows of 2008 (in billions) is 3.7 .', '1-4-1': 'Table 1 shows Market appreciation/(depreciation) of 2009 (in billions) is 12.8 .', '1-4-2': 'Table 1 shows Market appreciation/(depreciation) of 2008 (in billions) is -26.8 .', '1-5-2': 'Table 1 shows Other of 2008 (in billions) is 2.0 .', '1-6-1': 'Table 1 shows Balance at December 31 of 2009 (in billions) is $94.9 .', '1-6-2': 'Table 1 shows Balance at December 31 of 2008 (in billions) is $72.8 .', '2-4-1': 'Table 2 shows Management and financial advice fees of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is $1,234 .', '2-4-2': 'Table 2 shows Management and financial advice fees of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is $1,339 .', '2-4-3': 'Table 2 shows Management and financial advice fees of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is $-105 .', '2-4-4': 'Table 2 shows Management and financial advice fees of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is -8% .', '2-5-1': 'Table 2 shows Distribution fees of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 1733 .', '2-5-2': 'Table 2 shows Distribution fees of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 1912 .', '2-5-3': 'Table 2 shows Distribution fees of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is -179 .', '2-5-4': 'Table 2 shows Distribution fees of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is -9 .', '2-6-1': 'Table 2 shows Net investment income of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 297 .', '2-6-2': 'Table 2 shows Net investment income of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is -43 .', '2-6-3': 'Table 2 shows Net investment income of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is 340 .', '2-6-4': 'Table 2 shows Net investment income of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is NM .', '2-7-1': 'Table 2 shows Other revenues of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 85 .', '2-7-2': 'Table 2 shows Other revenues of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 80 .', '2-7-3': 'Table 2 shows Other revenues of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is 5 .', '2-7-4': 'Table 2 shows Other revenues of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is 6 .', '2-8-1': 'Table 2 shows Total revenues of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 3349 .', '2-8-2': 'Table 2 shows Total revenues of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 3288 .', '2-8-3': 'Table 2 shows Total revenues of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is 61 .', '2-8-4': 'Table 2 shows Total revenues of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is 2 .', '2-9-1': 'Table 2 shows Banking and deposit interest expense of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 133 .', '2-9-2': 'Table 2 shows Banking and deposit interest expense of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 178 .', '2-9-3': 'Table 2 shows Banking and deposit interest expense of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is -45 .', '2-9-4': 'Table 2 shows Banking and deposit interest expense of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is -25 .', '2-10-1': 'Table 2 shows Total net revenues of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 3216 .', '2-10-2': 'Table 2 shows Total net revenues of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 3110 .', '2-10-3': 'Table 2 shows Total net revenues of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is 106 .', '2-10-4': 'Table 2 shows Total net revenues of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is 3 .', '2-12-1': 'Table 2 shows Distribution expenses Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 1968 .', '2-12-2': 'Table 2 shows Distribution expenses Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 2121 .', '2-12-3': 'Table 2 shows Distribution expenses Expenses of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is -153 .', '2-12-4': 'Table 2 shows Distribution expenses Expenses of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is -7 .', '2-13-1': 'Table 2 shows General and administrative expense Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 1282 .', '2-13-2': 'Table 2 shows General and administrative expense Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 1138 .', '2-13-3': 'Table 2 shows General and administrative expense Expenses of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is 144 .', '2-13-4': 'Table 2 shows General and administrative expense Expenses of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is 13 .', '2-14-1': 'Table 2 shows Total expenses Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is 3250 .', '2-14-2': 'Table 2 shows Total expenses Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is 3259 .', '2-14-3': 'Table 2 shows Total expenses Expenses of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is -9 .', '2-15-1': 'Table 2 shows Pretax loss Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2009 (in millions, except percentages) is $-34 .', '2-15-2': 'Table 2 shows Pretax loss Expenses of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (in millions, except percentages) is $-149 .', '2-15-3': 'Table 2 shows Pretax loss Expenses of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) is $115 .', '2-15-4': 'Table 2 shows Pretax loss Expenses of Years Ended December 31, Change (in millions, except percentages) [EMPTY].1 is 77% .', '3-5-1': 'Table 3 shows Ameriprise Financial, Inc. of A.M. Best Company, Inc. A+ A is a- .', '3-5-2': "Table 3 shows Ameriprise Financial, Inc. of Standard & Poor's Ratings Services AA- N/R is A .", '3-5-3': "Table 3 shows Ameriprise Financial, Inc. of Moody's Investors Service Aa3 N/R is A3 .", '3-5-4': 'Table 3 shows Ameriprise Financial, Inc. of Fitch Ratings Ltd. AA- N/R is A- .'}
{'question': 'What will Distribution fees reach in 2010 if it continues to grow at its current rate? (in millions)', 'answer': 1570.75785, 'table_evidence': ['2-5-1', '2-5-2'], 'program': 'subtract(1733,1912), divide(#0,1912), add(const_1,#1), multiply(#2,1733)', 'text_evidence': [32], 'question_type': 'arithmetic'}
What will Distribution fees reach in 2010 if it continues to grow at its current rate? (in millions)
['strategy to provide omni-channel solutions that combine gateway services, payment service provisioning and merchant acquiring across Europe.', 'This transaction was accounted for as a business combination.', 'We recorded the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and noncontrolling interest at their estimated fair values as of the acquisition date.', 'In connection with the acquisition of Realex, we paid a transaction-related tax of $1.2 million.', 'Other acquisition costs were not material.', 'The revenue and earnings of Realex for the year ended May 31, 2015 were not material nor were the historical revenue and earnings of Realex material for the purpose of presenting pro forma information for the current or prior-year periods.', 'The estimated acquisition date fair values of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and the noncontrolling interest, including a reconciliation to the total purchase consideration, are as follows (in thousands):', '## Table 0 ##', 'Goodwill of $66.8 million arising from the acquisition, included in the Europe segment, was attributable to expected growth opportunities in Europe, potential synergies from combining our existing business with gateway services and payment service provisioning in certain markets and an assembled workforce to support the newly acquired technology.', 'Goodwill associated with this acquisition is not deductible for income tax purposes.', 'The customer-related intangible assets have an estimated amortization period of 16 years.', 'The acquired technology has an estimated amortization period of 10 years.', 'The trade name has an estimated amortization period of 7 years.', 'strategy to provide omni-channel solutions that combine gateway services, payment service provisioning and merchant acquiring across Europe.', 'This transaction was accounted for as a business combination.', 'We recorded the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and noncontrolling interest at their estimated fair values as of the acquisition date.', 'In connection with the acquisition of Realex, we paid a transaction-related tax of $1.2 million.', 'Other acquisition costs were not material.', 'The revenue and earnings of Realex for the year ended May 31, 2015 were not material nor were the historical revenue and earnings of Realex material for the purpose of presenting pro forma information for the current or prior-year periods.', 'The estimated acquisition date fair values of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and the noncontrolling interest, including a reconciliation to the total purchase consideration, are as follows (in thousands):', 'Goodwill of $66.8 million arising from the acquisition, included in the Europe segment, was attributable to expected growth opportunities in Europe, potential synergies from combining our existing business with gateway services and payment service provisioning in certain markets and an assembled workforce to support the newly acquired technology.', 'Goodwill associated with this acquisition is not deductible for income tax purposes.', 'The customer-related intangible assets have an estimated amortization period of 16 years.', 'The acquired technology has an estimated amortization period of 10 years.', 'The trade name has an estimated amortization period of 7 years.', 'On October 5, 2015, we paid €6.7 million ($7.5 million equivalent as of October 5, 2015) to acquire the remaining shares of Realex after which we own 100% of the outstanding shares.', 'Ezidebit On October 10, 2014, we completed the acquisition of 100% of the outstanding stock of Ezi Holdings Pty Ltd (¡°Ezidebit¡±) for AUD302.6 million in cash ($266.0 million equivalent as of the acquisition date).', 'This acquisition was funded by a combination of cash on hand and borrowings on our revolving credit facility.', 'Ezidebit is a leading integrated payments company focused on recurring payments verticals in Australia and New Zealand.', 'Ezidebit markets its services through a network of integrated software vendors and direct channels to numerous vertical markets.', 'We acquired Ezidebit to establish a direct distribution channel in Australia and New Zealand and to further enhance our existing integrated solutions offerings.', 'This transaction was accounted for as a business combination.', 'We recorded the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their estimated fair values as of the acquisition date.', 'Certain adjustments to estimated fair value were recorded during the year ended May 31, 2016 based on new information obtained that existed as of the acquisition date.', 'During the measurement period, management determined that deferred income taxes should be reflected for certain nondeductible intangible assets.', 'Measurement-period adjustments, which are reflected in the table below, had no material effect on earnings or other comprehensive income for the current or prior periods.', 'The revenue and earnings of Ezidebit', 'for which $92 million of the fees are offset in incentive compensation expense in accordance with the terms of the contractual agreements.', 'Certain of these incentive fees are subject to positive or negative future adjustment based on cumulative fund performance in relation to specified benchmarks.', 'The increase also reflects $68 million greater revenues from proprietary investing mainly due to appreciation and gains on sale of real estate related investments, including income of $12 million relating to a single investment in the current period and $58 million relating to two sale transactions in the prior year.', 'Asset management fees increased $88 million mainly from institutional and retail customer assets as a result of increased asset values due to market appreciation and net asset flows.', 'Expenses 2007 to 2006 Annual Comparison.', 'Expenses, as shown in the table above under “—Operating Results,” increased $170 million, from $1.457 billion in 2006 to $1.627 billion in 2007.', 'The increase is primarily driven by higher expenses associated with certain real estate funds, as discussed above.2006 to 2005 Annual Comparison.', 'Expenses increased $225 million, from $1.232 billion in 2005 to $1.457 billion in 2006.', 'The increase in expenses was primarily due to higher performance-based compensation costs resulting from favorable performance in 2006, higher expenses related to proprietary investing activities and incentive compensation related to performance based incentive fees, as discussed above.', 'Financial Advisory Operating Results The following table sets forth the Financial Advisory segment’s operating results for the periods indicated.', '## Table 1 ##', '(1) Equity in earnings of operating joint ventures are included in adjusted operating income but excluded from income from continuing operations before income taxes and equity in earnings of operating joint ventures, as they are reflected on a U. S. GAAP basis on an after-tax basis as a separate line on our Consolidated Statements of Operations.', 'On July 1, 2003, we combined our retail securities brokerage and clearing operations with those of Wachovia Corporation, or Wachovia, and formed Wachovia Securities Financial Holdings, LLC, or Wachovia Securities, a joint venture now headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.', 'As of December 31, 2007, we had a 38% ownership interest in the joint venture, with Wachovia owning the remaining 62%.', 'As part of the transaction, we retained certain assets and liabilities related to the contributed businesses, including liabilities for certain litigation and regulatory matters.', 'We account for our ownership of the joint venture under the equity method of accounting.', 'On October 1, 2007, Wachovia completed the acquisition of A. G. Edwards, Inc. , or A. G. Edwards, for $6.8 billion and on January 1, 2008 combined the retail securities brokerage business of A. G. Edwards with Wachovia Securities.', 'As discussed in Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, we have elected the “lookback” option under the terms of the agreements relating to the joint venture in connection with the combination of the A. G. Edwards business with Wachovia Securities.', 'The “lookback” option permits us to delay for approximately two years following the combination of the A. G. Edwards business with Wachovia Securities our decision to make or not to make payments to avoid or limit dilution of our ownership interest in the joint venture.', 'During this “lookback” period, our share in the earnings of the joint venture, as well as our share of the one-time costs associated with the combination, will be based on our diluted ownership level, which is in the process of being determined.', 'Any payment at the end of the “lookback” period to restore all or part of our ownership interest in the joint venture would be based on the appraised or agreed value of the existing joint venture and the A. G. Edwards business.', 'In such event, we would also need to make a true-up payment of one-time costs associated with the combination to reflect the incremental increase in our ownership interest in the joint venture.', 'Alternatively, we may at the end of the “lookback” period “put” our joint venture interests to Wachovia based on the appraised value of the joint venture, excluding the A. G. Edwards business, as of the date of the combination of the A. G. Edwards business with Wachovia Securities.', 'We also retain our separate right to “put” our joint venture interests to Wachovia at any time after July 1, 2008 based on the appraised value of the joint venture, including the A. G. Edwards business, determined as if it were a public company and including a control premium such as would apply in the case of a sale of 100% of its common equity.', 'However, if in connection with the “lookback” option we elect at the end of the “lookback” period to make payments to avoid or limit dilution, we may not exercise this “put” option prior to the first anniversary of the end of the “lookback” period.', 'Investment Results The following tables set forth the income yield and investment income, excluding realized investment gains (losses), for each major investment category of our general account for the periods indicated.', '## Table 2 ##', 'Year Ended December 31, 2006', '## Table 3 ##', '(1) Yields are based on quarterly average carrying values except for fixed maturities, equity securities and securities lending activity.', 'Yields for fixed maturities are based on amortized cost.', 'Yields for equity securities are based on cost.', 'Yields for securities lending activity are calculated net of corresponding liabilities and rebate expenses.', 'Yields exclude investment income on assets other than those included in invested assets of the Financial Services Businesses.', 'Prior periods yields are presented on a basis consistent with the current period presentation.', '(2) Includes investment income of securities brokerage, securities trading, banking operations, real estate and relocation services, and asset management operations.', 'The net investment income yield on our general account investments after investment expenses, excluding realized investment gains (losses), was 5.43% and 5.38% for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively.', 'The net investment income yield attributable to the Financial Services Businesses was 5.06% for the year ended December 31, 2007, compared to 4.99% for the year ended December 31, 2006.', 'See below for a discussion of the change in the Financial Services Businesses’ yields.', 'The net investment income yield attributable to the Closed Block Business was 6.41% for the year ended December 31, 2007, compared to 6.37% for the year ended December 31, 2006.', 'The increase was primarily due to higher income from investments in joint ventures and limited partnerships, driven by net appreciation of underlying assets and gains from the sale of underlying assets partially offset by lower mortgage loan prepayment income.']
['<table><tr><td>Cash</td><td>$4,082</td></tr><tr><td>Customer-related intangible assets</td><td>16,079</td></tr><tr><td>Acquired technology</td><td>39,820</td></tr><tr><td>Trade name</td><td>3,453</td></tr><tr><td>Other intangible assets</td><td>399</td></tr><tr><td>Other assets</td><td>6,213</td></tr><tr><td>Liabilities</td><td>-3,479</td></tr><tr><td>Deferred income tax liabilities</td><td>-7,216</td></tr><tr><td>Total identifiable net assets</td><td>59,351</td></tr><tr><td>Goodwill</td><td>66,809</td></tr><tr><td>Noncontrolling interest</td><td>-7,280</td></tr><tr><td>Total purchase consideration</td><td>$118,880</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td></td><td colspan="3">Year ended December 31,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="3">(in millions)</td></tr><tr><td> Operating results:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Revenues</td><td>$373</td><td>$314</td><td>$199</td></tr><tr><td>Expenses</td><td>76</td><td>287</td><td>454</td></tr><tr><td>Adjusted operating income</td><td>297</td><td>27</td><td>-255</td></tr><tr><td>Equity in earnings of operating joint ventures-1</td><td>-370</td><td>-294</td><td>-192</td></tr><tr><td>Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes and equity in earnings of operating joint ventures</td><td>$-73</td><td>$-267</td><td>$-447</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td></td><td colspan="6">Year Ended December 31, 2007</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="2">Financial Services Businesses</td><td colspan="2">Closed Block Business</td><td colspan="2">Combined</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>Yield-1</td><td>Amount</td><td>Yield-1</td><td>Amount</td><td>Yield-1</td><td>Amount</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="6">($ in millions)</td></tr><tr><td>Fixed maturities</td><td>5.10%</td><td>$5,700</td><td>6.59%</td><td>$3,047</td><td>5.53%</td><td>$8,747</td></tr><tr><td>Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities</td><td>5.12</td><td>716</td><td>—</td><td>—</td><td>5.12</td><td>716</td></tr><tr><td>Equity securities</td><td>4.95</td><td>198</td><td>2.91</td><td>93</td><td>4.04</td><td>291</td></tr><tr><td>Commercial loans</td><td>6.17</td><td>1,081</td><td>7.00</td><td>504</td><td>6.41</td><td>1,585</td></tr><tr><td>Policy loans</td><td>5.23</td><td>188</td><td>6.35</td><td>333</td><td>5.90</td><td>521</td></tr><tr><td>Short-term investments and cash equivalents</td><td>4.58</td><td>378</td><td>9.83</td><td>183</td><td>5.05</td><td>561</td></tr><tr><td>Other investments</td><td>4.80</td><td>136</td><td>17.83</td><td>176</td><td>8.19</td><td>312</td></tr><tr><td>Gross investment income before investment expenses</td><td>5.20</td><td>8,397</td><td>6.64</td><td>4,336</td><td>5.60</td><td>12,733</td></tr><tr><td>Investment expenses</td><td>-0.14</td><td>-521</td><td>-0.23</td><td>-547</td><td>-0.17</td><td>-1,068</td></tr><tr><td>Investment income after investment expenses</td><td>5.06%</td><td>7,876</td><td>6.41%</td><td>3,789</td><td>5.43%</td><td>11,665</td></tr><tr><td>Investment results of other entities and operations-2</td><td></td><td>352</td><td></td><td>—</td><td></td><td>352</td></tr><tr><td>Total investment income</td><td></td><td>$8,228</td><td></td><td>$3,789</td><td></td><td>$12,017</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td></td><td colspan="6">Year Ended December 31, 2006</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="2">Financial Services Businesses</td><td colspan="2">Closed Block Business</td><td colspan="2">Combined</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>Yield-1</td><td>Amount</td><td>Yield-1</td><td>Amount</td><td>Yield-1</td><td>Amount</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="6">($ in millions)</td></tr><tr><td>Fixed maturities</td><td>4.95%</td><td>$5,315</td><td>6.59%</td><td>$3,001</td><td>5.42%</td><td>$8,316</td></tr><tr><td>Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities</td><td>4.73</td><td>652</td><td>—</td><td>—</td><td>4.73</td><td>652</td></tr><tr><td>Equity securities</td><td>5.15</td><td>182</td><td>2.81</td><td>81</td><td>4.10</td><td>263</td></tr><tr><td>Commercial loans</td><td>6.15</td><td>982</td><td>7.58</td><td>529</td><td>6.58</td><td>1,511</td></tr><tr><td>Policy loans</td><td>5.04</td><td>158</td><td>6.35</td><td>333</td><td>5.86</td><td>491</td></tr><tr><td>Short-term investments and cash equivalents</td><td>5.38</td><td>342</td><td>10.91</td><td>191</td><td>6.06</td><td>533</td></tr><tr><td>Other investments</td><td>8.03</td><td>217</td><td>10.76</td><td>94</td><td>8.72</td><td>311</td></tr><tr><td>Gross investment income before investment expenses</td><td>5.14</td><td>7,848</td><td>6.61</td><td>4,229</td><td>5.56</td><td>12,077</td></tr><tr><td>Investment expenses</td><td>-0.15</td><td>-515</td><td>-0.24</td><td>-549</td><td>-0.18</td><td>-1,064</td></tr><tr><td>Investment income after investment expenses</td><td>4.99%</td><td>7,333</td><td>6.37%</td><td>3,680</td><td>5.38%</td><td>11,013</td></tr><tr><td>Investment results of other entities and operations-2</td><td></td><td>307</td><td></td><td>—</td><td></td><td>307</td></tr><tr><td>Total investment income</td><td></td><td>$7,640</td><td></td><td>$3,680</td><td></td><td>$11,320</td></tr></table>']
{'0-0-1': 'Table 0 shows Cash is $4,082 .', '0-1-1': 'Table 0 shows Customer-related intangible assets is 16079 .', '0-2-1': 'Table 0 shows Acquired technology is 39820 .', '0-3-1': 'Table 0 shows Trade name is 3453 .', '0-4-1': 'Table 0 shows Other intangible assets is 399 .', '0-5-1': 'Table 0 shows Other assets is 6213 .', '0-6-1': 'Table 0 shows Liabilities is -3479 .', '0-7-1': 'Table 0 shows Deferred income tax liabilities is -7216 .', '0-8-1': 'Table 0 shows Total identifiable net assets is 59351 .', '0-9-1': 'Table 0 shows Goodwill is 66809 .', '0-10-1': 'Table 0 shows Noncontrolling interest is -7280 .', '0-11-1': 'Table 0 shows Total purchase consideration is $118,880 .', '1-4-1': 'Table 1 shows Revenues of Year ended December 31, 2007 (in millions) is $373 .', '1-4-2': 'Table 1 shows Revenues of Year ended December 31, 2006 (in millions) is $314 .', '1-4-3': 'Table 1 shows Revenues of Year ended December 31, 2005 (in millions) is $199 .', '1-5-1': 'Table 1 shows Expenses of Year ended December 31, 2007 (in millions) is 76 .', '1-5-2': 'Table 1 shows Expenses of Year ended December 31, 2006 (in millions) is 287 .', '1-5-3': 'Table 1 shows Expenses of Year ended December 31, 2005 (in millions) is 454 .', '1-6-1': 'Table 1 shows Adjusted operating income of Year ended December 31, 2007 (in millions) is 297 .', '1-6-2': 'Table 1 shows Adjusted operating income of Year ended December 31, 2006 (in millions) is 27 .', '1-6-3': 'Table 1 shows Adjusted operating income of Year ended December 31, 2005 (in millions) is -255 .', '1-7-1': 'Table 1 shows Equity in earnings of operating joint ventures-1 of Year ended December 31, 2007 (in millions) is -370 .', '1-7-2': 'Table 1 shows Equity in earnings of operating joint ventures-1 of Year ended December 31, 2006 (in millions) is -294 .', '1-7-3': 'Table 1 shows Equity in earnings of operating joint ventures-1 of Year ended December 31, 2005 (in millions) is -192 .', '1-8-1': 'Table 1 shows Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes and equity in earnings of operating joint ventures of Year ended December 31, 2007 (in millions) is $-73 .', '1-8-2': 'Table 1 shows Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes and equity in earnings of operating joint ventures of Year ended December 31, 2006 (in millions) is $-267 .', '1-8-3': 'Table 1 shows Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes and equity in earnings of operating joint ventures of Year ended December 31, 2005 (in millions) is $-447 .', '2-4-1': 'Table 2 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.10% .', '2-4-2': 'Table 2 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is $5,700 .', '2-4-3': 'Table 2 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.59% .', '2-4-4': 'Table 2 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is $3,047 .', '2-4-5': 'Table 2 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.53% .', '2-4-6': 'Table 2 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is $8,747 .', '2-5-1': 'Table 2 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.12 .', '2-5-2': 'Table 2 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 716 .', '2-5-5': 'Table 2 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.12 .', '2-5-6': 'Table 2 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 716 .', '2-6-1': 'Table 2 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.95 .', '2-6-2': 'Table 2 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 198 .', '2-6-3': 'Table 2 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 2.91 .', '2-6-4': 'Table 2 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 93 .', '2-6-5': 'Table 2 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.04 .', '2-6-6': 'Table 2 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 291 .', '2-7-1': 'Table 2 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.17 .', '2-7-2': 'Table 2 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 1081 .', '2-7-3': 'Table 2 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 7.00 .', '2-7-4': 'Table 2 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 504 .', '2-7-5': 'Table 2 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.41 .', '2-7-6': 'Table 2 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 1585 .', '2-8-1': 'Table 2 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.23 .', '2-8-2': 'Table 2 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 188 .', '2-8-3': 'Table 2 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.35 .', '2-8-4': 'Table 2 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 333 .', '2-8-5': 'Table 2 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.90 .', '2-8-6': 'Table 2 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 521 .', '2-9-1': 'Table 2 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.58 .', '2-9-2': 'Table 2 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 378 .', '2-9-3': 'Table 2 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 9.83 .', '2-9-4': 'Table 2 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 183 .', '2-9-5': 'Table 2 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.05 .', '2-9-6': 'Table 2 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 561 .', '2-10-1': 'Table 2 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.80 .', '2-10-2': 'Table 2 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 136 .', '2-10-3': 'Table 2 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 17.83 .', '2-10-4': 'Table 2 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 176 .', '2-10-5': 'Table 2 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 8.19 .', '2-10-6': 'Table 2 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 312 .', '2-11-1': 'Table 2 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.20 .', '2-11-2': 'Table 2 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 8397 .', '2-11-3': 'Table 2 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.64 .', '2-11-4': 'Table 2 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 4336 .', '2-11-5': 'Table 2 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.60 .', '2-11-6': 'Table 2 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 12733 .', '2-12-1': 'Table 2 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is -0.14 .', '2-12-2': 'Table 2 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is -521 .', '2-12-3': 'Table 2 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is -0.23 .', '2-12-4': 'Table 2 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is -547 .', '2-12-5': 'Table 2 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is -0.17 .', '2-12-6': 'Table 2 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is -1068 .', '2-13-1': 'Table 2 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.06% .', '2-13-2': 'Table 2 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 7876 .', '2-13-3': 'Table 2 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.41% .', '2-13-4': 'Table 2 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 3789 .', '2-13-5': 'Table 2 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.43% .', '2-13-6': 'Table 2 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 11665 .', '2-14-2': 'Table 2 shows Investment results of other entities and operations-2 of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 352 .', '2-14-6': 'Table 2 shows Investment results of other entities and operations-2 of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 352 .', '2-15-2': 'Table 2 shows Total investment income of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is $8,228 .', '2-15-4': 'Table 2 shows Total investment income of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is $3,789 .', '2-15-6': 'Table 2 shows Total investment income of Year Ended December 31, 2007 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is $12,017 .', '3-4-1': 'Table 3 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.95% .', '3-4-2': 'Table 3 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is $5,315 .', '3-4-3': 'Table 3 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.59% .', '3-4-4': 'Table 3 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is $3,001 .', '3-4-5': 'Table 3 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.42% .', '3-4-6': 'Table 3 shows Fixed maturities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is $8,316 .', '3-5-1': 'Table 3 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.73 .', '3-5-2': 'Table 3 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 652 .', '3-5-5': 'Table 3 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.73 .', '3-5-6': 'Table 3 shows Trading account assets supporting insurance liabilities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 652 .', '3-6-1': 'Table 3 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.15 .', '3-6-2': 'Table 3 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 182 .', '3-6-3': 'Table 3 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 2.81 .', '3-6-4': 'Table 3 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 81 .', '3-6-5': 'Table 3 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.10 .', '3-6-6': 'Table 3 shows Equity securities of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 263 .', '3-7-1': 'Table 3 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.15 .', '3-7-2': 'Table 3 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 982 .', '3-7-3': 'Table 3 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 7.58 .', '3-7-4': 'Table 3 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 529 .', '3-7-5': 'Table 3 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.58 .', '3-7-6': 'Table 3 shows Commercial loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 1511 .', '3-8-1': 'Table 3 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.04 .', '3-8-2': 'Table 3 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 158 .', '3-8-3': 'Table 3 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.35 .', '3-8-4': 'Table 3 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 333 .', '3-8-5': 'Table 3 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.86 .', '3-8-6': 'Table 3 shows Policy loans of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 491 .', '3-9-1': 'Table 3 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.38 .', '3-9-2': 'Table 3 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 342 .', '3-9-3': 'Table 3 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 10.91 .', '3-9-4': 'Table 3 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 191 .', '3-9-5': 'Table 3 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.06 .', '3-9-6': 'Table 3 shows Short-term investments and cash equivalents of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 533 .', '3-10-1': 'Table 3 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 8.03 .', '3-10-2': 'Table 3 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 217 .', '3-10-3': 'Table 3 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 10.76 .', '3-10-4': 'Table 3 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 94 .', '3-10-5': 'Table 3 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 8.72 .', '3-10-6': 'Table 3 shows Other investments of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 311 .', '3-11-1': 'Table 3 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.14 .', '3-11-2': 'Table 3 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 7848 .', '3-11-3': 'Table 3 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.61 .', '3-11-4': 'Table 3 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 4229 .', '3-11-5': 'Table 3 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.56 .', '3-11-6': 'Table 3 shows Gross investment income before investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 12077 .', '3-12-1': 'Table 3 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is -0.15 .', '3-12-2': 'Table 3 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is -515 .', '3-12-3': 'Table 3 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is -0.24 .', '3-12-4': 'Table 3 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is -549 .', '3-12-5': 'Table 3 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is -0.18 .', '3-12-6': 'Table 3 shows Investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is -1064 .', '3-13-1': 'Table 3 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 4.99% .', '3-13-2': 'Table 3 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 7333 .', '3-13-3': 'Table 3 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 6.37% .', '3-13-4': 'Table 3 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is 3680 .', '3-13-5': 'Table 3 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Yield-1 ($ in millions) is 5.38% .', '3-13-6': 'Table 3 shows Investment income after investment expenses of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 11013 .', '3-14-2': 'Table 3 shows Investment results of other entities and operations-2 of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is 307 .', '3-14-6': 'Table 3 shows Investment results of other entities and operations-2 of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is 307 .', '3-15-2': 'Table 3 shows Total investment income of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Financial Services Businesses Amount ($ in millions) is $7,640 .', '3-15-4': 'Table 3 shows Total investment income of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Closed Block Business Amount ($ in millions) is $3,680 .', '3-15-6': 'Table 3 shows Total investment income of Year Ended December 31, 2006 Combined Amount ($ in millions) is $11,320 .'}
{'question': 'What was the total amount of Amount in 2007 for Financial Services Businesses ? (in million)', 'answer': '8228', 'table_evidence': ['2-15-2'], 'program': '', 'text_evidence': [62], 'question_type': 'span_selection'}
What was the total amount of Amount in 2007 for Financial Services Businesses ? (in million)
['Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries Notes to Financial Statements 145 The fair value of debt securities, summarized by contractual maturities, as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:', '## Table 0 ##', 'During the years ended December 31, 2009, 2008, and 2007, proceeds from the dispositions of securities amounted to $2,571 million, $1,652 million, and $1,583 million, respectively.', 'During the years ended December 31, 2009, 2008, and 2007, gross gains of $80 million, $26 million, and $5 million, respectively, and gross losses of $30 million, $20 million, and $4 million, respectively, were reclassified out of other comprehensive income into earnings.', 'Other-than-temporary impairments and unrealized gains and losses Entergy evaluates unrealized losses at the end of each period to determine whether an other-than-temporary impairment has occurred.', 'Effective January 1, 2009, Entergy adopted an accounting pronouncement providing guidance regarding recognition and presentation of other-than-temporary impairments related to investments in debt securities.', 'The assessment of whether an investment in a debt security has suffered an other-than-temporary impairment is based on whether Entergy has the intent to sell or more likely than not will be required to sell the debt security before recovery of its amortized costs.', 'Further, if Entergy does not expect to recover the entire amortized cost basis of the debt security, an other-than-temporary impairment is considered to have occurred and it is measured by the present value of cash flows expected to be collected less the amortized cost basis (credit loss).', 'For debt securities held as of January 1, 2009 for which an other-than-temporary impairment had previously been recognized but for which assessment under the new guidance indicates this impairment is temporary, Entergy recorded an adjustment to its opening balance of retained earnings of $11.3 million ($6.4 million net-of-tax).', 'Entergy did not have any material other-than-temporary impairments relating to credit losses on debt securities in 2009.', 'The assessment of whether an investment in an equity security has suffered an other-than-temporary impairment continues to be based on a number of factors including, first, whether Entergy has the ability and intent to hold the investment to recover its value, the duration and severity of any losses, and, then, whether it is expected that the investment will recover its value within a reasonable period of time.', "Entergy's trusts are managed by third parties who operate in accordance with agreements that define investment guidelines and place restrictions on the purchases and sales of investments.", 'Non-Utility Nuclear recorded charges to other income of $86 million in 2009, $50 million in 2008, and $5 million in 2007, resulting from the recognition of the other-than-temporary impairment of certain equity securities held in its decommissioning trust funds.', 'NOTE 18.', 'ENTERGY NEW ORLEANS BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING As a result of the effects of Hurricane Katrina and the effect of extensive flooding that resulted from levee breaks in and around the New Orleans area, on September 23, 2005, Entergy New Orleans filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy court seeking reorganization relief under Chapter 11 of the U. S. Bankruptcy Code.', "On May 7, 2007, the bankruptcy judge entered an order confirming Entergy New Orleans' plan of reorganization.", 'With the receipt of CDBG funds, and the agreement on insurance recovery with one of its excess insurers, Entergy New Orleans waived the conditions precedent in its plan of reorganization and the plan became effective on May 8, 2007.', "Following are significant terms in Entergy New Orleans' plan of reorganization:", 'As a result of the accounting for uncertain tax positions, the amount of the deferred tax assets reflected in the financial statements is less than the amount of the tax effect of the federal and state net operating loss carryovers, tax credit carryovers, and other tax attributes reflected on income tax returns.', 'Because it is more likely than not that the benefit from certain state net operating and capital loss carryovers will not be utilized, a valuation allowance of $66 million and $13 million has been provided on the deferred tax assets relating to these state net operating and capital loss carryovers, respectively.', 'Significant components of accumulated deferred income taxes and taxes accrued for the Registrant Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 are as follows:', '## Table 1 ##', 'Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Management’s Financial Discussion and Analysis 327 2010 Compared to 2009 Net revenue consists of operating revenues net of: 1) fuel, fuel-related expenses, and gas purchased for resale, 2) purchased power expenses, and 3) other regulatory charges (credits).', 'Following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2010 to 2009.', '## Table 2 ##', 'The volume/weather variance is primarily due to an increase of 1,046 GWh, or 8%, in billed electricity usage in all sectors, primarily due to the effect of more favorable weather on the residential sector.', 'Gross operating revenues, fuel and purchased power expenses, and other regulatory charges (credits) Gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $22 million in power management rider revenue as the result of higher rates, the volume/weather variance discussed above, and an increase in Grand Gulf rider revenue as a result of higher rates and increased usage, offset by a decrease of $23.5 million in fuel cost recovery revenues due to lower fuel rates.', 'Fuel and purchased power expenses decreased primarily due to a decrease in deferred fuel expense as a result of prior over-collections, offset by an increase in the average market price of purchased power coupled with increased net area demand.', 'Other regulatory charges increased primarily due to increased recovery of costs associated with the power management recovery rider.', 'Other Income Statement Variances 2011 Compared to 2010 Other operation and maintenance expenses decreased primarily due to: x a $5.4 million decrease in compensation and benefits costs primarily resulting from an increase in the accrual for incentive-based compensation in 2010 and a decrease in stock option expense; and x the sale of $4.9 million of surplus oil inventory.', 'The decrease was partially offset by an increase of $3.9 million in legal expenses due to the deferral in 2010 of certain litigation expenses in accordance with regulatory treatment.', 'Taxes other than income taxes increased primarily due to an increase in ad valorem taxes due to a higher 2011 assessment as compared to 2010, partially offset by higher capitalized property taxes as compared with prior year.', 'Depreciation and amortization expenses increased primarily due to an increase in plant in service.', 'Interest expense decreased primarily due to a revision caused by FERC’s acceptance of a change in the treatment of funds received from independent power producers for transmission interconnection projects.', 'Entergy New Orleans, Inc. Management’s Financial Discussion and Analysis 350 Also in addition to the contractual obligations, Entergy New Orleans has $53.7 million of unrecognized tax benefits and interest net of unused tax attributes and payments for which the timing of payments beyond 12 months cannot be reasonably estimated due to uncertainties in the timing of effective settlement of tax positions.', 'See Note 3 to the financial statements for additional information regarding unrecognized tax benefits.', 'The planned capital investment estimate for Entergy New Orleans reflects capital required to support existing business.', 'The estimated capital expenditures are subject to periodic review and modification and may vary based on the ongoing effects of regulatory constraints, environmental compliance, market volatility, economic trends, changes in project plans, and the ability to access capital.', 'Management provides more information on long-term debt and preferred stock maturities in Notes 5 and 6 and to the financial statements.', 'As an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, Entergy New Orleans pays dividends from its earnings at a percentage determined monthly.', 'Entergy New Orleans’s long-term debt indentures contain restrictions on the payment of cash dividends or other distributions on its common and preferred stock.', 'Sources of Capital Entergy New Orleans’s sources to meet its capital requirements include: x internally generated funds; x cash on hand; and x debt and preferred stock issuances.', 'Entergy New Orleans may refinance, redeem, or otherwise retire debt and preferred stock prior to maturity, to the extent market conditions and interest and dividend rates are favorable.', 'Entergy New Orleans’s receivables from the money pool were as follows as of December 31 for each of the following years:', '## Table 3 ##', 'See Note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool.', 'Entergy New Orleans has obtained short-term borrowing authorization from the FERC under which it may borrow through October 2013, up to the aggregate amount, at any one time outstanding, of $100 million.', 'See Note 4 to the financial statements for further discussion of Entergy New Orleans’s short-term borrowing limits.', 'The long-term securities issuances of Entergy New Orleans are limited to amounts authorized by the City Council, and the current authorization extends through July 2012.', 'Entergy Louisiana’s Ninemile Point Unit 6 Self-Build Project In June 2011, Entergy Louisiana filed with the LPSC an application seeking certification that the public necessity and convenience would be served by Entergy Louisiana’s construction of a combined-cycle gas turbine generating facility (Ninemile 6) at its existing Ninemile Point electric generating station.', 'Ninemile 6 will be a nominally-sized 550 MW unit that is estimated to cost approximately $721 million to construct, excluding interconnection and transmission upgrades.', 'Entergy Gulf States Louisiana joined in the application, seeking certification of its purchase under a life-of-unit power purchase agreement of up to 35% of the capacity and energy generated by Ninemile 6.', 'The Ninemile 6 capacity and energy is proposed to be allocated 55% to Entergy Louisiana, 25% to Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, and 20% to Entergy New Orleans.', 'In February 2012 the City Council passed a resolution authorizing Entergy New Orleans to purchase 20% of the Ninemile 6 energy and capacity.', 'If approvals are obtained from the LPSC and other permitting agencies, Ninemile 6 construction is', 'Equity Compensation Plan Information The following table summarizes the equity compensation plan information as of December 31, 2011.', 'Information is included for equity compensation plans approved by the stockholders and equity compensation plans not approved by the stockholders.']
['<table><tr><td></td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="2">(In Millions)</td></tr><tr><td>less than 1 year</td><td>$31</td><td>$21</td></tr><tr><td>1 year - 5 years</td><td>676</td><td>526</td></tr><tr><td>5 years - 10 years</td><td>388</td><td>490</td></tr><tr><td>10 years - 15 years</td><td>131</td><td>146</td></tr><tr><td>15 years - 20 years</td><td>34</td><td>52</td></tr><tr><td>20 years+</td><td>163</td><td>161</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>$1,423</td><td>$1,396</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td>2011</td><td>Entergy Arkansas</td><td>Entergy Gulf States Louisiana</td><td>Entergy Louisiana</td><td>Entergy Mississippi</td><td>Entergy New Orleans</td><td>Entergy Texas</td><td>System Energy</td></tr><tr><td></td><td colspan="7">(In Thousands)</td></tr><tr><td>Deferred tax liabilities:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Plant basis differences - net</td><td>-$1,375,502</td><td>-$1,224,422</td><td>-$1,085,047</td><td>-$608,596</td><td>-$169,538</td><td>-$892,707</td><td>-$505,369</td></tr><tr><td>Regulatory asset for income taxes - net</td><td>-64,204</td><td>-140,644</td><td>-121,388</td><td>-28,183</td><td>70,973</td><td>-59,812</td><td>-87,550</td></tr><tr><td>Power purchase agreements</td><td>94</td><td>3,938</td><td>-1</td><td>2,383</td><td>22</td><td>2,547</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Nuclear decommissioning trusts</td><td>-53,789</td><td>-21,096</td><td>-22,441</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-19,138</td></tr><tr><td>Deferred fuel</td><td>-82,452</td><td>-1,225</td><td>-4,285</td><td>718</td><td>-331</td><td>3,932</td><td>-8</td></tr><tr><td>Other</td><td>-107,558</td><td>-1,532</td><td>-26,373</td><td>-10,193</td><td>-18,319</td><td>-14,097</td><td>-9,333</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>-$1,683,411</td><td>-$1,384,981</td><td>-$1,259,535</td><td>-$643,871</td><td>-$117,193</td><td>-$960,137</td><td>-$621,398</td></tr><tr><td>Deferred tax assets:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Accumulated deferred investment</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>tax credits</td><td>16,843</td><td>31,367</td><td>28,197</td><td>2,437</td><td>592</td><td>6,769</td><td>22,133</td></tr><tr><td>Pension and OPEB</td><td>-75,399</td><td>92,602</td><td>19,866</td><td>-30,390</td><td>-11,713</td><td>-41,964</td><td>-19,593</td></tr><tr><td>Nuclear decommissioning liabilities</td><td>-104,862</td><td>-38,683</td><td>56,399</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-47,360</td></tr><tr><td>Sale and leaseback</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>66,801</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>150,629</td></tr><tr><td>Provision for regulatory adjustments</td><td>-</td><td>97,608</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Provision for contingencies</td><td>4,167</td><td>90</td><td>3,940</td><td>2,465</td><td>10,121</td><td>2,299</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Unbilled/deferred revenues</td><td>15,222</td><td>-21,918</td><td>-7,108</td><td>8,990</td><td>2,707</td><td>14,324</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Customer deposits</td><td>7,019</td><td>618</td><td>5,699</td><td>1,379</td><td>109</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Rate refund</td><td>11,627</td><td>-</td><td>134</td><td>-</td><td>2</td><td>-3,924</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Net operating loss carryforwards</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>39,153</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>58,546</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>Other</td><td>3,485</td><td>27,392</td><td>18,824</td><td>4,826</td><td>5,248</td><td>37,734</td><td>25,724</td></tr><tr><td>Total</td><td>-121,898</td><td>189,076</td><td>231,905</td><td>-10,293</td><td>7,066</td><td>73,784</td><td>131,533</td></tr><tr><td>Noncurrent accrued taxes (including</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>unrecognized tax benefits)</td><td>-27,718</td><td>-206,752</td><td>-75,750</td><td>-6,271</td><td>-27,859</td><td>39,799</td><td>-165,981</td></tr><tr><td>Accumulated deferred income</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>taxes and taxes accrued</td><td>-$1,833,027</td><td>-$1,402,657</td><td>-$1,103,380</td><td>-$660,435</td><td>-$137,986</td><td>-$846,554</td><td>-$655,846</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td></td><td>Amount (In Millions)</td></tr><tr><td>2009 net revenue</td><td>$536.7</td></tr><tr><td>Volume/weather</td><td>18.9</td></tr><tr><td>Other</td><td>-0.3</td></tr><tr><td>2010 net revenue</td><td>$555.3</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td>2011</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>(In Thousands)</td></tr><tr><td>$9,074</td><td>$21,820</td><td>$66,149</td><td>$60,093</td></tr></table>']
{'0-2-1': 'Table 0 shows less than 1 year of 2009 (In Millions) is $31 .', '0-2-2': 'Table 0 shows less than 1 year of 2008 (In Millions) is $21 .', '0-3-1': 'Table 0 shows 1 year - 5 years of 2009 (In Millions) is 676 .', '0-3-2': 'Table 0 shows 1 year - 5 years of 2008 (In Millions) is 526 .', '0-4-1': 'Table 0 shows 5 years - 10 years of 2009 (In Millions) is 388 .', '0-4-2': 'Table 0 shows 5 years - 10 years of 2008 (In Millions) is 490 .', '0-5-1': 'Table 0 shows 10 years - 15 years of 2009 (In Millions) is 131 .', '0-5-2': 'Table 0 shows 10 years - 15 years of 2008 (In Millions) is 146 .', '0-6-1': 'Table 0 shows 15 years - 20 years of 2009 (In Millions) is 34 .', '0-6-2': 'Table 0 shows 15 years - 20 years of 2008 (In Millions) is 52 .', '0-7-1': 'Table 0 shows 20 years+ of 2009 (In Millions) is 163 .', '0-7-2': 'Table 0 shows 20 years+ of 2008 (In Millions) is 161 .', '0-8-1': 'Table 0 shows Total of 2009 (In Millions) is $1,423 .', '0-8-2': 'Table 0 shows Total of 2008 (In Millions) is $1,396 .', '1-4-1': 'Table 1 shows Regulatory asset for income taxes - net of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -64204 .', '1-4-2': 'Table 1 shows Regulatory asset for income taxes - net of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -140644 .', '1-4-3': 'Table 1 shows Regulatory asset for income taxes - net of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -121388 .', '1-4-4': 'Table 1 shows Regulatory asset for income taxes - net of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is -28183 .', '1-4-5': 'Table 1 shows Regulatory asset for income taxes - net of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 70973 .', '1-4-6': 'Table 1 shows Regulatory asset for income taxes - net of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is -59812 .', '1-4-7': 'Table 1 shows Regulatory asset for income taxes - net of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -87550 .', '1-5-1': 'Table 1 shows Power purchase agreements of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is 94 .', '1-5-2': 'Table 1 shows Power purchase agreements of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 3938 .', '1-5-3': 'Table 1 shows Power purchase agreements of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -1 .', '1-5-4': 'Table 1 shows Power purchase agreements of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is 2383 .', '1-5-5': 'Table 1 shows Power purchase agreements of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 22 .', '1-5-6': 'Table 1 shows Power purchase agreements of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 2547 .', '1-6-1': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning trusts of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -53789 .', '1-6-2': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning trusts of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -21096 .', '1-6-3': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning trusts of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -22441 .', '1-6-7': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning trusts of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -19138 .', '1-7-1': 'Table 1 shows Deferred fuel of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -82452 .', '1-7-2': 'Table 1 shows Deferred fuel of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -1225 .', '1-7-3': 'Table 1 shows Deferred fuel of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -4285 .', '1-7-4': 'Table 1 shows Deferred fuel of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is 718 .', '1-7-5': 'Table 1 shows Deferred fuel of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is -331 .', '1-7-6': 'Table 1 shows Deferred fuel of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 3932 .', '1-7-7': 'Table 1 shows Deferred fuel of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -8 .', '1-8-1': 'Table 1 shows Other of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -107558 .', '1-8-2': 'Table 1 shows Other of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -1532 .', '1-8-3': 'Table 1 shows Other of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -26373 .', '1-8-4': 'Table 1 shows Other of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is -10193 .', '1-8-5': 'Table 1 shows Other of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is -18319 .', '1-8-6': 'Table 1 shows Other of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is -14097 .', '1-8-7': 'Table 1 shows Other of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -9333 .', '1-9-1': 'Table 1 shows Total of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -$1,683,411 .', '1-9-2': 'Table 1 shows Total of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -$1,384,981 .', '1-9-3': 'Table 1 shows Total of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -$1,259,535 .', '1-9-4': 'Table 1 shows Total of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is -$643,871 .', '1-9-5': 'Table 1 shows Total of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is -$117,193 .', '1-9-6': 'Table 1 shows Total of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is -$960,137 .', '1-9-7': 'Table 1 shows Total of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -$621,398 .', '1-12-1': 'Table 1 shows tax credits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is 16843 .', '1-12-2': 'Table 1 shows tax credits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 31367 .', '1-12-3': 'Table 1 shows tax credits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 28197 .', '1-12-4': 'Table 1 shows tax credits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is 2437 .', '1-12-5': 'Table 1 shows tax credits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 592 .', '1-12-6': 'Table 1 shows tax credits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 6769 .', '1-12-7': 'Table 1 shows tax credits Accumulated deferred investment of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is 22133 .', '1-13-1': 'Table 1 shows Pension and OPEB Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -75399 .', '1-13-2': 'Table 1 shows Pension and OPEB Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 92602 .', '1-13-3': 'Table 1 shows Pension and OPEB Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 19866 .', '1-13-4': 'Table 1 shows Pension and OPEB Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is -30390 .', '1-13-5': 'Table 1 shows Pension and OPEB Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is -11713 .', '1-13-6': 'Table 1 shows Pension and OPEB Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is -41964 .', '1-13-7': 'Table 1 shows Pension and OPEB Accumulated deferred investment of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -19593 .', '1-14-1': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning liabilities Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -104862 .', '1-14-2': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning liabilities Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -38683 .', '1-14-3': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning liabilities Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 56399 .', '1-14-7': 'Table 1 shows Nuclear decommissioning liabilities Accumulated deferred investment of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -47360 .', '1-15-3': 'Table 1 shows Sale and leaseback Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 66801 .', '1-15-7': 'Table 1 shows Sale and leaseback Accumulated deferred investment of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is 150629 .', '1-16-2': 'Table 1 shows Provision for regulatory adjustments Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 97608 .', '1-17-1': 'Table 1 shows Provision for contingencies Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is 4167 .', '1-17-2': 'Table 1 shows Provision for contingencies Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 90 .', '1-17-3': 'Table 1 shows Provision for contingencies Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 3940 .', '1-17-4': 'Table 1 shows Provision for contingencies Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is 2465 .', '1-17-5': 'Table 1 shows Provision for contingencies Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 10121 .', '1-17-6': 'Table 1 shows Provision for contingencies Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 2299 .', '1-18-1': 'Table 1 shows Unbilled/deferred revenues Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is 15222 .', '1-18-2': 'Table 1 shows Unbilled/deferred revenues Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -21918 .', '1-18-3': 'Table 1 shows Unbilled/deferred revenues Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -7108 .', '1-18-4': 'Table 1 shows Unbilled/deferred revenues Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is 8990 .', '1-18-5': 'Table 1 shows Unbilled/deferred revenues Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 2707 .', '1-18-6': 'Table 1 shows Unbilled/deferred revenues Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 14324 .', '1-19-1': 'Table 1 shows Customer deposits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is 7019 .', '1-19-2': 'Table 1 shows Customer deposits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 618 .', '1-19-3': 'Table 1 shows Customer deposits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 5699 .', '1-19-4': 'Table 1 shows Customer deposits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is 1379 .', '1-19-5': 'Table 1 shows Customer deposits Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 109 .', '1-20-1': 'Table 1 shows Rate refund Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is 11627 .', '1-20-3': 'Table 1 shows Rate refund Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 134 .', '1-20-5': 'Table 1 shows Rate refund Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 2 .', '1-20-6': 'Table 1 shows Rate refund Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is -3924 .', '1-21-3': 'Table 1 shows Net operating loss carryforwards Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 39153 .', '1-21-6': 'Table 1 shows Net operating loss carryforwards Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 58546 .', '1-22-1': 'Table 1 shows Other Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is 3485 .', '1-22-2': 'Table 1 shows Other Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 27392 .', '1-22-3': 'Table 1 shows Other Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 18824 .', '1-22-4': 'Table 1 shows Other Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is 4826 .', '1-22-5': 'Table 1 shows Other Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 5248 .', '1-22-6': 'Table 1 shows Other Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 37734 .', '1-22-7': 'Table 1 shows Other Accumulated deferred investment of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is 25724 .', '1-23-1': 'Table 1 shows Total Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -121898 .', '1-23-2': 'Table 1 shows Total Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is 189076 .', '1-23-3': 'Table 1 shows Total Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is 231905 .', '1-23-4': 'Table 1 shows Total Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is -10293 .', '1-23-5': 'Table 1 shows Total Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is 7066 .', '1-23-6': 'Table 1 shows Total Accumulated deferred investment of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 73784 .', '1-23-7': 'Table 1 shows Total Accumulated deferred investment of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is 131533 .', '1-25-1': 'Table 1 shows unrecognized tax benefits) Noncurrent accrued taxes (including of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -27718 .', '1-25-2': 'Table 1 shows unrecognized tax benefits) Noncurrent accrued taxes (including of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -206752 .', '1-25-3': 'Table 1 shows unrecognized tax benefits) Noncurrent accrued taxes (including of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -75750 .', '1-25-4': 'Table 1 shows unrecognized tax benefits) Noncurrent accrued taxes (including of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is -6271 .', '1-25-5': 'Table 1 shows unrecognized tax benefits) Noncurrent accrued taxes (including of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is -27859 .', '1-25-6': 'Table 1 shows unrecognized tax benefits) Noncurrent accrued taxes (including of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is 39799 .', '1-25-7': 'Table 1 shows unrecognized tax benefits) Noncurrent accrued taxes (including of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -165981 .', '1-27-1': 'Table 1 shows taxes and taxes accrued Accumulated deferred income of Entergy Arkansas (In Thousands) -$1,375,502 is -$1,833,027 .', '1-27-2': 'Table 1 shows taxes and taxes accrued Accumulated deferred income of Entergy Gulf States Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,224,422 is -$1,402,657 .', '1-27-3': 'Table 1 shows taxes and taxes accrued Accumulated deferred income of Entergy Louisiana (In Thousands) -$1,085,047 is -$1,103,380 .', '1-27-4': 'Table 1 shows taxes and taxes accrued Accumulated deferred income of Entergy Mississippi (In Thousands) -$608,596 is -$660,435 .', '1-27-5': 'Table 1 shows taxes and taxes accrued Accumulated deferred income of Entergy New Orleans (In Thousands) -$169,538 is -$137,986 .', '1-27-6': 'Table 1 shows taxes and taxes accrued Accumulated deferred income of Entergy Texas (In Thousands) -$892,707 is -$846,554 .', '1-27-7': 'Table 1 shows taxes and taxes accrued Accumulated deferred income of System Energy (In Thousands) -$505,369 is -$655,846 .', '2-1-1': 'Table 2 shows 2009 net revenue of Amount (In Millions) is $536.7 .', '2-2-1': 'Table 2 shows Volume/weather of Amount (In Millions) is 18.9 .', '2-3-1': 'Table 2 shows Other of Amount (In Millions) is -0.3 .', '2-4-1': 'Table 2 shows 2010 net revenue of Amount (In Millions) is $555.3 .', '3-2-1': 'Table 3 shows $9,074 of 2010 is $21,820 .', '3-2-2': 'Table 3 shows $9,074 of 2009 is $66,149 .', '3-2-3': 'Table 3 shows $9,074 of 2008 is $60,093 .'}
{'question': 'Does the average value of Power purchase agreements in Entergy Arkansas greater than that in Entergy Louisiana?', 'answer': 'yes', 'table_evidence': ['1-5-1', '1-5-3'], 'program': '', 'text_evidence': [20], 'question_type': 'span_selection'}
Does the average value of Power purchase agreements in Entergy Arkansas greater than that in Entergy Louisiana?
['The calculation of earnings per common share and diluted earnings per common share for 2004, 2003 and 2002 is presented below.', 'See Note 1 of the Consolidated Financial Statements for a discus\x02sion on the calculation of earnings per common share.', '## Table 0 ##', '(1) For 2004, 2003 and 2002, average options to purchase 10 million, 19 million and 45 million shares, respectively, were outstanding but not included in the computation of earnings per common share because they were antidilutive.', '(2) Includes incremental shares from assumed conversions of convertible preferred stock, restricted stock units, restricted stock shares and stock options.', 'Note 14 Regulatory Requirements and Restrictions The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB) requires the Corporation’s banking subsidiaries to maintain reserve balances based on a percentage of certain deposits.', 'Average daily reserve bal\x02ances required by the FRB were $6.9 billion and $4.1 billion for 2004 and 2003, respectively.', 'Currency and coin residing in branches and cash vaults (vault cash) are used to partially satisfy the reserve requirement.', 'The average daily reserve balances, in excess of vault cash, held with the Federal Reserve Bank amounted to $70 million and $317 million for 2004 and 2003, respectively.', 'The primary source of funds for cash distributions by the Corporation to its shareholders is dividends received from its bank\x02ing subsidiaries.', 'Bank of America, N. A. and Fleet National Bank declared and paid dividends of $5.9 billion and $1.3 billion, respec\x02tively, for 2004 to the parent.', 'In 2005, Bank of America, N. A. and Fleet National Bank can declare and pay dividends to the parent of $4.7 billion and $790 million plus an additional amount equal to their net profits for 2005, as defined by statute, up to the date of any such dividend declaration.', 'The other subsidiary national banks can initiate aggregate dividend payments in 2005 of $2.6 billion plus an addi\x02tional amount equal to their net profits for 2005, as defined by statute, up to the date of any such dividend declaration.', 'The amount of dividends that each subsidiary bank may declare in a calendar year without approval by the OCC is the subsidiary bank’s net profits for that year combined with its net retained profits, as defined, for the preceding two years.', 'The FRB, the OCC and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the Agencies) have issued regulatory capital guidelines for U. S. banking organizations.', 'Failure to meet the capital requirements can initiate certain mandatory and discretionary actions by regulators that could have a material effect on the Corporation’s financial statements.', 'At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Corporation and Bank of America, N. A. were classified as well-capitalized under this regulatory framework.', 'At December 31, 2004, Fleet National Bank was classified as well-capitalized under this regulatory framework.', 'There have been no conditions or events since December 31, 2004 that management believes have changed the Corporation’s, Bank of America, N. A.', '’s or Fleet National Bank’s capital classifications.', '## Table 1 ##', 'The strategy for GCSBB is to attract, retain and deepen customer relationships.', 'We achieve this strategy through our ability to offer a wide range of products and services through a franchise that stretches coast to coast through 32 states and the District of Columbia.', 'We also provide credit card products to customers in Canada, Ireland, Spain and the United Kingdom.', 'In the U. S. , we serve approximately 59 million consumer and small business relationships utilizing our network of 6,149 banking centers, 18,753 domestic branded ATMs, and telephone and Internet channels.', 'Within GCSBB, there are three primary businesses: Deposits, Card Services, and Consumer Real Estate.', 'In addition, ALM/Other includes the results of ALM activities and other consumer-related busi\x02nesses (e. g. , insurance).', 'GCSBB, specifically Card Services, is presented on a managed basis.', 'For a reconciliation of managed GCSBB to held GCSBB, see Note 22 – Business Segment Information to the Consolidated Financial Statements.', 'During 2007, Visa Inc. filed a registration statement with the SEC with respect to a proposed IPO.', 'Subject to market conditions and other factors, Visa Inc. expects the IPO to occur in the first half of 2008.', 'We expect to record a gain associated with the IPO.', 'In addition, we expect that a portion of the proceeds from the IPO will be used by Visa Inc. to fund liabilities arising from litigation which would allow us to record an offset to the litigation liabilities that we recorded in the fourth quarter of 2007 as discussed below.', 'Net income decreased $1.9 billion, or 17 percent, to $9.4 billion compared to 2006 as increases in noninterest income and net interest income were more than offset by increases in provision for credit losses and noninterest expense.', 'Net interest income increased $612 million, or two percent, to $28.8 billion due to the impacts of organic growth and the LaSalle acquisition on average loans and leases, and deposits compared to 2006.', 'Noninterest income increased $2.1 billion, or 13 percent, to $18.9 billion compared to the same period in 2006, mainly due to increases in card income, service charges and mortgage banking income.', 'Provision for credit losses increased $4.4 billion, or 51 percent, to $12.9 billion compared to 2006.', 'This increase primarily resulted from a $3.2 billion increase in Card Services and a $978 million increase in Consumer Real Estate.', 'For further discussion of the increase in provision for credit losses related to Card Services and Consumer Real Estate, see their respective discussions.', 'Noninterest expense increased $1.7 billion, or nine percent, to $20.1 billion largely due to increases in personnel-related expenses, Visa\x02related litigation costs, equally allocated to Card Services and Treasury Services on a management accounting basis, and technology related costs.', 'For additional information on Visa-related litigation, see Note 13 – Commitments and Contingencies to the Consolidated Financial Statements.', 'Deposits Deposits provides a comprehensive range of products to consumers and small businesses.', 'Our products include traditional savings accounts, money market savings accounts, CDs and IRAs, and noninterest and interest-bearing checking accounts.', 'Debit card results are also included in Deposits.', 'Deposit products provide a relatively stable source of funding and liquidity.', 'We earn net interest spread revenues from investing this liquidity in earning assets through client-facing lending activity and our ALM activ\x02ities.', 'The revenue is allocated to the deposit products using our funds transfer pricing process which takes into account the interest rates and maturity characteristics of the deposits.', 'Deposits also generate fees such as account service fees, non-sufficient fund fees, overdraft charges and ATM fees, while debit cards generate merchant interchange fees based on purchase volume.', 'Excluding accounts obtained through acquisitions, we added approx\x02imately 2.3 million net new retail checking accounts in 2007.', 'These addi\x02tions resulted from continued improvement in sales and service results in the Banking Center Channel and Online, and the success of such products as Keep the ChangeTM, Risk Free CDs, Balance Rewards and Affinity.', 'We continue to migrate qualifying affluent customers and their related deposit balances from GCSBB to GWIM.', 'In 2007, a total of $11.4 billion of deposits were migrated from GCSBB to GWIM compared to $10.7 billion in 2006.', 'After migration, the associated net interest income, serv\x02ice charges and noninterest expense are recorded in GWIM.', 'Net income increased $364 million, or seven percent, to $5.2 billion compared to 2006 as an increase in noninterest income was partially offset by an increase in noninterest expense.', 'Net interest income remained relatively flat at $9.4 billion compared to 2006 as the addition of LaSalle and higher deposit spreads resulting from disciplined pricing were offset by the impact of lower balances.', 'Average deposits decreased $3.2 billion, or one percent, largely due to the migration of customer rela\x02tionships and related balances to GWIM, partially offset by the acquisition of LaSalle.', 'The increase in noninterest income was driven by higher serv\x02ice charges of $665 million, or 12 percent, primarily as a result of new demand deposit account growth and the addition of LaSalle.', 'Additionally, debit card revenue growth of $248 million, or 13 percent, was due to a higher number of checking accounts, increased usage, the addition of LaSalle and market penetration (i. e. , increase in the number of existing account holders with debit cards).', 'Noninterest expense increased $323 million, or four percent, to $9.1 billion compared to 2006, primarily due to the addition of LaSalle, and to higher account and transaction volumes.', 'Card Services Card Services, which excludes the results of debit cards (included in Deposits), provides a broad offering of products, including U. S. Consumer and Business Card, Unsecured Lending, and International Card.', 'We offer a variety of co-branded and affinity credit card products and have become the leading issuer of credit cards through endorsed marketing in the U. S. and Europe.', 'During 2007, Merchant Services was transferred to Treasury Services within GCIB.', 'Previously their results were reported in Card Serv\x02ices.', 'Prior period amounts have been reclassified.', 'The shares of the series of preferred stock previously discussed are not subject to the operation of a sinking fund and have no participation rights.', 'With the exception of the Series L Preferred Stock, the shares of the series of preferred stock in the previous table are not convertible.', 'The holders of these series have no general voting rights.', 'If any dividend payable on these series is in arrears for three or more semi-annual or six or more quarterly dividend periods, as applicable (whether consecutive or not), the holders of these series and any other class or series of pre\x02ferred stock ranking equally as to payment of dividends and upon which equivalent voting rights have been conferred and are exercisable (voting as a single class) will be entitled to vote for the election of two additional directors.', 'These voting rights terminate when the Corporation has paid in full dividends on these series for at least two semi-annual or four quar\x02terly dividend periods, as applicable, following the dividend arrearage (or, in the case of the Series N Preferred Stock, upon payment of all accrued and unpaid dividends).', 'In October 2008, in connection with the TARP Capital Purchase Pro\x02gram, established as part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the Corporation issued to the U. S. Treasury 600 thousand shares of Series N Preferred Stock as presented in the previous table.', 'The Ser\x02ies N Preferred Stock has a call feature after three years.', 'In connection with this investment, the Corporation also issued to the U. S. Treasury 10-year warrants to purchase approximately 73.1 million shares of Bank of America Corporation common stock at an exercise price of $30.79 per share.', 'Upon the request of the U. S. Treasury, at any time, the Corpo\x02ration has agreed to enter into a deposit arrangement pursuant to which the Series N Preferred Stock may be deposited and depositary shares, representing 1/25th of a share of Series N Preferred Stock, may be issued.', 'The Corporation has agreed to register the Series N Preferred Stock, the warrants, the shares of common stock underlying the warrants and the depositary shares, if any, for resale under the Securities Act of 1933.', 'As required under the TARP Capital Purchase Program in connection with the sale of the Series N Preferred Stock to the U. S. Treasury, divi\x02dend payments on, and repurchases of, the Corporation’s outstanding preferred and common stock are subject to certain restrictions.', 'For as long as any Series N Preferred Stock is outstanding, no dividends may be declared or paid on the Corporation’s outstanding preferred and common stock until all accrued and unpaid dividends on Series N Preferred Stock are fully paid.', 'In addition, the U. S. Treasury’s consent is required for any increase in dividends declared on shares of common stock before the third anniversary of the issuance of the Series N Preferred Stock unless the Series N Preferred Stock is redeemed by the Corporation or trans\x02ferred in whole by the U. S. Treasury.', 'Further, the U. S. Treasury’s consent is required for any repurchase of any equity securities or trust preferred securities except for repurchases of Series N Preferred Stock or repurchases of common shares in connection with benefit plans con\x02sistent with past practice before the third anniversary of the issuance of the Series N Preferred Stock unless redeemed by the Corporation or transferred in whole by the U. S. Treasury.', 'On July 14, 2006, the Corporation redeemed its 6.75% Perpetual Preferred Stock with a stated value of $250 per share.', 'The 382.5 thousand shares, or $96 million, outstanding of preferred stock were redeemed at the stated value of $250 per share, plus accrued and unpaid dividends.', 'On July 3, 2006, the Corporation redeemed its Fixed/Adjustable Rate Cumulative Preferred Stock with a stated value of $250 per share.', 'The 700 thousand shares, or $175 million, outstanding of preferred stock were redeemed at the stated value of $250 per share, plus accrued and unpaid dividends.', 'All preferred stock outstanding has preference over the Corporation’s common stock with respect to the payment of dividends and distribution of the Corporation’s assets in the event of a liquidation or dissolution.', 'Except in certain circumstances, the holders of preferred stock have no voting rights.', 'During 2008, 2007 and 2006 the aggregate dividends declared on preferred stock were $1.3 billion, $182 million and $22 million respectively.', 'In addition, in January 2009, the Corporation declared aggregate dividends on preferred stock of $909 million, including $145 million related to preferred stock exchanged in connection with the Merrill Lynch acquisition.', 'Accumulated OCI The following table presents the changes in accumulated OCI for 2008, 2007 and 2006, net-of-tax.', '## Table 2 ##', '(1) In 2008, 2007 and 2006, the Corporation reclassified net realized losses into earnings on the sales and other-than-temporary impairments of AFS debt securities of $1.4 billion, $137 million and $279 million, net-of-tax, respectively, and net realized (gains) losses on the sales and other-than-temporary impairments of AFS marketable equity securities of $377 million, $(284) million, and $(499) million, net-of-tax, respectively.', '(2) The amounts included in accumulated OCI for terminated interest rate derivative contracts were losses of $3.4 billion, $3.8 billion and $3.2 billion, net-of-tax, at December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006, respectively.', '(3) For more information, see Note 16 – Employee Benefit Plans to the Consolidated Financial Statements.', '(4) For 2008, the net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI represented $3.8 billion in losses associated with the Corporation’s foreign currency translation adjustments on its net investment in consolidated foreign operations partially offset by gains of $2.8 billion on the related foreign currency exchange hedging results.', '(5) Securities include the fair value adjustment of $4.8 billion and $8.4 billion, net-of-tax, related to the Corporation’s investment in CCB at December 31, 2008 and 2007.', '(6) Included in this line item are amounts related to derivatives used in cash flow hedge relationships.', 'These amounts are reclassified into earnings in the same period or periods during which the hedged forecasted transactions affect earnings.', 'This line item also includes (gains) losses on AFS debt and marketable equity securities and impairment charges.', 'These amounts are reclassified into earnings upon sale of the related security or when the other-than-temporary impairment charge is recognized.', 'Entering 2006, earnings in the first quarter are ex\x02pected to improve compared with the 2005 fourth quar\x02ter due principally to higher average price realizations, reflecting announced price increases.', 'Product demand for the first quarter should be seasonally slow, but is ex\x02pected to strengthen as the year progresses, supported by continued economic growth in North America, Asia and Eastern Europe.', 'Average prices should also improve in 2006 as price increases announced in late 2005 and early 2006 for uncoated freesheet paper and pulp con\x02tinue to be realized.', 'Operating rates are expected to improve as a result of industry-wide capacity reductions in 2005.', 'Although energy and raw material costs remain high, there has been some decline in both natural gas and delivered wood costs, with further moderation ex\x02pected later in 2006.', 'We will continue to focus on fur\x02ther improvements in our global manufacturing operations, implementation of supply chain enhance\x02ments and reductions in overhead costs during 2006.', 'Industrial Packaging Demand for Industrial Packaging products is closely correlated with non-durable industrial goods production in the United States, as well as with demand for proc\x02essed foods, poultry, meat and agricultural products.', 'In addition to prices and volumes, major factors affecting the profitability of Industrial Packaging are raw material and energy costs, manufacturing efficiency and product mix.', 'Industrial Packaging’s net sales for 2005 increased 2% compared with 2004, and were 18% higher than in 2003, reflecting the inclusion of International Paper Distribution Limited (formerly International Paper Pacific Millennium Limited) beginning in August 2005.', 'Operating profits in 2005 were 39% lower than in 2004 and 13% lower than in 2003.', 'Sales volume increases ($24 million), improved price realizations ($66 million), and strong mill operating performance ($27 million) were not enough to offset the effects of increased raw material costs ($103 million), higher market related downtime costs ($50 million), higher converting operating costs ($22 million), and unfavorable mix and other costs ($67 million).', 'Additionally, the May 2005 sale of our Industrial Papers business resulted in a $25 million lower earnings contribution from this business in 2005.', 'The segment took 370,000 tons of downtime in 2005, including 230,000 tons of lack-of-order downtime to balance internal supply with customer demand, com\x02pared to a total of 170,000 tons in 2004, which included 5,000 tons of lack-of-order downtime.', '## Table 3 ##', 'Containerboard’s net sales totaled $895 million in 2005, $951 million in 2004 and $815 million in 2003.', 'Soft market conditions and declining customer demand at the end of the first quarter led to lower average sales prices during the second and third quarters.', 'Beginning in the fourth quarter, prices recovered as a result of in\x02creased customer demand and a rationalization of sup\x02ply.', 'Full year sales volumes trailed 2004 levels early in the year, reflecting the weak market conditions in the first half of 2005.', 'However, volumes rebounded in the second half of the year, and finished the year ahead of 2004 levels.', 'Operating profits decreased 38% from 2004, but were flat with 2003.', 'The favorable impacts of in\x02creased sales volumes, higher average sales prices and improved mill operating performance were not enough to offset the impact of higher wood, energy and other raw material costs and increased lack-of-order down\x02time.', 'Implementation of the new supply chain operating model in our containerboard mills during 2005 resulted in increased operating efficiency and cost savings.', 'Specialty Papers in 2005 included the Kraft Paper business for the full year and the Industrial Papers busi\x02ness for five months prior to its sale in May 2005.', 'Net sales totaled $468 million in 2005, $723 million in 2004 and $690 million in 2003.', 'Operating profits in 2005 were down 23% compared with 2004 and 54% com\x02pared with 2003, reflecting the lower contribution from Industrial Papers.', 'U. S. Converting Operations net sales for 2005 were $2.6 billion compared with $2.3 billion in 2004 and $1.9 billion in 2003.', 'Sales volumes were up 10% in 2005 compared with 2004, mainly due to the acquisition of Box USA in July 2004.', 'Average sales prices in 2005 began the year above 2004 levels, but softened in the second half of the year.', 'Operating profits in 2005 de\x02creased 46% and 4% from 2004 and 2003 levels, re\x02spectively, primarily due to increased linerboard, freight and energy costs.', 'European Container sales for 2005 were $883 mil\x02lion compared with $865 million in 2004 and $801 mil\x02lion in 2003.', 'Operating profits declined 19% and 13% compared with 2004 and 2003, respectively.', 'The in\x02crease in sales in 2005 reflected a slight increase in de\x02mand over 2004, but this was not sufficient to offset the negative earnings effect of increased operating costs, unfavorable foreign exchange rates and a reduction in average sales prices.', 'The Moroccan box plant acquis\x02ition, which was completed in October 2005, favorably impacted fourth-quarter results.', 'Industrial Packaging’s sales in 2005 included $104 million from International Paper Distribution Limited, our Asian box and containerboard business, subsequent to the acquisition of an additional 50% interest in Au\x02gust 2005.']
['<table><tr><td> (Dollars in millions, except per share information; shares in thousands)</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td><td>2002</td></tr><tr><td> Earnings per common share</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Net income</td><td>$14,143</td><td>$10,810</td><td>$9,249</td></tr><tr><td>Preferred stock dividends</td><td>-16</td><td>-4</td><td>-5</td></tr><tr><td>Net income available to common shareholders</td><td>$14,127</td><td>$10,806</td><td>$9,244</td></tr><tr><td>Average common shares issued and outstanding</td><td>3,758,507</td><td>2,973,407</td><td>3,040,085</td></tr><tr><td> Earnings per common share</td><td>$3.76</td><td>$3.63</td><td>$3.04</td></tr><tr><td> Diluted earnings per common share</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Net income available to common shareholders</td><td>$14,127</td><td>$10,806</td><td>$9,244</td></tr><tr><td>Convertible preferred stock dividends</td><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>Net income available to common shareholders and assumed conversions</td><td>$14,129</td><td>$10,810</td><td>$9,249</td></tr><tr><td>Average common shares issued and outstanding</td><td>3,758,507</td><td>2,973,407</td><td>3,040,085</td></tr><tr><td>Dilutive potential common shares<sup>-1, 2</sup></td><td>65,436</td><td>56,949</td><td>90,850</td></tr><tr><td>Total diluted average common shares issued and outstanding</td><td>3,823,943</td><td>3,030,356</td><td>3,130,935</td></tr><tr><td> Diluted earnings per common share</td><td>$3.69</td><td>$3.57</td><td>$2.95</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td></td><td colspan="2"> December 31</td><td colspan="2"> Average Balance</td></tr><tr><td>(Dollars in millions)</td><td> 2007</td><td>2006</td><td> 2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>Total loans and leases</td><td>$359,946</td><td>$307,661</td><td>$327,810</td><td>$288,131</td></tr><tr><td>Total earning assets<sup>-1</sup></td><td>383,384</td><td>343,338</td><td>353,591</td><td>344,013</td></tr><tr><td>Total assets<sup>-1</sup></td><td>442,987</td><td>399,373</td><td>408,034</td><td>396,559</td></tr><tr><td>Total deposits</td><td>344,850</td><td>329,195</td><td>328,918</td><td>332,242</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td>(Dollars in millions)</td><td>Securities -1</td><td>Derivatives -2</td><td>Employee Benefit Plans -3</td><td>Foreign Currency -4</td><td>Total</td></tr><tr><td> Balance, December 31, 2007</td><td>$6,536</td><td>$-4,402</td><td>$-1,301</td><td>$296</td><td>$1,129</td></tr><tr><td>Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI<sup>-5</sup></td><td>-10,354</td><td>104</td><td>-3,387</td><td>-1,000</td><td>-14,637</td></tr><tr><td>Net realized losses reclassified into earnings<sup>-6</sup></td><td>1,797</td><td>840</td><td>46</td><td>–</td><td>2,683</td></tr><tr><td> Balance, December 31, 2008</td><td>$-2,021</td><td>$-3,458</td><td>$-4,642</td><td>$-704</td><td>$-10,825</td></tr><tr><td> Balance, December 31, 2006</td><td>$-2,733</td><td>$-3,697</td><td>$-1,428</td><td>$147</td><td>$-7,711</td></tr><tr><td>Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI<sup>-5</sup></td><td>9,416</td><td>-1,252</td><td>4</td><td>142</td><td>8,310</td></tr><tr><td>Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings<sup>(6)</sup></td><td>-147</td><td>547</td><td>123</td><td>7</td><td>530</td></tr><tr><td> Balance, December 31, 2007</td><td>$6,536</td><td>$-4,402</td><td>$-1,301</td><td>$296</td><td>$1,129</td></tr><tr><td> Balance, December 31, 2005</td><td>$-2,978</td><td>$-4,338</td><td>$-118</td><td>$-122</td><td>$-7,556</td></tr><tr><td>Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI</td><td>465</td><td>534</td><td>-1,310</td><td>219</td><td>-92</td></tr><tr><td>Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings<sup>(6)</sup></td><td>-220</td><td>107</td><td>–</td><td>50</td><td>-63</td></tr><tr><td> Balance, December 31, 2006</td><td>$-2,733</td><td>$-3,697</td><td>$-1,428</td><td>$147</td><td>$-7,711</td></tr></table>', '<table><tr><td><i></i> <i>In millions</i><i></i></td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td></tr><tr><td>Sales</td><td>$4,935</td><td>$4,830</td><td>$4,170</td></tr><tr><td>Operating Profit</td><td>$230</td><td>$380</td><td>$264</td></tr></table>']
{'0-2-1': 'Table 0 shows Net income of 2004 is $14,143 .', '0-2-2': 'Table 0 shows Net income of 2003 is $10,810 .', '0-2-3': 'Table 0 shows Net income of 2002 is $9,249 .', '0-3-1': 'Table 0 shows Preferred stock dividends of 2004 is -16 .', '0-3-2': 'Table 0 shows Preferred stock dividends of 2003 is -4 .', '0-3-3': 'Table 0 shows Preferred stock dividends of 2002 is -5 .', '0-4-1': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders of 2004 is $14,127 .', '0-4-2': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders of 2003 is $10,806 .', '0-4-3': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders of 2002 is $9,244 .', '0-5-1': 'Table 0 shows Average common shares issued and outstanding of 2004 is 3758507 .', '0-5-2': 'Table 0 shows Average common shares issued and outstanding of 2003 is 2973407 .', '0-5-3': 'Table 0 shows Average common shares issued and outstanding of 2002 is 3040085 .', '0-6-1': 'Table 0 shows Earnings per common share of 2004 is $3.76 .', '0-6-2': 'Table 0 shows Earnings per common share of 2003 is $3.63 .', '0-6-3': 'Table 0 shows Earnings per common share of 2002 is $3.04 .', '0-8-1': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders Diluted earnings per common share of 2004 is $14,127 .', '0-8-2': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders Diluted earnings per common share of 2003 is $10,806 .', '0-8-3': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders Diluted earnings per common share of 2002 is $9,244 .', '0-9-1': 'Table 0 shows Convertible preferred stock dividends Diluted earnings per common share of 2004 is 2 .', '0-9-2': 'Table 0 shows Convertible preferred stock dividends Diluted earnings per common share of 2003 is 4 .', '0-9-3': 'Table 0 shows Convertible preferred stock dividends Diluted earnings per common share of 2002 is 5 .', '0-10-1': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders and assumed conversions Diluted earnings per common share of 2004 is $14,129 .', '0-10-2': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders and assumed conversions Diluted earnings per common share of 2003 is $10,810 .', '0-10-3': 'Table 0 shows Net income available to common shareholders and assumed conversions Diluted earnings per common share of 2002 is $9,249 .', '0-11-1': 'Table 0 shows Average common shares issued and outstanding Diluted earnings per common share of 2004 is 3758507 .', '0-11-2': 'Table 0 shows Average common shares issued and outstanding Diluted earnings per common share of 2003 is 2973407 .', '0-11-3': 'Table 0 shows Average common shares issued and outstanding Diluted earnings per common share of 2002 is 3040085 .', '0-12-1': 'Table 0 shows Dilutive potential common shares Diluted earnings per common share of 2004 is 65436 .', '0-12-2': 'Table 0 shows Dilutive potential common shares Diluted earnings per common share of 2003 is 56949 .', '0-12-3': 'Table 0 shows Dilutive potential common shares Diluted earnings per common share of 2002 is 90850 .', '0-13-1': 'Table 0 shows Total diluted average common shares issued and outstanding Diluted earnings per common share of 2004 is 3823943 .', '0-13-2': 'Table 0 shows Total diluted average common shares issued and outstanding Diluted earnings per common share of 2003 is 3030356 .', '0-13-3': 'Table 0 shows Total diluted average common shares issued and outstanding Diluted earnings per common share of 2002 is 3130935 .', '0-14-1': 'Table 0 shows Diluted earnings per common share Diluted earnings per common share of 2004 is $3.69 .', '0-14-2': 'Table 0 shows Diluted earnings per common share Diluted earnings per common share of 2003 is $3.57 .', '0-14-3': 'Table 0 shows Diluted earnings per common share Diluted earnings per common share of 2002 is $2.95 .', '1-2-1': 'Table 1 shows Total loans and leases of December 31 2007 is $359,946 .', '1-2-2': 'Table 1 shows Total loans and leases of December 31 2006 is $307,661 .', '1-2-3': 'Table 1 shows Total loans and leases of Average Balance 2007 is $327,810 .', '1-2-4': 'Table 1 shows Total loans and leases of Average Balance 2006 is $288,131 .', '1-3-1': 'Table 1 shows Total earning assets of December 31 2007 is 383384 .', '1-3-2': 'Table 1 shows Total earning assets of December 31 2006 is 343338 .', '1-3-3': 'Table 1 shows Total earning assets of Average Balance 2007 is 353591 .', '1-3-4': 'Table 1 shows Total earning assets of Average Balance 2006 is 344013 .', '1-4-1': 'Table 1 shows Total assets of December 31 2007 is 442987 .', '1-4-2': 'Table 1 shows Total assets of December 31 2006 is 399373 .', '1-4-3': 'Table 1 shows Total assets of Average Balance 2007 is 408034 .', '1-4-4': 'Table 1 shows Total assets of Average Balance 2006 is 396559 .', '1-5-1': 'Table 1 shows Total deposits of December 31 2007 is 344850 .', '1-5-2': 'Table 1 shows Total deposits of December 31 2006 is 329195 .', '1-5-3': 'Table 1 shows Total deposits of Average Balance 2007 is 328918 .', '1-5-4': 'Table 1 shows Total deposits of Average Balance 2006 is 332242 .', '2-1-1': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Securities -1 is $6,536 .', '2-1-2': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Derivatives -2 is $-4,402 .', '2-1-3': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is $-1,301 .', '2-1-4': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Foreign Currency -4 is $296 .', '2-1-5': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Total is $1,129 .', '2-2-1': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Securities -1 is -10354 .', '2-2-2': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Derivatives -2 is 104 .', '2-2-3': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is -3387 .', '2-2-4': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Foreign Currency -4 is -1000 .', '2-2-5': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Total is -14637 .', '2-3-1': 'Table 2 shows Net realized losses reclassified into earnings of Securities -1 is 1797 .', '2-3-2': 'Table 2 shows Net realized losses reclassified into earnings of Derivatives -2 is 840 .', '2-3-3': 'Table 2 shows Net realized losses reclassified into earnings of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is 46 .', '2-3-4': 'Table 2 shows Net realized losses reclassified into earnings of Foreign Currency -4 is – .', '2-3-5': 'Table 2 shows Net realized losses reclassified into earnings of Total is 2683 .', '2-4-1': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2008 of Securities -1 is $-2,021 .', '2-4-2': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2008 of Derivatives -2 is $-3,458 .', '2-4-3': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2008 of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is $-4,642 .', '2-4-4': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2008 of Foreign Currency -4 is $-704 .', '2-4-5': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2008 of Total is $-10,825 .', '2-5-1': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Securities -1 is $-2,733 .', '2-5-2': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Derivatives -2 is $-3,697 .', '2-5-3': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is $-1,428 .', '2-5-4': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Foreign Currency -4 is $147 .', '2-5-5': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Total is $-7,711 .', '2-6-1': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Securities -1 is 9416 .', '2-6-2': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Derivatives -2 is -1252 .', '2-6-3': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is 4 .', '2-6-4': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Foreign Currency -4 is 142 .', '2-6-5': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Total is 8310 .', '2-7-1': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Securities -1 is -147 .', '2-7-2': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Derivatives -2 is 547 .', '2-7-3': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is 123 .', '2-7-4': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Foreign Currency -4 is 7 .', '2-7-5': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Total is 530 .', '2-8-1': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Securities -1 is $6,536 .', '2-8-2': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Derivatives -2 is $-4,402 .', '2-8-3': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is $-1,301 .', '2-8-4': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Foreign Currency -4 is $296 .', '2-8-5': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2007 of Total is $1,129 .', '2-9-1': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2005 of Securities -1 is $-2,978 .', '2-9-2': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2005 of Derivatives -2 is $-4,338 .', '2-9-3': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2005 of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is $-118 .', '2-9-4': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2005 of Foreign Currency -4 is $-122 .', '2-9-5': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2005 of Total is $-7,556 .', '2-10-1': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Securities -1 is 465 .', '2-10-2': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Derivatives -2 is 534 .', '2-10-3': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is -1310 .', '2-10-4': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Foreign Currency -4 is 219 .', '2-10-5': 'Table 2 shows Net change in fair value recorded in accumulated OCI of Total is -92 .', '2-11-1': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Securities -1 is -220 .', '2-11-2': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Derivatives -2 is 107 .', '2-11-3': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is – .', '2-11-4': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Foreign Currency -4 is 50 .', '2-11-5': 'Table 2 shows Net realized (gains) losses reclassified into earnings of Total is -63 .', '2-12-1': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Securities -1 is $-2,733 .', '2-12-2': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Derivatives -2 is $-3,697 .', '2-12-3': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Employee Benefit Plans -3 is $-1,428 .', '2-12-4': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Foreign Currency -4 is $147 .', '2-12-5': 'Table 2 shows Balance, December 31, 2006 of Total is $-7,711 .', '3-1-1': 'Table 3 shows Sales of 2005 is $4,935 .', '3-1-2': 'Table 3 shows Sales of 2004 is $4,830 .', '3-1-3': 'Table 3 shows Sales of 2003 is $4,170 .', '3-2-1': 'Table 3 shows Operating Profit of 2005 is $230 .', '3-2-2': 'Table 3 shows Operating Profit of 2004 is $380 .', '3-2-3': 'Table 3 shows Operating Profit of 2003 is $264 .'}
{'question': 'What is the ratio of Securities to the total for Net realized losses reclassified into earnings in 2008?', 'answer': 0.6697700000000001, 'table_evidence': ['2-3-1', '2-3-5'], 'program': 'divide(1797,2683)', 'text_evidence': [86, 88], 'question_type': 'arithmetic'}
What is the ratio of Securities to the total for Net realized losses reclassified into earnings in 2008?
"['MetLife, Inc. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements — (Continued) Issuance Costs In c(...TRUNCATED)
"['<table><tr><td></td><td colspan=\"3\"> Years Ended December 31,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>2008</t(...TRUNCATED)
"{'0-4-1': 'Table 0 shows Federal of Years Ended December 31, 2008 (In millions) is $216 .', '0-4-2'(...TRUNCATED)
"{'question': 'How many Below Investment Grade exceed the average of Below Investment Grade in 2004?(...TRUNCATED)
How many Below Investment Grade exceed the average of Below Investment Grade in 2004?
"['The calculation of earnings per common share and diluted earnings per common share for 2004, 2003(...TRUNCATED)
"['<table><tr><td> (Dollars in millions, except per share information; shares in thousands)</td><td>(...TRUNCATED)
"{'0-2-1': 'Table 0 shows Net income of 2004 is $14,143 .', '0-2-2': 'Table 0 shows Net income of 20(...TRUNCATED)
"{'question': 'containerboards net sales represented what percentage of industrial packaging sales i(...TRUNCATED)
containerboards net sales represented what percentage of industrial packaging sales in 2005?
"['nonperformance credit spread moves to a zero spread over the LIBOR swap curve, the reduction to n(...TRUNCATED)
"['<table><tr><td></td><td colspan=\"2\">Actual Capital</td><td colspan=\"2\">Regulatory Capital Req(...TRUNCATED)
"{'0-3-1': 'Table 0 shows RiverSource Life-1(2) of Actual Capital 2010 (in millions) is $3,813 .', '(...TRUNCATED)
"{'question': \"What's the difference of Securities America, Inc.-3(4) between 2010 and 2009 forActu(...TRUNCATED)
"What's the difference of Securities America, Inc.-3(4) between 2010 and 2009 forActual Capital? (in(...TRUNCATED)
"['Overall, billed business increased in 2017 compared to 2016.', 'U. S. billed business increased (...TRUNCATED)
"['<table><tr><td>Years Ended December 31,</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td colspan=\"2\" rowspan=(...TRUNCATED)
"{'0-2-1': 'Table 0 shows Charge card of data 0 2017 is $795 .', '0-2-2': 'Table 0 shows Charge card(...TRUNCATED)
"{'question': 'What is the ratio of Total cards-in-force in Table 1 to the Other in Table 0 in 2016?(...TRUNCATED)
What is the ratio of Total cards-in-force in Table 1 to the Other in Table 0 in 2016?
"[\"Entergy Corporation and Subsidiaries Management's Financial Discussion and Analysis 31 The Vermo(...TRUNCATED)
"['<table><tr><td></td><td> 2005</td><td> 2006</td><td> 2007</td><td> 2008</td><td> 2009</td></tr><t(...TRUNCATED)
"{'0-6-1': 'Table 0 shows Planned net MW in operation of 2005 13% 58% 71% is 4155 .', '0-6-2': 'Tabl(...TRUNCATED)
"{'question': \"In the year / section with largest amount of Average contract revenue per MWh, what'(...TRUNCATED)
"In the year / section with largest amount of Average contract revenue per MWh, what's the sum of Pl(...TRUNCATED)
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