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The number of each Mont Blanc's Fin Whale is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Unicorn is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Denali's Blue Whale is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each K2's Gray Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Beijing's Hydra is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Hydra is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Humpback Whale is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Matterhorn's Blue Whale is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Matterhorn's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Minke Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Matterhorn's Basilisk is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Matterhorn's Pegasus is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Moscow's Chimera is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Makalu's Basilisk is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay is 3. The number of each New Delhi's Chimera is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Berlin's Bryde's Whale is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Denali's Sperm Whale is 2 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Basilisk is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Pegasus is 2 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Berlin's Pegasus is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Aconcagua's Phoenix is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Everest's Hippogriff is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Brasília's Griffin is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Bryde's Whale is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Makalu's Phoenix is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Brasília's Bowhead Whale is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Manticore is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Moscow's Beluga Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Pegasus is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Gray Whale is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Lhotse's Basilisk is 2 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Griffin is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Dragon is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Makalu's Fin Whale is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Mont Blanc's Blue Whale is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Manticore is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Berlin's Sperm Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Paris's Narwhal is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Aconcagua's Humpback Whale is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Mont Blanc's Unicorn is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Ottawa's Dragon is 2 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Unicorn is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Canberra's Pegasus is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Sperm Whale is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Aconcagua's Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Beijing's Chimera is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Elbrus's Dragon is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Denali's Griffin is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Aconcagua's Hydra is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Manticore is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Paris's Bowhead Whale is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Aconcagua's Basilisk is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Bryde's Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Elbrus's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Griffin is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Everest's Sperm Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Blue Whale is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Humpback Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Lhotse's Sperm Whale is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Basilisk is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Unicorn is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Denali's Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Pegasus is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Mont Blanc's Narwhal is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Blue Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Aconcagua's Unicorn is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Elbrus's Fin Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Berlin's Beluga Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Hydra is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Blue Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Dragon is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Makalu's Griffin is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Denali's Humpback Whale is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Chimera is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Minke Whale is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Ottawa's Bowhead Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Lhotse's Chimera is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Lhotse's Minke Whale is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Matterhorn's Dragon is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Bryde's Whale is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Minke Whale is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Hippogriff is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Bryde's Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each K2's Bryde's Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Mont Blanc's Hippogriff is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each K2's Hippogriff is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Aconcagua's Blue Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Humpback Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Mont Blanc's Chimera is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Makalu's Dragon is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Unicorn is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Minke Whale is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Bryde's Whale is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Gray Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Everest's Minke Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Bowhead Whale is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Makalu's Hydra is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Aconcagua's Fin Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Dragon is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Mont Blanc's Bowhead Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Elbrus's Bryde's Whale is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Makalu's Beluga Whale is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Everest's Blue Whale is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Ottawa's Gray Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Beluga Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Berlin's Basilisk is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Narwhal is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Sperm Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Pegasus is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Basilisk is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Pegasus is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Aconcagua's Beluga Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Fin Whale is 2 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Mont Blanc's Sperm Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Phoenix is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Paris's Chimera is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Beluga Whale is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Aconcagua's Gray Whale is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Phoenix is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Griffin is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Brasília's Gray Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Canberra's Griffin is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Elbrus's Manticore is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Basilisk is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Matterhorn's Bryde's Whale is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each K2's Bowhead Whale is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Berlin's Manticore is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each K2's Minke Whale is each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Basilisk is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Elbrus's Narwhal is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Owl. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Fin Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Tokyo's Blue Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Bowhead Whale is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Manticore is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Everest's Beluga Whale is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Makalu's Sperm Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Humpback Whale is each Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Mayer Aquarium's Owl is 1 times the difference of Bundle Ranch's Animal and Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay. The number of each Matterhorn's Hippogriff is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal.
How many Animal does Bundle Ranch have?
Define Bundle Ranch's Blue Jay as S; so S = 3. Define Bundle Ranch's Animal as A; so A = S = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of each Makalu's Hornet is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each K2's Caracal is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each K2's Stick Insect is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each K2's Antlion is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Southern Ocean's Dung Beetle is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Hornet is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Atlas Moth is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Lhotse's Cheetah is 1 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Ladybug is 1 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Matterhorn's Jaguar is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Denali's Caracal is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Matterhorn's Dragonfly is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Stick Insect is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Everest's Caracal is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Everest's Praying Mantis is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Hawk is 0. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Ocelot is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Matterhorn's Hornet is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Makalu's Jaguar is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Ladybug is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each K2's Firefly is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Jaguar is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Elbrus's Lynx is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Praying Mantis is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Praying Mantis is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Puma is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Puma is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Fishing Cat is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Elbrus's Praying Mantis is 1 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Mont Blanc's Firefly is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Antlion is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Dung Beetle is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Mont Blanc's Puma is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Ladybug is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Elbrus's Caracal is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Lhotse's Hornet is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Caracal is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Firefly is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Hornet is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Ladybug is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Stick Insect is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Elbrus's Serval is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Lynx is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Mont Blanc's Dung Beetle is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Indian Ocean's Fishing Cat is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Cheetah is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Praying Mantis is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Lhotse's Snow Leopard is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Lhotse's Caracal is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Dung Beetle is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Bering Sea's Cheetah is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Southern Ocean's Jaguar is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Makalu's Antlion is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Margay is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Everest's Fishing Cat is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Indian Ocean's Dragonfly is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each K2's Hornet is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Atlas Moth is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Matterhorn's Praying Mantis is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Coral Sea's Dragonfly is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Coral Sea's Atlas Moth is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Fishing Cat is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Bering Sea's Dung Beetle is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Everest's Cicada is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Indian Ocean's Lynx is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Hornet is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Snow Leopard is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Southern Ocean's Cheetah is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Indian Ocean's Cicada is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Praying Mantis is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Southern Ocean's Caracal is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Atlas Moth is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Elbrus's Jaguar is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Aconcagua's Cheetah is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each K2's Ladybug is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Matterhorn's Dung Beetle is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Atlas Moth is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Dragonfly is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Stick Insect is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Elbrus's Hornet is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Caracal is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Mont Blanc's Dragonfly is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Dung Beetle is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Matterhorn's Caracal is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Denali's Cheetah is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Mont Blanc's Cheetah is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Everest's Dragonfly is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Lhotse's Serval is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Firefly is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Matterhorn's Firefly is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Ocelot is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Makalu's Lynx is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Southern Ocean's Lynx is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Praying Mantis is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Ladybug is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Denali's Praying Mantis is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each K2's Dung Beetle is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Stick Insect is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Matterhorn's Antlion is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Southern Ocean's Antlion is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Ocelot is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each K2's Margay is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Lynx is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Matterhorn's Serval is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Antlion is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Hornet is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Praying Mantis is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Jaguar is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Indian Ocean's Dung Beetle is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Aconcagua's Margay is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Praying Mantis is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Serval is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Indian Ocean's Atlas Moth is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Coral Sea's Antlion is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Bering Sea's Hornet is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Coral Sea's Lynx is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Serval is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Elbrus's Antlion is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Aconcagua's Dung Beetle is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each K2's Cicada is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Dung Beetle is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Lhotse's Ladybug is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Elbrus's Puma is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Aconcagua's Jaguar is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each K2's Serval is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Indian Ocean's Caracal is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Stick Insect is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Crow is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Firefly is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Southern Ocean's Atlas Moth is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Southern Ocean's Snow Leopard is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Atlas Moth is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Lhotse's Ocelot is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Fishing Cat is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Matterhorn's Lynx is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Denali's Margay is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Mont Blanc's Praying Mantis is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Cicada is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Makalu's Fishing Cat is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Dragonfly is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Bering Sea's Caracal is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Aconcagua's Antlion is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Lhotse's Fishing Cat is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Jaguar is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Caracal is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Southern Ocean's Puma is 1 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Jefferson Circus's Hawk is 4. The number of each Indian Ocean's Ocelot is each Bundle Ranch's Crow.
How many Animal does Jefferson Circus have?
Define Jefferson Circus's Hawk as K; so K = 4. Define Jefferson Circus's Animal as f; so f = K = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of each Pacific Ocean's Margay is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Philippine Trench's Griffin is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Southern Ocean's Lynx is 4 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Dragon is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Unicorn is 4 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Mariana Trench's Cheetah is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Challenger Deep's Snow Leopard is 3 times each South River's Eagle. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Cheetah is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Lynx is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Java Trench's Ocelot is each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Dragon is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Southern Ocean's Pegasus is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Indian Ocean's Phoenix is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Pegasus is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Ocelot is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Basilisk is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Basilisk is 3 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Basilisk is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Lynx is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Cheetah is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Beverly Forest's Owl is 2. The number of each Southern Ocean's Jaguar is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Java Trench's Fishing Cat is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Snow Leopard is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Mariana Trench's Puma is 3 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Tonga Trench's Fishing Cat is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Griffin is 3 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Philippine Trench's Cheetah is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Coral Sea's Basilisk is 1 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Java Trench's Snow Leopard is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Bering Sea's Phoenix is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Tonga Trench's Caracal is each South River's Eagle. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Serval is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Java Trench's Jaguar is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Coral Sea's Hydra is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Challenger Deep's Margay is 2 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Puma is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Snow Leopard is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Serval is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Cedar Valley's Crow is 1. The number of each Indian Ocean's Manticore is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Southern Ocean's Fishing Cat is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each South River's Owl is 0. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Snow Leopard is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Cheetah is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Mariana Trench's Hydra is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Southern Ocean's Unicorn is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Dragon is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Mariana Trench's Hippogriff is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each South River's Eagle is 1. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Margay is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Fishing Cat is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Tonga Trench's Manticore is 0 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Caracal is 0 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Basilisk is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each South River's Crow is 1. The number of each Philippine Trench's Lynx is each South River's Owl. The number of each Indian Ocean's Griffin is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Philippine Trench's Hippogriff is each South River's Hawk. The number of each Mariana Trench's Basilisk is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Indian Ocean's Chimera is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Hippogriff is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Tonga Trench's Margay is 4 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Pegasus is each South River's Eagle. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Phoenix is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Hydra is each South River's Eagle. The number of each Coral Sea's Hippogriff is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Indian Ocean's Caracal is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Hydra is each South River's Owl. The number of each Indian Ocean's Basilisk is 0 times each South River's Eagle. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Serval is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Puma is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Unicorn is 2 times each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Mariana Trench's Phoenix is each South River's Eagle. The number of each Challenger Deep's Fishing Cat is each South River's Crow. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Jaguar is 0 more than each South River's Hawk. The number of each Indian Ocean's Jaguar is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Fishing Cat is 4 times each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Manticore is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Phoenix is each South River's Owl. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Margay is 3 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Cedar Valley's Owl is 0. The number of each Indian Ocean's Puma is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Lynx is 3 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Manticore is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Southern Ocean's Serval is each South River's Hawk. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Margay is each South River's Eagle. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Basilisk is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Caracal is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Jaguar is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Tonga Trench's Dragon is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Philippine Trench's Chimera is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Phoenix is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Challenger Deep's Caracal is each South River's Eagle. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Phoenix is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Southern Ocean's Margay is 3 times each South River's Eagle. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Serval is 2 more than each South River's Crow. The number of each Southern Ocean's Snow Leopard is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Bering Sea's Lynx is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Fishing Cat is 1 more than each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Mariana Trench's Jaguar is 1 times each South River's Eagle. The number of each Philippine Trench's Margay is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Fishing Cat is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Chimera is each South River's Owl. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Griffin is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Bering Sea's Griffin is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Mariana Trench's Dragon is each South River's Crow. The number of each Maple Creek's Owl is 1. The number of each Challenger Deep's Cheetah is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Cheetah is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Basilisk is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Bering Sea's Cheetah is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Southern Ocean's Phoenix is each South River's Owl. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Manticore is each South River's Crow. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Serval is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Coral Sea's Cheetah is 3 times each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Manticore is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Hippogriff is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Jaguar is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Hydra is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Bering Sea's Puma is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each South River's Hawk is 0 more than the sum of Beverly Forest's Owl, Maple Creek's Animal, and Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Challenger Deep's Hydra is 0 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Manticore is 2 more than each South River's Crow. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Basilisk is 2 times each South River's Hawk. The number of each Mariana Trench's Margay is 1 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Puma is each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Chimera is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Dragon is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Pegasus is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Mariana Trench's Lynx is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Philippine Trench's Pegasus is 0 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Snow Leopard is 1 more than each South River's Eagle. The number of each Southern Ocean's Chimera is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Cheetah is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Tonga Trench's Puma is 0 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Bering Sea's Basilisk is 4 times each South River's Eagle. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Unicorn is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Tonga Trench's Hydra is each South River's Crow. The number of each Tonga Trench's Ocelot is each South River's Owl. The number of each Mariana Trench's Caracal is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Basilisk is 4 times each South River's Eagle. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Griffin is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Chimera is each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Manticore is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Griffin is each Cedar Valley's Owl. The number of each Java Trench's Serval is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Maple Creek's Crow is 0. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Phoenix is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Philippine Trench's Dragon is each South River's Owl. The number of each Cedar Valley's Eagle is 3. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Snow Leopard is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Maple Creek's Hawk is 3. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Puma is 4 more than each South River's Crow. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Griffin is 0 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Java Trench's Unicorn is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow.
How many Animal does Beverly Forest have?
Define Beverly Forest's Owl as k; so k = 2. Define Beverly Forest's Animal as s; so s = k = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of each Berlin's African Forest Elephant is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Avalon's Snow Leopard is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Avalon's Serval is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Agartha's Borneo Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Cheetah is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Berlin's Serval is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Pygmy Elephant is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Lemuria's Caracal is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Sri Lankan Elephant is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each El Dorado's Sumatran Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Paris's Puma is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Valhalla's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's Borneo Elephant is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Paris's Straight-tusked Elephant is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Pygmy Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Agartha's Margay is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Fishing Cat is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Lemuria's Margay is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Straight-tusked Elephant is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Brasília's Asian Elephant is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Lemuria's African Bush Elephant is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each El Dorado's Serval is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Camelot's Lynx is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Camelot's Ocelot is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Tír na nÓg's African Forest Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Hyperborea's Snow Leopard is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Ottawa's Woolly Mammoth is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each New Delhi's Margay is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Agartha's Fishing Cat is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Shangri-La's Pygmy Elephant is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Moscow's Caracal is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Camelot's Cheetah is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Paris's Borneo Elephant is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Lynx is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Borneo Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Indian Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Agartha's Woolly Mammoth is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Straight-tusked Elephant is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Puma is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Jaguar is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Indian Elephant is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Cedar Valley's Eagle is 2. The number of each Berlin's Indian Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Atlantis's Serval is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Lemuria's Asian Elephant is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's Asian Elephant is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each El Dorado's Indian Elephant is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Berlin's Asian Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's African Bush Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Avalon's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Agartha's African Bush Elephant is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Ottawa's Sumatran Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Lynx is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Agartha's Puma is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Valhalla's Pygmy Elephant is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Hyperborea's Cheetah is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Puma is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Valhalla's Margay is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Beijing's Snow Leopard is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Margay is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Sri Lankan Elephant is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Caracal is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Jaguar is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's African Bush Elephant is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Berlin's Fishing Cat is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Lemuria's Sumatran Elephant is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Fishing Cat is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Valhalla's African Bush Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each New Delhi's Fishing Cat is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each El Dorado's Margay is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Paris's Snow Leopard is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Sri Lankan Elephant is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Tokyo's Sri Lankan Elephant is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Lemuria's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Borneo Elephant is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Brasília's Cheetah is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Asian Elephant is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Fishing Cat is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Camelot's Jaguar is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Hyperborea's Ocelot is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Sri Lankan Elephant is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Snow Leopard is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Valhalla's Caracal is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Lemuria's Jaguar is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Asian Elephant is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Avalon's Sumatran Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Atlantis's African Bush Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Camelot's African Bush Elephant is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Shangri-La's Woolly Mammoth is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Lynx is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Avalon's Pygmy Elephant is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each El Dorado's Cheetah is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Lemuria's Indian Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Caracal is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Atlantis's Asian Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Snow Leopard is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Valhalla's African Forest Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each El Dorado's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Borneo Elephant is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Shangri-La's Borneo Elephant is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Ottawa's Serval is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Camelot's Snow Leopard is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Sumatran Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's Woolly Mammoth is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Avalon's Woolly Mammoth is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Atlantis's Sri Lankan Elephant is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each El Dorado's Caracal is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Canberra's African Bush Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each New Delhi's Pygmy Elephant is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Cheetah is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Valhalla's Fishing Cat is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each New Delhi's Sumatran Elephant is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Caracal is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Margay is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Shangri-La's Puma is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Canberra's African Forest Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Caracal is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Brasília's Margay is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Woolly Mammoth is 0 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Atlantis's Jaguar is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Lynx is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Hyperborea's Serval is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Agartha's Asian Elephant is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Paris's African Bush Elephant is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each El Dorado's Snow Leopard is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Pine Ridge's Owl is 1. The number of each Canberra's Puma is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Moscow's African Forest Elephant is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Paris's Pygmy Elephant is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Brasília's African Forest Elephant is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Beijing's Borneo Elephant is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Caracal is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Moscow's Jaguar is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Agartha's Lynx is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Paris's Ocelot is each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Lemuria's Ocelot is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's African Forest Elephant is 0 times each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Canberra's Indian Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Ocelot is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Eagle. The number of each Atlantis's Margay is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Avalon's Cheetah is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Valhalla's Sumatran Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Borneo Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Eagle.
How many Animal does Pine Ridge have?
Define Pine Ridge's Owl as t; so t = 1. Define Pine Ridge's Animal as S; so S = t = 1. Answer: 1.
The number of each Mount McKinley's Coyote is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Paris's African Wild Dog is each South River's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Dingo is each South River's Animal. The number of each Arctic Circle's Lionfish is 0 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Akita is each South River's Fox. The number of each Arctic Circle's Clownfish is 1 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Antarctica's Dingo is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each New Delhi's Dingo is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each New Delhi's Electric Eel is each South River's Animal. The number of each Siberia's New Guinea Singing Dog is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Clownfish is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Greenland's Akita is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Lapland's Maned Wolf is 0 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Greenland's Surgeonfish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Antarctica's Maned Wolf is 2 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Iceland's Blue Tang is 0 times each South River's Fox. The number of each Iceland's Coyote is each South River's Fox. The number of each Moscow's Shiba Inu is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Berlin's Fennec Fox is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Angelfish is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Berlin's Dhole is 4 times each South River's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Butterflyfish is 2 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Antarctica's Coyote is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Mount Fuji's Coelacanth is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Canberra's Basenji is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Patagonia's Akita is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Greenland's Fennec Fox is 3 more than each South River's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Basenji is each South River's Animal. The number of each Antarctica's Angelfish is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Lapland's Lionfish is 3 times each South River's Fox. The number of each New Delhi's Angelfish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Paris's Coyote is 0 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Patagonia's African Wild Dog is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Lapland's Dhole is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Mount McKinley's Siamese Fighting Fish is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Antarctica's Shiba Inu is each South River's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Coelacanth is each South River's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Lionfish is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Greenland's Clownfish is each South River's Fox. The number of each New Delhi's Butterflyfish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Beverly Forest's Wolf is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Iceland's Fennec Fox is each South River's Animal. The number of each Iceland's Dhole is 0 times each South River's Fox. The number of each Siberia's Maned Wolf is each South River's Fox. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Surgeonfish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Lapland's African Wild Dog is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each New Delhi's Basenji is each South River's Animal. The number of each Alps's Goblin Shark is each South River's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Siamese Fighting Fish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Ottawa's Butterflyfish is each South River's Animal. The number of each Patagonia's Lionfish is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Arctic Circle's Dhole is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Tokyo's Lionfish is 1 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Coyote is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Lapland's Shiba Inu is 2 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's African Wild Dog is 3 times each South River's Fox. The number of each Beijing's Fennec Fox is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Berlin's Maned Wolf is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Dingo is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Akita is each South River's Fox. The number of each Moscow's Akita is each South River's Animal. The number of each Beijing's African Wild Dog is each South River's Fox. The number of each Paris's New Guinea Singing Dog is 2 times each South River's Fox. The number of each Alps's Siamese Fighting Fish is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Berlin's Coelacanth is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Greenland's Shiba Inu is each South River's Fox. The number of each Tokyo's Blue Tang is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Tokyo's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Moscow's Basenji is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Tokyo's Butterflyfish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Alps's Angelfish is each South River's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Akita is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Paris's Surgeonfish is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Arctic Circle's Butterflyfish is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Beijing's Siamese Fighting Fish is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Canberra's Fennec Fox is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Siberia's Surgeonfish is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Brasília's New Guinea Singing Dog is each South River's Fox. The number of each Patagonia's New Guinea Singing Dog is each South River's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Dhole is 1 more than each South River's Fox. The number of each Iceland's Butterflyfish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Brasília's Fennec Fox is 3 more than each South River's Fox. The number of each Patagonia's Fennec Fox is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Patagonia's Dingo is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Iceland's Maned Wolf is each South River's Animal. The number of each Antarctica's Fennec Fox is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Alps's African Wild Dog is each South River's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Surgeonfish is 3 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Siberia's Butterflyfish is each South River's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Lionfish is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Paris's Goblin Shark is 0 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Alps's Electric Eel is 2 times each South River's Fox. The number of each Antarctica's Goblin Shark is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Canberra's Coyote is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Ottawa's Shiba Inu is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Moscow's Coyote is each South River's Fox. The number of each Mount Fuji's Dingo is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Canberra's Butterflyfish is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Alps's Coelacanth is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Iceland's Goblin Shark is each South River's Fox. The number of each Paris's Blue Tang is 3 more than each South River's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Fennec Fox is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Tokyo's Shiba Inu is 1 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Siberia's Coyote is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Berlin's New Guinea Singing Dog is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Alps's Dhole is each South River's Fox. The number of each Canberra's Blue Tang is each South River's Fox. The number of each Iceland's Electric Eel is 0 times each South River's Fox. The number of each Paris's Fennec Fox is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Antarctica's Siamese Fighting Fish is each South River's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Dhole is each South River's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Blue Tang is each South River's Animal. The number of each Mount Fuji's Coyote is 3 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Surgeonfish is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Paris's Coelacanth is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Alps's Akita is each South River's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's African Wild Dog is 0 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Lapland's Butterflyfish is each South River's Animal. The number of each Mount Fuji's Siamese Fighting Fish is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Alps's Fennec Fox is each South River's Fox. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Fennec Fox is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Lapland's Electric Eel is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Canberra's Electric Eel is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each South River's Fox is 4. The number of each Lapland's Coyote is each South River's Fox. The number of each Greenland's Coyote is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Mount Fuji's New Guinea Singing Dog is 0 more than each South River's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Blue Tang is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Lapland's Coelacanth is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Patagonia's Dhole is each South River's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Lapland's Blue Tang is each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Beverly Forest's Fox is 2 more than the sum of South River's Animal and South River's Fox. The number of each Iceland's Lionfish is each South River's Fox. The number of each Greenland's Butterflyfish is 4 more than each South River's Fox. The number of each Mount McKinley's Lionfish is each South River's Fox. The number of each Mount McKinley's Akita is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Antarctica's Surgeonfish is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Alps's New Guinea Singing Dog is each South River's Animal. The number of each Arctic Circle's Dingo is each Beverly Forest's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Angelfish is 2 more than each South River's Fox. The number of each Antarctica's Butterflyfish is each South River's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Coyote is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Wolf. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Coelacanth is each South River's Animal. The number of each Patagonia's Coyote is each South River's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Blue Tang is 4 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Goblin Shark is 2 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Beijing's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Beverly Forest's Wolf.
How many Animal does South River have?
Define South River's Fox as x; so x = 4. Define South River's Animal as v; so v = x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Dhole is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Coyote is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Crow is 4. The number of each Mariana Trench's Woolly Mammoth is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Challenger Deep's African Bush Elephant is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Pygmy Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Exosphere's Borneo Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's African Wild Dog is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Sumatran Elephant is 0 more than each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Basenji is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Jet Stream's Coyote is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Thermosphere's Pygmy Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Stratosphere's Asian Elephant is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Basenji is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Tonga Trench's Fennec Fox is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Woolly Mammoth is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's New Guinea Singing Dog is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Stratosphere's Dhole is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Mayer Aquarium's Crow is 2. The number of each Java Trench's Maned Wolf is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Tonga Trench's Pygmy Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Troposphere's Dingo is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Philippine Trench's Borneo Elephant is 4 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Pygmy Elephant is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Tonga Trench's Straight-tusked Elephant is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Mariana Trench's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Akita is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's New Guinea Singing Dog is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Borneo Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kermadec Trench's African Forest Elephant is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Ionosphere's Dingo is 1 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's African Bush Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Dingo is 2 times each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Philippine Trench's Indian Elephant is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Tonga Trench's Borneo Elephant is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Maned Wolf is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Shiba Inu is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Dhole is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Mariana Trench's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Troposphere's Sumatran Elephant is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Maned Wolf is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Asian Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Shiba Inu is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Philippine Trench's Coyote is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Exosphere's Pygmy Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Stratosphere's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Dingo is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Dingo is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Stratosphere's Basenji is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Fennec Fox is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Challenger Deep's Fennec Fox is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's New Guinea Singing Dog is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Thermosphere's Fennec Fox is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Straight-tusked Elephant is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Basenji is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Jet Stream's Indian Elephant is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Maned Wolf is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Basenji is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Stratosphere's Indian Elephant is 4 times each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Dingo is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Java Trench's Asian Elephant is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Tonga Trench's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Woolly Mammoth is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Indian Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Java Trench's Dingo is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Fennec Fox is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Kuril-Kamchatka Trench's Pygmy Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Troposphere's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Java Trench's Fennec Fox is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Coyote is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Thermosphere's Borneo Elephant is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Jet Stream's Maned Wolf is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Tonga Trench's Asian Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Java Trench's Shiba Inu is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Challenger Deep's Pygmy Elephant is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's African Forest Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Hawk is 1 more than the sum of Jefferson Circus's Animal and Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Ionosphere's African Forest Elephant is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Dingo is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Troposphere's Fennec Fox is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Shiba Inu is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Tonga Trench's Shiba Inu is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Java Trench's Indian Elephant is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Basenji is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Ionosphere's Dhole is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Basenji is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Ionosphere's Coyote is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Borneo Elephant is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Pygmy Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Asian Elephant is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Maned Wolf is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Challenger Deep's New Guinea Singing Dog is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Tonga Trench's Woolly Mammoth is 0 more than each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Mariana Trench's Dingo is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Mariana Trench's Asian Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's African Bush Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Sumatran Elephant is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Mariana Trench's Maned Wolf is 2 times each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Exosphere's Asian Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Sri Lankan Elephant is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Tonga Trench's African Wild Dog is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Stratosphere's African Bush Elephant is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Jet Stream's Basenji is 0 times each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Asian Elephant is 3 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Borneo Elephant is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Kermadec Trench's African Wild Dog is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Philippine Trench's Asian Elephant is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Aurora Borealis's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Java Trench's Sumatran Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Mariana Trench's Basenji is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Troposphere's Coyote is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Challenger Deep's Coyote is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Stratosphere's African Wild Dog is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Mariana Trench's New Guinea Singing Dog is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Mariana Trench's Akita is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Fennec Fox is 1 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Dhole is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Mesosphere's Shiba Inu is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's African Bush Elephant is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Tonga Trench's Dingo is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Ionosphere's Asian Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each South Zoo's Eagle is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Puerto Rico Trench's Shiba Inu is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Exosphere's Woolly Mammoth is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Challenger Deep's Indian Elephant is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Ionosphere's Indian Elephant is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Mariana Trench's African Bush Elephant is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Kermadec Trench's Maned Wolf is each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's New Guinea Singing Dog is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Jet Stream's Shiba Inu is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Mariana Trench's Sumatran Elephant is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's African Bush Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Mariana Trench's African Forest Elephant is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Fennec Fox is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's African Forest Elephant is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Jefferson Circus's Hawk is 2. The number of each Java Trench's African Bush Elephant is each South Zoo's Eagle. The number of each Troposphere's Shiba Inu is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Stratosphere's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk. The number of each Troposphere's Woolly Mammoth is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Crow. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Sumatran Elephant is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's African Bush Elephant is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Hawk. The number of each Tonga Trench's Akita is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Exosphere's Basenji is each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each South Sandwich Trench's Coyote is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Animal. The number of each Mariana Trench's African Wild Dog is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's African Wild Dog is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Peru-Chile Trench's Woolly Mammoth is each Jefferson Circus's Hawk.
How many Animal does Jefferson Circus have?
Define Jefferson Circus's Hawk as s; so s = 2. Define Jefferson Circus's Animal as z; so z = s = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of each Mesosphere's Snow Leopard is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Exosphere's Triceratops is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Ionosphere's Ocelot is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Berlin's Jaguar is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Moscow's Ocelot is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Brachiosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Stratosphere's Caracal is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Ankylosaurus is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Fishing Cat is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Diplodocus is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Jaguar is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Margay is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Stratosphere's Jaguar is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each New Delhi's Pteranodon is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Cheetah is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Margay is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Velociraptor is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Stratosphere's Triceratops is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Thermosphere's Triceratops is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay is 1. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Cheetah is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Fishing Cat is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Jet Stream's Spinosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Moscow's Puma is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Pteranodon is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Berlin's Allosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Cheetah is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Troposphere's Serval is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Fishing Cat is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Stegosaurus is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Brachiosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Ankylosaurus is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Jet Stream's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Thermosphere's Pteranodon is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Lynx is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Margay is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Beijing's Cheetah is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Snow Leopard is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Pteranodon is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Paris's Serval is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Thermosphere's Caracal is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Thermosphere's Cheetah is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Lynx is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Thermosphere's Spinosaurus is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Brasília's Margay is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Jet Stream's Caracal is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Diplodocus is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Snow Leopard is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Thermosphere's Ocelot is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Ionosphere's Fishing Cat is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Jaguar is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Velociraptor is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Paris's Cheetah is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Margay is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Paris's Stegosaurus is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Diplodocus is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Velociraptor is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Brachiosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Lynx is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Ocelot is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Spinosaurus is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Ankylosaurus is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Moscow's Lynx is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Jaguar is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Exosphere's Serval is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Allosaurus is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Exosphere's Margay is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Fishing Cat is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Jet Stream's Velociraptor is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Beverly Forest's Owl is 4 times the difference of Pine Ridge's Animal and Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Canberra's Jaguar is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Mesosphere's Cheetah is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Jet Stream's Diplodocus is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Stratosphere's Allosaurus is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Jet Stream's Pteranodon is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Ocelot is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Thermosphere's Ankylosaurus is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Jet Stream's Stegosaurus is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Margay is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Beverly Forest's Crow is the sum of Beverly Forest's Owl and Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Jet Stream's Allosaurus is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Allosaurus is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Allosaurus is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Beijing's Ankylosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Jet Stream's Fishing Cat is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Berlin's Triceratops is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Snow Leopard is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Triceratops is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Snow Leopard is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Stratosphere's Margay is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Berlin's Puma is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Serval is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each New Delhi's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Troposphere's Ocelot is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Berlin's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Ottawa's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Troposphere's Cheetah is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Puma is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Spinosaurus is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Thermosphere's Velociraptor is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Caracal is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Fishing Cat is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Serval is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Diplodocus is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Stratosphere's Ankylosaurus is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Stegosaurus is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Jet Stream's Puma is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Brachiosaurus is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Cheetah is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Exosphere's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Tyrannosaurus Rex is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Moscow's Serval is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Exosphere's Ankylosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Ocelot is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Troposphere's Pteranodon is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Berlin's Brachiosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Stegosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Jet Stream's Brachiosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Berlin's Ocelot is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Stratosphere's Stegosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Fishing Cat is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Exosphere's Puma is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Triceratops is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Exosphere's Allosaurus is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Snow Leopard is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Spinosaurus is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Ionosphere's Velociraptor is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Brachiosaurus is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Brasília's Brachiosaurus is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Stratosphere's Brachiosaurus is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each New Delhi's Lynx is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Ionosphere's Spinosaurus is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Paris's Caracal is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Stratosphere's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Spinosaurus is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Lynx is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Spinosaurus is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Moscow's Cheetah is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Jaguar is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Caracal is each Beverly Forest's Owl. The number of each Thermosphere's Brachiosaurus is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Pteranodon is each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Jaguar is each Beverly Forest's Crow. The number of each Brasília's Ocelot is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Blue Jay. The number of each Ottawa's Brachiosaurus is each Beverly Forest's Crow.
How many Animal does Pine Ridge have?
Define Pine Ridge's Blue Jay as R; so R = 1. Define Pine Ridge's Animal as A; so A = R = 1. Answer: 1.
The number of each Lhotse's Manticore is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Sumatran Elephant is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mont Blanc's African Forest Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Tycho Crater's Pygmy Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Manticore is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Sri Lankan Elephant is 1 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Everest's Indian Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Sumatran Elephant is 0 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Everest's Unicorn is 2 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Griffin is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Everest's Pegasus is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mont Blanc's Sri Lankan Elephant is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Tycho Crater's Borneo Elephant is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Chimera is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Denali's Asian Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Unicorn is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Hippogriff is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mont Blanc's Phoenix is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Hydra is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Phoenix is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's African Forest Elephant is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Phoenix is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Lunar Highlands's African Bush Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Everest's Woolly Mammoth is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Indian Elephant is 1 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Denali's Sumatran Elephant is 4 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Unicorn is 4 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Kilimanjaro's African Bush Elephant is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mont Blanc's Indian Elephant is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each K2's Manticore is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Borneo Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay is 4. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Hippogriff is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Unicorn is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each K2's Asian Elephant is 0 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Elbrus's Pygmy Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Makalu's African Bush Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Sumatran Elephant is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Lhotse's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Indian Elephant is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Straight-tusked Elephant is 4 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Lhotse's Straight-tusked Elephant is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each K2's Chimera is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Elbrus's Hydra is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Tycho Crater's African Bush Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Hippogriff is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Denali's Dragon is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Indian Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Hydra is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Imbrium's African Forest Elephant is 0 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mont Blanc's Manticore is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Matterhorn's Basilisk is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Aconcagua's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Dragon is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's African Forest Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Tycho Crater's Dragon is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Hippogriff is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Hippogriff is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Tycho Crater's Griffin is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Tycho Crater's Straight-tusked Elephant is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Griffin is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mont Blanc's Asian Elephant is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Matterhorn's African Bush Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Hydra is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Aconcagua's Griffin is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Woolly Mammoth is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Straight-tusked Elephant is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Pegasus is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Everest's Dragon is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Hamilton Farm's Eagle is 4. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Borneo Elephant is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Lhotse's Hippogriff is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Makalu's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Makalu's African Forest Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Pegasus is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Hydra is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Asian Elephant is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Dragon is 2 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Matterhorn's Manticore is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Woolly Mammoth is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Woolly Mammoth is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Straight-tusked Elephant is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Hippogriff is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Elbrus's Phoenix is 4 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Sri Lankan Elephant is 1 times each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Tycho Crater's Indian Elephant is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Straight-tusked Elephant is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Matterhorn's Unicorn is 3 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Indian Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Manticore is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Aconcagua's Basilisk is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Aconcagua's Manticore is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Woolly Mammoth is 4 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Mont Blanc's Hydra is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Dragon is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Elbrus's Dragon is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Basilisk is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Borneo Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Borneo Elephant is 4 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Pygmy Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Everest's Borneo Elephant is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Matterhorn's Indian Elephant is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Elbrus's African Bush Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Dragon is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Matterhorn's Woolly Mammoth is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Phoenix is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Matterhorn's Straight-tusked Elephant is 3 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Sumatran Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Everest's Pygmy Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Hydra is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Asian Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Sumatran Elephant is 4 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Everest's Hippogriff is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Jefferson Circus's Eagle is 1 times the difference of Hamilton Farm's Animal and Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's African Bush Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each K2's Hippogriff is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Hydra is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Makalu's Sri Lankan Elephant is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Basilisk is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Makalu's Phoenix is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Griffin is 1 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Lhotse's Chimera is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Elbrus's Manticore is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Matterhorn's African Forest Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each K2's Indian Elephant is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Lhotse's Unicorn is 4 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Sumatran Elephant is 3 more than each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Aconcagua's Dragon is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mont Blanc's Hippogriff is each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Asian Elephant is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Aconcagua's Pygmy Elephant is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each Denali's Hippogriff is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Nubium's Unicorn is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Pegasus is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Pygmy Elephant is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Pegasus is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Denali's Basilisk is each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each K2's Phoenix is 1 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Kilimanjaro's Pygmy Elephant is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Basilisk is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Nubium's Hydra is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle. The number of each Denali's Unicorn is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mare Nubium's Basilisk is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's African Bush Elephant is 3 more than each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Basilisk is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Blue Jay. The number of each K2's Dragon is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Eagle. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Borneo Elephant is each Hamilton Farm's Eagle.
How many Animal does Hamilton Farm have?
Define Hamilton Farm's Eagle as n; so n = 4. Define Hamilton Farm's Animal as o; so o = n = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Shiba Inu is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Goblin Shark is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Basenji is 0 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Vatican Museums's Dingo is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Coelacanth is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk is 2. The number of each Mount Fuji's Angelfish is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Patagonia's Blue Tang is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Patagonia's Coyote is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Clownfish is 0 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Siberia's Angelfish is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each British Museum's Blue Tang is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Iceland's Blue Tang is 2 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Lapland's Goblin Shark is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Lionfish is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Siamese Fighting Fish is 2 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Antarctica's Maned Wolf is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Fennec Fox is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Clownfish is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Mount McKinley's Clownfish is 0 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Prado Museum's Coelacanth is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Antarctica's Shiba Inu is 3 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Siberia's Clownfish is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Patagonia's Coelacanth is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Siamese Fighting Fish is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Vatican Museums's Dhole is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Iceland's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Iceland's Siamese Fighting Fish is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Patagonia's Lionfish is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Lionfish is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Angelfish is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Siberia's Siamese Fighting Fish is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Vatican Museums's Coelacanth is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Patagonia's Surgeonfish is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Fennec Fox is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Clownfish is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Vatican Museums's Shiba Inu is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Dhole is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Alps's New Guinea Singing Dog is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Arctic Circle's Coyote is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Lionfish is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Patagonia's Siamese Fighting Fish is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Alps's Angelfish is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Antarctica's Clownfish is 0 times each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Arctic Circle's Basenji is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Angelfish is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Mount McKinley's Fennec Fox is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Lapland's Surgeonfish is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Coyote is 2 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Siberia's Dingo is 1 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Siberia's Maned Wolf is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Lapland's Dhole is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Greenland's Basenji is 4 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Mount Fuji's Dingo is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Siberia's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Lionfish is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Angelfish is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's African Wild Dog is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Clownfish is 4 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Antarctica's Coelacanth is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Alps's Coyote is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Alps's Maned Wolf is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Dingo is 4 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Arctic Circle's Dingo is 4 times each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Patagonia's Angelfish is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Owl is 4. The number of each Mount Fuji's Basenji is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Tate Modern's Akita is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Arctic Circle's Fennec Fox is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Dingo is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Shiba Inu is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Blue Tang is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Mount Fuji's Lionfish is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Patagonia's Fennec Fox is 1 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Mount McKinley's Akita is 2 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Iceland's Clownfish is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Louvre Museum's Surgeonfish is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Tate Modern's Fennec Fox is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Siberia's Electric Eel is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Antarctica's Basenji is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Dhole is 4 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Coyote is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Mount McKinley's Angelfish is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Dhole is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Coelacanth is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Greenland's Shiba Inu is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each British Museum's Surgeonfish is 2 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's New Guinea Singing Dog is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Circle's Lionfish is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Tate Modern's Butterflyfish is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Blue Tang is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Mount Fuji's Siamese Fighting Fish is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Iceland's Shiba Inu is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Alps's Dhole is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Shiba Inu is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Circle's Angelfish is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each British Museum's Siamese Fighting Fish is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Alps's Shiba Inu is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Greenland's Maned Wolf is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Greenland's Electric Eel is 3 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Patagonia's Akita is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Akita is 0 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Alps's Electric Eel is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Patagonia's New Guinea Singing Dog is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Dhole is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each British Museum's Coyote is 4 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Iceland's Butterflyfish is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Lapland's Lionfish is 2 times each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Lapland's Fennec Fox is 2 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Coyote is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Eagle is 2. The number of each Siberia's Fennec Fox is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Circle's Surgeonfish is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Antarctica's Electric Eel is 0 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Greenland's Goblin Shark is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Antarctica's Dingo is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Dingo is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Siberia's Akita is 2 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Siamese Fighting Fish is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Mount Fuji's African Wild Dog is 0 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Vatican Museums's Basenji is 2 times each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Fennec Fox is each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Lapland's Coelacanth is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each South Zoo's Owl is 0. The number of each Vatican Museums's Butterflyfish is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Clownfish is 0 times each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Alps's Dingo is 3 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Arctic Circle's Coelacanth is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Rijksmuseum's African Wild Dog is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Siberia's African Wild Dog is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each British Museum's African Wild Dog is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Arctic Circle's Butterflyfish is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Mount Fuji's Clownfish is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Greenland's Angelfish is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Surgeonfish is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Prado Museum's Goblin Shark is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Iceland's Coelacanth is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Mount McKinley's Coelacanth is 2 more than each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's African Wild Dog is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Arctic Circle's Blue Tang is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Iceland's Basenji is each Mayer Aquarium's Crow. The number of each Mount Fuji's Maned Wolf is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Hawk. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Blue Tang is each South Zoo's Owl. The number of each Greenland's Siamese Fighting Fish is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Vatican Museums's Clownfish is 0 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Mount McKinley's Coyote is each Bundle Ranch's Owl. The number of each Mount McKinley's New Guinea Singing Dog is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Mayer Aquarium's Crow is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Louvre Museum's African Wild Dog is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Patagonia's Basenji is 3 times each South Zoo's Owl.
How many Animal does South Zoo have?
Define South Zoo's Owl as B; so B = 0. Define South Zoo's Animal as Z; so Z = B = 0. Answer: 0.
The number of each Louvre Museum's Griffin is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Allosaurus is 3 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Vatican Museums's Stegosaurus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Ankylosaurus is 2 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Pegasus is 1 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Stegosaurus is 0 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Vatican Museums's Spinosaurus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Chimera is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Thermosphere's Spinosaurus is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Vatican Museums's Phoenix is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Triceratops is 1 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each British Museum's Allosaurus is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Mesosphere's Pteranodon is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each British Museum's Hydra is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Vatican Museums's Velociraptor is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Pteranodon is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Ionosphere's Diplodocus is 3 more than each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Tate Modern's Diplodocus is 3 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Prado Museum's Dragon is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Ankylosaurus is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Vatican Museums's Ankylosaurus is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Spinosaurus is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Griffin is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each British Museum's Chimera is 2 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Hippogriff is 2 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Stratosphere's Phoenix is 0 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Spinosaurus is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Prado Museum's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Basilisk is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Hippogriff is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Pegasus is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Louvre Museum's Diplodocus is 4 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Pteranodon is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Ankylosaurus is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Manticore is 0 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Thermosphere's Stegosaurus is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Brachiosaurus is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Basilisk is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Prado Museum's Velociraptor is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Manticore is 0 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Ionosphere's Allosaurus is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Hippogriff is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Jet Stream's Diplodocus is 3 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Troposphere's Pegasus is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Brachiosaurus is 1 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Velociraptor is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Louvre Museum's Hippogriff is 3 times each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Pegasus is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Ionosphere's Hydra is 2 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Tate Modern's Pegasus is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Exosphere's Allosaurus is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Exosphere's Diplodocus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Basilisk is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Hippogriff is 0 times each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Thermosphere's Pegasus is 1 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Pegasus is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Ionosphere's Ankylosaurus is 4 more than each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Chimera is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Jet Stream's Spinosaurus is 1 times each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each British Museum's Unicorn is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Hydra is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Mesosphere's Brachiosaurus is 1 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Louvre Museum's Spinosaurus is 1 times each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Prado Museum's Pteranodon is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Phoenix is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Phoenix is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Exosphere's Triceratops is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Spinosaurus is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Hamilton Farm's Hawk is 0. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Allosaurus is 0 more than each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Louvre Museum's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Vatican Museums's Unicorn is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Ionosphere's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Griffin is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Tate Modern's Pteranodon is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Pteranodon is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Pegasus is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Triceratops is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Hydra is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each British Museum's Triceratops is 3 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Basilisk is 3 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Pteranodon is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Prado Museum's Phoenix is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Louvre Museum's Ankylosaurus is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Thermosphere's Dragon is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Pteranodon is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Ankylosaurus is 4 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Griffin is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Manticore is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each British Museum's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Allosaurus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Phoenix is 1 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each British Museum's Ankylosaurus is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Vatican Museums's Hippogriff is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Triceratops is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each British Museum's Stegosaurus is 4 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Stegosaurus is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Hydra is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Unicorn is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Phoenix is 1 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Louvre Museum's Pegasus is 4 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Tate Modern's Ankylosaurus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Louvre Museum's Velociraptor is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Phoenix is 0 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Stratosphere's Diplodocus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Hydra is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Mesosphere's Velociraptor is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Prado Museum's Brachiosaurus is 1 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Velociraptor is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Thermosphere's Allosaurus is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Vatican Museums's Griffin is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each South Zoo's Blue Jay is 3. The number of each South Zoo's Hawk is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Eagle is the sum of South Zoo's Hawk, Hamilton Farm's Animal, and Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Pegasus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Basilisk is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Nimbus Cloud's Diplodocus is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Aurora Borealis's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Stratosphere's Manticore is 4 more than each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Tate Modern's Phoenix is 0 more than each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Unicorn is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Ionosphere's Unicorn is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Hippogriff is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Thermosphere's Diplodocus is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Vatican Museums's Pteranodon is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Jet Stream's Stegosaurus is 3 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 2 more than each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Troposphere's Hippogriff is 0 times each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Prado Museum's Griffin is 2 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Allosaurus is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Mesosphere's Diplodocus is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Velociraptor is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Basilisk is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Ankylosaurus is 4 times each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Dragon is each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Dragon is each Hamilton Farm's Animal. The number of each Troposphere's Pteranodon is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Griffin is each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Louvre Museum's Triceratops is 4 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk. The number of each Thermosphere's Hippogriff is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Troposphere's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Exosphere's Phoenix is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Mesosphere's Spinosaurus is 3 times each South Zoo's Blue Jay. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Eagle. The number of each Louvre Museum's Brachiosaurus is each South Zoo's Hawk. The number of each Cirrus Cloud's Basilisk is 4 more than each Hamilton Farm's Hawk.
How many Animal does Hamilton Farm have?
Define Hamilton Farm's Hawk as G; so G = 0. Define Hamilton Farm's Animal as Y; so Y = G = 0. Answer: 0.
The number of each Pacific Ocean's Dinoflagellate is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hellas Basin's Chaetognath is 4 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Diatom is 4 times each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Gale Crater's Salp is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Chaetognath is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Indian Ocean's Diatom is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Arabia Terra's Stegosaurus is 3 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Southern Ocean's Cyanobacteria is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Southern Ocean's Salp is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Tintinnid is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Ankylosaurus is each South River's Owl. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Cyanobacteria is 1 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Tintinnid is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Velociraptor is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Indian Ocean's Allosaurus is 4 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Coral Sea's Copepod is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Hellas Basin's Triceratops is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Maple Creek's Hawk is each South River's Crow. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Foraminifera is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Southern Ocean's Triceratops is 2 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Southern Ocean's Radiolaria is each South River's Crow. The number of each Gale Crater's Diatom is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Velociraptor is each South River's Crow. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Chaetognath is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Gale Crater's Brachiosaurus is each South River's Crow. The number of each Valles Marineris's Pteropod is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Valles Marineris's Spinosaurus is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Pteropod is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Ankylosaurus is each South River's Owl. The number of each Coral Sea's Cyanobacteria is each South River's Crow. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Tintinnid is 3 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Stegosaurus is 3 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Tintinnid is 2 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Valles Marineris's Stegosaurus is each South River's Crow. The number of each Coral Sea's Diplodocus is 3 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Southern Ocean's Stegosaurus is each South River's Owl. The number of each Arabia Terra's Spinosaurus is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Triceratops is each South River's Crow. The number of each Bering Sea's Stegosaurus is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Olympus Mons's Pteropod is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Hellas Basin's Allosaurus is each South River's Crow. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Dinoflagellate is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Foraminifera is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Pteropod is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Coral Sea's Allosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Foraminifera is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Gale Crater's Foraminifera is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Dinoflagellate is 0 times each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Radiolaria is each South River's Owl. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Brachiosaurus is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Arabia Terra's Foraminifera is 2 times each South River's Owl. The number of each South River's Crow is 3 more than the sum of Pine Ridge's Animal and Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Stegosaurus is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Velociraptor is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Pteropod is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Stegosaurus is 0 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Tintinnid is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Copepod is each South River's Owl. The number of each Gale Crater's Spinosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Triceratops is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Arabia Terra's Velociraptor is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Brachiosaurus is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Bering Sea's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Indian Ocean's Foraminifera is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Bering Sea's Ankylosaurus is 0 more than each South River's Crow. The number of each Olympus Mons's Tintinnid is 0 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Coral Sea's Velociraptor is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Arabia Terra's Salp is 2 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Salp is 1 times each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Pteranodon is each South River's Owl. The number of each Olympus Mons's Salp is each South River's Owl. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Diplodocus is each South River's Owl. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Stegosaurus is 3 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Hellas Basin's Salp is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Bering Sea's Copepod is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Chaetognath is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Brachiosaurus is each South River's Crow. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Cyanobacteria is 1 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Coral Sea's Dinoflagellate is 1 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Indian Ocean's Radiolaria is 4 more than each South River's Crow. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Tintinnid is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Diatom is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Allosaurus is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Stegosaurus is 4 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Tintinnid is 0 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Velociraptor is 1 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Salp is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Gale Crater's Radiolaria is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Velociraptor is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Spinosaurus is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Sargasso Sea's Allosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Diatom is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Spinosaurus is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Olympus Mons's Brachiosaurus is each South River's Owl. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Radiolaria is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Hellas Basin's Pteranodon is 1 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Valles Marineris's Brachiosaurus is each South River's Crow. The number of each Olympus Mons's Foraminifera is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Pteranodon is 0 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Dinoflagellate is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Diatom is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Pteranodon is each South River's Crow. The number of each Hellas Basin's Radiolaria is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Salp is each South River's Crow. The number of each Indian Ocean's Stegosaurus is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Olympus Mons's Ankylosaurus is each South River's Owl. The number of each Arctic Ocean's Diatom is each South River's Owl. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Hellas Basin's Copepod is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Arabia Terra's Copepod is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Valles Marineris's Velociraptor is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Brachiosaurus is 0 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Indian Ocean's Salp is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Coral Sea's Pteropod is each South River's Owl. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Velociraptor is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Valles Marineris's Triceratops is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Indian Ocean's Pteropod is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Valles Marineris's Copepod is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Bering Sea's Brachiosaurus is 2 more than each South River's Crow. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Brachiosaurus is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Hellas Basin's Pteropod is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Salp is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Arabia Terra's Allosaurus is 2 times each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Olympus Mons's Stegosaurus is each South River's Crow. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Spinosaurus is 0 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Coral Sea's Stegosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Diplodocus is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Diatom is each South River's Crow. The number of each Valles Marineris's Diplodocus is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Owl. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Radiolaria is 2 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Gale Crater's Pteranodon is each South River's Crow. The number of each Bering Sea's Diatom is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Chaetognath is each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Copepod is each South River's Crow. The number of each Bering Sea's Foraminifera is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each South River's Owl is 0. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Diplodocus is each South River's Crow. The number of each Arabia Terra's Dinoflagellate is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Hawk. The number of each Pacific Ocean's Pteropod is 2 times each South River's Owl. The number of each Mediterranean Sea's Triceratops is 3 more than each South River's Crow. The number of each Pine Ridge's Owl is 2. The number of each Olympus Mons's Chaetognath is 0 more than each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Atlantic Ocean's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 2 more than each South River's Owl. The number of each Valles Marineris's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Copepod is 3 times each South River's Crow. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Allosaurus is each Pine Ridge's Animal. The number of each Caribbean Sea's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each South River's Crow.
How many Animal does Pine Ridge have?
Define Pine Ridge's Owl as x; so x = 2. Define Pine Ridge's Animal as Y; so Y = x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Stick Insect is each South River's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Dinoflagellate is 2 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Nubium's Stick Insect is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Dragonfly is 2 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Gale Crater's Antlion is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Dragonfly is 0 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Tintinnid is each South River's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Tintinnid is 4 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Salp is 1 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Praying Mantis is 3 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Foraminifera is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Pteropod is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Tintinnid is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Antlion is 0 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Olympus Mons's Atlas Moth is 3 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Dung Beetle is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Firefly is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Copepod is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Tycho Crater's Dinoflagellate is 3 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Dung Beetle is 3 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Stick Insect is each South River's Animal. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Praying Mantis is each South River's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Stick Insect is each South River's Animal. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Stick Insect is 4 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Dragonfly is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Valles Marineris's Salp is each South River's Animal. The number of each Gale Crater's Ladybug is each South River's Animal. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Diatom is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Ladybug is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Firefly is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Dinoflagellate is each South River's Animal. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Antlion is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Dinoflagellate is each South River's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Chaetognath is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Dragonfly is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Olympus Mons's Radiolaria is 2 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Gale Crater's Cyanobacteria is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Radiolaria is 0 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Arabia Terra's Antlion is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Tycho Crater's Salp is 3 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Stick Insect is 4 times each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Firefly is 4 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Copepod is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Chaetognath is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Salp is 1 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Praying Mantis is 4 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Ladybug is 1 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Valles Marineris's Hornet is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Hellas Basin's Hornet is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Beverly Forest's Eagle is 0 times the difference of South River's Animal and South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Stick Insect is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Dragonfly is 1 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Dung Beetle is 0 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Tintinnid is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Dinoflagellate is 2 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Hornet is each South River's Animal. The number of each Valles Marineris's Radiolaria is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Foraminifera is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Olympus Mons's Antlion is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Gale Crater's Chaetognath is each South River's Animal. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Cyanobacteria is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Cicada is 4 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Gale Crater's Dung Beetle is each South River's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Firefly is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Antlion is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Radiolaria is 4 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Gale Crater's Hornet is 1 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Chaetognath is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Antlion is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Olympus Mons's Stick Insect is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Ladybug is 1 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Nubium's Dung Beetle is 1 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Hellas Basin's Dragonfly is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Salp is 1 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Pteropod is 2 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Cyanobacteria is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Antlion is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Hellas Basin's Chaetognath is each South River's Animal. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Atlas Moth is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Diatom is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Radiolaria is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Arabia Terra's Dragonfly is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Hellas Basin's Diatom is 4 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Dung Beetle is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Diatom is 4 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Hellas Basin's Cyanobacteria is 4 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Olympus Mons's Cicada is 0 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Pteropod is 0 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Pteropod is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Radiolaria is 3 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each South River's Blue Jay is 4. The number of each Olympus Mons's Dragonfly is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Tycho Crater's Foraminifera is 4 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Mare Nubium's Firefly is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Gale Crater's Cicada is 0 more than each South River's Animal. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Salp is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Dung Beetle is 2 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Tycho Crater's Cicada is 0 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Hellas Basin's Foraminifera is 1 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Atlas Moth is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Cyanobacteria is each South River's Animal. The number of each Olympus Mons's Pteropod is 3 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Olympus Mons's Chaetognath is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Diatom is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Arabia Terra's Dung Beetle is 0 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Copepod is each South River's Animal. The number of each Valles Marineris's Cyanobacteria is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Antlion is each South River's Animal. The number of each Valles Marineris's Dinoflagellate is each South River's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Atlas Moth is each South River's Animal. The number of each Valles Marineris's Pteropod is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Diatom is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Cyanobacteria is 2 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Copepod is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Tycho Crater's Antlion is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Antlion is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Radiolaria is 1 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Atlas Moth is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Praying Mantis is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Tintinnid is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Olympus Mons's Tintinnid is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Tycho Crater's Ladybug is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Dragonfly is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Chaetognath is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Stick Insect is 4 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Tintinnid is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Salp is each South River's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Dinoflagellate is each South River's Animal. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Foraminifera is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Mare Nubium's Dragonfly is 2 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Tycho Crater's Diatom is 0 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Pteropod is each South River's Animal. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Dung Beetle is 1 more than each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Hellas Basin's Atlas Moth is 1 times each South River's Animal. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Radiolaria is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Gale Crater's Diatom is each South River's Animal. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Ladybug is each South River's Animal. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Copepod is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Arabia Terra's Radiolaria is each South River's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Praying Mantis is 4 times each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Gale Crater's Radiolaria is each South River's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Cyanobacteria is each South River's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Praying Mantis is each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Copepod is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Arabia Terra's Praying Mantis is each South River's Blue Jay. The number of each Gale Crater's Atlas Moth is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle. The number of each Olympus Mons's Praying Mantis is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Eagle.
How many Animal does South River have?
Define South River's Blue Jay as o; so o = 4. Define South River's Animal as q; so q = o = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Fin Whale is 0 times each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Bowhead Whale is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Borneo Elephant is each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Pygmy Elephant is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Beijing's Gray Whale is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Narwhal is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Blue Whale is 1 times each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Mare Nubium's Blue Whale is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Blue Whale is 0 times each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Brasília's Fin Whale is each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Narwhal is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Woolly Mammoth is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Tokyo's Blue Whale is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Canberra's African Bush Elephant is 4 times each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Minke Whale is each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Straight-tusked Elephant is 0 times each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Gray Whale is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Fin Whale is each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Paris's Humpback Whale is each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Beluga Whale is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Blue Whale is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Ottawa's Minke Whale is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each New Delhi's Asian Elephant is each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Moscow's Indian Elephant is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Paris's Blue Whale is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Canberra's Sri Lankan Elephant is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Mare Nubium's Asian Elephant is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Cedar Valley's Fox is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Mare Nubium's Beluga Whale is each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Berlin's Pygmy Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Ottawa's Borneo Elephant is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Brasília's Blue Whale is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's African Forest Elephant is 2 more than each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Borneo Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Borneo Elephant is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Woolly Mammoth is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Woolly Mammoth is each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Beijing's Narwhal is 1 times each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Beluga Whale is each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Washington D.C.'s African Bush Elephant is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Brasília's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Sperm Whale is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's African Forest Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Sperm Whale is each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Mare Nubium's Humpback Whale is each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Tokyo's Narwhal is 3 times each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Paris's Bryde's Whale is each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Tycho Crater's African Forest Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Canberra's Bryde's Whale is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Woolly Mammoth is 0 times each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Bowhead Whale is 0 times each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Sperm Whale is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Beijing's Fin Whale is each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Indian Elephant is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Narwhal is each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Moscow's Borneo Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Narwhal is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Beluga Whale is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Ottawa's Bowhead Whale is each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Mare Nubium's African Bush Elephant is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Brasília's Sumatran Elephant is 1 times each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Humpback Whale is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Maple Creek's Bear is 3. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Bryde's Whale is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Woolly Mammoth is 4 more than each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Moscow's Bryde's Whale is each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each Beverly Forest's Raccoon is 4. The number of each Canberra's Woolly Mammoth is each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Tycho Crater's Sumatran Elephant is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Brasília's Sperm Whale is 2 times each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Mare Nubium's Narwhal is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Mare Nubium's Sri Lankan Elephant is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Brasília's Humpback Whale is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Tokyo's Indian Elephant is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Bryde's Whale is each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Beijing's Woolly Mammoth is each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Sri Lankan Elephant is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Moscow's Fin Whale is each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Bowhead Whale is 0 times each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Humpback Whale is 3 times each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Humpback Whale is each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Sri Lankan Elephant is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Mare Nubium's Minke Whale is 1 times each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Straight-tusked Elephant is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Paris's Narwhal is each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Canberra's Borneo Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Berlin's Borneo Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Brasília's African Forest Elephant is each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each New Delhi's Indian Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Canberra's Minke Whale is each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Bowhead Whale is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Moscow's Gray Whale is each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Asian Elephant is each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each Tycho Crater's Minke Whale is each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Washington D.C.'s African Forest Elephant is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Mare Imbrium's African Forest Elephant is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Blue Whale is each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Straight-tusked Elephant is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Tycho Crater's Gray Whale is each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Narwhal is each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Sumatran Elephant is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Pine Ridge's Fox is 2. The number of each New Delhi's Blue Whale is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Cedar Valley's Bear is 1 more than the sum of Beverly Forest's Raccoon, Maple Creek's Animal, and Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Asian Elephant is 3 times each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Mare Nubium's Fin Whale is 1 times each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Beijing's Indian Elephant is each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Sumatran Elephant is 1 more than each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Humpback Whale is 3 more than each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Paris's Borneo Elephant is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Wolf. The number of each Maple Creek's Raccoon is 4. The number of each Brasília's Indian Elephant is 1 more than each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Tycho Crater's Straight-tusked Elephant is 1 times each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Pine Ridge's Raccoon is 4 more than the difference of Maple Creek's Raccoon and Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Indian Elephant is 3 more than each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Pygmy Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Pine Ridge's Wolf is each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Tokyo's Beluga Whale is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Mare Nubium's Bryde's Whale is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Beijing's Bryde's Whale is each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Moscow's African Forest Elephant is 0 times each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Canberra's Humpback Whale is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Mare Imbrium's Borneo Elephant is each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Pygmy Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Berlin's Bowhead Whale is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Mare Nubium's Sperm Whale is 0 times each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Minke Whale is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Pygmy Elephant is each Maple Creek's Wolf. The number of each Ottawa's African Forest Elephant is 0 more than each Beverly Forest's Raccoon. The number of each Canberra's Narwhal is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Tokyo's Asian Elephant is 4 times each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Berlin's Straight-tusked Elephant is 2 more than each Beverly Forest's Animal. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Humpback Whale is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Ottawa's Asian Elephant is 0 times each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each Oceanus Procellarum's Woolly Mammoth is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Sri Lankan Elephant is 1 times each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Bowhead Whale is each Maple Creek's Raccoon. The number of each Berlin's Beluga Whale is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Bryde's Whale is each Cedar Valley's Bear. The number of each Mare Nubium's Woolly Mammoth is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Straight-tusked Elephant is each Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Blue Whale is each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Cedar Valley's Wolf is the sum of Pine Ridge's Raccoon and Pine Ridge's Fox. The number of each Ottawa's Straight-tusked Elephant is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Sea of Tranquility's Beluga Whale is each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Beijing's African Forest Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Aristarchus Plateau's Fin Whale is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Pygmy Elephant is each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each New Delhi's Beluga Whale is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Fox. The number of each New Delhi's Bowhead Whale is each Maple Creek's Animal. The number of each Mare Cognitum's Narwhal is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Raccoon. The number of each Copernicus Crater's Indian Elephant is each Maple Creek's Bear. The number of each Lunar Highlands's Woolly Mammoth is 0 times each Pine Ridge's Raccoon. The number of each Mare Serenitatis's Bryde's Whale is each Cedar Valley's Wolf. The number of each Maple Creek's Wolf is 2. The number of each Cedar Valley's Raccoon is 2 times each Beverly Forest's Animal.
How many Animal does Beverly Forest have?
Define Beverly Forest's Raccoon as f; so f = 4. Define Beverly Forest's Animal as c; so c = f = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of each Valles Marineris's Hydra is 3 times each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Hyperborea's Hydra is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Olympus Mons's Howler Monkey is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Squirrel Monkey is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Gale Crater's Howler Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Gale Crater's Proboscis Monkey is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Arabia Terra's Hydra is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Hyperborea's Squirrel Monkey is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Camelot's Gibbon is 2 times each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Hyperborea's Pegasus is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Agartha's Pegasus is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Griffin is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Unicorn is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Lemuria's Capuchin is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Bear is 4. The number of each Arabia Terra's Dragon is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Gibbon is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Hellas Basin's Unicorn is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Camelot's Dragon is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Atlantis's Capuchin is 4 times each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Hellas Basin's Phoenix is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Avalon's Tamarin is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Camelot's Proboscis Monkey is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Shangri-La's Macaque is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Shangri-La's Proboscis Monkey is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Hydra is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Valhalla's Proboscis Monkey is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Hydra is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Olympus Mons's Chimera is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Arabia Terra's Squirrel Monkey is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Mayer Aquarium's Bear is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Hellas Basin's Tamarin is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Chimera is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Olympus Mons's Griffin is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Olympus Mons's Unicorn is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Lemuria's Basilisk is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Avalon's Griffin is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each El Dorado's Unicorn is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Shangri-La's Basilisk is 3 times each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each El Dorado's Mandrill is 3 times each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Lemuria's Squirrel Monkey is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Howler Monkey is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Lemuria's Howler Monkey is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Shangri-La's Tamarin is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each El Dorado's Squirrel Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Proboscis Monkey is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Griffin is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Camelot's Manticore is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Proboscis Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Squirrel Monkey is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Dragon is 2 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Mandrill is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Gale Crater's Tamarin is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Valles Marineris's Squirrel Monkey is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Hellas Basin's Griffin is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Avalon's Gibbon is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Arabia Terra's Gibbon is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Gale Crater's Pegasus is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Avalon's Pegasus is 4 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Atlantis's Squirrel Monkey is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Shangri-La's Howler Monkey is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Basilisk is each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Gale Crater's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Atlantis's Manticore is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Valles Marineris's Manticore is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Camelot's Chimera is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Valles Marineris's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Arabia Terra's Hippogriff is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Colobus Monkey is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Camelot's Spider Monkey is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Avalon's Spider Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Basilisk is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Valhalla's Unicorn is 0 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Lemuria's Tamarin is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Hyperborea's Basilisk is 0 times each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Hellas Basin's Proboscis Monkey is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Dragon is each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Atlantis's Hydra is each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Shangri-La's Unicorn is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Hyperborea's Capuchin is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Agartha's Griffin is 2 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Agartha's Capuchin is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Atlantis's Unicorn is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Arabia Terra's Capuchin is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Hellas Basin's Spider Monkey is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Atlantis's Pegasus is 0 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Lemuria's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Hellas Basin's Pegasus is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Phoenix is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Mandrill is 1 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Hellas Basin's Chimera is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Gale Crater's Mandrill is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Shangri-La's Hippogriff is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Valhalla's Griffin is 1 times each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Hyperborea's Spider Monkey is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Jefferson Circus's Wolf is 2. The number of each Olympus Mons's Macaque is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Olympus Mons's Colobus Monkey is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Valhalla's Hippogriff is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Gale Crater's Squirrel Monkey is 3 times each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Tharsis Bulge's Capuchin is 3 times each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Gale Crater's Basilisk is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Camelot's Mandrill is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Hyperborea's Unicorn is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Hyperborea's Griffin is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Valles Marineris's Spider Monkey is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Manticore is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Macaque is 2 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Avalon's Colobus Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Proboscis Monkey is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Aeolis Mons's Pegasus is 4 times each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Agartha's Phoenix is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Valhalla's Howler Monkey is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Shangri-La's Phoenix is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Hyperborea's Macaque is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Valles Marineris's Howler Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each El Dorado's Tamarin is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Hyperborea's Proboscis Monkey is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Olympus Mons's Pegasus is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Valles Marineris's Tamarin is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Gale Crater's Colobus Monkey is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Atlantis's Basilisk is 3 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Atlantis's Colobus Monkey is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon is each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Camelot's Hippogriff is 1 more than each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Hyperborea's Colobus Monkey is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Olympus Mons's Manticore is 3 times each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Olympus Mons's Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Atlantis's Macaque is 2 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Arabia Terra's Phoenix is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Medusae Fossae's Unicorn is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each El Dorado's Macaque is each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Agartha's Tamarin is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Atlantis's Phoenix is 4 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Valles Marineris's Macaque is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each El Dorado's Dragon is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Hyperborea's Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each El Dorado's Howler Monkey is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each El Dorado's Spider Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Gale Crater's Dragon is 0 times each Jefferson Circus's Animal. The number of each Gale Crater's Gibbon is each Mayer Aquarium's Raccoon. The number of each El Dorado's Capuchin is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Bear. The number of each Isidis Planitia's Capuchin is each Mayer Aquarium's Bear. The number of each Noctis Labyrinthus's Proboscis Monkey is each Jefferson Circus's Wolf. The number of each Hellas Basin's Capuchin is 3 more than each Mayer Aquarium's Bear.
How many Animal does Jefferson Circus have?
Define Jefferson Circus's Wolf as B; so B = 2. Define Jefferson Circus's Animal as d; so d = B = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of each Rijksmuseum's Diplodocus is 2 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Velociraptor is 4 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Atlas Moth is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Beijing's Spinosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Louvre Museum's Antlion is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Beijing's Allosaurus is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Spinosaurus is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Ottawa's Stick Insect is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Vatican Museums's Cicada is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Stegosaurus is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Hornet is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Louvre Museum's Spinosaurus is 3 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Berlin's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Antlion is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Ladybug is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Diplodocus is 0 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each New Delhi's Allosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each British Museum's Firefly is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each New Delhi's Pteranodon is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Stegosaurus is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Diplodocus is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Ottawa's Dung Beetle is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Beijing's Pteranodon is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Brachiosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Stick Insect is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Allosaurus is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Prado Museum's Pteranodon is 0 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Cicada is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Ankylosaurus is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each British Museum's Pteranodon is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Cicada is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Dragonfly is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Diplodocus is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Ankylosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Diplodocus is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each New Delhi's Tyrannosaurus Rex is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Tate Modern's Allosaurus is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Dragonfly is 3 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Firefly is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Spinosaurus is 2 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Ladybug is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Brachiosaurus is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Dragonfly is 2 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Velociraptor is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Moscow's Stick Insect is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Tokyo's Firefly is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Ottawa's Praying Mantis is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Velociraptor is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Paris's Dragonfly is 1 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Brasília's Brachiosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Firefly is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Allosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Firefly is 3 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Praying Mantis is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Brasília's Cicada is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Stegosaurus is 0 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Brachiosaurus is 4 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Ottawa's Spinosaurus is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Spinosaurus is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Pteranodon is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Atlas Moth is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Vatican Museums's Antlion is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Brasília's Hornet is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Stegosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Prado Museum's Dragonfly is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Brasília's Tyrannosaurus Rex is 0 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Canberra's Stegosaurus is 4 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Allosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Tate Modern's Cicada is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Maple Creek's Owl is 0. The number of each Louvre Museum's Ankylosaurus is 1 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Ankylosaurus is 0 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Allosaurus is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Brachiosaurus is 0 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Prado Museum's Atlas Moth is 2 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Paris's Hornet is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Cedar Valley's Crow is 2. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Antlion is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Firefly is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Stegosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each British Museum's Atlas Moth is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Paris's Velociraptor is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Hornet is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Maple Creek's Crow is 1 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Beijing's Stick Insect is 2 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Tate Modern's Dragonfly is 3 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Louvre Museum's Cicada is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Ankylosaurus is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Stegosaurus is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Vatican Museums's Hornet is 4 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Moscow's Cicada is 3 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each New Delhi's Praying Mantis is 1 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Atlas Moth is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Stegosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Atlas Moth is 0 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Paris's Spinosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Diplodocus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Hornet is 3 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Beijing's Hornet is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Moscow's Brachiosaurus is 1 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Dung Beetle is 3 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Stick Insect is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Tate Modern's Triceratops is 2 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Prado Museum's Cicada is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Brachiosaurus is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Dung Beetle is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Dragonfly is 3 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Moscow's Firefly is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Stegosaurus is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Moscow's Hornet is 3 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Ladybug is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Pteranodon is 4 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each New Delhi's Stick Insect is 0 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Stick Insect is 2 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Prado Museum's Allosaurus is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Brachiosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Prado Museum's Firefly is 1 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Stick Insect is 0 times each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Canberra's Praying Mantis is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Antlion is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Guggenheim Museum's Diplodocus is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Uffizi Gallery's Pteranodon is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Hermitage Museum's Velociraptor is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Cicada is 3 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Prado Museum's Ladybug is 2 times each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Canberra's Diplodocus is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Brasília's Ankylosaurus is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Beijing's Firefly is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Dragonfly is 4 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Tate Modern's Dung Beetle is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Ladybug is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Berlin's Spinosaurus is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Metropolitan Museum's Brachiosaurus is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Canberra's Velociraptor is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Rijksmuseum's Atlas Moth is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Paris's Stegosaurus is 1 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each British Museum's Cicada is each Cedar Valley's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Firefly is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Beijing's Dung Beetle is each Maple Creek's Crow. The number of each Prado Museum's Dung Beetle is 1 times each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Louvre Museum's Praying Mantis is each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each British Museum's Velociraptor is 3 more than each Cedar Valley's Crow. The number of each Tokyo's Triceratops is 0 more than each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each British Museum's Ladybug is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Canberra's Triceratops is each Maple Creek's Owl. The number of each Vatican Museums's Atlas Moth is each Cedar Valley's Animal.
How many Animal does Cedar Valley have?
Define Cedar Valley's Crow as z; so z = 2. Define Cedar Valley's Animal as w; so w = z = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of each Avalon's Hippogriff is 4 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Ocelot is 2 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Brasília's Phoenix is 1 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Beijing's Fishing Cat is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Hippogriff is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Lemuria's Jaguar is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Paris's Unicorn is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Griffin is 3 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Berlin's Puma is 2 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Lemuria's Chimera is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Moscow's Fishing Cat is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Fishing Cat is 4 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon is 4. The number of each New Delhi's Caracal is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each El Dorado's Snow Leopard is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Tokyo's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Cheetah is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Ottawa's Fishing Cat is 2 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Agartha's Hydra is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Camelot's Pegasus is 3 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Unicorn is 1 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Berlin's Fishing Cat is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Paris's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Agartha's Ocelot is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Camelot's Puma is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Beijing's Caracal is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Atlantis's Griffin is 0 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each El Dorado's Margay is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Hyperborea's Ocelot is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Berlin's Snow Leopard is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Beijing's Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each New Delhi's Hippogriff is 1 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each South Zoo's Deer is 2. The number of each Lemuria's Lynx is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Basilisk is 2 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Ocelot is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Paris's Caracal is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Avalon's Serval is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Valhalla's Puma is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Agartha's Dragon is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Valhalla's Hydra is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Ottawa's Basilisk is 4 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Avalon's Dragon is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Ocelot is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Camelot's Ocelot is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's Hydra is 1 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Agartha's Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Brasília's Griffin is 1 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Brasília's Caracal is 0 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each New Delhi's Snow Leopard is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Paris's Snow Leopard is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Hyperborea's Manticore is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Shangri-La's Cheetah is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Margay is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Paris's Serval is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Ottawa's Griffin is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Fishing Cat is 3 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Camelot's Jaguar is 4 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Berlin's Hippogriff is 4 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Shangri-La's Caracal is 1 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Atlantis's Phoenix is 1 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Puma is 2 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Bundle Ranch's Deer is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Atlantis's Unicorn is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Pegasus is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Paris's Phoenix is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Cheetah is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Puma is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each El Dorado's Lynx is 2 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Ottawa's Caracal is 1 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Tokyo's Manticore is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Camelot's Hippogriff is 3 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Phoenix is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Paris's Puma is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Serval is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Phoenix is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Paris's Basilisk is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Lynx is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Ottawa's Cheetah is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Valhalla's Dragon is 4 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Puma is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Avalon's Puma is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Lynx is 1 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Unicorn is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each El Dorado's Jaguar is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Paris's Griffin is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Brasília's Fishing Cat is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Serval is 1 more than each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Tokyo's Puma is 3 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Agartha's Manticore is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each New Delhi's Hydra is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Paris's Dragon is 4 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each El Dorado's Cheetah is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Beijing's Pegasus is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Beijing's Jaguar is 3 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Avalon's Basilisk is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Jaguar is 0 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Ottawa's Hippogriff is 0 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Beijing's Cheetah is 0 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Hyperborea's Lynx is 3 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Caracal is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Lemuria's Caracal is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Hippogriff is 3 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Unicorn is 3 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Chimera is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Griffin is 4 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Avalon's Fishing Cat is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Camelot's Cheetah is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each El Dorado's Dragon is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Brasília's Margay is 4 more than each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Agartha's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Ottawa's Hydra is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Griffin is 4 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Atlantis's Dragon is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Moscow's Snow Leopard is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Tokyo's Cheetah is 2 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Valhalla's Hippogriff is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Shangri-La's Pegasus is 3 more than each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Beijing's Unicorn is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Hippogriff is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Snow Leopard is 3 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Atlantis's Margay is 0 more than each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Hyperborea's Unicorn is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Berlin's Hydra is 2 times each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Caracal is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Avalon's Margay is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Tokyo's Fishing Cat is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Tír na nÓg's Hydra is 2 times each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Lemuria's Fishing Cat is 0 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Lynx is 1 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Brasília's Lynx is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon. The number of each Ottawa's Puma is 4 times each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Lemuria's Dragon is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Basilisk is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each El Dorado's Phoenix is 1 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Basilisk is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Dragon is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Washington D.C.'s Chimera is each Bundle Ranch's Deer. The number of each Moscow's Pegasus is 2 more than each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Canberra's Unicorn is 3 more than each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Shangri-La's Manticore is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each Paris's Margay is 1 times each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each New Delhi's Ocelot is each South Zoo's Deer. The number of each El Dorado's Hippogriff is each South Zoo's Animal. The number of each Canberra's Hydra is each Bundle Ranch's Raccoon.
How many Animal does South Zoo have?
Define South Zoo's Deer as g; so g = 2. Define South Zoo's Animal as P; so P = g = 2. Answer: 2.
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