1 value
convert int to string
def string_to_int( s ): """Convert a string of bytes into an integer, as per X9.62.""" result = 0 for c in s: if not isinstance(c, int): c = ord( c ) result = 256 * result + c return result
convert int to string
def to_int(s): """ converts a string to an integer >>> to_int('1_000_000') 1000000 >>> to_int('1e6') 1000000 >>> to_int('1000') 1000 """ try: return int(s.replace('_', '')) except ValueError: return int(ast.literal_eval(s))
convert int to string
def _string_to_int(self, string): """ Convert a string to a number, using the given alphabet.. """ number = 0 for char in string[::-1]: number = number * self._alpha_len + self._alphabet.index(char) return number
convert int to string
def int_to_string( x ): """Convert integer x into a string of bytes, as per X9.62.""" assert x >= 0 if x == 0: return b('\0') result = [] while x: ordinal = x & 0xFF result.append(int2byte(ordinal)) x >>= 8 result.reverse() return b('').join(result)
convert int to string
def string_to_num(s: str): """Converts a string to an int/float Returns ``None`` if it can't be converted >>> string_to_num('5') 5 >>> string_to_num('5.2') 5.2 >>> string_to_num(10) 10 >>> string_to_num(10.1) 10.1 >>> string_to_num('this is not a string') is None True """ if isinstance(s, (int, float)): return s if s.isdigit(): return int(s) try: return float(s) except ValueError: return None
convert int to string
def str2int(self, num): """Converts a string into an integer. If possible, the built-in python conversion will be used for speed purposes. :param num: A string that will be converted to an integer. :rtype: integer :raise ValueError: when *num* is invalid """ radix, alphabet = self.radix, self.alphabet if radix <= 36 and alphabet[:radix].lower() == BASE85[:radix].lower(): return int(num, radix) ret = 0 lalphabet = alphabet[:radix] for char in num: if char not in lalphabet: raise ValueError("invalid literal for radix2int() with radix " "%d: '%s'" % (radix, num)) ret = ret * radix + self.cached_map[char] return ret
convert int to string
def convert_string(string): """Convert string to int, float or bool. """ if is_int(string): return int(string) elif is_float(string): return float(string) elif convert_bool(string)[0]: return convert_bool(string)[1] elif string == 'None': return None else: return string
convert int to string
def ints_to_string(ints): """Convert a list of integers to a *|* separated string. Args: ints (list[int]|int): List of integer items to convert or single integer to convert. Returns: str: Formatted string """ if not isinstance(ints, list): return six.u(str(ints)) return '|'.join(six.u(str(l)) for l in ints)
convert int to string
def string_to_int(string, alphabet): """ Convert a string to a number, using the given alphabet. The input is assumed to have the most significant digit first. """ number = 0 alpha_len = len(alphabet) for char in string: number = number * alpha_len + alphabet.index(char) return number
convert int to string
def _char2int(char): """ translate characters to integer values (upper and lower case)""" if char.isdigit(): return int(float(char)) if char.isupper(): return int(char, 36) else: return 26 + int(char, 36)
convert int to string
def str_to_int_array(string, base=16): """ Converts a string to an array of integer values according to the base specified (int numbers must be whitespace delimited).\n Example: "13 a3 3c" => [0x13, 0xa3, 0x3c] :return: [int] """ int_strings = string.split() return [int(int_str, base) for int_str in int_strings]
convert int to string
def fast_int( x, key=lambda x: x, _uni=unicodedata.digit, _first_char=POTENTIAL_FIRST_CHAR, ): """ Convert a string to a int quickly, return input as-is if not possible. We don't need to accept all input that the real fast_int accepts because natsort is controlling what is passed to this function. Parameters ---------- x : str String to attempt to convert to an int. key : callable Single-argument function to apply to *x* if conversion fails. Returns ------- *str* or *int* """ if x[0] in _first_char: try: return long(x) except ValueError: try: return _uni(x, key(x)) if len(x) == 1 else key(x) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover return key(x) else: try: return _uni(x, key(x)) if len(x) == 1 else key(x) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover return key(x)
convert int to string
def to_string(x): """ Utf8 conversion :param x: :return: """ if isinstance(x, bytes): return x.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(x, basestring): return x
convert int to string
def int_to_string(number, alphabet, padding=None): """ Convert a number to a string, using the given alphabet. The output has the most significant digit first. """ output = "" alpha_len = len(alphabet) while number: number, digit = divmod(number, alpha_len) output += alphabet[digit] if padding: remainder = max(padding - len(output), 0) output = output + alphabet[0] * remainder return output[::-1]
convert int to string
def int_convert(base): '''Convert a string to an integer. The string may start with a sign. It may be of a base other than 10. If may start with a base indicator, 0#nnnn, which we assume should override the specified base. It may also have other non-numeric characters that we can ignore. ''' CHARS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' def f(string, match, base=base): if string[0] == '-': sign = -1 else: sign = 1 if string[0] == '0' and len(string) > 2: if string[1] in 'bB': base = 2 elif string[1] in 'oO': base = 8 elif string[1] in 'xX': base = 16 else: # just go with the base specifed pass chars = CHARS[:base] string = re.sub('[^%s]' % chars, '', string.lower()) return sign * int(string, base) return f
convert int to string
def toString(value): """ Convert a value to a string, if possible. """ if isinstance(value, basestring): return value elif type(value) in [np.string_, np.str_]: return str(value) elif type(value) == np.unicode_: return unicode(value) else: raise TypeError("Could not convert %s to string type" % type(value))
convert int to string
def convert_to_int(value): """Attempts to convert a specified value to an integer :param value: Content to be converted into an integer :type value: string or int """ if not value: return None # Apart from numbers also accept values that end with px if isinstance(value, str): value = value.strip(' px') try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None
convert int to string
def to_int(value: str) -> int: """ Robust to integer conversion, handling hex values, string representations, and special cases like `0x`. """ if is_0x_prefixed(value): if len(value) == 2: return 0 else: return int(value, 16) else: return int(value)
convert int to string
def conv_to_float(indata, inf_str=''): """Try to convert an arbitrary string to a float. Specify what will be replaced with "Inf". Args: indata (str): String which contains a float inf_str (str): If string contains something other than a float, and you want to replace it with float("Inf"), specify that string here. Returns: float: Converted string representation """ if indata.strip() == inf_str: outdata = float('Inf') else: try: outdata = float(indata) except: raise ValueError('Unable to convert {} to float'.format(indata)) return outdata
convert int to string
def _to_string(val): """Convert to text.""" if isinstance(val, binary_type): return val.decode('utf-8') assert isinstance(val, text_type) return val
convert int to string
def _convert_name(self, name): """Convert ``name`` to int if it looks like an int. Otherwise, return it as is. """ if re.search('^\d+$', name): if len(name) > 1 and name[0] == '0': # Don't treat strings beginning with "0" as ints return name return int(name) return name
convert int to string
def int2str(self, num): """Converts an integer into a string. :param num: A numeric value to be converted to another base as a string. :rtype: string :raise TypeError: when *num* isn't an integer :raise ValueError: when *num* isn't positive """ if int(num) != num: raise TypeError('number must be an integer') if num < 0: raise ValueError('number must be positive') radix, alphabet = self.radix, self.alphabet if radix in (8, 10, 16) and \ alphabet[:radix].lower() == BASE85[:radix].lower(): return ({8: '%o', 10: '%d', 16: '%x'}[radix] % num).upper() ret = '' while True: ret = alphabet[num % radix] + ret if num < radix: break num //= radix return ret
convert int to string
def to_int(value=None, hexstr=None, text=None): """ Converts value to it's integer representation. Values are converted this way: * value: * bytes: big-endian integer * bool: True => 1, False => 0 * hexstr: interpret hex as integer * text: interpret as string of digits, like '12' => 12 """ assert_one_val(value, hexstr=hexstr, text=text) if hexstr is not None: return int(hexstr, 16) elif text is not None: return int(text) elif isinstance(value, bytes): return big_endian_to_int(value) elif isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Pass in strings with keyword hexstr or text") else: return int(value)
convert int to string
def bin_to_int(string): """Convert a one element byte string to signed int for python 2 support.""" if isinstance(string, str): return struct.unpack("b", string)[0] else: return struct.unpack("b", bytes([string]))[0]
convert int to string
def int_0_inf(cls, string): '''Convert string to int. If ``inf`` is supplied, it returns ``0``. ''' if string == 'inf': return 0 try: value = int(string) except ValueError as error: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(error) if value < 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(_('Value must not be negative.')) else: return value
convert int to string
def to_inttuple(bitstr): """Convert from bit string likes '01011' to int tuple likes (0, 1, 0, 1, 1) Args: bitstr (str, Counter, dict): String which is written in "0" or "1". If all keys are bitstr, Counter or dict are also can be converted by this function. Returns: tuple of int, Counter, dict: Converted bits. If bitstr is Counter or dict, returns the Counter or dict which contains {converted key: original value}. Raises: ValueError: If bitstr type is unexpected or bitstr contains illegal character. """ if isinstance(bitstr, str): return tuple(int(b) for b in bitstr) if isinstance(bitstr, Counter): return Counter({tuple(int(b) for b in k): v for k, v in bitstr.items()}) if isinstance(bitstr, dict): return {tuple(int(b) for b in k): v for k, v in bitstr.items()} raise ValueError("bitstr type shall be `str`, `Counter` or `dict`")
convert int to string
def bigint_to_string(val): """ Converts @val to a string if it is a big integer (|>2**53-1|) @val: #int or #float -> #str if @val is a big integer, otherwise @val """ if isinstance(val, _NUMBERS) and not abs(val) <= 2**53-1: return str(val) return val
convert int to string
def convert_int(value, parameter): ''' Converts to int or float: '', '-', None convert to parameter default Anything else uses int() or float() constructor ''' value = _check_default(value, parameter, ( '', '-', None )) if value is None or isinstance(value, int): return value try: return int(value) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(str(e))
convert int to string
def _asString(self, value): """converts the value as a string""" if sys.version_info[0] == 3: if isinstance(value, str): return value elif isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode('utf-8') elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: return value.encode('ascii')
convert int to string
def to_int(value: str, default: T = None) -> Union[int, Optional[T]]: """Convert given value to int. If conversion failed, return default value without raising Exception. :param value: Value to convert to int. :param default: Default value to use in case of failed conversion. """ try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): return default
convert int to string
def str_digit_to_int(chr): """ Converts a string character to a decimal number. Where "A"->10, "B"->11, "C"->12, ...etc Args: chr(str): A single character in the form of a string. Returns: The integer value of the input string digit. """ # 0 - 9 if chr in ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"): n = int(chr) else: n = ord(chr) # A - Z if n < 91: n -= 55 # a - z or higher else: n -= 61 return n
convert int to string
def _to_string(x): """Convert to a unicode string. If x is a byte string, assume it is utf-8 and decode to a Python unicode string. You must call this on text strings you get back from libvips. """ if x == ffi.NULL: x = 'NULL' else: x = ffi.string(x) if isinstance(x, byte_type): x = x.decode('utf-8') return x
convert int to string
def tostring(self, encoding): """ quote the string if not encoded else encode and return """ if self.kind == 'string': if encoding is not None: return self.converted return '"{converted}"'.format(converted=self.converted) elif self.kind == 'float': # python 2 str(float) is not always # round-trippable so use repr() return repr(self.converted) return self.converted
convert int to string
def convert_number(string): """Convert a string to number If int convert to int otherwise float If not possible return None """ res = None if isint(string): res = int(string) elif isfloat(string): res = float(string) return res
convert int to string
def to_int(value, default=0): """ Tries to convert the value passed in as an int. If no success, returns the default value passed in :param value: the string to convert to integer :param default: the default fallback :return: int representation of the value passed in """ try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): return to_int(default, default=0)
convert int to string
def string_to_integer(value, strict=False): """ Return an integer corresponding to the string representation of a number. @param value: a string representation of an integer number. @param strict: indicate whether the specified string MUST be of a valid integer number representation. @return: the integer value represented by the string. @raise ValueError: if the string doesn't represent a valid integer, while the argument ``strict`` equals ``True``. """ if is_undefined(value): if strict: raise ValueError('The value cannot be null') return None try: return int(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('The specified string "%s" does not represent an integer' % value)
convert int to string
def _isint(string): """ >>> _isint("123") True >>> _isint("123.45") False """ return type(string) is int or \ (isinstance(string, _binary_type) or isinstance(string, _text_type)) and \ _isconvertible(int, string)
convert int to string
def parse_int_token(token): """ Parses a string to convert it to an integer based on the format used: :param token: The string to convert to an integer. :type token: ``str`` :return: ``int`` or raises ``ValueError`` exception. Usage:: >>> parse_int_token("0x40") 64 >>> parse_int_token("040") 32 >>> parse_int_token("40") 40 >>> parse_int_token("foobar") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foobar' """ if token.startswith("0x") or token.startswith("0X"): return int(token, 16) elif token.startswith("0"): return int(token, 8) else: return int(token)
convert int to string
def to_int( primitive: Primitives = None, hexstr: HexStr = None, text: str = None ) -> int: """ Converts value to its integer representation. Values are converted this way: * primitive: * bytes, bytearrays: big-endian integer * bool: True => 1, False => 0 * hexstr: interpret hex as integer * text: interpret as string of digits, like '12' => 12 """ if hexstr is not None: return int(hexstr, 16) elif text is not None: return int(text) elif isinstance(primitive, (bytes, bytearray)): return big_endian_to_int(primitive) elif isinstance(primitive, str): raise TypeError("Pass in strings with keyword hexstr or text") elif isinstance(primitive, (int, bool)): return int(primitive) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid type. Expected one of int/bool/str/bytes/bytearray. Got " "{0}".format(type(primitive)) )
convert int to string
def NonNegIntStringToInt(int_string, problems=None): """Convert an non-negative integer string to an int or raise an exception""" # Will raise TypeError unless a string match = re.match(r"^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$", int_string) # Will raise ValueError if the string can't be parsed parsed_value = int(int_string) if parsed_value < 0: raise ValueError() elif not match and problems is not None: # Does not match the regex, but it's an int according to Python problems.InvalidNonNegativeIntegerValue(int_string) return parsed_value
convert int to string
def _to_number(cls, string): """Convert string to int or float.""" try: if float(string) - int(string) == 0: return int(string) return float(string) except ValueError: try: return float(string) except ValueError: return string
convert int to string
def parse_int(v, header_d): """Parse as an integer, or a subclass of Int.""" v = nullify(v) if v is None: return None try: # The converson to float allows converting float strings to ints. # The conversion int('2.134') will fail. return int(round(float(v), 0)) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise CastingError(int, header_d, v, 'Failed to cast to integer')
convert int to string
def _convert_string_to_unicode(string): """ If the string is bytes, decode it to a string (for python3 support) """ result = string try: if string is not None and not isinstance(string, six.text_type): result = string.decode('utf-8') except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): # Sometimes the string actually is binary or StringIO object, # so if you can't decode it, just give up. pass return result
convert int to string
def ints2str(self, int_values): """Conversion list[int] => decoded string.""" if not self._encoder: raise ValueError( "Text.ints2str is not available because encoder hasn't been defined.") return self._encoder.decode(int_values)
convert int to string
def to_utf8(s): """Convert a string to utf8. If the argument is an iterable (list/tuple/set), then each element of it would be converted instead. >>> to_utf8('a') 'a' >>> to_utf8(u'a') 'a' >>> to_utf8([u'a', u'b', u'\u4f60']) ['a', 'b', '\\xe4\\xbd\\xa0'] """ if six.PY2: if isinstance(s, str): return s elif isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(s, (list, tuple, set)): return [to_utf8(v) for v in s] else: return s else: return s
convert int to string
def int_to_decimal_str(integer): """ Helper to convert integers (representing cents) into decimal currency string. WARNING: DO NOT TRY TO DO THIS BY DIVISION, FLOATING POINT ERRORS ARE NO FUN IN FINANCIAL SYSTEMS. @param integer The amount in cents @return string The amount in currency with full stop decimal separator """ int_string = str(integer) if len(int_string) < 2: return "0." + int_string.zfill(2) else: return int_string[:-2] + "." + int_string[-2:]
convert int to string
def _integerValue_to_int(value_str): """ Convert a value string that conforms to DSP0004 `integerValue`, into the corresponding integer and return it. The returned value has Python type `int`, or in Python 2, type `long` if needed. Note that DSP0207 and DSP0004 only allow US-ASCII decimal digits. However, the Python `int()` function supports all Unicode decimal digits (e.g. US-ASCII digits, ARABIC-INDIC digits, superscripts, subscripts) and raises `ValueError` for non-decimal digits (e.g. Kharoshthi digits). Therefore, the match patterns explicitly check for US-ASCII digits, and the `int()` function should never raise `ValueError`. Returns `None` if the value string does not conform to `integerValue`. """ m = BINARY_VALUE.match(value_str) if m: value = int(m.group(1), 2) elif OCTAL_VALUE.match(value_str): value = int(value_str, 8) elif DECIMAL_VALUE.match(value_str): value = int(value_str) elif HEX_VALUE.match(value_str): value = int(value_str, 16) else: value = None return value
convert int to string
def num(string): """convert a string to float""" if not isinstance(string, type('')): raise ValueError(type('')) try: string = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]', '', string) number = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|[-+]?\d+", string) return float(number[0]) except Exception as e: logger = logging.getLogger('tradingAPI.utils.num') logger.debug("number not found in %s" % string) logger.debug(e) return None
convert int to string
def _isint(string): """ >>> _isint("123") True >>> _isint("123.45") False """ return type(string) is int or \ (isinstance(string, _binary_type) or isinstance(string, string_types)) and \ _isconvertible(int, string)
convert int to string
def decimal_str_to_int(decimal_string): """ Helper to decimal currency string into integers (cents). WARNING: DO NOT TRY TO DO THIS BY CONVERSION AND MULTIPLICATION, FLOATING POINT ERRORS ARE NO FUN IN FINANCIAL SYSTEMS. @param string The amount in currency with full stop decimal separator @return integer The amount in cents """ int_string = decimal_string.replace('.', '') int_string = int_string.lstrip('0') return int(int_string)
convert int to string
def parse_int(value): """ Parse numeric string to int. Supports oct formatted string. :param str value: String value to parse as int :return int: """ value = parse_str(value=value) if value.startswith("0"): return int(value.lstrip("0o"), 8) else: return int(value)
convert int to string
def charset_to_int(s, charset): """ Turn a string into a non-negative integer. >>> charset_to_int('0', B40_CHARS) 0 >>> charset_to_int('10', B40_CHARS) 40 >>> charset_to_int('abcd', B40_CHARS) 658093 >>> charset_to_int('', B40_CHARS) 0 >>> charset_to_int('muneeb.id', B40_CHARS) 149190078205533 >>> charset_to_int('A', B40_CHARS) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: substring not found """ output = 0 for char in s: output = output * len(charset) + charset.index(char) return output
convert int to string
def to_string(type): """ Converts a TypeCode into its string name. :param type: the TypeCode to convert into a string. :return: the name of the TypeCode passed as a string value. """ if type == None: return "unknown" elif type == TypeCode.Unknown: return "unknown" elif type == TypeCode.String: return "string" elif type == TypeCode.Integer: return "integer" elif type == TypeCode.Long: return "long" elif type == TypeCode.Float: return "float" elif type == TypeCode.Double: return "double" elif type == TypeCode.Duration: return "duration" elif type == TypeCode.DateTime: return "datetime" elif type == TypeCode.Object: return "object" elif type == TypeCode.Enum: return "enum" elif type == TypeCode.Array: return "array" elif type == TypeCode.Map: return "map" else: return "unknown"
convert int to string
def parse_int(s): """ Parse a string as an integer. Exit with a message on failure. """ try: val = int(s) except ValueError: print_err('\nInvalid integer: {}'.format(s)) sys.exit(1) return val
convert int to string
def int_to_str_digit(n): """ Converts a positive integer, to a single string character. Where: 9 -> "9", 10 -> "A", 11 -> "B", 12 -> "C", ...etc Args: n(int): A positve integer number. Returns: The character representation of the input digit of value n (str). """ # 0 - 9 if n < 10: return str(n) # A - Z elif n < 36: return chr(n + 55) # a - z or higher else: return chr(n + 61)
convert int to string
def c_str(string): """"Convert a python string to C string.""" if not isinstance(string, str): string = string.decode('ascii') return ctypes.c_char_p(string.encode('utf-8'))
convert int to string
def element_to_int(element, attribute=None): """Convert ``element`` object to int. If attribute is not given, convert ``element.text``. :param element: ElementTree element :param attribute: attribute name :type attribute: str :returns: integer :rtype: int """ if attribute is not None: return int(element.get(attribute)) else: return int(element.text)
convert int to string
def _ConvertInteger(value): """Convert an integer. Args: value: A scalar value to convert. Returns: The integer value. Raises: ParseError: If an integer couldn't be consumed. """ if isinstance(value, float) and not value.is_integer(): raise ParseError('Couldn\'t parse integer: {0}.'.format(value)) if isinstance(value, six.text_type) and value.find(' ') != -1: raise ParseError('Couldn\'t parse integer: "{0}".'.format(value)) return int(value)
convert int to string
def _convert_to_numeric(item): """ Helper method to convert a string to float or int if possible. If the conversion is not possible, it simply returns the string. """ if PY3: num_types = (int, float) else: # pragma: no cover num_types = (int, long, float) # noqa: F821 # We don't wan't to perform any conversions if item is already a number if isinstance(item, num_types): return item # First try for an int conversion so that strings like "5" are converted # to 5 instead of 5.0 . This is safe as a direct int cast for a non integer # string raises a ValueError. try: num = int(to_unicode(item)) except ValueError: try: num = float(to_unicode(item)) except ValueError: return item else: return num except TypeError: return item else: return num
convert int to string
def to_bytes(value, encoding='utf-8'): """Converts a string value to bytes, if necessary. Unfortunately, ``six.b`` is insufficient for this task since in Python 2 because it does not modify ``unicode`` objects. Args: value (Union[str, bytes]): The value to be converted. encoding (str): The encoding to use to convert unicode to bytes. Defaults to "utf-8". Returns: bytes: The original value converted to bytes (if unicode) or as passed in if it started out as bytes. Raises: ValueError: If the value could not be converted to bytes. """ result = (value.encode(encoding) if isinstance(value, six.text_type) else value) if isinstance(result, six.binary_type): return result else: raise ValueError('{0!r} could not be converted to bytes'.format(value))
convert int to string
def _to_int(value_str, min_value, rep_digit, field_name, dtarg): """ Convert value_str into an integer, replacing right-consecutive asterisks with rep_digit, and an all-asterisk value with min_value. field_name and dtarg are passed only for informational purposes. """ if '*' in value_str: first = value_str.index('*') after = value_str.rindex('*') + 1 if value_str[first:after] != '*' * (after - first): raise ValueError( _format("Asterisks in {0} field of CIM datetime value " "{1!A} are not consecutive: {2!A}", field_name, dtarg, value_str)) if after != len(value_str): raise ValueError( _format("Asterisks in {0} field of CIM datetime value " "{1!A} do not end at end of field: {2!A}", field_name, dtarg, value_str)) if rep_digit is None: # pylint: disable=no-else-return # Must be an all-asterisk field if first != 0: raise ValueError( _format("Asterisks in {0} field of CIM datetime value " "{1!A} do not start at begin of field: {2!A}", field_name, dtarg, value_str)) return min_value else: value_str = value_str.replace('*', rep_digit) # Because the pattern and the asterisk replacement mechanism already # ensure only decimal digits, we expect the integer conversion to # always succeed. value = int(value_str) return value
convert int to string
def StrToInt(input_string, bitlength): """ Return True if the concrete value of the input_string ends with suffix otherwise false. :param input_string: the string we want to transform in an integer :param bitlength: bitlength of the bitvector representing the index of the substring :return BVV: bit-vector representation of the integer resulting from ythe string or -1 in bitvector representation if the string cannot be transformed into an integer """ try: return BVV(int(input_string.value), bitlength) except ValueError: return BVV(-1, bitlength)
convert int to string
def string(v): """Convert a value to a string.""" if nodesetp(v): if not v: return u'' return string_value(v[0]) elif numberp(v): if v == float('inf'): return u'Infinity' elif v == float('-inf'): return u'-Infinity' elif str(v) == 'nan': return u'NaN' elif int(v) == v and v <= 0xffffffff: v = int(v) return unicode(v) elif booleanp(v): return u'true' if v else u'false' return v
convert int to string
def to_int(self, number, default=0): """Returns an integer """ try: return int(number) except (KeyError, ValueError): return self.to_int(default, 0)
convert int to string
def num2varint(num): """ Converts a number to a variable length Int. Used for array length header :param: {number} num - The number :return: {string} hexstring of the variable Int. """ # if (typeof num !== 'number') throw new Error('VarInt must be numeric') # if (num < 0) throw new RangeError('VarInts are unsigned (> 0)') # if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num)) throw new RangeError('VarInt must be a safe integer') if num < 0xfd: return num2hexstring(num) elif num <= 0xffff: # uint16 return 'fd' + num2hexstring(number=num, size=2, little_endian=True) elif num <= 0xffffffff: # uint32 return 'fe' + num2hexstring(number=num, size=4, little_endian=True) else: # uint64 return 'ff' + num2hexstring(number=num, size=8, little_endian=True)
convert int to string
def positive_int(string): """Convert string to positive integer.""" error_msg = 'Positive integer required, {string} given.'.format(string=string) try: value = int(string) except ValueError: raise ArgumentTypeError(error_msg) if value < 0: raise ArgumentTypeError(error_msg) return value
convert int to string
def _convert_to_float_if_possible(s): """ A small helper function to convert a string to a numeric value if appropriate :param s: the string to be converted :type s: str """ try: ret = float(s) except (ValueError, TypeError): ret = s return ret
convert int to string
def to_string(s, encoding=None, errors='strict'): """Inverse of to_bytes""" if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode(encoding or 'utf-8', errors) elif not isinstance(s, str): return str(s) else: return s
convert int to string
def get_int(self): """ Fetch an int from the stream. :return: a 32-bit unsigned `int`. """ byte = self.get_bytes(1) if byte == max_byte: return util.inflate_long(self.get_binary()) byte += self.get_bytes(3) return struct.unpack('>I', byte)[0]
convert int to string
def convert_to_int(value, from_base): """ Convert value to an int. :param value: the value to convert :type value: sequence of int :param int from_base: base of value :returns: the conversion result :rtype: int :raises ConvertError: if from_base is less than 2 :raises ConvertError: if elements in value outside bounds Preconditions: * all integers in value must be at least 0 * all integers in value must be less than from_base * from_base must be at least 2 Complexity: O(len(value)) """ if from_base < 2: raise BasesValueError( from_base, "from_base", "must be greater than 2" ) if any(x < 0 or x >= from_base for x in value): raise BasesValueError( value, "value", "elements must be at least 0 and less than %s" % from_base ) return reduce(lambda x, y: x * from_base + y, value, 0)
convert int to string
def normalize_int(value: IntConvertible) -> int: """ Robust to integer conversion, handling hex values, string representations, and special cases like `0x`. """ if is_integer(value): return cast(int, value) elif is_bytes(value): return big_endian_to_int(value) elif is_hex(value) and is_0x_prefixed(value): value = cast(str, value) if len(value) == 2: return 0 else: return int(value, 16) elif is_string(value): return int(value) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type: Got `{0}`".format(type(value)))
convert int to string
def convert_bytes_to_ints(in_bytes, num): """Convert a byte array into an integer array. The number of bytes forming an integer is defined by num :param in_bytes: the input bytes :param num: the number of bytes per int :return the integer array""" out_arr = [] for i in range(len(in_bytes)//num): val = in_bytes[i * num:i * num + num] unpacked = struct.unpack(mmtf.utils.constants.NUM_DICT[num], val) out_arr.append(unpacked[0]) return out_arr
convert int to string
def to_int(value, default=_marker): """Tries to convert the value to int. Truncates at the decimal point if the value is a float :param value: The value to be converted to an int :return: The resulting int or default """ if is_floatable(value): value = to_float(value) try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): if default is None: return default if default is not _marker: return to_int(default) fail("Value %s cannot be converted to int" % repr(value))
convert int to string
def _toIntList(numstr, acceptX=0): """ Convert ans string to a list removing all invalid characters. Receive: a string as a number """ res = [] # Converting and removing invalid characters for i in numstr: if i in string.digits and i not in string.letters: res.append(int(i)) # Converting control number into ISBN if acceptX and (numstr[-1] in 'Xx'): res.append(10) return res
convert int to string
def cast_int(x): """ Cast unknown type into integer :param any x: :return int: """ try: x = int(x) except ValueError: try: x = x.strip() except AttributeError as e: logger_misc.warn("parse_str: AttributeError: String not number or word, {}, {}".format(x, e)) return x
convert int to string
def _int_from_str(string): """ Convert string into integer Raise: TypeError if string is not a valid integer """ float_num = float(string) int_num = int(float_num) if float_num == int_num: return int_num else: # Needed to handle pseudos with fractional charge int_num = np.rint(float_num) logger.warning("Converting float %s to int %s" % (float_num, int_num)) return int_num
convert int to string
def type_converter(text): """ I convert strings into integers, floats, and strings! """ if text.isdigit(): return int(text), int try: return float(text), float except ValueError: return text, STRING_TYPE
convert int to string
def int_bytes(cls, string): '''Convert string describing size to int.''' if string[-1] in ('k', 'm'): value = cls.int_0_inf(string[:-1]) unit = string[-1] if unit == 'k': value *= 2 ** 10 else: value *= 2 ** 20 return value else: return cls.int_0_inf(string)
convert int to string
def text_to_int(text, default_base="hex"): """ Convert text to int, raising exeception on invalid input """ if text.startswith("0x"): value = int(text[2:], 16) elif text.startswith("$"): value = int(text[1:], 16) elif text.startswith("#"): value = int(text[1:], 10) elif text.startswith("%"): value = int(text[1:], 2) else: if default_base == "dec": value = int(text) else: value = int(text, 16) return value
convert int to string
def long2str(l): """Convert an integer to a string.""" if type(l) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType): raise ValueError('the input must be an integer') if l < 0: raise ValueError('the input must be greater than 0') s = '' while l: s = s + chr(l & 255) l >>= 8 return s
convert int to string
def convert(self, value, param, ctx): """ Convert value to int. """ self.gandi = ctx.obj value = click.Choice.convert(self, value, param, ctx) return int(value)
convert int to string
def _int(int_or_str: Any) -> int: "return an integer where a single character string may be expected" if isinstance(int_or_str, str): return ord(int_or_str) if isinstance(int_or_str, bytes): return int_or_str[0] return int(int_or_str)
convert int to string
def str2int(self, str_value): """Conversion class name string => integer.""" str_value = tf.compat.as_text(str_value) if self._str2int: return self._str2int[str_value] # No names provided, try to integerize failed_parse = False try: int_value = int(str_value) except ValueError: failed_parse = True if failed_parse or not 0 <= int_value < self._num_classes: raise ValueError("Invalid string class label %s" % str_value) return int_value
convert int to string
def decode_int(self, str): """ Decodes a short Base64 string into an integer. Example: ``decode_int('B7')`` returns ``123``. """ n = 0 for c in str: n = n * self.BASE + self.ALPHABET_REVERSE[c] return n
convert int to string
def convert_string_to_number(value): """ Convert strings to numbers """ if value is None: return 1 if isinstance(value, int): return value if value.isdigit(): return int(value) num_list = map(lambda s: NUMBERS[s], re.findall(numbers + '+', value.lower())) return sum(num_list)
convert int to string
def _revint(self, version): ''' Internal function to convert a version string to an integer. ''' intrev = 0 vsplit = version.split('.') for c in range(len(vsplit)): item = int(vsplit[c]) * (10 ** (((len(vsplit) - c - 1) * 2))) intrev += item return intrev
convert int to string
def int_or_str(v: Optional[str]) -> Union[None, int, str]: """Safe converts an string represent an integer to an integer or passes through ``None``.""" if v is None: return try: return int(v) except ValueError: return v
convert int to string
def convert_ints_to_bytes(in_ints, num): """Convert an integer array into a byte arrays. The number of bytes forming an integer is defined by num :param in_ints: the input integers :param num: the number of bytes per int :return the integer array""" out_bytes= b"" for val in in_ints: out_bytes+=struct.pack(mmtf.utils.constants.NUM_DICT[num], val) return out_bytes
convert int to string
def intToBin(i): """ Integer to two bytes """ # devide in two parts (bytes) i1 = i % 256 i2 = int(i / 256) # make string (little endian) return chr(i1) + chr(i2)
convert int to string
def to_int(argument): """ Converts the ``str`` argument to an integer: >>> from py_register_machine2.engine_tools.conversions import * >>> to_int("0x04") 4 >>> to_int("'a'") 97 """ if(argument.startswith("0b")): return int(argument[2:], 2) elif(argument.startswith("0x")): return int(argument[2:], 16) elif(argument.startswith("0") and argument != "0"): return int(argument[1:], 8) elif(argument[0] == "'" and argument[2] == "'"): return ord(argument[1]) return int(argument)
convert int to string
def convert_string(string, chars=None): """Remove certain characters from a string.""" if chars is None: chars = [',', '.', '-', '/', ':', ' '] for ch in chars: if ch in string: string = string.replace(ch, ' ') return string
convert int to string
def rbigint_to_string(obj): """ Recursively converts big integers (|>2**53-1|) to strings @obj: Any python object -> @obj, with any big integers converted to #str objects """ if isinstance(obj, (str, bytes)) or not obj: # the input is the desired one, return as is return obj elif hasattr(obj, 'items'): # the input is a dict {} for k, item in obj.items(): obj[k] = rbigint_to_string(item) return obj elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__'): # the input is iterable is_tuple = isinstance(obj, tuple) if is_tuple: obj = list(obj) for i, item in enumerate(obj): obj[i] = rbigint_to_string(item) return obj if not is_tuple else tuple(obj) return bigint_to_string(obj)
convert int to string
def _string_to_int(self, s): """Read an integer in s, in Little Indian. """ base = len(self.alphabet) return sum((self._letter_to_int(l) * base**lsb for lsb, l in enumerate(s) ))
convert int to string
def str_to_num(i, exact_match=True): """ Attempts to convert a str to either an int or float """ # TODO: Cleanup -- this is really ugly if not isinstance(i, str): return i try: if not exact_match: return int(i) elif str(int(i)) == i: return int(i) elif str(float(i)) == i: return float(i) else: pass except ValueError: pass return i
convert int to string
def decode_int(tag, bits_per_char=6): """Decode string into int assuming encoding with `encode_int()` It is using 2, 4 or 6 bits per coding character (default 6). Parameters: tag: str Encoded integer. bits_per_char: int The number of bits per coding character. Returns: int: the decoded string """ if bits_per_char == 6: return _decode_int64(tag) if bits_per_char == 4: return _decode_int16(tag) if bits_per_char == 2: return _decode_int4(tag) raise ValueError('`bits_per_char` must be in {6, 4, 2}')
convert int to string
def parse_int(int_str): """Parse a string of the form 1,234,567b into a Python integer. The terminal letter, if present, indicates e.g. billions.""" int_str = int_str.replace(',', '') factor = __get_factor(int_str) if factor != 1: int_str = int_str[:-1] try: return int(int_str.replace(',', '')) * factor except ValueError: return None
convert int to string
def _to_bytes(value, encoding="ascii"): """Converts a string value to bytes, if necessary. Unfortunately, ``six.b`` is insufficient for this task since in Python2 it does not modify ``unicode`` objects. :type value: str / bytes or unicode :param value: The string/bytes value to be converted. :type encoding: str :param encoding: The encoding to use to convert unicode to bytes. Defaults to "ascii", which will not allow any characters from ordinals larger than 127. Other useful values are "latin-1", which which will only allows byte ordinals (up to 255) and "utf-8", which will encode any unicode that needs to be. :rtype: str / bytes :returns: The original value converted to bytes (if unicode) or as passed in if it started out as bytes. :raises TypeError: if the value could not be converted to bytes. """ result = value.encode(encoding) if isinstance(value, six.text_type) else value if isinstance(result, six.binary_type): return result else: raise TypeError("%r could not be converted to bytes" % (value,))
convert int to string
def ip_to_int(ip): ''' Converts an IP address to an integer ''' ret = 0 for octet in ip.split('.'): ret = ret * 256 + int(octet) return ret
convert int to string
def _ipv4_text_to_int(self, ip_text): """convert ip v4 string to integer.""" if ip_text is None: return None assert isinstance(ip_text, str) return struct.unpack('!I', addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(ip_text))[0]
convert int to string
def convert_to_int(x: Any, default: int = None) -> int: """ Transforms its input into an integer, or returns ``default``. """ try: return int(x) except (TypeError, ValueError): return default
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