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***TASK*** the task is to summarize an input biomedical literature in six sentences ***INPUT*** the input is a biomedical literature ***OUTPUT*** the output is the summary of an input biomedical literature in six sentences ***EXAMPLES*** ***INPUT*** acute myeloid leukemias ( aml ) , stratified into different risk categories based on cytogenetic and biomolecular analysis , respond differently to therapeutic interventions implemented for curative intent . overall , most aml patients have complete remission but 40% commonly relapse during the first three years . it occurs most often in the bone marrow ( bm ) but central nervous system ( cns ) involvement is not rare as its incidence ranges between 2% and 9% . cns leukemia can present as meningeal leukemia , cranial nerve palsies or cerebral mesenchymal myeloid sarcoma . peripheral neuropathy may also be a puzzling manifestation as it is a common complaint in clinical practice with a very wide differential diagnosis . we report the case of an otherwise healthy 69 year - old female patient that presented to our department for a new onset of persistent disabling fatigue and 10% weight loss over two months . she had no prior medical problems and did not complain of any other symptoms . on clinical exam , the patient was afebrile , hypotensive with a blood pressure of 90/50 mmhg , and tachycardic at 140 beats / min . her initial labs showed hemoglobin 3 g / dl , white blood cells 114.00010/l with 80% blasts , platelets of 15.00010/l , ldh of 773 u / l , sgot of 1400 u / l and sgpt of 1416 u / l . she had increased pt and ppt with low fibrinogen level suggestive of disseminated intravascular coagulation . qualitative rt - pcr on bm cytology revealed the presence of cbf-myh11 transcript type d ( chromosome 16 inversion ) , and flt3p.d835v mutation confirming an acute ***OUTPUT*** central nervous system ( cns ) relapse is not a rare presentation in acute myeloid leukemia ( aml ) as its incidence ranges between 2% and 9% . it manifests with meningeal leukemia , cranial nerve palsies or cerebral mesenchymal myeloid sarcoma . we herein report the case of a 69 year - old female that presented a pseudo - guillain barr syndrome masking an aml cns relapse . her symptoms completely resolved upon administration of a tailored treatment . this case suggests that puzzling neurological manifestations in patients with a history of aml should be considered as a cns recurrence and investigated accordingly even in the context of normal imaging findings . ***INPUT*** a supernumerary tooth is a development anomaly of number characterized by the presence of tooth in addition to the normal series . its prevalence rates of reported in the literature vary between 0.1% and 3.6% in the permanent dentition depending on the respective population . supernumerary teeth can occur as singles , multiples , unilaterally , or bilaterally and in the maxilla , the mandible , or both . according to alberti , only 25% of all mesiodentes spontaneously erupt into the oral cavity . in general , they remain impacted and asymptomatic ; and are commonly discovered during the routine radiographic examination . there are several hypotheses which have been proposed to explain the occurrence of supernumerary teeth , and their etiology remains unclear . a combination of environmental and genetic factors has been proposed to explain supernumerary tooth occurrence . a range of complications varying from crowding to cyst formation can be caused by supernumerary tooth . several studies have applied cone - beam computed tomography ( cbct ) to accurately diagnose supernumerary teeth with the potential to overcome most of the technical limitations of the plain film projection and the capability of providing a high - resolution three - dimensional ( 3d ) representation of the maxillofacial tissues in a cost and dose efficient manner . for the treatment , it depends on the type , position of supernumerary teeth , and the possibility to produce complications which are identified both clinically and radiographically . the aim of this article was to describe a rare case of palatal placed , inverted , and impacted mesiodens associated to two supernumerary teeth delaying the eruption of permanent central incisors in the case of a healthy 8-year - old girl monitored at the oral surgery service while discussing the outcomes of using cbct to diagnose the accurately position of supernumerary teeth and to choose the appropriate management technique . an 8-year - old female patient visited the university hospital due to delayed eruption of her right permanent maxillary central incisor . her medical history revealed no systemic diseases , and the dental history proved no facial trauma or other ***OUTPUT*** supernumerary teeth are extra teeth or toothlike structures which may have either erupted or unerupted in addition to the 20 deciduous teeth and the 32 permanent teeth . mesiodens is one of these located in the midline between the two central incisors . their presence may give rise to a variety of clinical problems . this paper describes a rare case of palatal placed , inverted and impacted mesiodens associated to two supernumerary teeth which were detected during a radiographic examination for delayed eruption of permanent central incisors in the case of a healthy 8-year - old girl monitored at the oral surgery service while discussing the usefulness of cone beam computed tomography for accurate diagnosis and management . ***INPUT*** anxiety affects quality of life in those living with parkinson 's disease ( pd ) more so than overall cognitive status , motor deficits , apathy , and depression [ 13 ] . although anxiety and depression are often related and coexist in pd patients , recent research suggests that anxiety rather than depression is the most prominent and prevalent mood disorder in pd [ 5 , 6 ] . yet , our current understanding of anxiety and its impact on cognition in pd , as well as its neural basis and best treatment practices , remains meager and lags far behind that of depression . overall , neuropsychiatric symptoms in pd have been shown to be negatively associated with cognitive performance . for example , higher depression scores have been correlated with lower scores on the mini - mental state exam ( mmse ) [ 8 , 9 ] as well as tests of memory and executive functions ( e.g. , attention ) [ 1014 ] . likewise , apathy and anhedonia in pd patients have been associated with executive dysfunction [ 10 , 1523 ] . however , few studies have specifically investigated the relationship between anxiety and cognition in pd . one study showed a strong negative relationship between anxiety ( both state and trait ) and overall cognitive performance ( measured by the total of the repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status index ) within a sample of 27 pd patients . furthermore , trait anxiety was negatively associated with each of the cognitive domains assessed by the rbans ( i.e. , immediate memory , visuospatial construction , language , attention , and delayed memory ) . two further studies have examined whether anxiety differentially affects cognition in patients with left - sided dominant pd ( lpd ) versus right - sided dominant pd ( rpd ) ; however , their findings were inconsistent . the first study found that working memory performance was worse in lpd patients with anxiety compared to rpd patients with anxiety , whereas the second study reported that , in lpd , apathy but not anxiety was associated with performance on nonverbally mediated executive functions and visu ***OUTPUT***
research on the implications of anxiety in parkinson 's disease ( pd ) has been neglected despite its prevalence in nearly 50% of patients and its negative impact on quality of life . previous reports have noted that neuropsychiatric symptoms impair cognitive performance in pd patients ; however , to date , no study has directly compared pd patients with and without anxiety to examine the impact of anxiety on cognitive impairments in pd . this study compared cognitive performance across 50 pd participants with and without anxiety ( 17 pda+ ; 33 pda ) , who underwent neurological and neuropsychological assessment . group performance was compared across the following cognitive domains : simple attention / visuomotor processing speed , executive function ( e.g. , set - shifting ) , working memory , language , and memory / new verbal learning . results showed that pda+ performed significantly worse on the digit span forward and backward test and part b of the trail making task ( tmt - b ) compared to the pda group . there were no group differences in verbal fluency , logical memory , or tmt - a performance . in conclusion , anxiety in pd has a measurable impact on working memory and attentional set - shifting . exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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