***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: PURPOSE We recently reported that overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR ) positively correlated with radioresistance of murine carcinomas . Because cyclin D1 is a downstream sensor of EGFR activation , the present study investigated whether a relationship exists between the extent of cyclin D1 expression and in vivo radiocurability of murine tumors . We further investigated the influence of radiation on cyclin D1 expression and the expression of p27 , an inhibitor of the cyclin D1 downstream pathway , as well as the relationship of these molecular determinants to cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in tumors exposed to radiation . METHODS AND MATERIALS Cyclin D1 expression was assayed in nine carcinomas syngeneic to C3Hf/Kam mice using Western blot analysis . These tumors greatly differed in their radioresponse as assessed by TCD(50) . The expression of cyclin D1 and p27 proteins was determined by Western blotting . Cell proliferative activity in tumors was determined by proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) immunochemistry . The effect of irradiation on the expression of cyclin D1 or p27 proteins and on PCNA positivity was determined in the radiosensitive OCa-I and in the radioresistant SCC-VII tumors . RESULTS Cyclin D1 expression varied among tumors by 40-fold , and its magnitude positively correlated with poorer tumor radioresponse ( higher TCD(50) values ) . The level of cyclin D1 expression paralleled that of EGFR . A 15-Gy dose reduced constitutive expression of cyclin D1 in the radiosensitive OCa-I tumors , but had no influence on expression of cyclin D1 in the radioresistant SCC-VII tumors . In contrast , 15 Gy increased the expression of p27 in radiosensitive tumors and reduced it in radioresistant tumors . Radiation induced no significant apoptosis or change in the percentage of PCNA-positive ( proliferating ) cells in SCC-VII tumors with high cyclin D1 levels , but it induced significant apoptosis and a decrease in the percentage of proliferating cells in OCa-I tumors with low cyclin D1 expression . CONCLUSION Our findings show a positive correlation between cyclin D1 expression and tumor radioresistance . The expression of cyclin D1 and p27 was modified by radiation and was associated with cellular response to radiation , but this depended on the pretreatment level of cyclin D1 expression . These findings may have important clinical implications : The pretreatment assessment of cyclin D1 expression could serve as a useful predictor of radiotherapy outcome and assist in selecting an effective treatment modality . OUTPUT:
sustaining proliferative signaling;evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: "We have used a combination of vitamin A ( all-trans-retinyl palmitate ) , 5-fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) and radiation to treat human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma ( HNSCC ) . This chemoradiotherapy is called "" FAR therapy. "" In this study we examined the effects of all-trans-retinoic acid ( ATRA ) , the active metabolite of vitamin A , and ATRA plus 5-FU on two HNSCC cell lines ( YCU-N861 and YCU-H891 ) to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms of FAR therapy . ATRA at 1 mM ( the order of concentration found in HNSCC tumors treated with FAR therapy ) inhibited cell proliferation and caused G1 cell cycle arrest in both cell lines . This was associated with a decrease in cyclin D1 , an increase in p27(Kip1) and a reduction in the hyperphosphorylated form of retinoblastoma protein ( pRB ) . With YCU-N861 cells , ATRA also caused a decrease in Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L) and an increase in Bax . Both ATRA and 5-FU activated c-Jun N-terminal kinase ( JNK ) 1 and the combination of both agents resulted in additive or synergistic activation of JNK1 , and also enhanced the induction of apoptosis . The YCU-H891 cells , in which the epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR)-signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 ( Stat3 ) pathway is constitutively activated , were more resistant to treatments with ATRA , 5-FU and the combination of both agents than YCU-N861 cells . A dominant negative Stat3 construct strongly enhanced the cellular sensitivity of this cell line to 5-FU but not to ATRA . In addition there is evidence that activation of Stat3 is associated with cellular resistance to radiation in HNSCC . Therefore , the addition to FAR therapy of agents that inhibit activation of the Stat3 pathway may enhance the clinical response of patients with HNSCC to FAR therapy ." OUTPUT:
sustaining proliferative signaling;evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: BACKGROUND Insulin-like growth factor I ( IGF-I ) stimulates cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in the lung and other tissues by interacting with the IGF-I receptor . The major binding protein for IGF-I , insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 ( IGFBP-3 ) , modulates the effects of IGF-I but also inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis independent of IGF-I and its receptor . In a prospective study of men in Shanghai , China , we examined the association between serum levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and the subsequent risk of lung cancer . METHODS From 1986 to 1989 , serum was collected from 18,244 men aged 45-64 years living in Shanghai without a history of cancer . We analyzed IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels in serum from 230 case patients who developed incident lung cancer during follow-up and from 740 control subjects . RESULTS Among 230 case patients and 659 matched control subjects , increased IGF-I levels were not associated with increased risk of lung cancer . However , for subjects in the highest quartile relative to the lowest quartile of IGFBP-3 , the odds ratio ( OR ) for lung cancer , adjusted for smoking and IGF-I , was 0.50 ( 95% confidence interval [ CI ] = 0.25 to 1.02 ) . When the analysis was restricted to ever smokers ( 184 case patients and 344 matched control subjects ) , the OR for lung cancer in men in the highest quartile of IGFBP-3 relative to those in the lowest quartile , adjusted for smoking and IGF-I , was 0.41 ( 95% CI = 0.18 to 0.92 ) . CONCLUSIONS In this prospective study of Chinese men , higher serum levels of IGF-I did not increase the risk of lung cancer . However , subjects with higher serum levels of IGFBP-3 were at reduced risk of lung cancer . This finding is consistent with experimental data that indicate that IGFBP-3 can inhibit cellular proliferation and induce apoptosis independent of IGF-I and the IGF-I receptor . OUTPUT:
sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: p53 and INK4a/ARF mutations promote tumorigenesis and drug resistance , in part , by disabling apoptosis . We show that primary murine lymphomas also respond to chemotherapy by engaging a senescence program controlled by p53 and p16(INK4a) . Hence , tumors with p53 or INK4a/ARF mutations-but not those lacking ARF alone-respond poorly to cyclophosphamide therapy in vivo . Moreover , tumors harboring a Bcl2-mediated apoptotic block undergo a drug-induced cytostasis involving the accumulation of p53 , p16(INK4a) , and senescence markers , and typically acquire p53 or INK4a mutations upon progression to a terminal stage . Finally , mice bearing tumors capable of drug-induced senescence have a much better prognosis following chemotherapy than those harboring tumors with senescence defects . Therefore , cellular senescence contributes to treatment outcome in vivo . OUTPUT:
enabling replicative immortality;genomic instability and mutation;resisting cell death
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: Insulin-like growth factor I ( IGF-I ) and IGF-II stimulate cancer cell proliferation via interaction with the type I IGF receptor ( IGF-IR ) . We put forward the hypothesis that IGF-IR mediates cancer cell growth by regulating amino acid transport , both when sufficient nutrients are present and when key nutrients such as glutamine are in limited supply . We examined the effects of alphaIR3 , the monoclonal antibody recognizing IGF-IR , on cell growth and amino acid transport across the cell membrane in a human neuroblastoma cell line , SK-N-SH . In the presence of alphaIR3 ( 2 micro/ml ) , cell proliferation was significantly attenuated in both control ( 2 mM glutamine ) and glutamine-deprived ( 0 mM glutamine ) groups . Glutamine deprivation resulted in significantly increased glutamate ( system X(AG)(-) ) , MeAIB ( system A ) , and leucine ( system L ) transport , which was blocked by alphaIR3 . Glutamine ( system ASC ) and MeAIB transport was significantly decreased by alphaIR3 in the control group . Addition of alphaIR3 significantly decreased DNA and protein biosynthesis in both groups . Glutamine deprivation increased the IGF-IR protein on the cell surface . Our results suggest that activation of IGF-IR promotes neuroblastoma cell proliferation by regulating trans-membrane amino acid transport . OUTPUT:
sustaining proliferative signaling
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: In vitro model systems for studying uterine leiomyomas are limited in that human-derived leiomyoma cells grow poorly in culture compared with normal myometrial cells and begin to senesce early , at approximately passage 10 in our studies . To our knowledge , a good in vitro human-derived cell culturing system for leiomyomas does not exist . In an attempt to fill this void , we have immortalized a uterine leiomyoma cell line by inducing telomerase activity , which allows cells to bypass their normal programmed senescence . Telomerase activity was induced by infecting the target ( uterine leiomyoma and normal myometrial ) cells with a retroviral vector containing hTERT , the gene for the catalytic subunit of telomerase . Subsequent analysis by RT-PCR and the telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay confirmed expression of the inserted gene and induction of telomerase activity in leiomyoma and myometrial cells . Analysis of cells for estrogen receptor-alpha and progesterone receptor proteins by Western blotting showed no change in expression of these proteins between the immortalized and parental leiomyoma and myometrial cells . Both immortalized and parental myometrial and leiomyoma cells expressed the smooth muscle-specific cytoskeletal protein alpha-actin and were negative for mutant p53 protein as evidenced by immunocytochemical staining . The immortalized leiomyoma and myometrial cells showed no anchorage-independent growth , with the exception of a small subpopulation of immortalized leiomyoma cells at a higher passage that did form two to three small colonies ( per 50,000 cells ) in soft agar . None of the immortalized cells were tumorigenic in nude mice . In conclusion , our data show the successful insertion of the hTERT gene into leiomyoma and myometrial cells and the immortalization of these cell lines without phenotypic alteration from the parental cell types ( up to 200 population doublings ) . These cells should help to advance research in understanding the molecular pathways involved in the conversion of a normal myometrial cell to a leiomyoma cell and the mechanisms responsible for the growth of uterine leiomyomas . Answers to these questions will undoubtedly lead to the development of more effective treatment and intervention regimens for clinical cases of uterine leiomyoma . OUTPUT:
enabling replicative immortality
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: BACKGROUND Modulation of the expression of retinoic acid receptors ( RAR ) alpha and gamma in adult rat prostate by testosterone ( T ) suggests that RAR signaling events might mediate some of the androgen effects on prostate cells . METHOD In this study , we examined the interactions between T and retinoic acid ( RA ) in cell growth of human prostate carcinoma cells , LNCaP , and their relationship with the expression of RAR and epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGF-R ) . RESULTS Both T and RA , when administered alone , stimulated 3H-thymidine incorporation in LNCaP cells in a dose-dependent manner ; the effect of each agent was reciprocally attenuated by the other agent . Testosterone treatment of LNCaP cells also resulted in dose dependent , biphasic increases in RAR alpha and gamma mRNAs ; increases paralleled that of 3H-thymidine incorporation and were attenuated by the presence of 100 nM RA . These results suggest a link between RAR signaling and the effect of T on LNCaP cell growth . Gel electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed the presence of putative androgen responsive element ( ARE ) in the promoter region of RAR alpha gene , suggesting that a direct AR-DNA interaction might mediate the effects of T on RAR alpha gene . Furthermore , treatment of LNCaP cells with 20 nM T resulted in an increase in EGF-R . In contrast , EGF-R was suppressed by 100 nM RA that also suppressed the effect of T. CONCLUSIONS Current results demonstrate interactions between T and RA in the expression of RARs and cell growth in LNCaP cells . The presence of putative ARE in the promoter of the RAR alpha gene suggests that AR-DNA interaction might mediate the effects of T on RAR alpha gene . The opposite effects of T and RA on the expression of RAR and EGF-R suggest that signal events of these receptors might be involved in the interaction between T and RA in the control of LNCaP cell growth . OUTPUT:
sustaining proliferative signaling
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: The metabolic detoxification capacity may critically regulate the susceptibility of human tissues to cancer development . We used standardized and quantitative , reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( StaRT-PCR ) and microarray chip techniques to analyze transcript levels of multiple detoxification enzymes in cultured normal human oral keratinocytes ( NOK ) and the Siman virus 40 T antigen-immortalized oral keratinocyte line SVpgC2a , viewing the latter as a model of a benign tumor state . With good agreement between the 2 methodologies , NOK and SVpgC2a were found to express transcripts for cytochrome P450 enzymes ( CYPs ) , factors related to CYP induction and enzymes involved in conjugation reactions or detoxification of reactive oxygen . The cell types expressed similar levels of CYP 2B6/7 , CYP 2E1 , P450 oxidoreductase , the aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator , sulfotransferase 1A1 , sulfotransferase 1A3 , epoxide hydrolase , glutathione S-transferase M3 , glutathione S-transferase pi and catalase , superoxide dismutase 1 , glutathione peroxidase 1 and glutathione peroxidase 3 . In contrast , SVpgC2a exhibited comparatively higher levels of CYP1A1 , 1B1 , aryl hydrocarbon receptor , glutathione S-transferase M1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , glutathione S-transferase theta 1 and superoxide dismutase 2 and comparatively lower levels of UDP glycosyltransferase 2 and microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 . Some transcripts , e.g. , CYP 2A6/7 , were not detected by either standard , non quantitative RT-PCR or the above methods , whereas others were barely quantifiable by StaRT-PCR , i.e. , were present at 1-10 molecules/10(6) molecules of actin . Overall , the expression analysis demonstrated presence of mRNA for multiple enzymes involved in foreign compound metabolism and detoxification pathways , including several enzymes not previously reported for oral epithelium . Generally , the comparison of NOK from 2 individuals indicated relatively similar transcript levels of these enzymes . In contrast , differences between NOK and SVpgC2a , e.g. , for CYP1B1 , may reflect alteration caused by immortalization and aid identification of early stage tumor markers in oral epithelium . OUTPUT:
enabling replicative immortality
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: We investigated the direct effects of LH-releasing hormone ( LH-RH ) antagonist , Cetrorelix , on the growth of HTOA human epithelial ovarian cancer cell line . RT-PCR revealed the expression of mRNA for LH-RH and its receptor in HTOA cells . Cetrorelix , at concentrations between 10(-9) and 10(-5) M , exerted a dose-dependent antiproliferative action on HTOA cells , as measured by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation into DNA . Flow cytometric analysis indicated that Cetrorelix , at 10(-5) M , arrested cell cycle in HTOA cells , at G1 phase , after 24 h of treatment . Western blot analysis of cell cycle-regulatory proteins demonstrated that treatment with Cetrorelix ( 10(-5) M ) for 24 h did not change the steady-state levels of cyclin D1 , cyclin E , and cyclin-dependent kinase ( Cdk)4 but decreased the levels of cyclin A and Cdk2 . The protein levels of p21 ( a Cdk inhibitor ) and p53 ( a suppressor of tumor cell growth and a positive regulator for p21 expression ) were increased by Cetrorelix , but the levels of p27 ( a Cdk inhibitor ) did not change significantly . Flow cytometric analysis and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated deoxyuridine 5-triphosphate nick end labeling staining demonstrated that Cetrorelix ( 10(-5) M ) induced apoptosis in HTOA cells . In conclusion , Cetrorelix directly inhibits the proliferation of human epithelial ovarian cancer cells through mechanisms mediated by LH-RH receptor and involving multiple events in cell cycle progression , including G1 phase cell cycle arrest coupled with down-regulation of cyclin A-Cdk2 complex levels , presumably attributable to an up-regulation of p53 and p21 protein levels and apoptosis . OUTPUT:
sustaining proliferative signaling;evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: Id proteins are negative regulators of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors , which are critical for expression of genes associated with cellular differentiation . Previous studies have shown that overexpression of Id-1 delays cellular senescence in several cell types , including fibroblasts , mammary epithelial cells , and keratinocytes . Although previous studies have demonstrated the expression of Id-1 in endothelium , the regulation of Id-1 has not been studied in these cells . In this report , a retroviral vector was used to overexpress Id-1 in human endothelial cells . Sustained expression of Id-1 resulted in a 2- to 3-fold increase in the total number of population doublings ( replicative capacity ) of the cells compared with vector-treated controls , which correlated with low levels of p16 , p21 , and p27 expression . The cells , however , were not immortalized and did eventually undergo senescence despite elevated Id-1 levels . Senescence was characterized by a dramatic increase in p16 , but not p21 and p27 . Under these experimental conditions , telomerase activity was not detected and the telomeres became progressively shorter with time . These results demonstrate the importance of Id-1 in endothelial cell proliferation and indicate that Id-1 represses p16 expression , resulting in delayed senescence . These findings may have implications in the development of endothelial cell-derived tumors . OUTPUT:
enabling replicative immortality
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: When cells were incubated in the presence of both interferon-gamma ( IFN-gamma ) and all-trans retinoic acid ( ATRA ) , the concentration of IFN-gamma required to induce apoptosis of B-cell lymphoma cells was much lower than that required for myeloid or erythroid cell lines . The concentration of IFN-gamma that effectively inhibited the proliferation of BALM-3 cells was 1/40 of that required for BALM-1 cells . STAT-1 phosphorylation , IRF-1 mRNA and protein expression and RAR-beta expression were enhanced to a greater degree in BALM-3 cells treated with IFN-gamma and ATRA than in BALM-1 cells treated with IFN-gamma and ATRA , suggesting that these IFN-gamma related genes were involved in the induction of apoptosis of BALM-3 cells . OUTPUT:
resisting cell death
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: BACKGROUND Thrombospondin-1 ( TSP-1 ) promotes breast cancer cell invasion of collagen by upregulating matrix metalloproteinase-9 ( MMP-9 ) production . Stromal TSP-1 may play a role in regulating tumor cell invasion . We hypothesize that fibroblasts promote breast cancer cell invasion by upregulating the production of MMP-9 through TSP-1 . METHODS MDA-MB-231 human breast carcinoma cells were grown alone or in coculture with human fibroblasts . Gelatin zymography and Western immunoblot analysis for MMP-9 were performed on the coculture cell media and the single cell media . Inhibition of fibroblast-mediated breast tumor cell invasion by an anti-TSP-1 or an anti-MMP-9 antibody was evaluated using a modified Boyden chamber . RESULTS Coculture experiments showed an increased production of MMP-9 when compared with breast cancer single cell culture or fibroblast single cell culture experiments as demonstrated by zymography and Western immunoblot analysis . Fibroblast-stimulated MMP-9 production was comparable with TSP-1-stimulated MMP-9 production . Anti-TSP-1 antibody and anti-MMP-9 antibody inhibited fibroblast-stimulated tumor cell invasion to 30% and 26% of controls , respectively ( P <.05 ) . CONCLUSIONS Fibroblasts may regulate breast cancer cell invasion by promoting tumor MMP-9 production through TSP-1 . Inhibition of stromal TSP-1 stimulation of MMP-9 synthesis may prevent matrix degradation necessary for tumor invasion and metastasis . OUTPUT:
activating invasion and metastasis
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: A cell line designated HUUCLEC was established from a human uterine cervical lymphoepithelial carcinoma obtained from a 61-year-old Japanese woman . The cell line has grown slowly without interruption and serial passages were successively carried out 60 times within 3 years . The cultured cells were spindle or round in shape , showing anaplastic and pleomorphic features , a pavement cell arrangement and multilayering without contact inhibition . The population doubling time of the HUUCLEC line was 72 hours while the chromosomal number varied widely and showed aneuploidy . The modal chromosomal number was stable at the triploid range and marker chromosomes were present ; the Ebstein-Barr virus was absent in the cultured cells . OUTPUT:
evading growth suppressors;genomic instability and mutation
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: The ultraviolet radiation present in sunlight is immune suppressive . Recently we showed that solar-simulated ultraviolet radiation ( ultraviolet A + B ; 295-400 nm ) , applied after immunization , suppressed immunologic memory and the elicitation of delayed-type hypersensitivity to the common opportunistic pathogen , Candida albicans . Further , we found that wavelengths in the ultraviolet A region of the solar spectrum ( 320-400 nm ) , devoid of ultraviolet B , were equally effective in activating immune suppression as ultraviolet A + B radiation . Here we report on the mechanisms involved . Maximal immune suppression was found when mice were exposed to solar-simulated ultraviolet radiation 7-9 d post immunization . No immune suppression was found in ultraviolet-irradiated mice injected with monoclonal anti-interleukin-10 antibody , or mice exposed to solar-simulated ultraviolet radiation and injected with recombinant interleukin-12 . Suppressor lymphocytes were found in the spleens of mice exposed to ultraviolet A + B radiation . In addition , antigen-specific suppressor T cells ( CD3+ , CD4+ , DX5+ ) were found in the spleens of mice exposed to ultraviolet A radiation . Applying liposomes containing bacteriophage T4N5 to the skin of mice exposed to solar-simulated ultraviolet A + B radiation , or mice exposed to ultraviolet A radiation , blocked immune suppression , demonstrating an essential role for ultraviolet-induced DNA damage in the suppression of established immune reactions . These findings indicate that overlapping immune suppressive mechanisms are activated by ultraviolet A and ultraviolet A + B radiation . Moreover , our findings demonstrate that ultraviolet radiation activates similar immunologic pathways to suppress the induction of , or the elicitation of , the immune response . OUTPUT:
avoiding immune destruction;genomic instability and mutation
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: OBJECT The intracellular events transducing mitogenic signals from platelet-derived growth factor-beta ( PDGFbeta ) receptor tyrosine kinases are not precisely known . In this study the authors evaluated whether the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase ( PI3-K)-Akt-p70S6K pathway is expressed in meningiomas , regulates their growth , and transduces mitogenic signals of PDGF-BB . METHODS Nine meningioma tumors obtained in humans were evaluated using Western blot analysis for phosphorylated ( activated ) Akt and phosphorylated p70S6K . Cells cultured from seven of these meningiomas were also screened using Western blot analysis for Akt and for phosphorylated Akt and p70S6K . The authors also evaluated whether PDGF-BB stimulation of meningioma cells was associated with the phosphorylation of Akt and p70S6K known to activate these kinases . In addition , the effects of wortmannin , an inhibitor of P13-K , on proliferation and activation of Akt and p70S6K in meningioma cells stimulated with PDGF-BB were evaluated . Western blots of lysates from meningiomas demonstrated phosphorylated Akt and p70S6K . Treatment with PDGF-BB stimulated phosphorylation of Akt and p70S6K in each meningioma cell culture . Wortmannin ( 500 and 1000 nM ) significantly decreased PDGF-BB stimulation of meningioma cells ( p &lt ; 0.001 ) while it reduced Akt and p70S6K phosphorylation but not mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase ( MAPK/ERK ) phosphorylation . CONCLUSIONS These findings indicate that Akt and p70S6K are constitutively expressed and activated in meningioma cells and that the PI3-K-Akt-p70S6K pathway may participate in transduction of mitogenic signals in meningiomas independent of the Raf-1-MEK-1-MAPK/ERK cascade . OUTPUT:
sustaining proliferative signaling
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: In human colorectal adenomas or polyps , cyclooxygenase-2 is expressed predominantly by stromal ( or interstitial ) macrophages . Therefore , we tested the hypothesis that macrophage cyclooxygenase-2 has paracrine pro-tumorigenic activity using in vitro models of macrophage-epithelial cell interactions . We report that macrophages can promote tumorigenic progression of intestinal epithelial cells ( evidenced by decreased cell-cell contact inhibition , increased proliferation and apoptosis , gain of anchorage-independent growth capability , decreased membranous E-cadherin expression , up-regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression , down-regulation of transforming growth factor-beta type II receptor expression and resistance to the anti-proliferative activity of transforming growth factor-beta(1) ) in a paracrine , cyclooxygenase-2-dependent manner . Pharmacologically relevant concentrations ( 1-2 microM ) of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor had no detectable , direct effect on intestinal epithelial cells but inhibited the macrophage-epithelial cell signal mediating tumorigenic progression . Cyclooxygenase-2-mediated stromal-epithelial cell signalling during the early stages of intestinal tumorigenesis provides a novel target for chemoprevention of colorectal cancer ( and other gastro-intestinal epithelial malignancies , which arise on a background of chronic inflammation , such as gastric cancer ) and may explain the discrepancy between the concentrations of cyclooxygenase inhibitors required to produce anti-neoplastic effects in vitro and in vivo . OUTPUT:
evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling;tumor promoting inflammation
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
***TASK*** The task is to perform a semantic classification of the article according to the hallmarks of cancer based on its abstract. ***INPUT*** The input is an abstract text. ***DOCUMENTATION*** There are 10 cancer hallmarks you will need to decide whether the article is related to, including: activating invasion and metastasis sustaining proliferative signaling resisting cell death cellular energetics genomic instability and mutation evading growth suppressors inducing angiogenesis enabling replicative immortality avoiding immune destruction tumor promoting inflammation ***OUTPUT*** The output should be topics from the above 10 topics, that are related to the input article. Please note one article can be related to multiple topics. Output format: provide a semicolon-separated list of relevant topics. ***EXAMPLES*** INPUT: PURPOSE : Prostate cancer ( PCa ) development is often associated with deletion or silencing of tumor suppressor PTEN , a negative regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway , leading to resistance to various therapies . Therefore , the PI3K/Akt pathway plays a central role in various cellular processes leading to malignant phenotype , and , consequently is an attractive target . However , the efficacy of AKT inhibitors is limited by resistance mechanisms that result in minimal tumor cell death . Methods:Effects of Akt inhibitor AZD5363 were investigated on cell proliferation , apoptosis , Akt pathway and survival mechanisms . We then examined the impacts of inhibition of autophagy combined with AZD5363 on cell proliferation and apoptosis . Furthermore , the anti-cancer activity of combination treatment of the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy ( chloroquine ) with Akt inhibitor AZD5363 was evaluated in PC-3 prostate cancer xenografts . RESULTS : we show that AZD5363 affected Akt downstream pathway by reducing p-mTOR , p-P70S6K and p-S6K . While AZD5363 monotherapy induced G2 growth arrest and autophagy , it failed to induce significant apoptosis in PC-3 and DU145 PCa cells . Blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors or genetic inhibitors enhanced cell death induced by AZD5363 in these PCa cells . Importantly , the combination of AZD5363 with chloroquine significantly reduced tumor volume by 84.9% compared with the control group and by 77.5% compared with either drug alone in PC3 xenografts . CONCLUSIONS : These data demonstrate that Akt inhibitor AZD5363 , synergizes with the lysosomotropic inhibitor of autophagy , chloroquine , to induce apoptosis and delay tumor progression in PCa models that are resistant to monotherapy AZD5363 , providing a new therapeutic approach potentially translatable to patients . OUTPUT: sustaining proliferative signaling;resisting cell death INPUT: AIM Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries . Due to advances regarding the treatments , primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis , the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased . To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment , the need of biomarkers is of great significance . In this study , we evaluated the gene expression profiles of the colon cancer cell lines treated with SN-38 , the active metabolite of topoisomerase-1 inhibitor irinotecan which leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis . MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 3 colon cancer cell lines : KM12C , KM12SM and KM12l4a . The 3 cell lines were treated with SN-38 , and samples were obtained after 24 and 48 hour treatments . The gene expression analyses were performed using oligonucleotide microarrays comprising of approximately 27,000 spots where the untreated controls were compared to the SN-38-treated samples . RESULTS Unsupervised clustering clearly distinguished the treated cell lines from the untreated . Supervised analysis identified 3,974 significant genes ( p = 0.05 ) differentiating the treated samples from the untreated , majority of which were down-regulated after treatment . The top-ranked down-regulated genes in the treated cell lines included those related to receptor and kinase activity , signal transduction , apoptosis , RNA processing , protein metabolism and transport , cell cycle and transcription . A smaller number of genes were up-regulated in the cell lines after treatment and included genes involved in apoptosis , transcription , development and differentiation . CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate that the expression of the genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as RNA , DNA and protein metabolism were affected by SN-38 . The impact of certain genes on colorectal cancer development needs to be further evaluated ; however , these results could serve as a basis for further studies in order to find targets for irinotecan treatment . OUTPUT: evading growth suppressors;resisting cell death;sustaining proliferative signaling INPUT: Imiquimod is a synthetic compound with antitumor properties ; a 5% cream formulation is successfully used to treat skin tumors . The antitumor effect of imiquimod is multifactorial , although its ability to modulate immune responses by triggering TLR7/8 is thought to be key . Among the immune cells suggested to be involved are plasmacytoid DCs ( pDCs ) . However , a direct contribution of pDCs to tumor killing in vivo and the mechanism of their recruitment to imiquimod-treated sites have never been demonstrated . Using a mouse model of melanoma , we have now demonstrated that pDCs can directly clear tumors without the need for the adaptive immune system . Topical imiquimod treatment led to TLR7-dependent and IFN-α/β receptor 1-dependent ( IFNAR1-dependent ) upregulation of expression of the chemokine CCL2 in mast cells . This was essential to induce skin inflammation and for the recruitment of pDCs to the skin . The recruited pDCs were CD8α+ and induced tumor regression in a TLR7/MyD88- and IFNAR1-dependent manner . Lack of TLR7 and IFNAR1 or depletion of pDCs or CD8α+ cells from tumor-bearing mice completely abolished the effect of imiquimod . TLR7 was essential for imiquimod-stimulated pDCs to produce IFN-α/β , which led to TRAIL and granzyme B secretion by pDCs via IFNAR1 signaling . Blocking these cytolytic molecules impaired pDC-mediated tumor killing . Our results demonstrate that imiquimod treatment leads to CCL2-dependent recruitment of pDCs and their transformation into a subset of killer DCs able to directly eliminate tumor cells . OUTPUT:tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are key regulators of innate and acquired immunity . The maturation of DCs is directed by signal transduction events downstream of toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) and other pattern recognition receptors . Here , we demonstrate that , in mouse DCs , TLR agonists stimulate a profound metabolic transition to aerobic glycolysis , similar to the Warburg metabolism displayed by cancer cells . This metabolic switch depends on the phosphatidyl inositol 3'-kinase/Akt pathway , is antagonized by the adenosine monophosphate ( AMP)-activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) , and is required for DC maturation . The metabolic switch induced by DC activation is antagonized by the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 . Our data pinpoint TLR-mediated metabolic conversion as essential for DC maturation and function and reveal it as a potential target for intervention in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses . OUTPUT:cellular energetics;tumor promoting inflammation INPUT: The topoisomerase II ( topo II ) DNA incision-and-ligation cycle can be poisoned ( for example following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutics ) to generate cytotoxic DNA double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) with topo II covalently conjugated to DNA . Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 ( Tdp2 ) protects genomic integrity by reversing 5'-phosphotyrosyl-linked topo II-DNA adducts . Here , X-ray structures of mouse Tdp2-DNA complexes reveal that Tdp2 β-2-helix-β DNA damage-binding ' grasp ' , helical ' cap ' and DNA lesion-binding elements fuse to form an elongated protein-DNA conjugate substrate-interaction groove . The Tdp2 DNA-binding surface is highly tailored for engagement of 5'-adducted single-stranded DNA ends and restricts nonspecific endonucleolytic or exonucleolytic processing . Structural , mutational and functional analyses support a single-metal ion catalytic mechanism for the exonuclease-endonuclease-phosphatase ( EEP ) nuclease superfamily and establish a molecular framework for targeted small-molecule blockade of Tdp2-mediated resistance to anticancer topoisomerase drugs . OUTPUT:genomic instability and mutation INPUT: A hallmark of cancer cells is the ability to proliferate indefinitely . This acquisition of an immortal lifespan usually requires the activation of telomerase , the enzyme that elongates telomeres . Human telomerase is minimally composed of the reverse transcriptase subunit hTERT , and the RNA subunit hTR . While hTR is ubiquitously expressed in human cells , the hTERT subunit is generally transcriptionally repressed in most normal somatic cells , but is illegitimately activated to restore telomerase activity in cancer cells . Indeed , in the thousands of different human tumours assayed , 85% were scored positive for telomerase activity . However , the levels of telomerase activity detected in tumour samples can vary substantially and even some normal somatic cells have been found to have low levels of enzyme activity . As the functional significance of low levels of telomerase activity is unclear , we investigated whether there is a minimum level of telomerase activity required for tumourigenesis . Using mutants of hTERT that induce varying levels of telomerase activity , we show that there does indeed exist a threshold of activity required for the processes of immortalization , transformation and tumourigenesis . Thus , low levels of activity detected in certain somatic cells would not be expected to contribute to tumourigenesis , nor does the mere detection of telomerase in cancer cells necessarily signify an immortal lifespan . OUTPUT:
enabling replicative immortality
[ "sustaining proliferative signaling", "evading growth suppressors", "resisting cell death", "enabling replicative immortality", "inducing angiogenesis", "activating invasion and metastasis", "genomic instability and mutation", "tumor promoting inflammation", "cellular energetics", "avoiding immune destruction" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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