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./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_1.wav|Kobe|EN|Uh, you know, it's amazing, like, when you become a parent, um, things become much more, you know, life becomes...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_10.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, you're out running on a track, working out.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_100.wav|Kobe|EN|Not a lot of diverse characters out there at all.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_101.wav|Kobe|EN|And so we said, you know what, we have to do this on our own. This way, we don't have anybody in our way telling us what the market wants to hear. I don't care about that. We write stories that come from the heart.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_102.wav|Kobe|EN|And our characters are going to look like my daughter's. Characters out there that look like them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_103.wav|Kobe|EN|They're going to look like my kids, and we're going to go from there.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_104.wav|Kobe|EN|It's about the metaphor for life. I mean, you know, sports is the greatest metaphor we have in terms of dealing with life. Because, you know, even if you listen to music, music will give you guidance.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_105.wav|Kobe|EN|Because I don't see it, man. And like, you know, so books is just the first thing. Publishing is the first thing. Now, if we look at animation.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_106.wav|Kobe|EN|Animation is even worse. It's even worse, you know, in terms of developing characters.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_107.wav|Kobe|EN|diverse characters, but even beyond that, the animators themselves.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_108.wav|Kobe|EN|diversity in that industry.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_109.wav|Kobe|EN|There are a lot of things that we need to take on that we are taking on and hope to make the world and the industry a better place because of it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_11.wav|Kobe|EN|And you start talking to yourself saying, man, my knee is really sore right now. Maybe I'm...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_110.wav|Kobe|EN|I think, you know, the mass market.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_111.wav|Kobe|EN|When we made Dear Basketball, we got a lot of pushback from people. I took it to some very prominent studios at first.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_112.wav|Kobe|EN|And they all said, yeah, no, because you said basketball is two sports specific.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_113.wav|Kobe|EN|nobody's going to connect with this sort of thing because, you know, there's a lot of people out there who don't watch basketball.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_114.wav|Kobe|EN|And so it was really a case study, even with our novels, everybody was like, sports novels, nobody's going to read that. It's too much of a niche market, niche market.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_115.wav|Kobe|EN|you know, there's work and, you know, you become very, you have a very clear focus.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_116.wav|Kobe|EN|I'm like, sports is bigger than that, man.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_117.wav|Kobe|EN|that you don't have to watch basketball at all to connect.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_118.wav|Kobe|EN|And once we saw that connection, it was kind of validated.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_119.wav|Kobe|EN|Certainly not. And what you'll see is, you know, once you start doing it and now people want to come in, jump in, but I'm like, you know, you kind of forced us to go about this ourselves. So.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_12.wav|Kobe|EN|Man, my lungs are burning and maybe I can just slow down here. I'll do like an extra two sets tomorrow.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_120.wav|Kobe|EN|first decided to build studio and I was asking how Harpo came to be.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_121.wav|Kobe|EN|And she said, well, when she was doing her deal for the Oprah Winfrey show.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_122.wav|Kobe|EN|She was re-upping her deal, and actually the first contract she made, she said, well,
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_123.wav|Kobe|EN|Just, I want to own a percentage of the show. And so they gave it to her. Now at the time, there weren't any black women hosting.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_124.wav|Kobe|EN|All right, so it was really new and she said, you know, Kobe, if they believe that the show was going to be successful.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_125.wav|Kobe|EN|They wouldn't have given me that.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_126.wav|Kobe|EN|right, that you can then meditate on and think about how you would apply it in sports, you have to apply it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_127.wav|Kobe|EN|in the here and now. I mean, you're faced with challenges moment to moment. You're faced with pressures and anxiety.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_128.wav|Kobe|EN|communication or the lack thereof, and all this other stuff, like it's in the moment. So you have to live it. And when you practice those things, you become better at it. But I just feel like in this day and age,
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_129.wav|Kobe|EN|Thinking, oh, we got a steal, we don't have to pay her money and move it over here.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_13.wav|Kobe|EN|you know, it'll be okay, right, that sort of stuff.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_130.wav|Kobe|EN|This is great. It's going to be a flop or we succe- I don't know, at least we get diversity on TV, it's fine.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_131.wav|Kobe|EN|And all of a sudden, it's, oh, uh-oh.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_132.wav|Kobe|EN|I think the important thing is research. You know, in the hall here in the office, I have a hall that I call Muse Hall.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_133.wav|Kobe|EN|We have all the portraits of some of our muses here, from J.K. Rowling to...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_134.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, Steve Jobs and so forth and so on. And I think it's important to research them. And it's like putting...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_135.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, fuel in the fire every day. You know, there's constant inspiration when you read about them, what they were able to accomplish, how they went about accomplishing it. It's just constantly, you know, feeding that flame.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_136.wav|Kobe|EN|and in learning and the best way to do that is to learn from the people who have done it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_137.wav|Kobe|EN|Their stories still live. These muses are here. It's important to learn from them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_138.wav|Kobe|EN|And if anything, it helps you remember that they are human just like us.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_139.wav|Kobe|EN|Our children have become less imaginative about how to problem solve, and parents and coaches have become more directive.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_14.wav|Kobe|EN|And that's you just got to say you know what I'm not negotiating with myself The deal was already made deal was made when I set out at the beginning of the summer and said this is the training plan I'm doing
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_140.wav|Kobe|EN|These great things that get accomplished can be accomplished by others and beyond.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_141.wav|Kobe|EN|you know, building Walt Disney Company is not something that, you know, people look at and scoff at and go, Oh, it can't be done. Well, why not?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_142.wav|Kobe|EN|Why not? Yeah, because you realize there are people just like us. They make mistakes just like us.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_143.wav|Kobe|EN|And they kept going, and we can do the same.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_144.wav|Kobe|EN|and trying to mandate or give orders or teach kids how to think and teach kids how to behave versus and tell them how to behave versus teaching them how to behave and so that's why I'm creating these stories and creating this content
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_145.wav|Kobe|EN|Well, it did more than that, right? So, like, the basketball stuff speaks for itself in terms of with that comment.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_146.wav|Kobe|EN|May you know did for me in terms of giving me stability and giving me confidence
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_147.wav|Kobe|EN|to say, okay, it's okay to fail because you're going to be loved no matter what.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_148.wav|Kobe|EN|It doesn't just mean basketball, it means anything in life. It means writing, it means being an entrepreneur, it means...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_149.wav|Kobe|EN|Um, having a confidence to go for it. And, um, I've seen too many parents do the exact opposite.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_15.wav|Kobe|EN|I signed that contract with myself. I'm doing it, you know throughout the that process you'll start talking to yourself like man I got a I think I need to maybe if we
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_150.wav|Kobe|EN|And it terrifies children and children become paralyzed by their own fear.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_151.wav|Kobe|EN|When you have children it becomes about them. It's not about you guys anymore, right? And so that shift it's a big one
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_152.wav|Kobe|EN|because they don't have that security blanket of love and comfort.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_153.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, what I try to do is just try to be still and understand that things...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_154.wav|Kobe|EN|come and go. Emotions come and go. The important thing is to accept them all.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_155.wav|Kobe|EN|To embrace them all and then you can choose to do with them what you want versus being
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_156.wav|Kobe|EN|a lot of times I've seen players even myself when I was younger.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_157.wav|Kobe|EN|being consumed by a particular fear and to the point where you're saying, okay, no, it's not good to feel fear. I shouldn't be nervous in a situation like that.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_158.wav|Kobe|EN|Versus stepping back and saying, yeah, I am nervous about this situation, yeah, I am fearful about this situation, but what am I afraid of? And then you kind of unpack it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_159.wav|Kobe|EN|And then it gives you ability to look at it for really what it is, which is nothing more than your imagination running its course, you know?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_16.wav|Kobe|EN|I had a teammate that spoke to me and said, Hey Cole, I just want to feel like as a teammate, you need me.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_160.wav|Kobe|EN|You think about game winning shots and or game winning free throws and people go to the free throw line and they're nervous about it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_161.wav|Kobe|EN|All right. And then what? People are going to talk bad about you. Okay. Right. And so you're looking at it. Are those things even important?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_162.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, it's one of kind of a selfishness together.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_163.wav|Kobe|EN|You're like, what is, you're worried about letting your teammates down? Okay. Have you let them down before? Oh, I'm sure.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_164.wav|Kobe|EN|You know? And so when you're able to unpack it, you kind of look at it for what it is, which is really nothing.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_165.wav|Kobe|EN|Don't hide from it, you know, you gotta be able to look at it and, you know, and deal with it head on.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_166.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, you grow up and you make game winning shots and it's awesome. You come back the next day and miss a game winning shot and it's misery.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_167.wav|Kobe|EN|and then the next day comes and you're back playing again and you understand that life has this cyclical nature where it's.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_168.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, what you do on Monday is fantastic, but then Tuesday is a bad day. But guess what? There's Wednesday.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_169.wav|Kobe|EN|So are we just supposed to live our lives like this the whole time? Versus just staying like this and understanding that it's really just a journey of...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_17.wav|Kobe|EN|I was like, well, duh.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_170.wav|Kobe|EN|Evolution every day is just constant improvement, constant curiosity, constantly getting better.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_171.wav|Kobe|EN|The results don't really matter. It's the figuring out that matters.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_172.wav|Kobe|EN|It's unfortunate man like I've seen a lot of players especially now you know in youth basketball dealing with that
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_173.wav|Kobe|EN|You have players that are like bigger and faster and stronger and their coaches are just coaching them for results.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_174.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, we're just going to use your size that because you're bigger than every other 12 year old out there to dominate today, but they're not growing.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_175.wav|Kobe|EN|Right? So they're just based on that result, but they're not focused on growing this young child.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_176.wav|Kobe|EN|Into becoming a better an athlete and through that teaching them how to become a more well-rounded person
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_177.wav|Kobe|EN|And we're missing that.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_178.wav|Kobe|EN|Well, I had to do that because, you know, I grew up growing up in Italy when I first moved over there was, you know.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_179.wav|Kobe|EN|I didn't speak Italian. I didn't have any friends. You know, I had the game of basketball and through sport and playing soccer, I was able to make friends and build connections.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_18.wav|Kobe|EN|And his story and his journey and what that meant to him and that opened my eyes to there's a bigger game being played It's not just basketball, but it's the emotions of each individual
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_180.wav|Kobe|EN|But it was a lot of time spent alone. And when I came back to the States, I wasn't the most athletic kid.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_181.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, I was really scrawny, like really, really skinny and had
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_182.wav|Kobe|EN|I had to look long-term because in the here and now I couldn't compete with these kids. I mean there's kids that were like
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_183.wav|Kobe|EN|Twelve years old with BEARD!
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_184.wav|Kobe|EN|They're doing windmills and dunking backwards and I'm happy to like
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_185.wav|Kobe|EN|And then to being absolutely selfless and doing anything you can for your kids. And so what I'm trying to do is create content to teach them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_186.wav|Kobe|EN|First and foremost, that's why I started this whole thing, is just reading stories to them that I felt like didn't exist.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_187.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, our kids are athletes and they love reading about princesses and all these fairy tales and.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_188.wav|Kobe|EN|So I had to say, okay, this year I'm going to get better at that. Next year, this, and then so forth and so on. And then patiently I was able to catch them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_189.wav|Kobe|EN|It's just piece by piece and it's the consistency of the work.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_19.wav|Kobe|EN|and the backstory that they're carrying with them, the baggage that they're carrying with them. And if I really want to be a champion and be a great teammate.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_190.wav|Kobe|EN|feel like a lot of parents are missing today because we're not teaching that to our kids. We tend to say like kids don't want to do the work but in reality it's when we're failing them because we're not.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_191.wav|Kobe|EN|Leading them the right way and teaching them, you know, how to fish, you know what I mean?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_192.wav|Kobe|EN|And so like the consistency of work, Monday, get better. Tuesday, get better. Wednesday, get.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_193.wav|Kobe|EN|better, right? And you do that over a period of time, you know, not like one month or two months. I mean, it's.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_194.wav|Kobe|EN|three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 years, you can get to where you wanna go.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_195.wav|Kobe|EN|It's a little different, like in basketball it was different because I expected to win.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_196.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, I expected us to win championships, I expected us to win five, quite honestly, I expected us to win eight.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_197.wav|Kobe|EN|And so when you have that vision in sports, it's a direct competition. Like I know how hard they're working. I know how hard we're working. I know what their strategy is. I know what ours is, you know.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_198.wav|Kobe|EN|So it's a little different. So when we went into NBA, it was like, yeah, we expected to do that, but now we're gonna come back and we're gonna do it again.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_199.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, and so it's that constant like alright, you're churning you win one championship. I'm back in the gym the next day working getting ready for the next one.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_2.wav|Kobe|EN|It lines things up for you a little differently, right?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_20.wav|Kobe|EN|I have to understand what those mean to help them become better, help me.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_200.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, they get a little sick and tired about the man saving the princess every time and you know, the same old stuff magical wines and all that. My kids are athletes, man. They want to learn about soccer balls and basketballs and volleyballs and
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_201.wav|Kobe|EN|Now, it's different because it's not about the awards, you know, you just wind up trying to create something that's...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_202.wav|Kobe|EN|that's going to inspire someone that hopefully, through that inspiration, they can inspire somebody else. And what I've come to learn as my career went on is that's more significant than any championship.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_203.wav|Kobe|EN|is how do you connect with somebody that can then connect with another? Whether the awards come or not, you know, that's.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_204.wav|Kobe|EN|for you know
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_205.wav|Kobe|EN|For us, it's just to try to create things.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_206.wav|Kobe|EN|Looking at 62% of young children are dropping out of sports, 62%.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_207.wav|Kobe|EN|And they cite the fact that it's not fun anymore. Well, what is that telling us? That's telling us us as grown-ups are getting in the way.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_208.wav|Kobe|EN|Get out the way, let these kids be imaginative.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_209.wav|Kobe|EN|nature to it, right? But it's rooted in reality, right? When we have...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_21.wav|Kobe|EN|Yeah, I mean, I imagine it in different ways, you know, but like, ultimately people always figure out a way to do it that's comfortable for them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_210.wav|Kobe|EN|fire-breathing winged horses and things of that nature. Those are actual drills that are taking place. We're not, we don't have fire drink, you know, fire-breathing winged horses actually.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_211.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, magic that comes from that.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_212.wav|Kobe|EN|But we do have ball machines that are spitting balls at tennis players, right?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_213.wav|Kobe|EN|And so all of our stories are all anchored in an element of truth so that children feel like when they are doing these drills with these ball machines, they can envision maybe it's a fireball.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_214.wav|Kobe|EN|You can envision Gus throwing fireballs at him. And even the plays, like when the, you know, in the Wizenard series, when the basket is opening up and shrinking.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_215.wav|Kobe|EN|These are things that we expect. I feel like I can't make a shot, man. And the basket feels like the size of a keyhole.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_216.wav|Kobe|EN|I've seen this before, I know how to deal with this.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_217.wav|Kobe|EN|Our job is to try to inspire the creativity inside of our children.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_218.wav|Kobe|EN|so that they can think through how to problem-solve situations. So, like, you know, when I coach my daughter's team...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_219.wav|Kobe|EN|It's not about giving them answers, it's about asking them questions, process things.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_22.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, which is why in everything that we do, we try to create the highest quality of product.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_220.wav|Kobe|EN|Right. When the game is being played, I'm not sitting there giving them answers or barking out things on the sideline. I sit down and I'm quiet.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_221.wav|Kobe|EN|My assistant coach sits there, and she's quiet. And the kids figure things out for themselves. Or they don't.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_222.wav|Kobe|EN|And then they come back and there's always questions. And then you kind of ask them more questions and you help them figure it out.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_223.wav|Kobe|EN|But then you see their level of excitement to practice every day increase
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_224.wav|Kobe|EN|because it's a process that they are owning, right? They're not coming to get.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_225.wav|Kobe|EN|They're coming for kind of their personal quest.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_226.wav|Kobe|EN|to get better.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_227.wav|Kobe|EN|No, it's no pressure because, you know, it's their process to own. I have knowledge and information that I've gained, you know, through playing, so like the little details of things.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_228.wav|Kobe|EN|I can teach at a high level, but ultimately it's them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_229.wav|Kobe|EN|The kids love playing basketball, so that's the anchor of it all. They come, and they play, and they learn, and they have fun, and they compete.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_23.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, he's putting it out there for the world to see. He's trying to create a short film. And I didn't know if I could do it, man.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_230.wav|Kobe|EN|They just get better every day.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_231.wav|Kobe|EN|Yeah, so like the first novel we did was the Wizarding Arts series, it was important for that to be basketball because I wanted the first story to be one of empathy and compassion.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_232.wav|Kobe|EN|And in team sports, if you don't have that, you can't win, right? And so it was important to tell the tale of a basketball team.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_233.wav|Kobe|EN|Dealing with their own personal fears. Lead to empathy and compassion for others.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_234.wav|Kobe|EN|That was a hard jump, you know, because I had written before, I mean, I started writing probably about
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_235.wav|Kobe|EN|17 years ago. So practicing every day. A lot of things that I wrote were ads.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_24.wav|Kobe|EN|And it was my daughter who kind of put things in perspective for me, Gianna. She's now 13, and she was like, well.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_25.wav|Kobe|EN|You always tell us to go for it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_26.wav|Kobe|EN|Right, like, you know, people will sit down and tell me, they'll say, okay, well, audio books, very small percentage of people listen to audio books. We don't really have to invest too much in doing audio books and.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_27.wav|Kobe|EN|What? Excuse me? No. Because that one person just listens to audiobooks.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_28.wav|Kobe|EN|family enjoys audiobooks they have to get the best experience they can possibly give them so that means using a London orchestra that means doing full symphonies that means having Felicia Rashad read the stories like
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_29.wav|Kobe|EN|It means everything. The books themselves. I got this all time. There's no money in making books, man.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_3.wav|Kobe|EN|Anonymity that comes along with that right, but right near basketball was different
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_30.wav|Kobe|EN|I'm sorry, you want to make a book with using what material?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_31.wav|Kobe|EN|I'm like, uh, yeah, because children matter, but like, I don't know how they're going. I imagine how they're going to be consuming content.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_32.wav|Kobe|EN|But ultimately, it's my responsibility and our responsibility as a studio to make every single thing that we put out.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_33.wav|Kobe|EN|the highest quality possible.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_34.wav|Kobe|EN|Punies for sure, like the punies, I was like, you know, when I first made the punies, we're going to release it in the summer. I think we released it in August. And Transcribed by
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_35.wav|Kobe|EN|I think I think it was August around the same time, but in my mind I was saying, okay, parents are going to listen to this every Saturday morning.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_36.wav|Kobe|EN|He was like, you gonna talk about it? You gonna be about it, basically, and that gave me the final push.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_37.wav|Kobe|EN|because I know I'm in the car driving my kids to soccer games and like.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_38.wav|Kobe|EN|Parents can listen to this with their kids in the car as they're driving to sporting events. Like that was kind of what I had in my mind.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_39.wav|Kobe|EN|And then when it came out, it's like, you know.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_4.wav|Kobe|EN|With the second story, I wanted to look more internal, individually.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_40.wav|Kobe|EN|Ports on the punies and and also stuff so, you know.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_41.wav|Kobe|EN|and everything, you know, and, you know, the creativity generally comes from personal experiences first, and then you kind of look on a broad
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_42.wav|Kobe|EN|Kind of on a broader scope of, okay, how do you take something extremely personal?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_43.wav|Kobe|EN|and then channel it in a way for masses to understand and get their arms around sort of thing. But it always starts in the element of truth and then you start unpacking that by sitting in thought.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_44.wav|Kobe|EN|and figuring out like character and who is this person and who's his family. And then that's when I start getting in trouble.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_45.wav|Kobe|EN|the questions don't end, you know? So I have like books and books and books and books and books and books and books and books and books of backstory because it's not good enough just to say the characters this way.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_46.wav|Kobe|EN|Why are they that way? Or the parents, well where do the parents come from? Where does the dad come from? Why are they raising a kid this way? What does it have to do with the economy that's around them? And then just one thing leads to the next and then you're just writing all kinds of stuff.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_47.wav|Kobe|EN|Nah, man, it's just something I enjoy, and I enjoy writing ads. It was something funny about trying to distill a message down into 30 seconds or a minute, depending on the budget.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_48.wav|Kobe|EN|Yeah, well, you know, like, creativity is in everything, you know, like.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_49.wav|Kobe|EN|Even in consistent, like what I've found is creativity a lot of time comes from structure.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_5.wav|Kobe|EN|and look at how do you deal with the inner challenges, the kind of the self-negotiation that takes place inside of our own heads.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_50.wav|Kobe|EN|parameters and the structure then within that you can be creative but like if you don't have the structure you're just aimlessly doing stuff.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_51.wav|Kobe|EN|Going, you know, so like having a clear structure of understanding, okay, this morning I'm going to like when I was writing.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_52.wav|Kobe|EN|was an art series and outlining legacy coming in the morning 7 a.m. and I'm there
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_53.wav|Kobe|EN|I'm writing back story from seven to Then go pick up my kids and then I come right back and I'm writing again. So like within that structure
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_54.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, my mind when I go to sleep is already like planning of what the next day is going to be.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_55.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, what it is I have to do is that consistency in structure.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_56.wav|Kobe|EN|The thing, too, is, like, you know, people think, like, you're just kind of just kind of...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_57.wav|Kobe|EN|You know mulling along and all of a sudden Like the show that we have on ESPN now called detail
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_58.wav|Kobe|EN|basketball, you know, sports breakdown show, um, that came to me when I was walking around with my wife.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_59.wav|Kobe|EN|Shopping and I look at a piece of fabric and I'm like, wow, this is really the detail and this thing is
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_6.wav|Kobe|EN|and there was no sport better than that than tennis. There's golf, but tennis, you have more movement, which to me symbolizes life in general, because life is.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_60.wav|Kobe|EN|Oh my, detail, that's the name of the show. And then everything came from there. But I had been thinking about...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_61.wav|Kobe|EN|a show like that for like a year, you know, and I couldn't, I couldn't shake it loose. I'm like, what?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_62.wav|Kobe|EN|Gotta I gotta find a sport show that I'm going to do but it needs to can't just be basketball focus has to be broader And I want to hear from the best minds in the world here from Peyton Manning. I want to hear from
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_63.wav|Kobe|EN|What is it, what is it? For like a year.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_64.wav|Kobe|EN|Had to like obsess over it for a while and then it kind of pops loose.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_65.wav|Kobe|EN|Tom, man, like you gotta sit down and watch and watch other shows that are out.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_66.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, and then ultimately you just find, you know, like when the answer comes to you, it's like, my God, I could have.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_67.wav|Kobe|EN|Remember John Williams told me that he said he said he'll sit for like two months.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_68.wav|Kobe|EN|important, trying to speak to the brand attributes, but also speak to something that's greater in quality.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_69.wav|Kobe|EN|that has a stronger message, stronger philosophical message, and how do you connect those dots? So putting that puzzle together was something that was really intriguing.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_7.wav|Kobe|EN|There's a lot going on, right? There's the elements and tenets that you have to deal with as you deal with in golf, maybe not to the same extent, but they're still there. And then there's the confrontation with the person across the net from you.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_70.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, I never thought I'd be writing novels or movies and...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_71.wav|Kobe|EN|to try to figure out what the melody is. He'll be at his piano all day. He'll say the only day he'll take off is Sunday because his wife forces him to take Sundays off.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_72.wav|Kobe|EN|and he'll just be sitting there writing, writing, writing.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_73.wav|Kobe|EN|And then it just comes and he's like, I seriously could have thought of that.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_74.wav|Kobe|EN|It's just so simple.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_75.wav|Kobe|EN|What I try to do is shoot the idea, figure out everything that's wrong with the idea.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_76.wav|Kobe|EN|Right, this show won't work because like detail, for example, like this show won't work because it's not for fans.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_77.wav|Kobe|EN|It's for the 1% athlete, all right? Well, will it be successful? People connect to it? Like, you know, you start unpacking every little thing. How will we shoot it? Can I even get Peyton Manning to do it? Could I get?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_78.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, and you start shooting them down. Same thing with the novels, like characters and plots and stories. Does this make any sense?
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_8.wav|Kobe|EN|as well as the strengths and weaknesses in your own movements and how you feel in your own body.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_80.wav|Kobe|EN|Well, yeah, it's just like the same thing for any great movie. You have to have...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_81.wav|Kobe|EN|The antagonist, you know, a strong villainous character will really drive the narrative along. If you don't have that, you have nothing from which your hero has to bounce off of.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_82.wav|Kobe|EN|Because especially in today's world, there's so much clutter.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_83.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, that villain could be, you know, Maleficent. It could be something inside of you. It could be whatever, but you have to have that clear antagonist that's driving the narrative forward.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_84.wav|Kobe|EN|And this is the same thing, you pick apart the negative and from that, you can then move.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_85.wav|Kobe|EN|Yeah, you know, obsessiveness just comes with something that you love, like you really love it, you'll go through fire for it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_86.wav|Kobe|EN|You'll go through the ups and downs with it, and you'll just keep at it because you love it so much. And
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_87.wav|Kobe|EN|Um, and story for me started a long time ago. I mean, I had a great English teacher at Lower Merion High School named Jane Mastriano.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_88.wav|Kobe|EN|And she explained to me the art of storytelling my sophomore year.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_89.wav|Kobe|EN|You know how to develop compelling characters and how this thing how stories
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_9.wav|Kobe|EN|And because of that, it was important for this story to be a tennis story.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_90.wav|Kobe|EN|are the driving force, whether they're inspirational or informational, that really change society.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_91.wav|Kobe|EN|And, you know, it's a pretty cool feeling, man. Like, growing up, when I was in high school, man, I didn't read much at all.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_92.wav|Kobe|EN|You know because basketball was my thing now if you give me a basketball book or like a sports book or like a sports psych book
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_93.wav|Kobe|EN|You know, it becomes harder for kids to try to weave through a lot of the crap that's out there to find stuff that's actually beneficial to them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_94.wav|Kobe|EN|focus for me, which kind of gets me into this market a little bit too, because like for our active
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_95.wav|Kobe|EN|Children that love being outdoors and playing all the time, they're not reading, but they're missing out on so much by not reading, but they will read.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_96.wav|Kobe|EN|if there's something that they feel like speaks to them.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_97.wav|Kobe|EN|I think we get more readers in the world because of it.
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_98.wav|Kobe|EN|Problem, because what I found in the industry, which is why we self-publish...
./Data/Kobe/audios/raw/Kobe_99.wav|Kobe|EN|Because a lot of publishers want to publish the same type of story, you know the same type of plots