1 value
54 values
**1) These rules are subject to change.** Don't worry, we'll usually post in ⁠<#988487678452449370> when we change something big. Rule changes should be done either by vote in <#1107766032187273287> or by <@&974402165487579156> --- **2) Don’t go finding loopholes to these rules.** We don’t want to sit here for another thousand years to make our rules completely watertight. Any obvious occasions of loophole finding, or choosing to almost break rules can result in a regular rule breaking punishment. --- **3) Channels should be used for their original purpose.** large amount of memes should be sent in ⁠<#975102469229129728>. Nobody wants to see a ton of memes in the main channels(not to be a discord mod). Random nonsense shouldn't be sent in general, mental health, gaming, etc. --- **4) No Admin/Mod Abuse.** This rule has been shortened to make it easier on the eyes, with the full Staff Rules available here: TLDR; don't abuse power if you're given it and just do the right thing --- **5) Follow Discord’s ToS.** We don’t wanna get the server terminated. I know, it’s a huge ask. --- **6) No Excessive Spam.** A little spam is fine, we can handle it, however more than 30 is too much. This rule also includes sending too many messages that are off topic. sending random sentences in the middle of a conversation adds nothing --- Breaking these rules will progressively get worse if they are continuously broken by the same user. These can result in a warning, timeout, getting <@&1086673061652201572> role, or even a banning. Last updated June 16th, 2024 by <@813803990608379924> with some quick updates to rule #4
2024-06-09 21:36:28.288000+00:00
<@&989143029170458644> Thank you to all those who voted. 24 ballots were cast in this election, which is the highest turn out we've had! nearly a third of the server voted now onto the part y'all actually care about: **who won?** in first place with 13 votes, <@1062788186608250900> in second place with 11 votes, <@897290550963761213> and finally, in third place with 9 votes, <@670451089413242882> A congrats to those who won, and a special mention to the runners up: <@739693785604161576> with 7 votes and both <@713452766118543371> and <@882777959147118652> who tied for sixth with 5 votes. Check the pie chard below for a visual representation good job to all, congrats to the winners and good luck to everyone in the 7th moderator election, which will be some time in September! have a great day!
2024-06-22 18:23:37.590000+00:00
# <@&989143029170458644> Its finally time to vote! Im gonna keep this short, yall probably know the drill. you vote for three people and the three people that have the most amount of votes wins. the election will be open from now until the 22nd, with the tally probably ending the next day. May the best canidates win!
2024-06-20 15:19:33.254000+00:00
## <@&989143029170458644>! Its Election Time! In this server, we have a many things that set us apart from others, but one of the biggest is our tradition of democracy. Be that petitions to polls and mod elections, We are one of the few servers that have a working democracy! It's time (once again) to re-elect the mods. **Starting in a few hours(the bot is nearly ready), anyone with <@&989143029170458644> can apply to become a Moderator.** There are currently three mods <@897290550963761213>, <@1062788186608250900>, and <@670451089413242882>. They are responsible for enforcing the rules of the server. It is the highest available role available. Starting on the 16th, members will have two days to nominate themselves. They are strongly encouraged to submit a short paragraph on what they will do to help the server and make it a better place. This this short paragraph is not required, but is highly suggested to give us a general idea of why you would like to be part of Staff. This short paragraph will be included on the form when voting takes place so voters wont miss it. Voting will most likely begin <t:1718899200:R>, with the voting period lasting two days, ending on the 22nd. __All current moderators are automatically added to the running.__ I will ping <@&1235571687467122700> when the bot is ready ***May the best candidate win!***
2024-06-15 23:15:27.027000+00:00
@everyone Sorry for the second ping for anyone with the announcement role
2024-05-29 14:56:20.938000+00:00
<@&1235571687467122700> please vote for the rule change in this requires ten to pass A copy of the rules is posted in the attached thread if google docs doesn't work} link to the thread:
2024-05-29 14:43:12.241000+00:00
<@&1235571687467122700> <t:1716652800:R> we will be voting on the new rules: if you have not made edits yet and want to, or you see somerthing in the rules you want to change, use the link and comment on the doc if we want to, we can do a vc envent
2024-05-22 16:02:13.501000+00:00
<@&1235571687467122700> Im currently working on revamping the rules. Its been a topic of disscussion recently that the rules are a bit outdated, so we're gonna re-do them. Im going to release a google doc with the current rules so that people can comment on it with changes. at some point we should also do a vc event ig, maybe even use the stage for once edit: here is the google doc, please keep coments on task Wanna get pinged next time? Configure your pings with /pings
2024-05-13 15:15:50.913000+00:00
# Memes Contest Finals! @here I know im late , but womp womp lol its the final day, so vote wise-ly <#1236351518945579008> have fun! (also winner of today wins the memes contest)
2024-05-07 21:15:16.855000+00:00
**memes contest semi finals!!!** Vote now! <#1235713964898521168> (im only 4 hours late) tomorrow is finals so make sure to vote! remember winner gets the special edition memes contest badge
2024-05-05 20:06:18.151000+00:00
@here #deleted-channel hit enter too quickly, so something something memes contest
2024-05-04 16:27:13.166000+00:00
@here memes contest lol if its confusing, ping me, but basically each meme is its own message with an emoji, and select either 1️⃣ or 2️⃣ on the bottom message. there is a divider to make it more non-confusing(that a word?). anyway, may the best ~~quote~~ meme win! #deleted-channel
2024-05-03 21:25:09.073000+00:00
Pie chart for those interested: and link
2024-03-25 01:27:58.705000+00:00
<@&989143029170458644> <@&1086673061652201572> <@&1216778577979244544> It is with great pleasure that i announce the elected moderators! this election had both the most amount of candidates and the most amount of ballots cast! 20 votes were cast in total, and in total 100 points were distributed to the candidates With further a-do, here are the winners: <@1062788186608250900>, With 17 votes <@897290550963761213>, with 14 votes and finally, <@670451089413242882>, with 12 votes. and a special mention to fourth and fifth place, who were <@705903617911291944>, with 10 and <@910323163508904016> with 8 thank you to all who ran, and an especial thanks to those who voted, you keep our democracy running!
2024-03-25 00:50:31.140000+00:00
@everyone I am pleased to announce the opening of voting in the sup election! we have broken every record in our server's history, with **13** people running for mod!(although this was expected) this time around, there once again have been some changes to cope with the increase of candidates. when filling out the form, you MUST put 5 people on your ballot. however, the amount of mod slots are the same. the top three people will be selected as mod. **Form Link:** # May the best candidate win! *i will post the live results soon
2024-03-18 19:48:48.408000+00:00
<@705903617911291944> and <@775841823742623764>, Best of luck as you enbark on your week of testing! dont be too downtrodden and you'll get through it!
2024-03-12 01:38:58.560000+00:00
## Hey, @everyone! On our server we've always tried to keep the tradition of democracy, from polls, to petitions, to mod elections. It's time (once again) to re-elect the mods. **Starting <t:1710594000:R>, anyone with <@&989143029170458644> can apply to become a Moderator. There are three moderators, and they are responsible for enforcing the rules of the server. It is the highest available to the common user.** Starting on the 16th, members will have two days to nominate themselves. They are strongly encouraged to submit a short paragraph on what they will do to help the server and make it a better place (<@526214948674600990> is still working on that). This this short paragraph is not required, but is highly suggested to give us a general idea of why you would like to be part of Staff. This short paragraph will be included on the form when voting takes place so voters wont miss it. On the 18th, voting will take place for two more days, with results being officially released on either the 20th or 21st. __All current moderators are automatically added to the running.__ ***May the best candidate win!***
2024-03-07 23:56:37.175000+00:00
you arent being owner, i just was skiing
2024-02-23 17:18:00.193000+00:00
@everyone alright yall, its the finale! today is the final day for quote voting, go to <#1209251980485202043> to vote!
2024-02-19 21:38:54.175000+00:00
@here Day three of the quotes contest! bit of a twist becuase of the amount of quotes. instead of having three brackets today and one bracket with three tomorrow, today will have two rounds each with three quotes. its sounds complicated, but its quite simple once you see it. anyway, go to <#1208736159740600390> to vote!!!!
2024-02-18 19:58:26.903000+00:00
@everyone Day 2 of the quotes contest is live! go vote now! <#1208519973643755541>
2024-02-17 21:25:35.693000+00:00
Day one of the quotes contest ends tonight. Apologies for the delay, hopefully I’ll have more time over break
2024-02-16 20:58:56.352000+00:00
Quotes Contest is up! go to <#1207354940310421585> to cast your ballot. one quote was removed because of repeats, if the quote wins then the person who submitted it first will win @here
2024-02-14 16:25:10.832000+00:00
ah right Quotes contest voting will be up later today
2024-02-14 12:30:27.698000+00:00
I changed the logo. it is done
2024-01-29 16:03:21.876000+00:00
## Thank You, And Take A Free Rank. Thank you for this wonderful year of advancement for this server, and we’re excited to do more fun events next year! As we have made many right and wrong decisions with this server, so we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on your experiences, and how we can improve. **To take our survey, just go here -> <#1187910248627974144>. The administrators will review your survey, and give you <@&1188177052654907392> if approved.** Your opinions will be heavily impactful on our future decisions. Thank you for being a part of this server. -‌<@813803990608379924>, <@&974402165487579156> -<@526214948674600990>, <@&988177758372913152> @everyone
2023-12-28 22:12:56.747000+00:00
Hello There Everyone! SUP has recently had a moderator election, and I am happy to announce the results! We have made the decision to move into a more simpler system this election, with a simple "pick three." With this, I am pleased to announce the following winners: ** <@670451089413242882> ** with 100% of votes, **<@1062788186608250900>** with 69.2%(nice) and ** <@882777959147118652> ** with 61.5% of votes. Below are graphs more clearly showing off these stats. I would like to congradulate the winners, and say to the runners up that their time is yet to come! just for statisitics purposes, here are the votes for the runners up: ** <@1015753785085264006> ** had 30.8% ** <@910323163508904016> ** had 23.1% **<@622772906723770368>** had 7.7% Find new Candidate had one vote Most importantly, thank you to all who voted, you are who makes these possible thank you and Good Night! -Paddit, <@&974402165487579156> ||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​||||​|||||||||||| @everyone
2023-12-14 23:08:03.424000+00:00
@here Voting has closed Thank you for voting I will release the results tomorrow
2023-12-14 02:40:04.050000+00:00
This isn't worthy of a ping, however, I have made a live update of the election! It can be viewed using the link below! furthermore, I have also put the previous Mod Election results in the slideshow! The information isn't up to date, however it is the best I can get. Have a great day! @here
2023-12-11 19:29:28.192000+00:00
# Election Time! It's that time! For the next two days, you will have the opportunity to vote for the three most qualified candidates on the form below. please be sure to read the essay submission things at the top. voting will end on the 13th. make sure to get as many people to vote! May the best candidate win! (Btw people with temp role are not allowed to vote, apologies) <@&989143029170458644>
2023-12-11 13:46:41.055000+00:00
I am closing the submissions to the moderator elections so i can finalise the form. thank you for your coperation
2023-12-11 00:30:39.118000+00:00
Hello, It is time to do another Mod Election!!! I know in my orignial announcement I said we would be doing submissions until the 10th, but ive decided to make that the 11th to give yall the two days you might need. also, vasili is currently unable to get the bot working, so the bot wont e able to collect submissions. This will most liekly be fixed soon. Please remember two things about this mod election and the bot. 1. Submiting a thing to the bot does not garente you are running. I create the ballot, you need to ensure that I know you are running 2. to get on the ballot, you have to let me know you are running, nothing else Have a good night <@&989143029170458644> <@&1086673061652201572>
2023-12-09 02:37:49.735000+00:00
# Hello @everyone, it's that time again! Once again, we're doing another mod election! The process hasn't been set in stone. **Currently, the beginning will involve people submitting a short list (or a really short essay) of things they bring to the server and plan to do if elected.** The voting will take place in a Google form, as always. Submitting applications will most likely start on the 8th and end on the 10th, with voting going from the 10th to the 12th. this announcement is just to let ya'll know. Btw all seats are up for election Have a great day! -<@813803990608379924>, <@&974402165487579156> -<@526214948674600990>, <@&988177758372913152>
2023-12-01 22:21:47.624000+00:00
Quick announcement, the following bots have been removed: <@1065390297225383976> <@854481280602341386> <@1095426732883968061> They had been obsolete and all functions will be replaced. No ping because not nessesary
2023-11-18 00:51:23.480000+00:00
# Quotes Contest Final Results Over nine days we have collected and voted on more than 64 quotes! This is a new record. On the final day, in the 5 to 6 vote, quote 19 has won! 19. Someone submitted: "“shapeshifting into a dwarf to say rock and stone is like painting yourself black to say the n word”" The next quote contest will be in awhile, and i kinda want it to have a twist, but eh..... also no ping cause' its early and no one neeeeds to see this Winner will get the prize at some point I need the time
2023-10-24 11:10:00.395000+00:00
winner of the quotes contest will be announced tomorrow
2023-10-24 01:18:04.922000+00:00
# Seventh and Last Day of the Quotes Contest! Today is the last day of voting for the quotes contest! Quotes 19 and 34 will be facing off to see who will win! same as allways, and for the last time, the 1️⃣ emoji represents voting for the first submission in that block, and the 2️⃣ emoji represents voting for the second quote in that block. May the best quote win! Here is the link to voting: || @everyone ||
2023-10-23 11:12:14.295000+00:00
# Sixth Day of the Quotes Contest! Sorry for the late announcement, but today is the Seni-finals(I think jason check my math)! voting today will end at around 9 pm. again, just like the other days, the 1️⃣ emoji represents voting for the first submission in that block, and the 2️⃣ emoji represents voting for the second quote in that block. Lets hope the good quotes win! Only two days left, so make those votes count! Here is the link to the quote Voting: || @everyone ||
2023-10-22 14:54:04.772000+00:00
# Fifth Day of the Quotes Contest! Sorry for the late announcement, but today is the quarter-finals! voting today will end at around 9 pm. again, just like the other days, the 1️⃣ emoji represents voting for the first submission in that block, and the 2️⃣ emoji represents voting for the second quote in that block. Lets hope the good quotes win! Here is the link to the quote Voting: #Deleted-Channel || @everyone ||
2023-10-21 13:47:45.608000+00:00
**Fourth day of quotes contest voting!** TOday, we will only have 8 pairs. its the same as normal, the 1️⃣ emoji represents voting for the first submission in that block, and the 2️⃣ emoji represents voting for the second quote in that block. Voting closes at 8pm EST. May the best quotes win! Here is the voting link: #Deleted-Channel || @everyone ||
2023-10-20 11:14:36.576000+00:00
**Third Day of Quote Contest Voting!** Today, the last two rounds' winners will be pitted against each other. Just a reminder, the 1️⃣ emoji represents voting for the first submission in that block, and the 2️⃣ emoji represents voting for the second quote in that block. Also, because this round affects tomorrow, voting closes at 8pm EST. May the best quotes win! Here is the voting link: #Deleted-Channel || @everyone ||
2023-10-19 11:12:34.731000+00:00
**Second Day of Quote Contest Voting!** Today, we will be voting on quotes 33 - 64. There were so many quotes that they couldn't fit into one round! The same style as yesterday, the 1️⃣ emoji represents voting for the first submission in that block, and the 2️⃣ emoji represents voting for the second quote in that block. May the best quotes win! Go here to vote: #Deleted-Channel || <@&989143029170458644> <@&1086673061652201572> ||
2023-10-18 12:08:44.507000+00:00
Hello and welcome to the third quotes contest voting! Today will be doing the first day of voting. There are a total of 32 quotes to be voted on. A total of around 10 members submitted over 64 quotes. This is a new record for the first contest! To not overload you, we will be only voting on 32 quotes. All voting will be done in the below channel. #Deleted-Channel May the best quote win! || @everyone || Edit: In order to vote, the number one emoji represents voting for the first submission in that block, and the number two emoji represents voting for the second quote in that block.
2023-10-17 12:33:19.394000+00:00
2023-09-15 00:02:49.327000+00:00
@everyone Hello! We have been voting for a total of four days, and the results are in! Here are the results: In the first round, Owl was eliminated, and Maeve, Jason, Evelyn, Nick, Jennifer, and Silvia went on. In the second round, Silvia was eliminated, and Jason, Maeve, Evelyn, Nick, and Jennifer went on. In the third round, Jennifer was eliminated while Jason, Maeve, Evelyn, and Nick go on In the fourth round, Evelyn was eliminated while Jason, Maeve, and nick went on In the fifth round, Jason got 54% of the vote and won. Maeve got 45% and nick got 0%, but never got into any round to get eliminated. heres a image to explain: Hello! We have been voting for a total of four days, and the results are in! Here are the results: In the first round, Owl was eliminated, and Maeve, Jason, Evelyn, Nick, Jennifer, and Silvia went on. In the second round, Silvia was eliminated, and Jason, Maeve, Evelyn, Nick, and Jennifer went on. In the third round, Jennifer was eliminated while Jason, Maeve, Evelyn, and Nick go on In the fourth round, Evelyn was eliminated while Jason, Maeve, and nick went on In the fifth round, Jason got 54% of the vote and won. Maeve got 45% and Nick got 0%, but never got into any round to get eliminated. Here is a image to explain:
2023-09-15 00:02:22.468000+00:00
@everyone i count votes in an hour so get them in if you haven't
2023-09-14 19:24:01.798000+00:00
@here the current people in the running are: Jason, Maeve, and Silvia Remember in order to be on the ballot, you have to make sure that ***I*** know you want to run. # THE WEBSITE THING IS NOT HOW YOU GET ON THE BALLOT
2023-09-10 23:34:57.451000+00:00
@everyone ay yo the election thing is today, uhh soggy for forgetting to make the announcemet, amnd uhh yeah uhh make sure i know you are runnnig and tell me by the 12th, then voting will start, remmeber only one person can winn because we are running for one seat, ok bye
2023-09-10 17:23:32.673000+00:00
|| <@&989143029170458644> <@&1086673061652201572> || Hello y'all! I am sorry for the late ping, but I've been putting this off for two hours and I really don't wanna put it off more. Anyway on to what this announcement is about. I would like to encourage anyone to invite anyone to this server. With many of us graduating from HP already or in the next year, This is the perfect opportunity to expand. If you wanna invite anyone to this server, feel free! I will also be suspending the <#1132757225954361395> thing for 3 weeks, but if any trolls are added I will ban them. If everyone invited someone, we'd double the server population(duh). I would also like to thank you all for the experience of this server, its been really fun and I hope it continues! Anyway, Guten Tag, and Goodnight!
2023-09-08 22:50:18.310000+00:00
@here I have updated <id:customize> to include politics, NationStates, Memes, and Minecraft! If you want these roles then feel free to get them! They give access to different channels!
2023-08-17 19:19:03.450000+00:00
@everyone I think this warrants a at everyone I am giving away my discord nitro I won from the quotes contest to anyone who reacts with a <:Flag_of_Rhenna:1071895676293750874>. Only join If you are an active discord user, i'd rather not give it to someone who will never use it. I'll randomly select a person in 2 days
2023-08-07 21:19:46.668000+00:00
<@&1118625228881395773> It has finally ended!(as in I finally got around to looking at the final vote lol) Here are the Results: "SHUT UP, IM TAKING A HUMPY LUMPY” ***Three Votes*** "when we're not commiting war crimes, its a home-y place" -Alexei" ***Six Votes*** “god I love deforestation” -paddy” ***Three Votes*** "when we're not commiting war crimes, its a home-y place" -Alexei" has won in a landslide victory. Wouldn't it be weird if an admin won? eh that would never happen! lemme go check who won... Well shit.
2023-08-07 17:21:23.723000+00:00
Just a heads up, imma let this vote run until 9 tonight Texas time
2023-08-06 14:08:47.044000+00:00
@here I know this is early, but the final day of voting is here! Head over to <#1137552803548631193> to vote. Please only chose 1
2023-08-06 01:14:53.238000+00:00
@here you know the drill. <#1137383035407450243> to vote. Tomorrow though there will be three choices and you have to chose one
2023-08-05 14:02:09.340000+00:00
@here the third day of quote contest voting has opened. Go to <#1136831350289207326> to vote!
2023-08-04 13:15:29.517000+00:00
@here the second day of quotes contest voting is taking place! hop on over to <#1136636617323450418> and vote for the best quote!
2023-08-03 12:47:56.626000+00:00
@here The Quotes Contest Voting is open. Simply go to <#1136272451211382854> and cast your votes. No your eyes aren't deciving you, there are 20 different votes you need to do! have fun!
2023-08-02 12:30:41.698000+00:00
I am ending the quote contest
2023-08-01 23:59:51.868000+00:00
reminder, there is about 30 mins left of the Quotes Contest! If you want to get your last(or first) Quote in, do it in <#1119017731006672986>! voting starts tommorow morning when I wake up(lol)
2023-08-01 23:24:27.953000+00:00
@everyone Good Morning! We may have postponed this, but its finally here! The Quotes Contest part 2 is here! The rules are simple, don't spam random trash and don't make quotes mean/very inappropriate. Also, You will have two days to submit quotes and two days(I think) to vote. Here is the best part: The winner gets a month of Nitro! not the basic one like last time, the better (more expensive) one! You can participate in <#1119017731006672986>
2023-07-31 15:09:15.981000+00:00
Quick update from the admin team(mostly me) Because true democracy requires transparency, I have made all the past voting records public for all members and temps to see. anyone can see the record in <#1135239843241275544>. There are two threads, the, which has all passed votes and, which has any Vetoed, Failed, or Expired votes. Just a quick aside, if a vote fails, you have to wait a month to resubmit it. Any past mistakes not aligning with this rule are hereby declared fine and remain in effect
2023-07-30 16:28:55.601000+00:00
Good Morning <@&989143029170458644>! After a recent poll, I have made a new feature! Before, anyone could invite anyone and there were no real safeguards against people inviting a ton of people who weren't wanted. But, there were also people who wanted to invite their cousins, friends, family, and others. To compromise, I have made the <#1132757225954361395> channel. Here's how this works: Step 1: Use the Following Format **Request For Invite:** **Name(Optional): Name** **Discord Username: Username, ex. Paddit2#0298** **Relation(Optional): How are they related to you? ex. Brother, cousin, etc.** **Reason: why are you inviting them and why should I let them in?** Step 2: Wait There is a more in-depth explanation in the <#1132757225954361395> channel, but put simply, once you apply to add someone to the channel, I dm them and ask a few questions untill I make a decision on whether or not to add them. I will also make a poll on whether or not we should take away the "Create Invite" Permission from members.
2023-07-26 15:52:18.050000+00:00
if we approve
2023-07-16 15:34:39.851000+00:00
We just updated the rules! ***YAY!*** if you want to check them out, go to <#980234314866393148>. There were some major changes, and there might be more in the works. If you have any problems feel free to tell me in <#933095615792025623>
2023-07-05 18:02:27.862000+00:00
2023-07-05 04:00:18.429000+00:00
Greetings! Over the last 2 days, 81% of Members voted for a total of 11 choices, with a total of 49 votes being cast. This has been the largest election in our history! wow! Anyway, on to the analysis. The election started with Alexi and Emmitt taking the lead. Emmitt once had 100% of the vote, but then once more votes came in he came into a safe second place. at this point it looked as if the current mods were gonna win another round, with Jason coming in a close fourth. however, out of fifth place came Maeve, who suddenly shot up to fourth, tied with jason. This was expected by probably no one, and soon Jason and Maeve were attempting to get that one more vote to win the election. Then at 6:12, someone voted for maeve but not Jason. From there another person voted in the lsat hour, not voting for anyone important. It is from here that I am proud to announce our new winners: Members, Please Welcome, **<@910323163508904016>, <@670451089413242882>, and <@882777959147118652>** The Staff would also like to say goodbye to <@1014240459633205258>! Below is a chart to make my analysis a bit more clear. Thank you all for voting and have a goodnight!
2023-07-05 04:00:02.526000+00:00
There will be an election today at midnight! People will have 2 days to vote for their canidate ||@everyone||
2023-07-02 16:44:57.230000+00:00
# ***WHO WANTS TO BE A MOD!!!!*** Please tell me lol
2023-07-02 16:33:25.746000+00:00
Hello! I have an announcement! There is a new Channel, <#1123786052751081492>, and a new role, <@&1123785601322328064>. The channel can only be accessed by people with the role, like memes and politics. The purpose of the channel is simple: **when someone posts in the channel, DON'T Reply with ur mom or sounds like a skill issue.** basically be serious. Any violations should be reported to staff and the violator will be removed.
2023-06-29 01:28:58.312000+00:00
Stop pinging
2023-06-26 16:21:05.537000+00:00
Hello Yall' There have been some changes 'round these parts! Ok, so to the news: For awhile now, the rank between Member and Admin was Lieutenant Admin. The most obvious change is the names. Lieutenant Admin has been changed to Moderators. Along with the name change, the Mods are allowed to manage messages(delete or pin them), post in <#988487678452449370>, time out members and send some special messages. The Admin role has been renamed to Administrator, although no permissions have changed. There is also a new role! if you have an issue or want to report a violation of the rules, please Ping <@&1120521329368629420>. Don't worry, **Rule 7** still applies, and if any of the <@&1120521329368629420> violate the rule, please tell <@&974402165487579156>. Thank You and have a nice day!
2023-06-20 01:06:56.015000+00:00
i changed the logo. it's kinda ugly, but like I'm bad at designing. ||help me||
2023-06-19 02:09:57.723000+00:00
Lol no
2023-06-18 01:06:17.455000+00:00
monty python will take place in 30 min
2023-06-11 15:31:21.649000+00:00
Click interested if so:
2023-06-11 02:32:58.036000+00:00
@everyone we will be watching Monty python and the holy grail on Sunday the 11th. If you wish to attend please put what times you are available in <#933095615792025623>. I will try to chose a time that will work for everyone but I can’t promise anything
2023-06-09 22:23:06.199000+00:00
ok so the monty python the holy grail has been post poned for a while, so im just gonna say next sunday the 11th I think
2023-06-04 22:24:01.741000+00:00
*Hello yall!* Announcements: <@&989143029170458644> 1) We are gonna do the quotes contest! when? I have no clue, but at some point in the near future i will get to setting it up. 2) Monty Python: the holy grail has passed voting! because many people want to watch it, please put a day and a time in <#933095615792025623> you can watch. I will try to make it so all can attend, but I cannot guarantee anything 3) we're gonna make a politics channel! its a channel for talking about politics(what a shocker!). Memes are allowed as long as they are some what political. keep it civil. The starting members will be <@813803990608379924>, <@526214948674600990>, <@969384647421214740>, and <@670451089413242882>. If you want to be added, please say so in <#933095615792025623> or dm me or <@526214948674600990> and we will add you to the channel.
2023-05-27 00:40:17.895000+00:00
stop pinging
2023-05-14 14:25:49.831000+00:00
2023-05-10 19:55:35.520000+00:00
Happy May Day!
2023-05-01 11:40:47.827000+00:00
Please Cast votes here
2023-04-26 11:44:50.364000+00:00
E = Keep current
2023-04-26 11:44:34.830000+00:00
D =
2023-04-26 11:44:16.652000+00:00
C =
2023-04-26 01:21:21.446000+00:00
B =
2023-04-26 01:21:03.395000+00:00
Vote here for the folloing using reactions: A =
2023-04-26 01:20:38+00:00
@everyone any <@&989143029170458644> may submit a proposal for a new logo for Shut up Paddy. You can put such proposals in <#1087865906589343774>
2023-04-24 22:17:39.308000+00:00
@everyone if you are available for a Minecraft event next Saturday please press interested:
2023-04-16 18:33:06.911000+00:00
@everyone we will be having a io game tournament in 30 minutes at 16:30
2023-04-07 19:59:41.412000+00:00
2023-04-05 01:49:54.489000+00:00
@everyone I have just banned <@977944891546030092>
2023-04-05 01:47:42.776000+00:00
@everyone there is a new channel for suggestions to the sever here: <#1087865906589343774>
2023-04-04 22:42:57.479000+00:00
@everyone There is a new Archive of old conversations no one used. If you wish to discus the archives, please do so in <#1092106874494664765>
2023-04-02 15:34:46.491000+00:00
@everyone there will be a tournament at 6:40
2023-04-01 22:31:25.194000+00:00
BTW it is boris mode
2023-03-27 22:45:35.110000+00:00
This is the link:
2023-03-24 20:46:08.414000+00:00
@everyone There is a IO game tournament in general vc Here is the list **1**) **2**) **3**) **4**) and more maybe it officialy starts at 4:40
2023-03-24 20:25:26.278000+00:00
@everyone Please welcome our two new Lieutenant Admins, <@1014240459633205258> and <@882777959147118652>!
2023-03-21 23:58:35.894000+00:00

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