The company Fendahl International DWC LLC, which has a company code of Fendahl International DWC LLC and was created on 17-Jun-2024, has the company ID 1.
What is the company ID of Fendahl International DWC LLC?
The company Fendahl International DWC LLC, which has a company code of Fendahl International DWC LLC and was created on 17-Jun-2024, has the company ID 1.
When was Fendahl International DWC LLC created?
Fendahl International DWC LLC
The company Fendahl International DWC LLC, which has a company code of Fendahl International DWC LLC and was created on 17-Jun-2024, has the company ID 1.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 1?
Fendahl International DWC LLC
The company Fendahl International DWC LLC, which has a company code of Fendahl International DWC LLC and was created on 17-Jun-2024, has the company ID 1.
Which company has the company ID 1?
The company Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd, which has a company code of Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd and was created on 01-Jan-2024, has the company ID 4.
What is the company ID of Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd?
The company Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd, which has a company code of Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd and was created on 01-Jan-2024, has the company ID 4.
When was Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd created?
Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd
The company Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd, which has a company code of Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd and was created on 01-Jan-2024, has the company ID 4.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 4?
Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd
The company Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd, which has a company code of Vitol Singapore Pte Ltd and was created on 01-Jan-2024, has the company ID 4.
Which company has the company ID 4?
The company JP Morgan, with a company code of JP Morgan and created on 12-Jan-2024, has the company ID 5.
What is the company ID of JP Morgan?
The company JP Morgan, with a company code of JP Morgan and created on 12-Jan-2024, has the company ID 5.
When was JP Morgan created?
JP Morgan
The company JP Morgan, with a company code of JP Morgan and created on 12-Jan-2024, has the company ID 5.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 5?
JP Morgan
The company JP Morgan, with a company code of JP Morgan and created on 12-Jan-2024, has the company ID 5.
Which company has the company ID 5?
The company BHP Group Limited, with a company code of BHP Group Limited and created on 21-Feb-2024, has the company ID 6.
What is the company ID of BHP Group Limited?
The company BHP Group Limited, with a company code of BHP Group Limited and created on 21-Feb-2024, has the company ID 6.
When was BHP Group Limited created?
BHP Group Limited
The company BHP Group Limited, with a company code of BHP Group Limited and created on 21-Feb-2024, has the company ID 6.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 6?
BHP Group Limited
The company BHP Group Limited, with a company code of BHP Group Limited and created on 21-Feb-2024, has the company ID 6.
Which company has the company ID 6?
The company Nanfang Metals, with a company code of Nanfang Metals and created on 10-Jan-2021, has the company ID 7.
What is the company ID of Nanfang Metals?
The company Nanfang Metals, with a company code of Nanfang Metals and created on 10-Jan-2021, has the company ID 7.
When was Nanfang Metals created?
Nanfang Metals
The company Nanfang Metals, with a company code of Nanfang Metals and created on 10-Jan-2021, has the company ID 7.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 7?
Nanfang Metals
The company Nanfang Metals, with a company code of Nanfang Metals and created on 10-Jan-2021, has the company ID 7.
Which company has the company ID 7?
The company Minera Escondida, with a company code of Minera Escondida and created on 11-Jan-2020, has the company ID 8.
What is the company ID of Minera Escondida?
The company Minera Escondida, with a company code of Minera Escondida and created on 11-Jan-2020, has the company ID 8.
When was Minera Escondida created?
Minera Escondida
The company Minera Escondida, with a company code of Minera Escondida and created on 11-Jan-2020, has the company ID 8.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 8?
Minera Escondida
The company Minera Escondida, with a company code of Minera Escondida and created on 11-Jan-2020, has the company ID 8.
Which company has the company ID 8?
The company Minera Spence S.A., with a company code of Minera Spence S.A. and created on 15-Jan-2019, has the company ID 10.
What is the company ID of Minera Spence S.A.?
The company Minera Spence S.A., with a company code of Minera Spence S.A. and created on 15-Jan-2019, has the company ID 10.
When was Minera Spence S.A. created?
Minera Spence S.A.
The company Minera Spence S.A., with a company code of Minera Spence S.A. and created on 15-Jan-2019, has the company ID 10.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 10?
Minera Spence S.A.
The company Minera Spence S.A., with a company code of Minera Spence S.A. and created on 15-Jan-2019, has the company ID 10.
Which company has the company ID 10?
The company Western Bulk Pte Ltd, with a company code of Western Bulk Pte Ltd and created on 19-Feb-1994, has the company ID 11.
What is the company ID of Western Bulk Pte Ltd?
The company Western Bulk Pte Ltd, with a company code of Western Bulk Pte Ltd and created on 19-Feb-1994, has the company ID 11.
When was Western Bulk Pte Ltd created?
Western Bulk Pte Ltd
The company Western Bulk Pte Ltd, with a company code of Western Bulk Pte Ltd and created on 19-Feb-1994, has the company ID 11.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 11?
Western Bulk Pte Ltd
The company Western Bulk Pte Ltd, with a company code of Western Bulk Pte Ltd and created on 19-Feb-1994, has the company ID 11.
Which company has the company ID 11?
The company Jinan Steel, with a company code of Jinan Steel and created on 8-Jul-2021, has the company ID 12.
What is the company ID of Jinan Steel?
The company Jinan Steel, with a company code of Jinan Steel and created on 8-Jul-2021, has the company ID 12.
When was Jinan Steel created?
Jinan Steel
The company Jinan Steel, with a company code of Jinan Steel and created on 8-Jul-2021, has the company ID 12.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 12?
Jinan Steel
The company Jinan Steel, with a company code of Jinan Steel and created on 8-Jul-2021, has the company ID 12.
Which company has the company ID 12?
The company Tewoo Group, with a company code of Tewoo Group and created on 13-Jan-1984, has the company ID 13.
What is the company ID of Tewoo Group?
The company Tewoo Group, with a company code of Tewoo Group and created on 13-Jan-1984, has the company ID 13.
When was Tewoo Group created?
Tewoo Group
The company Tewoo Group, with a company code of Tewoo Group and created on 13-Jan-1984, has the company ID 13.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 13?
Tewoo Group
The company Tewoo Group, with a company code of Tewoo Group and created on 13-Jan-1984, has the company ID 13.
Which company has the company ID 13?
The company BHP Freight Desk, with a company code of BHP Freight Desk and created on 17-Sep-2018, has the company ID 14.
What is the company ID of BHP Freight Desk?
The company BHP Freight Desk, with a company code of BHP Freight Desk and created on 17-Sep-2018, has the company ID 14.
When was BHP Freight Desk created?
BHP Freight Desk
The company BHP Freight Desk, with a company code of BHP Freight Desk and created on 17-Sep-2018, has the company ID 14.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 14?
BHP Freight Desk
The company BHP Freight Desk, with a company code of BHP Freight Desk and created on 17-Sep-2018, has the company ID 14.
Which company has the company ID 14?
The company BHP North West Shelf, with a company code of BHP North West Shelf and created on 14-Jun-2014, has the company ID 15.
What is the company ID of BHP North West Shelf?
The company BHP North West Shelf, with a company code of BHP North West Shelf and created on 14-Jun-2014, has the company ID 15.
When was BHP North West Shelf created?
BHP North West Shelf
The company BHP North West Shelf, with a company code of BHP North West Shelf and created on 14-Jun-2014, has the company ID 15.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 15?
BHP North West Shelf
The company BHP North West Shelf, with a company code of BHP North West Shelf and created on 14-Jun-2014, has the company ID 15.
Which company has the company ID 15?
The company SGS, with a company code of SGS and created on 17-July-2018, has the company ID 16.
What is the company ID of SGS?
The company SGS, with a company code of SGS and created on 17-July-2018, has the company ID 16.
When was SGS created?
The company SGS, with a company code of SGS and created on 17-July-2018, has the company ID 16.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 16?
The company SGS, with a company code of SGS and created on 17-July-2018, has the company ID 16.
Which company has the company ID 16?
The company Societe Generale, with a company code of Societe Generale and created on 16-Jan-2020, has the company ID 17.
What is the company ID of Societe Generale?
The company Societe Generale, with a company code of Societe Generale and created on 16-Jan-2020, has the company ID 17.
When was Societe Generale created?
Societe Generale
The company Societe Generale, with a company code of Societe Generale and created on 16-Jan-2020, has the company ID 17.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 17?
Societe Generale
The company Societe Generale, with a company code of Societe Generale and created on 16-Jan-2020, has the company ID 17.
Which company has the company ID 17?
The company BNP Paribas, with a company code of BNP Paribas and created on 8-Mar-2021, has the company ID 18.
What is the company ID of BNP Paribas?
The company BNP Paribas, with a company code of BNP Paribas and created on 8-Mar-2021, has the company ID 18.
When was BNP Paribas created?
BNP Paribas
The company BNP Paribas, with a company code of BNP Paribas and created on 8-Mar-2021, has the company ID 18.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 18?
BNP Paribas
The company BNP Paribas, with a company code of BNP Paribas and created on 8-Mar-2021, has the company ID 18.
Which company has the company ID 18?
The company BW LPG, with a company code of BW LPG and created on 17-Jun-2021, has the company ID 19.
What is the company ID of BW LPG?
The company BW LPG, with a company code of BW LPG and created on 17-Jun-2021, has the company ID 19.
When was BW LPG created?
The company BW LPG, with a company code of BW LPG and created on 17-Jun-2021, has the company ID 19.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 19?
The company BW LPG, with a company code of BW LPG and created on 17-Jun-2021, has the company ID 19.
Which company has the company ID 19?
The company BW ARIES, with a company code of BW ARIES and created on 17-Apr-2024, has the company ID 20.
What is the company ID of BW ARIES?
The company BW ARIES, with a company code of BW ARIES and created on 17-Apr-2024, has the company ID 20.
When was BW ARIES created?
The company BW ARIES, with a company code of BW ARIES and created on 17-Apr-2024, has the company ID 20.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 20?
The company BW ARIES, with a company code of BW ARIES and created on 17-Apr-2024, has the company ID 20.
Which company has the company ID 20?
The company BW BOSS, with a company code of BW BOSS and created on 17-May-2012, has the company ID 21.
What is the company ID of BW BOSS?
The company BW BOSS, with a company code of BW BOSS and created on 17-May-2012, has the company ID 21.
When was BW BOSS created?
The company BW BOSS, with a company code of BW BOSS and created on 17-May-2012, has the company ID 21.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 21?
The company BW BOSS, with a company code of BW BOSS and created on 17-May-2012, has the company ID 21.
Which company has the company ID 21?
The company BW BIRCH, with a company code of BW BIRCH and created on 14-Sep-2015, has the company ID 22.
What is the company ID of BW BIRCH?
The company BW BIRCH, with a company code of BW BIRCH and created on 14-Sep-2015, has the company ID 22.
When was BW BIRCH created?
The company BW BIRCH, with a company code of BW BIRCH and created on 14-Sep-2015, has the company ID 22.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 22?
The company BW BIRCH, with a company code of BW BIRCH and created on 14-Sep-2015, has the company ID 22.
Which company has the company ID 22?
The company BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd, with a company code of BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd and created on 11-Aug-2022, has the company ID 23.
What is the company ID of BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd?
The company BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd, with a company code of BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd and created on 11-Aug-2022, has the company ID 23.
When was BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd created?
BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd
The company BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd, with a company code of BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd and created on 11-Aug-2022, has the company ID 23.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 23?
BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd
The company BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd, with a company code of BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd and created on 11-Aug-2022, has the company ID 23.
Which company has the company ID 23?
The company C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V., with a company code of C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V. and created on 14-Sep-2020, has the company ID 24.
What is the company ID of C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V.?
The company C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V., with a company code of C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V. and created on 14-Sep-2020, has the company ID 24.
When was C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V. created?
C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V.
The company C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V., with a company code of C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V. and created on 14-Sep-2020, has the company ID 24.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 24?
C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V.
The company C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V., with a company code of C. Steinweg - Handelsveem B.V. and created on 14-Sep-2020, has the company ID 24.
Which company has the company ID 24?
The company Bank of America, with a company code of Bank of America and created on 19-Oct-2026, has the company ID 25.
What is the company ID of Bank of America?
The company Bank of America, with a company code of Bank of America and created on 19-Oct-2026, has the company ID 25.
When was Bank of America created?
Bank of America
The company Bank of America, with a company code of Bank of America and created on 19-Oct-2026, has the company ID 25.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 25?
Bank of America
The company Bank of America, with a company code of Bank of America and created on 19-Oct-2026, has the company ID 25.
Which company has the company ID 25?
The company A.H. Knight NA Ltd., with a company code of A.H. Knight NA Ltd. and created on 12-Oct-2022, has the company ID 26.
What is the company ID of A.H. Knight NA Ltd.?
The company A.H. Knight NA Ltd., with a company code of A.H. Knight NA Ltd. and created on 12-Oct-2022, has the company ID 26.
When was A.H. Knight NA Ltd. created?
A.H. Knight NA Ltd.
The company A.H. Knight NA Ltd., with a company code of A.H. Knight NA Ltd. and created on 12-Oct-2022, has the company ID 26.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 26?
A.H. Knight NA Ltd.
The company A.H. Knight NA Ltd., with a company code of A.H. Knight NA Ltd. and created on 12-Oct-2022, has the company ID 26.
Which company has the company ID 26?
The company Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc., with a company code of Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc. and created on 1-Jul-2024, has the company ID 27.
What is the company ID of Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc.?
The company Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc., with a company code of Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc. and created on 1-Jul-2024, has the company ID 27.
When was Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc. created?
Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc.
The company Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc., with a company code of Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc. and created on 1-Jul-2024, has the company ID 27.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 27?
Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc.
The company Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc., with a company code of Alex Stewart (Assayers) Inc. and created on 1-Jul-2024, has the company ID 27.
Which company has the company ID 27?
The company Tokyo Gas, with a company code of Tokyo Gas and created on 10-Nov-2021, has the company ID 28.
What is the company ID of Tokyo Gas?
The company Tokyo Gas, with a company code of Tokyo Gas and created on 10-Nov-2021, has the company ID 28.
When was Tokyo Gas created?
Tokyo Gas
The company Tokyo Gas, with a company code of Tokyo Gas and created on 10-Nov-2021, has the company ID 28.
What is the COMPANY_CODE for company ID 28?
Tokyo Gas
The company Tokyo Gas, with a company code of Tokyo Gas and created on 10-Nov-2021, has the company ID 28.
Which company has the company ID 28?
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