Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
1 value
#fixed code private void incrementalCompile( Set<Object> drivers ) { for( Object driver: drivers ) { //noinspection unchecked Set<IFile> files = ((Collection<File>)ReflectUtil.method( driver, "getResourceFiles" ).invoke() ).stream().map( (File f) -> ManifoldHost.getFileSystem().getIFile( f ) ) .collect( Collectors.toSet() ); for( ITypeManifold tm : ManifoldHost.instance().getCurrentModule().getTypeManifolds() ) { for( IFile file: files ) { Set<String> types = tm.getTypesForFile( file ) ).collect( Collectors.toSet() ); if( types.size() > 0 ) { ReflectUtil.method( driver, "mapTypesToFile", Set.class, File.class ).invoke( types, file.toJavaFile() ); for( String fqn : types ) { // This call surfaces the type in the compiler. If compiling in "static" mode, this means // the type will be compiled to disk. IDynamicJdk.instance().getTypeElement( _tp.getContext(), (JCTree.JCCompilationUnit)_tp.getCompilationUnit(), fqn ); } } } } } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private void incrementalCompile( Set<Object> drivers ) { JavacElements elementUtils = JavacElements.instance( _tp.getContext() ); for( Object driver: drivers ) { //noinspection unchecked Set<IFile> files = ((Collection<File>)ReflectUtil.method( driver, "getResourceFiles" ).invoke() ).stream().map( (File f) -> ManifoldHost.getFileSystem().getIFile( f ) ) .collect( Collectors.toSet() ); for( ITypeManifold tm : ManifoldHost.instance().getCurrentModule().getTypeManifolds() ) { for( IFile file: files ) { Set<String> types = tm.getTypesForFile( file ) ).collect( Collectors.toSet() ); if( types.size() > 0 ) { ReflectUtil.method( driver, "mapTypesToFile", Set.class, File.class ).invoke( types, file.toJavaFile() ); for( String fqn : types ) { // This call surfaces the type in the compiler. If compiling in "static" mode, this means // the type will be compiled to disk. elementUtils.getTypeElement( fqn ); } } } } } } #location 9 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Override public Collection<String> getAllTypeNames() { FqnCache<LocklessLazyVar<M>> fqnCache = _fqnToModel.get(); if( fqnCache.isEmpty() ) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return fqnCache.getFqns(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override public Collection<String> getAllTypeNames() { return _fqnToModel.get().getFqns(); } #location 4 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public Tree getParent( Tree node ) { return _parents.getParent( node ); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public Tree getParent( Tree node ) { TreePath2 path = TreePath2.getPath( getCompilationUnit(), node ); if( path == null ) { // null is indiciative of Generation phase where trees are no longer attached to symobls so the comp unit is detached // use the root tree instead, which is mostly ok, mostly path = TreePath2.getPath( _tree, node ); } TreePath2 parentPath = path.getParentPath(); return parentPath == null ? null : parentPath.getLeaf(); } #location 10 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public ItemList getDataItemList() throws RiotApiException { return StaticDataMethod.getDataItemList(getRegion(), getKey(), null, null, (ItemListData) null); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public ItemList getDataItemList() throws RiotApiException { return StaticDataMethod.getDataItemList(getRegion(), getKey(), null, null, null); } #location 3 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public RiotApiException getException() { return exception; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public RiotApiException getException() { if (!isFailed()) { return null; } return exception; } #location 2 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code protected static CharSequence encodeUriQuery(CharSequence in) { //Note that I can't simply use to encode because it will escape pre-existing escaped things. StringBuilder outBuf = null; Formatter formatter = null; for(int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) { char c = in.charAt(i); boolean escape = true; if (c < 128) { if (asciiQueryChars.get((int)c)) { escape = false; } } else if (!Character.isISOControl(c) && !Character.isSpaceChar(c)) {//not-ascii escape = false; } if (!escape) { if (outBuf != null) outBuf.append(c); } else { //escape if (outBuf == null) { outBuf = new StringBuilder(in.length() + 5*3); outBuf.append(in,0,i); try { formatter = new Formatter(outBuf); } finally { if (formatter != null) { formatter.flush(); formatter.close(); } } } //leading %, 0 padded, width 2, capital hex formatter.format("%%%02X",(int)c);//TODO } } return outBuf != null ? outBuf : in; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code protected static CharSequence encodeUriQuery(CharSequence in) { //Note that I can't simply use to encode because it will escape pre-existing escaped things. StringBuilder outBuf = null; Formatter formatter = null; for(int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) { char c = in.charAt(i); boolean escape = true; if (c < 128) { if (asciiQueryChars.get((int)c)) { escape = false; } } else if (!Character.isISOControl(c) && !Character.isSpaceChar(c)) {//not-ascii escape = false; } if (!escape) { if (outBuf != null) outBuf.append(c); } else { //escape if (outBuf == null) { outBuf = new StringBuilder(in.length() + 5*3); outBuf.append(in,0,i); formatter = new Formatter(outBuf); } //leading %, 0 padded, width 2, capital hex formatter.format("%%%02X",(int)c);//TODO } } return outBuf != null ? outBuf : in; } #location 29 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code public static UrlBuilder fromString(final String url, final Charset inputEncoding) { if (url.isEmpty()) { return new UrlBuilder(); } final Matcher m = URI_PATTERN.matcher(url); String protocol = null, hostName = null, path = null, anchor = null; Integer port = null; final Map<String, List<String>> queryParameters; if (m.find()) { protocol =; if ( != null) { final Matcher n = AUTHORITY_PATTERN.matcher(; if (n.find()) { hostName = IDN.toUnicode(; if ( != null) { port = Integer.parseInt(; } } } path = decodePath(, inputEncoding); queryParameters = decodeQueryParameters(, inputEncoding); anchor =; } else { queryParameters = emptyMap(); } return of(inputEncoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING, protocol, hostName, port, path, queryParameters, anchor); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public static UrlBuilder fromString(final String url, final Charset inputEncoding) { if (url.isEmpty()) { return new UrlBuilder(); } final Matcher m = URI_PATTERN.matcher(url); String protocol = null, hostName = null, path = null, anchor = null; Integer port = null; Map<String, List<String>> queryParameters = null; if (m.find()) { protocol =; if ( != null) { final Matcher n = AUTHORITY_PATTERN.matcher(; if (n.find()) { hostName = IDN.toUnicode(; if ( != null) { port = Integer.parseInt(; } } } path = decodePath(, inputEncoding); queryParameters = decodeQueryParameters(, inputEncoding); anchor =; } return of(inputEncoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING, protocol, hostName, port, path, queryParameters, anchor); } #location 24 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public static ClassName get(Class<?> clazz) { checkNotNull(clazz, "clazz == null"); checkArgument(!clazz.isPrimitive(), "primitive types cannot be represented as a ClassName"); checkArgument(!void.class.equals(clazz), "'void' type cannot be represented as a ClassName"); checkArgument(!clazz.isArray(), "array types cannot be represented as a ClassName"); String anonymousSuffix = ""; while (clazz.isAnonymousClass()) { int lastDollar = clazz.getName().lastIndexOf('$'); anonymousSuffix = clazz.getName().substring(lastDollar) + anonymousSuffix; clazz = clazz.getEnclosingClass(); } String name = clazz.getSimpleName() + anonymousSuffix; if (clazz.getEnclosingClass() == null) { // Avoid unreliable Class.getPackage(). int lastDot = clazz.getName().lastIndexOf('.'); String packageName = (lastDot != -1) ? clazz.getName().substring(0, lastDot) : NO_PACKAGE; return new ClassName(packageName, null, name); } return ClassName.get(clazz.getEnclosingClass()).nestedClass(name); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public static ClassName get(Class<?> clazz) { checkNotNull(clazz, "clazz == null"); checkArgument(!clazz.isPrimitive(), "primitive types cannot be represented as a ClassName"); checkArgument(!void.class.equals(clazz), "'void' type cannot be represented as a ClassName"); checkArgument(!clazz.isArray(), "array types cannot be represented as a ClassName"); String anonymousSuffix = ""; while (clazz.isAnonymousClass()) { int lastDollar = clazz.getName().lastIndexOf('$'); anonymousSuffix = clazz.getName().substring(lastDollar) + anonymousSuffix; clazz = clazz.getEnclosingClass(); } String name = clazz.getSimpleName() + anonymousSuffix; if (clazz.getEnclosingClass() == null) { // Avoid unreliable Class.getPackage(). int lastDot = clazz.getName().lastIndexOf('.'); String packageName = (lastDot != -1) ? clazz.getName().substring(0, lastDot) : null; return new ClassName(packageName, null, name); } return ClassName.get(clazz.getEnclosingClass()).nestedClass(name); } #location 19 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Deserializer deserializer(File file, PoijiOptions options) { final PoijiStream poiParser = new PoijiStream(file); final PoiWorkbook workbook = PoiWorkbook.workbook(Files.getExtension(file.getName()), poiParser); return Deserializer.instance(workbook, options); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Deserializer deserializer(File file, PoijiOptions options) throws FileNotFoundException { final PoijiStream poiParser = new PoijiStream(fileInputStream(file)); final PoiWorkbook workbook = PoiWorkbook.workbook(Files.getExtension(file.getName()), poiParser); return Deserializer.instance(workbook, options); } #location 4 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code private ZipInputStream prepareZipInputStream() throws ZipException { try { splitInputStream = new SplitInputStream(getZipModel().getZipFile(), getZipModel().isSplitArchive(), getZipModel().getEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord().getNumberOfThisDisk()); FileHeader fileHeader = getFirstFileHeader(getZipModel()); if (fileHeader != null) { splitInputStream.prepareExtractionForFileHeader(fileHeader); } return new ZipInputStream(splitInputStream, password); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZipException(e); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private ZipInputStream prepareZipInputStream() throws ZipException { try { SplitInputStream splitInputStream = new SplitInputStream(getZipModel().getZipFile(), getZipModel().isSplitArchive(), getZipModel().getEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord().getNumberOfThisDisk()); FileHeader fileHeader = getFirstFileHeader(getZipModel()); if (fileHeader != null) { splitInputStream.prepareExtractionForFileHeader(fileHeader); } return new ZipInputStream(splitInputStream, password); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZipException(e); } } #location 12 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code private ZipInputStream prepareZipInputStream() throws ZipException { try { splitInputStream = new SplitInputStream(getZipModel().getZipFile(), getZipModel().isSplitArchive(), getZipModel().getEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord().getNumberOfThisDisk()); FileHeader fileHeader = getFirstFileHeader(getZipModel()); if (fileHeader != null) { splitInputStream.prepareExtractionForFileHeader(fileHeader); } return new ZipInputStream(splitInputStream, password); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZipException(e); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private ZipInputStream prepareZipInputStream() throws ZipException { try { SplitInputStream splitInputStream = new SplitInputStream(getZipModel().getZipFile(), getZipModel().isSplitArchive(), getZipModel().getEndOfCentralDirectoryRecord().getNumberOfThisDisk()); FileHeader fileHeader = getFirstFileHeader(getZipModel()); if (fileHeader != null) { splitInputStream.prepareExtractionForFileHeader(fileHeader); } return new ZipInputStream(splitInputStream, password); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZipException(e); } } #location 12 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code @Test public void bidiBackpressure() throws InterruptedException { RxNumbersGrpc.RxNumbersStub stub = RxNumbersGrpc.newRxStub(channel); Flowable<NumberProto.Number> rxRequest = Flowable .fromIterable(IntStream.range(0, NUMBER_OF_STREAM_ELEMENTS)::iterator) .doOnNext(i -> System.out.println(i + " --> ")) .doOnNext(i -> updateNumberOfWaits(clientLastValueTime, clientNbOfWaits)) .map(BackpressureIntegrationTest::protoNum); TestSubscriber<NumberProto.Number> rxResponse = stub.twoWayPressure(rxRequest) .doOnNext(n -> System.out.println(n.getNumber(0) + " <--")) .doOnNext(n -> waitIfValuesAreEqual(n.getNumber(0), 3)) .test(); rxResponse.awaitTerminalEvent(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); rxResponse.assertComplete().assertValueCount(NUMBER_OF_STREAM_ELEMENTS); assertThat(clientNbOfWaits.get()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(serverNumberOfWaits.get()).isEqualTo(1); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void bidiBackpressure() throws InterruptedException { Object lock = new Object(); BackpressureDetector clientReqBPDetector = new BackpressureDetector(madMultipleCutoff); BackpressureDetector clientRespBPDetector = new BackpressureDetector(madMultipleCutoff); RxNumbersGrpc.RxNumbersStub stub = RxNumbersGrpc.newRxStub(channel); Flowable<NumberProto.Number> rxRequest = Flowable .fromIterable(new Sequence(180, clientReqBPDetector)) .doOnNext(i -> System.out.println(i + " -->")) .map(BackpressureIntegrationTest::protoNum); Flowable<NumberProto.Number> rxResponse = stub.twoWayPressure(rxRequest); rxResponse.subscribe( n -> { clientRespBPDetector.tick(); System.out.println(" " + n.getNumber(0) + " <--"); try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} }, t -> { t.printStackTrace(); synchronized (lock) { lock.notify(); } }, () -> { System.out.println("Client done."); synchronized (lock) { lock.notify(); } }); synchronized (lock) { lock.wait(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(20)); } assertThat(clientReqBPDetector.backpressureDelayOcurred()).isTrue(); assertThat(serverRespBPDetector.backpressureDelayOcurred()).isTrue(); } #location 7 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code @Override public void run() { final Set<String> artifacts = new HashSet<>(); installNodeModules(artifacts); final File base = new File(cwd, "node_modules"); final File libs = new File(base, ".lib"); if (force || libs.exists()) { final double version = Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")); final boolean isGraalVM = System.getProperty("", "").toLowerCase().contains("graalvm") || // from graal 20.0.0 the vm name doesn't contain graalvm in the name // but it is now part of the vendor version System.getProperty("java.vendor.version", "").toLowerCase().contains("graalvm"); if (!isGraalVM) { // not on graal, install graaljs and dependencies warn("Installing GraalJS..."); // graaljs + dependencies installGraalJS(artifacts); if (version >= 11) { // verify if the current JDK contains the module try { String modules = exec(javaHomePrefix() + "java", "--list-modules"); if (modules.contains("")) { warn("Installing JVMCI Compiler..."); // jvmci compiler + dependencies installGraalJMVCICompiler(); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { err(e.getMessage()); } } else { warn("Current JDK only supports GraalJS in Interpreted mode!"); } } } // always create a launcher even if no dependencies are needed createLauncher(artifacts); // always install the es4x type definitions installTypeDefinitions(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override public void run() { final Set<String> artifacts = new HashSet<>(); installNodeModules(artifacts); final File base = new File(cwd, "node_modules"); final File libs = new File(base, ".lib"); if (force || libs.exists()) { final double version = Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")); final String vm = System.getProperty(""); // from graal 20.0.0 the vm name doesn't contain graalvm in the name // but it is now part of the vendor version final String vendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor.version"); if (!vm.toLowerCase().contains("graalvm") && vendor != null && !vendor.toLowerCase().contains("graalvm")) { // not on graal, install graaljs and dependencies warn("Installing GraalJS..."); // graaljs + dependencies installGraalJS(artifacts); if (version >= 11) { // verify if the current JDK contains the module try { String modules = exec(javaHomePrefix() + "java", "--list-modules"); if (modules.contains("")) { warn("Installing JVMCI Compiler..."); // jvmci compiler + dependencies installGraalJMVCICompiler(); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { err(e.getMessage()); } } else { warn("Current JDK only supports GraalJS in Interpreted mode!"); } } } // always create a launcher even if no dependencies are needed createLauncher(artifacts); // always install the es4x type definitions installTypeDefinitions(); } #location 15 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Test public void agentLoads() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // If not starting the testcase via Maven, set the buildDirectory and finalName system properties manually. final String buildDirectory = (String) System.getProperties().get("buildDirectory"); final String finalName = (String) System.getProperties().get("finalName"); final int port = Integer.parseInt((String) System.getProperties().get("it.port")); final String config = resolveRelativePathToResource("test.yml"); final String javaagent = "-javaagent:" + buildDirectory + "/" + finalName + ".jar=" + port + ":" + config; final String java = buildJavaPath(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")); final Process app = new ProcessBuilder() .command(java, javaagent, "-cp", buildClasspath(), "io.prometheus.jmx.TestApplication") .start(); try { // Wait for application to start app.getInputStream().read(); InputStream stream = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/metrics").openStream(); BufferedReader contents = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream)); boolean found = false; while (!found) { String line = contents.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.contains("jmx_scrape_duration_seconds")) { found = true; } } assertThat("Expected metric not found", found); // Tell application to stop app.getOutputStream().write('\n'); try { app.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } finally { final int exitcode = app.waitFor(); // Log any errors printed int len; byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; while ((len = app.getErrorStream().read(buffer)) != -1) { System.out.write(buffer, 0, len); } assertThat("Application did not exit cleanly", exitcode == 0); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void agentLoads() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // If not starting the testcase via Maven, set the buildDirectory and finalName system properties manually. final String buildDirectory = (String) System.getProperties().get("buildDirectory"); final String finalName = (String) System.getProperties().get("finalName"); final int port = Integer.parseInt((String) System.getProperties().get("it.port")); final String config = resolveRelativePathToResource("test.yml"); final String javaagent = "-javaagent:" + buildDirectory + "/" + finalName + ".jar=" + port + ":" + config; final String javaHome = System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"); final String java; if (javaHome != null && javaHome.equals("")) { java = javaHome + "/bin/java"; } else { java = "java"; } final Process app = new ProcessBuilder() .command(java, javaagent, "-cp", buildClasspath(), "io.prometheus.jmx.TestApplication") .start(); try { // Wait for application to start app.getInputStream().read(); InputStream stream = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/metrics").openStream(); BufferedReader contents = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream)); boolean found = false; while (!found) { String line = contents.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.contains("jmx_scrape_duration_seconds")) { found = true; } } assertThat("Expected metric not found", found); // Tell application to stop app.getOutputStream().write('\n'); try { app.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } finally { final int exitcode = app.waitFor(); // Log any errors printed int len; byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; while ((len = app.getErrorStream().read(buffer)) != -1) { System.out.write(buffer, 0, len); } assertThat("Application did not exit cleanly", exitcode == 0); } } #location 28 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code public static void premain(String agentArgument, Instrumentation instrumentation) throws Exception { String[] args = agentArgument.split(":"); if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) { System.err.println("Usage: -javaagent:/path/to/JavaAgent.jar=[host:]<port>:<yaml configuration file>"); System.exit(1); } int port; InetSocketAddress socket; String file; if (args.length == 3) { port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); socket = new InetSocketAddress(args[0], port); file = args[2]; } else { port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); socket = new InetSocketAddress(port); file = args[1]; } new JmxCollector(new File(file)).register(); DefaultExports.initialize(); server = new Server(); QueuedThreadPool pool = new QueuedThreadPool(); pool.setDaemon(true); pool.setMaxThreads(10); pool.setMaxQueued(10); pool.setName("jmx_exporter"); server.setThreadPool(pool); SelectChannelConnector connector = new SelectChannelConnector(); connector.setHost(socket.getHostName()); connector.setPort(socket.getPort()); connector.setAcceptors(1); server.addConnector(connector); ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(); context.setContextPath("/"); server.setHandler(context); context.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new MetricsServlet()), "/metrics"); server.start(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public static void premain(String agentArgument, Instrumentation instrumentation) throws Exception { String[] args = agentArgument.split(":"); if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) { System.err.println("Usage: -javaagent:/path/to/JavaAgent.jar=[host:]<port>:<yaml configuration file>"); System.exit(1); } String host; int port; String file; if (args.length == 3) { port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); host = args[0]; file = args[2]; } else { port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); host = ""; file = args[1]; } new JmxCollector(new File(file)).register(); DefaultExports.initialize(); QueuedThreadPool pool = new QueuedThreadPool(); pool.setDaemon(true); pool.setMaxThreads(10); pool.setName("jmx_exporter"); server = new Server(pool); ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server); connector.setReuseAddress(true); connector.setHost(host); connector.setPort(port); server.setConnectors(new Connector[]{connector}); ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(); context.setContextPath("/"); context.addFilter(GzipFilter.class, "/*", null); server.setHandler(context); context.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new MetricsServlet()), "/metrics"); server.start(); } #location 35 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code @Test public void benchmark() throws InterruptedException { Benchmark bench = new Benchmark(); // Hipster-Dijkstra bench.add("Hipster-Dijkstra", new Algorithm() { AStar<Point> it; Maze2D maze; public void initialize(Maze2D maze) { it= AlgorithmIteratorFromMazeCreator.astar(maze, false); this.maze = maze; } public Result evaluate() { return MazeSearch.executeIteratorSearch(it, maze); } }); // JUNG-Dijkstra bench.add("JUNG-Dijkstra", new Algorithm() { Maze2D maze;DirectedGraph<Point, JungEdge<Point>> graph; public void initialize(Maze2D maze) { this.maze = maze; this.graph = JungDirectedGraphFromMazeCreator.create(maze); } public Result evaluate() { return MazeSearch.executeJungSearch(graph, maze); } }); int index = 0; for(String algName : bench.algorithms.keySet()){ System.out.println((++index) + " = " + algName); } for (int i = 10; i < 300; i += 10) { Maze2D maze = Maze2D.empty(i); // Test over an empty maze Map<String, Benchmark.Score> results =; // Check results and print scores. We take JUNG as baseline Benchmark.Score jungScore = results.get("JUNG-Dijkstra"); String scores = ""; for(String algName : bench.algorithms.keySet()){ Benchmark.Score score = results.get(algName); assertEquals(jungScore.result.getCost(),score.result.getCost(), 0.0001); scores += score.time + " ms\t"; } System.out.println(scores); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void benchmark() throws InterruptedException { System.out.println("Maze | Hipster-Dijkstra (ms) | JUNG-Dijkstra (ms)"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------"); final int times = 5; for (int i = 10; i < 300; i += 10) { Maze2D maze = Maze2D.random(i, 0.9); // Repeat 5 times //Double mean1 = 0d, mean2 = 0d; double min2 = Double.MAX_VALUE, min1 = Double.MAX_VALUE; DirectedGraph<Point, JungEdge<Point>> graph = JungDirectedGraphFromMazeCreator.create(maze); for (int j = 0; j < times; j++) { //AStar<Point> it = AStarIteratorFromMazeCreator.create(maze, false); AStar<Point> it = AlgorithmIteratorFromMazeCreator.astar(maze, false); Stopwatch w1 = new Stopwatch().start(); MazeSearch.Result resultJung = MazeSearch.executeJungSearch(graph, maze); //In case there is no possible result in the random maze if(resultJung.equals(MazeSearch.Result.NO_RESULT)){ maze = Maze2D.random(i, 0.9); graph = JungDirectedGraphFromMazeCreator.create(maze); j--; continue; } long result1 = w1.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (result1 < min1) { min1 = result1; } Stopwatch w2 = new Stopwatch().start(); MazeSearch.Result resultIterator = MazeSearch.executeIteratorSearch(it, maze); long result2 = w2.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (result2 < min2) { min2 = result2; } assertEquals(resultIterator.getCost(), resultJung.getCost(), 0.001); } System.out.println(String.format("%d \t\t %.5g \t\t %.5g", i, min2, min1)); } } #location 34 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Test public void testSimpleBookieLedgerMapping() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLedgers; i++) { createAndAddEntriesToLedger().close(); } BookieLedgerIndexer bookieLedgerIndex = new BookieLedgerIndexer( ledgerManager); Map<String, Set<Long>> bookieToLedgerIndex = bookieLedgerIndex .getBookieToLedgerIndex(); assertEquals("Missed few bookies in the bookie-ledger mapping!", 3, bookieToLedgerIndex.size()); Collection<Set<Long>> bk2ledgerEntry = bookieToLedgerIndex.values(); for (Set<Long> ledgers : bk2ledgerEntry) { assertEquals("Missed few ledgers in the bookie-ledger mapping!", 3, ledgers.size()); for (Long ledgerId : ledgers) { assertTrue("Unknown ledger-bookie mapping", ledgerList .contains(ledgerId)); } } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void testSimpleBookieLedgerMapping() throws Exception { LedgerManagerFactory newLedgerManagerFactory = LedgerManagerFactory .newLedgerManagerFactory(baseConf, zkc); LedgerManager ledgerManager = newLedgerManagerFactory .newLedgerManager(); List<Long> ledgerList = new ArrayList<Long>(3); LedgerHandle lh = createAndAddEntriesToLedger(); lh.close(); ledgerList.add(lh.getId()); lh = createAndAddEntriesToLedger(); lh.close(); ledgerList.add(lh.getId()); lh = createAndAddEntriesToLedger(); lh.close(); ledgerList.add(lh.getId()); BookieLedgerIndexer bookieLedgerIndex = new BookieLedgerIndexer( ledgerManager); Map<String, Set<Long>> bookieToLedgerIndex = bookieLedgerIndex .getBookieToLedgerIndex(); assertEquals("Missed few bookies in the bookie-ledger mapping!", 3, bookieToLedgerIndex.size()); Collection<Set<Long>> bk2ledgerEntry = bookieToLedgerIndex.values(); for (Set<Long> ledgers : bk2ledgerEntry) { assertEquals("Missed few ledgers in the bookie-ledger mapping!", 3, ledgers.size()); for (Long ledgerId : ledgers) { assertTrue("Unknown ledger-bookie mapping", ledgerList .contains(ledgerId)); } } } #location 25 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code @Override public void readComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq, Object ctx) { SyncObj x = (SyncObj) ctx; if (rc != 0) { LOG.error("Failure during add {}", rc); x.failureOccurred = true; } synchronized (x) { x.value = true; = seq; x.notify(); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override public void readComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Enumeration<LedgerEntry> seq, Object ctx) { if (rc != 0) fail("Failed to write entry"); ls = seq; synchronized (sync) { sync.value = true; sync.notify(); } } #location 5 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code protected void callOnError(final ExecutionError error) { if (onError != null) {; } callOnTerminate((C) error.getContext()); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code protected void callOnError(final ExecutionError error) { if (onError != null) {; } synchronized (error.getContext()) { callOnTerminate((C) error.getContext()); error.getContext().notifyAll(); } } #location 3 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code protected void callOnFinalState(final State<C> state, final C context) { try { if (onFinalStateHandler != null) { if (isTrace()) log.debug("when final state {} for {} <<<", state, context);, context); if (isTrace()) log.debug("when final state {} for {} >>>", state, context); } callOnTerminate(context); } catch (Exception e) { callOnError(new ExecutionError(state, null, e, "Execution Error in [EasyFlow.whenFinalState] handler", context)); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code protected void callOnFinalState(final State<C> state, final C context) { try { if (onFinalStateHandler != null) { if (isTrace()) log.debug("when final state {} for {} <<<", state, context);, context); if (isTrace()) log.debug("when final state {} for {} >>>", state, context); } synchronized (context) { callOnTerminate(context); context.notifyAll(); } } catch (Exception e) { callOnError(new ExecutionError(state, null, e, "Execution Error in [EasyFlow.whenFinalState] handler", context)); } } #location 7 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code public void startDb() { postgres = new MyPostgreSQLContainer() .withDatabaseName(TEST_SCHEMA_NAME) .withUsername("SA") .withPassword("pass") .withLogConsumer(new Consumer<OutputFrame>() { @Override public void accept(OutputFrame outputFrame) { logger.debug(outputFrame.getUtf8String()); } }); postgres.start(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void startDb() { postgres = (PostgreSQLContainer) new PostgreSQLContainer() .withDatabaseName(TEST_SCHEMA_NAME) .withUsername("SA") .withPassword("pass") .withLogConsumer(new Consumer<OutputFrame>() { @Override public void accept(OutputFrame outputFrame) { logger.debug(outputFrame.getUtf8String()); } }); postgres.start(); } #location 3 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code @Override public void run() { while (this.running) { //input while (!this.inputs.isEmpty()) { DatagramPacket dp = this.inputs.remove(); KcpOnUdp ku = this.kcps.get(dp.sender()); if (ku == null) { ku = new KcpOnUdp(this.out, dp.sender(), this.listerner);//初始化 ku.noDelay(nodelay, interval, resend, nc); ku.wndSize(sndwnd, rcvwnd); ku.setMtu(mtu); ku.setTimeout(timeout); this.kcps.put(dp.sender(), ku); } ku.input(dp.content()); } //update KcpOnUdp temp = null; for (KcpOnUdp ku : this.kcps.values()) { ku.update(); if (ku.isClosed()) { temp = ku; } } if (temp != null)//删掉过时的kcp { this.kcps.remove((InetSocketAddress) temp.getKcp().getUser()); } try { Thread.sleep(this.interval); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override public void run() { while (this.running) { //input while (!this.inputs.isEmpty()) { DatagramPacket dp = this.inputs.remove(); KcpOnUdp ku = this.kcps.get(dp.sender()); if (ku == null) { ku = new KcpOnUdp(this.out, dp.sender(), this.listerner);//初始化 ku.noDelay(nodelay, interval, resend, nc); ku.wndSize(sndwnd, rcvwnd); ku.setMtu(mtu); ku.setTimeout(timeout); this.kcps.put(dp.sender(), ku); pqueue.add(ku); } ku.input(dp.content()); } //选出第一个kcp更新状态 KcpOnUdp first = pqueue.poll(); if(first != null && first.getTimeout() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { first.update(); if(!first.isClosed()) { pqueue.add(first); } else { this.kcps.remove((InetSocketAddress) first.getKcp().getUser()); } } //每30s,更新一遍所有的kcp状态 if(System.currentTimeMillis()%(1000*30) == 0) { //update KcpOnUdp temp = null; for (KcpOnUdp ku : this.kcps.values()) { ku.update(); if (ku.isClosed()) {//删掉过时的kcp this.kcps.remove((InetSocketAddress) temp.getKcp().getUser()); pqueue.remove(ku); } } } //等待 try { synchronized(wakeup){ wakeup.wait(5*60*1000); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(KcpThread.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } #location 4 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code public static Instances createBootstrapSample(Instances instances) { Random rand = Random.getInstance(); Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < instances.size(); i++) { int idx = rand.nextInt(instances.size()); map.put(idx, map.getOrDefault(idx, 0) + 1); } Instances bag = new Instances(instances.getAttributes(), instances.getTargetAttribute(), map.size()); for (Integer idx : map.keySet()) { int weight = map.get(idx); Instance instance = instances.get(idx).clone(); instance.setWeight(weight); bag.add(instance); } return bag; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public static Instances createBootstrapSample(Instances instances) { Random rand = Random.getInstance(); Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < instances.size(); i++) { int idx = rand.nextInt(instances.size()); if (!map.containsKey(idx)) { map.put(idx, 0); } map.put(idx, map.get(idx) + 1); } Instances bag = new Instances(instances.getAttributes(), instances.getTargetAttribute(), map.size()); for (Integer idx : map.keySet()) { int weight = map.get(idx); Instance instance = instances.get(idx).clone(); instance.setWeight(weight); bag.add(instance); } return bag; } #location 9 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public void commit(Transaction transaction) throws RollbackException, TransactionException { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("commit " + transaction); } if (transaction.getStatus() != Status.RUNNING) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transaction has already been " + transaction.getStatus()); } // Check rollbackOnly status if (transaction.isRollbackOnly()) { rollback(transaction); throw new RollbackException(); } // Flush all pending writes if (!flushTables(transaction)) { cleanup(transaction); throw new RollbackException(); } SyncCommitCallback cb = new SyncCommitCallback(); TimerContext commitTimer = tsoclient.getMetrics().startTimer(Timers.COMMIT); try { tsoclient.commit(transaction.getStartTimestamp(), transaction.getRows(), cb); cb.await(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransactionException("Could not commit", e); } finally { commitTimer.stop(); } if (cb.getException() != null) { throw new TransactionException("Error committing", cb.getException()); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("doneCommit " + transaction.getStartTimestamp() + " TS_c: " + cb.getCommitTimestamp() + " Success: " + (cb.getResult() == TSOClient.Result.OK)); } if (cb.getResult() == TSOClient.Result.ABORTED) { cleanup(transaction); throw new RollbackException(); } transaction.setStatus(Status.COMMITTED); transaction.setCommitTimestamp(cb.getCommitTimestamp()); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void commit(Transaction transaction) throws RollbackException, TransactionException { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("commit " + transaction); } // Check rollbackOnly status if (transaction.isRollbackOnly()) { rollback(transaction); throw new RollbackException(); } // Flush all pending writes if (!flushTables(transaction)) { cleanup(transaction); throw new RollbackException(); } SyncCommitCallback cb = new SyncCommitCallback(); TimerContext commitTimer = tsoclient.getMetrics().startTimer(Timers.COMMIT); try { tsoclient.commit(transaction.getStartTimestamp(), transaction.getRows(), cb); cb.await(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransactionException("Could not commit", e); } finally { commitTimer.stop(); } if (cb.getException() != null) { throw new TransactionException("Error committing", cb.getException()); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("doneCommit " + transaction.getStartTimestamp() + " TS_c: " + cb.getCommitTimestamp() + " Success: " + (cb.getResult() == TSOClient.Result.OK)); } if (cb.getResult() == TSOClient.Result.ABORTED) { cleanup(transaction); throw new RollbackException(); } transaction.setCommitTimestamp(cb.getCommitTimestamp()); } #location 21 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code @Test public void runTestWriteWriteConflict() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm = new TransactionManager(hbaseConf); TTable tt = new TTable(hbaseConf, TEST_TABLE); TransactionState t1 = tm.beginTransaction();"Transaction created " + t1); TransactionState t2 = tm.beginTransaction();"Transaction created" + t2); byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("test-simple"); byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes(TEST_FAMILY); byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("testdata"); byte[] data1 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-1"); byte[] data2 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-2"); Put p = new Put(row); p.add(fam, col, data1); tt.put(t1, p); Put p2 = new Put(row); p2.add(fam, col, data2); tt.put(t2, p2); tm.tryCommit(t2); boolean aborted = false; try { tm.tryCommit(t1); assertTrue("Transaction commited successfully", false); } catch (CommitUnsuccessfulException e) { aborted = true; } assertTrue("Transaction didn't raise exception", aborted); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void runTestWriteWriteConflict() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm = new TransactionManager(hbaseConf); TransactionalTable tt = new TransactionalTable(hbaseConf, TEST_TABLE); TransactionState t1 = tm.beginTransaction();"Transaction created " + t1); TransactionState t2 = tm.beginTransaction();"Transaction created" + t2); byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("test-simple"); byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes(TEST_FAMILY); byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("testdata"); byte[] data1 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-1"); byte[] data2 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-2"); Put p = new Put(row); p.add(fam, col, data1); tt.put(t1, p); Put p2 = new Put(row); p2.add(fam, col, data2); tt.put(t2, p2); tm.tryCommit(t2); boolean aborted = false; try { tm.tryCommit(t1); assertTrue("Transaction commited successfully", false); } catch (CommitUnsuccessfulException e) { aborted = true; } assertTrue("Transaction didn't raise exception", aborted); } #location 24 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code @Test(timeOut = 30_000) public void runTestInterleaveScanWhenATransactionAborts() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm = newTransactionManager(); TTable tt = new TTable(hbaseConf, TEST_TABLE); Transaction t1 = tm.begin();"Transaction created " + t1); byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes(TEST_FAMILY); byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("testdata"); byte[] data1 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-1"); byte[] data2 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-2"); byte[] startrow = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + 0); byte[] stoprow = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + 9); byte[] modrow = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + 3); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + i); Put p = new Put(row); p.add(fam, col, data1); tt.put(t1, p); } tm.commit(t1); Transaction t2 = tm.begin(); Put p = new Put(modrow); p.add(fam, col, data2); tt.put(t2, p); int modifiedrows = 0; ResultScanner rs = tt.getScanner(t2, new Scan().setStartRow(startrow).setStopRow(stoprow).addColumn(fam, col)); Result r =; while (r != null) { if (Bytes.equals(data2, r.getValue(fam, col))) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Modified :" + Bytes.toString(r.getRow())); } modifiedrows++; } r =; } assertTrue(modifiedrows == 1, "Expected 1 row modified, but " + modifiedrows + " are."); tm.rollback(t2); Transaction tscan = tm.begin(); rs = tt.getScanner(tscan, new Scan().setStartRow(startrow).setStopRow(stoprow).addColumn(fam, col)); r =; while (r != null) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Scan1 :" + Bytes.toString(r.getRow()) + " => " + Bytes.toString(r.getValue(fam, col))); } assertTrue(Bytes.equals(data1, r.getValue(fam, col)), "Unexpected value for SI scan " + tscan + ": " + Bytes.toString(r.getValue(fam, col))); r =; } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test(timeOut = 30_000) public void runTestInterleaveScanWhenATransactionAborts() throws Exception { TransactionManager tm = newTransactionManager(); TTable tt = new TTable(hbaseConf, TEST_TABLE); Transaction t1 = tm.begin();"Transaction created " + t1); byte[] fam = Bytes.toBytes(TEST_FAMILY); byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes("testdata"); byte[] data1 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-1"); byte[] data2 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-2"); byte[] startrow = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + 0); byte[] stoprow = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + 9); byte[] modrow = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + 3); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("test-scan" + i); Put p = new Put(row); p.add(fam, col, data1); tt.put(t1, p); } tm.commit(t1); Transaction t2 = tm.begin(); Put p = new Put(modrow); p.add(fam, col, data2); tt.put(t2, p); int modifiedrows = 0; ResultScanner rs = tt.getScanner(t2, new Scan().setStartRow(startrow).setStopRow(stoprow).addColumn(fam, col)); Result r =; while (r != null) { if (Bytes.equals(data2, r.getValue(fam, col))) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Modified :" + Bytes.toString(r.getRow())); } modifiedrows++; } r =; } assertTrue(modifiedrows == 1, "Expected 1 row modified, but " + modifiedrows + " are."); tm.rollback(t2); Transaction tscan = tm.begin(); rs = tt.getScanner(tscan, new Scan().setStartRow(startrow).setStopRow(stoprow).addColumn(fam, col)); r =; while (r != null) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Scan1 :" + Bytes.toString(r.getRow()) + " => " + Bytes.toString(r.getValue(fam, col))); } assertTrue(Bytes.equals(data1, r.getValue(fam, col)), "Unexpected value for SI scan " + tscan + ": " + Bytes.toString(r.getValue(fam, col))); r =; } } #location 46 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code public byte[] getChannelConfigurationBytes() throws TransactionException { try { final Block configBlock = getConfigBlock(getRandomPeer()); Envelope envelopeRet = Envelope.parseFrom(configBlock.getData().getData(0)); Payload payload = Payload.parseFrom(envelopeRet.getPayload()); ConfigEnvelope configEnvelope = ConfigEnvelope.parseFrom(payload.getData()); return configEnvelope.getConfig().toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransactionException(e); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public byte[] getChannelConfigurationBytes() throws TransactionException { try { final Block configBlock = getConfigurationBlock(); Envelope envelopeRet = Envelope.parseFrom(configBlock.getData().getData(0)); Payload payload = Payload.parseFrom(envelopeRet.getPayload()); ConfigEnvelope configEnvelope = ConfigEnvelope.parseFrom(payload.getData()); return configEnvelope.getConfig().toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransactionException(e); } } #location 3 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code Orderer(String name, String url, Properties properties) throws InvalidArgumentException { if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid name for orderer"); } Exception e = checkGrpcUrl(url); if (e != null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(e); } = name; this.url = url; = properties == null ? null : (Properties) properties.clone(); //keep our own copy. }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code DeliverResponse[] sendDeliver(Common.Envelope transaction) throws TransactionException { if (shutdown) { throw new TransactionException(format("Orderer %s was shutdown.", name)); } OrdererClient localOrdererClient = ordererClient; logger.debug(format("Order.sendDeliver name: %s, url: %s", name, url)); if (localOrdererClient == null || !localOrdererClient.isChannelActive()) { localOrdererClient = new OrdererClient(this, new Endpoint(url, properties).getChannelBuilder()); ordererClient = localOrdererClient; } try { return localOrdererClient.sendDeliver(transaction); } catch (Throwable t) { ordererClient = null; throw t; } } #location 17 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Test public void testGetInfo() throws Exception { if (testConfig.isRunningAgainstFabric10()) { HFCAInfo info =; assertNull(info.getVersion()); } if (!testConfig.isRunningAgainstFabric10()) { HFCAInfo info =; assertNotNull(" returned null.", info); String version = info.getVersion(); assertNotNull(" returned null.", version); assertTrue(format("Version '%s' didn't match expected pattern", version), version.matches("^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+($|-.*)")); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void testGetInfo() throws Exception { if (testConfig.isRunningAgainstFabric10()) { HFCAInfo info =; assertNull(info.getVersion()); } if (!testConfig.isRunningAgainstFabric10()) { HFCAInfo info =; assertTrue(info.getVersion().contains("1.1.0")); } } #location 11 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code boolean hasConnected() { return connected; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code void setProperties(Properties properties) { = properties; } #location 2 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code private static final Collection<MapArea> createAreasForSimpleMultipolygon(OsmRelation relation, TLongObjectMap<MapNode> nodeIdMap, OsmEntityProvider db) throws EntityNotFoundException { assert isSimpleMultipolygon(relation, db); OsmEntity tagSource = null; List<MapNode> outerNodes = null; List<List<MapNode>> holes = new ArrayList<List<MapNode>>(); for (OsmRelationMember member : membersAsList(relation)) { if (member.getType() == EntityType.Way) { OsmWay way = db.getWay(member.getId()); if ("inner".equals(member.getRole())) { List<MapNode> hole = new ArrayList<MapNode>(way.getNumberOfNodes()); for (long nodeId : nodesAsList(way).toArray()) { hole.add(nodeIdMap.get(nodeId)); } holes.add(hole); } else if ("outer".equals(member.getRole())) { tagSource = relation.getNumberOfTags() > 1 ? relation : way; outerNodes = new ArrayList<MapNode>(way.getNumberOfNodes()); for (long nodeId : nodesAsList(way).toArray()) { outerNodes.add(nodeIdMap.get(nodeId)); } } } } return singleton(new MapArea(tagSource.getId(), tagSource instanceof OsmRelation, OSMToMapDataConverter.tagsOfEntity(tagSource), outerNodes, holes)); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private static final Collection<MapArea> createAreasForSimpleMultipolygon(OsmRelation relation, TLongObjectMap<MapNode> nodeIdMap, OsmEntityProvider db) throws EntityNotFoundException { assert isSimpleMultipolygon(relation, db); OsmEntity tagSource = null; List<MapNode> outerNodes = null; List<List<MapNode>> holes = new ArrayList<List<MapNode>>(); for (OsmRelationMember member : membersAsList(relation)) { if (member.getType() == EntityType.Way) { OsmWay way = db.getWay(member.getId()); if ("inner".equals(member.getRole())) { List<MapNode> hole = new ArrayList<MapNode>(way.getNumberOfNodes()); for (long nodeId : nodesAsList(way).toArray()) { hole.add(nodeIdMap.get(nodeId)); } holes.add(hole); } else if ("outer".equals(member.getRole())) { tagSource = relation.getNumberOfTags() > 1 ? relation : way; outerNodes = new ArrayList<MapNode>(way.getNumberOfNodes()); for (long nodeId : nodesAsList(way).toArray()) { outerNodes.add(nodeIdMap.get(nodeId)); } } } } return singleton(new MapArea(tagSource, outerNodes, holes)); } #location 39 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public static final boolean isJOSMGenerated(File file) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line != null) { if (line.contains("generator='JOSM'")) { reader.close(); return true; } } } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } return false; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public static final boolean isJOSMGenerated(File file) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line != null) { if (line.contains("generator='JOSM'")) { return true; } } } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } return false; } #location 11 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code public void write(RtpPacket packet, RTPFormat format) { try { LOCK.lock(); // checking format if (format == null) { logger.warn("No format specified. Packet dropped!"); return; } if (this.format == null || this.format.getID() != format.getID()) { this.format = format;"Format has been changed: " + this.format.toString()); } // if this is first packet then synchronize clock if (isn == -1) { rtpClock.synchronize(packet.getTimestamp()); isn = packet.getSeqNumber(); initJitter(packet); } else { estimateJitter(packet); } // update clock rate rtpClock.setClockRate(this.format.getClockRate()); // drop outstanding packets // packet is outstanding if its timestamp of arrived packet is less // then consumer media time if (packet.getTimestamp() < this.arrivalDeadLine) { logger.warn("drop packet: dead line=" + arrivalDeadLine + ", packet time=" + packet.getTimestamp() + ", seq=" + packet.getSeqNumber() + ", payload length=" + packet.getPayloadLength() + ", format=" + this.format.toString()); dropCount++; // checking if not dropping too much droppedInRaw++; if (droppedInRaw == QUEUE_SIZE / 2 || queue.size() == 0) { arrivalDeadLine = 0; } else { return; } } Frame f = Memory.allocate(packet.getPayloadLength()); // put packet into buffer irrespective of its sequence number f.setHeader(null); f.setSequenceNumber(packet.getSeqNumber()); // here time is in milliseconds f.setTimestamp(rtpClock.convertToAbsoluteTime(packet.getTimestamp())); f.setOffset(0); f.setLength(packet.getPayloadLength()); packet.getPayload(f.getData(), 0); // set format f.setFormat(this.format.getFormat()); // make checks only if have packet if (f != null) { droppedInRaw = 0; // find correct position to insert a packet // use timestamp since its always positive int currIndex = queue.size() - 1; while (currIndex >= 0 && queue.get(currIndex).getTimestamp() > f.getTimestamp()) { currIndex--; } // check for duplicate packet if (currIndex >= 0 && queue.get(currIndex).getSequenceNumber() == f.getSequenceNumber()) { LOCK.unlock(); return; } queue.add(currIndex + 1, f); // recalculate duration of each frame in queue and overall duration // since we could insert the frame in the middle of the queue duration = 0; if (queue.size() > 1) { duration = queue.get(queue.size() - 1).getTimestamp() - queue.get(0).getTimestamp(); } for (int i = 0; i < queue.size() - 1; i++) { // duration measured by wall clock long d = queue.get(i + 1).getTimestamp() - queue.get(i).getTimestamp(); // in case of RFC2833 event timestamp remains same queue.get(i).setDuration(d > 0 ? d : 0); } // if overall duration is negative we have some mess here,try to // reset if (duration < 0 && queue.size() > 1) { logger.warn("Something messy happened. Reseting jitter buffer!"); reset(); return; } // overflow? // only now remove packet if overflow , possibly the same packet we just received if (queue.size() > QUEUE_SIZE) { logger.warn("Buffer overflow!"); dropCount++; queue.remove(0).recycle(); } // check if this buffer already full if (!ready) { ready = !useBuffer || (duration >= jitterBufferSize && queue.size() > 1); if (ready && listener != null) { listener.onFill(); } } } } finally { LOCK.unlock(); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void write(RtpPacket packet, RTPFormat format) { // checking format if (format == null) { logger.warn("No format specified. Packet dropped!"); return; } if (this.format == null || this.format.getID() != format.getID()) { this.format = format;"Format has been changed: " + this.format.toString()); } // if this is first packet then synchronize clock if (isn == -1) { rtpClock.synchronize(packet.getTimestamp()); isn = packet.getSeqNumber(); initJitter(packet); } else { estimateJitter(packet); } // update clock rate rtpClock.setClockRate(this.format.getClockRate()); // drop outstanding packets // packet is outstanding if its timestamp of arrived packet is less // then consumer media time if (packet.getTimestamp() < this.arrivalDeadLine) { logger.warn("drop packet: dead line=" + arrivalDeadLine + ", packet time=" + packet.getTimestamp() + ", seq=" + packet.getSeqNumber() + ", payload length=" + packet.getPayloadLength() + ", format=" + this.format.toString()); dropCount++; // checking if not dropping too much droppedInRaw++; if (droppedInRaw == QUEUE_SIZE / 2 || queue.size() == 0) { arrivalDeadLine = 0; } else { return; } } Frame f = Memory.allocate(packet.getPayloadLength()); // put packet into buffer irrespective of its sequence number f.setHeader(null); f.setSequenceNumber(packet.getSeqNumber()); // here time is in milliseconds f.setTimestamp(rtpClock.convertToAbsoluteTime(packet.getTimestamp())); f.setOffset(0); f.setLength(packet.getPayloadLength()); packet.getPayload(f.getData(), 0); // set format f.setFormat(this.format.getFormat()); // make checks only if have packet if (f != null) { LOCK.lock(); droppedInRaw = 0; // find correct position to insert a packet // use timestamp since its always positive int currIndex = queue.size() - 1; while (currIndex >= 0 && queue.get(currIndex).getTimestamp() > f.getTimestamp()) { currIndex--; } // check for duplicate packet if (currIndex >= 0 && queue.get(currIndex).getSequenceNumber() == f.getSequenceNumber()) { LOCK.unlock(); return; } queue.add(currIndex + 1, f); // recalculate duration of each frame in queue and overall duration // since we could insert the frame in the middle of the queue duration = 0; if (queue.size() > 1) { duration = queue.get(queue.size() - 1).getTimestamp() - queue.get(0).getTimestamp(); } for (int i = 0; i < queue.size() - 1; i++) { // duration measured by wall clock long d = queue.get(i + 1).getTimestamp() - queue.get(i).getTimestamp(); // in case of RFC2833 event timestamp remains same queue.get(i).setDuration(d > 0 ? d : 0); } // if overall duration is negative we have some mess here,try to // reset if (duration < 0 && queue.size() > 1) { logger.warn("Something messy happened. Reseting jitter buffer!"); reset(); LOCK.unlock(); return; } // overflow? // only now remove packet if overflow , possibly the same packet we just received if (queue.size() > QUEUE_SIZE) { logger.warn("Buffer overflow!"); dropCount++; queue.remove(0).recycle(); } LOCK.unlock(); // check if this buffer already full if (!ready) { ready = !useBuffer || (duration >= jitterBufferSize && queue.size() > 1); if (ready && listener != null) { listener.onFill(); } } } } #location 33 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code @Test public void finishSpan() { Span finished = new Span().setName("foo").setTimestamp(1000L); // set in start span finished.startTick = 500000L; // set in start span state.setCurrentLocalSpan(finished); PowerMockito.when(System.nanoTime()).thenReturn(1000000L); localTracer.finishSpan(); verify(mockReporter).report(finished.toZipkin()); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockReporter); assertEquals(500L, finished.getDuration().longValue()); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void finishSpan() { Span finished = new Span().setTimestamp(1000L); // set in start span finished.startTick = 500000L; // set in start span state.setCurrentLocalSpan(finished); PowerMockito.when(System.nanoTime()).thenReturn(1000000L); localTracer.finishSpan(); verify(mockCollector).collect(finished); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockCollector); assertEquals(500L, finished.getDuration().longValue()); } #location 14 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Override protected void reloadPage() { synchronized (this) { selectedSort = null; sortFieldLeft = null; super.reloadPage(); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override protected void reloadPage() { selectedSort = null; sortFieldLeft = null; super.reloadPage(); } #location 3 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code public void getStartingWith(String queryString, Field field, String start, int limit, List<NamedItem> list) throws ParseException, IOException, SyntaxError, URISyntaxException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, SearchLibException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { SearchRequest searchRequest = urlDbClient.getNewSearchRequest(field + "Facet"); searchRequest.setQueryString(queryString); searchRequest.getFilterList().add(field + ":" + start + "*", Source.REQUEST); getFacetLimit(field, searchRequest, limit, list); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void getStartingWith(String queryString, Field field, String start, int limit, List<NamedItem> list) throws ParseException, IOException, SyntaxError, URISyntaxException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, SearchLibException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { SearchRequest searchRequest = client.getNewSearchRequest(field + "Facet"); searchRequest.setQueryString(queryString); searchRequest.getFilterList().add(field + ":" + start + "*", Source.REQUEST); getFacetLimit(field, searchRequest, limit, list); } #location 11 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code @Override public String visitQuery_specification(VerdictSQLParser.Query_specificationContext ctx) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(2000); // this statement computes the mean value AnalyticSelectStatementRewriter meanRewriter = new AnalyticSelectStatementRewriter(vc, queryString); meanRewriter.setDepth(depth+1); meanRewriter.setIndentLevel(defaultIndent + 6); String mainSql = meanRewriter.visit(ctx); cumulativeReplacedTableSources.putAll(meanRewriter.getCumulativeSampleTables()); // this statement computes the standard deviation BootstrapSelectStatementRewriter varianceRewriter = new BootstrapSelectStatementRewriter(vc, queryString); varianceRewriter.setDepth(depth+1); varianceRewriter.setIndentLevel(defaultIndent + 6); String subSql = varianceRewriter.varianceComputationStatement(ctx); String leftAlias = genAlias(); String rightAlias = genAlias(); // we combine those two statements using join. List<Pair<String, String>> thisColumnName2Aliases = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); List<Pair<String, String>> leftColName2Aliases = meanRewriter.getColName2Aliases(); // List<Boolean> leftAggColIndicator = meanRewriter.getAggregateColumnIndicator(); List<Pair<String, String>> rightColName2Aliases = varianceRewriter.getColName2Aliases(); // List<Boolean> rightAggColIndicator = varianceRewriter.getAggregateColumnIndicator(); sql.append(String.format("%sSELECT", indentString)); int leftSelectElemIndex = 0; int totalSelectElemIndex = 0; for (Pair<String, String> colName2Alias : leftColName2Aliases) { leftSelectElemIndex++; if (leftSelectElemIndex == 1) sql.append(" "); else sql.append(", "); if (meanRewriter.isAggregateColumn(leftSelectElemIndex)) { // mean totalSelectElemIndex++; String alias = genAlias(); sql.append(String.format("%s.%s AS %s", leftAlias, colName2Alias.getRight(), alias)); thisColumnName2Aliases.add(Pair.of(colName2Alias.getLeft(), alias)); // error (standard deviation * 1.96 (for 95% confidence interval)) totalSelectElemIndex++; alias = genAlias(); String matchingAliasName = null; for (Pair<String, String> r : rightColName2Aliases) { if (colName2Alias.getLeft().equals(r.getLeft())) { matchingAliasName = r.getRight(); } } sql.append(String.format(", %s.%s AS %s", rightAlias, matchingAliasName, alias)); thisColumnName2Aliases.add(Pair.of(colName2Alias.getLeft(), alias)); meanColIndex2ErrColIndex.put(totalSelectElemIndex-1, totalSelectElemIndex); } else { totalSelectElemIndex++; sql.append(String.format("%s.%s AS %s", leftAlias, colName2Alias.getRight(), colName2Alias.getRight())); thisColumnName2Aliases.add(Pair.of(colName2Alias.getLeft(), colName2Alias.getRight())); } } colName2Aliases = thisColumnName2Aliases; sql.append(String.format("\n%sFROM (\n", indentString)); sql.append(mainSql); sql.append(String.format("\n%s ) AS %s", indentString, leftAlias)); sql.append(" LEFT JOIN (\n"); sql.append(subSql); sql.append(String.format("%s) AS %s", indentString, rightAlias)); sql.append(String.format(" ON %s.l_shipmode = %s.l_shipmode", leftAlias, rightAlias)); return sql.toString(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override public String visitQuery_specification(VerdictSQLParser.Query_specificationContext ctx) { List<Pair<String, String>> subqueryColName2Aliases = null; BootstrapSelectStatementRewriter singleRewriter = null; StringBuilder unionedFrom = new StringBuilder(2000); int trialNum = vc.getConf().getInt("bootstrap_trial_num"); for (int i = 0; i < trialNum; i++) { singleRewriter = new BootstrapSelectStatementRewriter(vc, queryString); singleRewriter.setIndentLevel(2); singleRewriter.setDepth(1); String singleTrialQuery = singleRewriter.visitQuery_specificationForSingleTrial(ctx); if (i == 0) { subqueryColName2Aliases = singleRewriter.getColName2Aliases(); } if (i > 0) unionedFrom.append("\n UNION\n"); unionedFrom.append(singleTrialQuery); } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(2000); sql.append("SELECT"); int selectElemIndex = 0; for (Pair<String, String> e : subqueryColName2Aliases) { selectElemIndex++; sql.append((selectElemIndex > 1)? ", " : " "); if (singleRewriter.isAggregateColumn(selectElemIndex)) { String alias = genAlias(); sql.append(String.format("AVG(%s) AS %s", e.getRight(), alias)); colName2Aliases.add(Pair.of(e.getLeft(), alias)); } else { if (e.getLeft().equals(e.getRight())) sql.append(e.getLeft()); else sql.append(String.format("%s AS %s", e.getLeft(), e.getRight())); colName2Aliases.add(Pair.of(e.getLeft(), e.getRight())); } } sql.append("\nFROM (\n"); sql.append(unionedFrom.toString()); sql.append("\n) AS t"); sql.append("\nGROUP BY"); for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex <= subqueryColName2Aliases.size(); colIndex++) { if (!singleRewriter.isAggregateColumn(colIndex)) { if (colIndex > 1) { sql.append(String.format(", %s", subqueryColName2Aliases.get(colIndex-1).getRight())); } else { sql.append(String.format(" %s", subqueryColName2Aliases.get(colIndex-1).getRight())); } } } return sql.toString(); } #location 23 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code private boolean stopUsingMysqldadmin() { boolean retValue = false; Reader stdOut = null; Reader stdErr = null; LogFileProcessor processor = null; Set<String> successPatterns = Sets.newHashSet( "'Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'", Platform.detect() == Windows ? "mysqld.exe: Shutdown complete" : "mysqld: Shutdown complete"); try { String cmd = Paths.get(getExecutable().getFile().generatedBaseDir().getAbsolutePath(), "bin", "mysqladmin").toString(); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { cmd, "--no-defaults", "--protocol=tcp", String.format("-u%s", MysqldConfig.SystemDefaults.USERNAME), "shutdown"}); retValue = p.waitFor() == 0; OutputWatchStreamProcessor outputWatch = new OutputWatchStreamProcessor( successPatterns, Sets.newHashSet("[ERROR]"), StreamToLineProcessor.wrap(getRuntimeConfig().getProcessOutput().getOutput())); processor = new LogFileProcessor(new File(this.getExecutable().executable.generatedBaseDir() + "/data/error.log"), outputWatch); stdOut = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()); stdErr = new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()); if (retValue) { outputWatch.waitForResult(getConfig().getTimeout()); if (!outputWatch.isInitWithSuccess()) { logger.error("mysql shutdown failed. Expected to find in output: 'Shutdown complete', got: " + outputWatch.getFailureFound()); retValue = false; } } else { logger.error("mysql shutdown failed with error code: " + p.waitFor() + " and message: " + CharStreams.toString(stdErr)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Encountered error why shutting down process.", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Encountered error why shutting down process.", e); } finally { closeCloseables(stdOut, stdErr); if (processor != null) processor.shutdown(); } return retValue; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private boolean stopUsingMysqldadmin() { boolean retValue = false; Reader stdOut = null; Reader stdErr = null; LogFileProcessor processor = null; Set<String> successPatterns = Sets.newHashSet("'Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'"); try { Process p; if (Platform.detect() == Platform.Windows) { String cmd = Paths.get(getExecutable().getFile().generatedBaseDir().getAbsolutePath(), "bin", "mysqladmin.exe").toString(); successPatterns.add("mysqld.exe: Shutdown complete"); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { cmd, "--no-defaults", "--protocol=tcp", String.format("-u%s", MysqldConfig.SystemDefaults.USERNAME), "shutdown"}); } else { String cmd = Paths.get(getExecutable().getFile().generatedBaseDir().getAbsolutePath(), "bin", "mysqladmin").toString(); successPatterns.add("mysqld: Shutdown complete"); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { cmd, "--no-defaults", "--protocol=tcp", String.format("-u%s", MysqldConfig.SystemDefaults.USERNAME), //String.format("--socket=%s", sockFile(getExecutable().executable)), "shutdown"}); } retValue = p.waitFor() == 0; OutputWatchStreamProcessor outputWatch = new OutputWatchStreamProcessor( successPatterns, Sets.newHashSet("[ERROR]"), StreamToLineProcessor.wrap(unsafeRuntimeConfig.getProcessOutput().getOutput())); processor = new LogFileProcessor(new File(this.getExecutable().executable.generatedBaseDir() + "/data/error.log"), outputWatch); stdOut = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()); stdErr = new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()); if (retValue) { outputWatch.waitForResult(getConfig().getTimeout()); if (!outputWatch.isInitWithSuccess()) { logger.error("mysql shutdown failed. Expected to find in output: 'Shutdown complete', got: " + outputWatch.getFailureFound()); retValue = false; } } else { logger.error("mysql shutdown failed with error code: " + p.waitFor() + " and message: " + CharStreams.toString(stdErr)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Encountered error why shutting down process.", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Encountered error why shutting down process.", e); } finally { closeCloseable(stdOut); closeCloseable(stdErr); if (processor != null) processor.shutdown(); } return retValue; } #location 59 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(File src) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return _detectBindAndReadValues( _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), false); } return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(_parserFactory.createParser(src))); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(File src) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return _detectBindAndReadValues( _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), false); } return _bindAndReadValues(considerFilter(_parserFactory.createParser(src))); } #location 8 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code @Override public String idFromValue(Object value) { return idFromClass(value.getClass()); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override public String idFromValue(Object value) { Class<?> cls = _typeFactory.constructType(value.getClass()).getRawClass(); final String key = cls.getName(); String name; synchronized (_typeToId) { name = _typeToId.get(key); if (name == null) { // 24-Feb-2011, tatu: As per [JACKSON-498], may need to dynamically look up name // can either throw an exception, or use default name... if (_config.isAnnotationProcessingEnabled()) { BeanDescription beanDesc = _config.introspectClassAnnotations(cls); name = _config.getAnnotationIntrospector().findTypeName(beanDesc.getClassInfo()); } if (name == null) { // And if still not found, let's choose default? name = _defaultTypeId(cls); } _typeToId.put(key, name); } } return name; } #location 4 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code public void testAtomicInt() throws Exception { AtomicInteger value = MAPPER.readValue("13", AtomicInteger.class); assertEquals(13, value.get()); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void testAtomicInt() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); AtomicInteger value = mapper.readValue("13", AtomicInteger.class); assertEquals(13, value.get()); } #location 5 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Test public void testVideosSitemap() throws UnknownFormatException, IOException { SiteMapParser parser = new SiteMapParser(); parser.enableExtension(Extension.VIDEO); String contentType = "text/xml"; byte[] content = SiteMapParserTest.getResourceAsBytes("src/test/resources/sitemaps/extension/sitemap-videos.xml"); URL url = new URL(""); AbstractSiteMap asm = parser.parseSiteMap(contentType, content, url); assertEquals(false, asm.isIndex()); assertEquals(true, asm instanceof SiteMap); SiteMap sm = (SiteMap) asm; assertEquals(2, sm.getSiteMapUrls().size()); Iterator<SiteMapURL> siter = sm.getSiteMapUrls().iterator(); // first <loc> element: nearly all video attributes VideoAttributes expectedVideoAttributes = new VideoAttributes(new URL(""), "Grilling steaks for summer", "Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time", new URL(""), new URL("")); expectedVideoAttributes.setDuration(600); ZonedDateTime dt = ZonedDateTime.parse("2009-11-05T19:20:30+08:00"); expectedVideoAttributes.setExpirationDate(dt); dt = ZonedDateTime.parse("2007-11-05T19:20:30+08:00"); expectedVideoAttributes.setPublicationDate(dt); expectedVideoAttributes.setRating(4.2f); expectedVideoAttributes.setViewCount(12345); expectedVideoAttributes.setFamilyFriendly(true); expectedVideoAttributes.setTags(new String[] { "sample_tag1", "sample_tag2" }); expectedVideoAttributes.setAllowedCountries(new String[] { "IE", "GB", "US", "CA" }); expectedVideoAttributes.setGalleryLoc(new URL("")); expectedVideoAttributes.setGalleryTitle("Cooking Videos"); expectedVideoAttributes.setPrices(new VideoAttributes.VideoPrice[] { new VideoAttributes.VideoPrice("EUR", 1.99f, VideoAttributes.VideoPriceType.own) }); expectedVideoAttributes.setRequiresSubscription(true); expectedVideoAttributes.setUploader("GrillyMcGrillerson"); expectedVideoAttributes.setUploaderInfo(new URL("")); expectedVideoAttributes.setLive(false); VideoAttributes attr = (VideoAttributes)[0]; assertNotNull(attr); assertEquals(expectedVideoAttributes, attr); // locale-specific number format in <video:price>, test #220 expectedVideoAttributes = new VideoAttributes(new URL(""), "Grilling steaks for summer, episode 2", "Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time", new URL(""), null); expectedVideoAttributes.setPrices(new VideoAttributes.VideoPrice[] { new VideoAttributes.VideoPrice("EUR", null, VideoAttributes.VideoPriceType.own) }); attr = (VideoAttributes)[0]; assertNotNull(attr); assertEquals(expectedVideoAttributes, attr); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void testVideosSitemap() throws UnknownFormatException, IOException { SiteMapParser parser = new SiteMapParser(); parser.enableExtension(Extension.VIDEO); String contentType = "text/xml"; byte[] content = SiteMapParserTest.getResourceAsBytes("src/test/resources/sitemaps/extension/sitemap-videos.xml"); URL url = new URL(""); AbstractSiteMap asm = parser.parseSiteMap(contentType, content, url); assertEquals(false, asm.isIndex()); assertEquals(true, asm instanceof SiteMap); SiteMap sm = (SiteMap) asm; assertEquals(1, sm.getSiteMapUrls().size()); VideoAttributes expectedVideoAttributes = new VideoAttributes(new URL(""), "Grilling steaks for summer", "Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time", new URL(""), new URL("")); expectedVideoAttributes.setDuration(600); ZonedDateTime dt = ZonedDateTime.parse("2009-11-05T19:20:30+08:00"); expectedVideoAttributes.setExpirationDate(dt); dt = ZonedDateTime.parse("2007-11-05T19:20:30+08:00"); expectedVideoAttributes.setPublicationDate(dt); expectedVideoAttributes.setRating(4.2f); expectedVideoAttributes.setViewCount(12345); expectedVideoAttributes.setFamilyFriendly(true); expectedVideoAttributes.setTags(new String[] { "sample_tag1", "sample_tag2" }); expectedVideoAttributes.setAllowedCountries(new String[] { "IE", "GB", "US", "CA" }); expectedVideoAttributes.setGalleryLoc(new URL("")); expectedVideoAttributes.setGalleryTitle("Cooking Videos"); expectedVideoAttributes.setPrices(new VideoAttributes.VideoPrice[] { new VideoAttributes.VideoPrice("EUR", 1.99f, VideoAttributes.VideoPriceType.own) }); expectedVideoAttributes.setRequiresSubscription(true); expectedVideoAttributes.setUploader("GrillyMcGrillerson"); expectedVideoAttributes.setUploaderInfo(new URL("")); expectedVideoAttributes.setLive(false); for (SiteMapURL su : sm.getSiteMapUrls()) { assertNotNull(su.getAttributesForExtension(Extension.VIDEO)); VideoAttributes attr = (VideoAttributes) su.getAttributesForExtension(Extension.VIDEO)[0]; assertEquals(expectedVideoAttributes, attr); } } #location 37 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Test public void moderator_should_approve_question_information() throws Exception { Information approvedInfo = new QuestionInformation("edited title", "edited desc", new LoggedUser(otherUser, null), new ArrayList<Tag>(), "comment"); moderator.approve(myQuestion, approvedInfo); assertEquals(approvedInfo, myQuestion.getInformation()); assertTrue(myQuestion.getInformation().isModerated()); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void moderator_should_approve_question_information() throws Exception { Question question = question("question title", "question description", author); Information approvedInfo = new QuestionInformation("edited title", "edited desc", new LoggedUser(otherUser, null), new ArrayList<Tag>(), "comment"); moderator.approve(question, approvedInfo); assertEquals(approvedInfo, question.getInformation()); assertTrue(question.getInformation().isModerated()); } #location 10 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Override public SyndFeedInfo remove(final URL url) { SyndFeedInfo info = null; final String fileName = cachePath + File.separator + "feed_" + replaceNonAlphanumeric(url.toString(), '_').trim(); FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); info = (SyndFeedInfo) ois.readObject(); final File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) { // That's OK, we'l return null } catch (final ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // Error writing to cahce is fatal throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to read from cache", cnfe); } catch (final IOException fnfe) { // Error writing to cahce is fatal throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to read from cache", fnfe); } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { } } if (ois != null) { try { ois.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { } } } return info; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Override public SyndFeedInfo remove(final URL url) { SyndFeedInfo info = null; final String fileName = cachePath + File.separator + "feed_" + replaceNonAlphanumeric(url.toString(), '_').trim(); FileInputStream fis; try { fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); final ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); info = (SyndFeedInfo) ois.readObject(); fis.close(); final File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) { // That's OK, we'l return null } catch (final ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // Error writing to cahce is fatal throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to read from cache", cnfe); } catch (final IOException fnfe) { // Error writing to cahce is fatal throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to read from cache", fnfe); } return info; } #location 16 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code public void testHttpValid(final String cT, final String bomEnc, final String streamEnc, final String prologEnc) throws Exception { final InputStream is; if (prologEnc == null) { is = getXmlStream(bomEnc, XML1, streamEnc, prologEnc); } else { is = getXmlStream(bomEnc, XML3, streamEnc, prologEnc); } final XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlReader(is, cT, false); if (!streamEnc.equals("UTF-16")) { // we can not assert things here becuase UTF-8, US-ASCII and // ISO-8859-1 look alike for the chars used for detection } else { assertEquals(xmlReader.getEncoding().substring(0, streamEnc.length()), streamEnc); } xmlReader.close(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void testHttpValid(final String cT, final String bomEnc, final String streamEnc, final String prologEnc) throws Exception { final InputStream is; if (prologEnc == null) { is = getXmlStream(bomEnc, XML1, streamEnc, prologEnc); } else { is = getXmlStream(bomEnc, XML3, streamEnc, prologEnc); } final XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlReader(is, cT, false); if (!streamEnc.equals("UTF-16")) { // we can not assert things here becuase UTF-8, US-ASCII and // ISO-8859-1 look alike for the chars used for detection } else { assertEquals(xmlReader.getEncoding().substring(0, streamEnc.length()), streamEnc); } } #location 9 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code protected void testRawBomValid(final String encoding) throws Exception { final InputStream is = getXmlStream(encoding + "-bom", XML3, encoding, encoding); final XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlReader(is, false); if (!encoding.equals("UTF-16")) { assertEquals(xmlReader.getEncoding(), encoding); } else { assertEquals(xmlReader.getEncoding().substring(0, encoding.length()), encoding); } xmlReader.close(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code protected void testRawBomValid(final String encoding) throws Exception { final InputStream is = getXmlStream(encoding + "-bom", XML3, encoding, encoding); final XmlReader xmlReader = new XmlReader(is, false); if (!encoding.equals("UTF-16")) { assertEquals(xmlReader.getEncoding(), encoding); } else { assertEquals(xmlReader.getEncoding().substring(0, encoding.length()), encoding); } } #location 7 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code static String load(File in, String charsetName) throws IOException { InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(in); String data = readInputStream(inStream, charsetName); inStream.close(); return data; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code static String load(File in, String charsetName) throws IOException { char[] buffer = new char[0x20000]; // ~ 130K StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(0x20000); InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(in); Reader inReader = new InputStreamReader(inStream, charsetName); int read; do { read =, 0, buffer.length); if (read > 0) { data.append(buffer, 0, read); } } while (read >= 0); return data.toString(); } #location 5 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code protected void addChildren(int index, Node... children) { Validate.notNull(children); if (children.length == 0) { return; } final List<Node> nodes = ensureChildNodes(); // fast path - if used as a wrap (index=0, children = child[0].parent.children - do inplace final Node firstParent = children[0].parent(); if (firstParent != null && firstParent.childNodeSize() == children.length) { boolean sameList = true; final List<Node> firstParentNodes = firstParent.childNodes(); // identity check contents to see if same int i = children.length; while (i-- > 0) { if (children[i] != firstParentNodes.get(i)) { sameList = false; break; } } firstParent.empty(); nodes.addAll(index, Arrays.asList(children)); i = children.length; while (i-- > 0) { children[i].parentNode = this; } reindexChildren(index); return; } Validate.noNullElements(children); for (Node child : children) { reparentChild(child); } nodes.addAll(index, Arrays.asList(children)); reindexChildren(index); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code protected void addChildren(int index, Node... children) { Validate.noNullElements(children); final List<Node> nodes = ensureChildNodes(); for (Node child : children) { reparentChild(child); } nodes.addAll(index, Arrays.asList(children)); reindexChildren(index); } #location 6 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code private static String ihVal(String key, Document doc) { final Element first ="th:contains(" + key + ") + td").first(); return first != null ? first.text() : null; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private static String ihVal(String key, Document doc) { return"th:contains(" + key + ") + td").first().text(); } #location 2 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public void transactionObject(final String trytes) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(trytes)) { log.warn("Warning: empty trytes in input for transactionObject"); return; } // validity check for (int i = 2279; i < 2295; i++) { if (trytes.charAt(i) != '9') { log.warn("Trytes {} does not seem a valid tryte", trytes); return; } } int[] transactionTrits = Converter.trits(trytes); int[] hash = new int[243]; ICurl curl = SpongeFactory.create(SpongeFactory.Mode.CURLP81); // generate the correct transaction hash curl.reset(); curl.absorb(transactionTrits, 0, transactionTrits.length); curl.squeeze(hash, 0, hash.length); this.setHash(Converter.trytes(hash)); this.setSignatureFragments(trytes.substring(0, 2187)); this.setAddress(trytes.substring(2187, 2268)); this.setValue(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 6804, 6837))); this.setObsoleteTag(trytes.substring(2295, 2322)); this.setTimestamp(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 6966, 6993))); this.setCurrentIndex(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 6993, 7020))); this.setLastIndex(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 7020, 7047))); this.setBundle(trytes.substring(2349, 2430)); this.setTrunkTransaction(trytes.substring(2430, 2511)); this.setBranchTransaction(trytes.substring(2511, 2592)); this.setTag(trytes.substring(2592, 2619)); this.setAttachmentTimestamp(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 7857, 7884)) / 1000); this.setAttachmentTimestampLowerBound(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 7884, 7911))); this.setAttachmentTimestampUpperBound(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 7911, 7938))); this.setNonce(trytes.substring(2646, 2673)); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void transactionObject(final String trytes) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(trytes)) { log.warn("Warning: empty trytes in input for transactionObject"); return; } // validity check for (int i = 2279; i < 2295; i++) { if (trytes.charAt(i) != '9') { log.warn("Trytes {} does not seem a valid tryte", trytes); return; } } int[] transactionTrits = Converter.trits(trytes); int[] hash = new int[243]; ICurl curl = SpongeFactory.create(SpongeFactory.Mode.CURL); // generate the correct transaction hash curl.reset(); curl.absorb(transactionTrits, 0, transactionTrits.length); curl.squeeze(hash, 0, hash.length); this.setHash(Converter.trytes(hash)); this.setSignatureFragments(trytes.substring(0, 2187)); this.setAddress(trytes.substring(2187, 2268)); this.setValue(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 6804, 6837))); this.setTag(trytes.substring(2295, 2322)); this.setTimestamp(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 6966, 6993))); this.setCurrentIndex(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 6993, 7020))); this.setLastIndex(Converter.longValue(Arrays.copyOfRange(transactionTrits, 7020, 7047))); this.setBundle(trytes.substring(2349, 2430)); this.setTrunkTransaction(trytes.substring(2430, 2511)); this.setBranchTransaction(trytes.substring(2511, 2592)); this.setNonce(trytes.substring(2592, 2673)); } #location 21 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public void onReceive(ServiceContext serviceContext) throws Throwable { FlowMessage fm = serviceContext.getFlowMessage(); if (serviceContext.isSync() && !syncActors.containsKey(serviceContext.getId())) { syncActors.putIfAbsent(serviceContext.getId(), getSender()); } // TODO 没有必要设置默认值,下面执行异常就会抛出异常 Object result = null;// DefaultMessage.getMessage();// set default try { this.service = ServiceFactory.getService(serviceName); result = ((Service) service).process(fm.getMessage(), serviceContext); } catch (Throwable e) { Web web = serviceContext.getWeb(); if (web != null) { web.complete(); } throw new FlowerException("fail to invoke service " + serviceName + " : " + service + ", param : " + fm.getMessage(), e); }"同步处理 : {}, hasChild : {}", serviceContext.isSync(), hasChildActor()); if (serviceContext.isSync() && !hasChildActor()) {"返回响应 {}", result); ActorRef actor = syncActors.get(serviceContext.getId()); if(actor !=null) { actor.tell(result, getSelf()); syncActors.remove(serviceContext.getId()); } return; } Web web = serviceContext.getWeb(); if (service instanceof Complete) { // FlowContext.removeServiceContext(fm.getTransactionId()); } if (web != null) { if (service instanceof Flush) { web.flush(); } if (service instanceof HttpComplete || service instanceof Complete) { web.complete(); } } if (result == null)// for joint service return; if (hasChildActor()) { for (RefType refType : nextServiceActors) { ServiceContext context = serviceContext.newInstance(); context.getFlowMessage().setMessage(result); // if (refType.isJoint()) { // FlowMessage flowMessage1 = CloneUtil.clone(fm); // flowMessage1.setMessage(result); // context.setFlowMessage(flowMessage1); // } // condition fork for one-service to multi-service if (refType.getMessageType().isInstance(result)) { if (!(result instanceof Condition) || !(((Condition) result).getCondition() instanceof String) || stringInStrings(refType.getServiceName(), ((Condition) result).getCondition().toString())) { refType.getActorRef().tell(context, getSelf()); } } } } else { } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public void onReceive(ServiceContext serviceContext) throws Throwable { FlowMessage fm = serviceContext.getFlowMessage(); if (serviceContext.isSync() && !syncActors.containsKey(serviceContext.getId())) { syncActors.putIfAbsent(serviceContext.getId(), getSender()); } // TODO 没有必要设置默认值,下面执行异常就会抛出异常 Object result = null;// DefaultMessage.getMessage();// set default try { this.service = ServiceFactory.getService(serviceName); result = ((Service) service).process(fm.getMessage(), serviceContext); } catch (Throwable e) { Web web = serviceContext.getWeb(); if (web != null) { web.complete(); } throw new FlowerException("fail to invoke service " + serviceName + " : " + service + ", param : " + fm.getMessage(), e); } if (serviceContext.isSync() && !hasChildActor()) { syncActors.get(serviceContext.getId()).tell(result, getSelf()); syncActors.remove(serviceContext.getId()); return; } Web web = serviceContext.getWeb(); if (service instanceof Complete) { // FlowContext.removeServiceContext(fm.getTransactionId()); } if (web != null) { if (service instanceof Flush) { web.flush(); } if (service instanceof HttpComplete || service instanceof Complete) { web.complete(); } } if (result == null)// for joint service return; if (hasChildActor()) { for (RefType refType : nextServiceActors) { ServiceContext context = serviceContext.newInstance(); context.getFlowMessage().setMessage(result); // if (refType.isJoint()) { // FlowMessage flowMessage1 = CloneUtil.clone(fm); // flowMessage1.setMessage(result); // context.setFlowMessage(flowMessage1); // } // condition fork for one-service to multi-service if (refType.getMessageType().isInstance(result)) { if (!(result instanceof Condition) || !(((Condition) result).getCondition() instanceof String) || stringInStrings(refType.getServiceName(), ((Condition) result).getCondition().toString())) { refType.getActorRef().tell(context, getSelf()); } } } } else { } } #location 45 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code FunctionTypeBuilder(String fnName, AbstractCompiler compiler, Node errorRoot, String sourceName, Scope scope) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorRoot); this.fnName = fnName == null ? "" : fnName; this.codingConvention = compiler.getCodingConvention(); this.typeRegistry = compiler.getTypeRegistry(); this.errorRoot = errorRoot; this.sourceName = sourceName; this.compiler = compiler; this.scope = scope; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code FunctionTypeBuilder inferThisType(JSDocInfo info, @Nullable Node owner) { ObjectType maybeThisType = null; if (info != null && info.hasThisType()) { maybeThisType = ObjectType.cast( info.getThisType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry)); } if (maybeThisType != null) { thisType = maybeThisType; thisType.setValidator(new ThisTypeValidator()); } else if (owner != null && (info == null || !info.hasType())) { // If the function is of the form: // x.prototype.y = function() {} // then we can assume "x" is the @this type. On the other hand, // if it's of the form: // /** @type {Function} */ x.prototype.y; // then we should not give it a @this type. String ownerTypeName = owner.getQualifiedName(); ObjectType ownerType = ObjectType.cast( typeRegistry.getForgivingType( scope, ownerTypeName, sourceName, owner.getLineno(), owner.getCharno())); if (ownerType != null) { thisType = ownerType; } } return this; } #location 21 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code private void createPropertyScopeFor(Symbol s) { // In order to build a property scope for s, we will need to build // a property scope for all its implicit prototypes first. This means // that sometimes we will already have built its property scope // for a previous symbol. if (s.propertyScope != null) { return; } SymbolScope parentPropertyScope = null; ObjectType type = s.getType() == null ? null : s.getType().toObjectType(); if (type == null) { return; } ObjectType proto = type.getParentScope(); if (proto != null && proto != type && proto.getConstructor() != null) { Symbol parentSymbol = getSymbolForInstancesOf(proto.getConstructor()); if (parentSymbol != null) { createPropertyScopeFor(parentSymbol); parentPropertyScope = parentSymbol.getPropertyScope(); } } ObjectType instanceType = type; Iterable<String> propNames = type.getOwnPropertyNames(); if (instanceType.isFunctionPrototypeType()) { // Merge the properties of "Foo.prototype" and "new Foo()" together. instanceType = instanceType.getOwnerFunction().getInstanceType(); Set<String> set = Sets.newHashSet(propNames); Iterables.addAll(set, instanceType.getOwnPropertyNames()); propNames = set; } s.setPropertyScope(new SymbolScope(null, parentPropertyScope, type, s)); for (String propName : propNames) { StaticSlot<JSType> newProp = instanceType.getSlot(propName); if (newProp.getDeclaration() == null) { // Skip properties without declarations. We won't know how to index // them, because we index things by node. continue; } // We have symbol tables that do not do type analysis. They just try // to build a complete index of all objects in the program. So we might // already have symbols for things like "". If this happens, // throw out the old symbol and use the type-based symbol. Symbol oldProp = getScope(s).getSlot(s.getName() + "." + propName); if (oldProp != null) { removeSymbol(oldProp); } Symbol newSym = copySymbolTo(newProp, s.propertyScope); if (oldProp != null) { if (newSym.getJSDocInfo() == null) { newSym.setJSDocInfo(oldProp.getJSDocInfo()); } newSym.setPropertyScope(oldProp.propertyScope); for (Reference ref : oldProp.references.values()) { newSym.defineReferenceAt(ref.getNode()); } } } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private void createPropertyScopeFor(Symbol s) { // In order to build a property scope for s, we will need to build // a property scope for all its implicit prototypes first. This means // that sometimes we will already have built its property scope // for a previous symbol. if (s.propertyScope != null) { return; } SymbolScope parentPropertyScope = null; ObjectType type = s.getType().toObjectType(); ObjectType proto = type.getParentScope(); if (proto != null && proto != type && proto.getConstructor() != null) { Symbol parentSymbol = getSymbolForInstancesOf(proto.getConstructor()); if (parentSymbol != null) { createPropertyScopeFor(parentSymbol); parentPropertyScope = parentSymbol.getPropertyScope(); } } ObjectType instanceType = type; Iterable<String> propNames = type.getOwnPropertyNames(); if (instanceType.isFunctionPrototypeType()) { // Merge the properties of "Foo.prototype" and "new Foo()" together. instanceType = instanceType.getOwnerFunction().getInstanceType(); Set<String> set = Sets.newHashSet(propNames); Iterables.addAll(set, instanceType.getOwnPropertyNames()); propNames = set; } s.propertyScope = new SymbolScope(null, parentPropertyScope, type); for (String propName : propNames) { StaticSlot<JSType> newProp = instanceType.getSlot(propName); if (newProp.getDeclaration() == null) { // Skip properties without declarations. We won't know how to index // them, because we index things by node. continue; } // We have symbol tables that do not do type analysis. They just try // to build a complete index of all objects in the program. So we might // already have symbols for things like "". If this happens, // throw out the old symbol and use the type-based symbol. Symbol oldProp = getScope(s).getSlot(s.getName() + "." + propName); if (oldProp != null) { removeSymbol(oldProp); } Symbol newSym = copySymbolTo(newProp, s.propertyScope); if (oldProp != null) { if (newSym.getJSDocInfo() == null) { newSym.setJSDocInfo(oldProp.getJSDocInfo()); } newSym.propertyScope = oldProp.propertyScope; for (Reference ref : oldProp.references.values()) { newSym.defineReferenceAt(ref.getNode()); } } } } #location 12 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code private FlowScope traverse(Node n, FlowScope scope) { switch (n.getType()) { case Token.ASSIGN: scope = traverseAssign(n, scope); break; case Token.NAME: scope = traverseName(n, scope); break; case Token.GETPROP: scope = traverseGetProp(n, scope); break; case Token.AND: scope = traverseAnd(n, scope).getJoinedFlowScope() .createChildFlowScope(); break; case Token.OR: scope = traverseOr(n, scope).getJoinedFlowScope() .createChildFlowScope(); break; case Token.HOOK: scope = traverseHook(n, scope); break; case Token.OBJECTLIT: scope = traverseObjectLiteral(n, scope); break; case Token.CALL: scope = traverseCall(n, scope); break; case Token.NEW: scope = traverseNew(n, scope); break; case Token.ASSIGN_ADD: case Token.ADD: scope = traverseAdd(n, scope); break; case Token.POS: case Token.NEG: scope = traverse(n.getFirstChild(), scope); // Find types. n.setJSType(getNativeType(NUMBER_TYPE)); break; case Token.ARRAYLIT: scope = traverseArrayLiteral(n, scope); break; case Token.THIS: n.setJSType(scope.getTypeOfThis()); break; case Token.ASSIGN_LSH: case Token.ASSIGN_RSH: case Token.LSH: case Token.RSH: case Token.ASSIGN_URSH: case Token.URSH: case Token.ASSIGN_DIV: case Token.ASSIGN_MOD: case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND: case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR: case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR: case Token.ASSIGN_MUL: case Token.ASSIGN_SUB: case Token.DIV: case Token.MOD: case Token.BITAND: case Token.BITXOR: case Token.BITOR: case Token.MUL: case Token.SUB: case Token.DEC: case Token.INC: case Token.BITNOT: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getNativeType(NUMBER_TYPE)); break; case Token.PARAM_LIST: scope = traverse(n.getFirstChild(), scope); n.setJSType(getJSType(n.getFirstChild())); break; case Token.COMMA: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getJSType(n.getLastChild())); break; case Token.TYPEOF: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getNativeType(STRING_TYPE)); break; case Token.DELPROP: case Token.LT: case Token.LE: case Token.GT: case Token.GE: case Token.NOT: case Token.EQ: case Token.NE: case Token.SHEQ: case Token.SHNE: case Token.INSTANCEOF: case Token.IN: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getNativeType(BOOLEAN_TYPE)); break; case Token.GETELEM: scope = traverseGetElem(n, scope); break; case Token.EXPR_RESULT: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); if (n.getFirstChild().isGetProp()) { ensurePropertyDeclared(n.getFirstChild()); } break; case Token.SWITCH: scope = traverse(n.getFirstChild(), scope); break; case Token.RETURN: scope = traverseReturn(n, scope); break; case Token.VAR: case Token.THROW: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); break; case Token.CATCH: scope = traverseCatch(n, scope); break; case Token.CAST: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo(); if (info != null && info.hasType()) { n.setJSType(info.getType().evaluate(syntacticScope, registry)); } break; } return scope; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private FlowScope traverse(Node n, FlowScope scope) { switch (n.getType()) { case Token.ASSIGN: scope = traverseAssign(n, scope); break; case Token.NAME: scope = traverseName(n, scope); break; case Token.GETPROP: scope = traverseGetProp(n, scope); break; case Token.AND: scope = traverseAnd(n, scope).getJoinedFlowScope() .createChildFlowScope(); break; case Token.OR: scope = traverseOr(n, scope).getJoinedFlowScope() .createChildFlowScope(); break; case Token.HOOK: scope = traverseHook(n, scope); break; case Token.OBJECTLIT: scope = traverseObjectLiteral(n, scope); break; case Token.CALL: scope = traverseCall(n, scope); break; case Token.NEW: scope = traverseNew(n, scope); break; case Token.ASSIGN_ADD: case Token.ADD: scope = traverseAdd(n, scope); break; case Token.POS: case Token.NEG: scope = traverse(n.getFirstChild(), scope); // Find types. n.setJSType(getNativeType(NUMBER_TYPE)); break; case Token.ARRAYLIT: scope = traverseArrayLiteral(n, scope); break; case Token.THIS: n.setJSType(scope.getTypeOfThis()); break; case Token.ASSIGN_LSH: case Token.ASSIGN_RSH: case Token.LSH: case Token.RSH: case Token.ASSIGN_URSH: case Token.URSH: case Token.ASSIGN_DIV: case Token.ASSIGN_MOD: case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND: case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR: case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR: case Token.ASSIGN_MUL: case Token.ASSIGN_SUB: case Token.DIV: case Token.MOD: case Token.BITAND: case Token.BITXOR: case Token.BITOR: case Token.MUL: case Token.SUB: case Token.DEC: case Token.INC: case Token.BITNOT: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getNativeType(NUMBER_TYPE)); break; case Token.PARAM_LIST: scope = traverse(n.getFirstChild(), scope); n.setJSType(getJSType(n.getFirstChild())); break; case Token.COMMA: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getJSType(n.getLastChild())); break; case Token.TYPEOF: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getNativeType(STRING_TYPE)); break; case Token.DELPROP: case Token.LT: case Token.LE: case Token.GT: case Token.GE: case Token.NOT: case Token.EQ: case Token.NE: case Token.SHEQ: case Token.SHNE: case Token.INSTANCEOF: case Token.IN: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); n.setJSType(getNativeType(BOOLEAN_TYPE)); break; case Token.GETELEM: scope = traverseGetElem(n, scope); break; case Token.EXPR_RESULT: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); if (n.getFirstChild().isGetProp()) { ensurePropertyDeclared(n.getFirstChild()); } break; case Token.SWITCH: scope = traverse(n.getFirstChild(), scope); break; case Token.RETURN: scope = traverseReturn(n, scope); break; case Token.VAR: case Token.THROW: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); break; case Token.CATCH: scope = traverseCatch(n, scope); break; case Token.CAST: scope = traverseChildren(n, scope); break; } // TODO(johnlenz): remove this after the CAST node change has shaken out. if (!n.isFunction()) { JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo(); if (info != null && info.hasType()) { JSType castType = info.getType().evaluate(syntacticScope, registry); // A stubbed type declaration on a qualified name should take // effect for all subsequent accesses of that name, // so treat it the same as an assign to that name. if (n.isQualifiedName() && n.getParent().isExprResult()) { updateScopeForTypeChange(scope, n, n.getJSType(), castType); } n.setJSType(castType); } } return scope; } #location 155 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code private Node inlineReturnValue(Node callNode, Node fnNode) { Node block = fnNode.getLastChild(); Node callParentNode = callNode.getParent(); // NOTE: As the normalize pass guarantees globals aren't being // shadowed and an expression can't introduce new names, there is // no need to check for conflicts. // Create an argName -> expression map, checking for side effects. Map<String, Node> argMap = FunctionArgumentInjector.getFunctionCallParameterMap( fnNode, callNode, this.safeNameIdSupplier); Node newExpression; if (!block.hasChildren()) { Node srcLocation = block; newExpression = NodeUtil.newUndefinedNode(srcLocation); } else { Node returnNode = block.getFirstChild(); Preconditions.checkArgument(returnNode.getType() == Token.RETURN); // Clone the return node first. Node safeReturnNode = returnNode.cloneTree(); Node inlineResult = FunctionArgumentInjector.inject( null, safeReturnNode, null, argMap); Preconditions.checkArgument(safeReturnNode == inlineResult); newExpression = safeReturnNode.removeFirstChild(); } callParentNode.replaceChild(callNode, newExpression); return newExpression; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private Node inlineReturnValue(Node callNode, Node fnNode) { Node block = fnNode.getLastChild(); Node callParentNode = callNode.getParent(); // NOTE: As the normalize pass guarantees globals aren't being // shadowed and an expression can't introduce new names, there is // no need to check for conflicts. // Create an argName -> expression map, checking for side effects. Map<String, Node> argMap = FunctionArgumentInjector.getFunctionCallParameterMap( fnNode, callNode, this.safeNameIdSupplier); Node newExpression; if (!block.hasChildren()) { Node srcLocation = block; newExpression = NodeUtil.newUndefinedNode(srcLocation); } else { Node returnNode = block.getFirstChild(); Preconditions.checkArgument(returnNode.getType() == Token.RETURN); // Clone the return node first. Node safeReturnNode = returnNode.cloneTree(); Node inlineResult = FunctionArgumentInjector.inject( safeReturnNode, null, argMap); Preconditions.checkArgument(safeReturnNode == inlineResult); newExpression = safeReturnNode.removeFirstChild(); } callParentNode.replaceChild(callNode, newExpression); return newExpression; } #location 30 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public void setSqlSource(MappedStatement ms) { MapperTemplate mapperTemplate = getMapperTemplate(ms.getId()); try { if (mapperTemplate != null) { mapperTemplate.setSqlSource(ms); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("调用方法异常:" + e.getMessage()); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void setSqlSource(MappedStatement ms) { MapperTemplate mapperTemplate = getMapperTemplate(ms.getId()); try { mapperTemplate.setSqlSource(ms); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("调用方法异常:" + e.getMessage()); } } #location 4 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public boolean isIterableMapping() { return getSingleSourceParameter().getType().isIterableType() && getResultType().isIterableType(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public boolean isIterableMapping() { return getSingleSourceType().isIterableType() && resultType.isIterableType(); } #location 2 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code private List<Method> retrieveMethods(TypeElement element, boolean implementationRequired) { List<Method> methods = new ArrayList<Method>(); MapperPrism mapperPrism = implementationRequired ? MapperPrism.getInstanceOn( element ) : null; for ( ExecutableElement executable : methodsIn( element.getEnclosedElements() ) ) { Method method = getMethod( element, executable, implementationRequired ); if ( method != null ) { methods.add( method ); } } //Add all methods of used mappers in order to reference them in the aggregated model if ( implementationRequired ) { for ( TypeMirror usedMapper : mapperPrism.uses() ) { methods.addAll( retrieveMethods( (TypeElement) ( (DeclaredType) usedMapper ).asElement(), false ) ); } } return methods; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private List<Method> retrieveMethods(TypeElement element, boolean implementationRequired) { List<Method> methods = new ArrayList<Method>(); MapperPrism mapperPrism = implementationRequired ? MapperPrism.getInstanceOn( element ) : null; //TODO Extract to separate method for ( ExecutableElement method : methodsIn( element.getEnclosedElements() ) ) { Parameter parameter = executables.retrieveParameter( method ); Type returnType = executables.retrieveReturnType( method ); boolean mappingErroneous = false; if ( implementationRequired ) { if ( parameter.getType().isIterableType() && !returnType.isIterableType() ) { printMessage( ReportingPolicy.ERROR, "Can't generate mapping method from iterable type to non-iterable type.", method ); mappingErroneous = true; } if ( !parameter.getType().isIterableType() && returnType.isIterableType() ) { printMessage( ReportingPolicy.ERROR, "Can't generate mapping method from non-iterable type to iterable type.", method ); mappingErroneous = true; } if ( parameter.getType().isPrimitive() ) { printMessage( ReportingPolicy.ERROR, "Can't generate mapping method with primitive parameter type.", method ); mappingErroneous = true; } if ( returnType.isPrimitive() ) { printMessage( ReportingPolicy.ERROR, "Can't generate mapping method with primitive return type.", method ); mappingErroneous = true; } if ( mappingErroneous ) { continue; } } //add method with property mappings if an implementation needs to be generated if ( implementationRequired ) { methods.add( Method.forMethodRequiringImplementation( method, parameter.getName(), parameter.getType(), returnType, getMappings( method ) ) ); } //otherwise add reference to existing mapper method else { methods.add( Method.forReferencedMethod( typeUtil.getType( typeUtils.getDeclaredType( element ) ), method, parameter.getName(), parameter.getType(), returnType ) ); } } //Add all methods of used mappers in order to reference them in the aggregated model if ( implementationRequired ) { for ( TypeMirror usedMapper : mapperPrism.uses() ) { methods.addAll( retrieveMethods( (TypeElement) ( (DeclaredType) usedMapper ).asElement(), false ) ); } } return methods; } #location 57 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public boolean matches() { // check & collect generic types. List<? extends VariableElement> candidateParameters = candidateMethod.getExecutable().getParameters(); if ( candidateParameters.size() != 1 ) { typesMatch = false; } else { TypeMatcher parameterMatcher = new TypeMatcher(); typesMatch = parameterMatcher.visit( candidateParameters.iterator().next().asType(), parameter.getTypeMirror() ); } // check return type if ( typesMatch ) { TypeMirror candidateReturnType = candidateMethod.getExecutable().getReturnType(); TypeMatcher returnTypeMatcher = new TypeMatcher(); typesMatch = returnTypeMatcher.visit( candidateReturnType, returnType.getTypeMirror() ); } // check if all type parameters are indeed mapped if ( candidateMethod.getExecutable().getTypeParameters().size() != this.genericTypesMap.size() ) { typesMatch = false; } else { // check if all entries are in the bounds for (Map.Entry<TypeVariable, TypeMirror> entry : genericTypesMap.entrySet()) { if (!isWithinBounds( entry.getValue(), getTypeParamFromCandidate( entry.getKey() ) ) ) { // checks if the found Type is in bounds of the TypeParameters bounds. typesMatch = false; } } } return typesMatch; }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public boolean matches() { // check & collect generic types. List<? extends VariableElement> candidateParameters = candidateMethod.getExecutable().getParameters(); if ( candidateParameters.size() == parameters.length ) { for ( int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++ ) { TypeMatcher parameterMatcher = new TypeMatcher(); typesMatch = parameterMatcher.visit( candidateParameters.get( i ).asType(), parameters[i].getTypeMirror() ); if ( !typesMatch ) { break; } } } else { typesMatch = false; } // check return type if ( typesMatch ) { TypeMirror candidateReturnType = candidateMethod.getExecutable().getReturnType(); TypeMatcher returnTypeMatcher = new TypeMatcher(); typesMatch = returnTypeMatcher.visit( candidateReturnType, returnType.getTypeMirror() ); } // check if all type parameters are indeed mapped if ( candidateMethod.getExecutable().getTypeParameters().size() != this.genericTypesMap.size() ) { typesMatch = false; } else { // check if all entries are in the bounds for (Map.Entry<TypeVariable, TypeMirror> entry : genericTypesMap.entrySet()) { if (!isWithinBounds( entry.getValue(), getTypeParamFromCandite( entry.getKey() ) ) ) { // checks if the found Type is in bounds of the TypeParameters bounds. typesMatch = false; } } } return typesMatch; } #location 33 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code private static Object getValue(final V8Array array, final int index, final V8Map<Object> cache) { int valueType = array.getType(index); switch (valueType) { case V8Value.INTEGER: return array.getInteger(index); case V8Value.DOUBLE: return array.getDouble(index); case V8Value.BOOLEAN: return array.getBoolean(index); case V8Value.STRING: return array.getString(index); case V8Value.V8_FUNCTION: return IGNORE; case V8Value.V8_ARRAY_BUFFER: V8ArrayBuffer buffer = (V8ArrayBuffer) array.get(index); try { return new ArrayBuffer(buffer.getBackingStore()); } finally { buffer.release(); } case V8Value.V8_TYPED_ARRAY: V8Array typedArray = array.getArray(index); try { return toTypedArray(typedArray); } finally { if (typedArray instanceof V8Array) { typedArray.release(); } } case V8Value.V8_ARRAY: V8Array arrayValue = array.getArray(index); try { return toList(arrayValue, cache); } finally { if (arrayValue instanceof V8Array) { arrayValue.release(); } } case V8Value.V8_OBJECT: V8Object objectValue = array.getObject(index); try { return toMap(objectValue, cache); } finally { if (objectValue instanceof V8Object) { objectValue.release(); } } case V8Value.NULL: return null; case V8Value.UNDEFINED: return V8.getUndefined(); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find type for index: " + index); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code private static Object getValue(final V8Array array, final int index, final V8Map<Object> cache) { int valueType = array.getType(index); switch (valueType) { case V8Value.INTEGER: return array.getInteger(index); case V8Value.DOUBLE: return array.getDouble(index); case V8Value.BOOLEAN: return array.getBoolean(index); case V8Value.STRING: return array.getString(index); case V8Value.V8_FUNCTION: return IGNORE; case V8Value.V8_ARRAY_BUFFER: V8ArrayBuffer buffer = (V8ArrayBuffer) array.get(index); try { return buffer.getBackingStore(); } finally { buffer.release(); } case V8Value.V8_TYPED_ARRAY: V8Array typedArray = array.getArray(index); try { return toTypedArray(typedArray); } finally { if (typedArray instanceof V8Array) { typedArray.release(); } } case V8Value.V8_ARRAY: V8Array arrayValue = array.getArray(index); try { return toList(arrayValue, cache); } finally { if (arrayValue instanceof V8Array) { arrayValue.release(); } } case V8Value.V8_OBJECT: V8Object objectValue = array.getObject(index); try { return toMap(objectValue, cache); } finally { if (objectValue instanceof V8Object) { objectValue.release(); } } case V8Value.NULL: return null; case V8Value.UNDEFINED: return V8.getUndefined(); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find type for index: " + index); } } #location 33 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code public void release(final boolean reportMemoryLeaks) { if (isReleased()) { return; } checkThread(); releaseResources(); shutdownExecutors(forceTerminateExecutors); if (executors != null) { executors.clear(); } synchronized (lock) { runtimeCounter--; } _releaseRuntime(v8RuntimePtr); v8RuntimePtr = 0L; released = true; if (reportMemoryLeaks && (objectReferences > 0)) { throw new IllegalStateException(objectReferences + " Object(s) still exist in runtime"); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void release(final boolean reportMemoryLeaks) { if (isReleased()) { return; } checkThread(); if (debugEnabled) { disableDebugSupport(); } releaseResources(); shutdownExecutors(forceTerminateExecutors); if (executors != null) { executors.clear(); } synchronized (lock) { runtimeCounter--; } _releaseRuntime(v8RuntimePtr); v8RuntimePtr = 0L; released = true; if (reportMemoryLeaks && (objectReferences > 0)) { throw new IllegalStateException(objectReferences + " Object(s) still exist in runtime"); } } #location 7 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code @Test public void testTypedArrayGetValue_Float64Array() { V8Array floatsArray = v8.executeArrayScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(80);\n" + "var floatsArray = new Float64Array(buf);\n" + "floatsArray[0] = 16.2;\n" + "floatsArray;\n"); V8TypedArray result = ((TypedArray) V8ObjectUtils.getValue(floatsArray)).getV8TypedArray(); assertEquals(10, result.length()); assertEquals(16.2, (Double) result.get(0), 0.0001); floatsArray.close(); result.close(); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void testTypedArrayGetValue_Float64Array() { V8Array floatsArray = v8.executeArrayScript("var buf = new ArrayBuffer(80);\n" + "var floatsArray = new Float64Array(buf);\n" + "floatsArray[0] = 16.2;\n" + "floatsArray;\n"); V8TypedArray result = (V8TypedArray) V8ObjectUtils.getValue(floatsArray); assertEquals(10, result.length()); assertEquals(16.2, (Double) result.get(0), 0.0001); floatsArray.close(); } #location 11 #vulnerability type NULL_DEREFERENCE
#fixed code @Test public void testPartialResults() throws Exception { byte[] key1 = randomBytes(8); byte[] key2 = randomBytes(8); FlatRow response1 = FlatRow.newBuilder() .withRowKey(ByteString.copyFrom(key1)) .addCell( new Cell( "cf", ByteString.EMPTY, 10, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("hi!"), new ArrayList<String>())) .build(); RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("Something bad happened"); when(mockBulkRead.add(any(Query.class))) .thenReturn(ApiFutures.immediateFuture(response1)) .thenReturn(ApiFutures.<FlatRow>immediateFailedFuture(exception)); List<Get> gets = Arrays.asList(new Get(key1), new Get(key2)); Object[] results = new Object[2]; try { createExecutor().batch(gets, results); } catch (RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException ignored) { } Assert.assertTrue("first result is a result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(((Result) results[0]).getRow(), key1)); Assert.assertEquals(exception, results[1]); }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @Test public void testPartialResults() throws Exception { byte[] key1 = randomBytes(8); byte[] key2 = randomBytes(8); FlatRow response1 = FlatRow.newBuilder() .withRowKey(ByteString.copyFrom(key1)) .addCell( new Cell( "cf", ByteString.EMPTY, 10, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("hi!"), new ArrayList<String>())) .build(); RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("Something bad happened"); when(mockBulkRead.add(any(Query.class))) .thenReturn(ApiFutures.immediateFuture(response1)) .thenReturn(ApiFutures.<FlatRow>immediateFailedFuture(exception)); List<Get> gets = Arrays.asList(new Get(key1), new Get(key2)); Object[] results = new Object[2]; try { createExecutor(options).batch(gets, results); } catch (RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException ignored) { } Assert.assertTrue("first result is a result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.equals(((Result) results[0]).getRow(), key1)); Assert.assertEquals(exception, results[1]); } #location 26 #vulnerability type RESOURCE_LEAK
#fixed code public void awaitCompletion() throws InterruptedException { boolean performedWarning = false; lock.lock(); try { while (!isFlushed()) { flushedCondition.await(finishWaitMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); long now = clock.nanoTime(); if (now >= noSuccessCheckDeadlineNanos) { // There are unusual cases where an RPC could be completed, but we don't clean up // the state and the locks. Try to clean up if there is a timeout. for (RetryHandler retryHandler : outstandingRetries.values()) { retryHandler.performRetryIfStale(); } logNoSuccessWarning(now); resetNoSuccessWarningDeadline(); performedWarning = true; } } if (performedWarning) {"awaitCompletion() completed"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code public void awaitCompletion() throws InterruptedException { boolean performedWarning = false; lock.lock(); try { while (!isFlushed()) { flushedCondition.await(finishWaitMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); long now = clock.nanoTime(); if (now >= noSuccessWarningDeadlineNanos) { logNoSuccessWarning(now); resetNoSuccessWarningDeadline(); performedWarning = true; } } if (performedWarning) {"awaitCompletion() completed"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } #location 10 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
#fixed code @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void run() { try { // restart the clock. synchronized (callLock) {; // pre-fetch one more result, for performance reasons. adapter.request(1); if (rowObserver instanceof ClientResponseObserver) { ((ClientResponseObserver<ReadRowsRequest, FlatRow>) rowObserver).beforeStart(adapter); } lastResponseMs = clock.currentTimeMillis(); } } catch (Exception e) { setException(e); } }
Below is the vulnerable code, please generate the patch based on the following information.
#vulnerable code @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void run() { try { // restart the clock. this.rowMerger = new RowMerger(rowObserver); adapter = new CallToStreamObserverAdapter(); synchronized (callLock) {; // pre-fetch one more result, for performance reasons. adapter.request(1); if (rowObserver instanceof ClientResponseObserver) { ((ClientResponseObserver<ReadRowsRequest, FlatRow>) rowObserver).beforeStart(adapter); } lastResponseMs = clock.currentTimeMillis(); } } catch (Exception e) { setException(e); } } #location 7 #vulnerability type THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION
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